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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1898)
TUB DAILY ASTON I AN, SIN1UY .MOKMNti, .11' Ml IUUH gaily glotovtau. JOHN T. UrtHTEK. Edltcr. Tclephnn No. 64. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mull, per year Bent by mall, per month Served by carrier, per month .1(00 . .W UEEKI-r. Sent l.y mall, per year, In advance. ...09 Pounce free, to ubcrlber. Ail communication Intended for publi cation hould bo directed to thi editor. SulncM communication of all kind and remittance mint be addrcsed to "Th .wtorlan," The Astorian guarantee to Its ndver tt 'r the lnreet circulation of any now paper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on appli cation to the bua.neo manager. The Weekly Astoilan, the. second oldest weekly In the atate of Oregon, ha, next to the Portland Oregonian, th larjott weekly circulation In the itate. era! administration app. ared In print. In hl communication to the Oretronmn, Mr. 1-ane neither use Inmi.ndoc nor at tempt to shield himself liy Indirect uir ir.atlons a to the moral obliquity of Mr. Patterson, but he openly brand him it thhf, nnd sp olfl. ally chanics iiniiist him a class of dishonesty which. If tine, ought to make h.iu one of the vti"t and mo! detestable ;i!mv who M r as pired to. ni'.y ..i!i, o on , After ".a.irj h" . a!l.s! the attcn- ion of , i' .ind 1'r i nt V.c Kiuliv to the rputaton o' Mr. Paipr--n ;n.n."i:,i ly a for h , -n.l rs, m at by the Or, r; oi of .Mlb.-.or. ..!.! ,,t a i.l of. or to tin- truth of v V ,!,;,. ait. a :'i .1 h . rr ' f t It i : . n f r the ton Costs nothing to fin1 out whether Si;;'i'tgs Ist trft taking powifrr Cfiet tvttacti arc gootl enough for you. For m1 by i-a s , 1 -sv-v L--'- N There I no Joy In ihln world , (o the happiness of moth, rhooil, woman health In her dearest possession, ilood looks, nood Utile, happiness, love and Its continuance, depend on her health Almost all f the ,f women l traceable dlnclly or Indirectly (o "inc dcraiiKcm, lit of the oiuatu distinctly fi mlniiie, Trouble of 111, kind are ofl, it iiiKiictid because u veiy natural and proper modesty ueci women aay from p!i slcliins, v hos,, Insistence ui'ii c. mi ni nam tin, I l.mtl treatmeiit Is n. rally as us, !iv. as It Is cotiiino:!. Pr. I'l. l-'avonte l'r. , ri;llon mil ,1 i tn uv lor ib. iu tic hi :': doctors m o. H h II ,o nioie til. iti the ,1.1,1'! can no--s lie p., b, s tt. I; s a i r cl 'ii of l'r. I! V. I'oicc. ub. i tor .: ' ..ns has It, ii duct conti,tinu physician "t the W ...W I ' so n-aiy ..iid In a'od II I. at liurt.i'o. N. V S, n.; .1 I, 'in si mips to ,o,r ,-ost oi t.ii.loi'i on e, .ttt.l j. t la, :.. a: b .oK. The I', opl.'s Common S. !. M 'doal Ad .s. r, a.'s, ait, ! ;i. c. War I costly aavascry. an- the nations which engage In ft must levy heavy taxes upon ihe ptoile to eutaln'll. Our people lor with patriotic patience the cnerou taxes Impoeed to prvwutc the civil war ,,n o.v s ,; ,.:,' as :i tit ).cr.s; ,1 ;! h: apt.oaiim, tti. Mr. !. i:i. ;li,:i u. s ;!ic fol. low'K p'a'.ti tttt.t i:n am, -It, , lanti.t.' iviu-trning Mr. IMtt.rson and the ap ivlntnn n! ; Others m.iv l. wlt.ii ;!t,v p',',s, but I for one do rt : "rop"ie to I. t thlces Ih ,t ;n placo over me l; nuki'i , Wed. -n pr'ttst atattis; the ltt:,;ti :y of the pro- j yj1"r eoditiK So far ., 1 am ,s'iic, per-1 X: I. sanally. it Is a matter of sma 1 concern : J'" i lie man i, it . n iv ; .1 v,'-,l . Ills , , .lo i; I "me Iti pii 'ii, A NAUItOW llS.'AI'i: Tide T.iMe for I3v8. Uli.HMATKK lWKII ll.V I'K v v. r. m. , a v. 1 iv x, i.m.n. l.m n.i'i in n. Mi ni It . 3 11 iMi i 11 M $ S i li 0 0 5 iV H S .. ..i. . Uj.1" i1 oii I! a 4; 1 , J'.. .. . .:llWl0i ! 4 .. ... . 111 it- M10 . ij: 5 oi: ,i ii : b' ; i), 7 u i : i J whether our "Ike Pattersons" are t oo,:- Mon. i 1 0 1 5s' 7 1 t Jv 14 . 1 i ed into pla.-. of trust w h-re they hav. opior;ii;iity t. w h iher they s;,a from the p.'.'pl Tuc. i Wed. or ; 1 h,,r si 1 . ti k !l 1 & ID k) J 11 X i i s.i ' e,! tn.o otir p. ni- ; c , , rf , j . u nii i k and ni.un.aln the Integrity of the repub- j jt.m..iri, s. wh,.,. ;m, v !. lone. Itut as a ; Sun. W'.W'.M J , J, ! i: 7 1, I I , I A' 1 4 I Mon M Sl!.iS 3 41 I 4 3tKJ Thankful word written by Mi. Ada 11. llttrt. of llion. S. 1 . "Wiu, taken with bad cold which ettle,l on my iuiik, , ciugh act In and finally terminated In con sumption. Four doctor gave tuc up. say It, g 1 could live but a short time. I gate tr'lf up to my Savior, determined If - I (ould not itiiy with my friends on earth. 1 lii 40 1 10 13 S 6, 4 W a S 4 oa i 1 1 would meet ni nbsent one at'ove. My husband w advise,! t" get l'r. King New IMscovery for I'onsumptlon, t'oughs and lYld. I gav it trial, look In nil right bottle. It ha cut. ,1 me, nnd thank God 1 itm saed nml now a well an. I healthy woman." Trial botllc free at i:te-v.'onn 1'iug Co. Regular sue mi cut nd ft. Cujtatiteed or prbe refunded. 7 1 14 S 7, S .si 7 J bi ii 7 ! J4 J i .... S SOI S I 4 31 7 4 bli'J 0 I 10 J, JO i A Beautiful Present In I'nli r In (uttlicr miiv,lu, f t'l.ASTIC STARCH ( Iron lit.uuli.llic iii uiiil.u liners I L , I lulunni'i Uios t'o.,nl Kcckiik, low. i, ,!ci i.lcil lo tl Ii AWAY it be .mill ill present willi c.n It pat k.H;i't! Ma ii It soKI, 'I lusc iicscnl.iic in (lie Ikiiih'I Boaulifu! Pastel Pictures I licv ate l tii) it'i In in Mi ,,iinl an i tililleil as IuIIohs Lilacs :uul Pansles nnj rtaiKiicrHc. V.'t (HI ptyKtiNOvi.,iSi. ' 1 m pi t' i;n mk, tc ai aw HAhr t "J C rfuBlNCCRBSTC? L-ftK(3t. ' f lUtlUOo.Ct, If Him Ml ii l Urn im i) '' ' W'iUI American Popple. Lilac and Irb. 5 Ho. Tlnw tax KifUl for many yr. t c.tisn I..irl:vi: in th' low .f S4 !f-n-it is.. . ui.-Ji' armii liiiii i-i I and the d-raoe att. ttdatit upon such a '."'."u W I W IS J 5 S 5 ! 1 I A rt hear, .-mb-uig a ,' ,g ,s ,.., nut the taxeanow atxmt to oe imp.-ssi ror Thurs. 1.11 47 i 4 11 01 3. 4 i. o b S 31 s i est , tui luum of isitr: -tic .. it lui. nt. cond.tlon of .ifTtitrs. it b.ccm,s a m.r.t, r , !."," - i !-? asai aD, . , . ... v ...., OI snmcii nt inivr,an, e io arottse niy n-' r ri 1. .. ... . 11 ,J J . ' (luratlon. The chief war tax now About to . aenum nt and mpt. 5n' it'oissi' ISO!.' ;oJ 7 4 o 1 do not ktnvv h 'v far the i"l:cv o! Mon ?i OMSO 3 2 7 ." 0 '! 8 1I3S h leviisl will fall upon the consumers of antvlnttit I'LAYKM or r. ugnr, tea, oil, tobacco and ctgiirs; upon tv,j,,Vl(t u., the punhara of ticket for travel In f.r-j stusl in otlt.r st.ii.s in the amy or in ln itwnlriM an.t .im alt .4. ulr In ee.,1 ' l!u" ' 'ft th j -!! 'ii . -tr CKtate and person making bu covenant of any kind. In ad,i;t!o thepe, teK graph dispatchi" nre Pull headache, pa ns In parts f the body, s nk'.iii: at the pit of the , iTue. :i, i i 1 4 ; o "o, ,.s a , .-oi.",l. ,1 ai',,1 ,'.. ar.lly , vv,, ,u; j Jl 7 1 J 0 3 1'.' 3 5 s "f l.s.-t pur- Thura 3; 3 4i 7 4 S S.-;? S J'0S Si .t J I tom.-h. loss of upp f . rishtiess. r..t sun ." 5:.i'ii M7;uiK'j s in u ,.. - . I.,n " itvt: A i,t : II :t ? ,- ,s . -I s . , i. ,,. ,,,,, . . ., .,, .,, 1 - ,., J Tlici rare 'i, ttir, (.mi in nutiiln r. In ilic ictimv mil p.titcl .litis', K. I.cKi't . i I N'ni N :k, luc Itch In 'sen limn tin ci t Inii est 4 ii!'r, t in Ins ami ai ; lioa oil, ml (nt the lirst tunc In llic putilii . 2 Tlic i utiles arc .ii i in .i , I v re pin. Im c a ! in all the iclnts Usui in ihe V ii initials, .111,1 ait- run. i l i - itt pt(-lit i riii, s, wriKs id .ill. I'astcl 'ii ttirci arc the i nrreii tl 'as' l"r llic li.-iiu , iutlii!ii lur- i.issiiis' litem in he tit v, ri, lit.i'ss i I i hi r atiptii' met it I hie ,'! Ill, sc 'b ttlt . X will !'c cieti .;,'. i W .i i i nil e ii n 'all k.i. a . i ittr, b isc I I ,,'t;r . er. I: is tie t'csl uiii.Itv, Ii on t! " matin I. a::. I is s,.;, ..r i -. tit a j .icV. . ,. !v u'i.r jj.mcr I.r lliii t.ii.!i I't'l i;d a l'e.i;;! hil t i, line. All Grocirs K,i FIk!c Starch. Aciif' Substlfulf. : a tt s$ t v 3a : m 94 c t s-t ELASTIC STARCH and the consumer of beer. It i ex prt-teO that the new tax Inw wt'.l be fully ::::E-H BALTIMORE .. j-mciniPS. at'.'. . th-. fc.'tti:' ..f of a, TtvSSEI ftdl'NU TO ASTORIA. i.ase. It Is'.v a n n.b i fill , , ,, , , . v. , I ' r ., ,. ... v .. . . ,, . . ... ' ! Columbia Stiver and Puget Sound N.ivl-1 , , . . v . . i a. , -. , a ,1 II ai . ii.iim .-si, i,'i, it- imi aii'- .,'- , I and OHIO RAILROAD to a 1. v, : '. '., ;h.ii of ; .. an '. o.virl'.y' Meenger. lr Nt, 1J long, ! Kitaraut.e. IVrsale'.y Kstes-i-otm i laxesl. while the new tax law lay a heavy hand upon the life Insurance com;vanU ' pe:ty It , x.ilt the Kti ive nnd , Nagasaki pii; ihe b'.;:h : nv!.st ua.r.a. 1- s. ;s A'extstider Hla,k. Punr Br bk. 1JS1 tip .in , sitositi! tin ! trtttm-: Antw-rP- ph.-.r.: fr.iu I b, fore :!u , y-j ,.f ':r , h '.!. j Forthbiittk, S'eteraon. Br bk, IJ3 ton,';,,. In operation by the lt of July, but many r n ar. 1 k:,s th. in the r.Lh: t .p:. cya C5crghntL j he w.s.ioni ..f Vh' n a tn. ial s'n ; .1 apt to bo th t k. "it It- r w-'rk of s ' U'.i 11 ti nt fMitiire n, tnttrr.t lmme.ll.lte. '"' " " .'-'r.-i. tlo t a. n I .at honesty ;s a v.rtite. enl thai th ly upon It approval by the president. ..j (,.,. ,,.,, The revenue counted on to be r-'-altz ! from this law will be ahaitt JJT-m"1."". S't h sv' itlltsl tliake which with $' ') of bonds and dam p.ttr:. Josonh rulltier llsrvev. Am ,-h n. ' a ''V'i : k,e'.- morel ,h l f tons. New York. I t' or , ir, u:t.-;atte, s than any o:h. r on pnor ; ciacKmannananire. Tnomain. iir an. lis , on mti, ton. Newcastle. a!n.i,! ami plan ah- ad th it wh n 1 "j i r.'e. ; stibs.rhorn. Otbsotl, l'r bk. 1774 ton. I ivot.;! le . ; p 't i ::;.. ; 1. .. Ms : h 'i the w- Liverpool. I r. . ! to lake n.'.vant n, of it. A I. it e f. -tt. . tt:ii ; rgo. Maclean. Pr th. 14.) ton. Ant- i 'r ' v i:1 alo m- mil h e . "f '. ' my merp. : Castle Rock. Jonea. Br sir. 1.7V7 ton ; ; HlOgO. i Lombard, Rataon, Br sir. l.CS tons Hong Kong. Il,,nfr.l 11 i,.T'h.r,n IT V . .a n have a war In hand that Is likely to cos: an.! .v.nittally. if th.y ar- r-:s-. .! In , Hamburg' a billion dollar, and the people will no: 1: ar"' n"1 k' : '- -' "ni' : Patriarch, Breach Br h. IX? ton. Ma- one pa out i c nts. the o:h r ts out a i and Sis "Mk" ra::.-pon V are no: h-vvj nll.a. I h'lndrta! J.illa.- ,in l tn. n wonder wh. I regret the expenditure it It shMI reult. a ,. tht, .....Ury , nh,r. ,h, y ,,. 1 ins ! Poseidon. Bush Br h. J?.S ton. New-! h.a neighbor 1. getting ruber wM.e he 1 ; now seems Inevitable, In the entire over- th- y are eitg to bring our country .lawn ; castle. I poorer. Kor sale by Charles Hog- j , , , , with a crash C.ertrud, Hlnke. Ger h, itsl ton. Kobe. 1 et . L'rtiKttlst. , throw of the bpam-sh rule in the western a.!i. i Howth. Martin. Br bk. 11 ,ons r.l. i ! world, and teaching to all nations the Wh , P"'-": Mc.sltiley wi.. do to ; cutta. I A w .tn.m ib :o:!us .11 1-.;. . alo I a k t-, p. m. g.itlon I'onipany Steamer Telephone leaves A!orl dll) except Sunday. " p. ni. l.rave PortiinJ dally, except Sundae T a. m. Telephone ticket good on temr Thompson. : T. J. Potter, in T. Potter t'eket good on T'l- Jl '.0o'.i) of intercKt-bearlng not, will probably be sufflcUnt to prise, ut the war for one yeur. In plain English, we f Ttll of C o at 1 cai a i- f .r..', .!,. . , , r our c ti They drtv.' .a.r . : nt.inn.r of !.-g:.i:;v free ih, n.s. !v,, L'. It. Scot,. President C. W. Stone. Agent, Ator'. r. :;. s f li tre o afimpt al x rlxvti's : .11 Stlell c. :c I'-prosy, I for. :!: 1 :.clt: v. Ill alo si,., nm h e .p tts- jati l ie t me. A pr . ! it; and i" -' fXfgtf Tkkcls lo all point ! ! f .l man will keep !,,. f , p irao, r- -nft up I 1 1 1 n's C:.e. i.-'i .;. , 1 anl l'.irtlt'.a Ibni-' T -YMLP'' A 1 " !''' l;' !h' n,,u-I" ?Ji33" .ftVrorSilo tyO-R.4 N ! w..:t until c'lnp. is a at. I tti'ti :lwril!lVAI .,. I run h, b.t horse g..,rg f .r a dvorl RAll Ajent. ASt'irll. I and have a leg do. tor b. II to pay. b, v. I s; i ' I K. I.w.v ' Royal Blue Trains HP.TK MKN THE LAST AND WEST Through pxlac and tourlt l"eper dining and library nbervtl ni car KI.KOANT VESTinfl.i: TltAINS I No. i Limited leave portUnd at S fx , great lesson of tolerance and humanity. clear the sk'.r: ,.f his administration ! , Eml" Pasha, Chrlstensen. Ger bk. SW t. n but a man r. s. n:.t it wh. n io ! No. t Limited arrives PortUnd at H U ' ton, Antwerp, J '.s -....I to be a puppy. from the astound. ng imputation thus cast 1 Wallacetown, Motlejr, Br sh, 163S ton, i Antwerp. In all probability the struggle at San- "P " It by ihes, ,hari,s of Mr. Lane.; JohQ Br J THE SURE LA GRIPPE CL'RK. tlaeo mar prove a blood v and nosslblv a or whe-.h-r h will .!., anything, remains Hlogo, , , ,. u , Slronsa, Barry, Br sh, 1S3 tons, Toko- protracted one. Bu: it cannot be doubted t0 sn: but one thing is vry c-r-.ain. ,am. no us auffertng from this dreadful malady. If you will only get the r!;;ht remedy. You are having pain all through )our lly, your Iswr Is out "( order, have no appetite, no life or ambl-, at our with our abHitx- to t r. : n ,1 him bv nr. . ..!.: with. 1 ...-., ....... .v ... ' ""' m 1 arc """i ' '"'" i-r. n. ton, an,-i ufJ up KWcWc mwt tll0 1 maintain a blockade on land and ?-a; W t.r: r.s..r::r.g to :he cur to r.d h s werp. 1. , h . ... . .,,,. . : burg. ! a. m. I'n.jr line oratir.g I' own through train between Ml. tenuis. LollllVule, gprltlKfirld. Clnciimntl and New York, via Washington, llaltlmor and l'h:lmlrlphl. The traveler over th II. A O la permitted to rateh gllmpae of th grratrat ncnery In America. I'll IH RAILWAY CUMI'ANT Operate H tia.ti on H famous black yalrm. l.lghla II liiilu by ib'.til.liy lluaugh out; fr the 11 let rated ilictrle lirrlh rac ing lamp; Kutia splendidly muippt'd paaasngar I ni ln iveiy day mid tllghl lH-wan HI. Paul and I hle'igo, Hi t'llll'AilH. MII.U Ariilii: A Hf l Al'fc Aisi) 'elllr (im lii l ,t e. a;lbull train, iiti i) inar ti In-' prhai ram part tine t ear, Ibriry bufTt smoking 1 ara, an I pal 1 dianlng loom slaepara. parlor lars. (roe leel i l g cbnle caiiasvl Ilia v.ry lt U1I1111 ear arvlr. 'or low a' iai' to n) point In Uia I'll. ,st Mutt, r l uiiu.U. ajipljf (a ll.'knt iignnt, or a ldnsa ,'. J l.l'I'V. Ouirrol Ag"t, Y W. CAMIIY, T I'. A. I'oilUnd, Uragaax WIIIEN (iOINO I:AST I'm a (Irat-elnaa linn In traveling lintwn MlnnraHill, HI, Paul and Chicago, and th principal town In central Wlacouain. Pullman Palaca Nlerplug and Chair Car It) art vie. I'bi. fining cars ar operated In th In let rat of It patrons, the moat elegant arnica ever Inaugurated Meal ar ervtd a la ert. To obtain ftral-cla snrvl. your ticket should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connection at Chicago and kill- wauke for all eaatctn point Fol full Itiforniu'lon cull on jour nrral ticket agent, ,,(. writ JAK C. POND. (lnrl Paaa. Agnt. or J AH. A. CLOCK, Mllwatike. WI, llrnnr! Agent, IH Htark street, Portland, or , '-i'v te -s.' -w-t .ssasrs , PKTPll HAHVIIY. Pacific Cnat Ag-nt. 8n Frnclco I Itoom K. Mill Building. with a comi.lete exclusion of the St an- l'h ire...;, r : f th , '.an. iiting .-.p.-r-t .n thus lards from the possibility of reinforcing l:'" n "r cornrva'.tm; th-tr pu'.ii. K.jr-st Hall, Scoit, Dr. sh.. pots. nnd sure relief. They act directly on I CV ...U.I I yottr liver, stotnneh and kidney, tone ; ,"'rt l"fi;n- Rt'nne'- Br. sh.. 1.73 t..n.uo the tyfWm nnd mllUo ou either their fkft or their army; and with n by Mr. I.a.i.- unu-r th- of a , . , V n. h n , j n-w being. They ar guaranteed u , : An-rj'-J' Auan.s. nr. h . ..'l pm.. , ,..ue r )ir,(l. r,.,m:l",t. Kor ule nt starvation staring the enemy In the face f-'Wh.,!- or at the muzz." of a revolver, h- Antwerp. Ksfs-Conn I'll g Co. only c- nts p.r , . . . , , . , . L'J. haiiurn. For'aes. I!r. h., YM ton- , ,,, I -victory Is the only possible issue of must stand cnf. se-.! the . ..ward ''i'1 , .vt.Wcastle. bottle. 1 this next phase of the emtbet. In th ln:' !f!',f -1' W ti- and fur- Artnur l-..ger. Denk.r. o-r. th.. :; , ,v . , , 1 totts, Yokohama. ' , rhlllpmnes. affairs have tak- n a turn to ' a-vusn,..l to 'h- avr-ion Va.rt Uama 7.r:rumi Gr ,n uJr the last degre Important in our favor. "f " :i: Si x:.r.'..s...n . f , Sydney. j Moo.tan, ixttk. at !.. M;5 tons, yoki-; , hama. i l'r 'T Ji mi: ciii:m i.i:.s I r in I'orti 11. I la'' la. W .eta. 1:1. r I 1 ilia ii iii " I lack . t Is . .tisi.p 1. , a tr. tti- n,l e. ' '-. 'ri un',1 I. lias- t s t fie lalli;i n t 1 c' tr. ..f lniir in. - . ni. u i". 1 U I a U,',. - II .... II .1 . a tn VW. am. .ii-.ti i ., ,t 1 in .. .. .Mi.w., .. a.l l a -' P 9 i 4 The Spaninh govemmrnt coneed.s that c 'n:' ' ' nhi. h , id the governor of the Philippines has aske,) for authorization to capitulate to Ad miral Dewey In or.l, r to cs ape the cer tain rupture of the city bv the Insur gents. And later reports, not yet fully t. re 1 n sains, hiai is t'.n. h vf shame p, h.. DANGEROUS API'.V:.. I'l JN.s. icula:..! to t.rina a Broderlck Cas:!e, Ferguson, !r. sh.. ' 1 -1 ' Shanghai. j .1 ir ' "- k. , Kdnxfed, jon"s. L'r. bk., tons. Sin' Francisco. Thalassa, Hellntege. u-r. bk.. Lf7s tons! Every mi In a v. hie a ahos: ur.'p up I mm burg. in the e-.lumn of the .n.iy r w.. kly' Colbert, Lorc-au, Fr. tk.. 1:18 tor.s. Table ' rress. This gh istiy spir.-. .-,1:;. -t.-:.. s i Bay. i confirmed, make it ouite likely that ,h ums the part of ,1 prom-r.a.l.-r o.-i s ,tr.e P.-nrhyn Castle. Davies. P.r. bk. 13 o S-t'-i11 surrender has already been ma.!-. And. """' "n'J t-rr-"- " '' travel-. ton, san rran.-lsco. er out of th'-ir wtts. .Urain ;h.. v.-itant Invvroauld, Jackson, Br. bk., 1X3 tons.1 what Is scarcely lrr.iK.rtam, the in- from the un.--n l h .ru f jtniture ' San Francisco. T-t.:.. is t surgents have sought the acceptance of ,:'",:t- Mma'h-!' and in!u:.-i Yolo, panniculck. Br. h... nr. ions,;".. !..! yci 1 in unearthly howl.r.irs at uiis. ..-mly hours. ! Hong Kong. i at. pay ba.-k tneir co-operation by the I nit si Stat-s r-w P"rs.,t..s erllt th' s., ta ,,,. curdling I Christine. Warncke. Ger. bk. 10 ton and asked that the Phillmdr.... ... .,i.,... ' :l" r,un: uf tlu' '!"n" " '' ah-s'sh p. ! Hlogo. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought " Boars the I". a !!. iv PI .. a 111. m. i.;.- tba' .11 le.r- ;;, . H "lo'. ,y , , f a n ..,! t 1, a. .t ir.a IICIiCN Ml A 'Will'.". Ail -a. 1 .1 4 I s 1 s . I lo . tula.'-, Kor a, . I- r II, e , "ail I ni" I. 7 i". ! '. i '. - Co.' ml. a Htvr St. am. I S To I' .r .an. I an 1 W 1. La ml. n as r . :a 1 v .i Ho ., ir. .; I "an 1 . ri .1 tVillmntt K.wr. re. iei I Set, I, ti -..I. Ill t a. I '. . fllKOM.V I'IMNii-CAR Kol'TK KR11M I'dKff.AMiTtlTIII EAST. TMKOM.V Itdl lE id 1 UK YKI.IJJWSTONII NAMOsAl.iAKK. I v at M .n 1 iy i i' . ie. ' -.ii 11 In , rol'.TI.ANU nt th. re is a teneri. tit ; the protectorate of this govern-j ,j..r..tb.y haunted at nm-.s. U .1,11 a n- rv- ' Shanghai. ' VVIIIan-,- m-ii sm. S'-"ll o-a.l.i'h" absolutely and p.rman- I , ".; hill Klwr. vp,''. V.''i. earn! by us.nit Ib.kl T' a. A nb in- ,01.1 -at " ''' ' 'I HI. AHKIVK. No. . v ii '. : in: h' rb .Ir.tik r..-nt. As i, has been s.riou-ly'-d , .'is attacks th- '.rnan t.n' .-n. nti S'indbrout. Ilaase, Ger. bk.. 1X3 ton.t. Ill the miuiitestations ar a; aim Yokohama.. that mu h trouble might arise from the u-uaiiy most viobnt and harassing at i i-arto Lay, A lam, Itr. lawlessness of the natlv.s nnd from tihhu SVk"', if nw.ii,ii..l is ' Slwnghal. 1 ilisregiirded at the out.-:, becomes ll-a,thl.dd, McK'-tigie, i:r. l,k.. l.-ll tons, their refusal to a. -knowledge our au-hor- chronic, and th'- entire yst.-m suff-rs ' Shanghai. Ity, this now turn of affairs is of the1n consciueme. For .listurtMnc- of th-j Art-mus. M-hring, O-r. bk., 1 ! -7 tons. I nerve Hosti-tter's Stomach !:.: ;t Is a ' Satita I'.osalin. Breatest possible value to our government. ! thorough remedy, us 1: N is t ,r ntala-la I William Iw. Abbott. Iir. .-h.. tons rheumatism, dyspepsia. ...n-' 1;, 1 'ion an I Shanghai. biliousn.-ss, all ..f whi'h t'riid to b-get Margaritha, Kosb r, l-r. .sh., I'.vl tons, riervjurtnehs. 1 Hhanithai. .Mianta, jieiirei", nr. sn., ;::; pin-, A pl.-as- 1 'ores con in;, ition and VI ) l. v. : Wlll.imrtte Wuer. Indig-stton, m.ik- s you ! ep, work ind happy, S itlsf iction gtiar,nteej or tiior.'-y In. k. cts. and .",) cts. For sale Ly Hi'. .,..;nn Iirug Co. l.v itipa 1.. . . ... ! I .1,, ."n k.Plvrr. No anh.-e-t ha- ,v.r v,., ,.s,,n.l 1. I ,: ,:. 'V 1 ( .4.11 J 1 - 1- III ! I tmr tiirlt-n -I ni ii"',,i,i, , In"- I''tir un I S.I W .. I. ii 1 jr. il I 1 I..-Hl-(n I 11 in. 71 til v a Morsjver, It sets at rest certain Inter national Issues, which might have given rise to mu. h embarrassment to our coun try. It lias been mn'n'aire.l by v,,mn that the rights of Ppaln In the Philippines have not yet been forfeited, because th , lll,.,I .Jill,, ,s liaic II II ,0:1. Oieieii uo.l ,,e,.l, Ion ,.t ihn In .k. o,...nJ,' a"tl O of Spain trying to transfer th to France or Kom other goverment. this ,jj might have proved a .lanip roiis question. I Who V.'Oui'J prcs:r;b: en'y The moment, however, that Spain tran-f tOfJCS and tittCi S for a V Z -1. 1 1 Puny Shanghai. LUIIIIER FLEET V-sfe.s on th Way and !n C'JlambU Rlv.r to Loai Lumber. holiao u;h . .noiigJi for 1 vv M" . v. r y.-t .l. sU.n. .1 :i 1 l-.s. is in It or I. lu' j '.in, lies. ai llmr. 0. W. IJUNSIIKKKT Agent Astoria -Mr. John L,v:n. editor of ,h. Pre,, ' W. If. IICTlI.ltl.'RT. Anihon. Iowa, ,ays: have used Cham- I Att . r ber.aln's Colic, cholera nnd 1)! irrhoeu P.etn.'ly In my have reeornti others, urcl h in a sinitl" Instanc P.ogers, Lruggist. f;: f::r:, P m i I Scl vie h t 1 r-r 'impu"- :- never known It to fan '' UCl IUV.I U map and lull ARCHITECT For hiiie by Chai A no-nan of . xp' 'l m e y iy. that Ju-1 " J'".'i a- ',.ci bi a man -o . hc.v turn b j' U . a r.- I t Ii iii y.u are lost. onins, . uiviii won, .'loii-norj. viKing, , cnr, lfj torn,, Ran Fran-j , ""' i Til I I tile hi.,.,,! shnill.l rterr.irrn If. ul.a. i Kofirns 317-318 Moi lU'id Savlnic Itnnk lldj. j i I Mail lor I; a ma, I I llellal s. ('nliiilla. No. 2. Ho-itli llei it MantHssatio .Ale rd, en. t.ri., i, l :''"tiia, s-attle, loitu, C ol 1 useail Hl. 0 I'.lirrf, si, nllr lt,.BM( Ml I.' fel l II. I .. Nei I... .. It. l :,. Ka.lo, Mi. ."iiat, Hun,., iiao 'i.ta.l 111 A. )!. Ilel.o.s. -I l .i ,1, M II le ap. I , K sfisn. .tv, IMl.all.i, I I'loieit 'tbllf'-, st I,- ..I I' 0, si;..,1! 1..I1 ; Itiglo... Ne V ,. 1 1 ,pl.'..ll.'eM, H II' I Hi t oll.' - I,' l 4 tli "lliii I LA Vi to Mll.lienpolla. Omaha, Kaa oa City and St Paul Vi LAVS tM Mllwitukist and Chbago. 4S i'AYH to Washington, PhlU.lalphl. Nw Fork and lioaioi, and other Kastern ixHnU. flnirgiige checked through tt dMtlnatlM Of Meket. ear reservation. tlckta, lull Information, call on tt a ilte C, W. PTflNF, Astoria. A. D. CHAkM.TON l4 t (tii'l I'mia. A 11 1 , I' lrtlHtiitt Or Xftb .UorrlNOfi Hr. l or Third 3 ". 11 -AT 1 try -.. r r-fn ara imaaaxi Go East.. a Hilling and the Hurl ngion r"Ut, and v. 11 tiiih I'mnha, Ki ..n i lly, Ht. lul. an I all other aouthrrn and utheaatera litlr half a day aionr than trvlar ahii takn any other line .i.) ral VI Ht. I'aul and th Hurling to route, end you rid un th rlncat train on earth the Hiitllt.gton a Ht. I'aul -Chicago Limited. iio rnat M uglen an t Iienvrr. and you .co h wonderful a. eiiTy of th It n klaa. fattir.1 the world over tha luoat mag- nif . . nt on th - onttfietit. Ticket oiTteea ..f mnacttng A. C. HIIKI.lNiN, 1 S " ii Wi''n Llvitkd" , .'1:11 . imi n Inn ) I .--ii M iiiira;'. .,v. M I'Jul -'!.! ' 'i Is :' rill iljiiutifly .!'.! i'l ' 'i 1 i i -ti Jli-,1 1 .. I, v in, ii i' 1 I be lur- II" llC I IMI "II .ll'p'llitMtl t.i : 11 mi i'. (-ii. , Vis II il.'cm'.ai s arrl, r. 'in Mi. 1 un. I W I'AI'Kl H, 1 mi .lent, ti.' Hr.t Tiiiui., - 'Him. a,.,H LIS I wt - - ' 'XI t 1 V"A ? t'" ij LEAYK 1 puny chili? Its niu;c!e". zr.i fers the capital to us, we acquire her en tire nosesslons In th.. Ph 11 1 toil lies 'Pin,., : '0 ... . . 'i? haosted that they cannot be " history Is being made at a v-rv rapid , ' """J-1'- , , . . . 1 f. whippy into activity, ihe " raio in uolu nut vu.iiiue ano I'acinc. una . ,. i . r . . I t cnuo neeas ioocj j a tiooc- y the t. nltl Istates Ih innKIng acquisition . , , j j.. uiauug) iici vi-airciig,iie,iiii;g '.' ; and muscic-building; food. !j! l Scott's dmulsson months ago wo had not clreani'-d of. A REMARKABLE APPOINTMENT. 4i 'li , If President McKlnlcy ..xpects to retain 1 ft. of iCod-Livef Oil is all of this, ? ihe ordinary respect of decent men In ' fi' and you Still have a tor.k in ? Oregon he Is bound to take notice of the! lh hypophofphitSi of lime ;' public charges of dishonesty made in yes- f. 6 S,da to f C flVa lhs fo0J- ; , . , , . , . ror thtn and oeticate children terduy's Oregonlan against the character 'ii ,, , .. there is no lemedy scencr ..1 rim juiusi leaiemi aiipoinice in mis . . . i . to it in the vrorln. it means 4 mate, ine jiou. jice i-uuc-itwoi, collector of customs at Portland. Terhaps nover in the history of repu i.ihle journalism In this country has a more terrific arraignment of a candidate for office, or, for that matter, of a fed- . growth, strength, plumpness ;. and comfort to Be sure $ you get SCOTT'S Emulsion, j ' JK. aiiiijl.uu, all Jr'iijtj. J SCOTT 4 B0WNE, Chemisti, K,w York. s WiiitKift, riowlini, Hr itrnr, 1VV) ton. San Francisco. Mary K. Ituss, ,S",.son, H'hr, i2l tons, Kan Pedro. I'loite. r. h.. , ;oi..i, Port Hir- foM. fun. ilons. It Is iihs.ilutcly neresicary II should not only t.o .urn but rich In life- i Klvlwc -etrientH. Thea" riultit nre bo. "IT. tie.l by the un: of tint ve.l Icnimi, Htandard Olot.-J purllb-r. Aver' llitaa- parllbt. A ".an can carry tt bit, in u. h a fa:-b-lon that he ;. n lu l. ,,.,.,..e Into the b- li.f Hint he Is brltiK.HK home a pick. ii,". of meat for dinner. I V113 seriously atllicted with a criut;h for several year, nnd last fall had a more aev-re couh than ever before. 1 have used many remedies without re ceivlnir much relief, and belnif rcotn mendci to try a bottle of Chamberlain' Counh Remedy, by a friend, who, know In; me to be a poor widow, save it lo me, I tried it. and with the moat Krutiry,n result. The first bottle relieved me very much and the neciori.1 bottle absolutely c ured me. I have not had a good health for Iwen'y year, f plve this certlllente without HOllcltatlon, simply In appreci ation of the ftratltude for the cur,, effected. . Respectfully, Mrs. Mary A ueur.l. Claremore, Ark. For mil by Charles P-orcm, drufrglHt. .-ti.. .vie ire s at.- y o.l to v. ii. , i ' h. A no'),, r bit of t . h t uif. a to i . that bbiekb. tries ilaih, n Ihe tolltpi.- ! c.'-i.' pain ran ),.. cur. .1 by usini; A ket 's Lop.p.-aa Tiiblem. (Jtie little tabiet will Kive in.iti. (liat... reli' f or mon. y r. fun I. . ri'dd In haii'laoine tin box. s ui l'i i ts. For talti by b.Ht. K-Comi I irui? Co. If. n't buy n llv.ivr. .1 ,u-a.-'i! mil. --s yon ran- to look an ihouch you hoi an ,i;i:ih of,is. .' vilo n the nun , hln. s thioiiHh it. OAOToniA. Ben tha t llw Kind You Have Always E fiignatore IX , yJfj "AI of utyjeMu .Mr. p Ketchatn, of p.fce (,'lly, Cal., M.-iyHi J)urln my brother's late sickness, from Hciatl. rh' uioii tlsm, Chatulierlaln'e 1'ain Jlaltn wan Ihe only rem' .ly liat gave him any relief." Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pain which this llniini.iii affords. For sale by Chut Its Lcjg. rs, iirunnist. i'luld lj-ir.ers on black satin rli.bons nre espiclnlly chid. Portland Orcr-in VV-vvVvvVfc b litis ,io I'.iiiul ill dlhi'iiM's of tint J Ki.liii'.vi I-ritiiiry OiyniiH. Ilinc vuii tii'.'Ii'rti'.l vour KiilncVh Ilnvo tt (.vcrivoilictl vour lirrvmm nyt.-f Luxuriant hair, zt uniform color, la a beautiful hea.l-eoverlni: for either sex, and may be secured by using Hull' Veo ablo Blclllan Hair Itenewer. A. 13. WYATT, I'lmnc Nil. ftH Attorla, Ora.,r 1 i.vini wtirc, Shif) Chundlery, I'Yf vinforiH, PA1NTH nml f)IUS. tte 111 III I'-.ld o S'.Dplylij Sill; Astoria P;:fclic Library f; TrA nt. Cot. AH". PortUM. PIT all WO ItO-.M KICK TO 4 LI Open every day from 8 o'clock to t:t: and 6:30 to 8:10 p. m. Subscription ratee 13 per annum. W. Cor. Eleventh and Duane, Street. The fortune left by Hlirnor Nleollnl, the husband of Paul, is intimated nt over ft will bo remembered that Patti refused to accept lh legacy of IIOO.OOO left her by tho slRnor. t'li: nml cttiisnl tinitlilu with your Jk V l.i.!ni'VH nti.l IIjh I t.-r'a Have youV i j'. .ins In lliii loins,, luiclt, roii..'' t iiin l l l.idili'i? II.ivo youa llulil.y ni-1 k i 'tii'aii. -h i,t tlic m o, t's.i't;iiil!y C , ti lor tlio cvi-s ? 'I'imi frc,u titili-a) J"i'ii Jit'S'i iiriiio Wlllliiiu M Kidney I'iliy. ivlll luiiiirt now life to the ills f'.iM'tl oi'L'iiiiii, loiiit tip U.j (system V a i'l innld! it new limn of you. Jly ! T'ntil Ml ccntH jior linx. U ii.mamh Mku. Co., Props., Clnvnliind. O. it- iA.,.,,, vrj For Sale by Kstes-Cotin t Co. vjI33Cvv m H " " a nori-r".i"tioi rXi ei9LVJ r".i.".iy i..r in.ii.iirii.i A. Vi-y't.UIIKHTjaJ ' I".. M fx-r mat .i r r h.i u, f?' v in I u. 6i.r..J "bins, ii ii it tn r itl .Ii. Oaar.n.."l 1 diurnal,, or anr Ililln I'llitft urn, ,i i, ti.,,, ii, or uir'a,,- Cloo. tion of in ii en iir i.Moii UTItflo. '"U"'' N.'ii astrltn.'1'lil r Mold by llrntglala. .Viir sent In iIhIii wnipts-r, Ad by el're. .r.'uil.l, let t5"JI i'.m, . r Lain..", tl.Vi. 1 Circulur aent un rnum-at. OASTOniA. Bn th KM Yon Km Always BoiifM POUTLANU AllllIVB MiVllltl.ANI) i:x- ' I'ltl'.WM for Mlllein, I It.iseburu. AHblanil. .0Q P. Ml Haeruiio iilo. ou.b'ii, Han i.tielsi o, Mo bile, I ..'a AllK.'le, I'll I'mso, New iir b un nnd Die Must. JC A. M1 HoHeliui'K passenKi r Via Woo.lliiirn, for Mount Aiik.'I, Hil vert. .11. Wel Helo, llrowiivllle, Hl.rlllK- Hull nml Nation.,., Lnlly except Hlilnlay I7 S0 A. M 14 M P. Ml 11 30 A. M I SD P. M luilly except Hundny Cnrviillli praai'iiRer itr. Mi A, M Inib'peil.lcliia, pnsa' N:U A M luilly. tl mlly except Hun.lny. I'onnei 'UiiK at Han F taiiulHc, with ficel denial A Orlonlnl, Piiclllc Mall and lie, utile Ml.'ainHlilii line for JAPAN. CHINA, A l i It A LI A AND HAWAII. R.'bnlo tlekelH on aal.i dally between Portbind. Hacmnieiilo nml H,, ic co. Net rate 117 IIih -cbiau I in OII.I-l'lllHH, IncltllllllK Sleeper. nati'H and iick.'I to liasiern point and Fnrnne. Atno,, , 'to,,., ii . l . '"I l.'.'l"..!..., nnd Aimtrnllii. Can h obliilncl from J. II. i)",y;.VV.' K1'1 AK'-'". bU Third si., It. KOI' IILKIl, c. II. MAItKIIAM MnniiKfr. o. F. & I'. A. t? 0 J?&,r V.'iMl.inis'Iiulmni-llf, W H K Ba3',,uiti'ieiawil!eiirellili,tl, NjS I I ''Uieeilihir iiinl Itniiii,,. 'W ti I "Pile. I' ebsori,st:.i,; ors, ' H 0."""VH 1,10 H' llb'" Ht "nee, llt'U -a.lS II llollltlre. el,,.H 1,, Hit. )ir. U ililains' i'licoiiit it. 'int P. nr.'iiar, a tnr I'o.w i. line n lh, inlviii,' parts. ;v, rv bint n uarrniit.'.l lu ,ir i ,, ..a. , . ... i'y un, ii on re .JL. . I"'lei'. "0 eenla mnl ifl .!. lilll .V-htur.rjjPK.p r(L i 'roiir., r t , la"o. .'ilibll for tinio py lcstns-conn Drug Co. Tie fis- llBlIlt llfutur OASTOIIIA. r ll Cl