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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTOIUAN, SUNDAY MOKMNU DECKMKER 4, JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telepbon No. M. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. nt by wall, per year Bent br mull, pr month Served by carrier, per month., .1100 .. .M SliMt-W EKKLT. Bent br timll. Pr In advance... tlOO Poattig fre to suoscribtrs. All rommunlrrUlon Intended for pub'd Cation shguld l dirtied to th editor. Ilualtien communications of all Hr.d and remittances mimt b adjreed to "Th Astorlan." , Tli Astorlan suaranieci U IU aJver tlicn th largest circulation of any newspaper published on th Columbia rlvar. Advertialutc rat can b had oa appll Cation to tta business manager. AN OVERDONE BVSIXES3. Th pursuit of t subsidy from ambit lout towns and elites la a business that hat been quit overdone. No doubt thcrt ar time and condition when It will pay a . . . . , .'.V community to fir a bonus for a new en terprise. But tho ar rar condition. It a town baa to wt-nura business la order to get It established within its borden It la not a natural mart for that buslae. Unlet merchants, traders, and manufacturers can get good return from thetr Investments, they art foolish to begin feuataee In a town, with or without a subsidy. Favwabrs eonomlo eondt tloni must preexist, or the venture la folly. If tbey exist, tha venture docs not need and ahould not ask a subsidy. That la pie-mlnntly tha status In As toria, fnles w shall become tha ex porting point of this basin no sensible man would oe justified in starting a business dependent on that stM'JS. If we shall become the chief seaport as we fcei sura we shall In the near future, no man would need a subsidy to wet-nurse his business here. It would be a prortl. able tmi lure for him and he should not auk a subsidy. Neither should be bare IL Every one should act on his own Judg ment. W think a man who wishes to embark In a business suitable for the chief seaport would bo wise to buy at present low prices all the around he needs and at prices to suit him. He should not go around begging for subsidies. He makes himself out as a fakir. Our people ar worn out with such witless proposi tions. They want strong, sensible, men of espial to Invest here, on .heir own judgment, for business. They do not pro pose to hire them to come. They wDl Imply submit Astoria's claims to th at tention of Investors and let them decide upon the facts as to whether we shell have here the treat seaport of the Co lumbia basin, where the man who g ets In early will be fortunate. These remarks r especially appllcsble to flouring mills. They would come here with a rush if we had the export trade. Would be the first enterprises to (lower out. Sagacious millers should he already studying our situation in order to take advantage of It without a subsidy. Our Portland correspondent unex pectedly sends us snother letter on the seaport problem. It relates specially to the existence of a wheat pooL The doubt expressed on that subject gives him a chance to group the facts and Ideas of his six letters In a most striking man. ner. Evidently all that Is needed to "bring him out strong" Is a little fric tion. It is no wonder the wheat ring Is so anxious to prevent the circulation of thoae masterly letters, and to avoid discussion on these lines. It now seems the reports of a fierce controversy between "Jim" Hill and Pierpont Morgan was a fairy story. Mr. Hill's Spokane Interview denies It all. and denies that he or his friends d Northern Pacific stock. The slleged con. test between the 0. R. & Jf. and North- era seems to be nothing more than a right of way suit by the former over a line of the latter In Idaho. There ia much smoke but no fire. Our duty Is to vlgllantlj look after our own interests and see that we leave no bars down. Important events are culmlnailng. Luxuriant hair, ot uniform color, is a oeaumui neao covering for either sex and may be secured by using Hall's Vegt Uble Sicilian Hair Itenewer. Velvet house gowns are picturesque. Aokera English Remedy will ston a courh at any time, and will cur the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. 8 and 60 cents. For aala br Millinery Is being blue-penciled. Mokl Tea positively cures sick hear. IndlRestlon and constipation, a dellzhtrni herb drink. Remove all eruptions of tne SKin. producing a perfect comolexlnn or money refunded. 8 and SO cents. For saie oy usies-tjoun Drug Co. Chinchilla Is seen, everywhere. Acker's- Iyspopsla Tablets' are' sc!3 on a Puaiilvt guarantee. Cure heartburn, rlstner of food, distress after eating," any tor iA of di-gpopsla. One little toblej giveg immediate relief. IS and SO centa. For aalo by Eatea-conn Drug Co. r oS r 7VV Vo) 1 U f - . . i ..' J'.X . VvV'v.v . vvV '.NX WWv'W vVvVv 'vV The Kind You Ilrtvo Aluftys ttnuKlit, aiul which htw lccn ia use for over MO year, has tmrno tho l;tm.turo of nnil i:h Imm-h nunlo umicr lit cr , nucil tiiH'rviwioii nhuo In inr.incy. WC-VC; tvrff-i.' .!!v no out to deceive jti In thin. AH ronntorfcits Iniitttion inl S ilisttlutcH lire Imt Ts jwrimenCJt tttitt Iritlo m UU and nd:u;ffcr the hcultli of lnf.mis and Childrcn-li'crlcnoo n;,'.vinst r.xix'rimcnt. What CistorU i" ft mbMitnto to- Ctor ) 1, lV.'v-oilo, Drops and Soothing 8jrt!rs. It ii Il.iriiiUi mi l Deusiint. It contain neither Opaun, hrtliuc nor tnher X.rHtio nubstHnw. Its usn I nr:nfcc. It dv'tny AVorni BiidnMoj Fcvt rWinc, . It cttrc l!ar:luc;i nnd AYiud Colic. It relieves Teef titnsr Trouble.-, trf.rcs Coitlpntloa nad Flatulency. It ns!m!i;uos tho l'Hd, rejrnhttes th Stoimvch and Itovcls li:eT helthy and nutttrul sleep. The Chlldren'a 1jib teca-T!o Jlother l'rleud. -GCNUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS V) Bean the The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over SO Years. m ewe . IIIUIUJWWU Open fires add more than furniture to the ciMinea of a room. Ia the olden times it was nc Bm"'tnnKn occurrence; f native, delicate wntca to be. be headed fur trivial or imaginary of fence. In this re. sped the worM has made great atxfck. K erertke lees, woo ls still Miner death in a slower and more tortareeome form, and for bo offence whatever, save a little tgoor snce. or pos sibly, a Utile effect The woman who safer from weakness and disease of the dittinctly ft minine organs, whether she ml be it or not, is being , lowly bwl sarrly tortured to death. . She snoVra almost coo rinaalty with sick headache. She has pains ia the back.what she calls "stitches" in the side and shooting pains everywhere She experiences homing and dragging down senutions. She becomes weak, nerrons and despondent She neglects her home, and is petulant with her hosbaod. If she consults the average; physician, there is not one chance in ten that be will hit opon the real came of her trouble. He will attribute her bad feelings to stomach, liver, heart or nervuu trouble. A woman in this condi tion boold consult some eminent and skill ful specialist who has bsd a wide experi ence. Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty year chief cooMiltinr physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Snrncil Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y., has. with the assistance of a staff of able pbvsiciana, prescribed for many thou sand, ot women. He hi invented a woo dcrful medicine fur ailing women, known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It has r.ood tbe test for thirty years. It acts directly on the delicate and important or gans concerned in wifehood and mother hood, making them strong and welL . It altars inflammation, heals ulceration, soothes pain and tones and builds np the nerves. It transforms weak, nervous wom en into health j, happy wives and mother. " t wat IB ninlid tor over s war with caaare of lifr." write. Mr. C Smith', of Ore. CaKaiie Co.. Mont. " Had pain irra the pit of my tor-ach aad Mcb extreme wekne I amid hurly wilk I trnk one bottle of Dr. Pierre's riie Medical Inncoverv ani fire of hi - Fa vorite Prescription ' aad ia entirely weU." Box couches sre much sought by those who are pressed for closet room. Pears 9 What is wanted of soap for the skin is to wash it clean and not hurt it. Pure soap does that. This is why we want pure soap; and when we say pure, we mean without alkali. Pears' is pure; no free alkali. There are a thou sand virtues of soap; this one is enough. You can trust a soap that has no kiting alkali in it. All sorts of stores sell it, especially dmggists; aU sorts of people use it. Why do not women count their change? oAbtoiha. tls The Hmd Vm Haw Plwan Boi'jftt BlgtStUt Of The happiest moments of one's life are those In which we feel certain of our friends. T." to the Ihe"t wTien Person has a cold Indicate a tendency toward pneo "cn A P'e" of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bgund to the cbt.t over the seat of pain will promptly relieve) the pain and prevenl ..trT0 ttack of Pneumonia. This Jf taent ' " Km, back, In .a tew hours. For sale by Charles ttogers, drugglat kVM. MUM IT 3 ID JO 1 is CASTOR! A SigrifttuT of mtr, are tt. fin's Th.. M.UH.I arsiued toew'e eili aerer,,, ioh M Week Memory. Lomot either sex.cainrd be over -even . Mutkfal error. -m a-or by ESTFSt-COXN VRVO CO. It Is strange but true that even new ratt-he come second-handed. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy can always be doperwl.-d upon and la pleasant and safe to take. Sold by Charles Rogers, druggist Beantfcs Iia4 Km Lwsn laifi Trains are noteti In theater gowns of Ilk. Thai the blood ahould perform Us vltsu functions. It Is absolutely nectsssiry it should not only b para out itch la uf. gtvlrug atemaota. Theoe reaulls are beat affected by the aso of that wall-knewn standard blood purlflar, Ayera' Sarsapa rtlla .... It la tha Irony of fate that always mak,ea us meet our swellest friends when we hare on our shabbiest frock. Ur. Hardin Norrls, drk of the drug tor of R. Bhoemsker. Perry, Id., says: "A man came Into our atom th other day and said, 1 want a bottle of that stunt that aaves children's Uvea I read in th New about It Th children may get alck when w can not get tbe doctor quick enough. It's th medlo-ne you sell for croup.' " H alluded to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and bought a bottle be fore he left th store. For saie by Chas. Rogers, druggist Bangle are once aga n to become the rage. This I a hint for Christina buyvrs. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Taoirts. All druggists refund the money If it r.ili. to cure. S centa The genuine ha 1 11 (J. n each tablet Tbe more one get mixed up in legal matters the lea law there seems to be In the world. DISCOVERED ET A W ,MAN. Another great discovery has been madv and that too, by a lady la this country "Disease fastened Its clutches upon hef and for seven year ah withstood its sever eat testa, but her vital organ were undermined and death seemed imminent For three months shs coughed incessant' ly, and could not sleep. SHh finally dls covered a way to recovery, by purchas ing of a botUa of Dr. King's Naw Dls covery tor consumption, ana was so much relieved on taking first do, that ha slept all sight; and with two bottles, baa been absolutely cored. Her name is Mrs. Luther Luta. Thus writes W. C Hamnlck It Co., of Bhelby, N. C. Trial bottl free at Estes-Conn Drug Co. Regular six 50c and tlOO. livery bottl guaranteed. An old fur collarette can be used de lightfully In making a crown for your theater bonnet OASTOXlXAi Boarsti '. 'yflb si Yw Haw Alwaw foegs figaatoxs f The mother of a pretty child prates much Of the delight she takes In wheel- Ing her own baby coach. Would she be so enthusiastic If her offspring were cross-eyed or as expresiilonk-ss as a Dutch doll? TWO POINTED QUESTIONS AN SWERED. What la tha use of making a better ar ticle than your competitor If you cannot get a better price for It? Ans. As there Is no difference In the price tha public will buy only the better, so that while our profits may be smaller on a single sale they will be much greater In the aggregate. How can you get tbe public to know your make Is the beat? If both article are brought prominently befor tha publlo both are certain to be tried and the public will very quickly pass judgment upon them and us only the better one. Tliis explains the large sale on Cham berlain's Oougb, Remedy. The people have been using: It (or years and have found that it can always be depended upon. They may occasionally take up with soma fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certuir, tp return to the on remedy that they know W . bo : reliable, . and tor., cpughs, colds! and croup there is nothing equal to '-namtoerlain's Cough Remedy. For sale ba Charles Rogers, druggist notic or nt.iNo AnnmMrvT HOl.ti AND XIKirrtNU ur BOAHD Or EQUALIZATION. Notle I hereby glvan to all prona whomsoever that thera has b rvuortsd to tha Common Council of tha city of Astoria, Orvgon, by th Hoard of Asao. sors of said city, spoolally eonatltutsd fvr th ptrix helnafter sxpreased, a ftpevsal Assessment for th Improve, rnmit Ui said city known as h Klev.vith Strih 8vvr Improvsineiit, and which inoni la aiiown on th special as seaaniont roll for said assnumitit, which ha teii tiled til the olllce ot th under. niKiirvl, I vn for Itupwtlon and will so rtiM u until Tuexlay, lixemthr IS, K'S. at ID o'cliK-k a. m., ni wMoli time (ho imrl of KguullaaiKin f"r .iU -Mwiuiom, coim.ilinf of the ttfOKunid Url of Aovt mid the Committee on HliT..i ami I'liUllo i( tli lmnum Oiumll of said city will iikhvi In III.. . ' ., ., ,, ,, ' lomtcll t lumber of Urn City Hall of il't clly. to Mil' and cvxtlisa snld A.l olijivtUui to s.tld eM'nii'tit mint bo HIihI wiih tho untlcrli:iivd on or be fore the tun of "ld g. I'.jr order of th said Common Council Dated at Atora, trvoi. Novembi'r S, l.Wk II. U. NKlJktN. Auditor and Poll,- JU City ot Astoria, Orrgvm. chiv:f or vouch; ix. Nctk la gtvvn Hat by lrtu ot a warrant (or tti culln liott of a de linquent f iwnt (or the imprvvaai em In lb (ily of AtH', .trin, town; street front lf'orty-Hiid to Forty ttfth trc duly Isnued b) ih auditor and polk' Judgw of csHl city, or dlreo lion vt th ctuiunoo o.anctl of aawl eiiv, aid war runt ixnT date.1 th iTtb day of ll-tntvr, ItM, to me dlroted. and th a ninietit on wmch peclnd amountliv In UV wtih Inteowt llivreori at the rate o; M eat P anaJm faun ihs Jlt day laN. and twin- aswinaH in follow lnr BaoiaU persoua. tvwtt K. Martoa and 1L aloConaack. owner of th foUowtng dascrlbed real "roperty. towlt. kX 11. blo.k I, a uto dlMdeAl In tha Fort of I'oer Astoria, as laid out and recwdaid t John AtMIr and Uo aataaua amid tUakTtbvU pia)riy, and which warnuat commands ma to malt levy upon and aal al aaia de scribed property. In order to aatlaty said warm at and awkl unwnt and ! gnlher with h Interest thereon and the ooaia nnd 4Mna) of aal sal, and pursuant to said warrant and lbs com mand therein enntiuned, I 4IJ, on th ITtb. day Of NovmtMr. ISM, duly levy upon th above described real property, and I wtU, on th lth ty o( lwmbr, U. at th hour of 11 o'clock to th forenoon of sold uav. at th court bous door, towlt: th entrance of ald court house on Ktjrhth ureel In th .liy of Astoria. County uf Clatsop. But of Oregon, sell said de-rlt-l real property at publlo auction to th hlrhrat bidder (or cwah. In U. 8- gold coin, to sattofr aid a. anient, the lntrret -ere-xi, anil the coat and expense of aal a afnreaatd. ar.d Ih accruing cost. DtHed at Atoria. Oregon, the 17th day ot November, IS. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Tollc o. Aitorla. Oregon. CHIEF OF POUCK 8ALG. Notl.- I herebv elven that by irtu of a warrant for th collection ' ile II hjumit aanienl for Uie Improvement In Hi city of A'tor.a. ir.-K,.ll. I . v it . :id street, from Forty-second to K'-rty-tlfh tre.t, iliny Knir.1 by the aud tor and ixillc Ju.lKe ut aid city, bv .;irte tion of Ih co n nmii council of 4lil etiy. said warm nt being datol the 17lh day o( (.ictober K. to me direa led. an-t the aasensmrnt on which stwined amounting to Xa with Interval thereon al th rat of per cent orr annum (rum the day of Marrh. 1 and being aarulnst th fullo-ving ihtmed persona, tuwll: It Marion and IL Mirmiuk. owner of the following dc.-rlbed real Property, towtt. lot U. bliK-k 1 aa ob dtvlded In Ih fort of Cpper Astoria, aa ntld out and recorded by John ovlr, and aio ax a mat atd nfTir, and warrant command m to mnka lovy upon ami sal of aaiu de aarlbed property. In order to ltr said warrant and said inaimini and to gather with th Intaresi I hereon and the cots and xpnae of said , and pursuant to said warrant and the com mand therein rotitand. I did, on th Hth day of November. 1591 duly levy upon tha above dri1bd real property, and I will, on th lih day o( Deomnber, UA. at the hour of U o'clock in the forenoon of said dav at th court boue door, towtt: th entrance of said court boii on kgbtb street In the Cltv of Astoria, County of Clatsop. Slat of Oregon, sell said described real property at publ'.s auction to the higbel bidder (or cti. In U. 8. gold coiu. to satisfy ut fj aassatnent the Interval '.hereon. And the costs snd expenae of a1 as aforeaaid. and th ai cruing costs. Dated at Aatoria. Oregon, Ih 17th day Ot November, ltd. E. HALLOCK. Chief of Police ot Astoria. Oregon. A woman feels very brae unt'l she la frhthtened. and then her nrrvi- fly away without warning. RUCKLEN'8 AVICA SALVE THE PKST 8ALVE in the world for Cuts, llniites. Sorer Ulcer. Halt Rhsuin, Fever sores.l Tetter, Chapi-ed Hn !. Chilblains. Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay re quired. It I guaranteed to give perfect atl(acttnn or money refunded. Price B certs ifc-r vx. T t sale by Cstes-Conn rug Co. Canll"d mint leaves are the aperlnl sweets now to lie found In the bonoon nlere of the winter girl. PLAYhlD OUT. Dull headiche, pain In various part of the body, sinking at the pit of the stom arh loss of appetite, feverlshnes, pimple or sores sr all positive evidences nf itn pure blood. No matter how It hecam so It must be purified In orur lo obtain guoi halth. Acker's Blood El.xer has never fid'' to cure scrofulous or syphilitic io: sons or ony other blood dlaeuses. It I certainly a wonderful remedy and w s-ll every bottle on a positive guarantee For aale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. mingle women, on sn evernge, live longer than single men. TELLOW JAUNDICE CURED. Suffering humanity should be supplied with every means possible for Its relief. It la with pleasure w pupllsh th follow ing: "This la to certify that I was a ter rible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by soros of tha beat physicians In our city and all to no avail. Dr. 011, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; aad after taking two bottle. I was entirely cared. I now take great pleasure In recommend ing them to any person suffering from this terrible malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky." Sold by Estes-Conn Drug C. In Aunlrla 14 Is the legfil sste for mar. rlage for both men and women. CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. Tha Kind You Haye Always Bought Bears the Signature j., ur uivut. , Jnaerniila,l'aliialn Pimp e. Luflinaaa 1 ElBCfORC SSaAFTCR allthlorrcirao(liiiiwiiiey. 4 tiflln; r.rlmuuu UwUvvr, UK U ;uiii-7aaij oi-urinary orvanaui SU UUDurlUea CrrtCrfK ritewgtherrsandratereiiamallwakari(aiia,i,- . -. . t. ; i T reaaoo smTerera are not curau by lloeinr la berHiiae ninety pir rent are tronblad wltb Sroalll, CDCI DENX la tbe only Known remwl to cur without an operatlun. rWKiiMiilmonl sla. A written rurarileglv and monay returned II atx Ihkmi tfn jiot wluii a iMrmuuauKiura I M a bos, si S my ll. by naiU. frnil f of rax a H:il)iir arid leailmonlal ' , idrMAVLHilIt'IliCOP.O,l'imolVai,cW.o.Cnl. TrRnlmM CHARLES ROGERS. 4&I Commercial BL CHIEF OV POlJCIfi HAI.IC. N'otli- It herhy alvi thai by virtu of a warrant for Ilia ooilwtum of a it. liiiUU-nl arMmint for tne lmiror;vttt In the lty of 4.1 ir:, Oraun, towm lond strwt, friHn Firty-StH-oud lJ Krty nfth strsot, duly imtl bv the au.Utnr and tHlli jiulsA ut s-kld oily, by ilirw tlori of lli coninioii rmtiv-ii vi uil sini wartxMt ixiiiig ,i(et in 171 . day of Hit tha tvtotter, INtm, t, m (llr.-tr.f, and th aNiii(uit on liU-h s-wtilml auioiidtiiig io n wun hum inn inervoii at Ilia rule of I ior oont .,r n mi in (roin tlis slat liny of Xlareh, IKK and tnMng Hiilnat ih folluwlng nattied parson towltt tt Marion an.l II, MoOormn.-k. owner of the following deai-r.-ou real proix-rty low tt, lot li, blm-k , ilvMt In the Port of I'm Amonn. as Inl.l mil suit v'ii1l ty ohn Allr, and n'ii Htiniimt nK dmcr!lel proMrlv, and which wnrrunt eoiiiniaiul me to iii.nkn Uvy iiun nnd nlu ni A, crlle. rtertv. In older to siitUty silil Wurmnt and stilil aamtiiinii hh.I in. Iteilier with the Inleieat thcrroll ami the ia and ticn.v of aul sule, ami iniinii.iiit to a.iui ririwnt nn-l the coin- 1 "leroln contained, I did, on the .th ilrt)' of Novenmor. yxi, Uti y hvy ,, ,, Rl,ov- dc.rrll.ed ieJ,r imVrly. nn. I I wi:, on the liilli day of t)ceinl,r at ti.o nur in u ovioca n tha (,i n,ii or soul diiv, ni th, rourt lioua dvmr, towlt- Hie entiHince ot snlil .-otirt linii.e on i:ikhih eirvci. In th i'Iiv of Aaioria, tVumv of ciaiaop. Hut of iin-aon. vll iuil. I di-acnbiM rel property ivl publlo auction In the bin Ileal l.i.i.V-r (or ch. In ti. d e.ii.i U uBfy aald aaa'-aaiiieiil, the lutTr.t tiinreou. and lh txmla and exnena of ail as aforiwnlil. and lha a.i-nilng rust Dated al Aaloiirt, Oteg'M,, tlis lllh day of November, isw. Chief of Police ot Astoria, Oregon, CIllF-r Or POUCH 8AI.K. Nolle Is hereby slv r- tliat by virtu of a warrant for the colln-iion of a it linuueiil (or lha mpruv nnil lu Ih oity of Aaioria, oravon. town: l'ond tral, (rmi Forty-aecoml to K'rly fl'th ie4. duly auetl by ih uditir and policw of .n.l ellv bv dli-u-tlaxt vt Ih common nxincll of sM clly. swid warrant being dated th 17th day at IMnhvr, lva, to m dirktd, and th a wamem on whu-h am-Hinlliig to UK with Intarest thereon at tha rwt of I per cwnt per annum frum th list d. y tf Varch, ;.'. and bn(ng aaralnat th fullowiaa' named persona, to It; R. Marion nnd II. UoCWaiack. owner of th following nacrtb) real protwrty. lowtt, Kk tt, bl.Hk l a ub dlWWd in th I'oel of Uww Aatoria sa hud out and rrdid by John AiUtr. and aiao asaliiat anld deaortlmt pruiwrty, and which warrant commaiwl m to niaka levy upon and al of aaid d snited property. In ordr to aatufy said warrant and said wMmm and to. rethar with th Intamii theot and In ivat and S4Hna(i of a Id aala, and pursuant to said warrwnt and th com mand therein contain. I did, on lb 17th dav of Novamuer. ISM. Jul law upon th abov drecrttied real property, i and I win. on n itn day ot ioomir, Ivrl, at th hour of 11 o'clock In th forenoon of U1 day. at th court bona door, lowit: ihr entrnne of l4 court h"u on Ktabth s'reet In th City of Aatoria. tuntv of Clataop, Stat of I'rriron. sell sold descrltml ra proirty at public auction to tne nitrneai Dit.tar for i-wah. In C. f go.d coin, 10 Satisfy .tld aanwament, ih"iii".t iherson, and the ixats and aspen- of sal aforeaald. ami th accruing cost Datrd st Astoria. Oregon, th 17th day in November. lv, E. UAI.U-K. Chief of Pollc of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF IKUCi: SALE. N'otlc la hr.-hy U'-.n by ttrtu of a warrant ( ir th c;i. tiott of a d- I Il'iue-it aaaeaamnil for lha In pn'Var.t til III Ih illy of Ai'"r:a, irn. lowil; liond stn-et. fr.nn Kortv-woml lo Ftly. (I.'th tfrel. dlliy l.allrd by th" lld t..r and h)Iic )uJa o( aa.. cltv, by Ulrc lion of lha coitnn xi i-ni.u-il of aald cliy aald warrant b.iti daml uie 17;h day of iMotx-r. KX t mo dim txd. and th aaae-jiment on wh h ajincinn.1 amounting In flS) with lnt"re( thereon at Ih rat of t par cam per annum (nim ih Hal day of March. K. ami Imlng aailn.t tl. following namd pvraon towlt: R. Marlon and II. MoCurntack. owner of thai (ollowinr doattitw-1 real property, towlt. lot U btak I. a sub divided In lha Port of l'p-r Aai.iru. a laid out and (worded by John Adair, ami also analpat a... Oeaeriln-4 protx-rly, and which warrant cotiniiiiuU ma t mas le-y utin and ait" nf aal. I de sinoed pronartv In order lo Mtlafy said warrant and s.tld aaaeaunent an I -leihar with the inter! thenoii and th coat a and in-nae of ald aal. and purauant to said warrant and th com mand therein e.intaned. I did. on ih 17th day of November l.nat. duly levy upon the above dacrlbe.l rent pronarty, and I will, on th Kth day of December, im. st the h'ur of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of rnd day. al the court houa door, loan ih- nnttMnc of aald court huuaa on K'ahth a-reet. In tha City of Astoria. County of Clataop, Htala of Oregon, sell aul.l dew-ritwal re.l pronorty at publio am-iion to Ih hlvhmi bl-Mer (or caah. In l". ft gold coin, to aattafy aald aaaranivnt. th .iifreat ihere-xi. and the cata and exnrnae of aal as aforeaaid. snd 'he a cruing roata. Dated st Aatori i uregon, the 17lh dajH of November, lvw. E HALLOCK. Chief of Police of Astoria. Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE HALE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue Of a warrant f ir the coIrctlon of a de I ngu ml aaai-naiiient ;nr the . niprove'iienl In the r ly nf ,a'ii;l. tlreitm. 'owl. liond tr-et. from Ir ort--i ond tu Forty fifth street, duly laaiinl by the ami lor anl polii J u. I ar - of and cl- by illiec tlun of thn rnmmon council of will city lid wurriint b-lng iljl.-.! the 7t h day of tlrtolH-r, N"t, lo m dire. ted. nni the .io-.Hii)i'nt on wn . h apeclfled nninuntlng lo 13 l1 with Interrat liierin at Ih rai of I t er cent per annum from the Jlat d iy of March, Ki, anl ting against the following named petaon. tunli: n. Marlon and II. Mi'ormsrk. owner nf lha (i-.'owlnr deacrllel fcal IrM-rty. toait, lot U. block S. as sub divided i the Port oi I'nper Aa'intt, us In I1 out and r-t nnled bv John Adair, and alao ni) iln.t aald it i'rlt-i properi)', nnd whrh wiirtnt rummiit'la me to in levy upon mid . ut mII il acribed proiwny. In ordi r to a.ulafy said wnrrunt sml aalo uaaeaaructn mil to Kether with the lnteni i hereon and Hie oat a and exiH-nara nf a.ild aale, and rurauant to said warrant nnil the corn truind therein conta r.ed I dlu on th 17th day of Novi-mb'-r. 1-4M. nuly levy upon trie Ui .ciiih-o r 1 1 property and 1 will, on the wth 'lay ol li'-cemlj,.r W. at the hour of II ii'ttni k In Ihn foil-main of nil. I die ut I he court hooao -lixir. town: Hi., eniraiice of a.ild nur( houa on KlKht.i airei-t In the t'I'y of Aaioria, Count- of fiat-top. Hute at Oregon, sell aald di-scrllmi real property at public mn'l"ii id the liUheat bbMer for etiah. In 11 H goal ruin, to sutlafv aald aaaeasirient. the Int. .e..' i In. icon, and t ro's nnd -xpena of sale aa aforesaid, and tho a.'cruinr cost Dated at AHturia, uregmi, the 17: h day ot isovemuer. vsn. E. If ALLOt'K. Chief of Police of A:orlu, Orvgon CHIEF OF POLICE BALE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for Hi nil'evtlon of a de- I nquenl MsS'tShnr-nt for inn rnnro 'eir.ent in ins city ot Aatoria, orcuon, town It-ind street, from Kurlv-ai'i-oiid to Forty. fifth street, duly lasued by the auditor and pour jiintf or said city, ny uirec tlori of the common council of snld rlty, snld warrant boltur dated tho 17th day ot Ortolwr, U'Jl, to me dire-led. and the HS-teearnent on which spi-cltliKl nmoiin'ing t B.W with Interest thereon at thn rate or a rer rent ni-r annum from tne .Hat uy ot Marrh, IS1HI, nnd being airnuiat in. following mimed pornotia, towlt: ' R. Marlon and II. McCormack, owner of tho follnwlnir described real properly, towlt: lot 11. blook 8, as soli- rt'vt'led in tin- rort or upper Asrorm, as mm out and roconieii uv jonn Amur, nnd lao against snld ileacrlli'd uroiicrly, snd which warrant rmtnunlH mo to make levy upon nnd anl of snld dn- srrlnerl property, in order 10 annul-' said warrant and sold Hsa-aament nnd to gether with the intM-est thereon and thj coat und expenxea of said sale, una purauant to snld warrnnt and the com mands therein coiita ned, I did, on thn 17th dav of November, IKIH, duly levy iinon the alinva dcarilbed renl nroncrty, and I will, on the l'Hh day o( December, ir. at tne nour or 11 o ciock in me forenoon ( siild (lay. at the court house (ioor, towlt: the ontranc) ot said court 3 HAIjHOOD RE8T0REDS tlon of a fsmoua French pliyaKHan, will quickly cur toi ner m, geuerauve iirKana, aiich a IrfialMmihooil Ilia ll.u k.Hcmlnal jimiwiloin, Nervon Debility, to Marry, Kxliaumimr Draliia. VarVwele ai J hrxMl, Loiiatitmuoii, iiauipanll limf by day or nlelit, I'reysnu inlck rfraanl Ciai'lianr. wlileli If not rhertrM (in,u ,. h.,, io-. u,l house on pihih airset. In h CHy of Aatoria, tVtmly of Clalaop, Mtal of Orvimn. toll ,iil diorlbml real pi overly M pt!'llu siiotloti to Ih liUlieal Udder (or ewah, In If, B, gold coin. 10 a - V siild asaeaamnui, (lielnieresl tlioreon, and th ooat and aiiwnain o aall as afofMeaid, snd h accruing costs. Dated at Aatoria. ttrrgon, tli I7ih dsy of Nuvember, im. Clilnf of Police ot Astoria, Oregon. flllicr W I'OUCIC HA I.1C, Nolle la hereby slven thai by vlrlii of a warrant (or lliu txille. lion of a do lUluilmil aaai'Sa.iient lor Ihn lniir ivotiietil In l ie I'Uy of Aatorln. tin-lion, lowlli Jioml alronl, from li'oiy-m'iind to Forty. I rill street, duly jaauml by Dm amlllor and polic Jiidgo nf paid clly. by dlr.Hi ihm ut lha common tHiuii'll ut sild cliv, said warrunl bolug date.1 lha l?t It .lay of O'lolier, lN!H, o m directed, and III lUai-aaiiiKlit on which icllld ninoutitlng to Ittil with luloreal tlincoti at Ihn mm of II Per Hnt per annum fro.n lit Slat day of Mur. h, IVM, ami being aitulnat the following Itniuoil pxiauoa, towlt; 11, Marlon and II. M.Voniiack, owner of thn fullowlurT (laacrlbed real proiwrty lowll; lot I lilo, k . aa aiib- oiviueo in inn fori of n lit I.I out and t-.l of I :pier Aalorla, l by John Ailiir, ii aieo aiiuiiiat aald doaorllHxl irieiy, and which warrant coiumamt ma lo liiak levy iiimhi and sal of said de .'iled pieily, In order lo anilely aulil warrnnt ami wild aaat-aammit anl to gether with lha Inlereat Hi.unoll and the .ts ami H-na of said sal, niM 1'iiiaiinjit lo a.i id warrant and ih coin tnaiida llierolii cotuain, did. on th day of Novniiilwr. lalM, duly levy liln III sIniv deacrllml renl property, "...I -.mi, n ihp mui nay oi I oeinir jiv, m in nmir ot II on clock In th p( sold day. al lit court hmia door, towli! the Milranca of aui euuil lioua on MKhtlt atraet. In th City of or t-iaiBu-i, mat of deacrtld real iitocariy 10 Ih hlvhaal hl.l.t.a (or i-wah. In U , In U. . gold coin, lu satisfy ainani hltiler 'Sereo,,, Mtlj and eitvnii.- of sal a aulil eMnaam lha iala aforesaid, and ita Kns I m lai.l at Astoria. Orwgun, in liih day ot November, liwal, Chlf ot Polio B,AatorK''o:r.on. ciucr orpoijcK balk. Notice I bsroby givsn lhal by vtrtu of a warrant for Dm roll. um uf a d ini ient aa..ment for th ulirovwi-ii In ih etiy (f Aatoria, oreaon. town: llmid atre-t, from Forty-otid lo Forty, flfih -trent, duly lud by Ih auditor and r-'Hc Ju.laa of sab city uy dlrc lion or th cenumsi council of aald cliv akl warrant be. tig dale.) Ih Km day nf IMohar. la, to ma dinacted, and th aawanient ,m whu-h -wind anomnllng lo UW with tnlrwt tharwori st lha rat of I oar cent jtaarwliuum frota th llat day of March. ItCN, and blng alnl h following named parauna, twll R Martoa wnd H. Mot-rm.k, oWAar Of th following deecribed rJ proiNirty lowlti lot S. blK-k I. a ub dlvl.le.J In Ih port of l'ipr Aatoria, aa raid out ami rwordnd by John Adair, and alao agalnal aald uoaorltvrd protwrty, and which warrwnt commaiula ni lo mak levy upon ami aal of awld da sort' ' property. In order to allry aald warrant and aald aauiinnt and lo. gethar with th Intarwl thereun and the iai and steti of aald aala, and puru4it u aid warrant and th com mand therein ri)nmm.J, I did. on th 17th day oi NovnnlK-r 1ki. duly levy upon Ih alHiVn drx-rlbeit leal properly, and I will on the Ktti day oi DeceiutM-r, iMMt, at b hour of a o'clock In th f.ftrn.a.n of atl.t ,tr al Ih court houa door, loan- Hie irtitranc of aald rourf . houa on Klghlh trel. In Ih t'lty n( ! Aatoria. County o( ilalaoji. Hiata of ureaon. ell anui ueacrilnil r4l i.roparly at publlo am-Uon lo Ih hlhe M.ldar for caah. In I . H. eol.l i-oin to alify .ild a aaiiicnl. h Inirreal heron. a no III rst and rwna of aal as aforeaaid, and tha a. crtiitig roata. lat.M ai Aaioru, tiren, lb Kth day of November, IV. E. IfU.iM'K. Chief of Polic of Aatoria, Drrgon. CHIEF OF I'uUt'K 8AI.K. Notli-o la hereby given that by virtus of a warrant (or Ih ml In I. on of a de liniuent aiaeaamenl (or Ih Ininnveitienl In Ih rtly of Aatoria. ttregnn, town; liond atrot. fnim Kony-nou, to F"riy Pdh tri, duly iun by th ami, lor and poll-' JudgB of aald rlty by direc tion uf tha rominin roiinell of sd city aaid warrant bniijc deled tha 7lh day of lt.-tolr. Iva). lo rn dlrntrd, and th aaaeMtmani on whu h apn-inwl amounting lo Us) with Intarawl thereon at lha rat of i per "nt tr annum from lha Hat day of March, I 'OH. and being agalnal the followlnaT named person, lowll; It Marlon and II. McOrmwrk. ownr of lha following dnu-rllint real pruMUiy towtt; lot . hhk s. a sun. dlvldni In th Port of t'pM-r Aatoria, aa tub! out jmI re. orde.1 by John Ad-ur. and alao axalnai uld itra-vsbeO profwrly. ami which warrant contiaatal ma lo mak levy tln and aal ol aa:d d rtld property. In urdr 10 wtiaiv aald warrant and snld aaaraaineni and to gether with Ik I nl owl lhernn and Ih roata snd esprnam of ald sal, and purauant to aald warrant and th Co mniU therein ronlauiml. I did. on Ih 17th day of NovmniH-r. duly lew iifm Ih ahnv derrttei1 real properly, and I will on tha luth day of lioc.-mlx r. Km, at the hour uf 11 o'clock In th (ormoon of uld day. at lha court houa il.r. lowil: the mitranre of aaid i-urt houa on Eighth irt In the City of Aatoria, County of Clataop, Hlal ot (regon, sell Kill dearrlbed real property ivt publln atirtlon lo the hlsheat bidder for caah. In f. H. gold coin, lo sallafy audit aaacanmniit. Ilia Iniereat Ihnrron and t! and rxpma of aula as aforeaaid. snd lha ai cruing eoila. Dated at Aatorln. Oregon, th ITlh day of Nuvetiitier, IK! E. II ALU 'If Chief of Police of Astoria. Oregon. CIIIEP OF POI.ICF. HALE, Nmlc la h'eby kI en that by virtus of a warrant for Ih col', mm of .In. I ll liient aaaeanmnt (or Ihn Imprivrr ent in inn cny ni Aaioria, Oregon, towlt liond atroel. from Kortv-ai-rnml to Woriv fifth street, duly laaiosl by thn and tor ami ioiic piuga ot aald rlly, hv direc tion of Ihn com.noii council of aald rlty aaid warrant being dated the I7lh day of DctolH.r, iMit, In inn dire ted, snd the iiaa.-inent on whh anocltlnl iimounllnu to UJft wl:h Inlereal thereon at the rule ot i per rent tier annum rruin the Sa day of March, ISM. and being ngaluai the to.iowin" ruimrii pnraon, lowll. It. Marlon and II. McCormark. owner of lha following described real pro;-riy, lowil: lot , hbe k Ik ns auln ni"' in me rort nr t poor Aator a, a lino urn aim ptorneo oy jonn Adulr, nn. nlao nualnat aald ilr.crihr-d nron.-; iv and wti ch warrnnt rommiimla nie lu make levy upon nnd aula of e i... acrlbed nroperly, In order Iq sallafy aald warrant snd nlo asaoeameiit iind to. get her with the Inlen-et thereon and Ih ""I" "no eapenar or annt am, and purauant lo anl.) wnrrunt nnd thn com mand therein enntn. tied, I did, on Ihs iim unv ot ,-ovemiM-r, duly vy oie-n in. .mon ui-arnum rein prirperty, and I will, on tho 1'Uh ,av nf IVeumlp IKiet, at the. hour of 11 o'clock In the lorcnooii oi aiuu oy, in the court house door, towlt: Ihe entrance of anld court houae on hlirhth at reel In th Cliv nt Astoria, Cminly of Clataop. Hint of Oregon, sell snld described renl properly ni yiiinii nucinm in inn niitneai lilililer rnr cnan, in ii. n. goto coin, lo sallafy atld aoHament, the inl-rrat Ihnreon, and tha ooat a and exiienae or anl . aforesaid, and tha n-crnlng costa. imieo at Aaioria, uregon, the nth day t Novcmbor, 1(08. K. HAI,IX)C1C. Chief of Police Of Aalorlit, Oregon . CHIEF OF POLICE 8ALI0. Notice Is hereby Klven thin bv virion nf a warrant for llm rollecilon nf a dn I nnurl.t lis karn 'lit fur thn lmnrvum.iril In the clly of Aet'irla. Ortigon, 'owtl Itond street, from Furty-serond to Forty fifth street, duly IkhiiciI bv thn niuliii.r and police JuiIko of snld cliv, by illicr tlon of the common council or snld city snld wnrrunt being dntnl Ihn 17th day of Oi'tobcr, 1HWI, to mo dlrivteil, nnil (lie RKaeeHiiinnt on Willi h sper-Htnd ammintinK to with Internet I hereon at (he rule of 8 tier tent ner annum from Ih :iiui ii,u of Iar(h, IMM1, nnd being Against the following rumed porsons, towlt: R, Marlon and II. McCormnck. owne of the following described renl property, towlt: lot 7, block H, iih auw. divided In the Port of Ilpiier Aslorla aa laid out and recorded by John Adnlr ami also nguitiat snld '"rrllM-d nroneriv and which warrant communds me to make lovy upon and sale of said d scribed Drnnorty. In order to antlafi ...ia wnrrunt i nil anld iinHOSHinxnt huh ., n-rwhor with ths I tit ore t tlmroon and h coats and expenses of aalo aula, nnd pursuant to said warrant and the com munds therein contained, I uiu. on the 17th day of November, Hurt duly vy linon Ih .fltwivn dear-rlhed rnol .nrnnarij and t will, on 111 liith day of' IWU. atthe hour of 11 o'cloilt n the :rctwn or ania, any, nt the court house '"ti iHinii uir --iiiiiiuo oj eiiiti roarr nilu nrt l.lnlll .Iran. In ln 111.. . . Astoria. County of ciatson. Htm f Oregon, sell said described renl properly irt publlo -auction to the hlgheet bidder for cash, In U. 8. gold" coin, to satisfy .mid aaaossinent, the Interest thereon, and th ot and fienae of salt aa aforeaaid, and Ih aii-nillig eosls. 1 Hi led st Aatorln, Oregon, III ITlh df Ot NOVIIIUT, IKHS. IQ, IIALUH-IC. of Aslorla, Oregon, Clil.f of Polio ClIILF OV POMC10 BAl.lfl. Notice la hereby given that by virtu nf a warrant (or thn colli, llmi of a il llliient aaaoaaiiuuit for ill ltiirovemnt In Ilia clly of Aalorla, ur.on, lowllt liond slreol, from lirly-se'oiid lo Forty, fifth street, duly leaned by lha auditor ami polic Jiblsa uf anld cliv. by illrmf I toil of Ih common council of aald city, snld warrant 'being dslml Ik lllh day of Itclober, I mis, lu inn dll'n led, and th neaamlll oil Wlltcll Sjni Mint alllolintlllg lo 11.40 with Intel el thereiMl al Id I at of I ir i-ont Hr Niniiim from Hie 311 day of M.crcli, ml tielng nttnlnal ill follow ing liamnl erautis, towlt I 11. Mn noil and II, MclHirtnack, O Viler of III following deacrlbed rul properly, lowll; o . block H, sub divided in Ih Port uf I'l'i'i'r Astoria, as laid out and recoiled by John Aoalr, ami alao uhhIiiI anld dicrllil properly, and wlicli warrant coiumuiui in Id lnakn levy upon and anl uf a de acrlbed propel ty. In onlor ID anllafy Said wiilrani and anld aaaeaamiu ami lo gaibar with Ih Inlnreel (lioieoti and the cnl and enpenaea of aald aaid, and purauant lo aald wnrrant and ill oin iimti.l I heroin contiilnwl, I did on Ih I. til day of November, I Mm. duly levy llH.ll ha alxiVn deacl'lbml Sml pl iprrly, and I will, on 1b pith day of lim-ombr. 11. at llm h-tir uf n o'clock In ih foiemMiii of anld day, at th court houa door lowll' Ihn eiil nun uf aaid court In tie on i:iihil eireot. In the City of Aalorla. County ol llalaop. Hist of tlreaon, aell anld deacrlbml leal inoiierly at public auction lo th Idaheal hUldar (or caah, lii U. H. gold oplu. to latlafy ild a.auieill, i Iniereat ihnreoli, and tli poai and exponao ot sal aa aforeaaid. and III a.rrilllig coal. Iatl at Astoria, uregon, the IT Its dy at November, IMH H. MALUM k'. ChUf of polic ot Aslorla, Oregon. chief or roucm iiaix Noilr la hereby giva thai by virtu ff a warrant fur th ixtllaa u of a 0 I lyunllt aaaeaiuni (Or tli llliU"v.x. . M lit the city of Aatoria. tHnjoa. towlti fifth strawl, from Forty-swiHind. lo Forty, fifth tran, duly Uunl by lias dllor and polu )uds ut eoJd i-Ky. by dlrawj tlon uf Ih 0041111K eaaimll of atd clly. Sk warrant bung dulJ lb Hth day oi U-iaur. Us. tu ill dlralad, aad Ih aaeamnt on whUh iind amouatlng to U.4D with mlarwet tharwirt at th rwt u I tief ;ui iNr BJiuum fru th nt oy Marvh UM. and . lealug astwlaai Ih followliuc named pvotus, tuwlli It. Marios and It. MoConiuui. ow.ur of tk following daarlb4 r4 Ulvl.U.1 In Ih l-urt of Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by John Adair, and aUu auit aald ilnrtlM. pr.periy. and whhdi warrant omnmande m to lvy upon and aal ol aaW dv s.ritl prupariy, In urdor lo otify said warrant and said aaawaamenl and l- ' ,ri" intr.l ihaeeutt end th coal aiid eapna of aald aal. and nureoaw.t lo ald warrant ami the Oora maiide therein rontamad. f did. on lha Kth day of Novanibvr, U duly vy upon lha abov derlbd rl proiwrty, ami win un Ih lath day ol IWmbar, liris, at the hour e( 11 o'clock in th (urnutn uf snld day, al in couri houa dour, towiij ih n trance of aaid court hoU.e on Kisaih trei In lha City of A.lorl, County of Clatsop, gtal of Oteaon, Sell aald dH-rlun real rorlr at publlo auction o tha hlalie! bl.l.lrr for ni.ii, m U. (I. gold coin, lo sallafy ld ramrni. th Iniereat iW.mi. and lha I-...1 ami riinaea u( aal formaid. and th a. cruing coala I'atr at Aalorla. tiivguii, Ih l.lh dy o( .So lender, lm ' K. MALUii'K. t hlef of polic of Aalorla, Oregon. CIIIEP OF I'liLtCK bALK. NotU'e la herrby si en thai bv virtu of a wariant (or th ciic tu.n of i I iH'.rnt aaanj.otirni for ih mpro rnunt in ih city of A.i"iin. ureauii, town: liond ire, (rom Foriy-anund lo Forty fifth itrnn, duty aiiiHl by Ol auillUir and polite jtidgn ut a.u.l clly by dlrrr I loti ut Ihb rumimnji council of a4, rlty aaid warrant being dale.1 lha ITlh day of ll.-tol-r. Iw. i m dIMa led, ami Ih a a e-i un whi. h ptmirlail aniitMlng lo 1J40 with Interact ihmm at the rale "! ' Fr r"1 ,rf annum from th 11. 1 dy ( March, l and l"-ing Srnlliat lh folly wing named twraona, luwU; It. Marlon and II. McCurmac ownr of lb following described rl pruporty. lowit: bat jv. lilN. (. .a ub dlvi.lnl In lha port of I opnr Astoria, a laid out and raaonln! by hn Adair, ami aajalruM raid derbm) lroporiy, ud wha-ti warrant rwinnuua re lo mak lovy ui.n and aal uf aald d a rll.e. pnjpnrly. In order lo aallaiy said warrant and said aaaeaamsnt and to enhr with th Itilornii hrun and lb t and esiwnaoa of aaid aale, and pilfauanl lo aald warrant and tha com ma ml iherelii mniainnj, 1 dbL on the nlh day of November, Im duly lav y upon the alv d"-rltd real property, and I wilt, on th pith day ol I)eonmjer. 1"M. at Ih hour ut 11 o'llmk In th (orrniem of Sold day, al lit court houa doir. tuaiv th enlrirwn of ni, rourt boua on Eighth irei. In th Cky of Astoria, County of Clatsop, Hlat of Irregon. aoll aald deecrionl iral properly M publlo ailcll.rtl tu III lllsheal l,.,lrr for h. In 0. 8. gold coin tu aallafy aid aaai .anient the inlereal tnr'Mi. and Ih coal and riponao of aalo a aformnld. and Ih ai cruing roala. Dated at AalorM, tMegon, ihe 17lb day oi November, IKM. ,,,... K- HALUi. K. tiller of Police of Aaloiu. Oregon. ClllhF OF PtiUCK HALE, Notice is hereby given that by virtu of a warrant (or the colle. lion of n d. iiiuueiii m.i a-m, nt jo- tin inn In the clly irf A. lord. Oregon, town; Hoii.l atrrnl, from I'orty-.econ.l a Parly. Ilfth street, duly lunl by the stidiinr snd p ilp n Judge of aald rlty v direc tion .if Ihe comnio'i council ut a il l city snld warrant blng dall th ITlh day of Octnlx-r, PC'S, In me dlrnted, and Ih aa.i-'Mrnt on h . h ao lllcs atnoiintlng lo 1X40 with I nt ere t thnrwaii at lb rat of i yrr retii iwr annum (rum thn ai.i day of March, 1MKJ and leuig annual th following named -eraoiia, tuwll: 11. Marlon and II. McCormark, owner o( Ihn followtnr dnacribed real iro'i ly towlt: lot Jl, l,. k a aa aub divided In the Purl of Upper Aloria, a laid out ami rec"rdd by John Adnlr and alao naainat anld ileacrklMil properly', ".! which warrant coininan.ia mo to lnakn vy main und aale of ani'l de scr.tied property, In order lo sallafy said wnrrunt nnd anld aawaameni ami to gethnr With thn Intranot lir.-oii and Ih coata and expenae of auld aale. and pursuant lo aald wnrrunt and thn com mnmla therein ronlaned, I did. on th ITlh day of NoveiulM-r, 1H1W. duly vy Upon the above deacrlbnl ri properly, a-nl I will, on th Pith day of Dncemhar 1NM. at the hour of 11 o'clock In the foremxin of anl. I day, nt Ihe court bona uoor. mwir: ine euirnnce or anul court hutian on Kllilh street, In thn City of Anionic, l Olllliy Ol ViniSOfl Hint of Oregon. Snll wild described real pionerlv natortn, County o( Clntsop Htn Oregon. Snll anld deacribnt rnl or lit publlo auctlim n the blulieat blibler (or caah. In U. 8. gold coin, lo sallafy snld aaai'samctit, the Interea. ihereon, and Kin tot ami exnnnaea or al afornanid, and th accruing coata Dated at Aatorln, Oregon, th llib 64 ui iiiivuiinivr, invn. n, . . H. IIALIX-K Chief of Tollc of Astoria, Orei son, CHIEF Ot" POLICK BALE. Nitlce 'a herebv ulvnn that bv vlel ut. nf a warrant for Ihn colln tlon m n ,n. Illi'iuent liaaeaenicrit fur llm llopciveiilent i inn cny oi rtBioriu, ureglin, lowlf intid strnol, from Foriy-se 'tinil to borty. I.'l'i alrect. duly lastled bv thn amtli.l Hint nnllrn lllilin lit aulil elti. I.u .,i. tlnn of the common council ut anld city laid wnrrunt being dated thn ITlh dav ut Oi'.oher. IWig, to mo dlrn iod, and the naaeeanienl on whk h snecifli-d amoiinllng lo 12.41) with Internal t her mm nt the rate of 8 iinr font Mir atinitm (nun the 311 tiny nf Mn r ch, IMiti. itml hiiig iikiiIiimi tn. louowiiig luimeu Hiraoii, town, 11, Marlon and II. McCormnck. swner of thn following deacrlbed renl Pro-i"Tty. towlt: lot H2. block u n. .ni,. rllvldcd In thn Port of Upper AhIoiIii as Inlil out nnd recorded by John Adnlr nnd nlao nuiiliiwt snld ileacrHn-d i.rom.rt,, nnd wlU-h warrant commnnila inn lo niiKe levy ii m it and an In of aald dn aci'llied properly, In order to sutlnfy anld wnrrunt nnd wild naeNmcnt and lo. "iilller with the Intercut I hereon im.i ix. coata and expenarm of aulil alo, nnd pursuant to snld warrnnt and thn com mnnila thornln contained. I did, on the 17th dav of Novomlior. 1MIH. dulv upon thn above dearrllind ronl nropnrtv Mn.l f ...111 .... . k. Illlt. .1..., ... 1 . ' . win, on in. nun . i.t jr ui i.'oc:erniinr lvis, nt thn hmir ot 11 o'clock In th forenoon of sulci dnv. nt I lie court, hnime door, towlt: the entrance of snld court hotiMn on Kltflith street, In the Clly of Aatoria, County of Clataop, Btate Of Oregon, soil swtlrl deacrihod real properly svt publlo auction 'to the highest tildder (or cash. In U, H. roltl coin, to satlafy snld sHMessnient. tn Interest thereon, and ths ooMt und expense of sul a afornanid, and th accruing costs. Dnted nt Astnrla Oregon, th Uth day of November, im . . Chlat of Poilc of Aatoria, Oregon.