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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1898)
'If ' 1 I THE DAILY ASTORIAX. TIESHAY MO KM MS, .11 NK XI. M, (Ion company nn.l treasurer of the rail road company, Those who deslri- to aiih.orlhe for -ttt l (ho coming Plulli irtnonli- concert, and hive h.ii nvorl Hiked hv Iho omi:a-.rr. i-in he s.viitnnio.l ifsl hv h-.ut'ig thcT n.inio mill n.l.lres"o nt tho Atrlnn of-Hi-.', TJjh pr'.-l f e.l ha hon tlV'd m 50 k. T5 ivnti. Great Midsummer Sale MEIER & FRANK COMPANY'S lUMMi:.i'i:s M0MV .NOKNIN.i. jim: Great Removal Sale3 A HALF MILLION DOLLAR STOCK JoBe CLOSED OUT . rn r As our new building on Fifth and Morrison struts oprosite the post office is rapidly nearing completion, and a we intend that only new goods shall bo placed upon the shelves in our new quarters, it becomes necessary for us to dispose promptly of our presfont Urge stock, We know that there is but one methyl of inducing people to buy in advance of immediate needs and that is by offering the goods at prices so much below their actual values that purchasers can save money by buying for future use. This method we have resolved to adopt and in order to expedite matters we have determined to resort to no half-way measures, but to reduce prices to such an extent as will warrant buyers in taking advantage of the magnificent opportunities offered. -o$o No Such Values Have Ever Before Been Offered to the People of the Northwest A LLAIL ORDERS FILLED AT REMOVAL SALE PRICES T). tv.vnt I-un. till.-'.i.j!,,,,,; i'r.gti una a":m!l,M, 1V.. Insure! trenicn-;,,,, lrill ,lf ,,, fr thu onn. ...port state ih .t Id.- condition of spring nn.l winter win it I t m :: U .-1 -.!. The farmer .f tin- two stales nro ). fill oT the tine outlook. It has Iwn siuti!. tr.l that t tho ooni tnir r.g.ttti tlii" position of .picon of tho iMrnlviil ho filled hy popular yoto, each voter t ho ti:l:lcl to ii in. my vol. IT hi. favorite bounty .n ho pny for at tho r.iio of I. it cents .i.-h. tho .ro.vo.t! t, toward paving thi- g- not ill -p.-iio of tho tvii.iti.i. Wliii will cast tho first voto for tils host sill? While tho ov-i l.,n ti.ilns i'h' wall ing III As(rU S . till. iv evening ,i lively scrap took pl.i.v on tho w.-st end of tho ill lt platform over mi all. K'M Insult ti n young oim plu. kv follow .ptl.k'v utlMlnl .in assailant mill when another stopped In h. . promptly kn.x-k.-d out "Nono hut the hr.ivo d.-a.rvo iho f.tir." Reader, whrii "U are l.y (ho a.ivcrilsoniotit of a dealer to Inspect h'" BOO.Is or t'l lllilk- .1 piirvllil.-, i-lttl'T In ivrsott or hy tin sseim-T nr m.ill. never fall to r:i! that y.ui .iw hu tidv.-rtle-m.'nt mill give tho name of tho paper in which y u aw it Thu will ho appreci ated by both ih.- pap. r sn.l tho r. Tho O.inhy I'mtipni.-otln will bo h.UI Jul" 1-11. t h ix isir. Th.- rviinK.'lI. il . r vloin will b In ihirifo of Hov. J hn N'iIMkIo itho ivt.-r iMptwrisht ..f -ho l'i oitlo lo.'. Sornion. on II ih. r t.''o .in I l-.-tur. on th li ti'.o ilullv hy rmU.iiit lro...h.r of th M K. o.iuroh. i".;in imw for o.itntvrv froo Mturo f r hor-. . '.-i NMnl i; V'Ty ro.ioii.ihlo r.i'1-'. Tho i'onini!ttoo of niiTi hintu h.iviiuf In h irco tho Hn.ui. nuo-tum of tho N" r nt:i r.",ort!. r h it l: l mortlris "i booiI mi.v.x utiil ;ho t'l"!''.'! I" 11 nv rry f.ilr f r tho hoUln li. ro In Aiikiki th .' .A.r ..fl ml Iho t - limil.i.i. A noon tli! nu.'tlo:i l out of th. w.iy. !.'!' n'M Iv liikrn t.i n-'otiro a liritih w.irh'p to .iot ; :1i-h'. of tho r. K.itta. Mr K. 0. tvntl'n.. r.litor ..f tho In .1. poii. Ion. . S'.lo. who win union tho xour,''nit w :'h tho t..r Sun. I.iv.'.l that . .t'o from I'ulk oonnty. .i lirito nunih. r N'lnu from tho Inimo.l! i'o M -lnity of n.. i n l .'nro, on tho vum!"!! Suoh vl!' ,i !h.-o t. n.l to brinit th- IIIT.T.-iit pirt. f tho !.' toR. tli. r In frl. n llv r-'l -itlon-h!p .m.l r.innot f i:l to ! ..f b.n.nt to Aton.i. Dress Cods Dcpvtmcnt. At II nu l'r rt : 1 "o" Itoman nl., i .m l .ho. kv h ilt wool; ll. nrl. tt.i Hul'.lm;. v sular piloo VI oonH. At l" o. nt T V'H' i; loo. I'.ii.hnior.' liv SultliiK'; i' sul ir l"lo v. iiik. At M i-.nn I'.r yinM; iulxo.1 lir. S iitlnii, w p. r ,.uI. ,vi iloo. fiuii'V II worth :!.'. vent" At f.' nr. .1 prt.o oollH o T 1 H'l. P 'lo.'0 ti M.ihili", Pl.t SuMUiiiv ,v. .'oiitu p r .irl i.u k I-'; At II I'.' i Skirl; full Wltll 1 ! ,h: Itlii.k wl.Uti; t.iffotv Uni on, prk-o I.'. In-. lio.lllil Domestic Department. At P..o p. r .itl; on y.n.l w olo I n ;..m. hi. I Muiiir boM uu.iiiiy; )..r.l ( .oh iiimoiii.i . i.Kiilur prloo i K i.t. Al t'i'titii r yur.l, olio yunl wl.lo. ll.M.l uuillly, Mmllli; i i mi Ii rimtoni. r. At ..inn pT yur l; olio yur.l wt.lo: rmn of tho l.iHuii. or l.oii.l.ilii Itlon. h.'.l M.ii hit. Al M'j oviiu p. r j ur.l; 3' ynr.U wl.lo; fill. I. .i. h.. !l.iivy Hhi'.-lliin, worth Iv jt .irl. Hosiery Dcpartmcot. At f. . wuih . Ml I'll. Il ;.i itiik. O.I.I lot l.lilll'' l'.ll lli Al s I to pair; I. i.b.' I'nil Ulu.'k M At I t .'. iiln p ill' i.i.i. k li.. . ; t'liil.lKii'a lino rtM(l ill . woi ill U ,.,1,-h: i..nli. ' Hi.vrk Huin w.irth i . ill". IMi'llOl .ut. 1 1 i.ii.l- At S .tit f I. h; all our V Sh'it V i t; all iil.o p.Hi.rin mi.l tu.nlo In tho IVll'K. At is" i-Vil!t ll . .nil. all or . . ry olio ii I a A! W ooiit i.n-h; Wrapt" r. trlinm.'.l prl. o T5 .' -n:. I..1.I1. w nh 0 T r. alo S'lirt 1 y In.liiio llluo brai.l. rwular A bin of l iili. ' Silk Oap.; a'.t III. . H tritimi. out a nr. nt b.irn i;n At XI oi'i i.i. h; I.iil. ' Will' Sailor Hit. 'i!ur prloo M nil fulii-M at '.ic r.-luotloii". V-.ot .Siimni.'r I. . bo .'.M o or Uli. k nll'. all. I At I' .-.nt p.r niil; wl.lo; .. h.aiy lll.ii. I.o.l Shrrllnn, p'kUUr pil'" At ii iit p.r; b. ! Apron 'I nn .'1 itiita r jail. It I i'.ll' lr IMr.l. Boml hravj I'oll.Ml I'l.iiin.'l; r-iinl ir pri. .. I Jo At t' ivun pi-r yur.l; b.l Apron tl"it 'ham; Ivnulnr prloo J i.nt; l jur.U to .si. ti ruttotin-r. I At S t out r yar.l. b.-l iiialiiii t'ull '(.i. , nil nl.T patloni"; : yur.l t.i r. It 1 . IKtomrf. I At .oiitu p.r yat.l; M.oi.-li Uin; In I tl .riil rffii-t; l..tiiim. j At i .mt prr yar.l. nil our bt .juiility reiy ono worth ;i, cnt I'r , yar.l. At oriit ivuh. full llo Miralllr pit ' torn t.i Hpr..l. well worth II :j j At I ivnti. a yar.l; i.. .piality It .ibr . Orali Towollnu At W . I'.ilil. j At .. ..h .o h. Iloiiini'' ! k.-r. hi. I", i.ular pi bo i Vt . .'"' ''" M'"' Hiiltilinr llnlhitr ; I'n. I. i"tilr" iiin pair; M. n IL Mvy oiioiiu I. nb II l"lr' At II .... h. M. n AH Wool natiiinl .-il"r" or .liawrti. r'Hular pile II M .... II. At ..lit" r.i'h, M'H H'y TwIIIM .k'Hi;.o m.nlilri, woith t' o'iil At J i-.lll pair. rn.i If-" f.illotl worth s .-out pair. M. n ll- avy At I'1 o Pflr. ,n ivnt pair. i',.itott rt ., r.gular pti. Vt . .-. tiu. M.n Woikinit iil..v.. worth X. .nii pur ThN hyt Um i h it it Nnci'I ior;io:j uf our man) Imrs.iir.N. Shanahan Brothers, 580 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon HlNiri Jtit nt h.iMi h MEIER & FRANK CO PORTLAND OREGON- of ivh. rivrr. only 1 rlv.-r. I.iriro Iraft. at woro Out of ton an. I thi. tnmi S. f ir v. !.! ha-l to tw. lU'h'.'r.-.l. In tho curly lurt ..f ih.- rlv. r wan low. that for Iho .A.nt..n million bu-h.-M hipi.l fr m tho I'.'lunil'l i th: r.-Tii. n'loin wro lihi.T-. .b'wn Ih w 14 prm. ipilly f-.r tho iiinvrt ..f .:ri hoay kown only iw. il'inc n ih-' i. !'. 011 h 11 1 Mr. I-! K l.yrM. Southern It-i now h i t.-n mil- In ..t. M fc-' Htaiton I'Mt l.itl to an r. ; .!'iv !h.-i h: lino r...w pro v:: IJo mil. ,n .!.!. in. -. v.'r;. n mil " ni -r.' rli r . ol r.iir throiik'h t'l.- h . .iin'.v an.l will .r:ii If to ! w . 1! !i of w h. .1 .I'l l w- !.-. r-.t l.r- . ! nt of t'l.' : my. ,l ... T'10 or ih t.-.l ! 1 I'o urn wfi'.h ..nh of 1..I1.1. , ..!! r IM-lti- tli in iho 1 K I. ..'l'i . full ..f Inn.. lint U h. i;. r (-tl.i I . . .ii. Ih. y put on ar in..!.. .1-.. on want f a'O'.'.ir ana'ti : . n k b T b. f .ro v. 'U aro t".i l.ito til,. I'Olllllll"'" ' . nt fun. h U I r I'. it .m.l Th.-y ! In HI I: 1.1. 1 r ni irk .NIo f i.'t y.t. r.lay tint f .or for. '.(ti tiiu urn. In tho liar'. r at Hi.- tlmo Tho Ib-barx. fr.-ni Hiu- law. tlH' W HI.I-T.T. Wlli.ll towr.l tho I'oO i-ar.l-.l-- from tho .-iiii-l. an.l tho It' '"' r:i-r Thorn l ri.-n tri-n th it th. tato w III .' -tlio I" Ihr f ttio liiilu-iiy wUhln i: I...1111.I in. Kvry oth.-r utoto 111 tlio union h n In any . uo nt all for fl olmrbi 1 .. u ll. o ol. rtlrn. nrn III tlio lllt- rl.-r "f ill appr.oriat- annually .1 lntt m oii. v f .r tho ln.lutr Th.. .11 t-ark luipr.ooiii-ni r-l-'ft-w-rk ha. I l ti il .iio by tho . . . !. irlnif Ih.- uroilll.l .-f tho II i!i it tlio w rk w ill bo . ti. v p..wn It 111 iv not I It i . noil.. ,. Tioin i. 1 . '. - ' .1 in th nn . ' ihom. .. iiiii-k- ' 'h t th" t.iu- l.. k r. I ...i..h-IH with lhi .m k- ill 1 1 I 1 .III .VlnT l'i" l-Ul-t ..11 Hi.- .'ohiuil U la 1. "y ri.tiuuf " rilti-tir r ft nap h from S in l K h-.rt 1I111. ..f . .1. It oilii r an.l Moiiar. h w III pro -. -'.I to t W 111-' tW-l birf lllllltT - n- ari l ti -w .i!h-ii r- ..!' t" t un.l lor 1 -,i',ifon-.ta Th- tlr: "t h.-s,. r.if:. i;-,rii.-t.-.l by I'.i-il-.11 ,t . N r.o--lln tin- !ln".h:im" ... h"- I- . "tr. "1 in inv nil'l'.oM f..t f lunib-r Th-- "ih- r burl: '' th.- N o:h r: l M within It. -. it. I if.l 1 t iiili l -a. b nr..- m 1 mil t- 1.11 the f.iniui"' olll ,..u:i:ry wliii "f 1111111:1. - .1 that (!-'! ill ra. r.'H III . 1 .--.tifli nilr.if w 1. .11k .ni'l . . ., I A '!! nt: 01 ;.i t ui iir nt. m.i-iN'irt . K XV .rr. 11 ii v rih. 1 . otKr ri .'ti l ! u l'l 1 i;r f H'i- rrn 1 o'UIT'.b I '' .-Id- l.nni , Th, - 1 r nhi:-:-1 -h- -1 ; it :ni- r- . r ' I fr.i th.-th.- tir-l ho f tho . mi. k!-M w .a lu:rit. to t ko r.-l"' ,1:1. ii.larii ,.f f irim-r- f. -in amy an.l tho .. .111111. it-i- on 11 i .-r l- r..l to atr i... f -r Wl!l to' l'i. In b unto a ..f W nil- oltilllM I .M W II iml no- nit-1 "r It l r :. I m 11 - for 1 Mo .! I w.'ti r-i.. i SHE LIKES THEM Because they are delicious mi fresh ani were male at THE SPA. Its can lies are all fresh an! are male ty experts. All Seasonatle Luxuries TODAY'S WEATHER. Flr weather. I prloe In a rlii'-tlon from aJvertiilnR I caU in the regular nowa columns. lo- AROUND TOWN. TUESDAY. 1 wu rich In flowers ana trees, Humming birds and honey bees; lAughed the brook for my delight Through the day and through the night. Whittier In "Barefoot Boy." Try Bhllling'i Best tea and baking powder. Sweet cream 10c a pint at the Spa. B"t Ice cream at the Bonbonnlere. I Mrs. W. I. Howard an-1 son returned j Saturday from a trip to i.'aliforni.u I The Model restaurant placed an ad In the Astorian recently and in a w k's time , advertised for help. ! The menhanU yesterday nportrd that ; business was improving and that the day' j trade had been gno.1. New crop dried fruits, new crop raisins, ' fljfs and assorted nuts all extra fine qual ity, at Ross. Higglns & Co. In the county clerk's oflb e yesterday a marrlaffe Honso was isutd l'i John Wheatly and Edith Watson. The rendition of " r;irl" at the j Louvre Sunday night attracted murn at- Cream 10 and 15o per pint. Parlor Candy t(.nlon fri(m ,,n.(.r, r,f mUKlc Btore. ! Don't foriret that on Sundays there Is a Infant.' Mall Hoods t luiiii . i at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. Hall Iloo.U at Iluubai's. Go to Paxton'i gallery for enlarging and copying. Try Golden Gate compressed yeast at the Parlor. Fresh cream, strawberries and Ice at Foard & Stokes Co. If Snodgrass doesn't make your pictures you don't get the best. When you want fine tea, good coffee and pices try Foard & Stokes Co. Empire CorMit at lumbal'. Mrs. L Cohen and children have arrived In tho city to spend the nuinmer. Mr. James Naglo, of Frankfort, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Notice the Astorlan's "classM-d" col umns; mako known your wants through them and they will brine results. The The tug Monarvh, wlil. h arrlwd in from San Franelsc-o yesterday, will t ike a log raft from Portland to S .n Kmih i-"i. John Hicks and Jo.n.- H:r.- hti.K-k wen married at the Baptist '.hunh Hun-lay evening. Kev. Mr. Trumbull otll-.-iatinir. Mr. Frank Fisher, of Monmouth, c.tme to Astoria on Sunday's excursion and will remain a few days to look over the city. The alumni of the Astoria High torhool will meet this evening at the residence of Judge Bowlby. A full attendance Is requested. A regular pantomlne of views depicting the life and history of Aftorla, and souvenirs of the city and country at tho Snougrass gallery. Kinnt v cannery, operated by S i!rg. h u placed an unb-r f -r j.-aai..aai alm..n ear." Percales at Dunl-si'a. Sh.Tlff-.dect Williams yest-Tl.iy an nounce. his d-puti--!. as thincan Stuart and Watson J. Itln-br. They wlil t .k- the oath of t!l- with th.- sh- riff on July :th. The Port Carlisle, la tow of the Emma Hayward. the Forest Hall. In tow f the Queen, and the Trade Winds. In tow f the Oklahama. will leave up the river to day. The seh-xiner Fr-e Tra-le, which had such an experience In Alaskan waters with her mutinous cr-w, Is now loading lumber at the Nutans Lumbering j. s mill at Netarts. The A. & C. will take out of Astoria to day nine carloads of salmon for the east. Purt of th-rn will go via the Southern Pacific and part of them via the Northern Pacific lake and ra-i. If you want drugs or druggists' sun dries, go to Rogers. He carries a full as sortment of everything In his line. Mall orders attended to promptly. Rogers, druggist, d Commercial. The tug Maggie, undergoing repairs near the Pacific Sheet M-tal Works, will he ready for launching about Thursday. Be sides receiving repairs to h- r machinery, the MagKie was raise.1 six feet. Lieutenant Lewis, of the Oregon naval reserve, says that It will not be lonK be fore tne various divisions are mustered In to the actual service of T'ru lc Sam. Tin y will go to the front, but Just where Is not yet known. The George II. M-nd-.l cam- up from the lower harbor yesterday evening to the T-b'phorie dock. The M--nd-- has been stationed at Fort Stevens the past week making the annual survey of the mouth of the river. Th.- Fourth of July is almost h- re. That Astoria will celebrate It as never Ix-for-- 1 seems to he a foregone conclusion, r. very- body will give somcthlinr for the honor of fill Glory, now waving In triumph over Manila and Guantanaino bays. .I 1.1:1 . I-.. bv S-in.lav wis hIM'en'a l'iv it th--b - r .in hur. h Th.- mil-.!.- f -r th. ".on iv is . t .(.! ,'.n illv ; l."V Veni ! i t y .-.n-l th. In--tr-.- no bv th- S-1 -i-l iv W.T.- r-n: irk ibbv h- 1 I-In r't"-it-... The --r.h-'ri wis tM.s.'-l of th-- following; IM. I'.trr viol; Prof'-sor Th. Fr--l. II s.-ll an-1 HJilm. r S-r-un. vlolinls--; J. T H"ss. organ!-!. Th- -. b r-I ex.'-'ll.-nt mnsi". Th nt Sun-lay s. h inrre isirig. IT. s. f . j ..: I: ! 1 'I'll 1 . r n I .'I 11-. w I I ' I ill I. :.. !.. .1 I". in...- in.- ' 1 111 mil'. , nit (I'l l In julv 1. 1 .. uro th T.llallio. k -tr.iii-i-ort ill ;. Ill rales Tho oil.nt.n tut. r lai- In U w.'po an.l wl th.- I inn-1 fr -m the Ir.ll' .11 aioiih- th.. l-.w-T 1. .01 th- " T- it 'll -la- 1 .-'Hi'!- f t-u h a" 1! t!t.l- this 't.llresa II..' .1 eb-pin- nt .-f the n.ituril r- o-ir. of h-ie . 011 ill I. a I ' mi 1. r;u e . -r uti.bitik.ii 111 t h of lll Itat'oll W as a. nt to king h;m ' I.- pr- .. i.t .! -. in. I f .l :.. illy .p- 1. M 1 1 -P) I J J an.l F h Hi-i ' F II null'.- b. r-.-. A It.'.i'" J .a . . .1 (111. J .l.n I' ui-'l . a a III. ofllll Vt J Klt'll- . JT-Vw- a -r l'i- r . in- n: f.' In l'i tit .tint . . . 1 1 n 1 1 bit. .. r u.. I . 11. ..! a na w . r M I'. ,.t,i. r . ' I - .!.. i- . I. r w t inaw.T. I of III- i t. r appr Iriiiin- III of VOIR tlll ll : ill r a J' ffl- I .1.111 lllU'l IIP- ...lit . II' II -W' I l-.lll' ! (. n-l 11 a ar.l. or e. . Ir, l .:!. 10 m m ruiui - t ... giinyinr I, I! I Mill' rr r V I i:si I a -M' i-h !..' rt: ..- . 10 I ,.f th-h-'-'ri ..pi.-t r un- bi. M all-Mis h.Mira p-n-ail. 11. 1 in- - .I at th- church U st. a.l ly I- r .:-. ,1 .:rv.iu( .! ;:i'. of Id.' t'l- w at upon - ti' 1:1 a-1l - .n.l wtK-'O.'-in .. i- n'l'is of thi- tor- u;-'ii rli--.-- ' n.l. ivr to -hip th- 1W" h'.ii. a rrl-'il' iliur."'" of ' ir. on!'.- 'a t ki n I - ft -i ' o. ! iho li'h.- . Xt r.l .lit ml i'l -c.a tb-' r. b- "i I. in. la in lln." th.- .in ..' III.' nr-at-'a-uniry, who will I-. .;. , 1", I.111 ih. v will int.. . ..a. r r.-l . t l -ti- . ' r.. a a.. 11. irly all. . In 111. 1 tn. urn. a. -taring int--r--a'a pi. nry f.-i.-ti 1 bio.,-,,. Tin: M"i'i-.iV i ; 1 : 1 : v a .01 .-.! f o-l and aun-lilu-, ..f . 1. a. ;u in- ..p. n , r. tflowa w.l!t lo-ailll and ll'T Willi ila b. HI I V If b- I' lb.. I'l.-anaitiij a. 11 "ii of 11 la r at 1 e I l, .ho uses tb- Kontlo Hid '.aatl 1. r I ' b.oi. I.I ink or .1 br a 1 1 ' 1 lb f 10 I ! 11 ii .1 el . 1. 1 .11 !- I' Th il th- --f 11 r. i. it A In -ilh-r pro Jm!" X . 1 similar th- aii.pirt ah-eiit ..f th- 1 of l-.g". Ill 1-1. ' S rup t'o. only. o- ih- California The Pacific Sheet M-tal Works factory Is now running day and night. 1 an The The Most costly baking powder to make is Schillings Best But neither we nor your grocer dare charge what it is really worth. It, therefore, does the most work to the cent If you have hides, wool, furs, rags, bottles, lead, brass, copper, sacks, or any kind of Junk for sale, ship It to It. M. GaBton, 105 Fourteenth street, Astoria, 'eKon, or write him and he will call nt your place and get It. He payB cash. Plaid Kibboi nt D.inbu.'a. A pure Whiskey agrees with any food. In fast aids digestion. It tones the stom al h. Increases the How of the g-astrlc Juices and so promotes strength and flesh. A pure whlnk-y li..e Harper Whiskey. Sold by Foard & Stokes Co., Astoria, (jr. The weak and sore back, etc., from which so many women suffer so much, may be easily cured at home. Dr. Bartel, MS Commercial Street, has received Hpe- clnl Instructions in the treatment of such troubles and will certainly give satisfac tion. The office of general manager of the A. & C. has been abolished and hereafter the operation of the road will be in the hands of Mr. MeGuire, superintendent. Mr. T. H. Curtis remains with the company, with his authority practically unchanged, lie Is president of the Northwest Construc- I'aptaln J tn.-s of ih.- l"lti"h "hip Tr.i'l' Wlnd. whi-h arrived fr-.m San Fran .-Is.-.) Sunday after a wry rough voyage -r nineteen days oeeasiono.! by head winds, a.iva that h- was varv thankful that h" had Captain ian M-Vlcar along wltll him Th- lollv pilot had It-en on a visit In San Francisco, got strandI and wanted to net h--me. I luring the thr-c weeks that h- with Captain J-n-s ho g"t so fat that his frb did not know him wh-n h arrive.! hero, particularly as his whiskers had grown v-r- long and were of all colors. As showing what th- war expenses win cost th- banking Institutions of the coun try iilone. In the wnv of extra taxation Imposed by the r-ceiit war bill passed by ., Ih- Astoria banks h av- ma.b-th-' following estimates: Fir- Nation 1! revenue stamps on cx'-hang- drafts and capital tax. per annum: Astoria Na tional bank, revenue stamps ..11 -x. h ink drafts and capital tax. J':-. per annum; AMoria Savings bank, n-veinie stamps on ex-h inge drafls. Customers buying ordinary drafts wlil th-nis. Iws have to stand th-- 2-cent tax. In the Justice court wstorday Alice No land, a colored resident of lb.- lower end of tow n, was tried on a . harge of the larc.-ny of T- from th- person of (.-org- I'ollch. Witnesses th- defense wore examined, neighbors In sin of the way warn Alice, whose testimony went to es tablish the Innocence of tn- defendant. Th- evidence of Chief Hall'H'k and Oflh-cr Thompson, who examined Ih.- premises and mad- the arrest, threw a diff'T.nt aspect on tip- ns-. and Justlc- Ab'T-cromi.l'- found ih- defendant guilty and Impose, a Urn- of II", which she paid I'ollch got his V, back. Th,- county court yesl-nlay let the con tract for the building of Ih-- Young's Bay an-1 Lewis Clark bridges to Normilc Fastab. nd A McGregor, their bid of JW.' I02.13 belli th- lowest. Th.- contract which was signed yesterday evening, cads for the completion of lln- work by October I, wn. n the lirr.1 payment of Jlllad will b. made. The balance, together with Inter est, on the money, uirioiin! ing to IJ.rl- will be paid In thro.- yearly hhI ;ill rri'-ri 1 h Commissioner Lewis. 11 Is uud--rntood, re fused to sign th- contract on the. ground that 1 he people across the bay have not given a guarantee that tin y will build a road to connect with the smith approach to tin- bridge. Th- Wizard Oil lompnriy had a larg' and appreciative aii-llcnc- last night and they even deserve still b-tt.-r patronag. for It Is seldom Astoria gets an attrac tion that gives the show they do and lei the audl.-nce have their choice of scats for the small admission of 1.1 cents. In fact this company gives a better enter lalnment than many of the traveling trouncs ."hanging five times the price. Of course, what pleases one person won't another, but they try hard to pleaso all by giving a varied program. Their lilng- i he low. r 1 '--lum1 ..f pro-p-Hty f. 1 bring, a pleas.. .-. A II r-'. ell industrial III" b-'en a" sU.O.arill in. rprl"--a b- -I"-aka for 1 1 riN - r valb y a new -r i r .v.ry farm-r l'.x- ; I Tli W. J la-t. . flying THF.V Alti: WITH I S. Ililtlah !i p Forrest Hall. Captain S. oil. 11 days from Shanghai In Mi ni, red th- harlT Sun-lay with Hag" , after 11 rough . H-noii. .- al ill" Th- excursion of nr- g-m an-1 California ..ndnetora from Portland to S-as..- Sun lav ov. r th- A. c w ,a ..11- of the most U' s. fill affairs of 111- kind .'Ver ll-'ld in th- slat.-. Forty-a-wri .ara. In three trains, carrying about Jan people, ar rived nt th- be.u h In g I season. Th. r- tb- visitors soon mad. horn-, and th- aands al mouth of tin. rli.r with weather nn.l con ditions w lib h k' pt nil hand" on do. k for forty. i-tght hours. The ll.ill s.ill'.l fr.mi N-w York ;i for Shanghai din-el wtlh 11 cargo of parralln.. ml. She . .irrl- d on.. paa. nger. Mr i 8 H. h 11. k. of N.-w York, who Is sllll with Ihr ship, traveling for his health, but who will leaw lur In Portland and visit California r- iin.l the sound before returning ent. I no th- tnse.ves nt ! v. "S.-l ha.l no UIIIISIUII c X IK n- n. oil HI" tor ih.. "i-.nhor-- V'-yagn tu-rona the Pnelllo 11I1.I boat the black Willi humanity. Many 1 lb llenslnirg one nay on me passu" f.innv in, -I.t. nia occurred .lurltur the day all interview Willi an r-1-.. Ill in. I on th- trains A number of small j rows, growing mil of discussion, w-r-i stopp"! by Sli-rlfT II ir- ami his .p-piiu. a ., who also broke up ill- 11 1 mil nil games started at th- booh by a horde of gam., Mors who followed 'b- excursion. in lb--, whole, iho ev. nt w is on- to be dir. ml. b .1 as an uii.piallll.'-l success nn.l was con-.In- t.-l by th-- railr.-ad ..unpaiiy Hi an x-c.-. iiiiially sii.oessfui ,,n. .ar-ful man ner. Il Is nn.brs! I that Ih- A. to '. will run i v-rv Suielay popular excursions from Portland to th- beach during the season. Very f.w. saVe ' II" -. th- eour-- of .a- ni i aware of tin- Import who have walelic.l wry olos.-ly, an' nil changes h. lug mud- In tb- Iran-port .Hon facilities In tin- state of Oregon. I'lul-r the able dlrec. tlon "f Chief F.nglnoer K'-nn-'ly, of th 11. II. N. Co., Ibai road Is engaged in making tremendous Improvements In in rou. I bed. In --ii- piece of track n-ar lb Cascade o ks. ihlny. -lx curves In a dis tance of Six Ililie-i haw bee Mt r.l ig 11 te II' ll out, shortening tin- line between The n.l he about two mlb-i. onirict ivll I..- b-t for tra-k lo Wyeth stall.- r- dm - d and many for lb.- n.-w track. IC'ist of Tin- Malb'S many ciuv.-s have been t.-iken out and many more will lie reduced. On.- mil.- of bridge have be. 11 done away with and heavy ro.-k lllls made, while a thousand feet of ..l. e structure work h ive already been put In. Fast feilb-s and p'.r'lr. on July I th- c straightening no tion, grades will heavy r uts made Mr. Sohoii. k said thai th'-rv was much In terest in the orient in the Hpnnlsti-Amerl-iin wiir. What Is the r- elliiK over lli. ro ti" 10 the on'. 01110 of the struggle?" Tlu re Is but one sentiment, that Is that the l ulled Slat. a will win, though the war may be prolonged l.ecaus- of Spain's superior navy al the beginning." "What Is the opinion III Iho cast as to tin- Justness of the cause of notion against Spain and the position of Iho I'lilt'd Sillies?" "I made careful Inquiries tn the Orient, as wn were twenty-six days tiler- ills . barging cargo and taking on ballast, and 1 found (hut om- 11 nil till were In hearty sympathy Willi us lino hoped lo so- us gain not only a strong fo.tholil In th- I Philippines, but 11 1 trolling Interest In th.- W.-st Indies, which would mako us th- loading power among nations," The British ship Trade Winds arrived todav after a long slrugvlo of ti I 1 -1 a - n days from Han Frimols.o ngalnsi h-ad winds, llolh ships are chartered nt good ; figures. A SALMON PloNF.KIt. !. I - w I. ' 1 1 ' - .id .Iran 1 p. r . it - ..f l w . X' lt-1- .-"'i . and in a- l lti.1 I"' , r of Ih- I '01. 1 Ml 1! 1 1 C , by .Ir it! or I p .rt. ul n-s apply at ntit io.i from rut !U- re".. .'II .111 I .eg" n. lit I th. a 111 Wash l .ll. y order, tli, A.lorh .at. . lib Tin; wn smsi: aom-i'atk. Wh-n tl-1. J i'v "' n- ir I '-. My w." a - Um.n rva. Ilea I wish th. niew .rka 1 n-p tnlght Ik. A failure. Ilk- the ... notiea. The pioneer salmon packer of tho Co lumbia river Is now a visitor In Astoria. Itef.-rence Is made to Mr. George Mum", who was the first man l gage in en li ning salmon on the Columbia. Mr. Hume arrived from Hun Francisco Sunday on Ih- Stale. In conversation wltll an As- ,.r oo. in., .iiiriu. 1, ,,i,.n roi. res. -illative yesterday, ho saiu: three miles of "-pound steel rails have been laid III Iho main and twenty seven miles of 111- same rails have been laid east of Walluld. Knough ,,f this h-avy tin steel has leen purcliaso.l p. r.-lay tin; entire track. The roadbed has been r.-ballaHte.l on ts.l.rit III-- principles, th" edge of Hi- rock bulla si being laid to a rule. This means not only the safety of passengers and trains bin insures the least amount of dust In the dry season, with oulck s.-rvlc.. for both freight and passengers and comfortalil- trawling. Th- meeting of the Astoria Progressive Commercial association last night was well attended and very Interesting. The rommlttis: on Hshcrles reported the ac knowledgment of Commissioner H. J). Mc Gillrn of the receipt of MS for the Hteol head hatchery and slated that progress had Is-on made In II1.1 efforts to secure legislation by the state appropriating $Ha, MO for Iho propogatlon of salmon In tho "Y.-s. I was tho llrst man to prion royal Chinook on 111" Columbia. I came hen- III Nm, Just al Hi- close of Hie civil war. Astoria whs then a small vlll:ie i.rlvi with onlv on- or two ilocKS ami a n- sciiMerlllg houses. 1 picked olll tlio I' Mil lion for our cannery at Hagle Cliff "d our lli-m. llaigood, Hume Co., nt on' " commenced the. erection of th" buildings and I returned Hint summer and wo com menced operations. Those were the good old days when thorn was money In Ih" business." "Mr. Hum", how do you account for the extraordinary run of bliii-backs In the river at prcscnt-llns It any connection with the larg" propogallon of sock-yes or are the bluebacks a species of the sockeyo salmon?" "1 havo handled salmon all my life, hut I know no more about tho habits or Iho llsh than you do, I have not gonu Into Iho Moientltle iflestlon of tho propogatlon or the fish, where they come from, where HIIWINO I.FSStiNS Madam Mel.. It"" llru de.l.le, to glva sowing lenaons on 11110.- .I t) In enrh weak until further n.'tbo Monday. W-.lti--day and Frbbi). Thi will glvo younf girl ipi--lally an rx.olbnt .-linnrn ilur lug tlm vacation .-ii"ii to learn tho art of flnn s.-wdng. There will h two rlaaaaa; one .or ages between 1 nn.l IS and lha otli.T from II up Tonus reasonable. F-.r particular call nt 1U.1 'oiiimrckU triHit, TIIIO PIONKEIt UX11TCI I th nninn nf the only prrNct traia u tlm world, now running every right h tween lit. l'aill and Chicago, via tho Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul railway tho pioneer road of th.. w.-st In udopl Ing all Imiirov-.l fa.-llltlr for iho aafnty and elijoyin.-tit of passenger. An Illus trated piiinphb't, showing vrw of beau tiful scenery nunig tho r nite of tho Pio neer I. United, will be s- nl freu to any pr soil upon receipt of two-. cut poatnga stamp. Gis.rgii II, lloufTord, (ient ral Pass, titter Agent, Chicago, HU yi'iii Km 01 1 lit tit Vii 1 mm iVi'rVi s. ii ! Asa g: J Well-Mounted j I Wheelman I .1 1 . a- : must ih: shod in a pair t of our cyclinjj; shoes. I Tlicy fit the foot; yield I to its every motion, f t Kid. 11 duy Willi 11 pair 111. d you ": wen t ride iiuotlu r diiy w ltliuiit :B them, 3; .;E ...PETERSON & BROWN