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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1898)
I THE IUILY ASTOKIAX. Till NMAY MOHMNU .It'l.Y II, 1 A A i i A 'J A A A i Aleier & Frank Company's a RRFAT 10VAL Affords Buyers Exceptionally Good Oppor tunities for Economical Investments. OUR GREAT REMOVAL SALE tit There Are Sales and Sales BUT Eclipses all Others Til the extent nnd variety of the Stock offered. Tn the REMARKABLY LOW PRICKS on oil lines. Tn the avidity with which purchasers J- are availing themselves of the oppor tunities presented. DO NOT DELAY YOUR VISIT, A3 EVERY DAY SEE5 THE COM PLETE CLEARING OUT OF HANY LINES. "1 A A 1 A A A A A A A A A M MEIER & FRANK CO PORTLAND OREGON. n.'t ii .ui.hIi.t llvliit matt, rn-rllns. put'i I'f I he Mlli lliiin il I. i' .III I .if.rl H.llil , iui.U.I tut it . iK i ho in i ovti" ii ihi jut i It -, iinr. Attiinuyn (or Iho li fi'Mo (.ivi untie., of aihiiI iii iho rlwuit h'iiiI ilil'lnl, iillliouiih ili'lo l'i "OHIO huiil m ill lo ).i II. A wo!', know II nl i'iilnr cUiir duller; on ! m.l .'.l llio follow luij .h'ki'j on hiiiimlf: "I .i k-'i-nm it ntm' omo y.itn iiko ,u'n iho nli.oi front t tut iinwonl loi'iilion mill ; Ill Iho'U ' .'f hiviuiiK .i I'Hihi-r of uli r on ihoj i:iii!- ( r .It nViuc inn ioi'5. Anions m oiiHtontoia Mil on Ii i-hmnit who fiv-1 lit. ni.v ftoni iho !! hi r. On h'. -: on th: oii.mion iho I'lti h. r ' .-nt: mill Know litis t'l 'I "I'll" w.inloil n; .lt:nK 1 I'loiinhi I wniM h.iio ,i oKo oil h in n-.l hm io Mko ii .Irmk !Ut mo. I'll ti-i'lii il, "Vv ih. ink o-.i. loll ; I'll toko .i i it ir w nh on " j Tho i xi'i ii.l Inlf of .' , '' ! .ir In u i. , omitlioi lit- iho Hiii..- w nil.l ni.iUo uto-l non' oiHi'iu of i iiiiii.l . ilnt. ii a million, mm. Tito fiom tV r lmt'''.1 ' ,-:iit ! iii.u K. :-i .ii..i" t' ih.ui ih.i; of i :ho I't.n. r tiMT, .-ii ii.-. .unit of ti.inj.or liitton i, I,-. inn . .i't, I it iho onll'ut i an ho lt. ri ii.l I'V tnoi'.iii ii .ot a i l!Wo lln.liiin ko!, ,1., 11.11 f T I'lo -uto. Now Voik ul' .ro.rinti ,ilnio; ji "t n r i cir itttily to niii'ttliiin It Hittm ilh. iritonii,i m prui'i i iio lut f 1'i.ii .iiitoiiiii, anil y i Ikt tl !l nuiMil I Int' li III. i n Unit of oru .ilono Tk' hiiii n hitl l'.o for iro(jon t,iti stiti n. I Tho iilii'H.lini: Iho pitty liivtn hy , t. II. iilloitili r rrtiirm.l on Iho Wi noit.i t hortlv iifior ono o . lo. k o!oilay m rn Inn. tifiir hut inn t ' ,,'r)' i!'lli;htlur ryott:n w ho .tl : n.h .1 follow: Ml' KUnoro. Mi K. Kltiiotv. Mi ltr.-.l. Mi; l.!otiln ri; r Xli" Snilih. Mi I'mtiK. Ml HoillHirn. Mi' tr'". iliimth, M K'. M'" Sto. k'on. M. Mitttil Stin k-on. l: llol.l. n, Mi Ann.i tiir nor, Mf ll.irtiluirn Mr .111, 1 Mr Hir rioti Alton. Mr nn.t Mr O. K lloll Krn. M. r. Mi K!i.'i n. Ilrt oo. 1 -k it iti . ' I. U iil. tinni S.irr itt. Kiirohlor. Vi:oit. II. i.loUlt, (lllxon, Km.h. luirnotl. Hl.h artton. To no h .1 ihil.l 11 oon Ih 'roiiiihly anil It will nrtir foruiM It Toitoh him otno tlidit rtvry il.iy nSnt! til loiintry an. I tin; .111.1 I: w'll tn iko 11 inriot of, at .niv t:ttio lo rtulu for It h 111.T. If nooriry. an. I to .11 .ill union mil ptiro t rnnionl iitiil iho ni.tlnti tnitn'o of Iho M n iplo of Uik con miliitlon. It wim rniroul ty not-oral hum- no nun, In l;i!k:nic nt-or tho nhool ytoril.iy. tho Alorta n. h.Ml hoiint romilro i. h to.ii hor lo ilot oi l ti 4l Ion minuto rn-ry uity In horl lulk nhoitt iho n.itlott notimnionl. in ll.iir or In miiln; r mio of ih nation al hymn. Thin In u tLM nh.niKl not !? nmlri'lr!. unit Iho ttlJi-oi hoillil hut'' II n gitUr i.irr !n Iho il.ilty ni h.wil iro srunt. Atlonilon I i-nlloil to tho unuu-illjr nnn nn.l oomiiloto iork of fttrnHuro itnu gon rmt hoti hol.l itkhI now on nt tho toro of ch-irlon IMlriorn Hun. Vll lorn to A!orU h.ito friiontly iMmmont r.l on ho of iho loriHntn mi.l hinh sr.i.lo of w in h.ittillitl ty thi firm. It I nt.ilo.l no othi-r town I" urrgon mitKhlo of l..rilnn. mn Immhi no I .into .tn ouh!thmTit ..f thl kin. I. nor i-iitt (ho im uru.l,. of furniture o.irrtoil hy th: tlrm ho f..iir. l .ito In Iho I irif. t :i:i.l m..t nu tni'..l I in toro In I' irtl.itt I .m l Sm o I: i tilou for A', .rt.i .iplo. .ii .! from tho I u k of ;.. ,il i.itrios to l'..rt!.iii. rh- It th- ! t ittio t:"...! ;.r:- w hi. il'ICIAl.. IVniit Iht hoil W j. , lilloill Mi rk In ,hi i t. Shanahaii iiniilthnl'lf jiSoCommmUl , Antorli, OrrRiin. Imiiiniiii In H ill a 1 1 Ihioil nitr In Iimi'i) In iro llmiii - Special -Wash Goods Sale t'l nli .I M. o. h I .it tt it I'l.i" ll.iifi-il iiiit.ili.ll. n li.M Ai't .ot 1 1. null nil, Kilnkliil Sormi.Kor II- t l'tltlt.,1 !4hllllll 5c 11 11 vti; Wot III worili lt W. II ll WiM III 'l-l'ti h IVronlon .... i 'hi r iIiiikIiiiiu fhirr rnntril l.nnnn , . r'lllii Ihltlnli t i.tint V Intuition .... Ilii Vi i.i Hnmitii tut. I SklidiiK I -1 no In. Ill U in' it . hlto Hi. out. I Ij.o ill 011 .iili non Slu 1 r ft Int. r l.awnn I'ltio Mii;Iii Smonl Wltilo ImnHion . M10. r l.niio Intnitli n . Kino I'roiuli 1 it hi ml Ir Hy Kino Yli'tntlii l.nii lllilwt M.lilriln .... I !iuliioi.lori-.l Hwl . I'mo Ktim h 1 M K itiillo Utoiln The Greatest 10c I I II tldi worth WmiiI) worili w.ii th wiirtli wuith Will ll 01 1 It W.u III n .1 lit 1 Kn ::::::: lijv, w.'i th IMI YAllll. in on It '' u r, !?:.:. n 0. ii 0. if. c. l 0, II 0. It c. ;i r. ?i r. It V. J1 3" r, i o. ? r. C. JUST ARRIVl-D Lace Show ever seen in Astoria...jin the city... ni:w i'.im:ttxH No I'olorn, nil wiillhn nn.l lh lowont liriorn, you nh.ntlil non Ihi irnml o"-fr.-tloti of l.acm, II woulil Jo yU gouti. Tilt: I.ATICST NOVKI.I'tKH ... In I'ofilrJ S'ovnliiin. MnrmU tlm III'. Kronoii Oifnn.lif. luynn. r'rni h tr- 3 111. Ilr. Mrrin. 1 ii. k. irlon (lrrnmllnm. These Prices Good For a Short Time Only. I'M WlMLM.'-grKn g In a Woman's Care ir f 1 :t iyt .1. to ico or ni n'.'tro .ir 1 .irp i" from t.i th ; w it icro.l.- w h u tfto 1 . in -iht In Aiorl 1 .it h ill- '...k-h-ront !. tt:t nor I . r : . ",. . .111:1 o. i!..i!!lo.i'o. foot 1: 1 hi ! .1. in .nt: .it- i f i- . l VA A AS ..5 mm , t r ytiVti'iVimtiiiitienfmifntintin NTHEOCCWT! I Astoria's Leading HoteM .McRler & Wright, Props. K k--' r A. .v --- r ; : 1-! . --ti,n - '. ..f Tr- - ' .-. .. . v. r-. .in ,;.i. r . M ; : -. rn it k -. imi '-i ' . .OTl'N : ': !i-..i.. " '' r '. 1.. . k t.f.y' . i -.-ir.- .i .- i't rrti. r .-.or. vr: -. : m-.-t lriii-ri.-'.:r.k. - i.::i -i i"HT 1 ,ir uf !!t'i 1 - r i.! ;.'! ot -r t!r I y rn .rn:ni. Th. 1 ' " . - ! f I uV.T th- r 1 1 A I'M!!.!' KNJ'iY? ?' t'!o . in- ' ' it'.:!', .!'.. :i ml ' ..!:-.; 1 . ; . f S r :;. -f i' i. . w . t, tn i "? .1 : i . v.-. .1" I '. !-.. f . .. r i.r rr ,.. r :,. .M i r h 'ho tn ' kt:i' .f:.':i'k' r-Hu' fo!! w i:..; no tht' ':i "h- I .' '-hi !y r"rn..!v kti'An i n 't y. rv fiit,: y h -1 . I a h.o!'o M n-u.'.i.-'ur. ! hy iho Ci'..forr..i V'g Siui (' .ilttiont otory aril lo of woirlng npra .l will Ijni lonor If I.Kka afirr by a man. Horn wonirn n-sioit tholr l"i"' Shoo of rini tMiomn- ra'lnr than!y. aiira. l ihom. I. it in huyif.K nho-n hr It I .in ;. !.;. lo tu 1 k o a in n'-ilk' Tho ! ... ,. . an. I 'yo : ail that tho itm' f ii-;.! ..tin r oil 1 ! iro, an. Ihr ii.i'. ty k I' o'r w ;!h lio'h i:ir it . .iro r- itirh ! an wont r- : l y w ..o .!) r Petersen A Brown. The Pantry Shelves. t'pon Ihn aniry ihy nhooll hm f.iun.l t nnlcli nnnorimnnt el chilli. gnnnnrn. Not u. kln4 yMt buy at any ntor. but k nupply froaa un. V tr camful lih Ik qiwiur of no,ii wr. buy inJ 1 runt u your l'lrolal!nn to lr:n ua rnanr4 nrilnra anil ntr ruttnm.ri. w.vrxicxtAVX.tittx vawji vv -v nttxtaMvwMl C. J. TRENCHARD, C-.-.-'W'-Vj-:Vt5Cy3it?.--ii: '. 1 fniVJ i; Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping Clinlltlll llltlini) llriikcr. ASTORIA, OR CON A., nt V t 1 .. oil I .. ' ' I i... Tli- V. . . k'v A-t o.-tn. tho nr. .oi l rok'y In tho n'.'ito ..' nr k m. I. r to tho 1' ! iir -g 01 .an. Km .rk v i'itoii'..i : l.iit iii !.it' Chas. Kan 6c Co ;i,r com mi u I I m iii i i . M ii.ii:.i. ti;;.i- -i I ' M 1 ; Ml ..I,. I l.lj'ji l, I Ii' I hf i't I I ,!i .-t..l, l .:!' I :ill A l.l.i' -t. .I'lv I i .l.i I .'III. -i I '.Iti, I li .' i 1 ( till' ' liMl.lUMIr, N !!'!! - Mil' I T" - III ll:''i -,,i J I it I LOWNEYS CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA TODAT'8 WEATHER. Fair weather, pooler. i (Thurwlay). Train loat ot i.5l llounj tr!) tk-ketn Z centa. AROUND TOWN. Tn. :. jr- ; . i:.-- h. it to ol or fro ' !. .ti i : .i i - ) . .ointy toil nh. ; r.ol'i. - li-'i f t t:- ..rt.l. 4n. but tor oi'.'l ): -. ,r-- : . ; i . I : - lo umlnK k t .1 1 .1 ..r: - ' ru.i.i j' u vtr-. 15. It. S'.'ii'li .i::l w.f. . K. W. I'r.cni.itl, I- M. ' ..x. A. I. H o kaf-llow, W. It. il'iilltiK !-.r;h. I'.r'lrol. 11. 8. S;obiniiH. S.-.1H1". Ail.'Oi I. ijilo, llwaru; . A. I.ym.m wifo nr. 1 ui ik'ht.-r, I.inr.jln. Nob., ar- r-ii-t-r'-l it th. oo'i-li-ni. If you have hldon, wool, fun. rag. bottlea, lead, bra."., copper, aackf, or any klnil uf Junk for naic, ihii ll to H. 11. Ganton. 1 Fotineonih n'.reet, Antoria, ircKun. or write him and ha will cull t your place una c i it. lie lyt ci-n. :I Heilborn & Son William Swoeney of ht city yofltorday. THfRSDAT. The plowshare fhall conquor the sword, The dlmaff nhall quoll the epcar, And the New World' Immortal word 1: "Freedom for far and near!" Julia Ward Howe. Try Shilling'! Beat tea and baking powder. Sweet cream 10c a pint at the Spa. Cream 10 and lie per pint. Parlor Candy Store. Freh cream, itrawDemea and Ice at Foard Btokea Co. GOOD 16 CENT MEALS AT THE Ris ing Sun Restaurant. If Bnodgraas doean't make your pictures you don't get the beat. Strictly pure baking powder, Sc per pound at Deyo'a. When you want One tea, good coffee and ploea try Foard A Stoke Co. Pazton'i photoi are on paper of hia own preparation and are guaranteed not to fade. WILD BLACKBERRIES. Leave your order (or wild blackberries with Roaa, Jllgglns ft Co. riald Klbbnva at Dunba -. The arrival of the Alaska ateamer Elder due here yesterday, la expected thin morn. Ing. The W. C. T. U. and their friends will ilcolo over at CoL Adalfi today, The full r.r;Krt of tho last aeaaion ''I the county ruurt ap-ar In thin lsue of th Ast.r'.-ru Just received, a full line of boys' ana youths' steel-shod hoes. famous for wear, at Pet'-rson & Iirown's. FINE CHERRIES, RASPRERRIE3 and RED CURRANT3 are plentiful and cheap. See Ross, Higgina & Co. Antorians at the Seailde will find the Morninit A.jtorlan on sile at Fred Ros n-st'K-k'n p-Htaurant at that plate. Hon. ii. W. Scott, editor of the fire Konian, came down from Portland ys lerduy to fpend the aeanon at 8'aHlde. Look In our window today for tooth brushes; your choice for In centa. Ch .tries Rogers, druggist, Odd Fellowa' building. A regular pantomine of views depicting the life and history of Astoria, and aouvenlra of the city and country at the Snoagrass gallery. I'ercalen at Ilutibai'n. Hon. T. T. (Joer, Kovernor-eleot, tele graphed the Progrennive Asnoclatlon yes tenlay that he would be here to open the Farmer's convention. Why not use galvanized corrugated Iron for your rooHng? It lasts a lifetime. Fish er Bros, have Just received a carload. Price? within the reach of all. Be sure to attend the social to be given by the Ladlea' Guild of Grace church Thursday evening, July H, at the real dence of Mrs. Robert Carruthers. F. P. BMfclds. cnTuigglM, and Uo. The fanio ri a.l through the county an'l ftato are l'.nur.K tnti'-h Inlorontod In tho convention to !.o i.r'.d hore noxt w.k. Ponland was In N. y. r b-f.r.- h.m ito ro Iwcn offorod ti''h un opportuni'y .f K iin.r.g prartl nl knowl. j oijo on iijm no-r tinp. .riant nuoj.'oiti to Oregon. j The roof of h,. ! occupi"l by Iho i Hoe iit.jro "u di. overoi to ho on I Iir- about .1 . loi k y. f t'-rdiiy aftornoon. Tho i hi-nii' :il i-in,'. no ion arrived and j put tho lire out I. .-for., it had done much .larn.ik" . 'I'll., lit.. I Mlppmieil to have I (art'-'l from a park from the chimney. For rr.any yum v lence ha studied II quorrf. tt-ult the whole world uses whi- ! key. i! haa proven the best stimulant ' an t does not Injure n'Tves and tinaues cocoa wit,. ,inil oth-r !ri?Ked com IHOino. Ar.o HAItl'KR Whifkey Is the ideal whikey. Holo by Foard & Htok' Co.. Antoria, fireon. The Hteanier Fannie came down yester day to tow the Game Cock and Hta hound lo Portland, but was stopped by a tel.ttr.itn from the 1,'nlled Htates Mar Hhal. Portland, holding the two wrecked vessels until his arrival today. Nearly I all the trouble with tho uiillorn nn the two boats has been nettled, most of the men accepting the company's offer, and leaving town. A. V. Allen Is on of the oldest and most reliable dealers in fancy and staple gro ceries In Astoria. H carries none but the bet goods of all grades. Fresh vegetables and fruits are received on every Incoming sn-amer and train, and everything kept In a first-class grocery and provision house Is constantly on hand. Goods delivered free of charge to any seotlon of the city, no matter how dis tant. The trial of John Christ for the lar ceny of a net came up before Justice Hughes yesterday afternoon and the de fendant was fined 20. Christ aold the Furniture and Carpet.. SPKi'lAl. S.M.K l.i.:iin-' I. iii. -ii Win-j. Miitiiii-. Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portland. - - The Pat Market tl I. KIMc ui ; FISH AND GAME IN SEASON A. V. ALrsLEIN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jar uiiil -J t l 1 y (ilassi s. jj- With tin- Fruit l'x in tli m .....PriccH Lower Tluiti Ever.... iniiffiM'iVnintfVfViVtiii'ffiiititni'HH 1 ALBERT DUNBAR, f Specinl Sale on ! Ladies' : Sailor : Heats Cur. IMIi ami ( 'oiniiiori Sts. i t OnlyCOfJSet Up; The Born Steel Rang' Kvcry One ( iiianiiitii'il. .... B W. J.SCULLY r t . i m. . 4 431 Bond Street. fl WOfflAH'S (I111Y OF BUYlflG SHOES in a good way if slio's of a common mum turn of ininJ. A htnnrt woinan win gf norally tell if a whoe fits hor foot. This heing true tho nhoe man who tries to delude tho woman makes tho blunder of his lifound drives his trad to a store where roliuhlo shoes are sold and perfect flitting is performed. JOHN HAHN, Astoria, Ore. Is Your PEj . . . . INSURED ? ? ? Then your wifo and children will not ho uepeiident on a'cold world. I!ut it is enia!ly your duty to look out for theinwhilo you aro alive. It would ho wrong for you to givo your earnings to some utorokooper who charges more for your Clothing, Hats, and Fur nishings than Herman Wise sells as good, if not hotter goods. The Best for the Least Alcuays at -HERMAN WISE-:- THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER. 5