Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1874)
e r- 0 ,1 THE ENTnRPRISE. QTiCGox nTy7'(RP;o, SEPT. 11, 1S74. ET'MAVI) SJPAXTOX. Mv lear Harr; irrll ai .rrJl)le am arare that T-mi are an incorrj flirt. But I of von as totT' value your own reputation, give 7.1.SS Dlanchard a nilft berth, for she is merciless on us poor fellows, anl I warn you that yon cannot carry c i a flirtation with i3r and receive no wound in your own heart." 3Iy dear Ned." ireplied the other, ) indolently brushing the ashes from his cigar, "I am Airprised at your wasting your bre;" in so foolish a manner. The criiLae that you lling ao coolly into my face is a base fabri cation I emphatically deny it. As for Mifcs Blanc hard, I am hardly sure that sho will be worth wasting pretty speeches upon." ; ' As you have nee-r met the young lady, I forgive youAthat speech, oth erwise Norwood hfVe would be con verted into a hospilV."" "Iteally, Nedl Vf she lias made snch Bftl havoc with your heart, I can no longer doubt her superiority. "When dftes she arrive?" " She '"'is expected this afternoon, and yon will proba:ly meet her this evening." " I'll bet you a hat, Ned, that ere the summer is ended, Isabel Blan chard will submit her royal will to that of your hurnblo servant." "Done. I have j warned you and if vou suifer you aline are to blame." With a light laflh the other re plied: No danger, .rllirtation in this wilderness will bo ighly entertain lDg with so distinguished a ierson- age." Ned's reply was lost as they saun tered carelessly toward the house, and as they disappeared from view a low, rippling laugh broke the stillness, and a irerry vioce said, " these willows are a royal retreat, Cousin Minnie. Th.; young man has a. high estimation of .his power. But -who i he?"audthe Heautiful speaker turned to her cousijL with no shade of annoyance on he:row. "Harry Clifl'onY I His father is wealthy, and he nyfes in the very best society. Indeed his presence is considered as indispensible. But he shall not stay here to insult you, IsaWl." " Nay, Cousin tMinnie, he must stay, for a flirtation in this wilder ness will be highly entertaining with so distinguished a personage." Smilingly taking her cousin's arm, QMinnie said earnestly: " I pity him, Isabel, for no one can help loving you." Stooping to kiss the earnest face, Isabel said, gently: " And I love none of them as I do my truthful little Cousin Minnie." Minnie Norwood, witli her small drooping figure, seemed scarcely more than a child by the side of her tall aud queenly cousin, Isabel. Minnie's eyes were as blue .and cloud leys as the sky above them, and her hair was pushed back from her brow and fell in showers of bright goklen curls. "A loving fairy," her father said, and "the light of my life." No one that had seen them together could doubt the truth of his words. L IU1I t For her he had e recited their beauti ful summer reside Ae and for her he had consented filled with guests mer. - it it should be ring the su al As Mr. Norwood ' ingroom with Isabe. tered the draw Ned lt&wlinson turnod triumphantly to young Clif ford with the words " What, is your, opinion now, Harry?" ' j "A blooming rcvl in the wildei nris);. A paragon of Aauty. Need say more, my dear f ld. I humid sue for au iutrodu vJ'ii to her 3It ivilder Xee.l I humbly a jestv." Nod turueil impatiently away. " Are you never in earnest, Clif ford? Have you no l.i'--art? he asked. "Alas. I fear it is io true," he re plied, with imperturbable gravitv. " Mr. Clifford. Miss Blanchard," and Harry executed one of his most graceful bows, but a slight bend of the head was all the notice Miss Blanchard deigned to. bestow. ! Annoyed more than he was willing to acknowledge, he 'made little at tempt to gain her : attention that evening. But picnic!, dances in the open air, moonlight sliils on the love liest of lakes, followil in quick suc cession, and day by A'ay Miss Blan chard fjrew more grV.ous, and Har ry's 'attentions more Viduona. until they yielded tacitly p him his place as her escort. "l'apa," Minnie said one evening, "it is lovely on the lake Will you not order .Ben to j get- the boats vvady?" ; Joyously greeting her proposal, the merry party wenlled their way to the lake. Harry ga imtly seated Is abel, and then spiflging m, shot . rapidly out in advaiSs of the others " A race! a race'."' they shouted and boat after boat glided through the water. Harry turned as they 'neared him, and saucily sang "The Boatman's Challenge." Song after song followed, first merry and joy ous, at last low, sweet and sad. Isa bel started a plaintive melodv, and Harry softly and geitly inpelled the boat onward, until, As Isabel's voice died away in a low! l oan, they were alone on the deep waters of the lake. She sat wit I: her head bowed O on her hand, hei face sad and thoughtful, as if t.t;concious of his presence. He bent forward, and, in a low passionate tone, spoke her name, Isabel She st.irted, and slowly raised her eves, but thev qni iklv Jell, as she " met his passionate '.e. He pluugei the oars into the v ter. and millet' one or two energet strokes to stil he beating of his h: rt. " Isabel, he sai have no tine words t : I can simplv sav I . at length, " I my command, ove vou. Can yon love .mo a little i return?" 3at the' bowed head was not lifted, and but for the blushes that came and went so quieklvi he might have 1 l IJ 31 a.1 1 thought that she hi ... . j not heard him. One snort wee, from to-night, and we must part. ill it be forev- er? W ill vou not me hope, Isa- bel?" Still no answer, tnd passionately the words rang over the water: ' Isabel, 'bid me hope or I shall die." " Harry," began ..he low, sweet voice. s " Bless you, Isabel, bless you," he i J cried, seizing her hand and coverings it with kisses. " Nay, Mr. ClifTord," she said, but not unkindly, "hear me through. One week from to-night Cousin Min nie intends to give a farewell party. Meet me in the conservatory and I will give you your answer. In the meantime," she continued, as he was about to .speak, "you must consider it a forbidden subject. Now we must return to our friends." Silently he plied the oars, and when he reached the house as silent ly bowed his farewell. Minnie's farewell party was at its gayest. Music and laughter resoun ded everywhere. Harry was restless. Isabel avoided him. Ned rallied him on his low spirits. "Upon my word, Clifford," he said, "if you would dispense with that scowling brow you would be remark ably handsome this evening. But is not Miss Blanchard beautiful? Look there; she is the centre, as usual." Harry turned gloomily toward her, but a glance from her soft dark eye beckoned him to her side. His face changed as if by magic. With a hurried "Excuse me Ned," he eagerly sought her presence. "It is warm here Miss Blanchard. May I have the pleasure of your company in the conservatory V" he asked, striving to make his voice ap pear natural. She bid a laughing adieu to her admirers, and accepted his arm. One end of the conservatory was but dimly lighted, and he lead her there, seating her on the throne they had erected for her when she person ated a queen in one of the tableaux. Dropping on his knees, he said, brokenly: " Isabel' my queen, I await your answer." "It is this, Mr. Clifford." she an swered, haughtily. "A flirtation in the wilderness has proved very en tertaining with so distinguished a personage as Mr. Harry Clifford." He rose qnickly to his feet. ' And this is your answer?" he asked, slowly. " That is my only answer," she re plied. " Cousin Minnie, will you return with me to the ball-room. Adieu, Mr. Clifford." "The hat is mine, Harry, is it not ?" asked Kawlinson, as he took his arm. " Miss Isabel told Minnie to escort me here directly after you left. I came unaware of the grand tableau. But vonr heart, Harry?" " Don't, Ned," ho replied with a gesture of pain. "I have been taught a lesson I shall not soon forget." PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Sou th west Corner First ami .Morrison Sts. portlaxd, oregox. From this date wo have adopt d the CASH BASIS AXDHARD TIMS PBIfES. Com? and see us and there will he mu tual satisfaction. Cl'STOMERS AT OTIt I-OIV P KICKS Axn OURSEI.VKS AT CASH. GEORGE A. PEASE, Southwest Cor. First fe MoitIhoii Sts., Ioi'tlaiid, Oregon, August 7. 1S71. tf NOW IS THE TIME TO SUJ'SCltlKE FOR THE ENTERPRISE. 50 rKn YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Each number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Parts of the World ; A Carefully Selected .Summary of STATE AM) TERRITORIAL NFAVS ITEES; A Corrected JLt of tlie Markets in Portland, San Francisco and Oregon City LOCAL NEAVS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to the FARMER, MERCHANT OR MECHAMC Also, Carefully Selected MISC12LI.ANEOUS READING. In Short, it is in Every Rospoct a LIVE NEWSPAPER. THE ETKKPItlSK Having: a lurj and constantly increasing Circulation in the most i'-optJious part of the State, off rs suwrior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REASONABLE TERMS. The Campaign of 1S74 will soon begin, and it is therefore a good time to Subscribe in order that you may be posted on currant events. Send tm your subscription atonce. M B R CJIAXD I S E. SPRING & SUMMEIVGOODS JUST RECEIVED AT I. SELMIvfe'S DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, etc., etc., etc., etc Main Street, Oregon City. Produce of all kinds bought, for which pay the highest market price. If you e sire good Goods at Low prices, call at i. ssl li yes and examine his new stock of Spring goods Give me a call and convince yourselves My motto is, " QUICK SALES ASD SMALL PROFITS." Wool W ! The highest market price paid for voolJ I. SELLING. Oregon City, Oct. 31, lST3-tf. NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. First Street brtwrrn Altler and Mor riioiiits., unci Aller Street between Frt and Front Street. I?oitlaiid, Oregon. VN INSTITUTION- DESIGNED TO PUE pare HOYS, YOUXV and MIDDLE AO ED MUX lor Business Affairs. II. M. DfFRAXt'K . L. WHITE, : t t Prehileiit. i t Scc-rttar)-. For acquiring a Iracfi&tl Ii unities. J<iert tion this institution off'rs superior advan tages, and is acknowledged by lxrading Business Men to be the best Commercial College on the Pacific Coast, and second to none. Each Department is First ("lass, and is un der the special charge of kxpkkiknced teachers, and tlie whole school is under tin; immediate superintendence of the President and Secretary. The school room and counting are united un a plan that secures to the student all t he practical ad vantantages of each. There is in operation A JiAN KING HOt SE fully illustrating that business. The same system Vwingobserved in each department, the .student buys, sells, ships, barters, con signs, discounts, Insures, draws checks, notes and drafts, gives leases, deeds, Ac, and goes through the entire routine of ! ACTUAL ISr.SINESS. In adding to the completeness of the In btitution the proprietors have instituted a SEPARATE JJEPARTUE.N'T FOIL LADIES. The entrance to rooms of I hi Depart ment is uion Alder street, and access to them is had only by the teachers and lady stu dents. ISare facilities aYe offered to ladies for acquiring a Thorough Knowledge of Ilusiness Practice ; of Telegraphy and Pen manship. The DEPARTMENT OF TELEGRAPHY is in charge of 'first-class owra!ors and teachers, and supplied with all the appar atus of a lirst-class office. This Institution as now conducted claims to have facilities for imparting a thorough knowledge of the Ait of Penmanship! that not one in ten of the r.csixKss Ooi. LEOKS now in existence possesses: the De partment being under the special superin tendence of one of the Leading Penmen of tin' United States. For full particulars send for National Business C'om.k;k Joch.vai, sent to any part of the count rv tree. Address, lleFJl AXCK Yl'IIITK, liook Uox 101, Portland, Oregon. CHAS. II. OA. I J I'M 1 0 1.J I ), DEALER IX GENERAL M EEC IT ANDISE, COllXER OF SEVKXTH AXD MA IX STREETS, OREO OX CITY. las Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress CJoods, IJrown ait'l I1c;icIi(mI Shci tings, House Ijinitig, .Shirtitiys, Tal lc-IiiMoii, Irish P.osom lintus, Tiiicn Towell'mg, Taltlc-t.'loths, Corsets, Ladies' ami Uents Hose, Tliread, Cambrics, Muttons, Ribbons, L;iccs ami Insertions, rnibroilery, White (iooils, Millinery, Fancy (;) tls t;c Alsf, a full assortment if LADIES' ANO CHILD ERM'is SKGE5, Groceries, Crockery, tllassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Ramps, Wicks atul Chimneys AVHU-Ji have ln-e s-let-el witli speciul care for tlis murkrt and t amiot BP: SI KPASSKD IXtJVAUTYORPitK K. tiii: iuc:iiiT m.vhki:t imuci: iaii ion coumkv iMtonrct:, March 1.3, ls7:5:if SOLDIERS' War Claim Agency No. Ill ?Iiot jgomery ittock, SAN FRANCISCO, CAR. II. AIKEN, ATTORN EY-AT-RWV, and Command'-r of the Grand Army of the Republic in California and Nevada, will give prompt af t ii t .ion to t he collection of Additional Travel Pay, now due California and Nevada Volunteers discharged more than three; hundred miles from home. SSoldiers can depend on tair dealing.. Information given tree of charge. When writing enclose stamp for r.-ply and ttate company and r 'giiii'-nt and whether you have a discharge. Congress has -x-tendfd the time for tiling claims for addi tional P.ounty under Act of July 2S, ISUli, to .January lN7o, so all such clafms must, be made before that time. Original i'.ounty of $1U0 has been allowed all volunteers who enlisted before July 'lid lStl for t hr.-e years, if not paid the same when discharged. Land Warrants can be obtaind for s'-rviees render.-il before KVi, but not. for services in the late war. Pensions for late war and war of 1n12 obtained and increased when allowed for less than disability warrants, but no pensions are allowed to Mexican and Florida war soldiers. State of Texas has granted pensions to surviving veterans of Texas Revolution. New Orleans and Mobile Prize Money is now due and being paid. W. H. Aiken also at tends to General Law and Collection business. timo. A. G. YALLINC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Fittoclc'u Htiildin- Corner of Stark antl Front Streets. PORTLAND, - OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED AND ROUND to any desired pattern. Music lxoks, Magazines, Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variejy of style known to the trrade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. For Sai.k. We will sell either a Flo rence or rover ct- Maker Sewing Ma chine at S in Francisco nrices. In order that those who desire a machine, and are not able to pav the entire amount may be accommodated, we will sell them on the installment plan, payable so much per month until paid for. IMPERIAlM ILLS, Savier, LaRortiue & Co. Oregon Cit". x,tC,P.tPconstantIy on ha-id for sale Flour, Middlings, Blan and Chi -ken Fed. Parties purchasing fed must furnish the sack. A. NOLTNER NOTARY PUBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. OBEGOX CITV. COURTESY OF DIVERS ITI Y? MEXICAN Mustang Liniment was first lenown In America. Its meritt are now Well known throughout the habitable world. It has the oldest and best record of any Liniment in the world. From the millions upon millions ol bottles sold not a single complaint has ever reached us. As a Healing and Pain-Subduing liniment it has no equal. It is alike, beneficial to MAN AND BEAST. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCISTS. S. T.-1860-X Y OLD Homestead Tonic Plantation Bitters Is a purely Vepetahle Preparation, composed pf Calisaya Bark, Roots- Herbt and Fruits, among which will be found Sarsaparilian, Vandeiion, Wild Cherry, Sassafras, Tansy, Cenitan, Stveet Flag-, etc.; also Tamarinus, Dates, Prunes and Juniper Berries, preserved in a sufficient quantity (only) of the spirit of Su gar Cane to keep in any climate. They inva riably relieve and cure the following com plaints: Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaints, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Bilious A ttacks. Fever and A gue. Summer Complaints, Sour Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, Gen eral Debility, etc. They are especially adap ted as a remedy for the diseases to which. WOMEN are subjected, and as a tonic for the Aged, Feeble and Debilitated, has no equal. They are strictly intended us a Temperance Tonic or Bit ters, to be used as a medicine only, and always according to directions. Sold t;y All First-class Druggists. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE riHTK UNDERSK SNKD PROPRIETOR OK I. the Livery .Stable on Fifth street .Oregon City, Oregon, keeps const antly on hand Sudillv snd Buggy Horse, Bn-rg-ieK, Carriages anl Hacks. lie will also run a hack to and from the WiLHLIT SGDA SPRtNSS during the summer season, with good pet ent and gem lemaniy drivers. FARE AT LIVING RATES. J. M. FltAZKK, Proprietor. Oregon City, May !7, l7:f. M A X V FA C T OKI K S. WSLLSAftf SITJGSFi IfAVU ESTA'ir.ISIIKD tfeT A FACTORY WBM FOaTHE MANUFACTURE GF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AM) JH)riJ)lXUS OF ALL SIZES. - They will also do Turning of every de script ion to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH!' WAIl work warranted. Shop on the Kiyer, in Lwis' Shoj Opposite Oregon City Mills. AGENTS FOll THE E.MEKi'IJISE. The following jx rsons are authorized to act as agents lor t he E-nteki-kisk : Geo. 1. Howell A Co., 4i) Park Row, New York. Coe, Wetherill A Co., 607 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Ablott A Co., No. S2 and 81 Nassau street New York. ' Portland, regon ....L. Samuel San Francisco J Thf- r-uyce o. Tr i r. . . Jj- ' Fisher St. Helens, Columbia county S. A. Miles Astoria, Clatsop county A. Van Duseii tI('m: ...L. Williams xirri.ourg. j. jr. Smith I af ay et t e, a in h i 1 1 cou n ty J. I. Ferguson i 'anas, i-oiK count v Kola m Jacksonville Benton countv Dave Holmes ;.H. Jot.y ....11. K. Ha una W.A.Wells Corvallis .... Hon. John liurn tt Canyon City.Orant co W. H. Laswell Albany A s Arnold Dalles, aseo county N. H. iatcs LaGrande, Union countv j Prai" Pendleton, Umatilla county S." V." Ktiox Eugene City.. ; M. Thompson T . I r- L. IJristow Iloseburg I ton. I,. F. ine Lebanon... T. Montague x . .,, """ I J. H. Ha 1st on Long Tom .H. c. Huston CLACKAMAS COUNTY, Reaver PreeL- Rutteville ..', Cascades " Can by Cutting's Eagle creek Z" Harding's . liOwer Molalla... ". Milwaukie Oswego Upper Molalla.."."""."." C. F. Deatie lohn Zumwalt Henry McGugin J. W. Strawser I. Wright Frank W. Foster Capt. '.. C. Norton W. Moreland ...John Hagenberger - John Doole W. H. Vaughan TO LET. THE ROOM FORMERLY OCCUPIED as the Council Chamber, In Dr. Thes ing's brick building;. Arply at this offlec. BANCROFT LIBRARY, CF CALIFORNiTi, lr. J. U jilker's Lalilorniji VillPirar IS it t(I'.S area purely Ycg c table preparation. mad3 cbieti- from the native herbs found on tire lower ranges of the .Sierra Nevada mountains of California, tho metlieinal pTroptTiies of which are extracted therefrom -with-' out the use ot Alcohol. The question ?s almost daily askew, " What is the cause of the imp.-iralU lol success of Vinegar BirrEr. V Our answer is, that fhey remove tlir caue of disecrs, an-1 the iafeiit v. cover-; liis bealtb. Tney are the prml b'o- il pnviiier and a lile-eh j.'! p, i:i.- p!o" a perfect Reno vator :v.d li:vf:f.ii,.r .f tils' syf-tem. Never be; ove i:i tlu.-' isii.ry oi ilie world. ::a.i a Ule.l'oi .v c -u p. )lllided pos sessing llj.-r " n-i;:.r : .M 3 qualities of ViNiiOAR llrrn-n-. ia l;ealiitej the sick of ev. ty dis ase. They are a cutla . Purgative a v.dl as a Tonic, relieug I'onger.tion or Intlammation of the Liver anl Visceral Organs, iu Bilious Diseases. TilO propfliies of Dr Talker's YrsEfi.ut Iitti;iim are Aperient, Dia phoretie. Nutritious, Laxative, Diu retic. S -dative, Counter-irritant, Su d iL'.e. Alt r l ive, an I A-'ti-JJiliotv. (iiatclili rilOUsailris proclaim 'iNT.tiAit Bittep.s the most wonderful Iuvigorant that aver sustained the sink ing system. No person can take these Hitters according to directions, and remain long tan well, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or gans wasted beyond repair. JJilious, Keniittent, and In termittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberlaua, Arkansas, Eed, Colorado, Brazos, Iiio Grande, Pearl, AJabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast trib utaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of un usual beat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derange ments of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a ptirgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, U essential. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against ' disease by purifying nil its fluids with the Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Tain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz ziness, Sour Eructations of the Sto mach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bili ous Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the off Springs of Dyspepsia. Oue bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or Kind's Evil, White Swellings Ulcers, Erysipelas. Swelled Neck, Goitr.-, Scrofulous In flammations, Mercurial affections, Old Sores,. Ernptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, f t-.'. Iu these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Dr. "Walker's Vinegar 3iTTi:r.s have bhowu their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory or Chron ic INieimiatism, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused bv Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Per sons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to aral3sis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take Dk. Walker's Vinegar Bitters. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of . the Skin of w hatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and ot her Worms, lurking in the system of so many thou sands, are effectually destroyed and re moved. No sj-steni of medicine, no ver mifuges, no authclminitics will free the system lrom worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so de cided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Dlood whenever you find its impurities burst ing through the skin in Pimples, Erup tions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the sys tem will follow. It. II. JTIclDOJVAI.I) fc CO.. Druggists & Gen.Agts.. 8an Francisco, Califor- Sli Cr of wllaK'nRtou & Charlton 6t8..N.Y. bold by all Druaalsts and Dealer. THE PARKER GUN .SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRCfS WEST MER1DEN.CT. STILL I. THE FIELD! REIYiOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' SALOON". WILLIAMS &. HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE .STOCK of family Groceries to be found in the city. All poods warranted. Goods delivered in the city free of charge. The highest cash price paid for country produce. Orezon Ctty, March Vi, 1S73. , MERCHANDISE. JOHN MYEES, OREGON IC8TY. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE, I will sell as low as any house In Oregon for CASH Oil ITS EQUIVALEXT In Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASH IX HAR. CASH PAID FOR CO L TV ORDERS Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21, 1S73. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICE OREGON CITY, : OREGON. TE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE all kinds of JOB PKINTING, such as CARDS, Ii ILL-HEADS, PAMPHLETS, DMFCDS. MORTGAGES, LA DELS, LETTER-HEADS, in fact all kinds of work done a in Printing Office, at PORTLAND PIUCES. ALL KINDS OP LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be Irad in the St ate. Worfe SoIictcl AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City. March 21, 1873-tf. Fox- Sale ! About 150 pounds oflong prim er, of which this is an impression. Has been in use but a short time, i?ood work. Price 25 cents p lb, either tied up or in cases cases extra. ALSO, A small font of Nonteriel of -hirh thin m an impression. Price 35 cnts V O. As pood u new. "ere ib enougn to set about one column f this rprrlW. Addrewthft office. R. R. P BADIVAY'S READY RELlW CUttES THE WORSTPtWg In From One to Twenty lHi,utes NOT ONE HOUE after reading this advertisement dom one suffer with r.ain. HAUWaYnr anJ RELIEF is a sure cuitffw 5 was the first and is pain. h The Oiil, PalnRmt.,,y that instantly stops the most excn.i.. pains, allays Inflamation, and curi mentions, whether of the Lunirs st, u Rowels, or other glands or organs hach application, in from One to Twentv ?n utes, no matter how violent or evi. ln Inp the pain, the Rheumatic. Eed-rM .'"U lunrm. Crippled. IServous. KenralirVo prostrated with disease may suffer or KADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF will afford instant ease. Inflamation ol the Kidnes. Inflamation of the II1t Inflamation of the Itowels. racier. Congestion of the Lim.. Sore Throat, Difficult Loathing. -unS. Palpitat ion ot the H. Hysterics, Croup, Dyptheria. "eut. Catarrh, Influen. Headache, Toothache. "unx. Neuralgia, Rheumatism Cold Chills, Agaie Chills. "aiisu I he application of the Ready Relief t the iirt or parts affected where th mi or difficulty exists will afford ease anS comlort. "a 1'wenty drops in half a tumbler f water will in a tew moments cure Cranimt Spasms, fcknir Stomach, Heartburn s.vL' Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery Voli Wind in the 1 towels, and all int rna'l gains' Travelers should always earrv a bottle of Itnftwuy's Iteucly Keller with them few drops in M ater will prevent sickness or pains trom change of water. It is better than French brandy or Uitters as a stim ulant. " FKVER AAI AGIE. Fever and Ague cured lor tiitv cents There is not a remedial agent in the worlii that will cure Fever and Ague, and all oth er Malarious, liillious. Scarlet, 'ivi-hoid "i el low, and other Fevers (added bv luii! WAY'S PILLS' so quick as lJADWAY s HEALTH! BEAUTY ! ! Strong and jure rich of Flesh and weight clear -kin and beauti ful complexion secured to all. TJYl. RALTwaY'S SARSPARILLIAN RESOLVENT has made the most astonishing cures; so quick, so rapid are tie changes the bodv undirgoes, u nderthe influence of t his truly Wondcriul Medicine, that cveday an in crease in flesh and weight is seen and felt. THE CHEAT KLOOD 11111 K1EK. Every drop of the Sa isp rill inn Jieol vent .communicates through the I'lood, Sweat, I'rine and other lluius and juices ol the system the vigor ol lite, lor it repairs the wastes ol the body with new and sound material. Seroiula. Syphilis, onsump tion, Olandulur disease, I ."leers in the 'lhrtKit, Mouth, Tumors, NoUt s in the tilancis and ot her parts ol the system. Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges lrom the Ears, and the worst lormsoi SKin diseases, Erup tions, Fever Sores, Senlu It. ad, Ring Worm Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, 1. lack Spots Worms in the Flesh, 'tumors, cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painlui discharges, N ight Sweats, l.ossot SjK-rin and all wastes of the lile principle, Jlrr' within the curative range ot this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a lew dais- use will prove to any pi rson using it. lor either Of these forms ol uisease its potent power to cure t hem. II the patient, daily becomes reduced 1 v the wastes and decom osition that is con tinually 1 rogressing. succeeds in arrest in.' these w astes, and repairs the same with new material made irom hea It hy blood and this the Sarsj arillian will and does secure. Not only does the SarspariUiau Resolvent excel all known r-iiedj-,1 agents in the cure of hronie, Scroiulous Constitutional, and Skin diseases but it is the only positive cure tor Kidney and Itladder Complaints, t'rinary and Womb diseases. "ravel i)i b:t s "My. l-pag..- ot Water, licnijl noneeol I rme, l.ngl.fs, ii,UII nuria, and in all eases where there ;r. briek-dust. deposits, or t lie watr ik tl.iVk cloudy, mixed with substanc-v like' if,,! white of an egg, or threads lik" .n- (, '" or there is a n.orbid, dark, billion n 'i'Tr' a nee, and white bone-dust d. .,i,d when there is a pricking, t urniii" lion when passing water, aim i.aii? in the l-rce!?l,f.Ht.!'' L,atk a'K! VtiuMS.-The only known and uur Itemedy lor Uornt.s J in, 'J'tijit; ttt; Tumors ofl i Years' (irev.ll, ( ued ljy KiKhmy's KcmiIu iiI. KEVKKI.Y, Mass., J.,iv 18, Wip I)R. Radway . I have had tvarin 1 u morin the ovaries and bow-i is. uc Doctors said " there was no help for it " I tried everything that was recommend, d but notiiing he-lped me. I saw vonr Ke.l vent, and thought I v,uld trv it : but 1 -i.l nolaithinit, because 1 had" suffer, d 'i.r twelve years. I took six botth s ot ti e lu solvcnr, and one box of l" Pi and two bottles of yyur Iieadv Ee'li. t :t,,d threis not a siirn ot tuieer to I,., c. .. felt, and I feel better, smarter, and h.'j.i i. r than 1 have for twelve years. '1 he worst tumor was in thi lell slue f,t the bowels, w rite t his to tm l..r 1 l,e l on can nl.iish it ir HANNAH 1. KNA1T . over the groin. 1 benelit ol" others, you choose. 13Ix.liAJ.)AVAV"S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, iK-rtectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, j.urin , el. :.iise, and strengthen. Itadwaj's l'ihs, lor tli cure of all disorders of the stomach 1 iv. r. Bowels, Kidty .vs, liladder. Nervous 1 is eases, iieadaelie, Constipation, testnf ness, indigestion, I 'yspei sia,, l.lllious iever, inflammation otitic how els. Piles, and all Derangements ..l the Internal Viscera. Warranted to alf.-ct a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, contain ing no mercury, mincrs, or deleterious drugs. Bv'Observe the following sMnptonis re sulting trom Disorders i the Digt-siive Organs: t onstition, inward Piles. I ulln ss ol the l;lood in the Head, Aciditv ol tlir Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn Iusmist of FochI, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructations, sinking or 1-hittering at the Pit ot th Stomach, Swimming ol the Head, Hurried and difficult breathing. t lutti ring at the Heart, i hoking or Siilh. catmgSeiisations w hen in a Lving Post ui, Pimin ssoi ision, lxitsor u-ls U iorethe Sight, Fever, Dull Pain in the-Head, Defi ciency ot Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the side, ( best. Limbs, and sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn ing in the Flesh. A few doses of Hit diva y-s Pills will free the system lrom all the above named dis orders. Price, 'Zb cents er box. told by Druggists. Read " False and True." Send one letter stamp to Radway fc Co., No. J7 Maiden Iine, New York. Intormation worth thousands will be sent you. July 21, 1S71 :ly o SUA i:ioins. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. Suit lor partition. ieorge W. Prosser, Plaintiff, vs. William II. Prosser, 1 Hester A. Cook. John F. Cook, ' ' , , , Arthur Warner, Adminis- Pendants, tratorofthe Estate oi Ma- j ry IVosser, deci ased. J To William II. Prossrr, one of the aftove nam ed flffiiilaiiti : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OR r'gon,you are hereby required to appear ....v. (turner i in? compiami uieu nm.""' you in the above entitled suit, by the first day ot the term of said Court lolloping the expiration of six weeks from the first pub lication ot this summons. Said first pub lication being on the 17th dav of July, and said next term of said Court com mencing on the fourth (1th) Monday of Septemljer, 1S71. And if vou fail to an swer said complaint, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court lor the relief demanded therein, which is lor the partitioning ana sale of a tract of land belonging to plaintiff and defendants heroin, situated in Clack amas county. State of Oregon, being parts of sections eight and nine in Tow nshipto South. Range one East of the Willamette Meridian. e Ry order of t he Hon. W. W. IT pton Judpf of said Court, dated the eleventh day ol July 1871. SFITIMUS IU FLAT. Attorney for Plaintiff. , July 17, 1871. 7t OREGON CITY BREWERY Henry Ilumbcl, UAVIXO PURCHAS- 11 ed the aliove Brew wishes to inform the public that he Is w prepared to manufacture a No. 1 qua1 erv now prepared uy oi 'LA G ER Ii B ER, as good as can be obtained anywhere p th Stat. Orders Folicitd and rrpraF'" filled.