Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1878)
SB WIT AND HUMOR. A babe spot The Northern Pole. The fourth of a man A quarter-masters The worst bank to be wrecked on is one of the savings variety. The Japanese say the first inhabitant of the world was a woman. As old bachelor in Boston wasnt to adopt a girl baby eighteen years old. Mr. Gladstone has been making speeches in Ireland that are worth 'Erin'. There is no doubt bnt.the dollars of our fathers would be useful in a pay rental sense. "Life is made up ov sunshine and shadow" about fiveshaddos to ono sun shine. Josh Billings. The man who writes an illegible hand never reads his own letters. "That is the other fellow's business," he says. A neighbor explains that when he advises his readers to lay in their coal, he does not mean that they are to sleep in it. "What is a dollar ?" asks the Graphic. -It's just the same as gratitude: some thing of which we owe more than wo have. " A down East editor announces through tue columns of nis paper tno loss 01 "a cloth cloak, belonging to a gentleman lined with blue. German experimenters assert that a silver spoon wears out in IMS years, Now, we never could keep any of ours ball that time. "Is it proper to say, 'I see the risiDg sun. or 'I see the turn rise?'" asks "Balto." Sir, the proper thing is to get home before it rises. They, tell of a South Boston woman so stingy that the only thing she is known to give away are shoes to her neighbors' chickens. A physician advertised that he had moved nearer to the churchj'ard, and trusted that his removal would accom modate his patients. Mosquito, fold thy weary wings and cross thy legs upon thy breast; put up thy bill and horns and things, and sink into thy final rest ! A little girl whose father refused her a second tart, said thereupon: "Pa pa, why do you sing, " Feed me till I want no more?" She got the tart. The following lines were sung at a colored camp-meeting in Barks county: "A floating down de narrow stream ! O ! sin is milk, religion cream. Sing glory hallelujah!" A Dutchman was about to make a journey to his fatherland, and wishing to say " good-bye" to a friend, extend ed his hand and said : " Well, oif I don't come back, hullo." English is the court language of Germany. It is a proud moment when a Briton or American, visiting the pal aoe, is saluted with, "Dot vos a pooty sehplentit morning, ain't it?" In struggling to make a dull -brained boy understand what conscience is, a teacher finally asked , "What makes you feel uncomfortable after j ou have done wrong?" "The big leather strap," feel ingly replied the boy. A gentleman wrote a letter for his black servant who was unable to read or write himself. Having finished the let ter, tha gentleman asked, "Is that all, Tom?" "Yes," Baid Tom, "only just say, 'Please excuse bad spelling an' writin.'" A meddlesome old woman was sneer ing at a young mother's awkwardness with her infant, and said, "I declare, a woman ought never to have a baby un less she knows how to hold it." "Nor a tongue either," quietly responded the young mother. My friend, have you a sulking wife ? uon t go ana worry on it, out try ana use diplomacy; 'tis best depend upon it. Don't beg and coax don't go and write a poem or a sonnet. No; rouse her drooping spirits with a brand-new winter bonnet. " What do you charge for a quart of your milk here ?' asked a man, as he put his head in the door of a milk shop. " Eight cents," was the reply. " Ain't you got any for seven cents?" "No," said the proprietor; "but," he added, " wo can make some." An elderly Jady much interested in th progress of events in the East, hav ing hitherto been unable to assign any cause for the Husso-Turkish war, was liear 1 to exclaim, triumphantly, on see ing a telegram headed " From Sophia." "Ahl knew there must be a woman at the bottom of it !" Punch. A lady whose cook went to a wake was given notice a fortnight afterward tkat she was going to be married. "To whom?" asked the mistress. "Plase, ma'am, to the husband of the corpse." "Why, does he love you?" was the next question. "Oh, yes, ma'am; he said I was the light of the funeral." There are queer nooks and corners" left in Old England. A visitor to a country parson tells how, when he ac companied him lately to take the duty in a remote parish, the sexton said : " Perhaps your reverence won't mind preaching from the chancel, for we've got a duck a-sittin'in the pulpit." It is said that nature intended that persoms should sleep with their feet to the equator. But when your wife comes back from starting the fire on a December morning and deposits her cold feet against your equator, doesn't it seem as though the intention of na ture in this respect must have been mis interpreted ? The Rev. Matthew Hale Smith avers that "the Bible is chock full of wit, from Genesis to Revelations." We have long known that, but what was the uso of telling other editors ? In a few weeks this country from Maine to California, will be littered with mutilated Bible leaves attesting the indomitable indus try of the paragrapher of the period. But hold ! isn't the work copyrighted. Argonaut. The Egg Trade of the United States. The egg trade of the country is im mense. It is estimated that the inhab itants of the United States consume 45,000,000 eggs per day. The city of New York alone, it is estimated, con sumes 40.000,000 dozen annually, and Boston 16,000,000 dozen. Fifty-seven dealers in Chicago alone, last year, re ceived 4,660,000 dozen of eggs. A Saponaceous Insecticide.- A soap, insoluble in water, may be made by mixing castile soap with a solution of sulphate of alumina, sulphate of iron, or sulphate of copper; copper making the mixture green, iron leather-colored, alumina colorless. It may be applied by melting, or by solution in pertrole nm or other volatile hydrocarbons. If the solution is not perfectly rluid, it should be warmed. V, Tbe Merchant's Story. Yes, it was rather a curious start that I had in business. The first thing I did, after having saved a little pile of money, was to set up a shanty in bioux City. I had all sorts of traps to allure Indians, and I wanted to buy any kind of pel tries, scaips excepted, uut l was a new arrival, and the noble red men couldn't believe in me without help, and I found trade rather dull. Late one night, how ever, as I was sleeping among my stock, there came a tremendous banging at my door, and when I unbarred it, there was a tall fellow who seemed a little drunk; and said he, I want a butcher-knife." "All right. Come in," said I. " I want a reliable one," said he. " I want it to kill a man with. Give me a good strong handle. I want a knife that I can put in and turn round." Says I, " I think I can suit you. Walk in" and take a look." I knew him by that time. He wes a Virginian a splendid looking fellow and belonged to a good family, as I understood, but he had gone wild on the frontier, and done a great many illegal things and been forced to herd with the Indians. The consequence was that he spoke their language and was a person of influence among them. Well, I felt a little doubtful about his intentions, not knowing but what I was the man he was after; but all the same I got out my stock of tools and showed them. There was one, nearly two feet long, which I had bought for a cheese knife. Says I," I think this would answer your purpose." -Yes, I should think it might," says he. " How much is it?" I told him the price about four shil lings, I think. " I'll take it," says he. "But I haven't any money." Under the circumstances, seeing he had the knife in his fist and was ready to turn it around, I thought I had better offer to trust him. "You'd better not," says he. "You don't know me from any other gentleman." "But I've got to trust you," says I. "You've got the butcher knife by the handle, and I'm at the sharp end of it. Besides I believe I can trust you." Off he went, and I heard no more of him for a time, not even whether he had killed a man. But some weeks later he had put in an ap pearance and paid for the knife. "And now, youngster," says he, " I like the way you treated me when I roused yon out for trade. Yott didn't show the white feather. Some men hustled up at that time of night, would have been scared. But you behaved every way like a gentleman, and now I want to be have to you as one. There are some Indians coming in to-day and I'll bring them to your shanty to trade. Have you got any rum?" I hadn't any rum; I didn't keep it. "Well," says he, "we must have some rum. No rum, no in jun. Give me a couple of dollars." I gave him the money and he went off. When he came back he had a demijohn full of drink, and some tumblers. An hour or so later the Indians appeared, some 200 of them. First came the war riors with their rifles, bows and toma hawks; then followed the squaws, stoop ing almost to the ground with their loads. My man hailed them, but they did not want to trade with me; they didn't know me. There was a long pal aver; arid at last he threatened to kill some of them if they didn't follow' his friendly advice; and the end of it was that they gave in to save a quarrel. They crowded into my little shop, and drank my demijohn empty, and bought my stock clean out, and filled me full of peltries. 1 made 2,500 that season, went off in high spirits to lose it some where else to pick it no again. As for the Virginian, I lest sight of him, and never learned how he ended. I didn't even inquire whether he put his butcher knife in ami turned it around. It seemed to me too delicate a subject, Atlantic Monthly. Bees and Grapes. A correspondent of the Lancaster Fanner says: Reading the broad charges that honey bees j pierced grape skins, we began a close investigation oi ine question, lasting through a series of days. On the grapes of a vine growing in our yard hundreds of bees were literally swarming, their homo beingin a neighbor's yard, not 20 paces distant. We sat hour after hour watching closely the proceedings of the industrious insects. There was not a single raceme on the whole vine but was visited by dozans of bees, who examined every grape on it in search of a bursted one whose juices Were accessi ble. After a most careful search and finding r?ono such, they would imme diately leave and continue their search elsewhere, until the berry they desired was found. On all the defective fruit clusters bees were gathered, but we failed utterly in detecting in a single in stance anything liko an attempt at try ing to tear open a perfect berry; their investigations were hasty but thorough and when the desired spoil was not found no time was wasted in useless delay. There can be no mistake about this matter; our observations were careful and prolonged and must certainly have resulted in detecting the harm com plained of had any been done. That none was done we are positively cer tain, and we feel that these hard work ers deserve a good word in return for the odium cast upon them by theorists and carelass observers. The following is told of the Rev. Dr. Backus, -who was the first President of Hamilton College, at Clinton, New York. It appears that while he was preaching in a country village before he became President, his salary was ,'$200 and fire wood," but during one cold period his wood ran out, and he bought a cord of a neighbor, who rec commended hisfuelhighly. The doctor made up a fire, and put on the new wood to find that after the bark had sputtered furiously and quickly burned out, the birch itself would burn no more than so much iron. He hastened to his neighbor and said: " I want 20 cords more of that wood. " Twenty cords doctor? What can you do with so much?" "Smother the flames of hell; that's all it's good for!" Johnson's Papers. Andrew John son, it is said, preserved all his papers and died loaving them in upper story of a shop in Greenville. Throughout his life he carefully saved all tho papers and even took to Greenville complete files of three daily newspapers of New York, covering his Presidental term, Of telegrams alone he must have left more than abushel in a compact form. He saved them all, none was considered of so little importance as not be worth sav ing. He remarked onoe how little space a folded letter took up, and what small trouble to save them, and how impor tant they sometimes became. His only surviving son now lives quietlv in Greenville; he has only once sought office as a candidate for the Legislature and wos defeated. 'Sex in Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes has been writing a most kindly and appreciative letter about his friend, the Late Dr. Edward H. Clarke a gentleman whose book on "Sex in Education" planted thorns in the minds of m my excellent women, and called down upon his head much impatient criticism. He has suf fered for the past few years from a hope less internal disease which was full of anguish. He was never free from pain except when under the influence of ano dynes, and from time to time was racked with agony. Dr. Holmes says that it was only a few weeks before his death that Dr. Clarke spoke to him of the end as rapidly approaching, and then said that the trial at parting with his wife had been long over, even from the time when he had first sought the surgeon's opinion. One sleepless night, in which he walked his chamber alone with his fatal sentence; a letter preparing the one nearest to him for the inevitable ap proaching future; after that struggle he felt as if the darkest passage of the val ley of the Shadow of Death had been left behind him, and walked serenely forward from that day to the end. He seemed to enjoy discussing nice and dif cult questions with some of his visit ors, and it was pleasant following his lead , to see him forget himself in the analysis of mental operations, in which he showed a power of study and penet rating thought which would have giv en him a name in metaphysical specula tion if he had concentrated his efforts in that direction. He had the great ad vantage of having studied the working of the mind under various exceptional conditions, and had many strange things to tell from his own experience, all of which he had disposed to account for without invoking any of the vulgar machinery commonly called in to ex plain such phenomena. Ex. Decrease of Population in France. In a work just published by Dr. A. Proust of Paris, some remarkable fig ures are given, showing the progressive decline in the number of births in his country. Beginning with the present century, the number of births per thous and of the population has ranged stead ily downward; tabulated is successive periods of ten vears each, the figures are, 32,9, 31.7,30.6, 28.7;27.5, 26.1,26.3, Most other European countries show, in the same period, a small but steady in crease, the corresponding figures for Prussia are now 38.1; for England, 35. The rate of births for the United States is doubtless higher. On the other hand, France is not among the nations least successful in saving the lives of yo ung infants, and occupies a position in this respect better than midway. In a table of death of infants (per thousand born) occurring before they were one year old, Bavaria is at one extreme, with 372 deaths; Scotland, at the other, with only 156. England has 170; Belgium, 186; France, 216; Italy, 254; Russia, 311. Probably 'the record for Turkey, if it could be obtained, would exceed that of Bavaria; the reasons for the excessive mortality of infants in the last-named country are not however, definitely as certained. It is surmised that a nation al custom of wrapping babes very tight ly in bandages may bo among the causes. A Loafers' Paradise. The Ohio State Journal publishes a letter from Gen. Comly, in which Honolula is sketched with a free-and-easy hand, as a loafers' paradise. The natives, he writes, are the most careless, improvident, laughter-loving people in the world. They have no w inter to lay by for even the proverbial rainy day needs nothing there; so they danco and sing, and deck themselves with garlands, all the day long.. Men go here with great garlands of the lovliest flowers and green leaves hanging in festoens around the neckand shoulders down tho body, around the hat, everywhere. These men aro not the fops and loafers of the race, but the hard-working fellows the herdsman, the hackman, even the draymen, go about adorned in the most exqu isite taste, with flowers and leaves wreathed into forms of beauty which come to an Amer can like a revelation in art. They have no wealth nothing that would satisfy an American but they are always laughing, singing, playing jewsharps, or making floral wreaths. The Hawaiian knows that there will never be a winter's day to provide for, and that it will al ways be the same yesterday, to-day, and forever. The Sunday Law in Germany. The Berlin police well illustrate the differ ence between the State and the indiv idual, for, while the Emperor of Ger many set all the men at Krupp's foun dry to work on a Sunday, the Berlin shopkeepers are being vigorously fined for not pulling down their shop blinds on the Sabbath. And they make a fine distinction in the moral culpability of the cases. Thus, a man who had pull ed down his blind three-quarters of the way thus showing that he knew what his duty was, yet trying to criminally compound the matter was fined five marks; while another, who did not pull it down at all, and thus showed that his conscience did not acknowledge the duty, was fined only one mark. If this goes on, Berlin wili soon be as dull as London on the Sabbath. Lodonn Exmniner. In the State prison at Charlestown, is a man named Dunnahin who has had an eventful career. He was there when the war broke out, serving a sentence of thirty years, but, expressing a desire to enlist, he was pardoned on condition that he would do so. His bravery speed ily won the good will of his officers, who knew nothing of his antecedents, and after the battle of Fredericksburg he acted as a spy, gaining information which probably saved the Union army from destruction. He was afterward captured and tent to Libby prison, and paroled. Ho broke his parole, re-enlisted, deserted, and committed a bur glary, and is back in his old quarters again, with twelve more years to serve. A Venerable Rosebush. At Hildes heim Cathedral there is a rosebush which is believed to be over a thousand years old. In recent years it seems to have been getting into descrepitude, and fears have been entertained that it was going to die. The help of the most reribwned gardeners has been called in to prevent this, if possible, and several foreigners have been on the spot for this purpose. Whether it be due to their endeavors or not, the old thing seems to have taken fresh heart again. Out of the root knobs of the bush a new sprout has appeared which is growing so vigorously that there is good hope that this venerable rose stock may vet "re new its youth." " " Suffering of the Anther of Education." COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY CF CALIFORNIA. Hosteller's Almanac. Tho edition for 1878 of the sterling Medical Annual, known auHostetter'a Almanao, is now ready, and may be obtained, free of cost, of druggists and general country dealers in all parts of the United States and British America, and indeed in every civilized portion or the Western Hemisphere. It combines with the soundest practical adyice for the preservation and restoration of health, a large amount of in teresting and amusing light reading, and the calendar, astronomical calculations, chronolog ical items, etc., are prepared with great care, and will be found entirely accurate. The issue of Hostetter's Almanac for 1878, in the English, German, French. Welsh, Norwegian. Swedish, Holland, Bohemian, and Spanish languages, will in all probability be the largest edition of a medical work ever published in any country. The proprietors, Messrs. Hostetter A Smith, Pittsburgh, Ta., on receipt of a two-cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any per son who cannot procure one in his neighbor hood. Subscribe for the Commercial Advo cate, the only paper published devoted to the Labor Question on the true principle. Price, $3 a your. A 32-column weekly journal. It contains all the latest market reports. Address Commercial Advocate, 526 Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cal. . Depression. Who are the gainers and who are the losers? The continual shrinkage in values has been going on in this country for two years at least, and somebody most be hurt by the enor mous decline in goods within that time, and have none been benefited by having nearly. all commodities at such greatly reduced rates? The actual necessaries of life have not of course suffered in comparison with what might be termrd luxuries or dispensible comforts. Dia monds were never as low as at present and dry goods are actually less than they were before the war. While unaccountably labor is much MgW, and still with tho admitted advance in the price of labor, workmen rind it more diffi cult to get along now than thoy did then. We are informed that the California Furniture Manufacturing Company have reduced their prices almost one-half on certain kinds of goods, and we are glad to know that a great many are taking advantage of the favorable opportunity to supply themselves. So tho old adage holds good that there are no large lasses without some small gains. The above company occupy two of the largest stores in the city of San Fran cisco, viz: 224 and 226 Bush street, four stories, and 649 and 651 Market street, six stories, where maybe found everything in the line of furniture. A Sense or Wearluess Is often felt by persons who cannot Iocato any particular disease. If they work it becomes la bor; if they walk they soon tire; mental efforts become a burden, and even joys aro dimmed by the shadow of thw weakness which is cast over their lives. Itecourse is had sometimes to stimulants of a dangerous character. The ad vice of physicians to refrain from active labor produces no happy results. Why? The sys tem is debilitated and needs to be built up pro- E?rly. Pehcviax Syhup will do this very tiling, ike the electric current, it permeates tho en tire system, and harmonizing with the corpo real functions, it raises np tho enfeebled, and brings the color to t le cheek again, and hope to the despondent. It does its work promptly and well. Sold by all druggists. aw as. :h. :w. This is a cough mixture that cures Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung diseases. Give it a trial and be no longer troubled. It is a sure cure for all Throat and Lunir troubles. Pre pared by Khodes & Lewis, San Jose, Cal., and sold by all Lrnrffist8 and dealers. ask your Lrug and take no other. gist for "38 Cough Mixture" Rlietimatlnm lu!ckly Cured. " Dunn j-s Rheumatic Kemedy," the great Inter nal M'.dicine, will positively cure any case of rheu matism on the face of the earth. Price $1 a bottle, six bottles, $5. Sold by all Druggists. Send for circular to Helphenstine ft Beutley. Druggists, Washington, D. C. Sold wholesale by U. C. Kirk k Co., Sac rsmeuto, Cal. Cards, fl ; Cabinets $2 per doz. People's Art GALLiBY, 34 Third street, San Francisco. C- -PAOK C ATALOOUK FREE TO AGENTS O-L WhotkbA Co., 17 Kew Montgomery sC.S.P. 25 Fashionable Cabdh, no 2 alike, with name 10c post paid. Geo. I. Reed & Co., Nassau. N. Y tfJK EL.EOAXT Cakes, no two alike, with name, &t3 paid. J. 11. HnsTED, Nassau, N. Y. OA ELEGANT CARDS with name, no two alike, tJvF 10 els., post-paid. 6 packs 50 cts; 12 packs, $1. Address C.B. Havens, Summit, Schoharie Co.,N.Y. MtiH. i. r. mteixkk,, of No). 1 Fourth Street. Sail Francisco, is now prepared to till orders for elegant Hats at prices which defy rompeli tlon. Country orders promptly attendedlo NEW EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, CONDUCTED HONORABLY HYTWO AMER ican Ladies. Parties desiring the nest of female help will please cull ; women desiring situations will be aupplied ut less thsiu usual rates to suit the times: pleisant waitlug parlors. Roolns 4 and S, WOO (St. J rues House), Market St. near Fourth, San Franctoco. MRS. S. McCAULKV A CO. PILES! PILES ! ! HF.nOKKIIIUs orPILKM CAN IlKl I'ltKIt ! Kadk ai.i.v, si-KKnii.Y and Without Pain ! " Dr. Pierce's Pile Truss and Kem edy" give Instant relier in all cases. .By means of this new ap pliance the Piles have a constant and agreeable support and will entirely ilisaitpear if the Truss is worn and the Rem edy applied as directed. For particulars rail or ad dress )IAU. KTI C KLAsTIC 1 lt(;M CO.. Sacramento St. (up stairs), San Francisco, restate in what paper you saw this notice. I. 1YI. COOPER. ITOOK 33 IX. O It 3Z3 IX. r N. W. Cor. Pine and Nnntomr Stn., SAX FRANCISCO. Stocks Bought and Sold ou Commission STOCKS BOUGHT AND CARRIED ON MAR gins at the following rates : Leading stocks, 25 to X per cent: Outside Stocks, 40 to 50 per cent. Orders sent through Wells Fargo fc Oo-s Express promptly attended to. LOOK! BURBANK A MYERS. Im porters and Breeders of Fancy .Fowls. Pigeons, Rabbits, Dogs, etc. Also F.ggs for batching from the finest of Imported Slock. Eggs and Fowls at re duced prices. BCBBAXK A MYERS. 43 and 44 California Market, Yards, cor. Lottand McAllister streets si. F. Enclose stamp for Prick List. fit case state whert you taw fiU Advertisement. Druggists' Sundries. TOILKT AKTICLES, COLOGNE, IT AIR Oil. and Pomade, Bottles, Halts, etc. New styles Kngliuh and French Perfumery. Cut Olaas Toilet bets, also Aajer' M nterlala. etc., etc.. for sale by JOHN TAYLOR & CO.. 312 o SIM H'aihlnEton Nt. Man rranrliro. J. W. TUCKER & CO., 131 Kearny Ktrevi. - San Francisco, Cal Watches, Jewelry and Silverware 8ent C O. I), to any part of the country Information to Country Residents Tbe ST. GEORGE HOTEL 812 Kearny St. SAN FRANCISCO. New four-story brik, con taining lOO beautiful light sunny rooms, newly furnished, to rent by the Day, Week or Month, in suite or single, at one-half the usual rates, enabling one to live in the city In fine style for the small sum of One lHllar per day. TRY IT. W. K. CHAMBERLAIN, JR. THOS. A. ROBINSON-. BUSINESS COLLEGE, 320 Post Street, 8A. FBA.rfStO. OPPOBITK UNION 8QTJARB. THE OLDKST and most complete Commercial college on the coast. Elegant balls ; new furniture: thorough in struction; practical teachers; high standing with the public. Students can commence at any time. Iay and Kvening session s. Circulars free ou application. OPIUM OR MORPHINE HABIT KADIFALLY Cl'RED IX A FEW DATS, without pain or publicity. No charge uutll a cure Is completed. Call at 319 Bush street, San Francisco. Cal., or send for pamphlet. FA F o o C TJ R E D o THE "COMMON TRUSS. Adopted by V.S. Uavernmeut, RECOMMENDED SURGEONS. From RASiSOH DEXTER, yt. A.. M. I). Profruor of Zoologjy. Comparative and Human Anatomy and Phj aloloiry In the (Jnlvrralty or Chicago. 1415 Indiana Av riur, Chicago, Nov. IS. 1877. Messrs. BARTLKTT. BUTMAN A PARKKK: Having used your 'Common-Sense Trusa" in my practice for over ten years, having known of its adoption by the Board of Surgeons of the I'nlted States Army, of its having received the highest award at the American CentennUI Exhibition, of its adoption and use by several of the Kovul Families of Europe, and having examined almost every d vloe of the kind, I feel at liberty to say that its pivot and bull and socket Joints, set screws, correct re taining force, superior workmanship, etc., are all a competent surgt-on could wish, and it is worthy the term Commou-'Seuse Truss." RANSOM DEXTER. Q&-Descriptive circulars, with prices, mailed free. The Ruptured will rind it to their interest to write us. Trusses at nil prices. Supporters, Braces, Elas tic Stockings a specialty. Oilice of COMMON-SENSE TRUSS CO., 10 nOM'UUMKKY STKEET, Sax Francisco. DR. V. T. BOOERT, Manager. EYE and EAR SPECIALTY. REMOVAL. WJ. IACII. 91. 1.. Ci.ay St. Treatment ot the Kye and Ear lias been my specialty lor the last 27 years. CATARRH Positively cured by Consti tutional Treatment tor the Blood, with the aid of my NASA f i TUBES for the treatment of the Nostril. The Throat. Lungs, Liv er. Dyspepsia. Scrofula and skin Diseases: also dis ease of the Kldnr.i. and enll-l'rlnry or gans treated successfully. KLMTUU'IT sci entifically and successfully applied III all Nkkvoiih Akctions and Rhki'MaTIsm. Medical and Sur gical Treatment in all Diseases. Call or address W. J. PA CUM. M. D- fil Clay Nlrrrt. San Francisco. Cstl. (over the Clay Street Savings Bank Kooms 1, 2 and 3i. N. B. ARTIFICIAL. EYES large assortment al ways on band. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. Carry Ins: the IT. t. 31 ail and the Kxprnn. The Elearant Nleaiurr of thla i Company leave Broad way Wharf, Sau Pi-auciMco, Evkry W'kkk for PORTLAND, OREGON, DIRECT, And for Santa Cruz. San I,u1s Obispo, Santa Bar bara, Ventura, Ixts Angeles, and Sau Diego and other ports about EVERY THIRD DAY. Tickets sold to all the principal places on the Pa cific slope at THE LOAVEHT IIATKH. Bnii'l Rut Tlrliel. by mm.v other I.f tiv until you rail at our TlrUet Ollire. rfau rranrlM-o Tleliet Ollire 211 Mont KOmery Ntrret. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO. General Agents, No. 10 Market Street, San Francisco. OREGON STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The Only Direct Line to Portland. Cabin laaag;e. 9IO I Steerage Paiagr. fjfL KKUUIiAK NTEAMERN TO 2aUnnnPOHTI,.ND leaving San Francisco ev ery FIVE DAYS until further notice Steamships City of Chester, George W. Elder and Ajax, Connecting with Steamers to SITKA and PUG ET SOUND, and O. and c. R. R. Co. and Oregoii and C. R. R. Co. through Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue River Valleys, Oregon. TICKETS TO AT.I, POINTS ON TH K O. aud C. R K. SOLD AT REDUCED RATES. K. VAN OTERENDORP, Agent. aiO Battery street, San Francisco. HAI'K IEIOSIT I.OAX OFFICE, Itriok lltiilriingr, 321 Kearny .Street, between Ilusli mid 11 ne. San Frmielweo. I'rivate Entrance on Kelilen I'lnee. bet. .Mont gomery and Kearny, Itnwli and Pine Streets. Kninorlum of Choice ami r.I.F.t.AMT J F. Y, all of recent maiiitfacttire antl iiiowt artistic liuiNli and (lesion, comprising varieties to suit the most fastidious tastes. Money Loaned on Collateral Security aud I'll redeemed IMciljccs for Kale. MAX (iULDliCKU, "Water Pipe ! FOB- CITIES. TOWN. MINES. RANCHES AND ALL WATER COURSES. For descriptive books send to AMERICAN PIPE CO., S2 California Klreel. Nan Franclaeo. V. CALVERT'S 3 t 3S Mi CARBOLIC Sheep W ash. fl International Hotel. 824 and 826 KEARNY ST., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. 91.50 anil 9-2.OO I'er Oay, and less by the Week. BM Coaches with the name of the Hotel on bring Guests to the Hotel Free. Beware of other Coaches and Runners. H. C. PATRIDGE, Proprietor SILVER SHOW GASES, OF K VERY DESCRIPTION, MANTTFACTU red by H. RKKNNTKIK, M03 Larkln St.. Man Frnnriiro. tr-All work guaranteed. Send for Price List. MRS. DEXTER S COUGH AND BLOOD PURIFIER TTA8 a magical effect In curing Colds, Coiuths or IF Consumption of the Blood ; is a Liver Invigo rator and Blood Purifier: pleasant In taste and purely vegetable; 3W X KEJIKDV FOB CA TARRH cu-s the worst ca.ies In a hhort time. Oflice. Hi and 3 St. Ann's building, corner Pow ell and Eddy. Consultations Free. 3 How to Become JLean ! OR the successful treatment of excessive fatness, without Injury to the health, by the use of DR. ORR'H ELIXIR OF "GUI.F WEED." which can he obtained of all respectable Druggists and at tho Wholksalh Df.pot, N. E. Cor. Postaxd Mason 8ts.. Han Francisco. lriee. S2.00 per bottle. Boot and Shoes. JOHN MirLUVAN, N. K. cor. Bat tery and Jackson Sts., San Francisco, offers to make to order the best French Calf Leather BOOTS at from S3 to 9 00 California leather Boots, - - 00 French Calf Oxford Ties, - - $4 00 California - . . 3 fin Boys' and Children's Boots and Shoes made to order. Persons in the country ordering Boots and (Shoes to the amount of (12 or more will be allowed a reduc tion of four percent., to make the express charge ilght I sell Boot aod Shoes of MY OWN MANU FACTURE ONLY. Boots and Shoes seut C. O. D. Positively one price. v i M IN USK BY JTF - A REVOLUTION IX THIS SOAP BUSINESS A San Francisco Manufacturing firm to the readers of the Rl'ssiax KlVKK LAfl : JADIES AND GENTLEMEN We address you -J in the hope that our statement may result in mutual advantage. In past vears the Soup busliifts on this coast has been conducted In a wiiy which attacned more Importance to large manufacturing profits than to honest weight and irooil quality, ren dering corn petition in the Soap trade little less than a rivalry In KASCAIilTY. Boxes containing less than eleven pounds of worse than worthless trash, are boldly marked and sold an "SO Buri-lt found k." and wretched combi nation of caustic soda and putrid grease, taken from he diseased carcases of dead animals are uiiblush ingly pressed upon the trade and the people as "the b-st family soaps," and to supply the dlicleucy re Milllnif from incompetence and the us of r-fUK materials, mineral substances of the most hurtful character are added, and whiiesucb Mild nmy, after a fashion, supply the place of EEAIi SOAP, It does so at the expense of the fabrics, kandii und health of those who use suck compounds. Medical men tell us that the skin is a powerful ab sorbent, and poisonous compounds in soaps have been known to spread from Hie hatidt over the eu tire body. Just a a t.uch of poison oalc In one place will be carried from head to foot of the person poi soned, and many women who MirTer constantly from a dry, burring skin, aud who find their per sonal appearance disligured by discoloration, will frequently find the pred'sposlng cause of their mis fortune in the compounds which are made to sup- pi v the place or i ft U K hOAl" lor Jaunury. Kitcueii, bath aud other household purposes. THINK OF IT. Think of tender Infants, children and delicate w- men being constantly swathed in garments, every thread of which is permeated with the putrid poi sons of diseased fat and dangerous mineral hub static, s, which are taken up by perspiration and b-f-orl. d into the hkm and circulation, endangering lien it and the very life of alt! Yes, think of this. a l ti..ii decide whether you will pay a fair price for a i'LTRE ARTICLE or teu times the value of an apparently cheap one, the use of which is ever at tended with actual loss und danger to health ami comfort. mh'Ii are thedangers to be apprehended In the use of the cheap" HOMps with which the markets are Hooded, but none theless dangerous are many wh ch are heralded forth atd sold at even extravagant prices, under attractive names, lending people to believe that they will wash well wittiout rubbing, in Ice-cold water, or bleach clothing as white iu snow by tragical qualities, unknown to the science of soap. The very fact of soaps possessing tle so-called magical qualities. Is conclusive evidence that thev con tain substances which are Injurious to clothing and dangerous to health, and should fie avoided uuder all circumstances. To speak in ir,v i :v ti:ioi.-, Good, honest, reliable soup can only be made frc.pi pure materials, combined after proper methods, by those skilled in the art of sosp-uiaking, uud we now offer to consumeis, through the trade, an article which we guarantee to be strictly pure and made only from the very best refined materials. Ask your Grocer for STIITIf, IaIjX'Y fc COS Peerless Soap ! A nd take no other. The price Is as low as a pure ar ticle can be supplied for. and its use will alwavs se cure the best results aud remove all danger of con tamination. DESCRIPTION : To guard purchasers against Imposition, we des cribe our soap as follows : It Is a boiled soap, made on the most approved chemical principles, from the best refined materials. It is of that rich llghtsfaw color, obtained only by the most skillful combina tion of the finest raw materials. It is well seasoned aort compactly pressed into cakes of of a pound each, with "SMITH. I.L'CY A CO.. PEERLESS 1SOAP." pressed Into the cake on one side, and "SMITH. LVC'V & CO., 405 FRONT ST., S. F.." on lhf oilier. Each cake Is enclosed in a neat red wrapper, with appropriate printed matter thereon, and every care has been taken to turn out an arti cle which cannot fail to give full satisfaction, lo KNOW ITS VALUE, It must be used. So ask your Grocer for " Snirrir, l.rcv A t'o's Pekki.khh Soap," hi d do not be put off with otluers which are said to be as good. 1 1 can lie retailed for less than the wholesale cost of East ern soups of equal quality and weucht. mul as tioni. manufacturers we confidently ex pert that the trade and the consuming public will give us their orders and hearty co-operation in our efforts to cupply the 1 best and purest soap for the very lowest possible price. KespeiUfully, SMITH, LUCY & CO., 40. I KONT KTIIKKT. S. F. HOT BISCUIT I EVERY MORNING. DOOM YEAST POWDER HILL IM IT. ItllV IT. GRAND REDUCTION IN PRICES. Having just received a Large Invoice of WEST OF ENGLAND GOODS, Therefore Informs bis patrons that he will make CLOTHING TO ORDER at the Lowest CAJSII PRH E for the next sixty Days: Business Suits to Order, - $25 Pants to Order, - - $6 Dress Suits to Order, $35 to $50 Commercial St., cor. Lreidesdorff, AMD JJ"o. O KeArziy Stroot. BAN FRANCISCO. San Francisco, May 30, 1877. We. the nndertlfnrd Wholesale tiro eera. take pleasure In rraiarklng the la. ereaaed demand fur Bonrn'i I'rrnlam Yeast Powder, and of testifying to tue Keneral satlsfaetlon (Ura by this brand Ban Fbahcisco WELLMAN. PECK CO., ROOT k SANDERSON, LEDDES, WHIPPLE & CO.,, HAAS BROS., TABER, HARKER & CO., J. M. PIKE CO., 1. A. FOLGER CO.. NEWTON BROS. & CO.. CASTLE BROS.. KRCSE k EULER, JONES CO., M. EHRMAN k CO.. F. DANERI k CO., M. C. MANGELS. TILLMAN & BENDEL, ALBERT MAU & CO.. W. W. DODGE k CO. SaOame!.-TO ADAMS. MCNEILL k CO.. MEBIC8 k CO.. BOOTH k CO., MILLIKEN BROS. Dr. Tort's New Discovery: TIIK tlRK.lTF.NT AODrTIO.V TO MOD K. MEDICAL MIKNCK. TAR. H. TOUCARD, late of Europe, having de J voted many years of study in the mom cele brated bonpitais of Europe and America, and hav Iiik gained au extensive reputation on both conti nents for the successful treatment of all kinds of Private Diseases, now offers to the public the result of his researches. He has made an entirely new discovery In the treatment ef Gonorrhoea, Hvphilis and Heminal Weakness, bv which he can positively cure the most complicated cases in half the time re- Jiuired by the old methods. Medicine and directions or any private disease, sent to any address on re ceipt of 20 and lull statement ot case a written ? guarantee accompanying medicine If desired. 1300 orfeit will b paid for any case the Dr. undertakes and fails to cure. The Dr's new mode of treating discaxesof this nature can he conducted privately and without interfering with the patient's businefs. Peraons wishing a personal interview, can do no by communicating their desire by letter. Medicines packed secure from observation. Address, writing name. city, county and State. DR II. TO CCA R D P. O. Box 1TU5. Kan Francisco. Cal. FIG BITTERS USE the Hieraplcra or f ig Bitters. Cures Fever and Ague, Biliousness. Constipation. Impure Blood, Kidney Weakness, Worms, Urinary Disor ders, Female Complaints, etc. Druggists have it. Agen'ji, Kkoinhtos fc Co, Wholesale Druggists, Sau Francisco, Cal. POWIETT'S ATMOSPHERIC LETTEE COPYING PRESS, Compact, Portable. I arable, and 1-3 Cheaper than an Iron Pren. Something new. The best thing yet. Be sure to see It before purchasing an Iron press HOPKINS, TAYLOR & CO., 41VSAKMSK Stbext, - - Han Francisco. Rights for Sale on Liberal Terms. BA-Flrst-Class Ageuts Wanted. I3IPORTAXT TO fj EVIfS P A P B RUSSELL, GIBSON 6c Co. Are now prepared to offer extraordinary Indu -e-ments to Newspaper Publishers : Ol'TNIUKK. I.S1DI:V Jil'PI'LEMI.MH. (For Dallies, Semi-Weeklies or Weeklies), Or entire newspapers, printed with or without our Co-operative Advertisement", o' more favorable terms tban ever before tiffereil. So Aivprtiwnipnls or oir own Inserted among reading matter, so that patron can always know how much they ahoul-t beta-edited 8 with. Our of read hi if matter, toirellier witu our San Francisco Iiter. Market Report and Weekly Compendium of News, are kuuihibwi features, and give entire satisfaction.- Notwithstanding the misrepresentafloi.sand fi.le hoods of a certain party who has vainly attetui I to hlnckmuil us, our business lias M.-u lilS' Incrcu- and our list of papers is now laraer tln.ii ever bi-f e tip-Z" CAlfTIOST. Newspaper Puhlit,U Cittt. 2 ers, in writing, should be careful nol -3 ' i i. f,ceived by ant pemn wl:o shrewdly triea to mislead, by adop lng a hlmi ar name. Address all your communications to Western Xch spaper Union SIM CI.AY ST.. Sinn rrauritro. KUi-USEI.L. ItlftKOX & I: PaHRIKTOUH BLOOD IF YOU ARE PALE, IT WILL GIVE COLOIl TO YOUlt CHEEKS. IF YOU ARE WEAK, IT WILL GIVE YOU STRENGTH. IF YOU FEEL DULL AND GLOOMY IT WILL MAKE YOU CHEERFUL. IF INCAPABLE OF EXERTION, IT WILL GIVE YOU ACTIVITY. I? A. AVOU1), If Your Blood is Thin IT WILL MAKE IT RICH. VLARGK NUMBER OF MEN AND UVKI! half of the women sufTifr from Anemy or Thin ICooO; that is to say. thai tiie quantity of red glob ul en, winch predominate In a healthy aud vigorous blood. Is In theircaxes too small. Ttiehasisnf lliese red glorioles is I KoN. which ilie r int ec nouiy fails t furnish Pi surtirieiit quantity. The hasN of this new ami wonderful medicine Ii also IRON, which Is easily bKsiinl ated by the sys tem, and gA-es lo the Blood t hat vitality anil st ent'tli which It so mu li wants, aud vvhrli is o l:i i-pei Me to that real elijovment of l.fe. ci uitiionly culled Pkrkeitly Good Hkaltii. One of tb threat qualities which will n-HKe tin precious preparation larKely poimlur Im that c"e tiie Blood tins obianied tue qcantity if Iron It need It will not ftbw b any niore of it: there is therefore no fear of had consequences to he enterUii 10 d should a person use it when md needed. Therefore, if you perceive any of the M above described, or In any way have the leant cause to think that your P.lood is thin, do not besltale a moment to have recourse to our Ile.D BLOOll. and stick to it until you feel a radical change; miner its influence you will p-rceive 1 our cheeks gradually redden ; your energy, moral and physical, wilt he strengthened, and you will iMscover what a good thing it is to live when one is healthy. Anemy or Thin Klood is not only a disease by it self, but it prei Imposes one lo any other diseases, prevalent or under tvh e Influence you may he unconsciously thiow-i why, flier, not get rid at once of such a terrible enemy ? V owe this great dic very t- Dr. Baktkowmkv. a distinguished Preiich Chemist, w ho. under certain considerations, has entrusted the undersigned with his s-oret to act f r him as h s Agent iur the Uuitcd States. N. B. Unlike any other preparation, this do- s nut affect the teeth. To l linil from hII tlie r ln lnl lieiu ists. Irice, 1.2-. Agent for the United Stales, C. MELQUIOND, 4l5sAVSOMKSTKItX Corner of Commercial, Sax Fkancikco. Cal DR. la. J. CZAPKAY'S Prlvnto rjdioal IiiHtltuIc, SOS Kearny St.. San FrancLseo. Kstabllshed in ISM, f'ir the Jirnnaiieiit Ot re of all NpeeiaX and Chronic lUgfutfn, as aim all female. Vomplaintt antl IHtfasei of the A'ervout System. rpiIK IMMKXSK DESTRUCTION OF HUMAN 1- life annually from xecret and chronic diseases caused this old and reliable institution to be estab lished first In Philadelphia, Penn., In ISM, and after wards In San Francisco, Cal., in ISM, as a pnvale dl pensary, In order to afford the sfljicted the best med leal and surgical treatment, for the above and all other affections and complaints. Consultations at tue institute or bv letter. FKKE. PfaTslrml and Slental IX-blllly. Vital weakness, nervousness, low spirits, lassitude, weakness ot the limbs and back, loss of tnuscular power, indisposition and incapability for labor ami study, a weak, exhausted feelinK. no energy or cour age, palpitation of the heart, dullness of apprehen sion, loss of memory, aversion to society, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, loss of manhood, dir- Elness, neaoacue, pains in tne sine, aneciions or the eye, pimples on the face, sexual or other Infirmities In man or woman, are cured by the Justly celebrated physician. L. J.t'ZAPHAY,)!. I. His method of curing disease is peculiarly his own (unknown to others) and hence the great success. Rheumatic affections, chronic catarrh, diseases of the stomach and kidneys, liver complaints, etc.. Buccessfnlly treated. Dli. CZAPKA V", one of the most successful medi cal practitioners on the Pacific coast, may be con sulted confidentially in reference to the above aud all other complaints at the institute, Xo. 0J KKAII.W lT. Ka Franrlico, fml. M-The Doctor offers Free Consultations, and asks no remuneration unless he effects a cure. CbarC-B moderate. Oomniunicalioua etricUr onriJvt.ii!. Medicines sent by Kx press. Address L. J. Czapkav. M. li.. .Postofficv Box 6-1. Han Francisco. Ir. SPIOEY & CO., No. 11 Kearny Street. fPRKAT ALL CHRONIC AND SPECIAL -i- Diseases. YOUXG MEX Who may besuffering from the effectsof youthful follies or Indeecretions. will do well to avail them selves of this the greatest boon ever laid st the altar of suffering humanity. DR. KPINNKV wlil guaran tee to forfeit five hundred dollars for every case of seminal weakness or private olsease of any kind or character which he undertakes and fails to cure. He would therefore say to the unfortunate sufferer who may read this notice, that you are treading upon dangerous ground when vou longer delay lu seeking the proper remedy for your complaint. You may be in the flist stage remember you are approaching the last. If you are bordering upon the last and are suffering some of its evil effects, remember that if you obstinately persist in pro crastination, the time must come when the most skillful physician can render you no assistance; when the door of hope will be closed against you; when uo angel of merer can bring you relief, lu no rase has the Doctor failed of success. Then let not despair work itself upon your imagination, but avail yourself of the beneficial results of his treat ment before your case Is beyond the reach of med ical skill, or before grim death hurries you to a pre mature grave. MIIIJE-AiEI HEX! There are many of the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation ot tiie bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening of the system in a manner the patientcanno account lor. 1 her aremauy men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which Is the second stage ot serutna weakness? Dr. 8. fe Co. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and a healthy resturailou of the genlto-urinary organs, Ofice hours 10 to 4 and 6 to S. Sundays from 10 to It A. Cousultattou Free Thorough Kxamintion and advice. .S. Call or address DR. HPINNKY fc CO., No. 11 Kearny street, Han Francisco. PRESCRIPTION FREE. FOB Til E NPF.EDT CURE of Seminal Weak i) ess. Lost Manhood and ail disorders brought cn ny Indiscretion or excess. Any druggist has the ;.s gredients. Dr. W. JAQUES & CO., i: W. Sixtl street. Ciacluuati, Ohio.