Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1875)
G o O o o O oTes j. cm, chegoa. ircraT 23, is:i ' THE BOUQUET. Br "GREASE WOOD." S-veet flowers fn the fragrant boquet, - pi j ;2 I Willi Kino, iiiiiuiLU cart;; I- j mc-Kir; boni with in in-jrling; array, -.Taat shortly since, a blooming were, In g irdi'u Ljreen, All aglow and bright, 'Neath the -;.lilfn sheen, Of San's genial li;ght. II - w plea-sin: arc tho varied eolor3, T 1 ir the clnst'rin Hijwcm show ; Anl delicious the frui-ant odors, from the s itin ,,jt lis Xlow. Bri"-ut little tiower.s. As smiles from a frieud, Mystic; the power, - Thy future poj-tend. T.irongh the cadence iAme livini; day, Thy "beauty was hist I Susand bright ; T.i?u sweet urosu i lion! awav -With ba inty vanished from sight. Crisp aim crumpled, In the vase alone, To earth did toi ole, An I sub-itancc ilown. On mv mind its image is "impressed, I n'-. with blissful radiineo riff, As uii-hine from the sipiles of tti' blest, O cr the smuons pa thiol lite. In my mind it l ew, From ut of tfl- vase; bo indellibly till , o tini& can T'-ios if. ii llio srnnihino of killdn-ss. In briirht smiles or fragrant flowers, b.-ittor t!ie shailows tfat surround us, In uiis'ortune'd dark gloomy hours. Tami'li time 111:1 biini Changes of pleasure, Tn v power will t ing '- To memory ever. An IIjut at the Police Station. From tha D .-trait Froe Press. .""Hy Uasband is sick, yon krow," slid Marv Sliaw, as she: came out. "He is", eh V" "Yes; 0:1 his dying bed. Last niglit after t!ie doctor went away, he took me by t ie h ind atnl saj"- lie: "Mary I haven't got "over ono more clay to live." IIj may be dead by this time. 'M.ivy" s.ry.s his honor, lifting up liis siec-t icdes, "this is. the season of the year for greens, isn'jt it? "Yes, your Honor." j "Well, look at me Tlary, and see if there is anything cowslippy or liorseradishy about me." 'X, vo'u- Honor." i "Arid ytt yoti expect jne to believe that story, Mary ? I've- sent you to t le House of Corrcct'toti three times dnru:g t.'ie last year; kiow that you are a t-ingle woman, Al it grieves in? to hear yon go on Ali such yarn. Don't you know truth is mighty, and must prevail?" She hung her he:id. "It is, worn. i i. F.ihe .ood is dark nss, but truth shine; through it like a ten cent piece sti jking out of a s ind-hank. T:ie charge is drunken ness, and I r.really wish you would come right out and tell me the truth! I will sir, I wasn't drunk!" 'Great Alligators! but here's four witnesses! ' "I didn't bring e:n here!" "Xo; the ollieer did, and all of ill era saw you drunk!" ; "Judge, will you believe them be fore vim will me?" "I will!" - 5 "And vott'll send loojnp?" "I will!" 4 "Cm it. ho possible. Aidge?" "It can, and it is. f liako it three mouths. Tii is will ta j la the circus season. Fourth of A-, and the steamboat exeursions, and all the strawhtrries and cream yon got this year won't a elect your health." "Judge, you deserved to be mur dered for this!" "Can't help that. Go in and sit clown. FiaL-R.vTivEii- Speakixo. Lovers of tlie Inimiii fonm divine will do wcdl to give the following a studied reading: Mrs. Straw The story runs that a de.ih-r iu articles of rt-rtu here had in his establishment an exquisite st ituetif in Parian marble of the Ve nus of Mi!o. Our friend heard ot it, and gave it an inspection one day. Alter gazing at it admiringly for bouv tim , sh-j said: . "Did yon select that, Ir. Delf?" "Y'sVm," he responded. "W.iy, v-a must lu a good judge of a figure. Dut did you ever see mine?' Mr. DeU responded, blushing, that be h 11 not. "Mi ie," .she continued, "is allow cl to bf the 1'nest ligure in Wash ingtmi." 0 'S tonldn't doubt, mum." respond ed L.-!f, shitting uneasily from one foot to t!ie ot'iCL". "I should lik.i to s':ow you my fig- -ure, " s'k siid v. Djlf blush- "e 1 all over. "Co: n; to mv lioust- ) some tim;. 3"etter eo-.iie in the morn 1:1 ' woen it wout lie lieiv tor anv- rrn to interrupt i;s." Poor D.df, he fairly sunk under a tabl; ii i I itanin?ie I out something about b'tug" a member of a cjimrc'i, wli-m o tr friend continued: "It c )st m-3 812) in gold, is iv.ire Parian :n nble, and I would like to li ive vo ir opinion, as you are such an a tmirable judge." L'.g .t d iw.ied on Delf. She had be-;n so 'akiag of a statuette, and not a c : ilent, middle-aged lalv. The Third Tfrm. Mr. B'dvens, nn id. I bachelor of Iloeherter, who is in icii absorbed in olitics visited the wi lo t Graham the other dav, j it after read in Oram's better, and aslied her what she tlioutrht of a third trra. Now. the widow lias been twice ramied, and in respond to the question s!ie nude a riis!i for the ayou ilel lit: Llivens, and taking him tightly 1:1 her arms, exclaimed : ''O. yoi deir, dear man! What a h.vmv wocin I am!'' At last ac 0.7:1 nt.i 1,-. V. had locked hinnelf in lus wo.l-ho:ise. and was endeivor incr to ex,..Uiu thir. to the widow thro igh t!,0 kev-holo IT- ..o a t.xvxD!;nt.-A rural uiuor i; i im.Ms went to s?e his Rirl. and she indulged in a -reat muiy l,eiflr,.-l,o-8. na went h and wro.e a eonnndrum. Why are ll;1:3 hs thy n ? Tho" rival c.htor savs no doesn't t ike any stoek- o 111 11 in. in who won it 1 ask knoezy question as that. such a TTittx Heply. "I would advise you to put your head intoa dve-tub Us rather red." Said a jokr to a .aiidy-batred girl. "I would adv,4 Sou to put yours mto au oven it U rather Soft. said Xancj. en'ltls The Democratic State Platform. The Democratic- Party of Oregon in State convention assembled, proclaim the following pi opositiona of political faith and action : 1. Unfaltering devotion to the car dinal principles 'of Republican govcrn- : ment, as declared and put into practi ' cal operation by the Fathers of the Rc I public. z. ine preservation 01 me Kepci". government in the proper exercise ol the powers delegated to it in the Con stitution, carefully and strictly con strued, and the maintenance, inviolate of the several States of the Union 111 all their rights, dignitv and equality, as the most competent and reliable ad ministrators ot their own domestic con cerns, and t lie surest bulwark against the tendency toward a centralized Ues- 1(3 Opposition to aggression by either department of the government upon the functions of any other and to the exercise of federal aut hority of any of the rights or powers reserved by the constitution to the States respectively, or to the pcopl-?. , t . 4. That everv attempt on the part ot the Federal government to exercise anv oowers not delegated to it, and es pecially everv interference by the gov ernment or 'anv of its departments, with the local affairs of any State, or with the ricr'its of the people thereof to ehuose their own representatives, is ; an act of usurpation which should be j repudiated and condemned by every 1 friend of constitutional liberty. j .". We demand retrenchment, reform and the most rigid economy in the ad- i ministration of "every department of j the irovei nment : the honest payment of the debts, tin: sacred preservation of the public f.dth ; strict aceountabilit3 ot nil oliicers, and the speedy and im- partial arraignment ot all abuses of j pu -lie trust before the tribunals of jus- ii. e;a zealous care of the rights of j election bv tiio eople ; the absolute ; subordination of the military to the ; civil authority. The equal and impar- 1 tial administration of the laws, and the j protection of the rights of all ; freedom j of religion, of the press, and of the person.' under protection of the habeas i corpus, iinu iriai ov juries impai uuiiv 1 i 1 1 . : ...:..ti I selected. li. We protest against the burdens of a protective tai ill', as needlessexactions from a people already intolerably op 2ressed bv a national debt, and we in- nt that the tariil lie so regulated as to provide onlv sutlieient revenue for an economical administration of the gov ernment, and not for the purpose of enriching the tew at the expense ot t tie nianv, or lostering one branch ot in dustry to the detriment of another. 7. That the precious metals are the only basis of commercial values; that an irredeemable paper currency is a national curse, and we insist upon the I speedy return by the national govern ment to specie payments. c. The 'institution of the system of national banks was a fraud upon the country ami an injustice upon the la boring' classes, and we demand such prudent legislation as will gradually oring this vicious system to a close; that'all currency which 10:13' be issued shall be convertible into coin upon de mand and bo issued directl- b- the goveteniciit. !'. That the treaty between the Unit ed States and China shall be so modi fied as to apply soli I3' to commercial ridat ions. 1 ). That we condemn the party in power, :d v for its contempt of const it u tWnid obligations, but for extravagant pa: tisan and corrupt administration of tie; federal government ; for its reek h -s expenditure and proiligate waste of the people's money; for its oppres sive, unjust and defective system of fi ll nice and taxation: for the perver sion of t he functions of t he general gov ernment to enrich the great corpora tions at the expense of the people; for the jobbery and frauds which have brought reproach upon democratic in stitutions; for the iniquities of the pro tective system; for the curse of an in- eonvei tiole paper money; tor its dis graceful diplomatic service and unlit appoint nients and continuance in office of incompetent and corrupt men at home and abroad; for its attempt to p iss an uneoiistUutioiial forec bill, and for a catalogue of other enormities which have rendered that organization oitensive to and subversive of the lib erties of a free people. 11. That corporations are the crea tures of Liw; their functions and priv ileges are granted to subserve the public interests, and when they are not used for (ne object of their creation, but for purposes oi"oppression md extortion, we declare it to be the right ami duty of the legislative power to regulate and control such corpora lions for the public ii'ood. VI. i. n at e 01s ipprove all measures 111 the interest 01 monopolies against abor, and therefore we approve of the led.ircd principles and s vni pat hies viththe avowed objects of"the order .viiownasthe rations ot j 1 usbsnidry, ind with those of all other orders ha'v- nig tor tiicir oniect, relrenehincnt ana et'orm i:i publiv affairs and the social id v.!i'-(-m . lit of the people. 1:. That we are iu favor of 1 ihoring to seen re judicious appropriations from Con-iress'for the purpose of improving our harhors :dong the western and northern boundaries of our Stsde, and vc i"m:md that our representatives 111 Con cress shall their liest elforts to secure the aid of the ;genoral govern- incnt for the free na vigtition an 1 im provement of the ('iiIumi! ia river, iy t!ie construction of locks at the Cas cades; the improvement of the Willam ette, and To 1 : 1 i 1 1 rivers; the? construc tion of the Portland,- I Miles awl Silt Lake nu t Winn-mincea K iii rea ls, and the early co-iipi-'tion of t!;e retro n and California Kiiiroad from Koseburgto the S.ate tine. 11 1 oat the 1 v,ii;.v r,f t1(? ;,,, I arty in tiealing with the Indian s is impuli'.ie nnl unwise; that the has arrivi-tl w hen the few Indians can 1 it lues is j 1 1 1 ; t qf.i;; an. I unwise; that the time has arrived wlicnt'w :'.w- IthIi ihu now occupying the Um ttilla, (irande R nide and Sihuz res-rvations should ho ivuiovetl to some other locality, and t ins p-n u; to settlement tV the w!iites some d' the richest portions of th S hc. 1 1 . Tint we invite the hearty co-op- oi aii persons, whatever lnay h ivc been tlndr past jolitical afihiities, to iiniie with us in curving out the i't i-V-iples h.-rcin enunci Ucd Tn th- c;r?.,:t Court of the Stat" of rron lor t !h- Ci-iiit v of Clncliainns - ELIZA I'Alts jN-s, vnr, 1 vs. ( AIiN.O I'A!s;1X.s IX'ft.) To A!o-iz , Prisons, said defendant : - i no . A .Mi; OK III K STATE OF You rouir.-'d to apr--r and ans wer the co'ii lamt ti 1 -cl you in above entitled salt, bv tM-first diy of ttif tr.n of said Court foi loAingth expiration or six weeks from th "tirst publication of this summons ; said ur-jt publication bein on the ikl day of July lsr.; ati. 1 if you 'fail to answer said complaint, th plaintiff will applv tothe Court, tor the r-h f demanded therein, wrnea is tor a dissolution of tie marriage ri".i1!,r.Va r Vsli'!- hetw.-.Mi plaintiff and h VVin, ' ;r'ln'llml for the custody of 1 a- 111 inftr caildr-m. t!- nrd rof Hon, E. T. ShattuHr, Judge of said Court.; dated Jutv tub, ist.t I T. HA KIN. July 22 :wfl Al"jrn"y for I'laintilT. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE rpHE UNDEIiSTr;NE: IROPi:iETOHOF r - i.uieon t- lit n st rr- f, Oregon City, Oregon, k- qis e instant ly on hand Saddle nttil ISuy IIorsi-,, linge;ies, CnrriagMmuJ ItarUs. 1 'rices I cotisonuble. H " wiHIsoruu a hack to and from the VILHQ1T SGDA SPRINGS during the s-imnvex season, with good horss,compotent and gentlemanly drivers . FARE AT LIVING RATES. J. M. FUAZER. Proprietor. Oregon City. May 27. 1873. 1 MER CHA NDISB. i - JOHN 31YEBS, OREGON CBTY. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS and iSIIOES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest pricesfor nd all kinds of GGGD COUNTRY PRODUCE I will sell as low a any house in Oregon for CASH OR ITS EQUIVALENT 11 Good Merchantable Produce. I nm selling rry low l"or CASH PAID TOR CHl'XTV OR HERS Give is.; a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21, 1S73. STILL I N T II E FIELD! .lEfilGVED SC-QftD DOOR SOUTH GF HAAS' SALOON'. ySLLSASWdS & HARDSKG, AT THE L I H C 0 L N BAKERY, FEEPTIIE MOST COMPLETE STOCK 2 3k. of Family Groceries, to io found in the city. All goods warranted. Ooods delivered in the city free of charge. The highest cash r.rice paid for country produce. Orcao.i City. March 23, 1S73. CETHESOA SPRINGS! On f3 HcKinzie Kiver. Lano Co., Oregon. A CIIAR.uIG Sr.iniER RESORT. nnHESE SPK1NOS ARE LOCATED A about fiftv-live miles cavt. of Eusrcne City, and within four miles f the celebrat ed Big Prairie of tho McICinzie. They aro wit bin a few hundred yards ofllorss Creek one of th" most famous trout streams in l reron. Iicer and etlc nr.? very plenty near those Springs, having been tin; resort for ages of these animals. The grandest and most picturcsquo scmerv of the North Pa cific. 1 have the best buildings and the best accommodations of anv Sprints in t hid part of the State. My bath house is new, ami is constructed with reference to the wants of those visiting me from the valley. I also have an excellent vapor bath room constructed near the head of the Spring, and in oil things, I iroposeto Keen up wuiimi? ucmami ior an institu tion of this kind. An experienced physician in attendance at all times. Board and IO.lo:ing in good style for tliost ri-ho prefer it. "Animals can be pastured for small cost, and be perfect ly safe. A. N. FOLEY, may 6 ti f Proprietor. Th standard remedy hr C'ouyli. 1m fluenz, Sore Throt, !ioonni Ctoicfh, Croup, Li'-er, Jiroticbiti.i, IJ'crrl t'u.7 of the Lun'ix, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest," including Co?- SCMPTIOS. Wistur's Hal 4:1 m of AVil-l C'Jif rry does not dry up a cough, but loosms it, cleanses the Lungs, and allays Irritation, thus re moiiafj trie cciuxe of th eoniplaint. None genuine unless signed I. Btrrrs. Prepared by Skth W. Fowlkr & Sons, Boston. Sold by IiPinDivoTOV. Host ftt Ft Sl Co.. San j Francisco, and by dealers -"lerally. 2feblv Ailniiiiistrator's ctic?. "VOTI' E 1 HER El I t!i nnd -rsliin. d h admlnis'rator of tlv s' deceased, .by thj Ho-. Clackamas county. Star for" a!I persons knowi debted to said estate ar ilIVTX THAT 1. -ti pointed r' David Smith, ' "-,ty Court t : ' r-gon There : ; ii-'mseives in notiried to make immediate pavment tome, a lid save them selves costs. Those having claims against said Pstat will rresentthem to me within six months from this date, with proper vouchers. F. O. MeCOWN. Administrator or tho estate of David Km it h, deceits d Or-goR City, July 15, 17 ,. " Ml 1 UUUKTi2r OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, T U,TVERSir CF CALIR)RNT4. OHAS. XT. C-TJFIliiLI), DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORKER OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY. Has Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Brown and Bleached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Lincn, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Iiose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, 4c Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AMD CHILDER?4'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys WUiclt Have bee selected with special tare Air this market and cannot BE SURPASSED IX QUALITY OU PUICE. Till: HIGHEST MAKKKT PR1CX2 PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE, March 13, 1373 :tf AUCTHOX AND COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Aii? tionoer, Cornier of Front it Oak t., Portland AucfioiB. Ssiies Of Ileal Estate, Groceries, General Mcr Chandisc and Horses. SALE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday A.D. ltlCHAUDSOX, Auctioneer. At 'JP rivs. to sale. English ItefiTied Bar and TUnidlo Iron English Square find Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Hasps, S a w s , S c r e w s , F r y -1 a n s , Sheet Iron, H. G. Iron.. ALSO A large assortment of Groceries and Liq uors. A. IJ. HICHAHIASOX, Jan. 1, 1373-tf. Auctioneer. J. P. DA VIES. JOSHUA DA VIES. J. P. DAV3E8 & GD., aijct:" neers A ' I C0313IISSIOX MERCHANTS, I'lKE-l'ItOO? STONE lit lLDING, v;harf street, victoria, b. c. Lib.-ral Ailvnncfs Made on Consignments. July 21, 1ST l :ly THOMAS C HARM AH ESTABLISHED 1853. ESIKES TO INFOUM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A NimhTe Sir J'cucc t'.t littler than a Slow Shilling. I have just returned from San Francisco, where 1 p irehased one of tho LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OE GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Poofs and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, C h i : a wa re, Q u o e n s wa re, Stoneware, Crockery, Plated ware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities Ami Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladles and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming t ions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth. Wall Paper, etc., Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this market, and was s"leted witt especial care for the Oregon City trade. All of which I now offer for sale at tho Lowest JViarket Ra es. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am Detarmimvl to S'-lt Chran and not to allow myself to bo L'.NDERSOLH IX THE STATE OF OiiEGGS. AU I ask is a fair chance jmd quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAmiAX cannot be beaten In quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell vou all the advantages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Conif, find Si",and Examin; for Yoursrlvcs for I do no wish to make any mistakes s,mte!laM n,y ,d Wcnas now -o,xlsche-,J . ?UvPi ftnd irous o Mdl goods cheap, for cash, or uimn such frm? as agreed upon. Thanking all for the libeV al patronage heretofore b?stowVd TIIOS. CHARM AN, Main street, Oregon Citv. Legal Tenders and Count v Serin taken nt m a rkPt rat es. Tho CI RM AN. 753,000 lbs wool wanted by THOS. CIIARMAN. A. G- WALLING'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. -m.:xjm PORTLAND, OREGON. 13 LANK ROOKS RELED AND ROTTVD M?0aln?V 5rJ"nHl Patt- Music book s ervvarvoftet,"- etc- bound in eV: 7 of 6tZle knOTn to the trrade. tenTd L m the C"Untrj' Tartly at- pin loth 1 nh Jo 1 I now offer this fctock of Goods at Prices far b-lo.v any other house in the State. 'limes ar.' hird and money scarce and I will jilv every f...c the worth of their money. I also keep a full assortment of OREGON CITV JIADE Men nml Hoys Clothing, Unite r wen r, Flaiiiit'Is, Illaitketx, And VuriiH. ALSO Groceries, Cutlery, .Teivclrj', Not ion a, I)Iuical Int rume:its. G O () 11 A N D c I ii A U H O E s H A T S c A V Etc. T o B A c c 0 .AT THE. Lcwest i- rices For C;...S1:1. AT SI WHEAT ATTRACTIONS I I. SELLING II AS JEST RECEIVED THE LARGEST stock of SPH1MG S SUMMER GOODS ever Imported to Oregon City, uhlcli he otf-.-rs at gr'-at l r -duc-.-d i rices. My stock Has Cbeen largely increased and I can show as hnndsom si Una of rady-made goods in Men nml Roys I''-ss and Dress Suits, t'oats, etc., as can be found in tho country, and at prices that cannot fail to satis! v. Mv DRESS GOODS DE?ASTKEHT Is fill-'d with a splendid assort ment of all the leading styles and fashionable shado-s of goods Empvcks CImI 5s, tMiiliahv, F ! Ii mi'l Ami-ii. :lii Di.'ss (itjo.V-., ikliK-U Ii:ii-ii, ill i ! 1 tiii t i 11 erf, C :sl:nfi-fK, dCo. K I . A K 1 S , Plaid, Plain anudpTii Flannels, of all col ors. Pleached and. Unbleached Cotton Flannels. Ladles nis:l Gents t'liiiciAf.-irc, Kliatvl and Srarfu, Wool IJI.-i nkef s, '2' vi 1 nl. k a nd 'i'ravi'liiio; Sntclicls, hutsn ml C'ntiH, Oil I0II1V jr Hn.irand TaWo. BOOTS and SHOES I would call special attention to my stock of Men's and l!n s' San Francisco Moots, which I have sold for a number o years past with general sntistaction. Ev ery pair warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE i FA3MIHS UTEFJS.'LS Choice Teas, Canned Goods, and all choic Family Groceries, All at Iajw Prices. Also, LIVERPOOL XD CAMIAX 1SL.WD SALT. Highest Price paid for all kinds of 20l),000 lbs. of WOOL AVanled, for which I shall pay tho hichest cash I'rAC"'- . ., I. SELLING. Oregon C lty, A: rll 22, 1 ST.). tf STATE OOAaD OF IfiIMIGRATIOK. TORTHE PURPOSE OF AFFORDING A i"rr'on to Immigrants and in tend Emigrants to Oregon, now in lorM-n countries and sister States, and lor circu lating s.ich information abroad bv thh, Poard. a. 1 persons in this State having I- arms and Lands tor San or Rent, or de sirous ot lormmg Colonies, will p1mo lrir ward tothis iloard n, soon as possible rte tailed descrhtions of their -arms and Lands Location. Price and Terms ofSaVe or conditions of rmtinR: an.l all p'rL ' dos.rous of o ttainlng Agricultural or other wu'hThis-IrJ:1 "nto d Sfeblm A State ConCr of i.n minion. NEW GOODS CP" Z. G WORTOH-S STORE, NORTON, Clackamas Co., Oic-011. rVUE UXDERSIfiNKD WOULD AN Acnmdoek' h h3S JUSt rCCCiVCd a Clohiii, U iots and Shoes, lrj-c;ood, .'roccrics. Hardware, Cutlcrj-, Crockery, Ktc. Ktc. tlirect from New York. The stock is the nest, and largest ever brought to a store in ciackamas county, and having purchased 1 at greatly reduced prices, is able to sell it cheajr than goods have ever been sold be tore. I am under obligations to my former customers for their liberal patronace, and being able now to accommodate them better at less prices than ever before, I ask a continuation of their patronage, and so licit the trade of all new-comers and those Who Itfll'ft Tint hnrntntnM t I ...t.u .... iwnn, 111HH w tt 11 II lilt", assuring them that I can give them as o--w t 1 . ; 1 1 . , . , . . . ui.tiimitsciiii qc una in me t-taie. All kinds of Produce takpn in exchange for goods. Give me a call and I will guar antee to give you sat isfact ion. Z. C. NORTON. Clackamas Co., Oregon. Mar. 12, 1875. Tvlonev ! Money I ONEY TO LEND IN SUMS OF 500 anil nmrAril ' Oregon City, March 10, 1874. mal3tf JOHNSON A McCOWN. A. NOLTNER NOTARY PUBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. OREGON CITY. lie Q ' 'it i 1 1 f vvvy i octlOtf i THE NEW IMPROVED r:cs rrd c-d r-.c:: rcoi. t.:z u::r::T rur;r;:::c, r.ccT ctr.: nz, a::o t.:cct ca:ily c?:r.AT:D CIV.'ING MACHINE IT THE KAKKZT. If iisza i3 a ILGZZ'JCZ IICZXTZ vit'aia cz.2 t'jozsa-J nlIo3 cf Zzn. Tr-n-cisca Lot v.c.-'-:zj woll, I w.Il 2 it vith czt r.-j cipanso to lis owssr. UA:.7ZL HILL, Ac:-t, Ho. 13 llotr xlDntoncry fltrcot, cr.AND EOTrL rr:Lri::G. jL C. ATiIEir. Oregon City, EiLerpriie Building, Ajjcnt. IMPERIAL TiflSLLS, LaRocque, Savicr & Co. Oregon Cit". Keep constant lv on hand for sale Flour. Middlings, Mian and Chicken Feed. Partu s purchasing fecu must furnish the s:ick. Town Lo'g for Sale. VOTH'E IS GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS 1 desirous ol purchasing 'lown Lots in the County audition to or.-gon uy, lack ainas county or pon, tiint ure 110.1 ov ned - by Clackamas count. , that application lor the pun-has ill be r -c-ivt-u oy the c 1' rk in vacation ot the 1 ounty Court, and c.etcd upon by the 1 ourt in tt rm time, and value placed "on the lots to be sold. J. M. FRAZER. Jan. 12 ISTo. Picric. Aver's Cat! !v;ii!J For ih . cure of :. r:e:iis ia it.-, :;i:ge. I c :.: a -li, live, : :;t! iiv l-U. i l ' a.e r: li.iit: IJ'Ci-ICill, Mid CX.-clh'ii! p:i; gative. liciug j.-.i-c'v ve.LC Lililc, li.ey I o:;t..i:. no n;e.-i 1:1 'ir iiiii c l .-.i -. !::'.!vv"ci-. Mil. '.. sci .:: i.-kitt.-aiid ir.g i . event- til u laci. i::i:ci- use; and every family ho'.i'.d i.nve i!,-'n: on for tiieir proto-.aioa ami lei !', Leu : i'.;i;i: cd. Long expci"ie:i"c has muvnl ii -.1-1.1 '. - be fl.c nl cst, siire-I, aiitl bu-t of 1 nil il.c ; v. i:U m iiit.-h the imu-Uei :ih-;aads. My if e ;..-i;,r,:-l ii- t. tiic bl 'od i pa; i;ied, the corrections of li e sys tem expt-iU-.i, ii'u.-iiii :1011s jfiiiovi-tij tin? wiio'c iiia -iii io.-y ef l.;V i ?i:.i '.' I to its h- .Teay aclivitv. l;itc-.:iiil o.-.-ns v!:hh l-ci-turc -l"--Kj:cd rbVcss-h are c.-nt! cl by .I-'-.-V r:i!. i-n-A stueubited :;:to .n-tio.!. '!!.:: iiii-ij.-ici.-l !i.-cae is -lia:iei bc::itli, v:. Of . h.t ii, w'.iea rce!i.-ie i ..-I the v::-t ::: 1. : '' o v. l-.o enj.-.y it, can !;:u :!y ! o i-cri'i'ii:--.'.. Their s u: r coaiiiis it-:ikc tac- a".ie.:-.'i':l l, -!;ii prc.-c: ves i:;ti.-virtue- miiav.-airc t f r L'agi'.i of tauc, so til it lis "V..r IVi!:, :r.:-l : U et !y : ch';: : ;!e. Aitl'.K-.lJ'll SI. ..;?! I hey ;;.t- I : -1 : 1 1 . I' . : I o:-P!MC wi'i:-);:! di-lu. b.ia j ' ii' .-1 t '. m.i ,-. .ct. ue u ,.-u;i.ii;o i. I .i;:-f :;.);:? arc ci IV a ot: v:-'i:;-f i t-:i.'h !t )::, !: i.v i i n -i' ... . . s : 1 . . i ; y I ' . -- ' io, tiid f n- ; he f.tli'iwi i;f ' o;;:;.-:.;;i:i-, .i::.!i t hese For s. j.-or 5 ,s Z "Ti. ?.'ftc-s.. siet. Sj'.iii ..:. :i;iS -:v , .-if i .'.!l.e r1ii-all ! :.i::-.i ':. !. -tir.rai. .::::, fXMf. a--:, ar.d re t rc it-1 h-.M'e.isv r.r-i :: :. !. For J,ivi-i' rr.d .. :: . i - '.-"ir.f. 'Mi'l', .E-'.j ' r.l:-. i.'i Sv t-; riit-.n'l lr!ll. o.-liilM::!.'!' -' ! ':- .'i'l ! iii-.v... iil Oiia I'olir :.ifi liiV"'.! C- .'!. i.tey .-lli'ili.l ') ju i: ; i;: :y t::!.- :i for cr-,, :. ; i- r:c I :ii; m'c i ;c.l ;i.;ii .-:i o. . cie ; ; lu- i. t : ;t i i.ui s v. hi. i: l l'J-e U. For V7r-r:i err '.: ': i i i:!?, but r.n' :.::.l .! ! ;oV .' v- c i. For B Ii -:i C'.-iir. f.-'i-:n. F". -till " 'i -f t 5 j .- !.. 'iCit " i til? Miiir. 5v:vh '.r.i .".: t:. t.iev ;--? ; be etiiilm- UCU-lv I ;t- v. ., ; i--l. I .i-ii.j'.t of t:;r ; - . .: -.. ii-.! ; .'m-.i''...-.- . . l i . -''.eci i ii.l.i.f l.M-c- 1 or 5 r , -'? Ury vi-,,.;. i !..... -, In 1 . ! o-.i'r.i . ii; i-.'ie -t : 1 or .' i: ? r -'-. i i; . :i f.k-:i ii pr-.xhK-c ti:--ii::::.v. a . t:- rr : " t "ti -t It - t! i-! i.f i i--..; ; Alt o -i;i li r t :. .i-.ivr.-I-, r .- . -. , -y -tc-.i. II i -i : i a" . ,io .-!-i-::i- .!r".i :'r to'..- .-: ! :- ;!. ,-, ;.--. r ii, i 'ii! . ;-. ' fit an-1.14 :::.', :-.:....... -Hl-.tiUlc. IT- v.r h-..t b. i.v J.c ,-ri: fit . , : J w . M." J-.V Ayer's Uiieny Pectoral For Diseases of tho Throat and Lunca,. sach a3 Coughs, Colds, Whooping Oouh, Bronchitis, Asthma, ind Cou3araptiO"a. Amitng the grmt discoveries of nv.Hicm Nclcncc, few arc cf irt.iro rr-i! v:t!iio In maakiud li:m tlii- cf fectiial ivc.-e.'v t,r i tli--e.-ie of the Tlirotit mi'l Lungs. A vai-t trial of its virtue, throughout tliii ntal other consitrk-s, ha- shown that it cues fureiv and effectual! v co.iti; :!ij;.i. The tislinmny of cur best citi- zci-. u; a. i cii'.'es. e.iai)ii-!ics me tacr. l Cnitar.Y ri.croa.M. will ninl iloes relieve ft v1 -.-KV'irx mm eiiru tJn; ahhctl.-iir thordcrs Ot the ii'rt;it -r.l t ii.i ,.nn,tr , - . ...... , -i..,A-,-JI,ttltllll'A..l-.'u.'-. . 1V$' 3 Lung beyonl any other meihciiic. Die most ! Astoria, Clatsop county AV Villi"n-. tlangeroas aticctioiis of the l'liliiioii.try Orcaus , Salem -t;nliib vie! I to its power; an l c-.ics of C'ons-unin- ' Harrisburg i i Feri:sB tioti, curcl bv this preparation, are pubbc- ' lffyette amhill county f-1" nolm' !v known, so remarkable a5 Iianiiv to be be- ! '!!,,,!-s. PoIk county a R jr iievo-J, wire they not proven bevoml disimre. ! TiknTilVe -Hwi; A retne-ly it U a-icm.ate, oi, which the pitbiic : S!mv:Z: r imvre.y lor lull protection. Ity curing Coughs. Corvallis Ho-; .oS'n "wr!l the ioi-enmner ot more serious dbcar-c, it saves Canyon City.Orant co . v MV"i uaiiuin jere I lives, an l an amount nf suflerin" Albany iVbaIrt not to be co nptite I. It challenges trial and con- Dalles, Wasco county r.fratf viiiee- t!ie m-t sceptical. Kvcrv farailv -lioul.l Iraiule, Fn ion county..... v.Kn0,1 keep i: on ,:k1 as a'nrotcetioi, ainst .'he' &,r v V"' Umatilla coun j.. omI;5oS :ia 1 iiapi'reeived attack of l'uhnoiiarv Af.cctioni Eugene City j y. 1.. Tn st ot w!i-c.i arc c:iily met at first, but wlludi become . Roseburg V-t von'ti-P" ij.cirablc, anl too olteti fatal, if neglected. Ten- i T -i.o 1 in" PWn .'. Thmg, need this .lefcce; and it is m,wie to I'hnnnn tTn F i1 a b witaout ir. As a -.afeguard .o children, amid Jacksonville ,,on- r r. Hufta tii-rressing diseases which beset she Thi-nnt rm 1 Client of childhood, Ciikuhy I'ixtokau is invaiuah.c; lor, by its timelv- tie, niiilti- ' Reaver Creek tudes ry-3 rescued from premature graves, imd r.nttevillc save i to the love and nllection centred on them. -ascades It ai-rs s;ii., i i-.i.i, t, ....:... : . .ano i " r. -. .,iiM.-i,viiiiii;n iui, c,,ttlnir,i V i- Fe!"" seeunng sound and health-restoring --leep. No FnlVe Creek i'.".! rn"l r ''l o:.c w.Il sutler tiouolesome Inienza and pain- HaMln.:"n Car: t tin iJroachitis, when they know how easily Lower Molalla rTn'lJne'-e y t;iu oi- ciirt-il. Originally the product r,f long, laborious, surcessttu chemical investigation, no cost or V.I 1 s;.ared in making every bottle hi th utmost pei-Tcction. It may be confidently ro licdupon as possessing all the virtues it lias ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it Lis ever effected. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. HOW IS THE TIKE TO SUBSCRIBE sF0U THE ENTERPRH b2.5p PER YEAB, PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. ' Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Tarts of the VorM -A Carefully S -lccu-d 8ummery of STATE AND TJJRKlTQBUi NEWS LJEMS; A Corrected Li.t tit tin- MuL,t, Porllaad, San Francisco and Cr?coa nit LOCAL NEWS, EDITORIALS Or On all Subjects of Interest to the FARMER, 3IEBCHAM CR MECHAMrj Also, Carefully Selected MISC ELLA N EC) US R EA I)! Nc. In Short, It K in Every Respect a LIVE NEWSPAPER. TII IL ISS IS I Having a large and constantly incr-a-inj Circulation In the most poj-ulons pan of the State, offers superior Inducemeiiu ;o those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REASONABLE TERjifc The Campaign of lsto will socn iv-ia and it Is therclor ? n g--fd time to ubscriW -' in order that you may b-- j osteu on curra.-.; events Send in your subscri- tion at oi; ?-JTPPP3SQr pons p, OFFICE RECOXCITy, : OREGON. rK A"K "HEFARED TO CX LtTTE T T all ivimi.s cl JOB I'JvlNTIXG. such as CARDS, HIT.Ij-IIEADS, DAM I'll T.E1S, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, I.AREI.S, LETT Ell-HE AtS, in fact all kinds or work done n. in Printirf .T;ce, a l PORTLaM) TRICES.; A L L JC I N I) S O F I :.. AL BLANKS ws constantly on Ti.irid. and for sale at !' a price ns'ciui be had in the State. AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Oregon City. March 21. 1873-tf. AGESTS FOR THE EMEEPE1SE. The following persons nro m:thori act as agents lor the ETr.ruisE: Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 40 Tark Ro-jt. 'f Coe, Wcthorill Jfc Co.. 007 Chestnut strft' Philadelphia. Abbott A Co., No. S2 and SI Nassau s.n New ork. n-ii'I I'ortland.Oregon 1 are int 1 .rhos. Md San Francisco jl. P. l'llff' Long lorn CLACKAMAS COO"'. ,t ...A. r - Vt J . wr'.1--1. j MIIWHURIR J Joe" r'. an - 1 Oswepo A vsug-1 I toil Cppcr .Moiana WOOL! VTOOU' I . -. n ! S. ACKEKMAN A " r! WA!3 30O,0Oe which they will pay'the hiy price In CASH. t Oregon City. Aprtl29 187. tr 7f