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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1882)
&) 1 'd'lC ;0";VUi St0X4- The Fourth ofJuly Committee igggjBeawu-.mjj&sj. Axajut '-wan ujh rrrr mm n,nm,in' oiTrtinnTnKi:iK CREDITOR' HAXK. Knc;XiP3"n. ASTORIA. ORKGOS: SA.TUKDA1 .Il'LY ir.. 18-j , ' . . On Tuesday. July 18th. 1882. atSo'clK ... . .., nnn .,,,., .,-,., ..,-u U:i iinu-ddy evening a i.uge aim, outside the iwr. amidth utwikiiis ,..M in lhe building opposite A ells. A'VrV Affections smarting fteoront ri,ct,ie mi rr,t , -s K. ,. . w ,,,,, ,is,f seas tssM llfelfe-! the ruums of Itosciie ieo. 2. to bear! Toy of the temped god who madly ifim. ew j,ih1: of good? which were Vvli SK?in., "" i iiepw, wa n t llie .epoil I int. J omui i'i . .i i,i, .,,...-.. I vmii reef that hi". 1 f?i.: i.,. ..0,1.1 i.a cn;fv Vqii . -- --i---- - - ----- -!inana''iu! The ahead. Kmneisen creditors. Tl-.p stock consists Husband! I.riug ycir poor sutler-, j ISSUED EVERY MOP.21ING. ' was in detail, and below we -ivv a' lrt VK,uw,'ONp,,a!Wm loa,! of Mlver aud silt-r plated wan, dam- j,,., Wlfe a bottle "F 1-Tinulor' Or.-gon i Hftte J . , -' r- areuriu-n . ask bed -qiroad-. towels, dress ".. pinnn priMFTl: ' IF5& ) 51imla ,8Uimnaw of us tangent pr-iuls: Acios- a sky that huw- no friend! '.Ti(ntS .shawls "cats furnishing good.-. ii.huu jciiii ;-h. 1 -.HALLmtAN OOMPAST.. i The total Mibscripliom, to the cole-j WiinWhu-broW and w -Kre.hiu,,s -u-ii nnrH?anouunul-i I !'ri!UMiF.i.i;i'::.nanv. 'hration aggtegatod S1.0JG.'..5, .i this! riven. )0r aftej-noros. TnereAvill beomUe:'t-, eated to Ha; completion by Gr.rxj-'.sJ' C. n. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I XL STORE I ; IJnUJiitQ, Cos 1 ml. T". 7 ... ,, ! I low v.'ill shci.-ucli her -ioal within ..,;.i.i .,',,.1. .-,ri,-... .Im-i.Tim in-nr. Sri.rm'i: soai. j is i. oe added m iccoivwf tr-mi tue he ,;,rt, Lhemfori and sfaSn of m vat-1 . -Him.V l)vi:. black or lirown. oan commuter. maKing wie iimoiiii. 1 hall committer, making the amount I . . . ron. ThfCXiioiisinust Infold, and if j tufj rti. rrrmso Subscription. jto be aw.,,.1 !.y tho ,,n,aiac, j 0,hf.f':,,' " '0",,, !",rt iS1;.l,!Voii.:S;!.,,, -Mple- NlSiuoiscrabtej w-ii-l J. Cmr. per vk -r',tsjl,li5.03. Oi ihi, iS1.7tO was n-.t I The l.iborm--' lurk biimoHii- ilt liilUr ! l Vuniionetr- . by that tprnblf couh. Shiloh's Cre is -it'ymnil. foiirwimtlii...-. & ',- , ine.,,ri, 4fc , ,, ! bem: the reraedi tr von. MliyU rl)e- 1. .r.u.H.oaawrr. ,Jpsid ill. leawii M.Obo 4., iiithehain.n, Vnd t,w bnnc crPft viUH ,iiiiiW mr . .... men: -ror ..f iv.tnSB ioulrIt. lof the committee t., l.B jaul out. Of, ' "jJ- , -,b. ns . ' -1- ' , t,,r larm.- Back. Side V Chest uiej NEW GOODS i- LOWEST PRICES J -.tvoriioiaon:.- ii'ertcJ by thexer it 'n- rato of SI o'J por pquuro par month. rrnnient nilvertisins. by tho dnjr or vcok, 5ly enH per square for each insertion. THE CITY. teinr,c?r.s domt prizes SiOt: decorations, .f GS..": innch j . it I can hp cojiqucr i::u-ii jjiaiU OI11UU $102.2."i: ehnwdftr. S'.)1.8.": music. 1 S237 T0; Hbrity car, .rClS; team, i S10.00; stationery, 12.80; drayae and lexprcasagc $17.00; beer S3ti.i3; jiriut Voiir Wi!V Want -. ... .. ... . ii...- wi n... .. i...R!t...nL . uneoj iiioseon v,oo-: lieai ami -mi-: mar.' Their anifrv iTivi pillorr 1 Forsile by W. II. Dement. 1 I tVil: ou suffer with Dispepsia ami ! Liver Complaint V Sliilnh's Vitalizer is 1 have reirjoved to the s-1 Titi: Daily Astoria n rJ mall at 73 cents u month, frceof potaijc. Head er irho coniemplatrabtcncefiom the cltu can 'iavf Tin: Astoman foUme them. Daily .i Wkkki.y 1ition to Aim vn-nflcf with out additional cxpente. Addrewfi man he :( njtd an often ax tU-xlrfd. Ixatr order at (he counting room. -The LanccGeld and Bain aro utiil outside. The Northwestern Marriage In surance company ib "busted.' Empty is the cradle, baby's gone. The Annie Johnston is said to bo tho first American iron bark thnt ever sailed into the Columbia river. The Jag. Duncan mailed for tho United Kingdom Thursday with whoat aboard to tho value ef $38,C47.8."i. Jacob Gcvdcs, of Portland, was thrown from his buggy last Thursday night, and probably fatally injured. Regular communication of Temple J Lodge,No. 7.A.F. iy A.M., this even-! ing at 7:30 o'clock. By order W. M. j l xfnf Lingf3"-'5", painting, 7.80; this makes'. a total of S1.0S2.23, loaving a lul-j auce in the hands of the tie surer f 91.17. The above is a condensation ot the disbursements: ihc individual ainminis subscribed, and the itemized vouchers J tor each urn pam aie m me nanus oi the secretary, I. j. Wnr-ley, and m be seen )y auy one desiring t d sn. v.-Miient. Ske oiu- at FostorV. Ulord norefnlf " lo run on IStlhvCfiKl 11)11 .f-M JleiXtt. ll..lllf.Ilt jiuiun i - .-v.... ... r,,on.Milioi..iitf-irp.a.v.wi.miin'j w , i... ......i..! US J .vim uy . r- .Tai. O. A Tide Gauge. One of the neatest mechanical de vices we have seen is uo in course of construction by Ben Wowley, who is tho originator uf the ilea. at iV. 2s engino hotije. In the rear of lhe en gine a hole is bored ihrmigh the lioer: thnaigh this inns a ?ieder Imiss chain, having at iti extiemity a Hut disc, which tloats on the water. The chain runs thnmgh a pulley attached to the ceiling, and on the other end is a bob '.villi reel attachment. On the wall direciJy in front of t ho entnmce, and close beside thin hob m a black board, with a graduated cale, and as i.. TMieriai :u r.iiiu.-inrjii ii" m-t-n m , Siv Cai 1 AdJer o thai on uleribe Ouuddc the the -.tonn lifinU wildly i f)r an. palmer. majaine. or iM'riodieal inockiii" IpublNhed in the 1'nded Mate. orL.u- Vt human weakm.. nnt- in at.-: rope, at publisher-.' prices. .So save time tand nionc' by leaiiij your subsenp- WJiilo in their nil til.-- -sni-P lh. 3hi "u :" ' .v, is rockinj liotioo Cuas..Stkvi:.'s .v: n.v. Realized- A prey to everj deiiinn- eliamjeful -im1"' . , w s.u x. ii.-,.i r entiie .stock of moulding", and Lhe wav to port Klhiuimh ih-c fraine of all kinds, bntekets anil wall- breaker-, standiug inickets.aJso a le: of other -'oods. will i -ii:e ioeiuau senum-a, in uni. :ci war. ,d t t ,., ,;ity ink .Store V. i- -lortne n-xit nri ays. The Jiavi-n ir her hope- within thej bur. j Outside tlit- the oi-ean oh-es tliunder, Ami night betnN over all her deathly frewn: Witlliu the Jlat.sotne tender heart Io wonder If ships will liml their leftiui- ne.irthc town. Now for the ake of Uiom- oiu .plritn cherish, Who to-.s upon tempostuous -.ce. afai, Pray that llie bark beleauuered may not perish, I'.iit anchor safel et within theltar Catanh cured, health and sweet breath eeuied by bhiloh's Catarrh Uem iily. Price ."0 cents. Masai Injector free. FoVsalcbyAV. K. Dement. Sliihih Couih and Consumption Cure i sold by us on guarantee, it I cures consumption, .'soiii uy v. . r.. ue meut. .Vovelties in household articles at Foster'-. -Professor A. h. Francis will bemj a.l falls with the tide, town in a day or so. Parties whing, . . - uM hh to have pianos tuned will bDar tins "i tlti lj(k. j aIlll uh,Ulf.:. ir is U(rvsl,,,0 lnmu' jt get uatcr in certain localities, or -in the last number of the Catho-jiuit. l night a tin;-lamp i. substi lic Sentinel appears a letter giving u.tutcd for the bob, and an- instant's dencriplion of the cliarituble instirii-j glance at t he blackboard sluurs the fic tions etc.. of Astoria. jact slate f tiie tid There is to be a fast mail front i Suro Sign. JC... Tt- . (!nn "n-nn.Tc;(.rfc tlin tlTN.i 1 . , , , , ' , i hwiiy e.sabJi.shed .ueusiMuer train having Ktarted last Thursday.'. , . . . . . ; m. . . ? ., j receives mbnei ipt ions fruiii lai-ge eiins, This is good news lo eveiyone on the. ' " nhieh iiix!f the piiiihslicra, but which coast j the Ni v, York Times lat'-ly explained -If you want a good sewing uia-as follows. -'A wliltah i.n'tchant in chine with a guarantee from the uianu-i this city wIm had income rich a the facturers, and at a price that is far be- business, .mv.s hi rule U, thnt when low tho olo scale, call at N an Diiscn .. jie sens :i bill of goods on credit to immediately subscribe for the local paper of his debtor. So long as his cusiomers advertised liberal"., and vigorously, he rested; but as ssoon as he began to contract his adei lining space, he took the fact ?. evidenco that there was trouble aiiead. and invariable went fur the debtor. Said he. 'The man who is too poor to make his business known is too poor to do business.' " The withdrawal of an advertisement is evidence of weak ness that business men aie i"t slow to act upon. You will find what 3011 need. General Miles, commander of tho department of tho Columbia, has or dered that tho bravo hoys in blue shall daily practice gymnastics. Increased allowance of daily rations will also bo nllowed. Loob or Co., who sometime ago inaugurated a new enterprise by es tablishing a jobbing house in wines, liquors and cigars, find the trade so justifies their expenditures as to de mand large increase of slock. Tho Allbany firemen will inaugu rate the opening of their new hoso house next Tuesday by a blow-out, at J which J. Iv. Weatherford will orate, and sundry prizes will be run for. Tho meager purse offered will not justify our boys in going up and scooping it in. Contract Signed The contract for the building of tho brick building for the Odd Fellows of this city, was signed last Thursday evening. If is the intention of Mr. Mayo, tho contractor, to begin work at once, and though the contract specifiers 'Jau. Lst, 188:5. as the time for c-uiinle- -The American bark Annie John-jtion of the contract, that gentleman jitou, arrived 111 yesterday afternoon. J is of the opinion that he can be Sho left Liverpool March 18th. She will be remembered as formorly being tho Ada Iredale, bumed at 3d aud destroyed, which was after tossing around for a ycaror more, finally towed into Tahiti and rebuilt. j through before then. It is the un derstanding that as much of the woik as possible shall be done byAsfmia mechanics. To Salmon Shippers. We have for sale at this otlice an improved stylo of drawback entry blank which requires less writing and is generally more convonieut than tho Hazel Kirke "Hazel Kirke." lhe pht which, j without interruption, held the boards of Madison Theater, New York, for sixteen consecutive month", and which, b loason of its enormous rim of nearly seventeen hundred con secutive nights, has surpassed the longest rim on record, will be offered al this place ne.t Monday, by the oiiginal compniry. No othei play fori many seasons has been 50 waimly greeted. The author in this plr.y has successfully leviw-d a chis- 01 dramatic work that of late vi-hh li-r. fallen tin- der th.s dti-t of neglect, l'liu class Loing g -d. iti ivtuiu to the -.tugc. is a matter to be greet 'd with pleasure. It may be said I hat in no other play of the. same cast o is fheio a mm pure and .siiMple .--:i-it. or si iimiv whole- ome .-iop.ithy. It ; a conventional ! study from the iiit ti I.tft. but a fine one. Perhaps sis stiungost claim to novelty lies in the .-kill in ahieh tho deeper feelings are so handled as to avoid the iiaiial el'-ment of evil intent. There is no villain in the play. What ever of wrong or suffering it depicts arises out of mistaken purposes never out of motives in themselves dark or impure. Its appeal is thus made directly and continuously to tho ircnerous bide of nature. Whatever emotions it touches aie pure and true. 11h lesson is directed against pi hie and self-will: but so gently is it taught, and with so much tenderness, mi warm an intciest, and o pretty a stoiy of love, that it glides into the hcait al most unconsciously. Get your Mats al Call Adlef'.s to All of Zola', woik- at Adlei. llenn ftieville'.s fascinatin-i work's just leciM'.ed at Carl Adler'-. Wanted. Put eh.i--j.Ts for four IoL in Olnevls A-loria. suitable for lesidunces. One lot in Shivel'. Astoria suitable lor bus iness pnrpn-es. Apply to .I.O. lionl'TII. genl. We take pleasure in announcing that the endeasor to produce a nerf-et rem edy, agreeable to the taste, ami prompt, painless and elfictive in its action n the Liter. Moiuaeh and Dowels has be-ii .sucee-.sful, and that the biller. natwent:-! imilicine formerlj Used for the purpose aie n:pidl lM-eoiuimjthimr of the past. S nip or Fig, is the new and pleasant remedy and W. D. Dement Druggist, has been appointed agent for Astoiia. Hodge. Davis & Co.. whole sale agents, Portland. Oregon. For that Headache! Try the O1.1 gon P.LOuD Pl-RIFIKU, the vege table remedy, it's tho cure. Fresh ice cream every d:t at Frank Fabre's. Families supplied in an ipianlitj bj leailng order. Al-o t!ic hnest o'y-stc-rs ooketl to order. Frank Fabre- iyster and ice cream are known ever where as par exeelhuice. Ask t see one of those patent fefd-ei-; at Foster's. If you want iee cream that is in: i'icot:i. go to Frank Fabre's. 1. .1. it.oUiiMii, on Chenamiis-treer, has jut iv-fu.l lhe latest and most nishfonable stie of jrents and !ad:s bonis. shoe-. etc. Agent in Astmia for the famous Morrow shoi-s. Fabre's iee cream Is the best. Children-. suits at Mr.. Derby's. A new .tock of stoves of tho latest -t les at John A. Montgomery's. JIor.SK A.l LOT FOK SALK, In OIiipj'.s A4toria. Uot m dm: sroirv and a half. Has sec rooms, wooil-shed. chicken house, i-tc. and a iieer-fallinr. Ihinj; snrlns? of sihxIw uter on the lot. Trlco. 350. Loca tion, about eli-lit liiitnitrs walk fromlVit-onii-o. Applvtn l-C. IIOLDEN. jeO-tf Iteal Kstate Ajient. 1'Iuln and I'aney SEWIWG OF ALL KINDS! Mtt's made 10 the best -tIo fioni sr. to C0. Satisfaction Gnarantned. MKS. GWCO. E-IULLER. Ve door 10 Weston House. Jell KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS NEW BUILDING And have, Without a Single Exception, (" 1 i The Finest anil Best Arrowed Store in Orep, j- -. ? 1 M- What is nicer on a warm d.i than a I1.J1 f.f lliot i.vnnilit litiMtt-.-il i.j !enain that Frank Fabre make-.' Parti; s wishing groceries, j.iovis ions or merehundise of any description, should lene their oidcis with A. Van Dusen & Co. as they are prejiared to dc Iicr giids in an pun or the ei! on the .shoitPl notice. If ou want nice freh lard, or uoihI sr.,ar-eureil hams, just from the coun try go to F. D. I'lbcr-on's bakery. Mr. John Kogersof IhcCi'iitral .Mar ket. has made arrangements to keep al he finest fresh fish, etc.. in their season Dyspeiitic, ueivous peoph. "out of I -tuts." Comikx'.s Li0i"ii Ui:i:r will cure. Tnhc no other. Of Druggists. For Sale, mwo ackes or laxd. with oxe- JL Morv house, situate within 300 feet of whailat uatbtami-t, Washington Territory, Trice .--po. One aeir- of l.iuJ. with two-story house ltu:te within :& fi-i-t or -kuhc wharf. i'Uce 7ui. Fariii of is", acres, with house, and two Wi.od uliaii''. 1'iniitase one-half inlle on I'ohtinUa Klver ; Fuat-rc-salilcrlanilnn place ; siiuati- one mJle from a!oc whaif. Price For pirli.-iil.-r- c m-nire of Geo. 15. Roberts, fathlariiei. W. T.. or I-. K. Stronp, Portland, Orcpoii. d-wlm Co to Roscoe.s and trv the Dobton Ciyslal lee Cieaiu. Oecidi-nt Uloek. Those uniting deal's at tin City biMik store are the hesi in the eitj . They are .something nice and durable, ami just what most .oiiim ladie.s would nnoreei- ate fmm the giver. Three scow loads -of dr lir, -pruce limb, and bark, just reeeivrd and for sale at (m"d-k. The Peruvian -yriin ha- eured thm: sands who were -altering fiom il-iep sja.debilil, lii-r (Mnudaiiit. lvoif-, hu mni.s, leinait eompinint-. etc. raiujiii lel tree to anyaiklrc--.. Set It W. Fow If A Son- itiKtou. For tile ueutinie J. 11. (Julter old Dourbon. and the best oi wines, liiuors and San Franeiseo beer, call at iheO.-ni opposite lhe hell lower, and see Campbell. CrPICIAL Exhibit of rhe liuaucial condition of Clatsiji Count for the fiscal year einl- Xew Goods Received by Kvery Steamer in JLlltli Latest Stylos and STov-iltiM Call and Inspect Stock and Get Prices Whether You Purchase or Not. M) trouble io ahoiu goods. C. H. COOPER, ASTORIA. .June :3, 18S2. v ASTOB1A BREAVERY. M. MEYER -- Proprietor ASTORIA, - -- ORKGOiS". inir.luiie.''0. i.Wi. or.vrv rr.Mi. lkilauce in Tieastirv, .1 une :. issi, r: 00 lleceivcil from -saleol Dond.- i0,000 PO Kecehed pu-mium 011 P.onds IPOOO Keceixcd fiom all oth or sources 17,651 r Total $i&238 Tj Does any one of our readers want a cranberry swamp in New Jorscy, or a patont pump or a bras3 clock, or a . . ... 1 grauu piano, or a uox. oi soap, 01 -'.style you aie using. Wc sell thcin as chance in a lottery? Wc have no 8ojchcap ns ll0y cm ,)0 nnicured eise. for anything of the kind, though tho where aJlll wi )e jl!casetl to jjjj your irreprossiblo eastern advertising agents j (UHler W(J Jiave been fnru.'j,-1, seem to think differently. ; them all the hcason to canncrymen A special meeting of the Portland jvno hyI5eve -' living a little of board of trado will be held this after-lhoir rao"ey in Astoria, and they sjy noon to take steps to prevent the pro- the prefer them to tho old kind. posed violation of the law for the pro- j tection of salmon. The Oregonian asks: "Who has given notice of in-; tended violation? Who's going to atop fishing should the law bo violated? Oregon or Washington?" Give it up. There is a movement on foot to build an orphan's homo in this slate, to bo under tho supervision of tho Good Templars. It is tho intention of thoso who liavo the matter in hand to have the homo located in the town raising tho most money for its erec tion. Mrs. Charters is soliciting stib- icriptiona for the purpose in Astoria, aud tho good of the cause suggests that the request inset with substantial Read the ad. of the General Miles for to-morrow's excursion. A fine day will insure a good time. Scripture informs 113 thai X im rod was a mighty hunter; Mr. Angus Sntherlnnd, of Knappa, wouldn't feel a bit lonesome in Nun's commpany. Though busily employed, he has this season trapped aud killed nine bears, and thinks he may make np the even dozen before the twelve months ex pire. Ele;enteen hundred and eleveideen f the newest and most popular noel atAdler'. Dickens" work, fine edition, onh ." cents al Adlcr'.s. Alert Hook . Ladder o. So. 1. A special meeting of the above cont panv is heiebv called to meel Saltirda coining, the, at K o'clock sharp, to consider the icport of the Committee 011 Uy Law., applications for membership and such other bn-me--s as ma conn before the meeting. Members prom Paid Co. older- 2l,K8uJ Coup'nson IJoitds 800 00 - Jail Duilding... 0,00912 Mate on Taxi-.. 53 7 lial. in Ti fa uir r-aT :& Total 33,'.SS 2.VWS.233 20 sTATi: Ft'XI). A mt 1 e'd iroiuTaes .S 783 03 Count "5S372 KKDUCTIOX OF WHOJJALK PRICES. A $7 e"0 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. ILAltGK OllDKRS IN LIKE I'UOl'ORTION. i Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, SI SO per Oosen cvSpocial attention paid to ordew from l'utdlc Ileuses and Famliies."Wi THE COLUMBIA BREWERY LAGER IS KUl'KKlOi: 10 MOST. AND lh EXCKLI.KI) I5Y XO.E OX THW WiM JOHN HAHN, - - PROPRIETOR, CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. WOrders left at the GKF.MAXIA HEEKf HALL wUl he promptly attended to. Total. -:&: P.iiil sjat on Tii.s . 7h7 33 -riiooi. ri'VO. Anio'nt r.--eivcil frii all.-oun-.-. lSJTl l.v auiotu-.t uiui.iid June :', 1 sit . . ." s ji i oo S'hool orders paid I J til?:: liil. ..a hand...... Gil 01 -AuuiM'.s mixed naint-. the Ih-.-1 in Use. for sale at J. W. Conn., dtug store ojiio-uc wccitieiu iiou-i. IJrace uji the whole s.weni with King of the lilood. See Ailvortisemeiit. re the meeting. r H tubers aie requested to attend I yri.-hpsi .....i fllll. , iplly. Dyorderofthe President. Lj:7 mfi Mr. (!. Xeimeyer. one of Portland's r.-t fashionable Merchant Tailors is in the oil v and isstotmimr at the Occi dent. Am one -wishing a really tine, ar ticle of clothing can be well suited in price ami quality by callim: and in specUnu his slock of -samples. iVooit for Sale. 1 hac about six hundred and fifty cords of drv hemlock, which I will sell for cash at"S3.7.i per eonl. 1 w ill deliver the wooii to mv customer.- Call and examine tho-o b.ibv wai:.n at the City book slore. Tin -Always handy" stuxej-ipi: shelves at John A. Montcoiner.. t cake, fruit and candy factory. Total .? 1J33H713 Ly871 im'.ckaskd rtrxn. Aiiioniit in Treas-ir Jiui;-;'-o. 1&.S1 Amount in 'Treasui June:P). 1SS2 $33 & S"a ss Total .. ?J33iW rt.'.vn. Amount in Treasury .liinv'B, 1SR1 ! Amount in Treasury June:'. IKS-. 5107 You want toiret smneof IN. , ..!... t.. Tolal .1 b. cream to-tlay: fn'sh made and niei-Iv! i.kxkuai. summakv. flavored. i Ti.Jal hahinceon bund Xo more good weight al the Orient Ivaths. Three firt-elxs barbers. All work guarantei tl. Childrens hair eut ting a specialt. .!.(. Chaj: i i:i:-. June. '9. 1S31 Receivetl from nil -nurees Tolal b331 -Si 07 $107 - 3,' 69 19431 01 $.-,0,488 GO RCSCOE'S FIRST CLASS! Oyster Saloon. -M CllEX.VMUri SritWvT. AhTOklA. riltlK CNDKKSHINKIl IS l'JJLKli) TO , JL announce to the puhlle that he Is maS- In; the Boston Crystal Ice Cream ! Thutlaest Ice Cream er duhed up to the American public. Trv It, and l-e convinced. ' lie also luitil-dm-t. In first-clafts -tvte. imo wrraso xascbV. 18W. wmm OYSTKifS, itor COFFSf. AT TIIK 'ITa. I.TC. Ladies' and Genf s Oyster Saloon, FOR THE BLOOD ISTHELffK Clir.NAAlUS STRtiET. I Make a-e of tbe Yegetable Kiasdom. Abso lutely the l'letvx siyp mo a calk UOSCOK DIXON. IToprletor responao from the citizens of this Alexander Dumas works at Cail place. ' ,A"er:5- 513-0) 23 15a 1. cash in Treasure Applicable as follow To the payment of 3 7,189 07 tre-h fruit ieceit-il at C. A. Max's by pa?,i Comuv fund.... 2i;i5A 03 every steamer. No stale, trash, iuery .. iomw,n kOOuo variety of Oregon and Calin.rni.i fruft , t'l "m- Soio alwav-on hand. Jail ISuiIilmz ... ",00912 j State taves 7,907 33 Steven- & Son have their .-torei .-..i.r.i i i.i i xr f.t-fltC.lml Witl. Ili.n- ir,...) ..II ... .l.n.l t.. . .......... jl li. Ii. .UAKJUN. i ."'""-.' ".. '"t.-, .in iii.iii.t-ti nit - r plain figures. - 'Total... Aitorln lco Hepot. -Chas. Ste-.en.s anil .v,n have a stock .'rank 1'abie is now prepared to sup- S;;X,Si!la,ct,.!i:!;;1?. VhSI ph families .restaurant ist-r Fresh ice oicam even day. Halls j Faffy and .-aramels everv tlax ! fT"10"' ' m names and dinners siipnlied with ice nf thi Astnrin tvmifv Vnoton- vr..i.. -si School ollOl cream at short notice. i 1 ' '' - Deceased fund. .. . :9S -- ,-"nr Z-Z ! Keiiielilbar Prank Fable's iee ere:ini' . ProLFicd Mvcr wishes to organ Jit is par excellence. " " ! 0N n. i7e a singing elase of children: he al-o . - .Total $ 7,189 07$ T.189 07 Tjmirobl hasa fair assortment or Cennan music, j -Physicians prc-enpj ion- ean-tully ; (, ...... '' JAlltuat fiirsale. Koom over the Gem saloon. I comiwundetl da or night al J. W. . ''. ' , . -p S CT Aldcrbro iLonns ding store, opprslte Occident r or payment oC which .shortess' That Hacking Cough can be sojiiotci. . ,sin Treasury quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We; 7.- 7 , , . Deliuouent Taes L'uararitee it. .So d bv W.K. Dement. Chas. Stevens & Nn havo Tor sale t u "Ull. . aM f,iiarauu iu - j ar,.nts for t P ,w v-in.r(.r a(nv . unpaid When von go to liwaeo. .-top iu ai i nix iiiauuiui.s. Adler -before you start and get one on - Walter Scott's novels, only 23 cents. lee for sale at the Occident Hotel. H.o-un.c-'-rj-J.. TO THE LADIES OF ASTORIA. 1TAKE PIJiASUItK IS INFORMING. ou that I havo removed my lres-! inolda'' rooms : Freua. Ckeaautu St, to Ca St.. Next door to Tnr. Astociax offlce. I thank the ladles for their liberal pationage. ItnS. A. RAPPLEVEA. Jew BEST KNOWN REMEDY! Tor Uic Blooil tuid Liter CeMUlat. .ew r ld Cktils t'eier. A2He, Bjsptjpis, etc SUBURBAN LOTS. i Homes For Fishermen. 1 MtfXIHIX.UtY IXXeir.tCFAfKVr. NE IIUNDKKD DUILDING LOTS AT Auction. Plenty or water. lUcli soil ? ;.53r H 912 44 Total $ 7,44985 It. it. SPEDDEX, County Clerk. rVgVU ft4U Ul'lUtVitl J1 t JM. 4MUV.4k I Donation Land Claim, adjoining , Positive Cure COR lUditt-y and Bladder Lieas, Chreale Hklm TrvuMei aat KfceaaiattuB. Has Stood the Test FOR YEARS. For particulars and testimonials from weJl known Deonl In our Stato read locals aca J circular-. ! Price ---!. pr Mtla. To Insure a euro uie-dx lots 1'oraXO. Your dniffLst keeps and recommends U. Ask for. and see Hvaiyou get the gcaulae. Notice. Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. K. Kelly. I Bergman and A. TV. Berry. 1" IIKL'EUY IVK NOTICE TO WHOM IT Terms of payment and day of sdo will be! A may concern that rav wlie. Aaala L. duly announced. ( stone, having left my bed and board wttbouj ForfurtberparUculiuNandexaiulaatlonof 1 just cause or provocation, I will not ba re recorded plat, apply to tspoaslblclafutmnfor any debts TiraT may E. C. UOLDEN, be contracted by her. W. L. STONB. Auctioneer and Eeal Estate Agent. ' Astoria, .Tuly ;tlu 1SS2. it