Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1874)
0 0 t o o o 0 o o o 0 o G c : : - - THEJNTERPRiSE. OREGSTclTYrOREGOy, JUNE 26, 1874. TheCIvll Rights Bill. The Sandersville Herald, Georgia, gives ts view of the infamous, so called jcivil rights bill which recent ly paired the U. S. Senate, and which see published in our last issue. It says: On the 27 th inst., at half past seven o'clock in the morning, an ignominious act was consummated by thoi U. S. Senate which is to bring jliscord and strife in many places.! e That infamous measure which as begun by Charles Sumner, the Civ.l Rights Bill, has passed the Senate. We do not believe It will make ranch difference here in our section,; but is sure to bring trouble in somej places, and must become a hobby Cor the demagogues, who are Beekingiplace and notoriety. It yet j remain to be seen if this bill shall pass th jl House of Representatives, and mi"t also receive the saction of Preside it before it becomes a law. It ia an honor to those who had their votes recorded in the negative upon the passage of this bill. It will also be an honor greater than he has ever yet obtained, if the President shall put his veto upon this bilU in case it passes the House. But if ijl shall become a law, it will not effef. us here much, only it will perhaps culminate in the death of a few impudent blacks, cause a few cases for the courts, and only hasten the downfall of the American Repub lic. When this law conies to be enforced then we are ready to become an imperialist, and will gladly help to tear down this rotton fabric of a Republic, and to build a new struct ure upon a new basis, with the di vision of society into proper grades or classes. It will come to this as sure as the world stands, if this bill shall be forced upon the people, and we may as well express our honest convictions and intentions with re gard to it. ' m -. As Viewed by Others. The Walla Walla Statesman, speak ing of the result of our election says: The reader who lias never lived in a city or State controlled by a cor rupt republican ring composed of office holders and political tricksters, can form no adequate idea of the crimes that are committed against self government, or the manner in which the; people are robbed. Ore gon has mjule a most fortunate escape, and to the independents is she in debted fof her safe deliverance out of dangerj For the next four vears she is assi Ired an honest administra- tion of ! , public affairs. The most signal tril Iniph was the election of the inde) mdent county ticket in Multnom h, the Gibraltar of the Custom house ring. The day of ring rule in Oregon has passed away, and the corrnptionists might as well make up their minds that in the f u tnre they must take a back seat, and with their downfall the power of 'coin in controlling elections will no longer be felt. The election of Judge Shattuck c'o a Feat on the Supreme bench is 4 source of gratification. His electioii is an indorsement which is due hinifor his hearty advocacy of all mea-yires calculated to purify the administration of public afl'airs. The confidence and esteem in which ho is held ly the better class of citi zens is evitijed by his election to this important lad exalted position. The independents and democrats have ac complished wonders, and proved by their actions their desire to aid in saving the State from corrnptionists. Pioxeeb Cemetery. In going through theifcld cemetery east of the city a few Jays since we came across the following, which will be read wiih interejt by every one. We copy from jlrs. Jason Lee's tomb stone. BerAitb this sod, the first ever broken in Oregon for the recep tion of white mother and child lie the remains; of Anna Maria Pittman, wife of Rev. Jason Lee, and her in fant son. She sailed from New York 183G, landed in Oregon June 1837, was married July 10th, and died J nne 2th 1838, aged 25 years, in the full an joy men t of that love which constrained her to leave all for Christ, nd heathen souls. So we have left all and followed thee, whit shall we have therefore. Statesman. A New States; Rights Senator. A Have-. telejrram. Mav 20Hi speaking of W. W. Eaton, the Dem ocratic Senator, says: The newv elected Senator -was serenaded tlfs evening and he briefly responded: le said he should, as always heretofore, tight for the Con stitution and State Rights, for hon est administration, for the prtoetion of the land hot already stolen by the railroads, aind against corruption. He was a hai-d money man; he would defend the lonor of the State as he would that of his wife. He was suf fering from a severe cold and hi ad dress was short. Mr. BeeclJr recently announced from his pipit that he wished to raise 8500 fo. a benevolent purpose. Now" said he, "there are about 3,000 persons! present, and if you all pay half a dollar that will be too much. We have some dollar men, some half do jar men, some quarter dollar men, Ime shilling men. some six penny me, some three cent men, and there aro some so mean they will not give a penny." Mr. S. C. liewley. of Tillamook, informs the taeonan that the full returns of thai county give Tolman 90 and Grove'jr 54. The Republican county tieketjwas all8 elected except Clerk and Trlasurer. So those two officers, Fernide and Holden. Dem ocrats were ei -cted. Dean, Repub lican, for Joint Representative, re ceived 20 majority. After being but about four hours, the jury in th case of the State of Oregon vs Thomas Gerrand, for murder in the first d gree, brought in a verdiot Tuesday evening, at Sa lem, of guilty iks charged in the in dictment. IrJlheir verdict the jnry recommended! ithe prisoner to the meroy f thAJCourt. Friday at 5 o clock j. m. v time set for passing B6Uteac4. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Was first known in America. Its merits are now well known throughout the habitable world. It has the oldest and best record of any Liniment in the world. From the millions upon millions ol bottles sold not a single complaint has ever reached us. As a Healing and Pain-Subduing Liniment it has no equal. It is alike, beneficial to MAN AND BEAST. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCISTS. S. T.-1860-S Homestead Tonic Plantation Bitters rs a fwely I of Vahsaya V. iim&ng t .:ic' '.J U.ielior, . it lieniia : , .V.i lates. 'Vanes r : j .e: -.t ra: . - A-ois. II, e'fs a...: .-iuirs. n.i Sa rsu a 7i ; . , Sasjai-.i t. 7'ansj, '.: also 1 ammiiui-. Bei riet. t" esc ve.i in ' ff :;a .' ': ,;"u Tiiey iitra-l-.e oilow. com f't'..e. Ctn . Jeadac'c, out u u-mer Co. .pin in.s. 11, rry a su ft: den ' 1 on, .- HV cm ' J gar Cane to a. 17- at riably relieve a w 1 flaints : Dysret :'. fuiiurs. loss jj 1 re; :: A ttac-is, Fez-cr ana A cue. Sour Stomas ii . t'alfiia on oj ilear:,j. j "" ' J'jey are especially aauj- " rc.eaj jor :,:e diseases .v u- VOM EN are subject e a', and as a tonic fcr the A gen'. Feeble and Debilitated, has no equal. They are strictly intended as a Temperance Tonic or Hit ters, to be used as a medicine only, ana alzvayt according- to direct ions. Sold ey All First-class Druggists. LIVERY, FEED, AHD SALE 3fc -o- rpiIE UXDKUSICJNEIU'liOPRlKTOR OF 1. the Lavery stable on Filth strict.Ort'on City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Sncltlle anil Ungcfxy Hrses, Carriages ami Hacks. Pi'icos Reasonable. He will also run a hack to and from the WILHOIT SODA SPRINGS during the summer soason, with good potent and gentlemanly drivers. FARE AT LIVING RATES. J. M. FRAZER, Proprietor. Oregon City, May 27, 1S73. CX-I.AS. II. O-XJIXJULD, DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORNER' OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY. Ila.s Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Gootls, Brown ami Iileached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Iiosuni Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Kibbons, Laces and Insertions, Kmbroiderj-, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, ite. Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES. Groceries, Crocker j-, Glassware, Coal Oil, AVJifl Have bee selected YvitH special care tnr Oils iiiurki-t and cannot UK SUH1MSSKU IX Q,C.VLITY OH PHICK. THE IIIGI1IMT MAIiKUT PKICE Mareh 13, lS73:tf NEW YORK HOTEL (Dcutfchcs Gafthaus.) No. 17 Front Strc't, Opwsite the Mail Steamship Landing, POKTL.VXU, UUKOO.V. H.ROTHFOS, J. J. WILKEXS, Proprirlors, P.oard $ Week I?oarl Week with lodging. i'':ird t Day ?. . 1. W. IL HIGUFIELI). KstaMilied since at the old stand. .Main Strct-t, Oivgim City, Ori-goii. An assortment of Wat lies. Jewel ry.and S tii Thomas' Weight Clocks all ot which are warranted to be- as represented. pairing done on short notice, and thankful for past patrona e. OREGON CITY BREWERY. Henry llunihel, I TAVTVr: TT-r?-uo W U tiJJir-r- i i ed th.: n,M-r,':t:.v:: iij-AVtof AS- Vt -ft w- ry lOM wishes to inform tl ie tm hi it t d fit ii. i c ...... ymNireu lo manulacture a No. 1 tiual- ity of I AG IS It IililiR, tlhWtMn.a,"be obtained anywhere In Orders solicited and promptly tilled. A. G. WALLINC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. PittocV ' Hulldlntr and Front Corner of Streets. Stark PORTLAND, OREGON. THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S WEST MERIDEN.CT. ILAMv BOOKS m-LED AND HOUXD M v'liis 'I'ired patt.-rn. Music books erv v,r vn VTT ' e,C- bo,,n1 Vir i f S lr! kn'wn to the trrade tended rm ,h? I-omptly at- " Administrator's Notice tn the matter of the estate of Jacob Kan dl, deceased : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX BY THE undersigned tbat they have been ap pointed by the County Court oi Clackamas ounty, State of Oregon, administrators oi the estate of Jacob Kandlo. deceased, and that all persons having claims against Itiet said estate are hereby required to present the same to them at the ottice of L. T. Bar in, attorney-at-law, Oregon Citj-, Clacka mas County, State of Oregon, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice. OEOROE C. KANDL.E. R. N. HILLINGS." Administrators. Tj. T. BARTN, Atfy for AdmTs. Oregon City, June 5th, 1874. 5,000,000 ENDOWMENT SCHEME! FIFTH AND. LAST CONCERT IN AID OF THE PUBLIC Library ol Kentucky. JTJLY31, 187. In announcing the Fifth and last of the series of Gilt oncerts, given for the ben efit of the Public Library of Kentuckv, the iru-siees anu .Manager reler w ith i Tide and pleasure to the lour which have already been given : The first. December 10. 1K71 : the second. December 2. 1872 : the third, on JulyS, 1873; and the lourtii", .March 31st, 1S71. Under their charter, granted by a special act of the Kentuckv Legislature. March 10, 1871, the 'trustees are authorized to give one more, and onlv one more Gilt cnnwrt. With the money arisinir lroin this Filth and last t'oncert. the Librarv. Museum. and other departments are to be enlarged and endowed with a fixed and certain an nual income. Such an endowment fund is desired as will secure beyond neradven- ture, not only the maintenance of this magnificent establishment, but its con stant growth. '.THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT for the purposes mentioned, and which is positively and unequivocally announced as the last which will ever be given under this Charter,, and by the present, manage ment, will come oif in the Public Library Hall, at Ixuisville, Kv., on Friday, July 31, 1S74. At this final Concert everything will be upon a scale corresponding with its in creased importance. Tin; music will be rendered by an orchestra consist ing of one hundred jeriormers, selected lor their fame in different lands, and the unpreced ented sum of 500,000, divided into twenty thousand gifts, will be distributed among the ticket-holders. Lit of (-iilts: One Grand fash Gift ? 200,01(0 One Grand i 'ash Gilt 100,000 One Grand Cash Gilt 7S,ooo One Grand rash Gilt 50,000 One Grand Cash Gilt ir,t00 5 Cash Gifts, ?JO,ooo each 10 ash Gilts, H.oooeaeh UO,o;(0 15 Cash (Jilts, lH.OOOeach 150,000 3) rash Gifts, 5,ooo each 100,000 25 Cash Gilts, 4,000 each 100,000 .'to Cash Gifts, 3,oo0eaeh '.10,000 50 rash Gifts, 2,ooooach loo . 'ash Gilts, 1,000 each 100,000 210 Cash Gilts, 5oo each 120.1 (00 5oo i ash Gilts, loo each 50,000 1!(,000 Cash Gifts, 50,00. 050 000 Grand Total $2,500,000 Iricc of Tickets : Whole Tickets, $50; halves, $25; tenth, or each coupon, $5; 11 whole tickets lor $.5011; 22 hi tickets tor $1,000. Tickets are now ready for sale, and any orders accompanied by cash will be promptly tilled. Liberal commissions will be allowed to satisiactory agents. Circulars containing full particulars furnished on application. THUS. E. BRAMLETTK, Agent and Manager, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys PAID V'OIi COITMHV Iltoiliri' M A y U FAC T O It IKS. WILLIAM SITJCER II A VH KSTATtljIfillKD A FACTORY feSS CiLS FOR THE. MANUFACTURE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AM) MOULDIXti.S OF ALL SIZKS. They will also do Turning of every Ue scription to order, WITH .EAT.ESS AND DISPATCH ! ttJS-All work warranted. Shop on the ',''. ? x'cwis' Shojv-Opposite Oregon ity .i ills. A GEMS I'OIl THE ENTERPRISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents lor t he Extkki' : Geo. p. liowell A. Co., 10 Park How, New ork. Coe, Wetherili A Co., 007 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Abbott iV Co.. No. S-2 and Hi Nassau street New York. Port land, Oregon I,. Samuel San Francisco..... St. Helens. Columbia eountv S. A. Miles Astoria, Clatsop county . Van Onsen t lein Harrisburg Uifayette.Vamhill county Ijaltas, Polk county ....I. Williams J. II. Smith ...J.I,.Kerruson ..Iave Holmes It. Iioty ..II. K. Hanna W.A. Wells I JOI.I J ackson vi I le lien ton count v Corvallis lion John Harnett W. 15. Easwell ..A. N. Arnold ....N. II. Gates A. C. Cr:iig , S. V. Knox M. Thompson I liristow nvoii Citv.f irant. i-n.. , Alba ny lalles, Wasco county, lj;rande, I'nion county Pendleton, Umatilla county. Eugene City J. E. Rose burg Lebanon , Hon. 1 K. Iine ( C. T. Montague I J. It. Kalston Hon. E. I). Koudray Tacksonville vonglom II. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COUXTY. P.eaver Creek . P.utteville , Ca seades Canbv . Cutting's arle Creek ilardi rig's :fwpr f olalla.."..".".".". Milwaukie........ Oswego Upper MoUna"".""." P. F. Peatie John Zumwalt Ilenry MctJugin J. W. strawsr P. Wright Frank W. Foster Capt . Z. C. N-rton .. . Moreiand ...John Hagenlrger John Ioole W. 11. Vaughan TTO LFT. OE ROOM FORMERLY OCCUPIED alth CouikmI Chamber, in Dr. Thes ng s btrlldif. Apply at Mils ffi9t. T COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY 3 TTVTTITr.. Public Sale of Land for Delinquent Taxes. "VT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 virtue 01 a warrant, unicu j i.st4 issued bv order of tne -county Court of Clackamas county, state of Ore gon directed to me and attaced to deiin quent tax list of said county and State lor tne year 1873, and commanding me to col leet ihi taxes designated thereon as delin quent ; and for want of personal property to make said taxes. I have levied upon and On Friday, tle 3d day of July, 1874:, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door In Oregon City, Clackamas t ounty. State of Oregon, so much ot the lol lowing described lots and parcels of land as may be necessary to pay the taxes due thereon, in United States gold coin, as levied in the year 1873, togeth er w ith fees and costs ; said land is situated in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, and was assessed to the following named persons, to-wit : Armstrong, A., part of claim number 40, section 2i(, township 2 south, range 3 east.containing 92 acres, tax $ 3 52 Aiken, F W. ot G. W. Roork's do nation, section H, township 2 south, range 8 east, containing 100 acres : non resident ; tax 6 08 1 Burger, W. J., northwest i of north east H and northeast of south west ! of section 21, township 2 south, range 2 east.containing 158 acres nonresident tax... 15 20 By ron , Fxl w i n , part ot D. M osier c 1 ai m , sections 21 and 22, township 3 south, range 3 east, containing 100 acres; non resident ; tax 8 55 Bland, Win. .part of claim number 51, section 30, township 2 south, rangel east.containing l4acres ; non resident, tax 8 55 Brown, M.,lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and the east )b of southwest hi of section 30, township! soutli range 2 east, containing 110 acres; non resi dent ; tax 7 60 Butler, W. W. IL, part of J. H. Mar tin's claim, section 10, township 2 soul h, range 3 east, containing tiO acres ; non resident ; tax 3 42 Coffee, Vandevere, part of Fordice's claim, sections Oand;l,T. 2 and 3 south, containing 102 acres; non resident; tax 4 75 Cunningham, A. G., lots 1 and 8, in section o.tovvnship 2 south, range least, containing 22 acres ; non resident ; tax 95 DeLetts.Jackson.part ot Crow's claim section 2,township2 south, range 1 east, containing 75 acres ; non resident ; tax 15 20 Dclashmutt & Oatman, northeast Hi ol section 20. township 3 south, range 3 east.containing 100 acres, non resident ; tax 7 00 Kstes A- Stinson, south i of section 7, township 2 south, range 1 east, containing 320 acres; non resi dent ; tax 17 10 Klliott, Francis, northeast !. of sec tion township 1 south, range 2 east, containing 100 acres ; non resident ; tak 7 GO Foster, Ambrose, part of donation claim, sect ions '21 and 2ti, town ship south, range 3 east.con taining 120 acres ; tax :.; 4 7.3 Find ley, David, donation less W acres, sections l'. and o0, township 3 south, range 2 east, 5?0 acres; non resident; tax 19 00 Garletts.Josiah, south XA ol southwest ol section lit, and west of northwest J-4 of section 15, town ship4 south, range Z east, con taining ltio acres ; tax 6 Co Gibson, A. K., south X of section 11, T. 3 south, range 1 west , cont aining 320 acres ; mm resident ; tax 13 20 Grier.l harles.west part ol N. Allison's claim, sections l;l and U, town shii south, range 1 east, con taining loo acres ; tax 7 00 Javcns, II. .south M ol southwest H of section 5,towushii 2 south, range 4 east, containing SO acres; also souths if northwest of section 5, township 2 sout h, range 4 east. containing ko acres ; also east it of notheast H of section (, town ship 2 sout h, range 4 east, con taining NO acres ; non resident; tax 5 70 Kinder, John, east of southeast ol sect ion ."Mi, township 1 south, range 3 east .containing 80 acres ; tax 121 Kaney, Job, east V.j of east J$ ot northeast h of west of north west ot section S and D town ship 3 south, range 1 east.con taining SO acres; non resident; tax 475 Kcaton, Mrs. Ann, Oregon t ity lots 3 and 4, in block 5U; tax 8 5-3 Lambert, Noah, sout Invest of sec tion 2, township 2 sout h. range 2 east, containing loo acres; non r-'Sident ; tax 9 50 I-ulU, J. W., corner ot section 2!,south t'ast. J-j of northeast. !-4 l si-ctioit Wand 20, and southwest of section 25', township 3 south, range 1 west, and 1 east .contain ing Hi) acres : non resid'-nt ; tax 3 SO Lea bo, Joseph, northwest part of Jas. l.eaixi's donation, section :ii, township 3 south, rangel east, containing hiOacr. s; tax 4 73 Martloek, , SellwKd's addit ion to M ilwaukii', lot 1, in block ti ; non resident ; tax 3 SO Mier, Isaac, northeast Hi of section K, township 2 south, range 1 east, containing 1WI acres; non resi dent ; tax 3 80 McCarver.Mrs. M. M., southwest part of claim 11, section 12, township 3 south, range 1 east, containing 2o0acres; nonresident; tax 1140 .Myricu, .Mrs. Louisa, ( ree;on litv lots 1.2, ..and 1, in block 42, allot block .3,and lots 1 and 2 in block lit); non resident; tax 9 50 Newell, Nathan, Oswego lot 1, in block 4; non resident; tax 5 70 Packer, John, Milwaukie lots 3,1,5 and ti in block 30; tax 16 15 Pratt, O. C, part of Shannon's claim. township 2 south, range 1 east, and lot in corner ot 11. Hum's claim, containing .30 acres ; non resident ; tax 4 75 Paulsen. Hans & Peter, north J of southwest of section 21. town ship 3 south, range a east, con taining SO acres ; tax 4 85 Parn, Peter, fraction northwest i at section 9. township 2 soutli. range 3east,containing77 acres ; tx 8 55 Koss, K., part of Whiteomb's claim, township 1 south, range 1 east, containing 200 acres; tax 20 00 Richardson, S., W. part of northwest of section 7, township 2 south, range 1 east.containing 17 acres; non resident ; tax 1 2! Stout, Lzra, southeast hi of section 7, and southwest of section S, in township 4 south, range 3 east, containing 320 acres; tax Scott, J. S., tract ional east part of sec tion s, township 5 south, range 1 east, containing 115 acres : tax... Spicer, A. M., northeast hi of section 22,township5 south, range 1 east, containing ltkj acres; tax Star, It. P., north H of northeast, hi and 20 acres in northwest hi of of section 12. township 2 south. 9 5!) 4 8D 7 00 range a t, containing 100 acres: non resilient : tax. ' 00 Thompson, Win., norUi .'j of east hi. and south hi of nort h- nort h- east hi of sect ion it. and south- .-st .. r.f nnrt h AfSt hx of SCUOIl 10, township ;1 south, range 1 west, containing 2-'0 acres ; non resiib-nt ; tax Taylor, Peter, part of section Si, town ship : south, range 2 east.con taining ltio acres; tax Underwood, John, homestead, part of Cutting's preemption, sections 211 and .it, containing 40 acres; non resident; tax Upton, C. P.. p:rt of A. Melds' claim, sections 'la nil 4,towbship3 south, range 1 east .contain ing 33) acres, andpart of Aldrich claim, sec tions : and Zi, township 1 send h. 16 15 9 12 3 8) range 1 east, S3) acres ; non resi-d-nt: tax - Vand rvort, Mrs. Harriet, part ot sec tion 21, township 5 south, range 1 east, containing ItiO acres ; tax Wells, Alonzo, fractional northwest hi of claim 4S, S'-ct ion 14, town ship 3 south 3 east.containing 110 acres ; t ax Williams,Geo.II. .Susan Merrill claim in sections 17 and IS, township 5 south, range 2 east.containing 320 acres; non resident; tax White, Thomas, northeast 80 of Ed ward's donation claim, section 22,tovnship5south, range 1 east, containing 80 acres; non resi 2170 9 12 337 22 80 dent; tax W'ayman, Mrs. Francis, homestead fraction of sections .' and 4, town ship 3 south, range 1 east, con taining 12!) acres ; tax Waltz, Abraham,.!, i'.rown's donation sections 13 and lit. township 2 south, range 1 east.containing 040 acres ; tax Waller, A. F., (estate of) part of Crow's claim .sect ion l,township2 sout h, range 1 east.containing lOacres ; tax Woodward, Mrs. Elvira, part of Whit comb claim, section 3ti,township 1 south, range 1 east, containing 16 acres ; non resident ; tax Owners Unknown, lot 4, in section 20, townshi' 2 south, range least, containing 41 acres; tax Owner Unknown, northwest of sec tion 17, township 2 south, range 4 east, containing 160 aers ; tax Owner Unknown, lot I in section 15, township 3 south, range 1 east. ?onTeining 22 acre ; tax 3 80 199 49 40 4 75 7 60 152 , r Owner Unknown northeast of the northeast H 01 section 31, town ship 3 south, range 2 east, con taming 40 acres; tax 150 Owner Unkuown north .H of northeast Ji ot section 5, township 3 south, range 3 east, containingTT acres ; tax 2 85 Onwer Unknown, east 34 01 southwest Hi and west H of southwest 3 of section 17, township 3 south, ranges east.containing 100 acres ; tax . 4 75 Owner Unknown, southeast H of the northeast "40! section lt, town- BY snip 3 south, range 5 east, con tain in!- 4II mnc - tnv Owner Unknown, west J4 of northeast ot section 1, township 4 south, range 4 east.containing 80 acres ; tax Owner Unknown, south Jtf of Joseph Spink's donation, section 17, lOnshln:l smith rilnirp -l east. containing 100 acres: tax 7 Sale to commence nt in o'clock, a. m.. the day above named and to- be continued unin ail is sold. uregon City, June 3d, 1874. A. F. HEDGES, Sheriff of. Clackamas County A. NOLTNER NOTARY T UK LIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. OREGON CITY. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT I. DELVLEU IN Dry Goods, Clotliing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, Indies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc., etc., etc., etc Main Street, Orrgon City. Produce of ail kinds bought, for which I pay tne Highest market price. It you de sire goou uoous at low prices, call at I. S Ii L L I iX G'ti and examine his new stock of Spring goods Jive me a call and convince yourselves .mj mono is, " QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." W o! Wanted ! The highest market price paid for wool I. SELLING. Oregon City, Oct. 31, 1873-tf. SHERIFF'S SALE ! BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order or sale issued out of the Circuit t ourt of the State of Oregon, for the coun ty of Clackamas, to me directed, in favor of 1st of Thomas Lurrows for the sum of seven hundred and ninetv-four and 23-100 uouars, u. f. gold coin, together with cost 01 suit and disbursements; 2d, in favor of t ninp Shannon lor the sum of seven hun- ureu anu 1 lilrty-eight dollars, U. S. gold coin, together with costs of suit and dis bursements, all against Thomas Itowley and t athrine Itowlev his wife. Now i.i . ton , 1 nave icvieu uj-on ne west naif ii section in township 2 south, range 2 casi , containing 320 acres, more or less, in v i.ivrw.iin.-ts l oumy, uregon, and on Tuesday, the UOtli day or .June, A. 1). at tne hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., in front of me, ourt House door 111 Oretron C'itv. in said county and State, I will sell at public iiuciiou io me nignesi uidder lor cash paid to me in hand, all of the above described reai est aw, or enough thereof to satisfy ex ecution costs and accruing costs. Oregon City, May 2yth, 1S74. A. F. HEDGES, Sheriff of Clackamas County. Dy IIENItY HEDGES, Deputy. NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. First Street ltetween Alder nnd Mor risoii Sts., and Alder Street between First and Front Streets. I3oi'tlaiid, Oregon. VN INSTITUTION DESIGNED TO PHE pare HOYS, YiWSG and AG lilt uaa tor liusiness Affairs. II. UfFn.ixci'; WHITE, t President. Secretary. I. I or acquiring a Praricaf Jiwrincit Ldlura tion this institution otters suirior advan t aires, and is acknow iedtred by Ix;adinir Husiness Men to be the best Connnereial Oollepro on 1 lie I'acitic Coast, and second to none. racii 1 epartnient is First Class, and is un- uerine special charge or KXPKKIKNCKI) teach ers, and the whole school is under tne immediate superintendence of the 1 resident and Secretary. The school room anu counting are united upon a plan that secures to the student all the practical ad- aniani ages 01 each. 1 here is in oieration A Ii AXKIXG IIOl'SE fully illustrating t hat business. The same system bei tig observed in each department, ine siuueni nays, sens, snips, uarters, con signs, discounts, insures, draws checks. notes arm urans, gives leases, deeds, Ac. and goes through the entire routine of ACTUAL m siXESS. In adding to the completeness of the In stitution tne proprietors nave instituted a SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. The entrance to rooms of this iH'partment Is upon Alder street, ana access to them is had only by the teachers and lady stu dents. Rare facilities are ottered to ladies for acquiring a I borough Knowledge of I'.usirn'ss Practice ; of lelegraphy and Pen manship, the DEPARTMENT OF TELEGRAPHY is in charge or hrst-class operators and teachers, and supplied with all theapnar- -A .t . I . . .t aius Oi a 11 rM-(.-i;i,s.s Oiliee. This Institution as now conducted claims ro nave iaeiiiu -s lor imparting a thorough Knowieuge 01 tne Art of Penmanship ! that not one in ten of the P.csiness Col- now 111 existence possesses- the Ie partment oing under the social supcrin- M-uu-uee. u one 01 me leading Penmen of in" ii 11 lieu .-Males. r or lull part iculars send for National 1 . 1 i. v ULLKI1E JOURNAL sent to any l'.uiui uic iminirv iree. Address DM KA.Nt i: -.S; WHITE, Ixick llox 101, Portland, Oregon. Wlff. ISHOUGIITOX W()Uf'I INFORM THE CITIZENS OF V ? Oregon City and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, ji every description. IJUV Fr,OOHINfi. fKir.ivn SI1 I r.1.1'. (for shelving.) LATTICE, XtKEIi, FKXtu POSTS (Cedar) Constantly 011 Hand. street and sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as it purenaseu 111 the State. Oive me a call at the OKKCOXCITY SAW MILLS. March 13, 1871 If WAGON AND CARRIAGE U A V IT FACTORY 2 TITHE UNDERSIGNED. JL having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand on the Corner of Main and Third .Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing his olri o irons, anu as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared with amntn nvmi riw 1 . 1 very host of mechanics, to build construct, make, paint, iron and turn out J. ' " -uicie irom a v...... vai i i-j a voueora ioacQ. Try rnc. Blacksmlthtns:, How or Ox Shoelnp 2.St?ral Jobhlne neatly, quickly, and eheirly done. UAViD SMITH. MBR CH A ND I SB. JOHN MYEES, 1 14 190 OREGON .CITY. 60 on DEALER IN DRY GOODS ' grocekies, BOOTS and. SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for Butter, TCg-g-jN;, and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE. I will sell as low as any house In Oregon CASH OR ITS HQ UIVALKXT 3n Good Merchantable TroduccJ I am selling very low for CASH IIVHAY1. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21, 1873. ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOS OFFICE OREGON CITY, : OREGON. WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such 9 CARDS, RLL.IIIRADS, PAMP11LKTS, DHKDS, MORTGAGBS, L.ARRLS, L.ETTRR-IIRA DS, in fact all kinds of work done in tv , ; PORTLAND PRICES. ALL KINDS OP LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State Work Solictcd A. D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City. March 21, 1873-tf. Toi- fSsilo ! About 150 pounds of onz prim er, of which this is an impression. lias been in use but a short time, Stood work. Price 25 cents lb, either tied up or in cases cases extra. ALSO, A small font of Nonperiel of which this is sa impression. Prioe 35 cents V As good sa new. There ia enough to set about one column of paper solM. Address this office. STILL REMDVrn ccrnun H WILLIAMS 4 HARB, AT THE nl LINCOLN B A K fpv K CU-THE MOST fhx,r " ' l .- it . A 1 K TT. . city. All gotMls warranted rW, in the city free of charged 4i price paid for country prod,w h,t.'H. Oregon City. March T f V MOW IS THE TIKE To SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ENTERPRISE o 00 O PEE YFah PAYABLE IN ADVAXCE. Each number contains th; LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NW$, From all Parts of the Wirld- 0 A Carefully Selected Sumniarvo: STATE AM) TERIUTOBU A Corrected Lint or the Markrni Portland, San Fraiifisco and Crcrcn ;. LOCAL XEUS, EBlTOBIlb On all Subjects of Interest tothi FARMER, MERflli.M OR MXM for 'Also, Carefully Selected Jin Short, it is in Every Respect a LIVE NEWSPAPER. THE JEIXTJEKJPItlSl Having a large and constantlj- incna't; Circulation in the most populous in;' the State, offers suierior inducenitKsi those -who wish to Advertise. Advertisements inserted on REASONABLE TERMS, The Campaign of 1ST will sorn bz and it is therefore a good time to Siilffr in order that you may be posted on cum: events. Send in 5'oursubscrii tion atoi? A THE WORLD ELEBRATED BEST T0N1G IN l'S& Ticse Hitters tin not o''" Unguisli tietnsetves by their fl' vor ami aromatic odor above others generally used, but area the same time an excellent tontt antl an efficacious stimulant to CJccitc the appetite. They prepared from the most clioict nnd irholrsomc herbs and root?, and have aiveti universal sat" faction tvherever tried. Thou. a titls of dysjteptics have "" relief through their use, physicians recommend them jo the cure of all diseases u. j-4 I tjnr . irregularities of the dujeW organs. .ttr- tion, General Debility and loss of arr" ' -ii .. .unmcnt 01 i mo an t.uac:u uj 1 it v.v 1 ....r, ' " . laCl 5 Of i.'iuiimv i , aa vri " " v-t VwTl the system. The IXL Bitters na" successfully used and are warranted Silleviate the sufferer in all the above ca- -ir?77l IXL Bitter are sold only-l in olass- lo sell other than the yenuine article out of our bottles u fcl k xmi we will when detected, irroccute parties to the full extent of the km: Read Physician's Certificate on each Bottle. Every family should have them in tte he Bold everywhere. Sole Proprietor. r -c- cs Francisco, Wa mw MlaA ine in . . or OR. HENLEY'S 1 m parcxlr mild mnA ,l efletl npo-nd, purely tciccimuic ... -s r Lonrton royal pal .m jxj, peiac ror ths BLAOEftd KYt. imrcti 2m3 0 0