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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1876)
5J?j-5ppi -.s-v-rjr-- -"- --r fpv-?- 3r.-!iVi"-c""r,. C2l foe fails sttfitfatL ASTORIA, OREGON : . C. IRELAND .EDITOR TUESDAY May 9, 1876. The Financial Problem. The people of this country are tol erably familiar "with depreciated mon ey. The great mass of them have ha'd nothing else for the last fourteen years. We are accustomed to depreciated Greenbacks, National Bank Notes, Nickels and Silver, and there are those living who can recall the time when Gold was worth less than Silver. All values are subject to fluctuation. The world's standard is as steady as any thing yet discovered. But it is folly to suppose that Gold does not depreciate in value by increased production, un less the use for it increases in the same proportion. "We note the steady improvement in commercial values, and attribute the same to augmented demand; whereas, it is often the re sult of depreciated money. It is a very nice question to adjust the vol ume of currency to the volume of bus iness. The discovery of the pivotal balance is entirely beyond the ken of the wisest legislation. Notliing but inexorable laws of trade can restore the equilibrium when once disturbed. The great stagnation of business in the Atlantic States can be traced to a too rajid increase In the volume of cur rency. So long as the printing press es were kept running on bank notes, all departments of business appeared to be prosperous and commercial val ues and wages rose in proportion to multiplication of -paper dollars. If this thing could of have been kept up indefinitely, there would probably never have been any cry of hard times and all would have gone on swimming ly until the whole country had been thrown into bankruntcv. The limit of the volume of currency was reach ed none to soon. TJie reckless prom ises to pay came near bringing us to ruin, and sowed the seeds of fast liv ing and corruption which have lately "been shedding their'fruits. After the presses had stopped, it was hojed the business might grow up so as to absorb and utilitize the currency afloat. But after waiting patiently and in vain for this thing to bo brought about, there was'only one alternative, and that was to commence the work of contraction. It was first attempted to do this by legislation, but it signally failed. Peo ple looked upon the effort as likely to deprive them in some way of part of their wealth, and of course would not submit. But the work of contracting goes on quite as effectively, only in an other way. The National Banks are calling in their bonds and retiring their circulation. The tendency of tliis movement is to bring down values of merchandise and salaries, and in crease the value of the purchasing power. "While this jrocess is going on, business stagnates and industries flag. The remedy is a severe one, but taken in moderate doses, it will not kill, but relieve the patient, and the country will come out of the ordeal on a healthier basis than ever. People want a daily paper for the news. , News chiefly comes by tele graph. That is the reason why peo ple want a telegraph but we want people to distinctly understand us. The telegraphic news is none of our get up. If it is false that it is not our . look out. We give it just as it comes to us. The " Steinberger war in Samoa" is developing some schemes for per sonal profit which the public will not indorse, if it is finally proven that the Colon el entered into the projects as charged, for "feathering the nests" of favorites. "We await de velopments, before accepting "'the situation" as set down by the New -York Sun. Melancthon has sailed for Coos bay hence will not be here soon. Among English scientific men the "belief is gaining ground that hydrophobia may, and sometimes does, result from the bite of a per fectly healthy dog. Instances of this kind amongst dogs are cited, but thus far no case has been ob served of a human being exhibiting the terrible disease, except as the result of a bite from a rabid dog. Births, marriages and deaths will be inserted free of charge to sub scribers to either the Daily or the We. e ly A store an. Births or m arri a ges, when sent in by persons who are not subscribers to tne paper, should be accompanied with one dollar, which will be placed to the credit of the party and the paper will be sent to the acldress for the full amount so paid to us. SJ Everybody goes to the Novelty Barbershop to get fixed up in style. Every person may come, and more too, or I have employed a first-class artist who will smil ingly manipulate your chin, gracefully curl your mustache, nicely puft your hair, and lastof all, but not least, will perfume 3Tour clothes with the most pupular perfumery in use, "Patchouly" ifyou don't believe itjust try it. Hair cutting, sbaving, and sham pooing. Hair dying done and warranted not to turn red, break or split. Parker House, Astoria. J. L. Campbell, Proprietor. OCCIDENT HOTEL ARRIVALS. ASTORIA, May S, 1S7G. A V Allen, Ft. Canby J HWhitcomb. Oysvlle J A Sladen, U S APott'dJacob Kahn, 'Portland Gilbert Gaylord, " RD Hume, Bay View Jas Miller, Oak Point Luke .Taylor, Youngs riv J M Smith, Clear creek A H Collins, City E M Grimes. Clatsop John Crawford " Capt C C Offersen.uer J A Richardson, City bk Centaur. NEW TO-DAY. G1 EO. W. REA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law ASTORIA, OREGON. O Examining and perfecting titles made a spe cialty. All accounts left with mo will re cive prompt attention. Office in Warren & McGuiro's Building, Chenamus street, corner of Cass. J. AV. ROBB. C. W. FULTON. ROBB cfc FULTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ASTORIA, OREGON. BS5- Office in Warren & McGuirc's building, opposite Occident Hotel, Chenamus street. -jOTICE. A special mooting of the Legal votors of School District No. 1. will bo held at the School House in Astoria, on Friday evening May 19. 187G, at 7 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of levying a tax in said District to pay off the indebtedness duo on Block 74. purchas ed for School purposes, also to take in consid eration tho plans and specifications of school house, and tho ways and means to raiso money to build tho same. By Order of Board of Directors. J. G. HUSTLER. Astoria, May 9, 1S76. m'Jtd Clork. SPIRITUAL HALL, ASTORIA FRIDAY EVKXING, MAY 12, 1876, ONE NIGHT ONLY! The Most Successful Entertainmont over giv en in Oregon, Tub MERRY MAKERS! INTRODUCING SEW SPECIALITIES. NEW SONGS, NEW DANCES. NEW RECITATIONS, J5t the Charming and Talented Skiers and IRENE W OJililjJLX' ! Tho Groat Living Eccentric and Dutch Comedian, GEORGE S. KNIGHT. The Vorsatilo Genius known as tho Musical Glomus, FRANK JONES. The Comical Commodian, Vocalist and Dancer ' GEORGE RICHARDS. Specivl Notick. Tho management would rospectfully announco to the citizens of Asto ria that this entertainment is in every respect first class, and should not bo confoundoa with itinerant shows of no merit that at times. in; flict themselves upon the public. "The gcnoral verdict was thnt tho manager's promises had been completely fulfilled." San JobC Mercury. "Tho performance was of tho charpctcr in dicated by tho name of tho Troupe light, mirth provoking, and in many particulars reaching to use tho language of tho Manager the highest standard of Rofincd art' Port land Evening Journal. m Last evening tho celebrated Worell Sisters appeared to excellent advantage and their Songs, Dancing and Sketch actins pleased immensely, judging from tho hearty applause they won. It is needloss to mention tho songs andDutchisms of Geo. Knight Ho never fails to mako a "palpable hit" whenever ho appears. To hear him in his f imous speech affords enough fun alone to pay for tho price of admission. Geo. iichard3. tho India Rub ber man, who is as elastic and litho as a steel spring, contributed in no small measure to tbo enjoyment of tbo entertainment by his clown ish antics. Jn hi3 speciality of "Flowy. i'lewy," he is certainly inimitable. Oregon tan, May 6, JS7U, SHEKIIMN CORBYX, Manager. VAN BUSES HAS JUST RE cpived a Sue lot of PRINTS, which ho is selling very cheap. Stf FIELD, FLOWER AND GARDEN seeds, Oregon and California, irr full supply,. froth and nice at I. W. Case's. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR THE BEST AND THE LATEST styles of spring Hats go to Van Dusen's who has just received a fine assortment. 8tf "DOOM TO LET. A large front room 2d story, will be let Qat reasonable rates. Apply at 8 tf . THIS OFFICE. CORRECT PRINCIPLES Demand that bills be rendered promptly, and to do it nicely, get your Bill paper anl Statements printed at THE ASTORIAN Office. "T)ISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the partnership heretofore existing between 6. W. Kea and C. W. Ful ton under the firm name of Kea & Fulton, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Gko. W. RE A, - C. W. FULTON. Astoria, Ogn., May 6th, 1S76. 8.1w ESIRABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Corner of Jefferson and Main Streets, Astoria, Oregon. o TITLE PERFECT, LOTS 150 by 50. Thoabovo premises will be sold cheap for cash. A never-failing well of water, a barn, hon-house, and othor conveniences make it a very desirable place for residence. The house contains six rooms, b abides the kitchen. S5"For further particulars apply at THIS OFFICE. p H. PAGE fc CO., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, FARMERS 'WHARF, ASTORIA OREGON. 55" All kinds of country produce, wanted in exchange for goods. Globe Hotel. N. KOEFCED Proprietor. Cor. Concoraly and Main Sts, ASTORIA OREGON. THIS OLD AND WELL KNOWN STAND is ono of the best and most convenient Hotels for Mechanics, and has excellent facili ties for tho accommodation of tho traveling public. In connection with tho Hotel is A First Class Restaurant, Where moals can bo had at all hours. There is also a BILLIARD AND BAR ROOM Attached to tho Hotel, where tho choicest qualities of Wines, Liquors and Cigars maybe obtained. W. E. DEMENT, DRUGGIST. CIEXA3f US STREET, ASTORIA. NEXT DOOR TO 1. W. CASE'S DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, VAR nishes, Brushes, DRUGS , Latent medicines, toilet and fancy articles. Wines' and Liquors SST Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Farm for Sale. 320 Acres Partly Under Cultiva tion, about half of the trat tide land. SITUATED IX PACIFIC COUNTY, NEAR UNITY. Will bo sold cheap for cash, with or without stock. Good houso and out buildings and orchard. For full description and further par ticulars apply to or address JOHN HUNTER. Unity, W. T. TPRESH SUPPLY OF 2 and 3 PLY J- Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, Window Shades, for snl at Port land priets by I. "YV. Oase. TJOAT BUILDING. Having completed ray shop (between. Tallman's landing and Westport on tho Co lumlia river,) 1 am now prepared to build FISHING BOATS, BOW BOATS, SKIFFS, ETC., ETC., everything in tho lino of boats. " Copper fas tened boats a speciality." My motto is ; first class work for a fair re muneration. P. 0. Address. T.DR1SC0LL. Westport Ogn. N. F. MUDGE, Contractor and Builder. ASTORIA, OREGON. ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORIv AND CONTRACTING promptly attended to. -" Special attention given to wharf and mill construction. Address: N. F. MUDGE, Contractor, Astoria, Oregon. BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED Very eheao, at THE ASTORIAN Office. MISCELLANEOUS. Occident Hotel, Astoria, Oregon. The Proprietors are happy' to announco that the above Hotel has been Repainted and Refurnished, Adding greatly to the comfort of its guests AND IS NOW THE BEST HOTEL NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO. A. J. MEGLER, C. S. WRIGHT, Proprietors. S. KLNSEY, ON THE ROADWAY, NEAR HUME & Co's. CANNERY, Astoria, Oregon f DEALER IN liSiLT'L Building Materials, Hktsl r OF EVERY KIND. J Nails of All Descriptions. DOORS AND WINDOWS, RUSTIC, FLOORING, BLINDS, MOULDING, SASH, ETC. Wines and Liquors BY THE BOTTLE OR THE GALLON Custom made boots and Shoes. Tobacco of Fine Quality. B This stock is in every respect Al, and will be sold at tho lowest prices for cash, Giro mo a call at tho new store, on the Roadway. S. KIXSEY, Astoria, Oregon. THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND t Best Assorted Stock Can Jbe found at E. S. LARSEN'S Main Street, 1 .Between Chenamus and Squomoqha streets, m ASTORIA, OREG ON. A Large Invoice v just received. vu J. Ex-Stepmer. V y L S w Call and wVk "A,V,$i V i f? PETER RUNEY, ASTORIA; OREGON, BRICK LAYER, And Plain and ORNAMENTAL PUSTERER. Orders left at the Occident Hotel Promptly Attended to. REFERENCES: J. B. Knapp Knappton ; Capt. J. West, West port; H. li. Parker, S. 2V. Arrigoni, Uobson Jk Warren, J. Badollet & Co. Axtoria; J W. cfc V. Cook, Clifton; Jos. Hume, Eureka; R. Watson fc Co Manhattan; J. L. Hepburn, Glen Ella; J. G. Megler cfc Co. Brookfield, and numerous othersor ichom 1 have Built Furnaces, set Ranges, and Kettles, and "Spread the Mort!" During my 12 years Rosidenco m Oregon, LIME, SANDBRICK, PLASTER, Lath, Cement, and all materials in my line, furnished to order. B37" Special attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Cistorn work warranted stood. irrc or no pay. JPETER KIIXEY. Astoria, Oregon. W M. EDGAK, TVV fc -O Il VO . fv W 5 v . - jk at; r 3iBrw wmwK. 7 4. fc w t w n . . - y AVAW NT m ! n '!& im . .. - Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. DKALER IN THE CHOIGKST BRANDS OK Tobacco and Cigars, and the Genuine Wo st enholm, and other English Cutlory. Fairchilds Gold Pens. And all sorts of STATIONERY, NOTIONS ETC. ASTORIA LAUNDRY, Cor. of Chenamus and Polk St?. ASTORIA OREGON. J. T. BORCHERS, Proprietor. . Kw" Washing and Ironing, Fluiting.&e.fdono at this Laundry by clean, white labor. tffSJ T.Borchers still manufactures and has for salo at the above placo of business, tho FAMOUS "CAVIAR." Highest cash price paid Fishermen for STURGEON SPAWN. J. T. BORCHERS, ASTORIA LAUNDRY. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. MENDLESCar BROS,, Having Concluded to Remain in Busin ess AT ASTORIA, HAVE LAID IN A SPLENDID STOCK OF SPRING, SUMMER GOODS! DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR THE ASTORIA TRADE. A complete assortment OF FISHERMEN'S OUTFITTING GOODS JUST OPENED The public in general aro respectfully invited to call at tho old stand, on Concomlv bTREET, next door to Parker House. MEXDLFJUN BROS. MISCELLANEOUS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, otnry Public and Conunil.ssioaer or For California and Washinatrm. Territory, OFFICE. Case's Building, comorCass and. Chenamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. Tjl CRANG, M. D. Surgeon, Etc., ASTORIA, OREGON. At tho solicitation of numerous friends, has consented to practice medicine, and tenders his services to tho public. Dr. Crang .brings many years experience in tho practice of his profession. j "P J. QUIGLEY Practical Painter, ASTORIA OREGON. B Is ready to do work of all kinds, in a satisfactory mannor, in his lino, when called upon. Orders left at Dr. O'Brien's Hotel promptly attended to. - Mrs. Pangburn, Masonic Hall Building, Astoria,, DEALER IX Fancy Goods, Ladies Dress and Cloak Trimmings of the Lastest Style. TILL ATTEND to ORDERS for DRESS TT and Cloak making. Work will be dono in a satisfactory manner. J8ST Agent for tho sale of Dr.Warner's Sani tary Corsets, and also Qhildren'3 Waist3 with patent elastic buckles. N EW AKD ELEGANT STOCK OF Latest Styles of Millinery Goods,, JUST RECEIVED BY THE LAST STEAMER,. At tho Rooms of Mrs. A. D.. WASS, (Up Staibs, Brown's Building,) Corner Main and. Chenamus Streets, Astoria This stock consists of tho latest stylo Hats, for Ladies and Children; Dress Trim mings and Fancy Goods for Ladies, which wili bo sold at very low prices. DRESS AND CLOAK armptIy attendc NEW MILLINERY STORE. Mrs. H. A. Derhy, (Late of CLEVELAND, OHIO,) WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUB lie of Astoria and surrounding country that she has just received a full and complete line of HATS, TBIMMINGS; And all kinds of MILLINERY GOODS! At the stand recently occupied by Miss Mor rison on MAIN STREET, Astoria, And will bo prepared to fill all orders for first class goods in this line at reasonable pricos.. 03Now goods will bo received every month. VEW FURNITURE STORE. Cor. Main and ChemocqhaSt3., CHASSTOLL; PROPRIETOR. (Successor tc Gist & Stoll,) ASTORIA . OREGON. PARLOR SETTsT" BED-ROOM SETTS, DINING-ROOM SETTS KITCHEN SETTS. OFFICE FURNITURE, ETC., BST Of tho very best quality, supplied to order at prices that will justify tho patronago of this homo institution. Persons wishing any article in the-furniture lino will find it to their- advantage to give mo a call, and inspect my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere S" Undertaker's Work promptly attendee! to, at reasonable rates. ONE HALLS FIRE PROOF SAFE, with Combination Lock, in good or der, for sale cheap, at I. yf. Case's. HJqX W r . i 3T VL. ..