Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1874)
r; ' vi O o 0 O O O c C O o 9 S o i i i : t THE ENTERPRISE, OREGON CITV, OREGON, JAV Ijlb. Why Dick' Williams Should not be ' increase of the Judges' salary. What lilectcd. j an infamous pretension this is. Look We hope' no Democrat will forget j at tbe men the-v hav? nominated, and Lis duty on election day by voting j it is always better to judge what men for Mr. Richard Williams, for the ! have done than what thev profess following very important reason-if ; u m d ; h for no other. Oregon may, and per- i - , , . ' , , v , haps will, cut a large figure in the j -lbcals have nominated Bush ll election of the next President, son, the author of the fee bill for Everything point unerringly to the Clerk, and James Gingles, the man fact that a Radical Republican can- who LelongeJ to Wilson in tho Leg not be again elected to that, high of- . . , ... -fice by the free voice of the people. ' lsljiture d introduced the bill, for If a firm and true Democrat, who is Sheriff. This ought to be enough to mindful of the best interests of the ( convince anv one of the hypocrisy people, is not elected by the popular j of tL Iiacficai3. But let us go to vote.the election may be thrown into L. . c, . . , -n,..a , iTnnaa r,t Tii,toaf f Portland. Sol. Hirsh and Dae canse-more than two candidates will undoubtedly be in the field, and as it will be extremely doubtful if any one gets a majority over all the oth ers, the election in bound to be de cided by the House. How import ant it is then that Oregon should Btand on the side of reform, the only true Democracy. - The 'Senate Committee on Privi leges and Electons have agreed to report a change in the manuer of electing the President and Vice Pres ident. The change will allow each State to cast two votes and one vote for each electorial district, to be cast i in accordance with the wish of the Electors of said district. 'Oregon will have three votes two of them to be cast by our delegation in Con gress, consisting of two Senators and one Representative. If La Dow is elected there will be two Democrats j and iiaid money to secure the passage to one Republican in the delegation J of tI)'e bill This s1iows bow'eonsfs and the two votes will be cast for the I , . ,. . election of a Democratic President. ! Should "Slippery Dick" be success- ful Oresron will have two Republi- J cans and one Democrat in the conn- ; past aets mid not by what tileir or cils of the nation and her vote will J ans profess and promise what thev be thrown for a Radical for the Chief Executive office. This should not be, and we do not believe the people of this State will allow Mr. La Dow to be defeated. We should stand by our colors. w and Sound Opinions Senator Thurman has written an excellent letter to Mr. W. II. Arnold or Ca.liz, Ulno, detending ins course upon the currency onestion. "I am not," says the Senator, "an inflation- ist of irredeemable and depreciated paper currency. Had 1 been seek ing temporary popularity or unmer ited praise, and been willing to sac rifice mjr integrity ; and self-respect for such a purpose, I should have joined the inflationists. -I value as rnuch as any man ought to do the good opinion of my fellow-men, but x win not seeic it iy ways that my conscience nnd judgment condemn. The inflation that is about to take place may stimulate speculation for a time, and produce an apparent but counterfeit prosperity; hut unless history is false, the ultimate result will be widespread ruin and bank ruptcy." These are wise and sound opinions, and the frankness and courage with which Senator Thur man utters them an;3 acts upon them should raise him st il 1 iig:ier in the admiration of all vjoso esteem has any value. - English IIorsEKFErixo. A great amount of labor goe; in an English house to the duty find disagreeable task of preparing t-he fires, which squander so rapidlA our remaining stock of coal, ill an American house, where savin if labor has be come a pressing necTsity the troub le is minimized bv a simide arrancre- in-'tit. A single furnace is lighted,! and the rooms are warmed by hot ! air, which can be admitted orexclud- ed at pleasure. In England we cling j to the belief that our own plan, which means exposure to any num ber of cold drafts playing about our bucks as we toast our toes, and al lows us to pass through all climates between our kitchens and our gar rets, is healthier and more comforta ble. However that may be, it is clear ly more laborious. A similar prin ciple might be carried out in almost every department of domestic life. Cornhill Maynzine. A student iu one of the Xew York colleges was charged by the Faculty with having a barrel of ale deposted in bis room, contrary, of course, to rule. He received a summons to appear before the president who said:' "Sir, I am informed that you have a barrel of ale in vour room." "Yes, sir" "What explanation can you make?" "Why, the fact is, sir, my physi cian advised me to try a little ale each day as a tonic, and not wishing to stop at various places -where this beverage is retailed, I determined to have a barrel taken to my room." "Indeed! And have you derived any benefit from it?" Ah! 3-es, sir. When the barrel was first taken to my room, a few weeks since, I could scarcely lift it. Nyw I can carry it with the great est ease." This is what the Stafe Rights D"m ocrat says of the prospect in IVnton County: "Tho news from over the river is indeed cheering. "YYe under stand that tho 'Independent' spirit in leuton is gradually giving away since their State Convention, and ll .ill. . 1A , , i :.. x - mat ine ytuiuuao iiic letiiiiuug 10 their alletriauce uce. The county ticket y the Democratic Con- nominated L veutiou ou tiie 1Mb, is considered a very strong one ami has materially assisted in strengthening our party in old Benton." Dick Williams is only acting as the Attorm y of the Custom House Ring. The bargain was made be tween him and the King by which he was to get S2,XX) before he would allow them to use his name for Con gress. In case of his election, of which there is not the remotest possi bility, the money is to be repaid. Slippery Dick is smart enough u law yer to ask a handsome retainer before undertaking so doubtful a case. : - Ono of the Radical 'candidates for the Legislature from this county has only been here about two years, and a portion of his fariily are yet in Iowa. He is a sort of a preacher Vrt"r i his rt min, 'ir ' V:: What Consistency. The Custom House King claims that they are in favor of the repeal of the odious "fee bill," and also the i Powell, are the Radical or custom - . - , House ring candidates for the Senate. They both were in the last Legisla ture and they did rote for both these bills, and every other thieving act. John F. Caples is the nominee for the Lower House, and he was a mem ber in the last Legislature and did vote for both of these bills. So much for the members. W. H. Harris is the Radical nominee for County Clerk. This is the individual who paid Sam. Clarke, (the reformer) , $0 j to shuffle the fee bill on the top, and jit was done. J. M. Cavwood. the Radical or Custom House candidate for Sheriff. This fellow lobbied for the bill during the entire session. ltrui uieir pro- fessions for the repeal of these bilh Let the readers indoe men bv their will do. Ei; One great lion in the way of reformers is that they neglect to first reform themselves. A man must practice what he preach es in order to carry conviction with his teachings, he inut live up to his doctrines by acts and words. A man should not put himself forward for a pilot and live the life of a eastawav. ! Larnestness and sincerity are the j greatest and most essential elements j in-all good and great reformers. A ! man mav have the genius of a Mil ton, the learning of a Johnson, and the eloquence of a Pitt, and yet if he carry not into the hearts of his listen ers the conviction that he is sincere in his teachings he might as well talk to the bare walls. Coi'ntv .7riuE. Col. "W. L. White, the) nominee for County Judge of tliis county on the Demo cratic ticket, has been a resident of Oregon over twenty years, is a man of excellent abilitiesfor the position, and is at present the incumbent of that oflice. lie has thus far made a ! most excellent Judge, and discharg- j ed the duties of his oflice to the en- i tire satisfaction of the eo)le Let i the voters of Clackamas elect him to the position for which he has been placed in nomination. Camimiell, the candidate of the outside llepublicans for Governor, in his speech at lloseburg, is said to have read a list of those who have managed to get their fingers into the School Fund. It turned out that nearly every name read was that of a man who has joined the Independent organization, and poor Campbell's j list cost him some twenty or thirty j votes. If he reads that list when he j gets to .Salem he will probaldy lose one of the only two daily papers that now advocate his election. Tolmax at Eugene. Tolman de nied ever having won a dollar ou'n horse race. But he failed to explaiu how he John Phu-nixed Eugene about ten "years ago, when he beat the "Thompson filly" and didn't leave "nary a single red cent" in town.rduard. The same paper also says: Tolman would make an excellent presiding officer for a Jockey Ciub i meetiukO'tit ho would cut a sorry I figure as Governor of a State. His bar room slang would bo sadly out of place. The Democratic Representative ticket for this county is composed of men who are all identified with the welfare and interests of our county and State. They are worth- men, all farmers and men of good sound judgment, just such us should repre sent the county in the Legislature. They will discharge their duty faith fully and honestly. Let every Dem ocrat see to it that they are elected. 11,.,,- IT.. T1.. . -r V'"11- . I'Ol- i'iciluci, in iiauiatiii"; to ins hearers the sentence, "The harvest is over, the season is en led nn.l r,.,- i soul is not saved," nut it: "I) my has been cribbed, tlere ain't corn j more work, und tie uebbil is still an v j foolin' wid tlis community." T. . iT; " T ' " '"-1-l". u,llt'"W that lol- j infill t ha i, hn.i s.. n .1 : V i . r . " --.uuiuaie ior Liov- ernor, is unlit for the place and that Le is the laughin stock of the o"" oojc-u, oi iue neo- pie nerever ne lias entered appearance. . i - ..... ... . i an AV it , , " I u . .uoieianu. the nominee for ! rMiritf Srhnl i ..v. ..Hjn-uuieunent is a practical teacher, well qualified for the. position, and is not like his op ponent, a pot-house politician. More IU-jiors. The -report is re vived that Attorney General Will iams will succeed Minister Jav at Vienna, and Mr. Bristow of K v. will take, the Iaw Department. Gen. John B. Hood, of the late j v onieoeraie army , uas now been married about five j-ears, and is the father bf seven children, by his wife Her Fifth Wixtjek.- The model woman lives in Des Moines. She is now getting her fifth Winter out of the rnnto bonnet. Another one of Thein. Dolph, proxy of the Custom House and State Senator from Multnomah, whose speech has been printed, (no doubt with Custom House corruption funds,) and circulated through tht State is a sweet-scented thing" to preach corruption. This fellow, aa attorney, who ought to have known that the present fee bill is nothing but a robbery, voted for the act, and also for the increase of the salary bill. These Radical bushwhackers are of the kind that befoul their own nests. That fee bill has taken more money out of the tax-payers in this State during the past two years than the entire cost of the State Adminis tration, excepting the penitentiary 1 1 .1 1 FT T T ana uie asymm expenses. ine Jeg islature created the expenses, and their cheek to hold the Governor re sponsible for their acts is certainly refreshing Chf.eky. The Radicals are charg ing the Democracy with all the in famous legislation passed by the last Legislature. The hypocrisy of this charge is appatant when the reader knows that in the Lower House the Radicals had 15 majority and thus passed all 'the thieving acts the peo ple complaiu of. Democratic Platform. The following platform of principles j was adopted by tho Democratic State Convention at Albany last Wednesday : I 1. We declare our unfaltering ilevo- tioii to the Constitution of the "United j States and to the Union of the Slates thereby established, ;;nd weatlirni that the people of the several States have the sole and exclusive rihL of govern- i nig themselves as tree, sovereign and ! independent States, subject only to the j limitation of the Constitution, and that I all powers not herein expressly grant ! eil to the National Government, are ! reserved to the States respectively, and I we denv Ine right ot toe l eileral (ov- j ! eminent, through the treaty power, to j j permanently domicile M oiigolians with j 1 111 any State wiuioia ine concern oi mc Ijeui.-l.iture thereof. i -i. We affirm that the greatest danger with which we are now threatened, l i the corruption and extravagance which exist in high oiticial places, and we do : deelare as tn ic cardinal jiriucijdi; of our future political actum that retreiurn- meiit, economy and re ion n are imper ' itivclv demanded in all the irovern- mcnts of the people. Federal as well as j State an I Municipal, and we hereby , proclaim ourselves the uncoinproiiiis- iny; Iocs of the salary-irrah law line; ! ; politicians and laud monopolists, who- ever they may be and wherever they : may be found, whether they are in or I out Of oil;ce. and we appeal to honest ' men everywhere, without reran! to i I past p;uty alnluitions, to join us in j branding "as they corrupt i leeches on the body politic and assit us to p'.trti'e oilieial stat ions of their un wholesome and baneful presence. The present Fed -nil Administra tion, bv its utter inability to eoinpre- i bend the dijruity or responsibilities of 1 the duties with 'which it is charged, by ! its devotion to personal and partisan interests, by us weak mi l inconsistent management of the National finances, by its unwarrantable interference witli the local self-Li'ovcrii meut of the people by its support of the corrupt govern nie'nt.s which it has imposed bv its pow er upon several Slates of the I'nioli. bv . its complicity with corrupt practices and scandals' in various 1 1 1'lart'-rs. and y lbs appointment of notoriously in- comneier.l men to nrii omcnii pos:- ' tioii. h:t jiTtly i'l'i'U-c'iL u;on itst condemnation of t!c American 1 if ! lie ; 'olile. : . That tii- persistent interference i by Federal ollicials in local elections, . and the use of larue sums of money to i defeat I he voice of tiie people through j the ballot-box, deserves and receives i our .severest condemnation. .". That rpo rat ions are the ereat : ns of law, their franchise and privileges 1 are granted to subserve the public in- j tercsts. and when these are used, not to subserve the object 'of their creation, j but for purposes of oppression and ex- j toition. we declare it to be the i iulit and duty of t he legislature to control i sue!; eorporat ns. . That we favor speedy retrirn to ! specie payments, just and equal taxa- I tioii for support of Federal and State ' goveriMii-'iits, and that we are op- i posed to all discrimination in the as- . sessmeiits of Federal revenue for the ; purposes of protection. 7. That the free navigation and ini- : provoment of the Columbia river, the ! construction of a breakwater at Fort 1 Orford, the improvement of the 'o- ' quille and Willamette rivers, and the ' construction of tin Portland, J'allcstv" ! Salt Lake It lilroad, are improvements ! demanded by the commercial inle- i rests of this 'State, and that the Fede- ! ral ( ioverument ought by all proper! j means to assist tueso measures: tnat ! i we are in favor of the bill now before ! ' Congress, trenerallv knows as the j j Poriland, Dalles and Salt Fake Rail- ! road bill, and wo also favor theearlv I completion of tin t,ri,1;l JV1''':1.1" regon and Cali the southern boun- larv of tie' Stab S. That we disapprove all measures j I in the interests of capitalists and mo I nopolies against labor, believing that I distinctions, if distinctions be made. should lie m tavor-.ot the laboring! class who constitute the mass of our ! citizens, the producers of the wealth j and prosperity oi our country. We i therefore approve of the declared prin- cinles, and synipatiii.e with the avow- i ed object of the organization known as j the Patrons of Husbandry, and with I those, of all other orders having for tiieir object retrenchment and reform in public alVairs. and the social ad- j vancemciit of the people: that we are j opposed to a monopoly in the onblic-i- j tioii and sale of books used in the com- ninii schools of this State, and we are ! in favor of amending the existing laws ih relation to such, so as to take away from the publishers of the Pacific Coast series of readers and spellers the special i.riviUveM iu relation tiiereto which t!ie- now eniov ft. 'I h it weare iii favor tree trade and direct taxation. 10. That the act relating tb the tees ot .sherilis and clerks oiiLrht to be so " amended either by making such odi 1 ! ees salaried, or by t!:e fees now m.i ke itlached to the same, as shall the compensation received by such .illicers a fair remuneration and nothintr more for the services required ! of them. Tliat the" Constitution be so ! amended that all iiriiitiiijr for the State after tli expiration of tiie term of the State Printer in office, when such amendment is passed, shall be provi de! f ir bv letting the same to the low est responsible bidder. That we are in favor of the repeal of the Litigant Act. 11. Tint the onlv legitimate object of irovernmetit is the protection of its citizcnsm tiieir lives, liberty and prop ertv, a: id tiie pursuit of happiness; that to accomplish this end direct means only should bo resorted to ; that the i;ood resulting from a departure from this rule is temporary, the evil lasting. We are, therefore, opposed to the State engaging in the purchase, leasing or speculating in property of any kind, except such only a-s is nec essary for conducting' the ordinary functions of the Government. 11. That we favor the immediate con struction of a good and serviceable wagon road along the south bank of river, from the mouth ot .Sandv river to the lalles. fi. That the compensation of all of ficers shoul 1 be only such a will be a just remuneration for their services. 11. That we are in favor of Comrres- sinal aid for tiie construction of the Portland. lVilles and Salt Lake Kail road, and for continuing the Oregon Central Railroad froru St. Joseph to i Junction r'itv. - I -9 COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY T i TIXTVRP.TTY m? riTTrnmT. I OHAS. EL CTXFIJilLI), DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. . CORKER OF SEVENTH AND , Has Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Brown and Bleached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laees and Insertions, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ac Alo, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys Which have bee selected with special cure for thin market and runnot , BESIRPASSED IX QUALITY OR PRICE. THIi HIGHEST MAHKiyr PKICH PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE, March 13, 1873 :tf No bi-tter evidence of the effi ciency of Dr. J. S. Coleman's Compound Extract of Eucalypt us can be desired, than the lolloping su m niary of cases, treated 'with this remedy alone, by that emi nent physician. Dr. David W'oos- 'ff!Mi i the U. S. Marine Hospital, isan Fran cisco, reported in the August Mo. (IST'J) Pa- eitic .Med. Jour. uoL-utex uur- itnr- I ctl oveU. Hemittent Fever hills and Fever Typhoid Fever liitlamation ot Kidneys liinr.'tis Incontinence of Urine... Stricture Intlauiatiou of Hladder I'.iennorrhagia Disease of the Heart .. ..19 ... !) .. 4 ...10 ... A ... ..'27 5 l't y 7 3 4 Si 10 "i 9 15 3 7 4 ! 1" 0 D.vs-ntery I'hronie Iiarriica (ioij'rrha;a Dropsy T;0 Kor sale KOV IS THE TIME TO SUI2SCHIISE TOR 15F1 Em SI! &2 ;jO PKI YMAI lt PA YAP LE. IN ADVANCE. Kach number contains the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, From all Parts of the World ; A Carefully Selected Summary of STATE AM) TERRITORIAL NKWS ITEMS; A Com-ctid IJKt of the Murkrl in ! Porlliind, S;m Franeisro andOrrun City; LOCAL MVS, EDITORIALS, On all Subjects of Interest to the FARMER, MERCIIAM OR MECHAMf. Also, Carefully Selected m i s c r: i J. . v m :o us it i a i ) i c ; . In Short, It is in J-Jvery Kcspoct a LIVE NEWSPAPER.- TOE EXTERPKISK Having1 a large and constantly increasing Circulation in the most populous part of the State, offers superior inducements to those who wish to Advertise. Advertisements Inserted on REASONABLE TERMS. Tho Campaign of 1ST! will soon begin, and it is therefore a good time to .Subscribe in order that you may be posted on currant events. Hend in yoursubscriptlon at once WILLIAM SINGER JfA YB ESTABLISHED M-k n cnrTiiwv .,: H r H U I U 11 I FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, A"I JIOl'LDIXGS OF ALL SIZES. They will also. do. Turning of every de scrlptiou to order WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH I R"A1' work warranted. Shop on the ",VCU,JP C4tv "-!?. Itiver, in Lewis Stoop Opposite Oifiron MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITY Completely corroborative of the sUP5 siimmury or Dr. ooster, are the vvei-K reports of tho exeeriments with ilSc Kuenlyi tus by Dr. txjrrimer.of ISer- jj4 mi, Frussia, and Dr. KeelT, hii Physician of the Austrian Hallway Co., published in the American Medical Journal, July, 1S72. It will Ih? found very efficacious in obsti nate eases of Dyspepsia,' I'.ronchitis, Hack ing Cough, Chronic Sore Throat, Lcueor rhea, etc., and in nausea during pregnan cy. Dr. Coleman' Double Kxtraet f KuealyptvM is a social preparation fr t tie t reatmnt or lvr and Aiiiruc, and is tVurrniitcii tt t'ttr' evry eas treated according to directions, wit liout the injur ious results of the usual (juinine and nr- senicai r -nvili.s for that disease. Also pur-Huld Extract of Eucalyptus, Inoni' ixMind bottles, iir ehvsieians' use. liewari' of imitations andtalc- none but Coleman's. everywhere, and by Charles L-uigley A Co. Agents San Francisco, 30maylS7.JyI. M K Ii C 11 A -V 1) I S li . IGOOD-NEWS! TRICES KEDUCED TO SJ. IT THE TI.1IES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD C H AVI ,rriT m-x'KivKo a imuik stork of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS which they ofTer CIIF.ArKU TIIAX TIIE CHKA1'KT! We would say come and convince your self before purchasingelsewhere. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Stapli liry (loods. Clothing, i Hats, Hoots and Shoes, Ladies nnd Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer i e 8, Hard ware, and a great many other articles too nuincr ours to mention ; also, Doors, Windows, ' Glass and Putty, etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods A Jj S O Wool "War ii tod For which we pay the Highest Prices, S. ACKEHMAN & CO, Oregon City, Octob?r3I. H73-tf, ' NEW YORK HOTEL I (DeutfchcjQaflhaus."t j No. 1? IYont. Str"e. Opposite tlie Mail Steamship Landing, j POHTL.VXD, OREGON. 1 1LR0TRF0S, J. J. WILKEXS, Praprit-tors. i j n&ard "? Week x n , Hoard t .-ek with Lrxlging .. 6 0 j Board " Day v....... i o y. H. IIIGHFIELD. E(alUsieI Hlnce '49, at the old stand. )l;iin .Street, Orp-rou City, Oregon. tf7 An assortment of Wathes, .Tewl-C-Pa rT,,and Thomaif Weight Clocks fL'. . al 1 of which are warranted to be as repr'sentd. w'w111015 m short notice, and MBR CIIA N D I SE. JOHN MYERS, OREGON CITY. DEALER IN DIIY GOODS, GKOCEKIES, liOOTS and SHOES, IIAPtDAVAIJE, CIIOCKEHY. AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the liighest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE. 1 will sell as low as any house in Oregon for C.jfill OH ITS EQ VI VA LE.XT n Good Merchntable Producr.J I nm selling very low for CA823 I3AX3. jijGive me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYEUS. Oregon City. March 21, 1S73. ENTERPRISE BOOK 8c JOB OFFICE OTiEGOX CITY, : OUKdON. WE AUK PUKPAUED TO EXECUTE t all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as CAE VS. ItlLL-HKADS, I'AMniLinS, DEEDS. MORTGAGES. LABELS. L K TTEli-HEA D S, in fact all kinds of work done a in Printing OfMce, at PORTLAND PRICES. A E Ii Iv I N I S O P LEGAL BLANKS constnntlyon hand, nnd for ttulo at as low a price aa can be had in the .Sts,te, Work iSolictctl A N D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oiian CUy. March 21. lS73-tf. ' Arout lr0 pounds of lonp; prim er, of which this is an impression. ILis heen u uso but a short time, ; .?ooa work. Price 25 cents p Ih, ' either tied up or in cases cases extrji. also, , A 8ina.ll font of Nonperiel of which this is an impression. Price 35 cent n. As good as new. There is enough to set about one column of this r-arr sclirl. Ad'trpssttin efiw. , WAGON AMD CARRIAGE 32 A K IT FACTOllY ! rriiri.' rTIiPI!Cii?vt.t. X having increased thedi- ryJ? P mensions oi nis premises, at the old stand on the Corner or Main and Third Strt, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of informing las old r trons, and as many new ones as maybe pleased to call, that he is now i.npuVf a with ample room, jood matt-riiils, ai.u'h.' very best of mrclianics, to tuihi hiu-w r--coiistruot, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle irom a common Cart to u Concord Coach. Jry BIn-kmit hinr. Horse or Ox KJioIii o- and General Jobbing ncatlv, rjuicklv anil cheaply done. JjAVJL fciii'j H. LOREGON CITY ERLWERV. . llenry IlumlicI, H avixg rrnriiAS- jlfuti'-'J ett tne aoovc I.rew- S!S ery wishes to iniorm the j i.Luc that is now prepared to manul.ictur a No. 1 qual ity of . 1 LAG Jill BE Ell, as good as can be obtained anvwhero in the state. Onl. rs solicited and' irmitlv filled. 13 A. G. WALLEKG'S PIONEER ECOK BEKEftRY. Pittorh's liiiildinjj Corner of Stark Q a lid t'rimt Streets. PORTLAND, - - CRECCKJ, BT-ANK Ponies HL'I.Kl) AND rOUND to any k sir d pattern. i use books, jugazim-s, New sj.r crs. rtc, t nii,d in ev ery variety of style known to I he trrade. Orders irom the untry roiuptlv ut tendedto. THE PARKER GUN. 5END STAMP FOR CinCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MER1DEN.CT. "ACE. MS Mitt HIE EMLLFMSE. The following j cr.-ons are Authorized to. act as agi uts Ior the l-.Mi liPi'.i&K : Geo. P. liowr 11 ,t Co., 4U I'ark How, New Yrk. C''-, V-thcrill-& Co., U07 Chestr.iit street Ai-Ix lt fc Co., No. b2 and M Njisss;u street,. Nev. York. Port lami.On ;;()'. I . ?a m i:el !S:in l'r:i ncisco St.IIcl. ns. rohiinl ;a; Astiri:, Cl:it-p (lii.t Sal. -ii ll.-irrist in;. - 1 Ji'.:iy tti-, iilnlnii couiitx ... t '! 1 i i 1 : C- ( 1 P. I-isI.ei- .. S. A. ii!cs . V: i; 1 usf n I.. lllliili.s J.I!, until ... .1.1 .l- ri.aon ....1 :i t 1 ioi lin s P. 1 cty .... K. 1 1 an i-a . A.W i;; Oalh.s, Polk coi.n! v..... Eol: JackMiiiviif pi'iiton oiii.t (irv:illi lioi l':ii;y:ii e y, . ; i.t All-anj" I:tll'S, S!!-C. CI.1.1.IV, I.jKJraiHi', l iiioii coui.ty.... . .! l.l; 1 l;ri: 1 1 .V. . H. I r.yvll ...A. . Arnold N. H...s,ts- ..... A. . ( th - ton. I me.lii'a coui.iy. ... t-. '. Kcr.i EnuoiH- Oity .. llosi-l i:r;- I.el.nnoe .lacksonvil!'"- Long Tom CLACKAMAS Pcavi r Creel- Puttcvillc Cascade Can by Outl in;:"? v Easrle Cr- k lianiiim's , I .'iiver M ol:i 1 !: Mi lv :u:ki.. ( islci-(i i .) . .M . i ii t n; j. ? on ( I-'. 1 . 1 r:l s Ii-:i. ! . V. I aiie !'.'!. .A' ! trUi: t .1. P. 1 a Uton ll. r . I-'. I: Poiu'ray 11. C. H oil (Ol'MV. i '. I-'. Pcflti" iol.l: i.nnuilt IW-nry Ur.gin .I.'W. StnivH-rG 1'. ricl.t 1 ra ti k Kn.vl it Capt. (". Norton V. '. re-aiui ....Jo;hi! Ilari iil - rgr- John 1 ole V. H. Vmiyliar, - Upper Molalla BEST TDHiO ill 05E. These Hitters Io not only dis fiiifitish tiemsefres Ii tltei r jia vor ami monadic odor above all others teiierally used, but are at the same time an ereelleut tonic (uhI an ejtfcacioiis stimulant to CJrvitc the. appetite. . Then are prepared from the most, choice and u-holcsome herbs and roots, mid have fiven .universal satis faction wherever tried. Thous ands of dtspeptics have found relief throurh their use, and physicians recommend them for the cure of all diseases of the Blood and Liver, ami tr regularities of the digestive ort tins. Headache, Eiliousncss, and Constir-' tion, General Debility and loss of appetite, are all caused by (he derangement of tho Stomach, Eiver and other functionaries ot the system. Tho IXL Bitters have been successfully nscd and arc warranted to Alleviate tho sufferer In all tho above cases.. in srl.txs; ioxrll othrr than the 'jenninn article out of our bottles it felo"l 7iul tec will u hen d tevtxl, prosecute sucfk ixirties to the full erlcnt of the late: Read Physician's Certificate on each Lottie. Every family should have than in the house. Sold cicryirherv. IT. CO., Sole Proprietors, J"o. 5JS Front St., San Ernneisco, Cat. Wo are also the maniifacl tirera Of Jill. IIEALEY'S IlKt;l"L.ATOK. a purgative mlltl nnd eflrclttef a purely vegetable tampoioid) and. In everv wy mipertor pills. Ao Astnta Tori lie celebrated brud of LONDON HOVAL PAJL.M GIN. a specific for (he ULADDEUand KID KEYS. TO LET. fiHE ROOM FORMERLY OCCUPIFT' X astheCouneil Chamber, In Dr. T hes ing's brick buildi nr. Apnlr atthis p?'"' G- V f D e o 4