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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTORIAN, SUNDAY MORNING, FKKttHARY lit, lttt. JOHN T. LIGHT EH, Editor. lelepfoona Na t TKIlMd OF rU'l'SORIPTlON. DAILT. Sent by mail, per year Bant by mail. pec month Birred by carrier, per mouth . WEEKLY, tool by man, per you-, la advance..... tt Postage trt to subscribers. AU communfcattont Intended (or publi cation should b directed to tdilor. Business comm itcattona o( all kindi and rvmlttancea rauit be addresaod to "The Astoriaa." The Astorian guarantees to 1U aub. cribtra the largest circulation of any newspaper published on tb Columbia river. t Advertislnf raits can be bad on app'r eeaUcm to the business managta. Tbe Weekly Astorian, the second old est wwekly In the state of Oregon, baa, ext to the Portland Oregonian, Ut largest weekly circulation in the state. John F. Handley & Co. are our Portland scents, and copies of the Astotisn can tx ld every morning at their stand. Ik Third street. There la no occasion for concern about the talk of enjoining the county court in the matter of the bridge location. In the first place, there ia no legal ground upon which an injunction can be obtained, and secondly, the men who are threatening that course of obstruction have better sense than to attempt It. No self-respecl-Ing man will voluntarily Incur the con tempt or invite the derision of h:s fel lows, and as most of those who are abus ing the county court are pretty decent fel loas, it is extremely unlikely they will undertake to defy public sentiment to the extent of attempting to oppose legal ob jections to the laudible effort made by the county court to settle the bridge con troversy in the public Interest. The de cision of the court will stand, therefore. Injunction or no injunction to the con trary. The people want a bridge some where that will afford the country on the opposite side of Young's bay easy Ingress and egress to Astoria. To some of those Interested or who will be bene fited by the Improvement, it is totally immaterial whether the bridge Is located at the precise site selected or elsewhere; provided the question is settled and the construction of the bridge proceeded with as rapidly as possible, but It Is thor oughly understood that the movement which culminated in the authorization and location of the bridge was started by the citizens of tne Lewis and Clarke neigh borhood, who constitute, with the Young s River folk, a large majority of thoe who will be directly and especially accommodated by the bridge. It la to the iredii of the county court that the rights of these iieople have been consid ered, and the decision of the court meet wiii nearly unanimous public approval. If the Clatsop plains people are so foolish as to try to delay or prevent the construc tion of the bridge they will Incur the permanent enmity for their community of the entire baiance of the county. The news about the Chinese situation continues to be confusing. Now it is England and now Russia whose Influence counts for most In the equation. Ger many's movements no lunger monopolize attention. But the point of most Import ance to the United States Is that a new era is undoubtedly opening for the far east calculated to develop that section more rapidly than until very recently was ever dreamed of. All of the great pow ers are going In there, and when all shall have etal)llhed themselves a rapid trans formation will at once begin. A great traffic will set up. Kusiness will bp aug mented a hundred fold. There will be room for all, and all the more advanced nations will be represented In the rivalry for advantage In the new industrial cam paign. The Vniled States could have no part In any attempted partition of the Urrltory of China, nor could It wish for the success of such a sc heme. We are friends of China, and wish her well. Hut. us her friend, we can hope to nee her tome early and liberally under the In fluences of progress, all her ports opened to traftV, und her people made accus tomed to a radically new order of things. Rlie will greatly benefit by the change, and to will all the rest of the world. The Vnited Slates will be a factor In that matter. We already trade with China to a considerable amount, and we shall be prepared to compete when the work be gins with any of the European powers for the new volume of oriental business. With such a momentous change, therefore, on the cards for that quarter, and so Import ant a part In It cut out for us to play, it becomes more necessary than ever that we shall act wisely In the matter of the Hawaiian Islands. How invaluable they will become In that day may easily be estimated from the very great value they evert now possea.i. They command the middle Pacific. As Amerlcntt territory they will greatly facilitate American traf fic across that ocean. They are now within our reach-are actually knocking for admittance to the union. It Is strange that anybody should oppc their admis sion. THIS YKAH SCONilKKSS KI.KCTIONS. The Chlcngo platform, and not the Tel ler resolution, will be the Issue In this year's congress elections. The latter af fords a text for some fcrld appeals, as was shown In the house debate. Hnd holders, as a rule, are good game for the stump. Hut In this matter of money the bondholder cannot be separated from the rest of humanity. That was fully ex plained by the sound money advocates In the campaign of K. He Is not separated now, despite all efforts to make the con trary appear. The dollar he get on his coupon, or on the face of his bond, is n better than the dollar which the wage earner gets for his labor. ll"lh arc worth one hundred cents. Itiiloce the dollar of the one to W rents, and the dollar of the other will fall at the same time to the same figure. Put the Teller resolution serves a pur pose In directing attention to the Import ance of the m-xt house. The silver men will rxert themselves to the utmost to control that body. Their program both for this year snd for li i undisguised. First comes their play for the house'. If that wins. then, with a maje.rity in both houses of congress, they will pass a free coinage bill In the spring of PW and send it to the president for his veto. That veto. If provoked, will be forthcoming. Then the Issue will be squarely Joined for the presidential campaign. Thl Is distinctly a Hryan move, and for this reason. The rvnnmlnatlon of Mr. McKlnley seems reasonably well assured us matters now stand, but the veto of a free coinage bill by him on the very eve of the national convention would make It ubsolutely certain. Ills veto tncssag would answer a the party's platform. And, of course, with the issue Joined In that way the same Issue upon which the parties divided In W4-and the republi cans on th- strength of it putting for ward their old leader again, nothing would remain for the democrats to do but to follow suit. Mr. Hryan s rvnomina tlon would become as inevitable as had Mr. McKlnley s. But such a condition of things, with only the president's veto standing between the public credit and smash, would neces sarily affect business Interests most un favorably. For that reason the sound money men should unite again every where to repeat If possible this year the verdict they rendered two years ago. m3 PRICE FOR A TIROKEX MKAKT. N.d lnnc since a Danville. III., jury or dered the male defendant In a br-ac h of promise case to pay the deci!e,!y eonipe tent sum of .M.3.:3 to the .iffli. t.-,i fair one. This was thought to I. the largest amount ever awarded by a jury In a simi lar action. Though it Is a pretty high estimate of blighted affection, there Is another estimate hih if not In dollars and cents exac tly as hii;h. yet in gen eral consideration of excellence reaches as lofty an altitude. That Is the estimate of the t-ople In their central verdict as to the fflcacy of Host, tter s Stomach Hit ters as a remedy for conciliation. The action of this gentle, but effective, laxa tive Is never ac ompatil. d by the griping and other abdominal disturbance which prc-icdes or accompany the operation of a griping catharti''. Moreover, it Is an incomparable remedy for an-l preventa tive cif malarial, rheumatic and kidney complaints, a never failing mc.itis of in vigorating the stomal h and nervous sys tem, ami a promoter of appetite an I sleep, persistence In Its u"e Is strongly ad visable. African railways cover 21 f.7 mlb s. Simla, India, Is built on the tide of a rteen hill, and the roof of one house Is often on a level with the foundation ot the one in the next tier. Cakes of tea In India, pieces of silk In China, salt In Abyssinia,, and codfish in Iceland have all been used as money. Wasting in Children can be overcome in almost all cases by the use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil and the Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. While it is a scientific fact that cod-liver oil is the most digestible oil in ex istence, in SCOTT'S EMULSION it is not only palatable, but it is already digested and made read' for immediate absorption by the system. It is also combined with thehypophosphites,which supply a food not only for the tissues of the body, fcuf for the bones and nerve;, and will build up the child when its ordinary food does not supply proper nourishment. B tore you get SCOTT'S Emuliion. See that tlx lain and fish are on the wrapper. All druggiits ; joc and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNB. Chrmiitt. New York. Fifty Year Aso. rrealdent Polk la the White lions ckalr, While tu Lowell was Poctnr Aer j Both were baay lor human writ Oae to covers sad one to heal. Ad, aa a pretidtat'l power l will bometimeadepeads ea a liver pill, air. Polk took Ayefs rills 1 tioar For bia Ilvsr, M years afi. Aycr's Cathartic Pills wero designed to supply a mcxM purgative to pcvpln who had bo long injuri thr-mst'l vo3 with griping medicines, Tioing c;irefully prepared imd thoir in Cre.'.ients adjusted to the os.ict necessities of the bovrels mid liver, their popularity v.tis in stantaneous. That this popu lurity has been maintained is well marked in tfco medal awarded these pilla at th World's Fair 1803. 50 Years of Cures. TUc tatle for February. 1898. ! II lull WArill LOW WATKK UATK A X. r. m. iti. m n. it. ua n. ii.m it. h in n .1 g SO ? 0 10 & 5 4 I 1 U & I iM, 10 . i 7l IXDit SM! 0i Tuo . Weed . Thur . Krt ... Kit ... Sat ... St ... tfL'N . Man . Tie .. WeJ .. Thur .. r Yt .... Sat ... srv .. sr.N .. Moo .. Tuo ... Wed .. Thur .. Frl .... Sat .... Sat .... srx .. Mon .. Tue ... Wed .. Thur .. Frl .... Sat .... sr .. SUN .. Men .. Moil .. . J 10 3 7 J .4 mill . 411 10 7 5 .. .. . . . i 0 41 it . . .5116178.. . St) CO .1. t i 7 s u a 0 7 i 3 7 15 01 7 41 3 5, 7 4.'; 0 3 n:o in ot 8 45 1 1 I M 0 7 9 Ml 1 113 II ... T ... 8 t 33 7 1 10 S 0 1 tu ii i si t i 2KS4 I 31 7 ... ; ...10 ...u: J i.C S ( 140 ST 4 ? 7 4 IKS 10 IS 0 9 IS.' 17 ...l: 51": UiO 08 I'M! 3 1ST,.. .:13H' 0 ...13 BiftS .13 ,. ..I. .1.. ..I. .1'.. .. . . 11 i". 30 ..14, IKS5- 7S5S'.. -.1. .113 07 ..IV 711 S3 I5SSI 0J4S 14. 04 ..1 ' ISSlSlOltOI, 11541 i O 00 ..17i 4.' S 4 11 ' VI I S4 3 I 4 S3 0 4 ..18 10 Sc. IS .. ,, 6 03 S'4-V7 ..19 0 107 4 .. ..!. .11 t AiU IS O c . .1114717!.. ..i. j'.. ... ,L ..I. .. ..SV OMT9UJ7! T6!S 714 04 ...a ir78S10S47371T 751 01 ..C 3"!S4l 10)711 I IMS 85 01 ..3 13I4 liSTtl 'MI 8 5 13 ..U 3 0711' 3 3:411 4110 1. 1S' 4 Ml! 'Mr 11 tb-i 1? ... 410TI S"5-H1414103 14 ..?7 4 45751 Ill5t., ..!. .I'M 14 ..17'.. ... ..I. ,i.. ,.. ,n;.i 4 .. 5177 11 7 40 4 7.. ..I. .' 107, 17 ... ... ..I. Jl.. ..i. .'1117 41 HIPFINMftRlHf a- . w I, e . r 2r$ ASTORIA'S ORIN FLEET Wl- Veiuu l an 1 Klat; ItN Value l C.7 l .,;.'. I , ci;. t M'.T'd ',.V4i CI.N--I ! T'i.'i.n ! Ta.'jii la I .'i ."."i IT ci ! - in i i 1 ct,ii j !i, n 1 I '..list 'Ml'i , loj.'crl , ::S. I'-'.i'i: ; Cll.-tl ! "T,!!! i T-.T'M II.'.'") I i.i.i i i u i ,7, I -i.n.l ' 7'i. - i II I, if, I 7. t, 77h , la'.ii i 7iM ll.'.nn i M'-il 1 M,-J i,k'I !." r.'l,l'."l U0.Kl 'i7,i7 I ''I.inO ci',cy.:i : 7,iMj .v.,e - ., 7-',' iir'.Kici in. .., ,7.mi Vi.niii j h",,hii i-.n' 7U.'i i.'l.lll'l I list.'vi 7l,- i'i 'i7,7'."l . l,i 7li I '.l U..K. 4:c.'ii : i-hi 1IJ. AM', I Hi, ssi Ml.irjx Vii ii.7it I i.VI.'Jla jcri;rt; ' jfi iisai l.i '17 l.l.csj il",.ii ; n.'.vm s.t: 1 ii-. 'i.7isi .17.1 l'i jii(i, ii .'.7al ti-.V"" ' '.'i. I'm 7tl.. 'ii.ihi 77.JH7 i 'o-.nii I :i,l:l V'.'iVi j .'i7.llci 7-.VSI KJ.IH I .'.;! I c,,'.:;i i '.i.'K'c li-,:t'l 1 ''J.I'H HMJi ! U.'"t ".M:"i . ' 1'j.cssi :; 1 . 1 1 : l.'.'i.: ili'.i'l !' :" 'il,fl7 h'.l'l) .,ul.'. ",7 ,-'s Ml c i,.i7l i llji'Sf lli-,'l.l I i-.Ti '' ll.'.l.'.i 1 Wi.'ll l::,si I ,! . I !rc i i i ', -I'l'l l"'.'-.i.'H 'l,ir.'.'i j l.'l.issi Kil.liSi I m;,7li iMielialtiiirn. lir li . . c;ieth-lvtin, llr CriilKiTiii', llr h Crown of Scotland, :r -ch . InMllVM. Hr ii . H:tliiHl. llr li Iniii'irliloii, H' li - C'utiilcrhiii, HriK Ku!iniyw. Hr h .liiiniK, llr ich Mare'liil SiH'liet, llr li liBlKHle. Hr ll Andreiii, llr li Arraciiii. llr hk Hrciililldii. Hr li 1 h it Mice l.elhin, l!r li TurriMlnle' Hrxli NtrtliKt le, Hr lc Itenee Itiealiiees. tier h Trillion. Nr sir Ilcawnllia. S nil Item mull It Ijiw, Hr I'k .. . r'lottbck, (ierh (ini"'iiclulc-, llr h Willkollllnell, ler nil IIhIc-wckkI, llridi Ijidy Wenlwcirtli, Mrdi Siiilit-rlandidilre, Hr li lenliallyiiiore. Br li I'liiluiiii'ii. Hr li Kaiidaneira, Hr lk micn-u Mitrifarel, icr li Adcclf. tier ill I)iiii p llr li , lien Amiii. Hr Itk Sorlua. Hr lik Iliu c ji. llr l)k K liciinwhlre, llr lk Florida, Nor Mr Flintshire, llr Hlr Ma.-hniia. Hr hIi William Tllll. llr hit Iliiddcin II ell. Hr lie J. C I'llUKor tier oil A nam la, Hr bk I'r-ru, tier hk ('arradiile, llr bk Klviiiolilri'. Hr sh. ( rijiiiHriVHlilre. Hr -Ii rrlneliillty, Hr bk FhIIh hi I lyde, Hr hIi iiiiiin-' llri, Kr bk lieacciii Hik Ic. llr iili Selkirk-hire, lr hk t'liy ol I'erili, lir r'r lirnsK- , Hr bk i leliierl vp llr b: Wasdale, llr sh ciihc-llN. Nr bk Hiirdowie. llr -Ii .... linilniTiilk', Hr bK s. S. Ilv.snii, Hr clr Fttric kilicle, nr Lombard. Hr lr 1'rccviiiee, lir h Ombii, hr Hlr lilelllee, hr i.b Verbena, br xli Barrels of How. MAJUN'E NOTES. The Columbia c:rcececl out VHt'.-vl ly for Hun FrunilHco. The Htitiinishlp Onon, for Alasku, Ii.uvih J'ortlund tonlKht. Th? hi hooru-r IMwurd I'arke, lumber la den from the; North PailUc mlllH, iroxsid out yesterday fur Hun Fruucl ic -o. The schooner W. F. Jewell, lumber la don from the Kniipplon mlllH, crciMHecl out yirHlcrduy for Han Francisco bay. The mhooiii-r Amethyst, lumber laden from the Knappton mlllH, crossed out yesterday for Han Francisco bay. The schooner Oulde, Captain Olson, cleared at the custom house ycst'.-rd-iy with ll.VOOO feet of liinil-r for Suit I'mii clucrt. The UrltlKh ImiK Uriinihurtun arrived ilciw ii from IVrtlmid yesterday and ear Ilea 110,00X1 diKlieU ot whrnt vnltlvd ut I'.nvn, VE8SKIA HOUND TO ASTORIA. The following vesaels tu bound to th iviiimhla Kiver, with iwma of master, ra'.loiiallly, riir, lonnaire, where from and dcUii of rc'ior;ed falls : Poi-entcy Hall. Wliukliain. Hr. ah, IK tons. Liverpool Hen Volrlloli, Abler, lrr all, lec'T tons, Santa Uosaila. Otiiao, Kk. SJ lk, ITU ton. Ilanv. iunr. Oociway CVntis, Jones; Hr sh. 15111 tona, Vaiaralao, Ynndiiara, Hcwvaii, Hr tk, lull tons, Algm Hai. ; (lleitimrk, Irish. Hi sh, lTW toe a. Kid I Janeiro, August t. 01,'iitwnk. I.'uird, Hr lk, UiD tons; ' faU'uiia. ! Oenevleve. Touk. Kr tk. IK' tenia, M.iU 1 ph.irtaT, CVtorwr It Henry Vlllard, I'attett. Am ah. 147 , tecs. New York. October 11 Oberun, Oully, Hr tk. li(4 tona, ; Necas',le, Auotralln, lVtilr K fhelinatoM. Thomson, llr tk. Sit! tons; t'.ipe Twn. Ool.itr I. i I'lty of York, Jones, Hr sh. 1117 tons. Syd.iay. ' Ijikcmtxi, HrdherniK, Hr lik. 10C( tons, t'riH'tiiaiitle. Clan Holrtaon, 1111. Hr sit, 1540 tons, San la It.iswlia. HrUNti (lenernl. Thomas, Hr sh, IK ' tona, N. w-nil, AualralU. ! ill.lun, Mcwniivr. Hr Ik, 13t.: Iciia, Nagasaki. I Yalori. Hrowti, Hr n, K5i tona, New. o.tie, Austrulla. i Jonlon Hill, Walker, Hr tk. n't tons, Mel t turn-, ; K I n tue k. lVrrelle, Hr str, SNM tooia, i Y'okohama. Amara, Kent. Hr a'.r, y lona. Il 'ti. kojur. Alexander lllaek. lunn. Hr bk. IM tone, Antwerp. Watjen. Frill, ter ah. !CTI tona, IUosm. I I)rd Shafttb'iry, Cunningham. Hr sh. ffTl tons. Bj-diiey. Hrlaiol, Melntyre, Hr str. in tons, Sctn Ftanclaeo Anr Thi'mii1 Thomas, Hr ah, 1761 ton. Port Tlrle Almora. Thomin, Hr k 'V tona, Newcastle. Auru!!a. IV:er Rl.'kmcvr, Weatermeyer. Otr sh. JS3 ti-n, Hongkong. Auckland, Jam-.. Hr nh, t'.'l5 ton. A.le. laid. Olenlul. Taylor. Hr h. I CM tona. Royal Rond. I Oront-s. rtan. Hr nh. T !on. Sydney. Wlndrush. Walk -r. Pr tk. H.J tors, A le. : lalde. Ortnid, Mutt, tl'r h. U'A tona, San'a Rodla 1 Alc. Kuhtmcinn. Oer h. J3 tons. Santa Roiilla. Romamff. Morgan, Hr sh. 17? tona. , Newcatl. Australia. Fonhhank, Peterson, Rr bk. Its tona, OerghntI. ' Owynedd. Paries, Mr bk. 1053 tons, j Honolulu. Purllsn. . Pr str, SO tons. Krobs ' Andaman, Winter, Pr bark, IS tons. Algoa Bay. . Ixiirnsdale, Jones, Rr bark, 1W tons, Prlsbsne, , Cambrian Prince, . Rr ship. IJTB tons. Melbourne, . - City of Athens, Uundlns, Pr snip, 1191 tons, Antwerp. . j Marlon Ingl- s, HughK. Rr. eh. 111 ton", j Sydney. I Atarami. Cabcllero. Chll sh. 1" ton. Talwihtmno. , itrealla, Stunrt, Hr srti, 17m tona, San j Francisco. i Harmnck. Taden, O-r bk, T-t) ton". 1 1 l"KO. i Reliance, Riblnson, Hr bk. Jtr.l tons, ; I'c.rt I'lrle. N,n-emhrr 37. Cyprometie, Hond, Hr sh, ir) tons, San Francisco. TweidMilale. Jones. llr bk. ll'O tons. Ilrlsliane. 1 niU-r Iv i 'onimonwe.ilili, AnderHun, Vr str. 2IM t-inn. 1 i ill rn.i 1 1 . Pass of letiy. Vint, llr bk. I17'i tons. Y'oknliiimn Puritan. Ill im liard, Hr bk. r.-1 tons, I IIIUL'O. Sllbi rhorn. (ilbnn. Hr bk. ITTl tons l.lveriool. Also. M.i'l.. in. llr pli, lli tons, Am-.-rp. M'MHI'.rt FI.KKT V--sselB on the Vv nn l In Columbia to Id Lumber, protection, , stm. 21 tona, Moea landing. Echo, , b;tn. SCO tons, Tientsin, Knappton. Tenklo Maru. Kaneku, Jap bk, lit! tona, Yokohama. Ch.tialls, , hktn, 612 tona, Nagasnkl. IxmiIs. , schr, 830 tons, Callao. Marlon, , bktn, Ml tons, Sydney. Vldette. , bk, Us tons, Sun Pedro W. F. Jwett, , achr, C2 tons, Man Francisco bay. Orneirn, . bktn, K12 tona, M'llUndo. "lleiin'T, , bktn, Xi3 tons. Neiiort. Turn o'HhunicT. I'littcrson, bktn, UZi tons, Hun Fr.inclHio. I'rusper, , ci hr. :,) Ions, Hun I'ruu- c.ituo buy. Huir.innnlii, , schr, 121 Ions, Sun Fruni-lsc-o. Willlurd Alnsworlh, , sc-hr, 10 tons, K.-;iMle. Thumb rings nrn very bud form. On" revolt of the engineers' strike In r-'nuliiiiil him been a rl.ii: In frelnlita, an Hlilps cannot be repulrecl. PiiiDT ;" TasnTMBVT for lurturlng, dlsng. nriUK. lulling, Ihiii.iiik, niul seslyskln and scalp dlseiuia Willi IumiiI li ur. - Warm batlis wlihCu TictKA rsise. ) i, iciillcntiiiiia of (jtiTicmas (olntmsni), ami fill ins-a ol tlcTiciuas Hsscn, TaNT.Kfoslcl ui W'iou pullttiTi aucl liuuiur cures aticnn DarciaCsav C'las.iviis Props., SiKinn. aar " Bo in Curr llchinaHUn Dlscsi.-fr". RED ROUGH HlNDS'W"- " It'l ni me: I've trird tlnirns o( placet and it's limply Impossible to gel RtxM loluci'i) lor live cent." Good cij;ari, you mrn. If you'd Invest your nickel In Piper Heicliirrk you'd get the brat piece ol tobacco yuu ever put between your lecth.' JtulcJ of j;ood tobacco everywhere ore unanimous in their praise of PIPER KEIDSIECK (CHAMMGNC rUVOR) It is not only the best chewing tobacco on the market, but since the recent increase in size (nuking the new ilu nearly half as lare a-jain as the oM) it is positively llic biggest piece of gooii tobacco ever sold for five t cut.. J. A. FASTAHIC.NI)' General Contractor HOl'SK. HUlIKiK AM) WIIAWK Ml'II.DK.U IIOl.'MK Ah. ill llrailinb. a .l- rui is. . i ri aitKI I who Is nn ,-ahlhliltiK his 'i lui. . in riii i.iko. bud sittliiKs from Viihiiik'i'iii Ir i and I l.i lib I W.-bsli-r FU Eli FILLS. S, e. ynur lul lrrss to II K. Ilu klen 4 'o.. CIiIcsko, and set a fr simple tin f Dr King's New Life M;s. A ir;.il ni.i onvlnce you of llielr nn-rlis Tlnisi tubs ire easy In action and are '-t'eiilci-y . rTtctlva In the cure of!. i:i and .. k I c niU.crie. For m;ilnrl i n j liver 'oubln they hnve been prnv I Invariable, in. y are Kunranteed t) be jrr:.-c!ly f;.e i.iitn every del-ter:oi sutctmic- anj to : v purely Venet.iblc. Tii-y d n : wick -ii :y their uctlon, but by nivli.s; l ibs lo -tomarh and bowels fsatiy Irivlnoruto ne system. Regular albs Z. cents ut h i 'Old by F.stcs-Conn Drug Co. S'lubt baskets are noii. Foiirty-fuiir inun 1. s ure .ill. .1 n.i. in the prodiii'llou of the hum. in m A FI.KASA.Nl LXFICICKNCIi. A few tlnys sro a clmrriliiK yiiiiiig who was traveling alone l-twe'i Ht. I'aul and Chlmiro. van mcoatul by a handsome ifenilem.n, who Invited her to dinner with linn "I'cniitmy, Mr. Ctirson.'" she replied, "for the Wisconsin Ontral Ilnea hove thn Ix-st dliiluit car service In the world: I shnll ,s dellirnt. ed." For fureher tmrtlculars cull on the nearest ticket nif-nt, or address J. C. Pond, general iinssiuiirer agent, Milwau kee. Wis., or Oorne H lliitly, agent, 211 Rtnrk street, Purtlnnd, Or. The lulter-cluv ('llid'M KM-uti-sl t.iull Is his rupldltv. TO CURE A COLO IS ONE DAT. Take Laxative Itromo Quinine Tablets All dtimglHt r-f iitid Ihe money If It fnlf lo cure; 2.V. For null, by Oinrlea Rogers. Ciiunl MunivlirT. the Itussnu minister fur foreign nff ilrs. bus been decoraleil by Hie e.ur Willi Ihe Itrancl I ulil.,,, cd Die cu ller cif the. White Eagle. A woman never really knows Ihe mean Iiik of happiness und conti'iii until she Is llici mother of n. healthy, happy clillil. The health of thn child depends on the health of the mother, both before and nf ter birth. Most all of woman's weakness mi. I particularly the weakness Hint most Htrntiitly Influences the health of children, comes from some derangement or cllnease uf tho distinctly femlnlnii organs. Or. Pierce's Favorite. Prescription will cure lcuibles of this nature. It should lie taken regularly by every woman during tlin c.ntlio period of gestation. It gives strength to nil the organs Involved, less ens thn pains nf childbirth mid Insures the hen I Hi of both mother and child. Hend 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mulling only, unci receive free a copy of Or. Pierce's .Medical Adviser. Address World's Idspcnsary Medical Association, lluffalo, N. Y. The wlno product of Frnnce, Algeria and Corsica for this year Is valued at mi,;r,2, (Xm francs. PLUG TOBACCO OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL .Munriiuulll, .OrCtfOrt A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS bcw ilar Nurcnal I uurse l Dure fears -stilor year wtiollv (trafi aanMial. I rsiuiiia iruiriuieiit n ulue iia les villi .u) ehlldrrn. l,i,ircii-tlnii atel truilit nf In icvtniiasiica ir llsh ara t-m , aiel Voeat M 'sio lor nubile setiisils I'h .Surmai ili.lniiia Is m-iiilard lir law aa a KTATk 1 !' I'KKIIKH Alr M lecu h. i lil eaiuno. liililnii. Insula, buaid and lodslni lap- 'Ii.llialelri. lies ou l-t IMF siuileiits tMrdins llieinsrlvea, llld v per year A'4ilsiule aral a-eritrcl fnmi blab scticsult. 1 4 :slniirt c hserfllllT anlll cHI S'!U slliUI. Addreaa P. tc t'AUI'IIKI.I., rmlilanl, or W. A. WANS, ferretary Kiculty MOVINO TOOI.H HKNTICI) A in. i ii bivea Din siiund of his own voice eeuis when lila wlfo wants him to ' ad to her. CIIAMIIKIILAIN'M IHIMII HKMI.IM AHVAV.S IMtuVI'X BPFHi "I'll t L There are no better mesllclnrs on lbs maiket than "hnmlwrlaln'a We have uv,l the IVMUfh Iteinisly whi-n all others failed, niul lii eery Instance Ii proved rffectiial Alimtet dully we ur ths r toes of C'hainlierlciln'a reimiltes riollsl by thisjc who hnve used llcni. This la n.t an empty iu(T, UI for st so mu -h a line, but ! voluntiirllt' given In good t.iilli. in thn hope that (suffering humanity may ! try these romedlrca and, Ilka tba wrllar, b I lM.i...fltisl -From the (.llenville (W. Va 1'ullifliider. For aaile by (.'luirlm llng rw. j Iiriih'gtst. i Ilo- few women krow how tu hold up , iln lr sklrta wlih any direo of grace. J. B. WYATT, Phana Na. AH Astoria, tlrs(i f h.rd wnre, SI Chandlery, OrocerleH, Provlnlon r'AINTH nnil OILH. Si'tclal Attsnllon I'ald to Suplylnf Hhlpa William's Kidney dney Pills f (litw-iiM's f the v (iriiiiiK. l!uo lviilucysV lliivc Has no final In 1 Klilnc vh Irluury . vim iii'L'Icctccl vcnir vuii oa:nviii'l(i'c vonr licrvciiih nys- Mem unci ciiiiHi.'ii inmnio witii your k . K'iclncvH and llliiilili'i? lllivo VnuT ialn In Hi)' Iciins, biilc, Illicit, ifrnlhH J ami iiliiiiciiT, iinvL-V"ii niniiiiiy nn- pcaniiicii (d inn rued, t'sts'ciiuiy 'mi liT tlm fycnV Ton fri'ipicnt tic- it iii-iiia' ? lllliim s Lulncy Ik will Imimi't new lifn tn tlm (lis- 'cnMeil nrifliiih, loliii lip llio syMcm mi l mnlto u new lima of you. Jly mini r,0 cciifH per linx. wii.mams uni, i jrrons uinvoiiinn.u. Ttlf! fl III lon-rH-Uonniif i rt'iu'iy hit tiitiiorr in n. t;UIiKH I l:lot, ripitrmmorrhirii, U Ilebi1ftri. IiHkm( U II II K t II r hi ills). 0fnUMl ,:'iiiik, r mitf Hiuiifiiinu- riri.iairl.tar. h"M. Irrltnlldh nr lilct'iu- I'rtrtnw ot.ud.o, tUm nf iti u r nun iti"in rHfEvwsCiUMifimno. nun in-innu U jfcj'i 'in hi pinui riiiT, I liiri'iilni Mint mi ri'initisiL Thes ) tiny Capsuli t are tupenor n i . -I r 10 ui vupaiua, Cubchs or InjnctionsanH fw CURE IN 48 HOURSlprJ the ame dissniai with. Vs out Inconventonce. SoMhaH nt-ur -h.',, ivaiittafi -laa A att'l'1 UU tyT 1 . ,;via . . Library Car Route AMMIHOA'H Ht'KNIO I.INW. flcal In Ribk llallaal No Dial Hlnlnii ilnii Is tar i Carte Tlis all-rail routs to Kotitntial nilalaj district, l Heallls and Hpokana Shortest and Quickest Line sT4sV St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dututh, Chicago AND A 1.1. 1'Ol.NTH KAHT Through Palace and Tourist Hlertisra, l'lnlii snd Ubrsry tibarvav lion I'ars Dully Triilim sas HKKVU'K ANH WKNKIIY 1'MtAt.fll.lII For tl'kets snd full liifm inatloo caJJ ua M"iH It. N ' or sttslrews A II t I'KNNIHTX'N, t. V. A T. A.. I'ortlanl, tr. It. C, HTKVKNH. 1. W. V. A.. HeatUa. Through Tickets TO TJI-- HAST AM) aSOUTIII-AST VIA mm rnXUAN I'ALACK flI.EEI'R". TOUHIMT BLCRI'BUI aJ ntKB HrX'UMNc) CIIAJR CAM Dally Salt Lake. Denver. Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern CUa via atttMr era radOo or 0. n. N. C Only Line From Portland OrTsrUig lass(igtrs tba ioc sat T Tourist Car LI nasi (brougfe to Ckkmgtv Specially Conducted Excursions Via Bhasu Itouts to Cbl 'age arsry day. liagrsiS eseckid throurn to c tlilun. Magnifies!! s-snry, a alas dssputs; fast time, towepl rstav I'litlaK b light In a oars. For rales and otlnsr Information, smQ on or address IL W. I1AXTKH. Oen-I Agwif. Ut Third oor. Alder. Portlaod. rsk .sr asesvusrao y lii h 5-'" ; -I. iA.c, Not for millionaires only. Homo pcsiplo aswm to think lbs llurllng Iciii'a Ht. IiiuM?ldcago l.lmllisl la for mil lloiialrca only. That's a mlaliika, 'lh l.linllnl Is tho fliirrtt train on sanh but II doesn't cocst a cent mors to rids In It tliiin on any other rtt. Paul-Chicago train. I-ives Ht. Paul I Oft p. m. Arrives Chi istgo 2fi a. m. ('ompurlmeiit and Htand ard slippers, KulTot Hmoklg car. Dining car. Chair car. (,'onchm. lClcclrlo light. Wlda venllhules. Htin heat. Tloksbj at Olllees of connocKlnir lines, A. (!..SIIKM)()N, Cciicral A'ciit, I'di tliiinl, Oregon Astoria Public Library rtEAUINO ROOM FRB1S TO UI Opi'si every day from 1 tVoltvk to I M and e:tO to l:M p. m. Buliscrlptlon rains II pr annum. 8. W, Cor. Klevanth and Duana Itrestt- A. & C. R. R. R. TIME CARD In Effect Oct. 25, I8!I7. tsv Beaskle for Astoria via Flarst at 7:30 a. m. amd t p. m. dally. Leave Astoria for Baaalde via riavs at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m daily. All the Above Tralrs Arc Dully i V mri 4isf vs saw a mm ii i nin I