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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTOKlAN, TJU'USUAY MOKMNt., Jll.Y U, HI..! A Af rrv THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF TIGS it duo not only to the orlpfna'lty nnl simplicity of the ccimliitiiition, but alt) to tho care an. I M.ill with which it is ninnufaetureil by Minititio proovsv , known to the Cam. uiinia I'm St bit ! Co. only, ancl wu wish to impress upon I all the Importance of pnrchniinjf the I truo ami original rvimMy. a tne (rrnulnoSyrnpof Ficsinma'mifactutvvi by tho California Fu Syrit Ca only, knowleilie of thnt fact will lt one in avoiding the worthless 1 i 1 .iiiiii.ii.iu. iiinuiiiuviiM 1 11 ubviiiit i ai ( tii'. The hlrfh aLimlinff of the Cam- j Forma Via Svm'p Co. with the nie.H- cal profession, ami the Mtifaetion ! Which the pentlilie Syrup of ha ' (fiven to million of families, makes ! the name of the Company cunrantr : .1 ..... . . ' ui me vxk7viienci 01 ia rrnutiy. 11 ii 1 faria Bilvatu-e of all other laxatives, ' a it acts on the Ulneys, liver an J bowela without irritating or weaken- inff them, ami it W not prii nor nauseate. In order to ret its beneficial I ffcta, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. at rsoriM'a, rmi. Lal'ltTILLIu Kt. siw TRK. Jt.T. JOHN T. LIGHTER. EJitor. Telrphon No. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. 8nt by mall. pr yr 8nt by mall. jr momh SrrvtJ by carrier, jwr month WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per yar. In aJvane.. Poa'.ase free to jbcnber. .tM .CM All cvmmunlcatlont ln'.'nJt-J f -r pjh'.l cation ahould b d;rctcil to the editor. Bui.not communications cf all kinda and rm.ttancs mtiii ba adinawd to "Th Astorlan." The tuaranrees to Its aJvtr Cstrs tht larrrst circulation of any nswa paptr publUhtJ on the Columbia r.vrr. Adrertislna ratrs can be had on arP'-l-caUoa to the business manager. "" that mourn, lrt g!aJnM m'.nj" with your tears. It in your son: but now he I. the nation's. H ha. dievj from the i family that ha might live to the nation. .10 one name .nan oe torjoiirn or T Ircted; and is shall by and by be con- feared of our moilern heroes, as It I Ot .w... ... ... v.. an amrem nrrv. more .or u.. ..... ... country ny n,s Ceatn tn.n oy n,s wno.e llfe-Bmher. A special correspondent of "The Haiti- ,ua;)- ,,rk. and r-port that he h.ia ai more Sun'" In Manila, wrttm thus: "I ti:r.t.-d H. 5. Smith and It. .. Pra-1. have mentioned Admiral Deary , ability "n'' ' ;hl1 !h" ('ourl as an administrator and diplomat. Wh.le maintaining a most vigorous blockade, h w!H:ntly stave permission to a delegation ..f Uritish and iVraun tnenhants to re- move the;r to Cavite. He order- d that idace to be made sanitary, and pluord Consul Williams In chirge. The -..n.- ,jui nee Is that wealthy Man.U faml les. like that of the Cortes, have placed oil the;: h'.'im s in I'avite at l--wy' d.s- po.. ;e h.i made h'.ms'.f -x l.r.sly popular among the British shipmasters. Instead of carrying on the a.'.-'l'J'.-)em of a 1 oniUeror, he has a.d"l and M- '.l!t,i:.. their business so Ion? as !t d.d not int. r.f. re wtth h s du::-s. H.s pri s-' s suiin.led in every port in the Kar K'-t. "! when ho wa-" in need of e .al '.Vse shipmasters readily told him three thous and tons, so that he was well supplied. "Remember the Maine" has been our war-cry, says H-nry ''lews In his weekly letter, and has warmed up our r.aval .ifllcers and toddlers to a iletermlna'.Kn t .iven- tli. foul, murd' runs .li-iist.-r, and they have done It well. Our n ival ha'tps have t,. . n the mo.-t briiiimt in the world's history, j ti- cr-llt i-' due : 'he superiority of the Amerii an sailor. What a l oiitrasl W. ween th.r ettl ncy and 1 l ondui't 11 nd that of the r-.,im n of I..i HoiirKonii'-," for ln-o..n.'e. Tli handwrit mg I on ihe wall thnt we are fast dnf'. imr to th" (l.iso of the war. Pi nt may now ronn.' uny day. It Is simply ineV.t able, ns Spain must reeoKnize tne ne' i slty of it. and cannot then fore fall to sue j for peac without n.ui h delay. There i should he no necessity for any more bloodhhtd, and If Spain compels It ehe Is responsible for every life lost hereafter on either side, as it resolves itstlf Into the crime of murder. THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING PEOPLE, The world Is Retting a pretty ch ar Wea! T. O'llrh n, $Ui, care of Osburn; Mrs. . , . . .j II. 'Irani. pi, care of O'Connor; Mrs. now of what Is meant by Anglo-.S.ixon . Srhroder. M. Mrs. Sandy K, Mrs I'lse tinlly and mirpoBe. Dlscunslon Is mak- Norn(, Mrs. 0eV,k 4 MrB- M Sni? many things plain. Nice and oon-j jhnsoti ff, allowances for June; Jmlips trni'teiWtlnltluna and meanings which ! and Ch -rks of election, I72.V); messenx'-rs appeal to scholars and casuists are not!'' "l"'I'm, $",40; Dally As'.orlan, !2.M, . , o ..i ... I printing proceedings for May and June; hi 'In, employed In conveying popular sen-! 1 1 i Herald Publishing Co., t'l.Tj. printing tlment. to the masses. When, therefore, 1 pi.0(.t.,:d,,ll:,;. ,,- w ,,,.,, It la said that the Anglo-Saxons are I?01", Ptatlonerj", J. S. D"lllng"r, K reeords for ting" together, and that the world will ! .;. rk's otllce; Class & Prudhomm", ?2tVi toon fl tho beneficial cfT-vta of their united effort, the Anier.. sn x.d S.-iindl-nvrfii l a iiiu.h ini;!n.. a the I n. ' Anglo-Haton. What Is Inland. .1 l 'hat the mm of Knallsh i"-- diwl"a eloper !A.i!i.-r, find that ih'i tiny will represent a p .'' r mid eip.v l!' Mini to nr. HPT thins lean have .. r y.l It. n jvtfomied nun. In the Kiel' h forward the in-hm-in und Welshman clso h1p f--rm the r.v. m with th Kngthmn. i''" ! ". nviin. mill the Ann r;.ut. The union I a -iil f''''"..!. N h it I .ir.. (i! compact !' '' '' will iv. N. it'.-ini c m r '" .;c.l s. ('. .1 hv ! t'l ,- ai"' ''''. ' U n.-.-t .ry. Th wir. ' which lV CnPcd Ht-u ( li.ii put !;.'( f t n l , f i.Im r y .in.! hum m , .ha h.nt t lV b.n.i. ii;.. v.-. :.vm .n fir A i- i i- , mfi'li t. . 11- .1" th.. rf.i!'hinin In n. ir.'v am.t.i , i m '..-. n'n'i .r , , . . , ,,.,v I h" tm "' , ' ' " ; ! he ul.l mrv Irliti.l !i. !!( .in-; . i .. ,- i': of k i-Yji thu . ,, f..!r.i'. T. .mn-'i Ifou.' wl ill tint to. w th nuW.- f. r the ir-i"i- Si, ..uyry ,;. in;!.,, n. -rk -r now " " ' s "nl'h , V'1'! ' th iri.h mi.-.iion ;ts. -.f .1 -I ty It. 'omi''.i;r,t In lr'.n,l .iciin.-t VMS Unit U not marly . utrong a It ui. .1 l' !. Th.- rrAt work . f Mr. l'.rm II nl of Mr. I'.lj.lnton,- '. skhI truit How i hM out In nior onf .I'Vi-l-o;.m. nt ::h mor l lwrnl trvtnu'n: .!! li'li'.i' one of K-! r Myrrr of i : r-' h. It ! .m tx f ir Improvement In Tho r:'!h-.ik'.''s p-vp! art nu'., r i f of it.notnr.c m l when th. y or.ite In r.n.oa for ;.r.iir. their for. e u.l IS lrrv f.'.'A. Tin: i'i'I'MV 1'i'i'KT. Oon-.p'.lnl t y 11 J. Wh-r.-y. i S y onler o; I''.y I'rirt. K't:i. In :!;. ;;; ...err r :h i: m. "i .' ' ;h- '"ovn-y u-ry ("' rk i '!.i' p. v. .'n. i.i. J t'y '-ti. :-. ' 11 .! ,y of July t, rrn !" - nt. II n J H IV .:rMV. .!! H t.r - .; 1 '. 1- - n. .-rtim.--.. Trr.H. J. h-r. '. r'. ,n I J. W. W. :;;.!:. h. r-ff I' oirt rr.ri ml i ) :!y p-t. I a; t a. m. No at '.h; time in r. i.l the m. -annua I retvrt t f K. I. Dunl .ir. f -m. r . : i ty clerk, iihon ntf thr ant mnt an.l tuimlu r of o'.aim ai;..e.!. It a!.oe,l,; anJ amount of wurrant .lrn. out.-t.m.l-1 In nJ unpaiJ .rom th !t Jay of J.inu-; "r'- ' Jj- ,,f J'jn'-' '' M 1 rea-iurcm an.l llabil'.tle; and also the- r- f j p.irt of H. C. Thompwn, county treasurer. ,m,lnI of mon,v received 4n.l ,ilM vut tnm mhi.m recvlvr.!. and from ! what source, an.l on what a.ojunt paid .n,l (h. eour. havin examine.! ..lid r- - - - - port. It la ordered that they Ire , with offl,.ul pdimt. Now at thl time come H. J. Whertty.' conrlrm the sime. It t or.Ur.vl that tn-.ip-.Hiiritm. nt of H. H. 3m. '.h and K. 'a I'r.i.-l a. .l-pa;y rkn .it;l the same is h-r-Ny 1 ..nrtrm-il. Alsj i .ttos J. W. W and r-i-Tt. that he has iiamii. sh riff. ,,, 1 IlTT- an S" sheriff' rt and Watson ltiiir. .!-pu;y and a.-ks that ui ! aj Ttti'-tiH !.. ..".ntlrm-d. rd. r I . ..r.:l:TT;'. I'.. I'rt re. ;; 1 from J '-.jIi W-'?. .vinery.-T Road .! T.. t No. J. -'..I't'i h it h- hil !:..i. the I.- . and " rk r".i! :m ir-.'Hl p.i.--1 i. -ond. i"n pr vio s to th- til :a; of .!! .orr.;.'. otf. ir.p r d th-- r.-p' rt ! r.-'-n-.t ar. I ;i 1 on tile. N w a: th.- t.m- '.1 r-a 1 t' - .;. ' J T. ar. 1 ..:h-r- r ! -it of riven-h- rn 'fl; y a! "' l'i-s ;nr ;;iat in h-r-.'.for.. -1 1. r John .n of I ". 1- ir as 4 p. r nion'h i not -h.-r.-.'lf and ;hr-e h-i;.l.-d.-red that 'h- rro-nthly a anT 'h- - im- l h-r. 1-. ! to ". . nt to k- P li . 'r- ti. 1 it ::v of II :n- re 1 ,1 to liond of A. ri. T-e, I'.jiitt'y ri irv.-y ,r. f ',. "i '', w ith V. I'-irk.r as sure pr-ve-l. I -It.- matter W. Ne. .1 exarn.r Wm. H. ..nd a p. 01 "f N.-m. '. 1 Th.' 1 1; 1 'I'h.-r h lor 1 r e,.m.n on t. ' r-tid. .ir ..f th- : id surv-vnr h.-r.-' At.. I airo at :ii"!i-'r hi. a if 1. f '.he -a d prop.... h' ird upon ! ;.ott ..f tti- ; 1 1 ni" ! ,,,,, tll'T ' 1 r i l, by J .l.ti H ik'ila mid oth. r I' "I I that : lot firth- r ''..n-i'i' of .hi' r nv f .r : m.r.'-T l- . ontinu' d un"! j ond reading. 1 i."!"r.-. tliat roiirt do now adjourn un ; HI toiMn.ortow at 10 o'i l'. k a. m. Tu..-,l..y, July 7th. I-.:"-, ond diy of " '"- t'r,m :is i Court m-t and was .lu.y op-ned at 10 a. m. Ilotid of W. C. A. I'ohl, Coroner, In th" W. ol f :.!.', rnomtiH iJeai.-y hm lok. sur-'.i'-s. exainin.d und ap- i proved. ! Hill" ..n tjeneiiil fund examine. and al I lowed ns follows: I Mis. C. linker, I0, care of Horl'ind; AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. vt; auf. a-: rtinv, in- tui: conns oni lnr.iiT T the rsi. of Tin: wokh oa-iou:..." and "im'iirn'S castokia," as oni Tuni:.i.UK. 7, DR. SAMUCL PITCH lR, J.,.,, JifcmW',, sus 'v cr:;.;.Vr "CASTOR I A," ttt? .;.v th,:! has kmc tvJ ilrs hr.r . tv: cjv.-y Z; fuc-si;;;::: i;r;:!i:rc cf.yfaiM:( icnvuvr. This is ihcc:::-::.! "CASTOR I A" i!:;;h h,:s ken iJ ii the hsrys cf -V r':!,i:3 cfA:-;:'!:: f r err ;;:; :.v,;.-.v. LOOK CARZFL'LLY ,:i thcBu! iHr,il:r::u:h;v;:sl-:': and luis tut mjn-.itxrc cf Cut.4f7j'!-Aii it wr ;vr. X cy lu:s c::!h:r:i-f jr: r: ' i.-.-.-t' .vy ....v? . ' rit Ccn!.:::r (::;.:;:;, r .vA: (V.Mcu ILUjU tur is lWsi-.hnt. 'i:Ai-io;o. ' 7 Do Not Bo Do not crii'.ui-vr tho life a chtu; su'stiiutc v. ;uv.m iioir.o i!.-iv..;'. .t vwy ou r v -(Jit'CiUM" !io makes a few ir.oru ju nn: s i i:. t!;o i.i-j;rc-!it:Us of uliich CT?J he ilocs ::: knuw. "The Kind You Havo Always Borght" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed MANHOOD tatlonery; ilr ffln 4 R '. $!T ST.. station- rry. t.-.; H. J. Wh- nty. atamp. P. O r"nt' . T ii; J. W. William. .73, ' 1 .. Th,imp.n. S, stump.1 - - - ' May Norton. IP), wark clerk' ..rro e; J. w. H ,re. p. aerv.n. p-'- "r,; Thum" '""V'""' M ',pn- ! i iiik iiiir. . I "-; . mail- 1 . ijiri. in. 11a. . t- f . is. Rose et al., IW.S; i vs. It.jnkol. ttx,. vs. Henderson. IS.JO; vs. J Re.ln-r. t-Ss v. ll-.hson. 14.S; vs. Hid- ; - Il et al.. I'.7 ; . Wm. llolmea No. I. ' tl .C; s Win l! No. :, ui; v . ; ..nre Holrra N- 1 ICS. 75; s. Heorito, ll.itn.s N I'.'. v., i'1-y W.iter W .rk. !J1. -a i-.t .iTir' r June S)th; A- r..i W .! .." 1 ' ...1 Y ird. fJ . wood for -urt Ho;-. .1 M. 1. 1 puty S'oriT S-.i-.l- .lir ng -i.itlon; II. K. N- i:; A. N' 1 I V J 'hr. A-r r ,niln- H, canv.iss- :.. n r ' ; rt; -; II C. I'ra. l A "' . h i-.i.r; ;. ." '.-.;hs, et''.. ' !". I J W. .V I'. II. Welch 17. f ;;"i; pi 1 .-. roroner'a Impi' st. '1 N ! IJ.' i; W n. t.'.' : "; r-. r. y A--. - ifimn. (.; :'; Vi."..r Il'i-i. Jr.. ; S. !-. !.''.; John And r t'hit - I', iters. .Iruits ir pr;s ': Itr.wn. servlr !op'i- r. r .. 1 1 F He.,v,rn, -i. I'-rl--h r r -,:: : I'. 1.'. I'p-h ir. ' ai V, ..' k -h-11", Co r.1 al v 1...U-T. .'.'. .: k' t ix ti .'.. iruc "ti .)ei.::.j A-i.-.l A:.-' . .-. k.T;,' up H ;!.!. 12. '. 1 T.L' p: I' - ll l".;!.). .... . .ir- of t or 1 : . 1 r I s' I'. - , .,-) M h - f-.r pr r.ffa te; Frank ' I I'resfott, IM, post ry It' ll, 2 Vl.C, l-y-.''; r'y for year ln7; ' ' v Trust Co., I!-'. I 1 i; I 1 k-; J. W. r 12, I-anliiK up poll-a- Smith J.1, repairing - Il.r"pltal U-X'. i i Jut!- .loth. ; ; provisions Mis .1 .hn Ha Un 11.7a. A. Htok-s II. Vi, V. Marl-n fit Co. i ".; II. K. W'ar . h.. Mis. Itay- I 2.. i'rui.'-i for if i ... al l' ar I. A. C.iliori 120, Wagoli'T, H''i- i'.. I; W. c. A .'.per,; Mis. T. in. Van Lo m; C. Cu-hPilf l'o! r; Cl-h-r Ill' s, at Sven-on-' i. .1 ' i' 1. f ..- 1 pe.-v . M ' I: .1 M I'ohl J ! H ilt T.'.'.n,'.' Ji ll. t-li' tl " ' K. lui'l". : i l.tldip. ; .r i. n T! f .r W'arrenton draw "''-op M il c.i,, lumber for A 11. M' Miliar! 12. Ob: Ktoo $2, ti w.-r-' l M 'I',... !.; ,iiri.,.tHni.. tohll ' " '"" -' l,it,y 2. v,.w.r road petitioned for "y Niemil.'l et ill.; J. v. Hare $1, l-XP' III" ...s-.i.e -rso: .,. .1. ruiion a, ea- , ,lr , y,,,r m w,,h n warrafU aminatlon of Innnne person. j attached, on th IHh day of June, idW. In the matt' r of tho r .ad petitioned for i amounting to tho sum of li:i.2'il.:;i; that he by Nlemela. et al., the above entitled ; collected thereon the sum of sjV,.2.2rj, matter .-riming on at this time to be J which has been paid over to the tredsur h.aril, upon the m-ond reading of the re-;"'- "'- l,im '-olleeted coals lo tho amount port of the viewers and surveyor, and th" i "t WWi. I7.&J of which was paid for nd n mort-iranci. heretofore filed heroin, und j verlnlng and 123.10 to tho deputy sheriffs the said rnnitrr also coming on to be who made the levying, which amount Is h.-ard upon thu claims for damag-s nowi'1' f deducted from their bill. Ordered at. this time presented to tho court, to-, "'"t 'b'f sama be received and placed on wit: of John llakala, Mary Newman and' file. Jacob Htingarl and the said petitioners I In 'be matter of tho communication r" iipe:ir!tiK by '. i'. jjrower, I-'. und the'c!vrd from A. H. Tee, County Surveyor, rorrionslratitors nppi-nritig by Harrison ; relating to the grade for the Young's Allen. Ks'.. und the said remonstratorH River I'raw Hrldge. Ordered that thisj :.' i.' u t.'.. m . Deceived. 'f yi clillil 1 y n'.'f"pti:; You. RESTORED ny tatar nr. Prs 1 rlluw Sr fllla. Till wvii.trrtul If j.v,- f iiraolrej locv-c all acrruutilimara, uah k Mmiorv Biaia Huwvr, Hnuiath. Wakdulutw. Lut Maaliuul. Nixtnlv Km... sioca, NmaiUM, all ilraio. lou vf power In Orafratix Oifaa ol cither an. tau4 b owifrton, vnuihful rr..n, ruTain uw i l tohaiXQ, upinm or atinidUiita. which lr4 tn Inftrni iT. Coniiin-pt'on oi leoniiir. Caa bcrarrlnl in nt porkrt. lo'eit. t 6 u r .. V mail prni.L Citvwlar Hrtw. aol J !'. .Hut'' A.kf'til lakrnioibrr Mnuu,-tuf,t by th Pun Mudei-e i ., . r rtw -tn, i if !mti l xt4 u.,liUlbuUnaaeaU. TSuvi au4 Yamliill sti . IMtUaJ Ut rTK-Cv)NN I'lll'i) Ak-nt. A'."r;a OREGON STATE ISOHMAL SCHOOL Monnioulti, Orciton A TRAINING SCHOOL TOR Tt-VCllEKS noT.r X'.rn.l i tinr.e ..( nin e r -aior y-r wh...!v prof. a oua.. I rnuti uepar' itie .t oi u m tl- tb i.iplreu .I' .11;. 1 t; i!ll lie III ll. t T -.-.ti.i. b n. , ;i. V.. ' M -i. ..r t ii l.e - ;o..i I he Norma t..l nn I- r.-. ..e.l l.j .naAI I.IKK CfcKmii AIK to bach. I ifht i.eti. t'lPI'.i'. (.. !wir I i;.1 li.'tli C 'al pn.;nnleljr .. S' liiw K-r )ar 'lllileul. tvarllCf t!ielllelle. 111 ill er A.Miln.le urailei eee Pteil from h!n . ho.ili. Catalotfiiea cherfullT m!.! on m .p. U..j. Ait.lrraa I. U I'AMr-HEI.!, Kr-I ! t, of W. .V. WNS. v-r .ir i e i tlitmc at thl time their ot.j".ln to the;rUl,' )url.ll. tlun of th r.uirt, and nut "Iti ad In the- prem;-. the- ml matter ,-.,ntlnued until tomorrow, th th dy ""' ,v"' ",r ''""v .... urt .!. now jdjourn until ' ,.,.,rn,w at 1 , o'. .o. k. KrMay. July vh. Iv.e,. third day of July ... - . term. .itne pr. sent a yes'er.lay. I'ourt met and was duly one. 11', l1' o'i 1. k a. ni. Now at th time ratitfi II. J Uh.rtty. r .un'y i'1- rk at. 1 present. i!i. . iaim of th- several r-. ail uti.', for the sev er il .iiTi'-'i.-.'s .In., 'h-m for rt-. i-m-.I'Ti.l, h.r.iip..n J. II. 1. liray tiiove.) h it said . Ia:m. he ;,a.t from the f md. an-l il--. n th-- same J. '!. I'. I ay.-, 1 :i I 1 ' untnl.-l ,imts ll". 1: I., wis an li'. l'. t.:s.,n vot I 110, th- 1111 p.n w i ''nr. up.. n .le. lare.l ..t. It. 11 on 1 1 1 r" id fund . x un ii.-d .1:1,1 1 allow. 'I I f .iloMS; , a W. II. Ju l- ';. II .'.,. 15. A AV..i". j! II ( . llarri-oi. y.'i. l.iier.I". K. Warr- n 1 1 rj ippl, No. . S Kiirll'l l. I.', l.iie.r, roa-l I.T. H ..ff ird. II. J. W..' dis-rft (.. la ro id .li .1. or. I'i-h. r Itros . K : -uppll' . n. t No. 2. Wm. t-ir.eti, u .or, 'net N . ;, J,i..,t, Hint, It. ' s'"',rI' ;;,t'"r ,ll,rl" '" " M. i . II;, 'on, J pi. Jos.-pi, Hilt. ,ii, ; II. lale.r road !!-. r;.-t No. 1. I.. 111,1. 1; T. I'offee. l. v i r. Hill, tl. H. Clark, :i, A. is. i '... 12 r.. !.ili..r road distrl. t N i: I. M. M l., n. p J. J. Hunt. IP'; !. It. Mii.s. II, !al,.,r. road dl-lro t No. II. In the ma", r of the road petitioned for by John N.Tii.ili t j'.. the ,-ti 1- 1 in. if. r i ., filing .,n to I..- ,.ai. upon oi,. r.-.i'llii- .,f 'he r.port of th- viewers and siirv y..r heretofore IIP .1 herein, and 'h eoiirt Icing not siTtP i ni ly;-.. In th" pi'Tiil-es, this mntt.r H oiit.nii. I for f u'h. r In-anns' until lomor row. Ord.r. d 'hit the . 1. rk not.fy all olIP n. who have , ,,p ;, hond. that In .'ll' Ionian. with Mi., to w r-'law whh h We'll In'" . ff.-. t on tho (list ilay ,,f ,nly, ea. h bond 'hill h.o. been III.. I with ih. c.unty Clerk will I'e.pilr.- Internal iv .Tino .-tamps. ord-i' d tliat .oiiit ,., now mljuurn un til to-morrow at pi o'clock a. m. Saturday. July nth. l-.t., fourth day of ,.rm; s.irne priseni m vsterdav. i'.,urt met iind wis duly opened al pi o'clock a. m. Now at this time Is read the report of ,j:imr -v. Hare, former .h.-rlff. stating that he received ths d.'llniient i.ix roll mutter t lefiiiiM io ,lu. I ui. J. II. IV ili'iiy nn.1 ). J.iml.xon, !! Hie tiMii.-r v.f !i Yooim I1..1 Pi. i llriitdii. m.leiv.1 tlin link H'l ty til" Mnyor mill I'oiiinioit i'. of III.. I'lty .'f to' !t ill.. i' niii'., ".nu t Im i n Into 11 .'onii'iirl Willi M..i. M.-. lili'Kor. Nolliil,, , I' tor the "llli II of III.. ..ur.i h !.iy iMilIX Hl'liUi. .11 111," ..null en. I ,.f .'fl teet. M.'i'lui'i' AMoi.t. 011 or In f ilu. Iifi .1 ly of ii. ;o.,.. At, h'.v .,11,1 ttotil.t t'- l'.',-(lllH .i.k tl,, ui,.,. (i,, i:,e to ln e.l;(.:t..,l, i, ,, ,VJ lnol, ,-.i. ntvii. l.-.l to til., norili eiul of ,.i:,l li!i,lt... Ill Hie in.itt.-i- of the vo.i.l petition, ,1 for liv Nelllell.t et ol Tlln lll.ol,. elltl'le.l liiiilt.T . oinifs ,.i :,: tin, ;i,,i (,, 1,,, ,-.-, upon the eoo,l fv. 1. litis of tin. f. -port ol lll.i llnltuK ,nt, ( .111 v. 1. ,.- lu l l lotoie. llle.l'l. .Iti.l I! ,l.p. it to ,. ,-otin till! I 't ' I''!' (!', oil.' of Hie pe Ut..l. l 1 .In1! i.!;n mi, I ,ii.i;:ti. .1 r.mnij r..m in ..,.!, r of i'.it..i r..nii',i in. s oi. ,111.1 .l".pl l, .!O u ; . i .,, .! iiiemW-r of III" . on; ' ; t'..- m.r. ;. r It i. ,.:,. i. .1 th ti 'ho n:. ;! .' e. .IlIlK- I... .1 ..nil-., , mi-1 t hot tl lie . n . ; M.o;.i M .'..! 1. 1 ill pi II it e i 1 1 ' 1 .1 thl. tii.o 'i ; , I" it. r- i.e it.. I , .1 ill .1.1' ;rn until Iv. tir.h .! .i . I .11 iil "..III e r I',-'. -on i- ,iu ,. , '.. a .it t" ,.. ; .. i . - ie i S-.l -i e the ippo ir.inent nt . i. e 4ti.l I. ok ..t -i ! . ! t . In .1.1 pt - . Ho e ..ppo.-flnert of V . . r aii.l f t a p. r'.o.l t It .11. 1 If. I k to the . r :. n. . ir It l In i;.U'.i' Ihe rill ,f'. . the i r .ii' I K M of l Illllt'. ' 1 h.r-to lie .- !.. the. p.. I IMll -le ot...r of t. '.: tlx.-! ' In ii. ir ' 1 1 r'.i n 1 I . t l : in :'.'. 1...I ' ' f .r ". n. i ". r i.k " - ; . k . p .! . f ! ton.. " I ' At. h A !: M ' ! .1 an -, l't.. :!.". .;: I t 'l 111 . . - iv : i I " ll .1 .111 I .ii : . ; " ! i;i; v w i.l.i. i I . ; i;: a im: n.i II J A Ii.!' TiJc T4tlc lor Jul). I a 9 h . II ... II i . I I.i; I ". li a i k IA ! K in r a. . I' ll In ft I. Ml ft .11 111 fl. ll Ml M It-relay : : :.' ; 1 ) 1) 4 til' . .. I- 1 i : . ." 13 : 4- : i I 11 1 t :i v i 111 M"n. . 1 11. 11 : j: : ; iiji .nllr. . : "4 1 4 j ii ; 1 1 - ' i .: . : : " ) j Ui : v) p. 1: : ; . h i 4 ; j 1 i. 1 'i i" ij a 1 ti "i : 4 1 7 .nil i' 1 ; It 1 jj l i7 r 7 . 1 '.o i ... .11 7"i4 ! t " 1 : 1: 1; 1 . 1: 1 ; 1 7 '.4 ? 7 :i4it im: i 4: '. 4 1 4 7 : i 1: ' ' 14 I " 4: 5 4J 7 4 la 9 j 4 . 4 i 1'. 11 Pi T pi 1 7 I i "4 " 1 .', 4 h 1: 1'.' 1 ii"'! J;; 4 1 p; 11 7 1 17 1: '4 ; 7 i .',) i ; 4 j 17 1, 'i7'.i ! . .. I i'. 7'. 7 nil 7 1. J 7 1 ' 0 .' 7 I ': 7 i 7 : 'i I 7 i 1 i I 1 ; 7 : P. 7 1 7 . 11 1 s4 I f 7 7 : 11 7 1 i : , : . j;7 7 i it"ii ni"i 1 ; ; : ..1 ,ii:7: t -1 1 ; ; ' 1 1 1 1 ,:i t : u : t -: . 1 . 11 . 1 ' . . .i : n 1 1 1 .'. . 1 . .1. 'i S 7 ' 1 2 " 1 1 ' .:... 11 . lu.: 7 "i 1 1 : ' 1 ' t- : 1 . ". '. : --1 ; . 1 ;i t .- !' '. 7 ' -'. ; 1 '1 in n 11 :i 1, 1 ; 1 7 1 ! 1 t'l. . ui . . . . 1; ', I 1 1 ; 11 ; ::i 11 . 1 1 'rl Sat. H in. I Hun. Mui. j', hr, H,!: " ' Sun .. Sun. . Mot l u. . W..I 'Ihirs. Kr . . Sit . . M on I' Tu. " 1 '.:, ' s . i . II iii.i'.y "itot no tt ,:. I lo l' rf w 'I a 1 .' u t "ff l i-t 1 . t a-.-ti'- -t iiti-l f .'. "T p: ' 11. ... are tak'Tl a'A I)' l' til- '1 i in-. - over on --.xt!i ... in i Ii" world t lie .ll.e i 11 j . .11 ' ori-UMlptiot.. Tl.'Te l -e W tl i .p l't. !l .1 ..-tol .. ii. ; ii ! -U'llp- l l' ' r.-a-.ti m 'he wil. whv ' 1 "!,- ' 1-1 . ell i -ero.u-. ii is a .ii-.-a . r , , , ,. , 1r..,, ..i..,,,,..,. , i piir:f .tut an. I eiiri. hit it t ' ":. '''"pil"'! to tl'1- I' "I. .ti ll .il i . ml .,.,! !,'; Ii -r- .1 and mi- i 'tiger Hi io 'tl.' l.S. a,' ban he. it r,. pro;i. tly tr. at' .l ui.l.l It 1-th.- I. eli until the I ..! - !i w. ak a to hale ;. ; n . u.. Tate. I T. '!-r. 1 1 I II . ol ft v will ' ni " ' I" O.l.'S ,,f . Ol, if Ii to .lire. t., MS It li-O . 'II ' . o'IkIis I.I'omi 111. al an I thr Send J rent In one- . : World's I I, -(OTIS il l- M" !l' a Ituffilo. New Yolk, ainl ,rr "." -' i in; s ' p , r, . p.. p,i.. c.,n,,. n Me ! J A l r. d Wrh many of n- ii brief v.H-aitoi: I" l;iui..r . tie d by th- iva-hefWolna p. in.' and th" ll im. I io .lo .!.. s' W l-llililt to l up T . rtioti. MSCOVKRKU 11 Y A V.....IAN' Another great discovery has been ma. to, and that too, by a lady In this country "lnsciiKc fastened Its cluti In s up. in cr and for seven years she wl biiond Us severest tests, but h'T Vital organs w"re undermined and death seemed Imminent. For three months she cough, d In'essant ly, and could nut sleep. H.Shn Dually dis covered a way lo recovery, by purchas ing of a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, and was an much relieved on taking first dose, thnt she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther Lutx. Thus write w. C. Hamnlck & Co., of Shelby, N, c. Trial bottle free at Kstes-Conn Drug Co Regular size DOc and 1100. Every bottle guaranteed. The war tlirui bride receive, as a spec ial wedding gift an Insurance, policy on )nr husband's life. Mokl Tea positively cures sick hcaduche, Indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a pnrfi-ct completion or money refunded. 25 and 60 cents. For sale by Mst.ii-f.'onn Drug Co. The peilcsitrliiri who escapes being run down and Injured by the w-hliltiK hp y. list Is lucky if lo his burden of woes Is not added the snPTiMrn of tlin wheelman, wh In'pilres feelingly. "Can't you barn to look where you are going, anyhow?'' No ntlinr nallun ciiiiunie iiili iii.ui- title of lent lieM'l Ulti'" III" Alltel 'li'Hlt, CASTOR I A For Iufiuiti Mid Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Dear the Btgttutur ll.m in im p ii i' ft n ii I ii i' .i 1 1 leil . in I ... 1 1 1 1 1 mill lion "Inning llio liol werttlier lt milliner I liinl n evei(i utiiii'k of ihnleiit iiiiirlniK. li-i-.ll.illnil li'V li'ivlllil III)' Innlllem," Mr f, A line, of Hi'" I""". I'lii , ,lile. Ohio "Aftif I fc I M tn r Hire ,..,. of I 'll.lllllel ollll ' I'nlli'. Cllillel unit i-inhiieii Heine, Iv I will eiiiiipliilnly t pen . I iiihI In I' li'iin alii" I,. nine inv ik in Ihn nloie. I aim nrvly te, oinii:. ii.l It to miy oim wltlletinl Willi .loin.i, h or li imi it nii'le" ''or aalo ty I'linii. loiiti, .Imwa: at Willi l,,, ,.t Hie . ll I'llell ,1-1. oil , l.Oll. oil l . l'T 'if llivelllle il'tlli' in 1 fie -i .oil. I 111 ll. t -ll' OAHTOnlA. W ll.TI A 11 TH-in .11 III at (lie no nhen .he inioia a I'l l ti.'Ho than a ii mi lot. ,le'.e 'te Ina either ulltllVril the I . Ill .1 1 1 1 .' -Line or the Ilu iTIo iii nikli to io.ii:e that lliero la aafety In numl'el That '! I'll""! hoiilit irririii Its vtlai film Hon. II I ahaoliltalv Mreoaaary II ihoni.1 not i.nlv ti pur but rich In llf (Ivltis alfineiila 1'tiaaa rrautll ara txiai IT.-.Tr.t I v the II e of thit ll knuwa atan.lar.l MkuI purlrlar Ayar'a Raraa j partlU. l , ,..1 i.. nail a lie w Ii. ii 11 I li"t 0 ;. ui ,ln-ue ,11'l.le ..ue II I al 1 ;.i , o i litVM.K.VH AliMi'A HAlAi: ilu: ;i nr in th wmij rr rut tru. tl.'iii I l.-eri. Halt llheuin. Hole Tft.r. i'liapp. llan.1,' hll :,',i!ti. r.Ttn am! all Hk ti Krupllom, n l p....tiw! . ui. t I": e or no pay t ure.l I; kniir.iii;e..l to I i perfect atfa. t; oi ..r ui" nr) t. tuii.le.i Trie S eanta p, r ! I 'or i'.' '') I'V.e i'nii itu( Oo. p ,i mr !..;: I-. n,. t , ..n e. k a ti 1 I on 'I n I 1 r-ietpt M'l Ii I' i , ';. .' :r f.elli a an l he , i !.. i:; h e.: Impure ( ..I In i k. i' " f ap; ll lit t'l a pa.e I'l l i, i ui.;.'.. i ti. p n,pi n 1 ak ti rrup- If u a'e (.:;r wr-ik nl worn n t .1 i. '. Iiik a heal'liy appear - i ;l ri'Ui; l i ' y .(' in i i u"-.' i. i !: all I I ,t;v.r, where vll.p ....ipir !'. mil . .a,, e.t pur rte,. flt, k'l l. t'l' We ' 11 clef) b (!!.' "II ' I c u ir a 11 1 'Ml, ll like is ti . w ; I- ol-.l. I. at there tif. . .lie 1. to Ylitl.'iW JACNt'lCK CfltKU. H irTrr't'S huinanliy hould t aupplUd lt!l rlrry mean .iiltl for IIS til'f. It I with pUa.ur, w pupll.h th. follow. . ing in:a is to crtuy mat 1 waa a ir rilii auffrr from Yllow JaundU for over month, and was tratd by boiii of th bt phyalclana In our city and ail to no avail, t'r. 1111, our drusglat, re,omnnn.1e.l EUctrlo Mtiia; and aft taklr-aT two boltlea. 1 was entirely iur4. t now tak ireat plaaaure In recommend ing thutn to any prun suffurlng front thu terrlula malady. I am gratefully your, M A. Itogarly, I 'axing tun, Ky." H .ll by Kat.Cinn Drug Co. .-, k.p' loii li ili to ape. a I n lvl. ie "o .111. wlletl glolfi ,re ,le. Med- l .IpiT".'.!'"'!! 1 inir I. i!.y h i been c-m t Inualljr tnuMr j ..... .tt. l 1 holer Infantum sin.- hi I .: ii .it. 1 ill tht wo could do for him llt: . ...ui t.. g v mora than tmpr I ar r.-l ef tin . I w tried Chamberlain's j' i.'i'l.Ti and IHarrhir Remedy. I " .. that remedy h has not I .. 1 We w ant to gv )uq thl :.-; n, 01 il a an rvldenca of our gra:l- Pile, n .t that you ne,l it to advert. i . t;i. i . t.o.h rTii"ly -ai M Law. I I.' k ik. I mi I'.ir e l y Charlri It -at .1; .-.; Tlo ir. the .1 ,) wllfll 111- I. .ItlltlH. tlo. iii .t Important furniture ! the vi hole lion.. I'.t.i.ti trouhled diarrhoea w.II be ; . ..'. tn ti,o rxperietira uf Mr. W. M llmh. i ierk of H Hel Iiorranre, Provi i.n . p. j iixaay; "For several year I I ne ! rt aliiimt a conitant su(Trr !. in li i.-tt. the frequent attacks i.T.,.,..'. iv prostrating ma and rendering 1 1 ti." inll: f r my duties at this hotel. About ' j 1 ' . j .11 1 .i-i a traveling aleni in kindly a ii - me i bottle of Chamberlain's .... ' Ii ."t.i and Plarrh'iea Remedy. l! '.! . ii tu my urpne and delllilit Ua ef ilf. '.t liitinedlate. Whenever I felt -.ii.p'oins of the disease 1 would fortify j :;'.'. 1 .iKiiimt the attack with a few ' i : . .. i of th: valuable r.'tnedy. The re- . to hii i.e.n very satisfactory and al-ii.o.-t l unpli te relief from th aflll' tlun." I t by i hule lingers, druggist. I. . h h i no rlch. r Joy than that w hi. h .i to n w. und ,i dollar In the p". k - j.ii- fro. k. C- 'A' o jniAi B,a ('.. a l;n K..r.d y iu Ham !.irt BovjM i:: .. 1;;. I ' : 1 it cu r incur tu yu that tailing "ii .i.) I) I a confession thai you te hotel nlih your own company? A k. r' llngllsh remedy will stop a -oi ii nt any time, und will emu the woiat cold In twelve hour, or money re fun. I.. I. ;;. cents and i, cent. For san by Kill's. I nun Drug C". A woman either think too little or ton much uf a man. OASTOTIIA. Bnari tbs I-' I,. Vuu Ha.8 Always BouM The while leather belt Is lovely but a very Khort time. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablol are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, dlstreas after eat Ingor any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate relief. 25 and W cents. For sale by Kales- Conn Drug Co. Why do men always woar their reddest necktie on the hottest days? Luxuriant hair, cf uniform color, Is a beautiful head-covering for either sex, and may be secured by using Hall's Vege able Hlelinn Hair Benewer. Illue and white bedrooms are particular ly summery In their cool colorings. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS All n.l a uinliT thl lienil J ceiita p"r Una n i i lini'tllnii, J I'i'iila iim li iilifiin'iit In xt'llilll, ' """ rou iiicn i. For li.-iil-A nent ll mom initial, eor mr Ninth ainl lUrrlami airoata. Iiiiiiil III lioinl or 414 i:i Iiiiiiuii Ufl I'lilt ItllN T-lliMMl lliU HIO AM' IIAUN liinl lour arm of I oni, tii r ( lnti'i ' Hy aiiitliiii, knuwii a tlin t'lmaop I'o.ioltl. , Aipiy in A I'" a it, i.i i.'iiiiiiiiMn lul at., in y i.i im r IiiMI' Alliiir X. l.'A'I'llnM I 'I'' MA i ll I ll a kllllleil net, Inioy I nun k.. I Iv K. a run ml It, uaeil a Ihiat Imn) . Ii'l mi l"P I I, ,1.1 Willi, M nil oott.illl. I .""I lleaf lliealilpeil lnio No. H I'iiiII M.i i fin I ui Mi nit n ui: rii i i: UK Hill. NKT luivllitf alioiil iu fulli.oiii III Ilia Ilu. i n ii. r ran mine Pi pioilna pmp irty mill I ti h ipenito John Ja. ul on. in III ie i i mix- 1 1 . Urn i:i.h huh' at "Tin: mi hiiay,' tiu: uni.y hot. I In .Vanilla. Il.nlliil fill) llio.l- I ll liupini mi. HI Mm. il Dial ilaa. MtHi II I Minwiri. .MiiH i, ailiMiiaa airee M V ll Y M A K i;, tVI in rri iii; ( i iu:i. Munv u.iin atlllcteil IHi ruplui Jl f rum mi nihi l leasoli than la. k of retainer that wnulil liol.l In the imrll. (I lur Alton of Iheir a lui. nl l'r liar lel'a rdainer I p.n tivii.) guaiantaeil In liolil, no inatli'i nliei the. l.i.iiiiini ami un.ler all puaill'ma uf III It h i i in v.l In tv. p. r . "Til of th on 1'lt. J. I. IIAIUT.I.. Aal .r a, or. AOKNTR WANTICP. Acnta ami eaiiaara to ll Dr. Klli k's 'orkt M Inhalar for catarrh, aalhma, anil luna and throat dlaaaaaa. (II aaav fur t ll pr-mta Writ for aampl ami larma I'r. Klh'k Mulictl Company, Cincinnati, U. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia lllvar anil l'uil Itoumt Nal. laltun t'onipany. Hlramer Italley Calirrt Uavaa Aitorla ilaily aticpt Huiiilav. , p in ,va I'ort-Iwii-i ilalty, ept Hun.lay, I I. Ill ilataert tikta a'nl un ateiiir Thu in p ott Thompion tli kt (noil on lla'iort. U Ii He. .it. l'rMnt. C. W. Htiina, Ain(. Anuria. ' iiiov I U4u ULIVlll & rI" J I icKets -TO TIIS- HAST AM) SOUTIUIAST -VIA- i;llaN PALACE HLEtPKIU. TOl'RIST HLEirtM aa4 mtt RCCLtNINO CIIA1K CAM -Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City and other Easier Cltls via either etoula em I'aclflo or O, R. N. Co. Only Line From Portland Offering 'aaengra Ihe Choice of T Tourist Car Unas through to Chb sgo. Specially Conducted Excursions Via Bhaata Route to Chicago every Tuao day. Ilaggsge check) through 10 da) dp.ita, fast time, lowest rate), depots, ft time, loweet ratasi I'lntsrh light la all cars. For rates and other Information, call oa or address R. W. BAXTER. Oen'l Agent, IB Third St., cor. Alder. IMrtland, or. Tickets to all point ..EAST.. ForSilc tyO- R.IN Aftnt. Astorli. . 1' UntlUlM, Through pilar and tourist sleepers, dining ami library observation cars. KLEOANT VK8TIIIC1.K TRAINS No. 4 Limited leave I'ortUnd al I N p. ni. No. I Llmlud arrive Portland at II 11 a. m. J. IJ. WYATT, Choni .So. ft Aalorl. (Irifaa Hurt I wn re, Ship Chnntilcry, ( .iDcerioH, 1 'rovlM.or.H, I'AINTH rn1 OILM. .Hiirclal Ailaallnn I'aMie Supplying Htalf Jloit's Nerverine Wife Tht grc. remedy for nervous pro I ration anJ Pcnrratlv nr. 'il.luiiiTaNIi AUbll bnlNU, of ellhae x, luch ai Nervous Prostration, Falllno or lost Manhood, Impoltncy, Ni(hti Eml. lions, Youthful Hrrors, Mc ntal worry, fx usslve use of Tobacco or Opium, which kid to Consumption and Insanity. $100 wr box by maili 6 boxes for $5,00. NOTT S CHEMICAL CO.. Proc'i, Cleveland. Ohio. Dill fl I nnn.lw.lm.nfi.i. r.Tiii'ily f,.r Ic.n.ii rli.i,, Ijli'i'i, H tier main rrhieii, While, untiatnral ill.. ehariie, nr atir liiflaiimni. I nn. Irrilailiiii i.r ni I'n.aau emaUltaa, linn i.f m 11 1' 1. 11 ,..,, I'llltVAHtlOKlMinilfll). brane. Null s.lrlngenl, am of iiruella. fm aent In plain w J hr inpresi. ihitiiIiI, f. n li.oi, ,.r a Lnitii., .'.;.v Clritular anni uu reuuo or aent Iii plain wrniirs-r, im F lalu rrliri.1 Kg UNntNNSTi.n .rM reiUuU