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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1876)
-C?gE5fVi wpFS? CO VOL. 1. ASTORIA, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 8, 1876. . NO. 7. IU U.JU I P JMJLW.VUtlW.l.JJtl.iJg4g-L'LliaLl!V .JJ" J! l- Jf ----- -, r p asn- -- -v - grr .-"? j "&. . !v cvpf,"!,"1T?'Pf ; wgv" pyry-jsy'sv," QUttoriaif. jlJll'Jrirjy gfts ahj QbIzxxuvl ISSUED EVERY EVENING, (Sundaj-s. Excepted, I. C. IKELA3i, : : I'E'BLISIIER. Monitor Building, Cass Street Terms of Subscriptien: Served by Carrier, per vreelc 3 Cents fcent hy mail, three months S2 50 .Vent by mail ?ix months 4 00 .Sent by mail one year 7 00 free of JL'ostagc to tho Subscribers. rt37 Advertisements inserted by tho year at the rate al si 00 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, fifty cents per square first insertion. The Centaur, a German bark 68 tons register, arrived tliis morning, 49 days from Hongkong. She brings 224 Chinese passengers, and 250 tons mdc. consumed to Allen & Lewis. Rev. J. D. Eaton, the popular pastor of the Congregational Church of Portland, having resigned his pas torate, left last week for the East, much to the regret of a large part of the community. Mr. Einbergcr caught, ninety fish at one drift, hist Friday night, and on taking up his net found six ducks in it, which had become entangled in the meshes while diving, and were drown ed, so says a fisherman. "Wilson captured 100 fine salmon hist night, for Kinney's Fishery; 1150 fish were taken in :it that fishery be fore noon to-day, and the3r were num bered b- hundreds at all other fisheries along the river, so far as heard from. By the courtesy .of Thos. L. .Davis, Superintendent of Booth's cannery, we were to-day enabled to inspect a curious piece of mechanism for the labeling of cans. The affable 3'oung Superintendent explained that one thousand labels can be attached to as many cans, in one hour, after the operator shall have become used to it. It consists of two parallel rods on an incline wide enough apart to allow a can to roll between them. Midway of the incline is a pack et of labels, at either end of which is a reservoir of pre pared paste, self feeding. By the time the can has passed these la bels it is neatty covered and ready for packing, avoiding the daubing of the paste on the glossed labels and requiring a man to remove them who cannot allow grass to grow un ier him. Appropos of the imitative genius of the Chinaman, it was cu rious to note how readily a heathen mastered the intricacies of this really complicated machine. The San Francisco Daily Com mercial News, referring to the de parture of the ship Samuel "Watts from Astoria saj's: "The draught of vessels loading at Astoria has been gradually becoming greater until now it seems that vessels of almost any draught can cross the Columbia river bar in safety. ."We would ad vise our friends at Astoria however, that some improvement might be made in the system of towage as very many complain of unnecessary de lays passing in and out." In the matter of towage it must be admitted by all who are fully aware of the facts that the system at Astoria is as per fect as can be made. There never has been any unnecessary delays, either in or out. The pilots and tug owners are careful men, of sound judgment, and the complaints to which the News refers, are solely from predjudice and come from a blind ring of Portland manipulators. The fact that all losses on the Colum bia river bar, put together, would not amount to $5,000 in the past six 3'ears, ought to be .sufficient evidence of the truthfulness of our statement. Current Euents of the Day. There is no longer any doubt but that several centuries ago an ex pedi 'tion from China approached these shores for the purposes of set tlement. It is supposed that the expedition was composed of those who were " fenced out" of China by the building of the wall. But they never landed here, or at least never made a sure foot-hold, and all the evidences of the expedition that are to be found are in the shape of trophies occasionally washed up by the surging billows from the briny deep. The latest of these is a bees wax figure head of a dragon, petrified into wood, and now on exhibition at H. B. Parker's ArtGallery. A party of distinguished Scientists from Europe are expected to examine this curiosity if any such should ever come this way. A resident of Clatsop county showed us a Postal card mailed to him from Buena Vista, April 24th from gentleman, on his way east, who wished an interview at Astoria or Portland, before sailing. The card 4i lodged" in the Portland office, and was delivered in Portland to the right ful owner, on the 4th inst., not com ing to Astoria at ail. "We think the Government should be compelled to refund that postage, and the clerks be reminded to iuspectaddresses more closely. Capt. Ashton, sojourning tem porarily at Astoria, expects to enter the list of journalists in Oregon in a short time, and will have control of one of the leading daily papers of the interior.. His visit to Astoria has been one of pleasure. He has been fortunate in finding several old-time acquaintances here, and has literally been " making hay in. the sunshine" by storing his note book with useful memorandums and data for future benefit, both to himself and the readers of the journal he is soon to take -charge of. The Pioneer and Historical So ciety of Oregon have in press a pam-. phlet of 32 pages, containing the pro ceedings, etc., of the fifth annual meeting held in Astoria, February 22d, 1S76, and also the able address of Rev. Dr. Atkinson, delivered on the occasion as a " Centennial Paper," devoted to the subject of ihe Ameri can Colonist in Oregon. The pam phlet will also contain a letter from Hon. A. L. Lovejoy, of Oregon City, narrating the eventful winter trip of Dr. Whitman across the Rocky Moun tains in 1842. Mr. Lovejoy was" with him and writes this letter by request. A number of the river boats are lying idle waiting for traffic to in crease. The Dixie Thompson and several other steamers in the O. S. X. line, besides the Ohio, Gov. Gro ver, Champion, "Willamette Chief, and Orient, and the barges Columbia and Columbia Chief are at Portland. The Dixie Thompson and "Willamette Chief both have fractured shafts and are awaiting repairs. The barkentirie "Webfoot, with two new boilers for the.Knappton mills, reached Knappion yesterday, and will load with lumber there for San Francisco She has been to Port land and discharged considerable merchandise and other freight, and was returned as above in tow of the Shoo-fly. If you should wish to see a bee. hear a bee, be where a bee will rec ognize you and be friendly as a bees maybe and you have'nt got any bees of your own, send a dollar to the Portland Bee-Hive Co., for some of their lively little Bees. The fire in the slab pile at Knapp ton made a dense smoke yesterday, which, asseen from this city, circling and winding its way heavenward in such dense black volume, reminded one of the portrayals of Vesuvius in an active state. Soon after the steam whistles about Astoria sound the notes for 41 quitting time," the streets are thronged with people. At least five hundred white laborers are employed nere uany upon various works in process of construction, and in the canning establishments now in opera tion. Dr. F. W. Sparling, late of Ft. Canby, has been appointed U. S. Pen sion Agent at Seattle. Pensioners in the Territory will no longer be obliged to send to distant cities for their al lowances. . Brarael is serving fresh McMur ray oysters in every style, direct from Baltimore, whilst our Oysterville pro duct is in the, 'fipjlky way." New Counterfeit $5 Pieces. The San Francisco Chronicle of a late date, has the following notice of some new bogus com tliafc may likely drift up this way. The skillfully executed gold five dollar pieces which have recently been creating considerable excitement in New York, and also at the "Wash ington Mint, have' finally turned up on this coast, and were a few days ago refused at the Bank of California and sent up to the Mint to be assayed. "When the piece came to the Mint it was pronounced genuine by several parties whose experience with coins of all descriptions entitles their judgment to consideration. The piece was some what lighter in color than the piece corned here, but this was supposed to be accounted for by its having been coined at the Plriladelphia Mint, where for quite a number of years past the process of working the metal gave it a light color without in the slightest degree detracting from its value. The counterfeit was also care fully weighed and found to come up to the standard. "Look inside," suggested somebody and accordingly a piece of coin was sawed off, and the fraud was at once apparent. "While the piece resem bled gold to all intents and purposes, it was perfectly 'white inside, 'sinrply a piece of platinum plated with gold. The platinum gave it the weight, and in fact a piece of platinum the size of a gold five would weigh more than the gold. This difficulty was obviated by making the piece a trifle thinner than the genuine coin, but the difference was not noticeable. The specific grav ity of gold is 19.30; platinum 31.15. The peculiar properties of platinum have often given rise to the fraudulent admixtures which have deceived ex perienced assayers. Experiments by M. Vanquelin, a French Chemist, de termined the fact that where the pla tinum does not exceed thirty or forty parts in the one thousandth of the alloy, the presence of the platinum is not determined by ordinary test. In this instance, however, no at tempt was made to mix the metals, but the gold plating covered the pla tinum. Platinum is worth from $8 to $12 an ounce, and gold $18. GG. The coins were presented at the Bank of California by a sea captain, who bought them at the usual rates of exchange. He had several hundred dollars to dej)osit at the bank and their light color first attracted at tention. There is no foundation to the report that the counterfeiting was executed on this coast. The government offi cials here know nothing of it except from the "Washington dispatch, and have received no orders to investigate the matter. Postage on the Weekly Astohian is two cents a paper to any part of the United States, when sent by peo ple not connected with the newspaper office. We will will send four copies (separate dates), equivalent to one month, to one address, in one wrapper (post-paid), on receipt of 25 cents. jTAny person inquiring for a fine quality of liquor, and Can appreciate the same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutter Whibkey and Millers eitra Old Bourbon, at the " Columbia 13:ir" saloon Astoria, with Geo. TJVhurwood late of Portland to cater to their taste.-. Gentlemen will please give us a call. Cigars ot a line quality also on hand. Jas. M. Lyxch, Prop. iS Everybody goes to the Novelty Barber .shop to get fixed up in ttyle. Eveiy person may come, and more too, fori have employed a first-class artist who will smil ingly manipulate-your chin, gracefully curl your mustache, nicely puff your hair, and la:tof all, butnot least, will perfume your clothes with the most popular perfumery in use, "Patchouly" if you don't believe itjust try it. Hair cutting, shaving, and bham pooing. Hair dying done and warranted not to turn red, break or split. Parker House, Astorii. - J. If Campbell, Proprietor. Telegraphic News. Synopsis of Press Dispatches. Dom Pedro in the East. Suit to Stop Cars from Run ning in 'Chicago. Politics in the M. E. Confer ence. The Indian Resolution and Father Wilbur. Six Mills in Western Mass achusetts Closed. One Million Dollars in Lia bilities with Unsaleable Assets. Twelve Hundred People Thrown out of Employ ment. The Democratic Candidate for President. John M. Palmer of Illinois. The House Door-keeper Writes a Letter. "Who would'nt be a Door Keeper," Etc. A New Anferican Consul for Samoa. Dom Pedro arrived in Chicago Saturday and after a trip to the crib which supplies the city with water, left at 9 o'clock via Pittsburg and Fort Wayne- He will stop at Pittsburg and Oil city and thence proceed di rectly to Philadelphia. A question was brought before the Circuit Court of Cook county Illi nois, by a suit begun between promi nent members of the board of trade, as to whether the new rules of the board, adopted in September last, have effectually put an end to the running of cars in Chicago. The suit will probably last some time, and be an interesting test case. At the meeting of the Methodist Episcopal Conference on the 5th, in Baltimore, the resolutions of J. II. Wilbur, of Oregon, relative to the transfer of the Indian Service to the War Department, were taken up and Wilbur advocated the passage of the resolutions. Judge Lawrence, held that the present pdiicy had put an end to Indiau wars and elevated the condition of the Indians. Now it was proposed that the dominant party in the House cared very little about either civilization of Christianity. Neither was material to "its success. If this General Conference represent ing a million and a half of people shall send a committee of five to the Senate its voice would be heard and respected, and the bill would not pass, for there was some regard for Christianity and civilization at that end of the capital. The President was not a Methodist himself, but his wife was, and she could appeal to ! him in behalf of peace policy which he had inaugurated. Judge Cooley, of Iowa and Gen. Fisk, of St. Louis, regretted that political issues or per sonal references should have been made, which was also the unmistaken sentiment of the conference. The heaviest mill failure that Western Massachusetts has yet seen is that of Henry Arnold fcCo., of North Adams, print works, shutting up their mill, and that of Gallup, Hough ton fc Smith, and E. H. Arnold & Co., North Adams ; the Williamstown Manufacturing Co., at Williamstown; the NorthPownallManufacturing Co.,. ofPownall, Vermont, and Arnoldville Mill, at South Adams a total of six mills, with aggregate liabilities of probably over one million dollars,, and assets of most unsaleable prop erty, costing, probably, $1,500,000. The mills ran in all over 4,000 looms, some on print goods. Some S00. peo ple are thrown out of employment. The failure of Henry Arnold & Co., of North Adams print works, is even more disastrous than it at first appeared The liabilities, it is thought will rise over rather than fall below the estimate of $1,250,000 and not less than 1,200 men, women and children in the six mill haye been thrown out of employment. The movement looking to Judge. Davis, as a Democratic candidate for president has about spent itself. The chief objection to him is that he is an old whig. There is an strong opinion among western Democrats, of nomina ting Gen. John M. Palmer, ot Illinois. He was an old Democrat before the. war, became a Republican and fought, with distinction; became a Republican, governor and finally became a Demo crat on account of Grantism. A letter was published in Wash ington on the 5th, from Fitzhugh, doorkeeper of the House, to a friend in Texas. The following are a few characteristic extracts: "I wish you coidd be here with me-.. Do try and come. Tlse government furnishes me. with a fine turnout and a spanking pair of horses, and before and after the House session, and at recess, I have the exclusive use of them. I have mora invitations to frolics with members, and Senators than any man in Washington. I am a bigger man than old Grant. I cannot put my foot on the floor of the hall but that they make a break for me, ?nd sometimes there are a dozen trying to see me at once for a place for some friend. I have a boy to take my hat and cqat, and I cannot turn round without some one at my beck and call, and when I get all my new appointees broken in I shall have a nice time. Good night. ' ' Dispatches were received at San Francisco from Washington, displa cing Foster, the American consid " at Samoa, .and appointing in liis place Jas. M. Cave, who arrived on the oth at San Francisco from Fiji hav ing been taken there from Samoa a prisoner on the British war vessel Barracouta. The Jispatches arrived in time to go on the schooner Ada May which sailed a few days ago; but owing to some misunderstanding she left without them A tug was sent out with them hut failed to overtake the schooner. They will go by the next vessel. The Washington Correspondent of the Boston Herald says the next President, if he be chosen, from among candidates now prominent, is not likely to be a poor man. On the Bepublican side, Blaine is richest; Bristow and wife are worth a quarter of a million; Hayes is stiil better off; Colliding is believed to possess over 100,000, while Morton and Wheeler have smaller fortunes. Tilden, on the Democratic side, is the wealthiest, he being put down at 4,000,000 or 5, 00:000; Davis owns more than 1,000, 005, and. Thurman has a large fortune; Bayard is well to do, while Hancock is in comfortable circumstances. ' BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED Yery chean, at TI'IE ASTORIAN OfScc. ... 4t. - K -.',.. -.. fk, - sttA