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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1882)
3) j .,i..tLiiirju,&-v-;j.;.Exi ujiMULMm ijj.-jjtmn j gto BniXx $$&Z& Domestic Salmon Shipments. SHIPPING NOTICES. TRANSPORTATION LINES. i) o KfflB? .- I HOTELS AND RESTAURAirr?. ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY JULY 15, 1S32 COMMERCrAKQ TRADE. PORT OP ASTORIA. ARRIVALS FROM SKA. Annlo Johnston. M7 Hill .Liverpool Jul It Orrcnn as. 233.S toes. Poblrocn. S r July 12 DTOnshir Br rii 1W0 JIodrLobk Juir T READY FOR SEA. RfSTAle, Br bk Liverpool Jane 3 June Dnncan. Br eh U K July li tV.umliia. 68. 2721 tons. Holies SKJuly 12 Idaho. Alaska July VRSSELS OX THE MVI ) . FroKt Foreieu I'ortK. for the Columbia Uivcr Koldon, WGLircnool via Victoria March 11 Glongaber G5S Liverpool via Unnol'iln Me Kylemorcll!? Liverpool May IT M.adnjrlay M Adoln'xlp Juue'2 Kate l)nvoiyort from Uonpl-oiiR. James 5 Bain UrbkMC Liverpool Jan 21 From Amrriran Port. Wm. H. SUrbncVJ::9Kotr York Mar2T Kioto GTS New York Mar 21 Helicon 120u New York June 3 Visa. H. ftUrbnck 1JS9 New York J.lsr .T Uelen Anjrier 655 New. York May IS KUlnore 668 New York Astoria 1335 New York March 29 Wtlna HO New York March I Robert Dixon IMS New York John Vi Man Am sh 110 New ork 1 eb 10 Dauntless Am hh !U New York March IS TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables or United States Coast Survey. High WatcrT " low" Water." Date a. . p. m. I a. m. v. . 13 .- 0 0 11 211 0 OJ 5 31 14 ......... I 0J C 5C........ . C 23 15..... ... 0 (W . 1 411 . 7 SS ..7 13 16 0 18...... 2 12. - 8 14 . 7 M 17 -. 1 23 2 3JI 8 -12 8 32 18. . 2 00... 3 051 it U ..... 0 11 lit 2 -51 3 2J i 35......... 9 51 20 - 3 27. 3 WSJ U 59 10 31 21 -1 13 4 ."A) 11) 27 11 23 2J 5 10 !i 13j 11 OS - - ASTORIA Flltr, JiV.VAK'EJMIXT C. J.TRENCHAED Chlef.Engineer F. 1. HICKS... -1st Asst. Engineer J. O. BOZORTH .2(1 Asl. Engineer BOARD OF DELEGATES. Rcgularrneci ing fourth Mondav In each niontli. at 7 :30 v. M.,at ball of Aleit UchjI; and ladder Company No. l. Officers. F. J.Tavlor. Fie:cnt ; F. 1 Parker, Secretary; A.'W. Ilcrrj, Treasurer. Dex.eoatks.-W. W. l'arker. .1. Strauss, I. Hergmau. of Astoria Engine Co. so. l : A. A. Cleveland, W.J. Rarr.v. Chas. II. Slockton, ot Rescue Engine Co. Xo. 2 ; Ed. J). Curtis. A. V. JJerrv. r. J. Talor. ol Alert Hook and I.add'i Co,No. 1. astcUT-i E-xaixi: ( v-i "r a'o. 1-. Regular, meeting tsv Monday in each niontbi " . Oi-fjc1"ks. W. W. Paiuer, Piesident; I. E. Sehg, Seeretaij ; William Rock, Treas urer; 11. F. Stevens. Foreman, fc. (5. Ingnlls, 1st AsL Foreman. Joe. G. Charters. 2d Asst. Foreman. RESCUE EXCTXE COMPACT X. ?.- Kegnlar meeting Hist jiomiay in eacit mouth. OFncEirs. A. A. CIe eland, l'rident ; .1. A. Jlonlgomi'rv. St;eretary; 1". C NorrN, Treasurer; Chits.!. Stoekton Foivmau. A. McKenzie.lst Asst. 1reni:iu. .5. V. Jlrni, 2d Asst. 1'oreman. .l,EIir HOOKAXD JUDDER r... Xo. 1. Itegular meeting second Monday in each month. Officers. J. O. r.ozoitli. Piesident; C. Bimu, Secretary ;- Jay Tulili. TrraMiter; .1. K. Thomas. Foreman, I'.ll. Klber-oii. 1st Asst. FoioiiKin. F. AV. Ferguson. 2d Asst. Foreman. Common Council. Regular mooting second nnd fourth Tues day evontngs of each month, at 7' i o'clock rPcrson3 desirim; to hnvo mutters acte.1 upon by Die Council, at any regular xneetini: must present tbo sauio. to tbu Auditor and CI ork on or beforo tbo FritLiy evening prior to the Tuosdny on trbi"h tbo Council holds its rejnilar meeting. F. C. MORRIS. AuiKtor and Clerk. Astoria Lodge Ko. 10, 1. O. G.l. Regular Meeting every 'lucsday Eveninp cZlA o'clock, at Good 'lemidar'o Hnll. Che namua Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Storo il embers of the Order, in good etand nc, arc id vitod to attend. Degree mootinc 1st Monday oach'inonth. J)y order W. C. 'X Z Temple liodse. No. 7 A. P. A. M. RocularJ-CoicmunicitionB fir.t nnd,y' diird Saturdays in each month, st"Ji s? u'clook. r. .Vat thailall in Antorin. 31 embers oftno Order, in irood standing, are. invited to attend. By erdc: of tbo . M. m -Orher of Chosen Friends. A regular meeting of Occident Council o. 5, O.C. K.-,is held every Tlmrsdav evening, at tlie hour of 7 o'clock. In tlie hall ol ihe A. O. U. V. All .sojourning moi.ibois :ue cordially invited to attend. By order Of c.C. BAHKiK'G AHDINSURANCE. BROKER BANKER INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOKIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM 8 O'CLOCK A. 2d. USTIh 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Ho ' Mitil' iHSflrance Co., OF CALFGHNIA. J. F. UouniiTON . . I'resideut Ohab. IT. Stoky. . .Secretars CSeo. L. Stouw, Ageut lor tf-on Capital paid coin -... up in U, S. gold 5 5W 000 00 I. TV. C.VSK. ABent, Cbcnamus street. Astoria, Orccon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOnox AND UJAJDE, NORTH. BRITISH AND MKKCAN- TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF nART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Rtpraentlnc a capital of 907,009,000. A.TAN DUSEX, Aent, THE MARKETS.1 ! an ranelsco Quotation. Y KAIL AND TELEGBAI'11.1 Jf'A k at Xo. 1, S IGO per cental : Vats-S1 50l 55 1p ell. Woni-Orecon, Valley 2331 cLs. V lb . Eastern Oregon , 20CG. fl id ks Heavy sailed lOXc: liRht, do 9X5;l0c; salted calf, 9Ki0cl Family Provision! Uacoii, 1315 cts; clear Oregonside5,l.'lS3c;liams, wyny. cts. IIauley Coast feed.Sl 12145V ctl. Brew nig ?l C0 J m V ctl. Eg. California, 2G2Sc ? doz; On1 gou,22(g23ct doz. Fleui: Orewn elrn. 55 00; Super line, 3 7.-. .Butter and Cheese Extra fancy Butter, 32) cts t Tb; Fresh roll, ,'ood to clioice. 2iV7j:;0 cL!.V P. Clieest, in Glue. Seeds Flax, 2(5-5c V B; Canary, 3g5c: jVlfalfa, ini7c: Timothy, 8ft 1JHV lb. Baos Wool .sacks, 44(gr.0c; iMiialu gunnies, 13(gl4c; standard grain nom inal. Fkuits Dried apples, G(?D cts. t'lb forrs.; 7(?i)e for sliced: Pear, 8QHV; Plums. 7(10, pitted 13l."i; Pe.iehis, 11 jILSq;V eled, 17(320. .Salmon. Columbia riu-r fih arc quotable at SL : 1 doz. 1-15. tins on the tpot; on the liver, 1 25 r do.. Sac-i-ainentoSl-20((?l 25 Sri.Ai: llefnierv, terms net ctsh: Cube, ban els, 12K? Crushed. 12je: Extra Powdered, barrels. 13e: Fine Crushed, bids.. l2'.-.fc: Dry fini'.'.iled, bbls., I2fa'c; Extra Granulntr-ii. bbK ll3Tc: Golden ('. bbl6.,i0"rc; D. !;-. or S. I. ll1. Atori .ilftrZtciH. . 11ETA1I- Bctti.r IJt"rft fancr 32lic. Gwd to cbouo 'Si I o 30 cts. Ttt'. DmnD FnuiTS. Ulack berries 25c; I'runci Caliull15c: Peeled Penchcs 25g3:c Suoah. Cube, 14 y cruEhetl, 1 1c; fine cruFbed, lie; otra powd. 14c; dry jjrn. 13c; eslrn srnn. I3'4c, O. C. 12.V- Euos. 35 cU V? doi. Oats. c2 00 to 52 5 per cvrt. PoTATons. If X?2 cts. per lb. Floue. Suporfine 55 CO; Estni V 40; Corn Meal ? cwt. S3 50; llnehn-lieat ' : SO 00. FltEStT Meata Cboico cuu. Lmub. 15s; Becfl2i$l5: Pork 10; Muttim inr-12. By the carcase 10c. Meats. Breakfast bacon 17&1S per B; aides 1517c; bnins lGj2i)c: tliou'dcrs 15317c ; raoked beef lrjiic;ic: corned brcf Sl0gl2 ?i bbl.; coniod iork 10c V . Lkd. In tins nnd caddios ISgU'e't'. IIONF.v. In frames 40c ; in Rlns3 50 .Mill Fi:i:n. Bran $20 03 'j ton; chop fcedi?203 ; Shona S20W?i-; Hay S202 622? ton; middlings S28. Cbop bailey, ). Domestic Exports- The receipts in San Francisco, of cer tain ai tides of Oregon produce from J miliary 1st, 1SS2, to .luneMb, inclusive, have.been as follews: Flour, qr sks ...... c, 1 d Wheat, ctl, - X-MW Oats, ct Is .151 ,hti7 Salmon, bbls 1 13 Id bbls - .. IS Apples, ripe, bxs .'.tsi Butter, pkgs 2S5 Pork, bbls v 21 Potatoes. ik lf li! Wool, bales . 7.10 1 Hides. No ., 2:;.7ny Tallo'.r. pkgs.. 1,3m.' Bed, bbls - 100 Beef, canned, cs ......... .. Fnnt . dried, pkgs ............................. ;,05- Leather, pkgs 1M lird , cs ....MM..... .. . a Bacon, cs ... ............. ........ . . 21 Meal, -k .. 2fe0 Uojis, bales 573 Hams, pkgs . ! Bran, sks : 17.0RS Cheese, cs . 17 Flaxseed, sks l3.:r Canned goods, cs 33 Bailey, etls 2fl0T Shorts, .sks . 2.3S1 (Toin, ell's.... ...................... .... ... Iv2 lle, sl IG ColnmblA River ExpprtR. 1 smrMKNTs ronniN. 1 i ItECVI'irULATION .1AXIAK '.sj. S77.10H bus. wheat S .SLV 38,"1R bbls flour. 173.310 Total, 31 cargoes SluTijaiS Ri:CAl'lTUL-TION l"F.r.UL'Ai:Y. Wheal. no7.i5C bus.. :lue . rfli.Toi Flour, N1.S0T bbls.. " 4u2.:i Salmon, 40,721 cs.. " 2!c:.i. Total. 19 cargoes MA1W25 iriXAI'ITL'LATlON, MARCH. Flour tfl.553 bbls) - ...". I S.72.1 Salmon (74 1 cases) 3,720 Wheat (5S5.12S bushels) 573.8S2 Tolal (15 cargoes) .... nncAi'iTrLATio.v avrh- ..-rfv;.nii Flour (40.X)1 bl)l) Wheal (2-,52c bus .'.Stft.SSS usheJs..... . Total 7 eaigiws).... , 31 AY. 1 To Livcnytml per. E. Chaplin. sls7,7Sl Fioui Portland bbls iloiir. ".7.Wm 5 To Quccnstvicn per Reporter. From Portland 59.18S bus wheat ..... " Astoria t,"M " ' TOtol C7H0 7 To Quctitoimcn per Storm Kimj. From Portland H7.GS2 bus wheat... " Astoria .'!15 7,G17 , .sw.eui ,704 $:!.701 Total W.s&T 10 To QneaiHtoicn jxv HarLlaud. From Portland 32,127 bus wheat ..-. 352,352 ICTo Dublin pergonal Washington. Prom Partlantl 5G.7K bus wheat". $5C.7SD ltr ToLivcrjyool per Philip PhUz)atric: From Portland 3.5S0 bus wheat .. SSjiso s.li3 bbls liour. 3S.000 Total - sliXo 10 To Hccnmril wr IV hit Henri Sempc. From Portland S.217 bbls Hour.. 10.0)0 27 To Qiuxnsimvn per Ivy. Prom Portland C1.17C bu3. wheat 5tT2,5w JUNE. 3 To Litcrjxoolpcr Rycralc. From Tortland u.745 bbls flour.-. f53,STO 1 " 10,455 bus wheat lo,S 0 Total sw.coo 12-To Liccapool per Jjcaiorigg JIaU. rrom Astoria 40.o cs salmon $207eJ ..wi 001s uour 3,472 ctls wheat Total 17 To 17. K. per Importer. Prom Portland 40.9S1 ctls wheat- 2500 5,700 , i2iS,t00 ?8S.H3 .291.7:0 is To London per Wanlocl;. From Astoria 18.750 cs salmon 1.7CS bbls Hour.. 2i,0S0 Total cno.830 20 To Liverpool perAdolph Ohriu.. From Portland 21.054 bbls flour 3101.SSS " 100 cs dried fruit 55o Astoria 5,000 cs salmon 27,000 Total... ....... ........ ...........S129 4SS JULY. 13 To U. K. per Jas. Duncan. From Portland 22.731 ctl9 wheat SS3.C47 shipments rej: apkil: 5th. Steamship Columbia; Union Packing Co.. 12; Win Hume 90; Oecan Canning Co., 2. otai.. 14th, State of Cal. Win Hume, E C HX). Total 22d. Oregon : Eurek.i Packing Co.. 301. Total 2Gth. State of Califernia: Cutting Packing Co., 100; Win Hume E. C.,150. Total 30ih, Celumbia: .la-. lninn.liv; Cutting Packing Co. 200: Wm. Hume. ICO; Asto'ria Packing Co. 200; Union Packing Co.. .": Bad- ollct & Co.. 2. Total. . . .' Total for Apiil.., ?inr.MEXT5 rei: may: 4th. Oi egon. Dadollct & Co J01 : A Rooth&Co..l: .Jos Hume.3fs0: A-toria Packing Co., 30u..Tol:il. 7th. State ot Cal.; Jas. Qulnn, 125: Win Hume. 100: Eureka Pack ing Co., 300; Jn3. Hume, 300. Total Mis. State of Cal.; C. Tinunin- Co., 2; Jtalollol & Co- 300. Total I2li. Columbia. Fishermen Pack ing Co.,2: Jos. Hume. :KW; Anglo-American Packing Co., 300; Eureka Packing C iVW; Dad ollct & Co.. 450. Total lfilh, Oregen: Fishermen's Pack ing Co. .'JO; Hapgooil & Co., ::0: Jos, Hume, 300; Angh-Ameii-ran Packing Co- :: liadollot .: Co., 132; Seaside Packing Co., .la.Quinn. 175. Tola! t'Oth. State of Cal.; Jos. Hume. ;?n Euieka Packing Co., 300: Pillar Kock 1 'acking Co., 1. Total . . . . 21th. Columbia; Win Hume, ICO: Elmore Packing Co..500;P. I. P Co- fir A. Dadollct & Co., 1800: Eagle Cannery, 300; .taini Quinn,120; ,los. Hume, 300; .1. G. Megler. 700; Hapgood & Co.. 3U0. Tolal 23lh, Oregen: Wm Hume, 300; l. P. Co.. Dadollct & Co 210; An glo American Packing Co., :i00; .los. Huine.l00; Eureka 1'ack'g Co., wr.; Elmoro Packing Co., 3(xj. Total 3lst. State of Cal.; Dadollct & Co., 300; A. A. P. Co., 300; doe Hume. :0;- Hapgood, 300: W. & T. Eagle Cannery, 2.. Total Totalfor jfay SHIPMENTS rOR JUNK. 1st. State of Cal.: Badollet& Co.. 250 C12 1.427 1.302 825 i.; lf ll jsi; 2JiV, 102 H.3S5 ;s.'0; Anglo-American Packing Co.. .'W0: W.T. Eagle Cannery 2; Joe Hume. :W: llnpgood : Co., 300. Total litli. Celumbia: Seaside Packing Co- 50: l'. P. Co., 50; P. U. P. Co 50; Dadollct it Co.. 0; Anglo Amciican Packing Co., GOO; Joe Hume, GV); J. G. Megler, & Co.. l'nll: Hapgood & Co., 300; Eu reka Packing Co., 70o; Total.. (Hi, Oregon; Wm Hume, GOO: El more Packing Co., 1,000; G. W 1 1 ume. 3S0 ; Dadollct ite Co., 1,100 ; Jamos Quinn, 100; Jos. Hume, L2O0;.i.G. ilcgicr t Co., )Oo; Eureka Packing Co.. 100; Cut ting Packing Co.. 2S5. Total... 13th. State of Cal., J. G. Mcgier .t Co., lfx); Cutting Packing Co 115; llapgood, (ill); Joe Hume. 30o. Total 1.20-J 1,151 IU-S5 2rS25 17th. Columbia; Wm Hume, 1,500; Elmore Packing Co-; A. Dooth. 1XK): Dadollct &Co-12(); Fishermen Packing Co., 100: . .1.0. Hnnlhorn Jc Co.. I: Jas. Quiun.407; .1. G. Megler & Co., 1,400 ;llai)good & Co., 400; Eu i eka Packing Co.. 900. Total . . 2lsl. Oregon; Elmoie Packing Co, 300; G. . Hume, 120; A. Dooth A Co., 2.000; Dadollct &Co.,300: Eagle Cannery. SCO: Cutting Packing Co- I,oi5. Total 25ih. State of Cal.: G. W. Hume, 300; Dadollct it Co-1,000 ; C. Tim nionsit Co., 100; Joseph Hume. 1,500; Hapgood it Co., 300; Eu reka Packing Co., caw. Total.. Wth. Celumbia: J. William- & Co 1,000; Sea Side Packing Co.. 1,000; V. P. Co., 1,000: Elmore Packing Co.. 1,300; C. Timmins itCo.lXK): Fishermen's Pack ing Co.. 1.0C0: Anglo-American Packing Co., POO; Joseph Hume. tVO; Hapgooil it Co., iXX); Eu reka Packing Co-1 Wo. Total.. SHIPMENTS FOR JULY. Hh, Oregon; U. P. Co-1.000: P. V. P. Co., 1,000: A. Dooth & Co., 100; 311 4,W3 maj SJW0 r.adollcl it Co-1,200; Fishcrmn Pkg Co., l.OoO; a.-A. P. Co- IXX; J. O. Hanthorn it Co.. 900; Hap good it Co-900; Eureka PicgCo .:cO. Total s:h. Slate of Cal.: Cnion Pkg Co.. 2W; Seaside Pkg Co.. 1.OC0; Tim mills it Co., 1.000: Fishermeir.s Pkg Co.. 300: Abeideen Pkg Co, Hi: Eureka Pkg Co- :0. Total 12lh, Columbia; Jas. Quiuu, 578: Dadollct .t Co.. 300: Pacific Un inu Pkg Co.,S00; Wcatherbee A Thomes. 10): Aberdeen Pkg Co imx). Total r.iXKi :;j0 Foreign Salmon Shipments. The following shipnients have been inailefoieit;n,(ltiriiiCtheiiresent season; ron, Biitih. ship LanijriK Hall; Scandinavian Pkg" Co., "s500: West Coast 1'1-jj Co-yftO:Fish- ei men s j 'Kjj l o., Zoo : s. 1). Ad nuns it Co., lKK); Hanthorn & Co-'",500; Ocean Canning Co 1.O00; Eaple Cannerv, ( ether hce it Thomas) :?r00; Geo. W. Hume,i.VW0; I'illar Bock Pfcc Co., 2JWK); John A. Devlin & Co, 5.000 -.Aberdeen Pkg Co- .1,000; fotal .. 17th, Bark Wanlock; Livcrool; .John West, f.00; Win Hume, 1.000; Cuttinc: Packing Co. 3000 10,551 Astoria 1 'acking Co., H.2S0. hso 2i.Ui. Bark Acolph Obrig shipmexts rei: jcly. 5.000 deenPkffCo..y.000: Scandinav ian Pkg Co :i.000; Devlin & Co. 2,000; Hapgpod & Co., .1,000 ;"Jas Williams, 3,000; P. U. P. Co 1.000: Columbia Canning Co 500 : Seaside, 1 ,000 ; Astoria Pk" Co., 1,000: It. I). Hume, 2,000: Oc cidental Pkg Co., 1,500; West Coast Pkg Co 1,500; G. W. Uumc,2rr.00; S. D.Adair, 2,700; Weatlierhce & Thomes, 24200. Total ..77 33,900 Shiloh s Vital izer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms ofDyspcpsia. Pricol0and7o cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement. ran 2 SSl ViiulLres uw! -.j- .' rJC-- up tlie Sji. .. ;:v . j: Slronfj, tint ii- :; tloTfi. :i ;.- isral:;. t. CURL.- - Dyspepsia, Nervous if-- ..-,-?. eral"Debi:ify. Hr: r .:."k. h'z and Agao. Par v. .'z. Zixesi: Biarrlica, JBu;!.j iJi-cpsy. HuEiGrs, Pni'tl3 Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Seiuiiitii Pever. urCi UL DISUSES OStGINATiV. i ; A I C- i OF THE BLOOD, OR ky.V.l'.VJj f DEBILITY OR A LtAv STATr . OF THE SiSTEK. PERUVIAr Supplies the blxrd vrli h, X' 1,, " Lifo lUenu-n:, tlXON. im'i u- -:r.-:t:p;r Vigor and Ncivl.ifciut.':'! u'.i' t - s. -Jc BEINC I REP. FROM Al-ultoi .,t.- . agcrTectsarc not fclb-Acd Iiy i -51 -, - ' ion, but a:e pcnnicnt. SETII V.. POWI.E . lO " iacriica Avcmis. lin-acc ii-!J IV . ru: - . s- mi ElLGfcH Mothers lilio nad Phyticinus rcccsimozd it. IT IS HOT KABCOTIC. CENTAUR L.TNI3IENTS; j the "World's great Pain-Uc- iieving remedies. They lieal, soothe and cure Burns, Wounds, "Weak Back and Khcuniatism upon Hian, nnd Sprains, Galls ami Lameness r.pon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPURTS of disgusting SIuou. Snndos, Crackling Pains in tho Hoad, Fetid Broatli, DeaXncsb, and any Catarrhal Complaint, con "bo exterminated "by Wei Do Meyers Catarrh Core, a Consti tutional Antidoto, hy Absorp tion. Tho moat Important Dis covery since Vaccination. Piles! Piles! Piles! A Nitre. Cure Found af ImhI A sure Cure for IIHnd. Weeding, Itching aud Ulcerated Tiles has been discovered by dt. liuams, tan iniuan i.emeiiv). cuieu 1 Dr. Williams Indian Ointment. A single bov lias cured the worsi chrome eaesof 'S3 or Cu years .standing. Xo one need sulTcr live minutes after applying tins wonderiuli MHiuium iiietiicme. ivouoiis, lnsimmeuis aim elect lutrics do more harm I ban good. Wll - iiiiiii.s vjiiiiiueui uiMurus me iiimiirs, :uiav the intense itehluir. durticularlv at uliilit af ler getting warm in IkmD. acts as a poultice, gives Instant relief, and Is prepared onlv for Piles, Itching of the private parts, and for nothing else. Read what the Hon. J. M. C'uRlnhurrr or Cleveland, says about Dr. illiam's Indian Pile Ointment : 1 have used scores of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to sav that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. Forsalcuyall druggists or mailed on re ceipt of price. .l to. If K.VUY A :.. I'rop'.s. Cleveland, O. Jlodge. Davis & Co.. AYhnIcsale Agents. Portland, Oregon. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward fur aiivease of Liver Complaint. Dvspepsia. Sick Head ache, indigestion,' Constipation or Costive ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when tlie directions are strictly complied with. Thev are pure-. Vegetable. and never fall to give .satisfaction. Sugar coated, itrse boxes, centainhu: no Tills. 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. I'cvvare of counterfeits and imitations. Tlie genuine manufactured onlv by John C. West & Co., "The Pill Maker.' 181 aud 1SJ W. Madison St.. Chicago. Prec trial package sent by mall prepaid on receipt of a n cent stamp. W. I- Dement, agent. Health is Wealth. Dr.E. C. West's "Nerve and P.rain Treat ment: a spcciflc for Hvsteria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Xervous Hcadache,.Ienjal De pression. ioss 01 Memorv. spennatorf hwra, Impoteucy, lnvoluntarv Emissions. Prema ture Old Age, caused bv over-evert ion, seir abuse. or over-indulgence, which leads to niLsery, decay and death. One bov w ill cure recent cases. Each box contains one months treatment. One dollar a box, or sl.x boxes for Ave dollars ; sent bv mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order recelv ed by us for six boxes, accompanied wilh five dol lars, vvc will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treat ment does not effect a cure. (Juarantees is sued only by W. E. Dement, druggist. As toria, Oregon. Orders bj mail at regular prices. Children Pitcher's ' jk n u&m YACHT BLUE SKIN. Clipper built, copper fastened. r-s double mast vessel, lie at vtA Case's wharf. Ready to re- ift. ceive passengers, freigiit or e.x- f.AVV cursion parties to all parts ofSSlWr the Columblarivcrand vicinity.' - WTFor further particulars Inquire of John Rojers, Central Miirket. Or of Capt. "U'ood. Master and owner ,s. wrii;ixt occiiet szTi:r MKGT.ER & WHIOHT. Pronietor. Astoria, Orraort. milK PKOPUII-7TOP.S ARE HAPPY TO 'JL announce Hint the alo.e hotel has been renamted and refurniihcd. aldim; jrreatly to Ihe comfort of Rspue'ttand .s nov.-the best 1 hotel north nfMm 1 raucisco. 1- PAESKER HOTJISE. il. K. V.X J52I Kit. STf.p AtiTOP.IA. ODEGON. PIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. HOT AM) 'OS.? KATI5.. Good Billiard Tabic, and Fr&t Class Sa loon stocked with Fine Lit tiers. JSTFKKK COACH TO THE IIOCSl'.-TTtx THE ESBGN9, A Fsr-1-CIas Saioon and Lodginfj House Nel ltcllsin! in the Mit Attractive and Comfortable Slyh Sun FrauolMrn ?i'alioiir.t 3Jcer, ' eeb'bmled beverasre frlmii draught : A!si the finest WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS ItOiyiUT SI'2.ASi:. Propilrtor. Opposite the 0. 1.. & X. Wliarf. PERMANI. IV.T fJKER HALT. ASD- UOTTIjE DEEU DEPOT. Cavvviurt Stri:kt. Astori . Tin' Iir::( or Lnfer.'i Cta. tt Clan Orders fur the CcletatPi GotoMa Brewery 115 at Mils place v. ill be promptly uttend-C--1 tj. Es7Xii ciie.ip S'ui Iraae:se. lleer "i!d at this place Vt'.M. l5f'CK.Prosriotor "mm mbw em, .!. STItAt'RW. - - AllXXtV. Is tun. ready to supply the public with (he Celebrated Chicago Seer In :ui iii.mittv to suit. 1 have :lo tliis Celfluatctl 'b5cam Keer in KoHIc, Which isnou very popular amoiiK'all fami lies and sabuins." Please send in ymir oiler- andlhev will have mv ln-sl atteutxin. .1. STUAUSS. Astoria, Oregon. Agi'iit for Oregon and Wash. Icr MINT SALOON. OPPOSITE O. K. & X. CO.MPAXYS DOCK. Xone but the be over Ihe irr. t liipiors and clear passed W. SCIIULDT. ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Dot Liuii'h every Day from 10 to 11: A.M Tlie bust of I.ionors and Ciirars on hand. j A desetvedly popular place of social resort. t. :i:0. IIIliLEIt. I iHlll uLlMllu U AJjUUW J-LL-U UJIJU1U " uuyui1 Opposite :hf Parker House. THE FINKST IH.'ANDS OF 1 r rTTvTr ,! "tT" Ofej 1 J j l I U J 1 V ? l 11 ( I I dllA I v O Kept cunstaul'v 011 hand. Xo pains will be spared to liicrs satisfaction. ifce iiiveiMu- 3"-filve us a call. I- W.SEI1L1X, mm dp 0?ACAN B .AC 'f2S.-? HEALTH. Lc KichnuS Colilru No. 1 Cures Chancers, Urst and second stages ; Sores on the Legs and Body; Syiiliilltic Catarrh, dlseasetl Scxilt), and all primary forms of the disease, fricc. S5 00 per J'oltlc. Lc Cnldrn i;nlsaia Xo. li Cures Tertiaiy. Mercurial, Syphilitic Khcunia tism, Pains in the Roues. Ulcerated Throat. Syphilitic Rash, Lumps, etc., and eradi cates all diseases from thesystein, whether caused by bad treatment, or abuse ofmer curv, leaving the blood pure and healthy. rrlco, 5 o per i:o5tle. Lv IMriintiS ;ildea Spanlsli Antidote Tor the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, etc. I'rlcc. $"i ."J per S'ottlc. Lc KieliauS ftotilen Spanish Injection, awash for cure or Gleet, Strictures, Dis ease of the Urethra and P.ladder, etc. I'rier. 1 50 per I'otUe. Za ItirliauS nWrn Ointiurn! Tor tlie effective healing of Syphilitic Sores and Eruptions. iTlec. ti ts per iloitle. Also Agents for la? -iiclmti'i Golden EMU, for eakness. loss of physical power, aud all diseases arising from abuse and excess or over-work. Prlrc, ?.1 00 per J:v. Sent everv where. C. O. p., secvrely packed per Exp"ress. G F. JRIC'IXAICDS JL CO.. Accnt., 127 .s. -I2i Sansome street, corner Clay, d-vv-ly San Francisco, Cal. HANSEN BIROTHERS, Architects and Builders, All kinds oi JlonscJ-vorlc done at nhortewt notice. Shop Comer of Cass and Astor Street, SALOONS. j I 50 1 KB "-1 A r' ? S THn. Jti W Dlbbb. ASTORIA, - - - OREGOX Columbia Transportation Go. FOS PORTLAND- lFAT TniI- Tlie popular steamer -i ; -&32ZTJC.TUa r- L.tfc.1 JVV J, i Which has been lenttcilfor theeomfott Pfjlli'iiii passcntjers will leave 1W aim Pnlu'r'- tbick cmtj i Oregon . .Mon "10'Columbia ..Tu ' It Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 63, ?J5s?Sia'.l?li ii ,V AM. arriving at Portland at 2 P.M. i&ca.-.d -5S?iSi,b..::gSr - Etturnimj P-aves Poitbmd cvr Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at S A. M. urriumij at Astoria at 1:30 P.M. An additional trip will be made on Saturday and Sunday of Each Week, leaving Astoria on Saturday at :2 13J., and Leaving Portland at O o'clock Sumlu3' aloriiiiisr. PasM'iujors bv this roule tnneet at Kalama for Sound poil-. r. 1. SCOTT', President KW LSJ1E From Portland io Astoria. k. Tlie 3i.vxk:a?;im,o "Will make .cmi-weekly trips between Portland and Astoria. Will leave Wairen & Laton'swbarfal 0 A.M.oc TCES1)AY AND SATCEDAYS, Ami J'ortlaml ouMOXDAVSaml FKIDAYS. I'or freight or pas.tire apply on beard. C1IAS. P.UItIlE.Vlr. TIIK ..-.:W .sTKVMKt: k- CJara Parker, &&& EP.EX P. PAUKEE, - - MASTEK. Is now ready for business. Pur freight or charter, tain on hoard, or to ipplv to the Cap- MAKKE3 S. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of t;.ble stock constantly on tiand. siwii as Canard Pvuifs and, Tolly , Bacon, Kam3, houlders, Lard, Frssli Fruits and Vegetablgs, FJSIS. rVZ,TRY a?t: gajjv In the crason. C!AI2.S AXI T4IKACCO. Rf.i or ',vi:?,rr.3 ,ij r.zoroKs. Ailehe.ii) for TASII. Com's soW on coin-! mii.lon. Ol.posito I. race's store. Washington Harket. Main Street, A 9 or ' a Orffjov I iiEna-niAy & jsmmr TJESPiCTFULLY CAM. THE ATTE3 Xvtion of tho public to tho fact that the abovo Market will always bosus'pliodwith a FULL VAKTETY B1-"ST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS'. Which will boeold at lowest rates, rfhohaale ! and retail. Special attention atvon to supPU cc 3hitw D. K. V.Kfc... W. Evros Astoria Market ! CGi:. P II EX A MPS AND IfAMII.TOX STS. ASTORIA. OREGOX. V.'Ai:s:r.X A KATOr, B'roprleloi'M (Successur to lirrii it McGi'ite Wholesale amlEotail Dealers in Frosh and Cured rVieats A full line of FAMILY - GROCERIES, FLOUR, PEED HAY. CANNED I'P.UIT. VEGE- TARLES. ETC. sarRutter, Esjn. Cheese, etc. constant!; on band. k" Sliirs supplied at the lowest rate?. HOLHAN'S PAD. FOR THE STOMAGH, LIVER, AND 'KIDNEYS. In all cases of biltiousuess and malaria In everv foim. anreventative and cure of chills. fever aud dumb ague. Dr. llolman's Pad is a perfect success. And for dyspepsia, sick headache and nervous prostration, as tlie pad Is applied over the pit of the stomach, tlie great nervous annihilates the dLse:ue at once. It regnlates the liver ami stomach so suc cessfully that digestion becomes perfect. Frof. D. A. Loom's says : "It is nearer a unlv ersal panacea than anything m medi cine." Tins is done on the principle of ab sorption, of which Dr. Hoinians Pad Is the only true exponent. For all kidney tronbles. ust Dr. Ilolmaii'q Renal or Kidney Pad. the best remedy in the world and recommended by the medical laciuty. Beware of Bogus Pads. Each g'enuine llolman's Tad bears the pri vate revenue stamp of the Holman Pad Co with tire above trade mark printed In green. Ruy none without it. For Sale by all Druggists. Dr. TIolmanN adv ico Is free. Full treatise sent free on application. Address : HOLMAN PAD (JO. P. O. box 2112. 7U dy Yk. nrnnii. Whnnniner CnunU .i t-.. chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's J Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. H W A r L G&$ ? 1 1 .ft" !r"n'n"rr!t T3ADE MARK. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPAXX. i Between San Francisco & Portland. FltOM SAN Kl:AN. ! FROM rORTL,VXD. II I . c. i't .. . ...... Wliarf at 10 a. 31. as'nisht, as follows : stato of Cal. at. July r Oregon Mon July S 1 C-olurabis.. .Thur 6. State uf Cal. Kri Columbia.. ..Sun 30iStateof Cal.Moa River and Rail Division. JULY 1, 18S2 I Mon Tu. We. Tllll. Fri. I Sat. Dalles u per Colum bia .. Astoria and lowrr Co lumbia i DAM DAM 9 AM SAM 9 AM SAM 7 AM SAM SAM 7 AM 8 AM RAM 7 AM 6 AM Dayton, Or, S.ltn n.. HT A, Vi(r?nri.i KT'li? A All """'ic'Vii i gam . ...v....,u.... ,.......iwt.......ii-ikm ....... Loaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a. in. dailj ex cept Sunday. " IF AM JOHX MOTE, . Superintendent of Tramc. C. II. PP.ESCOTT, Manager. iiwaco Steam Navigation Ct SUMMER SCriEDUTE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, Ii waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Until further cotlca thn Tltraro kss. Steam Navigation Go's stoamois OF.N. MILES, on GEN. CAN'BT Will Ieavo Astoria On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays At S A.M.. for Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and IPnacu. Arriv ing at Fort Canby at 10 a. ar. and touch ing at Iiwaco for passengers and mall. Bo turning, v. ill leave Port Canbv at 11 a.m.. arriving at Astoria at 1 r. ar. Only a limited amount of Freight Carried on those Days. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Tho steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being conilned strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens- ..........-.. BOcts CanDy and Iiwaco 75cts j es'llwaco freight, bv tho ton, In lots ol I one ton or over. Si 50 per ton. BFor Tickets. Towage or Charter nppl? ; either at tho ollico of the Company, Gray' i wharf, foot of Benton streot. J.n.D. GRAY. Ajieat. iOreo-on & California R.R.Co t i 0n an ator 0ct Uf 1SS0 tn5ja willrun fl3 fol lows, DAILY (Except Sundays). KVSTSIPK DIVISION. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. 3IAIL Trt-VW LEAAi:. ARRIVE. Portland .7:S0 A. M.RoseburB..-.7:00P. it ltcaoburs 5:00 A.M.I Portland 4al5P Al ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIE. Portland 1:00 P. M.Lebanon..9.20 P. M Lebanon 1:15 A. M.Portland...l0aT5 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEiV""E. ARRIVE. Portland. :15 A. M. Junction 6:00 P. M junction. 5:15 A.M.I Portland 5:25 P. M Tho Oregon nnd California Railroad terry makes connection with all RegularTraina on East'ido Division. westside nmsio.T. From 1'ortlnnd to Corvalll. MVCT. TRAIS LEA.T:. ARRIVE. Portland S:00 A. M. Corvallia S:00P. M j torvniiis......t::iO A. Ji.roruanu sva M. Closo connections aro made at ROSEBURQ with tho Stascs of tho Oregon and California Stajo Company. CsTTickcU for salo to all tho principal pointB in California and tho Eant, at the Companr'a Office, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storage will bo chargod on freight remain ng ntCompanys Warohouso over 24 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on either tho East or M ct Fido Division. J. RKANDT, Jr., Gon'l Sup't E. P.ROGERS. Gen'I Frcisht and PaaJonjrer Ajrent. R. KOCI1LER. Manager SAXXST' HOSPITAL, ASTOKIA, - OKEGOM THIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Charity, Is now ready for tlie reception of patients. Private rooms for tho accommodation ol anv desiring them. Patients admitted at all hours, day or night. Xo physician has exclusive riglit. every patient is free to and has tho privilege of employing any physician they prefer. Cnitcil States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, aro enti tled to Free care aud attendance at thLsHos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at tlie Cus tom House. SisTEn8 of Charity 3iC $- 3E JBl X$ XC 25 Sc UKALKItglX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and SantT Wootl IeIivercdjito20rder, Graying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DK.VLKU IX VINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. F1KST CliASt Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has received a large Invoice of BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS of the best quality, And Is now ready to supply Butchers Can neries and all others, cheap for cash. -JSJpsp. '""31 . t - - " -.