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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1898)
: I HIE DAILY AST0K1AN, WKIMEUAY MOUNINU' OCTOBER 5, 1898.' ' THE UCOirjCE OF SYSl'P OF FIGS U duo not only to tlio urlfflnaltty ami Implicit of tlio uomliliinllon, but tlo toltia care and kU 11 1 wltli which It U manufactured by kclr-iitlfla pnx'PMr knawutothA CAUrmu Fm Hxnvr Co- only, ami wo wUli to Impic ujMiti 11 th Importance of puahnnlnif tlm truo am orluliml remedy. At Ilia genuine Syrup of Flf I manufactured by tho CAUroiiNU Fin Hthui Co. only, kiiowle.lK of that fact will exist on In tollliif tlm worthloM linlUlloiii iiinnufnrlurrit by oilier par tie. Tin lilifh ntuinllinf of the Cam roMMU Fin brhi i' Co. with the tnedi 1 profwOoii, kixl the satisfaction whK h the ifrmilnt Nyrup of Flf haa JfWeil to million) of famlllr, make the name of tlio Company guaranty of lha excellence of It reined. It U fr In advance of til other lexatlre, u It ) on the kidney, llrr and bowel without Irrlutlnir or weaken ing" th'tii, and It dora not gripe nor Dauarat. Inor.lertogctlu beneficial ffm-u, pin remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. rtuxciare, ci teruriUK. u,. mw tonk. h. t. WILL BE GONE IN THREE WEEKS It IsTboogbt the Spaniards Will Have Evacuated Porto Rico Within That Time. RAPID WORK HAS BEEN DONE Spinlth Milt no Attempt to Delay the Work, tut Materially Assisted Ameilcan Comnlsslon Cnytliilil, 1 't. tiy tlm Aaaorlati'd I'rraa, HAN Jt'AN. I'orto lllr.i, Hunt. X4.-Tlm Afmrli n ofniiillonnr in arranga fur tin ami mil Ion of I'urlii llbo hav b-r n riiilnriilt;' mn vnnful In thrlr dialing Willi lha Hlllll ulllltll"lli-ra, mul II III brllrvrd I lint within thrto Wri-k lit h fnrtlixM III" laat uf Ilia Hulh troon will Imv nnllnl fur homa nnd th Hi urn ml lrlw will unfurlwl our H.m J mi ii. Tli'lr mlln linn lMn ncinni- illlnd wlllmiil friction. Mora or In (roirtil wn aiill lxi t-il nl Oik oiitat. but our cummlailotiar hava bn aaramhly urirlt at tha frnkn-a mul candor Ilia Hinlh commlaalonara hav. dla played. Whll (b-nnrwl Macina anil General Or I no, Ilia wnd In command In th laland. ami una of lha ftpanlah rnmnila-alum-re, In thalr conversation with our rommlaaloner hav fully acknnwlndged III fart that tlm loae of C'vrviTW llwl rut ell hii of auiTsir frum tiln, ihry till maintain that lha Amnrttan army had a IrnoiKmlnua tnk tiefura It In rnna- Ina lha nuiuntaltia ami Marlaa nulnlalna BAN niANt'lrtCO. O't. 1-The new ,hll j,, , h,v ,.,4 laixvai h.-Hlal of tha depart ro.nt will th, of Ju(in whg, . M of U lomlad oa lha 1'realillo iarda aroumla. ,,oao mrn ,. ,mrrn,tIMi B tha Itia tHillillnaa will I of Kiul and will mlh ,,,, M n, rfu,B, 0 raady ! r- .lva ttln.ta In alwul , revrrara, Hs ua. ha rhilma hl trKn warka Tha . k How In lha la-l. k tar. j M , ,h- fifongrT rarka will Im miv1 Into lha naw h- a- . ,h. . lor of fart, (ha only art dm of Important' NBW ltoMlKlur IKaSPITAU fiiUI. Ihua niakliMf room for tha winter twHialiw of tha tr,. f..rmln Hi. arrl- ,h. bomlNinlmrnt of aail t,y Ad eon. Th. HO alrk aoMl-r. ri-Hl, hare',,,,, mimon; n. rly In Uay-Ma- on in. inn un Janeiro mnn manna, hihiui i i,,.i.i m. m ,n.nn..a u....i.k ..... , . . .... " h t,.n..ii II'- nm niimii 01 una nionui win im yivrn i ,,fy lamporary iuarira in uia ori. a oiiiiu lac. Humiain'i runa pounded away fur UKATH TDK KliMUKK. Mr A. '. Thiwna. of Maryavllla, Tea , haa found a tll'f valnaliln illaiovnry than kaa yrl Kit imula in th KlonPk. For yaara lie aufTrrvd untold aeony frp c"ll Himiill .n, ariiiiMiiii Py liemuri lioava, and waa ahiii(fly i-urd ty If. Kin' Nw !! ovrry for Cunaiimirtlun, ('otiyiii, ml t'olil. II dnlar tlMit hoIiI la of llltl valua In tiiipf Ibmi with thla mar kiua nirr. would hav It, vn If It roat humlrnl il.illnra a tiultK Aathnia, timn rhllle and all lhrwt ami tun; alTn-tlon ara poaltlvnly curad ly H. Klna'a Naw iHiM-uv.fy for C'onaumtill.Uk. Trial hot lira frraj at Katann iTua Co. alia U inula an. II at. (Juarnnte-4 to rur or prti-w rrfunilod. Tha grratrat avlilanr of aoir-rolKMl la to aupnrvae a Juatinaiil aorvaam. 1 luilldlnca In tha city, but for their rfTect on Ihn lo-foot wull of the mediaeval for Irraa. tha rlaht. tan ami twrlvv-lmh ln.)n illra from tin Amrl an wurahlpa mlaht Juat a wall hava tin .nwr wad. Not a (tin wa dlamoun("d, nut a man fclllnl Aflrr th rliwl liad rellrait. "re pulanl la tha word th t)xnlh ua-d. th "vlrlory" wa ruliral'd throughout th ilty. All the military banda imradej th trrta. plnyliw martial mualc, a rnd roim-rt mu given In th I'lma and th iafri that night eotiord with the crli of "VI Va Kapana." "Abjo oa Amrrl- i anua ." Ho It waa thai th military rhi-ftan a ho met nur ronimlaaloner. met thrm not aa dofralrd aolilli-r. to Uvllvvr up prop i-rty liwt in Imitln. but rather a aoldtrri martyred by th drfnat of olhara to yield that whlrh they ttlll claimed thry might hav auccraafully defrndei, (M tieral trNik. I'ommodore 8hlry and iknrral Oordon were tireedlngly careful not to dlnlnrb their lllualoiia In thla r apM, and to ttilr extreme taotrulnrai la due the eaa end futility with which th hngotlutlona were Dually cni ludnd, Th'7 ilmliliul before lha Oral nieitlng to ulik tu tha til 11 In laaun, Willi h waa Ilia llntiivdl ala evacuation of tha laluiid lnd tti b Mviimiou to the point or nxinumlly In iion-ontiul in tuna, 'the Uptfulaii com inlnaloiiHia, capvclally Ueliarl Ordgu, Hit at mat Ulalni'llnad tv l.acUa ill tnalii qio'Niiuli, 'iliey iii'd a myrlwd ot minor iimLu ra, fw of whUh lud tu do Willi (he 'liuallita on Imiio. Oil al. tii gmmiiiiiia h Americuii c-ili irilajntji a HulviMi aaiiln, panning in nUiuin. 111 ul tha main iUnnon, tlm ova- uniiun, liui fur auvarul iluy tiny itliOwad Ijrii. 1 a J Of ti'ga In luiH un, unil lila culUiiur wrt luiiipuiii u lu n-vi-rt to lha iiniiii lu.. 'Jim languuga of lliu piuix.ul w.ia luln, ili'liiilto aim aHu lnc. It provblad fur tlm linliii'iiiulu ivai uutioii ul i la.umi, tjn H t' Xl our iiiiiinlliiiii r alowl, uimI tu llnlr M 1 - 1 llli ul loll lln-y lound lliv Mp-Hilaii 1 ulilllilaioliala not ulily hi illli-i i n., iUl avumli.giy nioua lu lut.ia from 1 1 1 - lalmiO lit tlm mrilcat poaaHtie liiolln nl. ill rl.allmll BUIIloll. irlilUe.1 nui the 1111II0 popmiiiloii hud ovcoiiiv auoili'iily lioeiuv ik llii in; Ihut liny buwn ill.- piM'aeJ oy tliu lugh iuuiI ul War klu Una tlo-y wra nu loiigi-r by light, out by auneruma. liny wr 11 a iiani., uiii 'iia pi'op.u ifl iliclr own luce, uihj ..n- gilagn. 'J'liuaa who had lawiimj uiom tlm Lui.iiiiinn'iiuMil In th olu uuy nu longer (iiiiiv lu III palutv. Ilu hud liu more fa- Vol to lii low uml Ihcy remained aaay, Irat ao l.ltMll With lb 0I4 ri'g.ln might prijuilltv Ilium In in ryr ul th nw. 'ih jMition ut tii bpatiiah uuthor ItUa wa a painful our, and Ihuugh return lu Moaln niiwnt heavy ridu. Hun In a-ilallva and lha coinple lua of ib h imihiiiIhIIh, the aoonor It cam tu an end th bitter thiy would Ilk It. Thl wa tha tun th' y a a u mad. Jl waa 1hn that they wr confronted with a new vinlmrraaamriit. They luid no tranapuria to convoy llulr tron back tu Hl-uln and ware iMiwvrlraa tu obtain tlmli). They wire cointelled to announc thla to tha American vommlaaluiier. t'ntll ha Madrid government ahould aend tram- portatlon thry could do nothing. Our cuminlaalonar. reallilng lha fun of thla argument, mud no attempt to force them, although It occurred to them, It did tu other Amerban In Han Juan, that tnina porta of other ruuntrlea could Imv bran chartered for the burpoae. U tiler barn luu much delay thla view of lha alluatlon would hv larn preaenied only. Hut In thla our tommiaalunera pre ferred tu accept Hpunlah atatimuiia In good faith and In due time their coura waa vllnlli attl. While wilting thn arrlvnl of th tmna porta, tha whola cheme for th retire ment of the Hpanlah troopa tu Hun Juan wa arranged. Iluth the HOinlali an. I American authorrtle ware Ulng rliaxled wltn appeal fur protet-tion. The former Were beae.4'hed 1y the Hpanlah rraldi-nta living between the line and within the GARCIA'TO AID, It-Mt 1 f-VaV IN;;THEsVORK 1 f Will Act as Commissioner to Con duct Negotiations With ti tans for Dlsbifdlnf. DISORDEHS 10 BE PUT DOWN Colonel D.y Sent Wl.h Troops to Curb Hcfr. ctory tnsuigenls-Meav-ur:s Ajalnst Uffcnlets. NKW YORK. (MX. 4.-A dla.atih to th HithI'I HuntPiKo ya: It la li-nriied on good authority thit fienerul C11IUI0 liur'ln haa ii"'-iiti-l a poaltloii with the Am-rti'un adrnlnUtra- tloii here, aa waa predicted. 1 Jciinriil flnri lii la to rii elve V a month and nil t-ipenae. lie will act 11 a com rrilaaluiier to go through the country and coii'lucl iMgotlatkMi with tha Cuban army with a vliw to It dlabundltiK. He will atart In a fi-w day mul will tie gone 011 hla trip three or four week. He will bn ai-compitfilil by hla eon, Curio Our- H. and by a few of hi oflb rr. On hi return ha will (- to I he t'lilt'd Htate with Uervemj WvkJ to confer with th authorltle al Wuahlinjton. (Jonenil Oart'la') appointment ha not yet brrn mail piiblln here, but when It I It will give another fauna for attack to tha extreme party of Cuban, who looked upon thn appointment of General Caellllo In th light of the I'nlted Htntea buying up patriot wltn office. Thla aeemi a farcical poaltlon to take after the flrat rry "No Cobana appointed In place of the Hjmnlah." In runacqui-nc of aerloua dliorderi due to tha Inaurgeiita In the vicinity of Man xinlllo. (Jctteral luwton la dlapatihlng thltlu-r tha ateamer Jl'lna De Loaun gelira with one baulllon of four com punle from the Third Immunea under C'olonnl Hay. Ceiiernl Wood had planned to al with 111 nil Cuatlilo tomorrow un a mUnlon of orvunliuilon to coimt town, but now he will probably gu with lone Ray and th Klrat batulll'Ti of Immune, poatpon IriaT hi trip nlo)i the coaat. He will nmke an Intjulry Into the charge againit the Cuban and endeavor to relieve the delicate aituatlon a.t Manranlllo. The CuUina have tilundt-rpd the (Uicar Amerli-an line to guard their live andjeatatea and huve oommltteO uch depre pnierly from the rapai-iiy of the native' ,l.itn that It Ihtkiiw neceeaary fur the planter to ap)eal to GeniTuI Lawtun for rrotetlon. Colonel Day' (not Ilay) Invlruttlon are to deal with offender with the ul moat aeverlty, putting down lulenina IiltrAN'N ItKQtriHlT OTtANTED. WA8HINOTO.V, Oct, f-The requent of Colonel W. J. Ilrynn, of tha Third Ne- braaku Infantry, for the dlachara; of 1 ntifnber'of mnn of that regiment who de aire to return to their hotnea wa grunted by the ecr-tiiry of war today. r RKK VUAJS. THE RUSSELL : : Compound Automatic Engine ; oaf U l.t't a-a- -' i. jaai'T. -n i it. ta aaqwaaa, irll M 1 t 'Tv V vT 'J Slrmii; ami IVdiioinifnl. Write um for nrticulnrH. A. II. AN KUILL, Kl'SSKLL & CO., Milliliter. I'ortlaiitl, Ort'gon, rt Qrtt fWT Robinson & Co., 5ole Agent for tha LUM.AP MAT. HATTKRH, JM Wnnhlnuton Mtrect, Portland. Ore. Inhabitant who were threatening them with all aorta of pc-recutlone. and the latler were the ub)et of the Imiwrtunl tle of tha rich I'orto Itlcun within the Hpanlah line who feared that tha Hwn Ih aoldler, a laat act of cruelty, would deapoll them of their properly Hop4 your nam to H. K. Iniikten Y Co., Chbago, and get a free mpl box of Kr. King' New L f a I'lll. A trial will convince you of merit, Th. e pile are en ay In artlon and ara parti ulnrly effective In tha turn of conatlpntlon and Hick Headache. Kr Malaria and 1ver trouble they have b'n proved I ivap.i- able. Tliey are guaranteed to be pe fee tly free from every riltrpui ubatanre and to bo purely vxetabl'!. They do not w.nkun by their action, but ty giving ton to atumach and bowel greatly invlKonte tha ayaieni. Regular alia tt cent I er box. Hod by Kalta-Conn Drug Co. found ornry ok kaiikyino, OAKI.ANTf. Cal Oct. 4-Rev. Dr. Ttrigg. 'it Auatln. Tex., ho ben lie- Uiiltted of Immorality, although found guilty of fulNlfyliax In minor matter, by the ury of the Methodlat Church Houih, which h Wn trying hla caae. Hy the rloae vote of SO to 22 the conference then located" mm, which will prevent him from accepting a pantorale elaewhere. Dr. Ilrlgg proteated vigoroualy against thla action. PECULIAR P01S0SS GKNKRA1KD IN THE HUMAN BODY. Dtgeatlon of The Keault of Imjrfect Food. Kvery living thing, plant or animal, con talna within Itaelf the germ of certain decay and death. In the human body theae germ of dl eaaa and death '-ailed tijr eclentlate Pto maine!, ar uaually the reault of Imper fect digeatlon of food, the reault of lnd g rat Ion or dy(epla. The atomacle) from abuae, weakne, doe not thorntigbly ehd promptly digeat the food. The reault I a heavy, ruddio rrutoa. which ferment (the flrat procea of decay) nolaonlng the blood, making It thin, weak and lacking In red rorpuaclea; tMilaonlng th brain, caualng heaubuhe and pain In the eye. Bad digeatlon Irritate the heart, caualng palpitation and finally bringing on diaeaae of thl very Imimrtant organ. Poor dliceatlon poUont the kidney, caUMliax liright' diaeaae and dtatx-tefl. And thl la o because every org-jn, every nerve, defend, upon the itomach iKm for nourlahmenf and renewal, end wcAk digeatlon ahow Itaelf not only In loa of aapt:!ta ad fieah, but in weak nerve and muddy complexion. The great Kngliah iientlt. Huxley, alii th beat atart In Ufa I a ound itom ach. Weak (tomach fail to digeat food properly, tiecnu they lack the proper quantity of dlgeatlve add (lactic and hydrochlurlc) and peptogenlc product; with u firm hund. He haa full oower to -erty and i-r-.,, i . .m, . . , nyarocniunc) and hap murder them. Home of the pu.-nM lh ..,,, .... ,..a ... r... I ,he m0,t enlole remedy In all caae of were oo.n iraniic ana nyatencai. nut ,h,.f, or Bttrmpt,d violence. tcpe were ltnme.llatry taken to pnv. nt I Colonel Day. wtio haa juat retum.d from dlwerder a far a poIWe. It wa but r.uatitanamo. where he wa In command. l"""M" " ne tranaiiiun from the report almllur truuble there with coniroi oi ma DNiiiin government to ajfutmn. condition of lltwrty thee who hud uf-l General I'eriiult Per. endeavor. the rnreO ror trneraton at the handa of the governing rlaa ihould aerk vrnge.ini or that private Indlvldunla ahould .c th optioiiunlty turedrcaa pilvate wnn;a, That there were outrara I beyond quej tlon. The native burned Coata and many a fin Hpanlah haclnda In vartoua part a of. the laland. The Hpanlah tno mu-.H-red ataiut SOneople In Clalu. and later. In uinrralng n incipient riot at Are elbo, who, four natlvra. A reign of terror eitated for a lime near Aocoaa In the center of tha laland. About brigand, many of them euld to be convict releuaed by the American to natraln hla command, but, not wit brand ing veveral execution, violence ha been offered to th owiwr of aevaral plantation. THE 8KA0WAT RAILROAD. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 4-John Stan ley, mayor of glmgway. who I now in thla city purchasing apparalu for a fire de partment, -: 'The Pacific Arctic railroad now feeing built from Skagaay t Belklrk I well under way. Rail have been luid to White authorltle at Ponce and other, ft I aaid, I ra" onu UP to that point the road I in ITPIL8 RKCEIVRD IN THM PRIMARY. ORAMUAR AND ' ACADKMIU QRADES J. Me THE SISTERS OF THE Conyent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. Hoarding ptipllt acoepted for thn lehool week. Date of opening, Heptciuhcr Mil. For ralea, etc., addroaa the Superloreae INUTRU- MENTAL MUSia PAINTINO AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT inAAJVwvranxuvuvviaivtnj THE PALACE Astoria's Leading Restaurant Everything Strictly FlrHt-Clnsts. W. W. WHIPPLE. Pron. THE OMIKMT l ai V av .av 1 9 rr W rllaaini 1 of aev V -a. 1 mstwi 1U S3 MWUUII 1 A lUtWI Megler tS Wright, Props. from II o il. with their headquurter in the heart of the muuntiiina, plIluKeil and rav aged the country during tha Interregnum There were aJau dlaiurlwnnra at Kajardo, when the tiatilalt troop loft; I All thing conaldrred, It la rt markuldo ' that more dloordiTa did not oiiur and more live wire not iicrlfli-ed. Undouht- I eilly every precaution wua tiiken, n aiMin 1 a the commlwalonera hud urrlvetl at the ! main conclualon to reduce the diiniior of ' dlaorder to a minimum. The neutral xone' tn-twi-en th line wa lied out and our fiddler a ml the Hanlh Wire pei nilttcd while In pursuit of depriilutnra, to enter ich other line. Thl wa the tlrat tcp. It ii then nrmnged that wherever the Hpanlard In their concentrating move ment evacuated n tow'n or oalMuu. the llnea vhould overlap, that la that our troop ahouM eirter the town whortty be- rorn the Banlh retired. There wa no iilatu and no opportunity given to the law lea element. Whenever our troon entered a Hpanlah town or ponltlon, by the arrataxemem of the cotiimlaaloiicrN, the commanding officer of the vSanbh deliv ered an Inventory of all thewpanlah mili tary and government property to the com mailing American officer and took the latter' receipt. Kver Hlnce the American commissioner nrrlvod at Han Juan th native Porto hlcnn have deluged thorn with atorlea of alleged Hpunlah cruelty to curry oft plunder which properly belong to the Inland. Some of the native for a ton Klileriiblo time devotinl thi-niai4vva to fcr relltiB out conaplracica. Home of their report were Invent I gated and lund to ba biiKoleH; mul the comniliwlonci con tinued to UHMUme that the Spanlxh were proiciillng In H-rfictly good fnlth. ul thoiiKh they had their own mean of hh certiilnlng exactly what waa going1 on. One of the alleged report the Porto Itlcaim were cHPcclully exerclNiHl over w"i that the Himnlah propoaol 'to tnko with inem to Bpaln in fldO.flutl from the vault of the Hnnco K.ipniiol, and various trust fund which. It w-uh claimed, prop erly belotiKcd to the people of thn Island. The commissioner thought It wa tlmo enoterh to consider these matters when tho nllcgcd trust funds were taken. The I'orto KIciiiiH also nlllrmed that tine pnlnt Ingn end other triviaure were being moved from tlio palace and various other public bulldliiKs, nnd, as theso work of art hud tieen piild fur hv taxes tvlliH'ted In the Island, tho commission should see that they remained. It Is doubtless true that some the most vuluiiiblc nrt treasures In tlio Island wore removed, but our com missioners decided not to raise objections. To have protested would have created more trouble than the articles removed were worth, and, besides, something; of this sort was to be expected. Transimrts nre due lit a week and the Indications tire that In three wock at most Ueiienil Maclua will relinquish con trol of the last foot of territory, A lltttng relourntlon Is being arranged for the oc casion f the fltiK-ntlsInK nt San Juan. Hoth the naval nnd military forces will participate. In cuao General Mnclng will accept, It Is probable that a dinner or re ception will be Klven In his honor by the American commissioners. full working order. Over SJ ton of freight are shipped dally over this spur. "Seven hundred men are working on the road. Last month the pay roll was Il9.0i.aj. from white Pas to Lake Ben nett, a distance of 30 miles, freight Is transferred by slel:e. Laborer on the railroad receive S5 cent an hour." KILLED IN A FOOTBALL' GAME. NEW YORK, Oct. 4.-A dispatch from Cambridge, Mass., says: Robert Cove ney. IT year of age, son of the late J. V, Coveney, former postmaster of Boston, has died at the city hospital from Injuries received while playing football on Frank lin held Saturday afternoon In a game between the llnrtfords. representing the neighborhood about Sargent street, Rox bury, Coveney' home, and the Spring Melds, who came from the west end. Cove ney Injured his neck In a tackle. An op eration w-a performed for relieving the pressure, but the reault waa not what was I hoped for, and all that could be done was to make the patient as comfortable as , possible. Tho ck-ath has cast a distinct cloud upon football among the younger I set In Cambridge. It Is not likely, how ever, that his death will affect Harvard football. Indigestion, Is to take after each meal one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet, beaause they supply 'In a pleasant, harm lee form all the element that weak itomach lack. The regular use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure every form of stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. They Increase flesh, Insure pure blood, strong nerve, a bright eye and clear complexion, because all these result only from wholesome food well digested. Nearly all druggists sell 8tuart's Dys pepsia Tablets at 50 cent full slxed pack age or hy mail y enclosing price to Stuart Co.. Marshall. Mich., but ask you drugKist first. A little book on stomach diseases mailed free. Address Stuart Co., Mar hall. Mich. .taai' (',.", Mj . ,.. BEST THE COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boiler Makers Machinists Foundrymen Loggers' Supplies Kept in Stock Logging Engine liullt and Repaired. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Maaufactorers for the Pacific Coast : the ROBERTS KATEK-Tl'BE BOILER. WEAR RESISTERS FOR BOYS and GIRLS We have a laree stock of neat and durable shoes at the very lowest prices. Before mir- chasing: Elsewhere, call and examine them. JOHN H AHN. The Reliable Shoe Denier THE LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets, Astoria. SHASTA MINERAL WATER, PEPPER, NOBLE, KICKORY AXD SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQl'ORS, WIXES, BEER, AXD CIGARS Served Day and Night. REVISION 13 CERTAIN. PARIS, Oct. 4.-1 1 Is soml-offlclally an nounced that M. Manuo, ' the procurator reneral, has sent a report to the court of cassation which ensures a revision of the Dreyfus case. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts. Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever aores.l Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coma and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures File, or no pay re quired. . It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. I'rtce t5 cents per box. For sale by Estes-Conn urtig Co. COLLIDED WITH THE IXX1 RAFT. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 4. The steam er South Const, bound from Ventura for this port, ran into one of the derelict bK rafts iuar l'lgeoti Feint. The vessel wus severely Jarred, but she veered off In time to escape serious Injury, The chamber of commerce of this city has sent u communication to Secretary of the Treasury Gage asking to take steps to stop tho dangerous practice of towinjt rafts nt sea. PLENTY OF FOOD IN ALASKA. SEATTLE. Oct. 4.-An estimate of the amount of provisions on the Yukon river Indicates that there will be no need of a government rellet expedition this winter. The two hlg transportation (Omixvnles have nt loust 20,000 tons at various points on the river. ' Schilling's Best lemon is 20 to 30 times as strong as common flavoring extracts. Try a drop in a tumbler of water. ! Money-back. For ule by Ross. Hlgglns Si Company Report of the entditi.ia ol the ASTORIA NATIONAL BANK At Astoria. In the State of Oregon, at the close of business September 20, IStt. RESOURCES. Loan and discounts f 92.1SJ 74 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured S40 99 V. S. bonds to secure circulation 12.5O0 00 Premiums on lT. 8. bonds l.wO 00 Stocks, securities. ee 2S.U7S 35 Hanking house furniture and fix tures J.M5 01 Other real estate end mortgages owned 8.700 00 Due from national banks (not re serve agents) 15,938 03 Due from state banks and bank ers 6.514 00 Due from approved reserve anents r Checks and other cash Items z'gitt m otea or other national banks.. 85 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cent ttt ti Revenue stamps j;5 ;g iflwrut money in reserve In bunk, vlx: Specie S S2.346 10 Legal tender note LOCO 00 AUGUST KRAT2, Manager Pacific Sheet Metal Works Salmon Vegetable Fruit MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... sjlct Syrup Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Write Ue for Prices. Fairhaven. Wasn. 4 33.36C 10 562 50 8. Redemption fund with U. treasurer (3 of circulation). To'nl 35,373 61 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 50.000 00 Surplus fund 7,900 00 I'ndivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid , JflSlO National bank note ntitstin.llni 7-.inn Duo to other national banks 5 067 47 individual deposits sub- Joot to check 97,gi3 93 Demand certificates of ileposit 7.3S8 32 Time certificates of de- l'slt 67.155 74 -JI62.65S 04 Total $235,373 61 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF CLATSOP. I I T r- m .... . . ss- 1 i. L '" ciisnier or the above named hank, do solemnly swear that the a.. niivn VMht tlllll IH'IU'I, J. E. HIGG1NS. Cashlnr Subscribed nnd sworn to before ma thl 3rd day of October. ISHS 0 3 . C. FULTON. Notary Public for Oregon. Correct Attest: D. K. WARREN. J. O. DEMENT II. C. THOMreoN. Dlre'tors. f7iaa3tViTOU; iiiipi Go East.e. via Billings and Burlington route, and you reach Omaha, Kansas City, St, Louis, and all other southern and southeastern cities hnlf a day sooner than travelers who take any other line. Go eaet via St, Paul and the Bnrilngton route, and you ride the finest train on earth the Burlington, s St. Paul Chicago Limited. Go east via Ogden and Denver, and you see the wonderful scenery of the Rockies, tamed the world over aa the most mag nificent on the continent Tlcketa at offices of connecting lines. A, C. 8HELDON. i ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY i :g Telephone) No. 3a S Handles Only the Choicest Meats j 413 Commercial St., nert Palace Restaurant. fl The Pat Market Flour, - Feed - and " Hay 874 Commercial Street. C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, nsurance and Shipping. Custom House Broker. ASTORIA, OREGON. Agent W. F. & Co., and Pacific Express Co s. A. V. ALLEN : ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... ; Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses. 3i Pricea Lower i With the Fruit to go in them Than Ever..,, I Manufacturer -and Dealer In W. F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A lull Un ol Pipes. Tobacco, and Smoker' Article. 17 Commercial Ht. nor 7 Hard to beat Our line of airtight Stoves and their Prices Something New W.J.SCULLY 431 Bond Street-