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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1898)
TIIIC DAILY AST0K1AN. MNtJAVoMOmW. UmXMM 4, iris-H. ClIANDLKu ON TUB "oJr-N doou" roucy. Omgr Will K.tiai't Tariff legislation After Hpitln I Paid From Havenum Under ihu Military (lvirniiint. NEW YOUK, Dae, l,-eiialnr William K. Chandler, i( New Hampshire, In an Interview with k Washington correspond, nt of ths Trillium, had Ihl 10 y about lha amps Kiwi meaning of tha "opsn dour" lurlfT policy wlilrli mnjr lis put In operation temporarily In Ilia Philippines: "Tlmr seem lo ti a general iiilmin dnratulidlu! of Ilia propound 'open door' policy of lb administration, "The pliriise In lla present application U lomewhnt misleading. 1 liava heard It miiti'iidi'd llinl If w Iniiiigrate llil policy foreign nullon who ara In cloeor jimalinlly to Din Philippine than lha United Unite will liava treat advunlag over ua In lha mailer of trade. Now. a inn 1 1 it of fni l, ilila policy will nol oonilniiM for any great Ifriatt ti of llm. "Thn president .ha no authority to preacrlh permanent tariff lawa for tha l'tillliilnr; that li a mngrraslminl func tlon ami must tie exercised rxcluslvity tiy rongreaa wlini tha laland have reached Ihidr normal pear condition. Tha nmalilniit In thn execution of lila dulle hn a only tha right (0 demand llml ttpaln evacuate Ilia lalande anil turn thoin ovar to tha United Hlatc. Than lia aei up a milliary government until auih tinia aa rnngrea may art. It real a with rongreaa In establish a pnniiniiit chain of rommortial relatlun anil tariff administration, "Aftrr Mwln ha loft III laland Ilia military liranrli of tha government takaa chary, Toon contra lha 'open door" po Icy. Ilia inrtrT raise art preecrlbed by tha military government whlrh ahall a p. ply not only lo European nations, but lo tha United Hi a tea aa well, No nation m earth la (Ivan an advantage, Tha ob. jart l aolnly to ralav enough ravaiiu to pay off tha UO.ono.on to Hpaln. That money will coma from revsnu derived from Kngland, Franc, Oermany, A marl ca; In fart svery nation. It ran b een therefor that foreign tiatlotia. on account of thalr convenient situation to lha Philippine will bava no Cnatsrtal advantaga over tha United Slat. "W will want In ralaa lha tm.ouo.ono lo pay lo Hp In, and Instead of being to our Slaadvantai, II will ba to our benefit If thraa nattona ran increase their trad a to lha 1'hlllpplii.a for tha lima being, thua Increasing tha rustoma receipts. Tha 'on dour' policy will pravall only at long aa II la necessary to rale tha (.v.u.uO which It la agreed to pay Pln Aftrr thla money la ralecd. then It will ! (Una for rongnse lo act. It will nai-t imb tariff legislation a It drain ropr. If It la dxldd to annex tha Islands, then custom dutlaa will b prescribed which will not give any f"r ln nation advaiilag over ua In tha matter of trade, "We all hv fre and unrestricted In teriunrae with the lalanda, while foreign liatliina will ta ohligrd Id pay dilllra on lha prodocla that they Import. Hence It ran ! errit that the 'open door' pul. Icy a mily a Icmporary mraaure, and, Inaiead of Iwlng to our dlaadvaiitaga, will rviiouud to our benefit. "If roiigrraa derldea lo grant the Kll Iplnna their mlriendrnr lhn they will ptonaliiy la irfillged lo pay ua Ilia tS'.oal do which w ara to give Hpnln. I nnd that the main uppoaltlon I j lha anne. tlon of tha I'h'llll'lnea cornea from pople who have all along hewn oppoard to the Indvpt-tiilrnc of t'uli. They ara dla. appointed In Ih fm I that Cuha baa bean frret, and. In Una with their vlewa on thla autie't ar oioed tr lha ai'ulion of th IMillllM-Hiea by the 1'nnd Mlatra, TTi cry of imiH-rtailam', la a mlplaol one. and I not only mtaunderatood, but nil rely unwarranted," , CHiri'KWA INDIANA , ,.. AUfc. (iKTTIMj I (ll.T. Jame Wanlen at 8uk Itapld lladly Whli-M In Making an Arr..l-. rhu Trouble Trareil. HT. I'AfU leo. 1 Another uprlalng of the Vhlpprwa Indian I llireainnad. ' The game warden at 8411k Itaplde haa I had a right with It of the red men, 1 whom he attcmptm! to arrrat. In which! he Iwdly hld. and alale Kama wanlen KiiKcrlon hna orilerrd that the I Indiana I ukeii Into luadxly, be the reault what It may. The Indiana declare they will realat all at temple lo rapture litem, and orguulie rebellion. Ttie Hank Itnpid deputy met the In diana In the wood and na each one waa tarrying ibn rurceaa of deer he at. 1 tempted lo arrcal them on a charge of having violate the gam law. In the right thai fallowed, th deputy wa j aevcrly ptinlxhrd and III rlllo taken from him. The Indluna warned htm agalnat ' following them, declaring they would never inn taken alive and threatened tu iH'gln ahootlng the moment a ioaac Ap peared In eight. damn Warden Kullcrlim haa notinrj the authorltlea that ha will puraiie the Indiana with a poea and aerlou trouble la fcarcl. AKTKUMATIl 1V TUB HIO NBW KNOI.AND STURM. Number of (.'nmmlltl'-a Not Vet Known and Other Vvaavla Milng-Oionn Llttera Arrive Hndly Duningcd. NEW yOHIC. Pec, l-Veaac that left port on November li bore the brunt of tha double hurricane. In many raaea the name of wreck alglucd at ea can not bA mad out and awenta ar worried, Otbvr Veaaela hnv not been heard from. . "1 don't know where tbo end will be," aald an agent In a I night, fwun Hon, thn ngciita for thu bark Olonelda, re colvcd word laal nlglit from Captain Corning that all waa wrecked mid that tho craw wna In Ilcrmuda. Shu wna abandoned on tho Will. The OlcncUla had cleared for Ittiono Ayrca, Word wua ulao received yratcrduy of the wreck of lha eehooner Kuto 8. I'MInt, The llntlah ateaniMhlp Haron Cawdor, Captuln Hutherliind, Jut arrived from Java had n Ixiat mid nolat eiiglne gear iimalicd diirlnir a 48 hour Hlrugglo with tha gale. Tho German atcntnaliip Gern, from Iirrmcn, which arrived with puaaeu. cra ycalerdiiy, hud Hi" forward part of tier milium Move In and her bridge elancliloiiM twlHtcd, Tlireo luirgv which were cut loono on thn Amind alnco Batiirdny huvo been icacmM fi"tu tho north alioro of Long lalund, Thirteen ateiimor were taken gafely Into Now llavon harbor toy a tug CANAL. MUST HE OUI13. WASHINGTON. Deo. 8,-rrcaldont I--lealu aald hi adlo to t'roaldnnt McKln ley today. )'r''eldent Iglealiia made It Clear that ho favored nn. International ujfrecinent, In whh tho three cnuntrloa olreutly Interested-tho United States, Nlenrngun and C'oata Rlrn-ahould taks common aetlon to prevent any lathmlan anal from paaaln Into tha control of foreign power. One of Mr. iKlealu' mun purttUHeaJn Rolnif to Jndn h to.forward a cbiinge to tho gold itanrtard, which t'oata Rica hu brought about under hli gnldiinoe, HtSALTJI CONtllTlONH Ann ..or iMrnovKD, Muclt Hkkn Yet I'rvvalla at Havana Manllnllun Mual Ha lmprovtd Ilafora Anmrlcnn TrOopi Enter, NIOW YimK, Ileo. t-A aperlal to tha Trltiutia from Waahlngton aaya: rlurgeon (lencml Wymun, of tha Murine huapllal aervlca, haa rrrntved a report from tr. W, V, Hrunnar, tha United Hltttca auiiltary Inapeclnr at H ivanii, civ erlng tha week ending Noveinticr 24, which ihnwe Utile ur no Improvament in thn hrulih ismdllloiia In Hint illy In aplle of Ihu t-rforia now being madn to prepare It for Km American army of occupation. In I lie week there war 4iu dmtlia, giving an amiiiiil death rata of IU.9 per I'Mi, moat of them being due to the lllthy (on- dllloii of thn city and tha lack of good food. Yellow fnver, innlnrliil fiver, nnd per cili lulu f. vi r ore credlled with caua lug rrapoKtlvely 4.IJ, M and I de,nha fi!l are allrltiilid to aulerlcla, 24 to dyaenlry, I to alarvalpm, I to pneumonia, and ui lo lulivrciiloala. Of the four raaeg f y. low fever iwo were ainoutr thn Hpanlali troirj' III tnllllary hoapllala and the olliera among olvlllana. r, llrimner Ihlnka there are le.a than W raaea In the illy, Tha rfpnr! rontlnuea! "I am at a Inaa to raiand why Ilia elioriiiinia death rata I'ontlnuea. The weather rundltlona favor a diw-rraa In lha death rata, and while 4ha city la nit hy and dirty In tha axlrema, 1 rannol ara that lha Aallv populatkr ahould b unuaually affected by aurh condition of affalra. There ara eom few eaaeg of malarial fever occurring among rrewi of veaaela In tha harbor, but they are mild In Ihetr nalur and yield to treatment. Mince MepiemUr 14 there muat hav been from It to 10 American at hoonera In thla port. Nearly all of them dlecharged ll.elr rargoea of lumber at Tallapledra wharf, or aoma lyher badly Inferfnl i)ck, but no known raaea of yellow fever have developed among tha men compoalng tha crewe In fart lha largeat death raa haa occurred In tha auburba of lha illy, ear i Ion a well removed from lha bay, thoa two known aa the Cerro and Vedado allowing an abnormally high death rata. Home attempt hav been mad to clean tha cliy, but they wera not mail Intent. gently and war not effective. Fir en gine hav been Uaed for Dualling the arwera, but aa Ihey merely pumped the water Into Ih alreeta. allowing It to drain Into eewere, little good waa ac eompllehwl. The work could hav been made mora effective by pumping; Into each n n of Ih manhole, nr catch baalna, be. ginning at Iba brad of the aewer and pumping to tha outlet. An abortive at 1' iiipl ha been mad to (Weep aom of the a I reel a by mean of wlihe tied to. aether. "Tha method were a ludlcroua aa they Were full;. Th eicret of hundrel of humrlne peip and hundreda of thae who have home line the aMewelk of aide atresia, and lha IndllTerenre ahorn tu theeo rondlllotia la remarkatile. even when Ih character of ha population la conaldcrett. g lo be hiwv that the city will t mechanically clean before the American troope are aKowed to rnier." WAIl Hllll'fl Wll.I. UK AMMKMItl.KI) Foil DI'TY. Aa Boon A I'oeallile They Will te drought Together al Hampton lloada and Aaalgned Htatlona, NKW YOIIK. Dec. t-A iell to Ih Herald from Waahlnainn eava There will lie no winter evolution of the North Atlantic juadron. A eoon a It I xtMn lo du o all th men of war will l aaaemlHed at Hampton Rnada, I here they will b divided Into ceparata dlvlelona for duty on aurh elation at may , e.t.bll.heJ. 'l'' hiteneral undrratandlng In naval 'circle that a Oulf aquadron will b I formM. Tha Kuruean will be re-ealab- ' Hhd. nd three alilpa will b aaa!gned lh0K AUnll w,,:r; o'inie iiniai win riapeev Rvnrifr, liciure the uiulruna ar formel. and tha au thorltlr ar ronelderlna; what dulv ahall t given to Hear Admiral 8. hlry In the rneantlma. KXTKN8ION OK TIMK WIM. NOT UK OHANTED. t'oiiolon Orantcd lha Jdnrallm Canal Comany Will Not Ho Kxtended Ity the Nlcaraguan Oovernmrnl. NKW YortK. Deo. t-The Time aaya: At the reqiicat of irealdent Zclaya, of Nicaragua, a pfraonal friend of hi haa l"l'ed a atntement preaentlng the atatu of the prnpoaed Nlcaraguan canal from the Nlcaraguan ilnndpolnl. After reviewing at ome length th detail of the Cardenaa.Mcnncal conci a- lon, which wa executed and tranaferred to Die Maritime Canal Company, the ftalrment la made that the company ha done no conatrnctlon work whatever lnce th conreaalon became 0crailv and con rlude aa followa: "Any claim on the prt of the Maritime Canal Company to any extension of it ronceaalon beyond October . IW, would bo treated the mereat effrontery by the Nlcaraguan government. Nlcnrngu an refuao to credit the rumor that tho company claim a right to an extension. The pretenalon term o propoaterou and ao wholly without Juatlflcntlon under thn term of the contract, or on a hnal of rcjiilty, that It doe not receive acrlona ronaldrmtlon. The government of Nicaragua haa now within the atrlct limit of It right, and avluntrd aolcly In the Intercut of tho ( republic, granted lo thoae who repro. emit ability, experience and capital, a ! contract to construct, operate and own 1 thn tnter-oceanlu rnnal, and to attain that object tho government hn not heiltated to grant to the new concessionaires tho moat liberal torma." CREDITORS CANNOT RKCOVER. PORTLAND. Deo. S.-Judge Ol'.brrt, of the t'nlted State circuit court, today , docldud that (hn statute, of limitation had . expired aa to tho director of the defunct Portland smvIiirs bank, and that tho do . poaltor ennnot recover from them. Suit wa brought by a depositor ogalnHt tho ' director to recover the amount of hi , denoalt, 1 M. A. A. C. WON EASILY. PORTLAND, Dee, J.-Thc Multnomah Athletic. Club today defeated the unlver Hlty of Oregon at football by a acoro of to 0. OT1CK OF A GENERAL P1LEC- on of the City of Aatorla. to be held In aald city on the ocond Wed- noidny, In December, 1893, towlt, on tb Itth day of ald month and, year. , t Nojlce la hereby given that thora will be a general city election held In U City . of. Aatorla on the locond Wednesday In December, 1S08, towlt, on the 14th day of anld month and year, for the purpose, of electing tha officer of aald city here. Innftqir dejlgpnted, .wen the hour of t o'clock a. m. and t o'clock p. m. of ald day, at tha polling placea hereinafter dealgtuued. eceeareM if MiifitaWaalk 9m'4'4'WTtfH f'JfiJl aHrar, uuvuo 1 Neglect ihould never b laid It may be lic worki harder go about it iu jut the right ami kret the effort. given many queen of iirK'M IJ tlH K. I. filltlHIIS 'ON PHI, (hicag, n c t' Victor Rost, Eleventh ft, not to Poatal Trlefapb OUlce. m WATCHMAKER CtigllMfi nnd Hwl All repairing dona br myalf, Hatlefaotloci guaranteed. THE Seventh and Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA .MINERAL WATEK, HI ITER, NOME, HICKORY AND SHAWS MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LiyiOKS, WINES, BEER AND CIGARS Served Dny AUGUST KRAT2, NO SHAM SALE! Having1 determined to move our business back to the city of Portland we hereby offer our entire stock of Ladies' and Gents' underwear, Em broderies, Lace, Notions, Toys and Oriental Fancy Goods, everything, to bo sold below cost. Chas, Kan & Go. .'567 Commercial SL OmCKRS TO BE ELECTED. I Ore councilman for th lflm ward of aid city, for period or trm of tbrno year, from lha flrat Monday In January law. One counotlman for tha Third ward of aald city, for a per.od or term of three yrara from lha data laat aforeaald. . Ono councilman for tha Second ward of aald city for period or term of three year from tha data laat aferld. On Superintendent of Street of aald city for tho term of on year, from tha date but named afereaaid. Ono couacilaoaa tpr Iba Second ward of amid cky for a period or term of on year from th data laat aforesaid. POIX1NO PLACES AND J U DOES AND CLERKS OF ELECTION, Tht tha polling place and th Judge and clerk of aloctlon for aald eleoiou ar hereby dealfnated and appointed aa followa: Ftrt Ward-Polllnr place No. 1-At brick flre-engtn houe on th corner of Aator and FourU atreeta, aald Cliy, Judge H. B. Farguaoa. Thomaa Mook and D. U. Stuart Clerk Eber B. Park. r and Olaf Anderaon. I'ollliig place No, 1 At engine houae No. X in cfcy hall building, corner of Com mercial and Eleventh atreeta, aald city. JudgI'. J. Goodman. William Edgar. Thomaa Dalglty. Clerk Grant Trull. Wiper and A. H. Dalglty. Second Ward-rolling riac Na I th Welch block, No. (&S Coranierclal at reel, aald olty. JudgeaWamea W. Welch, Richard Davl and C. R. Thorn. on. Clerk Harry Gray and J. E. Gratk. rolling rtaca No. t-At Columbia angln houaa No. I, on Exchange itreet, aald city. Judge Lud wig Larson. Gua UoenU gen and Olaf rateraon. Clerk Adolph Johnaon and F. P, Lelnenwaber. Third Ward-Polling Place No. t-At tha old achool houaa next to th Adair arhool houaa In that part of aald dty callwl tha Port of Upper Aatorla aa laid out and recorded by John Adair. Judge John Enberg, 11. H. Anderaon. Ole II. Olsen. Clrrka-O. F. Morton. Fred Wright The aeveraJ polling place and tha poll therein located, ahall b open from I o'clock a. m. to and until o'clock p. m. Thla notice la publlahed by order of the Common Council of (aid city, duly mad by revolution of aald body, paaied Thurs day, November 17th 1KH. Dwted at Aatorla Oregon, November IS, im. H. B. NELSON Auditor ana t'oitce juoe. City of Aaiofla. Beware of Imitations JOHN DUNOAN1 ON, aawf. NIW VOM. ilott's Nerverine l'ill m The grea remedy for nervous pro tratlon and f iTa W j, diseases of tla? ( ii.I'ou and v UoiMU. pans of either ytXi such M NerviMi Prostration, Falling os wT Mrtlwoct Ii'npQteney, Nlcntly Emls alqns, Youthfjl Errors,' Mental Worry, x (fjflve use, .of rITobacco or Opiuro whfch kid to .PanstiQptign and Insanity. $J.(.K) orr box by maUf 6 boxea for $5,00. -o. MOn S CHEMICAL CO.. Pros'. Clefeland. Qbltv For al by ESTEfl-CONN DRUG CO. IVof'i and IVcrry .8 t the door of housewife. than her neighbor; tut doesn't way. Her neightxr uses I -i-aw ' riaV ,.f tapns WASHIHfi PoWDS? hrr houe twfee at cVan with half F Gold Uimt U'asliinx I'owlrr Iih f; a woman the rtuUtioii ut ijeine y )iouekrrcr. h you uee itf a piii.aaie itreiiCHt economv. It Uau, i lerk, loU. niU-lf AND JEWELER Wnlchen n Hpecleilty. Muatn Iloiea reoalred. llarln Chronometer Rated and Repaired Se& LOUVRE nnd NIsHt. - - Manager CHITF OF TOMCB SALE. Nolle. I here,v"rJo7en ht t.v virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de. Unguent aeaeasment for the Imnrovement tn th rlty of Aatorta, Oregon, towlt: Thlrty-tlfih atreet. from Kranklln avenue to Duane atreet, duly Issued by the Audi tor and Police Judge of aalil city, by di rection of the common council of aald city, Mid warrant being daied the Id dny of November, Dot, to me directed, and the aenment in which peoned amounting to ti. with Interest thereon at th rate of I per rent per annum from the Ith day of September. 1S6. and being attains! the fullowlng named peron, to wit: Iiura M. Whalley. owner of the fol. lowing d-ncrlbed real prorwvty, to wit: lot 4. In block 18, In the Port of Upper Aatorla. aa luld out and recorded by John Adair, and alao agnlniet a&ld above de. acrilied property, and which warrant com manOa me to make levy upon and aula of ahl deaerlbed real property, In order to aatlafy said warrant and ald aasrs. ment, and together with h interest thereon and tha coat and ripen of ald aale, and purauant to aald warrant, and the command therein contained. I n il. mi the Mi day of December, lhys. duly levy upon the above deaerlbed real prop erty, and I will, on the td day of January, llf"9. at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of aaJd day, at the court houae door, towlt. the entrance of &ld court hnuao on Ninth atreet. In the city of Aa torta. county of Ctataop. State of Oregon, aell anld derr!bel real property at pub lic auction to the htarheet bidder for cash. In t'nlted Slate g-cHd coin.-to satisfy said aaeasnwnt tha Interest thereon, and the coat and expense, of aile aa aforeaald, and the accruing coat. Dted at Astoria, Oregon, the id day of December, 1KJS. E. HAIXOCK. Chief of Tollca of Aatorla, Oregxm. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice la hereby given that, by virtue of a warrant for thai collection of a de linquent aaaesament for the improvement n Ihe city of Astoria, Oregon, towlt.: Tenth atreet, from Commercial street i Kxehnnge treet.dtilv leaned by the Auditor and Pollcei Judge of mid city, liv direction of the common council of a.ld citv, aald warrant btnB dated the Sd day of November. 1SS8, to me dlreoted, and the aaaeaament in which "peoWed .-mounting to tue.M. with Interest thereon at the rata of 8 per cent per annum from the 6th dnv of September. 1SS5. and being acivlnel the followinK named person, to- wtrt :v. w. I'arker, owner or tne roltow imr dcscrlbenl renl property, tow-it : south W feet of lot 8, In block 44. In MoCIure'a Aatorla, and also agninst aald above de scribed property, and which warrant com mands mo to make levy upon and aale of amid described real property, in order to satisfy awtd warrant ana enta assess ment, together with the interest thereon and the costs and expenses of said aale, and pursuant to aald warrant and the commands therein contained. ' I d.d. on tho Sd day of December. duly levy upon the above described rrl property mi l mill on thn Sil dnv of January. 1S&. at the hour of 11 o'clock n the forenoon of said day, at the court house door, to wlt: the cr.rnnce to said court house on Ninth street. In the city of Aatorla. county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, sell said described real property at public auction to the hlphest bdder for caah. In United State gold coin, to satisfy said assessment, the Interest thereon, and the cost and expense of aalo aa aforesaid. and tho accruing coat. , Dated at Astoria. Oregon, tne aa aay oi December, 18S8. ..... . K. 11AL,IAVCL, Chief of Police of Astorlu. Oregon. CHIEF OK POLICE SALE. Notice la hereby elven that, bv virtue of a warrant for tho collection of a de linquent ansossmont for the Improve ment In th city of Astoria, Oregon, to : Alleyway running through blocks 2. 8, 4 and 5, from tho west lino of Thtrty elKhlh atrot to the eat line of Korty. second street, duly Issued by tho Audi tor and police Judgo of said city, by direc tion of th common council of saad city. S!id warrant toeing dated the) Sd day of November, 1KS, to me directed, ami the assessment tn wincn spwinea amouutint; to $72.27, with Intercut Ihentni at the mii ( s oer cent n r annum from the 5tli day of September, 1J;5. nnd being n:a!nst tne ionowrnK numeti in-iuii, iwwu.; Ru dolph Unrth, owner of the following de scribed real property, towlt : Lot 7, block '), in the Port of Upper Astoria ns laid out and recorded by John Ada. r, and ntso oKalnst sold above described property, and which warrant commands ho to niiike levy upon nnd sale of said dencrlbe-d mnl nronertv. in order to aatlafy said warrant and oald ussesisment and togsthor Wttn tne nuereeii inereA-u auu me ciis and exnes of wild sale, und pursuant to snld warrant and.ilie co nun a nils then In .contained.. I dliL on tho Sd day of December, 1MI8, duly levy ihmhi the njiove descr.bed real property, nnd I will, on tho Id day of Junuwry. IH", at the hour of H o'clock In the forenoon of anld day, at tho court house door, towlt ! the en trance of said court houso oil .Ninth street,' 1n the city ot Astoria, coui'ty of Clatsop. Btate of OrcKOn. sell ;tM d serlbed real property at publlo auction to the htfrhest bidder, for cash, In United States wold coin, t aat'.sfy aald assess ment, the Interest thereon, and tho costr and expenses of snld anla aa aforesaid, and the accruing costs. . : ' ' Datml at Astorlu, Oregon, the 3d day of December. l., i,; xE.:HAljW)CKii Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. ClIIKJ Of POLICE BALE. N)tlre la herby clvn IU( 1 viitiiu Of a warrarl fur Ilia eii tlun nt a iln lln'pient ani"nt for ihi lumrovcrni nt In lha cliy iff As"rl. Orivnn, twll: (lurid atrwt, frnn y n y-mi -id to l'"ny. fifth alrent, tuly Imii-I ! Inn ami t -r aid police J'hIk" f'f mH cliy bv illree ifn of lha cmiiKi'm ixwncll or anld cliy aald wnrrsril tidng dnle'l ilm IT : cNy of Oittiilier, I "1, to ma rtlrwied, nnd th" smi,ti n whlh siifwifiwi aiiifemtii.K to 12.40 with Interest thermm at th rat of a t. but nt p-r niiuin from ma 31 t 6 iy of Miirch, li. and beinjr air.ilr.nt th following nitmesl pemrma towlt IL Marlon and II. M'Cormack, Owner of the followln fl(tcr'.bd re.ii nroperty. towlt: lot . !!'' k , h i!i 'llvid'M In th Port of i upT Astortj. a laid out and rac'irded by John A'b'lr, and alro sijulnat i drumlM prM"'rty, and wh'ch warrant command me ti rrMke levy uiion ani a;ilo Oi anui d a'Tlned property. In raruer lo entlsfy auid warninl and wild mnt and to geiher Willi lh lnt'ret tberon and the coal and pen of aatd sale, and piirs'Kiot to aald wnrnmt and th com mumla therein eonla nd, 1 did. on tb )7lb dny of Novetnler, l1'. duly l"vy upon thi alwve diicnhd rl property, at.d I will, on Ih i' ly of Docember, iK-. at the hour of 11 o'clock !n tb forenoon it anld day, at tha court honsa dofr, towlt: the en'rmc of said court bonne on i:itrlith trct. In tha City of Aatorla, (Vunly of l.'liitson aula of OrK- n. aell anld Jeacr:bel re;il property at public auction 10 tha hlirh'-at bidder for cab. In U. H. (told coin, tn aatlafy snld aaneasmint. theintereal Ihore'm, and the coete and egpensm of al aforeeuld. and the accruing coats. ned at Aatorla, Oregon, th 17th day November. 1M. K. HALLOCK, Chief f Police of Astoria, Origon. CHIEF OP POLICE BALK. Notice I hareby (riven that by virtue of a warrant for th eollnctlon of a de linquent aaaeaa-n.'nt for the lmpr'tmnt In tha ciiy of Astoria, Oregon, towtt: Pond tree-t, friam torty-e) to Forty, flf'ii etreet, duly laaued by the and tor and poll' Judaa of aald cltv. by direc tion of tha oommon tnwv.i of said dty. ald .-"rent tng dated lha 17th day of October, to ma directed, and th aawewamant on whw-h ajwldad amounting to 12 W with Interant ihormm at the rate of I per oat it pr annum from 1h list day of March. lKeS. and Imlng aanlnat the following named , parson, towtt; . . B. Marion Jd IL McConcack, . .. owner of the following described real property, towlt: Icei U. block 8. 'ib dtvMed In tha Poet ef Upper Aauri, as raid out and rooorded by Joisn Adair, and alao against td dnaTHHl property, and whir warrant err-mand me to make levr noon and as la of amid de aerlbed pTOTarty, orCer to rtifr id warram ana wnwi aawwaiMiiem mi ni rether arltb the Intermt thnreon end the cost and expenses of nld sale, and purauant to said warrant and the com mand therein contained, f did. on the 1'i'ta day of November, 1K8. duly levy upon the above described renl property, and I will, on the lth day of Deeenirxw, yiM, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the Inonwin nt Mid dav. at the court houae iaii ihe entrance of aald court houa ca Klsrbth streer, in tne uuy or i.mrii fYnintv tit CIstsoD. State of Oreg-on, aell aald oe-crltwl real property ait vubltc auction lo th highest Wilder for cash. In V. 8. gold coin, to atiafy anld aesmerit. th Interest thereon, and the ooat and expense of al aa arViraaairf and the acrmlnc coat. Dated at Aatorta. Oregon, the 17th day Of November, IE. r. iiai.uf rv. Chief of Police ot Aatorla, Oregon. CHIEF Of POLICK BALE Vntl- la he-ehv irlven that bv Virtue or a warrant ror tno coin uon oi - oe liiiqiier.l . same nt fo.- tha .mprovement In the city of Astore, Oregon, towlt: Bond atreet. fnim Kany-nerond to Forty tlflh atre.. d'jlv issu-ol bv the uii tor and Do"'' Judge of said city by direc tion of the common council o :ild city. s.:d wsrrjnt be4ng dated the 17lh day of October. iwS. to me dire-te.J. and the aoM-meiit on wh1' h rnecttlel amotmting to 81.40 with interest thereon at the rate of per cent per annum lrom tho list d iy of Mrch, is and wng airaiusi tn onowinr rutmeu persons, tvwii: R. Marlon and II. McConnack. - owner of the following described real property, towlt: lot 25. block 8, as auo dtvlded In the Port of Coper Astorta. a laid out and recorded bv John Adair, and also ajralnst aald dearribed nrowrty, and which jrarrant command me t) mike levy upon and sale ot said de scribed property, in oroer io sa.uiy aia wnrrant and aald a uses anient and to gether with the Inteave 'hereon and the coat ana expense or aia aia, a no purmnuit to a:d warrant and lb com mimd therein conta.ned. I uid, on the 17th day of November, haa. duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will on the lth day of December, lst. ai the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said dav. at tha court hous door, towit: he entrance of aald court houae on J7ntn street, in tne t.nv or Aatorla. Omntr of Clatsop. State of Oregon, sell snld described real property at public iuctlrm to tne ntgnesi maaer for cash. In U. 9. gold coin, to saltefy said assessment, the intereet tnereon. and the coat end expenses of sale a aforesaid, and tha accruing costs. Imted at Astoria, Oregon, the 17th day of November. IS98. 10. h.. Chief of Police of Aatoria. Oregon. CUIKT OP POIJCR SALE Nolle l harebv strew that br virtue of a warrant for the collen tiow of a de linquent assessment for tha Improvement In the city of Astoria, Oregon, towlt: Pond atreet. from Forty-second to Fonr flftr) aire duly Issued by the aud tor and police judge of aaJd elf di'ec on the nmrnm council of said city, anld warrant tmlrur dated the lTth day of October. 18S8. to me dlre-ted. and the asaeeisment on wn.cti snecinoo amounting to 82.40 with Intereet thereoa at th rate of 8 ner oent rr annum from the Slst day of March. IS!, and b'ng arlwtt th following named persona, rowit: R. Marlon and H. MeCormark. owner of tha following described real property, townt; jot vs. o.ora a, a suo rtlvlded tn the Port of Upper Astoria, aa mid out and recorded bv John Adair, end also atrairuit said described property, and which wnrrant commands me to make levy upon asd sale of said de scn d property. In order to satlaf aid warrant nnd snld assessment and to gether with the interest thereon and the costs and expense of said sale, and pursuant to said warrant and jbe com mands therein contained. I old. on the 17th day of November. 1SS, duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will, on the lth day of December, lsss, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of snld dnv. at the court house door, towlt: the entrance of said court house on t-ncnth. street in tne city or Astoria. County of Clatsop, State of Oregnn, aell snld described real property st pubK; Miction, to the hlnliest bidder lor cash. In U. 8. go.d coin, to satisfy sn.u assessment, th interest thereon, and the txmts and expense oi aale a aforesaid, and tho accruing costs. listed a Astoria, Oregon, tne Kin aay of November, 1SUS. Chief of Police of Aatorla, Oregon. CHIEF OP POLICE SALE. Notice Is her-obv elven that bv virtue of s warrant for the coUction of a de linquent assessment for tho Imnrovement In the city of .Astoria, Oregon, towlt: Hond atrcft, from Forty-second to Korty- tlflh stract. dulv Issued bv the aud.tor nnd police ludgo of said olty oy direc fion of tho common council of said elty. aaid warrant being dated th 17ih day of October. lM'S. to me directed, unu the lusessment on which specified amounting to jn.tu with Interest thereon at the rate of li ier cent per annum from the Hist doy of March, iSti. and bolnR apiinst the following r..imed persons, town: 11. Marion and H. MeCorif owner of the following described real property, town: lot sr. ow k s, ns siii d'vided in tho Port of Upper Astern, I. laid out and recorded by John Adair, and also aguhist snid described property, and which warrant commands me to make levy upon and sale of said de aer.t'ed property. In order to satisfy said wnrrpnt and said assessment und to gerher with the intorest thereon and the cost anu expenses or said saie, onu pursuant to aid warrant nnd the com mands therein contained. I diu. on the 17th day of November. 1S!'8. duly levy upon tho above desonofd rel property, and I will, on the ISth day of Decomber, 1M8. at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the court house door, towtt: the entrance of said court house on KUfhtn street, in Uie city or Astoria. County of (litsoiv State of Oregon, sell anld deecrihosl real property ror casn, in u. . goia coin, to saiisty salil aaaenunent. tha interest thereon. an i-osts and expenses of sale, and aforesaid, and the accruing costs. Dated at AHtonft. uregon. the l7tn aay of November, lM'S. K. HAIuUCK, Chief of Tollca of Astoria, Oregon. CHIPF OP .POLICE SALE. Notlcw Is hereby clven that by virtu of a warrant for the collection cf a de linquent assessment for tha Improvement In th rdy of Ast-vrVi, fiewon, inwlt; Itrmd aire't, fewn Ji'ortv-a'iMi lo Kim 'v fi.ii aiir"t, o;ny .(iil ty thi and tor and poiii a Ju-lK.t of a i d ciiy. by aiw tl'ifi of lha common conn il of s.ild dev. sud WHrmnl Iwlng ditil tha 17:li dny of Ci''totr, -,', to no dire led, urtd the ni t. t r.T v-ti i t pi'i'irii-ti fliti'mn'lng to i with lilloieeit tc.T(n Ht the r:l!e of I rr ( "ill t" r annum tnnn inn jlnt d y irt '- -ch. l ''i. nnd iJng aiHlridt tlie following iwirn;d p"rson. to U; Jt. Mixlon and If. M'Ormaefc, owner of thn following doncrlbcd re il prof.rty, towlt: lot b!of H , aa aub ilUld'd in tbi Port of liir Astur.a, ua Uiid out uml leuordwl br John Adair, and airo nKjih,.! en., (ien ritM-ii rrtiiMit, and whrli warrant coininunda nm to rrirtke levV uih.ii und stile oi at-' ' d'' a'T.Oed property, In order to atUfy alJ W!irrnt flfid a'd surneiil mid In. g her wilh the ln'irit tn-reon and tha "si and rxp.-ne of s:ild su!o, and pursuant to aid wnrnmt and the cooi miiiids therein cor.!:i nd, I Uld, on the iiih day of Novi-mlerr. l.V.rS, duly levy uji'in too iitmve di 'Tit,d rl property, and I will, on lha l-.'n dny 0f rieremiir, Jul. at thx h'.iir of 11 o'clock In l be forenoon of a.-Id day. at the court hoime door, towit: Hie entrnnia or snld court ho-iM on KVtuh e're'-i In the I hv cf Asiorii, toun'y fd" lltitsop. Ptnte of isregon, eil n 1 ucscriineJ leal piopcny mt public aui linii to Ihi hlnliesi bnlit.r for citiri. In I'. H. gold coin, lo aH.ilsfy auid anwinerit, tha inlen'sl thereon, and tb coat and eipensi of aale a.f iresma. and tha a.-'niing coats. Dared at Astoria, Oregon, the 17lh day oi xtoveaiuer, Jtus, B. IfALIiOi'K. Chief (A Police of Asiotim, Oregon, CIIIEi OP POMCB 8ALE. Notlr I hereby given that ty virtu of a wnrrant for the colleutlon of a d- I nnuent a'n ml :or th mprivoment In the cliy of Astoria. Oregon, towlt: Hold atrent, from Fon y-eyiid to loriy n ib atr.rrt, duly i-wuod by 0n sud.tur and plic juukb ot shjj cuy, Dy airec tlon of th common council of uld cliy said warrant bed rig dated lha 17 tn day of 0-toleir, liii, to me rH-tad, and th iiHriien t on which apeclnnd amountltig to 12.40 wtth Interest thereon at the rate of 8 twn cent tvt anntim frvm tb list dy of Maron, Kii and tfHing agaia! tlx followlr named penons. hwlt: R. Marion mad IL UcCormack, owner of the followlnr described real property, towtt, lot . block , as sub- aiv"d in the 1VU or wpper Astoria, as laid out and recorded br John Adatr. and wist against said deecrMsd property, and whtoh warrant command m to nuik levy ui-in snd l of said de scr.oea property, in oroer to ssi.sty a a.; a warrant and auid aasesament and to. eetner with th inierea' thereon and the ooat and expenae of ahl sale, and pursuant lo aa:d warrant and th com mand therein contained, I did, on tb lltli day of Noveikt-r UM. duly levy upon the above described rewl procerty, aiid I will, on the i;h day of December, It , at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. at tha court houaa dooT. town: the entrance oi said court house on Klghth street. In the City of Aatoria. County of Clatsop, Stat of Orotron, eil said described real property al public auction to th hlnhest bidder for cash. In U. rl. gold coin, to a.usfy aald a-mmnt, th In threat thereon, and tli coat and expense of sal uM aforesaid, and tha a -crulng costs. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, th 17th day of November, 1&A. E. HAiuCK. Chief of ro'.lc ot Asurla, Oregon. CHIEP OP POLICE SALE. N'cllce la hereby given that by virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de l.n iumt aisment for the Improv. rr.ei.t In tne cliy of Aatorla, Orea-on, towit: Itorvl s:roet, from r ony-aei ond to Forty tift'l t.r-et, duly Isauwl by the aud tor and police judge of aald city, by dlree- tii.n r.t , K . nmm.,n rv.nril r.f ai.l lr said warrant being dated the 17th day ol Onober. ls&S,,to me dir ted. and the awss-"-" on whlcn mecirie amounting to ti 40 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent rwr annum frjtn 'he list day of M-irch. 1-W. and being against th following named persons, towit.: R. Marlon and IL McCormack, owner of tha following described real property, towit: lot &i. block S. a sub divided lo the Port of Unoer AatorU. aa laid out and recorded bv John Adair, and also against snld o escribed property, and warrant commands me to make levy upo- and aale of sa.a de crtoed property. In order to artlsfy sai3 warrant and said assessment and to re' her with the Interest thereon ac' the coet and expenses of ala isle, and pursuant to said warrant and the com mands tnerein con tarred, i aid. on in 17i h day of November. 1SU8. duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will, on the Mtb day of December, 1S. at 'he hour ot 11 o'clock In th forenoon of said day. at tha court house door, towlt: the entrance of (aid court house on txhth street, In tne city of Aatoria. Oountv of Clataoo. State of Oregon, sell aald described real property at publie auction to the highest bt lifer for cash. In v. a. gold coin, to aatiary said SMieesment. the interest thereon, and the coat and expenses of sal aa aforesaid, and the accruing coats. Dated at Aatorla, Oregon, tha 17th day of November, 15. MAJLIAAJK.. Chief of Pollc of Aatoria, Oregon. CHIEF OP POLICE SALE. N.mI- la hereby rlren that br virtue of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent aisesjrtent for 'he Irrprovsrucnt in tne city or astons, uregon. town: Hond street, from Fortv-second to Forty- fifth street, duly Issued by ihe aud tor and police Judro of said city, by direc tion -of the common council of said city aid warrant being dated the 17th day of October, 183$, to mo dlreoted. and th asseewmert on which soecirleu amounting to 8tH with intorest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum Jrom the 31st day of March. and being against the fallowing named persona, towlt: R. Marlon and H. Mcortnck. owner of the following described real property, towlt: lot 11. block 8. as aub divided in the Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adair, and also against said deecriued property, and which warrant commands me to make levy upon and aale ot said de scribed property. In order to satis tv said war-ant and said assessment and to eertier with the Interest thereon and 'i costs and expenses of said sale, and pursuant to said warrant and the com mands therein eonta ned. I did. on the l?th day ot November, 1S98. duly levy upon tha above described real property. and 1 win. on tne 16th n of Decemoer, l!W, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon ot snld day at the court house door, towlt: the entrance of said court house) on Ktchtn street. In me Cltv of Astoria. County of Clatsop, State of Orwon. aell said deacnoed real nronerty at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash. In U. S. goid coin, to satisfy said assessment, the interest tnereon. and the cost and expenses ot sale a aforesaid, and the a'-cruing costs. Dated at Astoria, uregon, tne iitn aay ot November, 1SD8. K. .LiOCK, Chief of Police of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE, Notice Is hereby rrivert that bv virtue ot a warrant for the collection of a de liniuent asjessiient for ih Imnrovement In the city of Astoria. Oregon, towit: Bond street, from Forty-second to Forty- fifth street, duly issued by the ai'd.tor and police judge of said city bv direc tion of tho common council of said city, said warmnt being dated the 17th day of October. lsW, to me directed, and the assessment on which snecltled amounting to. 82.40 with Interest thereon at the rate ot 8 per cent per annum from the 3lt dav of March. 1SW. and being against the following named persons, towlt: R. Marlon and H. McCormack, owner ot tho following described real nropeny. town: lot aa, diock , ns suu dlvlded In the Port of Upper Astoria, as tiid out and recorded ov John Adair and also against said described property, nnd which warrant commands nie to make lew uiron and sn e of aald itc- hed property. In order to satisfy said warrant and sold assessment and to gether with the 'nteiret thereon and the costs and expc--" of said sale, and pursuant to said warrant and the com mands therein contained. I Uid. on the 17th dav ot November. IssS dulv lew upon the above described real property, and I will, or the 16th day of December, lKAf, ai ine imur or li o ciock in the forenoon of said day. at the court house door, towit: the eutrunce of said court house on uitrnin street, in the city of Astoria, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, sell said descnoed real pronerty at ipubllo auction to the highest bidder for cash. In U. S. gold coin, to satisfy said aswessment, the Interest thereon, anil the costs and expenses oi sal.t as aioresaid, and '- ai crulng costs. L'atett at ASiona, uregon. the 17th day of November, 1?.S. !tl. HALLOCK, Chief of Police of Aatorla, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby jrlvei that' by virtue of a warmnt for the collection of a de ItTitient ansosHJient for '.ha Imirovcmnnt In the city of Astoria, OroKon, 1owit; Pond street, from Forty-second to J'crty flfth street, :diily Issued y the auditor and police Judge of .iid elty, by clret- t'.n Of t?1.1 C.-.i.r.i,.. --t i t i . il i-i" m na ri. v.,ri'..... I :''t' ' t; v,,. ... (Xrtli..r, li'l, '.." "d.r.v d, I iii,.iit (n h: li 'n-i-it,.-d H . to $i.i tMih Itlterni.t I here-. II fit t ' I' of 8 H.r eont per a niiu n fi..m tn- j -t u .y Mttr- li, 1 :i,. Hti-l In'ii it iu: iln:'. tna foUosiiig r, .1 in. a person, town, K. lliirioti and 11. McCorrunik Owner Of Cm fulliiwlng (P ( r!tid rl nrii(H-rty, towtt: ,.t lik.K s na hi dlvlilwl In Ilia Purt of I t Aalnti-, ua laid out and rwotilid hf J,.hu A mir, and alo hq.i.j f.ud u.wriiu ,1 prm-n, and wh'ch wurritnt eomiiruuts pi to nnika levy .tim and file oi inl o arrihed property, In Mib-r lo a itlmy ni-.l Warrant and said Larncnt ami t geiinir with th Itnormt thereon end tha "ml and expeii- of anld n'o, and pursiniiit lo r wnrrant nnd Hie coi riminla t n . r.'l n rout.ned, 1 did. on tii (7th dfiy of Nov.-iiilHr. Is'H. duly levy upon tne almve rtescrllied r"l property, and I will, on til li.ill iluy of Immilmr, lvi, tt Mi hour o'. 11 o'(l" k In th f'irenoiia ( and day at th court house door, towlt: the entninc of aald court houaa on K!hh 'reer. In III tllty i.r Astoria, County of t iatsop, rllnla of Oregon. all anld descrlln-d real property1 at pulilio auction to (.ho hlKliesl bidder for Ill V. S. guid coin, to aittlsff s-ild ass'sanient, the interesi tnereon. nrd the ota and xpimaea or aale vs af ,res.ili, and the coats. Im'eil at Astorlu, Oregon, tne 17th day of November, li'.K. E. HALUVlf, Chief of rollc of Aatorl. Oregon. OflEP OP POLICE BALE. No.Ice I hereby given thnt hy virtu of a warrant for the collection of a do I nipient aaaiisamcnt lor ilia lint rovemint In the city of Astoria, ureuori, town; Hond atreet, from Forty-second to Forty, fifth atret, duly iesued by ,.ie nnd lor and pollen judge of said cltv. by dlr tlori of the common council ot said city, aid warrant being dated the 17th dny of October, lids, to ma dlr ld. and th aanr-wtnent on whU h arwliied amounting to 12 D with Interest theroon at th rat of 8 per cent per annum from In 2Ui dy of M.'irrh, Iti. and being ninl th following named persons towlt; R. Marlon and II. McCormack. , owner of th following deacrtbed real property, towlt: lot 34. block . aa tub divided in the Port of Upper Astoria, as hud out and rexmled bv jo,m Adulr. and sao aaalnat said deacrtbed pro-twr'.y, and warrant commanaa me to make levy upon and al ol aaud de cri'd property, In order to satiafy taltl warrant and said assessment and to r'her with the Interest thereon and th eota and xpenae of aid sal a, and purauant to aaid warrant and the corn, manda therein rontaJned, I did. on th 17th dr.y of November, If. duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will, on tha Mill day of December, lt, at thi hour of 11 o'clock In th farenoon of wild da "at th court onus door, towlt: th entrance of aid court house on Ktahtb street. In th City of Aatoria, County of Clataop. Btat of Oregon, sell sold deacrihed real property art publlo auction to th htrrbest bidder for cash. In U. 8. goid coin, to atiafy anld aaaesament, th Interest thereon, and the ooat and xpeoe of al aa aforeaald. and tha accruing ots. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, th 17lh df of November, U'ji. E. HAUeOCK. Chief of Polios of Astoria, Orrgcrn. CHIEP OF POU.'TS 8ALE. Notice 1 hereby given that by virtu of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent asjsiient for ih Improvement In ihe -rlty of A-t-rla. Oregon, lowlt: Duane atreet, from Thtrty-nrtn to Ttvrty eventh r.reet, duly issued by the U'tlto. and police Judge of said city by direc tion of ins common onincll of said city, aid warrant being dated the ITht day of October, b'fl. lo me diro ted. anil the ajiw urnent on whU-h aoeciiied amounting to li. with interest thereon at the rat of S per cent per annum from Hie list day of March, l-'-ii. and bing nguluai the following named person, towlt, Mary Adarr Jordan, owner of tha following detcribed real property, towlt: lot . block M. In the Port of Upper Astoria, a laid out and recorded by John Adair, and a.0 against aaid described property, and wheh warrant co.nmamU rn to make levy upon and sale of said de acrtbed property. In order to satisfy laid warrant and ald sessment and to gether with the Interest thereon and th cost and expenses of said aa'e. and pursuant to aaid warrant and th com mand therein contained. I old. on tb day of November. IW, duly levy upon the above described real property, and I will on the 10th day of Deinnber, at the hour of 11 o'clurk In ha forenoon of sold day. at th court boos house on Elbth street, in the City of Astoria, County of Clatsop, 8tat of Oregon, sell said described real property at publlo auction to the hlrbesi bolder for cash. In U. 8. gold coin, to satisfy aald assessment, the Interest thereon, and the cost and expense of aal a aforeaald, and the accruing coats. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, th 17th day ot November 1&I8. y ITALLOCK Chief of Pollc of Aatoria, Oregon. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice i hereby glvm that by virtu of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent assessment fo- the mprovemont In the city of Astoria, Oregon, towit: Duane street, from Thirty-fifth to Thirty- seventh street, duly Issued by the audlto and pollc judgs of aaid city, bv direc tion of the common oouncil of said city, said warrant beln dated the 17th day of October. 1&M8, to me dire, ted, and the assessment on which aneclfled amounting to 8135. with interest thereon at tha rata ot 8 per cent per annum irom iu Slst day or juarcn. vsm. ana oeing a-ninsi in following named persona, towlt: Bertie Brenham and Laura J. Brenham. owners of the following described real property, towtt: lot T. block 84, tn th Port of ITnner Astoria. as laid out and recorded by John Adair, aiio. wieo againai rata aescnoca properly, and which warrant command me to ma levy upon and sale of aald de--Ttbed property, In order to satisfy said warrant and aald assessment and to gernr with the Interest thereon and the costs and expenses of aaid sale and pursuant to said warrant and th com mands therein contained. I did. on th lith day of November, 1898. duly levy upon me aoove aescnuea real property, and I will, on the ltith day of December, lii3. at the hour of 11 o'clock In tha forenoon of said dny. at tha court hous houae on Eighth street, in the City of Astoria. County of Clataoo. fltato of Oregon, sell aald described real property at puoiic auction to tne nignest Didder for cash, In U. 8. gold coin to satisfy said assessment, tbelnterest tnereon, and the cost and expenses of sale as aforesaid, and the accruing costs. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, the 17th dav ot November, 1K. E. HAVLOCK. , Chief of Pollc of Astoria, Oregon. CHIEP OF POLICE SALE. Notice Is hereby glve.i that by virtu of a warrant for the collection of a de linquent assessment for the improvement In the city of Astoria, Orenon, Duane street, from Thirty-fifth to Th rty seventh street, uuly Issued by the auditor and police Judge Of said city., bv dl'ec tlon of thsj common council of said city, said warrant being dated the 17ht day of October, 1838. to me directed, snd the assessment on which specllled amounting to !120. with Interest thereon at the rata of 8 per cent per annum from e 31st day of March.' ISM. and balng against the following named person, towlt, Katy Adair Welcher, : , owner of the following described real property, towit lot 5, block 84, in Ihe Port of Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Adalr, and also against said described property, and which warrant commumlg mo to make levy upon and sale of said da-scr-v.ed property, In order to atisty said warrant and said assessment and to gether with the Intorest thereon and the costs and expenses of auk! sale, and pursuant to said warrant and the com mands therein contained, I Uld. on the 17th day of November, t, duly levy upon the above described real proiertv, and I will, on the 16lh day of December, lS'W, at th.; hour of H o'clock in the fotenoon of snld day, at the court house house on ElKhth street. In tha city of Astoria, County of Clatsop, Hiat of regon. sell said described real property at publie auction to the highest bidder for cash. In U. S. gold coin, to satisfy said assessment, the .nterest thereon, and the cost and expenses 'of saie an aforesaid, and the accruing costs. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, the 17th day of November, W. HAUj0CK Chief of Polio of Astoria. Oregon, War OU l non-fwvir,-rr rnuHtiy fur Gouorr.iu , Ittfi, 8permtt.rr itu , Whiten, DUDRlUril did- thsUK"1, itr fttiy iiitUmiifitY ion, .rrUAlloo or uur- tritmr. t jrrs''ia "ooi. ! hi uvuwit iifriii 4"r4rHtfmCHtll'fi'uV1, branos. Mva-aairomeiii 1.7iaCWTt,0.f 1 Hold by Irrottlau, t, S a. a. V , r aenl In (liilri A. N. V br axeresa, P--v. t .DttgtOgU .lon or m iicou - -" u- tl tl.oi, er S I'-ial' , el Cu-calar uu( ua rmuf4.- lalwHiTlA i