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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTORIA N, WEDNESDAY MOIiMNG, OCfOBKK S, 1898 JOHN tt LtOHTlCR. Editor. TetspaaM No.Ce,. ' , . . .. ,. UK. I. . - .. . .' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. , DAlLT, Bent by mail, wr year ' Bent by mail, per month -M Bervrd by carrier, per month W SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year. In advance. 00 Postage free to subsorllwMe. All romraunloatlona intended for publi cation should I directed to the editor. Business communications of all kltnll and remittances mum be addressed to Tha Astorlan." The Astorlan guniniccs to lt adve-r. tlers tlia argeat circulation of any news paper published on the Columbia river. A'lvcrtindia- rates ran be had on appli cation to the business manager. Distance. Miles. Pendleton to Portland SI Pendleton to Tacoma M Pendleton to Seattle Pendleton to Astoria SSI Walla Walla to Portland S Walla Walla to Tacoma SI Walla Walla to Seattle SI Walla Walla to Aatorta MS The Oregonlen an: Tlx BrltUh ship Metropolla. the last vessel to laava Portland. u 1M net tone reier and carried 100.45" bushel, of wheat, or In round number, km ton. The river towagw bill on thl ship up and down the river u 1190. Tito pllotaca trill, under the preeent lav, I cent per ton net register and S3 par foot each way, waa H40. Total. K3), or 10. M cento per ton. Thesa art not Ysttnaated" figures. They are what the ship actually pays, and aro mora potent In ftnrernlnx charter rate than Aatorta wtnd. When the railroad carries wheat to Aatorta from Portland at thla rate, ahipe may load there. To tell a half truth under aotne circum stances la Infinitely meaner and moro reprehensible than the telling of a whole lie, because of Ita greater liability to mislead. Thla kern from the Oregonlan la a good example of that sort of decep tion. If the old lie that It roati but 13 cents mora per ton to load grain ships In Portland than H doe. in Astoria had beu rr-toid and stuck to. It would have J fooled nobod. But this prftn of fft- j J tint own to rxact Imm in computins; the enst of taklna; shis up and down ' .from Portland la calculated to Impose 1 , upon tne unwary farmer who never saw the ocean, and is umamillar with tha hundred and one Items of coat connected wlth tha navigation and movement of j freat ocean vessels. Hers are Just two ! i Items of cost stated for the ship Metropolis! In a voyage of four day occupied In going to and returning from Portland. What would tha farmer think of an estimate OB the cost of moving his wheat t dl-' tance of 100 mile by farm wagon which took into account only the expense of shoeing his horses and providing axle grease for his wagon? This seems like an absurd comparison, but it Is actually fair Illustration of the relative cost of loading even a small l0-ton ship, like the j Metropolis, at Portland instead of Astoria, ' when all the expense of tour, days' In-j land voyage Is eliminated, excepting mere- ; ly the cost of pilotage and towae. If f Hammond should calculate as his ex- ' pense of railroading wheat to Astoria only the wanes of his engineers and tho fuel consumed on his locomotives he could doubtless whittle down the rate per ton to even less than the figures fixed by the Oregonlan for the Metropolis. Acconllng to the Oregonlan's method of reasoning. i tt ought not to cost anything to carry i wheat In ships from the mouth of the . Columbia river on the open ocean to Liverpool, because there Is no expense of ! pilotage or towage. It will not do to lay stress on the "compulsory" pilotage law as the respon sible cause for the extra expense Involved In loading export wheat at Portland In- st.o1 .r ... ., . , . : stead of Astoria. This is only another scheme to divert attention from the real ' i merits of the Astoria common point ques-I tion, or else It la sprung to prejudice. n- ; land sentiment In favor of the pending1 8 i lesjislatlve bill to abolish pilot charges. To be sure It costs something to pilot ships up the narrow and crooked river channel to Portland, tout that expenne Is so Inconsiderable It does not affect charter rates a particle, A few years ago an at tempt waa made to dispense with pilotage between Astoria ai d Portland, but no re duction was made on that account In charters. The fact Is, furthermore, that the experiment of imposing the double duty on tugmasteru 0f attending to their own Immediate duties and at the same time acting aa pilots for the vessels they were towing was so disastrous In several very prominent Instances that under writers and shipowners will never ugiln permit vessels to go to Portland except In charge of competent pilots. Portland may have a law pssed to abolish compul sory pilotage and advertise -that fact to the world as one of her "seaport" ad vantages, but It will make no difference to shipowners; pilot, will be employed Jusf. the same, and larger fees will prob ably have to be ipald them, througrh the lack of any law to regulate their charges, go tbe result will bo that the cost of tak ing ships to Portland will toe even larger without . pilot law than now. It Is not ln the charges made by pilots for takltig ship, to Portland that the difference be tween the wheat market In California and Oregon consists, and It I ridiculous for! the Oregonlan to try to make H appear so. It Is through the saving of thla difference on tha market price of .wheat that Inland Kmptra f.irm era could moke over K,Xi,M by loading fw export at Astoria thin year Instead of at luget Sound and 1rtliind. This la the point In the Astoria contro versy, but It la the point of all others the Oregonlan seeks to evade- In It discus sions of that subject. A San Francisco dispatch In yesterday's Oregonlati snys It Is generally understood in that dty the North tier man Lloyd Stenmhln iVmpany I going to run a line of steamers between some Pacific cosst port and the Orient. Arriingenients aro being made by the company to put on a line of passenger and freight bouts, but what Partite coast point M be used "putslrs" the proje-tira. Her Is a chance for Astoria. With prompt and vigorous work on the part of our chamber of com merce this city might be made the ter minus of the new line. Advantages are certainly offered hero which cannot be ootalned at any other port on the coast. From New York cornea a story which, though lacking corroboration, finds gen eral credence, that a strong syndicate, at the head of which Is Andrew Carnegie, has been organised for the purpose of es tablishing on the Hudson, near New York. a ship building plant which wlU rival any In existence. A gigantic Iron and steel trust was recently organised which controls the entire product throughout the Northwest, and It Is claimed that the new shipbuilding enter prise grows out of It Mr. Carnegie hJ long entertained an ambition to become the greatest In the wvrld. Within the last few months he ha ton tnbuted to several tr le journal and re views a aeries of articles panting out the manifold advantage possessed by the Hudson for the location of a great shipbulldlnir plant. Thr advant i sumnuirls.-d In the iiaifjir.! th it Amwk-a has rhrar tl and has more fflrlrnt workmen than any fotvtan na- ,lon- Tfxt nt sydhxite. It is cUimcd. has curd the riirht to use a prtx-es of hardrninf steel Invented by Krupp. th great German gun maker. l.j this pro- to 'J. a I Inch steel plate will be " effective In resisting- a shHl as 17 Inch armor !s 'w. This should work a revo lution In the construction of modern bat tleships, and K la not outside the realm of possibilities that within a short time tb rrrl fttrhtlng ships of the leading nations of Europe will also be built on the Hudson. Beyond any question, however, such a shipbuilding plant. If established, as now proposed, will not limit Ita sphere of operation to the building of warships alone, but will soon rival the shlpbulld- bulldlnK Industries of the Clyde. What """rh entiTprie would do In the way sthnulatlng American Industrj' does nnt n 'o 1? ;winieil out. It Is to be hnped that this magn:ficent scheme will niaterlalixe and assume practical form. Oliver Wendell Holmt ta- that if a ratin truly loved a woman he mould not marry ber nnii -i j he sa. alwilutely positive that he wi the very best man in all the world that she could marry, According to this a i man would have to be very conceited in-1 deed or remain a i bachelor. This is going a lit tie bit to extremes, I but in sober fact, no man should marry a woman so long as he is the victim of ill health No man woman not only to ! be bis wile, but a life-long nurse. No man has a r.jjht to a-.k a woman ii mic me uuiurn 01 nis in hMllh and that u whal he d(je. ..,. he ask' her l? b hi 'ifr Ill k,!lh in man is almost invariably the result of disorders of the digestive and nutritive organs. If a man's utom.ich is nzht and hi liver right, his blood will be i ure and rich, and V" Mr0 '"l M''ad'' Wt"'n thce blood is pure and rich a man cannot -uf. frr from ill health. Dr Pierce s redden Medical Discovery is the great digestive tonic. It is not a mere appetizer, but a scientific aid lo the natural processes of secretion and excretion. It makes the ap petite keen and hearty, promotes the flow of digestive juices, makes the assimilation perfect, the liver active and the blood pure and rich It builds firm, healthy flesh tis sues. It is the greatest known nerve tonic and restorative Mrs. P Mortenson of Sanger Oliver Co.. N. Dak., writes: Dr. Pierre s Golden Medical dis covery it the liest cough medicine I ever tntd A tittle over two years aio I wa. aff.i.Trd with a very bad cough and my home t, ivkian pre scribed Cod Liver uil and other kind of medi cine. He said I mighi go into ijuick ,uimii:, tioa and miuht die in two or inn e months H mcdiciue did not do me any ',M. I b'-in' nf Dr. Pierce s Ooldi n Medical Inv.ov. rv .-in-i ic gan taking it: when I had taken it aW two months, acceding to directions, my i.aiirh a cured, and since thai time w- h vve a!wn ' ke;i your medicine in the house ' Dr. Pierce's Peasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate the htomach, liver and bowels. By ail medicine dealers. Why Ih It when we resolutely (ji terminc we will not talk on a u-rtaln subje. t that we generally find ourselves chattering most glibly about It? Acker'B Krufllsh remedy will utop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold ln twelve hours, or money re funded. 25 cents and 50 cents. For sale by Estcs-Conn Drug Co. Some persons are apparently pointed in their photographs because there Is no trace about them of the per- rumery wun wnicn tney deluged th.-ra-selves before going to the photographer.. sw , fct II I . TL. U-.-J u .. Bsari tha p i in mub tou win Always Bought ! sif "r i;v ss,if AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WIS ARS ASSF.RTlxa 1 TUS COURTS OlR RIGHT TO TUB EXCLUSIVE I'SU Or THE WOKD 'CASTORIA,M AND rrrcitER's castokiv' as our trademark. , DR. SAMUEL PITCH-,, cf Hyannis, Massachusetts, was tho cr'tjinatcr (f "CASTOR I A," Iho scmo that has bow? ud docs ncn beer c.i every the f:e-simile sijnziurc cfC&stf?xi&tii( wrapper. Thisis tkecrijizd CASTORIA" uhieh hs hen used in the homes ef ike fathers ff America for ever thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY j. the vrepper and see that it is the ki;rf vni hire chrcus bright - on the and huj the signature ef O&fiffifc&U wrap per, iYa cr.s has authority from r,:o to use my name- except The Centaur Cmpar.if, cf xhich Ckcs. II. Kcicher is Dvsider.t. March 24, 1S9S. ) .w, , Do Not Bo Deceived. Do not cnd.mircr the life of your child a cheap substitute which (Lccause ho makes a few gredient of which even "The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Med You. MANHOOD MANHOOD RESTORED rrnar arrrsi all uxaormma impmeorr. t in ie. m w. rUMiin luauner, a-rwna. Hltriin kninert and the nnnare oiraniol til Uupunuea CrriDBSB treactseoa aad raMumtmall araak orrana Tba reaaia sufTVrer. are not rarM br Ivion M beraua ninety per cent tra trecNM w:ia l"l slalllH Cl"PIIKNE Istiieoniy kaoan I a rlUararanlMrTeaaiHl maaey rrwnmi ri nun o.a no maU. twwl tor rasadrruUr ami imioiuniala, AMrtm BAToL BJEDICIXK ts r. (X When four chops appear on the break- fast tablet for four persona there will be two left, whereas If there were double the number the planter would undoubtedly be clean. Politeness haa a wonderfully restraining Influence on appetite. j . O a 1 O XXX Jm e ' jnti, yf m lot m tin nun rep Soldiers, officers aJ private alike, are forbidden to Join any cycling riuo vy me Auatro-Hungarlan minister of war. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take I-axntlve Bromo gumln Taoleis. All urugRiats refund the money If It fills to cure. Z cents. The genuine U M. g. on t& h Ubiet. Veneer cutting has reached such ier- fwtion that a single elephant's tunk JJ ommenl It becauaa It never falls to ef Inchea long Is now cut In London Into a f,.,.t a atteedy and permanent cure. Dr shwt of Ivory I'd Inches long and 5) Inches wide, and sme iiheetd of ni' wixid and mahogony are only aliout one- fiftiHh un ln.h thi,K. , , , , , , . ' " i"imi...i...u. muiKeiion jiii coiiu;mw mi. n iinisiinui her!) drink. Removes all eruptions of tho skin, producing a perfect or money refunded. E and rents. For ,aIe by Kntes-Conn Drug Co. .Husbands and wives traveling t.?.':hr ln Norway pay only a fare and a half "n ln" railways, uml in Austria and Hun g.ry this is also the rase, in tne latter country a child unuer six years of iiKm traveling with an u.Iull Is not charged. .v,i. ai.mamV.ia wrtw-tiin in ha, right to .ska!;:: :rz'::-:,:r: ' according lo their ag- anil ine nunire r traveling. PLATED OUT. Dull headache, pains In various parts of the body, unking at the pit of the atom- acli loss of appetite, feverish nes, pimples or sores are all positive evidences of Im pure blood. No matter how It became so U must be purified in oruer to obtain good health. Acker'. Blood Ellxer has never'"' to cure scrofulous or syphilitic poi son, or any other blood diseases. It I. certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. A man may tell his wife he lovea her to ulstrai-tlon, but twit met rareiy neips him to look pleasant when she asks for money. Luxuriant natr, or unuorm wior. is a beautirul head covering ror eauier sex and may be Becured by using Hall's Vege. table Sicilian Hair Renewer. " "" Lire seems nam wnen me persons i,i whom we think the most are the ones of ah rn we see the leest, o.sTon.x. Bean. th. Kind Vm Haw Always Bought Home women who boast thu.t their voices would nil a theater find to thi-ir sorrow that they work be-tter in empty ing one. HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. , , Tt t .. ... .1.11 .1 .a.V .MV.Ini e nave i, cio.u. .e .u j y, . c.u,.,.. "V" - scorning on ...y w,.e . berlains Cough Remedy and It a ways prevents the attack. It Is a household ne-' cesslty in this county and no matter j what else we run out of It would not do, to be without Chamberlain'. Cough Rem edy. More of It Is sold here than all other coufh medicines combined. J. M. Klckle, of Nlckle Bros., merchants. Nlcklevllle, j "houlu not ony be Kura bu' rt ln fe p. Poe .ma hv Chnrlea Rnirers. den. ! fvl" "Omenta. These results are best gist. icceptinir some ilrugpst r.:r. olTcr joii more pennies o it), the 1:1 he does not know. RESTORED By watsjf Dr. reaa'g itllew Nere fills. This wuaileilul remedy uaraDieeUtornieaUareiMisdiMaaii.iaaliaWckMrmar. i i nrmia rower, ncHicnt, waaeialoass, lut Masbuuil, Kisjhity Kml swot. Kertoiianea, all dnuaa, loss of power m tiearati Otgaw of either srx,caaed by osereierttoa, youthful errors, rtcesu aat of tooscco, opium or imUntm, whKb lead to Infiraity, Cranmptioa or Io.niiy. CaB be carried in seal pocket Xi so per b. t, tor , by bmiI prepaid CirraUr Kre. Sold by all drunista A.k for It. ukt no other. Maouisctnred by the reaa aienlrlns to .Peru Frm-e l.iueloeia frug iksUiLuUag tgtala, Thudaad YamhlUoU.. rortUad. or. SSTCa-CONN DKI U CO.. Aganu. Aatorta. a "cupiDtwr- Ttm (real VmiUM) i Viuiur.UipnK ru- Uoa ol a tamuo t rench pl.rkian, ailll quietly cure u nl all Orr was or llietin of lUe (eiMrrii.e urtai.t. iM'b u Ual Mih.Hl. inaomitia, rtinsia we t.muat..iu. ,,n.i iwi.ull, rmpie, I'uduiM lu Marry, Imint, Vtrinie l ConuiMUa. II tO a. I liaae br ! or IJlftll P.aeenw urn. Deal of aiarbarxe. a tiwa If mtirheke to Hpeemniurrh. arul reawdr In rorewlikaui an ..praliun. tuumiinvHtl. i nut adan a pat iuu ut care. Bel XCt,Baa rrai oaro. rsl. AW'Mr CHARLXfl ROOERS. 4 Commsrcial St. The mountains about Santiago are rich In iron and manganese, and valuable mlnea of both these ores are owned by Americana. The annual eiportutlon of Iron to the blast furnaces of Pennsylvania and Maryland haa been nearly . tons. The ores of manganese are almost aa valuisWe as those, of Runtltt. Cuba con- ii-.-..i ..'." T. and was once famous for guid. THREE DCHTORS IN CONSULTATION. From Benjamin Franklin. ,.Wn,n u ,r, wn, yo ,, brt, i, lo bt) chimen for a me.ll. lne In the nrst ploie; what experli.noe tells you l bent. 1 to b chosen In the second place; ht reason lie.. Theoryt ny Is lwt to be chosen In the last place. Hut If you can r-t Lr. liKllmition. Ir. Kxperlence and l'r. Reason to hold a ronnultutlnii in gethnr, they will (five you the bent advice that can I taken." When you have a bad cold Dr. Inclina tion would recommend ChamtwrUiln's Cough Remeily because It Is pl.-mnint nnd safe to take. Dr. Kxiwrlence would n-c- H.-aton would reommenil It be-.iu.. It Is preiMtr.'d on scientific principles un. acts on nature's plan In relieving the lungs, opening th sretlons and re storing the synt.-m to a natural nnd h'wlthy condition. For sale by Charles Rn;ers. druggist. 'ine oldest living graduate of lliirvard coliegf. Dr. William I Russell, of Barre, who will i IKi years old If he lives until ih totx r 21 of next year. Is still enjoying a s-reii uml happy old aK". according to m u,..,t accounts of his dally life In the local awr. He hits hitely hail ns KU,.st n(l, t,rnh.-r. Mr. James Russell, of nife.1 91. anil tostether thev nl.ived Wn.. iind ,.r(.t. climbed iinnl.. trees, ... .. . -n-,rIT,.,n,i, -, in sa imrtiuiif. iimik r iramn oi iinout rour t)()llr, f.r th ,. ,,, king ten quarts ,,f blackberries on th wny, and then go ing a corn rount In the evening, fl 1 ' w.-il by ui ol'l fashioned shakedown In the klt i n and another round of whist, Our little toy was mulcted with rheu matism In his knee; and ut limes unable to nut hla foot on rhe Moor. We tried In v.ry,nnr ttuu W(. hKf (f that we thought would help him. We al most gave up In despair, when onie one advised us to try Chamberlain's Pain Malm. Wei did so and the first bottle l?av him so much relief that wo got a eecond one, and. to our surprise. It cured him sound arid well. J. T. Uuvs Pastor christian Church. Neod.sha, Kan. For ,.,e ,,y charP, Rogers, druggist, I'rln'-e flvlatopolk Mlrsky. who recently dl.d at W. Petersburg, hern me a major K,.,.ral .lt th(, ll4te f o,, ,, nB(1 nft.yfl In al! the wars In which Russia has been engaged since the Crimean war. Old fawilong In dress may be revived ,lt no o(, f.1Hnonei! mHlclne can replace ''iinmberliiln's Colic, Cholitra and 1I .irrhoea Rnmedy, For sale by Charles Itogi-rs, druggist. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mill(y truc.fu, I)(.rHotlH c)ara tho truth should not be upoken at all times, 1)Jt lu)m,, , U frWni. H,)p ,t m(iny uljl!U1Min, medicines, with no hitter taste, end with ,nH That the Mood should perform tt. vital functions, It Is absolutely necesssary It effected by the use of that well-known standard blood purifier, Ayers' flarsapa-rllla Special jrf &a,e t'oumictxial Strict iifur rUVUWUW lAAAAAAAi UTJ trUVAAAAAAAVAUUVrWAAVVAAj LfW flAfl v m i a w . . I The IIYIItXIaL"qtoi S THOH. OUINBAN, Proprietor ? HeventH nnd s Knltlngton Ml si. mn AAAvuvrui rv,nninnwn m Th bitter tw slil In longing l.r a J h.mie that n.t ara smi im- lml M thiw l.iirn lh or tna one hinel. k fur a hmna that Is gons. I "i a pv'Sltivs guarantee i-utea hejrt t'Uio. raising of f.iod. ditr 4tr eating, any form of dyspepa'4 Ktw Itttls tablet gives lmmsltats rUf S and cent. For sale by Kstes-Cmn Vrvt l'o. Jeiwelrra antit Ijvi! .1 M i tirxm.u ails of belt, bucklea an I h.t pins In srlilch tnlllt.iry buMns art. i:. d decoratlvely. I KRNMKNT I'll. ill KS AlJs 1) r..H.sals fur Frneli llef and Million. fTl . - i nli'f I'oinmlssiri . Viincoim r llarr i. k. sh. l'l 1, Isist. Stvi!e.l .rn..w.i. f . ,r furnishing and de livering Kr. h H..f in. Fr.-sti Mutton will 1. re.elve.1 her :inl ut onV.e of com nilsaarles at Fort h!erns. iiregon. Ilolse ll.irr.icks snd Fort H'ithi in. I p.ho, fNiris I'aiit.y, Sskane. WalU WalU and Vancouver ll irr n k. Waah , aiv.1 D)oa and Fort Wransel Al i-k t until II o'i o, k ii. m . Nov S Isms ..ti l then upmml. In foniaitloii furnlshe.1 nn application Kit teloiirn i itilaliiltig riMi,.l, anoul.l be lmi.rsel "I'r..sal4 for Frean lleaf and Fresh Maitoti, ' jn. ..rr-r. t,, tha Un.lerHlittlnl. or to iVinillllsa-iry at JH.St to m supplinl. A H HHimjKK. I'.ipl. Chief Cm y. o" l)isit Car rroai . 1 r.sst RHIVr ' Mai !)' Al r l..B. .Oijllll llri.-l, t' fu. Milit'e, M . ,i;n, Hull , 'A n uii a. '. rcil.i hi cro .-a V .rli . t.i.'U'i ri'l ail ioiii's . . I a: it iin S.-U l.e'. No. 1 II.-. a m 1 I" t. I I. rt 4- d. He t le and, ' Istfjin.i 1 ;ir. lof H-iitiir. ai'i-iiis, ' 'I. ui-' nii snd I tcnm-l;ie p- I i' So. . M. I p Ill, i Three days lo t I'a il. Oman i. K ill' . .-!.., .....I ,..l, t,.. .,,r rl'.'.r !..iln'4 Three and mie ri Hf tavs to n;. I. ins. illlwuiikee and I'liHiito ' Four and nne-h uf .t a to W ishlnirto ', Philadelphia niul otner lar east, m l nts. l-asseiigers taking the A. A c H It R. H iti link momma- train ill make d cofine. lions at U j . n -;li th- e ist I. .uml fast mull. I'nlon dlit conn." tl ns at all i.r.n dp il cities. llilggngw I ll kl tfirininh II d. s l-i.l. tloti of tickets 1 l-'t.e Hl..,.tilrw r. v it'.olis t 'ke s f n.( ,,(,..r .,.. i r... ..r ,ni, J ' . M A Y AU'ti'. ,24 I oimioTi lul Ht Astoria. ir A I i IIAIil.TiiN Assistant ileri.-ril !' iss-iu-.t A.C rit Morrison Htn-e! Portland, or. TU! 5Cm;0L'I.P3 Kiniii I'ortlnnd UKI'AKT Ahkiyi sal' l.iiKe. env, r, Kl Ma'l World, Dim , lis Kail s'i. m :''y. -I. l-oiil-. ! ( libit., rl'd I (st. MnokitllK , W'n lVH I"1 .lie. 'I Jr i " "I' 111' Ml. I t Mill T:'.i a. in Mioisiie Kly.o 10 I 'la. in 2 ) p. m I cm in i ii , ,. o see. I blcaxu nnd Kn-I, r mil A st. i nu OCIiAN STEAMSMII'i A 1 1 sailing listes mil ject I.,. I ltlllli(e, Kor -(in Kn-iie .co-Hall Dcbihe-.j II, 'I, rJ, :,, s. i, Ti h id in. is met nu iiduy Columbia River Hteamers To Portland and Way Landings. '' ex, Mo inlay L-... i...ii ...a 6 a.m. 4:WM.tli. Moil, Wed wiuametis Kivsr. Tim,. J'iir and Krl ivregun t:nv, Xewiierg, hiiu run. ! nuieiii a n ay-MllKl s I 7 a. m. ! W'"Tim uiV V,m1 .? :W .';.". Tlles.'llilir. jioi,.,weu. ml Hul , "-s ,.i ...t, .'..Ji.iil, - . ..... rt.A,,,,,, f'l,.. I... ....... k. .,tl L ni,yi..iiiiuiiK ,v Klparla (Hill liiilv exe'U nik River, fatdiuay Klliarlatn I.iiWlsUiii. I :f'i p. in. Krldnv Ieave Lewlstown dally except Krlday, Q. W. LOCNBBERRT. nan w w iTTTBT pttrt Agient Astoria, W. H. HgRLBTOT . inc I I I I VfcTvV STONE sQsJJlafO Ul.'K ii in t. Kopp's "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE TLs Noftb roiflo Drewrry, of which Mr.Johu Kot la proprietor, ni ultra loei for tli)tite ami export Irailn. l5oltlcl lieer for fnmlly ttao, or ie beer supplied ! any llmo, tlnllvury li the oily tree. NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY iz'u,'m Vo mual rciluve sstnvk rml Mcll Ugnrllsisa of Cal WingTee&Co. (hktV Dry IhvhIh Mtorv. Portland, Or. T HOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS Unit m4 mmikmAm kltl. - MIM uf latflrUttl W4MII. Wing ttm ) MHtsT'lt fuf tuwil HMU ,. lkm 4 nii'il dtt KrfM -III .rwiM 4-sr W Pl ! tt ft Oft .utnM tH4f l4 Uaf f !, (!-.,, yr-iftiurrlitft, Hhiiw. Hniiftiflrft) ili. rhf, ta fttiy tn IttMl, UrlUM uf U'f llft ! M(Oai mm v rosi hot. MiriHul 1 1 ffr tH," ft-v tuaal la praird for M laa ami lu h Ing of lbs prltata par la Krery poi warrante.1. Mr OrMwgms br BiaH on ra tIM ntprie tl eenia tad, sVILlHS UiurtCTUKJlS CO.. Frupa. C4.rslauu.ijl.ui The Choicest ITable Wines... j far raaailtaw AIM for Mtta- aasl I Cwakrnsj 1 rMrM SUKk. Ctsm Rrs. OU rtfc-ary, , Pnda of Kentucky And Hnne as aotd Caltfas-au Bn. Carlson's FamllyLIquor Store 1M TWBLTTH aTRT WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Pugst Bound Navl I gallon Company. Hiilley Oatsert leave. Astoria dally, i irept nunday, at 7 p. m. ysves-l'onlund nu dally axcrpt Sunday 1 tt a. m. mio i our nr. iicaem iiiinr,-nii.iii" on llallsy ilattert, T. J, I'otler and It. It 1 homiison for Astoria and all wsy nolms, Flivel. Ilaaeo, BtvleW, Leing lletch, and i Nahcolla. , C. W. HliJK. ; 0. II. SCOTT. Astoria Agent, i I'resld.nt. Telephone No. II. , I WHEN GOING EAST- - Csa a first-class Una In traveling between Minneapolis, 8L Paul and Chicago, and tha principal town. In central Wlsoonsin Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair Cars In eervtca. Ilia Dining can are operated In tha In terest of Ita patron., the moat elegant aervlca aver Inaugurated. Meals ar served a I 'arte. To obtain flrst-ciaae .ervtca your ticks should read via The Wisconsin Centra Lines.' Direct connections at Chicago and UII waukea for all eastern point rVtj,fuU Information call oo your naarest ucnei agent, or wnn JAB. C. POND, Osneral Pa... Agsnt, or JAB. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis Oener.1 Agent, Ut Stark itreet, Portland, Or Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALL Open .very day from I O'clock to l:U sa4 t:H to l:M P. m. abaerlptlon rata tt par annum. tr Cia-anth and Duan Btraau flott's Nerverine Fills The grti' remedy U ncrvoue prot- tr.tlon ana all nervout thr U0KI4aND AKi'KM U81NU. n of ll nt of cither vx, men u Nervout Prostration, Failing o tost Manhood, ImpoUncy, Nightly Emla Hons, Youthlul rrron, MenUl Worry, es- ctulvt use of Tobacco of Opium, which 1 to Contumpfion and Inunity. JloOO P" box by mailt 6 boxt for $5,00. fcon'8 CHEMICAL CO,, Proc'i, Clereland. 0h j flaaV ! f aVjs tM m ansa r 1 wwa. wagl rrai'sidtaiCsiviirr V!aOaaft.l :P II PC'" WllllHni llKliinl'lt Lu nliiiaiil will curs llilurt rvlliar.lis aud luum lal'ttaa liauaorMlkelumoit alla a tha lublng al om, acn Mat a pftulilre, gKrt li.stanl e llvf. Dr. II, lams' lu.lisn File l. ol CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS' WANTKb. WANTKTitttIMN"' KMT AMMHII Kl iur-iHiny, nither Inil v u (sjll'Hian, nf iihhI clnirch standing, ns rorl' ilniit and itiMiiMarr hre, Nd lionie, Hiilury llrsl yoar. s'' ir-addroaav irtipd suvvlosa lu A. Mlilnr, Uciioml Muimsor, cars Asirli I.AHIir.V- Nil M(ltlQ DAHNIjNil -Tllw MhmIk 1 1 ii ml ,uni, lita.le tl poii"' ulleo slwi, laioni iiivsiitton ir no'im- iitf I'ltitlihiet, tin ili'rr, talile limns He limns I'll 1 1.1 run run IlKNT. Kl'lt wit hunt - nntNiHiiKn ItlKlM. rlth fin n liiwil and Addiras M, A.I nrlaii ulllrs. i Oil IIKNT-4iKrillt AIH.K HOOMM. Al' tllmtnlis, tliimlnuiit Hull. .Ills' VOll IlKNT-- H)t)0 lltlDHW ANI II A UN li u J luur ' tot ut l.i ml. tti-ar c'latsup I lly slalliiil, kiiuarn as III 0ln uammi'S, Apply to . To(, ifcl Coiiiinrill at., uy " Kllll AL10. (till MAI K-lint'MK ANI l.uT, I'oll. livr Urmul avKiuia and Tmy titmh irrcl, I iipIiii, ul ;'& fswl. A"ly lu julm Hull. JtlCHTAUKANTft Oiioti i CKNT WKAlJl AT 11 1 io II lit In Mun lttaurant. allMCKLI.ANKOL'B. iV YOU WANT KINK MI'MHKli ANII craw It. Ii rail mi livnr. Hartley al the National, ntlirr nil the dollisn-l-s ut Hit season can ba found. TT BJUUd NU B UK T TAANU baktim powder. BvVKKT"CiBA"Osr aimntaTths. Jkpc "" BALOONB. TIIR IXiUVKIt-UNDKH TIIK AIU. nausagsanani ut August Kraaa. ta daJlf tianMnliig a nHsr sua niura popular r sort. Th Hub rounia isn thai aauund 0' are now an attractive (Aura- ot a ealabiiatimaot. I'HTBICIANB. Ml. ALrHCU KINNRT-OVriCK AT rsaldaoia. CominarolaJ atraai, aaaf Blilh. times hours i Murasns; until It: ail atenwoa until Ii svsmuga until I o dock. DR. (X U. KBTKB. PHYI PHYSICIAN AND Wurgsun. apna atlaouon of anrnwa and surf ary. urn giger I at ore. Astoria. Tel to dU.asa ca svar Tela, No. U I HI JAY niTTI.IO. I'HYBICIAN AND urgaon. Oftire, ruuota 1 and a, rylhl. llulldlng. U1S Cumntarclai Ureal. It iImh saliva. Tateidluna K Acting as issant surgeon fulled "tale niartnO huapltal aarvlc. MAHONIC TKMI'I.R U)lHK NO. 7. A. T. AND 1 U -Regular communications held on the Oral and third Tueeday evening of each ni"04h W. UlDNHIlkltltt. W. U .K. C. liOLli-N. Kacalary. ATTOHNKIB. J. Q. A. nowi.BY. ATTORN KY ArJU COUNIKliK AT LAW. Ome. Rond Itraa t. Aatorta. Or. J. 13. WYAIT, hiaae raa, at A Steele . Uratae Hnrdwnrc, ShlpChaiKilery. Groceries, Provln.of.B, HA.INTB nd OILn. IsecM Atuallea paM I laaflylag Mips t naia tiny v.piuirt r lupeioi rj.i . . . . Ciibeht or lnti;boni and WmJ CURE IN 41 HOURS le771 tho wrni d ee with. Vl out IxoAvofMon-.. EAST m SOUTH LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVE OVERLAND EX rRKHiTfor Balam. Roaaburg, Ashland, Bacramenln, Ogden, Ban 'ranolsoo. Mo. iave. Lot Angelas, CI Paao, Nsw Or eant and tha East Roasburg passenger Via Woodhum, for Mount Angel, B. yerton, Wast Belo. Ilrownvllla, Bnrlng. Oald and Nation.". t:W r. U t.M A. M t m A. M 4 tO P. M Dally loept Sunday Dally leapt Banday 7: A. M HM P. Ml Corvalll. pangerf tt:M A. M lt; A.M nuvpanuenoa paaa Dally. tlaily except Sunday. ( nnnect ne al Rn Vr v . , , , . "-. "7".. -'w'"'.' sun insn- denlal A Oriental, Paclflu Mall and Oca snlo ateamahln lln.. t.J v mna JAPAN. CHINA, AI'iltAl.lA AMfl Rah... HcW.,."VAif: . I'ortlntlll. Hflnnim-n A 1. It . co. N.r"r ii, si !",v ond-cl.- Including fu Enron? ai "' N"'" ,0 Kaaiarn point, and . j . -winn, nine. Mono uiu. inni'l 9iX-P in"J from J. u ii,RKRT,tk-1 -rv. iis o. r. p. a. Through Tickets TO THE- EAST AND SOUTHEAST -VIA- PULLMAN PALACE BLBHPERB. -.--UKIBT BLEEPBRS and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARB -Dally to- Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City tnd other East em dtlea . Dl fnIT ifcu1 'nroujr to deatlnatton. VZ KlSLi1 othBr WormaUon call on O. Vf. LOUNBBERRT, AgMt, U t N. Co. or nor I and Inn In hiwlry; a oik It; iiurfi'i't wivn: mil ihwiimuh for iH.nU, iiiMtnr Vit Advsriisin slid Nnvolty t'lMiiimny. tliu Wmlnna Inn strsol, (laklainl, t nllfurnln, uNr -n Q OCasiviAfTalJ l3)j"Joy u, oor. Aiuer, Portland, or.