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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1898)
TUB DAILY ASTOlilAN, TIIIKSDAV MOKSINB. JULY I), IICTH, We Dont Want to lower the quality of our teas. We can't afford to damage our reputation, but Uncle Sam wants more money for his Boys in Blue, and to get this money, Uncle Sam has put ioc tax on each pound of tea. We will pay Uncle Sam this war tax of ioc on each pound of tra until July 15th, After July 15th you pay Uncle Sam ioc extra on each pound of tea. Drink Oood WITH America's Best Obtainable teat Amu lili Tea Ci 8makino For Thiih 108 Money Savinq Storii 571 riiuiirrrlml St AirU. lf"ii. A Good Time to Buy Tea ADDITIONAL LOCAL Tie art f..r Hi.. W T IV f. iiti"iij I y T ! ! Tr.iln (rate, nl I t a. I" ! 'Ilir W ' T I' on. I frlui.U will Idi nl.' um t at Adair l".I O Ti. h-i" ti emu li.i.n a! ii a. m I nr.Ai. kutati: TiiANri:it. H. aii!ll.4 I. in lli lieV'di III H.M-lnly HI Mr I.IH4 U. uiiii, I. I.I m k J7. utiny'. J II iii:'i ip ini'li-i-. li '!)'lo W. I1" i.l.w. I .I It Link 1, A't-ula a.l Hi 1-n l' W.r 11 nl. .11, II,'.. l II II tii i l.i l" l'a J !.- limw, I 'I I, tl... I II Ai 'i .i j.1I,ii..ii 1.1 Wain num. US J II ..;u. i iriixre. li v'.ii ! Nkk. l.i I l.i-. It II. Aiutl.i u.Milloit ' S in iili'li. I IX.. tllli TIT Ci'l II T riHiT.i:liN'. j ll'.iliar l rr."lrr. : W. H Hull y.iii. 1 . .1. f iuli mid Jn.lKiii. lit. j H.fti Ivuirll J . 'h N)ln.ill rl a I . Ju lmiuM! .111.I ilnr want of aiirr. ', Mm Hkii.l.i. ll r". HiviMi l , ! ' .uit mi. I in 'miirni fur nmrit f aii.wrr. In Uo imitirr ..( ilm ili ll.'i f Hi C.juiity mint In tli. 1 lulu iif J Mi V lln". , di1l..t ilnf.w rrVrr.'d and Will ad"' mltlr.l 1.1 .nilat. i i Vlr4lr rl nl t'lty Alri. 0. fit. Ill lltuf if ilrf. ll.lnnl nil. I older uti-f-tf 10 nave finding' irparo ATTACKS ARMY iContlnutd from Km P ) 1;lr llll.l lllliT ..t nr.'.illlll lif lll l'lllllll0 f(in.l;!..ti. rrmiii'iiy tlir f ill "I Ii I" mi. mil. r.l thai I tin r-.llll.ill t.i I'.irtu Itlr.i I l. lr rl.tkrii Willi llfllrritl MUk In 1..111111.1H.I of thrin illlnl'in, r.jillii nioi.. limn llilrly!i.l iiii-ii. Iln will li.ivo ihi' ii..'iir.noii iif A'tnilml H.iiii..'ii ln-.tvlrr liin In Ilia ai.aull mi Hin Jii.m. uti.l It ! Ill' Intxn 11. .n l.i 1 tin" i-nllln lulntnl nf Hiilil"ri Irmn'i with rriy i ii.-my l lu riiniiiminl Ilia r..t.- will' iriulliilly nil 111" rrmiiur iiii.l v.iltniiii r ir..t ti"w nt Hun llano. Thn t'tiliiiim nil. I linintili. a l"'lim li-fl i. liol.l lliul provliir. In .i.i.liiion 1.1 Hi" lli-i'i f f.iny-oirit lrnn...rl -u rr.l .i vnrry iroii l.i I'. .11.1 lll.'i, tin I11.IIHK Hi" thirty Unit forim-.! ili'tii.tiil Khufli-r'a tmiln ix"'ill Hun, tlin navy h.ia roiiai'titi'il (o Ihn urn iHimry ui' of lln- niiillliiry rrnlmTa Ht. I'aiil. HI. Inila. V .ilo mi.l llnrvaril (' iwrry lhr r.uiin.iii" mi'l u iuniitr of olhi r vrau la will Im av.ilktlilo ni'l wi'k. Tin. in.'.lloil ioi. nf Itin unity rSlM-t li yillow fiv.T 1.1 nm.itiK I ho I ni .i nt i.iiv inn., 'l'lin I In lit fi'Vi-ri urn now Inv.illillitit iniiny "f 11"' I nro limy nl itny ni.mii'nl aiiin tnallU-i nant I y ira, Kor lltla rrnaoit iiini'til iv i iiniiiii n.liillona li,tvo ln'i'tt itnulo Unit lit" Irmiiia In- luki'ti mil i'f Hi" rmitliry nut it a Mmllili'. Tlti' aiiriii-olia ili'i'lnrn that llii- Iiorrnta of it Imm ihiiiIIihii'iI ali'ic wnill.l In' Itii'iilitiliililn iiini In tln'lr oiln- lull It Will Ii." f illllil liittiT (. I.IHK tt""- irciln nf niiti In nit iiirialvi iiaauitlt i tin 11 lu i xioi llio rtiliii' unity, ttiiil UH" .Hint ry iia wi'll l.i it nVvuatittlnu i''inlr f yi ll.iw fover. oArtTKt.Airrt i.niriiiiii.ii'rt wam.. .iinilii Will M.ik.' N.i Kiiy Suit fnr rcnri', Tho I'l'i'plo for Witr. Ni.v York. July H.-A. Hpi-i'lul to Tnaa froiii Waahltiglon aaya: Ill" 111 nn luiii'vli'w with ii nii'tnlii'r of a IN ii'i'lun li'Kxtllnii III Madrid, tranainlttod In llin ri'piiHititiillvi' of tlio aamo oouii liy In Wanhlnglun, Hi'imr I'liatidar, glvos xnri!i Itili.tiatltig liirutapiilloii alnuil tin jiulllli a of Hpnln ad tnakra ai'Vi-ral ro niitrkalilii pi'i-dli'iliina I'oni'i'rnlng Iho fu ton- of Kuropf, I'Hpii lnlly or I' ratnif. "1 Tii'l .thn dlMgriii'o of Simln a a kt'nly ( . - i i ...i i ,.i.i ,, 1 1 us though. It nail raiii'ii nit my mini muni lii UHi liold," Im anld. "I worp for Imr, but without avail." "Whi'n 1 atood by tlm corpao of Cfttio- .... -..1,1 il.nt 1,1m li.uil frliinil1 VBl An- v.ia ....... i...fc ..." .. - YELLOW JACK Kl.illi, who In killing him dullvc-rml mm lunl nevn unniniuitin, limn tlio nvorwhi'lniliig dlfgnioo which lilanro wag In tho palaio when tho In had ftillon upon him, It nmv bo the aamo j U'lllgi-noo roai-hi'd him ami he boonm with Hniiln," almoHt frt'iialinl. Ha wag I'loaotiil wlih "Snaln." ho iald. 'will never bo aught hla Ntafr and lli'iu-rul Arolaa of thoSimn. dau than a tnonan hy." j ImIi lon ea dlHi'Ualin tlio iiowh when he Ho ropeati'd tho utalemont mado by niado an attempt on hl life. him to llulu X.orllla that tho revolution I i,t mu waa llm Immi revolution 8iln WILL SAIL THE 2uTII. ... ...... ....!.. .1... ......ill P,,h ll. 1 I Wlllllll ai'l'i HUH lonnj nn lorm if tuveinment wlilih reeognlieil tho ai i i i tit. rnrdiini of UK' pri'Na, nnu inuiviuuni im- I .i,.l,n ,.ff.,..r ,.11 lliiirfrla ' ..rura nnu iir."". on...... .... , . . it -.1 .....i u n.nnl.l h I lll'llll,!" roillll .iroiiiiin iin.i .'"., fimllMh to ilreitm of revolution, ! "Tho HpitnlardH, todiiy," he goes on, " tir mnnarrhlMlg. Mtrhelct told mo In the tlnio of the aeeond French republlo , there, wero moro lienplo In Franco who ... I liilleved In tho empire tnun mere were Health to the Boys in Blut Best Tea frlcci Lowtit In AnwlM u,,.ii.r. .if tin n pin. Ilr Tim KUi-fl rlr. I" I'r.ilne I111II..1I11 Him h 111'' .lll frrlllig l.l.l..'. IHI.I I In U' Vi- III l" ..f 1 hp u.miiiiI . . 1 1 U t - .f Urn I'fi'ii. Ii p i,ui,;i. n,i mat i.Miiury '.i wi:i l Hi" iii.-sii.r ..f .1 n-11 1 ui'tn'.iviil. It w.miI.I I..- f ...llli f..r Ht' 1 I" i iil'i" I"!'1 ""' ,iiii. 1 in. nl Willi ii runny iiK ir-Iln Iter ('..iniiiii ..mwi.iii Tim rni j tin witil.l ri'...ilv inl. i-f.riv I. ill II wmil.l lw In " Hi. ir own m... .ly inti'M.!. and n"t 111 any .iy aid Wi-nn '1'lirlr Inter, m. in M.iMU nr.. i .Minii r I in W i v" ni o lit nurii- lull !...!. ' l I"''1'1 ..nly ft. .111 T..vl.i inn." M.. ..kiiiH ..f lil r. iint ii'.l i.'k n Hi" Hi r. ( til in I .it I'' Ui. Il.'i f H. rioiur i.l iiini ii'1 LI' ).i... ii iiini In ilii .iril'lw wi-ri- in i.l.iu. wild ..iti.i will. Ii w.iull I 'I' I. iw. Tin- .lll.-.ill .ii "t ti- i'i"ii r.-iiint now In- il.l. ' U rl l ' II)' I wiinir.1 1.1 iniiki- p.'ini' - y iuini.ll tin nl.iry i.l.. rv.uliiii win rrumu tl"' ..ii.n nu-Mt, In Hi'' nttl'l'-, f-T. "I"""1 (1. .in ).imi I h.ivf ..lily tin. IiIkI" i .i.-. in f..r In r. I. in I il;.l inn rxniue It Wnill.l ll.ivi' .i'ln j llln f.rrr i.f Wlul I In. I 1. 1 mty." -I'll, m will ! m r..rly uli f.-r I" ..11 1 ii- ( ..f M..iln. n.itwl:liunl'i'i( hir iiii.r.iriiini-". Tin. i..'l ur- li.nn n.l .nl in llio r, lUvmia mi.l Hi' .iin.!.;il (ill. ..f ('Hint mill fimiin In our i..i M.nilll.i li. l.i-'n Uk Ml ff.itn u anil Ihi. .ili liillrve III 111' niiniary on.l lliv lulil'.Uy "f H.iin' ! , ii,i. Ttu rr l utily "iii" iiuti-uitw la l'i' null. Ii'ulr.l fr.nii (lip w.irtli t rii.lnnif. humlllMlini il'f.wl "f Hiwln. Mill l w. ifi. iV.1 lit" ili'.Hi f t'rni wtini nil l Ii.n It.' 111-. ll'Htll will Wlif miay illri'"" WAIIHIIM-H 1 1 A V I : THE HANtii:. Nrw V"ik. July U - A Trlliuni' frnni HitKinry July 2. aaya: Thn w.irlilHi intiia r Ihi" till' f re IIiiihi" in rnlui'in Batttlugii, Tin')' IniM- t.filiT ratiKP Hi mi tli I'tii'l artill'-ry. ,n Hiiatilah llrn la iml hi'nvy oiij lln' Aiin rlriili tr.u'l'a iitf lltllr. I'Ximaiil Id H. Tlti' n i.irl tint ttm Hl" aro lravlng I hp ,ity a ..i.iiiK.''.l. Tim i hlilalmit i.iu wa hit niiH-nl l.i M.nin.1 for IMHii--ful .uir. n.l.-r an. I IIip fnri-liin oiiiaiila ar a . r.irtil III lli.'lt t .r"iUiua of tin-iii-i rny fnr aiti h a iiiuran. l AI TAIN l l.AHK l'Hit.MiiTKli. WrtalllliKtnll. July IX-'ii'Ulli t'li.trlia K Clark, roniiiiiiii'li'r nf llii' l' lli"hll' iiii'K.iii. Ii.ta linn aiiiiiltrl rlipf-iif-lif of I'.iiiuii.iilutv Walantl t liintniili.lliiK ill'' .'.iH.-iti .im.ln.n utt.liT ili-ra o pm ii'.'il to Kiitiii'itn wnliTa nn.l li.irrnaa ihi in.iat nf Himln ititil t't liuraim ami ilralroy tho Hi'iinl'li IWI In commiimt of 1'niiiiir.i. i'iiilitln flnrk will ri'ialu c.nn of llm (tt i!ti while rn'rvlitK iia cld'f of aliifr. lINiil.AND WANTS Cttol'KHATION. Uni.l.iti, July n-A nn-i'ilint of ih AiiKlii-Antirliitn l.iiiitiU' wiia hi-M lln XKiiitiK ut tin- HtnfTnr.l llmi', uihIit lh .r.'lil-iii y nf llii- I'tiki' of HutttiTlait.l. tin nintlon of l.or.l llrnawvy tlti" roilnw. In rraolulliin waa mloi'tiul; "I'liimlili r rlnir tlnit l hi' n'ilra of til" Ill-Ulan iiiinltK mill thn t'llltisl HUtia ur iillliil hy tilooil. Inhi-rot Ihi' an in.. In nit iiiik" it nil litwa, holil thn mime lirliii lpli'a of Kovirnmi'iil iiml rvenKiilii I ho Hiiiitn lilntla of fri'iilom it nil hiinuttilly In Ihi- nul.liinri' i'f tli''lr natlniiiil pntti'y uiul itro dm wit loci'ihor by wrung cum in.. n liili ri ila In many nrt of th world, thin inii'tltiK Ik of tlio oinilon lliai pv. ry i-tTort Hliniild hi- liiadi. In llm Inti rata of 1 1 lU itlntt and I'l'iiro In mi'tiru 111.' ni"l ini' uiul lotiHiitni i'o-nM'riitlnii nn tli part of ihi' two tuillnns." 81'ANISII fltUW Ml'TIN Y. llniiK Kong, July lX-I.i'ttii'H r.rilvid Iiit.i front I'ltvlli- iindiT dau of July 9 i nay Unit w hile llm Mpanisii biouiiht r it Iplmi wiia hlillng I" Hi" rlvrr mar Kulilg tho iti'W nititlnlitl and klllisl I olilri'ta. Thry Ihi'ii handi'd llm mvntimr ovi r to the Itisiiim'tilH, who iii iiird iho vi'hm'I and din piilihi'd ll to ftihlg for thn purpnc of niaklng an allai k on Orando iHlimd. l'ltttHTUATKh UY TMK SlllK'K. Ki'jr Wi'Mt, July i;i.-Ai'rorllng to ad-vli'i-H from Ma vti na n-cclvoj hero twlay llovt'rnnr HtMU'ral lllnilco lUti'inplod t I'uiunilt milcldn wht'ti ho lonrni'd heyoild doubt that Admlritl CVmru'g Hqiiiulroii Kourth Manila Kxpedltlon Now About Dnililil tri Ct .. ' ...-., .. , Dun P"m nr aoo. Jlllv IX Mnjor-utmeral - - - Otis hns prai'tleally llnlnhrd his plans for the aoeoiid half of the fourth expedition. The three veaaels cumprlitlng It will sail from this nort on the Win mat. Tho bulk of the third brligudo has been selected t 1 ll...r nA,niii n.ll nu. IIia Hiv. go. imran i.r..j . a i iilli ('Hlir.iinlii, mid I 'l"iif 1 Kvaali'r 1'iirii liiali'llliM llm I Hal Mniiliilin, linva lii'i'lt inillll'd l.y Oi-il.'rMl nila Hint liny will nil mi III" diila, Tli nat nf Uih riH"ill llnn will li lini'lw lip of I'llll'T tin. H nilll Ituk'iU nr .'fly-llrat luw.i irn., Willi Ilia Mouth Imknliia glvi ii llm prvfi ri ili ml tula now ' iiuim rnl liiK, will In. In rluirgu uiiliaa ut III' l"l in I im t m nrihrid In n ' m . ny Mu-jiir-U. hi nil Olla nn Krlday, okk Kou iinN'ii.ri.r. Hull I'm in lain, July I3.-K, M. Ilnlrh. niliiUli-r fmiii ll.iwull In llm I'lilU'd Hinlia. mid IiiIm 'I'liurainn, apiv liil mm inliloii.T of llm tf.iwui In n K''Vi'rnm. lit In llm nf ii ii ii ji it 1 1 "ii , linva urrlvnl ft. .in WuxliliiKtnn mid will a. ill fnr llnnn lulu on Hi.. Almni'.l'i tmlay. H.nni'.r lli'iny Wiilitlmiiai", nf llaWii uiul hi" HI in inn with III' III. Mlnlaiir lliitrli a.iya Im will priutln In w In llnii'ilulu. MINi:H TO 111-: UKMOVKI). Mull 1'rmi' lrn, July III -It l f-K f l''d thai lii in . mil, nn n with nrdira frnrn W'u h I DK lli ii aulitniirlim inltii-a In th hnrlior will In. ri timvi'd wl'li n a f' W ilnya, Tiny wirii plinnl In p.mlll.iri l.y .Mii)'.r ll'-ur nf tin. i imln. . r enrpa uiiu ii.vil it wMii ari'ii nf (Im Uiy. Tiny will lint l.i" riiiimrd l.y rij.liminii, Imi Hn-lr Hi. irii nl mid limy and atnii i iilinri Mmia will li d' t'l'li' d will Im lirotiklil t tin. I it w y fnr futun- Iia", HAITI. i: HI iml" ''KI.I,i,IIATi:i. Imlilltl, July I!, -llm nl. Iiriillmta ill i .mi. .linn null tin. ii nl vi r - ry nf t In ImiiIi. of tin. Ii.) in. win. fiinrki'l vtlth r . ii. vi .t I nf tin. fining!, iniilllila. Al II. I- f.n' in,, p. ill. .1 and inllllnry auppn-a. mil til .iMllllpta III dlanrdi r. Mill)' ' iiiiui'i'l K.uilliir .llm url.iiiii t a ( . . k p. .il MANILA NKWH AT MAI'illK. nlld A in' 1 1, n ri Tin ri l... .liii.,n rnlllnr.j i:iicp.i M.i.lil.l. Ju!v I ! An nlll lnl dl.ali ll fmill I!. illn aa'a; A i i r ii. ,i ii i rni r whl. It l fi M ill I i mi July i, lirlnn u i-r frmu th.. anyilitf til.. allil.tll.ill l llll- ih. uiKid Tin- iii riimti i rnli r ana tin Ann rl. .ni i irt I '"i r f i r .r . m lit l.y July IV whi'ii liny Hill attn. k Mntlli frmn til" imrth. 'fan r. l" l ilil. fa ll v l.r.'ii almt. A'lvl.ia fmiii 1, hi hi r. pmt a g- ti. r.n t:iiig In I. .Hi t . r- v 1 1 1 . I i tin- oj.i-r.i -tlnlia lit Hi"l.l t'.i... lliailtgiuta ,ijid I i lit '111 " W.T" kll' d A il.n(. h fri.nt I.i.iti4 an)a; Th" A tin r;i ,iii aiiiinpiid Ii iffil -i l.iii.l.iig ut II. i .il. i. .i. in nr Turi.m. Til' g.irrl iit of ihi- fnrta fop i-. Himii t i ri" I i tlm hi., wlii. n muinl th. I.ihiling at.. I whl. h lind ;i li"lla uti l'i"' f.itta ii:i" Hputunl w.ia W Miiil-d. 1 ll" , it., rl. a iia mad. lli.- ati-ii,.l fur', in r .ia.iv I. ui wit., .ig ilrt r. ptiNiil. A't Am. n. nn l.i...rli;i ,ili..r. nt I'unln alii y. Tll'inl'rt HKAIY rnlt HnN'iI.U.r. Hm Kr.m. !. '. July V. - Kv.-ry t h:i g l ii. -w In rrn.l.ii. "a .it llm nrniy h-;i'l.'.rir-Mi for th" ili'purtiitr of lli" tnti-pirW l'i ru .ni l 1'imi'lii mi Krlday, and i i ma la a'.inpiy walling llm arrlial nf hla d.M inn. nt. try lntriirtitia. TM MANILA W IT 1 1 UTTrt. Hnii Kr im lf.i. July 11 Cipiiilti I". II Hirmig ni!.inl a.ljutuiit-gi in, h.ia Imii ri Ili'Md frmn duty at ramp M.'trlU nn.l la In g i In Milill.i with ('.ii.rul Otla All ntdtr t.i Hint i ffri 1 mi laiunl luat night. Captain la n ann of fortn.-r M o or Hiroim "f Srw York. TIIK WAIl I.OAN K.M'lHKd. Tolal rSul.airlptlon KjiwI KHv Tinus thn Atllnllllt of th" l.oi n. Nrw York. July 13 -Trmre li.ia t.rrn nn In. mumd unmulit nf wigrrm aa rri'"till' to rilH' to thn war loan tmnda ut the auldrritaury. thn tlmn will raplre at 1 p. in. today. Thla la houra ahr.i.1 of the i l.ialiig time of tlm trnnaiiry In Waah Inglun, a. i that the auhai rlptlnna will lie ut" to arrive tlu ri, by nmil In lime to b rrr.lllid. A grnit iiuiiiIht of largr auliai rlptlnnt by liaiika nn.l n! h.-r luatltuimna have lii' n found fnrwiirdiil an na to ahiirn In the nll.itiiiriit If It la not nil taken up !' (lit- aninll aiiliHrripllolia. Tim tolal auh arrlptlmia atr ratlmalid by bunker to rX- r.l live ilnira the iimntint of the l,.an. and of thla fully t;ui.imn,t haa Invn ul m rlliHl In thla vlly. In. Hi, lug Hid offer of J. 1' Morgan & Co. and tlm National l'1'y lunik, on In-half of ayndw-ate. een In take the entire loan ut par. utid n nffrr of a ayiiillfHi to take !HUi.' ai a p milium. It la thought fully one-halt of the uwnnl will go to the subai rlbvra In utiiounta of : or leaa. ASTtUIANS HAVE HETI KXEI'. Vlall to Kuatern Oregon and Washington Ono cif 1'leaaure. The Aatorlu I'mgrewlve fomii.ercl il A- a.u lull. in ut the liivllatlun of the O. It. & N. cnmpiiny, rxtended IhrntaKh th A" tnrliin, luat Saturday aent a number of lla numbers on a trip to VA'al.ti Walla I'l'iulli'tnii, und Ut llrundf. The objeit In view wua un Inapivtlun of the O. It. & N'a. experimental farm ut Wulla Walla and the new augur beet factory under construction ut Ui liritnde, ua well as tb eatabllahmetit of closer n latloiishlp be iwocti the illffrretil iHirtlona of the .111111' of Oregon, und Washlnglon. The l. H. & N. la giving u aeilc of these ixciirslolis from different cltlea nil Its lines. Those frmn Astoria who were the for-; ttinalK oiiea on this occasion wero Ilainlili'tt, president of the uasoi'latloii, I". Slnkcs, 1". A. Stoke, K. I. Uiiiil'-ir, ('. W. t'aiiiiiliiiii, II. tl. Van Dusi 11. W. 1.. Itoblt. J. N. tirltlln, K. A. Taylor, in c .nipaiileil by 11 lepresciitutlve of tho A tuiliiii. Tlie party was also Joined by Mr. Alfred llolmiiil, assistant vdltor f the Oi-igoiiliiii. Mr. II. Citniibcll, tntl 110 manager of the O. H, & N.: H. ' Jiiilaon, liidiiHirliil ugilit of tho O. K. ri N.; Editor Hregg, of the Wull i Wul.a l iilon; Uoadmiisler norland, Traveling Agent Abbott. Professor I.ockniby, 1'. S. I.olunist, Prof. Splllmiiil of the Washing ton Agrlculliirul t'ollege. und Prof. Shuw nl" the I'orvulIU t'olbge. Prof, t'rillg of Iowa, and a number of other. The Aatorlu delctruloa left here Sutuf i'.iiy eveiilng by tho atiNtmer tlutaert. At Portlitnd they boarded the private cur ol lienorul Supei'lnlondem O'ltrleit No. Vi, preHldid over by J. 11. Hooper, tho best known ehef on the road. The train pulled cut of tho I'nlon depot at 2 o'clock, arriv ing at Wnllii Wulla about midnight. Momtny morning u committee of cltl ai'im met tho visitor wlih currlugoa and escorted thorn through tho city, enter taining them, ut tho club. In tho forenoon a Hpeelul train conveyed all to the ex perimental farm of the O. It. & N. near Whitman. Hero tho magnlllctMit work be ing done In tho way of testing the agri cultural resourcea of tho mate waa fully explained by Mr. Juilson and tho citloana' commlttoe. On tho return to the city u visit waa mado to tho Whitman monu ment and the accno of tho Indian mas- auero, Another atop waa mado ut the Ulaloi'k fruit farm. Here waa found one ,.r tlm ilneat orchard In the west. It inliliiltia fi,i'l III'" l"l'l" " a-"' of iiivn. Ii'iy. aii'l a1'1 I" Peking, park ing mid drying llm fruit. Kur U al mn hav l''n cutialiinlly mployad In alrlpplng grfim fnH frmn ihn If" to Iif Vi nt llm breiiklnaf of lliiiha, go great Iihm lin n tlm erup. Thn fruit dryir tnka cnfi. nf Vi.m piiinda of grrcn fruit pT diiv They rnakn Ih'dr own l.n-a, hut do ti'il buy thilralii'"ka ftnrtt Aatnria, Mllhnugli Ihe tallrmid nffi-ra to niiika tlm Mima ruin na frnrn Ilia Huiind, They u". hnwevivt, llm I'H' III'.' HlO 't Mi'I'il Wurk'a rn na, Aniutig ili'iK'i who mill rtniiud th parly ut Wallu Walla wru Krmik I". I'ulii". fnl. Ktiink J. rurk'T, II. H. Iliiindf'ird, K. H, King. Wlllum rrkr, Krnl Hng.ra, J.. ! hunt. (Ji org.. I.mlwlg, lvl An keniy, 'ul. rntien, A. H. lgrnw, liP hnril M'ial'y, llnhert Hum. Ilrrlnrt 'Irrgg, W, I', Al' Kiiiu, H, II. fuller, und Al' l(i id. Tli'lr hnapllullty waa highly a I' priil.ili'd by the vlallora, who partid frmn Hum with r"rel. Wallu Wulli l a prunp'T'" a'"1 H'"""' ("y of pinple, mid It la iatlmaK'1 that thla yi-ur'a win ut i rnp III Hint county wl.l u.-imuiil In ;.iaai imia. 'Ihoiiaunda of a' fa if gnl'P ll grulii waving on vvery hand met the vP W nf Hi" luutUia. Tlm I'liti-rluiniiiflit by tlm Wal.a Wall i lilli WJ ulily liaalaled by Col. 1'ark' r. i-.llmr nf Hi" rltuieainnii. Il.rl.i'rt, pmprlriur nf the I 'll'"', and Al iJ. Kb'tn lug of fhliagn, the big rattle "lid all1' p mini. In tlm i vriilng lb"! Aatoiliina ri-.n li' d I'.-rnlli, wlii-rii lb' r.-inalii' d un li i ally Tmad.iy nmrnliig. Tlm nu'inlH r "f the l' lull' tun ( lull, liraili"! by K lil'.r J.nkH.ui nf the l.aat On goitluM, Kdit'ir J. iiiilngK of ihn Trllniiie, ful. Kurnih mid Mr. II. inlili k did Iho honor f-jr lli" ' '.IV mid haliilantii'ly elitrrtaliii-d thmr gu-ta. I'l iull'-lmi I III a pni rnu i ntf dill. .li and thla yi-ar wnul cmp wnl bring in a gnat dull of mull')'. At aiinrlm' Tuiaday liminliig tlm A t..rliina' tar waa hookrd nn to No, 1, I. , uiiu inn Die lllue niouiilama f ir t' . ,!!. At li oilo'k a atop wu made for I r. . ut llm enmpttfiy'a iMting-lmui"' ut Al.ailiaiii, plilure)Uely ;"d In thr Inari of ih" range, (irmidin.i Mun li had invited the toiinaia to bnakfaiit .in. I a ainnptunua (able uwullii Un Hi. 'lb.- Imatiaa, who look young, r rv.ry, i.pari'1 no iln to make thn br.rt Mill nf Ihr Aaiurluna piiaaalil. Nunc will f.ngi'l In r i liei ry voire und broad hoa pii.uty. At pi n'i Im k llm puny r.-uUi' d I.a" In lltv In-autiful (irnnli; Komi" vallry. rliunrly had Ihn whet-la ut til" ma at.ippi-d turning win n a large dele gation of llm pioiiiliimt lit Is- ti ga'.h'T.d .it thr and l ainidrd a warm wr. nm ;.. aii.uiKira frmn tin- i out. They t'.oa th. in In rliJlin'. i nti rtaiiied tli.-m ut Die i., i. in-, and gavr In m u. n a royal u.iv a w.ll lint aooll b" forgoiliti. 'file iny la In a i up. or baa.n. 3'3u m .i . i.ry font of whl.h la under fence and hgn.y ulilluliil. The n'.y ll-" If la lull mil Willi broad atri'tt. lined wltn liund ..ii.f bii'iuma blmka with mat und pr .np -riMj rii.'r. autlln calabllhiu"til. In th" iiiortiiiig a ib.x. ii earrig. were pr.nlil. I by Did cit.giT' c oninltirr and the A.-I. i liana wrrt- driven to the tlr b.i t .:g ir factory bring i rn inl on th" nutkirla of the city. Tlu inngiiltiirn; plant owe lla lalati'lne to th" elp'Tl in. it'.a con. tut ltd In augur bri't raiamg by I'l'.f. rlhaw of lite i-nrial'.N i 'nlli g". The bi i-l rami- I In the Koun.Ir art- much richer In ajrcharinc matter than thoae el aliywhrr" 1 1" on tlm I'jcltlc maul, and thr yield will uvrr.ig" U-lween lu and JO to the ai The factory was built on a aubaidy nf $Mi,-Mi at a coat of $.Vi.oJ. It la built of i ! nl and ciuilalna thn flncat of m.K llln .ry. nf which luu curl.da were brought from thr rut. Thr cuiwciiy of the fac tory will bv 3jo ton of beet l" r day. It miulre P) cord nf wood p-r day tn feed the Immense holier, and It 1 iirraiig'-.l to double the capacity n.-it year. Kr-mt the factory a drive wa taken through the beautiful fields of gram, or chards, und brrl fields. On every hand wrre the algn of proaperlty and happi ness. To Mr. Orangrr. uprlnlrndent of the factory, waa due much of the plea ure of the drive. After luncheon the entire party wltn their entertainer by spcclul train visit ed the magnificent plant of the Urande ilonde l.umtH-r company at Perry. Thl Is one of the ftm-ai sawmill In the atate, having entirely modern machinery. Uh a capacity of Iw.ifM feet per day. Another special train conveyed - the party twelve mliea up the heart nf the valley. At J o'clock the special wa hitched on to the west Uiund overland, und the Astorlun reached home yeater day noon. The committee of cltlgena who enter tained the party ut 1-a Grande included Turner Oliver. J. It. McKennon. J. II. O'Toole. t". A. Granger. K. Moore, F. t.'. Stanley. U C. Stanley. E. M. Berry. J. M. Church, J. W. Scrlber. J. E. Foley. A. Summer, H. II. Henderson, Mayor O. ltolston. W. It. Palmer, It . C. Smith, O. V. Alien, W. II. Sargent. W. J. l.lnosey, Thomas Walsh, Jake Gulling, and A. G Kuhner. No one could have more royal ly entertained a party of stranger thun did the people of I-a Grande. They are coming to visit Aatorla and will be re ceived here with open hospitality aa well as the goncrou people of Walla Walla and Pendleton. On tho route home the Progressive Association passed resolu tions of thanks to the O. It. & N. com pany and It ortlclals, to Mr. and Mrs. Smead of Itlttlock for fruit prenented, to Mr. Sommer of La Grande for poultry sent to the cur. and to the othera who made. piVMentri of vartlous klnjJa and to the committees of the various .cities w ho entertained them. A1URRAY HOTEL Font of N ntn street. Electric Llf his Electric Bells -Free Sample Hoom-All Modern Improvements. WEEKLY RA1ES. K. M. lil'NN. l'i.. pro tor. The Choicest Table Wines... For F untile Alao for Medicinal aa4 Coektnc ForpoMt PrlTBt Block. Cream Rye, 014 HlcHotT, Pride of Kantucky and Hermttnge; Kf toM California Brand!. Carlson's Family Liquor Store IM TWELFTH 8TRIBT tJVaMV,iAA tr rr tr tr tr tr tr tr trr tr tr tr tr tr tr ti tn tr tr tr va t.3 tr tr tr tr Repalrlna; XX tr tr General Jobbing -C. H. ORKWITZ, va Ta 11 x is X3 Xi xi XI x TJ XI xn xt xi xi VJ TJ Xi Xi xi xi tr err No, 443 Duane tr tr Street. "CH tr tr va t r tr tr th tr tr tr -ca -en tr tr tr ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA FIVER RAILROAD. I.avf. , ABTOftlA, Arrlv. (Dally.) I m. p.m. I Portland and A-i.m. p.m. ii.V) I'iria "xprif train It. Ji W.'A via KnanT), Cllfton.i WntKir(, Oobia and way atatlona. i :.V) 12:''. Aalorla. H"ida und' :! t:M ti.l'. S-w Amorltt pa"n- ll.W igar traina. Plrat-rlai traina leave Warrenton for Plavnl and New Aatorla at 1:4 :li and l'i.r.2 a. rn , and 2.V, and t.l'j p. m. and returning arrive at Warrenton at J:. K. 'i. H O', a. rn. and VIM). :V and 1st, p.m. Truth Pave Halde 7:') a. m., 10:20 a. m., t Vi p. m. dally for Asturla. Portland i r nlri leaves M"l4e on Sunday at 1:30 p. m. J. C. MAYO, o. r. a. v. a. NOTICB TO Al KUCHA NTH, The government h.ia closed a contract wlih the I. It. A N. Co. for the delivery nf nil freight and package from Aitorla to Kort f.inby und 8tev-n, The Btev ena freight will be delivered to the Cnby, having Amnrla at 3 p. rn. dally, and th" Fort Canhy freight will be delivered to tlm ae.,mera I'anl.y and Ilwaeo. fAITAI.V tSKUHKK 8MITH, tfllr. r Commanding Kort Steven (J Kit MAN BCTIOOL. It la hereby made known that the under al-rnd will opn a German achool Mon dav. July 11. at the building on Duane atreit formerly occupied by MiM War ren a a private achool. School hour from J to 12 a. m. Parent w!hlng to "nd their children are kindly rqueted to call at 25 Twenty-aeventh atreet, or J. llehn' ho atora for particular. REV. J. H. MCOLAI. NOTICE OF DISoOLLTION OF PAKTNEKoHII'. Notice I hereby given that the partner ahiri now and heretofore exiitln; between (ieorge Johnixjn and 4. M. Hughe, at torney at law. and known under the firm name and atyle of Jonnon k Huiilm. ha tn.i duy been dUolved by mutual onent. Mr. Johnon will con tinue the bulne. Mr. Hughe retiring therefrom on aumlnf the dutle of Jua'.ke of the peice. CEOi..ri JOHNSON. J. M. HUGHES. Antorla. July 1. ISA. COVEIINMENT ITIOI'OSALS WANTED. OHlce C. Q. M., Vancouver Barrack. Waah.. July . JVA. Sealed propoa:, in triplli ate. wlil be received here or at Kurt Htevena. Oregon, until 11 o'clock a. m., Aug. 9. IK'S, and there opened, for lurnmnirig tuei at tnai i'oi mr iia..i y. ar commeni Ing Juiy 1st. 1S3S. Informa tion furninhed here or by Q,uartenrier Kort Steven. l 8. reaerve the right to rt-Jcvt or arcept any propoefcl or part thereof. Knvrlope contalnlr.f proposal ihould be marked: "Itopoaal for Fuel at Kort Htevena" and addreed to under aneu or to Quartermaater Fort Steven. JXO. L. CLEM. C. Q. M. THE PIONEER UM1I la the name of the only perfect trait ta i the world, now running- every night ba 1 tween St. Paul and Chicago, via th Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul railway the pioneer road of the weat In adopt ing all Improved facllltlea for the aafety (and enjoyment of paasenfera. An Ulua- trated pamphlet. howlng vew of beau tiful acenery th route of the Pio neer Limited, will be aent free to any per on upon receipt of two-cent postage tamp. Addreai George H. Hertford, General Paaaergrer Agent. Chicago. 111. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Offlc at Oregon City, Oregon, June IT. US. Notice I hereby given that th follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made befor the County Clerk ot Clatsop County at Astoria, Oregon, on August , 1S98. rig.: William Ross; H. E. 117 for the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 14. townihlp n., r. 10 west. He names th following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis.: J. B. Johnson, of Jewell. Oregon: J. T. Burke, of Seaside. Oregon; T. L. Fraser. of Astoria, Oregon; B. Burke, of Seaside, Oregon. CHARLES B. MOORES, Register. NOTICE OF RECEPTION OF B'DS. Notice la hereby given that the under signed Committee on Streets and Public Wav of the Common Council of the City nf Astoria. Oregon, will, on Saturday. July 16th, 1S9S, at the hour of W o'clock a. m. at the ohVe of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria re ceive Healed bids and proposals for the construction of a sewer on hievenm street In said city from a point t..n r.t south of the north line of Irving avenue to a point on the north lint nf I'.immerclal street, the total length of said sewer to be 1540 feet; and same to he const ructeu and mane accoraing t" h nii.n. an, I ne,. Mr t ions therefor, now on tile In the office of the said Auditor and Police Judge, and in accordance wiin tho ordinance applicable thereto. No bUl ..r nr.iii.isHl will be considered which exceeds tne estimate 01 me iruuu-ic t-i-. of said sower now on tile as a part of the aforesaid plans and specifications, and the form of each and every bid shall be that proscribed by said plans and Heat Ion. The rght to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. The said plans and siHH-ltlcations are open to the Inspec t.onofall. c 0 mlN.OERi JENS HANSON. CHAS. GOUOARD. Committee aforesaid, fiated nt Astoria. Oregon. July 12. 1SW. If a man can't buy a new summer suit, he shaves off his moustache, gets a gay necktie, and considers that ho has done tho next btst thing. . . .. . 1 . I...K1 THE PROOF of th pudding; la tn the aUi and th proof of Uqaora IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that' ea elusive a demonetratlom. Ours will stand th teat. HUGHES & CO. William's Kidney Pills f lias no equal in diseases of the Kiilneya abd Urinary Orgun& Have . you noeflfctod your Kidneys'. Have T yon overworked your nervous sys tom und caused trouble with your V Kidneys and Bladder? Ilave you pains in tho loins, side, back, groins Inml blnddor? Have vou a fiabbv ar (pettraneo of tlio face, especially W ? ;tndcr tho eyes ? Too frequent de- M 1... nn.d ,i,.tr..9 William's ITIilnUr IIIVJ JIU'W M....V . . , . l.U A J , Tills will impart new life to the dis-1 " 'cased organs, toue. up Ilia By stem ( 1 I and make a new man of you. By mail 50 cents per box. I ' 1 1 Wiluaus Mro. Co., Props., Cleveland, O, wVVV-s't For Sal by Eatea-Conn Or Co. uiAftinAnvrwuvrmriuwAnvn GOPIOUS DlSPliflY OF W Kvcry nrticlo oxcitcs tlio curiosity of Amoncnn Irfiojilc. If you hovit wttv our good! ittuTl' bc-H'trcn,t to iiifjicot tlicni. If you liavc cen tlioin, remombcr there are plenty of curious denials to follow that are jiiHt fis intorcsting. Our Htoclc of Cfiino-Jnjinneso goods (oirijiriie . many articles of general uso and nro ren dered tlio nioro striking ly their fjuaint design and curious firiisli. Unlimited variety pnrlor ornnmenta and hoiiHo furnish nigs, toyn and fancy articles. cfn ii fla9s in Sundance; very cheap UlilJ aJlUl v; j other articles too numerous to nienti n or TrlC KIMD in Astoria. WI(1G al nvtiirtm oaruvtu Vrv: v: - v.vxw iYvv. NEW GOODS Four Hundred Different Patterns Wah Sing t Co., Merchant Tailors, were never better prepared to serve the fiuhlie in their line. Gents' Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Suits mado to order r;'::"kly. Large tto'k ready-made goods. Cleaning r.:i i repairing, nomomber, Prlccn Talk. WAH i nnnvriAAn anuuuinn AAfinvrt THE PALACE Astoria's Leading Restaurant Evcrythlna Strictly PlrftCloH. W. VV. WHIPPLE, Prop. 5 ihrvriiuwinriniijxrv S To Cure Dyspepsia S Eat regularly. Have food prepared by compe 3 tent cooks. Eat where you relish the victuals. Eat at the Model Restaurant where you are assured ol the above conditions. ?.r?cir DAN BARBER. Proprietor. watia neif Laii Hour rUrtAAAAAAAAAAAAllJtAA I THOS. OUINEAN. Proprietor p tv oantngiun et.b WRIT l RlCMNfSS ftAVOFl W. F. SCHEIBE, A full line ef Pipe. sag A maker' Article. 474 Commercial 0t. ' 1 'linn J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ...Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON. For rates, etc, address the Superioress a pupils RECEIVED IN THE PRIMARY, GRAMMAR AND ACADEMIC GRADES 1 LEE S CO. Astoria, Or. iiu a v. ii v v. v. v.v: v. v: vvT1 JUST ARRIVED 2 1 SINQ & CO 636ComVc- St. - ffl 579 Commercial Street. H r k m - m y m Gunther's Celebrated Chocolates and Ice Cream With Crushed Strawberries at the Parlor.... Manufacturer and Dealer In FINE CIGARS! Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... and ABSOLUELY PURE The North Pacifio Brewery, of which Mr. John Eopp is proprietor, makes beer for domes'io and export trade. Bottfed beer tor family use, or keg beer supplied at any time, delivery in the city free. NORTH PACIFICi BREWERY INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC. PAINTING AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT