Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1875)
o o o o G i o o T" , Eapari-sanf-iS I S'kibser van Acol-st. The pub Rfe EN B pKPfill" j Ushers ofS.-rib.icreall attention to the JiCunCIll, Ujiuall., -llli.M 2 J. I , urrive-i in this eitv l ist Fri-l-iy, :n I x P3. ts to inako it Uis future h'.uie. 1I j,',iot altosethftr .-; .stranger to our rea.l- nor to thoflipr, iem itoi u.-i .- i- liVtion. an 1 foriom-Sim" P 't he h:is e p-isi ne nas KNTKr.i'itwr. I . '', ..-.-it inn- lMt.A-i tot If L" l . . Vorkllitv. si-iu-.l "Tom ;' ,r rVa.lei H wi7 Isreo with us that lev were excLl.t letters anl that Mr S is a remlvsV.l interesting writer. ir.-.Ys"not a now-eoiiier to this eoast, U-Ue rn in svi J :e-o, , a.nornia, ..... of t'x lamented Judire Tii os V. 'S.ilh'-rlainl, well known t ,nanv Orr-miM.s and to all old Cal; !' niuis .Mr. S:ii!ieil.inl will lr con nacte.t with us in the editorial dej.arl m.-Mit of tho paper and with his aid, v 'V1 . .. .1 ..1 1! l. III- on- art- incnt oi I lie. - .mi, t: eXI)ort to in.liie Uie r.u.KrmvK one oi tv, b.'st pi-i-rs in Oieiron. lie is a democrat W hitih and education, hav ing been tangli'. 1V the .same noble mf:i 1 from whitu we had our first les sons in Democracy. Tuk IIonK TitvlNKUS. In an ac when it costs money to look across the street, it was truly refreshing to have been treated bv Professors Rockwell and Hurlbiirt to n most enjoyable le. son in the art of training animals for tlie moderate entrance fee of nothing. Their way of doing business is to form classes, five doll irs being t!m terms of f.iitiou, tiio piiviiHMit of which entitles ct' h member to the full use of their patents in bits and bridles, makes him flie owner of a work of 200 pages and jrives to him an exhibition of animal , training at once amusing and instruc tive. Like Harcy, and other men of t'lis profession thes.i gcn!icni''-n obtain control nvcr the most vicious animals t'lrongh kindness and by addressing their intelligence. )fk F n I'oiiKirN I'Aitrs. The Ma. h mii; Incursion to Puget Sound has robbed us for the time being of the ge nial presence of Mr. A. Noltner, and we a perfect stranger tc the editorial chair, i are left ia charge o? the En TF.rii'Kisi:. When Lieutenant lerby of "l'hoenix iaua" fame changed tho ?olitics of tlie paper of which he was left the m m.ger, lie was whipped for it on the editor's return. We forbear lo say whether it is through fear of similar treatment orlevotioii to "JeO'ersoniau p: ineipies" Inch keeps ns from imi tating this wdl esr-apn!e. Nev-rl!iel:-ss. we wish t iem all a Safe jour ney, anil if it is not too", we would like to see a speedy return. Tn k fl'.v i.i ko u n i. . -n f ) :i i : ; on S ri: a m--iiip Com pa sv.-f; rat nitons ad vice is a tiling much given 'and liitle Jieeded b ;t if any of our readers are Messi d with a hearty appi-t;te aiel wish to f-at-Isf.- t!i s.-iiiie wliib j;ri the ships of Ihe C'alirornin ami Oregl-u Stcamsiiip Com pany, t);rv will aci according 'to our counsel and sit by jail means at either tho Captain or PtirsA 'semi of the table. Tlx; middle men a . in the inii.;trcls, faro had I y. That's all. Ari inr.NT. LastTbesdav w'dle Mas- t- r I. idie (.abhehl 'I as lnvmg a hack Ijelonging to Mr. xlV. llamlall over tie' bridge, on PietVi!!, tho cars came iniexpoc v u d frightened tie horse to such an exWd. that he backed olTdown the bank at the south end of the bridge, killing him almost instant ly, smashing the hack, and biuying young Cac.lield in tb - il -bris. The boy was almost immediately rescued and found to I e unhurt. Ii-.ri !:;: I.tsr. Lv t.-rs reniajning in the I'o-.tnlV' :;t Oregn City. Aug. 20 Aehill-s S..C. Mr. 2: I'.eerv Aaron; C..r!.y c. U". M r. : ' C.tdi v" Jc hn or Th una : Chap' lC:tie Miss: Ddfs HansT. I'.: I'ostcrG. II.; How W. II. K ile I. : led i Mrs.: Mr-irkliam I'.liv.a Mi'fs d. I-:. -: i;:e!;aidson M. : T;...:ii:.-.,i, j. Mrs. ir"-de.-vl for pl'.;ve .--.a v when "adver ti I.-' J. M; Macon. P. M. Prr. Si i'ii.vifs. A .erresponiien of 'Ii-: -egcni.-in, on the Mas uii - Fxcur--.ei, under d.fttjof thv- PJth int. writes: I'll ;eaic,er ilr 'w up at t!u wharf oiyinj Li amidst ;! :magni:iemt dis play of frew oil.--, an.l th.e liat'ircn tJVi m i. -. .p. with itheir wives and their sweet hearts, were eordiallv wel ei:i:. d and l.espiiablv provided for bv the 1 rethren in Olymoia." Tlio following works have been add ed to tho Clackamas county I'td lie Id hrary from J. K. Gill judCo., Portland Oregon : I'tnTect Low, bv K. S. Wasli bnin, Kh-na, by I.. N. (.nivti, Chris an.i u;iio, and our-Neigh for. bv II. IJ. Stowe, Lord of Iliuiself bv Frain-is I nderwood. (rd a (.ill ! v Mis. A. V. Ulster, Katcr felts bv O." (J.Whvte, Lo,in to Win by Tiu-i.dore Iavies". PAitrr. MissO May Idaiu hanl re ceived her manv fi ieicls at the resi dence ef Mr, Jerome Palmateer, i:i ('aiu inah, last Saturday evening. Quite a number ofyoung people wcre j'! e ;ent, nd a very enjoyable time was had 1 y all. Can't Lk.wk ITs. '.'e are pleased to inform the citizens of Oregon City that notwithstanding the increased salary oiTered the Kev. Mr. Sclwood at P.oise City, he has resolved- most magnani mously not to accept, j May he never regret it. C i.osKD. Tiie locks at this place are closed for the next two weeks for re pairs. The boats of the Willamette T.-ansportation Companv ara laid up duvin- that lime and .ill hands will h ive a respite from their l.ihors. A Leo vi. Lic.ur A uoxo Us. On Monday last, Jud- McArthur gave us j a wry pleasant vi.-i. and manifested in a most tangible form his hih ap reoi uion of the Kxtkhpiiisk. Ho evi dently is a nood judj;e. Kktuuxko. Mr. kTd. Wilson, who left here last spring, for tlie purpose of vistinjr i,js relatives in Canada, return ed last Thnrsdav, looking none the worse for his trip. r , ' A Ciianok. On Wednesliy, Mr. Helm, well known among !S.ui Fran cisco lmnufacturers, became Superin tendent of tho Oregon City Woolen M5U- Q Prophesy. We predict some first class items if our yoimj; men attempt to manipulate horses al ter the style of the equine Professors who have iust t'ft us. CALtr.D.-We had a short call from E.C. Rradshaw of Yamhill county, and were triad to hear that his county is se cured for Iane. Mr. s. Ackerman of the firm of S. Ackerm.m it Rrother's is at present in .Sin Kranciseo makinc his Fall pur- Iflocals were as plentiful as the flies n Oregon City.Ave might le tempted tr run the F.xtei:i'risk as a dailj-. Sick.M r. Watson of C'anemah, has boen very ill for the pas-t week. We P'lrn that w iniprvvir.g, however About twenty-five jieor le left here on cio'w" .to takt Prt iii the Masonic r will he lulJut theSlcthoaist Jlf.'lv" Sabbillh nexf by the Key. O 2 i k . -:' ' " -: -s : v '' "' : ' .-. . , ,or tJii titleof'A Farmer's Vac.tian." These papers are claimed to 1 e jtirionu: . i . ; . . .... .1 ! .. . - . : ... l ! .. j valuable illustrated artk-K-.s whi.-h Imvc appeared lor sonie time -at. 'or.el Waring is well knowii as an engineer anil a tanner, aa well e.s a grai-ei'nl and entertaining writer. In his recent Kn- rniii'.m travels It r -o ivi 1 n r i 1 ! v 1 1 r-n-f . e - n,t on'.V picturesque phases iiu.iioi scenes aiei (uami jieopie iui also by the various n-jnenltural cus toms iiiul devices. His art'.ida in the August number describes the pretty isle of Guernsey, and ti lls a great'deal that is of interest about the famous so called Aldernev Cow, which is here "at home." "A M iddy in Manila" is a rol licking little illustrated sketch, which rem Is very like a familiar let tor to some old "chum" at home. Scrihner.s is de cidedly the magazine of the present age. Sr. Nicholas run Arursr. We doubt if these vacation days yield any pleasure to the reader:, of .St. Nicholas greater than that of t lie magazine. No davs are too hot for the exercise it 'affords; no monotony is so fixed but it will vanish before the appearance of this monthly novelty. As for the visit or itself, St. 'Nicholas wears always the jolly face which the good saint whoso name it bears puts on during the holli ilavs as merry and cheerful in the open air as at the fireside. It brings us this month a series of contribution-, all of them interesting and .some of them pleasantly suggestive of moun tain air and sea-breezes. It is just the magazine for children. Goon Maoazink. We are in receipt of the I'enn Monthly, published by the I'enn Association at Philadelphia. It is an excellent number and is fast gain ing tin; position of a first-class maga zine. Subscription So per year. Ad dress IVnn Monthlv Association, JTJ South yt'.i street, Philadelphia, IVnn. Thanks. We are under obligations to A. Noltner, Ksq., for :. copy of the proceedings of the 20 th annual com- munii.'ation of the Grand lo-lge. I. O. O. F. of Oregon, held in Portland last May. Tiie printing is teeially well executed, and Mr. Noltner deserves the fullest credit therefor.- Albany Register. Goon. The new side-walks are an improvement to ou: all'enjov. eitv which we can School commences at the City Scminarv ne.xl Monda-. tJregon How Is It N'jiv t Oar 11 idieal eotr-inporaries seemed to he rather happy over the fact that the Deiiiocratic State Convention was not more, largely represented. Lot us make a little comparison now: The Democratic call provided for 121 delegates; tho llailieal conven tion was to have 117. In the Dem ocratic Convention there were 0 del egates from ZUuItnoniah and 0 from Marion, making IS. Of these coun ties in the lladieal Convention, were 10 from one and 12 from the other, making 28. a difference of.ten. Tak ing this difference (for these two counties were full in both Conven tions) and we find that the Radicals should he charged with a representa tion Cif 127. But what do wo find? Tn the Democratic Convention were present 101 votes ly person and proxv, of which there were o7 proxies, in the Radical Convention were; present ly person and proxy, 101 vote.;, of which Go were in person and oS lv prow. Considering that T. I. Odenoal, business manager of the Balliftiii, had all the proxies from Baker, and Douglas was rep resented by Fullerton of tho L-md Office, wo ask, which party can boast of being tho representative body from the people? Tho fact of the matter is, tnut tne federal cr.ev not used extraordinary exertion, they would not have had a corporal's guard. Wo find that these Federal strappers sneer at the Indepenents on tho same ground. They should remember that neither the Democ racy nor Independents have any cor ruption fund to p. ay delegates and keep runners out to drum them up. let both of the otner Conventions were bet ter a! tended than was that of tho oUiee holders'. Sectarian A ppropriations The tempest which tho Jinllctin is trying to raise in a tea pot concern ing tho Public School Question must be amusing to Democrats and Republicans alike. The Democrats in a canvass of such an exciting na ture ns the one now before onr peo ple cannot well afford to bo judged of the commission of a fault which if a worng at all, is only one of omis sion. Because no mention is made in the Democratic platform of this subject is it conclusive that it is the intention of the .Lane men to make sectarian appropriations? If inad vertent silence bo looked upon as a criminal act, to what cesspool in Ilaides shall we consign the right worthy third term aspirant? The Democrats deny that they fa vor special moneys for special re ligious denominations, and stamp the allegations of the Bulletin as a bngbenr intended to frighten un thinking voters none of which hap pily belong to the Democratic party. Is That So? We see in the Radi cal platform they endorse the Federal Administration in brin-in corrupt and dishonest officials to justice. It seems to us that this plank is a lie on its face. Has the National Administration brought to justice the defaulting Ben. Simpson, or d:d it remove him from one posi tion and appoint him Surveyor Gen eral ? Tlie latter. What was done when a certain Revenue Collector at Portland collected the salary and forged the name of his depntv? "Was ho brought to justice? Xo but he was allowed to resign. Have not the white eyes of the Prosecnting Attor ney been closed agaiust this little matter, and do we need any more evidence of tlie falsity of this asser tion m the Kaclical nlatfnrmV a ., . the rammiVn nro"TPps wo vlnll V. , caEJPaion pro0rees, we snail bo happy to furnish- it more, we appro- bend, than thev niav desire. ' are Walla Yr'alla raid Eastern o-oA or n .these . immigrants, it armenvK I.n preft rre.t the slow gointr ox eV.rt to the fast running railroad. ;.i;d are performing the entire journey in the way as Jul the early pioffeers of Oregon. Some one of Uncle Samuel's bovs in Oregon, stole a U. S. mailbag. T.' II. Cox says he is not the man, so says the grand jury who investigated the matter. Why don't the thief an nounce himself and get endorsed bv the Convention soon to meet vt S deni a la Mitchell? The grain warehouse belonging to E. X. Thomas was burned at .Jef ferson on the 1-ith. Tho loss was about. SlOOO, insurance .2000. Sup posed to have been the work of an incendiary. A largo warehouse is now in course of const ruction at Turner's station for the use of the grangers in that vicinity. It will soon be in readiness to commence receiving the present yield. Workmen are engaged in digging a ditch from Mill creek to tho warehouse for tho purpose of using water power in running the elevators and fanning mills. This is tho second monster warehouse at this station, and from improvements j that are going on all around, the station appears to be in a most ll nr ishing condition. The several suits pending in the United States Circuit Court against the Directors of tha Oregon Steam Navigation Company, growing out of seine matters connected with building and .sale of the sdeaniship Ore-Oin;i,i, have been compromised by the defendants paying over the sum of 40,000 dollars in U. S. gold coin. The ease in the Circuit Court, growing out of the same transaction, was compromised by defendants pay ing'oue. half of the amount claimed, and 'tlie accrued interest thereon. One of the notable improvements in the City of Paker this season is the new brick hotel that is now in di- course of construction, the mensioti.- of winch ere as tollows: liasement, (53 f' t deep, with stone wall -2 feet thick; main building, :W by 72 feet; wing at wet front, on Front street, making this oO feet by 72 on Court avenue; the whole, "two stories high; first story. 13 ffot; second toiy, 11 feet; iron balcony on west front, 2o feet long. r. .T. Malone an ohi citizen of Oregon and foimeily editor of the C.'i vYdiis Union died at Hoselmrg on the 14th. lie was travelling through Oregon for his health and his death was as unexpected as it is deplored. A Correspondent from Independ ence Iolk Co. writes to the Orcion iin tho wheat there is not as good us last year, though tho farm ers are making large jmrehases and expect big prices. A man named D m Pike was ar rested at Tillamook for stabbing Hathaway; being nnablo to furnish the requisite, bonds was placed in jail. Some friend on tho outside gavel'ike an axe through tlie window and he commenced chopping his way out, and had succeeded in cutting a hole suliiciently largo to get his head out when lie was discovered ami prevented from making his es cape. Dr. Johnson, who happened to be there, took compassion on him and bailed him out. Tlie Teachers' Institute, for the fourth judicial district, was held at Astoria on tho 'Jth and 10th inst. Tlie following officers were elected: liev. T. A. Hyland, president; llev. J. H. Criflin, chaplain; Miss E. T. Davison, secretary; Miss Julia Adams, assistant secretary. A reso lution deprecatory of the readers and spellers in nse, was indefinitely post poned. Discussions on orthography, schoool discipline, penmanship, Eng lish grammar and arithmetic were held. A resolution was adopted ask ing the State Teachers' Institute for tho appointment of a committee of five, one from each judicial dis trict, to examine the various standard text books, and report to tho twenty threo county school superintendents the various merits ami demerits of each, and their well digested opinions a3 to the series most desirable for the accommodation of teachers and the advancement of pupils. The Guard says: "Very little wheat is as yet offering at Eugene, the price offered being from 90 to 95 cents. Mr. Edris, miller at the Eugene mills, informs ns that the wheat thus far received has not been of as good quality as formerly." A heavy wind-storm prevailed in Southern Oregon Wednesday after noon, last week, which blew several trees down along Iloguo river and o:her localities. Little if any further damage was done. About 150,000 feet of sugar pine lumber, owned by Ueeson, Slossou & Co., of the Rogue river mills, was totally destroyed by lire on the 2d. Tlie 'loss is "estimated .at S-'J.OOO. which ialls very heavy on te losers The election in Jacksonville, on tho 10th, to fill tiie vacancy in the board of trustees, passed off very quietly and but a small vote was polled. Vm. Hoffman received 38 votes; John Bilger, 17; Max Muller 2, and II. Li. Webb, 1. Indications of a good-paying cin nabar mine have been found by Wil son & Kubli, on Beaver creek, in Jackson county. They can take a wheelbarrow-full of loose dirt from anywhere in tho vicinity and obtain therefrom at least a pound of p.ue stuff. The Tost Offices have been dis continued at Applegaie, Hillsboro and Bethel. Tho Albany Register says the four doctors of that place are kept on the full jump of late, attending to the calls of patients. Choleramorbus, chills and fevers, .summer complaint, pneumonia, erysipelas, mountain and billions fevers are some of the diseases that afflict humanity. Mr. Glandox, living in North Yamhill, had twe ve acres of Avheat, which lie had just harvested, which jielded over 50 bushels to the acre. Ar.. ; -i i.:u:i.: 'j., ?aiu n yuuuusici,uiiiuiuui: i -.1!;,,! .1 i 7 - unmistakable signs of a severe pam ( in the bowels, "do green anples grow in heaven'" ' lliiMoiox in- Politics. At the Centennial next year, onr Jewish citizens intend erecting an immense ri"Tiu!r. rA to KdigioTis 'liberty, commemorating death K sect persecution and eorifying the free dom of e.,nseiv.!ee i- matters of wor ship allowed l'v our Constitution. The poor Catholics in tnis State have no such cause for jubilee; -and thos ; of that Church who announce them- j selves ns willing to represent a party ! r - ! in public Jilt1, J.tV. lucuiM-ncs open ; , . . ' i. . i l, . .; to the grossest insults and Lie most ! abject of taunts Jlave -vinyrn i is iwij(iw:ii unit ; Commodore Hurry was a Catholic? Have they forgotten that Carroll, who so oluckily wrote- "of Carroll- ton" after his name on signing the . , - i Declaration of Independence, was a j t i- ii... .1,,,,-r.b ,,f 1.,,,.' i in tho CiiuuU t imie j ion Iladicais, did you Know that t rhil. Sheridan, tho banditti hero is it Catholic and that his brother Col. Michael Sheridan was educated for the priesthood? And o for sooth because Mr. Iiane is a Catho lic he is a man to be feared. A more absurd heresy was never propogated, a moro coward'y form of argument never resorted to. If a man's method of communing with 1.:.. , . i. 4 . i "u M tu u" '"'" ft ger of tho way he will conduct him self in ollieef the stories of Helf-sacri-lieing love of country told of the no ble old Creeks and lvomans must be nothing more than fiction.. If to be a Catholic is to be a miscreant it would be happy for the 'world were mre than half its. Christian inhabi tants swept into the sea.'Tiri'x. YVomkx. Tii" hair is the crowning frlory of woman. There are low moderate defects which cannot fte reme died hy the proper disposition of t he tr psos. Rut when tlie hair b -jrins to fall out, or turn gray, ia vohiil' peojle. or wit ii t hos- in the prime of life, th-re U catie for r al resr.-t. When this is tlie case. Hall's Yc:i- ftnUte Sicilian Hair Jit ii'icrr will In found to be a class remedy, far superior, as a sound hidlir'il medium, to anythin-r else before tlie pub'ic. It actually r .'stores irrav iiairtoits original color, and la the 'at majority of eases, eaus'-s U to jrrow airain when it is becoming thin. It is not like many popular ir.-ns. a mere wash, but a .scientilie discovery, indorsed and us d bv phvsieians of character." Address K. I. Hail A To., Nashu.i, N. II. I-'urnry's W'rtlJ V."f.?, J-b. I, 1S..W. A Tihp i; .is:iii. In.'.s Hat. s.vm ok imi Ciiekky i truly n balsam. It contains the balsamic principle of the Wild t.'herry, the balsamic propertl-'R of tar and of pin". Its inr 'dief.ts .ire all bal samic. Cmurh, ' 'olds. Sore Throats, I'.ron ehitis, and Consumption speedily disap pear under its balsamic influence. Purify the Springs of Life. It is. a sine qua non of health, that the .sources of vitality, 'iiic sprintrs ot'liiV," should he free from contamination. The fluids which by their action upon the food, transforms it into blood, and the great vital nutriment itself, must he pure, if the muscles, the hones and the i'lain are to he properly nourished and kept vigorous. To this end tlie stomach, the liver, tlie bowels and the kidneys should perform uninterrupt edly their various functions, sinco if these are disturbed tho vital fluids speedily become vitiated. The best nay, the only blood depurent which purities them, by overcoming those bodily irregularities which produce them, is I lostetter'.s Stomach 1 titters. The principle upon which this .salutary alterative acts is as simple as it is philo sophic. Tiie origin of most diseases, and invariUy those which all'eet the or rans above mentioned, is weakness, caused .by insutlicieiit assimilation of tho food. The Hitters speedily rectify the cause of the dilliculty by restoring vigorous digestion, so that 'all parts of the physical structure are supplied, with an abundance of pure, rich olood. This increases tlie activity of'the dis charging organs, and enables them to throw off the ellVtte matter, which ranking in the system, destroys health. This bodily refuse having been got rid of. and perfect assimilation re-established, there is nothing to prevent a healthy and active performance ot the various functions. Such being tlie case it is plain that the Hitters are not only the most reliable .stomachic, but ah eradieant of those diseases of the liver, bowels and kidneys which con taminate tlie springs of life. A History Without x Purullcl. Al most without advertising, I'oxn's Kxtkact has a sale that has incrcas"d until it Is known anil used all over t he countrv. The Hxtract never varies in qualit v or Ktr.-ntct li ; under any temperature and in anvcliniate it possesses tlie same virtue, and accom plishes tlie same results. Pond's Kxtract, for over twenty-five years, has been in medical writings, and steadily frainlntr th,e confidence oft he people. Imtoiitant. Kndorscd bv tho Medical protossion. Hit. VM. HALTS HALSAM 011 I'll 10 r.UXGS cures I onphs. Colds and Consniit!on, and ail disorders of tho Throat and Chost. lu. TOW LEY'S Ty.TIIACIln ANODYNE cures in one MINLIL. f0bi6 NEW TO-DAY. THE WOMAH'S FRIEND ! TIIK P 1 11 II UXG Scrubbing Ftlachine ! 25t),000 In Successful Usel Tho only Machine in tii" World that takes up tho Dirty IVntrr OITIhe Floor with out the Use of a Cloth or Sponpro It Cleans and liries tho Floor with Wonderful Ha pirtily, and without I'ut.lintr the Hands into the Oirtv Wnltr, and Highly Appru ciatcd when Exhibited and Seen Used. For Sale nt ACKERMAN RUOTIIEItS. Oropon City, August 17, 1873 .-tf. NOTICE. npiIE W I LXiA M ETTE FA EES C ANAE A and ix-ks win no eiosd for repairs from Monday, August 10th until Wednes day, Auffust iith. F. II. WEST, Aug. 18-.w2. Superintendant. Notice. A EE PERSONS KNOWING THEM solves indebted to Dr. S. Parker will please call at his oflice or at Ward & Hard ing's Drug Store and sittle immediately viujir u lasii or noie. Dr. r. rAKKER. County Assessor's Xoticel "VT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON the last. Monday, to-wit : the aith day of August, 1875, the Hoard of E.jualization in and for tho county of Claekamr. nnd State of Oregon, will meet at th-office of tne county t.ierK lor the examination and correction of the Assessment Roll, and all persons having corrections to mako are citea to men and then? appear, and all parties assessed prior to the (Sfh of Mnv not having their claim of indebtedness al- lowen, win taKe due notice. . J. H. EEWEEEEN. Count Assnrtrrr. Clackamas County, Ang. 3tl 1875. 3w i yTV,i vt;i u - j i ! 5 115 National Gold ixedal was award- M o Bradley & Kulofson for tho bost Photographs in the United States, and the 1 lpJ?V? Mcdal for the best in the world. Montgomery Sfrf ct, San Francisco. 1 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, I TTATTrx?DQT-rv nv P. &T.TT5,0'PMT& . CENTER W I AL. 1776; CHiriGO & SORTH-WcSTKI limww.j Dncj,. . nnfrrr n fSOt AHH : pAEXUFHS roil CHICAGO. N:.- E .'irt 1-oMt IlOt;ll,r I 1. 1 lllll Illl I'l Aioiureaf, iju 'bee. N.-w ..rU. lloston, any j oiiit Last, should tuv their TUANSCOXTIXIIXYAI. TlCUir or TS Via the Pioneer ll'iu'.c, THE -IICAC:i XOIt i'!I-V i:SYi;iiX RAILWAY. THIS IS TUK IJKST UOfTE KAST. It trade is of KTF.Kb It.MIs, ai:d on If has ; b-'-'ri ruiitie t h fastest t inie th:tt lias ev-r i been madk in t Ids country, by this rout? i Iis: ri.TS lor wints fiistt nl' Chk:ip) li!iv-' ! (.h((le -f t(uM ;u ns ,. s fr).n ctliea;;o-. lt- it i'iitsUnrs-, i'ovi Whj-iio hi v nicjiyo ;j,t ivau; irau:a i.aininj ii. THItitHiH TRAINS DAII.Y.with Pull QJb iiiiin Palace 'ara t Itroah ti l'hiladv-l-Ihia -uid New Vorlc on each train. ITtioiircii il'AlN, will, J'ltllman Palace Cars to Oalt iiur.. and Wash ington, j Ity tlie L:i!ii- Slloro itid ?Illi f tT.i n j Sdnllieni i;:iilv:ay : t'oiinect Ions ( Vi w Vui-lt I THKOt; .II TRAINS Jl.MI.Y. with i l'alat ee Ora'.vintr limitn ;iul Silver l'a i- ace riivpiiijx Car. I liroarh to N'.'w l (irlc. By tin- 7'15t liiir-i it t'eijJr.-t?, (iliiiit! TrmiK, (iiciit VVestei-ii :i ml 1'rie aiitl ! ..ei i K iiiTr:ii :tj .: , OTHKOniill T'lATNS with I'nllman l'alace 1 'rawing Room and Sli.'ej-ing; i iirs tnrouii to rew rK-, to I-'atls, ilulfalo, Rochester or New York city, j Ily li.iKiiiioii- is lid Ohio IiuiIroa:tl ; TIIUorGH 'I' It A INS DAILY, with I ,-f Pullman Pahici Cars for Newnrk, ' Zanesvill", WheeliriiT, Washington and ' lTalMmore without change. This is tlie KlIOIiTKST, P.KST .tml r.nly liie-ruiiiiiii I'lillmaii c-lel'd PA HACK Sl.KKPl.Nti CAUS AND CO A CI IKS, coti- nectms: with I mon racinc lialiroad at t OMAHA and from the WKST, via (irand I Junction, Marshall, Cedar Uapius, Clinton, ' Sterlimv and Dixon, for CKil'.YUO .v.i THE KAST. This l o;.nlar rout-' is unsurpassed for Spe.Nl, om fort a nd Safety. The smooth, well-ballasted and p'-rfect traejj of?t.'cJ rails, the clehrati.'d Pti'lman l'alace Sl-vp-itij; Cars, the p rieet Tclcjrrapli Sstcm of moving trains, t li regularity with wiilch they run, the admirable nrranenieiit of running through cars to Chicago Irotn all i joints West, s"cur-' to pass liters all the com tort in mod-Tn Itailway Traveline;. Noehamre of Cars and no t -.Iions tl. lays at Perries. I'ass -n' rs will find T'.ck-ts via this I'a vorif" I.'osite at t he ;-.u- ra 1 Ticket Offle" of the Central Pacilic Kailroad, Sacramen to. Tick -ts f..r sal.-in jill the Ticket Ofilces of the Central Pacific Kailroa.l. V. II. STKXNKTT, i mi. Pas. Ajrnnt. MAItTIN IHTr;riITT, (J -n. M.i:.. II. P. STAN Wood, liem ral .v-.-ncy, 121 Montgomery street, ."fan Kranciseo. An-. 11 :ly Isiimmons. In the Cip-'iiit Court of th?' Stateof Cr.-gin, lor Clackamas count v. E. I. C. Entoiir.'tt.', Plaint in, i vs. J Suit in W. W. Euck, Jane Etick, U.S. I Equity. llnek, Miranda E. l'.uck.andi W. .1. IJergen, Defendants. ) To said W. .1. P.i'rieti, Delendant : IN THE NAME OI-' TIIE STATE OK OR ejjon : You are hereby summoned and required to bi' and apix'ar In the abov. en-titl-'d Court at the m-.t regular term tin ri ot', follow ing the ex'ir;it:on of six weeks alter t h" first publication oi t his sum mons ; to-wit : on the lourth Monday in Septem ber, A. D., 1S7.", and answer the comiIaint of i-laintiir tiled in said Court In the above entitled suit, or for want thereof, th" plain- tin will a; jly to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Su.-h relief demanded is a d-'cr-'e airainst W. W. Duck md II. S. Iiuck for S'i.nA) gold coin, with interest at twelve per cent. p:T annum. sinee t he lt h Iay ot December, lS";;and the foreelostiro of a mortgage upon l."7 icres of If. S. Muck's donation claim In Clackamas county, Oregon, and. Lots one, two, four, five, six, seven and eight, in I'.Ioek numbered twelve in Oregon City. Oregon, which mortgage was duly recorded Aug. VI, lwJ, on pages i-i and o( ot lsook "C'of the record of mortgages in Clacka mas county, Oregon ; and also, to have vour latere!. In said land decreed subject to said mortgage ; and also, to liave loro closed a mortgage given by you and Sam uel MeCawley to II. S. P.uek, recorded April 1-j, 1S73, on pages J8t and '2S7, in lok 'D" of th" record of mortages in said Clackamas county ; and for a decree that said land and town lots may be sold to sat isfy the demands of plaintiff. This sum- mons is published pursuant to an order or Hon. E. D. ShattucK, Judge of said Court, mad" and dated tiie nth day of August-, A. D., 1875. JOHNSON V- McCOWN, augl-swo l'Jainnir s Attorney. TO FRUIT-GROWERS. rpiIE ALDKN PEE IT PUESERVINO i. Company of Oregon City will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE forPLUMS, PEAKS mid APPLES, Mr. Thos. Charman Is authorized to pur chase for the Company. U D. C. I-ATOURETTE. -President. THOS. CIIAUMAN, Secretary. Oregon City, July 1875 :tf JAMES M'KISSO.V, JOHN n. MILT.EU. McKINHON & MILLER. WAGON AND CARRIAGE M A V U FACTORY ! rpilE UNI) E R S 1 1; N E D JL having leased the New 5 late David Smith, corner of Main and Third street, Oregon City, take this method of informing the public in general, that we are now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of Mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint , iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle from a common cart to a Concord Coach. Blnrltsini t Iiinjr, Horite-Shoeinr nnd (ioneral Jabltiiie, Nently, (Quickly and Cheaply Done. iiousu-snoiiixc: a spf.cialtv. Come and try us. McKINNON & MILLER. Aug. 13. 1S75 :m3 NOTICE. I HEREBY REVOKE ALL. POWERS of Attorney and Proxies to vote stock, heretofore given by me, in Clackamas countv, Oregon. D. I". THOMPSON. Salt Lake City, July 27. 1S75 :wl Summons. In the Circuit Court for tho Stat of Ore gon, for the county of Clackamas. Suit in Equity to dc-termino adverse claims to real property. Rebecca K. Moore and S. D. Moore, Plaintiffs, vs. Caroline K. Adams, et. als.. Defendants. To James Albin Harlow, one of the defend ants in the above entitled suit : TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE- J gon : 1 ou are nereuy summoned and reauired to be nnd apear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the count v of Clackamas, on or before the first day of the next term of said Court that shall be held alter six weeks from the first publi cation of this summons, being the tin. prescribed in the order for publication of mis summons, taiu urn publication bein" IIIC VU1 " ausuai, una saio next term of said Court to be held on ii.a jk Monday of September, 1875, and answer to inc compiaiut ti nir piamiin in the above entitled suit ; and if you fail so to nn..o plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the said romniaint which is to determine the ownership of " '- roru.-3iiim-a in said coin- plaint, situate! in Claekamascountv State ol Oregon, and to exclude the defendants from any interest therein. Lls ) This summons is published in pursuance I of an orrfe- of t he .Turl"- ,j . . - - r.u court. made at Chambers, and dated the "!th S. HEFT. AT Aug. 6 :w7 Attorney for Plaintiff. P .1!!"- M t7 1 your ;imct) -,Mi5 ;II lov j .,., AGKEuAH BROTHERS i ar- now n--ivlnix a Inrv steck of SPSIMG AND SUITER GCCLS, all of the I,ittt Stvles. wh . wills I! An ESS THAN rORL f.C FRICLS. Our has tx-'-n I-ourht for cash, and we will sell it ;t a mall ntivniioe nbove SAW FRAKC8SCO COST ViTRVir.i, SAY TO EY HR YI'ODY I I'- fir' m purcluise r r iro to Port I;i!:!, com" iMi't ric- or;r jroods ml crvtivlec yunrw-lf f hat we do what we say. Oi.r stuck consists in p.irt of Kuncy and 8tj-lr lry Gooils, Clothiin;, Hats, Doots and Shoes, I-Hdios and (.Jenta 'urnishlus (ioods. Notions, flrr.t,, . its, Har-.l Wiite and u rt-at mimy other articles too uumcr ourt- to infill ion ; ALSO CCORS, WIf'DGWS, j PAINTS AfJD OILS, j ETC., ETC. j V, WUI alKo pay the Highest Market Priw for Country Produce. ACICEH MAN I:P..;s. Ore.ijoii City. April t, Xs7. tf TE WOE ED CAEE THE A1TENTION of Teachers, and ot h' rs Interested in music, to the following works, as being the best of their class : MUSICAL GHimES. A now Class-Eook for Kt.-male Voices. Price S3 Per Uuiru. Sample eoj.ies, mail ed, j ost-pald, on receipt of $1. FAIRY ECHOES. A Class-Book for Children. U'l in all the principal Public School;. Price 6 Per Dozen. Sample copies ninlled, post, paid, on ivcoipt of 60 fcr ts. SONG ECHO. The Most Popular School Sinxing-Dook ver published. Price 97 50 Per Dozen. Sample copies mailed, post-paid, on re ceipt of 75 cents. Address, J. L. PETERS, 843 II ROADWAY, N. Y. Aug. 6 :v0 OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! Sti. K. N. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND every day Except Sunday, at 7M o'clock, A. M. Iiftiirning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 2Ji o'clock, P. M. Sti ALICE, Will leave OREGON CITY forCORVALLIS every Monday and Thursday of each week. Sti DAYTON, Will leave OREGON CITY for McMINN VILEE. LAFAYETTE and DaYTON. nnd all points lx-tween, every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday of each week. "leaves the Basin at 8 o'clock, a. sr., and connect with the train at canemah at 9, a. m. Sti ALBANY. avs OREGON CITY for HARRISBURO and EUGENE and all intermediate points every week. Sti ITaijiiiie lattcm, leaves OREGON CITY for ALT! ANY and all Intermediate nnlntt hot ery week. J. D. RILES. Agent. Oregon City.Fcbruary, 11. 1874. ' J. P. WARD. GEORGE A. HARDING. WARD & HARDING, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, K EEP CONSTANTLY OX HAND A general assortment of J3ruH and Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, tonilisnii.t nrmtlim,. Trusses Support ers, 1.,'-.' Bra Fancy nnd loll Articles, AtSO Heroine Oil, -Lamp Chlmnrrm f.lass, Pntty, Paints, OilC, nrnUhea uud DyeStnfTs, PrRE WIXES ANT) LiqiflRS FOR ME DICINAL PURPOSES. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. KT-Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded, and all orders correctly an swered. K7Open nt all hours of the night. fAll aceounts must be paid monthly. nov6tf WARD &. HARDING. Administrator's Notice. AJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i the undersigned has been a printed Administrator of the estate of Matthew Kerchem, deceased, by the Hon. Count j Court of Clackamas county. State of Ore gon ; therefore, all persons having claims against said estata are required to present them tome within six months from the date hereof, at the office of Johnson A Mc- Cown, in Oregon City, PKgv vei HEN Hi GiNt, Administrator of paid ptatc. Clackamas county, Aug. 6. 1S76 rwl POND'S Hear, lor 1 willKpak of c xccUenC tliinsr.?y .'OND'S EXTRACT The rrcat Vegetable PoI Uciitrayrr. lias been in use over thlrtT yearn, nnd for cleanliness find prompt cnr ui12rirtus cannot be excelled. EHILpREN.-No family can affoid to be without 1 oDd'i Extract. Accidents, Brmiac tontniions, "ut, Mprains, are relieved almost instantly by external application, iromplly relieves pains or Unrnn, Scal4. Jtoils, elotnT Corns, etc. Arrrsrt In llamatios, reduces swellings, stops biccdinr, rtMV1r?Lsc?lor,l,ioB'"lnrilcal8 rapidlr. . FEMALE WEAKNESSES. It always relieves pain intue back and loiu,fnllnes8 aiidpresuingpaia im i rV nausea, vertigo. , IN LEUCORRHCEA it ias no cqaaL All kinds ninU cern.ii oils to which ladies are Bubiect are promptly enred. Fuller details in bookaccom- ranyin!z each bottle. PilES-bUnti or bleedinsr meet prompt relief and ready cure. No case, however chtonic r u . bIb r tt.',c.l"-lon? re8i81 its regular nse. VARICOSE VEINS. It is the only sure cure for . Cf'1 ditressinir and dangerouscondition. RI9NEY DISEASES. It has no equal for perma nent cure. BLEEDING from any cause. For this U a ape. vilic. It has saved hundreds of lives 'when all other remedied failed to arrest bleeding from liMf, fttomarlt, lanna, nnd elsewhere. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, Toothache ti4 Larnrhc .re all alike rel.eved, and often per tnanently cured. PHYSICIANS of nil schools who are acquainted with fund's Extract of Witch rec cmraend i t in their practice. We have letters of commendation from hundreds of Physicians, many of whom order it lor use in their own practice. In addition to tho foregoing, they order its use for Swell ines of all kinds. Juinsy, Sore Throat, Inflamed Toneils, Bimpte and chronic Dinrrhn-a, Catarrh ffor which it is a specific,) C'liilblnim, Frnt ed Feet, Sting? of Inserts, iIotHnitees. etc., C'linpped Ilnnda, Face, and indeed all manner of skin diseases. . TOILET USE. Removes Soreness, RouKbneaa, and smartiiig ; heals Ciitrs Fruptions, and PiuiplcM. It rerirzs invijora'a, and re fresher, while wonderfully improving the Complexion. TO FARMERS. Pon' Extraet. Xo Stock Breeder.uo LiveryMan can afford to be without It. It i ) used by ell the Leading Livery Stables, Street ltailroada and first Horsemen in New York City. It has no equal for Sprain, liar ncss or Saddle Chafing, tstidbess, Scratches, SwelIing,Cnts, Lareratlons JMeedinicr, Pneumonia, Colic, Diarrhoea Chills, C'oldn, etc. Itsrangeof action is wide, and the relief it affords is so prompt that it la Invaluable in every Farm-vard as well as in every Farm -house. Let it be tried once, and von will never be without It. CAUTION. Pond's Extract has been imitated. Tnepenuine article has the words Pend'a Ex tract blown in each bottle. It is prepared by the only persons living who ever knew tow to prepara it properlv. Kef use all other pre parations of Vitch IlazeL This is the only article nsed by Physicians, and In the hospi tals of this conntrv'and Enrope. HISTORY AND USES OF POND'S EXTRACT, m pamnnlct form, pent free on application to POND'S EXTRACT COMPANY. Maidea Lnne, New ork. - ATTOEI.D INFORM TII E CITIZENS OF i ir'u'nn City :. i:..l vicinity that ha pr.-j-:iri (i to furnish m, SPRUCE AMD CEDAH LUMBER Of ev.ry description, at low raten. A I.SO, "O I) j-j- I"J:;o ;!:;, Ceiling, Iliittie, i-(for slelving), Eatt!e, PIrKeis, iuil Eetice-Postu, Cedar, Conslantljf on ha ml. Street anil Sidewalk lumber furnished on t!io short -st ntitiee, at as low a rates as It can bn purchased in the State. Give nie a call at the OHICGOX CITY SA Ii" MILLS. Oregon City. June 10, lST3:tf JOHN S C H R A M , jlain St., Oregon City. 3I.1M rACTLnER A.D I-IPOSTER OF Sndilles, Harness, etc., etc. tS7-HICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS V V can be had in the Stat--, ri WHOLESALE OR RETAIL.- o CV"l warrant my goods as rcpr.-vnted. 1.000 DEER SKINS AND ALSO, LL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES. FOR J. V which I will pay the hihos market price in cash P.ring on your hides and get you r coi n for t he in . JOHN SCHKAM. Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, lST-:n3. OREGON CITY SAW AHD PLAINING MILL JLL KINDS OF Sasli, Itliittls, Ior, Window Frames Motildtnp. Einisliing Lumber, Floorinjr, Ceiling-, Sindiiijr & Raatie. Will Euild nil classes of Buildings. Designs, Specifications, Eill of Material Made. K. .1. ( OLBATH. Oregon City, May II, 1ST5 :tf Reject nil A'iolent Prartratlvew. They ruin the tone of the bowels and weaken the digestion. Tarrant's Effrrrcscmt Sfltzrr Aperient. is used by rational people ns a means of relieving all derangements of the stomach, liver and intestines, because it removes all obstructions without pain and imparts vigor to the organs which it purifies and regulates. SOLD II Y ALL DRUGGISTS. The best way to IOSEP COOL during the hot weather Is to go to CO?s IT ECTIONERY. Main Street, Orrgon City, and partake of some of his DELICIOUS ice - crelm: AND ARCTIC SODA. lee-Cream delivered to any part of th city FREE OF CHARGE, and mad to order. apr22tf OREGON CITY BREWERY Henry Humbef, WAVING PURCHAS- erv wishes to inform the public that be la now preparea to manuiacmic a. w. - j lty of LAO BR B E K K, as good as can be obtained anywhere In the State. Orders solicited and protupt'f n.iv.-. s o w' Mjwu.u mi O O O o o G O C O G O O o G G O o o (i. 0 O o i o ) o J