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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1883)
Vol. xix. Astoria, Oregon. Saturday Morning, August 25, 1883. No. 125. PAST," PfiSfeBNT AND FUTURE OP' WYOMING. Some writer has said that no portion of the globe is at this time so full of mighty possibilities, or rich in promises for the future, as the Froad stretch of rich territory lying west of the Mississippi, and this assertion comes as near the truth as a newspaper man dare get. Bat a few years ago this portion of the Union was, very ap propriately, termed a wilderness. The coyote squatting in the shel ter of tho umbrageous sage tree sang his tuneful lay, and the cac tus stood sadly in the midst of the wide expanse of country known as the Laramie plains, with no human being to love it and cherish it and sit down on it. The very thought of an orphan cactus being doomed to sit in eternal silence, with no kind word or look for centuries, with no picnic party and no soft-eyed 3oung man with ice cream pants on to come and nestle lovingly down upon its fuzzy bosom, is sad enough to draw tears from the eyes of Bob Inger soll himself at the usual Star Route price. Until lately, too, the "Westerner who ventured across the Missouri river, was looked upon as a curiosity, and the peo ple watched him with apprehen sion for fear he might be loaded. "Within the last half score of years, however, the "West, particularly this portion of it, has waltzed to the front and demanded recogni tion among the countries of the world, and got it too. : . The only objection to farming on the plains is that the land comes pretty high about 8,000 feet. The assertion, however, that there is always a sea breeze blowing at that elevation, just moving the leaves of'the trees and blowing the cellars out from under the houses occasionally, is false. True, some times a whisper of wind springs up on the starboard jib and blows about-due west by gallej'-west for an hour or two, but nothing heavier than corner lots with big mortgages on them have been blown away that we ever heard of. Raising cattle is Wyoming's chief industry at this writing. With a good branding iron the humble ranchman can get up a pretty nice little herd in a few years. One man who went into the cattle business up in the Sweetwater four or five years ago, with an I. C. mule and a healthy branding iron, is now worth a million. He carried a charcoal furnace with him, and had the brand tied to a rope. He kept the iron hot, and could throw it so as to leave his brand on every maverick he saw, if he could get within twenty yards of it. He just branded all the cattle he could find every spring and let nature take her course. "I tell you, pard," said old Jimmy Cannon, the guide, to the writer recently, "the West has lost itsiromance. Only a little while ago, it seemed to me, where once there was nothing but the whoop of the Indian and the song of the six-shooter, now there are rail roads and churches, and commer cial men, and high schools, and three-card monte men, and lectur ers, and daily newspapers, and, every little while, a natural death. Why, within the last two months, if the blasted papers tell the truth, several men have died in Wyom ing of disease. I tell you it looks as though us old-timers would have to move away. When we have to wait for lingering disease to snuff us out, its time to light out for the frontier." Laramie Hoomerang. In his speech at the reunion of the survivors of John H. Morgan's command in Lexington, Ky. General Basil W. Duke concluded as follows: "We often hear it said that the men of both sides be lieved they were right. This plea may be regarded as sufficient. But I am sometimes inclined to believe that, paradoxical as it may sound, -btit'sides were right, and that history' will so declare." The Salmon Disease. An interesting lecture was re cently delivered by Professor Hux ley at the fisheries-exhibition con gress upon the disease which makes such ravages among fresh water fish, particularly the salmon, and sometimes in the form of an epidemic. This disease, which is marked by the appearance of whiteish patches on the skin of the fish, is attended with crreat mortality. In the last five years! from 2,000 to -1,000 diseased fish ' have been taken out of the Tweed, I and a like number from the Eden j every vear. i-ast veur as many as GOO diseased salmon were taken out of a small river like the Lome. On the east coast a few cases have ! appeared in the Coquet, but none j in the Wear. On the Tvnc the I disease is almost unknown among! clean salmon, but it is common with kelts and dace. It may be said that there has been practical ly no epidemic outbreak in the eastern rivers south of the Tweed. The eccentric course of the epi demic, however, is shown in the fact that on the west coast the state of affairs is totally different, it having made its appearance more and more to the south, until last season it broke out in the Usk and Wye. The disease is due to the fungus saprolegnia ferax, which abounds in Irish waters, living on decaying organic matter but having also the property of attacking living organic matter, so that the wonder is that salmon are not always diseased. Professor Huxley pointed out that it was de sirable to ascertain the nature of the influences whereby the wide spread sporadic disease suddenly assumes an epidemic character. On this point we have very little light at present, for although there is considerable reason for thinking that deficient oxygena tion, whether produced by over crowding or otherwise, may favor the production of the disease, and though it is probable that some kinds of pollutions may favor it, yet the disease sometimes becomes epidemic under conditions in which these two predisposing causes are excluded. The productivenes of a salmon river is not necessarily interfered with by even a severe epidemic, and therefore Professor Huxley's opinion was that on the whole it were better not to at tempt tto extirpate the diseased fish . Scien f ijic American . The old ship yen? Orleans is soon to be sold at auction. The house which was built over it at Sackett's Harbor, at the close of the war of 1812, was blown down three years ago, and since then the vessel has been the sport of storms. To-day it stands a sad, weather-beaten object, awaiting its final destruction at the fall of the auctioneers hammer. Many of its timbers have walked off in the shape of canes. The ship was built in sixty days from the time the timber stood in the forest, and would have been launched in thir ty more had not peace been de clared. All the rigging was con veyed at great expense and under difficulties from this city. There was no railroad, and the govern ment, road that ran in and ouL of Sackett's Harbor was a very rude affair. The anchor chain of the Neto Orleans weighed from 0,000 to 8,000 pounds, and was carried from Utica on the shoulders of 300 men, who traced their w ay by means of blazed trees. She was built as a counterniatch on Lake Ontario for the British ship .St. Lawrence. X. Y. Sun. Noah's ark has been discovered near the summit of Mt. Ararat. Now that this interesting relic has actually been found it is in order for inquisitive people to stop .-isl ing questions as to its capacity and how all the animals had room. There's the ark: vou can see for yourself. The present dry season in Or egon and Washington furnishes texts for eastern papers to prove that droughts are not occasioned by the absence of forests. Women at Prize Fights. J Women are gradually coming- to know their rights and maintain I them. The latest and most signi- i ficant illustration of this was found in Pennsylvania a day orj two ago, where a prize fight was stopped and the spectators dis persed by a body of women, who, armed with knives and pistols, made a dash at the ring. Fastidi-j ous dames and damsels may shud der at the though of the weapons of ruffianism being handled by women, but the raiders probably knevi-, as do most people who ktuv the class which attends prize fights, that nothing less persuasive than steel and lead would have effect. Besides, the spectators were the) husbands, sons, brothers or sweet hearts of the raiders, and unless thoroughly cowed they would have made life miserable for tho women who attempted to dissuade them from such a dcliciouslv bru tal diversion as a prize fight. Bru tal men need man-taming women. such as sometimes operate suc cessfully in the higher walks of life, and, if the women succeed, the public: will forgive them for the use of means which, like knives and pistols, are not exactly the things which no lady should be without. Tin; system of peonage still ex ists in Mexico. J u case of debt; the debtor's personal services, or wages earned from another em ployer, belong to his creditors until the debt is paid; but it has been modified of late years, so that it does not apply to debts over $10. If a man trusts another more than that sum, he docs so at his own peril, if he has no proper ty. He can command his services up to SI 0 wortht but no farther. The old hfe-servijude is thus done away with, to a great extont, al though many of the lower classes manage to keep perpetually in debt, and, consequently, practi cally slaves. The law, whether it be good or bad, is executed in Mexico. Absolutely Pure. This lxnvder never varies. A marvel o purity. strength and whalesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot he sold in comnetition with the mul titude of low test snort weight, alum or pnospnaie powders, amaomuui catix. ov al Hakim; Powder Co.. ioc Wall-st. X. Y. fefe . STOMACH 0 8lTTEr?s Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, by increasing tho vital noirer. and rendering toe physical tunc lions regular and active, keens tho system in good working order, and protects it against disease, tor constipation, drrncnsi and liv or complaint, nerrousne.'j, kidney and rheu matic ailments, it is invaluable, and it affords a sure defence ag&imt malarial fovcrs. besides; removing all traces of such disease from the system. for sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. To The Public. TV OTICK IS HEREI1Y given that my -L wife. Charlotte Ucnin. hnvlnf tff im bed and board without any Just cause, I will not pay any uonts oi ner coiitractlnjr. OLOF BENSON. Astoria, August 21, 1SS3. p HOSTETTERc RHEUMATISM J ! Heuralaia, Sciatica, Lumbaao, Backache, Sorenoss of tho Chest, j Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scafds, Genoral Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Proration on earth equals St. Jacoej Oil u a safe, sure, simple nd cheap External Braedj-. A trial entails but tho confaratirelj trifling outlay of SO Cent, and erery one suffer ing with rain can haTO cheap and pocitiTe proof of its claims. Directions in Eleren Languages. E0LDBYALLDBTJG&IST8A2TDDEALEB3 HI HEDIGIHE. A. VOGEIiER &, CO., Baltimore, 2Xd, V. 3. A. Professor Shaler oi Havard put his version of the Darwinian theory ver' neatly. He says that man and the monkey started from the same point, but the monkey trav eled in a circle, while man's pro gress has taken the shape of a par abola. It may be interesting to Dr. Hammond to learn that the brain of a circus employe, who died re cently, was found to weigh fifty six ounces, the same size as that of the first Napoleon and of Daniel "Webster. MOTHERS, READ. Gents: About nine yenrs ago I hmi n child two years old and almost dead. The doctor I had attending her could not tell what ailed her. I asked him if he did not think; it was worms. He said no. How ever, this did not satisfy me, as 1 felt con vinced In my own mind that she hud. I obtained a bottle of 1K. C. McLANK'S CELKBUATHDVERMIFUGEigenuInek. I gnvo her a teaspoon ful In the morning and another at nlgntiftcnhich sin-.-siil seventy-two worms and was n welt child. Since then I have never been wilhiit it in my family. The health of my children remained so good thnt 1 had neglei-WNl watching their actions until nlxmt tlireo weeks ago, when two of them pn-ci.ttii the saiiw sickly appearance that I.ixmy did nine years ago. So I thought il nni-a be worms and went to work at once witli a iMttie of im. c. 3i rx.ANKs m:u?.;i l'UOK between four of my children, their ages licing as follows: Alice, S years; riinr lpy,4ycars; Emma.Oyears; .lolm.'J itrs Now conies the result: Alice and Knimu cameoutnll rlght.but Charley pastil furty- iive ana Joimny nuout ststy worn:. The result was so cratifvinir that 1 m. :.; two dMys in showing Ihe wonderful effect of Vviar enni;uge around t tleii. ami nw liuvethe worms on exhibition In mvstoie. Yours truly, JOHN PII'KIl. 'Hie Genuine 1K. C 3I-!-AN17.s Villi- MIITGH is iimuunictnrcd only by Flaming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., at: 1 bear the signatures of '. Mi-Lane m..4 riemlng- ro. It Is never made In t. Iulsor heeling. lie sure you get the seuuiiie Price. 25 l' ?:ts lMtt!e. FLEMirtHJ HUGS., Pittsburgh, Pa. I-STAltMSIIEU IX 1STC. AEMES & DALLAM, Manufacturers and Iniorters of Wooden and Willow Ware Twines, Brooms, Brushes, flasAcfs, I'nllK.Tubs, Churn. Washboards, Hope Cordase, Vfrapplns I'apris, Taper nass TCtilhlliig rnpors, .'latches. Handles, Clothes Wringer, Car pet Sweep- rs, IVailirr list ers. Stationery. lc. 230 and 232, Pront Street, SAN 1'RAXCISCO. CAU SOLID GOLD JEWELRY. Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, Of every description. The Unest stock or Jewelry In Astoria. tST All goods warranledasreprcscnted GUSTAV- HANSEN, JEWELER. GAEL ABLER CHEXAilUSSr. - - ASTOItIA, OIL 55i Keejis fc&jyj constantly mrt. " "ami .grjfcsj A TOLL LINE OK FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY, Which he offers to the public at the lowest figures. Every article guaranteed to he a represented. HcDairing done by V. F. Annbruster, i radical iTHiciiiuaKer aim jeweler. Fine Watch .Repairing n Speclnlty. 5fAU work cuaranteed, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, SI. i:. I'AHKKR. Prop., ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. E. I. PARKEK, - Manager and Agent. A! CROSBY, - - Day Clerk rhll. BOWERS, - - Night Clerk. Ja. DUFFY has the Bar and Billiard room. rirst Class in all Respects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. IT IS A FACT -Tll.AT JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ON Concomiy Street is the Best in Town. -THAT Ui- has Alunj .s on Hand FRESH Shoal "Water Hay and East era OysJcrs. THAT " JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT He ha. been Proprietor of the "Aurora Hotel" In Knapptoa sctcb years. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. PIONEER RESTAURANT AND LODGING HOUSE. Itcfltted throuehout : thefTable supplied with the best: the beds clean and comfort able. A FirNi.:eluss House. Hoard by the week. 53.00 -Meats to onier. J. G, ROSS, Proprietor. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 3IoaIs 2.1 cents ami upwards. . BOUIiARI, 3IAI.V STKEET. - Proprietor. . - - ASTOKIA. 51. 3E$ ? jBk. 2& X X3 3Et, Drvr.Krt is Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wood Delivered to Order. Praying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. PRALKIt IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST CliASH 20 BOATS CANNERY SITE FOR SALE. miiE rnoi'EiiTY known as a. p. co.s JL Net Hacks, adjoining Fort Canby. 20 23Ji foot boats. Rood fr linker's Bav or up river llshlus ; H net racks complete ; frontage 200 feet running to deep water; ona block on shore with "mess house. This Is the most convenient place for salmon nets, traps and selnea and decidedly the best location on the Columbia river for a salmon cannery. Whl sell for cash or will take stock with satisfactory Fishermen's Packing Co. BOZORTH & JOHNS. MJOi&CO. Cor. of Chenainu and Henton Streets, ASTOKIA, - - - OKEGOX, Have the best facilities for furnishing CHINA LABORERS Of all kinds, of anv firm in the city. j24-lm REAL ESTATE JF O JEL S AXi3 CHAS. H. WILLIAMSON & CO. -VTOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A HOME J.1 before the IJail Hoad comes. Vt'c nave lots for sale in all the additions in McCIure's lots, ranging from one hundred and twenty-live dollars to four thousand dollars. In Shivcly's we have two lots 9 and 10 In lilk?8 that are in a splendid location and casv of access, for $150,00 each ; also lot 5 In blk Xi, which is sradinjr, for SG0O.OO. In Adair's Astoria we have a number of Tine lots on. or near the Koadway travelled bv the stages, for .sale at reasonable prices. 'In Alderbrook we have thirteen (13) lots whidi we will sell for ?M0.w each, to those who will improve. We have also water front on tho river just below town ; also 10O acres on Young's River Spiles for Sale. In lots to suit purchasers, at market prices Office on Geuevelvo Street. Maps of Astoria, complete- Scale 400 feet to an inch. Price, $10.00 each. For sale by CHAS. II WILLIAMSON. CO. NOTICE. NORTHERH PACIFIC RAILROAD, WESTERN DIVISIONS, Oregon Hallway & Navigation Co. Oregon . California Railroad Co. Grai Celeliratioi at PortM, OiiScptcmberlOtlt and 11th, Account completion of the Northern Ta cittc R. R, Rouud Trip Tickets have been placed on sa'e at all ticket stations at 10 per cent, re duction. Tickets good from Sept. 8th to 13th, both days Inclusive. JOHNMUIR E. P. ROGERS A. It STOKES Sunt of Truffle. Gen'lAc't. AastSuptTralSc To Whom it Hay Concern. "WTIIEREAS, MY WIFE, ANNIE NESS. 1ms left mv bed and board with out Just cause o provocation, this Is to caution nil persons from harboring or trust ing her. as I will pay no dihsoi ner contract ing attertms uate. E.NESS Olnev. Or.. Auxust 20. 1S83. dw WILLIAM HOWE -DEALER IN- Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Lumber. All kinds of OAK LUMBER, GLASS, Boat Material, Etc. I Boats of all Sinds Made to Order, j "Orders from a distance promptly attended S. AENDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH ff j All kinds o ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bzjttox Street, Nkau Parker House, ASTORIA, - OREGON. CENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LMDaDSMAEfflEEMES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. OASTI3JTGrS , Ofall Descriptions made to Order at Short Xotlce. A. D. Wass, President. J. G. Hcstlek, Secretary, r. Y. Case, Treasurer. johk Fov.Superintendent. LOEB & CO., JOBBERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. gSAll goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. BUY THE BEST ! BARBOUR'S Irish Flax Salmon Net Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES- AND COM AND LEAD LINES Fish Po rinds, Heinea. and Nets Imported to Order. A LarpSloctofNettiiifJisliLiDes AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. JSTAgents for the Pacific Coast. FOARD & STOKES, WE HAVE OPENED AGAIN In name's N: ev Building, And are Eeady to Supply the Wants of Our Customers. A FULL STOCK OF Fresh Groceries. AND Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. to, and satisfaction guaranteed In all cases BUSDTESS CARDS. Q W. FULiTOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 5 and C. Odd Fellows Building NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. JAY TUTTIiE, H. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3, Pythian Build ing. Residence Over J. E. Thomas' Drug Store. QEJLO F. l'.VKKHlC SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County,and City of Astoria OtUce : Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. ban Room No. 8. Jfl F. HICKS, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Rooms In Allen's building up stairs, corner f Cass and Sqemocqhe stret . J Q.A.BOWLOY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ChenamusSrtreet, - - ASTORIA, OREGON J J. JONES, STAIR EUII.DEK, Ship and Steamboat Joiner, JI. J. E. LaFORUE, DENTIST, Room il. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Or. Gas administered for painless extraction of teeth. Q J. CUJtTIS, ATT'Y AT LAW. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds for California, New York and Washington Ter ritory. Rooms 3 and 1. Odd Fellows Building, As toria. Oregon. N. B.-Claims at "Washington. D. C, and collections a specialty. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. T AM AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING jl. wei. ; known and commodious steamship ines, STATE LINE, RED STAR. WHITE STAR. hamburg-american, dominion line, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. For (nil information as to rates of fare, saillni; days, etc, apply to I. W. CASE. BOZOETH & JOHNS. Real Estate and General Insurance Agents. ASTORIA, ... Oregon. WE WRITE POLICIES IN TIIE WEST cm. State Investment, Hamburg; Bre men and North German Fire Insurance Com panies, and represent the Travellers' Life and Accident of nartford, and the New York Life, of N. Y. Wo have tho only complete set of township maps In the count y, and nave made arrange ments to receive applications, filings, and final proofs on Homesteads, Preemptions. Timber Lands, etc.. having all the official uiaiiKs inereior. uur maps can De exam ined In the office, upon the payment of a reasonable fee. Wc also have for sale city property in As toria and additions, and farms and tide land property. Rents, and other collections made, and loans negotiated. liUZUlf m 6! J OHMS, WBI. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. Grace Church Parish School. Rear of Church Building. THIS SCHOOL WILL RE-OPEN MON dav, September 3,1883. The moral train ing of the ch'Idren wldbe carefully watched, and made a special point. In addition to the ordinary course of study there will be Instruction In the elements of Vocal 3In h1 Drawiiisr and Calisthenics. If found desirable or expedient, classes will be formed In Higher Mathematics, Botany, As tronomy, Auvanced JIusic and Drawing, for which light extra charges will be made. Terms S2 a month, strictly In advance. OFFICKBS. REV.M. D.WILSON. - - Rector MISS ANNIE W.CORTIS, - Principal MISS M. C. TREN CHARD, - Assistant For further particulars applv to REV. if. D. WILSON.