Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1876)
o O o o oo O 0 O THE ErJTERPRSSL OREGO? CITF, OflECflV, MARCH 10, 1S76. News Column. The Mormon ministers are at Eu- Victorians anticipate an increase in the tariff. Rtl estate business is lively at New Taconia. Sawmills are being moved to the J31ack Hills ''Slim Jim'' is throwing three cards for Arizonians. !?0,000 were shipped to Europe one day last week. Utah brewers will exhibit their beer at the centennial. Rev. Father Sch ram's lecture in Tortland realized $250. Bishop Dominick Las returned from Borne to Tittsburg. Everything is green in Umatilla county barring the people. Thirty thousand men will leave Spain immediately for Cuba. The only bowl factory on the coast will be soon erected at Seattle. Yamhillers arc importing hounds to save their mutton from wolves. The New Jersey Republican State Convention is called for May 17th. Gen. Pillow, at an advanced age, is homeless, with a famishing family. Captain Flanders intends building a new wharf and warehouse at Port land. Amateurs are grinding discord from all sorts of instruments at Buena Vista. $2,000 in postal orders passed through the fc'eattle postoiTice last week. . An old man named Leo has been arrested at Silver City for robbing . stages. Schenck will leave England to con front Lyons and "vindicate his repu tation." A special term of court will be held at Kalama on the 15th day of March. More coal mines have been dis covered in the neighborhood of Seattle. "Work is progressing rapidly on the railroad from Walla "Walla to Wallula. A fire was put out at Judge Bailey's at Pendleton, before much damage was done. The Oregon Bible Society sold dnring the past year $1,652 17 worth of Bibles. The Tkhode Island Democratic State Convention has been called for the 19th inst. Judge Emerson has been appointed pro tern. Judge of the 3d district at Salt Lake. D Stratton has taken "Willis's place as clerk of the board of capitol com missioners. The Spiritualist Jacobs is said to have shot a man named Armstrong, in Jefferson. The postmaster at Elk Horn, Polk county, complains of the mail service Right, he is. Rich ore is being taken from the eleventh level of the Golden Chariot mine, Idaho. Some San Franciscans will soon start a salmon cannery at Woodstock's Landing, B. C. Ulysses Grant, Jr., has taken Levi Luckey's place as private secretary to the President. An old man named Bragg died near Independence last week, at the brag age of 110 years. The Rhode Island Republican State Convention will be held at Provi dence on the 22d. Judge Strong will lecture before the Y. M. C. A. of Portlaud on "Ear ly Times in Oregon." An Olympia boy who discovered the secret of the "Vanity Fair" man, "beat" him out of $25. The Yakima county safe (trunk) was robbed some time since of 2, 000 in currency and coin. Mr. Dodd's house near Vancouver was set on fire by an incendiary last week and totally destroyed. The Springfield Mill Unm pan v. near Eugene Citv. will shin 1.000.000 O feet of lumber this summer. 1 Three thousand signatures have already been secured to the memorial O to Congress for a free ballot. The freight tariff on the Walla Walla and Columbia River Railroad is to be materially advanced. Columbia countv. W. T.. has al ready issued over $000 in the shape w of certificates of indebtedness. The Western Union Telegraph Co. is considering whether to pay a quar terly uiviuenu 01 ij; per cent. The racific Jockov Club naid tho owner of Foster $15,000 last Meek as lii3 share of the $o0,000 purse Michigan, Wisconsin and Rhode Island have gone without the death penalty for more than 20 years If Jack Frost does no "nippinsr' among the Walla Walla orchards, an ttunciiauce of fruit is promised. "Jock' Sheppard, the San Fran Cisco agent of the Oregon Immigra wvu uuacu, is -visiting jortiana. Trofessor Prentice, of "Pnrfln.n.1 has a large singing class at Yancou ver, so lie has in Oregon Citv Aira. Uieu is shocking Walla alia people by getting boilin ins drunk at every opportunity. "Butter is worth only 15 cents a pouna at aitsourg. W. T." That may be, but Low much is it sold for The certificate of incorporation o the New York Express Com pan v was filed on the 1st inst., -in New" York City. Tb.3 women of Vancouver have petitioned the each family largo in the ton council to allow Airil. Tf iUZ 11 t 7le in to hate one cow run at ! get this grant it is certain 1 corpoi ate limits. . ahead swimming v m to s Cattle are bringing better prices at Walla Walla than for two years past. Thompson, Miller and Mead have been giving skating exhibitions -at Salem. . i Wolves are just as big lovers of mutton to-day, in the Waldo Hills, as at the time of Esop. A man named Charles Williams has been arrested in San Francisco for embezzling $10,000 in Virginia City. The Avalanche says: Five tons of ore are now being daily hauled from the Leviathan mine to the -Leonard mill. Ex-Senator Stewart wants to testify before the committee investigating Schenck's connection with the Emma miue. J. B. Underwood, accompanied by Mrs. Honten, will arrive from Wash ington some time during the present month. Theodore Thomas has purchased the former mansion of Edwin Forrest at Philadelphia for a summer concert garden. The bark Iconium from Port , Blakely arrived at Port Townsend on the"25th ult. completely water logged. Samues Hanuah, of Union county, has been appointed by the President Collector of'Customs for the Willam ette District. The Connecticut Republican State Convention met at Hartford on the 29th ult. A third term for Grant was deprecated. 1 ,050,000 hoop poles and 20 cords of water pipe will Jje sent to San Francisco on the next trip of the City of Panama. A type-sticker from the Idaho Statesman office has been appointed the Governors private secretary. What a come down! Professor Tvndall was married in Westminster Abbey on the 20th ult., by Dean Stanley, to Miss Louisa Claude Hamilton. A burglar got a dollar, a plug of tobacco and a lead pencil for his trouble of breaking into Mr. Evart's store at Dayton, W. T. The foot of snow which fell last week in the Boise basin is said to be worth several thousand dollars to the placer miners in that district. The three and a half million dollar subsidy granted by the Montana Legislature to the N. P. 11. It. will be decided by pojuilar vote in April. An idiot named John Crow has been sent to the Steilacoom asylum, Columbia county, W. T. Poor Crow says he has been sent without caws. A leaky gas main penetrated two houses in Providence on the night of the 1st. and in the morning nine of the occupants were found insensible. Generals Crook and Custer, with 2,000 troops, havo started after Sit ting Bull, who is supposed to bo at the mouth of Powder river with 1,500 warriors. Jim Tababon, a half-breed living near Lewiston, Idaho, tried to do stroy his entire ancestry with a pistol last week, he missed ius mark, sev eral times. A large number of metallic cart ridges and two gun carriages, from Fort Alcatraz, San l ranciseo, have been received by Col. Whipple, 'at Fort Walla Walla. Lyons's testimony beforo Congres sional committee, in relation to the Einina mine, is verv damaging to Minister Schenck and ex -Senator Stewart, of Nevada. The poisonous weed which appears every spring m the Snake river conn try is beginning to sprout, ami cattle raisers 'are driving their stock "to green fields and pastures new." Last week, GO Chinese became riot ous in San Francisco, on account of some question of internal economy existing among them. The leaders were arrested. Many were wounded. Newcomer, who was prosecuted at Philadelphia by Rev. Cook (colored) for denying him bed and board at the Bingham House, has been found guilty, of violating the Civil Rights bill. On the 20th ult., Mitchell introduc ed a bill granting the right of way through public lands for wagon roads over the Blue mountains in the State of Oregon; referred to committee on public lands. Senator Bontwell testified last week before the House committee, investi gating the affairs of the Alaska Com mercial Company, that the govern ment annually receives from this source 325,000. Two Marion county men, on their way to quartzville, on the Santiam, eeame lost in the snow, and only after great suffering succeeded iu getting to cam p. One of the men became snow-blind, and his feet Ave re badly frozen. Owing to county financial troubles prisoners confined at Pioche for petty unenses nave been released. The county hospital has been closed, ow- ing to me county's inability to sup ply provisions, etc. Countv scrip is worth but ten cents ou the dollar. The Boiso Sl'Uesnian pays: Geo. Newton, Judgo Heath and Mr. Ho pan, owners of the Last Chance ledge at Atlanta, made one of the richest strikes on record, in their mine last week. From five or sis pounds of rock they got the unparal leled sum of 400 in gold It is thought at the present writing that Secretary Belknap will resign las ofhee in the Cabinet on account of corruption being traced to bis aooi-3. Marsh, of New York, testified before the committee on expendi tures of tho War Department, that ho paid Mrs. Belknap S10 000 for a post tradership, and $G,000 yearly since. J J The Northern Pacific Railroad has got an extension of its charter and land grant from the Senate, and the If f V 1 llroua,)Jy concur; while the Montana Legislature has author ized territorial subsidies of $3,000 000 to the Utah Northern nar,- Oil Which th r.0rt,0a b ". GEOIldE A. HARDING. WARD & HARDING, DRUGGISTS . AND APOTHECARIES, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A general assortment of TJrugs and Clieixiical, Perfumery, Combs uii1 Urns lie,, Truist-a, , Supporters, Shoulder lJiuce Fancyiuul Toilet , Articles, ALSO Kerosene Oil, Lamp Chimneys, Glas, Vntty, Fuintg, Oil, Vitriiislies iiiil Dye StulTs, PL'RE WINES AM) LIQUORS FOR ME DICINAL PURPOSE! PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. iWPhysicians' Proscriptions carefully compounded, and a 11 orders correctly an swered. BVOpen at ail hours of the night. , ttjAil accounts must bo p;iid monthly, novtitf WARD & HARDING. THOMAS CHARM AH ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that .4 Kimble Six Pence is Better than a Slow Shilling. I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, I'aints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Croekery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Indies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy X Rope, Faming tionsof Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Catlings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc Of the above list, I can say my stock is the ?.I O S T C O M P 1. E T K ever offered in this market, and was sletcd with especial care for t he Oregon City trade. All of which I now offer for sale at the Lowest Market Ra'es. No usfl for the Indies, or any one else, to think of going to Port land to buy goods for I am Detenninerl to Sell. Cheap and not to allow myself to he UXDERSOLD IX THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask Is a fair chance and quick pay. nients, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of t tin trade. Come one and nil and see for yourselves that t he old stand of THOMAS CHARMAX cannot be beaten in quality or prief. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can afTor you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Come, and Sjr,;in:l Ex:unin? for Vonrspives fori do not wish to make any mistakes. .My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. TIIOS. OIIARMAX", Main Street, Oregon City, r.ernl Tenders and Countv Serip taken at market rates. T1IOS. C1IAKMAX. IK7"5ii,0iXJ lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CHARMAX. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE til STAIIIVE. -O- THE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF the Livery Stable on Fifth street.Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constant ly on hand liufjjies, C'nrriajjps mill 1 1. -iv Its. Saddle anl ISugfgfy Horses. IJricos Kcnsonnblo. "AXDY WILLIS, Oregon City, Nov. 5, 1875. Proprietor. Notice. U. S. Land Okfick. Oregon Pity, Oregon, Februarv-J, 1870. Cf)iiPLiT itvvixti nrcio.v kn tered nt. this office by J. II. Itainey against John Cox for nbandoning his Homestead Entrv, No. 177, dated May o, 1R71, U!K)il the s. H of the s. e. ship 0 south, llange 2 cast, in Clackamas county, Oregon, with a vi w to th-. cancel lation of said entrv : the said pnrt ies are hereby summoned to ap .'-ar at this office on the 21st dav of larch, 1.S7H, nt 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said all ged abandon ment. OWEN WADE, HcyUtcr. febll-lw T. It. HARRISON, Jieeeieer. STATE BOARD OF IMMIGRATION. tend Emigrants to Oregon, now in foreign countries and sister States, and for circu lating sueh information abroad by this Hoard, ail persons In this State having l arms and Tunnels for Sale or Kent, or de sirous of forming Colonies, will please for wnrd to this Roard as soon as possible de tailed descriptions of their Farms and Tjinds, Iiocat ion. Price and Terms of Sale. or conditions of rentine: and all persons desirous of obtaining Agricultural or other Ija borers, will please communicate direct with this Bo'trd. r.y'instruetions of the Commissioners of immigration. WILLIAM REID, febSlm A State Com'r of Immigration. Administrator's Sale. "VTOTICKIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, xN pursuant to an order of the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, I will offer for sale at public auction on Saturday, March 25th, 1976, at H'o clock, A. M., at the Court House door in Oregon City, Clacka mas County, Oregon, forgold coin in hand, the following described real estate, belong. Ing to the estate of Joseph. A. Wright, de ceased, to-wit; Lot 3 of S. 10, and the S. W. H of the S. Fj. VJ. and Lots 1. 2, 3 and 4 of -S. 2. all in T. 4 S. R. 2 K. of tiio Willamette Meridian, containing 1M acres. J. M. HKOVTN, feblS;3t Administrator. J.P.WARD. BOUND Volumes of Music MAKE APPROPRIATE PRESENTS. Among the manv thousands of Ballads and Piano Pieces that we publish, there are some that are noted for their great beauty and lasting qualities. We have made a careful selection of these pieces and offer them In book form, as follows : VOCAL WORKS WITH Piano Accompaniment. Mother Gonsp 3Ieloelies. Pea ufifully Il lustrated. (Ask for Novello's Edition, or you will get a, cheap photograph copy. $1 9) in boards ; full gilt, $2 80 Shining T.lgHfs. A collection of Sacred Songs. $175 in boards; cloth and gilt, tl 50. Golden Leave. Vols. I. and II. A col lection of Songs and Choruses, by V. S. Ha vs. Each vol, $1 75 In boards; cloth and gilt, $2 50. Henrth :iik1 Home, Street Sounds and Fireside Eclioe. Three vols, of Choice Hom Songs, by Hays, Danks, etc. Each vol. $1 75 in boards; cloth and gilt, $2 50. Priceless Gems. A fine collection of Songs by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, etc. $176 in boards -.cloth and gilt, $2 50. Peters' Household Melodies. Vol. I. Containing all the latest and best, songs by Hays, Danks, Thomas, Stevart,(about IW songs). $8 in boards ; cloth and gilt, THe Opera at Home. A collection of Standard Opera Songs, selected from over 25 Operas. S3 in boards ; cloth and gilt, St. German VolUslietler Album, with Eng. and Ger. text. $2 50, -10 songs, Eleinllessolm's 76 Sonars, Elegent folio edition. 1 nil giit, ?S 50. The same for a deep voice, in 2 vols. 8vo, each, S2 5') in paper; cloth, $3 50. SclmmaiiM's Vocal Allium. "0 songs, with Eng. and Ger. text. $2 50 in paper; full gilt, 3 50. Kuiilint of Song. A collection of Sacred and Moral Songs, beautifully illustrated by the Pros. Dal.iel. Full gilt, ?1. PIANO JWQRKS. Fnirj- Kiirei-K. Pearl Drops, Mtric C ircle and Voimur Pianisl. Four col lections of easy Piano Music for young pin vers, most of the pieces being wit bout octaves. FhcIi vol. 51 75 in boards; cloth and gilt, ?2 a'). Musical Keorealiona. A collection of Dance Music. $1 73 in boards; cloth iind gilt, Z 5 . Golden Chimes. A ehoic collection of P.-irlor Music, by Ch. Kinkle. H To in boards; cloth and gilt, $2 50. Rrilliatit Gems. Containing music of medium difficulty, by Wyman, Kinkle, etc. ?1 7-3 i;i boards ; cloth and gilt, $1 50. Strauss' AVnltxes, A"1k. I. it II. Ask for Peters' Edition, the only complete copy giving the full waltzes as played by Thomas' Orchestra. $3 in boards; cloth, $1. Pe.-irl. of Melody, and Parlor Music. ?1. A collect ion of Pance fS in boards ; full gilt, PeTrf' Parlor Mfiic, Vol. I. Our latest and best Piano Music of moderate diffi culty. S3 in boards; full gilt, ?l. La C'remede Iji Creme. VJx. I. and II. A collection of choice Piano Music, by Thaib rg, Liszt, Heller, te. Tins Is de cidedly the best, collection of bound music in the market. Each, $3 in boards; lull gilt, ?1. Bfethovrn'sSiiiiatas. Rvo, fu'l gilt, $1. folio, " ' $10. Clpin's IVultzt-s, 1 " : Polonaises, Si ; Nocturnes, IJallads, $2; Pr dudes, S-2 "V: Sonatas, ?J 5'). All in stiff paper covers. XIrtt d!-lsoli sj's C-:j pip t e Piano Works Elegant, folio edit ion, full 1 vols., each, ': Svo edition, full gilt, 4 vols., each. f: 5 ) ; Hvo edition, paper covers, 4 vols.,;eaeIi, 52 51. Mozart Sonatas. Full gilt, S3 51. Wphcr's Piano IVorlts. Full gilt, $1. Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. Address, J. L. PETERS, Sl:iKlOAt)VAV, X. V. Doc. 23 :v6 I. SELL T 1ST Gr MAS J l ST RECEIVED THE LARGEST stock of FALL AMD WINTER GOODS ever imported to Oregon City, -which he off :rs at greatly reduced prices. My stock oi CLOTI-IIISrG, Has Ebeen largely increased and I can show as handsome a line of ready-made goods in Men and Roys P.usine'ss and Dress Suits, Coats, etc., as can be found in the country, and at prices that cannot fail to satisfv. Mv DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Ts filled with a splendid assortment of all the leading styles and fashionable shades of goods Empress C'lwtH, Moltuirx, lieiirh aiut American Ilregx Goods Illaek Alparca, lirillia nt ines, 'aslimeres, vc. T? A K T, S , Plaid, Plain and Opera Flannels, of all col ors. Pleach. -d and Unbleached Cotton Flannels. Laities' ami tfeiits t'ndsrnare Shawls and Scarfs, Wool Ul;tnU'ts, 1'rn n Us a nd Travelinjr Satcliels, Iiotsnnd Cajw, Oil lolli for Floor a ntl Table. BOOTS and SHOES, I would call' special attention to my stock of Men's and Roys San Francisco Roots, which I have sold for a number of years past with general satisfaction. F.v ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE k FARMING UTENSILS. Choiee Teas, Canned Goods, and all choic Family Groceries, All nt Low Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL AD CARMAX ISLAND SALT. Highest Prico aid for all kinds of Country Ii'oIbicc. '200,000 lbs. of WOOL Wanted, for which I shall pay the highest cash price. I. SKLLINO. Oregon City, Sept. 30 1875. tf STILL IS THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS SAIjOON. WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be fonnd in the city.-All goods warranted. Goods delivered in tho city free of charge. The highest cash once paid for country produce. Oregon City, March is, 1$7& MBRCIIANDISB. JOHN MYERS, OREGON CBTY- DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for and all ki ls of GOOD COUNTRY PRCDUCF I will sell as low as any house in Oregon for CASH OR ITS IZQUIVALHXT n Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASH PAID FOR rOOTY ORDERS Give mo a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYKRS. Oregon City, March 21. 1ST3, A. C. WALLSNG'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Pittoclc's IJuildiiijr Corner of Stark mid Front Sireet. PORTLAND, OREGON. WHLAXIv BOOKS RULED AND ROUND S 9 to anv desired pattern. Music looks, Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev erv varietv of style known to the tirade. Orders from the o.untry promptly at ten -led to. VIC K'S Flower and Vegetable ar the best, the world produces. They are planted bv a million people in America, and the result is, beaut iful Flowers and sppmdid Vegetables. A Priced Catalogue sent, free to all who enclose the iostage a 2 cent stamp. VICK'S Flower and Vegetable Gfarclen is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly lot) pages, hundreds or fine Illustrations, nnd four Chromo Plate of Flowers, beautifullv drawn and colored from nature. Price .35 cts. in paper covers; bo cts. 'xmnd in ele gant cloth. Viclv's Floral Guide. This is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an ele gant colored I' piece with the first number. Price only 2" cts. for the year. The first number for 1870 Just issued. Ad dress JAMES VICK, Rochester, X. Y. .JOHN II. MOORE'S MACHINE SHOPS, OKCGOX CITY, ORI.GON. tTKAJI E.CIKS, SA1V-MILLS, FXjOUHING MILLS, SHAFTING, Pulleys, HanfTer's Hydraulic Pumps, GKAllING, BOXES, made to order. Reapers, Threshing Machines," and all kinds of Farming Machinery repaired in the best manner. Farmers' Pdacksmith ingdonc with neatness and dispatch. Wheat Cleaners, Jackets. Iron and Zinc Shaker Screens nnd Perforated Tlates, made to order. Agent for the HOUSTON PATENT WATER WHEEL, The Best Wheel in Use. Orders Solicited. Dec. 31, 1873 .-tf WM, IIKOUGIITON "WfOULD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF Oregon City and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, Of every description, at low rates. ALSO, Dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic, Spruce, (for shelving), Lattice, .. Pickets, and Fence-Posts, Cedar, Constantly on hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low a rates as it can1)c purchased in the state. Give me a call at the ORBGOX CITY 8AW 3T1LZ.8 -Oregon City. June 10, 1875 :tf $5 t0 0 ?er Da? at home- Terms r! J free. Address Ifcbly G, OTISS0.N 4 Co.. 1-ortlan 'pJIe FINE POULTRY Bred by M. EYRE, Jr. NAPA,' California, Pronz Turkeys, weighing 40 fts each." Em- .. (i.,.to-l,inc frnm II) tO 1)0 IDS. per pair. I'.rabmas, Leghorn, Games, etc. Pekin Ducks, aver aging 18 to 20 Jhs., and best oi all Ducks as layers. i j nccnrlmcnt. of PigCOnS, Kabbits, Guinea Fowls and Ferrets. Any variety oi iowis aesiiwi im'i. tt-.. j . nnmo fresh illlU W Cil packed', for sale at moderate prices. Send lor Illustrated Circular, and Price List, to - v jt-,.1- ' t f i i rrrs c n cfntnn5. T Will KJLl H U H'l - x - - furnish specimen copy ot the Poultry ... . , w.v-r i 1 1 ii ct i-itn.1 tin or ninnt h I v. the recognized authority in ixultry matters In the U. S. ; and decidedly the best Poul try Journal published, bv.oscription only $1 25 a year. Please state where you saw this adver tisement. Orders may also be lelt at this office. Who a re 'suffering from the effect of yout hful lollies or indiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon laid at t be altar of suffering humanity, lilt. hPlXXKY will guar antee to forfeit f jO0 for every case of se minal weakness, or private disease of anv kind or character which he under takes and fails to cure. He would, there lore, say to the unfortunate sufferer who may read this notice, that you are tread ing'upon dangerous ground when you longer delay in seeking the roper rem edy for vour complaint. You may be in the first stage; remember you are np ,.if.hiinrtiii. Inst If voti are borJerlnir upon t he last, and are "suifering some or all of its nierreets, rememutrinat u jou persist in procrastination, the time must come when the most skillful physician n rt-.ifi- -j-n Tin !i cQii( :i nee - i-liiri the door of hope will ba closed against you -. when no angel oi mercy can uring juu relief. In no case has the Doctor failed fif tiTccnce Tiien let not desnair work ii ton vour imaginal ion, but avail your eiifnf'tiin i.e nf-fic-ia 1 results of his treat ment before your case is. beyond the reach of medical skill, or beioro grim lontli hurries von to a nremature irrave. Knll rmirs" of tfatnit'lit So 0U. Send monev bv Post office order or Exuress with full "deserir-tion of crise. Call or address, Dii A. If. SP1XM5V, No. 11 Kearny street , San Francisco. setH:ly J O I t FJ S C H R A m , Main St., Oregon City. MAMTACTCnER AND I.lirOKTER OF Sitddles, II I'll fci?V Saddlery-H.-ivd- f.-i-- ware, etc., etc. JHICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can oe u;iu 1:1 me cM.aie, iil WHOLESALE OS RETAIL. 831 warrant my goods as rr-presonted. JOHN SCIIRAM, Saddle and Harness Taker. Oregon City, On-gon, July II, l.s73-tv-3. The standard rem,., v tor C-oi-!i, Jt fluenz, ,ore Throut, Whvoy.inn Omtch, f.roujt, I.trrr Complaint, JJroncMfi.r Jllerd i7 of the L iujs, every alfection of t he Jhmat, Lungs and Chest, Including Cox-suMi-nox. Wisliir's i:al.-nt or V11 Cherry does not iry up a cough, but loosens it, cleanses the Lunus, and allays irritation, thus re mortna the e.-f.-,c of the complaint. None genuine unless signed r. Pvrrs. Prepared by SF.TH W. FoWIjKR A Sons, Roston. Sold by KEnnisoTox, Hostkttf.u A Co., San ! rancisco, and by dealers generally. 20febly THE WEEKLY SUN. XI-'W YORK. Eighteen hundred and seventv-six is the Centennial year. It. is also the vcar in which an Opposition House of Represen tatives, thelirst since the war, will bo in power at. ashington ; and the vear of the twenty-third election of a President. Qf the l nited states. AUof these events are sure to be of exeat. Int.niwtt or,,i 1 cspecially-the two laUer and aiifTS i ...uiiii TOnmn. "U.11 them will c d Sltt.h,-V reiK.rted and exundi The Opposition ITous: of Representa tives, taking up the line of inquiry opened years bro by Thk Sux, will stei:nlv and diligently investigate the corruptions and misdeeds of Grant's administration: and, will, it is to be hoped, lay the foundation lor a new and better period in our nation al history. Of all this The Sun will con tain complete and accurate accounts, fur nishing its readers with early and trust worthy information upon these absorbing topics. The twenty-third Ixesidential election with the preparations lor it, will be mem orable as deciding upon Grant's aspira tions for a third term of power and plun der, and still more as deciding who shall be the candidate of the party of Reform, and as electing that candidate. Concern ing all these subjects, those who read The sun will havo the constant means of be ing thoroughly well informed. The Weekly Sun, which has attained a circulation of over eighty thousand copies ""i"" u;i us rf.uicrs incverv stat? and Territory, and we trust, that the vcar 1S70 ill see their numbers doubled. It will continue to be a t horough newspaper All the general news of the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant at full length when of moment; and alwavs we trust , treated in a clear, interesting and in structive manner. . It is our aim to make Thk Weekly Sun the best family newspaper in the wo-ld and we shall continue to give in its col umns a large amount of miscellaneous reading, such as stories, tales poems scientific intelligence and agricultural in formation, lor which we are not able to make room in our daily edition. Th agri cultural department espeeiallv is on of its prominent features. The fashionsarc also regularly reported in its columns: anr! so"r,t markets of everv kind ,iv hm,fK,;V eight pages with fifty sii broad columns is onlv Si 20 a vear postage prepaid. As this 'price bareiv re' pays the cost of the paper, no discount can be made irom this rate to clubs.agents post masters, or anyone. -nls' The Daily Sux, Sl iarge four page new, paper of twenty-eight columns; gives all he news for two cents a copy. Subscrip tion, postage prepaid, 55c, a month or $B 50 a year Sunday edition extra i lOner res lh SUjN, .New 1 ork City. BIBLES FOR SALE. TUST RECEIVED, AXU FOR SMjE J at my Store in Oreson Cif v n u'ntiv ot Ribles and Testament Tffi'ffiw t he property ot t h Am erien n PIbI Soeietv, ai d are offered for sale as low as thev ca'h be bought at any similar Iepositorv Ui the State. 1 hose wishing to purchase' are Invited to call and examine our stock. ; - - ' Walter Fish, Ajjcnt for Cl?.cjcamas County, HOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EuTEBPHIse! S2 50 PER YEAR; ' PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Parts of the World s A Carefully Selected Summary-of STATE, TERRITORIAL AXJ NEWS ITEMS; A Corrected List of the Markets In Portland, Sail Fnmeisco and Oregon Cilr- LOCAL XE1VS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to tlie FARjIEB, MERC1IAM OR MECHASIC Also, Carefully Seltcd MI)CELLAM20US READINU. In is In Every Respect a LIVE NEWSPAPER. THE EXTEZlfil'ltlSU Having a large and constantly increasing; Circulation in the most populous part of the State, offers superior Inducements to o those who wish to Advertise. G Advertisements inserted on REASONABLE. TERMS. and it Is therefore a good time to Subscribe in order that you may be posted on current events Send in your subscription at once ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OREGON CITY, : OREGON. ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ? y all kinds of JOB PlUJsTJNG, such as CARDS, RILT.-1IRADS. PAMMIT.K7S, DKKDS. MORTGAGES, L.ABHLS, m LETTER-HEADS in fact all kinds of work done a in Printimr Oil ice, at 1'ORTLAXD PRICES. AI.Tj KINDS OP LEGAL BLAIMK3 constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State. A N D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Oregon City. March 21. 1873-tf. AGEMS FOR THE ENTERPRISE. . The following persons are authorized to act as agents lor the Enterprise : York" P" Rcm"c11 Co- 40 Park Row. Kew vZi'Z"1 A CO' 607 Chestnt .t Abbott Co., Xo. 82 and 81 Xassau sUtet New ork. Portland.Oregon ....r. Samul San Francisco i 'bos. Royce ,x , , , . IL. P. Fisher St. Helens, Columbia countv S. A. Miles Astoria, Clatsop county... A. Van Dusen fA1"."; - I William. liarrisburir t it t; :.. 1 ' - ; , . . . " - t.. iiutu .afayette, amhill county J.L.Ferguson iu nas, roue coumy Dave Holmes Eola u t. , ... wir JacKsonville k. k. HannA Ronton county W.A. Wells CorvalUs- Hon. John Burnett Canyon City.Grant co W. B. Laswell il ,,n; A- N.Arnold Dalles, Wasco county, X. II. Gates I LaGrantic. Pninn rinnti- a r enii. - - . ... .v. v . v tali, Pendleton, Umatilla county S. V. Knox Eug?nc City.... l J. M. 1 E. I, ' Thosnpson I'.nstow Roseburg Lebanon, Jacksonville........ Long Tom Hon. Ij. V. ljtne MI.. T. Montague I J. R. Ralston ..Hon. E. D. Koudray H. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COUNTY. P.eavor Creek C. F. P.eatio Rutteville John Zumwalt Cascades Henrv McGugin Can by J. W. Strawser Cutting's D. Wright Eagle Creek Frank W. Foster Harding's lCapt. Z. C. Norton I.ower Molalla...., . .W. Moreland Mllwaukie., John Hagenberger Oswego J.John Eoole lTpjer Molalla W. II. Vaoghan OREGON CITY BREWERY Henry Ilunibel, TTAV1KO PURCHAS- A A ed the above Rrew- erv wishes to inform th tinhlic that he is now prepared to manufacture a Xo. 1 qual ity of JjAGBJt BEER, as good as can bo obtained anywhere in the State. Orders solicited and rromr1 filled. O o 0