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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1876)
o o o ' jo c 3 eo o THE EjjXERPfflSI. PRECOX CITf, OREGON M.1RCH 10, 1S76. NOTICED No Certificate of publica tion will 1e ffiven ntll -xr feM are paid, We thall make no deviation from this rule in future. . Real Rstate Transfers. The following nro the real estate transfers for the past week : Van linskerk and wife to T-ouis B. McCown, W. 4 Sec. 32, T. 4,N. 11. 1 E 320 acres. Consideration Si. Jolju Sawtell and wife to A. Smith, 80 acres in T. 5, S. 11. 2 E. State of Oregon to E. G. Xover, S. E. H of N. E. U of Sec. 1U, T. 4, S. R. 2 E., containing 4) acres. Consideration $50. J. L. Harlow and wife to Chas. Wilson, the undiviIed of tlie W. H of the N. E. U and the E. 4 of the N. W. H of Sec. 14, T. 3, S. 11. 1 YY., 1(30 acres. Con sideration, $:S0. I. P. Pidgo and wife to Chas. Wilson, the undivided 4 of the V. 4 of X. E. i and the E. 4 of the N. V. 4 of Sec. 14, T. 3, S. K. 1 YV.. containing l'JO acres. (Consideration $-i"0. European and Oregon Iand Co. to Cvrus and Calvin Joiies, the S. E. 4 of N. E. 4 of Sec. 31, T. o, S. It. 1 E., con taining 40 acres. Consideration if 10S in currency. Odd Eel lows If all Association toOre- fron Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F., a part of ot 2 in Mock 4 in Oregon City. Con sideration $3,233. Webster Jenkins and wife to I. F. Starr. SO acres of the N. E. 4 of Sec. 12, T. 2, S. R. 2 E. Consideration $200. (eo. Idaho to Jos. Smith, lots 4 and 5 in block 4- in Oregon Citv. $210. J. Phillips and wife to John Johnson, 20 acres in Sec. 33, T. 1, S. II. 2 E. $1.0. W. F. Iliglilield to Johanna l'.artlett, lot 2 in block in Holmes's addition. Consideration! $73. Eon is Jaggers to Calvin C. Moore, 30 acres in T. 3, S. It. 2 E. $430. City Council. Monday evening, March 6. Council met at the usual hour, F. O. McCown, Maj-or, in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and jiji;roved. i:ejort of the judges of Firemen's lection was read, reporting G. A. Hard ing having received thirtv-four votes for Chief Engineer, anil John Myers thirty votes for Chief Engineer ; Hiram O Cochran, thirty-four votes for Assist ant Chief Engineer; and J. M. Welch, thirty votes lor Assistant Chief En gineer. On motion, G. A. Harding and Hiram Cotmran were declared duly elected to the respective offices. The following bills were ordered paid: Oregon Citv Water Companv, $230; C. W. Pope it Co., $7 ; cost bill in matter of School District No. 02 vs. Oregon City, $27 03; H. E. Chamberlain, A. C. Hailey and E. S. Jenkins, $4 each for services as judges of election ; John J lanson, $33. Proposition of F. S. Dement to do the olieial printing of the citv for $;15 per annum was read and accepted. Adjourned. A Card. EniTon E.VTKitrnisK : Please permit us, through the columns of your paper, to say to our friends in Oregon City, that we arc truly thankful to them for their very liberal donations to us on Wed nesday evening of last week. May the blessing of iod ever restujon all those who so kindly remembered us. The party was held in the basement of the Uaptist Church, 'lhe room is large, and was tastefully decorated with cedar and fir." The evening pass ed off pleasantly with singing and lively conversation. All seemed very happy. At about 10 o'clock Kev.G. W. Day was invited to lead us in prayer, after which many retired, leaving still : large company to enjoy another hour together. " . Hoping to enjoy another pleasant re union soon, and most sincerely thank ing all the k iud donors, we subscribe our names fraternally, J T. V Eur is. IIi't K. Tiik V. M. C. A.-The hall of this society is neaily finished, and will be dedicated next Tuesday evening. The lainting, kalsoininiiig and paper-hanging has been neatly done, and the rooms when properly furnished will cle among the most attractive in the State. The voting men of this society have, indeed, "showed their faith by their works" ever since it was organ ized. They have gone to work them selves and have not drawn scarcely a do I.i r on the fund subscribed, except for material. The young ladies, too, have not been backward in helping on the good cause, having collected S110 23 in money; $so of this being dues of members, and the remaining S.'H 23 iMiismu cinm loni ioiin. ine tieuica- tion Captain Wilkinson will be present to deliver an address, and a pleasant time may bo exacted. Tiik Ei.kction. There was a lively interest taken in the Firemen's election on Monday. The voters were so evenly divided that the partisans of both aspir ants were confident of success. Votes were freely challenged, protested and argued licforo the judges all the en thusiasm of an important election was manifested.' And when, at half past four o'clock, Messrs. Harding and Cochran were declared elected by a majority of four votes, t he excitement was intense, as amid the clanging of lire-bells, the "boys" gave three hearty cheers tor the success! nl candidates. Scnooi. Exhibition. There was a school exhibition at Ilingo's school house on Thursday of last week. It was the occasion of the closo of Mr. J. W. May's school, and a large assembly was in attendance to witness the exer cises. Prof. McCraw conducted the musical department, while Mr. May took charge of the literary exercises. The entertainment passed oil" very pleasantly, all participants acMng their parts in a manner to retlect credit on both their efficient teacher and them selves. Houses Wanted.-There re now no vacant houses in town, though there i.i a considerable demand tor them, by families constantly arriving. We think a crood invest mont. for coom ,F O enterprising citizens would be to build several snug, cheap cottages, not too remote from the business part of town to acommodate these new-comers. This would ,be "killing two birds," "if we O could ericou ago immigrants to stop with us, and make a paying investment at the same time. Letter Eist. Eetters remaining in Ctlie Postofficc, at Oregon City, March 10th, J87G: o Roner. Mrs. Louisa; fiouehna. E T ,lr fnl,ln Iti-irtrlc? A 1 . T ers, Eeo; Nobles, Joshua K. ; Park, Almonj Starr, Clay; Steers, Henry; Nwoin, U.;tsmiui, uipt., tormerlv ('apt. of 1st Cal., Co. C; Wilson, Saml If called for please sav when "adver tised." J. M. Bacon, P. M. There was a largo audience at the mion meeting held in Pope's Hall on Sunday evening last. Rev. Mr. Atkin- soa preached one of those sound prac tical sermons for which he is so noteu, after which there were -exhortations irom Revs. Day and Huff, and others (Jit Effect. The game law concern ing the killing of deer, elk and the like is in forcj again, of which- fact notice should bo taken. Those sections of the law pertaining to the protection of AprilVt S' etC" WiU into effecfc We are pleased to see Mr. Owen Wade out again. Pleasant Hill. In company with several friends we took a stroll last Sunday, out on the hill, back of town. We were surprised to note the improve ments, in the way of buildings, fencing and clearing that were visableon every hand. Our pedestrian trip extended to the farm of Mr. Partlow, who has one of the nicest and cosiest situations in the county. Judging from the sumptuous dinner served bv the -wife of mine host, our friend William has his share of the good things of this life. The Democratic County Committee has issued a call for Primaries on the 8th of April, for the purpose of electing delegates to the County Convention, which will he held in this city on Sat urday, April 13th. Their notice will be found in another column. II. E. Chamberlain advertises sev eral good farms, in this county, for sale this week. He has unsurpassed facili ties for transacting this kind of busi ness, and persons in search of homes or having land to sell will do well to give him a call. Bailed Out. The man Brown, who was confined in the count3' jail some time ago, to await the action of the grand fury, was released on bail the other day. Our jail is now empty. Who next. Accident. As Xeal Jackson, of Needy, was riding out of town on Sat urday, his horse slipped on a crossing ini1 hrofcfi its lr inst lvdow thrt rutstprii joint. Mr. J. had lately been offered Called. Ti. Samuel, of the "West Shore," called at our office on Tuesday. He is canvassing for subscriptions. Wo wish him every success, as his paper is one of the "institutions" of Oregon. D'ed. Mr. Nelson Allison, who had been a resident of this city since 1843, died at the residenco of Mr. Vance on Saturday, March 4th. He had reached the advanced age of G9 j-ears. Moral. Our city marshal says the town is getting so moral, he fears ho vill be compelled to change his calling. Not a single drunk or assault in the courts for over a month. East Thursday evening some 3-oung-sters went about serenading (?) -u- in offensive people, levying contributions of candy and nuts as'the price of going away. The factory was closed Monday, on account of the dath of Superintend ent Jacobs' little daughter Minnie, who died at Poitland on Sunday last. Sold out. Mr. C. F. May hew has sold his dwelling house, together with lots 1, 2. 3, 4. 7 and 8 in block 43, to Mr. Julius Eogus for $1,100. Bklioious. On Sunday next, Rev. P. S. Knight, of Salem, will preach at the Congregational, and Kcv. Pierce at the Baptivt Church. The Bonanza is laid up at this place and will soon go into the dry dock to have her cabin enlarged, to make room for more passengers. A VERY jiopular air in Oregon City j.s "The Captain With His Whiskers Took a Sly Glance at Me." Standard. A gentleman from the east was in town last week, looking for land for eighty Pennsylvania Dutch families. A quatz lead has been discovered a short distanced rom town. No need of going to the Black Hills now. Errata.--In our "Ktal Estate Trans fers." in last issue, for 12,000 read 1,200, and for 17,00 read 1,700. The dance Friday night, at Library Hall, passed off pleasantly. MooNLiniiT nights and splendid side walk leading to Canemah. Ahem! The Oregon City Pleasure Club give another social party next week. Union services will be held at the Baptist Church Sunday evening. B. A. IIiTCiiiEs has just received a tine lot of new goods. The young folks want a skating rink why not ? Streets are "awful muddy. Side-walks need repairing. SUM.MARV OF STATU MliVS. Sheep are dying in large numbers in the vicinity of Clear Lake. The citizens of Itosebnrg and Deer creek are "talking", about making a good road from the valley into town. Rix marriage licenses were issued in Polk county in February. Monte sharps are running Rose burg. A Chinese war is imminent at Rose burg. A new wash-house is .the cause of all the trouble. E. N. Tolin, State Senator from Josephine county, died on the 23d ult. Astorians have organized a debat ing society. Prosneets for tho Aaf.-kri.i icln. graph line are looking up. Twenty men are at work on fliA revenue cutter at Albina. land is a candidate for membership, in a fire company. He wants to bo in nt iK A a Mr. Gray, who was injured by the explosion at Umatilla, has had one of his legs amputated. vc16 ?lills erectetl at Pendleton, by W . b. Byers, have given a new im petus to wheat growing in that vicinity. Rev. J. L. Stevens is to take charge of the Episcopal Church at Albany. Ho comes from New Jersey. There is a prospect of an unusally successful mining season in the vicinity of Baker City this summer. Mr. Smith, the mail contractor be tween Roseburg and Coos Bay, is the lucky man this time heir to a large fortune. A blacksmith in Roseburg has in vented a new plow, and the Plain dealer man says he never saw any thing like it before. J Ashland is to have a weekly paper soon, to be called the Ashland Tid ings. John Frost committed suicide at Albany on the 4th inst. Cause, do mestio tronble. ' James Stanton was taken to the insane asylum from Portland last Monday. As the result of fifteen days work Virtue, 111 iQe, a bar worth S12.G16 was exhibited at Baker Citv last week. J On Wednesday last, Dudley Hil lery was dischaiged from the insane asylum as cured, and returned homo. He is a resident of Jackson county. In the circuit court at Portland, the case of F. F. Morse vs. Coggau & Perkins for 10,000 for false im prisonment, was dismissed on the th for want of prosecution. Tho Independents of Polk county met on the 4th inst. and nominated a full county ticket. Capt. L. N. English, one of Ore gon s pioneers, who arrived in this State in 184o, died at Salem on the 5th, aged 84 years. The young ladies of Albany gave a leap year skating tournament last Monday evening, which afforded much amusement to those who were favored with an invitation. It appears that Jacobs, tho show man, did not shoot anybody at Jeffer sen, but only had a "set to" with two women, both claiming him as husband. One of them in trying to prove her assertion bit a piece out of his ear. Good enough! Captain Wm. McC. Netterville of the 21st infantry, stationed at Van couver, has deserted. He was last seen on board the Dalles boat last Friday morning. Financial embar rassment is supposed to bo the cause of his disapjearance. The Irish citizens of Portland are making great pivparations to cele brate St. Patrick's Day. the 17th inst. The programme will conclude with a grand ball iu the evening. The mail carrier over the Cascade mountains, from Bellnap's Springs to Camp Polk, left the former place on Thursday morning, of last week, with the mail, since which time he has not been heard from. He is sup posed to have frozen to death. Young McAllister, of Howell's Prairie, allowed his nasal protuber ance to come in contact with the butting end of a ram the other day. The ram still lives, but the young man's nasal protub. is spread over the biggest part of his face. An inquest was held over the body of McCabe, one of the victims of the explosion at Umatilla. During the examination, says the Oregon inn , it was shown that the contractors were in no manner responsible for tho ex plosion. The colored citizens of Portland celebrated the HtGth anniversary nf the death of Crispns -Attacks the I 1 T X .1 -1 -i" 1 coioreu mariyr, umeu iy soldiers at the Boston massacre, March 5th, 1770. Addresses were delivered bv Gen. O. O. Howard, Rev. T. Ii. Eliot, Hou. J. F. Caples and others. , A dispatch of the 7th inst., from Eugene City, says: Deputy Sheriff Hogan, of Douglas county, arrested here this evening. Geo." V. Ritter, of Lai imie City, Wyoming Territory. It is said Ritter was treasurer of Al bany county, and absconded from there on tho 17th of last December with about 11,000 of the people's money. There was a reward of $1,000 offered for his apprehension. The grand jury of Marion county, in their report to the circuit court, say: "We have examined the State penitentiary, county jail and the Sa lem city prison. We find tho State penitentiary to be in good order and well kept, and. judging from the ap pearance of tho convicts therein, we belice that they have plenty of good, wholesome provisions, and in all other respects well cared for, and that the entire m inagement of the prison is good, and that the sanitary condition of the inmates is good." Market Report. Portland Market. Egal tendei-s, 87 buying, SS selling. l-Mour. Extra. $." 0!); superfine, Si 2o. Wheat. 1 02 ' per cental. Oats. 0.")C to 70c. bushel. Barley. Si ?j percental. Baenn.Sides, 2c; hams, lG(7j,I7 ; shoulders. S.D. Lard. In kegs, lie: in lOlh tins, lie. Butter. Fresh roll, 20'JOc. Fruits. Dried apples, in sacks, 0c, kegs 7 'a ; plums, pitless, 14(1.5; peaches 14f : prunes, 17c. Eirtrs. 25c. Chickens. Full grown, $3 503:$1 00 -f dozen. Hides. Dry, 13c?; salted, Gc: culls oir. Tallow. r,se 131b. Wool .23 to2oe. Feed. Bran, $22 00 y ton; shorts, $25 to $30; oil cake, A7 .V). Ilav. Baled, S1G 00 to $13 00 t ton; loose, $1 00. Potatoes. ftjfJOc V bushel. Onions. 1 to l'ie t It.. Mutton slieep. 2'g..'?2 75. Oregon City Market. Wheat. 90e $J bushel. Oats 50c ' V bushel. Potatoes 50ftft2!sc 1-1 bushel. Onions SI 00 bushel. Flour SI oO "i-i sack or S 50 bbl. Dried Fruit Apples, tQ U 57?5c. Plums, 127?12'4. Butter -IWtV.frv ft. Egsrs 20.-3 t dozen. Chickens Grown, S3 50 i dozen; Bacon .Sides, loc.fb; hams, 10c. Bard 1 f to 15c. Hay S20 ton. Wool 22c f11. Green Apples 75c to SI 00 ?J box. HEADACHE, As a remedy for head uche Tond's Extract is ush! with much benefit, by bathing tho forehead with it and taking ten or fifteen drop internally. It is most useful in headaches of a conges tive character, attended with a fulness, heaviness and tension in the head, and especially where headaches are attended with or are liable to result in nose bleed, the forehead may be bathed or a cloth, wet in the Extract, and taken inwardly, dose as above, repeated in an hour, if necessary. . Important. Endorsed by the Medical profession. DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR TIIK LUNOS cun'S Coughs. Colds and Consmption, and all disordwi of the Thront nnd Cht. IH. TOW LEY'S TOOTHACHE AXODYXE cures in one MINUTE. feb!6 A Fine Thing for the Teeth. Fragrant 5SOZODOXT is a composi tion of the purest and choicest ingre dients of the Oriental vegetable king dom. Every ingredient is well known to have a beneficial effect on the teeth and gums. Its embalming or antisep tic property and aromatic fragrance make it a toilet luxury. SOZODOXT removes all disagreeable ordors from the breath caused by catarrh, bad teeth, Ac. It is entirely free from the in jurious and acrid properties of pastes and powders which destroy the enamel. One bottle will last cLs mouths. Bring out the Vital Energy. There is generally, even in-the most delicate constitution, a latent reserve of vital en rrv. The medical stimulant of all others best calculated to rouse this vis inertia is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. The impulse which that ines timable preparation lends to the action of the various organs insures a more yigorous and consequently healthy discharge of their rious functions than they would be capable of without its aid, aud tho "fillip to nature" thus communicated is never exessive, but alwa3's equable and regular. Just so much stimulation is imparted as is re quired, and no more.' In respect of the healthful gentleness of their action, the Bitters pome - ably superior to the unmedieated stimulants of com merce, which, though they produce a powerfully resuscitating effect for a few minutes, are invariably followed by a reaction, corresponding in depres sion to their primal effect. They ex cite so much at first that nature is wearied by tho effort, and is apt to sink under the exhaustion. Physicians who have made the stimulative action of the Bitters tho subject of experiment, declare their decided preference of them over any other similar article. An equally high opinion is entertained of their regulating qualities by medi cal men who are acquainted with their tonic effects. Tliev speedily rectify an irregular habit of "body, digestive dis orders, and delinquencies of the urin ary organs, which added to their strengthening influence, renders inval uable aid in dyspepsia, constipation, biliary derangements and weakness or irritation of the bladder kidneys. Bheumatie affections are also greatly alleviated by their blood depurating and anti-inflammatorv action. BFThe National (Jold Medal was award ed o Bradley & Itulofson for thn best Photographs in the United States, and the Vienna Medal for t lie best, in the world. 429 Montgomery .Street, San Francisco. Volume.sof Testimony in favor of IIai.k's Honey ok IIoheiiound and Tar, as a specific for throat and lung diseases are pouring in from all parts of the country. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute. MARRIED. March 7, 1S76, by IJev. C. F. Bentio, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. Eli Oris well, and .Miss Eveline Dickey, all of Clackamas county, Or.'gon. DIED. At Damascus, Feb. James, infant son of lienjatnin F. and (Jerusha (ireenwell. In Portland, March 5, Minnie, eld -st daughter of Ralph and Flora Jacobs, aired 4 years and 2 days. In Clackamas county, Feb. 21, at the residence of her son, Zachary iarj, after a protracted illness, Mrs. Mahala tjard, aged li7 years. JSrJJ)V TO-DAY. CI.ACKAM.Vp COUNTY DEMO CRATIC COXVKXTIOX. The Democratic votcra of Clackamas County arj reqicstsd to meet at their usual place of voting, on SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1S7U. At 1 o'clock V. M., for the purimso of leet Jng Delegates to the County Convention, which will be held at Oregon City SATURDAY, APRIL 15, lS7(i. At 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of elect ing seven Delegates to attend the State Convention, which inets at Salem on Wednesday, April 2i, 1S7H, and to put in nomination candidates for the various county ofliees to bo supported at the ensu ing June election and to transact such other business as may coiun properly be fore the Convention.' The basis of repre sentation in (he Convention is one vote for the i-recinct and one vote for every twenty-five or fraction over twelve votes cs:t for Hon. Ooi. A. LalJo.v at the last general election. The j-r-'cinets will be eniineu to i lie lollo'.vin;; r -present at ion : Spring water... ..3 I Ka-le Creek oswego Marquam's Harding's ITpix r Molalla. Cascades Union Cutting's Canemah Oregon City MiLvauki. Pleasant Hill.... l'ock Creek Can by , Tualatin IiOW-r Molalla. -i Reaver Creek. 1 M a is h field.- ....1 ...o A. OA!? MICHAEL, ii. Mciiniis, County Commltte mh 10 A'. CHEAP FARMS FOR SALE ! 10 ACRES, TWO A D A HALF . miles from Clackamas Station, and ei-'ven miles from Portland, 12 acres under cultivation, ( acres in fruit trees of choice varieties, good water, etc. Price only $5 ler acre ; terms easy. Only three-fourths of a mile from Clack amas Station, 1S2 acres, 100 acres in cult i vation ; best wheat land in t he State, good house, fine location. At a low figure and easy terms. Apply to II. K. Cn.lMBEKLilX', Entkrprisk Offiok, Oregon City. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Mathias Kanclle, Plaintiff", vs. Helen A. Kandle, Defendant. Tc Helen A. Kandle, defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you aro hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, by the first day of t he term of said Court fol lowing the expiration of six weeks from the first, publication or this summons, said first publication being on the 3d day of March, ISTfJ ; and if you fail to answer "said complaint, ihe plaintiff will apply to t he Court for the relief demanded therein, which is for a dissolution of the marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defendant herein, and for the custody of the minor children. Hy order of Hon. E. D Shattuck, Judge of said Court, dated March 1st, 1S7H. It. T. HA RIX. Attorney for Pl'ff. II. W. ROSS, M. D. WARREN N. DAVIS, M. D. HOSS fe DAVIS, PHYSICIANS AND SlIUCEONS, Oregon City, - - Oregon. ft-Offlce at the City Dispensary, corner of Main and Fourth sts. Dr. Davis is a. graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and has lately arrived from the East. Particular attention given to surgery. Office hours from 8 o'clock a. ar. to 5 p. m. VORSHAM & RAMSEY, Dealers in BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON. Odd Fellows' Building-, Main St. &7"Order.s delivered to any part ofOrcgon City or Canemah. Oregon City, Feb. IS itf. IMPERIAL MILLS, LaRocque, Savior & Co. Oregon City. Keep constantly on band for sale Flour, Middlings, Bran and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, OAK, ASII 1XD HICKORY PL.UK. XORTHRUP Sc THOMPSON, Dec. 31, 1ST5 :ra3 Portland, Oregon. DUVOL, MILLER & CO., AT MOOKK'S MACHINE SHOP, OREGON CITY, OREGOX. MANUFACTURERS OP DUVOL'S Patent Wheels for Vehicles of all kinds. Also all kinds of Blacksral tiling; Done to order, Wjfom and Carriages Made and Repaired, and all kinds of Farmers' Elacksmithing done with dis patch and neatness. Orders solicited. v agon and Carriage makers are invited to examine our - Patent Wheels, - And uso them instead of Wooden Wheels.,?to.our Wheels to either Iron or Thimble Skein Axles. dec24-tf. CLIFF HOUSE. OREGOX CITV, OREGOX, T. V7. RHODES, I?iopriotoi. Transient Board. $1 to S3 per Day. Single Meals ........ .50 cents. Roard pt-r Week $5 00 Itounlaml Lodging, perweek SO OO The Table will be supplied with the best the market affords. Ball Suppers furnished on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Nov. 19, 1875 A f L1SI) FOR SAL. 13. "EIIAVK THE FOLLOWING READ Estate lor sale. No. 1. Desirable building block in Oregon City. No. 2. 1GO Acres, good house, and barn full of hay; 8 acres in cultivation, orchard, good water: 1" miles from Oregon City. Price $500, half down. No. 3. S-tO Acres, 75 in cultivation ; houses, barns, wells, Ac.: good orchard: 6 miles from Oregon City. Price 1,500 ; halt down. Sell hif place at same rates. No. 4. 290 Acres, 25 acres under cultiva tion, 5 acres orchard, good running water; 125 acres open brush land; mile from school house; 8 miles from Oregon City. $1.5'.M); half down, bal ance in one and two years. No. 5. Part of all the Harber farm, on the river at liock Island above-Oregon City ; $5 per aero. No. 0. .Land on the river above Oregon City, cheap; part of tho Darber claim; good wood yard. No. 7. S:iO acres; 75 "improved, a largo, new, well finished frame dwelling, plum and apple orchards, living wa ter, IS acres of full wheat. 6 miles from Oregon City, on Molalla road, church and school house adjoining ; can be had for $1,250, one-third down, balance on time. No. 8. 40 acres at Milwaukie; part beaver dam. Price, $ 1,000. No. 9. S. L. Campbell's homestead for sale. No. 10. A Rarg-ain. A farm in good run ning order, of 320 noes ; 123 acres in cultivation, 48 acres of wheat, will produce 1200 bushels of wheat (will insure 800 bushels), good orchard, good new barn, farming implements, 4 head of cat tlt 20 hogs, some of them fine, stock, ten miles from Oregon City, school house, church, imstoftlee, and stora near by ; all for $1,250, $1, 5)0, down, balance in three years. Other desirable bargains in Clackamas, the best county inth? State. Any sue having money to lend can have our services, tree of charge, in managing the same and selecting securities. Persons wanting to borrow money can get favorable terms by calling on us. JOHXSOX& MtCOWX, and JOHNSON, MrCOWN MAC RUM. Offices in Oregon City and Portland. Nov. 12. lSToitf SELLING OFF AT COST! FOR Thirty Days Only! AT B. A. HUGHES', MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. Dealer in DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MAKING OOrVlFOnSPRINGSTOCK. B. A. HUGHES. Oregon City, Jan. 3d, 1376. County Kcrlp Taken Casli. ja7if Administrator's Kotice. VT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Wm. Proughton, deceased, by tho Hon. County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, therefore all persons liav ingclaims against said estate are requir ed to present them tome at Pease's Mill, ot the falls of the Willamette IUver, In Clackamas County, Oregon, on or before the expiration of six months from date of this notice, with proper vouchers. SARAH BHOIGHTOX. JOHNSON A McCOWN, Atfys for AdmPx. Oregon City, Feb. 25 :4t. Administrator's Notice. THE UNDERSIONED HAVING BEEN appointed by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County, In the State of Ore gon, administrator of the estate of J. A. Burnett, deceased, late of said county, alt personso havineclaims against Baid estate are required to present them to me, with t heir proper vouchers, within six months froir the date of this notice, at the office of the County Clerk, in Oregon City, in said County. G.G. FOSTER, Administrator. Oregon City, Feb. 5, 1S76. febll ;it. CENTER! CM I AL. 1776 1876. PBOCL19I1T1 O 3V. CHICAGO i XORTn-WESTERX RAIL WAX. THE POPULAR ROUTE OVERLAND. PASSENGERS FOR CHICAGO, NIA gara Falls, Pittsburgs Philadelphia, Montreal, Quebec. New lork, Boston, or any point East, should buy their TRAXSCOXTIXESTAL TICKF.TS Via the Pioneer Route, THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. THIS IS THE REST ROUTE EAST. Its track is of STEEI. RAII-S, and on it has been made the fastest time that has ever been MADE in this country. By this route passengers for points cast of Chicago have choice of the following lines from Chicago : By the Pltlsbnrj;, Fort Wayne ana t'hlcaoand Peuimylrania Railways: 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Pull man Palace Cars through to Philadel phia and New York on each train. THROUGH TRAIN, with Pullman 1 Palace Cars to Baltimore and Wash ington. By the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Kuilivny unit Connections (New York Central and Eric Rail roads) t O THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Palace Drawing Room and Silver Pal ace Sleeping Cars through to New York. By tlie Mirhigau Central, Grand Trunk, Great Western and Erie and New York Central Railways: 3 THROUGH TRAINS, with Pullman Palace Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars through to New York, to Niagara I' alls, Buffalo, Rochester or New York city. Hy Baltimore and Ohio Railroad t O THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Pullman Palace Cars for Newark, .anesvitlo, Wheeling, Washington and Baltimore without change. This is the SHORTEST, BEST and onlv line running Pullman celebrated PALACE SLEEPING CARS AND COACHES, con necting with Union Pacific Railroad at OMAHA and from the WEST, via Grand Junction, Marshall, Cedar Rapids.Clinton, Sterling and Dixon, for CHICAGO ANIi THE EAST. This popular route is unsurpassed for Speed, Comfort and Safety. The smooth, well-ballasted and )ierfect track of steel rails, the celebrated Pullman Palace Sleep ing Cars, the perfect Telegraph System of moving trains, the regularity with which they run, the admirable arrangement of running t h rough cars to Chicago from nil points 'West, secure to passengers all the comforts in modern Railway Traveling. No change of Cars and no tedious delays at Ferries. Passengers will find. Tickets via this Fa vorite Route at the General Ticket Office of the Central Pacific Railroad, Sacramen to. Tickets for sale in all the Ticket Offices of the Central Pacific Railroad. W. H. STENNETT, Gen. Pas. Agent. MARTIN IIUGIIITT, Gen. Sup. H. P. STAN WOOD, General Agency, 121 Montgomery street, San Francisco. Aug. 13 :ly OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! 3 Str. 12. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND every day Except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 2i o'clock, P. M. Sti. ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITY for CORVALLIS every Monday and Th ursday of each week. Sti. ITaiiriie 3?attoxi, Will leave OREGON CITY for DAYTON and intermediate points on Monday and Thursday of each week. . D. Kir.ES, January 1st. 1S71 :tf. Agent. T ESS 2001 h EDITION. M AN H O'D, UK VISED AND CORRECTED 25 Y TIIK AUTHOR, E. de V. CURTIS, M. I)., &c, fcc. A Medical Essay on the causes and euro of premature decline of man, showing how health is lost, and how regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the impediments to marriage, the treatment of nervous and physical debility, exhausted vitality, and all other diseases apjertaining thereto; the results of twenty years successful prac tice. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. C URTIS OX "MANHOOD." There Is no member of society by whom this book will not be found usefvl, whether he be parent preceptor or clergyman. lAnrlon Timet. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." This book should be read bytha young for instruc tion, and by the afflicted for relief; it will injure no one. Metlienl Times and Gazette. lYice One Dollar, by mail or express. Address the author, DR. CURTIS, 5lM Sut ter street, or P. O. Box 337, San Francisco, Cal. aug. 27 :lyisd3m J. H. SHSPARD, T3oot and Slioo Store, One door north of Ackerman Bros. Boots and shoes made and repaired as cheap as the cheapest. Nov. 1, 1S75 :tf LOUIS JACGERS, (Successor to Jacob Wort man) OIIEGOX CITY, OKEGOX. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AT the old stand, the largest and mo-st complete stock of family GROCERIES AD PROVISIONS Of every description, including Canned Goods, Spices, Green Oroceri-es Tobacco and Cigars, in fact, everything to be found in a first class Grocery store. BJ"ioods delivered to all parts of the City Free of Charge. 6" Highest Cash price paid for Potatoes, Oats and other Produce. LOUIS JAGGERS. Nov. 25, 1S75. tf. Administrator's Safe. In the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of. the Estate of Currln T. . Klmblcy, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT in pursuance of an order and license made and given by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, at t he special term held February 5th, 1876, thereof, I will proceed to sell at public auc tion, to tho highest bidder, at the Court House door in Oregon City, on Saturday, the 11th day of March, A. D. 187H, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., the following de scribed parcel of land, situated in Clacka mas County, Oregon, and belonging to the estate of said deceased : the W. H of N. E. H of SeC. io, T. 2, S., R. 3 E. of the Willamette Meridian, cor taining 80 acres more or less. Terms of sale cold coin down -at the time of sale. Deed at the expense of pur chaser. CASWELL KIMBLEY, Administrator. Oregon City, Feb. 10, lS7ti. CHAS. KNIGHT, ' CANBY, OREGON, PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST, Prescriptions carefully filled at shor1 notice. ja7 Af. FALL 1 875- Is yoar time to buy goods atw pflces BEOT HER S O are now receiving a largo stock ot FALL AND WINTER GOODS, all of the Latest Styles, which will sell. AT LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICE?, Our stock has been boupht for cash, and we will sell it at a small advance abovu SAPi FRANCISCO COST. " I7E WILL SAY TO EVERYEODY BE 0 fore yon purchase or go to Portland", come and price our goods and convineo yourself that we do what say. Our stopfc. consists in part of ' " o Fancy and Staplo- Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes-,. Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods: ' Notions, Grocrf les. Hard ware and a great many other articles too numcr ours to mention ; ALSO BOORS YINDCWS, PAINTS AND OILS! ETC. i ETC We will also pay the Highest MarRef Price for . Country Produce. ACKERMAN BROS. Oregon City ..Sept. 23, 17.5. tf AIAjIZX MITTOOjV, CLEAR CREEK, CLACKAMAS COOTT. I DESIRE TO INFORM MY OLD Cus tomers, and the public at large, that! haw Just received a new supply e 0 FAMILY GROCERIES . CLOTHING, HOO TS and SII0ES C UTLER Y, II A RD TTARIT, And OtJter Miscella?ieous Goods All of which I now offer for sale at tho- LOWEST MARKET RATES. My object is to tell all my old friends and customers that Tarn still alive, and desir ous to sell goods Cheap, FOR t'ASIJ.ot upon such terms as agreed upon. I shall also have in my employ athll'ongh BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, and constantly keep stock on band for the Mannfarlnrc & Rfjinir. of Tools h Shoes,. and all orders io that line will be promptly nttendedto, ALLEN' MATTOOX, Near the Viola Mills. octl:tf ; Citation. In the Count y Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. In trt matter of the Estate of Henry Spragne, deceased. 8 To Mary if. Jaekson, an heir of deceased r flIIE ADMINISTRATOR OF SAID JL Estate having tiled in sauf Court her JH-tstion praying for license to sell land fte onging to said Estate, situate in Clacka mas County, Oregon, bounded as follows, to-wit : Beginning at the corner between Sees. 14 and 23 East In T. 2S..R3 E.. run ning thence North 80 rods; thence West 10) rods; thence South 100 rods; itheneo East 111 rods ; t hence North-east 120 rods to, , the place of beginning; containing- ISO acres more or less. Therefore in the name f the State ff Oregon you are hereby cited to appear ba said Court at a term thereof to be held on . Monday, t he 3d day of April, A. D. 1876, to show cause, if any exist, why an order of sale should not be made as in sjkid petition prayed for. I . 1 Witness, the Hon. N. W. Ran- dall. Judge of said Court, and ) the seal thereof affixed the 1st uay oi .Maren, a. ij. is.o. n mh3-4U J. M. FRAZKR, Clerk. Administrator's Sale. o IN PVBSCACE OF AX ORDER AND license issued and made the 7th day of February A. D. 1S76, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, the under signed Administrators of the Estate of V. W. Cook, deceased, will on Wednesday, th 20th day of April, A. I. 1876, at 1 o'clock & m., at the Court Houseadoor in Oregon City, Oregon, sell at public auction the fol lowing described tract of land belonging tt said estato, in Clackamas County, Oregon, to-wit : o G The W. 3 of the S. Y. of Sec. 7, in T. 2 S., R. 3 E., in one parcel. The E. H of the S. V H of Sec. 7 In T. 3 S., It. 3. E., in one parcel. Terms f Sale One-fourth cash. In eoW coin, on day of sale ; remainder slxtycday " time, bearing interest at the rate of one per cent per montn. FHAXK W. FOSTER, V. If. COOK, March 3d. 1876-lt. Admrs. Joiinsox fc McCown, Att'ys. o Final Settlement. IRERKIIY GIVE NOTICE THAT I have filed In the County Court of Clack amas County, Oregon, my final account as ; Administrator of the Estate of A. M. Hard ing, deceased, and the Court has appointed J Monday, tbe 3d day of April A. 1. PS76. for thehering of objections to and settle ment of the same. O. HARDING. AGKER1AEJ March 2. 1876-ft. Admr. Johnson fe McCown, Att'ys, Final Settlement-0 I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT X have filed in the County Court of Clack amas County, Oregon, mv final account as ; Administrator of the Estate or J. D, Robbins, deceased, and th Court has ajx pointed Monday, the 3d day of April A. D. u 1876. for the hearing of object ioji to, and settlement of the same. N. N. ROBBINS. c March 2, 1876-lt. Admr. JonxsoN & McCovx, Attys. o.. NEW STORE AND NEW G: ODS, o Af NEW ERA. Prv Goods, Groceries. Roots and Shoes, Wooden Ware, Drugs and for cash or produce. a. casxo. o o c C O o O O