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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1898)
'A WOT - . i An V Ml ,V V . I ' 'II ' . 1 II I. II- TMrfffy jtmt '' ' :i ' ';;'fc4wMjMMSB&KC i. '.. ' ' ' TIE ASTORIA, ft till m liricit i, , clfjuutjoaef ioy pipir on tin Colombia Klvtr i'1 i m: - -'I ' . -'.'.hi Hi VOL. XLIX. The Only ... IN ASTORIA ... Our Hpclolty: HTOVOH AMD ItANOCH We know tho bunkiem. ' Twenty yconr experience If you want a GOOD Ktore, wo the atock at the Eclipse Hardware Co. REGATTA 1898 Official Regatta Badges. Astoria Souvenir Books, Fireworks, Flags, Balloons, Festoon Paper. GRIFFIN & REED. 1 NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED S Four Hundred Different Patterns Wuli Sing it Co., Miit lmnt Tailor, win- imvt Utter i.n'pnnol to wrve tli jml.lio intlu-ir line (ieiitV Kuruihliing (!xhIh of nil kintl'. Suit jniulo to onler (juicily. Iawc Mock rcmly-inndo gunk C'lcaning ftiul repairing. Womcmhcr, Prlcon Tolk -WAH SINO & CO 6 Com'rc'l SI. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boiler Makers Machinists Logging Huglncn llullt nnd Repaired. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturer of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Miiufnturer fur tke I'adflc Coast of the KOHERTS KATCK-TIBC BOILCK. 7z JZl; . i (Mii ULIj &A Pacific Sheet .... MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... Salmon Vegetable ' Fruit Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Fairhaven. Wash. Write Um for Prlec. Full Line of Fall and Winter Stove Store 'M 3 Lowers Supplies Ktt in Stock PURE FRESH SPICES TEAS and COFFEE Foard & Stokes Co freshest assortment. Prcsh goods - constantly arriving. Metal Works spice and Syrnp "" FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS AHTOUlAt OltEGON, SUNDAY MOUNISO, AUG18T 28, m. HI Fighting Still AMERICAN BUSINESS SYSTEMS WILL NOW People Much Pleased Death Rate Increasing in the City Germany Actively Building Ships The News Prom Havana Meat 60 Cents Per Pound Starved to Death on a Transport Ship His Mother Insane-Peace Commissioner Frye Talks Can Issue Bills of Health Again Health at Camp Wikoff Health at Santiago Sickness at Camp Thomas At Fort McPherson Returned Sick from Montuak Point. - LOM'ON. Auu( IJ -The d I lil lxrTl'onl' "f f1' fun iy Tmr my liw fiwnmctH h. rrrlvl a clrhir 4pat( fnn Munllu, iclvlnic full ikUl at ltu plluUllim and ron!ll'B it lh Ulanil. Th nit!nli of Ihn i1lmih tmrv n t--n mtul pul.lK-. (Irnrrvl Kin. lovrrw M th VUy !. Infill.. rrNl nMliig brra the rcl l. hikI th ttiuiiLh lro M Cbu nJ 111. ,11. Tli tlnillkt him ordwml to lplrt trkimln frn hivtuilon ly lh rrlfl .out fr.fn l.iu' tr AkuIiIiIo (Jfiimil IU' him ninl wvnil IwMul- i.wut ir muni. TrlrtMn) from 'u1m nnirt imnliuuou rlictiiliiK U Uw .r1iuK f riiirti I'rln--M. mi. I Hnid i.'lnni, Imcvii thr 8un l.h Birl lli r-!irl. Tin ,in.iry'il U mnir l Kerroll. V.HIIINMToN. Awt'ifl 1' Whlln Ad in Hrriliiry of Slte lln. twl'l t nlic lit lli tnt il-imrtnu-nt luul no Infor nmllon frm th Itiilruna-n. It l liurnrd Ihut lh vr Jctwrlmrnt him rrcelvrU .lvlii romrrnlnil ihe Amo.MmI lrf .ili'lir from Mmlrlil. llfyond iri nolhl: run r )irnl. Thf offlrtaU M fu.o tu Ul-ui" thr dl.iAti b ur rv-4l the nuiure of th trute. AMKK1CAN METHODS. rVanth.i M He Kewilutlonlsed Deavtll Hate In the K'Hy lmn-ases. 8ANTIA1K), AUKum J7.-Th American rostofnYe system Is nw to be introduced here, and house to house deliveries and li-ttrr boirs are to be rwrabllnhed. The mm (mitts are muoh pleHd and the d slre Is gerwrnl r fhe extuMlshment of Anifrloan bu.lnees systems. 8vhols will lie oieicd Srptember 1. En glish will he tauiiht In ll grules for the pilrpnee of Its Amerlctinlslnc efTi-cts. The ivrniloyvs of the civil government are now pwld with t'hevk only, owing to the scarcity of wiuUI htte. The disxth rule among ehe clils'ns nnd troops Is Increasing- Tn,, Atht ln ,ne city ikilly numttT alunrt elKhty. ltlenls wh are mvelt-stnt sftor afl attack of dysentury nd ytlh'w fever, guln stWKth slowly, owing to 1he encrvatlinr effect ot the cllnmte. Two hundred Immunos are now In the honpitnl. GERMAuNY BUILDS SHIPS. (Copyrighted ISM by Associated Tressi BERLIN. August r.-There Is unusual notlvlty In the shipyards at KM, Stettin, Killing and Hamburg. The government has placed a number of order among them. Including Commissions fur six big torpedo bout destroyers of 33 knots Hped, to be nmdy for service early twxt year, in addition there tire orders from Russia, SptiJn, Bruril nnd the Argentine republic. NEWS FROM HAVANA, HAVANA, August 27.-The steamer Co mal arrived here this morning. She car- rled a million rations. The present doty on caittle Is $fi per head, and ment Is selling nt 60 cents per pound. Miss Clara, Barton returmd today from Mtiitnnias. Major Nlskcrn flJid Clip thin Nlles, In charge of the provisions on board the Co- C. H. THE LEADING DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE OF ASTORIA Irr , ' r.- v--. . - i ; -- i going on Between the Rebels and the ; 1 Details nul. IixIj)' inllwl on (hnrrol IUnni'0. TIk y W( the iMihu't muipnr.1. I.V8ANK ritOM ORIKK. Muther t.'anniit Ili-cover From Hhork or I'ith of Hon Stnrvt'd on Transport. MAKIK'irA. Ohio. AuruhI r.-The mmiuT uiul two ltm of dk?y P. KWy. of Un KlKhlh Ohio, who, It 1 riforteJ, Jin) f MarVHtton on the trunsport while tmiltK rwinm from Culm, Uive bvcunie Inmuip throuch Tnorror ami grli'f at the 0h of ihu young mn nd the manner In hUh It oit-urrnl. Wht'ii thu new. .n r.n-lved the moth er lxnuiiy franilo with griff and her i-hllilrnn worn hynlrrlral. Two liter. K. rUi.i unci VeruUi, kii brtiimc uncon tnill.ilili. ua did the molluT. uiid after a d.iy It txinmc iinriTit that all were be (snnlniC Inwiiie. The mithT has to be K 11 11 Mr. I at all Iknim. fhe liuji ntteoipted ilM.Vi neveml tlnv-f. It Will to net'i Bury to hike all of them to an asylum. rrtYE TALK 8. HOSTON. Augunt r.. Sitxitor Frye, ot iliUite, nuunbers of the luce cxmnulsnion, pussed through Hoston on his way from Vul)lngtn Ho .Maine totiay. Sotmtor hYj e declined to scute his posi tion rirartlliiK expansion. "IVrto Rico, of cuurne. will go to the United eta-tea." he said, "and the Ldrone Island. Do much was settled by the protocol, beyond Urn nothing isn be told just now." In discussing the question as to wheth er or not the United 8r's wtll be likely to demand more than Man! hi and the Is land of l.uron. Senator Frye suld: "There are other islands In the Philip pines rmit are valuabU. The commls xlonHrs. you untk-rstund, can entot what ever trle bcneltts they wish. Outside the iMiuiucred territory It cannot now be told wtutt will be demanded." CAN ISSUE BILLS OK HEALTH. WASHINGTON. August .-The United State consular officer in every part of thu World have been Informed by the state department that they nviy Issue bills of health and certificates of Invoice for -AinthiKo, I'oiK-e, Manila or other Ims In uctuul iiosscs.xlon of the United Static. HEALTH AT WIKOFF. NEW YORK, Aintu.-n 27. The health report at Camp Wikoff today was as fol lows:: Cases In general Iroxiiltal 1101, of which H5 are typhoid. Cases in detention hospital 430. Diphtheria ln detention uospktul : In general hospital 1; Deaths 3. HEALTH AT SANTIAGO. WASHINGTON. August K.-Followlng Is 't!ho hilth reiHirt from Santiago to day: TottU sick. 55i. Total fever cases, 427. New cwses of fever, 19. IVaths, 1 Returned to duty, 24. AT CAMP THOMAS. CH KMC AM. VUG A. Aniruat 27. The sick ness ait Camp Thomas has been greatly ex'auirertHi.! b reciutlv published re- IMrts In some ia.rts of the country. While Goods Now COOPER'S i1" " ttl A J1 i . a tj v iK. A , . . . " .A.. w REPORT. TH Kept Very thcrx are all told about l.S-M alrk soldltrs In the hoxpltali at thlx park. onl' alut j"U of thin number are pronounced yphotl Iei-r caw, ami the rmtjority ol ihesa are not of the violent typ. AT KORT M 1'HKRSON. ATIANTA. On.. Auguiit r.-Two prlv- ati'K dkU at Fort 'Slul'horslon today of typhoid fvver. There are now 70 putlenta In th ifirn-rul honprtui. nirly (M of whom are aflllfted with typhoid fever. THE SECOND MASSACHUSETTS. Only a Remnant of the Regiment Arrives From Cub. NEW LONDON. Conn.. August 27.--The sound steamer Rlock Island, arrived t.xhiy from ll.ntituk bearing 330 members of the Second ilussachusetta regiment from C4np 'Wikoff. The mvn. as a rule, presented a sorry spectacle. Some Idea of their condition may be mid from the statement of one of them that in one company alone, company B. but thirteen men were able to walk from their tents to the boat. Acconipanylnsr the troops were only thirteen line officers out o the thlrty-slx who left Massachusetts -when the regl mvnt started for the front. ' THE HERO OF THE OREGON. BENTON HARBOR. Mkh., Aug. 17.- Capt. Clark of the bcttleahlp Oregon, ar rived here tonight, having left the United States hospital to join bis wife end daughters, who hare been spending the summer here. Captain Lloyd Clark, who Is In charge of the United' Brute government station here, will cure for his brother until he Is again able to return to bka duties. Specktl Invitations are coming ln tonlgM from all over the state asking for the privilege of tendering re ceptions to the hero of the longest cruise on record. THE DAVIS A SUCCESS. PORTLAND, Or., August 27.-The tor pedo boat Davis, which Is being con structed at the Wolf & Z wicker Iron Works here, was today given a prellml- lairy trlul on the river. No effort was made fo force the craft to the required speed, 22-). knots, but It Is annuonoed the trial was satisfactory In every respect. HOBSON'S PROMOTION. WASHINGTON, August 3..-The naval examlng board has rewnuiwnded Assis tant Naval Constructor Hobson for pro motion to Che position of naval construc tor. FOWELSON INJURED, PHILADELPHIA. August 27.-Ensln Powellson, who served on the battleship Maine when she waa blown up, and whose testimony relative to the explo sion of tthe 'Uwtleshlp was of groat Im- portance, today received compound fracture of the rluht leg and a fracture of the foot by falling down an elevator shaft on board the Cruiser St. Paul at Cramps. A. BOOTH CO.v LIMITED. Gigantic Combination 'to Control Fresh Fish Business of America ST. LOUIS, Mo., August 27.-The Re- A Quiet. BE ESTABLISHED IN SANTIAGO j publican tomorrow will ay: j Arrangements have ben completed for. me iurnra.ii.iTi 01 e. gumi comuinaiion I with milllorui of dollars of capital for the purpose of controlling the freah fish and business of true United States I and Canada. The rombmutkm was -effected In Lon-i don, Jb.ngktnd, by the org-anlxatlon of a stock comt-any with a capital of $3,000. 0A The company probably will be known as the A. Booth Company, limited. PROGRESSO FROM ST. MICHAELS. Captain and Crew of the Wrecked Guar dian Landed at Seattle. SEATTLE, August 27. The steamer Progresso -arrived here today from St. Mk-huel with 30U passengers and a large amount of gold dust, the property of a few passengers. Purser Griffith claims he carried $200. M in his aafe. Of this amount J. O, Ekere had IjO.Guu. A quartette, consisting of C. W. Morgan. L. C. Slhler, J. A. Snow and George T. Snow, luid an equal amount J. D. Racey had $28,000. Most of the Progresso's passengers were "tender-feet." who were ln Dawson but a short time. Captain Eagles and crew of the wreck ed bark Guardian, were also passengers. READS LIKE A ROMANCE. WASHINGTON. August H.-Wanda Von 6peno Bodenback claiming to be a nleoa of the queen regent of Spain, baroness and countess of Stlrenburg, Aus tria, and heir o the throne, rand sole hew to a fortune of 20,000,000 francs, is dead in New York. Baron P. DeLange, of Austria, is au thority for this statement. The story he told was to the effect that the parents of the girl, who was IS years of age, betrothed her from Infancy to an old man. She run awviy with a handsome young nnui, a member of one of the so cial families of Russia. In this country her lover deserted her. Not understand ing, and unable to make a living, she slowly starved to death. FIVE KILLED. WARE. Mass.. August 27. A train on the Boston and Mame railroad struck a buckbourd at Whiting's crossing tonight and killed live members of a pleasure party The killed are: George Whiting, aired 50. Jesse Whiting, aged IS. George Whiting, Jr., aged 11 Sadie Whiting, aged 20. Boy, not identified. The seriously injured, are: Harold hich, age 14. John Scott, age 8. TRAGEDY AT CRESCENT CITY. CRESCENT CITY, Cal.. August 27.-One mim killed ami another wounded is the i result of a quarrel over 35 between Wll- j llam Young, proprietor of a saloon and i Dwlght Saftord. a half-breed, today. Both used revolvers and fired live shots j csu-h. Safford wias killed and Young ser-1 iously wounded. The coroner's Jury re- ! turned a verdict that Young shot ln self- j defense. j M'GUIRE NOMINATED. LOS ANGELES, August 27.-Tho silver republican state convention today noml- Arriving Daily TIE DAILY ASTOjttMI .h I-'.S ,, - NO. 42 ni nated James G. McOulre for governor and Indorsed the entire fusion ticke. HITCHCOCK FOR CONGRESS. OMAHA, Neb., August 27. The demo, crnts, populists and free silver republi cans of the Second Nebraska district this afternoon named Gilbert M. Hitch cock, publisher of the Omaha World Herald for congress. PERMANENT MILITARY STRENGTH. Congress to Increase the Army to On Hundred Thousand Men. ' NEW YORK, August r.-On of tha Important matters which will occupy th attention of congress at Its next session will be the legislation to Increase th strength of the permanent military estab lishment, says the Washington correspon dent of the Tribune. Chairman Hull, of the committee on mllrt&ry affairs of Itha house of represen tatives, who is In Washington, where ha expects to remain until early In Novem ber, Is devoting much attention to th subject and has already discovered that the war removed some of the more form idable obstacles which hindered and final ly prevented the enactment of satisfac tory law for the reorganisation and In crease of th strength of th army at the last session of rongress. Early ln th coming session he will in troduce a bill to correct th defects In the existing law and Increase th strength of the army on a, piece footing of 100,000 enlisted men. He feels confident that the measure will be passed. The strongest opposition to the reorgan isation bill .last winter -and spring cam from the representatives of the national guard organizations of various states, and it was effective to a considerable ex tent. The experience :f the last four months, there is reason to believe, has convinced that element as well as a preat many congressmen who surrendered to Its In fluence, that the opposition wad Ill-Judged and unreasonable and that a reasonaDly strong regular army thoroughly equipped and organized on a modern basis would be a benelit rather than a drawback to the national guard organisations. Is loyal la the highest era heals, powser kaowa. Actaal testa shew it as fMM tklr farther the say UW kra. FQVDZf Absolutely Pure "OVAL WHINS SOWOCIt CO., MIW VO.K. Spaniards