Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1874)
o o THE EtiTEHPRlSL OREGoTllTY, OREGON SEPT. 11, 1571. "drowned. The fricntls and relations of Dr. Lansdale, of this city, will be minpi! to read tv.n faiinwinsr. wm-n t him but fcueu i - t 5KJ rwaV i the Wck part of wA: rushed out just in umeu til1' u ' 1t.nt no one i that nionient , for Was e -11 t Ill(Uan .lnic. vli . i ..... 1. re any onu swimmer came ,-ivre he was last seen but 115 vor McCown on the bluff, .oufploted, and he expects to is nean , i It is comf)iet0 move int. - it all its various aii" " , in all ni tv.,lr rooms, and a M XI line. the plastering oy -- . , - -111 d It. 1 reisui. ium I Me resU the eoinj.l. uon m iu McOvvn ise. The I'lUMins; is a cn-.m. thy cnt to our c i,l an ornumeiu. .i.,. l ii Ciui'--il meet- on- r was passed mru.w. .... s.;,,t ,', to bmld a new one. T.kttku I.isT.-Th(. rollowims is a .i . t ...... vetiniiniinr in the list oi me i'"11'1 ll irvcv: oil, Kuieline war.!, M.J. , , , I....M...1 f,,i. tileasesav wueu 'adver tised." .1. M. t.acon, r. m. ii...,. i- Virtn Lion. Jas v. oincid harvested this season ol i if of six acres ot oak g.v.b land on his farm in this coun tv "70 bushels of ('hiili club wheat an average of 4". bushels to the acre. Tins U ....iiMdercd a h.sivy yield, and slums th-t Ct.u-kaiivis count v is not behind inv f lu r sister counties in producing lar-e crops of wheat on her timbered lam Is. I.AitfiK 1'i.fM.-Mr. Mehlrum pre sented us with an egg plum, which measured lengthwise 7'i, and its cir-ciiinfc.-ciii"' was fJ'i inches. This was fioin a vouir tree which was so full that the limbs had to be propped up to keep them from breaking down. Ore- iron, as a trait country, iias no equal. Tuis is not too much enthusiasm." Im ohmatiox Wanted. Henry Clif- t. m. wl: -vas in the Modoc war in ls-"i4, in t'.int. Jesse Walker's Como.uiy, will confer a favor iiv sending his address t i tiie Oi,-r n 'Itv Enti:ki'I!Isk olllee. Oregon ami Wa.-'iingtoii Territory pa-j'.-rs copy. 'A n. i, A rrr.w..- :i)'.-iit IVi'in r.i';il A column advovtise y, Marsh it Co., of First an. I St irk streets, Portland, will ajie ir iii.t wi-ek This firm is doing r very l,ii iTi" lui-iiness and have stalj-lis'n-l a Slate rc;u!:ition for soiling c!c;ij) :i;i l giving jiv-neral satisfaction. Nkw ( ri i; f.. Mr. Sohram is crcct ini; a iniil lin ailjoinin hisstore wjiich is t' :iy iivd 1. r tie.; I i of this paper. We pri 'se to have new fin irters in a lew cays, an 1 :js the buiidiiiLis erected exjirt-ssiy '"r us, we expect to have it our business. Messrs. Stearns it Cainp hell h:ive jiist p:'ii"d a new furniture--sture, in tin; building adjoining the Lincoln lUkerv. Tliev have issued pos ters m wj.i. ii thev jiif..rm the public t.Mt t!i-y will do as well with them in t:ie;r line as they can do in Portland. Nkw r-I).vY. Messrs. S. Ackerman A Co have a new advertisement in to day's paper, informing their customers and the ptiblj,; generally that their full s-oek has arrived, and that they pro pos, to undersell Portlaml or any other plai-e. ;ive them a call. RKTUHNKr . Messrs. Charman and I-Selling returned this week from San I raneiseo, where they have been after t ie fall and winter goods, and we learn t U they have purchased very heavv "''ks. and that thev are going to sell them at very low prices. Give them a Ml-sslOXATtV.-Kev. Mr. Sell wood, of tais city, leaves this afternoon for a missionary visit ty Canvon City, he ex- . "e aosent .-iliont r.i- i.-r,L- -erviivs this pla, land. will be held here as usual being supplied from Port- I assei, Tuuoroii. Bishop Morris hn'l,ev'Mr- I'-mnell parsed through re last Friday on their way overland the f"?1 Convocation of Now Vnrf 1 Churt,,1 which meets in Xo.nthu17taof next month. ttbol AU orainance was passed to pn.lUlnPeti,lgr f the City n-'l Elisor 'nVS rilnni"Sat large with "'niii!: and tVil ,he llo"rsof7 in the "or aw'ar.. wlM 0 '"orning. We are Jwttho penalty is. KCKIVKD if "rand Lodge j q .Tp rCCe'l't , ' of its Jn.. 'V"-0- proeeodin :s. .i sessir, t. f'P'-'odhvVM" session Tt ; . it is very nand- nto, of.Na- AlifiVTi r , Zl a ' OI,u -Myers has inst added t0 "In Kd?11 S'uK'k f Kents' clo"n,r 10 c'lU nd examine. &t 0Mve4 V U0 rcsidtnco property lMarlv.J:. 4 alt; ac a bargain. See 111. kcv ,he,A",The Jewish Tcw Year ui-ic to-morrow. 11 famished by a correspondent to tnc Olvmpia Courier, roni the Skokonysh Agency, under date of So p t e m e r s t i'he most intense gloon i has beer i over our little .conmuini vning. .which occurred last ,Ll,:inds oclock, at thw pl- eVe o dale's t "r ."0. front : ot the lhe bank ot the .ruli'est. ai?ed about j,ouc, "lien, t ho u . h B st k Mixyears n te. ' WBter, lost Ins f w-ood lioatn t otlier caujrht ..lance sind fell 1 ' i,;,,, when Beetnouo i v ... f!lUed to reaeu wr' 1Il0 .Jn r1 -hild, and when hecaino ..r minediueiy it i - .... i tin w 1 1 ' failed to yva., finally seen, hav broiiirht ani - . deep water and in? drifts. 1" taken out with a anions r t- ' J' ,ue:U,s used that could hook, and all tin- lifl.lesa form biit of no avail, it VV first llooru ' hl j j;lt,roorij. n,l l.Kvr there are five bed On tnc t ., " ,,il,liiitf is finely arranired ru.,ms. ' 'f,,ient. The carpenter and very.r"n flfnfrc(iit on his me worV w V ,r . u " done ,y M r. I). J. , .... iikI jres to lie o iHproii..u;i -,' . The finishing u ,cr"rr m ui Sri lieimr put on by ft" rUii " d Thomas Miller, and M. t- At i eredit to themselves the.v ft " It is certainly a desira an f te l.i-u.. " ......ratulate Mayor ii- 1 1 the V;U "in to ZL.s want it J u , ,,inVr 'A""! U-arn will 'willi i-lSr KriUl0 than the old Post-otli.-e at Oregont ity. epi. n. ' ... .. ii l-.i. John w J -ivMon, ..i... i i Vlo S--wis. Hven; Mann, hinina J. ; rJ,.v .lnuesW.: .May. 1.. 1 oh rr . (lnrllPlir' I to return her thanks (and onr'alnclud- of ed) to Mrs win-J" eW ontDow""-" ; . . i tJrr.-RXED.-Dr. S. Parker has re- and located himself in this city practice his profession. Intodays . . imnnrtiint nr.t.eo fVo.r, him to all who desire to be vaccinated. .iiipr i" " ; . citizens free of charge. 1 J lit? Ill tlVOV-'J ' vm.m m VV4 iw uui Leoislativk Pkoceedinos. We shall be In attendance' at', the Legisla ture and furnish our readers with the moceedimrs of that body, and also all eu other news t hat may be of interest. , r -i,..,.. , I oa .uAiuvt. iimuuL-MCiMvcunianso - to recoru in our marKet reports from in custody, as rebutting the testimo those published last week except in ny of good character Th?a tu Q wheat. Our millers are pAying 80 cents for o. i wneat delivered at tho mills BouaiiT. Geo. Ilardiner, Eso.. has purchased the residence of r. Jlur . - i ray. The question is,' what is Georpre going to do with that residence? Can anybody tell? T I Watchman. The Council has author- ized the Mayor to employ a night I B,uu ""m I'piopnaLi.opern.oiitn ,.,... :; j..., ..I for that durpnse. cheap watchman. Tiiat is rather a Kented. The Countv Court this week went back on the purchase of the Dr. Thessing property, and have rented it for the sum of -?7- per annum. This is a reduction ot o:52. per annum. The Flouence. We call attention to tle new advertisement of the cele brated Florence Sewing Machine SmuS important Notice. Collector Thick gives notice, in to-day's paper, to those who have not paid their eitv taxes. Persons interested had better heed tho warning. iax l.Kvy.-ihe County Court has nieu i" muis ior county purposes, o'i for State ami .1 for school purposes, being lsVi mills in all. Kev.D. K. Nesbitt, formerly of Cor- vallis, lias accepted a call from the First Presbyterian Church of Mendocino, Hughes is still on hand and is offer ing bargains at his store in the dry- gooius, doming and grocery line. IN low.N. Our old friend I. 11. Moores, Esq., was in town last Mon day, looking quite hearty. New Iio.vT. Joe. Paquet, of Cane- iiiali, has a contract to build a new fer ry boat lor Jos. Knott, Portland. Convenient. -Mr. Stevens has had a branch tele r'ltl. linjt ..... ex. 1 r....,. the depot to his residence. Kvery to all who see it, since it shows a posi tive growth in art, beauty and literature from month to month, as gratifying as it is wonderful. "Superb" is the only nru iiien uiiy ciiaracienzes ine illustrations tor the S.-pteiiiber issue l lie pieiures are cnarmmg in design anil Jaultless exeeiiUon. .v copy ot iU rtraud's " Little," drawn' by Joliu .S. Davis, and engraved by C. Maurand, opens the current nnniber with a flush of beauty almost dazzling. For feeding, beauty, expression, aiid exquisite finish, this picture is equal to a twenty dollar steel engraving. "A Storm iii Utah," b- Thomas Moran, is a faithful transcript of nature, showing the war of the elements in that strange hind. The engraving has all the linish of a bank note. The 'two full-page pic tures in this numbcrat o " Coming from the Forge," by John S. Davis, and " Kingston, New York," by Kruseniau van Klteu. The former is a bold and upright sketch of a .scene familiar to all childhood life in thecountrv two bo3rs on the back of a horse which has stop pod to drink, from a woodland brook on the way home from the blacksmith's. A iog on the rustic; bridge engages the attention of the tddest ly. Tin Aldine has determined to cstab list an Art Union, similar to the well known Art Union in J-'ngland, and distributing, its works of art, both sculpture and paintings, which are con stantly collecting, among its subscri bers. Art premiums, valued at S."00, will ho distributed among each series of . j, ih!) subscribers. .Subscription tick ets, at S-J l!D each, entitle the holder to the Aldine for a vcar. to the new cliro- l mo. and to a ticket in the distribution ot art premiums. The Aldine Company publishers, o.S Maiden Lane, New Yorli. The Coos Bay Xews, of the 2d inst. says: Last Saturday night a most deplorable accident occurred at the Eastport coalbank. The company are m;king extensive alterations and improvements to their mine ami wharf, one of wliich is the widening of their railroad. Charles Voldgold was ernnloyod to burn down some rge trees that stood in the way. He was expected home at supper time, and not returning a neighbor went in search of him. lo his nor , f i .1 i -t f it ror lie ioumi um uony oi me un fortunate man lviug on the railroad track, completely crushed by a huge tree that had fallen on him. Situated in the center of a farming country that lias no superior in the valley stands the little town of Lefc isville, in Polk county, and though removed from the line of the propos ed westside railroad, it bids fair to become of size and importance. Al ready it has become a place of con siderable trade, and its goahead bus iness men inform us that their business is constantly increasing. Lewiston has a good church, school house, a Lodge each of Odd Fellows, Independent Champions and Good Templars, all in a flourishing condi tion. " - Messrs. Williamson & Co., of Linn county, received from New York two patent flax-breaking machines, which they will use in preparing their pres ent crop for market. The machines are the latest improvements, and cost in New York $500 each. Some of the flax raised by W. & Co. this year produced fibre five feet in length. The Dallas Itemizer learns that a son of Mr. Lew Hannan, living on the big Luckiamute, met with a ter rible accident, which may prove fatal. The little fellow was standing on a load of hay, and . bv a misstep slid from the wagon ' striking in his decent on one of the sharp stakes which pirced iuto his body nearly a a loot. The I. C. R. C. of Eugene City aoesn t grow and flourish like a creen bay tree. It is said by those who profess to be posted that tho lodge recently organised there by Mr Handly is "on its last legs," if not already ."gone in." The Chief (.tiaropion is about to open a saloon "i-TJJ. J IJU11 LI1H RS5PTT1 n 1 1 n fr tLe Snpremo Court &t Monday morninsr. Mr. Jnst, Ar a,.. th "P of the wuu ijj i uerranu case. The noint upon which the case turned was in relation to the 'admiMiWlJf- t - mnM ftfw c, t, . .. ' -ranter, 1116 jailor and of Benjamin Blanton, a f ellow- , t - - pnsoner of the- defendant. It ap pears that after the defendant had submitted testimony in relation to his general trood charaf- o ... , , 1 Uls case. lne court below allowed of the above-named uif noco- fr anoi'fl t . - ... "i errand While preme court held to 1 rf h t ;7 " . '""l"r , "H"o is to reverse the judgment of the f! and a new trial will therefore bo - - - . . Grant's New Yoke Organ. A Washington special says the estab- l'ishment of a new " -VIU11UIM1UI mil 1 orSan m city is now con- Ceded to be a fixed fact. The press- I es are unilding, and a part of the U ..... - I Henihl building on Nassau street has been secured for an office. The new paper will be known as lite Re public, and will be the size and style of the Herald. The stock is put up at S500.000. which will be all tnlren at once. Plenty of raonev is in the hands of the projectors of the I " j enterprise. The first number will on the 11th or 21st of the present month, with C. C Norvell, the financial editor of the Times, a3 principal editor, and Mr. W estleigh, the ongiual projector of the l imes, as business manager. Grant Certainly a Candidate There is no attempt at concealment on the part of the friends of General Grant, remarks -the Louisville Cour ier-Journal, that ho has determined ritn for a third term if he has any satisfactory assurance of success. It is said now by those who are in a position to know that one of the prin cipal reasons of his secluding himself at Long Branch is that he may pre serve more than ever that silence which has hitherto proven so suc cessful a policy with him. TnE Rejected Ohio Constitution Tho result of the election in Ohio to determine whether the Constitu tion framed last winter should be rati fied is a defeat of tho new instrument by a very large majority. The vote was light, and it does not appear that any earnest effort was made by the friends of the new Constitution to secure its ratification, while it may be presnmed that the railroad com panies, whose interests are unfavora bly affected by some of its provisions used their utmost exertions to defeat the measure. Axotiiek. This appears to be the season for newspaper men and print ers to get married, especially around Salem. Scarcely had tLe excitement abated consequent on the marriage of Frank Hodgkins, before we are startled with another announcement that John AV. Kelly, well known to the newspaper fraternity went and did likewise. It was done on last Monday at Salem, and Miss Jennie Stover is the young lady that has made John's heart happy. We wish them a pleasant journey down the pathway of life. MAitniEP. Frank Hodgkins, Esq, 1 u-al editor of the Oregon Stittesman, was married in Salem on Wednesday evening, the 2d inst., to Miss Frankie Dunbar. We wisli our youug friend all the joy imaginable and trust that they ma' both live to a ripe old age, blessed with numerous little respon sibilities which are so essential to make up the household. Will. Heturn. It appears from the letter of the New York Tribune London correspondent that Sir Ed ward Thornton will continue to rep resent the British government at Washington. Since he was accred ited in 18G8, lie has been charged with various difficult negotiations. a id has managed them with great tact, ability and courtesy. The Salem Record says: A large, portly, good-looking man, about thirty-two years of age, who regis tered rhis name at the Chemeketa Hotel as Scudder, after bilking a number of our citizens out of various small amounts, has " scudded out of town. Look out for him. Doroii.vs County. This county lias a taxable valuation of $2,920, 470. Thero are 38 firms and persons who pay an assessment on over 10,000. 8"For the very best Photographs, goto Bradley fc Rulofson's Gallery with and ELEVATOR, 4251 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. OHSTACI.ES TO MAKHIAUK Happy Relief for Young Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Impediments to' Mar riage removed. .New memou ot treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Rooks and circulars sent free, in sealed enveloties. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an In stitution having a high reputation for hon orable conduct and professional skill. nov6 dy The Commanding Operation of Dr. wir ifBR's Vinegar Bitters In Chronic Dyspepsia, Fevers, Nervous Disorders, Con- st ipation, deficiency oi vnai i-ower, anu an .Mubidies affecting the stomache, the liver. tho bowels, the pulmonary organs, or the muscular exeitingihe wonder of scientific men and creating such a sensa tion among the sick as was never before iv I an" age. The sales of t his great vegeta ble remedy have quardrupled within a single year. CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. nnn, .cum as a wakning and for the I V. J).. . . . t, Aru uoir.A-7 " r,U rniiV . DAG N ALL. 11 Clinton f?tre, Brortc1yn, N. Y, ....i.t-AiTt! nrmrTTV r.oss onler be nublished in the Oregon city ?H"rrH?m.":yi' V. r. th'en TERpniSE.the litigant organ for o'Jt'Au WntnLTTH-MAV- mas County. Oregon RorDAXI . Attest: f B ' WCe. free on receiving a post-paid directed enve- J. M. FbaJM, q i- hrrho nun sner. i i w 1 COURTESY OF Xlie Cant of Imposter. It Is so obvious that physical and consti tutional vigor Is the best defonse against disease, that even the venders of drastic purgatives advertise them as tonics, stom achics and invigoranta, in the hope of en listing the confidence of the public in the devitalizing and pernicious potions. - It is amusing to note how these Imposto rs imi tate and copy the language in which the medicinal properties of Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters are described. . Although the effect of their rasping evacuants to destroy the tone of the digestive organs and the bowels, and to rob the system of its vital strentrth, they are unscrupulously reeom- mended to the weak and prostmte victims disease as stimulants in is time this American people) was stigmatized as it deserves, feucli mischievious falsehoods should be exposed pro bouo publico. Hos t.ettrf.r'f Stomach liitters. be it distlnctlv understood, is a stimulant. It has a spirit uous basis, ana inat. oasis is me vehicle which ditruses its wonderrul sanitary prin ciples through every part of the system. The tonic, alterative and regulating ingre dients or the uitters wouiq ue comparative ly inert if they were not , so tospeak, carried to the localities where they are required by the stimulatine acent. The cant which protests against tne use oi a pure alcoholic fluid, when employed as a means of giving ? .1. tdL"E8. th niUUfSL UL11R. 18 lUC tttwv vi vuaiirttillUBlU. S, .and thesick wi? rw iSnvut' ci anti debilltatel by the nauseous and UlS"USUim UUMIUII13 Ul HID Muults WHO I)Ul mltb, soon find to their sorrow that it is a delusion and a snare. Hostetter's Bitters, the great sanitary stimulant oi me a;re, is. in the truest sense of the words, a whole some, vitalizing, renovating preparation. HARRIED. In thisclty, at the resid ;nce of the bride's rather, frept. a, w, i, Mr. nobert Eradlev and .Miss . uoxanna fish. Compliments of the parties received, and we wish them a pleasant and happy Jour. ney XEV TO-DAY. IPjSJT, 1874. Is your time to buy goods at low prices. 3. ACKERMAN & CO. aro now receiving a large stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, all of the batest Styles, which will sell ATLES3 THAN PORTLAND PRICES. Our stock has been bought for cash, and we will sell It at a small advance above SAN FRANCISCO COST. TK WILL SAY TO EVERYBODY RE TT fore you purchase or go to Port land, come and price our goods and convince yourself that we do what we say. Our stock consists In part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ladles and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer les. Hard ware, and a great many other articles too nuiner ours to mention ; ALSO DOORS, WINDOWS. I PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC. We will also pay Price for the Highest Market Country Produce. S. ACKERMAN 4 CO. Oregon City, Sept. 11, 1STI. tf FREE VACCINATION. DR. S. PAKKER HAS RETURNED from the East inid has reopened his office at l'.ell & Parker's I rug Store, Main street. Or Ron City. Resilience at Airs. Post's. The Ioetor, while in Host on, Mass., procured a limited supply of vaccine mat ter taken from a calf, and for a short time will vaccina to free of ehn rrr, either at his office or at their residence, if within the city limits or at Canemah, all children in t. lackamas county under 12 years whose parents are desirous of having them vac cinated with pure, unadulterated virus, and thus protected troni the dangers of Small Pox or any scrofulous complaint. Hsep-tr DR. S. PARKER. TAX Jiife1. L all who have not paid their city taxes, t hat I am ordered by the Council to collect such as have not been paid ; and to save trouble. and give all a fair show, I will wait until the 15th inst., after which you may expect to pay costs of action by law to col lect. Yours truly, lw II. S. IiUCK. Collector. FOR SALE. rriHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS HI-i JL premises, in Oswego, for sale at a bar gain, lor cash. There is a fine dwelling a n.l out. Ikli i lrl i n (fi oreh ft r.l 21 rid a.lkonf- t ll ree I acres of land. Finely situated for a board- I : - - - i . . -. . ...... i . 1 lii uwu.t- iur inu ijniius 1.-HI j mi t eu in nit) Iron Works. J. W, CAINK. Oswego, Sept. 10, 1874. 3w Citation. I In the County Court of the State of Oregon I for the County of Clackamas". In the matter of the HitfUc of Jacob Kunrilc, Decrtued: T "lO THE HEIRS AND OTHER PERSONS interested in the estate of Jacob Kan- dle, deceased. Whereas, theduly appoint ed Administrators of said estate have filed in said Court a ietition praying for an or der tosell the rest of the real property of said estate ; now, therefore, in the name of the State of Oregon you and each of you are hereby personally cited to appear in the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, on the first Monday in Oc tober, that being the 5th day of October, 174, and the nrst day oi tne regular Octo- ber term of said Court for 1874, then and there to show cause, ir any exist, why an order of sale should not be made as in said petition prayed for; said land being des cribed as follows, to-wit : Being the west H of claim No. 39, being part of sections4. 5, 8 ana tf, in l. 4, K4 K., bounded as follows : Beginning at a point 9-70 chains south 31-20 chains east of the N. W. corner of said section 9: thence W. 80-40 chains: thence N. 40-20. S. 89 deg. 45 mln. E. 20.00 chains: thence east 60-50 chains ; thenco south 40.00 chains, to the place of begin ning, containing 161 30-100 acres. It is further oraereatnat a copy oi tins Clacka- L. T. Babik, Att'y for Adm'rs. Orcon City. Sr. 1-. l7.-w BANCROFT LIBRARY, AVliot la this irrMl reined V. and what are its effects? These are questious which the great American public has a ngnt io ask, and it also has a right to expect a can did and satisfactory reply. The prepara tion is a mild and gentle saline cathartic. alterative and tonic, and is most careiunj prepared In s ?now white iovder. contain ing all the wonderful medical properties of the far-famed Srltzer Springs of Germany. Of its effects, those who have tested the r-renaratlon are the best ludees. and they declare, over their own signatures, that the p-eparation will promptly relieve indiges tion, regulate the now of the bile, cure every species of headache, tranquuire me nervous system, refresh and invigorate the weak, mitigate the pangs of rheuma tism, neutralize acid in the stomach. cleanse and tone the bowels, assist the failing appetite, cure the heartburn. If you are a sufferer, give this remedy one trial, and it will convince you of the above facts. Sold by all druggists. THE NEW IMPEOVED FLORBN' Sido Feed and Back I'eed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Always in Order and Beady for Work. If there is a FLORENCE MACHINE within one thousand miles of San Fran cisco not working well, I will fix it with out any expense to the owner SAMUEL HILL, Agent, No. 19 New Montgomery Street, GRAND HOTEL BUILDING. CAN FRANC18C0. Established in 1SG0. 33. V. HUGHES -VYTOUI.D ANNOUNCE TO THE CITI VT zens of Oregon t'ity, and vicinity, that he has purchased, fitted up and lil.ed the store OPPOSITE THE P0ST0FF1CE, on Main Street .between Third and Fourth, Oregon City. My stoek consists of Dry-GootI, C lot hi u, Itootrf and &iooe, firocerleK, Putent Medicine, Perfumery, Hat and C'upti, Plated-Ware, Ladies and Gentt' I'lirnUIiin; Good, Cliiim Ti-a Set, Table C utlery, Hasiery,, C'rocUery, WiiMlor-GlaKH, Ulasi-Warp, Yankee Notions, Hardware, FARMING EMPLEMENTS, ROPE, GRAIN SACKS, &c, &c. Having been established since 160, my long experience in business enables tno to know what to buy for this market. ' MY STOCK OF General lMeicliandise is Large and well Assorted. There Is no house In the City that Can Undersell Me. SMALL PROFITS AND qi UK RETURNS, Is my Motto. Call and Exomitie my Goods liefore pnrrhaxiii elsewhere, and I will suit you. B. A. HUGHES. Oregon City, July 17th, 1S71. FOR SALE! TWILL SELL AT A REASONABLE FIG ure, my Livery Business, Stock, Src, and lease my Barn to a purchaser for two years; also if required, will lease my Dwelling House for same time, Oregon City, Oregon, August 20, 1874. J. M. FRAZER. JOHN SCHR AM, Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Saddles, Harness, Saddle rj-Hanl-vnre, etc., etc. THIGH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can uv iiiiu iu niu oi.iii-t a Li WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. K3T warrant my goods as represented. 1,000 DEER SKINS W A x rr E 13, AND ALSO, 4 LL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES, FOR which I will pay the highes market price in cash Uring on your hides and get your coin for them. JOHN SCHRAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon. July 11, 1873-m3. SIonev ! Money ! MONEY TO LEND IN SUMS OF 500, and upwards. Oregon City, March 10, 1874. -mslf JOHNSON fc MrCOWN. . JgJ g. THOMAS CHAR M A N ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIKES TO IK FORM THE CITIZEN'S of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A JTimlle Six Pence is Better than a Slotc Shilling. I have lust returned from San Francisco. where 1 purennseu one oi ma LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK Of GOODS ever before offered In this city ; nd consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, flats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Taints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chlnaware, Quecnsware. Stoneware, Crockery, Tlatedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladles and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy "o- Rope, Faming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.' Of tho above list, I can say my stock is the MOST C O .M P 1. K T K L'ver offered in this market, and was seleted wan especial care ior me Oregon uiiy iraue. All of xvhleh I ow nir.-r for sale t the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladles, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am Jjetennined to Hell C'fttxip and not to allow myseii to uo UNDERSOLD IS TIIE STATE OF OREGON'. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that4 Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know tho re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and sue for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS- CIIAKMAX cannot be beaten In quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Conic, and See, and Examine for Yoiirsdvcs fori do no wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desirous to sell Koods cheap, for cash, or ujon such terms as agreed uion. l nankin all ior the liber al patronage heretolore bestowed. THUS. CHARMAN. Main Street, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. TliOW. L1UU.MA. . ffJ-GO.OOO lbs wool wanted bv THUS. CHARMAN. GREAT SLAUGHTER ! IN DEY-GOODS AND CLOTHIXG! PANIC PRICES! AT The goods liave been bought at PANIC PRICES and will be sold in accordance. Don't forget calling before you lay In your supplies. Oregon City, March 31. 1S74 .-tf NEW OFFERS ! NEW IDEAS! See the Grand Gifts of Our Fireside Friend to its Subscribers. o Entirely new and unprecedented, and tuch us will Interest every one. You mix It If you don't trnd for sam ples and full particulars which art sent free I SEE THE GREAT VATITI OFFER ! OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND is now in its Fifth Volume, thoroughly established as the leading family and story Weekly in the Union, has the largest circulation, and the best appointed printing nnd pub lishing establishment and building i the West. Is a large eight-page illustrated and original family Weekly, price $3,00 per year. Every subscriber receiver a magnificent premium and a sharo in the distribution, auttscnoe now AVE "WVAISTT AOENTS. We want a representative in every neigh borhood. Nothing eouals it fcr agents, male or female, young or old. Larje Cash Warjes and a tiujicrb Outfit, exclusive ter ritory, which is rapidly filling up. Must apply at once. Subscribe by sending $3,ott, and receive t he paper one year, a magnifi cent premium, a share In the distribution, and receive also Free a Complete Outfit, or send for particulars. Name territory de sired in writing. Address Waters & Co., Publishers, Chicago, 111. J. T. DAVIES. JOSHUA DAVIES. J. P. DAVIES & CO., AT JCTIOSTEE It S X D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FIRE-PROOF STONE BVILDIXO, WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. Liberal Advances Made on Consignments. July 24, 1874 :ly ' FRESH RHINE WINES, Just received and for sale by GEORGE FUCHS, at $1 00 per bottle. Also Angelica, Port, Cherry, and Sonoma Wines, in Bottle or by the gallon. Opposite the Railroad Depot. Ora City, nf. 7. 1-C4. W AVCTIIOK AND COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Auetibiieer, Cornier of Front Wfc Oak sta.TrtlmA Auction. Sales Of Real Estate, Groceries, General chandise and Horses. SALE DAYS Wed n est! a v and Saturday A.B.JtlCUAKDSOy; w Auctioneer. At Private Sale. English Refined Err and Tundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cust fcsteel, Horse Shoes, Hasps, . Saws,Screws,Fry-Pans, Sheet Iron, R. G.Iron. ALSO O A. large assortment of Groceries and 111' Jan 1 i-Ltf A' B- RICHARDSON, Jan. I. lS7S-tr. Auctioneer. FIFTH AND LAST CONCERT T1T, IN AID OF THE O PUBLIC LIBRARr OF KEXTXCIT. FIXED ANIA FULL DR.UV1NG ASSURED MONDAY, 30th of NOVEMBER. 174. JASiT CHANCE FOR Miy l ortuuc! A postponement of the Fifth Concert of the Public Library of Kent ,.L I .,0-f f2JR??Jl?- ?"A,5i,' is o manl- festly for the interest ef all concerned that it must meet the approval of a. The day is absolutely Uxed, and there willbe bo variation Irom the pro-rramme r nouneed. A sufficient number of Tickets had been soido have enabled us to have nana large drawing on the 31st of but a short postiionement was considered preferable to a partial drawing. Let it be THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERTO IS TIIE LAST WHICH WILL EVER nt GIVEN UN'DFR THIS fir a T?Trr av-ti 1 111S CHARTER AND 11Y THE PRESENT MANAGEMENT. That it will positively and unequivocally take place as announced xn MONDAY, 30th NOVEMBER Thatrthe Music will be the best the coun try affords, and that 20,000 CASH CIFTS. O o AGGREOATIN'O S2,500, OOO will be distributed by lot among the ticket LIST Ol' GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift $250,000 One GrantfMJash Gift . 100.000. One Grar d Cash Gift 75 000 One Grand Cash Gift imni One Grand Cash Gift 25 000 6 t ash Gifts $20.Okj each lnn.Onft 10 Cash Gilts, eacl 140,000 lo Cash Gilts, 10,000 eaclli 150,000 20 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each.. 100.000 25 Cash Gilts, 4,h0 each- 100,000 30 Cash Gilts, S.tKKlcacr.. 90,000 50 Cash Gifts, 2,io0i ach 100,000 100 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each 100,000 24Cash Gifts, 5Heach 120,000 500 Cash Gifts. loo each .vi nno 10,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each.. 95o!o00 Grand Total 20,000 Grfts, all cash 2,500,000 PIlICi: OK TICKISTS. Whole Tickets v) no Halves nfi--. Tenth, or each Coupon 5 00 11 Whole Tickets for 500.00 223$ Tickets for. I 00000 Persons wishing to Invest should order promptly, either of the home Office or our local Agents. a Liberal commissions will be allowed to satisfactory agents. circulars containing full particulars fur nished on application. (T) THOMAS E. BEAMLETTE, Ajg-ent anil Mwusjjer, Public Library Euilding. I-ouisville, Ky. OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! Sti E. X. COOKE,- Will leave OREGON CITY for POT?TT.Ajr every day Except Sunday,! at 7 o'clock. A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at o'clock, V. M. Str. ALICE, 0 Will leave OREGON CITY forCortVAT.T.Ta every Monday and Thursday of each wek. Str. DAYTON, Will leave OREGON CITY for McMXXN- ILLE. IAFAYETTE and DaYTON, and all points between, everv Mondav, Wed nesday and Friday of each week. 'Leaves the Basin at 8 o'clock, a. m., nnd connect with the train at Canemah at 9, a. jc. Str. ALBANY, Leaves OREGON CITY for IIARRISBtTlO and El.GENE and all Intermediate, points every week. Str. Fannie Pattern, Leaves OREGON CITY for ALBANY and all intermediate points bet ween twice ev ery week. .1. r. BILES. Agent. Oregon City.Fobruury. m. 874. . O s n ... WAGON AND CARRIAGE 5 A X lT FACTOUY ! miiE UNDERSIONSP. 1 having Increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand on the Corner of Mnln and Third Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his old pa trons, and as many new ones as maybe pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, Iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle from a common Cart to a Concord Coach. Try me. mnrk.mtthing-. Horse or Ox Shoelnjr and General Jobbing neatly, qulcklr, and O cheaply done. DAVID SMITH. XVM. If ROITGHTOIT WOULD INFORM TOE CITIZENS OP Oregon City and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, Of every description. DRV FLOORING, CEILING, SPRl'CK (for shelving.) LATTICE, PICKETS, FENCE POJTS (Cedar) Constantly on Hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as It can be purchased In the State. Give me ajoall at the OREGON CITY SAW MII.JS. March 13, 1874 f JOHN M. BACON, IMPORTER AND DEALER In Books, Stationery, Perfum ery, etc., etc. Oreffon City, Oregon. -At ChArman A Wafer's oUI ta 0 O e O o O v - o o c o o o