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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1898)
T11K DAILY ASTOltlAN, WHNKStAV MORMMJ, OCTOBER 6, W. ToDAra weather. Jrajn AROUND TOWN. W'fiDNEoDAT. Whff 1 dumn? IU who) do not know how lo v kind thin tt tna propir tim Frm lh Hindu. fry rtol n tl, Elmore, Banborn C. Ju.Ua C. II. re went to Portland tordav. Tha nimeca arrlvd In ratrday from Jjehalsm. Tha pilot schooner San Josa can In from fa yesttrtay. The Drttinh snip Tola Arrived down from Torlland yfatcraay. Tha British ship Euphrosyna, wheat laln. put to t yMtarday. Mrs. Duncan Stuart haa returned from ft vlalt wiOi f rtenda at Tillamook, Money to loan In amount to ault tna borrower. Apply to Fsrxuson Broe. rtr Grant, of Portland, cam down on laat niflifa train for a dy visit. Tlia adkooner Nurth Bnd arrived In ytwlerday iff load lumber at tht Knappton ml 11a. liar and (rain for sale: beat quality Sea 8uiman, fiialh atret, below Com mercial. R D. 8lcW. he, Portland mlllmnn, rant down the river yeaterday to purr-ba lf fur hla firm. Dr. Finch baa ratnorM hla oflto t9 Fourteenth and Commercial lUreeti, so poUte Foard Btokaa. The Prill nh ahlp Jlctropoll cleared , the custom hou yesterday with 100.451 bunhels of cheat, valued at '11. In the county clerk's offlca yeaterday Olaf Rahn, a native of Sweden, declared hla Intention of becoming an American' rltlaen. "Vra. j. X. tawa and daughter. Mi . . tITtrw in Porti Mafrcie, wno n " - . land for tha past few days, returned homej last night, Don't Uka tha time to to horn whan yot can enjoy a fine mercbanta' lunch at EarUtjr National. Beer or cofft served with lunch. For Sale. 100 tone of Rosy In coal; the finest bouse and steam cool ever brought to Astoria. Elmore. Sanborn Co., Tele phone, Main i-L Mrs. C U. Newman, a Brat claas dress maker, would Uke to aew In families. She can be found at 130 TwdUth treei, or addressed at Warrenton. A double aulte of roome for three or four cenUemeo or a married couple, wnn or without board; also KKht and pleasant alncle rooms la "The Rucker Uouae." In the circuit court yesterday the case of the state of 'Oregon rs. George and William Holmea was, on motion of the district attorney, continued until today. The steamer Signal arrived In from the sound yesterday with VX tons of coal tor the Pariflo Coast Steamship Company, which ahe la discharging; at the ioal bunkers. . A first-class Ch and poultry market has been opened by George C. Eleo st 417 Pond streett' Ke aoilrlts a share of Astoria's patronage and guarantees satis faction to all patrons. Ills price are lower than any similar stand In trie cl y. I Home made tames fresh every day at th Prtr, 15 rent? per pound. Positively no unhealthy Ingredients ued. The annual sale of fancy artlrlr end Christmas gifts will be held Tuesday, De reinlx t, liv.". undor Ihe aull-tf of Grace church guild. Dr. Pklnner, pot aunreon at Port Slovene hue gone to Vancouver to serve ' on the board convened al that point for the purpose of mustering out s.mie of the late volunteers. The amvNXriatlon for moving On Point j Adams light lo the lower end of IVa.le mone sands Is now available and work on that Important Improvement will be com menced In a few daya The city board of equalisation waa In session yesterday equalising assessmenta made for the Improvement of Grand ave- nue. Twenty-ninth and Thirty-first streets In East Astoria. Special Officer Stuart of the Boys' and Girls' Aid society of Portland, was In the city yesterday. While here Offlcer Stuart found a home 0r a stray boy named Mar shall with the family of Frank McGregor. In the rase of John Mewala vs. John llakala. et at. In the circuit court yester dsy, a motion to strike out portions of plaintlfTs petition and evidence of C. Pet erson waa srgued and taken under advise-menL The work of Improving Kiohange street, between Ninth and Tenth, Is progreMlng satisfactorily. The new planking has been taken to the scene of the Improve ment and the work of laying It will torn mence. probably tomorrow. torlans a rare opportunity to hear hltv. an opportunity ahlch may newr nm aaxln. Mr. and Mrs. l.ely will aitrar IN recitals of Scottish song and story. Ihr entertainment will he given undir the u- spices of the Philharmonic and 8- ou societies. Boiwrts from Salem are to the effect that the paxmge of the Ash Mil is as sured. The leglnUtors have learned the great necessity of the enactment of thl meoKiire, and there Is now no doutt that the bill will become law. It means mil lions to the people of t)regvin and more particularly to Astoria, nd will go fur to ward the upbuilding of the nlrt of Oregon, Fish Commissioner Mctlulre and the memln-rs of the fisheries committee of the Irnresslve Commercial AmvIi1oh are to le commended for their untiling efforts In getting up the hill and arouelng general Interest in It. Herman Wise's letter to the Antorian reused a great deal of comment nmong locsl btislnesa men and proterty holders yesterday. All seem to agree that a mer chants' Insurance company Is sbnolulely necessary to the welfare of the city, and the sentiment expressed by Mr. Wise l heartily commended. If present condl tkns continue It Is said Astoria will lone over tSO.At) a year; that being the amount the Insurance combine Is taking annually out of the city by virtue of Ihe exorbitant rate of Insurance charged without any re turn. It la contended that the proposed home company will save this amount Mr. Wise la determines to push the matter along, and he la supported by all the over taxed people In the city. THIS WKKK ONLY In one pound lota, livelier s celcbralid full cream caramel IV per pound at tit Itonltoiinlere, this w mly. Ttie bill Introduced y Fulton, and i which passed the upper house Monday. I The Intercollcgtate football season ha opened, and clubs and collegee all over the state are organising teams, flev. ral ,M-al football enthusiasts are now working for the organisation of a leiuu at the A. F. C. The club could get up a strong elewn this season, as It has a large ug- I. an amendment to the Astoria city char- . ' ter. and permlta the municipality to grant i . . . ' ' t a 1 now provided by law. .,.,, 01 " F ' j cachcd the A. F. C. men two years ago I and srould be of great service in the Worfc On two mor .new gun 'mp.Ace- lrat0',n. Among he ments Is nw In pnvrra. at r or Stexens. Othef prcpartUiona are a so being made , (ha r)l! (f ,m which, when VW-"J m4kf th: one i and Will Your. Curtis. Ohler. Allen and of the largest and .ems Or.eby. These men have played of ocast defense In th countr). , f,. several svasons and wotUI be sure to ' ramp fh Klu .l ,, ... ... . . . . l . . . '.h 1.1 Ten h 1 .' '".ifiery tf iai Vcmimerfiai siree n-.n . s,s-u.m or the stale. Th- ll sad'y in need has long been In and the street Is a Uleg TVetrecl t"n'Pii'ti"a of . -e council should , At the meeting of the water commission take gtepa to see thju It is Improve,!. ,t nUh, , mK,r, fhoww, 1 ' receipts un water rales and the tnnsur- CHy Treurer Carney fl:eJ hi quarterly tr-, quan,,-!). rnwrt showed U.H.e. The retort In the city treasurer s office yes- I r,nwr,1, wer. placed on Itle. The report of terday. It shows the balance of ca?h on J ,hl, suerintendent and clerk on the re hand at the beginning of the quarter to j dut tlon of water ratea for the street car have been SXiVt.K; receipt during qusr- j c,mjany was approved. A communication ter. JlUO iM; disbursements. Il 7AS; bol- j trom Grayson Dutton asking that a ance on hand at close of quarter. JlI.JOJ Z. j m.n connei tlon with the water nviln b I made with an automatic fire sprinkler Of all the well appointed Commercial-; which he contemplated putting In the street business bouses, the Spa presents I cistsop mill box factory, was referred to 8ome(lmea after "ordering It up'' the partner decidedly "turn one down." JVST ON K MOKK CIIAM K. Per Box Best crtim camn'l cents t'liiH-olnie Cream t'uiaoiel rem a Best I'reant Bon lion Sf cents Jelly Beans i;, rents and everyililug elso In proirilon at the I'AltlAHt. N. B. These candles re all fresh, UOTKI. AUKIVAUS. IMrker House K. p. tvmlnby, John CrH'aer, John Wal.lnmn, T. Iledner und wkfe, IVrtland; lvila tVvkes. Bay City; U W. Beardsley, Fort Stevens; A. P, Miller. Coqnlllc; l.ouls K. Wilson. Lewis and Clarke; C. P. Waller, Vancouver; T. C, Bruntim, U. Whltcomb, uih Bend; It. A. Abbott, Wnrrrnton; John Mackry. tvlney; C. P. Waller, P. Olson, Trout Valley, Minn. Ocvldent-B. P. tUgler, It. M. Smart, Portlund; tl. Jorgenarli. llwaco; J. K. Wllllan, Chinook; T. B. Handler. Till amottk; J. II. Young, 8. Abraham, Capia'n It. Smith, George A. Beavls, 1'harle W, Mullln. San Francisco; John I). Yost, l 8, N.; A. B. Shirk. Chicago; K. It. Mill, Knappton; K, J. Howard, Bristol Bay. STvK'KBOLDKlW MKKTING. Notice la heri'by given that the teaular annual meeting of the stockholder of th Fishermen ISick ng Co. will bo held t th offli-e of the company on Saturday, October , ls, at o'clock a. tn.. for ihe purpose of decline; a Ikm rd of dire, tors for the ensuing year aud Ihe transaction of luch buslnes as may properly c tne before the mrrt'ng. AIM. MOBklKG. Secretary. Fishermen Pag. i o (Attoria. Or., Keptrmber . IS) e h ii T.n hi " o iiMry in iai I ,lrm frm IV-h 1 T -i .(n u h wk nv..ter will be In a dl.p'.-Ute.t condl I m V .oat Is Ulegr'-? W tl'-f. I the very neatest appearance. The floral decorations are elaborate and attr ict great attention. The Spa Is one of the finest confectionary establishments In the J state and a credit to the city. The case of the Holmes brothers will come up In the circuit court today. The men are charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Deputy Sheriff Blrnler a committee with power to act. A com munication from the superintendent of the Pucltlc sheet metal works asking for a rebate on unused faucets was ordered disallowed and a committee aivolnted to Investigate the matter. On motion t was ordered paid as costs in the suit of liar acco against the water works. The pay roll, amounting to .')-i) and bills amount Int to C7.M were ordered Dald. The sal- went to Warrenton yesterday to subpoena j sry of Keeper Cogswell of the city rvs- witnesses In the case, which has attracted great attention on the west side. ervolr was month. raised from tX to US per safety British Vice-Consul Cherry yesterlay THE LADIES. received a telegram fptn Mrs. I? A. . , , n-.-. .rr n,- c-.,i mn,.iri' P'eas-.Dt iSt uad perfec if William Decker was orboard the Brtt-i wU.h Wl?!ch ".f miy U" lyr"P.' K" lsh bark Lord Klnnaird. The vessel Is now In Portland, about to load wheat and Mr. Cherry will forward the desired In formation a soon as It can bi obtained. under all conditions, make rt their favor- lle r-rnedy. To get I'lo true an I genuine 1 article, look for the name ot tho Cailtor 1 n!a Fljt Fyru; Co. rrlnred nrr t' e lttotn ' of the -ackac. "r -.i by all d-u,lsts. REDCCTION3 IV PHOTo;R.m-M4. Durward Le'y, the great tenor, uppejrs at the Marqunm In Portland. Wednesday and Thursday nlshts. Mr. L!y. w ho Is Snodgrass. the Fotographer. will make iicompiinW by Mrs. !ly. Is considered ! rabln't Thntos for S3 per doien for a one of Ihe vrry Cr st terwrs in the world, j few days only. Come earl and avoid th anl his coming to Portland affor.'.s As- ruh. All work first clas. as usual. Moving Prices For CASH Only Nothing Convinces people more than prices. We might assert and talk until doomsday and mate no impression, but when we leave a lew dollars jingling in your pocket, that's different MEN'S HATS Btlff and soft hats. In all shades), worth from tl to tl-S. now 80 cents. Stiff and soft hats, In all shades, worth from C.H to COO. now tl.26. Stiff and soft hats, in all shades, worth from 12.2 to 13.00, now IL7S. Stiff and soft hats, tn all shades, worth from SIS to HOC. now 12.50. Our hat slock for both men and boys is so large that it Is impossible to partic ularize; every bat la reduced. HEN'S UNDERWEAR Grey cotton Shirts or Natural Wool Shirts or Camels Hair Shirts or Jjrawers Ribbed Woollen Shirt or Regular Moving Price frlce .1 60 t 33 . 1 25 90 . 75 45 . 1 00 70 Our underwear assortment Is too large to mention in detail; we have underwear at from 5uc a piece to (7 50 a suit; but they all share the same cutting fate. HEN'S SUITS Before deciding on this removal we pur chased an enormoiix assortment of suits in all colors and styles, made up to please hut every one of these splendid suits must be sold. Here are a few figures: Regular Moving Price price Men's Black Clay Suits 110.00 S 715 Men's Mixed Wool Cheviot.... 10.00 7.15 Men's cheviot, blue mixture... 1250 9.25 Men's Cheviot, brown mixture. 12.50 9.25 Men's Satin Lined Black Wors ted 15.00 9.75 Men's Blue Clay Worsted 10.00 7.15 Men's Blue, extra fine 17.50 12.75 Men's Grey Clay 11.50 8.S0 Men's very flno fancy mixed suhb. 17.50 12.2: Men's extra fine Worsted and Cheviots J20.W $22.50 J16.50 Dozens of other grades, worth from 17.50 to Jw.oO, reduced in tho same proportion. MEN'S PANTS Pants Is something that everybody knowe all about, and yet tne styles are so varied that an adequate description la Impossible; we have regular sliea. extra long, extra short, extra waist, extra fine and extra cheap pants. Pants wear out quicker than your coat or rest; you will soon need a pair of pants, come to see us, let us leave a saving of $1 or tl In your pants. Boys' and Children's Suits Have hardly anything left In cheap Caa simeres and never kept shoddy satlneta, all we have Is a large number of the best graoes of Boy's and Children's Suits, but since we've cut the prices you might as well buy your boy a fine suit and make him leel good. MEN'S OVERCOATS Kiriilar Moving Pries Price Men' lisrht overcoat I 9 00 I 4 50 M-n's black clay worsted 11 50 9 V) Men' black, finer grade 15 00 11 40 Men' (?rey worsted 14 0") 10 85 M':n' gri;y ribbed, very fine... 11 00 12 50 Men's brown kersey 13 50 11 15 Men brown cheviot 13 &) 10 50 .Men's chocolate color melton., lu 00 8 W And we have others. ODD SUITS We have about 30 men's suit, mot!y small hIzch and light colors, worth from tl'i 10 J15, but you can afford to keep one for n'-xt spring, or even wear one now for -vervd;iy une, at the ridiculous of $.7i per suit; nothing the matter with them except they are small sizes; that's where the umall man gets In. SUNDRIES All Men's 50 cent tie now 35 cents All Men s 25 cent tie now 15 cents All Men 50 cent sock now 35 cent All Men's Z cent ock now 3 for 60 cent All Men' 15 cent sock now Z for 25 cent All Men's 10 cent socks now 5 cents RUBBER HACKINTOSHES We have only about three dozen men' Maoklntochen left, but the price will re f'i:ce them to zero; rather a cold state i lent, hut thene are hot time. Trunk, Valtee. Hhoes, blanket. In fact everything In our utore has got moving prices on and they will move beyond quert'on; we are not going to pay freight to Portland on our stock If price can help it Herman Wise !h!;. . . Ke.iame uioinier KEAL ESTATE TKANSKKUS. E. 7.. F.Tgun et al L Frank It. tt ke, five-eighth Interest In and to tho Mow ing rval estate, lots 3. .1. and 4. section 3, and lot 1 and 1 '.".',,0, 4. townaM.t t north, range S wei; lVil Uk!ry wllklnvn t. William Pm,.'; t half" f nrth-J.f quarter and lot and 7. sevtlon 1!. township 5 north, rune 9 west; $!'). O. V. Fulton et rxl tortirnh A. Whevlcr. lot . Mock 33. M.VIure s: :. Kitupcr Hubert "n to Annie Haberl.ion, tot 3, 3, and 4. rectlfin 1, tonahli 4 north, range t west, 140 acres; 1. V. It Troutner to I. N. Foster, lot I. 3 and 4, and qimrter of section 11 and northweet quarter of nouthraKt auarter. section S. township s north. rmie 7 west; H33.S1. SPECIAL For this week only. 4 HLANUKT8 10-4 heavy oollon MnnkH. while or r gray, regular price I,M ilr; special price, 75o nlr. 124 extru hnuvy half wool blanket, white or gray, regular price 13 54 pair; wvat price 11.71 pair, 11-4 all wool Oregon while blankets-th I a fine heavy hlatuet, regular price, fik; Hn price 14 15 pair, 11-4 nil wool Oregon whit blankets, ex tra twavy weight, fancy border silk j j bound, regular price KW, pc!l pn j fi ,S fair. i Full nn ismforter, good heavy Weight, j! regular price II each; special price 7Jo, j each. j : Full slie crocheted 1x1 spread, ready hemnirtl. reguKir price Tic, each; p,clal ' prle each. i M inches whin blmchsd imislln, gmhl value for th money nsked, (hh'Iii1 piles 4i' yard. l yanta wide tintdnichnt sheeting, good value for lo yaiM; ieckil pries lie yarl. 34 Inches wide Fruit of III lom ur Long date hleachrtl mualln, tpeclnl price Id yard. JO dn honey c.xnb lowel, gno.1 fair lie, eclal ptica for 5V ibunn, Gn heavy apron jlnaliin, hi price lii yard. Amoakoug heavy niattrrs Ib klng, rrgu Inr prli-a loo yard; prlal price lo yard. -l chenille table cover, th kind thai sell for 1; tpevlitl price Wc m4l. Heavy twllb-4 pure while crash toweling special price to yard. SHANAHAN THK I'LAOK TO (5KT HA ..(.WINS, BROTHERS You Save Dollars THE LAND OF PLENTY By Purchasing Your Drugs. Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of Tlie only rnt-iale dnnf slorewbere every article i mIJ 15 lo 2."i t cent. ANOTHER WAR WITH SPAIN. dome newspaper think the SpaiiUh are making ecret pretHiratlons to ele Oub-i and For to KKm again, and get back whut they lost during the late war. We do not believe the rumor. Kn-mba cannot iioi'MiMriillv urtuck a iitron ttathin like k. i a,... v-i,h, .1,... less tbiu Hie manufacturer' pnci. successfully attack strong ronstltuJUm. I Mrre wor.l dnti'l tell il all. Here are If a man ha a healthy st.wrmch. disease "m prire. Ht'ttiemlwr every I ntctil connut get a foothold. The best remedy J Mclieiue. Toilet Article or L)ru I ll known to seb'tu-e for making strong on- t Wit rate. tltutlon I lloetetter' nch lllttT. : Our mail order usuiess baa Ireble-I III This I thut long-tried rrm-My whl. h a W, eui.e veryolie witblo 30 make the hrallhy by making wilt of Portlftll cau rave tnoUry by the dlgeetlun iwrfevt. IVrf t dlg tlon traJihif with U. rn.ik.-a pure bt.d. Pure bbd c.irrb , peeuUr Cut-rate sirrnsrin ami vigor into every corner oi , the through tho veins The ltlt!er AHcot k' I'onnn l'ltcr .. are lnoroaraJl for nervoun-.H and AyerV fsrter Mil (leeplcesnee. fss'iifi Scott lnilll n - - - - , , t Ssni'arll a Heport of the Conilitlofi . I i'" '-"t .".-oi rrn e frli-e tu L' o U I id "i I I in M I i a) I Hrur I flit' " M Oregon HI.. l 1-urPlrf I '"' I'ler. e K.t. rile fr-'v-flpiinn I -J In p rr.--' leu '-ll.-al I1'- .-ovrri 1 '' '.'l Pl.-o- s IV.Ieli J r i-Kiii-. I'.hk I'iI.i M oulii iii 'iiule-, nr -luar eiiate-l Ts'-lot-. In h -stive At At.rla. In the State of i)reg.n. at .-..nt .mini I -' l-niain th close of business September 1. y.i nln i ap.uv., or Snn-r-t,,.j,.-I1(-.i..u ; coaU'l Isl-leU. In Im.iII.. Lwn and discount IJ4.74U IS (juUilue l' or -inmr- Kverdniit. secured and unv o-l T"'. t. In l-.tti.- cured 1.075 47 eonlalii'ii l"i ,1 jrsln i f. H. bond to ecure circulation li & 9) yuliilne t'snles, or u-r- rremluni on I'. 8. bond 'i") csieil Isbins. In boitln Ht-k. 'urtt!e. etc 5.73 87 1 ronulidng iM&-grslft Other r.-al estate and mortjrages i We Imy tliro't Irmii the manufacturer HfL-i-j ; ; v v : ,', 7 ' In muntitie. whirh secures the serve agents 2S.413 Dun from state banks and bunk- la VA k? Due from "apjiroved risetve l'r!CJ" . . . ugents iC.'iV) m Wt'pay transportation rharire tn A- Revenue stamp 7 . 7 : ttjria on all orduni (or druif or tintcnt ut" the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Aettorid, 1 in quantities, wmcn secures mi iis'VKUY LOWKST TKAUK KATKH ! Tina i-nablea its to retail at wholesale Note of ixher national banks.. Nickel and cenis Lawful mone In reterve In bunk, via: fipee 1108 J Legal tender notes Hi 00 Redumption fund with L. H. treasurer i ol circulation... - '' I , I , , lu. .imiiinlinn In A.f. f,r nnr K ill' M 7 4; 110. S4S 00 X2 10 Total W).K li LIABILITIES. Capital tock paid In f D0.M (M Humiu rurji iv.w; w I rvilvldwl profit, less expenses and taxes paid SS.VA U National -bank noUa ouUUitKllng t,i.u 0) Due to state bank ana bankers 311 47 Individual deposits sui- )ct to check K7,4 01 Demand certificates of deKwlt U.Tt V 1124.717 Total U0,S3S 12 STATE OF OREGON.) COUNTY OF CLATHOI',1 re. I, 8. S. Gordon. Cashier of the above rwtmed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement I true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 8. 8. GORDON, Cahl- r. Huliacribei and sworn to before me this 27th day of H.-iitemlx-r. ln!M. C. It. TMOMtJON, Notary Public. Correct, attoxt: . JACOB KAMM, W. K. M'tlKB iOR, J. O. HANTHORN. Directors. THE PROOF of the mtddlnsj la In the and the proof of tlqa IS IN SAMPLING That'a an araTument tbait'g cltM'.raa denionatrtvUoi. Ours will stand the tact. HUGHES & CO. REDUCED RATES to ell EAST GBfCttH Through palace and tourist sleeper, dining and library observation eara. ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4 Limited leavea Portland at l:H P No.' I Limited arrive Portland at 1:U a. m. For rates, etc, cell or nddre ' d -N. IjOUNHUERRV-, Agent. O. it. & N., Astoria, or A. D. C. DENNI8TON, C. P. ic T. A Portland. Or. aocomtaiiiied by tbo rash Oar photographic dcpartrnrnl will in terest you. Every new thing In photog raphy ia in stock, and It will delight kia to have you call, whether ya bay or not. Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Kate Druggists F ourth god Washington, Portland, Ore Oregon Industrial Exposition OPENS IN ..Portland, September 22.. CLOSES October 22. 1898 Th FineHt nnd GrentuHt KxpoHltion t'V held in Ihe Northwi Nt. HORTICULTURAL and AGRICULTURA lWluntu ol Orf.i(in and WiiHhitinton will Ik; diHplu)ed in wonderful profuHion, inoludinir more varieticH thnii ever lx-foro trnthertfd togeth er in one exhibit. Ik ItlrJQSefrl In marked contrast to the Ot n mar ket I our own. Our mrkr show that this truly I a "land of t'r." Th Is no ricuse tn be ntfer-d for a poor tisk of Vertlies nr I rSer (rorertsa. W'o never hav .i i. '. one. Tou'll i-tinin n.-aln snd swain if uu om obcsv Evrrrthln )u e erf ROSS, HIGC INS & CO THE BEE Hiir-fcsa well selected line of stylish winter wraps, jackets, cloth and plush capes and, of course, at the very lowest prices. Before purchasing your outer winter garments, come and see these. Try them on It will be strange if you are not suited; and as to hats, you can haye anything you may wish as to price, quality and style. FOR COLD WEATHER Atigoria Fleece Lined Hosiery and Underwear 25c and 50c Albert Dunbar Gold. Sliver anl Bronze Medals will be Awarded. Marvelously Rich Specimens from our Gold, silver and Other Mines- ..Bennett's Renowned Military Band., Hss been sngsged for th sesson. Aatoundln Atrial Feat and Acro bat tfl Performances. Very Low Rates on all Railroads Admission 25 cents. Children 10 Mutt. BSSEwrxmtaasaBaaMaaoanJBsBssssMB LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA ''- A!-, TH I H HOL1D OAK TAHLB $1.55 Special for ONE WEEK ONLY fleilta & Son