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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1898)
THE A3T0RIAN haa thi largest circulation of any papei 00 till Columbia River TIE DAILY astor:an Is tr.e tlmst ir.l test rsper on the Columbia River KULI, ASSOCIATED PftKSS KHPORT, VOL. XLIX. ASTOUIA, OK BOON, HATURDAY MOUNIMJ, NOVEMUEU 5, J8!H. NO. 100 1 .1 I 1,1 IH Iffl M IS'. - I 1 1,1 1,1 11 111 JB. The Only ... IN ASTORIA ... Our Hpoclolty; HTOVCH AND IIAINGEtt Wo know the luriino. Twenty yenrs experience. If you want a GOOD Btovc, see the utoek at the Eclipse Hardware Co. flirt ni!ii'tn" , A I - u.i, pi, m If Foard & OUR "We Buy and Specialties Just Arrived... CARLOAD OF AIR TIGHT AT LOWlisr .'KICKS. CAR LOAD ALL KINDS It T Mackintoshes Umbrellas Rubbers FOE LADIES, GENTS, MISSES, YOUTHS AND CHILDREN Reliable C- TT THE LEADING HOUSE OF Stove Store CITY BOOK STORE 1 1Mf1uttrter for SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, TYPEWRITER PAPER, RIBBONS, ETC., ETC GRIFFIN & REED MOTTO i Sell Everything." HEATER OF LAMPS LOW MICKS. Stokes Co, s SEA nira til in Goods; Lowest Prices Important to Buyers We tnko plcruiuro in calling your attention to the fact that never before was a Utter, finer or handsomer lino of Gapes, Jackets, Paekintosh Suits and Novelty Dress Goods "In nil coin rs" rliuvn, than is now on exhibi tion and for silt- ut very imxliTiiiY pruts. See them nt McAllen & McDonnell, 470 tT2 Commercial Btrwl, ASTORIA. Iia-li3 Third Street, PORTLAND. OR. (HI l! ASTORIA BURNED AND SANK AT SEA Big: Freighter Croaton Takes Fire Off Cape Charles and Is Lost. FIVE MEN WERE DROWNED Coolness of tbe Officers Prevent- el a Panic A mo Df Crew and Nearly All Were Saved. SHE CARRIED TWENTY-SEVEN Twenty-Two Survivors Picked Up ty a Schooner anl Taken to Vineyard Havtn. Mass -Tbe Drowned. VINEYARD HAVEN. Mas... Nov. 4 A disaster it sea. fortunately with imall loss of life five persons In allwa made known todsy by the landing here of 22 person, who escaped from the burning iicumer C'roaUn, of the Clyde line, bound from New York for Wilmington, N. C. and Georgetown, . C. The dis aster occurred on November 1, about 18 nillra north of ('w Charles, and about S mil's from New York, from which Iort the steamer salUd October SI, with a general curgo and eight passengers, At 1 o'clock In the afternoon the burned hull of the blK freghter sank benea'h the wave. Of the 2? persons who were on bourd. 22 have .urvlved. These pas senger mere landed at this port thin af ternoon by the schooner Alice E. Clark. The Crnatan'a lint of drowned In aa fol low: Second Assistant Engineer Jeremiah MoCarty. Nova Scotia, leave, a widow In New York. Steward James Curtis, of Jemey City. Mm. J a men Curtis, wife of the .teward. Frank . an oiler (met name un known.) Jennie Wlllard. colored, ..mlngton, N. C. The story of tho disaster Is told by Cap tain Hale and the other officer of the unfortunute vessel, vk follows: The Cro utiin wa obout 5) hour, from New York on hi-r way to WllmliiKton. with a nmooih hm mid calm weiither, when, at S p. m., a fireman rnme hurrleilly on deck and reporti-d thut thr r hip wan on tire. A Keneral alarm wns Imnn dlntely g.ven and nil effort wh.h made to lower the boats, but the tire spread with u h rapidity that all effort to reach them were un availing because of the flames. In lei's than 10 minutes after the lire was re ported the ship was completel'- enveloped In (lame from stem to stern. Shortly after the tire was discovered an explosion took place In the cargo, which blew off the after hatches. A second explosion followed a few minutes later and the ship was then a mass of flames. It was nt this time tha,t Cap tain, Hale, seeing that to remain on the vessel meant sure death, gave orders for all hands to Jump nverlwnrxl and save themselves as best they could. The gal lant captain was the Inst man to leave the ship. Thero seemed to ! no panic on board and men and women, nftcr lashing on their life-preservers, calmly leaped Into the water. The captain and the first offi cer rescued o'Khl persons from the water In a yawl. Thu burning ship was sig-.ed by the four-masted schooner Alice E. Clark, which lay about six miles ff, and her captam sent a boat and crew, who res cued 12 persons. SANTIAGO CUBANS STRIKE FOR HIGHER WAGES. Want an Increase of Fifty Cents, Whlih General Wood Refuses transport Panama Is Safe. SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Nov. t.-The Cubans who have employed In cleaning and repairing the streets of Santiago have struck for higher wages,, though thev have been receiving a dollar a day. or 50 cent and two rations higher wages than they have before been paid for sim ilar work. "In faot, the local employers of labor have been complaining of thl high rate, alleging that it waa quite Impossible for them to compete with ho government on such terms. The Cuban laborers, at the beet, are laxy anu slipshod. They want an Increase of 50 cetvts a day. Gen eral Leonard Wood absolutely refuses to accede to tho demand and will adopt heroic measures if the strike Is not very promptly declared off. The trouble is that many of the strikers have rations enough on hand to last a month or more ami they think they can coerce the United States authorities. General Wood says ho will arrest every laborer nble 'to work and under a va grancy law, which ho will establish, compel him to work thirty days for ra tions while In lull. Ho dislikes the Idea of Importing labor, but believes that this must bo tho ultimate result General Wood visited tho yellow fever hospital to make nn Inspection. Ho found ono patient suffering from Bright's disease, but that there had been a caso of yellow fever under care for two months. He severely censured Dr. Pucker, superintendent of the hospital, for making an appeal for American re lief stores, and ho will probably abolish tho hospital altogether at tin early dato. Collector Donaldson has returned from Glbara with $40,000 customs receipts at that place. Ho reports that there Is con- Idcrablo smallpox In he neighborhood of Holguln, but no vellow fever. Gen eral Dometrlus Castillo, who ia assisting In the work of organising the military department In the Glbara district, la busy engaging men lor gendarmeries, accept ing men only of good physique. Colonel Hay, wtio hn returned from Quantanamo, say that the Cuban gon eral. 1'nrei, ahout to grant Indefinite furlough to Mi men, to enable them io go to work, the reason apparently Hng that many are practically js gn1 wouM have ;one to work anyhow. Lieutenant J. If. Blount, the Judge 4 oa.te, I acting a lieutenant governor. CVUaln Chester, of the United State cruiser Cincinnati, after an examina tion of the wreck of the Relna Mercedes, l of the opinion that (he veasel cm be raised at imatl expense. She I of an antiquated type, but would b uieful when repaired a a achool ship 6r for coaat defense, though It would be necessary to lax out a targe um of mon ey for Kflttlng her. The recelDt of the a bulletin announcing the aafe arrival of the Lnlted Btatea transport Panama at Havana cauaed relief here, aa there had been some uneasiness, although the re port that she had been lost waa not credited. The department hail tn caused much annoyance, owing to the utterly unfounded dlipatchee forwarded on the subject for a day or two to the United Statei. more than fifty pro gram having been received aaklnv fnr Information. One report waa that a achoooer bad passed tome wreckage marked "Pan ama," but there waa nothing In this. Kvery ichooner In Santtosro harbor waa vlaKed and everywhere the earn flat denial waa made. The rumor circulated waa a stupid boax. EFFECTS OF ASTOIt BAT TERY SOLD AT MANILA. The Proceed Will Be gent to Relativts Promotlona Made In Nebraska Regiments-Oregon Soldier Injured. MANILA, Sept. 24. (via San Francisco. Nov. 4.K Headboards have been erected over the grave of the Aator battery dead who lie In the native cemetery, and their effect have been told at auction, bringing large sums. A coat belonging to Private Dunn brought fx. and a to bacco pouch 1Z The money will be sent to relative. William Flick, of company M. Minne sota, met a glad surprise upon arriving here. The German cruiser Princess Wllhelra 1 now in the harbor, and the young soldier learned that h:s brother wu a marine on board. They bad not een euh other for ten year. The following promotion have been made In the Nebraska regiments: Cttirtain W. H. Oury, company B, ha been made aecond lieutenant In the Twenty-third Infantry; First Lieutenant Claude H. Ough. O company, to be cap tain of B company; Second Lieutenant O. W. Burr, of E company, to be first lieutenant of O company; Sergeant Ma jor Sherman A. White, to be second lieu tenant of E companyiRegtmental Quar termaster Sergeant Wadaworth to be sergeant major, and Sergeant Ryan of II company to be quartermaster of the regiment. Lieutenant Crltchlow. of Battery B, I't.ih. was presented with a beautiful Ivory cane on Wednesday evening. He was the officer who commanded the l'tah guns In the trenches on the night of August 21. The Utah battalion has Ix-en made an independent organixatlon, with Captain Young acting major. Captain F. J. Case, company F, sec ond Oreiton, haa been detached to Inspect the sanitary system at Cuvlte. and re port on I:: ondltlon, together with rec ommendations for repairs or an entire new system. Edward D. Doldrlch, of company F, Second Oregon, had a serluo fall from his hammock last Thursday. It Is now feared that he may have sustained ver tebral Injuries and has been removed to tho hospital. INDICATIONS POINT TO REPUBLICAN VICTORIES. The Governorship of New York Claimed by Both Parties-All Bets Taken bv the Republicans. NEW YORK Nov. 4 Chairman O'Dell. of the republican state committee, has given out the following statement: "Tho campaign which is rapidly draw ing to a elose from every Indication points to a republican victory. The clos ing of a careful canvass ol the up-to-date counties convinces me that a plurality large enough to more than meet and offset any possible plurality that can b obtained In Greater New Y'ork by Tam many Hall Is assured. "I And that the constant talk of Tam many Hall leaders of their certainty of carrying the state has been a mere bluff. There Is no possibility of tuelr securing In the city of New York a plurality that would Insure the election of Van Wyck, and they are now seeking wltu fake bet to bolster up what they know to be a losing cause. Their bets the republicans are calling, and we are met with the - formation at their betting stand that there Is no more Van Wyck money in sight. On the contrary, I am in receipt of Information from hundreds of demo crats within tho city of New Y'ork who j propose to vote ior Kooseveii. ana i believe that there Is a surprise In store for democrats as well as for republicans, only that the surprise for the republicans will be In the nature of a pleasing one. "I clalft the state of New Y'ork with out anf question for Roosevelt by at least 4iuv His magnificent canvass has awakened enthusiasm throughout the state, and his manly and courage ous utterances, and his reputa tion for honesty, have brought to him the Independent voters who are to de cide this election." Richard Croker, In a statement to the public, says: "I am confident that Judge Van Wyck will be elected by a handsome plura.ity. Ho will have from 73.000 to SO.OoO plurality In these two boroughs, and the rest of Greater New York will increase the to tal to 100.000." COrrER RIVER 13 RICH. JUNEAU, Alaska. Oct. 30, via Victoria, Nov. 4. Captain Abcrcromble, U. S. A., of the Copper river exploring expedition, with the remainder of his command, has arrived here. He predicts a great future In mineral wealth and small agricultural development for the Copper river valley. Ho states that his party discovered an thracite and bituminous coal In quanti ties. When asked to what he laid the gen eral disappointment of the season, Cap tain Abererombte said. "To men who should never have left the plowhandie. Most of them were grubstaked. They weakened and remained In camp." PROPOSALS REJECTED Spaniards Refused to Give Up the Philippines to the United States. LAME REASONS ARE GIVEN Clalmei Tbis Country Hal No Io . teotion of Annexation When Protocol Was SlfneJ.'. MISUSE OF PUBLIC MONEYS TbtsIsAIso Cuirted Afalnst UilteJ States anl Reparation Demanded -Are Prepared for Conflict. PARIS, Nov. 4--At today' session of the peace commiss.oners the Spanish flat ly refused to accept Monday's proposi tion by the Americans to take tbe entire Philippine group and to retmbure Spain for her "pacific expenditure" there. j The Spanish commissioner had also a I number of positive declarations, whlcn filled some S7 typewritten sheet. In one statement the Spaniard held that the , United State had no ultimate right In the Pnlllpplne Islands, and could have , none cave by the consent of Spain In ! these negotiation, and upon terms satis factory to her. According to the Spanish j contention. In a formal statement, the United State entertained no thought of . annexing the Philippine when the proto- j col waa signed, or It would have been expressed In the protocol a clearly a , conditions regardlnsr the cession of ter ritory In the Antilles and the Orient M. Camon, before the signature of the pro tocol, received from Madrid the present ment of an alleged cable message, clear ly setting forth that the maintenance of Snain's anthorltv over the Pnlltppines should not be affected by the protocol, to which reservation the United States made at that time no protest or objection. It wus turther held today by Benor Rio and his colleague that the occupa tion of Manila having occurred after the signing of the protocol, and thus after the suspension of hostilities, was Invalid. With all this for ground work, the Spani ards made their first positive move against the Americans, and It constituted their counter proposition. They charged 'non the United States wrongful appro priation of public moneys belonging to Spain by seixlncr tariff duties at Manila, and they formally demanded the return of these mo-iys In the sum ot nearly 1, OuO.OOO. PREPARE!: FOR THE WORST. WASHINGTON. Nov. l-The admlnls- I tratlon is waiting results from the peace ' rtstm m ieatnrt m- Vt antlnnlmltw In Vim a. commission with equanimity in the re alisation that the government Is perfectly , prepared for any turn the negotiations may take. The navy, especially, in a state of preparedness, should It come to , a resumption of hosth.-ies. One by one1 all the splendid tiphtlng machines of , treasury ana goes so iar a v uecu the North Atlantic squadron, which hud that Weyler himself came to the trea. been brought north at the earliest pos- ury to aid in the crime as he allege, sible oment. were docked, cleaned and It has been divided to make a full Inves thoroughty rented at the New York and tlgatlon of the case. Norlolk navy yards. Admiral Dewev has dispatched his ve' ENGLAND AND FRANCE MAY sels one by one to British docks at Hong- hfcomE INVOLVED. ong. where they have been placed In as ET BEL0ME I-NVOLVMJ. good condition as possible, outside of. . ,, our own home ports. Secretary Long j has prudently declined to part with the numerous fleet of auxiliary vessels ac quired by the government JJst prior to and during the war. As far as the army Is concerned, while the original force of nearly a quarter of ot a million men, called Into service by the oresldont, has been largely dimin ished by the mustering-out of many regi ments and organisations, it Is the opinion of expert military authorities that the army as a whole Is now a more formid able weapon than it was at any period J during the war. In fact all branches of the military and naval service profited by the ex perience of war, and are now In better shape than ever before. THEY ARE OPPOSED TO BUYING PHILIPPINES. Several Governors of States and Repre sentatives Opposed to Paying One Cent tor the Islands. NEW YORK. Nov. 4.-Several gover nors and four members of the house of representatives, in telegrams to the World, give their views on the proposi tion to pay Spain $40,000,000 for the Phil ippines. State executives and national lawmakers generally agree In opposing any plan calling for a money payment by victor to vanquished. Governor Johnson, of Alabama, says: "I don't think the United States should take the Philippines as a free gift and I certainly would pay nothing for them. We want to extend our commerce, but not to go into the colonial business." Governor Adams, of Colorado, who fa vors annexation, says: "It Is the defeated and not the victor that pays. Why should the United States pay Spain for Islands she has forfeited by every law of humanity and liberty." Governor Pingree, of Michigan, says: "I am opposed to this country having and looking after the Philippines. They would be an elephant on our hands. The American people in my opinion would never go there to colonise, as they can do better elsewhere. "I think we would find It very hard to get soldiers to go Into tnat climate to clean up the back yards and look after our Interests." Governor McLaurln, of Mississippi, says: "I think the United States, with the consent of Spain, should take the. Islands, containing Manila, and take the Went Indie. wMh or without the conent ot Spain. Value them all and balance their value against a reasonable war Indem nity. If the balance show In favor of Spain, pay It Immediately." Governor Stephen, of Missouri, say: "The United Btatea should not accept the Philippines, even as a g radon ift.", Governor Ramsdell, of New Hampshire, ay: "I think the United State hould de mand nothing from the Philippine ex cept an American coaling elation and all necessary appurtenance. Of count no cash should be paid for this." Governor Lee, of South Dakota, sys: "I am opposed to the annexation ef any of the territory gained by our recent war with Spain, but I believe in keeping a protectorate over all the territory m acquired until the Inhabitant ahall b comoetent for self government I am. however, opposed to relinquishing on foot ot territory so gained for Spain ty ranny to rule again. Should our govern ment see fit to annex the Philippine, I am not In favor of paying Spain a single dollar cash Indemnity for any territory acquired at the cost of so much lif and treasure." Representative Wadaworth, of New York, says: "I would not be In favor of paying on cent." Representative Hinrlchaen, of Illinois, ays: "I am opposed to annexing the Philip pines under any circumstance and an ereatly opposed to assuming tho payment of bond which have undoubtedly been bought up by (peculator for a nominal urn. I regard the proposition aa a steal of the rankest character. Representative Hopkins, of Illinois, pre fer to await the report of the commlav sloners and the recommendation of th preitd(nt before expressing himself. Representative 8hattuck, of Ohio, haa Implicit confidence that the president will decide the matter properly. Representative Ermentrout, of Pennsyl vania, say: "I cannot conceive of any circumstance or condition that would persuade me t such step In regard to the Philippines. " WEYLER ACCUSED OF LOOT ING PHILIPPINE TREASURY. Men Convicted of the Offense Charge Him With Stealing Over On Million Dollars. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 4-A special t the Chronicle from Manila of September 26 says: Direct evidence connecting General Weyler of Cuban fame with the wbole. sale looting of the rhll.ppine treasury nas Deen uneurinea in cmo.u prison. MaxlmUno Rosales and Julian Reyes, sent to prison as srapegoa's for official thieves, have been liberated by order ! General Otis, but delivery came too 1st for a third prisoner convicted of tn same crime, for he died in Bilibld elKht days before the American army entered the city. When Captain Moffett. superintendent of prisons, began his Investigation of the cases of the prisoner confined In Billbad, Rosales anu Reyes declared that they were unjustly suffering for the crimes of other and begged that their case bo reopened. They averrod that Weyler and his asso ciates had looted the treasury of JlJi. 000 in Mexican silver, and that tney bad been accused of the crime and sent t Jail. Moffett made a report of the mat ter to General McArthur, and an exam ination ot the books at the treasury waa ordered. ' The la The latter showed that during the Wey ler regime several Immense sum of money had been withdrawn, and tnw was an unsatisfactory showing as to the disposition ot It. Rosales was one of the cashier at th liritisn umcers ui n wn vuii'wcr Situation Very Grave and War Ves-, sels Are Held Ready. VICTORIA. Nov. i-Last night 150 mi j arrived over the Canadian Paclflo for th ! gioopjof-war Icarus, and that vessel. which has been completely rentted. was . put Into commission today. The nagshl Imperieuse has been provisioned and ha taken aboard the limit ot her supply of ammunition. All her bunkers ere foil and she Is under steam night and day. ready to obey the first order. The new received tonight Is considered by those In command to be the most Im portant which has yet reached here, and, although preserving the usual noncom mittal attitude of British omoer. thoa In command do not attempt any denial of the assertion that a crisis haa been reached which is the gravest In the his tory of the empire In many yeara. TUG WALLOWA ASHORE. PORT TOWNSEND. Nov. 4.-Th steamer City of Seattle, from Skagway. Alaska, reports the tug Wallowa ashor on Mary Island. She was comlrur south with the bark Columbia In tow and went ashore at high tide. She 1s reported aa being In a perilous position. Dm Royal Is the highest grade baking powder Iumw. Actual test show It geeaoae tklrd turther thaa any other rad. F0YB3 Absolutely Pure sovm. urn rowMa 00., m vtxw. fiOYAl