Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1877)
j: " J,r -V- ; - Vl I o Ba3i.agnegniavjJ i "i h?.iiiii i i J I i :i i ) J 1 i i O OREGON CITY. TIIURSD.U. OCT. !, IS77. KHEVITIES. Wheat $1 10. Fresh oysters at Trcmbath's. Emerson's Minstrels Saturday evening. Ooo.l trout fishing at the mouth of Ab ernetliy creek . A largo number of Portlantlors were in town last Sunday. Union meeting next Sunday evening at the 15aptist Church. There are 177 pupils in attendance at the public school of this city. It is rumored that several marriages will take place this month. Hoard of Delegates vilf meet Saturday evening, at o'clock, sharp. Eight hundred tons of wheat passed through the locks last Friday. Opposition makes business lively. It i in the tonsorial line this time. Alittle son of Mr. .1. C. McCoy, of Eaglo Creek, died last week of d v-sonterv. o Mr. II. W. E-ako has been appointed agent for the Entkiumusk at Knglo Creek. A special term of the Circuit Court has been appointed for the 10th of November. Wo are glad the entertainment of Satur dav evening was only a "sidesplitting affair. Qjeo. Fuchs and T.A. Ilaeon. of this citv. Avill have stands at the State Fair next week. The rain last week raised the up river about two feet, and the steamboat men are happy. Mr. Chns. Albright. Sr., will return from California tho lirst part of next month. I lez. Johnson and Fred. Dement started 1 tt Tuesday for a prospecting tour in O Eastern Oregon. W. It. W. C. T., hns commis sioned Mr. J. II. Lambert, of Mil waukie. as Stato Deputy. fJen. Sherman and party passed up the road yesterday morning, en route for San Francisco overland. Mr. F. O. McCown has been confined to his house for several days past with a severe attack of erysipelas. The steamer Welcome came up to this city last Sunday, with S. (I. IJeod and fie'n.Sprague, of the O.S.N. Co., on board. 1 11" v. T. H. l'earne, nn old resilient of Wehfoot, has been assigned fort becom ing year to pastoral duty at llillsboro, Ohio. Two chaps named Vradenlmrg ami Winter iuioped the town last week with out paying their board bills at the I'arlow House. Mr. C. 11. Tlhoads. living iu-t bolow town. has placed us under oblig itions for a monster watermelon, weighing about 'S pounds. A bridge whi'd was in course of con struction at Fast Portland tumbled down lust Thursday. and several workmen were seriou.xly injured. 'The sile of tho late Oeo. TjaTlorvme's in terest in the Imperial Mills has been in definitely n-stpooed. There was not a single bid ottered last Saturday. Mr. Si'eley. living over on the Tualatin, o hail about ;,ix: bushels of grain out in the rain last week. We understand that a large portion of it was damaged. Several valuable vieces of real estate will be ottered for sale at tho court house next Saturdiv. A uood chance for any one wishing to secure a farm cheap. ;. W. Walling Son, of the Willamette Nursery, have laid on our tal le their cata l ,ri!.' for ls77-s. Their mtrscrv is shua-d rear Oswego, and has an excellent reputa lii i). In the ease of W. I,. C. Co. vs John al. la! week . I h' h'ry ri tni iied : 'vneral aiul a special verdict . and both sides claim that the verdict wa favor. m tlu-ir Thos. S; on -r nud P ivid Oanfp'ld were out on at! 1 v week lielore last iiiei i.iiieo n iare-e"bj iek small t';iiii''. b"ar. one deer and lots of The bear weighed about 'JV) lounds. Tin t'itv f'oiined b is authoried the pnr--hase of lh bell f lroe-rlv used :d thr. lh'iscepal Chnreh, for the sum of i'.V). It is to bi placed on the engine house in pi ac of the cracked one. Seldom has one Pen Worslev sold than wit Ireland in his last week's is-ii" of the Astorian. Tiie jx.em "Your Mis sion" having been palmed off op him as r iginal. A re you losing your Mr. W.S. Moss receivd i tele rr im from Ih'ier Cit " vesterda v. announcing t lie s i 1 Ti'ovs of (he d 'dh of his step sen. Mr. 'hdatin Pieli irdson, at Malheur, after an illness of four days. Deceased was nearly ."Sgvears of agf. Tho West Shore for September has put m an appearance replete with inb'resi inr reading matter and views of P iei'ie coast scnerv. With this number it starts out rn its t bir-I voir, and has si neat sobscri tion list of 7,2iV). Tho "pinions" of the A. A. McCnlly give way this morning below Col. Jen-j tholiank. 't'lm McMimivi'le will tow her minis pi:ico, mill sm mis oeen iieuiipio; down to I!-!-!1.:!!!! this attcrnoon, where she will be repaired. Thieve were opi- in full force at the "Washinjrton county fair l'est week, nod managed to "ileeee" sever il arties. We would ad vise our citizens who attend the Stato Fair next week to keep a good look out for their valuables. Tho dramatic entertainment at Pope's Hall last Saturday niiiht was well attend ed. The performers rendered their parts in a creditable manner, and the titi Menc showed its appreciation of their etl'orts by frequent and merited rounds of applause. David Harriers who lias been working in tho vicinitv of Oswpco for live months past, started last Monday fortholvpdto tiring out his family, ami was robbed of $101 while stopping at a hotel in Portland on tho same evening. Mr. S. IV Hatch has consented to act as Atrent for tho Kntkiu'iiisk at Sandy, and we hoyie our trieuds in that vicinity will jfivc him a call and h ive their names for warded at once. It is the duty of every eitizon to support the county paper, and wo would bo pleased to have Sandy step in line. Mr. J. Casto, of New 'Fra. owing to numerous customers who have not pim riel the coin for their bills, and who has oen unfortunate in his business ireneral ly, was closed out l ist week and his eilects ydaced in tho assignee's hands to be dis posed of for the Kmetit of his creditors. ,The goods have been placed in the old postoftiee building, and are being sold at cost price. T.onrus it Albright have hist received another la riro band of choice cattle trom .tho bunch grass country which excel any thing in tho meat line ever brought tothis marker, ine came are m hoc eon. nn..,,. just rolling in fat. the meat bcmgalmo-t . . ..l.l,.l-f, W.-i s 1 L- as tenner as .-inni, iiivrn. -1 -.;; from experience, as we acknowledge wnli pleasure the reeeirt of an elegant roast from the genial proprietors. SiiKEr KirxEP. A black bear killed two sheep bclonginc; to Mr. Thayer und one belonging to Mr. Latouretto, about four niftes east of this city last Friday night. '1 he maurauder was seen commit ting the depredations, but made off before the parties could pet a gun. A party of hunters were out Saturday looking for bruin, but failed to find any traces. Called. M r. 11. V. Lake, of Eagle Greek, called last Tuesday. He reports large crops in his section, and very little Rrain damaged bv the rain. Tho condition of theroa.fc leading from Eagle creek to market are in such a bad condition that eOlllllllOTI 1 1 lilt at least thi w. f,inl nf th o-riin will have to be rtorVd n UnSrSi he --.l -ii . . . JUdll.l will M liQcnh A Qirln O Circuit Court. SEPTEMCKU TJ-:r.M. SIIATTUCK JCDGE. CIUMINAI.. State vs A. 15. St roup ; disfiguring cattle. Jury disagreed und case coiitisiued lor term. State vs Andrew Long; larceny. Ver dict of guilty ; scnteiiced to Is moiilhs ini- prisonmriii. i State vs Goo. I lodge; manslaughter. e oi no: g.uuv. Svue ys Marion Hrtim; larceny. Bond lorl.-itti , . j StatevsJ. G. lrullmger ; obstructing i highway on appeal from Justice s court. ; Continued. ... . . ! ' V tU v:s Arctrcw SproiiLs ; incest, riaul guiuv ; oiieu i-.,m or ;) (lavs imprison merit in the county jail. LAW. Mathoil lli-os. vs A. il. Dullock ; con:';r niatioimf sr.le. Sale confirmed. Tlios Chartiiau vs John L. Cason : suit to recover money. Judgment lor i);i" i 1 lor wai;t ot answer. A, Let; rami vs J . Humphrey ; suit to re- ! cover money. Dismissed from this court I and under jurisdictioit f bankrupt court, j Isaac Frost vs J II. F razor ; suit ton- i rover damages for lo js of crop, caused l- ! tire from defciidcnt's threshing luacliine. ! Continued. j W.ll. T. L.Co. vs John Gordon, et al : ' to ooiet title to a portion of land on which ' the locks are built. General verdict for plaintiU'; special verdict rendered; mo tions tiled for judgment on verdicts. KUUITY. D. W. rhirnside vs .1eo. LaKocquo ctal ; confirmation of sale. Confirmed. Gotlcib iJicepo vs John A. Crawford, confirmation of sale. Confirmed. 11. L. Fittock vs J. T. App-rson, slieriff; for injunction i. gainst sherilf's salo of property fot- taxes. Judgment for ie fend int. J . Terv. illiger vs J. W. Caine ; eonfirm:'. tion of s.-"Il". f'omirmed. D. I. Thompson vs Septimus : foreclosure ot mortgage. Ih fi-rred to Sinney Dell, as referee, to take testimony, i Heirs and legal rooresentatives of David j Phipps vs IVter A. Weiss, et a! ; writ of ! review ti set aside a judgment from Jus tice's court. Continued. J. II. Feaster vs Marietta Feast or; di vorce. Granted. Fred G. Dement vs W. II. Wood and Mary A. Wood; foreclosure of mortgage. Compromised. W. II. Wade vs Sarah L. Wade ; divorce-. Granted. The Oregon Iron Co. vs Jos Kcllogir, et al ; confirmation of sale. Confirmed. The Oregon Iron Co. vs Tualatin itivcr Navigation and MTg. Co. ; confirmation of sale. Confirmed. John Catliu, assignee, et al, vs John A. Confer, ct al ; to recover money. Con tinued. Polly A. Gordon vs Tiio.-j. Ib Gordon ; div")rce. Continued Sarah F. Smith vs Daniel voreo. Granted. Karl Stdig vs Chas. Deromc tiou of sale. Conhrmed. inith ; eonh rm.i- John il. Fields vs II. V. Short ; to recov er land. Judgment by default for plaintiff. Hawley, Dodd i'c Co. vs Isaau M osier; com promised. ....... 3. i.i hi , continued. Jos. Paqtiet vs IVter Paqnet; suit in partilion. Continued. j Oregon's lh.;ly. A writer for the s.m l-Vancico Ilural Press in soeakitig of tlie display at the Mechanic's Fair, pays the following com pliment to this Su-fo: "Among many oth er things displ ivi-d can be seen models of tiie famous clipper Western Shore, mid the tug boat Col .uuhi.i, built by Me.ssis. Simpson, of Oregon material. Tiie former is famous tor making the quickest trip ! under sail on record from Astoria to Cork", g-iiig over hi one hundred and mio days, i and relurniiig in one hundred and four da s. Site is i,e''i tons measurement, yet ! cariies t wcuty-lwo hi:;;d: ett tor. ; of coal, j which seems to indicate thm Oregon latiit i vessels arc somewhat eiast ie ami expans ive She is doubt!-ss the finest mod-d of a s;ii!er,wii:i great carrying capacity, ailoat. j Tie- Colitmbia is now i.u t:.e river" of that j name, p! i ing bei we n Astoria and Port-! l ied, -iaai' -.'i. S;ie is ninety feet long, ! a:id her builders an. I owners claim that j she will make pre;. u r speed on a soitiil -rj amount of fuel than any other t'.ig boat in j existence. -t all cvi'ms.niic t lie mi. stern I Stem-, she has a. splendid recortl. Oregon ! makes a line di ml tv of fresh fruits. Firs! came a box o; line berri-s from Pear Astoria, of l-.r.'r' sixe and fine ilavor; then ! t wo boxes of ihe r d A-t ; ah.oi a pph s, run 1 i Italian ptaoies from the railroad nurs.-ry j : t iia.-t Portland. Oreg,, n. owned by Mi-. I Petty man ; tlien Messrs. Lueiling t'i Son, j oi .m 1 1 wa uk ic, i.regon. sent i large m voice of primes, four varieties ; dapp's "favor iie' pears and yellow egg pi'ums; Mr. Lam!-.ert.ot' t he same place. Italian prunes ate! i artlett p-.-ars ; .Mr. '. A. !: oi k hurt. rortiatid, Portland, cans fro! Oreuon y pitltps; Messrs Wilson ,V Speck, peaches and primes. Fruits in i the Clackamas Packing Co.. it v. Iregoii ; also t rom tlie same I ace, green ;! e iiitf it. Fruits as dried i.i sent to ma: bet b ti:e Aldep. i'aek'mg Co., thceon ( 'iiy, and Mi s.mvs. Haas ih-os., also by tlie lMummcr lryer." 'I'hc t'-jiirt llou-.c. lpi ron ils i'i;kpkis;: : From wliat 1 have read in your columns; concerning the construction of tho new court house, il seems to be the intention of tho authorities to erect it near t!i3 site of the old court house on the hluft. If they will remem ber that the location of the former court j majority of the citizens of the county, and mat very n.'w rcgretie.i i:.s licstruci 1011 bv tire, they will certainly not risk their pres ent popularity and reputation f,.r ood judgment by choosing a similar site tho most undesirable and inconvenient place in the city. I have taken the trouble to talk with a largo number of people from various parts of tiie county, and they are generally in favor of a new court house, but are unanimous in the opinion that it should be erected, near the lai-ioe.s oor tiop of the town. It would be well i'oi'the commissioners to give the matter due cop.- j siderafioii befoie choosing such an im-ol'-thc-wav place" as the old site, and it is to be hoped tiiat their good judgment will prevail; and even if they are compelled to pay two or three thousand dollars for a building spot in a suitable and convenient part of tho town, they will be sustained by n majority of the ta payers. If we are correi tly informed tho legal fraternity are also unanimous in con demning the erection of a court house on the blu if. Remember Mr. Commissioners, how the old court house and its projectors were damned by all who had occasion to visit it often, and don't place yourselves in the same position. Obi Tim Kit. City Council. Regular meeting of the City Council was held lasL Monday evening. Present Ij. T. Rarin, mayor ; Win. Whilleek, re corder; C'ouneilmen, Wade, Pantut, De ment and Logtts. Petition of J. S. McDonald for Honor 1 kcuse vase-ranted. Report of com. on tire and water was j adopted, and com. authorized ta purchase . um irom i-piseopu Church The tollowinj- f ills were ordered paid T. Charman. sj gr, ; Wm. Whitloek, spj; T. J. I'.roderick, 4I. Ordinance atmropri.itlng for the purpose ot building a sidewalk to tho C na''a",a",i:',liV,'",sl' '!'1'V'- , Jiesolvei, TlTiit the Citv Treaircr !h; and he is hereby directed to publish in tliiii,ivt.inioir'ilw.ii rvTni. nn-i"ii'iniiii; rcsoiuiioii was aoop.eii pniSE that he will pay city orders on die general tundto No. , and that interest on such orders cease from the date of such publication. The immberabove left blank to le filled by the Treasurer sifter examination of tlie order book ; it being the intention of his resolution tlv't all such moneys in the hands of the Treasurer, less $101), Le paid out. itle son patches Yesterdav afternoon while a liii of C. P. Church was nl wing with nit Be set. tiro to tlie wa II laper. I ne tire -. . , , . . , ' tlepartmeni was caneu om, mn me names i we're extinguished without turning on wilnr t ii.w. In iJIemorlaui. Died, at her father's residence in Oregon f'ity. of pleura pneumonia, Alice Foster, aged l'i years. She died as she lived, a con.s.stant Chris- t::in, and we see her sweet face no more. Hut nothing that We can say would be as ! consoling -as this touching and beautiful tribute written by heratti ding physician, )r. yaireii N. Davis: "ile doeth all things well, lloweutufoithw this thought "ticii the -m-at vaves of sorrovv are rnil- ig over the soul. When we would hold in our embrace those whom we love, He in Lrre iter love takes them to hiiusc h". A i,lossomel tlower that w.ts s.!iethiing t'uth the sweet 1'iMgraii of love and gladlit in an earthly home. has hcen transplanted in tin? Garden of s iod, there to bloom m immortal beauty. So..- heard tin: Savior calling, and, attended by aimel ;m: i:ds, she went home. Iter feet have passed through the shadow of death and now ta:.;i - on i lie sea of crystal v. hi eh st retches in seamless purity ore the throne iler i illness witnessed many hours of severe pain, patiently borne in Christ's strength. J'.creaved ones, 'md consolation in the je.y ousncxs and uplifting power in her of her tiust in her iiedeemcr. Her .ie.itii has cast a shallow over some lives and well nigh broken some heart-, but the l.-iight-lussof hope bieaks like sunshine ever her early grave. -.She shines in the light of God.' "'iiK i-'osr;.!:. Ieath of Can:. . Collins. The following letter lias been received by Mayor V. irin freuu J. G. 11. Pecker, of Magdalen Pay, Texas, dated Sept. Mth. 177. Mr. Pa rin says he is not acquainted with the deceased, and lias requested it s I iieiiuiiii, as il: : he may liave friends n this vicinity : To 'i in-: Mayo or Our.imN City Dear Sir: i am sorry t announce to you the de;Uh of 'apt . J . Cmlins. Jie'di "it in the li'.Mli of August, and two days before his death requested me to do him tho l.ivor ! of writing to you in case ho died. He e I eeived every attention, and was deeemlv i ititerrcvl. He did not give me mtv chai -g ', but simjily to inform you of his death. Shi.uhl yon have any (meslions to ask, 1 will at all times be ready to resoond. F.Mf.nsoN MtxsTitKis.- The ed Eiiierx.".n Minstrel-i will celeol". sppea r l't-pe s Hall next Stitnrday evening. Tijis troupe has appeared in various parts of the State, and have always b.-eti greeted wi.h large: audiutiees. They are iirsf-c!as iti their lin and need no recommendation from our hand. Wo clip the following noliee from the Oregonian d' tln ir first ;:pa arc.neo t Poill -.n l: 'The opening night iti this citv o" the i. nowped lePvi- seiti Minstrels proved, as was an a p erfVct ova" ion. every seat in a pa : t d. c ire i lid e;l':iv beio ; til'e-d, with stand prog iv. mine pred..ii,iua!- many conicntjiig t ing roo,;i ;. lie- ai- li.s.dye was vane noi a i ;ni'! lu.'ii. v;; i-. a 'i humor ;Vom tho oj-ening to U.e'elo introductory overture.f.'P.owe'i l.v mid burles-jne .-op :s. was very ie:e : ..I 'file ba'la eptahh of new not so ! tta.rds'' Ulseif ;d l,e,e.! rendered, introducing a mi;.; .;-r u.e:s" iui'Mspeiced with oile rs Oi i wa inal. Emerson's loudly encored, i-1 more III: . t- ie. t: Oi leC ,i I;l Vl'Mte Wi! h t 'Scenes in the Ar-na yoked much merrim. (: a; -."airei 1 to mue tbau'the't' ;:d it: t!:i siip-e, pra'-iieo h l'iii. to Portland ' i oe'.-. well iimi pro tit. Cogill and Coop l in tier a . " a i 1 e. e ; i -e'y sever,-.l yce.r-i r lli.el:.' thei.l l.lllell more p T'cet. i in noro p r'eet. i nev were, o; course, re-eat-d:- oMe-ired. ' The Wrong I'd in" took itiiiitoi'.st'ly tind cieateil a ie:r!y 1 uigii or, the i .- it of the am!!; ::..v. U'ttsh No: ton's lhrht nii-.g i-hangi . was one of t h.i main fiatuies; of the f-ve;:i;-.g, and !'.;: 1'.tii'.t liow'o l i ic ! e e -. PC : i-.-.e.'. i ng aopt-;.,.; .-ostititc.'.ei-.-i.iiaing mi a tell dress Shit t- Ihtit- of t heap til l.iiiit a.V ojT'i cer. ;p.i "!d ge:ul--::c-,ii, tin Irish washer woman, mi oh! maid and a period. Weaa-i.t !::', v ii . : i le-s ti a si de i.-py of I: i s s !.p-p I i ;,; ele t girl of t! . e or la vi; : i !T , a;id ! i g :!',, si. t:i v.-'.ei -' being bo-.v lie eh.anved hi; shoe-; a eel .-;t . p.-.cs. l-me-;--. n's ' pd t 'lojhes i.--ai-r" was - hopi y i -i : o-,e.-i;e! Jehu liar: m.i -de. -i i in i.-i hie i i i " M i st ,d -rii identity"' which sketch closed the. cv eni tig's i til i t unmeet." lit. rrnxi: daughter ..Mr. .1. I. Elanehard and unvd i.tst Saturd sy v. the ieo. V. i:h:-- I rom ! !1 I 'raoeis -o. M r. :.i.:i go n. oar ,i savs there is no place like re in d will h u e none of the dried up golden Stab- in Ids s hare. V'h-t; he a r l ia d at ! ho mo'.i! h of the Columbia . are! the beautiful green hi'tis and forests -t.v!-i d his sigiiigitid l is thougbis drifted back to tie' dried un regions which h li e! It-it a few days before, H seemed as if the very gates of Paradise wen 5 opining before him. lie i'.-in i ts n very rots ii u ip com ing P.p. an 1 lie bad some dollHS about the ;-,. oi'-es of maki-cr p ut. Cipt. Cimiior said it was tiie rouvrhesi trip he litid inad-t far tin: I . si I S years. I.Kt ri;p. E:--i'. The following is a. list 1 the It r remaining in the pes.. drier- at y, Clackamas county, Oregon, h. 1-77: Oregon C October - r-urollch f. S. I ildey, liird. Hess." M iss A. A. Hendee, ). S. 1 tend, e, )Uo S. Hendee. S. Hecrap, Marv Ik ::!!. Vrank. Noicit, a . a. I' -rty, U. M.-2. Pere.tii, Win. Perean, Will. It, Hoc. RoPert s. Mtirv J. Stout, .Mrs. A. .T. Kinnev. frs. A. C ineaid, Miss J,. iSlieppird, Rollin. e say when advertised If call or p J. M. F.ACOX, I'. M. P. i,km: -Ooi-p.r. -Recorder V hillock and hi right bower, tlie City Attorne been tiiitkiit: it Wt: or the evil ih O: Frank P.ernar 1, for assaulting P.illy .-. inner, was fined and not being able to put up, will languish in the Hotel do Clements for ten days. Thos. Kirhv, a hmgshorema 11 of Portland, v.-as tin Tues day for stealing : lot. of cigars, which was the cause of hisVemg fined and cos(s. He was an impecunious cuss, and will re side in tlie City Palace for la days, when he will probably lnnke tracks for foreign parts. Diko. The sad intelligence has been received of tho death Mr. Adam Weathcr ston.of this Walla Walla last week". Mr. Weatherston has been unwell for some tittle past, and about a month ago he sf nt tor his family to join him at Walla Walla. has en engaged with ing a 'mill. The Mr. J-. Milne in erec deceased was an honored and resoecb-d citizen, and his death i a severe loss to the community. He was buried at Walla Walla last Thursday. Tut- Sipkw.m.k a SrcPKss.The City Council lias appropriated ir-t:.) toward the construction of a sidewalk to thoeemotery, which, with the nmopnt subs.-rilied by citizen, will be sufficient to complete the work in a substantial manner. Tim lum ber, nails, etc.. will cost about ? loo. whi -h amount is covered by ihe appropriation and sub-cripiion, and it is pro'oos el to l.iy the walk with road work, which has been reserved tor that purpose. SKVKnn Loss. Mr. YV. 1. Nernion, liv ing on Ilock creek, in this county, had his I wheat stack destroyed and his thresher I considerably used no by tire a few days considerably used up by I ago. He undertook to clean up tlie. straw i around his wheat sta'k. af'er a sat.dit i hi-pr. with fire, thinking it would be a I iroo.l time. The r suit was a loss of about S2 worth ot wnear, ami me laresner. which was near the stack, was damaged to the tune of $"x more. ir.vm Clttino 23 Cents.-Mr. Hcnry Franz, the popular and skillful manipu lator of the razor for over fifteen years j nnt-. in our citv. informs us that he intends J i to keen in wit h tlm times, and will here- I after cut hair for 23 rents. Frank is one of! ; the best tonsorial artists in the State, and i : Bo nlwavs iloes ffoon worK. .mv one . . .i. .:. :.. ; wishing a clean jirivi r i: en u in rm i style will do well to give hmi a call. I 'Onii nifiniQl. I j "Yoii'me right.' Gone to IkiLat 1-kst.--The funeral services of Mrs. O. E. J. Tucker were held at the residence of the deceased's father, Mr. V.. J. Caldwell, and was numerously attended. The funeral sermon was de livered bv the lt 'V. D. P.. Gray. The sorrowing" husband and grief-stricken fa ther have the heartfelt sympathy of their mam- friends in this their hour of trial and "need. This is the second, and last, child Mr. Caldwell has buried in the past few months, and it would almost seem as if Le had more than his share of alMietion. lielicf WUiiout u Dotor. Tliongh we woalJ hy no means bo under sriod as lepr"cating, but rattier as recom- j isieniUiig prof.-sisiomil aid in disease, tlu-ro I iire multitudes of instances w hen it is neither neo-'ssary or eay to obtain. A family pro vie il i i i i a coniiTi iiaiisive household spe cif.o like liostf-tt'T's stomach Hitters, is pos s. ss"d of a medicinal resource adeipiMe to most enierc- neies in whicii medical advicu woaM l"' .t uervvise ie eimu. t nsit sterling t o! i ie a THl corr. ci i ' oi :o u; ii e.uvuifs, ;oiu is cut liori! al lveiy rccoiaiiicded for delii iiy. indigestion, llvr disorder, an irregular habit of body, urinary and uterine troubles, incipi ent rheumatism and gout, and many t tier ailments ot ireqt ent occurrenc'. Jt cr.idi cat'-s and prevents intermittent and r-init.-te;.t fevers, relieves mental despondency. checks pr matare uecav, ami tun nervous ami iniiseuiar i issues, si'-eii, u:re. t io-i joi.l a ppet if are j.romotcd Ij.v it, ami it is extremely useml in o ercon; ing the elfccts Of cxhau.C.ioii and cxiiosure. A ami tin Tceih. i littii I'rtigrar.t .SOZOlX'XT ir; a. composition of the jmr.'.st and chcicist ingreilieiit s of tho oriental vegetable Kingdom. Every ingre dient is well known to Imv" a beneficial effect on the teeth mid gains. Us embalming or antiseptic, property mid aromatic fragrance makes it a toilet- luxury. si),t)ii(iS'i re moves ail ibs:ere.M.!e odors trom U;e hrcal li 'aas--e. by c.i'airrli, bad teeth, iVo. It isen ; ;r l.v i ree fro.-.i i in-injurious find acrid prop erties of toot h pastes an l powders wliieh de stroy th enamel. One bottle hist six months. ctotisewl V4-S, .mi-itiioii. For 75 cents I wi-l send you a. receipt for matting a stitr rior art ;! of honey, at ;i cost of Scents p-T pound u fiexc.-Ued for (a hie use. Also for 7" cents a receipt for milking si better qua '.it y of soap, at ;i cost of one and a haf cents per pound tor soft., and three cents per oiitiM for hard. K.tieT the soap or lioney e.m !i" mate witlun tieeen n-.intites-by a cldll. Tlie saving made by a household in oneyear's t itti is inealcuia'.iie. Pot h r-'C-ipl s for $1 and and a tiifeec -nt postage st amp. "Address J.K., 77, .Mark--: st., :a:i i-'ranelsco, Cal. I'lo-.ii llin. W. n. Jiiiirs, of West Dover, "1 tiave l)-en troubled from my boyhood wii.h chronic or her .ahiary ltrng coiuplaiiit. Some yen rs si ace, early in t ho u niter, I took c aid, wh'e:; as usual s-. -tiled into a severe con -rii, -e.icn con: imi. 'il to increas" as the s -as'iii advanced, a It hough I made use of alt t he cough reined!.-.-; t had knowledg of. My famiiy physician also prescribed lor nc, but ! e.;.e;-i -neeii no r. -ief. Ilurhigali tills lime I was irra'iu-i !ly rmmin.-; ilo,vn, losing II- .m and s' i eieg ii, mil i my fri-aids r s we'd as my- I ,-.eft a-ae very untcii a! arne-d, t idnicing I j siioa il wash away m ( ousu mpi ion. While j in i;osOm, during l in' spring tohovrimr, I was I indue -0 to try Wistak's i'.ai.sam n' "im ( i ! :t: : v. -Mi er one nay 's t ri a I 1 was si-nsiole t it v. as reocymg in -: i.i ! -n v'.a.vs t ime my cough bad entirt iy e. a -.), and 1 was soon r.-sto.-c-.I to h--a'.th and stp.-ng; Si. I have ever s nee liej.r tie- l'-.i.s?-r in my :io-;s-. end w'u -ni-v r :m y m--ud r of my ianiil..- lias a cettgii or -old. it Is in: ne-d i.c ely r--sorted to. No l.iiitily should be without it." fc'-olu by till ihaigaisi s. Scllsiisli .a c a r. itay thr i'i:i::!":ei; ill SIR Oi I.eWS s s iinet idle : i-1 . p!a i ' t h t. i i isi-our.ig oh- sncc-e.-s. d everv Igh the col- e.'.n -r.s and n. : u r ou r I o your i r;i .re. i st to js;a ami l.iver it ni lii.o.v not fillip a I lout , you u Fji-nidie: moicy with but Now to gtv vou satitactory oi-oi,f that i iil.KA's AP:.i'.-,r l-'lfi'n'iiit will that iii:t.E. on of !i..sp ;. lit if, l lf -e:s ,iaend i.iver Comjaaint i -if .-such ;.s s,i,r stoii.ach. ad- !e-, 1 1 .' it i: a 1 i "os: i vtcss a 1 1 ; : t ion oi t he 1 1 : rt . ! I : rl rn, Wat r-bra.--!i, faihe-.s :d tie- pp of th' Srotmic!;, Velio-. s;::ti. i -lat -d 'l'-ai-'U', Coming u- of loo.l a :t a- eat ing. lo-v spirits. tv-., we as-.t you to go I to art 1 1 i ra! a I a nd :- ! a :-anpe- bot 1 I ' l a ; I s r i- i.ow tor l'i et.ts a tut c-guiar J -on. for 1-i cents, t so oose.s V I : i a! eiaali .0! 1 ! ; a !-.:-.-. 11 tor t -d st at s, a Id 'o r: : l'!(S Noda Tra in I i :.r ; I ac I,-: s! I'hop et the Vienn in ! h" v.-o.-id. aitg an r. Si rei t. s- an raacisoo. 'i" :ii' "la c!ii ie Was Worn Ou:. Not b-'c iur-e it. -,;is not well h;:iit, j is j-oii ,-iy run. 'l'hoipa ads of men : -' run liowti loaii- before tie.-'.r thr--. We. ii .v i 1 '. s-f. .r a let t 11 --a rs a r - a ;-co-i il i ste u, t,iight. t h-ie !.- .ai l-i-e.ew 'il info spright iine.-;s ami i von if tie y h ad tr d th weil kiovn PKKC- ; V1.X Sim: CP, winch citUaias among its com- ! pounds ;!e I'rit oxide of Iron, so com bun 'il i i! a ss, ni 1 iai es u it h Use tdood :md inviu or.ifes tie- whu'e- system. This syrup has pr. i e.'ii icieoii.s in t hou .'. rids of eases, and v.-id do everybody good v. ho u 3. '3 it. -Ml limggiits keep i. V OA 1 1 IX .-:;o ;r suii Tin.: ironi t he orn rs ana mmscr early d a r ; ? : IiAi:; iioii o; youth. ti'Tvutis w "a iiiiess, a v, los (Ci in. 1 nhood, vc., I v. ilisend ! ' that, will cur-' you, I-'UK.'-: O!-' i ilk Tl'is er -at r'tm-ilv was discovered bv a missionary in South America. Send a - i: -eidr s - d envelop- to t h !iKV. T.JosKi'if I.v.-ia.v, ,V'.;.'!',i J). J'.ihh; lions'; A'cic JvV, iu.vl7-l . .'illi lit t roi-!laiicl ?Iariiel. T.'-gal t mda-s 01 buying. f. selling. l-'iour Kxfra. iii 7-" ; superfine, to o". Wh-v.t S-i i 1 V c.-ntab Oats aie.'a.75c. iaishej. I-ariey SI al ;iC' !ltilb bacon Sides 12c. ; hams, VIQlo: shoulders, S .'.. I.-ird In kegs, lite. : in bill, this, 1 lc. l.utP-r Kie.ii roll, 'Z '!.:)) e, fruits iiried app! -s in sacks, (ic. ; keg':, 7; plums, phicss, 1 )ejigc. ; iieacacs, He; j.rmies. 17c. 1 .g's- t; 1". P-ip-k'-ns- Full grown. s:5 a'b?,?l 01 t"l do7en. 1 lid 's Irv, lac.-, sailed. Go.; culls, M otr.Ji Tallow tie. 1 l. Wo al gj:.v-lc. Feed bran. sisfJO ton ; shorts, STTSSIO; oil cake. $!ii nil. Hay Ba!"d, SlittlZ 5 ton ; loose, ?10,-i.C1J. I'otiitoes l.Vifcoi'e. V t'USiiel. (edons lP.-il V, lb. Mutton Sltepp r.'s,?-' 50. i-ftroii C'ifj- larlie. Wheat 51 10 Ousnei. Oats aP'.i, Vc. bushel. I'otato 's ')!. -.1 tmsiiel. O'lions si 5 1 Iiushet. !'!fiiir-sl 75 ? sack or ?7 00 v bbb Dried I-'ruirs Apples, tie. V If'. : plums. He. I' -r -" .i! e. V lt. Kggs-.';ik. V dozen. Ouick'ms ', st 00 ? dozen. Bacon sides, l.'c. ".1 IL. ; hams 11c. bard 1J -I !c -. 1!. 1 ! a v 1 1 -.' V t on. Wool giillc. . lb. CIi.Vtiv.VM.VS COVXTY OIHICt. TOIi V. TPP.MS OK COPKT. Cirruit Court Fourth Monday in April and th" Fourih Monday in Sr-ptenilKT. L' .'itii-t First Mondays in January, April. July and Si.ptonibr. Count it Stiit Ori'L'nn City. Cuii.itii t ultrrr 'm nt v Jndire, X. AV. Ran dall: Countv Clerk, W. II. II. Fonts; Sheriff, .1. 'i'. Apperson : Treasurer, .1. P, Ward : School Sttnerintend -nt, .1. . S diwood : Assessor, M. l;jiinoy : Coroner. . Kin -rut : surveyor, S. I.. I ampli. il -. Commissioners, Jacob Bauer and '. 11. Roork. i.ivk nrsiNrss axd proffssioxa mfv. .'oc.'cr? Johnson & McCoan, b. T. Rtirin, and K. 1 Knsili.-im. Jttictiir.t W. X. Davis, Paul Royce, ncd C. Iviii-rh! , ' "a n bv. l''ittit J. Welch. Jtnrt.iivtx Ward it Harding. Mi rrli'int.i Thos. Charman, dry goods and jrroceri.-s; Ackerinan Bros., u"ry roods nd uroc ri'-s : I. Sellintr, dry ir,Ms jmj irr'iceries ; A. I-vy, dry goo-is and lirocerics ; Fellows Sc Harding, cr ri -s: T. A. Bacon, groceries.'i-t'llxr House, .Wr S'l'o'ni Chris. Zauncr, at the depot. Sfuf mnh' -f J. II. Sliepanl. Jn;-I,TW. H. Ili-hli-lil. H' iK runt Xtntioiif rif J. M. Bacon, post office. I'louriii'i Mill Miller and Church. llrt u rr,, Ilimili d .t Madder. Ci'jur 1'm tor.i lii-n. Fuchs. Aii-n a- S'lildlrs John Schram. fin if Mi'li S. A. I'roughton, city ; J. II. Jotp-s, Cedar Creek. J.i'-rriy Sl'l'jleK. R. Clements. SSDfJSY DELL, ATTORNEY AXD CGl'XSElflR AT LAW, Portland, Oregon. Office Second floor buildinp, on First street. Strowbridpe-s new Eept27-im. COURTESY CF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, P. WARD. GEORGE A. HARDING. WAED & HARDING, ? MID AFOTHEGARIES, ITT" EEP COXSTAXTIA OX HAND A GEX .SkVeral assortment of TDiuiLTrt and Cliomicalr?, PfrfiimtTy, Soans, ( limits and ili-cislies, , Trusses, Supporters, S!oul:!or Urates i-aiu'j- nil Toilet Articles ALSO Kt'i-o:.;-iie Oil, l.u io o CikillliK ) , CJiass. I'nJSy, X'isiitts, Oils. Viiriijulios n:l IJye StufTs, PURE WINES AND Liai'GRS FOR 3IELICINAL PlIIPcSlS. PATENT 3IEDIC2NES, ETC., ETC Physicians' Trescrii ions carefully com pounded, and all orders correctly answered. r- Iperi at all hours of the- night. lt"Ail accounts must le paiil ic.onttily. novl.lSTOtf WAHOct iiAltDIXG. SAW flILL II. JONES HAS GOT HIS SAW )t!l,h in running order on Cedar ( 'reek, 1J Tr m inii-'s from Orcgoi City, and is prepared, to furnish CEDAR LUMBER, Of any kind, undressed, to all who may favor him wit ii a call, Aditr -ss, ,1. it. Jones, Vtinso's Toint, Clacka mas t 'ount v, )regoti April I "., is77-iim J O H M S C S-2 R A m , ?5t;iiii Hi., Orosron Ci.v. .IIANLFACTI R Ell AND Hi POUTER OF ,"'-'?7' S:iilitles. Startle, -, ' .Suii-iiery-Ibji-tl- g.J'!?.-'' iai if, i-ii' e l . f,--:-A STlIiClI HE OKFEllS AS CHEAP Asj V V can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. li-""l warrant mv good.s as represented. J HIN tsl'iliiA.;!, o-iddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, Xov. 1, ls;0-tf. o n k a o y cit y, o n b a o a li ' o p i i e 1 o v. Tr!iiti'iU Boanl, tjl to 5g pci 1J... N i . s ;j i e 1 ( ; " s 1 1-11 i -i. .;:;a;d y.i'i- Week OO i; . isitil iedgtije-, - ui'l ii "Hi liO The Ta'de will be supplied with the best the inaritet atrords. i'.all Suppers furnished on short notice, ami at. reasonable terms. Nov. la. Is7 :l f Lj-awCiia 1 Jul) I.VFOKM THE CITIZENS OK oreirmi City raid vicinity that he is prc- par -d to lurtiisii OI everv icriptioTi, at low rates. A-MI U A L v ALSO, Hrj Id nm i 11 g, Cciibrig, li:is5-, S;i!-.i-v, (for sh('lvimr) , ' t ice, I'i-.-K-.r! s, uii'5 I-''ijt-c-lsli, Cedar, Coitx'iinthi vii. Land. SI reef and Sidewalk lutn her furnished on th 1 shortest notice, tit as low rates as it can he purchase,' jn the Spite. l. iive mi' a 1 i at t h" ' !CJd ; A" T V SA ir Mil. r.s. Oregon City, June pit lS7":if ';i)U Mm Viiilfr," tei'rJy cf Cr.-?o!i lily Eaai.t.i .J Dkapprs in I J-.'ior FUd- t it w : i v W ci l." 5- jr j "Johhhig of all kinds promptly attended lebl lS77-tf. to. TO mm IT iAY OGHGERN TM'-iNU DMSlROVS :P ADOPTIXO . i new rule of business, I would request those imb'fted to me to come and Pay Up Immediately, i And save inconvenience and expense, as I have determined to collect what is due rue. 1 1 li.-ivr r. iliiivi! tlv prices on Goods greatl and can assure all that I can give Bargains to Gash 3 uycr- Coino and see for vou: own satlsfactloc. A. LEVY. LIVERY, FEED, AfiD SALE O rruirc itx nEiisiuxri) PKOPinrrroit ot L theliyery Stable on Fifth street, Oregon City. Oregon, keeps constantly on hand UiiTglcs, Caii-ia 'es mi'J Hacks. PUitldie mill I5u;rjrj- IJovsps. T'T'iccss TvOfiHOMiiblo n, O. CLEMEi"aTS, Oregfin City, Xov. 5, 1873. Proprietor. G R S . Z A U H E R , DEPOT 8ALOON, Opposite the Railroad Depot, 77" EKPSTIIfi nKST BEKfl AM) CIO MIS in tho City. Oive him a call. Jy-Vtf. tT k ai tut At The LINCOLN BAKERY, IKAI.F.ltS IX , . , r. . . ! FIRST CLASS GEOCLMLS & PROMSIOXS, i IRODrC K TAKEN I-ROM FARMERS IN exchane lor Groceries. SELECT fcTEAS, COFFEF Af;D SPICES. A splendid assort nu nt of I Frcs'i Crackers and Cheese. k DOMESTIC Fi.l lTS. ' .Aim a mil wirivi) 01 jio-)JS usually KPpt in a I first-c!ass Orocery sttire. I We invite thr. citizens of Orepon Citv, Cnne j mail and vicinity to pive us a call, and'if Ed. I don't pive '.on as many and as pood a. qua'ity j of foods for y-nir money as you can obtain elsewhere, he will leave town. ! ttWe deliver Ooods to all parts of the Citv and Canemah tree of cfi.irpe. Orepon City, March 1. lS77-tf. N. N. N. HEW STOSE AND NEW GOODS, Af HEW ERA. f 1 Irv 1 : Ct tc f nii i i r. f T. .i s.-1, j Wooden Ware, Drupsand MeUcines,ch.ap for j cash or produce. J. CASTO. j. 111 H Ml &f' wm-c-ct. -tsiS im -mi AS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING- MACHINE. Its competitors receiving cn!y an award for some special feature of their machines. le feifa-reiisiM lite Mte.Mi MacMi "Has Unlimited Capacity to do all kinds of Family Ecwing and Manuficturlng, ITS PATENT AUTOMATIC "CUT 0IT?' en the Itaiia wheel prorccts the ma cliiuc from riinniiis' JjackTrartT:-, a:il bvia!es tlie nocpssity of talihig-the work from tke innc-hinc io vhnl tI:ro:itl oil the Jo!i!h:s, Thich must ho done Y.'ilh all cibcr Sewing Machines, to the frroat annoyance of the operator, especially iu tuckin?, licmming v.n-l runiintr. It docs eac-third utore work in a givta leugtli cf time than any ether Seuinr? inaehir.c. WITH EVERY MOTION of the FOOT the JIACnirfE MAKES SIX STITCHES. fej Wihn tv&m fill ii n much work a m day a fsn? ctb? Maa It requires no special instructiaus to use it ; an Illustrated Direction Book is furnished with each machine. IT CANNOT GET OUT OF CRDf-R, AT.'D THE ADJUSTMENTS ARE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. A properly executed Ccrlilicate h ftii'in'shed with each machine, guaranteeing to keep it in repair, free of charge, for live years. Machines sold on easy terms of payment, an J delivered, free cf charge, at any Railroad Depot in the United States where we have no Agents. Scud for Illustrated. Catalogs. Agsnts Wanted. For full particulars address "WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 327 Broadway, NEW YOLS; l.ETT LA.; CHICAGO, ILL.j or SAE FEA5TCISC0, CAL. t ' til ii. i. k' Hiji3. S $J kit -t'K IIAVK THi: FOLLOWING HEAL Kstiiti" lor sal--. No. I. IJ.'siriiljl-1 liuiMin? block in Oregon City. No. "J. l A.-rt-s, (i,l lions-, and burn full of liay; X sior;-s in eiiliivatkm, orcliard, piMiil v:iU-r: l" i:i il-s lroiu Orciion l.'ity. l'rici- .',(),), halt Io-n. No. ID" a.-n-s of S. S. White's tlon:ition i-laiin, 2,'i !i)il-s from Orofu l.'ity ; -jH). No. I. :(Jts :icr--s, 2 mii'.'S from G-;ih:i!irs li-rry on t!ii- 'i!l.Uii'lt; rivrr, l;icr;-s i:i cultiva t ion, l'i af.-ri-s in an orc-hanl ol choici- vurir ties of Iruit, acres in wln-at, l.; acres uinli-r f.-nc-'-, !X- oii lions -, barn and rim-w;it'-r, 12 miles from orcon City, l'rii '- $i,2')0, part down balance u tini'. No. :m iicn-s: 7 improvi d, a lart-, n".'', well llnishcd trains dwollisi-r, plum and apple orchard, living water, IS acies of fall wheat. 0 miles from Oregon City, on Molalla ro.-ul, church and school lions" adjiinin ; can b" had lor $1,2j'J, oi;e-t bird clovvn, ba lance on time. No. t. 201 acres IU miles cast of Oregon City, 1 'v miles from iola -;rist and saw mill and postoliic ; :V acres in cultivation, lKi jit-res und.'r l.'iic-, icood irame lions" l;i.:l "!' Itx22, -J acres in Iruit trees half down. No. 7. IO acres nt Mdwaukio; dam. I "rice. $ i .WO. . Price f l,rit, part he-, kt No. 6. :-"t) acres ( n miles oast of Orffioti ' ;'. y, 7 miieslrom Marshtield st.jt ion ; 75 a. r s:n cuit ival ion, " Hi acres of level bottom 'il. ;fo-l box house a ml frame barn, -rood ru:: niiifr water tor stock, jiooU stock r.-;n-h, 'iW l-carin.u fruit trees, i'rice t- 1,2'K. ill sell stock and crops to jmrcliaser if he U. f-ires. No. !'. ltli) acres li m lies east of I irejron City ; ; acres in cultivation, 5 acres in orchard, pond I.ousf and barn, remaining iuml easily clear, d. Trice J2,r!0, ha 1 down. No. IU. I.r;i acres, Tnro or less, 11 miles from Orejron City, P!'.-. miles to Portland, 2 acres in cu II ivat ion, i;0 more easily cli areil, all under fence, pood iiousr1, pood la nil and plenty of water, .schoo' house and church 1 mile away, !) month hool in year. Terms easy, f 1, 2). No." II. 1"I or 1" acres oif ofthf: north of the J-'ra m's claim, 4 miles from Orepon City, open brush land, all easily cleared, livinp water, pood mill power, at $10 jut hit;.' , terms easy. No., 12. Jacob Johnson's homestead, near cn-pon v. .iy : acres. No. l'i. 'I he former residence of V. W. Buck i cultivation, and six lots: ?2,")tw. No. U. Harvey May's block, ai! i:i villi house and larn -, jS-.H. Xo. 1.1. J.P.Allison's farm, 22t s, 7-5 in cultivation, :i in orchard, pood farm house, barn and out buildinps; ."flltw, half down. No. lt. Hi1! acres, Hat meadow land, ! miles from Or--poii City, si) acres in cultivation, pood house and barn, orchard, runuiup water, price J.jiKW. No. 17. 171 acres, K miles S of Orepon City, 40 acres in cultivation, 4 acres orchard, 10 tons old hay, lop house, 2 barns, pood wa ter, team, wapon anil harness, cow and calf, all farming implements, house-hold furniture: price sltioo, 1 .'(Hi down. No. 18. 2ou acres, all under lei-.ce, 12 miles miles from Orepon City, W in cultivation, S in orchard, pood house and barn ; price $21 1,)0. No. HI. Orin Cuttinp farm, 3iX) acres, 120 in cultivation, jo more ready to plow, pood house and barn, 10 acres in orchard ; price S(50.'K. A'so Hi.) acres, 2" in cultivation, no house or barniO acres easily cleared ; $1000. Other desirable barpains in Clackamas, tho best, county in the tState. Any one having money to lend can have our services, tree of charpe. In mnnaping the same and selecting securities. Persons wantinp to borrow money can get favorable terms by callinpon us. .lOHXSOX .Si JIit DWX, ami JOHNSON, HcfOAVN & JIAOim. Ollices in Orepon City and Portland. Nov. 12. 175 :tf ( f X "II -reat chance to make money. IT V F SJ 1 '.If you can't pet pold you can pet preen backs. We need a person in everv town to take subscriptions for the larpest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publica tion in the world. Any one can become a suc cessful apent. The most elepant works of art. piven free to subscribes. The price Is s low t hat almost everybody subscrilx-s. One api-nt reports ma kinp over SIM in a week. ladv apent, r--ports takinp over 4'i! subscribers in en days. All who eiiirap '" make money last. You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. Von need not b" away trom home over nipht. You can do it a; well as hers. Full particulars, directions nnd terms free. Elegant and expensive Hit fit free. If you vn n t prrn'it a b'e u ork send us our address sit once. It costs not hinp to try the business. No one who eti-r.-ipes fails to preat pay. Address "Tin- People's Journal," Portland, Maine. AGENTS. The following named pent lemen will receive subscriptions and advertisements for the r NTKRPKISK : Portland Astoria New Era Norton C: J. R. ioldsmlt h W. E. Dement Dr. J. Casio int. Z. '. Norton !, 1.'. ....,- I line Wilson Mo tal la Maxwell Itamsby.Jr Pleasant Hill J. E, Mel onnell Oswepo ;. V. Pros r Damascus J-Chit wood Eaplc Crek 'k,' FATttfiNiZE HOME INDUSTRY! GEOIIGE FUCHS, DEALER IK Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Etc, AT BARLOW'S OLD STAND. XII WE NOW ItKADY FOR SAEE A FINE lot of Havana and Seed Cipars, of my own manufacture, bv the wholesale or retail, at prices to suit th times. I will puarantee a first class article, as pood as enn be found in the citv, "manufactured by white labor. Cilve me a call and judpe for yourself. tiEO. FUCHS. Oregon City, May 17, 1377-tf. . I0MIZE ! SRANO PRIZE il CEMTEHHIAL EXPOSITION 1676. ent, Gregcn City. GHARAN 8 K ft tr m - i ESTABLISHED 185i. nsiUES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS OK Or.-iron Citv and of the Willamette Val ley, that, ne is still on hand and doing 1 usi liess on the old motto, that .1 SVimble Six J'cnct is liciter than a Slow SJiiUiny I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the USSLST AliO ELST StLtCTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city; and consist in piirt , as follows : Fools and Shoes, Clothing:, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Oils, Taints and Sash and Doors," Cbinaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platcdware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No 1 Cope, Farm i up tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Jlaftinps, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, .etc. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the 'IOHT COMPLETE ever ottered in this market, nnd was seletrd wit 1: especial care for the Orepon City trade.AU of which I now offer lor sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for tiie ladies, or any one else, to think of poinp to Portland to buy poods for I am lirterminctl to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself to bu n'DERSOLD l. TIIE STATE CF OREGOX. All I ask is a fair chance and quick' pay ments, believinp as 1 do that Tvrcntj- Years Experience in Orepon City enat.ies me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see lor yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHAKMAX cannot lie beaten in quality or price. It would y useless for me to tell you alltheadvantapes I can otter you in the sale ot poods, as every store that advertises dof that, and probably you have been disappointed. All I wish to say is Couip, and St ?, am! Examine for Yourselves, for Ido not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old Jriends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell poods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as apreed upon. Tbankiiip all for the liberal patronape hereto fore bestowed. THOS. CIIAUMAN, Main Street, Orepon City. Eepal 'fenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THOS. CIIAUMAN, , tt"t,ioti lbs wool wanted by nov. 1. "75-tf THOS. CHARMAN. NEWSPAPER UW. The foilowinp is the law as it stands. In reference to newspapers and subscribers : Sec. 1. Subscribers who do not. pive express notice to the contrarv, are considered wishin; to (-niitiiiu" their subscription. Sec. "J. If subscribers order the disconttn nnee of their periodicals, the oublishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. Si-c. ft. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office to which IlK-v are directed, they are held responsiblo until they have swtlcd their bills and ordered them discontinued. Sec. 4. If subscribers move to other places without inlormin-r the publishers, and the pnp'-rs are sent tothe former direction, they are held resiortsib:e. s c r. The Courts have decided that re fusinp to take periodicals from the office, or removin-z and b-avinp them uncalled for, is 1 rima facia evidence of intentional fraud." Sec. !. Any person who has received a news paper and makes ipie of it, whether he has ord red it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. Con l)e Cured ly Dr. Bond's System. No Knife. Positively Ko Caustics. Absolutely No Pain. Remedies sfnt to any part of the world. Pamphlets and particulors free. a 11 on or address Dr. H. T. BOND. 859 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, l'a. ' April 12, I77-ly. ' I