Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1874)
iTHE'ENERPRI iTegon citv, precox; mi. im. City Seminary. The Cit-1 Seiiinary iwns formall3' closed for the summer vacation on yes terday. For two weeks, the teachers; )!ve leen busy ivith reviews and ex- : urination exeil.. On yesterday i tt-riiMn the e.rcie-s were of a Iit( 1- , rvan.l s...-i:.l eh.iaeter. 'IJ. literary , JxVn-isi-Me.msiste-1 ofdeel.iiuati.MiH and filial eonii-isitions -Several ot the , .u nations were well rendered arm , ..1.1 iu. .r lu.ii. aable mention. 1 he ,:oI positions vcrJ earetully prepared 1 .1 showed api-Ml de-rte ot culture f. bol!i thoii-h and nianner. 1 nu ' .. . .-..11.. ..-.j.. 111 oftlu? occasion, however, i. . .ii. .r i iicce . . ' Nora Hons, who ', i is a ;?:l'lll i.h, Miss Jt.,ss;gave a yaieuie t v It w,ts couched in choice-lan-Km mi'l tom-li'-nirl y rendered. "... i i iiit closed has been Tin one of tae Ix st m its wnoie iu.-nr. r.f t.,:whe!-s lias been able a l a.le.iuato.:il, laboring only for rii-advaiicmcnlof th stiid.-iils and tie, Lest interest. of the school, toe re sults are .piite. notieeaole. e era ;.,1;lI1.s are l--ig m ... e in the Corps of teaeh.-rs. Th principal. 1 lot. I. A. Macruui. lias resigned Ins I"'"'"" "r one ni'-'ie akin to that w .:eh he in tends to follow: in tiie tuture. J iol. AW W. Moon-bind will open a law ..ffiec. Mi-sSu-jtii Athev, one of the present teachers goes wit h her tat her s Lmilv tooCliiirni... Ti.e lolloping resolutioiK ofnfiK . t and et.eiii were un.m... ...dv i.. i-,--d .it the last meet- - in--Hi. citv Council, on the witli I oi-tlie named teachers: U-v.Ived. ThJit tlie thanks of the (-,iv 'cuneil o Uixgoii. City, .and ' s . .. the throu'iii tiiem in thanks ol tlx; coni- T.imiitVt 1 irg" iredue to t!ie teachers )i-egon (.'it v Sjminary ,1111.1 Ved ill till tint intg the p--st hvo vears ior uio elli- 4Il III .1.111- o. ...v... ...... - dact'- l the seho. band we heart ily eom- ... .:mIi. i til nieii'l tli' in lor,dlie active part Hi y have taken in racing the school to its i.'resi-iit standari! of eliieieney and .-lil.irMii it -solved, ihi as a mark of the high ostceiii in which e hold them as gen- tl. i!!i-n and tub n imr.-ii.i I i--11 oil respei.-tively and our larir past services as ,te;n- is. the 'corner le instructed t.i furnish ce ll o " them with a copy of tln-M- rc-ioliiiions. Tlia t--a-h-rs elect for next year are Pr.f. Nich' lsor,- princinal: Prof. W. ltnnl all. Mi.-s Kate llunsaker, and Miss lOniniu Cheaoweth assistants. pr.or. M u-m'M.--This gentleman. v.ii'i Iimi b-cii employed ns principal i for tin-iast tiirf- ycar.s in the Oregon Citv .Seminary. :r. tires this ut--i;. bi.'ri-ei" h:k connection with this iuii'.'jiina he iia;snou n himself to .-.- j.-uticni in of liJih educational ouali (i::is i. ay l ha.j-gjveiJ lj.'iiversal Kat- isi.u tion. e (louhL tiie wisip.;in 1 our citv autliori!i.i sjju allowing him to u it leiraw fnnii tbe school, and while Vchlel!ie re:'est conlideiice in his successor. Prof. Nicholson, who lis t ii in the sci.ol for the past two vears. we think B-t h should have l-en i-i-tHiiie.l. Prof. Tl orej.UJ I also retires finni the M-iioi 1, oenteriiilo the prao tice ..rihc I .iw. j'rot. Macruin. we are i i . . . i ... i : . . . till. mil -.1, lias oeeu leiinercti tin: ucpii- T sliii tin,t"i- t;.ini. .Vppi-r.-wn, ;ud wi 1 i-t i sit 1 . CtllAMMMl S'i oi l'i.os;;i). Prof. S.-ho. 1 closed last was a puMic ex pands, at which a Pooe'.s linmm We.lncs.J .v 'i-V. . aiiiiniU-'a '-'of th iitue.'H-r '. f)l- s.-!io,.l S-.-llv. I the bicii.Ji and patrons of w.-f -rc-ci-.t. It.-v. .1. W. lelivei'.'d a verv interestimr ad.lri'SJj s .: v. -.- :i .Io!insi. a! so ui:v r.-ii! iiks to t!i-- i lias l-.-n v..-!io.r - in c .rne-d. an-1 M r. le a l'e-.v appropriate chol.u. The M-!u...l n l.-d diirinir the pas' lcr:ii, and the j..u--ons ure. i-Iim-i-ii wilh (he progress the 'pupils have in id.. We an- not advised when the next term will ec-iiiine:ice. KxrrusioN. We see it announced in the Portland iiiers that the Daugh-U-rs of Kebcecjii.I if Portland, projwse to ct'Icbrate tlie "ourtif with a grand basket picnic a.d i-xciirsi.-n, coming unto this place on the line steamer iil. uin lte Chieifan l Lroing up to the jjiove al.ove tin- locks. (i.xid niu ie is to ai:'-oiii-aiir the excursionists. Tae ladies will uo'doaht make, the af fair a uraud snci i-ss, and a line time will be had. Wb would suggest that the K. beeca L:-ige of tiiis place join t'letu on the grounds. Moxkv Wanxkp. Thosu persons who know them -i Ives ind -bt(d to this otHce, either for u! crip'ir.n, advertis ing, or job work, are requc-tcdP c 1 and settle, rt'e dislike to dun our pat rons, out some appear to be under the htiprtvN'd'in that we do le-t need any money, and heti-e never think of set tling ii'. We Wiint our accou-nts closed up, ami trust thut those t whom this notico a'oii -s, kill settle without fur ther being dunni d. 1,f.it1's.-M I.. R Horning, who has been in our employ for the past two years an 1 a half, left us last Sun dav to emrage irjoth'-r business besides sticking tvpe. We regret that he ha deemed it best to lieve us, as we had iK-come to rcvrirsi him as a part of the -.stabli.shmeiit, but we hope that he has lettered his condition. During the time he has betpi in our employ, be has given entirj' sat isfrctioii and has been trustworthy- in every respect. We wisii him almn l nt success in whatev er occupation Ik may engage. Visitor.!. Fuller, of Chewa ean,.Iaeksn eoujnty, has been in town for a couple of .iiys this week, visiting relatives. He forms us that every -thiic is prospoflus in his section and that tho eountrUn that section is Idling up rapidly wit!, settlers. He says that is the lihesf'gi assmg country in the world. I.i:rrrnK.-Mrs. M irv A. ITurd, of Fast, will deliver a lecture at -'the Court Hotjso on next Tnosdav cveniiii-, on "inspiration and j.ropliesv" aim rea.i )shik in lavor ot woman sullrage. This Vuig has !gainel copsi era bio uotoriot h rough the State, ow- ing to Sister Iu tiwfiys strong opj.osi- tloll. Pkuson.u,.- ' had a call last Mcn oran. a eaj ita!i-d of hi is visiting Oregon. day from Mr S.m 1-"rancisco, He came up in -mpany with H n. Ii. liolilsuiltll to see th locks. He ex- pres-,s luinseit highlv pleased with our state, and regards the locks as a most in;igiii;lcen; piece of work. iVwci: Nkxt M. in-pay. There will be a dance given at tho Idbrarv rooms next Monday evening, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the benefit hL.;1'' 1-'"r:r-v- splendid music has lHn en--i-e.l to -ti ...s,. .. 'go.j.1 thrieinnyhecx pected. 'icee oat uV lian 'T hlXUri Is wil' ,,e st-'rved i M11 f in 'J,;XIr- T1e eijjl. Iron of the F.piseo 1 uiday Sdio!!;. aecomnaniod bv a "uniNr of friens, had their annual tl.Vi" 0et9r,1'l:- Thev left here on ll K . - - -..n'i nt'iu ui me f.asi tiaiu . . V K' uere inev Had a line iiI,J,r?to,rniuin'-tiie evonimr. liisgtilv IETi KNEP.TI.m. D. P. Thompson lllrM home l ist Mondav after a llv--i? 11 it t thr. bcric-rs of r-v.r tntn ' . - ' , 7 - i " . i i'- - 1 atesthis veir. Her suhjeet was j)(,.Ssess all the pialifieations, as a teach .: .. m..,.:-.i1 moral and i.livs- 1 . ... . j-. lucaiiou. .-.v , .li-,-..,..! 1 er to irive entire satistacte.n. ami we ...lueation were . '; h dial and , ro fu v ;,ssim.(1 th;lt tho Seminary the claims ot each aiyi ' w c I.'1. - wiU maintain its present hi -h standing H -uted. In st vie ;V; , ' j7::7;.v I nsaneducathmal institution under him. . ..i.i ii i v-i' done creilit to an literal . dilution in the State It 'tainlv j Js Twx;Mr. c. Iycrs, of WH- rV,17".lV.'rrr,i iiiatu At' tie dose oflier ! b-u" Creek, Umatilla county, a former T.kttkr List. Tlio following is a! unuer ine new apportionment all list of the Letters remaining in the the Western and Southern States, Post-office at Oregon City, June 20, 1S74: except Montana and Wyoming, will Cochran Charles; Durie, David E. ; receive.portions of the redistributed Ilerrin, holla C. ; Klencer, Francis currency. Ohio receives about $6 -C; Kelloir,-Mr. Iluu-her; Miller. Miss 000,000; Indiana, ?2,S00,OOO: Jliri Annie; Spence, AbKolom, IT; euny, , liesotAf $r,00,000; Nebraska, 8800,000 Ja,nos; i and the other AVestern and Southern If called for, plca.sesav when "adver- j " K i . ,JUUlut"i i 1 t r n..r.v i A.r I States much larger sums. Loadkp. The Governor Grover conies down each trip fully loaded with freight and a great many passe n- j vrers. I,ong before this this time, in i former years, the freighting season has been virtually closed on the upper Willamette. The Alice . also 'brings j down good loads of freight. " I'iiof. Mcnoi.snx. I ins genticnian has been elected Principal of the Ore- gon City Seminary. lie is known Hj esident of this place, arrived in town j vesterdav and is visiting friends and j relatives. I Ie does not look very bad, considering bis recent defeat for State Senator. S -hool Teachers will remember that the public examination takes place next Saturday. All are requested to lie punctual in their attendance. The time to commence is 1 o'clock a. in., at the Seminary. Applicants are requested to furnish their own stationary. To School Ci.kiiks. The irreduc ible school mo'i v has been received by the County Treasurer, and School Clerks can iret tho money by calling at this otliee ami iretLiiig their orders. P. A. Hughes has been adding to his already large stock of goods recently, and he wants the public to give him a call and examine his ju ices and stock before purchasing elsewhere. i Fop. Sai.Kv On the 3d of next month the Sherill" of this county will sell all property advertised for delinquent taxes. Persons interested should re member the time. (i(ioi) Si'aok. Tue upper Willame tte if nil in LTood boating stag.-. Steam boat men are happy as long as they am not compelled to run on dry land and sand bars. Clackamas' Poiuion. Clackamas eountv's portion of the irreducible school money is Sl,(JU2 07 coin, and ;is . m curi encv. t'oiii; rcssioiial News. WASiii.v;T(x, Juno 17. Tjuttrcll has sueeeeued in causing the pay ment of thirty-six claims of citizens of Siskiyou county, amounting to S2o 000. forsnpplios "and transportation during the Modoc war. The House Judiciary Committee, to-'.ay, by a vote; of six to live, re solved to impeach Judge 3)n rell, of Louisiana, and Judge Bus teed, of Alabama. The President has approved t Tit? joint resolution for a termination of the treaty oi the United States with the King of the Belgians. Washjxi; ton-, June IS. The Sen ate has pas-e-d the bill for building a bridge across the Wilhunotts river at Salem. Ciiic.uiO, June IS. Washington specials say that the Conference Coiniiiittoo on the Currency Bill iiiially eanio to a conclusion late to day by agreeing .on a bill providing for redistribution of the National Hank circulation to the extent of s.r.0( HM)(!! I, and li.ving the legal ten-h-r eircuhition at" iH2,M)0,0H). T'.iis bill will pass the Senate, and possibly the House. In that event the President will it. Western Liic rubers, however, do not give it a si-ry cordial support. The House Pacific ltailroad Com mittee, by a vote of seven against live refused to recommend the inves . igationof the Central Pacilie and Contract r.nd Finance matters. Vr..sifisisTiix, June 1'.). The Pres ident has nominated Samuel F. lirmvii, iceeeiver ox I'lione .uoneys, at Vancouver, Washington Territory; mil Henry A. Webster, Collector oi Customs, at Paget Sound. The President has signed tho act to nuthori.e the Secretary of War to ascertain the expenses incurred by Oregon and California in the sup pression of Indian hostilities in the -ears 1872 and 1873.- The Senate has agreed to the fol lowing amendment to the Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill: Increasing tho sum for surveys in Oregon from s 10.0DO to SGO.000". In opposing the motion to strike out of the Biver and Harbor Appro priation Bill the section directing surveys to be made at numerous points throughout the eountrv. in cluding the Columbia Itiver, Mitch ell showed that while freight charges between Chicago and New York by water lim s are nine and one-tenth mills per ton per mile, and by rail road twelve mills per mile, freight charges on the Columbia river. b reason of monopoly, are from ten to twelve cents per mile in coin. Wasuin-otox. June 22. The Pres ident has signed the Currency Bill reported from the last Committee on Conf'-onee, and it has become a law. A Washington special says: Con firmation has been received that tin Union Pacific has been giving secu rity to some of its creditors, to the prejudice of the Government. If this should prove true, the Attornev (ieneral will, at the earliest moment, take stops to throw the company into bankruptcy, when the securit.v tha' has thus fraudulently been given wm he set aside. Tiie President has nominated Ben Monin for Assistant Secretary of State, Ilobert M. Douglas for United States Marshal of the 'Western Dis trict of North Carolina, and Lyman K. Bass, lleprcsentative in Congress from the Buffalo (New York) Dis trict, for Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. The Senate has confirmed the nom ination of V,. F. Potts for Gov ernor of Montana; E. W. Willett for llegister of the Ij-an.l - OtHee at Bozeraan, Montana; J. D. Howard for llegister ot the Land Oniee at Del Norte, California; S. W. Brown for Heceiver f Public Moneys at Vancouver. W. T. : D. J. Malarkey for United States Marshal of Oregon. . The Senate has confirmed the nom ination of Benjamin Moran, present Secretary of the Legation in London. to bo Third Assistant Seeretarv State from the 1st of July. The t i ;m.i of Mr. Bass for Assistant Secretary , cf tho Treasury. j Ttieoenatefltwm executive ses- sion four hours this afternoon on the Canada reciprocity lreaty. There - was no vote or indication to show -whether the requisite two-thirds vote t0 ratify it could be obtained. The treatv (yjH jr0 over until the nr-vt V Yw,o-rn for L 1 session of Congress for tna action. ASHiNfiTOK, June 23. The Pres. ident has signed the Geneva Award Bill, and has appointed Hezekiah Wells, of Michigan; Martin llavnor, of Mississippi; George II. Wood ward, of Pennsylvania, and Caleb Baldwin, of Ohio, Judges of tho Court of Commission', to distribute flip award. John Davis, of Abivo- ! ehusetts is clerk of the Commission. - Congress wilt adjourn .to-day at i p. m. ijoth houses iia e agreed to the eonterenct? repuii on me Ueneva award Bill. CJood I'nough for Oregon. - There seems to bo no further doubt as to the success of the Democratic party at the late election in Oregon, although the result has been for some days in doubt, and the combin ations of the opposition were known to have been of the most formidable character. It was stated some time ago that a coalition had been formed between the Democrats and Bepnblieans in order to defeat the Independents; and it was even said that the Repub licans were content to have Governor Grover retain his oilice, provided their candidate for Congress, popu larly known as Slirery Dick" Will iams, could be assured of ..n election, but in the general success of the Democratic ticket, governor, con gressman and all, there is little indi cation that auy such coalition was ever entered into. On the contrary there is every reason to believe that the victory gained by the Democrats was of old-fashioned, straight-out sort, independent of all outoide alli ances or compromises, and all the more creditable to the party for the single handed houwsty of its achiev ment. In this contest thero wore four tick ets in the field; the Democratic, headed by Lafayette F. Grover for governor; the Republicans, J. C.Tol raun for governor; Independent, T. F. Campbell, governor, and the tem perance ticket, made up in part from the others, with Tolman in the lead. Besides these elements of opposition, all intended to impair the strength of the Democracy', was the railroad interest, that was exerted more pow erfully than in certain other locali ties, to defeat the Democratic candi dates; but tho old party clung man fully to its principles; the people were with it, and the enemy was iliseomutted. Four years ago, Mr Grover was elected governor by a majority of (iol. In 1S72, Grant's majority was 40Sl.- In 1873, Mr. Nesmith was elected to congress by 2071. What tho majorities now are wo are not advised. It is enough to know that they are on the rij .dt The far Paeilie. answers to the granite hills, to tho waters of the sound and toe shores of the Texan gulf, and the entire Union will feel the inspiration of its Democratic music. SY. Jouis .;((.'.-. Valk, IIic'iiakdson ! On his sur rendering the portfolio of the treas ury, the New York Tribune bade l'iehardson farewell in the following pathetic terms: " Gone like a beau tiful vision. Like the baseless fabric of a paper ten cent piece, the Great Minister of l'inanci, who for four teen months has delighted the heart of the American people with the most uniipie spectacle ever witnessed in a republic has disapperred; faded away like the plan for specie resumption in sums of live dollars and less. "We shall meet and we shall miss him." Think how gradually he has slid away from us; melted away like a moon beam or a snowliake; dried up like a lewdrop or like the red herring of his native strand; gone like, a slow trotting night-man: of finance whose retreating footsteps echos on the eai of a country that wakes in a cold swe .t and rubs its eyes. Ah ! he .vas great. In his line the greatest we have ever had. How beautifully the succession tapered oil' in him. tie-was great in that the line endee with him. The "little end of the horn" was reached when he took tin portfolio of Alexander Hamilton. In tii is his greatness lay: that he wa n!i;nerls. He had no predecessor even Mr. Uoutwell to compare wit! him, and there can never be such mother. Tiie moid is broken. We shall never look upon hi like." Seeing is Uelievi ny. If in this liberal aa;o there are per otis to bo found who are so blinded by .prejudice as not to believe that a medi ated stimulant is an item of immense .niportanee: in the catalogue of human eniedies, we should liko them to wit ness the wonderful Cllects which IIos- etter's Stomaeh bitters are now pro- lueing all over the country in cases o! intermittent fever, rheumatism, biliou disorders, dvspopsh, nervous com olaints, constitutional debility, mental depression and premature decay. T. ie sure these c Hoots are nothing new. The great vegetable invi'orant and it cures'navc been before t lie people for more than twenty-five years, and in every vear of the twenty-live its popu larit v has increased and its sale come larger. Yet there are no doubi inanv thousands of intelligent citizens who'have never had an opportunitv o ohservin" for themselves the surpris ing changes which this unorpiallei. tonie and alterative produces Jtj sys tems which seem to be hopelessly broken, and in eases of disease which are mt amenable to ordinary reme dies l'robablv many of these regard for the sick and feeble cvervw ueie, what a staff of life it is proving to the a-edand infirm, what a help in tune of trouble to feeble women sutiering from the eomidaints and disabilities peculiar to tho sex, what a protection to health and life in malarious dis tricts, what a panacea for languor anrl depression, what a .specific for all dis eases in which the system room res to od. Of all stim ulants it is the purest and safest, of all tonics the most fronial. etfective ana atrroeable; of all alteratives the least ' vjolPnt and the inost certain in its ben- ; eftcal results. the statements made in rerunm u tm sanitarv properties of the Ihttors with some degree of credulity. on Id that all such skeptics could seo with thoir , ,i-i,-it the medicine is doing Oregon City Market lteport. Enterprise Office, June 23. 1S74. " Ieffal Tenders, buying, Si) : st-lling !. County sc-riit, 9U : City scrip, Kj. The following are the buying prices for produce, and tiie selling price lor others : Wheat-lxunaud good and selling, at 80 tS5 V bushel. Flour tiood supply in market, and sell ing at $1 OOtu-3 00. Middlings Are quoted at $23 per ton; shorts, $2U ; and bran 12,.with full supplies on haud. Oats Supply equal to demand ; buyers are paying cents. Potatoes New, Si per bushel. Onions Quotable at l'-4 wnts per pound. Egg Ciood supply, ltioilS doz. Ciuckens $2 6oj,: 5t per dozen. IUittr scarce, la IS cents tor good fresh. Wool For choico lots. -2:'V27 cents. Uried Fruits Full stocks in market; Apples an bringing 4ai cents ier "unU ; peaches It cents; Currants lliil- cents; l'luins 13 cents. - Sugar Crushed, 13m-10 cents : Island Orts lOj ; San Francisco r.-rtned, 12f12H O'nts. Tea Best quality SI per jound, and oth er brands ranging from Mei73 cents. ColTee Host, article t cents. Suit Ranging from li,'2H. Syrup 50 cents per gallon; best article 00 c -nts. Bacon Hams i(a.Q cents; Shoulders, cents; sides, ft.ilO cents per pound. lird IVr itound M13 cents. - Oil Ii.vov--s Kerosene per gallon, COiTo cents: linseed 31 5. Beef on foot Oood fat cattlo find ready sal" at iV'i.'i cents on foot. ' Pork We quote at 5f( cents. Sheep Few offering ; quote at $2 50fo3 50 per head. Hidesf ircon at from owing to the size; dry 13 cents per pound. The I'.MtKiiK tu x.-We take pleas uro in calling attention of our Valley friends to the wonderful merits of the double-barreled breech loading shot gnus manufactured by Parker ilrot It ers, West Meriden, Conn. Tiie highest testimonial received from all sections of the country, and the thorough test given it in the lield by our friend Capt. Hreen 15. Samuels, warrant us in asserting that it is the lost breeeh-lojulinsr shot gun in the world. Tho simplicity of construction, tho easo -with which it can be loaded or unloaded, the facility with which the load can be changed from small to large shot enabling the sportsman, in an instant, to adapt his change to any sized game that may present itself the ease with w hich it may bo kept clean its availability to a country where noth ing but muzzle-lo:ulingamniunition can bo procured, all combine to recom mend it to every sportsman who can appreciate a perfect fowling piece. "Warren. Sentinel ;" (Front Hoyal, Va.) New Ho lie 'The fiilded Age,' Mark Twain's lastbook, is the best, on the whole, of all this humorist's efforts at book-making. To satin-, throughout, is very good. The hits at the follies of the tiine are original and inimitable. The book is sold by subscription, and cannot be procured otherwise. It is a prodigious success, and its sales are without precedent. Mr. 1). Wright is agent for this county for this popular book. Special Notice. Why suffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and loss of appet it, hn you enn, bv us ing iJr. Jli-nlfij'x cvfbrritfif I X I, UiKf): ef fect a perfect cure ; they are a pleasa nt and invigorat ing tonic, and endorsed und rec ommended by our most eminent Physi cians pis per c-rt itieates on each bottle)" lor all complaints of tho Iaver and Digestive Organs. As a family medicine they have bo equal. sVe advertisement in another column. CONFESSIONS OF AFi INVALID. Prm.isiiKD as a WAitNiNO and for the b-m-iit ot iorxd Men and otiifus who suller from NEUVOL'.S DF.IUblTV, I.oss OF M AN HOt ID, etc., ointinn out thr mran.i of srlf-cure. Written by Nathasikl M av FAIIt. Ksn. who eiiri-il li i m -1 f n 1 1 n n. i..w going considi-rabl..- quabkery. and mailed lr.-e on reci-iving a post-paid Unvoted enve lope, by the publish. -r, DK. JOHN M. DAG N ALL, It Clinton .Street, F.rooklyn, X. Y. OIlT.VfI.KS T .H.VKUI.IGK. Happy Tt.'li.-f for Young Men from tho -irect of Errors and Abuses in early life. M an hood restored. Imp'-dimeiits to Mar riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. P.ooksand circulars pr-Tit. free, in sealeil envelopes. Address, 1IOWAHD ASSOCIATION', No. U South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an In stitution having a high reputation for hon orable conduct and professional skill, novii :ly 13. V. I:L U G Jrl lH S VTOb'bD ANNOUNCE TO THE CITI y y 7."-ns of Oregon City, and vicinity, that h has purehaseil, litt.i-d up and li licit the. storj OPPOSITE THE FGSTOFFiCE, on Main Street, between Third and Fourth, O i eixo it O i t v. My stock consists of Drj--C;otln, Groceries ilardwarc, Crockery, (ilinfiwnrp, YanW Notion, Boots :inl Slxoes, 'lnt!ing, oc, which I will sell at the most 11 o ;i s; o n it llo 11 i i es. Call and examine mv stck and I will suit you. "p.. A. HUGHES. Oregon City, June litth, 1S71. NEW OFFERS ! SMEW IDEAS ! See the Grand Gifts jf Our Fireside Fririiil to its Subscribers. Eittircly now mill unprecedented, and so ill n -nill iitlerest every on-. ion miss it if yon don't send for sam ples ami full particulars wJiicli J ri se 1 1 1 free ! EE THE GREAT AVATCII CFFER ! OUR FIUIvSIDE EKIEVI is now In its Km n Vo!iimn, thoroughly estal'!i-lied as the leading family and story V:-ek!y in !he Union", has th" largest circulation, and the best appointed printing and pub lishing establishment and building i" tie West." Is a large eiirht-page illustrated and original family Weekly, price f t.Oa p-r year. Every subscrib-r receiver a magnificent pr-iuium and a share In the distribution, fjubicribr no' WE WANT AGENTS. V- want a representat ive in every neigh borhood. Nothing equals- it f. r agents, nolle or f.-mal , young or old. Istrrie Ctli ll'icft anrl a Sitprrb Outfit, exclusive ter ritory, which is rapidly tilling up. Mut apply at nnc. ssubserUv by s.-nding ?'l,o i, and rocive the pa-er one year, a magnifi cent t r unium, a shar- in the distribution, and rc-ivo also I-'kee a Com pl-t" Outfit, or snd for particulars. Name territory de sir -d In writing. Address WateksA Co., Publishers, Chicago, III. IMPERIAL IVil L L 3, SaTier, LnRocque & Co. Oregon Ci". Kp constantly on hand for salo Flnr Middlings, Blan and Chicken Feed. Parties jfurchasingfeed muct furni3bthe eack. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOPJJIA, Sheriffs Sale! B VIRTUE OF A DECREE ANT) EXE cution issued out of t he-Circuit Court ot the state of Oregon for the County of ' lactam as, to me dir?cted. in favor of D. I. Hannah, and against Wm. N. Holmes, S. J. tlensley and S. D. Holmes, lor the sum oi $l,ti92 5d (dollars!, gold coin, togeth er with costs of suit and disbursements; now, thcreiorc, I have levied upon the fol lowing real estate, to- it: The northeast I and the cast H of the northwest i of section I t, township south, range 2 enst, containing 21K) acres, more or less, in Clackamas County, Ore gon, with the exception of oue-haif acre of said land, on the center of which is located a saw nfill, and the half acre mentioned to b ot lour equal sides, and the center to he the exact center of said mill ; and on . Friday, tl 10tl day or July-, 1S7, at the hour of 10, a. m., at the Court House door in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, 1 will sell tho above described real -state, excepting said half acre, at public auction, to the highest bidder, lor cash in hand to satisfy execution, costs and accru ing costs A. F. HEDGES. Sheriff. June 12, 1ST1. : NOTICE rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD STATE -L that lie has apKjinted Frof. S. D. Pope to assist him tn the examination of all person s.applying for certificates to teach in the Uty School. THUS, t HA KM AN. t.'ity School Superintendent. - Oregon City, May 20th, 187 1. To School Tcaehcrs ! rpiIE NEXT QUARTERLY EXAMINA--L t ion of teachers for certificates to teach in Clackamas county will take place in this city, at tho Seminary, on Saturday, June irrth. at 9 o'clock, a. m. Applicants are required to furnish their own station ery. A. NOLTNKK. Countv School Supt. Oregon City, Juno lth. 1S71. td. 3JELLING OFF I SELLING OFF ! XII E 13IMEN.SK WIXTKIl STOCK OK BOOTS and SIIOES! : AT TIIE : Pacfic Boot & Shoe House. Corner First and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, Will be Closed Out for the Next Thirty Days At mid Less Than Cost. P It I C K St Ladies Kid Foxed Ilalmorals ; Misses' do do 'hildren's do do Men's Heavy Roots, Hoys' do Youth's do Childr.-n's Roots Men's Kip Hand-made custom o-soled Roots, Patridge's Slaughter Loots do Grain Hunting Roots Hibbard's Celebrated Hand-made French calf..'. Smith, Champlin tt Co. (Portland) Custom Fr.-nch calf Smith, Champlin A Co. (Portland) Custom American calf Men's best Quality Hunting do Am.-rican Riding do Ruckle Artie Overshoes do Alaska do do best quality Rubber do "! Women's Ruckle Artie Overshoes.!!..".'. do do do do Self-acting Rubber do Men's Kcrewd Rrogans do Pegg.-d do do California Calf, tap sole.."!!!!""". do do bulT calf, tap sole,.!!!!! marfi-tf 1 -o 1 25 1 00 'Z "5 2 00 1 50 1 00 5 00 4 00 1 50 0 50 C50 C 50 5 50 t; (Mi 2 (VI 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 25 1 00 L75 1 no 4 50 350 AT E- O- KELLY'S, MAIN STHKKT, OREGON CITY. .1 UfST A I? I ilVED, Ex John Ij. Stephens, DIFIEC7 F3CM SAN FRANCISCO, A i-'CI,L. STOC K OK MILLINERY GOODS ! MILLINERY GOODS! Iat-st styles ! Tallest Styles ! HATS and BOXNKT.S, Hats and Bonnets. Feathers and Flowers ! Featli3rs and Flowers! RIBBONS AND ORNAMENTS! RIBBONS AND ORNAMENTS! IN GUI' AT PROFUSION! IN GREAT PROFUSION ! IjADIEK, call and examine StocU and Price. I will le our endeavor to please all, as (o Quality ami Price. aprllitf GREAT SLAUGHTER! I X DEY-GOODS AND CLOTHIXG! PAPliC PRICES! A T The goods liav- been bought at PAXIC PKirKs and will be sold in accordance. Don't forg.-t calling before you lay in your sup; lies. Oregon l ity, March oi, 1ST1 .1 1 Lr. . PAIiKEK, (Rate of Portland.) Has opened an oftlc" in Hell & Parker's Drug Stor--, s regon City, and would r.-s-jiectfully solicit the patronage of the citi zens of th" to n and county who mav be In n"cd of medical assistance. U -sidencc at the li tT House. ,n ay j-t f DK. .TO HIV WELCH, DENTIST, OFFICE IX OREGOX CITV, OREGON. Monev ! Monov ! -fOXEY TO lEXD IX SUMS OF $.V)0 11 and upwards. Oregon City, March 10. 1374. raal'-itf JCHNSOi: & :rcC0"'ir. r THOMAS CHARM AN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Nimble Six Tcnce is Better titan a Slow I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED stock or GOODS OTcr before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as lollows : .. Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, . . Ilats and Caps, . ..... . riosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, I.adies and Gents'-Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Uope, Faming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings. Oil Cloth, Wall Pajjer. etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the M O S T COMP I. 10 T JO ever offered in this market, and wnsselotcd with especial care lor i he Oregon I at v trade. All of which 1 now otrer lor sale at the Lowest kYSarket Rales. Xo use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am licteriiiinl to Sell Vhrujt and not to allow mysell to b I'XBERSOLD I. TIIE STATE OF OREGOX. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements ol the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAKMAN cannot be beaten in qualMv or price. It would be useless lor me to tell vou all tin advantages I can otrer you in 'the sale ot goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Conir,nihl Slt.suhI Examine for Yonrxrlvrs for I do no wish to make anv mistakes. My object is to tell all mv old friends now that lam still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, lor cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. Til OS; eiiMciT w Main Htre.-t, Oregon City, Icga! Tenders and Countv Scrip taken at market rates. THUS. CIIAKMAX. BiT0,000 lbs wool wanted bv TIKIS. CIIARMAX. OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMED AT NOTICE I s ti i:. int. cooke, Will leave OREGOX CITY for PORTLAND every day Except Sunday,) at 7' o'clock A. M. Returning, will leave Portland for Oregon City at 2.Vs, o'clock, I'. M. Sti ALICE, Will leave OREGOX CITY for CORVALLIS every Monday and Thursday of each week. Sti DA'TOX, Will leave OREGON CITY for McMIXN VI LLP:, LAFAYETTE and DaYTON, and all points b.-tvM-en, every Mondav. Wed nesday and Friday of each week. leaves the Uasin at S o'clock, A. m., and connect ith the train at Ca,ncmah at !, a. m. rii". iviijAr Leaves OREiiOX CITY for IIARRISDURG and El'tJlOXE and all intermediate points every week. v. Enimio I'att on, Leaves OREGOX CITY for ALRAXY and all Intermediate points between twice ev ery week. J. D. lilLES, Agent. Oregon City, February, H, 1S71. Of the multitudes whose avocations restiet them to a sitting posture, more than two-thirds sulf-r from Const i at ion. lio they not know that an occasional resort to Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient would prevent all their niiserv? Its regu lating prope.-tl s are u n i ariilleled. For sale by all deal, rs In medicines. JOHN SGHRAfVi, Main St., Oregon City. MAMFAtTlRER AM) IMPORTER OF JMinies, Harness, WHICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS can be had in the state, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. warrant my goods as represented. 1,000 DEER SKINS W A IsT T E D, AND ALSO, -'i i7I1iERlCIXI,S OF "ES,FOR 4 '""ich I will pay the market Price In cash Lring on your hides and 1 g.-t your coin torthem. b-i- JOHN SCIIKAM. . . siilHe and Harness Maker. tJregon City, Oregon, July 11, 187:i-ra3. RECREATION! HEALTH! "Wilhoit Soda Sjriiigs ! THIS ESTABLIsnMEXT, SO CELF brated for the medical qualties of its watT, is again open for the r"C-ption of ptist. Thy ar reached In one day from either Portland or Salem. JOHN Wimorr, Frorritor. JusoM.ISTl. J'i5rc4. AVCTIIOZ axd commission: A. B. RICHARDSON, Aiietioiieers " Corrner or Front & CV sts., Portia Auction airs Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Iei chandise and Horses. SALE DAYS Wed ncFdnv and FaturdaJ' A. U. RICH AI?r SOX, Auctioneer. iUPihatcale. English Refined Tar and riindle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast -Steel, Horse Shoes, Rasps, Saws.scrc-w s,r ry-Pans, Sheet Iron, R. G.Iron. ALSO A large assortment of Groceries and Li-UOTrS- , l-o., A. R. RICHARDSON, Auclioneir. NEW OOOIS GOOD NEWS! PRICES R EDITED TO SOT TIIE TIMES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD ItAItAIAKt S. ACKER m AN & CO. IT AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE stock of SPRlKG&SimiER GOODS which they ofTcr CnEAPER TII AX TIIE CHEAPEST I " Ve would say come and convince your self before purchasingelsewhere. Ourvtoclc ciueltj In purl or Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Roots and Shoes, q Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer- les, Hard ware, and a great many other articles too numer- ours to mention ; also. Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty, etc., etc All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Good' ALSO Wool Wanted For which wc pny the Highest Prices. S. ACKEUMAX & CO. Oregon City, Octobe r Si, 187-tf. Final Stttlcincnt ! In the matter of the l artnership estates of rreuericK i nnrman, deceased. In thr Count Court of Clackamas County, o'dic oj .rrifoii: 4 RTHUR WARXER.ADM INTSTlt ATnn of the partnership estates ot Chnrman & llrother, and ( harman, Warner & C., having tiled in said Court his final accounts lor sett lement then ot, it was and is order ed that Monday, the sixth (lit h)day ot July, A. D., lSTi, be set aj art lor objec tions to said final account and lor the set tlement thereof with said Arthur Warner, Administrator. Ry order of said Court. ARTHUR WARNER, Attest: Administrator. R. F. CAFFIELD, County h rk. June 4th, 1S74. 5ju5w. Citation ! In tho County Court of the State of Oregon lor the County of Clackamas. In the mutter of the estate of Jacob Kandle, tlecetutrrt t ri0 TIIE HEIRS AND OTHER PER JL sons interested in the estate of Jacob Kandle, deceased. When as the dulj- ap pomted administrators ot said estate have tiled in said Court a i-etition praxingtoran order to sell a i art of the n al propert of said estate ; now, then-lore, In the name of the State of State of Oregon you and each of you are hereby persona il cited to a i ear in the . ounty t. ourtof Clackamas t ountv, t ate of Oregon, on the first Mondav in July, that being the Cth day ot July 1874. and the first da of the regular July term of said t ourt lor 1S74, then and there to show cause, if any exits, why an order of sale should should not be made as in said etition j rayed for; said land being described as follows : The south H of the southeast of section 32, in tovnship3 south, range 3 cast ol the Willamette Mer idian, containing SO acres. It is lurlli. r ordered that, a copy of this order be published in the Oregon C ity Ex TKRi'HiKE.the litigant organ tor Clackamas Count , Oregon. W. L. W HIT E. Attest : . County Judge. It. F. CAUFIELD, l. s. ounty Clerk. L. T. RARIN, Att'y lor Addminlstrator. AriiMimtrutor's Xotire ! In the matter of the estate of Alonzo Wells, deceased : "V'OTICE IS HEREF.Y GIVEN BY THE undersigned t hat he has been appoint ed bv the county Court of 1 laekamas C ountv. State ot Oregon, administrator of the estate of Alonzo Wells, deceased ; and that all persons having claims against the said estate are required to ires'-nt tho same to me, with the j roi-cr voucher, at th- office of 1 T. Barin, attorney-at-law, Oregon Citv, within six months iroratho date of this notice.ALi F v MATTOfWt ' Administrator of estaf of Alonzo Wes. I.?. t;ARIN. Attv for Adminirtra. Crvgcn City, Jyno ott 15. i. r o o O c G G O o G o o o o o o o o CD 0 O G o o o o o t . O