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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1898)
THK DAILY ASTOttLAN, SATURDAY MOKMNG, NOVKMKKK 5, I8M ASSESSMENT NOTICE. a 1 -f s. O JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. W. terms or evnscmmoN. DAILY. tent by mall, per year Suit by mall, per month starved by curler, per month ,. 16.00 ,.. . BEMI-WEEKLT. tnl by mill, per year, In advene. ..8.00 Postage free lo tuoecriutr. All communications Intended for publl oihn .hntild txi directed to the editor Business communications of ll kinds and remtttunces muit be addressed to "Th Ailorlin." The Astorlan guarantee to Iti adver titers ili lartjeet circulation of any ewspaper jiuollshed on tri coiumo ftvtr. Advertising ratca can b hid on appll Uoa to the business manager. Ther will be more Important work to fct don within the next year than hai confronted congress sine the day of re construction. Among the problem! that aoould b disposed of at the special i Jon are the creation of 4 practical cbeme of civil government for Porto Klco, art-angina: an acceptable form of protectorate in Cub and th rhlllpplnea, th owitideratlon. of th report of 8na ar Cullom'a Hawaiian commission and the adoption of form of govern ment lor that territory, reorganisation of n judicial aretem of the Ulaada, plan for assimilating their currency with th American standard and th establishment f a fiscal and tariff policy that will foo ter American trad with the new pos session. Although not all these are partisan questions, lome of them are ufncientlr o to glv th populists and lilverite a pretext for embarrassing the administration at every point by nos tlte criticism. It Is certain that a iound money majority will be requisite to bring th currency of th new territories Into harmony with that of the Cnlted State. Thli li on of the problems of the war that cannot b Intrusted to those who are in a conspiracy to destroy our own cur rency lystem. There U one method of meeting the Cnlted State iuprem court decision by th railroiu manager. They can form octal clubs at the various great railroad renters, and there hav casual meetings and arrange a mutual understanding ai gtr.tlemea 40 in matters connected with social life, and thereby be. bound by word f mouth which gentlemen recognise the same as though In legal document form. There is no doubt that the railroad man agers ar much perplexed by th harsh decision of tb supreme court, out they tlalm that the roads ar now so busy that the effect of th decision will not lurt them now. But it certainly will do so when business slackens off unless some method Is adopted to hold them together through a bond of honor or otherwise, as without it the roads will itrlke out as In times gone by for each ether's customers. This Is sure to occur with enterprising competitive roads In dull times, but there Is no danger of this now while all the roads have as much business as they can handle. It is vry evident that the various cliques have put their shoulders under their specii.l les to hold them up and bridge over the adverse effect of the Cnlted States su preme court decision, as they are war ranted In doing uy the phenomenally larg business that the roads are all now doing, together with the Immensity of the amount of stuff In sight that will have to be moved sooner, or later. Hensy Clews. BUSINESS ON THE SOUND. Post-Intelligencer: Th showing made by the banks of Seattle Is most remarkable. The par tial reports which have been made from time to time have prepared the public for an Increase on a large scale, but when the totals are "lven they assume pro portions fur beyond those conceived by ne unfamiliar with the daily business of the banks. Within one year there has been an in crease In the amount of cash on hand f nearly J3.250.000. while the Increase of deposits has been over $5,000,000. One sig nificant Item In the accounts Is that which shows an Increase of 1,409 per cent in cash In the savings banks. It is also very noticeable that there is a large in crease In the amount of deposits In the other banks which seem to have the largest run of small depositors. The per centages of Increase both In deposits and In cash on hand are exceedingly satis factory, but as banks do not receive money for the purpose n hoarding it up in vaults, but of lending It out at inter est, it Is the percentage of increase In deposits which Is the best criterion of prosperity. An Increase of nearly 200 Tier cent In little over a year is a won derful manifestation of Increased local resources. That the percentage of In crease In cash on hand Is 408, shows that many men who owed the banks money have repaid them, while there has been lest of a demand on the part of new bor- ci x lJ w t 1 . w t a n v j ft I n j rf J CI o Another Spaobfc Mctoryi 1 1 Kt't captur4 Rtttk Ax. ( You may be disappointed In war, in politics, or (j in business, but you win never be disappointed O PLUG q It is the one chewing tobacco in the world that ( ) is amays the same good chew and the largest O piece at the lowest price. Try it to-day. Ct sissssss m m o ci o Remember the name vhenyou buyaflain. C wi r tmt Mj r fw w-k W W 'W W W W w w rowers. Sttle Is in excellent condition finan cially t met the future. The plcntlful- ness of ea.h mans that ifie storrke. p ers can buy for cifh In eas:rrn nar kets. getting the highest quality at the lowest price, and so giving the people of th city tb best for the.r money. The only person to complain will be the pop ulist, who. seeing th lower prices at which goods can be bough, this winter will regard It an unmistakable sign of Impending calamity. A man has to have pluck to mike a suc cess of any calling A man must hare the backbone to take knock d wi hlowt and grt up a;riin and ajriu and on. Pluck and stamina are larg -lr a qHti. of good health It only Utcs one knock., down blow to finish a man with a lir.i-.Uchc It only Ukeanull setback to d.c-mctrt a nervous and shaky man. A bilious. hrai achy nun goes into bankruptcy a: the first embarraMmtnt. A nervom r.iui who not sleep at night and gvw up hakv in the morning gives np the buttle of Uilnr at the first discoura-n:ent. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Ditcovery is the brt of all health-makers and health keepers. It makes pore, neb blood. It force out all impurities and disease jrrrmv It does ma make any difference what the disease mav be called, so Ion? a it has it inception in improper or insuiEcient nonrishinent this great medicine will cure it. It may be called dyspepsia, kidn-r, "liver complaint," skin or blood disease, or nerv ous prostration all these have the same starting poiut. The "Golden Mtiiiol dis covery" reaches that point It w ill cure these diseases absolutely. None of them can retain their hold on the system when the arteries are filled with rich, pure blood "lii5l ycr old " writes Mr. R ; ill. ioe. of Lmvillt. Hrory Co . Mo. " Por i ) -r I offered from torpid liver const inatiun sad indi gefltton which wverelv iffectrl ray nervr Hy. ins; to make my limj by bird wurk. I wuul l keep oa il I would kaw to gwr up Vjn.e. times mv friends would pick me up and carry me to bed . v7ht litf. J tlep 1 emild ifrt w tortured with horrible dreams. 1 took aii bottle of Lr Pterae's (Volarn Medicm Duwrery It relir-ed the pain in my back nd hetween my thoulclcn, braced up iny oervra aad to-day I am a well man." It is said that Mclnsonler. the artist, had such a delicate sense of touch that he could, with his eyes shut, Uy i,n the exact amount of color ho wanted on a Kiven spot If some one placed the point of the brush upon it. Luxuriant hair, of uniform color. Is a beautiful head covering for either sex. and may be secured by using Hall s Vege table Sidllan Hair Renwr. Sir Charles Burrell sit M years In the; English house of commons, and In that period made but one speech. That wai In favor of a bill provldin thut house maids should not be compelled to clean windows from the outside. That the blood should perform Us vital functions, It Is absolutely nocesssary It Bhould not only be pure but rich In life. r!v!ng elements. These results are best effected by the use of that wHl-known standard blood purifier, Ayers' Sursapa rilla Chairs are being made with the back hintred to the rear of the seat and held ' in place by colled springs concealed In t tie Blue arms to allow the UBer to I the back as desired. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind Yen Hare Always Bought Signature of arffMZ&u a o o 8 CI O o o CI CI CI CI CI Ci Ci ci Ci CI ci ci o ci ci 8 CI o Ci 8 ci ci o 8 O ci o s f m m W W W W w W W W J 0 W W w1 I A hndy support for typewriters Is formed of a swtnglnit bracket attached to the Me of a disk t swing around in front of th operator when In use. a mtvw lovkln It In position. Brt ti yflsHx UinkMn lil S J3t3r of A handy cup for egg boiled In the shell has slots near the edge of the Insertion of a table knife to remove the top of the shell, the cup having a removable lining, so as to hold e,-g of different sites. Mokl Tea poaltlvely cures tick headaeh. lndlgetlon and conattpation. A delight-Mi 'herb drink. Remove all eruptions of ;tbe tkm, produdwj perfect completion. 1 or money refunded. 36 and M cent. For , sal by Ete-0nn Drug Co. For use In curling th hair a newly de I signed Instrument has the ends of the ' torar flattened, to be heated and pres I the hair, after It has been damped and I wound on curl papers or crlmplnej pins. TO CCRE A COLD IX ONE DAT. I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ! AH druggists refund the money If It falls ; to cure. cents, Tne genuine nas u. iv ;J. on eu(h tablet. ( I!!ackmlths will appreciate a new an vil with attachments consisting of rl.implng prate, which Is fastened to one end of the anvil and operated by a lever to hold a piece of metal In position for working It. i In lvsT Mr. Thomas Mcintosh, o. Allen town, Tenn.. had sn attack of dys-nt.'ry which became chronic. "I was tre ited by the best physitUtns In East Tennes without a cure, he says. 'Finally I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and iMarrhoea Remedy. After ulng ab ut twelve bottles I was cured sound and well." Kor sale by Charles R'-g-TB druKgist. ! Self-closing umbrella are being manu factured which shut up on pressing a knob In the hundle. a number of springs attached to the ribs drawlnr thm uicalnst the handle when the knob Is op- , erated. j OASTOniA. Bn th j9 l,r,i Kaw totf J PLATED OUT. Dull headache, palm In various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stom ach loss of appetite, feverishnes, pimples or sore art all positive evidences of im pure blood. No matter how It became so It must be purified In order to obtain good ; health. Acker's Blood Elixer has never Ifn"-' to cur scrofulous or syphilitic poi sons or any other blood diseases. It Is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell very bottl on a poaltlv guarantee. For sale by Es tee-Conn Drug Co. Fine feathers often make sorry Jail birds. i A BURE SIGN OF CROUP. I Hoarseness In a child that's subject ! to croup Is a sure Indication! f the ap proach of the disease. If Chy fberlaln's Coutth Remedy Is given as sojn as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the crou"y cough has appeared, It will pre vent the attack. Many mothers who ; have cfoupy children always keep this i remedy at hand and find that it saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depended upon and Is pleasant to take. For sulu by Charles Rogers druggist. The boy with made-over trousers takes after his father. j ira mho ion f IM lino foil Haw Always Bougftt THE BEST PLASTER. .. piece of flrnnel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Isalm and bound on to lliu affected ports In superior io any p!f)sr. When troubled with pain In the cheat or side, or a lame back, give it a trial. You are certain to bu inoio t'ian picas'! with the prompt relief which It afforos. Pain Balm Is also a certain cure for rheumatism. For sale by Charles Rotters, druggist. GRAND AVJ5NUK 1MPROVKMI5NT FROM OTIl STMMTTO MRlKSTIUMf. Notice Is hereby rtvon ttiat th s.-tmitit made lu- (Vdlntncw No, W Af (tt city of Astoria, Orotpm, entitled "An rdltmiic ronflnniii ths Asseoemeiit ow the 8peclJ Awessineiit lloll fur th Strenl ntruviutieiit hi Mm tltjr irf Astoria, iVoiiMit, Knonn as 'Th IniprMvmneiit of (Irwii.l Avvniit, tiDit TwiuUjt Nlinti Htrect to Thlrlv-lhlrd rUrwI.' " iproVrd tvt4nr , I, will l duo nn.t paviu Me In I'nlti'.l rltnle gold coin, wf the utile of the cll.v tivaaiiinr on Nvtitlr l.'th, IK'S, and If not so oaiit at said time, the common nmiiiil will order warrants burned for the tvllectlon of the tain. Th assessment It as .ollviws: Astoria Rirvet Railway Co , Astoria Street Hallway Co Asiorm trei itauway v.o... ......... ...... AndiM-ton. Vtlllam touth 40 fel Anderson, Victor, heir of heirs ar Id r-.inor Amtcrson. Aiel Anderson. Ai twrt Victor Anderson, Justna Ander sn, widow , Adair, Kllen ..und H of north ( ft Adiar, XI try R.,,.und t of north M f-t Itrenham. Ritlvrt J.' und of N W ft Itrtrker, Air V. Adair, und S of N f.HH llurton. E. R Iientllla. Frank Cwrnellua, T. 6 N. H Charleston. Nelll O und H ..und H 0. h Dvnelson, V. A Oeorg, Winifred C. Holme. Oust Holme. Oust und, 4 Hylasd, ThottM A Ilyland, Thoma A Hylsuid. Thom A Ityland. Thomas A . iiymnu, i nomas Ilyland. Thomas A Ilyland, Thomas A Ilyland. Thomas A , Ilyland, Thomas A Ilyland. Thomas A Hendrlckson, August. norths "onb H Hakviat. Andrew. Jackson, John Jordan. Mary A und of N. tt feet . , , ., Loukkaoen. Ilermtn . , ., Iukaneo, Herman Undberg. Sophia south H Ijirwon. Llsxl lrin. August ond H Irion. August und V Laurllla. Olivia XIattson. John M.ittson. John Mannula. F.Hxateth Mannula. Klltabeth Moore. Jacob Mannula. Emanuel Mannula, Krlo Xtorrit. Right Rev. R. Winter 8. M ft Morris. Right Rev. II. Wlslar MoMs. Right Rev. II. Wtstar. Nufer. Pi ter south , Ostron, Joseph north 110 feet Bhlvely, C. V. on the north by llm so.ilh luie "f Cr.iiiil avenue on the wet by th eiiHi linn of Thlr'v-M'St ai'.-ei, and on the in't by th-. l-oimd.irv lin t betwen that pan of th cltv of Aa'orlu. tin-., na laid .-lit nnd re recorded bv J M Hhlvely and part of th.- 'll cl v known as the Port of rpper Vitorl.i ,s laid out and recorded bv John Adair W'elcker, Kaly Adair.. und '.4 of X. 64 feet Lot 3, lilock 4-, Port of l'nt r A- lit i - out nnd recorded bv J. M und ',4 Wlckman. Frederb k Wlckman. Mary .und. The following are payable ber 15ih, IK18: Barry. Andrew In Install Sullivan, M Bull, John south V4 Sherman, Sarah C Webber. N. it a Uy order of the common council of Auditor nnd Police Astoria, Oregon, Octoln-r 2Mb, IMis. It Is the silent man that Is usually worth listening to. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Fuget Sound Navl gatlon Company. Telephone leaves Astoria dally, except ounuay, ai 1 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets Interchangeable on Telerjhone. T. J. Pottnr and H. H. Tnomoson for Astoria and all way points, navel. Ilwaco. Beavlew. Lona Beacn. and Nahcott. C. W. ATONE, O B. SCOTT, Astoria Agent. President Telephone No. li. IaI t, Itbvk I. Town of Astoria, na unit out an.l iivotdiM by J, M. Miiveir l sum Io b, lilock i, Town of Asiim-ik, na 11.1 out sua I.K-olMol liy J, M, Mnvelv til hi it u. inoca i inwn or Airia, as run Irllil olll Mll.l riHII-lled bv J Kl Miively j 0U Lot It, lilock 1 Town of Astoria, nt In lit out mid rwortlml by J, M. MiUely 27(0 It t, lilock 1. Town of Astoria, ss Irti.l nut und recorded by J. M. . bnlvely (U.W Lot i, lilock W, !rt if Upper A- i,.ru. . na Inid out and recordi'd ' John Adair .IM Lot 1. Honk li ..r p....... . tiiilt.. es laid out and recorded by Joint Adur Lot S, lumk ltrl of l'ppr As lull, n .u, I out Mm! recorded by John Ad-ur , Lot I. mock i. Irt of t'pper A torU.. l.ii.l out and rcordd by John Analr IaiI 4. llliK'k 1., IVw n of AstMTU. its 100 1.00 ir.w laid out Mid lo.olvl.-d by J. XI. bhlvwiy , Lot . jtlovk i Town of Aston, as 10. CO iald out suid r. urdtsl by J. XI. HilreJy to,S) Lot . ttKxk 3 -lsrt f lppr As. tori, sv Itld out and recorded by John Ad r )f Ov Lot T. lUock t. Port uf lliiiior As toria, as laid out and rerxl4 by Juhn AiUir il It Lot t. JiUK-k , port uf lippor As- tort, as laid out and recorded by John Adtur U W Lot f. iHo'k 1. Town f Astoria, at laid vat and nxorded by J. at. slutvAiy tO.OO UK . llbvk I. Tmii of Astoria, a laid out and rw-ordvd bv J U. Mbivnlt 0 00 ait 11 llloxik I. Town of Astoria, ifn vui aoa rsnNuni uy . at. Ihltely M Un T Jlloi-k , as auUllvlded by T. A. l(jlud. 'rown of AUd, as bud out and recorded by J. Xi. iiivif r u Lot I HlooJt , as suhdlvMed by T. A. HyUuH). Town of Astoria, a laid out and recorded by J. XI. tVuveJy f IM Lot t liiwk X sa uMlv1dis by T. A. llylantl. Town of Aatisrt, as laid out aitd recorded by ) it. fUilely , f u Lot jo, tio,-k X suMividmi by T. A. II r land. iVwn of Astoria, as laid out and recorded br J. il. hiviy r.M! it it. imim-si js as sutxllvldeti by T. A. II y Und. Town of Aatorla, a Isld nut and rwordd by J. M. Sbively ,, fr U Ik 13 ltlo. k X as subdivided by T A. Ilyland. Town of Astoria, as Itld out and recorded by J XI. Hlilvelv )o I.t , ni.w-k W suMivl.. by T A. Ilvland. Town of Al.rl, ai !i!. I out and mcordi-d by J. XI Hhivolv ji a I.t i Ii...-k na .usdivi.le.1 by T. A. Ilyland. Twn of Aalorlt. as Ml.l out and tnnnlnl by J M Hh.telv AS Ut Jl lilm k ss aulliM.ied by T. A llyUn.t. 1iwn ot Aalortt as I tld out and by J M (nivwly JO 00 I,,t n Hlo. h 3H a suMivide.1 by T Ilyland. 1Vwn of Aatorlt. a l-tld out and r.mli-.) by J XI an U( t. Hl..-ii "r 'Tiiwwof Atom,'ai Itld nut and rordod by J. XI. Khlrely 4J oo Lot T lil.K-k Town nf Aat.rU. a laid out and recorded bv J. M. Hhively J 00 Lot I. Hlovk r. Town of Asiona. as laid out and n ocled bv J U Khlvelv 55 I- I Illo.-t 4.1 Port of i:rfwir As toria, laid out and reoordd b John Adtir t go Ut 1 Iflnck M t auWvue. by T A. Ilylan.1 Town of Aatorlt. a Laid out and r-vur-loj by J. XI. fihlvniv t)0O It I lllork V ub.iivtd-. by T A llylaiut Town of Aatorli. Laid out and bv J W UhlwIV li.ov Lot I. Klork V. Town of Aston, ta ia'd nut and rm-onlml bv J. XI hire r C 00 lt t. ItlorK Town of Astoria, ss laid out and record eJ by J. SI. )t iti, k i t , f a,''1- la'd out an. I recorded by j. nlvmv Lot lo. il,M-k I T.wn -f Aat .ru. laid out and recorded by J hhlvelv ... , t."t l"-ck 1 Tr -in ..f ,atoriv laid out und rei-ordi-.i by J as XI. sa M ts M X uu nniviy I.t j HI. k t anli.lvl.,..t by T A Hyliind Town of Aator it ta It'd nut nnd rope.l by J. M Khlvely .. . i,t 4 ii'... k w u'ih l-l.-l bv T A Ilyland. Town ..f Aator'n. a a'd out and rernrdod by J. M. HhK-.iv I.t 5 n; k v, u-l!vl.b d by T. A llvlurul Town of Aator n. aa ill nut und recorded by J. XI. Mblvelv . . .. j.t . t,K-k sa sulxlivld.-l by r r u . iivrira. iown fi Atn.i a laid out snd rs orde. by J. M If Jtnlv In lllork V. out nnd Town nf A'orl 1 record.-1 bv J 1 1 1.1 rtnive'v m on I."t 7 Ml. k 3. 'I'd out nnd 8hlvely Town of Aaiona. riror... ov J. su.oo I.nt t. Iilo, k I Town of .tt ,r n lnl.l nut nnd ri-cordi-.l by J Hhit-elv woo I Ait 1. (Cock Port of I'ptM.r A a. lorbt, na laid out and record..,! lit'V in-Mk 4-i iV.r't of' V' Vmh-r" A s'- tn-m na Inld out and recorded hy 41 00 ,iic:i .otir l.nt 4 Illock 40 Port of I ii., r ,ta. lorla. lit Inld out and recorded by John Adair I.i.l ,r.. Illock n for: of C.p..r As- torl.-t. nt l.tld out and r'-' ir b d by John Ail.i'r l.oi 11. plo'k 1 Town of Aa orl.t it lld t 1 "d ,..nrd..d bv j Jl. Shlvely A tilnriKUlnr olec i,f land t.oiinbd Wl 40 IW.OO 55. W 4d.n0 41.20 John Adair Lot 1 Illock TT. T iwn of A'tnrn. ,t laid out und recorded by J, ,. Hhlvelv 8.00 40.00 Uit 3. lilock T. Town of Ator a, na Inld out und recorded bv J. M. Hhlvely 40.00 menls, the flrnt Installment dun Novem- I.ol 10, Illock It. Town 01 A for 1 1, 11 a 11 d nut 11 nd recordeii lit' J. M. Hhlvelv M.OO Lot 12. Illock X Town of ..atorla, na laid nut nnd recorded bv . M. Hhlvelv kO.OO Ixit 7, Illock X Town or Astoria, as I-'' out nnd recorded by J, VI. Hlllvely WI.UO Lot 6. Illock :. Port of Coper As. torla. iih In Id out and recorded bv John Adnlr Pvj.00 Lot 12, lilock 2. Town or Aator. 11, 11s laid nut und recorded bv J. M. Hoivcly 80.00 tne City of Astoria Oregon. Attest: II. E. NKLsON. Judgo of the City of Astoria, Oregon. GOVERNMENT PROPOHAIJ4. l)roposnls for Fresh Henf and Kresh 1 Mutton: oitico cninr commissary, Vancouver Ilarraiks, Wash., Oct. 6. 1898. Snaled proposals for furnishing and de livering Fresh Hcef and Fresh Mutton will be received here and at offices of com mlssarlcs at Fort Stevens, Oregon, Holse Rurracks and Fort Sherman, Iduho, Forts Cnnby, Spokane, Walla Walla and Vancouver Harracks, Wash., and Dyea and Fort Wrnngel. Alaska, until 11 o'clock a. m., Nov. 5, 1X98, and then opened. In formation furnished on application, En velopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Fresu ileef and Freeh Mutton," and addressed to the undersigned, or to Commissary at post to be supplied. A. 8. BROOKES, Cant. Chlwf Com'y. ASSESSMENT NOTICE TWKNTV-NINTH STKISKX IMWU)VKMKNT FUOM FRANKLIN AVMNUKTOdHANI) AVMNUE, ! Notli Is hsrnhy given thai ths asanas mnnl nm.Xi tiv ordliianoa No. IW, of th city of Astoria, t'tea.ui, eiiililad. "An orittuantas eoiilfrnilng th asieasment on the .olnl saaesaiiitiiit roll for Ihs strict iiiiiirovwiiiiiiii In hs oily of Aaiona, IH-egoii, known as "Ilia Iniproveiiiniit of Tweiily-nliilli Hlfeet. from Frankljit lu tii'Miid Avenue,'" approvml voiober (iitli, hi, will tu duo mitl inyaln In llititwl rllntea gold coin at thn nnice of (lie city lienaiirer on November, lam nnd If Hot ao paid at said tinm the I'liiniiiuii vuiiucll will otdvr wnirsiits Issued for ill collection uf (ha sMinn, Tb iimcnt is a follows: Allen A. V, ,,, Lot II. Illock 4. Town of Aaiurta, a Iientllla. Frank , V Fore, 4f. II , n l f KrUksmi, Uutltva , east ,,, Ilrtkvlst. An.lmw iiitrit, II , Jeffrey, Mary It north Laurllla. Ollvlt und. 110 Marlon, J. t. 1! Marlon. Marguerttta und, 1 10 Marlon, Paul und, 1 10 Marlon. Mary C und. 110 Marlon, Thomas K und. 1-10 Olten, Marvn Anna Olttn, Xiamn Anna , Poyskey. Juhn Parker, W. W ...west H .t H Atephensori, John west Htepaeoaaei, Job a UB4. outh 10 Mt Thompson, Krlck Wllllarnaon, Jant , south V Uih?Sr',ll0Wln' U p'abl, ,u "ullni"l. b first Installment due Nuvtmbec uU. John south H It T. Illock I. Town of Astoria, at laid out and rsavrdad by J, Xi. dvely u.u II y order of th common council if tb City of Astoria Oregon . 4.. . . Attestl II. K. NKtJIOM. . . , - ..A.U'1"'."C1 .W0 '"'' ,h 0, Astoria, Ursgon. Aatorta, Oregon, October Sin. Ik. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. THIRTY-FIRST STRBKT IMPROVEMENT FROM FRANKLIN AVKNUFIX) ORAM) AVKNUE. Notice lo hereby stven tnat th aaaea mnnt mad by ordinance No Jl of th tity ot Astoria. Oregon, , milled "An of dlnanee cnni nuns' the suamrti on th pedal aaaeaamnhl roll for tne slfent Imtiruvrment In the lly nf Aalorla (lr..a known aa The Improvement of Thirty-mat strawl, from tranklin av'eniK. tq lirand avenue.'" approved t H-toUnr nh im ,tlll tM,yi,B )n fnltaO Htaln aold coin at th offlVe 1 ol tho rty Irraaurrr. on Novemhor lllti VA and If not so ild at said tmia. ihjroutmiut cuuul will order warrants laau.d for the col In tion of th same. The asarss nient (a as follows: Anderson. Victor, heirs nf holrs are Ida " Andnraon. Albxrt Victor Anderson. Aiai William Anderson. Justin a At- uerson. widow I.ot I. Mock I, Town of Aalori. s Jitlil oui and rocorttetl by J U bhlvely j OB Adair. Mary 11 und 14 U,t t. im-k I Town of Astoria, as Inld nut and reanrded by J M hhlvelv , I u Adair. Mary R und. Jxit 4. pl.t. k I . IWn n Asbfla. at laid out and recorded by J M Hhlvelv II n Aalori sllreet Rallwty Company l.i . Ill,,, k I Town of Astoria, as M nut and tm orded by J. al Klilvtlv a 00 Astoria Street Rallwty Company Iot I, lllork l Town of Astoria, as laid out and rsawrdf by J M Hlilvnly . . n ag Astoria Street Railway ''nmpany U,t pi, ftl.M-kt I. Town of Aaluna. .s iit'd nut and rwiordr.. by J. XI Unlvely 11 m Astoria treet Railway Company u,( n, tm 1 Town of Aaloria, ss aid nut n,( rtarordrd hy J. XI Hhlvoly , B a) Urenhsm. Rolwrt J und. H J.t 1 ii, k 1 Town of AaloM t, as laid out and rnrordr.1 by j XI hlvy I 10 Ilretiharo. Robert J un-. ' Id . ilM k I. Twn of Astoria, a laid nut and recorded by J M. Hlllvely JJ J Parker. Laura Adair und. S Lot J Illock I Town of Astoria, as laid out and re ordml by J. XI hniveiy it u Parker. Uura Adair urd. 1,1 1, ,IH.k 1 T,wn llf Aalor)A Inld nut and retordml by J. M. HlliVelv Jl 1 (leorge. Winifred C U( ?, in,M k I Town of Aaloria, ss laid out and recorded by J. XI. Hhitrly l na Holmes. Oust und. u, 4 1.M kt 1 Town of Asioru, as inld out and recorded by J. XI ihvpIv ; jo ia ll jlmes. Oust und. tt Ut . film k I. Town of Astoria, as laid out Siul recordnl by J. M nltlv . ta Jordan. Mary A und, H (a.t 4, III... at Town of Aator;,, as Jul out nnd re. orded bv J. M f r Ively 1 to Jordan. Xlary A und. U.i a Hlo. k I Twn of Astoria, as laid mil and m orded by J, M Hlllvely JJ fj Larsen, Auttusl und. H I.t 4 Hi-M at I Town of Aaloria. a. laid out and rtx ordixl by J, M. Hh.vely jn u Larsen, Auttust UliJ. l IJt k, uttl k Tnwn of Astoria, aa Inid out and recorded uy J. M. MllVely JJ Laraen. P. W .t . Him k I Town of Astoria, as Inld out nnd recorded by J. M. Hhlvelv li na Mendel!. Ellin Adair und. m j fnck I Town of Astoria, as inld mil u 11. 1 rtcordiMt bv J. XI. Hhlvely I ta Xf-ndell. Ellen Adair und. H . niock I. Town of Astoria, ss Inld out and recorded by J. XI Hhlvely .. JJ M We cker. Katy Adair und, J,t j, m,,,.., Town of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Hhlvelv 1 In V.'tliker. Katy Adnlr und. ot t. Iit.u k 1 Town of Astoria, ns Inld out nnd rn onied by J. M. Hhlvely jj j) Th" ,f:,li',wlf nr P1,y,,B ln " ' sinlliiienls, Hie first lii.tnllment due No- vniir 1 itn, IHH; Webber. N. H Lot 12. Illock l Town of Astoria, nt laid out nnd recorded by J. XI. Hhlvely loot Ily order of the common council of th e City nf Aaloria Oregon . , , ,, ., . Atleat: II. K. NKIJtON. , . , Auditor nnd Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon Astoria. Oregon, Ovtobor iPltb, Pol. " ' WMr tormr-11 litnjc1 cwh . 1 r. tf 4V.t4''4lW, itt. l !.. It 1 X 1 I 4sMt7 alitlstta. Beware of Imitations orccstcr$li'Mtf tOHN tuseAS'i tost, Sauna, MW toss. fttttltf ll t IHd C II' il-l. I 1,1. a .u.f I SI I. .. I I l.f 1 1,.... II .... I I WlUt ItUM. i.lKkltl I-U. Aftrllf st- t....,a tlsw,, iitni out anil rocoiii.n uy j, m tolilvelv IN It Lot I, Illock S, Town of Aslurla, na Inld out and recotded by J, Xl. Hlilvoly ; I! g Lot I, J I lot k 4 Town of Aatiiilu, nt Inld mil and recorded by J. M Hhlvelv 71 l.nt 4, Illock 1. Town of Aalorls, as Inld out Slid recorded by J. M filll.t'lT , i ..i 7 10....1. s 1.... ..r Aai..irt pint eiv II M Inld pill slid I e. hi di d by J, M. hlllvvly tj H , Lot 1. Illock 4. Town of AslurU, as Inld out mid recorded by J. M. J,ot"t VioVi" . TJiViif 'Aatin-Va',' U " Inld oill and rwnlili-.l bv J. XI Mhltely IJ4J7 1hI . Illock a Town of Aalorls, aa Inld out ami recorded by J. XI. Bhlvely 1 1 Lot 1. Illivk I. Town of Aainrln, as bii.i out and rmordid tiy J, XI. HlilveW li t Lot 4. Hlotk I. Town uf Aatorlt. a Inld out and recotdad by J, XJ. Hhivcly U 1 -t t. IMiH-k I. Town of Astoria, as Inld out and rpcotded by J. XI tiiiviv , n a Lot I, IHock I Town of Aatorlt, at Inld out and recorded by J, XI. Wl'lvely 11 U I4H 1, iiiot-a town or Astoria, at Inld out and rwvrded by j.'xi. Lot l, Iilol-h'i Town of" Astoria, ne r m Inld nut and rvcutdeti by J, M. Hlilvelv J U 4. llbKk I Town of Aalorla, at iaia out sua retosuati uy t, m. hmvelv , u ai Lt I. lilock t Town af Astoria, a mm nut nti ratwrueti vy 4. m Hluvelv II U Lot I, llltH-k 1 Town of Aatorlt, 11 Inld out and terorded by J. M. Hhlvelv It 11 lot t, liliH-k I. Town of Astoria, as in in out anu rst-orueti oy J. at. llilvly IB M Lot I. Illot k 4, Town of Aetoria, a am ikii ami reouruati pv J, ai. ji u, nioca . iown or Astoria, at jam Itld nut and rsvvfdod bv a. XL "mvely UI.H lot I. Iilovk 4. Town of Astoria, aa btl.l out and rordd by J. XI. Illilvely ts is t-rt"v -r - -rrsvn iirint t n I y Mnt rul. flora tftKll Atk iat'lftt MMiSnnt4. I aaaaaa aVfinfltson. fiat Dr. Wllllnmai Inllaf, ' iiiitiiicnt will cure lliiud. llt..lo.. I...I.... m .n. .....uiua; lMlea. Il iiliaorlia thn iiint..u ullays th ItchliiKst olid-, am aM 11 IWIllllleM. ulvi.M lii.ln..l m llt'f. llr. Wll.lntn li.ilii.ii lol..flln. - 111.1111 isnrnpareii tor I'llea and Itch ing nf tho prlvain pnrts. Kvery boi a.ln -""''' y llnietflats, .y m on lAWllfsCTURIHO CO.. Prop. CiBvolami.TCfr: Korsnle by lOHTKH-CONN DRUG CO. WT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS Jli.-y iinri-oiiia WnaLiikM, lrrK In Hy (in. I nml-ial.iiia.lii, rea.a lhor and liaiilali ',,), nmn,!,,,,, Jl'.n." 11.17 aio ", m. .-i t irlrla at wmiinnliaiiil. H.Ullik J vvleSiMi.iit er nraitna and bmiy. No H.imn ri-iai-ily fur eunimi i-iuult Ihi-m. On, in. .1 tin nnrin lifu l, Lif PiirLl .-..n." n inrnem, all .ee IH VsVVsijfa HX "''''-.-'itiOy.duualva. - ae , pnv. it pit "l,,.,n4 h ror rtinn ny KHTF.H-CONN DRUG CO Hla aJ la a Hnn.nMun. fur ii.linrrl.ii.a CUUKsX la I anm. J-lwit, Hpnrmator rhiea, tt hll.-n. unnatural ill.. ' - charsi-a, nr any luManim. ima, Irritation or ul.i-ra- lewMia anuiaftas. nl m an oul nin, ifHftvNlCHtMinifr). Iiianna. Non-ialrlnt'iil It-lStlMJITI.O llolU br nrwmrlala. L . . . . ' ir sent m plain wrapper, by iprn, prapald, f .i 1 on, ,r 1 botibw, j,T',. irlitk am vui a a l. li H J w ill I vnuuiai fui uu ratAUWt