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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1898)
'! 1 . t W ' I t ' THE ASTORUN has the largest circulation of any paper on tha Columbia Rivet '- J,.tLs , ., Kga iiifii J .!r-- TIE DAILY ASTORUN Is tit fclfjest anj test paper on the Colurstla River . vitVHMiaVa-.r 4 1 i . ... ' FULL ASSOCIATED PRICSS HKPORT. VOL. XL1X. ASTOKIA. 0KE00X.. WEDNESDAY JJOUN1NO. DKCKMBEK 21, JM8 e lull "Stilt 0 The Only IN ASTORIA Our Mpoclolty; HTOVKH AND I1ANOE2H Wo know Iho biiHlnoMH. Twenty years experience. If you want a GOOD Stove, aw tlio atock at the i Eclipse Hardware Co. rrw- Christmas! A FEW GENTLE REMINDERS. W hsvt msgnifksnt tlock and wt want you (u H II, wt hav many novel lie not found lwbr, Wt call your attention to our BOOKS liar la whore w thine. W hav them In all kind of beautiful bindings, Imthor, clulth, buckram and fancy binding. Juvt nil bok; standard books. Webster and Hteldard dlctlotiarl, Illhte. Prayer books. erp' book, etc. Tho riiiret Uu ef album vr displayed n Astoria. Don't overlook our a tent cloth bound books ihvy art beauties. Griffin Christmas FOR WHITE Look Over Our Stock OARD r An Ideal You oaooot tax amall amount of money and buy a Christmas gift half to ueeful U Pair of Good Slippers. Wt havt ttit largest Mtormtot ever shown In tht oily, at tht very lowttt , prloea. John Hahn, Ladies, Gents and Children Handkerchiefs In Linen ENDLESS VARIETY. c. aWk Stove Store -r V V i-i WW & Reed. Presents ALL. Silver-Plated Ware Chinaware, Glassware SEWING MACHINES Carving Sots, Etc Before You Buy. Gift... Stokes go. Tlio Rollnblo Shoe Denter. Silk and Lawn . ALL PRICES. H. Cooper, -THE LEADING HOUSE OF ASTORIA DRESS SUITS Flannigan's Definition of Them. N' phfct'i draft tulta, anyway? The dlfftraiiot Urtohoon a toddy! an' bmu'i draaa ault U In th way yea look at It; they'i birth cut do collect, whloh In plain 0aiua maneei out low down frira the (op Iv the oollar Immic lo the middle ir the wtah bone; but there li a difference). A aintlaman, whin be wee-re a dries ault, he dleplayt the boeoro Iv a white shirt; a letkly, whin the weara a dreee ault dliplayt the tiuioro Iv no white ahlrt. X wore a dreee ault wanet, an' that wui at O'lioollhan'a wake. The boeteee Inter Jooced nit lo Mr. O'Donavan, an' eho It thle Jlr. O'LKinavan, in I; oh, he's a civil engineer, eel he; a civil enlnwr, a I; the nut thlnr 1 know, I'll meet a civil comlooctor, or a civil pobrter; they're all civil enouth whin y don't hev any buelneet wtih 'em. Tuhlklna about Jrv lulta. In ooorve we hri 'em, but our ehtruiis pint la, eolkl, eeiulble buelnoee eulte; we have the ink suit wltn round or eiiuare cohrnere, three of four button cuuwaye-fer that metier, they're all cut away In the price. We aim) have ehmall bye'a tulta, an' ultt the l II fit larger byre and bye. An' than we have hiti with a little Oertnan band an' rrench llnlngt an' Turk, lah bath ewrat band. An' then we heve a hat ma4iliio that'll Iron tho wrlnkele out Iv yer hat, ttie inohrnlrta; after ye have ehworn off. An' then w have eoft bate, Keduorae an' tpadoorae; we have eate night oat an' cape de climax (that't Flinch.) An' thin wt have Xmaa prwUente that't both ueeful and orruunlntal. I'd like lo wroite wore about our good an' our prkei. an' about what happened to Jonee, but I've ketched a cowld In me bead, to that I can't ro ahaad with niv btory, to long. Throoley yoort, TVXKKIQKS. In Cart Iv HERMAN W18B. The Reliable Clothier A Hatter. P. B. Johneen, Of rain maker, ats It'll be a clear day on Xmaa mohrnlng, If It don't ntln betrhoon li o'clock Xmaa ere an' U o'clock Xmaa evening. I'll write on pant In me nlxt effuort THE PARKER HOUSE Kirat-CloHa In ICvery Respect. BAR m BILLIARD ROOM Special Rates to Theatri. cnl Parties A. J. MASON, Prop. ASTORIA. OHK. THE PROOF of tht pudding it In tht eating and tht proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING Thst't an argument that't con clusive a demonstration. Ours will stand tbt tt HUGHES & CO. (COUNTRY'S NEW ARMY Plan of Reorganization Sub mitted -to the House by Military Committee. ARMY DENTISTS ADDED Minority Report Will Recommend That Army Be Wot Enlarged, Except Temporarily. THE SANTIAGO EXPEDITION Before the War Invest If atlc Com mission General Shatter Expresses Satisfaction With Its Operations. WASHINGTON. Dec, aj.-Tl... !i ,.-ui oommJttet on military affairs completed consideration of the army reorganization bill today and ordered If reported to the bouae. The most Important change made today were those fixing M years aa tho agn-llmlt for an appointment to the aeveral staff corps and addlna; a now pro. vision for 100 army demists, with the rank of flint llimtenanta. a iww 4iSon was Iniwrted mnktrw the chief ryjnl and pislon offlcor a brlifiuUi-r general, with an assistant hav. tng the rank of lieutenant colonel Signal corps appointments wi re n-md to thoi-e from civil life as well as volunteers. The minority gave notice of a minority report and substituted a bill, the Rutin feature of whl,-h will be a wtanding army limited to that rx luting before the recent war. and authority to tho president to enliet a large temporary force for service tn outbirwi- territory 8H AFTER IS SATISFIED. WASHINGTON. Doc. -OenrQl Shaf- ter appeared unexpMrtfuTly before the war Investigation cotomlsrion this after noon and told the story ca' the Santiago expeilltlon. He was supported by his aide. Colonel Mlley. nod flanked by a large Ihirtnutntetiu of papera. Briefly summed up, his ewtlmate of the Satlago expedl tlon w-aa that M had been a military suc ceed, and cheap at a coat of 500 men loet. He considered the expedition as wtl fitted out. aa was permlseanie, and aeid he had no crltliWt of his plana to make, and would not change them If the event had to be none through again. The committee stated that Oenernl Mllea today communicated to the com- mlnliin an unwilungnrss to voiuntiecr testimony. Wiwig.-s were acconilr ;! wnt to the adjutant general directing him to requeM the Appearance of Mllea before tho board. JOHN SHEHMAX GIVES AWAY CABINET SECRET. Ex-Secretary Siiys Negotiations Were In Profirens for the Purchase of Cuba When the War Broke Out. CHICAGO. Dec. 20.-A speJ'U to tho Tribune from Washington eays: Firmer Secretary of State Joh i Sher man, In an interview tells an Interesting cabinet secret which In the days before the war was frequently suspected, but never established. With considerable emotion the ex-seoretary tald: "I tried to prevent this foolish war with Spain. As a matter of fact negotia tions were already In progress to pur chase Cube, from Spain when the war feeling tui'dcnly arose and swept every thing before it. And Spain would have accepted the terms. "This l a matter of eivt hlstry. And now what have we got to show for all this expense? Some Inlands lu the Philippines for Instance, which are worth about $200,00) per annum Income; in. creased Indebtedness of 1200,000,000 and a lot of Islands InhabUated mainly by man eaters. And tho most distressing feature of the affair Is that we Rre now about to be called upon . to pay $20,'WO,000 for territory that we could have taken will), out expending; a dollar." ASSIGNMENT OF WARSHIPS UNDER CONSIDERATION. But Few G'khI Ships Available for the Squadron Which Is Abcut to Be Sent to Europe. V NEW YORK. Doo. 20.-A special to the Herald from Washington says: Secretary Long, Acting S.crstary A'len and Captain Crowninshleld, chief of the bureau of navigation, have been giving a great deal of attention to the number and oharactter of ahjpa to bo distributed among tho North Atlantic, European and South Atlantic squadrons. It Is de sired to retain a strong force on tht horns station and to tend a respectable naval fore to Kurp, but Ihe ehlpe avail. able In vlow of the rongthnlr; of It Admiral Uvwy' command ar very few, The only armor cladt undr th com. mand of Rear Admiral Bampeon art jh &att!rt-lpe Indiana, kfaaaaohuetitt and Texat and the cnileert Brofjklyn and New fork. Only four protected crulaere art In cnmmUefon on the North Atlantlo Q"i, the Chicago, Cincinnati, Newark and Now Orleane. The htw Orleani will ' pieced out of commleelon to recti ire ttvtrol Improva. montt and tht amokeatack of the Newark la to be lengthened. The Cincinnati poa arrival at New York wia alto be placed out at oommitaion. It it txptettd (hat tht cruleer At'anta will be commlaaloned next month. Tht Newark wit likely be tent to tht South Atlantlo at tb Hag hlp of that atatlon, and tht will of re inforced by the Wilmington and Oaetlna. Most of tht gunboata whlob art being prepared for tht navy yards will be it. qulrd for er vice In Cuba and Porto Rloan water, and those will be attached to tht North Atlantlo squadron. SIX PEOPLE LOSE THEIR LIVES ON CHILKOOT PASS. Buried by m Avalanche Which Occured a Mile Beyond tht 8ummlt-Campir Party Burled by lot. SEATTLE, Dec, VTnt steamer ALK1 from Alaska, brings meager particulars of tn avancho on Chllkoot past In which six people were killed. Five bodies have been recovered, aa follows; Mrs. Darisns; and two tons. Bert June. Bert Shaw. Tbt slide occurred December at Crater Lake, a mile beyond th summit on the Lake Iindfirman tide. Mrs. Darling's husband was at Lake Llndennan and the hul arrangxl to meet him wkh her sons. Shaw was a 8kagway man. Bert Jonee wat from Juneau. The name of the sixth person has not been ascertained. Cintrary to tbo advice of old-timers the purtyset out with light outfits. It was storming hard when they crossed the summit, but they succeed ud In reaching Crater lake, where the billiard forced them to camp. ;i fair-' '!rntti GENERAL WILLIAM R. STIAFTER. Vho Appeared Bclnre the Vaf Investigating While encamped here tons of Ice and snow, mixed with rocks ana iimoers. swept over them and went on down the valley, loavlng thera burled under several feet of bard anow. Their bodies were found two days later by a searching party. THE PRESIDENTIAL PARTY RETURN? TO WASHINGTON. The Trip Pronounced Most Enjoyaoie, and Believed to Have Cemented Good Feeling Between North and South. WASHINGTON. Dec. 20.-The presiden tial party, after an absenco of seven days In the south, arrived at Washington this morning. Every member of the party pronounced the trip most enjoyable and a splendid success In every way. The general Impression prevailed that tno trip had cemented to a marvelous degree the good feeling between the north and south, and had brought Into prominence tho excellent condition and capabilities of tho army. Tha original object of the visit, to cele brate peace with Spain lost Us significance directly after the president's memorable utterances regarding the care of the con federate dead. , CENTURT THEATER SOLD. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 20. Negotiations for the transfer of tho new Century theater of this city to tht control of Charles A. Spauldlng, owner of the Olympic, have been concluded, (between Mr. William S. Davis for himself, and Mr. Al. Hayman, of New York, and Mr. Pat Short, mana ger of tht Olympic and represantatlvs of Mr. Spauldlng.. Tho transfer was made as operative on and after January 1, 1899. Mr. Short will assume tbt aotlva control after that date. BOTH SIDES DISCUSSED Senator Teller Favors An cexatlon; Congressman WHIIamsOppcseitoIt. THE DAY IN CON CHESS Colorado Statesman WculJ No Haul Down the Fla; Where Once It Was Plaotel THE AGRICULTURAL BILL Measure Passed anl Carries nearly Four MIIIIoaa-KIurafnaa Canal Bill Occupies Senate's Time. WASHINGTON, Doc. .-Senator Teller occupied the first half of today aetaloo of tho aerate with a speech in advocacy of the theory that there are no restric tion upon th right of tht TJnlted States to expend its border. He went thorouKb into tht legal point of the question and Incidentally dlecuned the fcrm of government for the Philippines, saying ha would encourage sslf government among th Islander anu give thon the most liberal govern rr en t which they are capable of conductln;, but he would r.ot take down tie American flag where It ooie bad been planted. The remainder of the session given np to tho Nksarag-jaa canal bill. Several private pension bill w"re dlo. posed of. aft which Elkin called np tho 1W t Commtssio at Vashingto Yesterday. bill relating to the roplstry of foreign built vessels wrecked In this country. At i o'clock the Nlcaraguan canal bill was taken up. Cufferty spoke in opposltion to tie bill. While Cafterty was dpfcak Ing, -a message wis received from the house announcing tfea. the final question In controversy as to the war and navy deficiency bill had been agreed to. The bill wis then passed. Without having concluded his remarks, Cafterty yielded to a motion for executive session. At 5:10 the senate adjourned. HOU33 PROCEEDINGS. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. Tho house to- day listened to tho first speech on the at nexatlon of tha Philippines. Williams, of Mississippi, a democratio member of tha foreign affairs committee, stated Ms opposition to a policy which would bring the islands under the sphere of the TJnlted States' influence. He contended it to bt hestile to tho spirit of our Institutions to assume control over (,000,000 of peopl?; that tha annexation of tho islands met none of the tests which apply to our psst acquisitions of territory and would bo a mlf-take from social, political and ma terial standpoint Williams' remarks drew applause from his doroo3.Mtio colleagues. The agricultural appropriation bill was pissed without material amendment. It carries R, 696,322. CHICAGO HAS ANOTHER MURDER MYSTERY TO CLEAR. Developments In the Case of Michael Rolllnger, Charged With Wife Mur. der, Similar to Leutgert Case. CHICAGO, Dec. 20. Further Interest ing developments in the case of Michael Rolllnger, the big Austrian, who Is under arrest charged with murdorlng and part ly cremating his wife, have disclosed I ' i li i-y ' V ',' 4 aii'.ifw-r wornm In th ess. When Roi!lngr some time ago wrs a cook In a Randolph street restaurant, it Is told, he became enamored of a wnlt ret named Lena. This woman wss afterward,' and until within a few dayt previous to th tragedy employed In Rol. linger' restaurant on Milwaukee avenue, and Is now supposed to bt In Michigan. The potlct art trying to locata her. It develop that two dayt before Mrs, Rol linger so mysteriously disappeared the told a friend that tier husband had threatened to kill her unless she left him within ten dayt. It has also been discov. tretf that before th Art Roullnger left In ft net&7 saloon a valla containing an Insurance poller on Mrs. Eolilnger't f for fC00 and dead for 8,OC0 worth of property 1n Austria belonging to her. Th potlct comment on tht ilmllarlty of tho cast to that of tht Leutgsrt mufder. Thoy have arrived at tbt conclusion (hat RolUnger murdered hi wif In order to get possession of her property ind marry th other woman. BRITAIN SHOWS ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF FRIENDSHIP. Filibustering Expedition to Aid Aguin. ftldo Suppressed at Hong Kong by Order of British Government, CHICAGO, Dae. . A special to tht T'uiee Herald frc-n Wss.ifnf.on sat; Great Britain has given another strik ing example of friendship for tht United State, and at the tarn time has takes action which la looked upon in tht light of recognition of tht sovereignty of th United State over tho Philippine. filibustering expedition organised to go to th support ct Agutnaldo has been suopressed by order of th Brltl.b au thorities. This Information came to tht tiatt department a few days ago In a cable gram from Consul General WUdman and Just been made public The reason for keeping the Information, secret was that the department desired to ascertain If possible the source of the expedition and who was responsible for Its (.rgaui aation. Consul General Wlldman, so far a can b learned, has not yet been able to get there details. VOLCNTEERS SUE A RAILROAD COMPANY FOR DAMAGES. Members al th Sixty-ninth Volunteers Bring Action Against tho Louisville ac Nashville for Injuries Sustained. NEW YORK. Dec. 20.-Joseph P. Ben nett, William H. Travers, and 23 other members of the Slxty-ointh volunteers hav begun action In tha supreme court of this county to recover damages from the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company for Injuries suffered on August - last by an accident when they were on their way to HuntsvHle, Ala. While their train was enroute to Hunts vHle, ten miles from Birmingham, tho front car Jumped the track and tht others followed bat were overturned, in sevefa' instances the men allege that their Injuries will, be permanent. Soma of ehem recovered from their Injuries after weeks of treatment in the hospi tals. The largest amount mentioned In the suits Is fcM.000 ami the smallest $2,000. It tha contention that the accident was the result of negligence on the part of e railroad company. TO DISQUALIFY ROBERTS. CINCINNATI, Dec. 20.-The Cincinnati Presbytery has considered pollsamy and the question of refusing the seat to Con. gressman-electr Brlgham Roberts, of tah. Rev. John H. Walker, W. R. Reynolds and W. A. Eulaiy, as a com mittee on bills and overtures, reported resolutions colling upon Congressmen Shattuck, Brownell and Brown to pro pose and vote for an amendment tx tho constitution of Hhe United States defin ing marriage as monogenous and forever forbidding and making unlawful and punishable as a crime all pollgamous, plural, celestial or any other so-called marriage except that of monogamy. RUMORED ASSASSINATION. PARIS, Dec 20.-A dispatch from Capo Haytien says it Is rumored that the Do minican president, Heuereaux, was as sassinated while incognito aittendilng a christening. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baktajr powders are the greatest mcnacert to health of tht present day. ttrnm swim powoes oo., stw yn. ymwA n