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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1898)
THE DAILY ABTOKIAN, HATUI'DAV MORNINU, NOVMOBEK UNSCRUPULOUS WILL UK nUMED PORTO RICANS JN TIIKIl. NATIVK BOIL, THE RUSSELL : : : Compound Automatic Engine ; CORRESPONDENT DISSATISFIED The Lmad Ilodlea of Boldbr Will lie lloinoved Krom Cuba at the Kg penae of the Government to Go East... vU IiiiIIiim and Iiurllntlon route, and you rrh Omaha, Kansas city. Bt. luia, nd all other southern nd southeastern -ttttw half t dr aooner (ban travelers h take any ottisr Una. do aaat via Ht. I'aul and tha Ilnrllnvton TouK and you rid tha flneet train on aarth-he Harilnfton.a tvt. raui-CI,lcigo Umltad. do Mat via Of dn and Denver, and jrou Ma tha wonderful scenery of tha Ilocklee, tamed lit. world over aa tha moat nif- tilrteant on tha continent. Tlckala M offlVea of connecting lna A. C. ailKUXlN. mi TICKETS to all iWft PQIHTS EAST Tkroert mIm and tourist leepara, tlolnc and library observation ears. kleoant vjurrmuj.ii trains Nv Knitted, nm IorVa4 ( 1; I Limits arrives rortlatf .1 l:U ft. as. For rata, te.. rail or address l. W, LoilNHifclnT. Afent O. k M.. Aalaitt. A. B. C. DKNNltTOM. . CP. T, A.. fortUnd. Or. Special 9 1 I'oinnurrinl Slrwt nuir s J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent ol the . . . Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. Ilvjluf puplla ararpunt fur Ilia arhool vk. I1 of owning, Hni.tcmlK'r Mh, Tor rate .to-, addraaa th. BuprtorM irriLtt KICEIVED IN TUX PHIMAHY. OBAMklAR AND ACADBUIO 0IUDK8 NO. SJHAM SALE! avinfr doteriije to move our business bacl to tbcj cltjr ofotland we' hereby, offer our. entire slock' of Ladies' and Gents' underwear, Ein broderles, Lace, Notions, Toys and Oriental Fancy Goods, everything, to be sold below cost. Chas, Kan & Co. 367 Commercial St, The. Pat Market Flour, - Feed - and - Hay K74 Comtnorclnl Htreot, uaruuuuuiAuriruvru uviAAixruvuuiAAAriAAruvuuvrvniVuvi avurtrtc TtolMPERI Alw Hotel TIIOB. GU IN 13 ruvvnuuvinjiriAvuuuvriAAiirij I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY : Talophona J Handles Only the ? 4s Commarclal St., naxt W! F. SCHEIBJE, A full line of Pipe. Tubacce and mokar' Artll(.-- " ATA Commercial tit. THE OCELUNCE OF SYRUP OF DCS U du not Only to UlO orltrlnsllle and Impllolty of tha combination, bat also w in. car. and skill with which it la manufactured hy adeiitlilo process. Known 10 mo UAMroimiA Flo Kvbuf Co. only, and wo wish to Imprest upon U tho liiiiMrUnc of )urcliaii(( the truo .tid original remedy, A the genuine rtyrup or I' ljra la manufactured i7 me (jamfoknia Fio Br uup Co, only, a knowlorfir. of that fact wll! aiaUt on. In vulillnif tho worthies iiniiAiiona manufactured Ly other par- nva. mo mtfll WtlUII)(f 01 til. CAM' totiMU t'ltt HrhUf Co. with tha mpdl. oal probation, and the aatlahuttlnn which th. ffvnulno fiyrup of Fljfa haa flron to millions of families, niakaa the iumuq of tho Company guaranty of th. excellence of Ita remedy. It U ler in euvauoe or an oilier laiatlres, a U acta on th. kidneys, liver and bowela without Irritating or weaken ing tlietn, and it (lore not rrlpo nor nauseate. In order to get Ita beneflolal effm-U, plraae remember th. nam. of Uie Company CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP CO. aM rSeftClaC, 01 ivoriaviLLt. . tomk. r. t, Kopp s "Best n A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AMD ABSOLUELY PURE Th. North raolflo Brewery, of wblob Mr.Johu Kopp I proprietor, tcakna txwi for domna'lo and export trade. Ilottlnd heer for family use, or keg beer supplied at any lime, delivery lu th. city Iree, NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY Oriental CmMomMIom and Toys. We rtiMnt reduce, at lock nnd Hell HegardleiaM of Co.t Uitivl A A P. Pa CoojH'r'n Dry Oool" Store. 1N8TB0- MKNTAL MU3IC. PAJNTINO AND V01CI CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DSP A RTM1 8 AN, Proprietor No aa Choicest Aleats Palaoa Ritaurai.t. Manufncturor nnd Ualer In a " " FINE CIGARS! New York Suns Manila Man Says Unkind Tbings About the Second Oregon. COLONEL SUMMERS' LETTER Siyi the Correspondiot Hti Dlsre- f irdcd trie Truth la Scvenl ln tincei - Merrltt Commends. I'OKTLANI). Nov, i-Colom l O, Bum nmrn, rummundliiK thn KMond Oron voluntai'r rnKliiwfii, now t Mnnlla, ha wrllton a rttr lo the Or'riln, In which he at"utly dolilxa the orrettici of the rneloiik artlclig publithud In the Nrw York Hun rollrrtliif on tha char- l. r ut the oltlrera and tnvn of the Hc ond Cr'fun rrKlinont. 'olone Summor anyi; "Tlie man who wrote thraa artlcli-a I Onror King Ixivla, apodal correspondent of the Now York Muo ami lUrpofa 'Weekly. Ttila man Devla mde tha voy bko with ua In the Auatralln, and haa btn entrtalned by my offlrtra, tjoih on ahlp and alnce coming aahort, and treated aa gftillrmrn would treat olht-r anitle mrn at all 1 1 mra. lie aaw nothing on board tha Aualralla, that could not nav bran aren on any other troopahlp, and thrra waa nothlnc In the ronduit of my rrglinrnl that waa dlffrrrnt from the rondurt of other r1mmti, rrguUra not aaceptH, Our men were well fej and under aa xl dudpline and had their quartera krpl aa cU-aii aa thone of any recular reaiment that baa come to the I'hlllpplnee. "Aa a further Indication of the uunrru. puloua tharartor of thla man who thua abuaed the hMpltallty of the Oregon n-alnirnt, I will atate that, after the rapture of Manila, he wrut Into a Rpan- lard'a houae In the city, rtrrentrd him- arlf lo la i llcutrrnmt colonel of the I'nllrd Htatra army and undcrlouk I" laka powiMon and drive out the family, and It lircame my duty, aa provoat niar- ahal to put him out of the houae." lolonnl Bummera lo encloa Irttera from Major tli-n'-ml Thom.n M. Andcr- eon and Major (irneral Wralry Mrrrltt titglily commending the rffli Irnry of the Hwund Orvaon rrglniriit during and after the fall of Manila. The Bun corrrapunornt alo wrote that while at the laland of 0 untu aevcral mem bera of the Orrgon rrglmmt forcibly took i avvnral valuable art l Ira from a native. Coliini'l Bumnx-ra aaya of thla Incident: "The Incident of the laland of Guam la one evulvrd almoat wholly from the C - rriKjii.lnit a IniuKiimtion. Otw of our of- tli-era aakrd a native to aell him h.e knife. The native Immediately touk It off and prearnted It to him, ami poaltlvrly re fuaed to receive any pay," HUDSON IIEKOHE MO A It D OF IIUHEAU CHIEFS. Wanta to Continue the Work of Wreck ing the Bpaniah Warahlpe Merrltt Company Allowed to Continue. WASHINGTON. Nov. 4,-Nava Con- etructor Hoheon waa before the naval bureau chlefa today and apeiK two hour In an argument to convince the board of the advlaablllty of allowing him to con- I tlnue the work of wrecking the BiMUileh warahlpe aunk off Santiago. Becretry Lorax had already concluded that further proaecutlon of the work had better reaae, at leaat ao far aa It la con ducted at government expenae. How ever, he conaented to allow llobaon an opportunity to Induce the board of fcureau chlefa to recunalder their original determ ination. The conatru.tor waa reinforced In hla opinion that the Colon, und per- tiH one or two other ahlp, might be aaved by Mr. Merrltt, of the wrecking firm of Merrltt & Chapman, although thla opinion la In tum contrary to that of the wreckmuater on the epot at Santi ago. The board contented Itaelf with the recommendation of Aaa.alant Secretary! Allen, who haa the matter In charge, that , ... vU...,-. r .....weu 10 cn.i wiiui- .iieir wuin oiuy on me vuiun untier , the agreement to pay aalvage to th.m only In cao tho veaael la mlaed, and I meanwhile iiiaconllnue, thai heavy per diem payment the company la now re ceiving. STILL COLLECTING TRIBUTE. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 4.-A gpcclnl from Manila of September 26 guy: Tho ngurgimt are at. 11 colloctuig tribute from resident of Manila, and It linoat Impossible to check them. Almost t tho door of the headquarter of the Irst Colorado a rebel recruiting station nd court were discovered. Four Noting nutlvea drafted Into the rebel army re fused to go and they were placed under arreat and an effort was nwule to tuke thorn by force. The entire gtalt at the rebel headquarter was nr res led for ab lution, und It was then learned that aoine preposterous tine had been levied on two Chinese by the court. The rebel officials are on trial before Colonel Charles Jcwett In the provost court nnd will be severely dealt with. LONDON. Nov. 4.-The most reliable Information from Purls confirms the eurler reports that M. Dupuy, the pre mier, has decided to wash his hands of ashodii and to recnll Major Marchand for whoso mission he Is not responsible. This decision Is, to some extent, duo to a desire, to allow nothing to Interfere Ith the success of tho exposition. of lSOO. Todnv will be Important In the history of the crisis. It Is expected thut Baron do Conrccl, the French ambassador, will Im part the French decision to Lord Sails bury, who will speak this evening at the banquet to be Klven the sirdar, Gen eral Lord Kitchener. The Dnlly chronicle, under reserve, publishes a remarkable story sugKCstlng that the sirdar captured documents prov ing that Major Man-hand, before the battlo of Omdurmnn, sent to tho khanllfa French ling Inviting him to hoist It, nd so, by becoming a French ally, to deter tho Anglo-Egyptian forces from at tacking htm. OFFICERS ELECTED. NEW YORK, Nov. 4,-The following I'aolflo Coast Company officers wcro elected: Henry W, Cunnon, chairman of the board; J. B. Fnrrell, president; John Keane, treasurer; II. II. Furand, secre tary; executive board H. W. Cannon, E. H.' Harrlman, D. S. Lamont, T. J. Cool Idgo Jr., M. B. 8chley. The newly elected president waa formorly gtneral superin tendent of the Great Northern railway, western division. He will reside at Se attle. WashM and .Win charge of the property. For gome time past he has re sided tn Spokane.' ' ' " ' ' NKW VOHK, Nov. 4,-A llpUh to the J'rtaa from Waahlngton aaya: Tfie work of removing the bodice of all government aoldb ra burled In Cuba, 1'ortu JHio and Manila will begin In l few wreka. The expoime of the under' liking will be borne entirely by the gov' eminent. Mn'or General K. V. Gieene, who re turned rmently from Munlln, aaya that the Ural troopa killed In buttle or who lied In hoapltula were burled In the Ho. muii t'eihollu cemetery Jum outaido the galea of MmillN, Thla ixi ih, the private, who avid tho general hud no rUcht to bury pemotia not C'atholUa In ton" untied ground. "Then." aald the general, "I aecured land and went to work to rnuke a cein elery of my own, The cemetery ad joined the Inaurgent tamp and Aguln uldo'a men aald they would lie Infected with dlaeuae If 1 peralatej In my plan. , wua becoming aomewhut weary of com plulnla, ao 1 Hied notice onco and for all that my cemetery would remain wher. It waa," VJI'IVIIM MIU IN V (JWIUtiYK NEW VOItK, Nov. .-A dlapatrh to the Tlmra from lotidon aaya: A ator of the greatent gravity, circu lating among peraona In touch wl.h of Mclul iunrtera, allegea that wnen Mar chund reachel Kaahoda. he aent two meaiengera three French flugg to the khalifa, and a letter guying (hut It the ahullfu holated theae flagg at Om durmun, he would be under the protec tion of the "Orent Krencti Nation." and 1he flrltlah would not fire upon him. The khullfa. replied that two "ilrltlah do" had attacked Boudan. "that a dog named Gordon" had been killed, while the other "dog" numed Kitchener, ne waa about to kill He would then wipe out the French. Iloth of three IHtera and three Aug are aald to have been captured by the alrdar'a oltlcera. If thla be confirmed, It la obvloua that publlo opinion here will be InHumeo at the diocovery that a French agent tiud offered protection to the Khalifa, while the French government cutilcratulated the Hrltlah government on the victory for the ek of clvlllxntlon. POI'L'LIBT SCHEME EXPOSED. GRAND IIAPID9. Mich., Nov. Ttiomaa Jefferaon Haynea. popullut nom inee for congreaa from thla d.gtru t today made public a gtatement over Ma algna ture that the pjpullat ticket wai put In the held for the aide purpoae of defeating thn oemoerata. He aaya he waa promlaed ItA tor the uae of hla name aa a candi date. He admlta he haa already received tluo, but aaya he accepted It aolely for exposlnar the echeme. TO I'KNBION CONFEDKKATES. CHICAGO. Nov. 4.-A gwclal to the Trlbuno from Dullaa, Tn-in, guya: Ttm roiwtltutlunal amendment vottd on Tueeday authorlxlng the pensioning to confederate aoldu-m haa been rarrb d although full returna are not In. A majority of ei -confederate voted agalnat the amendment. The negnx alao voted agalnat It. NEW TRHATMENT SCCCEBSFL'L. CHICAGO. Nov. t-Dr. J. H Murphy a new treatment for conaumpuvea haa bp Mtrently worked Ita firm rurea. The pa- tlentg are William B. Punvll and J. C. F-dwarda. who have leen undergoing the treatment for a little over three month. The treatment la that which excited wide Irrtereat when presented In a paper read by lr. Murphy before the Amerl an Medical Aeeoclatlon at Denver thla um mer. DERELICT BIQHTED. , PORT TOWNSEND. Nov. 4-Captaln John Hahn. of the Canadian achooner Victoria, reporta that September 9 he naaeed within 10 yardg of a derelict. The craft had turned turtle and appeared to be a venae I of about ltO ton. The derelict la thounht to be the Ilrltlah seal ing aihooner Pioneer, which I consider ably overdue. BATTER V A MUSTERED IN. m,T, . Vn vnv inat.erv a eon of m,n w murXvrti lnl0 the Ur,,KOn National Guard tonight by Major ,, t Willeti H. U. Welch was -,,., I Let every man be occupied In the high est employment of which hi nature a capable, and die with the consciousness that ho has done nl best. A fashionable shoemaker says , that women can endure pain better than men. PUCkLEN'B ARNU.A 8ALVE THE BEST 8ALVB In tha world for Cuts, Bruises, Sorer. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sorea.l Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corn and all Skin Eruption, and positively cure Piles, or no pay re quired. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 8 eert per bos. For aala by Estes-Conn Drug Co. It has always been a mooted point whether or not a woman Is Justified In repairing the ravages and omissions of nature. A woman's first duty, we have been told again nnd narnln, is to look well. If not actually beautiful, and this end Is held by many to Justify most. If not all, means. Recently one bold man actually went so fnr as so say In print that he hivd urged his wife to "Improve herself," and that he had, furthermore, considered It every woman's duty to heighten her charms. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling Incident, of which Mr. Tohn Oliver, of Philadelphia.' was the subject, I n"Tated by him as follows: "I was In a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, my eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually In back and s'des, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had srlven me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'EleotrlQ Hitters;' and to my great Jy nnd surprise, the first bottle made a decided Improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fall to try them. Only BO cents per bottle at Estes-Conn Drug Co. Queen Victoria's favorlt' method of beguiling the time en route Is to play "patience" and In particular she likes the "fan" game. Her patience table, a neat. contrivance, which contains all the requirements and folds up, was In vented for her by Lady Adelaide Cado ttan, a greait authority and writer about games. The queen's cards are made for her especially and are small and neat and kept In morocco cases stamped with her monogram. Growing Indifference Between Natives and United States Troops on tbe Island. NATIVES NOT TREATED RIGHT General Stone Say$ Our Soldiers Were CorJIilljT Welcomed to Island, tut Tory Did Hot Peclprocate. NEW YORK. Nov. 4.-Onra Roy Htone.who has Juat returned from porto Itlr-o, aaya: "The people of Porto Rico are not at all aatlafled wit American rule. There I a growing difference between the na tlvea and the militia, which I greatly to be regretted. When the army of oc cupation firat Invaded the Island, the na tives received the Americans cordially and they wished to be treated aa people of this country and not aa a conquered province. The treatment they have re ceived from our handa haa ben Juat the opposite. Thla haa produced a chill. "What the Porto Rlcana want I to be taken In aa a part of the United States. They do not expect to enter the union a a atate, but as a people In training to be advanced to statehood. In addition to thla they want free trad with the United States and there Is no reason that I can sea why they should not have H. At present they are forced to pay duty on all Import goods, Bpaniah goods Included, which wera free before. 'Our military government of th laland has been far from eatlsfactory. We hsve destroyed tho Spanish military rule and have not replaced It with American forcea. thus destroying their safeguards to life and property. Aa a result of this from 154 to W of the finest plantation have been destroyed by fire. Just who Is respona'ble for this I cannot aay. The Infartvry there) Is of little use In policing the laland. In addition there should be a civil guard composed of Porto Rlcan private and American offi cers." REMARKABLE RESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, PlaJnfield, III., makes tbla statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; ah waa treated for a month by her family pBysl- clan, but grew worse. He told her she waa a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure ber. Her druggist suggested Dr. K-ng's New Discovery lo Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benentted from first dose. She con tinued It ui and after taking six bot tles found herself sound and well; now doea her own housework ana la as well aa ah ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Esies-onn Drug Co. Large bottles U cents and 11.00. THE WEALTH OF CUBA. If Uncle Sam should. In the Interest of humanity, add Cuba to his domains. It would almost double his wealth. With Cuba under a stable government and fully cultivated. Uncle Sam would soon control th world's markets for four great staples tobacco, sugar, coffee and rice. It seems a shame to abandon this rich Island to an alien race. It is a greater shame for a man to abandon his stomach to the ravages of disease. To strengthen the stomach taae Hoetettera Stomach Bitters. It Is just the thing to stimulate the appetite. It will overcome dyspepsia. If there Is consti pation it will establish regularity of the bowela It makes the nerves strong and steady, and gives restful slumber. There Is no substitute for It. NOTICE OF FILING RuliL. ASSESSMENT TOTICE is hereby given to all persons homsoever that the special assess ment roll for the street Improvement In the City of Astoria, Oregon, known aa the Improvement of Exchange street, from Ninth to Tenth street, has been filed in the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of said city and la now open for Inspection, and will so remain until Wtd needay. November . 1S98. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., when the committee on streets and publlo ways of the Com mon Council, together with the board of assessors, constituting the board of equalisation, will meet to review find equalise said assessment, prior to which time all objections to said assessment must be filed with the said Auditor and Police Judge, and if not so filed the Common Council may at tho next regu lar meeting following said Bd day of No vember, 1SH8, confirm said assessment. This notice Is published by order of the Common Council duly made by resolution thereof passed Thursday, November 3. 1SSS H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge. City of Astoria, Oregon. Dated November 5, ls9 Live minnows for bait can be attached to a hook with little Injury by a new holder, consisting of a single niece of wire bent to form an eyelet In the cen ter, with the ends pointed toward each other, to be Inserted In the sides of the fish. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. leave 1 Aatorl (1'1Q a, a. p. "i Jl'iid Mid 4.nrlt Kx $:. B:: 0 psf k ains via K .pppv It'liroii Wes ort, Clst'-ka-i Arrive P m .' ,m. UlldlUO nie, Uoble: connection a: liol I" for the fa-t and Pu- et Sound potms. Xi-.-X 5:00 iorla Seal'e and Sew 64 4:20 torla pH-i.e'BPr i'in via Wiirreiit. hi a d Huvel 8:1.0 Simd Hunter' apeoiaM.SO :Atorl,t to Seld. All trains, excepting the 6unday hunt ers -pedal, leaving Astoria to Sea side and returning from Seaside run on the Flavel Branch. 4. (J. MilU, G. F. A P. A. THE PROOF of the pudding is tn the eating and the proof of liquors IS Iff SAMPLING That's an argument that's con clusive a demonstration. Ours will stand tha test. HUGHES & CO. r, L ' 't ...... . - kj;f.ui):j::y : a , i 1. . n.'i m ,r , - . Strong and Economicnl. Write us for particulars. A. II. A ERI IAj, RUSSELL A CO., Marmger. Portland, Oregon, COLUMBIA Blacksmiths BoIIerMakers Machinists Foundrymen slogging Engine Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... .Manufacturers for tbe Pacific Coast WEAR RESISTERS BOYS and GIRLS We have a large stock of neat and durable shoes at tha very lowest prices. Before pur chasing Elsewhere, call and examine them. JOHN HAHN The Reliable Shoe Dealer the n DC Seventh and Astor SHASTA MINERAL WATER, PErTER. NOBLE, KICK0RY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, W1XES. BEER AND CIGARS Served Day and Night. AUGUST KRAT2, Pacific Sheet .... MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable Frolt Lithographing on CANS San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Fairhaven. WasH, Write Ua GRAND REMNANT 500 Yards Body Brussels, Tapes try Brussels and Moquettes to be dis posed of at less than cost C. HEILBORN & SON. C. J, TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage. CHB,om Hohm Broker. ASTORIA, OREGON. nsurance and Shipping. Agent w. p. and paemo exPKU cos. A. V. ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses. ith the Fruit to go in them ' vomuuureua Solo At-ents for tho DUNLAP HAT, m. ..f 1 .am -f . mm, - m c. , f. f r . , Y-0. . . ii.umm k a.-j i 1 k V IRON WORKS Loggers Supplies Kept In Stock Built and Repaired. for tbe ROBERTS WATER-TUBE BOILER. FOR Streets, Astoria. - - Manager Metal Works Slice cnJ Synrp Tin a Specialty. for Prices SALE OF CARPETS. ALLEN 5? Prices Lower Than. Ever... Robinson & Co., HATTERS, Portland, Ore. Hard to beat Our line of airtight Stoves and their Prices SomctHltis Nqw, W.J.SCULLY 431 Bond Street.