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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTOKIAN, SUNDAY MORMXO, FKHRUARY IH, 1HH. luDAfS WEATHKR. Fair wslher, followed by ruin. AROUNDTOWN. Bl'XDAT. All days sre ssrrvd days In make .Vw gladness In the sunny air. Helen Hunt Jiiikon. Try Schilling's Heat tea and baking powder. Tomorrow St. Valentine Pay. Two cigar, S cent, at the Parlor. Cheapest milk In the city at the Parlor. Mr. H. n. Parker returned rtm Port land yreterday. At the Riverside alley yesterday Itur- rows scored 74. Mr. H. R Parker returned from IVrl land yesterday. The potnVe boys are preparing for a busy day tomorrow. The February term of the clr.Mll oomt opens on the Slat Inatvtt Born-Saturday. Janoiry U. to th wlf of August HlldrbrsnJ. a son Manager Kratt. of th I-ouvre, will take possession of hi new private office tomorrow, The State of California, which la due tomorrow, will bring up a large freight and passenger 111. The ladle of the M. A. A. C. bowled several social game yesterday before re turning to Portland P. J. Menny, the leading merchant tailor. 137 Tenth Mreet. The higher! prl-e paid for fur skins. New prop dried fruit, new crop raisins, fig and assorted nuts all extra fine qual ity, at Ross, Hlggln & Co. Hawkalcy Wilkinson made final proof on hi homestead entry in the county clerk' onlee. yesterday. The regular meeting of the Women' Relief Corp will be held at's "nail tomorrow evening at T:. The leading merchants yesterday re ported a large number of people in from the country and a rushing trade. W. J. Heckard creamery butter received Wednesday and Saturday at the Parlor. Full weight. Also sweet cream every day. Mrs. D. K. Warren, of Warrenton. E. A. Lowe, and Marshill Judaon. of Clat sop, were visitors In ".he city yesterday. Bond street was thoroughly scrubbed down by the fire department yesterday and presents a much Improved appear ance. The V. S. S. Perry wts moved to the coal bunker yesterday, and will coal up tomorrow preparatory to her trip to the Sound. In the county clerk' office yesterday Joseph Peterson, a native of Russia, de clared his Intention to become an Amer ican ctllxen. Mr. J. V. Crelghton. traveling freight agent for the Northern Pacific railroad, spent yesterday visiting his numerous Astoria friend. Mrs. T. Marshall and Mr. William Mc Oulre. formerly of this city, were pas sengers on the Columbia for 3an Fran cisco yesterday. The Harvest Queen arrived down yes terday morning in place of the Thompson, which met with a slight accident on the way up the river Friday. Mr. E. E. Lyttle. of The Dalles, presi dent of the Columbia Southern Railroad Company, passed through the city yes terday en route tq San F nnclsco. The very finest. The ne plus ultri. The ere me de la creme. That HARPER Whiskey In three languages. Bold by! Foard Stokes Co., Astoria, Ore. J Miss Chemine. one of the visiting lady bowlers from Portland, yesterday made the highest score on the A. F. C. alleys 31 Burnett rolled up 47 for the men. It wa reported yesterday that Mr. Earl of the Columbia Iron Works is bid ding on the construction of several hun dred tramway cars for C'hllkoot pass. - When going east travei on the North ern Pacific railway. Quick time and the only line running dining cars. Train leaves Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. In the settlement of th Commercial Street extension matter the O. R. ft N. Co. and A. ft C. R. R. F.. Co. were the the first to withdraw objections to the assessment. Probably the proudest mm In the city la Mr. August Hlldehrand. The heir to the Hlldebrand estate arrived on the scene yesterday and it cost "papa" sev eral boxes of cigars. Grease spots, blood, oil, or any other spot or stains on dresses, coats, carpets er other things, are promptly removed with Fels' Naptha Soap. Large cakes, 10 rents. Rogers' drig store. The pilot schooner Jessie, comimssloned a few days since oy th Washington hoard of pilot commissioners. Is keing put In condition for service and will tie ready for ts'-a In a few days. S. Schmlddt. 8. Farr -II, C. W. Cond-n, 'J. V. Creighton, Portion!: F. P. W. Us. Buffalo. N. Y. : C. E. Kerlee, llwaco: George W. Freeman, V. 8. L. II. K nre KUt-sts at the Occident. If you have hides, wool, furs, rags, bono or any kind of junk for sale, ship It to R. M. Gaston, WO Fourteenth street, Astoria. Oregon, or write him and he will call at your place and get It. He pays cash. The visiting Indies of the M. A. A. (.'. tcok the Telephone for Portland last lilKlit. Tliey were a jolly crowd of bowl ers as they stood on the deek of the Tele phone bidding nil leu to their Astoria friends. The members of ihe A. F. (.'. were at the dock In round nu nbtrs to see them off and "sped the parting guests" ity singing songs appropri-ne to the oc casion. The ladles responded as the boat . Good baking powder at 25 or 30 cents a pound? Ridiculous! It can't be made. Cream of tartar costs too much. The grocer must make a profit; and so must the man ufacturer. 613 drew out from the do.k, and gave venl to their feeling In the soni "live, Haby,' which was feelingly snug by the twenty- Ave Indies on bonnl. N.i pains hud been spared for their entertainment by friends and members of the A. K. t during their stay In this city and It Is hoped that they carry with them to their ISmlaitd home many pleasant recoiled Ions of their visit largest and most complete assortment of air-tight heaters In the city. All the kinds advertised In this paper may be seen and compared at our store, then your selection will U satisfactory to you. 1-oar.l & Stokes Co. Prtirs w ill lie given at the Sons of Her mann ball. February for the most ar tistic ladles' costume, for the most arils tic gentlemen's costume and for the best sustained ladles' and the best sustained gentlemen character. nescue i hid met last nlsht as usual with a crowded house. The following program was carried out: Reading. Mr. Adams; reading. Rev. Mi-tVrmu. k: reci tation, Author ltotworth: trombone solo. Mr. Snodgrass. accompanied hv Miss Dusey. The captains of the ships Linlithgow. hire. Sprlngburn and llornbv t'anle. who wen- ashore lust night, eWdently got osl. as three other reputable ship mas ters were l.niklng for them up to a Lite hour, but finally rave It ui and i.-. 4tiarter at the Occident. Northern Pa.-ItU- railroad train. I...-..-. Portland dally at 11 o cl.Hk a. m. for T. coma. Sokane, and the east. Close ran- nevtl.m made at Spokane for Rossland. -eis..n. winnow and Uritish Columbia mining camps. For maps and Information an on or address C. W. Stone. Amon Oregon. The statement made a ew d.ivs i...... that there had h,-en a strike In the boiler making d. parttnt-nt of the Astoria Iron Works was under a nus.ivirheiiin. Th management knew of no strike. Some men temporarily empled were dis. missed. The department Is In full run. nlr.g order a usual. It has been Intimated that a large prop erty owner In Ippertown stands ready to lonaie a sue for the proooscd citv n.rk It is thought by the members of the jt. gressive Association that If a site is ured and provision made to accent Mr Johnson's liberal offer, a good year's work will have been accomplished. The Portland Chronicle says: The fix. vel people asked Albert Toiler. Oregon national committeeman of the National Prvs asportation, to serure the session ai Flavel. Now Toiler prowses that I'ort. land put In a bid. February nth the com mittee will meet at the Palmer House to select the place of meeting. Captain Harry Uoodalt. the new com. i..a.ioer or tne coiumhla. took hs i,-s, l to San Francisco yesterday. A few d.ivs ago he brought the Cottage Citv aroint I from New York, whl.h steam, r will take the place of the City of Tonck.i out of San Francisco, the latter v..- b.-tn bookel for the Columbia River-Alaskan run. When the news was received on the street yesterday that a romnrnmiu been effected In the county court on the oung s Pay bridge matter. Kt-n-rai .-.t. Isfactlon wa expressed. Only a slight change in the Fairfield Point location wa made, necessitating the erection of a continuation of the bridge across the Lewi and Clarke. The most satisfactory evidence of pro gressive minstrelsy is shown In the unique, novel and attractive Derforiranee to be given by the Geoge opcrati.: col ored minstrels at Fisher's opera house, next tnday night. This popular com pany combines two distinct and perfect organisations. Everybody will see them and enjoy an evening fun. The Columbia River Canneries Com- pany filed articles of Inc.irn j-atl m in the county clerk's office yeL"djy. The In corporators are: J. o. Hanthorn, B. A. Seaborg. and T. B. UcJoven. The capl- tai stock Is Kju.W. divided Into H) shares of 110 each, The objects of the com. pany are to buy and sell salmon, (mmts canneries, cold storage plants, etc , Cohtrftrlnr S'rmiit expects to iom- mMiM work on the new Yamhill lock tut the government In about two werks. The principal portion of the work will fw concrete, the stone for which will h obtained within two miles of ihe locks. Five hundred thousand feet of lumber, and about sixty thousand pounds uf Iron for the works will be shipix-d from As toria. The condition of Astor street has be. come not only a soupe of danger to teams and pedestrians but a dls.'r.ue to the city. Some of the prop.rt,- tinners have expressed a willingness to do their share towards Its Improvement. Some of the teamster who have to visit that sec tlon of the city are of the opinion that the repair of the street should ne foreed or that It be fencd up. At the meeting of republican . lul.s held last evening an executive committee of five, consisting of F. J. Ta-i.,r. c. tv. Fulton. James W. Web-h, F. 1.. Parker and J. E. Young was -d. with full power und authority to appoint all sub committees for the rw..;iU',n of dele gates to the republican convention in April. There was a large ntt.-n lance .u the meeting which was an enthusiastic one. ine umiculty arising over the location of the Young's Hay bridge F,-,rfiod Point was settled yesterday In the county court. The court made an order that a bridge lwm feet long he built aero- the Lewis and Clarke to be local d ni a point know n as the old "ferry landing. ' The cost of Its construction will be between four and five thousand doll i s. the .x pense to be met by the fun Is provioc'l in Ihe levy of V, mills for the erection of Ihe Fairfield Point bridge. The lesldcnts of Warrenton have withdrawn their oh. JectloriH, apparently satlsll.-d with the or der made by the court, lis loe.vlon Is situated about one-half mile above the mouth of the Lewis and ("lark. A meeting of the mlmon packers r.t tho Columbia river was h -Id y-st-rl iy to ' on shier some matters relating to th" i.-uk- imas proposition stall m. The nu ding v.ns well attended by with local und out side packers. No oth'-r business oi,r-r than that above ref-r.-'d to was em, sir evil. Much nn.nseinent was Manifested hv some of the larger '.ackers ever the Intimation conveyed In a dlspaV h sent from Portland yeat -rd iy that a "mm h'ne" had been fortwd wnlr-h :d"m plated the control r,f the pa king sltija lion on the CoKi-nbla rl-.-r-r. Inquiry of i 'licit of tile packers In ntten lan'e at th'; tn...-tinp rV ven led the fact tint no other Pin ker on the river but Mcsrn. Kenborg and Hinthorn is a .nernber f the I'ort hind company, or has any Intention of becoming a member. The steamship Oregon, for Alaskan ports, is due from Portland tomorrow morning. Fifteen passengers from lieio were booked at the olllr e fJf Agent Wil son yesterday evening to take passage north. The fifteen names on the list rep resent various occupations, that of fisher- man being In the ,n.iortty. An npial number of passenger left on 'he Elder n w.ek sln.-e, and like those that preceded them from here, few of them lime made up their minds as to what business they sill engage In north. Klaht of the pas. evngor are booked for yc.i, Juneau live, and Skugway two. Kollowl w Is the list: Miss Mary lkan. 1. A. Niivnberg, Ale llolman. S. M. tlrimes, C. Kvenson, lair tHsoii. Erich I'lerson, Sol K-iraaU. Th.-o-doro Smith, J.d.n Itent. v'hrls Johnson, William Turtihull, p. c. Stone, K. burg. Charles I'tterheig. An accident whl.h almost com the lives of two men occurred yesterday as the steamer Telephone was making a landing at Ranter. The steamer was ,-om. log alongside the wharf under good load way and was obliged to hack, down M the slip. Just before ti, sg,m , v, n to reverse two men In a boat shot out from behind the wharf In the wake of the steamer. In an effort to gain the .haiin. l The machinery start...) it.., r movtsl backward and ih.. i,i ...a. n wh.vl ptckrsl up the boat and men. smash. Ing the Unit to kindling wood. The men reinalnetl In the wh.vl and would haw been dash.-.! to death with another turn, but the engineer of the steam, r felt the unusual jar and promntlv closed th in rot tie. one of the unfortunate men had his head badly hut neither one of them was seriously injured. The names of the men could not be learned, as they quickly went ashore after being rescued. I'opulatlon follows the bulldm of g.HHl roads as It does the building of rail-, said a well. know n u v ..i. tlclal yestenlay In discussing Clalson county Improvements. 'Farmers want to use their horses which thev sr.. ..l.llue.l to keep for farm work, and which a large I.rtlon of the year rat their heads off lit the stable. Instead of being coni-lle,l to pay passenger fare and freight rate In order to get their produce to market. It la all very well to say that waterwa make cheap transHrtatlon. but the farm r ot loungs river and Lewis and Clarke countries have found to their sor row that it costs them double for su. h service. What they want Is irood roads insteu.i or frittering nway time and money In half-way measures and make shift repairs each year. wht. h are washed tit by the next storm, how mm h b. tt t would W to build only one mile of road a ye ir and have that prowrly built an. I of a immanent character. Such a method would soon give us flrst-class roads. How- was the great west settled? Ity building railroad. The people s.n followed. Ilow will Clatsop county he settled up Ity building goo.1 roads. There will then be no ciimculty about developing our In ternal resources. I'ntH we do make roads we can expect no measure of agricultural growth and Improvement. It Is the country that supHrt the cities. Even the well settled sections of New York anil New Jersey have recently found It ne es. sary to expend large sums in county roads. The reports show that the money was well spent. Let us make a beglnlng In Clatsop. The railroad Is all right, but It must be backed up by county rotds Just as the building of the Columbia Southern railroad from The Pu Pes has Increased the acreage of wheat and the protlts to the farmers and sheep ranges so good roads in Clatsop will enable the country to develop und give the farmers protlts Instead of losses on their prod i cts." THE MODERN WAT. Commend Itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done In the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the sys tem and brvak up cold, hiudche and fev.-r without unpleasant after effects use the delightful liquid laxative remedy. Syrup of Fig. Made by California Hg Syrup Co. REAL ESTATE TRANSFEUS. August Dnnlelson and wife to J. Wal frcd Johnson Southeast -luarter of south west quarter, section IS. township 7 north, range J west, W acres; .V0. Vnitcd States to James N. Laws South west quarter of suction i. township 6 notth, range 7 west: patent. : .iii.A- The S'ew- road. Chadwell. Feb. 11 (Editor Astorlun The friend of the new Young's Bay bridge are hard at work In an effort to eeure the required sum of money for the instruction of the road to the new site. They realise that they have a herculean task before them Inasmuch as they have responded Innumerable times before for the same project, but they never say die. It has been suggested that a grand ball fit Fisher' opera house or Foard & Stokes hull be given, anil that It be mule one of the features of the evening to give away prlxes to lucky roiiKin-hoders. Such a si heme It Is thought would realize a goodly sum. The presents are sup fosed to be donated and to consist of several fine witches, diamond rings, a ton of ronl. a cord of wood, barrel of Hour, one yearly pass on Portland steam ers, and such other things as may be contributed. The object Is a worthy one. and there Is no reason why such a plan (onld not be made a perfe. t success. I-t try It. Thus far the sum of Jl'vO has been sub scribed. CHURCH DIRFCTORY. Y,Nor'.EATIONAL CIITWIf -Tenth and Exchange streets Rev. T. 8. Uollln ger. pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday hool at 12:15. Junior Endeavor at 4, and Y. P. S. C. E. at t:Vt p. m. A cordial welcome Is extended. Today being Lincoln memorial day Pastor liollingrr will address the evening con grcgatlon on "The emancipation of the l!'th century slave to be fully accom plished in the twentieth century." PRESRVTERIAN Ninth street, be tween Duane and Exchange. Rev. Henry Marcotte, pastor. Morning service at 11; evening ncrvlce at 7.30; Sunday school at 12:15; Y. P. S. C. E. at 8:30; prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. All are cor dially invited to attend. Theme of the m irnlng sermon: "Christian Holdness." Evening theme: "What Is Presbyterl .mlsin?" FIRST BAPTIST Exchange street, be tween Eleventh and Twelfth. Rev. L. J. Trumbull, pastor. Residence of pastor on opposite sldfl of street. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Hun. day school at 12:15, and B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m.; prayer meotlng on Wednesday evening. Everybody Is oordlally Invited to attend these cervices. Subject of M-rtnons Sunday will be "Things Above'' and "The Way of the Transgressors Ih Hard." FIRST METHODIST KPISL'OKAI, liiiano street. W. B. Holllngshend, pas tor. Residence V Exchange street. Preaching Sunday at 11 .a m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 12:20 p. m.; Epworth Ieaguo at 6:30 p. m.i prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. All seats fre. Strangers welcome, SWEDISH LUTHERAN Morning services at 10:30 a. - Uppertown, m,; In Swed- tn tne niwt and third Sundays, and In .ngiis.i m se-oiM Sunday of eac mouth; evening service at 7 p, ni.; In English the flwl and thlrvl Sunday and In Pw-ed sh the second Sunday of eac nionm. ine pastor, Hev. Kdhund, who for two Sin l.yj has Iwen nway to at lend Ihe moan a of Ihe Colombia con Terence at Spokane, will be hack so will prcriih Sunday morning In Englls' and at .... p. m. In Swedish, NoKWEillAN ASM IVVMSII M i III Hi ll -l p,. r Astoria. The pastor. Hev. J. Jacohaon, will preach tomorrow i( II it. m.. "Pauls Noble Avowal," nil at ,.W p. m the suhle.-t will be "Chris llanlty- A System of Truth and Peace i lass meeting Tuesday and prayer meet Ing on Thursday at ; '. i:ANi! I.CTII ClU'liCII OF Till- NORWEUIAN SYN'OK English Sunday school at s a. in. Norwegian service at 10 ' a. m ; English service at p, ui Tet, Acts. Rev. M. llol.len, pastor. Services at tlrace Cliurih tomornv Morning raver, litany and sermon at II Sund iy school at II . evening prayer and sermon at 7 . At Holy Innocents the holy communion at s a. nt. Ev.tng.dlst IV W. Potter, of Chicago will hold special religious services at the M. E. Church at II a m., tj ?i and 7 .to y. m. Mr. Potter Is one of the leading evangelists of the day. REVIEW OF PUAM ATIC SEASON. Astoria. Feb. 12 -(Editor Astorlau - Although our city may sas of being a hrst-.l.iss shipping port and even the lomlug metropolis of this great north west, she cannot brag about her places of amusement or dramatic advantages True, she has a very cy little theater, and. with the newly constructed stage large enough to accotnmo.1 ite any pro duction that may he brought out to this oast, y. t she Is out of the regular route of the traveling companies N'everthe less, a glance ov.-r the attractions which we have since the o).cnlng of the present season will recnll some very pleasant evenings spvtit nt the I heat and I am sorry to say. some that nre not so tdeitsant It Is true that we have not had Gillette's "S.vret Service." a Fannv Ibivenport, Joe Jefferson, or Mine lesk.i. or any of the other slurs wh. make the theatrical season so successful it least from an artistic st.ui lis.iiit. but we have h.-en and there ts an old saying. "He thankful for all things " The season owne. here September with I.c.-oci's opera. Little Puke, hv the Hepburn". aupHrted by b al talent Fol lowing this came Herr Ki"g Janson's violin recital. Nashville Students. Mrs Waller ltee,i and Agnes Watt In n ong tecltll Professor Cooke In a night In splritnillMn. Helen Kellih.r s lecture mi '".ilifornia. Gladys Jon. s In a song re cital, the Will. ml Oil Concert t'omimnv. Mi Kw -n. th" hypnotist . A Night In !o h.mla. An oriental Fete Manager S.ilg ' date l"k shows some entertaining bookings for the mar fu ture. TERRY M'KEAN. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CKKP1TOKS Notice I hereby given that the und-r-Igned has thl day been app lnd s slgnre of Rebecca fttrauau, an Insolvent Jebtor. Creditors of th said alnor are hereby notified to present t- r claims under oath to the undersigned within three monttin from this data at hi place of bust new at No, 575 OrnimerWal s'reet. Astoria. Oregon. Pated thWi 11th day ot December. 1ST?. N. SCHLU3SKL. Aigne ot Rebecca Strauss, an lnsolv ent debtor. CAUTION. All person are hereby notified thwt the Acorn. Chwtnut and Bunfiowvr bnuida of salmon labels am copyrighted, and are now the sole property of th undersigned Any person or perauti using th above brand or label without my consent will be (ubject to legal prosecution for the same. BAM J. GORMAN. Portland. Oregon. February 1. ISM. A LAMBDA AVR.VfB GRADE NOTICK Notice Is hereby (riven that ths common council of the city of Antorta propose to establish the rrado on Alameda avenuo in that part of the city of Astoria known .is rnlontijwn. at the foliowlnit helirht .ibove the ba.s of graiHi: At tn norlh'-u.t corner of blo.-k J. at IT fet uljovc the bane of ffrailei, ami at i point directly opposite and at rlKht arKl-.a to the east line of block 2, at Z feet. At the southwest corm r of hlo. k 1. at a feet, and at a point directly opposite and at rljrht a'iKh to the weit line of block 1, ut 43 feet, and at a point on the north nlil of block 19, directly apposite lo the southwest corner of blck 1, and at ritr'.u anitles to the south line of bho k 1. at 43 feet. At the northwest corner of block 19, at 14 feet. At ihe southeast corner of block 2, 14 feet. at ai tne norineaHt corner of block 18, at 4.1 feet, and at a point directly opposite; on the south) lde of block 2 and at rlifht unifies to the north lino of block 18, at Ki fet, and at a point directly opposite to the northeast corner of block 18 on the west side of block 19, and at rlifht angles to the eait line of block 18, at 41 feet At the Intersection of Alameda avenue with thu .-a! boundary of Taylor's As toria, at 48 feet. At the northwest corner of block 18. at W feet. At the southwest corner of block 2, at SO feet. At ttie northeast corner of block 17, at 81 feet. At the southeast corner of block 3, at 81 feet. And unless a remonstrance aliened by the iiiit. of thrce-fourUiM of the plop rty fronting on said portion of said street bo filed with the auditor und police Jude within ten ilays from the date of the final publication of this notice, the com mon council will coUbllHli said (trades Dat'd at Astoria, Oregon, February 9, IMS. If. E. NBLMON. Auditor and i'dlce .fudge Who has not been puzzled to translate the street i rb s of fruit venders, rag men und "old cloes'" soloists of the great ' lib s? "The Htreet Cries of Paris," is the title, of an Intensely Interesting and hand somely illustrated nrllelo In the Ht, Val entine number of the National Magazine. The peri and Ink sketches of lh I'arlslan street venders are decidedly clever. They were drawn by a Parisian artist und have the real French flavor. Afghan w mien lire never Jealous of each other. CASTORIA For Infants i.nd Children ni f- Hall) ' II 01 ttr ll0tlllf 91 0vijpffiGs WW Utfv ltoththo nii'tlnnl mill results when Synipof I'iKs is uken; ii isplcasanl uml rctrcshiti l the t.istc, mul uctH Kcntly yctrinpily on ilitKiilncy, l.ivrr anl Ilowt ls, rlciinscslhesyn iciiictfet tiially, dispels cuhKhciul aclios.tiul fevers mul cures ti.iliiltial constip.Hiim. Syrup of I- in- lite only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing In Ihe taste and ac ceptable to the Mutnai h, prompt in its action and truly benelu ial in it ctlects.preparedonly from the most healthy ami agreeable suhstanccs, its many excellent qualities coin mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Tis is for sale in 50 cent bottles ly all leading ling uists. Any reliable tiniest who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Po not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. u nm:i3Co. cl iouattui. tr. H iok. t fi'LI AIlirX AVEM'E tlltVli: N'uTii'i: NotU-e 1 his-tiy given that the iminnn council of the city of Aetorla pnp to ibliiti thn icrailo f t'l.liimbla avenue in that iirt of the cl!y of Aitoria known j ia tnlieitmn, at the f-illowln heik-lit utntve the tme of jrr4ie. At the oiithe corner o( bl.x k I. at l.V feet, and at a Mlnt dir.vtlv .pite on the rant l.l of block 14 an. I at r chi 1 alleles to Went line of be k 19. at 130 1 and at po.nt dlm-tly ip,mt lo the noiif hn t corner of hhck 19 "n tiie forth able of blvk i ami at nsM incl' lo the lolllll llll of bl.vk 19. at I XI frrt. At thfi f.Kithntnt i-.Htier of bb k IS. at 2 f.ct, and at a p.ilni dirn-tly opikouti on the nrih m.le of bl. k J and at rlthl 1 timhn to th u!h line of bl.x k IV nt 3 fret. I At th n..rtiiv t Mt i-urnrr hhk k 91 at I Ili feet. At the southwrtt e-rner of M.vlt U. at IB feet. At the northeast corner of bl k II. ut Vji feet. At th iitheaiit corner of blocs, IT. at IM feet. At the south Side of Kln-ton avenue at It Interaction with (Vluinbia avenue. at 1 feet. At Mie mirth tide of Klnj-nt.n avenue at It Int 'mectlon wlih Columbia svenue. at IV) feet. At tho aouthwrat corner of block I, at it feet. At t-lie southerly corner uf block V, at H fet. At the) Interwtlon of Tolumbla, Cam- rUlgo and llwaco avenue, at feet. At the northeast corner of block St, at ZA feet. At ths northerly ccner of block SJ, at A feet. And unleas a rnsitrnc asned by the nwnera of thive-foiirthai of the pni- rty fronting on sold portion ot and atrax-t ba filed with th a ml I tor and pollc judxe Ithln tun days from the date of tho final publication of tbl notice, the com mon council will entnbllwh aUI trade. lasted at AstiTla, Or'gon, February IS. It. E. NKLSON. Auditor and roller Judr". NOTICE FINAL ACCOUNT. Nolle Is hereby given that C. 8. Wnrht ml T. A. Hyland, executors of th estate of Elisabeth Jane nuwaril. have filed their final aocount In old eaitat. In the county court of Clatsop county, Orrgon, and the Judir thereof has set February B, IV8, at the hour of 2 o'olock p. m for Ihe hearing of objection, If any '.her be, to the allowance of the earn end th cloilng of th administration of aald te la t. C. 8. WrttOIIT. T. A. HYLAND, Kiecu'.ora. Astoria, Oregon, January It, 1M. Shares of the Alaska TTaiiaportiUton and Dearepsjiment company of Chicago are tlhej mo( dmrcble lnvwtmrst before the public. Safer thai, oavn(n bans and hank stock. Paying large dividends Bhares onei dollar For information ad drean W. L. Dudley, goner ill agent, Hal I or building, SeeUtle, Wash. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY February 22. ANNL'A I Masquerade Ball -OF THK S0J1S OF HERPHH Founl it Ktoki-M Hull flnrble and Urnnlte iriHorn & minar, m K. Morrlnoii HI,, Portland, Or ..A I.I, HINDU (r CKMKTKRY WOIIK THE PARKER HOUSE CENTRALLY LOCATED- Comer of Ninth and Ator KI reels, Astoria. Guests Received on American or European Plan. Umbrellas I.Of KH. KKYH A Nil KKWINO MAHII.NKH.... Also all l llfht Miichlnery. Repaired Caitlng UkU on Flih I.luei, C. H. Orkwltz m pi'ane. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE. 1., J'' NKUtl, InvsHtKi mul Milliliter. . . . Friday, February 18 . . . AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL BLACK BOOM George's Operatic Colored Minstrels.. In Mighty Unison with the Celebrated ceorgl. University Graduates . . . Keie-ve, S,TV; llsllerr, Vie Hunt le oihim id TlmriUr motnlM alt c lirlltlu tei lu.i Hlnie NOTtCB. Mu b cliuwd out. Mils for all or any portion ot tn stock and tool of th. no caiillla ImaliKNM of tho K, 11 awm late will U reAflved up to I p. in . Mon tar, rrnruary it, 11 icijgtsl to rejet- any or an mil rMvrv.l, Plrmt all bid, seal fd. lo C. J. TltlQNCIIAHl), AailKnee IhXVItn AND ltHMS. Three or four Iskmih, with boardai re.nble rates. Tablo txiardors can be .wm.Uted. Mrs. K. C llolden, corner Nlntti and Duans trt. HtK'IRTT UlCKTIMia. TKUI'I.R LUIKJK N U "("iT "i4M A. M -Kular communlcatluu held 00 th first and third Tuesday evening si Mi k no. th. o. w. LouNMiiKUP.r, r. u R. C. IIOLDKN. IWcralary I'HorKHHIONAl. CAHDH II. T. CKtHUT. ATTOHNET-AT-LAW. M ComiosrvlaJ tit. I JtMIci T. LIOIITKIt. ATTOIINKT-AT-LA w. OiWen, muialr. Aa'orUn tliiil.lli . v.. iil.t'V.KIv. ATTuhNET AT LAW. Ouiideron PuilJlng. Astoria, ()rgou DK. it, ft. E8TK8. I'MTHICIAN AND HI'llOl'ON l-lal attsatioo to dttvasM of wiine iikl urry. Ottlrs ovr rans!r. stnrs. Astsrla Tslnphon No. U. I I. W A lU)WLhT. ATTOKNKT AND COt?NfKfaOR AT LAW. Offlce on Itond street, Astoria. Or, Chester V. Dolpta. Klobard Nil. IKH.I H NIXON. ATTOKNETi AT LAW Portland. Oregon, R B. J aad R llamlltoo nulldlng. All lagaj sad eel lection busln wa promptly attended te Claims against the government p tUlty. tUt J AT TUTTLE. I'HTSICIAN AND 8UKOEON Ornce, room I and 1 Pytlilan bulldg UIH CommrcisJ St, Realdtnct Mm. Telephons M. Acting assistant surgeon U. 8. II t rtn hospital service. rr. FOR THE WINTER- AND SPRING. flavlag psrckse4 Ike slock id ksnistss ot tkt Coli kit Shoe Co.. t art otft rlsg tke pshlic oir list ot tascy id staple tootfcttf .1 ike Lowest Marqln of I'roflt. niltltnt silcsoitt nit coi vintcac prices. Peterson & Brown. The Choicest Table Wines... For ramllles Also (or Medicinal sag Cooking Purpose Privet Stock, Cream RrA 014 Hickory, Pride of Kentucky and Hermimge) Rv otd California Braeidls. Carlson's FamllyLIquor Store IN TWELFTH 8TREBT SEASIDE SAW1H1L A oomplnte stock of lumber on baai In the rough or drssscd. Flooring, rus tic, celling and all klndi of finish; mold logs and shingles, Terra reasonable and prices at hesYook. All onion promptly attended to, Offlre and yard at mill. H F h. LOGAN, Hes side, Oregon. Proprietor. Antorla Iron WorkB Front Bt root, foot of Fourth, Astoria. GENERAL MACTIINI8TB AND HOILKB MAKERS Land and Marina Engine, Holler Work, Btoamboat and Caoiwry Work a spe cialty, Cuatlngt of all descriptions made to order on short natio. John Fox., President and Superintendent A, L. Fox Vloe President 0. B. Prael Secretary Astoria la ring Bank Treasurer r Star I' 30 Mi (Ileal UaiKCf IU 10 (Irrnt Ctintf UUns - 10 to (Ircst Sinners 10 Wat h ri Mm tirsml sim1 I'iiiiiiIc on Ainviilof lbs 11 phone. lirninl t one. r( In flonl of lbs IhiHiler ill : h p 111, 1 v w Your . Physical Necessities. You wsnt that which lrntheni your viiem In thu cli weather You want that which brlp ton to fulfill th da. manda which buln-M makes on your phvelcal elf. to withstand Ih ssrsrity i f Ihe rhanseaM weather and to mak oii itron nd kxp you wall. lUrs" whrr (md meat help you KOHH. IIIUillNg CO. A Narrow Margin. Is all are aaklng on our stock of Ladles' nnd OcnU Boots and Shoes Our goods are vmrrsaled. 479 Commercial Street John Hahn... 1871 1H07 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... LUBitlCATIMI OILS A SPECIALTY SBLL til IP dlANDLBAT HARDWARE IRON AND iTrrx. COAL OIIOCBR1BH AND I'ROVlaiONi FLOUR AND MUX FEED PAIN PS. OILS AND VARX1SUW Loooionfl' Buppuiia FAIROANX'B 8CALKB DOORfl AND W7NTOWi AORJCULTVRAL 1MJ"LDUENTS WAOON8 AND VEHICLRS Emil Schacht ARCHITECT kooms 3 1 7-j 1 8 Portland Savings Hank Dldg. Portland, Oregon. LADIUS' M) (iltXTtrMEX'S Underwear MA DC TO OltDI'.K Latest Stylus Thorough Worktnunshlp Prices Low James Murphv 420 Commercial Street. THE PROOF of the pudding Is in the eating, and th proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument thai' cluslrs a demonstration. Ours will atand the teat Mm 1 i Ml HUGHES & CO.