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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1883)
ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY- AUGUST 2C. 1888 CQMMEBCEJtHD TRADL rORT OF ASTORIA. SAILED Kite FTreep, Ur Ws l.ireT-.ol A o-ast VESSELS IX THE KiriCK. Cbcsokronph. Am sp IlicfclMHl Iicfct, Ak. sp Hurry 1ore. Am p "omici. Ara Imperial. Am sp Reper, Am P Titan. Am Indian. Aw flfe G1enbrTie. Br bk Western Belle. Aw p OHve S.Sonthard. Ainp (Sterna. Riror Ulth. Br hp Gnwnierc, Br bk Aberlemno, Brbk ;rodal. llrf Ked Cross. Am up arri- "tt inolow.Ara W: Koxburct4ire. Br 1 Bwedim. J!r Geo. Bf wiry. Br bk WijrtoMtiire. Br 14c St. Lucie. Aw sp Oba. Br bk vessels o.v Tin: u'yj r. From I'oreijrii Iorf. fur lite 'olttittlii:i River Barf-any. Br sp A -nil 23 Clyde IpnefM. Br up Mar 1 1 lndoa BatSsWr( Br bk April I Mm BltetaH, Br p Liverpool May It City ef Madrid. Rr Mar 2 Clyde City ( CaHi(4c. Brbk Gneanaefe At 14 Ctirnsraere. Br up 1,oihIhi ApritS Devenby, Br bk Newcastle K S IV Ksk4ale. Brbk LivnxKrf.InlrX Flory Cross, Br sp Sidnejr OUnpert. Br bk A)ril 1 Cardiff Curat). Br bk April 26 I.mmIom Harry BaHey. Br bk Unenec Ayrea Incbcrecn. Ur on 1101 Greenock. Jttsef Ironside, Br bk Greenock Slay W Isle of Ancbjsea. Brlk Mn 5 Hmr-i-wt Janet McNeil. Br bk Jut 13 fHaagaw Kapnnda, Br sp Leaden April 7 Lake Brie. Br po Louden April tf Mallscate, Br bk 1 jverjt May 21 Nairnshire, Br f Clafcgw Marck 2 Oban Bar, Br bk Mar 31 CI:.' Uakwflrtk. Br t-ji Feb 20 lsmAon Oberon. Br bk Hull .lane M Olxjron. Br fp I.obiIwi .)nne 10 l'ertland l.V&jfU, Aw sp Mt Xr 2? Star of Krin, Br up Olaa-cow .imm 19 Spirit of the Dawn. Br 1 May 2 l.ewton Scottish Tar. Br bk I.i wrjMXl. Mare 14 Slienlr. Br lit Newcastf e March M From American Pert?. Merem, Am sp V Amti4 17 MtWaftbincton. Am h New York April i3 M V Watt. Am bk New i rfc May IS Sea rCinc. Am p X Y Jnly 4 Sovereign of the Seas, Aw New Yrk .Imhc Tillic 1" Starbuek. Aw spXY JuaetS TIDE TARLE FOR ASTORIA From tables or United Slates Coast Sorrel llish Wator. at Wntsr. Date. A. X. p. . a. n. T. X. ... 4 11.. ... fi ) .. f, 32.... 7 -IS 00.... .. 4 0S1. S J. .... fi (Mi. . 7 1S. 8 mi. 05 11 M 2i.. as... 20... $8.".'. as... ao.... l..., -W 5H - . H 22 11 49 . 1 051 ,. 2 42 2 7 ..10 OS. It 241.. . sm .1 Bl .11 10 10 21 . 4 M 4 1 0 00 J1 J7( . - - . 0 &l ... 0 0.1 1 07J . r. is : . i M r.29 . 7 M 7 11 Columbia Rivwr Sxprts. SHirMKNTS ItiKKtOX. KBCAflTULATIOX JAXDAKY Bt. 2l.S7j! bus. vhent . 5C,a67 bbls Hour. Total, 3 crj;oes rHBKUAirv. Wlumt. lfiO.(K)6 bus., value Flour, tS,4M) bbls., " Total. $ cargoes 3UARCH. Wheat tm7.G24 luwliels) Flotiri.nS.141 bblH) Salmon (tawij CHfHs;)........M Lumber (.tK) 3I ) , Total (ScarnHHj) Al'XIL. Flour, 31.SK0lWs . Lumber. X7R 1 Total, S CHfKoo HAY. l'l our 45.815 M4s Whont 4,2tt bin Tolttl, (1 ittrpt) Flour. il UHla Salmon, X7,7itf s......... Totnl, (1 CMrptk 1C1.Y. Flour, 1,W1 lWs Salmon, 1122 t-s .... 1 M.fl fsO.lj 2H5.7.7) JW-l.lhT ijm r.jtw SMis.l .jnsjb ' mu. ......WJCT S 1T 1W.1 !jot, ..3 7.T3 Total, (Searpoes) AUOUST. Prom Antoria .Witm cs salmon ?i"l.0re Domestic BxportB. The receipts f certain at tieles 01 Or- ecou unKluee. at, han l' rxneisco. int .lanuary 1. 1KS.1, u August 4Ut, inclu sive. Have luvii as voIhiws: lHour, ir sks Wheat, ctts Oats, ctls M Saltnon. hlls.... lif hhlK Apples, ltipe, hxs . ... r.uttor. jikes Potatoes. sks...... Wool, lwies Hidus. N).. Tallow, pkfis eef, lWs Hay. hales , Quicksilver. llasks... Fruit. Dried, pkgs leather, pkss. lltips. bales............... ....... Hams, pkgs , Cheese, cs...... ..... ......... Flax Seed, sks Corn, ctls Canned Goods, cs 1-inl, pkgs llaeon, cs..... 2SjKi 211 .t5W S4.1TK SUM ,ii 13: 37 l ' Common Council. Regular meetings socond and foterth Taat' day uvcnincs of ohcu month, at t lA o'ewek Persons desiring to heve maUre acted upon by tho Council, :;tsny rocaUr taMtioc must present tho same to the Auditor and Clorh on or boforo the Friday evenia prir to tho luosdny on which the Council hold ilt rerulsr meeting. TilOS. S. J EV i TT, Auditor and Clerk Astoria Lodge No. 40. 1. O. G.I. ltepular Mcctinp every Qucfday Events; tit 7 o'clock, at 1'ylliian Ha!, Astoiia. M um bers of too Order, in sood p! a mi ins. are lavit. ud to intend. Degree meetint; 1st JJondtiyof each month. 15y order W. C. T. Temple .Lodge, Wo. 7 A. IT. A. M. Itnm.l.r '(ii.inl.i.;.. Krcl mA third Tuesdays in onch month. &t o'clock, r. ji.. at tho Hall in Aatoria. Members of tho Order, in trood uudiriK, arc invited to attend, ur oruo: ot tno . m. American Leerton of Honor. Ifll1l1-ir tllKiittl .-.! tllri:l (V.llrll Vi Oil: Is held on tl:e lirst and third Saturday of each mouth, at 7 o clock r. M. By order of Council Commander. It. V MoNTKtTir. S"c'ty. J. II. D. GRAY Wholesale :ind retail dealer iu. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED. Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage tm regul able terms, toot of Bei ton street, Astoria Oregon. To The Public. NOTICE IS IIEEEItY GIVEN THAT MY' bed and board without any Just cause, I will not pay any debts of her contractlmr. OIX)F BENSON, Asrorta. Ammsi xi. itiii. no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, wan f Appel-i tc , 1 ess of St rc . v , lack of Energy, Mala Intermittent Fevers, &c. BROWN'S I RON BIT TERS "never fails to cure all these diseases. Dual cm, 3Ccv0&ticr' 4 fftx. Ratx Cmkuical Oj. - 'cadcwcai : r'or years, f have becaagt-Ka -ffererfroin l)yJ-a, mm! Mtld get no idief (haMK tried everything wLkli wm reooauarttd c4) MMtil.acti-rc oa the advice r.f a Mend, who keen brtKfjtt:! '. Itaovx's I ..j Lineal ' bottle, nidi m'st jr-i!:ia rt.':t.. 1'feviuus to taking J.kuv-w'. lkTTwes, ererrth-nc I ate 5.-t: i s . ! tec, pad I iu4tr J c''r n ' ' ' -kttmws ft iIk- :;t:'.. which was unlwaraK!:. ioc ' iK JtaoWM'tt lMM BtITKS, t" ;. ttaetblesMcataaetuL Oncr- ..-.y dmc wwhemt any 4kagjfoeU' ' Mrits. 1 sst jrscti'-,hr sr person. Mti. j. 4i 3 -'lavrrlck t F . 1 BKOWK'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing ail dyspeptic symptoiris, such as tast ing the food. Belchinci. Heat in the Slomah. Heartburn, etc. . The only Tron Preparation that will not blacken ih o tooth or give hewdachc-. Sokl by tit Iru0gitas. Brown Chemical Co. BttHknore, Md. f.-r ih.-t ti Irc IVium ate code by ?Ui-n (.henuol Co.. Hahi Wti . u crossed red lion and trwc mark on wrapper. WAaZ OP IMITATTOK.c 3IARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General nasomnjno taWertoak oumtanOf Cinmed Fruits and Jolly, Bacon, Hams j Shoulders, Lard, ERGS, EIITTES. CHESK. Fresh Fruits ana Vegetables, PES?!. POULTRY ATZJy fJASIt. In the season. cxc;ai:k as; Tii.tcr. ItcMf or WIHIZS ASR I.KiUOKS. AH rUfiu for (!ASII. (kwwl mid on rn tisiou. 0tJKif4t'' 1. W. (mm- nUtn: .1. oim;ek.s. Was h 1 n rtni i Harket. Aaioria Orcgt f cC BERRY Main Street, - - Ji ERG 31 AX Tr KSl'ECTFULLY CALL TUB I i.ti tia f liio iwhlSc t tfce fuet tVai the shove Market trill altrajrs b:Qi'tUo iilh FULL VARIETY BT QUA !.m I FRESH AHD CURED MEATS! Whwh will lieati t SttWMtratoa.rbolefal ax chitx. LOOK HEBE ! We reper1fttHv inform 11m ':l ilinl v. will alwas k i'umi hand U- j :..dlt f Presli and Gured Meats Choice Pninily Grocerioe Fre4i Frttit. Ve"lal5e. Cwckerv and (rlKSS-WJMV. SMtis. IIolr4s aud liArtiiut Jin"taf.r mi: plied oh liberal terms. A share of U10 nHir wUroatMie hi iwirwet - ltniv soiicu-a. Itf. Y.'A It HEX & Tl JOMPtJOX WHERRY & C0SI?AIY, Frrvsli and Cured Mat FRO T$, BUTTER, and E&GS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTH (JlIKTAalajS Slrcct. AMtoria. Hz ASTOII5A FIKK i:HirAHT3l h'.jiT W. J. ItAKItY ChW litigineer F. J. HICKS 1st Am. lntftneer J. . C1IARTEKS 3& AmX. 1 JiKiaeer BOARD OFDELEaATES.-KQgrtarmett- iii; nun in juiMmay in eacn inonui. at 130 v. m.. at Imli of Astoria lCntdne dtuin-uiv No.i. " . r - Okj-icriu:. C. J. "Trencliard. lresideut : A. A. Ck'velaitil, Secretary : F. L. Prtter. i reasnrer. I)l'.LKCATKS. L.E. Soibr. C. J.Trewrhard. Chas. Stickles, of Astoria Eugine Co. N. 1 ; Wm. McConnlc. F. L. Parker. II. V. Prael, ot uescue luiuine C o. so. 2 : Ed. L. Curt is. it. .i. Taylor, a. w. Berrj". f Alort H ok ami l.adder C.iKo. l. -- i- ASTiMTA COlfP&STY A .,. J-. iteguiar meeuHg arsi Joauav in cm-it montlL Asst. Foreman ; lletirj' Miller.MAst. Fore- man. UESCUE EXGIKE COMPUTT Ao. f. ltegMtar meeting nrst Mduoay iu rach inoiini. Okfickks.-C. W. lultoii.Tjxjlctir :1L v. Prael. Secrelarr : L I. ilorryniati. Ast Secrettin : F. 1 Parker. Treasttrer : K. 1 Parker. Foreinait: II. F. Prael. 1st Asst. Foreman - .lames Hare, 2d Ast. Foiettuui. AJLETIT JWOKAXD LADDER Ck Ko. 1, Eegular meeting second Monday in each mom n. OKKlcitltS. J. O. BoEOrili. President : C. Brown, Secretary ; J. Tttttlo. Treasurer : F. it. lilberson. Foreman : F. t . Fennisn. 1st Asst. Foreman : J. w. Firc!ien. 21 Ast foreman. r . Wi 1 yoV -u?Sr S?t 1 P.?1 an-d Liver Complaint ? bhiloh's Vitxilizer is guaranteed to cure voul SoldbvW.E. i uemenr. The Oldest Place of Worship in tbo Two Americas. A few miles below Murray Bay. province of Quobcc, stimds to-day the oldest place of worship in the two Americas. Here at the month of the nver of death first landed the Freoch, Septetnlwjr, 1534; about fifty years only after Columbus discovered the new torld! 1be river is wide like a sea, although we are 400 miles from the open ocean. The scene is much IHce the Bay of Naples. The air is certainly vastly superior in purity ami sweetness. The soil is tawny sand, dotted with plateaus of birch, and pine, and cedar, whieh seem .to Itavo fled up the. nigged rocks that rise gradually ami frraceftiHy lack from tlw wa ter. Here these trees liover in the steepest and most inaccessible taeF: as if to escape the ax. For, ait, it is c-oid here for half the year or more, and the "habitant" must have his roaring wood fire. Still, how secure this spot is with its one humble little bit of a church set as a dot on the map to wait the first eominsr of the white irtam In all the ir.isrhtv north lraoe. aiit stnic, ami progress. ain! battle Itave gone by the other way. Bat the little wooden church. with the weight of many centu ries on iu bowed shoulders, stands there in die grass alone looking out forever 011 the great bay- pence in its heart, promise of rest like to this on its holy altar. JfHiqum Miller. About one thousand men arc now at work on railroads iu King county, W. T. Six hundred arc employed on the Seatlle-Tacoma road at Black river bridge and in White river valley, which road they will complete to Black river bridge in about three weeks. The bridge, with the approach to it, is over a thousand Yards in leuarth. and will contain 600,000 foct of lumber. ISortiiern Pacific land sales for Julv aenrretrate AO.QOil acres for which 4illW,S33 was received These sales were divided as fol lows: Eastern division, 24,GS9 acrtfej, for 110,153; Montana di vision. 507C acres, for $30,305; Western division, 11,24 acre, for fc5-k3G5; town lots. $10,528. An opinion from one vhoe ex pericuee the expression thereof is 4lwas in order. Mr. 11 1 ram B Fenrnson, a member cf tlie Su preme Court, Bar of the State of New York, whose office is at Xo. 2S7 ikoadway, New York City, says: "I consider St. Jacobs Oil a most wonderful remedy. I had been a sufferer fioni rheumatism for years aud nrobably have en dured as much misery from thai disease as any man can stand, tried manv of the so-called rente dies without any relief. Final.', 1 used St. Jacobs Oil which gave me almost instaut relief. I it to lie a safe, sure and pleasant remedy. I Iteheve tt to be an in fallible medicine. It is a pleasure fi me to recommend St. .la colts Uil to all who tuner antl need its jfttod tsfrvice:' ASK KOlt- TTaicn India Subber Co's lur )am Cain (JKAOK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. MXWAXK Oi" IMITATION'S 1 Kerorelhr Boots are .damped CliACK PtttMtytnk Ihe heeli. and have Iht PU11K at M srt.i.(,s on tm tiHtt and instep, wlik-a iwevt :u ihftr eraekiite or nreakiin;. We are ww makinK tlitt -lth ltUlWKIi ASH ASliKSTftS Soles vthich will make Uteui laxt m ire tiian twice :ts Unt as any HMtMM-r ttixiis mad. FOUSALK MY ALL DKALXRS. ALL KI.MtS KiniMKIl MRL1IXC. PACK- INt, HOjB.SrKIX(iS. ClA)THIN(5, 'a OTS AND SIKlliS. Etc C5CODYEAR R15SBHR CO. U. ll. PHASE. Jr. A2-nts. H. M. la'NYOX, San Enuteiseo, TO THE TEASE ! PSsssrs. m. E. Hoc-per S Sons BALTiTtlORE, KID., Havettivon in the EXCLl'MVE SALE ft P-wilie Coat of Utir Celfbratwl WOODBBERY rjlf TTT'AT'eTt d "O Tb TIT ItK-iii.Lng a Full Ij'ie of etmOH SEINE TWINES, WRAPPING TWiHES, SAIL TWIHB, ETC. In addition toalnne, we have on hand a Complete Asortinent of Needle Brand Seine Twines. Palmetto Seine and YrappJng i wines. HENBY BOYLE & CO. 517 and 519 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Slriloh's Porous Plastor, Price 23 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. . BANKING AHDJflSURANGE. AND INSURANCE AOENT. ASTOlllA, - OREGON OFFICE IIOUIUS: FKOil 9 O-CLOCK A. M. UK TIL 8 O'CLOCK P. hi. E8S8 Mutual Mum Co., OF CAHFORNJA. J. F. JIOUOHTO.V-. rresMlnt . Srtwwry Aeut for'0'nB UllAS. K. rirouv..., lino. Sroxv Ca4tKl pahl coin .. la U. s. , S .-Wl fca W X. CASK. Agent. Cnc:uuntw street. Arfiritt. njto. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND Lt)VON AND 1 GLOBE, NORTH r.P.ITISII AND UKKUAK-. TILS OF LONDON AND EDINBUIiGH. j OLD CONNECTICUT OF IIAUT-j FORD, AND I 003UMRCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRX INSURANCE COMPANIES lUrreeatiaca capital of S07.OO0.O00. A. VAN DUSKN. Acenr. OH. AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. j Papsr Hanging. Kaiscmining, Etc.: AimI ali kinds if w.r!: in n.v tii- .I-t'n in a proitit and salisfaetorj tnaatu'i . 5iTShop next east of Oraee rhtireh. Vitalise? ant? EnrJcitr- he Buto-i, up tho Sjsten!, Mai.-..-' Use Wstlz Sf rontc, BHlldt nj the i:riu".- tlotVB, TDYtS,,r-"' ' t3 Uneia. aa:l fiYspapsia, 2ervouj Af:&cuo:if, Ssn . T ... "L . . crai nzcuiij, iseuraiia, J.-evei-and Agus, Parsljsis", Chrotic Diarrlic3a, Bciis, Dropsy. Humors, Peuiale Com plaints, Liver Cosi plaint, Eemitten-: Eever, and MX DISEASES MIGINATIfiG IH h BA.0 STATi Or THE EL00D, OR ACCGfiPAKIED ui DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE Of THE S.3TES. rptv- bkd with m Titttl JTleelrle, . LMe li!cat'i:, lltON. t-Sr.- -w:rciifl Vlwtr aci' ."'-". l.ifi icUi dl : .tj f's iy-K-ii SEiNr: FRKr. roii ai..o:: :.. .r. pz ts effcrts are not folio cj by t i i .x -i, l -it are -xrinanr-it. ski: i i:crhoa . row. r. . TT.JC. L-TS HOME GOMFOET. After a Jtaf ny Ride a Count ry Vhy- sirina Tells What He TliiitU.s or Some Teople. "I wish to gracious some people trouid loarn trhes they need a doctor and when they daa't," exclaimed Dr. E , a? ho entered his house in a ewey littlo village in tho inter ior of the State of New York, after a tedious ride of many mile'. "I hnvo been down smons the mountains t) sec a man, who the mescnrer said, was very ?ick and not likely to live 'till momin, unlotw ho had immedi ate help; and found him sufTerinR from a rather sharp attack of colic, which hi fsmily mi-ht have relieved in ten minute?, if they had a prain of sense and two or three simple remedies in the hou?c. But no; they must remain ignorant as piJ, and when the least ache or pain takes thorn, send lor a doctatr whether they over nay him or not." Why. Doctor, what kind of simiJo reme dies, as you call thcai, do you expect people to keep in the house?" asked his wife, as ho poured him a cup of hot tea. 'In this case," answered tho Doctor, "if they had only put a BENSON'S CA1'CIN2 rOKOUS PLASTEU on tho man's sbnaHch, he would hnvo been all right in an hour, and saved mo a dreary ride." Jn all ordinary complaints it cures at oace. Alldiscasos aro eliminated from tho sys tem by what may bo roughly called expul-ion or extraction or by a union of the twopro eeese. Donson's Plaster promotes both. It iaeitej tbo torpid oisans to act, and sends its healing, soothing, influence through the myr iad pores of the skin. All other plastors ob lige the patient to waiL Tiicy giro him hope for to-morrow. Benson's plaster Rives him help to-day. Which is bettor, do you think? Buy the CAl'CINE and keep it in the house. Priee 25 cents. Seabury ,fc Johnson. I'b.irinaceutical Chem- i-Hs, New York. EEF0RE AND - AFTER TO MEN ONLYjYQUNB OPtCLD, WnO arc safferlas from Ndrrocspmii rrr. Ijost Vitauitt. Ia a1 iivk ToncK Vioon. Wastiso IVkacctssks. ana altthose dlscoscii of a PnnsosAi. attre re from Aiicsrs and Ornnt Cxvsof. Speely relief anil complete restoration ot IfEi.i.Tn,Vicouand Manhood Gcaraxteeo. Tlip grandest dUcovcryor the Mneteentn Century. Send at oace for Illustrated Pam phlet free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO.. MARSHALL, MICH. Hess Farm for Sale. THIS VALUABLE FARM, ON CLATSOP Plains, consisting of WO acres of dairy and farm land, together with stock and farm tools, is for sale on reasonable terms. For particulars applv to C. N. HESS, In Astoria. J25-lm V BR. HILL'S VARIETIES. OEO.HILL. -WALTER PA31KS, - - rKoritiETon - STACK MANAGEli Engagement of MISS SUSIE LEE, Son? aad Dance Aittet. MISS MAKY MOULTOX. Character Actress antl Kedtalhwcs. MISS FANNIE WALTON', Sottgstrra. BABY WEST, Tlie CftiM Wo4er. MJS. IIKXRY WEST. Ethiopian CoinetHttu. WALTER PAKKS. ComliU). CKAS. BARItOWS. Actor. Toj?t'thi?r with a now UiMler tlie managewH'Mt of li:OF. niAKLKS KICXAKOS. All the Old Favorites Retained. (wu all th." Yiar-Petfrmaiicf Every J Niglit- Kolirr t iianteoi fnramrw Eery Xit;liiT roainsl!s t SONGS. DAWCES AMD ACTS. J we give tne ocsz Variety Entertainment In the West, Tlrt the:Mr Is erowdfd nijrhtiy. ainl all - "T lr. Hill as a ttervr fir Uk iwWle's atnat'nH-nt fan lw excelled. Aiijhody vifhitt to seml x itleasant oveitit; anil se- s;qrkliHK wit simI beauly without vttl parily. sIhhiW tm;ruve the oport unity and CtHH. Tlie evwapMity eitjHises the f.tktwittc well- RMIWH Alt rk : MISS F.VNKIX WAt.TOX. MlS MAKY J10CI.TO.V. XX. Wai.tkjc Parks. iiit. Cha. r.Aituows. M. IIknuv AVasT. ! All f which wiii a!ner nightly In their dif. I ferettt xjieeiaHtes. I 0oii air coticert CTiHy ovetnim : ltorfonn- slice oomiMewehis at 8; entrance to theatre I on l&ntott streel ; private boxes (Hi Cliena- inuK street. Now Stars in Rapid Succession I. IIUSS. A. M. JOHNSON. Astoria Bail Loft, JI ANt'FACTUlCEItS OF SAiLS. TENTS. AWNINGS. TAPvPATTLINS, Ami everything else perlainiii!; to our Dusiness. Lowest Price and Best Work For your Mont'. At the Old Stand, Leave your orders and get your work done at once. J. II ess & CO. Astoria, - Oregon. ("lEPvMANIA BEER HALL J AND BOTTLE BEER DKl'OT. CKiCfAMITS STRKKT. ASTOEIA, Tito Rest or Lajcv i Cls. a Glass Ortlers for the CeletetcS Colniliia Brew? I?ft at this place wilt be promptly attend ed to. tSNo cheap S:m Fraiscisco iicorswu at this place v.u. liuuiv. I'ropnoior. HOSPITAL, STORIA, - - - OKEGON rilHIS INSTITUTION. ITNDElt CAP.E OF X the Sisters of Charity. Is now ready foi the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol any desiring them. i aiteiusaumiiieu at an iiouis.uhv uringiii. Xn nhvsician has exclusive rteht. even IKittent is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United. States Zllnrine Seamen who nav nosnital Dues, are entt- tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United StatesMarincs at the Cus tom House. SISTEKS OK CnAUtTV HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLASTI3TG- MILL. A full stock of home manufactured xoods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work gtutrantecd. Your iatrona-e -o lieited. ASTOUIA. Oregon TAILORIKTGr, Cleaning Repairing. NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. BY GEORGE I.OVETT. Main Street, opposite N. Loob'j. Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the citv of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, propose to or der the improvement of that iortion of est 8th street in the City of Astoria. Clatsop County, Oregon, as laid out and recorded uy. John M.aiiivciy, irom tne south side of Water street to the south side of Cedar street by grading said street where needed to make an even grade from Water street to Cedar street and by planking said street to its full width" with new and sound fir plank not less than three inches in thickness where not already planked and oy re moving all defective piles, stringers, planking antl other timbers in that por tion winch was destroyed by fire and b replacing me same with new ami sound fir piles, caps and stringers antl nlanking, and by building sidewalks eight feet wide on both sitles of said street where not already built aud by repairing the sewers on both sides of said street. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of theprop- eriy iroiiiin on .sunt portion ol saiu street be filed with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days of the final publi cation ol mis nonce, viz: xnursunv, September 20th. 1S83. the Common Council will order said improvement to oe mauc. Bj- order of the Common Council. T. iS. .JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, August 25th, 1883. City Taxes. -VTOTICEIS HEREBY GIYEN THAT THE xr city assessment roll for 1SS3 Is now in my jiatids for collection, and all persons that ;in: niueuie u tor me same mav save live per cent, by paying said taxes before September it, lev, .1. u. ltUrtXijl,i;. City Treasurer. SHIPPING IsOTTCES. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAKD- (FAST TIME.) The popular reamer FLESTWOOD, Wfckh has b?en refitted for the comfort of Wseiwrerwin ieau -"" Fisher's dock every ifondmj, Wednesday and Friday at 6 AM. arriving at Portland at 7 P. M. HetumiK:: leaves Portland every Tutnu and Thursdaus at 6 A. M. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. An swItiitkMial trip will be made en Sunday of Each 'Week, leaving Portland at O o'clock Sunday 31orninsr. Passengers by this route connect at Kalama rorSnutui iorts. c.ij.biua-a. President Astoria and Portland. sStr. WESTPORT, p.ll .SIIEKMAN. - - MASTER. Will make reinilar trim to Portland and Astoria. Iea is Ilurnell's dock, foot of Mor- rts".i street, rortlaml. at G A.3t. saturuays. And will leave Wilson & Fisher's dock .Vstona. at 8 a. m. Thursdays. J3Br-Fr'itrh; carried at reasonable rates. sWincr : RELIC." WILL MAKE TRIPS AS FOLLOWS: To YOUNGS IMVEi:, Mondays. Wednei and Saturdays. :days Special trii as required. Will leave Wilson & Fishers wharf at V o'clock sharp, each morning. LEWIS G. IIAAVEN, rpjier Astoria. Master. BE&ULAR STEAM PACKET 'Daisy" and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Gray's Dock, For Olney, and Head of Youncs Elver, Daily, at S a. ir., (except V.'editesdays and aiiiinays. I Jeturninj; same day. For Landings on Lewis & Clark's Iliver. On Wed ncs days, at S A. 31., Eetuniinj: same day. naFcr Freight or Passage, apply o or at Gray's Dock, where Freight w on board ill be re eeiveu ami sioreo, u necessary. J. II. D. GRAY. Steamer TOIVi MORRIS. T1S XE1V ami fitToritc Hoat S NOW EEADY FOE BUSINESS AND can he chartered for excursions, sneci:' larttes. etc.. at reasonable rates. A general steantboating business tnmsacted. V. BOELLINfl, Master. Chenamus Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment made by Ordinance 0.543. of the City ot Astoria, Clatsop County Orecon. and which ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on the 22dday of August, iSitt, and was an nrovett on tne 2uti tiay ot August, lssii for the proposed repair of Chenamus street, in the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by jonn Mcuiure. irom Main street to Jackson street in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 528 nf tin t'itv of Astnrhi -mil which ordin ance passed the Common Council of said city on the 14th day of July. 1883. oro.i n ti.o infi. f July, 18S3, on each of the following de scribed lots fronting on said portion of said street is now payable at the office of the City Treasurer in U.S. gold and silver coin and unless paid within five days from the expiration of tins notice, viz: Thursday, September 13th, 1883, the Common Council will issue warrants for the collection thereof. The assess- ment is as follows: " .Vo.o A'o.o A'gwe i the Otmer. Let. Block. Coit. C lloeling 5 il SGI 00 C Hoeling 9 Gl 00 C Dueling 7 " Gt 00 J W (leaihart 8 " 01 00 JE 15 Parker 5 10 42 SO (Jeorgellill G " 42 SO I Uergman antl A AY I Jerry . 7 " 42 SO I Uergman aud A W IJerry S 42 80 C 1 Parker 12 42 80 C 1 j Parker G " 42 80 J F Kybee 7 " 42 80 J F F.ybee 8 li 42 80 C h Parker 13 42 80 C L Parker G 42 SO J Kamm 7 47 54 J Kamm 8 u 52 29 (leorge Davidson ... L 20 9 75 George Davidson ... 2 " 4 88 Johnllobson 3 9 75 Johnllobson 4 " 9 75 J AY Munson 1 21 42 SO JWMtinson 2 I " 42 80 Mrs J E Ferguson .. 3 " 42 SO Lillian Crosby 4 " 42 80 irnited States 1 23 42 80 United States 2 42 80 United States 3 " 42 80 United States i 42 80 C 4-Parker 1 24 Gl 00 F Ecrendes 2 . Gl 00 Ccorge Flavel 3 " Gl 00 George Flavel 4 ; Gl 00 CITY OF ASTORIA CROSSINGS. Crossing Chenamus and Polk Streets S175 00 Crossing Chenamus and Wash ington Streets 175 00 Crossing Chenamus and Lafay ette Streets 175 ou Ilv ortler of the Common Council. T. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk Astoria. Or.. August 25, 1883. dtd Street Grade Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Astoria, Clatsop Count), Oregon, propose to es tablish the grade of that portion of Washington street in the City of Asto ria, as laid out and recorded bv John McClure, from the north side of Squc- momia street to tlie south side of 8t h street, as loiiows: At its intersection with Stiue- moque street, 2Gfeet At its intersection with Jeffer son street 42 feet At its intersection with Astor street SO feet At its intersection with Court street 15G feet At its intersection with Sev enth street 182 feet At its intersection with Eighth street 189 feet above the base of grades as established by Ordinance No. 71 of said citv, and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be tiled with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days of the final publication of this notice, viz: Thursday, September onUi ISO! tlin f'nmmnn I'nnnni! will Ps tabiish said grade. Ey order of the Common Council. T. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, August 25thl883. County Treasurer's Notice. npHERE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY JL Treasury to pay all County Orders prc cente.I nrinr tn October 13th. 1SS2. All such orders will cease to draw Interest after this CHAS. HEILBORN. Treas. Clatsop County. Astoria, August 20tb, 1S83. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPANY. O CEAJT DIVISION. On and After April 1st, 1883, Ocean Steamers will sail from San Fran cisco and Portland everv three days. Leavinjr Snear St. wharf San Francisco, at 10 :0O A. M.. and Alnsworth Dock, Portland. it Midnight, Thronzh TIelsetB sold to allnrinclna cities in the United States, Canada and Europe. River and Rail Division. On and after July 22d, 1883. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East ern points, at 7 :30 A. M., dally. RIVER DIYISIOX (Middle Colambla). Boats leave Portland for Dalles at V -OO .V. M. ALSO : Leave Port land for Mop Tu. We. Thu. FrLlSat. Astoria and! lower (Jo-1 lumhia ISAM SAM SAM "AM 6 AM SAM 6 All uayton. Or.!. AM 7 AM Is AM Victona.UC;s AM16AM SAM GAM " AM 6 AM Leaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a. m. dally ex cept Sunday, Astoria to Portland. FAST LINE. Steamer IVIdo Went will leave Astoria for Portland, 1 P. 31. Returning, leaves Portland for Astoria, o a. 31., daily, Wednesdays excepted. Pullman Palace Cars rnnnin? batirMa Pert- land, and Missoula. C. II. PRESCOTT. JOHN MUIR, Manager. SuD'tot Traffic A. L. STOKES, E.P.ROGERS, Assist. Sup't of Traffic. Gen'l Agent llwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s SUMMER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and llwaco. Connecting with L. A. Loomis' Stage Una, and Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co's. Steamer for 03-sterville, (daily), llontesaao, aatl Olympia, Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Steamer "Gen. Mies," or "Gen. Canby" Will make two trips dally, except Wednes nay, between Astoria and llwaco as follows : Leave Astoria at 7 AM, touching at Fort Stevens and Fort Canby and arriving at ll waco at 8 -.To A M. Returning, leave Bwaco at 9 -30 A M for Astoria and arriving thero at 11 -20 A M, land along side steamer Wide West to transfer Passengers, Baggage and Freight. Leave Astoria at l P M for llwaco direct, and arrive there at 2 -30 P M, Returning, leave llwaco at 3 -50 P M. touch at Fort Can by and Fort Stevens and arrive at Astoria 5-30PM, On Wednesdays leave Astoria at 9 A M for Fort Stevens, Fort Canby and llwaco, Re. turning in the afternoon, Fare between Astoria and Fort Stevens 50 cts Fare between Astoria and Fort Canby or llwaco...... ..75 cts Freight between Astoria and llwaco $2 00 per ton norses between Astoria and ll waco . 2 00 each. Carriages between Astoria and llwaco 2 00 each. J. II. D. GRAY, Agent. Oregon & California R.R.Co On an after May 13, 1883, trains will rna as follows, DAILY (Except Sundays); EASTS ID K DJTISIOrf. Retwcen PORTIiAYD antl G LEND ALE VAIL TSAUt L, I-EAVE. ARRIVE. ,- .7;$A- S'S'-1 VSkl' I' C.Iendalo 1:00 a.m. I Portland 4:25r.v. ALBANY EXPRES8 TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4 :0O P.M. "Lebanon 9.20 P.M Lebanon 4:45 A. M.Portland.10:05 A.M The Orozon and California Railroad i'errr makes connection with all Reiular Trains on Eostsido Division. WESTSIDK DIVI3I0T. Between Portland aad Corvallla mail Taint LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 9:00 A. MJConrallis ....4:30 P. il Corvallis. 8:30 A. M. Portland 320 P. U KXTItESS TKAET LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5:00 p. m. McMinnvilla..8:0O p. m. McMinnvillo:15A.3i.Portland.... 8:S0a. v. Cloao connections made at Glendale with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California-State company. cTickctsforsaIeatalIthenrinciDaltointi in California and tho East, at Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Storago will bo charred on freight remain fatCompanys Warehouse over 24 hoars, roieht will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on either the East or Weatsido Division. john muik, sup't or Trarac. .V. L. STOKES, Asst. Sup't. of Traffic. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, llwaco. North Beaclt, Oystervllle, North Cove, Petersons Point. Ho qnlum, Jlontesano, And all pointson Shoalwater Bay, and Gray narbor. GEN. MILES. Mrs. or On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY, ' GEN. GARFIELD ' MONTESANO Shoalwater Bay. Gray's Harbor Conncctin with Stages over Portages, Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip in CO hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. Hall's Safes. WE HAVE THE AGENCY FOR ASTO na of the above safes ; parties desiring to pnrchase will do well to call-and examine catalogue and price lists. BOZORTH& JOHNS,