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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1876)
j Js3 fpT ifi. .? -$ vt -s "", vj'y1 r3 . umm ii"UAiJUJJM.mJi V- - "K VOL. 1. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 9, 1876. NO. 8. .,j.;-jjz';'z"J-1- " ' -' -.-" i-ia IJ v'g;: IV- "X.'-'-T- . U"X?S iu.".'.mm -J!'J'.aimJLJ.JLJJm ' Ln-jt-mn'J-iu.-i I'Lu-.i'iimiuw-iw wumm,i .miwfrr mm i a i , ji'i,ij'igym! nwwwi --j?5P" '"' s t 7 5.--. - 't,rr?(Mf.i teeasEg- - $ fj . VJ 1 I P -PiyiP Jl' JiPJv Ji'JIJJ li ISSUED SV3SY EVENING, (Sundays Excepted), ).n.IRE?3, : : P'BLSSS5EK. jJicmi&r Ihuhlxny, Ca&s Street. 7e7s of Subscriptien: Served by Carrier, per week Sent by ninil, three months... Fenr by mail mx month? 23 Cents $2 On 1U) c: cut iy man one year vj Tree of Postage to the Subsciibers. K3T Advcrticment5 inscited by the year ait the rate of L IK) Uer n:aie per month. Ti ancient advciiifimr, by the day or week, fifty cent? pcrquaie fiit inseition. The Turn O'Shanter will complete cargo al Knuppton and be ready for seu at noon to-morrow. No stoppage of work from Chi nese strikes has occurred at Booth d Co.'s factory, as currently reported. Spuds are worth two cents at As toria markets to-day, by the sack. Messrs. liea tfc Fulton have dis solved co-partnership. Mr. 1'ea re mains at the old oliice, Mr. Pulton and Mr. Itobb join in business to gether. The owners of two sacks of oys ters, marked Diamond 4, is requested to call at the 0. S. S. wharf for his goods. T. S. Jewett- has secured a plat of the town, which he had made by Cone from Allligator cloth, and wears in the shape of cool, easy fit ting shoes. Messrs. S. P..and J. F. Barrows delivered their ninth fishing boat at Booth & Co.s Cannery to-day. We predict that next year not a boat ivill be brought heie from California. The vicinity of this oflice the past week resembles, the operations of a rich mining camp. A huge force of sappers and mineis are working on Cas, Water, and Squemoqha street improvements, under contract from Capt. Flavel. A raft of spiles belonging to the O. S X. Co. broke ad rift several days ago but after considerable trouble were secured without much loss, when the boom broke again last night, and the spiles went on a per fect jamboree. A new foundation on Water street, in process of construc tion by Mr. 2s. Kofccd was attacked and rudely punched. Satisfactory compensation for the damages is ex pected by Mr. Kofced from the com pany. The plans and specifications for the new Public School House, made by Messrs. Bain & Ferguson, are now with the clerk, Capt. J. G. Hustler. Inasmuch as a meeting has been called, to take into consideration the, matter of raising money to build the building, tax-payers should call and become familiar with the plans, that they vote understandingly. We do not think any better plans could be made or matured in this State for the puipose. A ten o'clock this forenoon a thud was heard in the vicinity of this office which sent us to the street. On looking eastward we observed that the Water street planking for a, dis tance of 200 feet fiom Cass street had gone down exactly 12 inches accord ing to contract. The work was done by D. A. Byers, with the aid of five men, in four hours after preparations were completed. One hundred and fifteen piles had to be sawed off, to lower the street, end the caps, string ers and planking and all went'down together without break or accident at the time above refered to. It is a good piece of work, places the road way on the proper grade, and will be a convenience to business. Current Euenis of the Day. The "Wave Queen sold her coal to the Gas Company. Pickled clams is an article of ex port from Puget .Sound. Trout fishing is splendid, they say, but we don't see nary trout. Job Rocs has just received an elegant outfit of corals and shells. If you go to Portland to " Fourth of July it," take your blankets along tith you. Mr. Arrigoni has purchased an other lot in tiie vicinity of his new hotel building. Mrs. 0. W. Hume comes upon the Stephens. Maj. ieinhart also returns to Oregon to-day. The weather ! AVell I'd say so ! t Aint this delicate? And all such " passing remarks" are commonly heard on the streets now everywhere. The whole family five in num ber were poisoned. Mushrooms. Place 20 miles fiom Salem. Elliott by name. The Oregon bark Edward James, Forbes, arrived at Hongkong. She went on the berth for Astoria April l?r. The Forward will come via Victoria. Garibaldi and S. G. Reed will come direct. A quere blunder in and item last LSaturday spoiled a t-;ood dars work by .Mr. .Nelson ami another man, on j fish network. "We should have said) that thev salvaged and hung the 220 fathoms in nine hours. The captain of the steamer Da kota, on his last trip to Tacoma dropped down to the mills and took on lumber to help make out a cargo. It was " that or nothing." The Abercane is reported by a San Francisco paper as arrived out from Astoria in 90 days, April 21. She sailed from here on 17th day of February to Cork, and if she did ar rive ouf, as the News has it, has made a most remarkably fast trip Feb. lth, to April 21st, sixty-three days from Astoria to Cork ! A hew! I . , , , I . An interviewer reports Charles San -Francisco salmon quotations -n K i i j.i j. i are as follews: Barrels and half bar- Francis Adams as declaring that he rels are dull J at SG oO to 7 25 for for- j has no "i" itching for the .Presidency : mer, and S3 75fa 4 for latter ; 2.Ub that it is a th-.mkless office at the best; tmS2 50;2-lbtins,S2 40; Mb tins, , that ?vhocver hasit now limsi expect "-It is reported that the Oregon ' il , with vast care and trou Steamship Company intend placing a; ble; that neither party, as such, is line of ocean sleaiuors between Vic- likely to come to him, because he is toria and San Francisco next month, j not in sympathy with politicians and auu also lo put, on a simmer steamer i to connect with that port and Puget! Sound. Mr. Villard, President of the Oregon Steamship Company says that K,. ,,... r- !-...- rO:.,. fr. ' "U 1I.1,... tuu lieu ?iw..,m, Vcw. . X..K-1 - was to sail from ZSew lork on last Saturday and is expected to make the , trip in sixty-five days. Mr. Hill Harmon has purchased one-half interest in the St. Charles Hotel, Portland, Oregon. The hotel is being thoroughly renovated and a new dining room has been fitted up. Mr. Harmon's partner in the hotel is George Coggan, Esq. Post-offices along the Columbia river are getting to be so thick that a good sized mail boat can land at two offices it the same time. One at the stern, and one at the bow. Our friend Joseph wanted to be Postmaster he got it, three weeks ago ; now he don't want the d billet. It's a nuisance to any man. And that is so. Ask Charley Dexter if it aint. An apparently genteel" is doing a land office busi- nessin Oregon and Washington terri tonr pawning his teeth. His modus operandi consists of the usual beg of a loan of So, followed by putting up his false teeth as collateral "for a day or so." He is well stocked with teeth, 1 95 for a set wholesale, and as soon as he rakes in five dollars for one set, posts off to the next place rakes in another S'5 00 : and so on as Ion; as it is a sate town to stop in. then he suddenly departs for another i , ' ,..'.." I . , i ' town, and thus "canvasses the State treaty modification to prevent the and Territory. Pass him around, evils of wliich the Pacific coast com Ilis stay as at Astoria was very brief plams and reiterated his former state ana he did'nt pawn narv a tooth here. . , -n ,1,1111 i He was spotted by an old Cheyemier. ! ment to PaSe tliat lie had S m" - structed Minister Seward to bring the pS" Any person inquiring for a fine subject earnestly to the attention of quaiuy oi nquor, ana can appreciate me same can lina the genuine J. rk Uutter Whiskey and Millers extra Old Bourbon, at the 4 Columbia Bar" saloon Astoria. with Gkro. TJsherwpod late of Portland to cater to their tastes. Gentlemen will please give us a call. Cigars of a fine quality also on hand. J as; M. Lyxch, Prop. Telegraphic Sews. Synopsis of Press Dispatches. Gharles Francis Adams De clines the Nomination. Blain Pressing Onward for Cincinnati Sixteen Acres of Lumber on fire, by Incendiarism. j Rich Gold Strikes Reported. Secretary Fish on the Chi nese Question. The Umatilla Indians will be Removed. The Sandwich Islands Treaty Set for Monday next. Favorable Report from the Senate Committee. Terrible Wind Storm West. in the Chicago, Leavenworth, Kan sas City, etc., Suffer Heavy Losses. The Bandit Chavez Behead ed. never acted in party war. A New York dispatch of the 0th says : Blaine still leads for the Cin cinnatti nomination, though the Bris- t pressure on the party machinery l i j j grows stronger daily. ' Politicians now concecie more ireeiy mat uoiJUing would beat Tilden in tliis state if both were nominated. The best opinion denies the recent impression that Til den had captured Southern Georgia. Another incendiary fire started at Williamsport, Pa. on Saturday even ing in Beaver mills lumber yard. Sixteen acres of lumber now are burn ing, and it is feared that from 00 to 35 acres will be destroyed before the fire is controlled. The Boston wool .market is didl with prices in buyers favor. Dispatches give glowing accounts Horn Mountains. To rich to be coi con sidered reliable at present. A. J. Parshal brought to Chey enne on the Gth, from Custer, $100, 0C0 in gold dust. Congressmen, Page and Pijjer, had an interview with Secretary Fish on the Chinese question on Saturday. He assured them he was not only .;n; i,j. -;0 w,, ., j the CiuuesG government. The House Committee on Indian affairs will report favorably on Lane's bill to remove the Indians from the Umatilla reservation and open it to settlement. On Fernando Wood's motion the House had made the Hawaiian treaty billthespecial order for next Monday. At the conclusion of the call of States for the bill, three more speeches were made on it. The expectation is to reach a final vote on Monday. The Senate committees have re ported favorably on the Klamath res ervation Hen lands, and the bill to extend the time for the survey aiid location of the Portland and Salt Lake railroad three years. A terrible wind and rain storm prevailed tln-oughout the east on "Sat urday last. Considerable loss of life, and great damages to property are reported. Several prominent build ings in Chicago were heavily damaged. Hacks and carnges were wrecked in the streets and abandoned.. Nearly 50 vehicles were seen on the south side after the tornado had passed, all turn ed over and some of them Worthless. At Leavenworth, Kansas, immense damage was ' done. The terrific roaring of the wind there cannot be likened to anything but itself. The creaking and groaning of trembling buildings, the crash of falling walls and flying timbers made an exhibition of the fury of the elements which those who witnessed it will never de sire to see repeated. At Kansas city the entire railroad traffic has been de layed and interrupted, and it will be several days before the usual order of things is restored. A man arrived in San Francisco on the 7th, from the southern coun try, earning with him the head of Chavez, the bandit for which the Governor has offered a reward of 5,000. PACIFIC COUNTY, W. T. Proceedings of the Commissionej''s Court held May 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th, '1876. Present L. A. Loomis, Chairman, Samuel Walker and Sebastian Gies.ey, Commissioners and J. P. Goulter, Clerk. Ordered That the receipt taken of Richard Carruthers in full of all de mands against Pacific county, on ac count of J. J. Cafiee, be approved. Ordered That all fines and f orfeit ures collected and all money paid into the County Treasury for liquor, bill iard and other licenses, under the acts of the Washington Territory Legisla ture, approved Xov. 13th, 1873, 'and 2sov. 12th, 1875, be applied to the school fund for Pacific county. Ordered That a license to retail spirituous malt and fermented liquors at Bruceporfc, be issued to John Rid dle for one year from this date, for the sum of one hundred dollars. Ordered That the amount to be paid for a billiard license in this county shall be fixed at $12 per year. Ordered That the Board, talcing into consideration the fact that , 93 persons have signed a remonstrance against the granting of a petition for the vacation of the Crooked creek road, decides that said petition be not granted. Ordered That the petition for the division of Knappton road district "So. 10, bo not granted. Ordered That the petition for the alteration of the Brookfield road dis trict be not granted. Ordered That the resignation of Martin Stickles, tis Justice of the Peace for Brookfield precinct be ac cepted. Ordered That R, S. Baverstock be appointed Justice of the ircace ior Brookfield Precinct. Ordered That the return of the Sheriff in the matter of the addi tional assessment of G. -T. Dastabrook be approved. Ordered That the settlement of the Auditor and Treasurer of Pacific County be approved. Ordered That the settlement of the Auditor and Sheriff of Pacific county be approved. Ordered That in those road dis tricts where the taxes are principally paid in money, the 'Auditor is in structed to require bonds of the su pervisors for double the amount of what is likely to be paid them. Whereas At the time of building the Court house, the county Commis sioners, decided on building it differ ently to what they would had there been more money in the Treasury, and the contractor proposed to add an extension of ten feet 6n the length of it for $175, and several citizens fur nished $152 coin towards said exten sion, and now the county has funds over and above all indebtedness-, they wish it applied to the public purpose of extending the Court house side walk, therefore it is: Ordered That a draft be drawn on the Treasurer in favor of I. A. Clark for the equivalent of that amount in currency to be applied to said side walk extension, viz: 174, and it is ordered that said money shall be ex pended under the direction of E..G. Loomis, R. H. Espy, and I. A. Clark. Ordered That the Treasurer be authorized to loan the sum of $dL50, approxriated by this board to the school fund, on good security until the 1st day of December, 187G, to draw interest at the rate of ten pe cent, per year. Ordered That the settlements of the fallowing supervisors of roads ha approved, viz: Robert Carruthers, Supervisor of Peninsula district No. 1; John Scully, Supervisor, Walla pa District 2so. .G; G. H. Brown, Supervisor, Toke i)oint District "No. 8 : A. S. Mayors, Grays River, District No. 12, andW. W. Lilly Supervi sor, Wallapa District No. 14. Ordered That the settlements of the following Supervisors be accepted, viz: Levi Supervisor of Oysterville road district; Martin Stickles Su pervisor Brookfield District No.4-' 2; Isaac Smith, Supervisor North River; District No. 7; J. B. Knapp, Super visor; Knappton District No. 10. Ordered That the Auditor be in structed to write to all the. road Supervisors who have not settled their accounts-this term of court, to have them forthcoming at the August term of court. Ordered That the Board taking into consideration the report of Ji B. Knapp, Supervisor of Knappton road District, instruct the present Su pervisor not to allow the credit given to Col. Dickinson for sixty dollars by J. B. Knapp on this years road tax, on the grounds that it was obtained by false pretense. The said Dickin son having promised to donate that amount on the part of the Mill Com pany, in consideration of J, B. Knapp donating the sum of 20 dollars liim self, which said J. B. Knapp did, and building a sidewalk with the money, winch was also done. Ordered That no reports of road Supervisor elections having been "re reived by the Auditor, from the road districts named below, the court makes the follqwing , appointments for the ensuing year, viz : Wallicut District, No. 5, John t Hunter ; Chinook Dis trict, No. 4, Joseph Brown ; Bruce- port District, No. 5, Charles Fisher ; Lower Wallapa District, No. 6, G. M. Armstrong ; North River District, No. 7, Amos Smitji; Tokes point District, No. 8, G. H. Brown ; Tar lett District No. 9, Alfred Baker; Knappton District, No. 10, Joseph A. Whealdon ; Deep River District, No. 11, George Hill. Warrants were ordered in payment of bills. J ""tV jM-i f- - ? 1 i ., - ' $