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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1882)
i -.1 - x. - .- ' ' '- ' w i & ) in i t inumii iiiijwwiiiiwiii I ."i.. j-i.i , 'inj m 'FALL IfflPOETATIOHS ! 133S-. '- rVs Week!" Wiu.paic and retaU dealers in UMM JU'.I J!-W r '.l'., it i i i 1 1 u !.! ,!fiju. V, il low-ware. ExtracrdBiiaryS -AT THE- '-'Nfc:-- congress, Jay Hubbell approached' John "White, the sole Republican representative from Kentucky, and iu a menacing manner said: "I will beat you. sir! I will beat you !" This thrdat was launched because While had dared to oppose the wishes of the imperious Hubbell. White invited Hubbell to do his worst. He became the candidate of the Republicans of his district as their first and only choice. During the canvass, which he con ducted pcisonally on the stump, White frequently refeired to Hub bell's threat, and appealed from the dictator "to the people, at the hamo time denouncing Hubbell and his methods. Although op posed by Matt. Adams, an able and popular Democrat, White was elected by a decisive majority, hundreds of Democrats giving him their votes as the most direct way to rebuke Hubbell and the methods he introduced into the canvass. In pronounced Repub lican districts all over the country the party was beaten on Hubbell's account, but here is a Republican elected in a Democratic district to rebuke him. A Washington dispatch says: It is understood that Secretary Lincoln will recommend a slight increase of the army, but congress is not likely to appreciate his ar guments. No more Indian wars are anticipated. The settlement of most of the western country by the whites has progressed far enough to render outbreak on the part of Indians unlikely. The strengtu 01 tlie savages appears thoroughly overthrown, and with i 1 !-. i ne exception ol nine marauaing bands along the, Mexican border, "lP0 further trouble is expected. -. I lie reasons for the increase J of the arnvy are that the dis ciplirmry entirety of the army is . "hot large enough to give officers the requisite practice in handling troops. The secretary is also likely to recommend that the - pay of soldiers be raised from thirteen to sixteen dollars a month, the old figure. The policy of the secretary will be to consolidate the different commands as near as possible, and to abandon all the little posts in order to get soldiers enough together to make a respec table showing. It is said the secretary will dwell at some length upon the subject of desertion. Last year sixteen per cent of the enlisted men deserted, and to fill their places it cost the department 370,000. A large number of men are constantly enlisting from the east, and who simply desire transportation to some far western territory with the intention of de serting as soon as they get there, which they proceed to do upon arrival at their destination. Notiiing but the most ample corroboration of the fact will prove to the average human the truth of the statement now made that the French Duke of Gallier has given away every cent of his 12,000,000 fortune, to become a school teacher, and that the En"--lish Earl of Mulgrave has resigned all his titles and estates to go as a missionary to British Columbia. Comment upon such action is wholly affected by the point of view. In one sense it appears absolutely foolish; in the other grandly sublime. But they must, certainly, feel lonesome. At a recent fire in Ottawa some one sent a telegram to the owner who was in Boston, saying: 'Premises all on fire; what shall we do?" The answer came premptly: "Put it out." Tin: barge T. G. Peters was burned on Lake Michigan on the 2d insr. Thirteen lives were lost. The archbishop of Canterbury died in London last Sunday morn ing. NEW TO-DAY. P. H. FOX. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE WILLATTEND TO COLLECTIONS AT a reasonable discount. Office, Main street. Address r. O. box Si, Astoria. Clatsop County, Oregon, tf-lwk wit Ewntstal Rmms tt Rent. E OR FOUR BOOMS. WITH CON- WB HHWK8 MM ABiBg-roeW. -ft f . . . j .:. to t - t J ! t-t ..- ..1(1 c.-s O'i incut to thousands ol American homes. It will alwajs be tlie aim or the publishers to make Harper' Weekly the most popular and attractive familv newspaper in the world. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Ier Year: UIIARFER'S MAOAZ1NIL. Si 00 HARPER'S "WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S RAZAR 4 ft) The THRnKaloe publication 10 00 An TWO above named T 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. 1 Ti HARPER'S MAGAZINE I - HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE f d uo HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE L1IJRA RY, One Year (32 Numbers) 10 oo Pmla(jc Free to all mht,cr titer in the Unti ed Slates or Canada. The Volumes or tlie irVt7.Ii begin uitli the first Number for .lanuary of each jiar When no time is mentioned, "it v.iil be under stood that the vibsciiher nishes to com mence the Number nct after the re ceipt of order. The last Eour Annual olumes of Harper' TPcc.f, iu neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, orby express, free of exncnsefnrouded thefremht does not ex ceed one dollar per olumc), for 7 ou per oluinc. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for uiiiuin, mi. iu acjiu nv mail, JiUiiJi.iiu. uu receintof of SI 00 each". Remittances should be made liv Post-Ofllce iloney Order or Draft, to aold chance of IOs. iVcuvnnncrx arc nut to conn thi adrerthe ment irWiiiiil the crjirciv order of Haimt.i: & lillOTIIKKS. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. New York. EE-AZER ' AXLE GREASE. Best in iiiciiorlfl. Got llto s:'ii iiiite. Every pnehnu ha our tractc-ximrZi ami is marked JTm zer's. SOFS) EYEItyiVfMXEE. . Meeting Notice. raWKANXUAlMr.ETIXfiOFTHKSTOCK JL lioldciNof lneCVtluinMa Canninp: Coni ian will !e lield in .lolmneii's hall, iu the eily of Astoria, on the 10th day or Dee., 1SS2, foi the imrNsc of electiiiKalJoardofDSrccl ors.and InmicilnK such other huMnessas mav proneilv come hefoie the meet inn. TIIOS. DEA1A. d-td Secretan-. NOTICE. IAr AITH01IIZE1) KY THE DlItECT oi to collect Tac of School District No. 1. until Dee. 15th I8R.'. AHer tliat time all Uiom nor paid will be returned to the Coun ty Clerk a Delinquent. Pay up and s:ic ---.Bnin!ount jaid will surely he col lected b tlie Slieriii. J. G. IinSTLEK. Clerk Dist. 2"o. 1. Astoria, December 2nd, 1SS2. dtd Meeting Notice. ftTOTICE IS HEREIIY filYEK THAT THE -L.TI Annual meeting or the Stockholders or the Scandinavian Packing Ci. will he held at tlie omVc of said Co.. on Wednesday, Dee. l.'!) o'clock a. M. lor the iniri'O'-e of electing Directors for the ensuing year, and the -transaction of such other lmslnevs its may come before the meeting. Iy order of the President. H.PLATH, Sccrctarv. Upicr A"tona, Decentlier 1, ifcfiL tl-til FOR SATJZ. milE HULL AXI) HOUSE OETHESTKAM X er KATATA. AViII make a first-class Coasting schooner, ol For particulars inquire A MCKENZIE. M. WKUTHEIMEU. I. WEUTHKl M Hit. M. WERTKEIMER & BR0. MAMTFACTUREKS OF FINE Havana and Domestic Cigars No. 518, Front St. San Francisco HEADQUARTEKS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock in Astoria JY ov elites of all Kinds fruits Ilotli Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Hrand. rOSTEK'S CORNER, 0 R & JI0CK NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. John Feely, OPPOSITE KINNEY'S CANXEUY Blacksmithing, Boiler Work, and Cannery Repairs All "Woik Warranted. TUTTfS PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER loss cf Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the Head, -with a dull sen sation in the back part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after caong, -witn a cusincunauon to ex- Weariness, Dizziness, Flutterincjat the heart, Dots before the eyes, sTel-lo-w Skin, Seadache eeneraily over the right eye,Eestlessnessrmth fit ful dreams, mghly colored TJriso, end CONSTIPATION, TUTT'8 FILXS are etpecUXly adapted to Hch. cases. ae Aotc f rocta iBcHt cfeangc or reellas as to astonisH the svCcrer Tliey Iacrcase tae Apptlte,SBl canso tho body to Take oe FlesBi. thus the sys tem Is aearished, and by their TohIc Actios on the Digestive Organs, Kck itlar Steols nro produced. - ITIceZiceauj. wmmt JjmjwrTajCtjWj TUTTS HAIR DYE. Okat Hi os vrmssnts chaste to a Olosst Black by a single application of this Dte. 1C tep&rtsaaatural color. ActsInstaataaeoBs 2SoW by Irsrlsts, or seat by express o TrtO, KCXBAT ST., K . T. JTisMSiiiiiaSIteBiS,IWKsastass.J i;ai i. r':ne5 a.vJ Liquors v i.:.n;. am '. iiir Fruits and Y'egetaMes. FLOUR, ESKXJ, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. AND General Commission Merchant ASTOICIA. OltKGOX. Noxt to Oregon Railway .v Nav. coN Dock. dsv A. Yaii Dusen & Co. WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the Public to the fact that they are Apents for the follow ins scing machines. iz : Tlie Improved Singer. Tlie White, The Crown And The Eld rid go. Which tliev are sellins from 533. to 330. each and defy Compctitiou. Tersons uisliinjr to purchase machines j-liould call and inspect our stock before pur ehasins elsewhere, as wc guarantee to give perlect satisfaction as regards quality and price. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. FXaOUB. ALL KIJTJDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms, tfoot of Benton street. Astoria Oregon. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY, Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, SILVERWARE, Or every description. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. jyAII goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. LO.EB & OO.s .lOKKKKS IN WINES, LIQUOKS, AXI) CIGAKS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. E&-AH goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker ITouse. Astoria, Orcson. Astor Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby Riven that the assessment made by Ordinance No. 488, for the proposed improvement of Astor street, from the west side of Lafayette street to the eastern end of Astor street, in McClurc's Astoria, in the manner pro vided in Oidinance No. 4K7, on each of the following described lots fronting on said poition of said street, is now due and payable at the oflice of the City Tieasurer, in United States gold and silver coin, and unless paid within five days from the expiration of this notice, viz: Tuesday, December 12th. 1882, the Council will order warrants issued for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follews: Same of Owner itfjAit. So. oflSo.ofl. Lot. BlockA 3 Go ( 7 8 " 1 fi7 0 u 3 u 4 8 G4 9 11 2 u 13 s 14 1 G3 0 u 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 u 7 2 44 0 7 u 8 " 1 45 2 " 3 " 4 " G 43 G 7 8 " 1 4G 2 " 0 U 4 5 42 G 7 8 ," 1 47 0 ' 3 4 5 41 G 7 8 1 48 o 3 4 - Cat. G. V. iluiuc... A. Van Dusen. G.W.llumc... 3150 00 125 00 125 00 130 00 MIS.E.S. Warren. Stevens & Joplin.I G. McLean J.W. White Jas.T. Gray 130 00 130 00 130 00 125 00 125 00 125 00 125 00 125 00 125 00 125 00 125 00 125 00 130 00 120 00 115 00 115 00 120 00 120 00 115 00 115 00 120 00 27 00 3100 3100 30 00 32 00 3100 3100 27 00 57 00 G8 00 58 00 G5 00 35 00 3000 3400 3100 29 00 2900 28 00 28 00 GO 00 55 00 G100 G2 00 W.B. Headimjton.. ILL. Pittecl: Dan'I Graham Wm. Howe Margaret Brown .... Baptist church Geo. Fiavel J. Kaniin Mrs. L.Kirchhoff... Mrs Twilight Mrs. E. Brown Dan'I Graham Hansen Bros Mrs. Beed AI. Unities Suprenant & Fergu son Suprenant & Fergu son T.W.lngalJs J. G. Hustler Genuer H.Parker.. II. B. Parker '.'. Wm. Strong S. G. Ingalls Congregational cnurcii M.M. Gilman. Job Boss. M. M. Gilman. Mr. Parker Geo. Fiavel C. Boclling. City of Astoria Crossing Astor and Burton streets S125 00 City of Astoria Crossing Astor and Cass streets 125 00 City of Astoria Crossing Astor and Genevieve streets 23000 City of Astoria Crossing Astor and Hamilton streets 115 00 By order of tlie Common Council. F. C. Norris, Auditor and Clerk. KoTMRfctrMlh,lMB.- Liue Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors Uphols tery, Wall Pockets, Brackets. ivr. w I offer a fine stock of Furniture for the Holiday trade at low prices. Dwke, ttomnnBj Sofas? Qhmher Suit a Ladies are invited to call and see latest styles in Plush and Velvet. Beautiful Embroidered goods. M. W, Gallick's New Store CARL ADLEB'S NOVELTY Fancy Goods; Fine Stationery; Gold and Silver Ware; Toys; Musical Instruments in new and abundant variety. BMBtaaaaBMtfiMaMBHssaBBKaan A New Departure! GOLDEN RULE BAZAR My increasing trade demands larger accommodations and greater facilities for purchasers. Accordingly! have icnteU the new building on b'queiunqua si rcer, next; to u. w. Jinnies, wnere l win The Finest Stock of Autl which will be Sold at l'riccs as I,w as the same elass of Goods can be bought iu CARL ADDER'S Golden Rale Bazsr, d. a. Mcintosh, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, OCCIDENT BLOCK, ALT. Men's Furnishing Goods, White Fine Selection of Neck-wear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. CLOTHING! Overcoats, TJlstrars, Business Stilts, The largest and most complete stock of CLOTHS, WORSTEDS. CASSIMERES. ETC.. ETC. 3-SuIts made to order at short notliw Uest New Goods! CITY BOOK STORE. KO BRANCH! SO CJIROMO! But the Best Store in the City to get your Money's Worth. Albums, Autograph and Photograph all sizes and Prices- Reeks from a Dime Corel to Webster's Unabridged. GcmIn' Jewelry and CuIer?- Writing Dcshs of all sizes, Mark TwalMA Scrap Rooks, Bibles, Prayer Rooks, and nyiunals, also, the Kcj to Heaven. Opera and Marine lasses. Draughting Instruments from 40 cents e 930.00 a Set. Blank Rooks, And every thin you could want In our line. We expect to remain after the holidays are all over, and by buying or us you keep the money at home. &"xamlue our coods and prices before going elsewhere. B. F. STEVENS & CO., City Rook Store. ssgaesc Nttice. THE BANK IN THIS PLACE WILL Closf. on and after Monday. 4th Inst, at 3 o'clock. All customers are kindly requested to take dae Botice aad govern themselves accordtegly. I. W, CASE. A4i, becesApr 1, 19& ti EMPOBIUM display ever brought to Astoria Sail Francisco or l'ortlaud. ASTORIA. OltltfSOX. KINDS OF- Scarlet Underwear, all Wool. "Workmanship and lit guaranteed.' New Goods! THIS PAPER inny bo found on nie nc Geo. P. Rowexx. & Co'3 Kewspapcf Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Strcet),ubcre auvcr tlslngcontractsmay bo mad for it In NEWYORK. We are rccei nig by every steamer new additions to our stock of Drj; Goods, Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Suitable for the season. Flannels, WierpBoF Hosteryz Blankets, Bt. Our stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, etc., Vlso an elegant line of Ladies' and Children's CLOAKS, ULSTERS, RUSSIAN CIRCULARS, WALKING JACKETS, DOLMANS, ETC. Our tables are covered with the nicest selection of Fichus, Ties, Collarettes and Fancy .Goods too numerous to mention. CUfR. MOTTO-, QMCK SALES AND SMALL PRQFW9, We Study to Please. S5?SampIes sent free to any address on application. OAgents for the celebrated Springfield Sewing Machine. PRAEL BROTHERS. THE NEW MODEL HP nWnnlpil nnSaMaHnV99ssrJ A FUIX STOCK Two doors east of Occident Hotel, John A. Ittontgomery, (SUCCESSOR TO JACK INS & MONTGOMERY.) DEALER IX TIN, SHEET IRON AND COFFER WAKE. A General Assortment of Household Goods. AGENT FOR ivi:vccisje sTotrss and rahqes. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Plumbing Goods of all kinds on hand. Job Work done in a Workmanlike Manner. COIJAKK Oli 31 A IX AXI .1EFFEKSOX HTBEETS, kkTtJEtJ;JBk9 - OREQOlEI. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE S BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, indow Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and MonMiRs, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN, DEALER IN M7 FURNITURE m BEDDING. Corner lain mid Sq.nemoqua Streets. Asteria, Oresea. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. " A Complete Slock. nMnn . -,.r, . rniuniD no Moniur ad ALT. KIXDS OF FURNITURE ASTORIA M. MEYER ASTORIA, SPECIAL A.3XT3XTCTJJJ03S3MEIJJT. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLQNST ILATIGE ORDERS IN LIKE PROPORTION. S Less Quantities, 30 Centm,for Gallon Bottled Beer, ... SI SOptrDoNn srSpccIal attention paid to onlcrs from Public Houses and Faill8.wi ' - show a large variety. Next Boor to Pythian Hall. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF. Em Mm mAWB9m AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E. R. IIAWES is also agent for the Buck patent Cootiu Store And other first-class stoves. Furnace Work, Steam Fit tings, etc.. a apecialty. . ALWAYS ON HAND. ASTORIA, OREGON. rvTT.xTmtr tttttt ctAn I viuajulxx wilu jotcuiui. REPAIRED AltD VARNISHED. BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. r' Ci r ,;.-fevs ' -r - . .: