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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1898)
YilH DAILY ASTOIUAN, WKDNEdDAY MOKMNU, DECEMBER XI, I8M fi,",j Ci - JOHN T. LIGHTER. Bailor, Telephone No. M. TKMMA OF BUPflCRIPTlON. DAILT. nt by wail, per year , KM Bent by triMl), par month SO Brvd by curler, par month It BEMI-WKEKLT. lent br mill, pr year. In Postag fre to suoscrlbtra. All communications intended for publi cation should b directed to th editor. Business communication! of all kinds and remittance muit be addressed to "Tho Astorlan." Th Astorlan guarantees to Its adver tiser tho largest circulation of any newspaper published on th Columbia river. Advertising ratM caa bo bad oa appli cation to tb busloea manager. SILENCH UEAN8 CONSENT. Tho attention of iho Morning Orego- nUn U specially called to a fart of hich lU odltor mutt havo cognlianc already. Borno ton thousand copse of a pamphlet ntUlad "Th Seaport Problem of tho Paclfw North wear bar recently been distributed among the business turn and property owner of Portland. That pamphlet shows with unanswerable logic that tho hoary ship tonnage possible at Astorr and Impoasibl at Portland would (If tho a R. A N. Company should mako tho former city tho seaport) mak ruh cheap chart en as would aJd mil lions of dollars annually to tho pockets of tho producers of tha Inland Empire, It shows, too, with equal logic, that mak. In Astoria, tho chief seaport would con t rats tho trade of tha Orient on that port and quickly double tho populating and wealth of this treat basin with ta- flnit benefit to Portland as the centra city of that basin. That pamphlet has a challenfe from the Astorlan to tho Oregon lan to answer the argument on these great and vital points of Interest to the PacWo North. weet. Tet the Oregon Ian Is silent It ays not a word of this unquestionably powerful paper oa the greatest problem of the West, lowlt. tho best place for the eaport of this twain. Its silence must mean consent. Of course It Is barely poseibl the able editor of the Morning Oregonlaa has not seen this pamphlet. It is poJul that great paper has not yet learned of Its distribution. But that doubt must end wKh this Issue of the Astorlan. which goes to that editor's aacfura marked and tn company wkh a copy of that pamphlet. The Astorlan calls the attention of the press of the Parifle Northwest to this fact, k points out to them the duty of the Oregoniaa to take up Its challenge: else that paper must be held to consent to the sound ness of the argument In that pamphlet. If It so consents, then It is derelict In its duty when It falls to promptly urge "an open railway to Astoria from tho wheat fields as a boon of Inestimable value to II the people the traders and producers -of this basin. The Astorlan awaits the response of the Oregon! an to that great argument. What mother does not wish to he proud of her c h i I . dren? What mother does not mint them to be healthy, happy. laughter loving and able to withstand the otdinary illnrs of childhood ? Any woman may in.ure the health of her children who will Uke proper care of her health in a womanly way. Tlie health of her children depends almost entirely cpon her general health, and particularly upon the health and strength of the delicate and important organs that bear the burdens of maternity. A woman has no right to dis regard her own health, comfort, ease and happiness, she certainly has less right to condemn her children to s life of fullering or an early death. That is what she does if she neglects the health of her special womanly organism. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is an unfailing remedy for all disorders of this description. It strength ens and invigorates the sensitive organs concerned, and is the best preparation for the trials and dangers of maternity. It in sures the well being of the mother and the health of the child. Its use is a guarantee of a bountiful supply of nourishment for the little new-comer. Many women who ence bore children only to speedily looe them, are bow mothers of healthy, robust children as the result of the use of this medicine. Barbra A. Mudd. of Indian Creek, Mo., writes : " 1 am very thankful for what Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription did for me. I was all broken down from nervous prostration, but since taking your medicine I have had more rcllrf than from all the doctors. Your ' Favorite Prescrip tiou ' did me a world of good." Many women have told their experiences, and given their names, addresses and pho togmpbs in Dr. Pierce'B Common Sense Medical Adviser. This book is free. A copy will be sent to any address upon re ceipt of li one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. The "Favorite Prescrip. tion " is for sale by all dealers and no hon est man will urge a substitute. As soon aa a man gets an idea, that he wants a girl to love him, be begin to throw out hints about other girls that are ohaalbg him. Pains In the chest when a person baa a cold Indicate a tendency toward pneu monia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. Thlr am treatment will cur lam back In s, few hour. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist NTVTVTrATWT Tho Kind You Havo Always Hought, nnd which litis brer. In nso for over 00 yearn, Iiim Uorno tho olintaturo tf nml boon matin tuttlrr his ior t? AJ&'ttfltf KO,,:U "'MM'rvMon rlnee IH infancy, WcVvv; Ji-itcAiit Allow no one to deceive you lit till. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd SulxtUutos rtro but Ks iwrlments that trlllo with and endnnor the hotilth of Infants and CUlldrou-K,orUnoc n.rnliist KxiHrtiueut. What is CASTORIA Caxtorla Is substitute for Castor OH, ltivjrorle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless and riensant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nit root to tmbstancc. Its njre is its Rtiarantt. It deMroys Worms ml alloys FevcrKlinoss. It cures Dlartluca and AYIud Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure Conotlrmtlou and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and IIomcIm, git in;? healthy and natural sleep, Tho Children' lAnarta-Tho Mother Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tat atmoe , Bvav sraire. mtm mm. MANHOOD RESTORFfT fl 5 par.teedlo re aa aerwus diseases, swh as Weak Meowry. lST3 either ai bAba,op orat.m.Unts. which 14 to Infirmit; TSLTZtVl Z laasuy. on DecarrtcJ In pursuance of the esar'a peace plana Russia la iroicc to turn the harbor of XJbau, In tha Baltic near Rio, Into a drat class naval station and fortress. The port will b closed to merchantmen and foreaxnera,, for whom the harbor of Wlndau la now befog fitted up. Pears' Unless you have used Pears soap you probably do not know what we mean by a soap with 00 free fat or alkali in it noth ing but soap. The more purely negatire soap b, the nearer does it approach perfection. When a woman has bad dyspepsia for ' two weeks she calls It a broken hesrt. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy caa always be depended upon and la pleasant and safe to take. Sold by Charles Rocers. druggist. In receiving an engagement some young women weigh a man's devotion by tba carat Acker's English remedy will stop cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re- funded. 8 cents and M centa. For sale ay bsies-vonn urug to. - People often mistake the skum risen to the surface of social puddle for the cream of society. Luxortant hair, or uniform cetor, I a beautiful head covering for either , no may oe securea oy using nail s veg table Sicilian Hair Renewer. I Alter an oiu oacneior aes 10 onnaing tee. Instead of coffee-well, there Is no nope lor mm. OASTOniA. Bean the A l! ul Klg fiigaatu of A tflrl always Judges a meal at a res- taurant by the number of curious shsped spoons scattered around each ii'.tte. 1 That the blood should perform Its vital functions. 1: Is absolutely r.ecesssary It bottle should not only be pure but rich In life- . irivin elements. Thene results are bent A peeulmlut Is a man who dare not effected by the use of that well-known standard blood purifier. Ayera' drsapa- rllla When some women get their harps In heaven they won't be satisfied unless a pound or tea or a seven-cent vase goes , I with tnem. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on positive guarantee. Cures heart bum. raising of food, distress ater eating, any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet give Immediate relief. S and M cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. ' The averagp girl spends half her time not seeing Jokes and the other half rolne ' around seeing subtle meanings In things i nuviv uicio ouaui ail. - Mr. Hardin Norris, ;!erk of the druar store of R. 8boemaker, Perry, 111., says; "A man came into our store the other av and aald ! want . wh. stuff that saves children's lives. I read In the News about It. The children may get sick when we can not get the doctor quick enough. It's the medicine you sell for croup " He alluded to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and bought a bottle be- fore he left the store. For saie by Chas. Rogers, druggist. It Is not often that we have a chance to , repay Greece for the dobt we owe to A Aalm vttia Qir .V. r 1 .-. a T.-. . .1 . .a -I ' bt .v;Tunt7u."n toed for the benefit of the Athenian pub- lie, which perhaps Is getting a little Ured of Prometheus Vlnctus, Oeilpua Tyran- nus. The Wasp, Antigone, etc. ' ' Sick headache absolutely and perma-' nently cured by using Mokl Tea. A plea- ant herb drink. Cures constlrjatlon and inaigestion. mages you eat, sleep, wort and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 2S and 50 cents. For ale br Estea-Conn Drug Co. I a Signature of era Villa. voadertul rraty !erroaajvaU drains, lose of pom la Genun Or. '!-L07"?V0'i'.yw'0M rrnn rsceasiTe est ol in M norkr. ai,;1l,.r:r.- i so perl Vr Rftlo by F9TT3-CONN PRVO CO No matter how cood people are and how much they count In heaven, they are moat always anxious to worry alone on eevrtn just aa long a they can. TO CCltE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take laxative Bromo Quinlns Taoieta All arurglsts refund the money If It falls to cure. 13 cents. The genuine has U li. g. on ea h tsblet. Dr. Timothy Dwicht Dresldent of Tale. must have known what was comlnf In tha football line when he reslraed the presidency of tha university. TOOK FA ! Show the Mate of your feelings and tne state of your health aa well. Impure blood makes itself apparent In a pale and sallow complaxlon. pimples and skla erup tions. If yon are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a beajihy appear. a nee yon should try Acker's Blood Elixir It cure all blood disease where cheap aaraaparUlaa and so-caned purifiers fall; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sale by Estes Conn Drug Co. "That are two horses on you. Colonel Kaintuck." "Tea. sab, and you kin lead tbera bones to the water, but you kaln't make 'em drink that Is. water, sah. BUCKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE THE BEAT SALVE in the world for Cut a. Brulaea, Sorer Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever sorea.l Tatter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns and all Skla Eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay re- ,,, , ,lllrnlM , miYm Bertee. .r-uoQ or money refunded. Price B ,. r r uU b CsteaConn Urn Co. An enterprising veterinarian of Bristol Pa., has successfully grafted an artificial ear on a borse. U exictly matches the on the other side of the animal's head and u 1,,. um)tT control. THE SURE LA GRIPPE CUBE. M UM frnm Arm - Atn. u , . Ih. ,m1 Ton are tiv1nr ml. all through your body, your liver Is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, hav a bad cold. In fact are com pletely used up. Electric. Bitters Is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your liver, stomach and kidneys, tone up the whole system and make yo't feel 11k a new being. They are guaranteed to cur or price refunded. For sale at Estea - Conn Drr g Co. Only SO cents per ls; happy for fear sons one will tell him hi troubles, and an optimist Is a man who dare Tiot look miserable for fear soma woman will try to cheer him up. . TWO POINTED QUESTIONa BWERED. AN- What I tb us of making a better ar- tide thar your competitor if you cannot get a better prlo for It? Ana. A there 1 no difference In the pric tb public will buy only the better, thut while our profits may be smaller on a single sal they will be much greater In the aggregate. How i-an you get the public to know your mak I tb beat? If both articles are brought prominently DeiOre lur jruuiiv iwiu miv wcriiuii ig do tried aad 'Je public will very quickly 1U5"D',U vpon tnem and ue onl3' tBe better ' "i"1"-- -'n- berlaln' Cough Remedy. The people Dav beea us,3 11 t0T yefl" and hava 'mnd that U alway, be d'Tended uPon- Thejf m,r occa,llonaly tae P wlth OT16 fanhlooable novelty put forth w1th exaggerated elalms, but are certain to return to the on remedy that they know to be reliable, and for coughs. cold and croup there la nothing equal to ,'jnamberlaln' Cough .Remedy. For sale bu Charles Rogers, druggist The Thirteenth huwfars of England have ?ZzrS olie Z?-" ' StLTil ge,ult aJf "J 5 Jnf Vn to the day after enlistment He wa 28 year of ag irher. be ennsreu as raddler, and therefore would be 77 yearB. ,J' Ho w in. aotlv service to the e1' y. sot rrs tn s "r .. - . B,ar,t- Blgaatu - of , I In Kind you Haw Alwan Bougtrt ASSESSMENT NOTICE, EXCHANGE STK..IST IMPROVEMENT FROM NINTH STUKKT TO TENTH STREET. Notice, la hereby given lhat the aaaeaament by Ordinance, No. 101 or the city of Astoria, Oregun, entitled ''An Ordinance Ctxinrntlng tha Assessment oil the 8vil Aswessimvut Roll No, U for tha Hin-et liiiiiitviiniit In ilia t.'liy t Aatoria. tltfui. knttwn m th ImnrttvainMni .ir ir.limiiiM finm Kfiniti 8trlo Tenth 8trat,' " apiToved Na In U. 8. KM oiln at tho oillca of tha ir nui mi ai iniu nine tna romimm the ollctlii of thiaiuii. 'llie Itaker, W. estate of Plrat rrwhyterlan Church of Astoria tnintw of n, First lreebyterlan Churvh of Astoria trtist-a ol N. ,v . . IVrkar, Irene C barker, Charlra L 8. H Irker, Charlea I Htixuif. K. ami Caroline, vrvtla Htrong ,, Young, lieivjamln ...... H of Lu. heir laid out ana roord'i ny jona McClura 74 H Th following are payable In Installments, the first Installment due January It. 1&4. Pint Congrtwatlonal Ctturvh of Astoria, trustees of , ... , Hustler, Ellsa Jane.. Sy order of the common oc-uncU of Auditor and Police Astcria, Oregon. Deoeuiber li, L'Sa. Closing Out! We will Positively close our entire Stock by January 1st, 1800. Any Persons wishing bargains must call bofore that time, as we positively mean what we say. We havo a full line of toys, all kind of fancy and dry goods. Now is your time to buy Holiday Goods. Chas. Kan & Co. ;i!7 (oimiwrviiil St. After the devil had gl E to eat the apple he gave her a clove to chew so that Adam wouldn't notice It on her breath. He was afraid Adam wouldn't notice It anyway, but ha knew the clove would make him mighty curious. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hsr of Oroton. 8. D.J "Waa taksn with a bad cold which settled on my lung cough set In and finally terminated In consumption. Four doctor gave me UP saying I could llvs but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined If I could not stay with any friends on earth I would meet my absent ones above. Uy husband was sd vised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs, and Colda, I gave It a trial, took In all eight botuaa. It baa cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at Estea-Conn Drug Co. Regular aaes Wo ind tL Guaranteed or price refunded "True, my husband beat mi sometime, but ha never talk back to me," aald the pugilist's wife. "That's the way with some men," said her dearest friend. "they never carry their busulnees Into their home life, or their homo life Into their business." CASTORIA For Inia-ta and Children. Tu8 Kind Yea Wm Always Bought Blijnature of Honor are growing almost a cheap In London as In Paris. Piper Flndlater. the hero of Durgal ridge, who has been ap pearing In London muslo halls with bis Victoria cross, has been offered 30 for tb decoration by a Birmingham firm, with the advice to get rid of It at these terms and thus save hlms-lf ami the or der further degradation. Along with this come the statement that some of th Oredadltr Guards who ncqulttrd them selves with glory in the Rrodan are ap pearing as "supers" In Mr. Tree's produc. tion of "The Musketeers." mmmm I nasi lm au ,ii. 'o 8-ilvim of Co siri. Cubebjor Injettiorund "IIRE IN 48 HOURS the same diseases with out lnronci :n ". THE NET "North Western Limited" (20TH CPKTIKY TKAIN.) between .Minnrapolis, St. F'aul and ChiciRo, is entertainingly described in an illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished 1KF.E on application to W. II. MEAD, Gen. Agt., 2iH Wantiliigton Htreft, POCTUrtD, ONE. F. W, PAPKER. Oin. Agent, OCfi Ptrat Avenue, SFA TILE, WASH. V, i? 1 I - . mvmnmiraKwnTKii tffatrasiaijawaiiviwjxauujisswii Mormon Blehopo' PdlS l"" Ir. u n 5' yrai l. Ui ll.rt ol il. alotmaa ChinYb -d unit i .iUaci.. I'.Mu'.iy c..M Ih. mi am In ..U n l y.tflllr ,,l, Um trteca ''. l : -nii. Cures Lost Manhood, lm potency, tost Pnwir, rrlKhLoecrea, oc.rm.jitorrfi-Jea InnornnTa, Pnln Is Back. I II Dae.rn. uscilnl gmlas'nia. L nmi i4aa. aiarwnia n . blllty Hndnohe Un'ltnoes tof'ni.y, om ul i or con loaiion. no.) ouicrne-a or u in- vou Twltohln Twiioninaor a.yaiiqs. Of ayelldjt, mfiw lumtiun. Wittl IT" 'l,"-t M, MllM I . wlA , Mrtttn. titf I arliinrtal, alia s Imias. CimJan. ruo, Arosa leoeiit. - r IMh. is. will be idle ami Mya. tity rnwaurrr on January ll, K. ami rxtitm-tl will order warranla Imu1 fur aMasniit la aa follow si Lot , blnok 44. Town of Astoria, aa InM nut and racordod by John MVluiw 7l IT I.ot T. bUH'k 43. Town of A'loria, aa I n 1,1 nut and racortliHt liv John M.VUira , II M Town of Aatorla. as retrded by John 1114 Txiwn of Aalorla. aa . ilck 4.1. lalil nut ami M.Vlure bt 1. Mm k tit, I. Il out and rwrtlel by John M.M'lura 14 U Ut 1. tlh k 4.1. Town of Atrl. aa by John u m Aalorla. aa by John ( H Astoria aa by John In M out and ro.Mint IHl Mi lure 1ai , block 4.1. Inl.l out and Mot'lure lt t ntvk 44, laid out and ISiwti of recorded lwn of rnred a! VM're Tt M lot L block 44. Town of Astoria, aa It 4. block 4a. Town of Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by John Wlure Tt M lt 4, block 41, Town of Astoria, aa iald out ana record a iy Jona IcC-lur Tt H the elty of Astoria, Orcon. 11. li. NEUtON. Judge of Ih City of Astoria, Oregon. ' CHIEF OF IUCK SALE. Notice Is hereby slven that, by virtue of a warrant fr lh ri! of a d Unguent aiseumont for tha Improvement in the city of Astoria, orvg-on, towttt Thlrty-nfih strrei. from Frniililln aveuiia to tuane str iluly Issued by the Audi tor and IVhca Jul of aal.l city, by di rection of the roninuxi council of sol 4 city, sl1 oarrant l"lnf dated tha I.I day or Novembor, M. to me dlrotd, and the aaiunint In which spanned amounting to Ijo. with Intartal thereu at the rate of I pr -fnt pr aiuium fron the Sh day of Hootombor. 1M. and being against the following named proa, t wit: Utuni M. Whaliey, oner of the fol. lowing an Krllcl ral property, to wit.: tot , in d4ock is. in tne in or upvw Astoria, as laid out and recorded by Joan Aitair. and al-i against aaad above d scrltxd prop-rty. and which warrant oon- maiMls m to ouk levy upon snd sale of said leecrttl rl protwrty. la order to satisfy SAlJ warrant and aald aa nient. and teit'lhr with the lntrt thereon and tha costs and etpena a of aid sale, and pursuant to aald warrant. and the eommanJe thareln contained, I drtl. on the H day of inwrmtfr, W, duly levy upon the above d-rtbrd rl prop erty. and I will, on the M Vr of Jaaaary. lot, at the hour of II o'clock In tn forenoon of saJd day. st the court house door, towlt. the entranc of said eourt house en Ninth trt. in the city of As toria, county of (lataop, Htato of Orgin, ell said dearrlhed real prop-rty at put- He aw-tlon to ha tHrhnst bldilrr cV In t'nlted Hlatis fi coin, o aatlafy salj uantBient, th Interest tnereon. ami th costs and eipenses of sale aa afornaald, and the accruing costs. Iiatnl at Astoria, ur.m. the U day of December. IMa. r. HAi,ucK. Chief of Pnllc of Astoria. Oregon. CHIRP OK'K SAt.K. Notice la herehy given br virtue of a warrant f"r the collection nf a 1. Ilnquent asseaarnont for the Improve ment In th city of Astoria. invgHi. to. wll : Allrysrsy running throuah hlm-ks LI. I snd 6. from th west Una of Thirty- lit hth street to the east tna nf Inrti. second street, truly Issued ty th Audi, tor and lNillc Juilsn of smd dry, hy direc tion of th common coum II of said city. sad warrant h-lng il.nd ihc J, day of Novemlier. IMH. , tn ilr.'td. ami tha assessment In whl.-li micliir.l atii'iiiiiling to VTIT. with lnteret thrraon at the rate of 8 oer cfit r r imnum from ih lm day of H.-it'mb r l'i. ami lx.ti ugainat the following named r'rom. towlt : Kg. rt.ilph llarth. ownnr of th follmstng da. scrineu real pro!'r v mwii : i.m im.h Ic In tn I'or" of I tm-r AslurU laid out and racarded J.ihn Ad r, and alo HKSlnst siild iirniY i,'hci ttl protwrty, and which warrant i'nnini.uiU m- to mak levy avn and ale of said di rlb, real nroosrty. in order tn at fr a d wnrrant aud said ai'Srnrn( and xicetner allh th lnteret thrraon and trw coats and eiprnc of su d a . ind (wnant to said warrant and the I'litmui is ther- n contatnesJ. I did. on tha H day of icremlM-r, H duly IfW litem lh .Jiov Irscrtni rani iir.ip.rty. nntf I will on h Id day of J.iMiiarv l.. at th hour if 11 ocioi-R in r .r tiii-n of siid n.iv. at tne court noun- nnor tn:i : ti en ran's of s.ild court hnn n Ninth streat, In the city or Astorln. county of ( IhIsoii, mull, of Mr'K in. si ll .i .1 da. si'rlbed ri-al prnfarty hi pnblie mn 'l n to n nianest iinM-r, lor r;nn. n fnltad States (told ruin fi sat sfy sa.d nss. nwnt, the Intercut theron. and the cm is and ini' of said sale ns aiores.ild, nnd tha accruing cost, listed at Astor.u i iri-vuti th 3d ilnv nf urceniuer, E HAU.OCK. Chief of Poll'e of Astoria, Oregon. Chicago Trtlmni-. Ehl Have you no. i cd how Mulial fiurllriirliorn Is slink on young Mr. fir.iyt.'.8fiiip? ll r mniiimn "Hun k on" Is an odious ihr.ut". I don't like to hear It. Ethi-I-I used It ad vlaedly, mamma. Jin's the son of a very wealthy murlljKn mnnufairUircr. Wllllam'a KiHnow Pllla Una nn prinrit In fliu.nuxka nt In, M hlncynnui l. I'limry Ortfutis, liuvo J yint ni'iflt'cUMl your l iiliieyhV Ilne 'it ovttrworkcil your ticrvoiih v- , i v .-tn anil cniiwil troiiiilu with voiir k v Milm-yg and l!lal Iliivo vou f V t riuinit In tlio loins, hrilc, budc, irroilih J . a'. "iikJiIit? JliivoyoiittilaMiy on i, x-;ir;tns of tlio f:,w, wpociallyr ----- ( ;nxr ii.o cyi-Br l m frf'.i"ilfl!- '." irwn tiriui! V Willliiiri'i K'nlncy . ''ill-: Will IllitiU'-t lunvlifit in lln. ilis- If r ascd oruiin, tonu up gyHtnn J) , .' rnl i iiiltii aiK-iv ninn o vou. A . I , ;tui i'l fjutits tier h- x. A . -. . .. - .i.'n ri(.i o.,Torl.. O. 1 For salebnfWEfi (JONNiRUO CO, 'TV , . FlBrfllUl Hflmas. Vnrloooala. l-ltiiii iinnicliiiit. HI ll r t. r.TTll k. .t, .....II I...l.l f r I. ttlry I ..I. iliilil a wriim nii'iniM. Inrura ahoo named" ov. nan rranolsco, OaU For sal by Charles Rogers. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Iave " "Aa a.m p m.l ' Porlls 1.44 ;Uv!lCirM lorla (Dally)"! Arrlva and and Astorlalp m Pni. a Iralna vlalll.Jbll.H Knauiia, rnrion, wmi- nurt. tiatakanla. (liihl connection at tlolile for tha Kaat and I'ugei Hound nolnta ms.m.1 ( l.Wl.gul Astoria, fteaalla and 4 W T;40 New Astoria raaaensur trains, via Warrenton anil Flavrl. I ! Hutiilsv Hunters' speo-l llal Astoria to rlMlde J. C. MAYO, o. r. a r. A. WHITE COLLAR LINE Colutnola Rrrer and Puiat Sound Navl gallon Company. Telephone laaveei Astoria dally, sleep! Plilliiwr, ll l n m, lve IWiand dally eicept Sunday at I a. en. Whits Collar Una tickets Inten bangwabls on Telethons. T. J. poller snd It. It 1 hoiuiiin (or Aalorla and all way nolnta, KUvnl. Ilwaoo, aeavlew, Lting lleavn, and nancoiiB. A. 1. TATI)n U a SCOTT. Preelaent. A at oris Agent. Tetwihone No. U nmriT . TICICICTS 11 nilLW POINTS EAST Through palace and tourtat aleepara. dining and library observation ears. K LEO A NT VK8TIIUM.B TRAINS. No, Umlted learea rortlaM at t M p. tn. No. I Limited arrives Portland at 1 U a. m. for re lea, etc.. rail or eMre d. W. Ix)UNmilCRRT. Agent U H, N.. Astoria, a c. DENNirtty. C, P. A T. A.. rwUtst, Or. AkKIVB. t s.l Msli Inr AlM id.Pn. Ht.kilir. Welnta, llutla.i ' ! stiamti.'. l. I'.ul.l hi I , (ago Ne Y'-ri,lMtoii 10 " S, l, ,n I I i-i'iii rt audi an i iiihtt, Mo. V III p. HI, I'urt'and, Mcalde and tacoina rsiirasi. tori N-aiilr. tn,iiun. H p ni. Ida aad li.ti'lincdistei Kllll. Thr ds to Bt. Iul. Omaha, Kan sas City and other Mtfaourt rtvr poltiia. Thraa and nna half 'lays to St. Iula, Mlwauk and Chicago. Four ami ana-half days to wshln. pMUdlihla and orhrr far tMrtn ant. I'SMnngars taking tha A. C. It. It It. I ii'i lmk mmm train will nk cloaa nittnaiHIim at Oobl wHh Ih east bound fast mall. , , I'nton depot connections at all principal ettiaa. Haggsge checked through to destina tion of tickets. Fr ala-iM car raaervationa, Hoke's, snaps of rout and other lnfrtntiin, call on or addraae J. C. MYO. Agent. tU C'nmmarclai Ht., Aatorta. or A. I. CHAULtoN. Asaleiant llanaral I'aaaanaar AgenL U Morrison HtraaL Portland. Or. Through Tickets -TO THB- BAST AM) SOUTHEAST -VIA it aWlf I " PULLMAN PAI.ACB BLBCPCRo, TOURIST BLREPSRS aad FREE RECLININO CHAIR CAM -Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omahi. Chicago. Kansas City snd other Eaatera ettlaa , lisarag chckd through to deatlnatKm. I'nlon la-txits. fast time, lowasn) rate I'inirrw llvht In all cars.. For Mts and other laformatlo call a or atMraa i W. I-OUNBBERftr. Agen.. O. K. N. Co. Astoria. Oregon, . J M I.OTIIROP, (X-n. Age"1' ls Third si. cor Ailr. 1'iwiiand. Or tt'grrs, drugglal, (LASSIFIEDADVEFTISEMENTS W ANTIC I) W NTKD-A MANOF OOOO AUDItKHH tn ennvasa Astoria on a business propo sition: a good opening will be ofTnr.d win riKiu man, Aunrcas is, Astonnn olllre. V ANTErV-HOTlrlK F.STAIILIHHICn "ears iisrty, either lady or gentleman, of ood church atiinillnst. as corresmm. dent and nmniiKer hr. Need not IfSvs hums. Hillary Iwifl lirat year. Kndos s.'ir-nunreasmi six in fed envelope to A, T. Kldci'. Uennrnl Manngnr, cure Asiorlnn. FOR RENT. . , FOn RUNT 'lOOD HOUHIfl ANO RARN nnd four acre of land, near Clatsop t'lty station, known as the Clatsop loioflli Apply to . Tagg, in Comnierirlal st. city FOR BALM. FOR SALN-IIOIJHIi: AND LOT, 1:011- iiw uiiviih m r U.HI, I willy 'ilini-n street, Ulipcrtown, lot VoxVi feet. Apply to John Bull. RESTAURANTS, 0O0D U CENT MEALS AT TUB Rid ing Bun Restaurant. MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU WANT FINIfl MtIHHKI AND rniwuan chii on uunrge itariiny at the National, where all the dullcudca of the season can be found, TRY SHILLING'S BKoT TBA AND paging powuer. 8WKBT CREAM We K PINT A.T THE SALOONS. TUB LOUVER UNDER . THE ABLB management of August Krats, Is dally becoming a more and more popular r sort. The club rooms on the second floor are now an attraotiv featur of th establishment. !lne yTHiENv Ut list I I J J-otr rRH -'-is Lt V K i i.i'liir. i .! MH Inr AlM ldrrn. 9. -- II akl r oimcrmio Till! 5CIIIIIHIUI.1 Front furl land anil Ijikc. Immivi r( Kt Worm. Ilmslia, kail tsa Illy, xt. Inula, I lilcmi ntnl I s'l. Wnlls Wallii, rti.ol.aliP MliiiiSioll, Ml I' iii I I I ii I ii l li, ,MlUinii.t t lili iian and Kail, nun Aalorla ItKI'AHT Annivi r-.i Mull k i in. Ks.t M T Ala. in. HiNiliiinn KlMT I M III M.nSII Klyaf lu Ifi s. m. OCIiAN HIIIAAI.ailll'.ti All Hiiltlns' I'at.a siili )i ct In cliullill'. yor nan . rmieiti'o - hull l. A. s, 11,11. 17, AI, U, ami . faiiioinn, t'oliiinlila Itlvar inlay I rliainr Sara si Me iidsy i n run Mini an Way 1-aii'Hnge, sniHi I'nrllMlid. am 4 n . in. Tne Thur and Hat. Xu. Wad' wiiiameiie -r. and rri "regtni rttv, newi-m Hslelu A Way Mud's Wlllam.tls sad VamJ ISO It IBS, MouWd. and m, Ta m hill Hlvsrs. Tuas.lliiin Oirg.dt i ny, Pay i4iii. xl and Hal. way iaiiiiiiiss. I t Hliiarlsl l.flaeutn a (A s. in. dslly ass't mday ak Itlvtr, ltlrlalo Uwl.Uiii. dal rxi li faldillar Iv llslown dally eicatit Friday. O. W. lrOUN"BEHMT, Agent AaHorU, W. H. UUlUUnURT, Qm. fm. Agt Peru-, Or. S KN aS J V LKAVB I'OHTLAND Aiuuva OVICItI,AND KX. I'ltKHrl. fur "sUlll, Itowtiurg. Ashland, Hacramnto, t)gdn, Han Francisco, Mo lave, 1 Angalaa, Kl Paao, Naw Or. lean and th KL RoMburg passenger Via Woodhurn, for Mount Angel, rill varton. Waet g.lo. Hrownvlll Hnrlng Oeld aad Nation.,., : P. M ' A. M 1 A. M IBC, M Dally leapt unday Dally leapt Banday 1 A. M 4.U P. M Corvatlls paaeenger ft! Id A, M Indapendanc paa' tt 1A.II Oally. flMily iiit Hunday. I'olinartlna' al Han krantila.u arllh Ov. dantad -riant. I, farinc Matt Slid Oce anic etamttin llnaa tnr JAPAN. CHINA. AI'HilMMA AND HAWAII. Itabate tlikata on dull ttaiwaa t .r 1 1 -. n.1 M.Mm-nlM - m.I - ...... m. Nat rata tlf flrtM-riaea. and 111 aao. und-claa. Including elnanar. aaiaa ana ucai to paaiarn point ana riinn I .... n fkiM. Il...l..l.. n.1 .Australia, (an ua utxalnnl frora J. IL niiiii.iii i irs I"ii, i iniro as,, K KUKIII.Icn. C. l( IdAltKHAai. Manager O. F. P. A. Threveb tickets Fast for Inaraei rataa. Call on ". J Trent hard local aannt. Wells Fargo Company's otflca. Astoria, WHEN GOING EAST . Ca a first etas line In traveling b twaan Minnaapolls, IH. Paul and Chlraga, and Ih principal towns In Central ecnain. Pullman Palar Bleeping snd Chair Car In servir. The dining rare are operated In tb Interest of Its patrons, the moat elegant servir ever inaugurated. Meals ar served a la carte. T obtain Brat rlaa serrlo your uV'ksg should rd via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Dlr. t rontiectliins st Chicago and Mil waukre for all eastern points. For full Information call on your near sat ticket aa-ant. or write JAB. C. IND. tlural paaangr Agent. tr JAB. A CLOCK. -i.lwaUkrA Wka. rirneral Agent. II! Btark Htrt Portland, Or. Go East.. vl Hilling snd Ilurllngton routs, and ynu reach Omnha, Kansas City, Hi. Iuls, and all other Southern and a"Utheastra cities hnlf a day sooner than truvslsrs who take any other Use. i!o xiat via Bt. psul and th Unnington route, and you ride Ih finest trsln on rth-lhs llurllngtoaji Ri. Paul-Ol.lcag Umlted. Oo eaat via Ogden and Denver, and you see the wonderful scenery of the Rrtcki, famed th world over aa th most mag. nlflrsnt on th continent Tickets at offices of connecting line A. C. BHBLbON. LUDHICATINO OILS A SPTXIALTY Fisher Brotliers ASTOUIA..., B1IIP CHANDLKRY 1IARDWARB IRON AND STEEL t.:iiAi , OIloClnRIFlfl AND PROVISIONS FIHTR AND MILL FKKI) PAINTS. OlIH ASl) VAHNIHITES LOtiriKilH' HIIPI'LIEfl ",n,"'B KA fit It A N K'H Hf'ALIOH DOOftH AND WINIMUVB AORlCITLTlJRAL IMPLKMENT8 WAGONS AND VKHICLIC8. OABTOrtlA. Boan tb t il Kind You Have Always BouiM Itlff 1 la a km. r.iiii.ily fur inrrlie,a. I'Imii. Btarniiiitri,,.. rla I ta6Ay.I wlilis, aniiatural sia OaarsalMa U olisruio. nf in, Ii. II. erV..u .u.u. "tlS Vrf"S,S.V."lar HralaK Ir-lt.ll - ... IrHcEVsNI OHtUinai fin. Braim. Non-astrinavnt aOinOiNMiri.O.f i at! by lragguta, 1. Zl. J or sent in plain wrsoiwe. in iiinin wrsnnr, lif sipmaa. pmpalil, fj j .00. or boltl,,, fi.,C in firti --W.lsJi ll ... ' cniiTii k3VU I II IliUlilllplll U'' j-.ii a. .' tt ,,.! Circular saut so 'rauiaat.