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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1898)
THE DAILY A TO It I AN, SUNDAY MOHNINtf, FKKttt'AltV 1, 1B?S. MI'ltMCU AM' MIMf'll'i:, Hi ,illln. HVIi. 11.11. ('. IIiiIIiiiiV Willi shut ii1 lillli'i) tnilny by Amlrrw Ann, a Imi ri i wants Nlml hlniM'ir. 'Urn Iw ui'ii wi'ii lut'liii'iH lii ii lurry niiililn itml lt'l a 1 1 w t -1 1 1 -1 1 1 uvrr business iiiiiHm. Until mi n (mini'ily IH nl In H. huM, N'liit"itt. ili'1,11 IT NUAIl MAIIMMI'II'.I.K J'mu NitinxM llulil l'i ii ItiimlMT II. lino lllin ill II" M iicliil, I.I, nr., Ki ll II AIhiiii nii.ii, i niii.ln) M 1 1 .t in It It-. nun In r mi lln i'iiiiilll', v lilln mi III vvn frniii I.. . in i lllll In Itlvi'lluii, huh In'lil iii iiliinil It i llllli a lllla al.ln i'T l'iiilllll I'll)' li' IM" lirvima, lln i nun' li'li Hum kIIIIiik Ii Him .I'll' hI lln p., Ml Tli. II iil.l. l 'l UiIhw iii lila IiiiiiiIk Inn k"il lii l u nlml linn In lil Ii) inii' ulnl u 'll"l I' III' ul In I Him lllllll. .Il.ili'l) nlir)iil. I lln Hun Wi lli 1 1 1 il u 1 1 hla hiiKi.ii Ii milllliH III lln lln. lii. m ..I tii lin y Hi' ii ui'li mi liini i" IiIiiiii In limtii 1111. .S.lili. l ..I lln. ImIiImm iiuiti iiniMkH iiinl liiim lih Hliln In itlti' lilnilfl U.i)ii' u M""'l 'I' "ii II' llmi, ulnl II U Hint lln) Kill ni' lii'ill) iiiiinlnl Tim .mimn tl laii mi Int lillnli uu llin mi nit. in urn Hi In' li'itx lu wnm 'I In. i. Hi. u limit aim lili ilmH lulu a din ing l i'.l.v .Nilllur a" Ilia uill tt Uuul r. I, Ira i,o ln r.l., i. Illn lukas III ll','l,' I, inn (hi .ittii.d II I mitttll o.niiKr His .likixiluit u( u.'ili gi mil ut H'l'i In u Ii ia.a I'r rir. I'li-assttl I'll . uliio in iitmr aalaiiir b) sldins: m Una In Inking .alt uf Ilia luutl Tito .aiiM uf liliie loiillia uf Ilia auk in uf in.. wril cotuiiipailwti I' l'iin Hi. a .mi. .auat. .-.una lnllM"Bt.h , UTaurU. ria uf ilia I.11114. Ii, llni anil kkliita; till Juiiiiiiita, lit'ailA.tlitai, fluUiitk.'r, boat tb.trrl, HiU'iii.iy i.f ilia IiIikmJ mn iii" r.illili Hllnlia liiol (.illu. To Innlli nllli, m s lilt- thing, siaI lllll.i thin Mill cute il 'I'lia 'I'l.a.aiii I'rllna' me llli), a. ism-. u;cj iaiiu' Tli y talll jwrfji ily cur Ilia .jiI r iar ..f . iiiill.ulliii a 'i. liiillKrail.m, If Ilia drtitislat lu all amtiu utli.r nll thai I'Ul'i In in gntli-r nuni, Juai 1 1 l ii at .if imhI alll l i par you. 'Mia g.ild walili nf ICitnur Allan 1'no a tin In I ln .uaa. aalnn nf II W. Albright, uf I in t, . To ax iilu ull uUiilnl.ilil gluatli ( hair, tiau lull a llalr IUtnir, or, II poaawaltig mi abiiluhiiiua, 11 limy Im k.t lixikliig Inn I) I ) naliiaj Ilia llnii rr , i aalmiall) Tho Irro tailed Wllllaniii Ilia ('uniiir. 'Hi i.nk In Wlinlair k. U'liilim. It Blip m..l to In. .;m your a ul.l. Any l.'iiili in y in i. r. mill uu. I.hIiIii. Inu) I'.. . In. k. il l.y Ilia Uao nf A)i r a Mult Vlli n iNill I ili In) Ull Ilia imuI la' an. I in.' Imir iiita .Ii Kiii. ..! II ),.ii Mmilil ti'iilii. Uu. ..t r.aulla, I.. ln ui iiii.ti hHIi ihla liivulualilr ipatiuliii Tint.' air I'KI 111 1 1 m I III lha ImI- ul it . .Hi tirir, nint lha a).- nf a ilrntfiiti II) Oilllulna ft ail illln-, Irnara A ).niiitf iiuiti In U.M.'II. Mitaa . ri.iilil.. for ). lla Willi a .iiltatulil ailri paalmi nl Imlla hla tic. k. ttua i'illiilrrl)- i uriil I') liiklnii mil) lln..- IhiIUi a i.f A)i l a M;ir ..".riiln. Amith.r rraull nf the trrat inriit u grrnll) .lK allmi Willi llirr.'iia.-.l n) lln . 1.1 a .lull)' urllilr nf nml la liai.l Ii) UI.K ul"' HI nllr lllltil nf llir H..ululliil nf 1li. rnrih r.rrKi,;:s )i ausica hauvk. Tli !! Hitho n lha .tr. fur CuH lllMlaaaj M.iria, t'irta, Htl llhrUIII. TtVaf K.i. IVllrr. Itini'l'nl lllli, (llllbltilna I'.i im, t 'ul al Hk'i ! r iil Kirta anil puU llav onrm ITIra. nr n.i ay rr.iulmL Il U K'liirnulrril In Klip pni-fot atlafaca. tn nf iii.itiri r..f iii.i i rri ii rami pi r i-n fir a.tlp by KMraCnnii Urtal Co. Tin ii- mi. n( .iiiii n riih tinti tiillm h- inla bill f . ttllltlli"- britrl" Till: IiSHi i;ltV UK TUB I'AV. Ami. J ll.tra-1. lha l.mlluK ilruuu'lat of M.'iin. jKirl, Im.. mys. "I'r. KVti'a Nht I ia'i. . ry la Ilia only llilng Dial riitr my roiiiih. and II la lha brat arllnr that I hai" J. r. i'inbHI. ui.r. l unt f SufTuril, Arl, wrltia; "lr Klntl'a Svm i..M-rv l all that la tTulmnl fur Ili II twvrr fa'aa, and la a ur t urt. fur fn- aiintptloli, in uu In and i-nlita, I cannot any oiimiiih for lln nirrlla." lr. King's New i,-...V'ry for n aHimiitlnii, .xmitha and 'ol.l la not an ripi rlittntil. It haa bitm lr.-.l f. a umirtar nf n puntiity, 41 d today i i".'.a at ih.' h.-nil . li nrvor tllrappolnl Trial botllt-a at l-!a t'.iim iTttg Co. Siimlnr M.finti, kimwil US thf "S'-n-ilur Mini Intigha," Is bnllrvod to lio lltn tin"! p.ipiilitr niiiti In llllnnla alltt'O tltu 4)11)1 nf Lugitn. T) I'l'UK A Oll.l) IN ONR DAY, 'I'.il. I.iuiilv llmiiio tjuliiiiv Tahl'ts. A drtiggliM i. f iiil Ihn ninit.-y If t falls to ourri o. Fur a by Charlog Hoc!. Tin- riirllrnt i nmplntii t lork nf whirl) 1111 nirntnlo ri'tnrd lists wits miiiln In llti" UiliTi'i'tilh fi'iitmy by 11 Hurutfn nin- I111 ill.-. If tha icnlp dooa not glvtj out oil to kap th hair from bcwomln dry and hamli. uiki IUU'a Hnlr llenawrr to r.ndr tha hair hMillhy, soft, and plluhls. Th. plifiintitt'tum of red snow It due to inlimln red plimts whlrlt nro present In It, and wlili'li siirfttd In n wondi'rfiil iititn- tier. l'Vitili i-'s wlno rrop this ypitr ntmnmts tn 7l2.(Mi.imO gnllons, a fulling off of 271 .(atO.CKHl giillmis ns enmpnrt'd with lust yivtr. H(HIHI'I) TIIH nilAVIS. A inrlllng liiol.l.-nt nf which Mr, Johut Ollvnr, of rhllitdi'lplilii, wiia lln wuhjoot, Is 11.1t 1 ui .il by 1 1 111 ns follow: "I was In a most ilitn.lfiil vonilltlon. My skin wits almost yi'llow, nyint sunki'it, tiinguo coal 1, pnln cuiitlntitilly kir buck nnd sKlrs, no aplK'tltn grudimlly gtnwlng wi'ukiT day by tiny. Tlirw physli'liina hail glvtm mi' n. KmriuniiMy, 11 filnnd nilvlsi-d trying 'KlfCirla lllllors,' .nul to my ynut. Jny and snrprlsi', thti llrst ti.itllo nmlii 1 dncldod linprovonu'ivt. I conUniKsl tin Ii usn fur Ihi'i-o wfks, aiiM.1 am now n wtll initn, I knuw limy intvcd my llfn, nnd inlihfd thi' irrsve of aiiKitlmr vliHItn." No 0110 ailiuiilil full I.) try I'lwm. Only 50 onnU pir In 'Mi ni IOxim-Cmn Dnitf Contiiany, Tho flovonlh onntiiry Bmulwlvh wns thn iniwt fnmuiiH KukIIhIi BPiiport, It Is nnw two milt's Inland, uwlng to tho si'a t'o- Cl'llltlK. OABTOnXA. Til lu llBlit llpitUH -aH XiJ rr n n 0 THE WASHING I . II 1 1 .1 ii I ii la n i iiliTi nl'.li lit fiillllli' Mr. KIIh I lorry, of Ui pltco, hi h liavar II at .1 miyllillia; o do 111 in o muc4 gtM4 (lv itii'h quirk rallf fron rliauniat aan a CliauitxTlaln' I'aln lUlm. II tii linihnrxl (rllx wild hoollnc I'Mlna fi'im III p lu knao until It unatt Ulja) lliilnionl irtilirl) rfurda rOfnpt raUaf, II. F. luknr, .lriiKKlal, HL l'rt, Olila rvr m by Chcrlm lt'ra, dtumUl. Tin lln ill.' IumIIi r r"'Wa ln,,tr rliil...! nil J, A. I'mklna, nf ArrtliUlly, O., fur 'lilrly yaar nanllaaaly lurlurn) by pity aVIalu t-ir Ilia rut nf ariama. II H iiil.kly rum! by tialiiK IM-Wllfi Wllch llnlrl Hitlvr, Ilia faimiua hsllli Valvl fur .IIdi ami aklli .tUrca. rtiai. Ilikr. '..r.U limy "iiii. rnn lly. Inn lha hurl nf ml. in l fur ili-i pi I . Tli ll nv William Witl.1i.rf Atnr lll i"Hiir:iiuii n liiimrlatil In an rallr miiiila-r nf Ilia Tall Mall M mulliit imi J.alin Jamli Aalor. T. arllrla will ami ir.nnla Iw of ir).iliinal lnlnrTit In Allied, an raml.ra ('. m m.ini ii nrc an ruahr.l Hull I hi y il'i mil alni fur n aul.aUnlliil luin hum Tlia r ii in . 1 1 rr nint pn kl" fli I nil lit' no li Inni; paltla lllNalilllfll. Mlaa A III )l.1w, Norftlk, V an fHihlfully butiMwl on lh far i,J nati. I'alrt waa Inalanly rallfvaa by DcWIll VVII. h llaial Halva, arhb'tt ItralM) lii In- Jury wlihoul laavln; a arar. Il I IM f ant hi a pll ramady Chaa. U.mara. 1m. nut Link I.iiiiiIIiiI up If lha iluy la . rv nlil alip mi a ilminnla jm k. l ttinl. r ymir Inlbir inniV. ami )mi nrr bnlh inf. ir. I iiml . miifnrliilili' lit a rai-mtt laliar Irum Waaltinrtiin, Il (".. lo an ol.l frkrid. Majnr O A. HM.. for t-vnty yaara lllillnj 8lata c-iianl 01 liitrara. ay ,'Vhll at lira Mutna 1 1.'ania a'uJri(.l l'h a llnltttant knon aa (nuttiibarlalli'a 1111 Halm, whu-li I found rillrni arulntt rli.imnlWm aa rail aa aha aornnraa ..f ill., ilirunt and clinrt irlvllia; in inu.-li mmVr braaltilngl. I ha.l a tuiKh uf pitvuinonla wrly Una -k. and rM ain'Ura'loita fia-lr apibl In lha Ihrnal and ritual rallvvrd ma of It at on I wrwiM not Im wlthnui li for aiiyitiln4." For aala by Charlra Rifra, truKKial. li .In wntniii nlu)a Ii.iip on Ihrlr ibul.l.l. t aliiii anii In.l) 1i) a' T t't'lti: A fiI.I IN O.NK !AY. Tatio Unallia ItMnm yiilnlno Tabl.-la. All'ia rrniml hr nioiiry if t falls) to euro. JV'. Kor sain by l liar I. Hinrara, I h.' I ink.' ..r Argyll' inu'f km w a limit nli. 1 kn. K' unnih. r who kin-w "Unit Hny. 1.11.I wtni i'k.' f thr gr.'itl fr. . liHitrr a ' t Hit.' iH i'limirly " INMiK A 8i;'KUi; (VUi Ari'KK "1111!. lllil KIII12. Aflrr tha big tiro In Cripplo I'wk, I to.ik n vi-ry savcrw oM and iriid many ri'int-illm without help: th cold only ! i-onilnr nt'trn sttlnt. AftT using tnri unnll tjnt(lta "f ('hnmlx-rlalu'a Cough U-mpJy. tail It lha cold and cough left ni. and In Hits hlrh altlttsls It tak.-i a niarltniious pongh ri-miily lo do any gwoil. -. II. Iti-nilrraon, Alitor lully AUViT llaor, Crlppla Craa-k, Colo Sold by (liarlcs llogpra, lnigkt. Ni-ur llm tTtupliiit a.'.t th. i'u uri- ai'virul "i-li-i mil llt.a," an i-iilb-.l by thn niillvrs. wh. rr intl 111-11I gua laatns from thf ground uinl linn bil l) mi lln' for iigi-s. H,NIHiMK MKTAI. PAI'KK CUTTIOK mid bunk tiiitik inmblnrd sent frra of postage itndi-r ai-nh.l i-ov.-r on roci-lpt of ti n ci ttts In Hllvi-r nr sluntps. The liitrst. brat mid moat airvlci-iibb' niljunct of nvi-ry library ninl imco. Addrrss (I.hi. II. Hi'iiffntd. Ill) Did I'olony llulltllng. Clll-t-iigo, III, 8UMMONS. Iii Uu. Justlca's court, Astoria precinct. Clutmip county. State of Oregon. Siumii'l Klmiil.', plaintiff. vs. Simon I'akkiilo. snmotlmts known as Mi nion 1'iikklla, tr Silltcii Pakklllit, di fendaut. To Minion Pakknli), somftlmos known as Mlni.m INtkklln. or Htlffcn I'akkllla, the itbovo named dt'fihdant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you ara hereby required lo appear bi'fore the undoiTilKiied. a Justl.-e of tho Peace for Ih proi'lnct aforesaid, on or lfnro Ttmn dity. Maivn loth. A. D. WW. l " ,u'ur of nine o'clock . m. of said day. at tiho olllco of said jusilee, In said precinct aforesaid, to answer tho nbovo named philnlllt In a olvll action, and If you fall so to appeur and answer, for wunt Itiorof Che plaintiff will ako juilgmcnt sgalnsl yint r tho sum of IM.W. lHreal thereon from AtiKiutt , 1SI8, at the rato or elirht per eent. piv annum until paid, to RKther with the costs and disbursement!! of tills action. You nre further notllled Mint the plaint Iff has attainted In Mils action the follow Ing property, bomnglHK dt'fcndant, which will he ordered sold upon execution iMiticd Un stuih Judgment as he may re cover In this notion, itu-wlt: Ono share of tho capital stock of the Union Fisher men1 Co-operative Packing Company, a corporation, organlsM and exmtlng under ami by vlrttto of tho law of Che atato of Orrgon, with Its principal olllce and plnci of business In tho city of Astoria, nnd also a certain sum of money due from the ssld corporation to Mho said dofendnnt. Defendant will aiteo take notice that thl summons Is served upon him by publica tion thereof in the Dally Astorlnn, by trdor of the above entitled court rendered and. entered on tihe With day of January, 1808, JOHN A.RERCROMBIB3, Justice of the Peaoe. UWMau lataU i ii m ' a" ''f'lj B ii mm M'aiaaiaj BEST POWD ('1 mil ymir iiriiiiilrimi hir'a lltn-ry; II la iiaai-nlliilly up In iluln nnw, A I'lhrtiMiy lint la ijiilln h llniira;- If Din tlaain-a alMMit lha ronla of lha hair Invrtlin unlanallhy, 111 hair will '. turn array, ir fall off. .rrw( Ihla trmilih wlih Hall llalr Itaiinwrr, .baii-r i rin k.r rnmi' In allvi r. Tln-y nr.- lint aiiini'lhlriN In I'.il. Ilnlik moal iirnprlnlary niHIrltiaa, lha formula of I J. f. Ayifa HnnwirUlii and nlhar preparation ar oharfully flit to any phyatrlan who aiifilli- for Ihnm. Ili-nea Ihn apMIial favor arrofdmi Ihioci wall-kimarn alaiidurd rmrdlri by Ilia World's !ralr wtnittlnalir rra Tin' Jilpltll. ao l lln ? inlnr Vltrll'lb a lf llin i In yaiiilln muni, nf lil. Ii U urp y. l Inw. 7 hli.'. X' purpl.'. i ri.l. 31 .;il. pink, Ii riiaa. t. ulnl It nf lnli. l olma. It 1a aaay lo rad ii a t'M and Juat aa ray In sal rid vf It If you commem- early lo On Mlmrt CniKh Oura. li curra rouclia, colda, brorichllla, piKumnnla and all throat and lung It u p.caa- anl to tak, aafa In ua ami iura to cur. Oiaa. It'ers. Tin' iii-w Imi)' iiiuyiir. a of lunlnn In u (ni.l.iii. Mr fliark, I'ltM H'.dKa, t) , a.iya: "Aflar two tUn'lora gav up my buy to dl, I aavrd Mm from prnup by uaing On Minute Coutrh Curr." It In (lip qul.k. aat and ntot cartaln rmrxly for cougho, fo'.la an.1 all hr..t anl lun; Irnulila.' Chan linear. A K'ul llvi' mull la l".t K.inli.l In llir tllnl.rli.krr lillali-"a Ayrr'a rharry rwtoral Is known by lit 'k. Tha pTlaii' of half a ci-nturj provr that no othrr preparation nf tha kind al.K.a coughlnc and allays Irrliatlon f Ihn tlirvat and bronchial tut so promptly ami rrTm lually as Ihla. At I i.moiit.iii. In tin1 Bunt h aa-na, ) ry mint, w.itnan nr rhllil nit Ihut lalitml who ilma nut (u in . hiir. h at .'ul Ihrw tlin.a u k la In In- iirr.ntril nil, I Mrs. XI. II. Ford. IlmklaH's. 111., urTr4 for right yrars from dytprpala and rhrt.nk constlation, and was Anally curi-il by ualim He-Witt's IJItls Karly ltta-ra, ih famous little pills fur all stom ach and llvar triubla. (Tias. Rogers. i;i.. n r.i nri. mm h n in big blm k -t -I hut I' ank Mhrrwo.d was down town today. Ih.- tlrst lime allii'a he hsd hla lusalr with i-h. Iria mortiu. II iwy ho driv thirty tur.w aft. r Im wiia lakrn, and m-vrr cum so tn-ar dln? In his Ufa. Aft.r this when ha g.K- out in lha country h will tak a hmtl) uf ('hamrKwIain' Colic Oh-drrs and Dlarnhoc ninrnly with him. Mis arnirt Vallay llowa) Tlm-s. Tor i-ate by "h irlra Itogrrs. IrugKkt. Hw-tbr.'ii.l ann.lwli Ins ttrr 1 holic Ml. Iiik tftrr tit.' piny '.pa;wrlly com.s uuliknii 10 lha man wh in livrr Is In got d condition. DoWltt i Uu In i:xly nisrs aro famous little pill for constipation, blllntianws, Indigestion and all stomarh and liver trouhlra. Ctti. llogrrs. While antln Minks nre tremendously In l nil II''. "Five years ago." ay Anga A. I-wla Rlcard. N. T.. "I had a conaiant cuogh. night sweats, wws greatly reduceJ In flesh, and had been given up by my phy sicians. I began to take Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, and after using two bottles was completely curwl" Smull butti r plates are no longer good form. The conversation bran-let Is formed of rare coins Unit form tin Incentive for talk wh.n all other tuples arc worn threadbare. Ayer'e Hair Vigor Is certainly a remark, able preparation and nothing like It has ever been produced. No matter how wiry and unmanageable the hair may be, under the Influence of this Incomparable itreesv lug, It becomes) soft, silky, and pliable to the comb and brush. While wings that never grow weary uilnrn (he black hats worn by our smart est Ih-IIcs. Mis. Mary lUrd. lUnrlsburg, Pa., says, "My eh I Id Is worth million to me; yet I would linve lust her ny croup nad I not Invested twenty.fivo cents In a bottlo Of One Minute Cough Cure." Tt cure coughs, colds and all throat and lung trouble. Ohns. Rogers. able us the hotter-known January one. A woman's hoadaciln may come from several ca-uwea. She may have n hwuJatihe arising from nervousness, or from dl festive disturbances. Nine cases In ten hor headaches come from disorders ic cullar to her sex. It may sihow Itself In the symptoms wWdh aro characteristic ot a doien disorder). Thousands of times women have been treated for the wrong disorders. Dr. Plmve's Favorite Pre. sorlptfion waa compounded for the exile purpose of relieving womankind ofthese Ills and pains. Thouwinda of women have testified that after taking treatment from sovwal physicians wltliout benefit, the "Favorite Pnwrlirtlon" cured them com pletely and quickly. It has been used for over thirty years, and lhaa an unbroken record of suoessea. The woman who ihcsltnitiw Is Invited to ond twenty-one 1-cont stamps to cover only the cost of mailing a copy of Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Median! Adviser, wfhlcih contain) plain, clear Information about all of the orgaina of the human body and their function. Tho Kseurlul pulace In Spain contains a cathedral, n monastery with S00 cells, two rolleges, three chapter houses, three libraries and nearly 3,000 othor rooms. ER MuwAtmtJ ., T1IIM ItAILWAT COMPANT riparatas Its trains on ths famous btocg sysism. Mghts Its trains by tl"ttl(.iiy thro'iga out; (,. tlia crluhraled rl'Olrlc berth read ;ng lamp; Jluns spli'inlldly t(utppad passenger Irulns avsry day and night brtwoan HI. I'sul and Chl'Jigo; tha (TIICAUO, MILWAUKKIC HT. PAUL Alao operuuw st.n-lie od vaatlbulMi trains, rarrylna) tlat litat private com. piiftment cars, library buffat smoking tiara, and pal drawing room aim-par. I'arlor cars, fine raclinlng chair cars aad tha vry best dining car nrvlce, Kor lirtfrsi rua lo any point In ths Un.lnd Htstaa or Canada, aiply to ticket agent, or addrsss C. 1. D&r, Uanrral Ag-ait, I, W. CAflEY, T, I. A. Portlarul, rrarao. 3S rilK UNI.V DIMNd-CAB BOl'TK FK0M I'OHr.ASliTO TIIK KAbT. rill ONLY KOt'TK TO 1MK VKl,UJWSTOJi NA II'INAI. PsKK. 1'OKTI.AM) I Ktt!V. Ii I Mill (or hi am, f'h.-hal'a. rantiallii. So. V Hoiiin bit d, Munlmaaiio So. 1. Ab r.lrrn. Uiyiutils. Tali-, nn ... fvatllr, ii-lorl,.. roil Towuw-inl, r.lxmv burg, H11 .kalir. K.ialn'1 B. C. Trail. M. :., Nn win, II, t' kailo. Mi I aouia. Butti1. Anai imiUs.', II: A.M. Ibhua. !!. I'sul, Mini i 00 I'. At tiaap"n, Knaaj t'lly.l (linaha. I'l.iiiir'l blufl.,' hi. I. .iil'.ITiliagn,Vt.ah , lltiliKiii. S w Yrk, I'hll ;sd iplils.Hmton. sn4 oilt ipoliit ;al and noulb I DAYS lu Minneapolis. Omaha, Kaa oas City and HI Paul. I't DA YH to Mllwaukr and Chicago, H DATS lo Washln-ton, I'hl! .delphla, Nrw Tork and Ilostot, and other Eastern potato- Baggage chrrkrd lhrtigh lo deatltutlan of tickets. For sleeplng-rgr reaervatlons. tlckis, maps and full Information, coll can or write A. D. CHARLTON Aat't tlan'l I'aa. Agaut. Portland. Or t Murrlann HI.. Cor. Third. C. W. STONE. Astoria. ARB TOU GOING EA8TT ARB TOU QOINQ EAST? ARE TOU OOINd EAST? Be sure and see that your ticket reads U THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE 1HK. NORTI- iv R. TERN LINE 1HK NOPTII-WrSTERK LINE The CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND OMAHA RAILWAYS This Is tb UK EAT SHORT LINE Dctwen DL'LUTH. SAINT PAUL. CHICAGO And all Point Eaat and South. Their Track. Peerlee VeatJ buksl Dining and Sleeping Car Train and Motto: "ALWAY8 ON TIMET Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of pass. -oarers carried on the vcstibuled train without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel ovvr this famous line. All agent have tickets. F. C. SAVAGE. T. F. and P. A. W. H. MEAD. General Ag-nnt. 148 Washington St., Portland, Or. EAST VIA o Ks.v..'.sTAl. olii4si.. e .1 I.KAY K. lOttTlAND. ARRlVK. OVKRI.AN1) KX PKKSS, for Msletn, Kimebtint. Ashland, hseisinento, Ogileti, San Krauefco, Mo jave, lis Angeles, Kl I'sso, New Or leaut sad the Kant. Roseburg passenger Vis Wooilhurii, for Mount Angel, Ml veiton, West Solo, HrowtiKVllio, dprltig Held ami Natmu 'liioo P. M !:S0A-M 8:S0 A. M. 4:80 P. M. Dally except Biiinluy. 17:30 A. M.j Ziaily except tiuiiuay. Corvallls passenger. ;tft:50 P. M. M.SH P. M J Iiiilepi'iuleiieo psiw'gr ltg:5ii A. M tUally except Muitday. Hatty, " Connecting at Bon Francises) with Oc cidental A Oriental, Paolflo Moll, oat Oceaiilo tteamahip lines for JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA, AND HAWAII. LOW FARES, EVERT DAT PORTLAND TO SAN FRANCISCO 15.00, Second Clnas; 110.00, Flrat Claaaj Including bertk. Similar reduotlons to Lo Angela, Fresno and other California potnta. Baggage checked to destination. R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager. G. F. and F. A, 0)0 oKUollJ 0 TO THH I AST OIVE CHOICE or -2- Transcontinental ROUTES. Great Northern Railway ria Bpcn, Minneapolis and St. Paul and ChleagSai Or rgxin Khort Uu via Salt latke, Daav Tr, Omaha and Kansas City. Lowest Kates to All East ern Cities. OCEAN STEAHERS Ivuva Alrl -vary,Klv In afo Hun K rati'-la.-.i ua Inllnwa C-umblo. Tnurs'lsy, January 11. Hi ale of California, Tut-sdsy, Jan. It Columbia, Sunday. Jan. S. Bute of California, Friday, Jan. 21. Columbia, Wednesday, Feb. J. State of Csllfjnila, Mcndsy, Fib. T. Columbia, Saturday, Jan. 11 Htate of California, Thursday, Feb. 17 Columbia, Tuesday. Fab. a. Butte of California, Sunday, Feb. 17. Steaunera monthly from Portland te Yokohama and Hongking. via the North ern Padfle Steamarsip Company la eav naoUoa wltb O. R. 1 N. For rs'a and general informal aa no er ad-lrsse O. W. IJO'SPKRUT Agast W. H. FURLRCRT. Oen. aa. Agl.. Portland. V TWVnXjl., OARULl, tt CO . Ontt. Agts. N. I. S. 8. Co., Portland. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia lllvrr and I'uget Hnind Naviga tion Co, Hieamir "lUlh-y datsrl" lnvaa Astoria dally, ex. apt htindsy, I p. in. l-raves I'orV land dally, except Monday, 7 a. m. Ilallry (iau rf ticket good on steamer "Thorn i. in." "It. IL Thompson" tickets good on"Balley tiaxtert." L'. II. Scott, I'.ealilanL K. A. Me-ley. Agent, Pnrlland. C. W. Htoue. Agent, Astoria. Telephone No. II' Gold Fields Of Alaska THE ALASKAN TRANSPORTATION AND DEVELOPMENT CO. OF CHICAGO. ILL CAPITAL $5,000,000 This company Is the hirgeat, strongest and best equipped transportation and merchandising company in the Alaska gold field. Three large and commodious steam ship) will leave Seattle June 1. and reg ularly thereafter, carrying both freight and pasaesurer. These steamers are especially fitted for the convenience of passengers and or capable of carrying SCO each. Our Passenger and Freight Service on the Yukon River Will be the best. The handling of mer chants' freight made a specialty. We art the only company Ciat guarantees prompt delivery at Dawson City. W guarantee you a year's supply of food and a soft and speedy arrival. Ttva gold Is there. Tou stand fully as much chance as any other person. Do you want to be one of our first? If so, -write at once, securing passuge and berth. Our Special Transportation Offer Is the best no before the public. Send for free copy of The Alaska Newo, and also for our special offer, including trunsiKirtatlon to the Klondike and food for one year for six hundred dollars. This will Interest you If you Intend go ing; If not, our stock Offer should Inter. eat you, and you should become one of our stockholders. A limited amount of stock has Just been osfriRned to the western Rgency for sale at $1 per share. A man or woman of small means has the same opportunity as a rich person. If you cannot go to Attska nothing should prevent you being a profitable shareholder. Our Company Is Composed of Men of Tried Business Reputations Some of whom are the following: Hon. W. E. Mason, U. S. Senator from Illinois. Albert C. Blati. president Vol Blats Brewing company, Milwaukee. W. C. Rlnearson, general passenger agent C. N. O. & T. P. R. R., Cincinnati. B W. GrtfTUh. president First National J. B. Legnard, capitalist, Legnard Bank, Vlcksburg. Miss, building, Chicago. Frank H. Hecht, of Charles Kaeetner & Co., Chicago. D. O. Edwards, passenger traftlo mana ger, C, H. & D. R. R., Cincinnati. Charles H. Rockwell, trafflo manager, C. I. & L. P R, (Morion Routel, Chicago, T. H. Foster, Foeitorta and Vlcksburg, Mis. J. M. Phillips, cashier First National Bank, Vlcksburg, Miss. For Information address and make all money payable to TV. I DTTDLEY, gen eral agent, Haller building, Seattle, Wash. Marshall & Co.'s. Twine - . Fresh FOH 1898 EVERY BALL GUARANTEED REPORT IMPERFECTION BEWARE OF IMITATIONS EVERY MUST BE MARSHALL & CO. SHREWSBURY MILLS "MANUFACTURED FROM Flax SeeUhatlEvery Ball Bears therMarshall" Label : 6, 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 and U Ply-40's 12. 13,'U. 15 and 18 Ply 50 s 7. 8. 9 and 10 PIy-30's Elmore Sanborn &Co AGENTS' 9 From the Mills Fishing BALL MARKED Selected Specially For Columbia River Fishing 0IOM0 482 Bond St. 'I