Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1877)
3ijc (gntcqjvlec. 0REG3. CilT, TiimSIMV, tiCT. i, Judging Others. The Oregon City IZstk: :ri:isn:,ft JIitc!t ell jjSaper.preteiiiU to gice artvii-o against any attempt to "set up" things lor nuy particular man. This is to bo the game nil round with thosu who are .ictually setting things up. No Immpkin can lay that on the people o Clackamas. Oregouiaa. When rncn are venal au! corrupt themselves, tlsey generally suspect oth ers. Our artiela to which the above refers had no reference to any particu lar person or persons, anil none but the moat vicious and depraved in the pool of corruptioTi would have taken it in uny other light than a timely warning against improper meaua being used by those who may feel inclined to tamper with the will of the people. When the Ore'joni ui designates the ExTt:u:M:i.H!; as a Mitchell paper, it asserts that which is false. It ia neither vditeheli's, Heolfs nor any other man's organ. It is He publican in principle arid works for the success of tlio party, irropeeMvo of individual preferences. J3:it it is not of tho class of K n bli can papers to which the Orcjou-iia belongs. Its editor and proprietor has r.owr had a Federal oiueo ftud been removed for just aud proper causes. lie has no personal malice to gratify any leading llepublioan, and is as ready to support ono as he is tho other, so long as such HepuMican is tho choice of a majority of the Re publican voters. This is our condition. But how is it with the Orcjoi-lun man who intimates that we are engaged in "setting up" delegations and conven tions in the interest of Senator Aliteh cll ? He is a decapitated autocrat from tho party, and has plainly intimated, if not positively assorted, .that unless he and his clique are allowed to dictate to Republicans of Oregon who are to re ceive office and position, he will heir and go with the opponents. His Republi canism is purely of a personal character, jind his success dowends son l.v on his ability to "f-et up" the conventions, lie J is a chronic corruptiouist, Rokoinian and demagogue. Ilo assume:; the vir tues of a saint, while '.viLhin he is full of corruption and Irec-ption. lie sees all his own evil character in those who are Lis superiors in evcrr walk of life, and is willing to bend the en pliant knee to the power which will give him place, lie is a creature for an owner only. Not content with having brought dis grace and dishonor on the party he pro fesses to support, ho now, unless it will submit to his ambitions, works to de stroy it. lie knows no higher honor than to gratify his personal revenge on those whose blave ho was until they found him to be an inrato as well as a knave, and igncminiously kicked him out. This is a partial picture of the creat moral and I u, test editor of the .j Orcnonhta. We might give him more "but for tho present thh; will sufliee. Instead of ur, attempting to mis", cad or betray anv one, this "bumpkin" of tho Or"jo,tiit is playing the very game against which we protested, and is try ing to defraud the peoplo their wishes and thus bring defeat upon the party. Wo have counseled peace and har mony among the Republican papers. 0 Wo still desire it, but we are not the slave of any party or man to submit to such wanton aud uncalled for insinua tions as contained in tho above extract. Wo wish the success of the Republican party and to that cud we propose to labor, but we do net think it advisable nor prudent for the Republicans of Oregon to follow tho lead of a man who has openly avowed his determination to support tho Democracy if he does not get his own way. Yvre want the Repub licans to honestly and fairly place their men iu the Held, and be they Jliichell or anti-Mitchell men, or any other men, if they aro the honest choice of the 2arty, wo will give them our support. Will the "bumpkin" head of tho Ore gouiaa pledge himself in the same cause? Kot by any means. Unless he succeeds in his personal crusade against certain jnembcrs of the party, he has declared tLat he will go over to the opponents rather than that they should be success ful. While wo have never mamaieu a i reference for any man or set of men, as long as they were good smd trust worthy Republicans, the above insinua tion comes with a bad grace from one who has declared that if he cannot rule the party he will cause its 1 nia. We aro ready to csteed the hand of fellow ship to even this political prostitute if he will honestly and like a true Repub lican support the party and its, be thev his friends or his foes. But wo are not willicar to allow such as him to dictate to the party what it must do to gain his pleasure. Even defeat would be preferable to a dishonest surrender to such a man. lie would soon bring ruin and disgrace upon the party. Allowing for the absence of Senator Morton (counting Senator David Davis, who has been placed on the standing committees of the Senate as a Republi can), the United States Senate when it moots nest month will contain thirry nine Republicans and thirty-three Dem ocrats. If Senator Morton should die and his place be tilled by a Democrat, tho three contested seats from Louisiana and South Carolina bo given to the Democrats and Senator Patterson be iept at home by the Stato prosecution, the Republicans will have one majority. Tho Dalles Monntaute-'r has started out on its eighteenth year, full of life uud vigor. Crops Damaged. We learn that there is a vast proper tiou of the late sov.u grain in all the valley counties but more notably from Marion aud Polk south that is shrivel ed by rust and unfit for bread uses. It is calculated this calamity will deduct at least a million bushels from the mer chantable yield cf the va'Iey. Ware house men idiould bestow t-xira care in assorting grain, for a little of the shriv eled, mixed with the good will cause tho rejection of the whole lot; po far, but little has been brought to tins mar ket, and we do not think the farmers of Clackamas will bo sufferers near in pro portion to those in the counties south of us. The protracted ruins of tho last ten days have also been instrumental in destroying the little remainder of the harvest vet idauding in tho Held or in shocks, entailing a loss ct J..:0,WO or.-.u-cls to tSie valley. Astoria :;!rkds. Tudor this headinrr tho As'or'utn has a standing item, as follows: Wheat rdlord or wheat in store at As toria is always :it par with wheat olioat or in store at San Francisco. We are authorized by a responsible parlv to cay that if Pro. Ireland will enlist a few of tho monicd men of the Cit v by tho Be:; to make this proposition coo l, on a r-hio load of. say fifteen hun dred tons, that he will pay them the comfortable little fortune of two thou sand dollars, ipid coin. Wo shall ex-l-ect to have a favorable response, bat if not Mayor Ii eland, please take down the "i'auming lie;"' tho proposition we make is r.o idle one, and two thousand dollars will fall into the lap of Astoria unless you lapse from coming to time. Time! L'p to tho present writing the chance. of war have been decidedly on the slue of the much abused Turk. The Rus sians seem to have been checkmated in every strategic move undertaken, a:.d for one we are not sorry for it. We be-lk-ve tho Turk is not as great a barbar ian or as iigoted u zealot as his Hr.s- f-ian oi-,)onent, and anv attempt to enlist our 'symj-athics on account of the presumed or attributed re ligious tipijeet of the contest falls to tho ground when wo remember that tho Russian bear has almost wholly t-Siin- guishod by bitter persecution the relig ious belief of it-- captured Polish sub jects, and that the Servian and Bulgar ian, like the brigand Greeks, have more of the "barbarian, and outlaw in their composition than any characteristics pertaining to Christians. It is simply a war for conquest of territory, and has nothing of a religions crusade about it, and feeling in that way concerning it, as the Russian was the aggressor, wo shall be much pleased to see him driven back across the Danube, and thoroughly thrashed in tho bargain. The -Tew Oilcans True declares that when Northern Democratic Conventions pass resolutions against subsidies, and especially against thc:-e which cover grants of internal improvements in the South, the Northern Democrats might as well understand that their candidates for the Speakership will be opposed by a solid South. Pnrthermore, tho meas ures of States whose conventions have adopted such resolutions will encounter the earne antagonism. This begins ihc breach in the Democracy. Northern Democrats aro only playing their old game, using tho political strength of the South to abstract chestnuts from the fire. Tho South says, We want the aid of the government in making need ed improvements. The Northern Dem ocrats declare, as a party utterance, that such aid must not be extended. At the same time it wards tho alliance of the people whom it snubs to oppose the workings of a Republican administration which has done more for tho South in six months than tie Northern Democrats ever cared to do. It is a pretty phase cf affairs and worth a long study. Captains and others iu charge of steam boats will do well to study carefully the following law enacted by the last Leg islature: Be it enacted by the Legislative As sembiy of tho State of Oregon: SrxTiox 1. It' any person or persons in control or management of a steamboat or other water cru it, shall wilfully or negligently so conduct or manage s;;id steamboat as to injure the property of another, thereby endangering human life, such person, upon conviction there of, shall be xunished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one and not exceeding five years, or by line of not less than five hundred arid not exceeding one thousand dollars, or both. A law proscribing damages in three times the amount actually committed, was enacted under the same conditions as above. A thorough knowledge of i-iu.i.-. ir.i x-t. Lue i.ik v. ill UOUhtlOSS lr.nke collisions much less likely among the numerous water cratt plying on cut waters. " -J The war in Lurope has bv its fluctu ating character proven a very cood barometer of the wheat market. If the Russians are victorious, wheat advances if the Turks win the victory, wheat re cedes. This is occasioned by the nerv ous state of English feeling over the subject, and illustrate.-, the traditional hankering for the same prize the Rus sians have an eye upon. Whenever Constantinople is in dan ger or threatened by Russian successes, the war feeling advances breadstnhs' and vice versa. Whenever Constanti nople is to bo given away, old Mother Britannia will bo there to see, and will undoubtedly appropriate it herself; and she therefore keeps a virrilant lookout oyer her bread basket, counting the huenhoou of her own embroilment in the frav. Telegraphic News. V.aster n. Chicago. Sept. 27. The TrlLyne' St. Paul special says: Tho Republican State Convention to-day ucreserveody approved the President's southern ami civil service policies; favored early re- sumr-tiou of specie payments and tho remonet Nation of silver; pledged sub mission to the popular vote of every proposition entertained for the payment of state railway bends and promises of a.-Mstance to. grasshopper sulterers. Gov. Piilsbnry, Lieut. Gov. Wakefield, Secretary of State Irgens and Treasurer Pfaondcr were renominated by acclama tion. Attorney General Wilson was re nominated for the third and Commis sioner Marshall for the second term. Gov. Piik-dmry, in a speech accepting the nomination recognized a difference of opinion in the party, but for himself he heartily approved the course of the national administration. CxiK-.vcJ, Sept. 2'J. Telegrams from Fort Benton, Montana, say the Nez Perccs attacked the ritie pits at Corr Island a sundown on the 15.1 iust., making seven charges and fighting un til ten o'clock the next morning, when they left, probably for Milk River. Sunday night they burned a freight pile containing three tons oi iioveru meut and t wenty tons of private freight. Welmor and Walker were wounded serion.-dv in the fielit. It is believed the hostiles are nuking their way to the British possessions. Wasjuxotos, Sept. 00. OfSeea es tablished Drew's valley, Rake countv, Oregon, J. II. Phelps", P. M. Post masters appointed Martha A. Baron, Baron, Jackson county, Oregon; Pttcr Morgan, Kilehis. Tillamook county, Oregon; Andrew McAlIen. La!:e View, Rake county, Oregon; J. P. Shuck, Monitor, Marion county, Oregon; Geo. Gelbnch, Tumwater, Thurston countv, W. T. Wakjiix.v-'on, Oct. 1. The statement of tho public debt shows a decrease during the month of September of ;;). Kkl,o2'.; decrease since June, 8,570, fGS. Total debt, less cash in the treas ury, $2,051 ,57,ii5-l. N i:v Yohk. Oct. 1. Tho committee cf fifty appointed Saturday at a meeting of prominent Republicans in the Union League Cinb. met to-nhrht to arrang e for calling v. mass mot-ting to indorse President Haves' administration, 'ud to P. he measures on tho recent ativii of tin: Republic .m St;Ue Convention at Rochester. The following call was i..--nod : Republicans and all others of the city of New Yark who approve the adminis tration of President Hayes in tho effort to promote permanent union and har mony of the whole country, nr.d to re store every branch of the civil service to its c.irlv ef'leieiie- ;:nd purity, fid who feel that the action of the late Re publican Ft -ate Convention has placed the Republican party and people of the State iu a position toward the Piei. lent aud his administration at once faho end ii-jurions, are roqne-rted to meet in Cooper Institute Oct. 10th, at 8 p. m. Judge. Noah Davis preside. 1 used let ters were read trom many prominent Republicans, signifying an intention -f being present. Geo. W. Curtis, Joseph Choate a;:d Gen. Dix were invited to address the- ma-.s met ting. Tho ';: !, introducing an interview with prominent Republicans, says the action of the conveidiou at ip, choker in placing the' Republican party of this State in antagonism to tho Southern policy .and civil sevvico order of the ad ministration, 'looms Jo have res tilled in vitalising the slumbering legions of the President's friends in tiai city, and in calling around hini it compact and in i'ueutial party. H'erei'vn. CeK-A;;o, Oct. 2. Tho Tun,: London special .'-ay.-; she act ton of tho Porte in sending Babi Ba::onks to The---a'y is having an iu il.imatory effect, and Greece is certain, p-.xui:;? or later, to bo driven into (he war. Servian intervention i.- only a question of time. Tho uneasi ness and sgitation in Hungary is almost sure to result in .action which will em broil the Anstro-Hungarian government with Rassia. Germany is much ex cited over Turkish atrocities, and the entire futility of i (presentations mad-.: in the past. Tho opinion is gaining ground that if diplomacy cannot end the war this fall, it will be almost .sure to include all Europe. The impression is gaining ground that diplomacy' is powerless and that England is doomed to a final participation in the conflict. London", Oct. 1. Another week shows but little eharere at the scat of war. As the capture of Richmond was indispensable la the collapse of the re bellion, so the capture of Plevna ap pear to be indispensable to the success of tho Russian cvmiain, while tho Russian oiiict-rs who stubbornly main tain its siege arc confident that i", will fall into their hands. The better opin ion is that this result must follow from Turkish weakness rather than from Russian strength. There are many in dications that the Sultan lias already put forth liis supreme effort and has nothing further in reserve, and yet his three armies are not aide to take tho ofiensive at the same time and so crush the invader, and that t he Turkish plan of tho campaign has utterly failed of execution and it ; hour of success is now believed to have passed. Bulgaria is utterly exhausted of army supplies. This is clearly disclosed by tho retreat of Mehernet AH beyond Black Lacvs for want -f supplies. If this be his condition, notwithstanding his nearness to tho great depots of Shumhi and Rutschnk and liis condi tion at Yarba and Danube railroad, Sulemao and Osrua Pasha must be in still worse straits. Russia grasps the situation and will hold to its present military positions in expectation of a sudden collapse of an enemy whose military resources are already so strain ed that the catstrophe looked for may occur at any moment. Pacific Coast. San En.vxcisco, Oct. 1. It has been ascertained that a society of Chinamen exist iu the city formed for the'phrpose of carrying on larceny and burglary. Each member pays an initiation fee of 25. The president and officers en gage to stand by the members if in volved in trouble, and to furnish them with counsel and witnesses if arrested and brought to trial. At a meeting of the Academy of Sci ences this evening it was stated that iu the vicinity of Bodego the potato crop is being ruined to tho extent of "thous and of tons by rot aud worms. Samples of the worms were offered for examina tion, also specimens of potatoes affect ed by blight, which is said to be identi cal w it'i the familiar rot of Ireland and the Eastern States. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RTTRKTrT T7V C A T.TTTT1PMT A State IVevrs. Tho Dallas Ilcmizer has resumed pub lication. Tho Hillsboro fair was a decided fail ure this yc-ar. S. Geiger was robbed of 110 at Hills- ooro last week. Tho Universalist Association convenes I at Zena, Polk county, to-day. I The Aurora restaurant will be open on the fair grounds next week. In Jackson county 1,017 polls are as sessed 253 more than last year. The roof of the court house at Hills boro has been damaged by the sinking of the cupola. Millers at Salem say some farmers are so short-sighted as to mix damaged wheat with sound. Ben. UnJerwood, formerly Postal Agent, is now engaged in the brokerage business at Eugene. W. II. Pritchford, one of the proprie tors of the Roseburg Plaiiulcdcr, has withdrawn from the paper. A number of Lane courty hop raisers raisers have lost their entire crop on account of the scarcity cf pickers. Butte Grange is making preparations for a public meetingat thoIlutteGrauge Ha'I on the fourth Saturday in October. Mr. Win. Harmon, a resident of this city some years ago, returned to tho Dalles recently from a visit cf eighteen months in tho East. The largest warehouse on the Coast is owned by Allen & Lewis of Portland. It has a frontage of 780 feet, 80 feet deep and two stories high. Tiie rr::io-vf-:' says: We feel sure that if our farmers would abandon the pro cess of heading their v.-be at we would not have to chronicle such losses a3 this every year. A young man named Cal. Jtoii'men, who was hauling rails at Indian valley, says the La Grande UtzelL; was killed a few days since by the wagon running off the grade of a hill. Surveyors are viewing out an irrigat ing ditch from La Grande to Catharine creek, a dh-tanee of about ten miles. The ditch is to bo 12 feet wide and two fet'deep, and will reclaim about -1,000 acres ol land. John Creel, says the Albany D,u,nn-r(:, this year raised over 00,000 pounds of hops, and ho employed .about twenty iive hands in picking them. Mr. Creel expresses it as his opinion that the cul ture ol f'ops will pay bolter than wheat raising on many of the farms in Oregon. Albanr Dttt.-iorat: The loss of wheat in this county not small. "We hear of largo fields; which have not vet been harvested, and most of it, having been beaten down to the ground bv the wind and rain, will prove nearly an entire loss. Yamhill ? ITo to J aft Friday nijht there were about 10O,(5:;0 bushel. of grain in Powell's warehouse at D :y t ;i, and it was coining in like a river continually. The MeMinnville was cas rying away 1 10 tons to tho trip at the same time. At the mouth of Tillamook Kinney has a ear. i; try where he is putt in;; up Hilmon and clams. Graham ic Tutts, of Po; tl md, havo a salting establish ment there. Tillamook is the dairy country on the Pacific, coast, and all is wanting is inhabitant; and en terprise. Rev. P. S. Knight, of Sa!-m, will start iu a few days for Detroit, Mich., to attend the general Congregational association at that place. He will visit many of the deaf mute schools of tho oa-.t before returning, for the purpose of gaim'nc; such information as will aid in improving the school in this State. Tho body of Dr. Going, veterinary surgeon, 1st cavalry, who was drowned i 'st May while attempting to swim the Grand Rondo river, was found some; days ago 75 miles below tho place where the accident occurred. The remains were buried at Lowiston. 1'rom the Corve.Hi ? Dcwtmtt we learn of a serious accident which occurred on Long Tom. The Messrs. Wilkin, of Corvallis, were outraged in raising a bridge when it fell injuring both of them very badly. One of them had both wrists' broken and injured intern ally, and one other of the boys had one arm and and a thigh broken, while an other was also injured, but not so badly as the Wiikius boys. The railroad survey from Roseburg to tho coast is progressing rapidly: no very serious obstacles as yet. The route crosses the Uaipqua river near that city, runs through Happy. Book ing Glass and Ten Mile Valleys. Crosses the mountain iu the pass of the Camas valley road, and from thero fol lows the course of the Coijuillo to tide water. The Eat Boy of the Ore'jouht.t denom inates us as a county bumpkin, and in sinuates that we have not much political strategy at command, and does not take kindly to the disinterested advice we gave in our last wcek'a issue concerning ui partisan nominations for the Legis lature. Do wo infer that the Eat Boy intends to set up Clackamas county for himself? If so we pledge onrself in advance. The Senatorial seat has long been wanting of brair.3, and all the article ho has would fill it to overflow ing. Looking sternly at the Fat Boy, wo see much in his ca-recr to admire; such a smiling expanse, since the cush ioned collector's chair hath ceased to groan under this "most fleshy- incubus"' is all unfitted to battle with the rough asperities and greater acerbities of com mon life. Let us provide a Senatorial rest for it as smooth as downy pillows are. Mr. Wendell Philips is reported to be worth 250,000. lie is also the candi date for Governor of the Massachusetts workingmen, who roundly denounce capitalists. There seems to be an in consistency here somewhere, but Mr. Philips's right to the title of working man rather than capitalist will not be questioned by any one who reflects that ho work3 as hard with his tongue as any workingman does with the rest of his body. Love's grist mill, recently destroved by fire near Vaucouver, will be rebuilt. The machinery has been ordered and tho foundation commenced. Tho oracle of tho Astorinn gave the churn handle of his brain a few up and down strokes and forth camo the fol lowing coruscation: The race between Republicanism and Democracy in Maine wasan uncommonly lively one, and prood time was made by both parties. If the same rate of de crease was kept up, the Republican party will be wiped out in about three years and a half, while the Democratic party will last perhaps four vears. If an election should come oft' iu the inter vening six mouths, Maine would go Democratic. There is nothing like setting up for a sage and wise man, to look as owlish with wisdom as if j'ou had gutted the contents of Knowledge Box and ap propriated it to your own person; and, from this high Olympus attained, scat ter the refresing pearls cf useful infor mation to a benighted world. We bow down to you, oh! son of Erin; your ex alted omniscience would seem to require the expansion of the Trinity. But at tho same time we must whisper a pr.r allel conjunction to tho proposition that Maine would go Democratic in the next six months, and that is, that it is just as probable if you should go to the Sandwich Islands that you would bo rejected by a council of cannibals because you were not soft enough. You horoscope Maine through your own corpus, which is only another attribute of your high mightiness; but because y ou won hi go Republican to-day and Democratic to-morrow.don't for heaven's sake blame Maine. Accuse Rhode Island, for a starter. The following statement of the cost of taking the census lias been prepared by the Treasury Department for each ten years from the year 1701 to 1871, inclusive: 1791, H,o77; 102, 00, 070 05; 1S11, i 170,727 87; 1S21, 8200, 500 00; 1831, U0,511 -10; 1S-11, 91, 550 57; lb51, 1,111,10-1 03; 1901, 1, 900,27'.) 53; 1S71, 3,105,957 70. Total, 8,r.i7.079 (-- TLis gives ono a clear notion of our country's material growth. Yii nna, Sept. 2S. A Berlin corres pondent states that a party of surgeons on special loavo departed yesterday for the Russian headquarters. They belong to some of the best regiments in the German armv. iVrritoi'Iai Tscwv. The 1,1'li'i'on ' 'tit says that a proposi tion lias been maoe by tho Cathoiic Church to rnvo to the city a quit claim deed of all the interest of St. James Mission, in tho Vancouver town site, for the sum of 0,509. A En rich man named Bosqr. i has been arrested iu Idaho for the robbery of Col Broadhead, Unite.! States Paymaster, and the murder of his cleik. Louis R. Soencer, committed on the first day of May, P370. near Redwood creek. Cali fornia. He is now in j-iil at Lew islon , awaiting a requisition from the Govern or of California. The legislature of Wasliinginn Terri tory assembled at Oiympia hist Mon day. An organization of the council was effected by the election of C. H. Han ford president and T. R- Merry as chiel cleric. Ji. tho house B. Balne was chosen speaker, ami Mr. OThien, who iiiied tho same position last year, elected clerk. The Masonic grand lodga of Wash ington Terr i tor v at its session last week elected R. C. Hill of Conpovillo, Grand Master; J. M. Fletcher of Vancouver. Deputy Grand Master, and T. M. Reed of Ohm pl.t, secretary. Cam. C. C. a e. a.Te.i -iu years, a pioneer of Washington Territorv, died last week at Port Townsend. He. and his father were first, locators of coal lands at Bellinuh.un Ray. During tho Indian war tn Lbo) no was a messenger for Gen. Wool. 7v2V.s fur the I'eoyle. M:s llof;a Fuetis has just received an cK-trant- stock ol fall goods for the ladies. Miss Fu'-hs h: had considerable exper ience in the mlHinerv line, find only keeps the most fashionable irooos. You only nee.l to set- the haiid.somo display on the shelves to be convinced of tier excellent late in select inu:, and you can rest assur ed of 'retiii. j; suited as well as von could at Portland.' The ladies of Oregon City ere respectfully invited to call and s e for themselves. Sn-fiAT. Nortel-:.- I. Selling has just returned from S.ui Francisco, ami brought the largest stock of jrcwls ever imported or arrived in this cUv, and tie will sell tho same nt prices to suit the times. In dress e;oods. nil shades and latest stvles, with trimmings to match; in clothing, the latest cut for cent's, youth and boy's wear, at prices way down, and in gen eral a full 'sfoek of -roods. Call early and secure bar-rains before purchasing else where, (toods must be sold and money raised to pay freight. . - If Von viit Portland anil wish to buy a fin suit of clothes at a low prlc call at Ackerman Kros.. corner First anil Washing ton streets. JIAUltlKl). At I ho resilience of Mr. James Ti. Hayes, in Clackamas countv. On-sron, Sept.iSth, 1S77, l).v the ltcv. .loiiri W. Sell wood, U. 1,'. Whilten and M:.s Ib-.ttie Philips. At Cinemah, S"pt. , Mr. tieorge It. Frinpe! anil Miss Laura V. Howell. Dll'U. In this citv, Oct. 2, of consumption, Mrs. O. r.. .1. Tucker, daughter of Mr. W. J. Caldwell .IX OPi'DRTQITr FUR TIIE AFFLICTED. 1 r. J. M. Ilinkle, of the National Kurjrieal Institut",with a competent corps of assistants will visit Portland, Oresron, liooms at St. "harirs Hotel, October 2-d, to November lt, 1S77, inclusive. No other institution in the world has successfully treated so many cases of Spinal Curvature, IMseasosof the Joints, Paralysis, Club Feet, Piles, Fistula in ano, Scrotrea, Nasal Catarrh, etc. I'at ients from almost every county of t ho United States ha vo applied to it for relief, either at the home In stitute at Indianapolis. Indiana, or to one of its Grand J)ivisions at Philadelphia, Pa., At lanta, CSa., or San Francisco, Cal. Tho n fillet ed cannot afford to miss this opportunity of boinjr cured at home. Th- Doctor makes no charu'o for consultation and examinatlon.and his terms for treatment are within tho reach of every one. Is Your I-lff AVortli HI C ent Sickness wvails everywhere, and every body complains of some disease during their life. W hen sick, the object is to tret well ; now to say plainly that no person in this vorld that is stitrrin with Dvsnopsia, I.ivcr Complaint and its effects, such ns Indiges tion, Costiveness, Sick Headache. Sour Stom ach, Heart P.urn, palpitation of the Heart, Depressed Spirits, P.iliousncss, etc., can take (kken's August Klower without frotthijr re. lief and cure. If you doubt this, go to Ward & Hardinjr and pet a Sample Dottle for 10 cents and try it. lieKular size 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. IVMr TO-DAY. EXECI TOR'S AOTICE. T HERERV GIVE 'NOTICE OF MY IX- ! nlinn tn onnlf tn f h, H,H1. l"!nil!ltV COU IX of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, at a sm-ciai term inereoi to oe ncm t tn v,..i. House in Oregon City, Oregon, on the filth day if November, A. D. 1877, to allow me to resign in v trust as one of the Executors ol the Will and Estate of baUocpie de ceased. A. J. APPEKSOX. Oregon City. Oct. 1, l.S77-4t, FRESH OYSTERS! AT THE PLOUGH INN. "ffAMIT.mS SUPPMED WITH THESE lit 75 cnts por hundred. ... . ... -w- not rn X I Oct. 1', (7-11. J. liiii."".". TO IIOLPECS GF CITY ORDERS. .TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Hip Mtv Treasury eral Fund, issued prior to Order No. 280. I er- sons iioMinriiiesarae lira n-quo., u i- sent th.-ni for navment. Interest on all orders endorsed prior to t hat date will cease from tins dare. J. II. s I tin ivl,i.o., Oregon t ity, Oct. 1. 1877. City Treasurer. NOTICE. U. S. Laxd Okfiok, Ore'wn City,. 1 Ore;ron, Sep 1T7, 1S77. ) COMPLAINT HAVING r.EEX ENTERED at this office bv F. Z. Taylor against Kd ward A hrali am Tor abandoning his home stead cntrv, No. t"2st., dated Dec. 17, 1S72, upon the N. W."1, of the S. W. M of Section 2b. Township 2 South, Haii.ce 1 West, in Washing ton count v. Ore rro n, with a view to the cancel lation of said entry : the said parties a-re here l,v suininori.-d to anpear at this ottiee on tho lit h day of November, 1ST7. at 11 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. W:-'N WADE, Krister, oct 1-it. T. K. HARRISON, Receiver. ORDINANCE IO. I 32- BE IT ORDAINED AND ESTABLISHED by the City Coined of Orcfron City, that then bo nnd hereby is appropriat ed out of the jrereral fund Two Hun dred I lobars for the purpose of bui'dinsr a side walk to the irepon City Cemetery, to be done undi r direction of the Str- t. t Yen mittoe. L. T. IN, Mayor. WM. WHITLOCK, Recorder. - Oregon City, Oct. 1, ls77. FRESH OYSTERS! Stewed cr Kav. 75 CEMS PER HlNBllER. O- F. FJ1 AYH EW, Sept. .7, lS77-tf. SlIATiKS SALOON". rjllin UNDERSIGNED HAS A LARGE M line frrovrt h of Timber on his farm on t he Molalla, 21a miles. from Canby and 2 miles from Barlow's station, and is desirous of hav iri r it worked into lumber, and will jr've some lean who has a portable steam saw mili .". ji'.K'd show to set uioi mill on the place. A.ldr ss DAVID WILLIAMS. Canbv, Clackamas Co., Oregon. September 27. Ii7T-:Jt. READ I BEAD ! ! HEAD ! I! We call (he nttrrdion of all who want to buy ir-xids to trive us a call and com pere prices before l elsewhere, as the rem nant of stock must bo clost d out in a short time. SECOND AND LAST CALL ! Those who are irul lf'il to us must make payment within thirty days, a;"(er that time accounts wi 1 be placed in tho hands of an o'.liec-r for collection. Ore.-on City, S;-j t.2 , 1C7. I'lJALKIl IN rLCIR, 1Y, STilWV. OATS, POT AT CDS, AYOOLTC, -- The highest market p:id in ca?h for all kinds of produce . Ono door sonC-a of P.KtoCIce. Ore ron City, Sept. 13, lS77-if. MOORE & PMKEH'8 40M, Celebrated !-" TUSSLE V-A7SS W- WALLACE, AiT'at for C.'acksnrrjs County, And the State In rr-neral. This is one of the best wheels in us,- on 1 he pacific Coast, and gives .erfecf satisfaction iti every instance. Any one purchasing a wheel which does not come up to the irua ra ntec. if projierly put In, the money will be refunded nnd :ill'diun:ir' S raid. Kor further information apolv to V". M. Wallace, at Cnitimr's Mill, near Viola, Clackamas 'o., or at this oiJiee. Sept. i;;t l.S77-0mos. GHAflOE OF 08 E! KE?JISVED7a ODD FELLOWS' lBOILOINO! (Successor to IJVI1L.OV." & FILLER), Deale-in SELECTED TEAS COFFEE, and SPICES, CUTTER AKD CHEESE, lTiUCIGN AM) DOMESTIC FRUITS, And a full variety of Goods usually kept in a lirsf -class Grocery Store. Come one, come all, and examine our stock. I can sell as cheap and furnish as good an article us any house in town. 1'. A. BACOX. Oregon City, Aujrust '-'), ll7tj :tf. ; Johnson. )IcCovn & ymrrnm, Alt'ys, I Guardian's Sale. BY VIIITCE OK AN" OliDEIi AND Li cense made and entered of record in t he County Court, of Clackamas Countv, State of On-iron, in the matter of the estate of Ilenrv lira n t i;ra m , on t h is at h day of Sept ma her 1S7T I will offer for sale at puhlle auction, on ' Saturday, the 13th day of October, 1S77, nt the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. of said dav, th followinsdescrihed real estate belonsrinsr'tonid estate, to-wit : A part of Land Claim "o. 4ri in T. 2 S., R. 2 i:., heins I he donat ion claim of Win. and M. A.S. L. Holmes, hounded as fol lows, to-wit : lic-inninjr feet S. of the S. K. corner of a hloek of land situated on said claim owned by J. R. Ralston, numbered 1J acconlinir to plat of elocks surveyed by L. V. Cartee ; t hence west aloiifr the . line of said last mentioned tract of land 1K feet; thence south 42 7-10 feet : thence east 110 feet ; thence north alonjr the Territorial road leading from Orejron Cily to Molalia 42 7-10 feet to the place of hcinninir. containing 1 1-2 aen s. Alsothe following tracts of land of said do nation claim, to-wit : Iierinnin;r at a point 30 feet S. of the s. E. corner of said block of land numbered l.J; running thence west alonff the south line of said block MOO feet; thence south -l-Ji feet ; thence esist I:VK) feet; thence nort h l.W) feet to the piacf of beginning, con tain intr 11 acres more or less. Terms of sale Cash tn V. S. gold coin on da y of sa le. C II AS. LOG CS, Guardiaa of Henry Erantiirni, an insane person. Oregon City, Sept. 6, 1377-41 1 9000,OQO Bottles OB TIIE have been sold the last year, and not one complaint has reached us that they hare not done all that is claimed for them. Indeed scientific skill cannot go beyond the result n-ached in these wonderful preparations Added to Carbolic, Arnica, Mentha, Seneca-Oii and Witch-Hazel, are other ingredients, which makes h family liniment that defies rivalry Rheumatic and bed-ridden cripples have bvit been enabled to throw away their crutches find many who lor years been anicted with Neuralgia., Sciatica, Caked Breast, Weak Backs, tc, have found permanent relief Mr. Josiah Wcstlakc, of Marysville, hi9 writes ; "Irr yeara toy rhenraatisi kas be so bad that 1 have tx-e unable to stir from tike haaae I have tried every remedy I eouH kar f" Finally I learned of the Centaur Liniment' The first three bottles enabled me to wait without my crutches. lam mending rapidly I think your Liniment simply a marvel." This Liniment cures Burns and Scalds with out a scar, extracts the poison from bites and stints. Cures Chillbhiins and Frosted-feet, and Is very efficacious for Ear-ache, Tooth ache, Itch and cutaneous eruptions. Tlie Crutaor Liniment, Yellow Wrap per, is intended for the tough fibres, cords and muscles of horses, mules and animal. READ! READ! Rev. Geo. W. Ferris, Manorkill, Schoharie county, N. Y.. says : "My horse was lame for a year with a fet lock wrench. All remedies utterly failed to cure, and I considen-d him worthless, until I commenced to use Centaur Liniment, which rapidly cured him. I heartily recommend it." It makes very little difference whether the ca.?e be "wrench," sprain, spavin or lameness of any kind, the effects are the same. The great power ot t he Liniment is.however.shown in Poll-evil, P.i-head, sweeny. Spavin, Kimr bone, Galis and Scratches, This Liniment Ts worth millions of dollars yearly to the stock growers, Livery-men, Farmers, and those hav ing valuable animals to care for. We warrant its effects and refer to any Farrier who has ever us-d it. Labratorv of J. B. Rose i Co., 4G iey St., New" Yoke. Children. A complete substitute for Castor Oil, without its unpleasant taste or recoil in the throjit The result of 'JO years' pi act ice by Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Massachusetts. Pitcie-rs' o-tori:i is particularly recommen ded for children. It destroys worms, asMml lat -s the food, and allows natural sleep. Vtry eflk-acious in t roup, aud for children Teething, f or Colds, Feverishness, Disorders, of the Bow eN, and Stomach 1'omplaints. nothing is so effective. It is as pleasant to take as honey, costs but "il cts., andean be had of any druggist. This is one of many testimonials : "Cornwall, Lebanon t "o., Pi.., March 17. Dear Sir: I have used yourCASTORIA in my. ractiee for some time. I take great pleasure- ! n r- cfrinmrrKlinrj tt to the profession, as it saw. reliable and agreeable medicine. It is partic ularly a'I'iptnl tn rhililrrn where t lie repugnant taste of Castor Oil renders it so difficult to ad minister. E. A. EXDERS, M. D." Mothers who try Castoria will find they can sleep nights, and'their babies will be healthv. J. P.. Rose & Co., "Saw York. Joluisaa, 3Ifrov.ii k .Harrnia, Att'ys. Administrator's Notice. THEREBY GIVE NOTICE OF MY API-ointment as Administrator of the estate of Lewis Long, deceased, by the County Court, of einci;amas ( Vmnty, Oregon. All jersr.s having claims against said estate will pres nt them with proiicr vouchers to me at the office of Johnson, Mi-i'own & Macrani, Att'ys, in Oregxm Cit v, within six months from this date. W. CAREY JHNStN. Adm'r. Oregon City, 0;;n.. August 30, ls77-4t. ATTOE Y - AT - LAV, OlkSGON ClTT, OilEGON. Special atten'ion given to business in the U. s. Ind Oiiiee. orilce iu Myers! Brick. aug30,77. I. SELLLXG Has Removed I'GUa DCilRS ABOVE THE OLD C3RXER L C ALL AND op SEE KIM AND HE WILL sell GOOD CHEAP FOR CASH I t?"Pro(lnve Bonffht anil SoIl. Oregon City, August 2, 1S77. ' FAft for our "w pur se or any article personal, family lOHiTHOJIF.RY W A CO.. Ave CHICAtJO in. CANCER CAN BE CtUlEP Cancer has from time Immemorial been great scourge to the human race, and is now oecoming the greater. For many years it has In-en held by the medical profession, and gen erally believed by the people, that Cancer is incurable ; that once its roots take hold upon a victim, there is no chance for a sufferer to escajK? a lingering and terribledeath ; a death surrounded by all that is disgusting and hor rible, not only to the sufferer, but to his friends. Happily this fell dest rover need no. longer be feared. Dr. IL T. Bond, jf Phiia-. delphia.a well known physician, of hinre ex perience, has for four years devoted himself to the special study and treatment of Cancer, and the result of his experience is his dis? covery for the radical cure of Cancer, without the use of either knife, caustic or plasters, and without pain. The majority of persons are greatly deceived in regard to the first symptoms and appear" a nee of this most dreaued disease, considering it painful from the commencement. This is R sad mistake, carrying thousands to nn un timely grave. In most cases there is little or no pain until the disease is far advanced The only symptoms for many months, and even for years, are occasionally a stingins, darting, stabbing, shooting, smarting; Uch; ing, burning, crawling or creeping sensation, and some cases not any or these. If malady is growing worse instead ol better, it is conclusive evidence it is of malignant character, and demands imme diate attention. If yon have a branny scaly, warty appearance, with an occasional break ing out of these upon the face, lip or nose, or any other portion of the skin, attended with any of the above .symptoms, oi a sensation ol a tly being on it, or a hair tickling it, is cer tain evidence it is Cancer, and there should o no delay in using Dr. Bond's treatment. Life is too valuable to be tampered with. Dr. Bond's treatment consists of an "Anti dote" that is applied locally: this at once ar rest s the growt h of the Cancer, and by chemi; cal action neutralizes its malignity, render ing it harmless and changing it to a simpl; sore, which nature, assisted by constitutional remedies, soon heals fwhen the skin is an-, broken, nr.d the Cancer is a hard tumor, the Antidote does not make an open sore, but re moves it by absorption). In connection witn the Antidote is used the Specific, taken in ternally. This tones up the general strengthens the patient, purifies the blood and eliminates the poison from the system Dr. Bond's Antidote contains neither caustic nor poison, and can be applied to the mon delicate tissues of the body without injury and therefore is the only remedy that can do used in internal Cancer, such as cancer oi in? stomach, cancer of the womb, etc. Dr. Bonu remedies, with full directions for successtu treatment will be sent to any part of in world. Pamphlets and full part ienlars tree. Address, " DR. H. T. BON P. 850 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Fy April 12, lS77-ly. l-A", V nlatin the 9t agricultural tiso. Frm to a.nv AKO Ortsnnal Grange Supply House.