Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1874)
o o -J G THE EfiTERFR leasts OREGON CITV, OREGON, MAY lith, 1S71. Public Speaking. The candidates lor ofllce in Clackamas County will address their fellow-citizens at the following time and places shaking to commence at 1 o'clock, p. m., except at Oregon City and Oswego, at which places It will begin at "H. P- ni. : Sprtngw.-Ucr. Crawford's school house, Mav 15th. Harding's. Tracy's. May lfith. lleaver Creek, at Graham s church, Mon dy. May 13th. Outing's, at Cuttingsville. May 19th. Upper Molalla, at Jtubb's store. May 20. Marquain's school house. May 21st. liower Molalla, Camp Ground, May 22. Canby. May 23. Pleasant Hill, Seeley's School House May 'A Tuilatln, Bird's School House, May 2C. Gs-.-go. May 27. Milwaukle. May 2S. Marshflold, May 29. Oregon City, at the Court House, Moy 30. Independent Ticket. A convention of Independents was held in this city last Saturday, and a ticket placed in the field, as follows: Senator, W. A. Starkwater; Kepre Hntatives. J. W. Cochran, Jos. Younr, ii 0. Ramsbv, George Strickler; Shei lif lieinan S liuck ; Clerk, .S. Jj. Ste vens; Count V Commissioners. I,. D. C. atourette, Isaac Frost; Treasurer, l)'r II. VV. Iloss ; School Superintend ent V. VV- Moreland; Assessor. John Thomas; Coroner, Hiram Straight. The a!ove ticket embraces some very good and substantial men. Mr. Stark water is known to 1 a man of good abilities, and lias heretofore been a firm Republican; Messrs. Cochran and Ramsby are both Republicans and Mr. Strickler has acted with the Demo crats since 17'J, but is not : partisan. Mr. JoxepU Youuj has been a Demo crat. Tnc candidate for Sheriff. Mr. II. S. Iiuck is a firm and reliable Re publican, and has acted with that iarty tip to within the past two weeks. Not two weeks ai;o he was run and elected bv that wrty as city Assessor and Col lector, and we presume lie was in sym pathy with that pnrty up to t ho time he r -.vivid his nominaiion. ,. He is a i;ood niin for Rcpublieaiis, who can't stand fio Kinj n-.inineo, t vote for. Mr. Stevens is also a Republican, he has m my friends amon the Republicans and will protiably ;et more votes than ths Rin nominee- for that position. The nominee lVr County Jude, Win. Mtreland, was a candidate for llie same po-titioii before the Democratic Conven tion, and we believe him to lie too hii;h minded to accept a nomination from that or an y other source after having participated in a former Convention .in 1 beiny: defeated. He is probably jIaced on thn ticket to catch Democrat ic votes, and not with any expectation t fleet him. The Coiiuty Commis toners are both Rcpu! 1 irans, and Mr. Is. D. Ijataurette is ridiiitr two horses, lie professes to lio an Independent, vt has received ami accepted the nom ination of the Rim; Convention. lr. Ross, t!u Independent nominee for Treasurer has professed to Lie a Demo crat in t!ie past. W. W. Moreland, tlie nominee for School Superintendent, is tho Democratic candidate for the same 3 offl-'O. He was called upon to explain whether In- endorsed the movement or not, when lie told the convention that ho could not say that lie did. Where upon quite a little stir was created, as K:tion of the convention desired to endorse the Radical nominee. A ballot was taken finally, and Mr. Motel an I wa ; endorn- l over his Radical oppo nent, S. i. l'oK-. Mr. Thomas, the nominee for Assessor, has liceu a Dem ocrat, and has led, I the same ollice be fore. Dr. Siraiirht, the nominee for 'tjroiier, is also the candidate m the Democratic ticket and has tuisyni oat hy with the movement. The Doctor is a Democrat, and exnects to be elected iiis .so -h. The nominations. .;i the whole, are much better than the Radical ticket. V. N t r. iit a l n m a N r. The entertiiin incnt veiven at I'opt.-'s Hall last Thurs d.iy evening for the benefit of the M. K.Chureh.was a jrrand success. The hall was well idled and everything passed tr to the entire satisfaction of the au dience. Tin; tableaux were beautiful, mid some were indeed most excellent. Tse opening chorus was well rendered. Kil l in fact all the sinu;inir was rcceivcu with applause. The "Three Jollv lt,ys," sunir by Messrs. . and 1'. ll. Hatch. W. Il.l'opeand Kodney Tomj- xiis, was ricli. and eiictcil rotimls ot Hp'4il.nse. W'e have not space to speak i each sincer in particular, but will Mtatethat they were all excellent. Tic re.idinsC ijy Prof. Macruni was excel lently rendered,- but the piece was cii tiridy too lon for the occasion. The re:. lim; by Mrs. Laltocquo was rich, Aril she personated Miss Malony on tho Chinese question to ierle.ctin, and received rounds of applause The en tertainment was a success in every par ticular, and it is to bo repeated next Thursday evening, witJi a change of lri gr.iiiime, when we have no doubt a f ii 11 house will I Hi in attendance. We ild surest a slight ehamre in pr- niue. Let there lie a little more ot onue. Sentimentality is very tood i change, hut too much ot if ire Ik iiie to an audience andafter sitlinr iK time they like to Kt oil a good tv lati 'h. ' WUh tliis change, the LTtainnient will meet all tastes. ' -iitEN'ADED. Governor Grover and M. V. IJrown, Esq., candidate for State Printer, were serenaded by the Oregon City Rrass Rind at theClitF House last Monday evening. The Governor was tirst called for, when he appeared and addressed the crowd in a lew nppro- priaiu reuiarKs, .saying mat me 1 emoc raey was not dead, that it had its orizin witsi tlie Constitution and must end witn it. He cited the f;i-t that the rn State.s had but lately spoken in em phatic tones as to its U-ing a living and triumphant party in the nation. At Hie cloio the, crowd gave three hearty ctiterii for Gov. Grover and the Demo cratic ticket. Mr. Itrown was called for; ami made a few appropriate re marks, and told the .story of the old Geiman, who he said was like the Re publican party. Thev found fault with Mver s administration, found corrut- uere, there and evervwhere anA Init was proved that "the charire.s I" false, the inrrm.t;,.,. ....... further off. and tinallv thev "didn't t Y"htTc , " tPd. " I lo retired aiu.ust loud cheers and applause. Anncal Election. The following ofLjcrs and committees of the Firs Congregational Church, were elected Mrs J.D. Miller m;: of .l-. ?,";,n. J. W iMitrr. ji INSTALLED. The- foJlowinu- r,fi-.. of Willamette Lodge, N'o. 15, 1, o G T were installed by Peter Paquet, L. I" last .Saturday eveninc V r. r..'..i' "' J r - - - J ,M 1 1 .1 1 n TirANKs.-Mrs. Wrn. DrouhTon will oa our thank, for a fine lot 1 I.IP):1 ..WJJ.P ir- the ensuing year ending Mav 1st YJ.;, at a Church meeting last week : ij,ieoii. James Wilkinson; Clerk T l" A?c?r; T?urer. Walter Pish.' Vi 1 J V (,ommue : Deacon Jas. Wilkin 41 Vr ;I;,AAM-;V""-alter Fish. - a a . i m'i nu' i ts a r m i ..jonnson Mm s; t . rv nod,rass. M. K. IVrrin," Va Mron" Mrs. Parsons. Committee nr. r. -1 "torhnr,!, and Sun, iy sXn T hillock. H. Cochran and Mi. V Alice Hnnsaker Katie W C T.; Irs. Jennie ClaVk: KXf'. JVilHJ'-M Sentinel; Rev. m! v, of Portland, offers Guild, Church & Co., celebrated "1'arior ra vorite" 7 octavo rosewood pianos, with carved leSa and new patent ntToror pavable bv nist illment. lho "Parlor Favorite" constitutes a rrs?ct uuxuo in everv decree, fullness, sweet ness, singing quality and power oi tone, beauty and durality. The Onward. This little craft be longing to Capt. J. D. Miller and C. P. Church of this city, started on her route from Portland down the Colum bia on Monday last. She is maned by the following" crew : Captain, J. Thaver; Clerk, Jos. A. Miller; Kugin eer.'Thos. Smith ; Fireman, Prank Col lard; Mate, Harry Wilson. Coitxty Canvass The candidates for county offices commenced the can vass at Rock Creek last Tuesday. We learn that Peter exhausted himself in one hour and a half, and that he says nothing even in that length of time. Mr. lieatie holds him level, and knocks the sand from under him. Ok the seventeen voters who partici pated in the Independent Convention last Saturday, two were Democrats and the rest Republicans. That is a fair proportion of those who take Indepen dent stock in this county. The Sheriff informs us that he will publish the delinquent tax list in a few days and those who have not paid their taxs wi.l do well to call and settle up, as thev will thereby save costs. Called. We had a call from Hon. Richard Williams last Friday. Gov ernor Grover, M. V. Drown, Esq.. and J. C. Moreland, gave us calls last Mon day. Pkofessiosa i.. Our readers will find in this issue of the paper, Dr. Par ker's card. The Doctor proposes to permanently locate in this city. Daily. We are in receipt of the Daily Guard, published at Kugeno Citv. It is a live paper and full of Democratic news tor tho campaign. TiKTTEit L.IST. The following Is a list of the Iietters remaining in the Post-office at Oregon City, May 15,174: Erie's, J W Laclar Capt Henry lieebe, Alb'T P (2) McKeliney, 1) 'rmn-llv. John Melin. Kulrcne Crawford, i lcm m ie Nequally 'hurley Coadra, Arm Nichols, Alfred Gish. J H M Uav, Millie. H:idloek,.MisLillieStiieiibcrEa I llines, Mrs G Kec'y Grange No. 40 Harrington, Mrs C Traeey, Samu'1! Hallock, Win J Williams, James Jon-s, Sarah K K Wvauf, Isaac Knotts, Mrs A V Wilson, Klizabcth If called for, ple.asesav when "adver tised." J. M. RvcoN, P.M. Let it be Ucnicmbcred. We trust the people of Clackamas county will recollect that through the Radical party, in 1870, the Railroad Company managed to get rid of pay ing its just proportion of taxes, and that the county lost a large sum of money by the transaction. While Mr. 1'razcr was not the party diroet ly at fault, it is well known that ho was the chief of the Cour4 House clique, and his counsel and advice was gi-ncnilly taken. That ha was indirectly counected with this job in behalf of the R ailroad Company, there is not the slightest doubt. The same clique is now asking the voters of this county to reinstate them in their former positions, so that thsy can serve their masters the great corporations which hold the Radical party in their hands, and which has, nominated their present ticket, and through whoso i ilnence they expect to elect it. Let the vo ters of Clackamas county remember this fact on the lirst day of June, and' place in office men who are with the people and owe no allegieuce to any corporation. Is That (ood Authority t 1 In his speech at Portland, Gov. Grover read a letter from Judge M. P. Deady, one of the Codv.- Commis sioners, in which Deady states that he had examined the manuscript of the new Code, and that the law in controversy was unchanged and still in force. Governor (haver said he was content to rest his case on the opinion of Judge Deady. We ap prehend that the people will also be willing to rest the case there, and that Tohnan and his duped followers will have to write themselves down as donkeys, or keep on lying out of the dirty scrape their would-be law ful adviser got. them into. Tohnan says he is a natural lawyer. Whv, he ha 1 better put himself down as a natural ass. 'lhat was the verdict of every sensible man who heard him in this place last Monday. Our readers will remember that the office of County Clerk was contested in 18(58 by the Democratic candidate, atd it will also be remembered that J. M. Frazcr, the present Radical canoioate toon to the mountains to avoid legal service, and thussueceed ed in holding on to the office for vir tually four years. The Radical Sheriff con teste.l Mr. Myers' election, and in the trial it was shown that the democrats had been swindled out of enough votes to elect nearly their entire ticket. Wjll the people en dorse mis candidate and his acts at the coming election.? The Covrt Hoise Mobiliei:. The voters of Clackamas county will remember that it is the same old clique of the Radical party which asks their votes this year that was ousted two years ago, and that they are the same set who left Dr. Thess mg's and John Myers' building be cause they were not Radicals and have paid $200 per year rent more than Myers and Thessing offered to take. The matter of renting a Court House was a county matter, and it was the duty of the Radicals to rent where they could get tho cheapest accommodations. If you want a rep etition of this thing vote for the Rad ical ticket. To the City Tax-Payees. We de sire to publish a list of all tho city tax-payers who paid their taxes in coin last year, and for that purpose w ould like to have all persons who dhl so, leave their navies with the amounts paid at this office. Wo are in earnest in this matter, and if the people will sustain us, we shall be enabled to break up one of the snug gest little Credit Mobilitrs that has ever existed on a small scale. Leave your names at this oiiice at once. Telegraphic News. LiItle Rock, May 11. Baxter this evening in response to tho Prp- idents telegram with regard to an adjournment of the Legislature con sented and stated that he would dis band his forces in proportion as Brooks did; that the latter must leave the State House, deposit the State arms and retire as far west of the State House as he himself was east of R Thirty-five members of iiio legislature endorsed the reply. Baxter to-day received COO reinforce ments, lie revoked his mrl mo tion of martial law as concerned the legislature, notifying all persons not to interfere with them while in session. The U. S. troops stand in readiness to prevent any collision to-night. Washington-, May 11, The Attorney-General, to-night telegraphed to Brooks that the President considered Baxter's proposition concerning Brooks' retiring from the State House and depositing State arms entirely reasonable and that his in terests demanded his acceptance. Memphis, May 8. Letters from tho lower part of Arkansas give more gloomy accounts of suffering among the people from floods in the vicini ty of Bernard, Chicot county. One thousand persons reported destitute. Chicago, May 8. A Washington special says that Thurman dug out several important facts during his cross-examination of Governor Shep herd, among them that the District gorernment, since its organization, has run in debt Slfl.000.000 over all apropiiations by Congress. Among some of the extraordinary items of expenditures was 8-1,000 for keeping in repair old town pumps: another of 300,000 for cleaning streets and alleys; another of 180,000 dollars paid for advertising in official news T At i . m . 1 papers, in the nrst year oi the or ganization of the Board of Public Works.the Chronicle got 52(5,000, the Republican .925,000, and the Ere ilng Star 10,000. The remainder was divided among some twenty publi cations in this city and Phila delphia, livery theater programme ami hand bill got some of the pap rn " lho only discrimination was in tho amount paid each. Summary of State News Iteni. Ihe men who have the cantract for building the bridges across the Willamette and McKenzie rivers for Lane-county, have arrived fron oan irancisoo and are now readv to commence business. Buckskin Alex, La Buffs celebrat ed race horse, met with a severe ac cident on Saturday last at Union, that may prevent Sis running in the spring races, soon to take place over the Union Race bourse. Saturday night, Judge Boice's lit tie girl Nellie, aged six years, fel down stairs at Mr. Parmenter's house, in Salem, and had her left arm broken, ote bone being fractur ed one inch above the wrist. Advices of an encouraging charae ter are received from nearly everv grain growing county in the State The wheat blade is strong uin healthy and everything is propitious. The increased acreage planted gives assurance that the crop will bo larg er than ever. The Ast'jrinn. publishes a tabl showing that in twenty-one years only eight, vessels out of 10,500 havo been lost in crossing the bar at the mouth of the Columbia. With all that lias been said of the dangers of the bar, there are but four ports of entry in the United States boasting of a better record than this. "True as CJorqiel.' " We are reliably informed that Judge Sliattuck, of Portland, has declared that he will not support the Radical ticket. His reason, as we learn, is, that the Radicals are deter mined to force negro and Chinese children in the public schools, and he declares that he will not send his children to such schools, and that this is creating a tax upon him and other citizens who will not receive any benefits from the school money making a tax without representation It is gratifying to note the fact that such men as Judge Sliattuck have become disgusted with Radicals and their infamous mongrel policy. He is a worthy, honorable and much respected gentleman, having occu pied the the position of one of the Supreme Judges of our State, and 1 1 . no man who nas ever occupied a seat on the bench in Oregon is re spected more for his honesty and ! J. . . 1 i rt 1 puiuy 01 cnaracier. ine aoove extract is from an editorial which was published in the Exteuphise June 4, 18(). Since that date the Judge has not acted with the Radi cal party, and he has done good ser vice for the cause in opposition to the Riug leaders ever since. Judge Sliattuck will be elected by the vo ters of this District to the position for which he has been nominated. Oregon City Market Report, Enterprise Okfick, May 51, 1S74. I,es:al Tenders, buying, S7S : selling 8!). County script. l) : City serin. 80. The following are t he buying prices for produce, ana lies selling price lor others : Wheat-Demand good and selling at tK) fa,?'.)") bushel. Flour Uood -supply in market, and sell ing at 51 uj;o uu. Middlings Are quoted at $i per ton: shorts, -"J; and bran $12, with full supplies on hand. Oats Supply equal to demand; buyers are paying 10 cents. Potato's No demand, and the market overstocked, at from 3-xoflO cents per bush- 1 Onions Quotable at 1V cents per pound. jvrirGood supply, Dfvlo v doz. Chickens ' 50; I 00 per dozen. Butter Scarce, JOC'ii'i cents for good fresh. Wool For choice lots. Si cents. Dried Fruits Full stocks in market; Vpples are bringing ici&i cents per pound ; p-aches 14 cents; Currants 10(315 cents; Plums 1 c-nts. Hugar Crushed, 1V16 cents: Island 9 10'-4 San Francisco refined, lZ.d,VlH cents. To'a iv st quality f 1 pr pound, and oth er brands ranging Irom bKv,o cents. Cotree Best art icle c-ius. Salt Hanging from l'-viH. Svrup 5o cents per gallon; best article CO cents. CJ, Ilacon Hams nio fnt; 8 cents; sides, cnis pr puuuu. Inrd Per pouna wins. Od Devon's Kerosene per Rallon,60.5 cents; Linseea i J-. . .... H.-efon foot Oooa mi catie- uuu at 56 cents on loot. Pork We quor at a;ocenis. Sheci-Fcw olferlng ; quote at $2 50&3 50 illues treen at, irom --w. -'-o - aire ; dry li c-cnts per pouuu, C0URTSSY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, The Radical Secretary. Our readers will probably be some what astonished to see any party guilty of placing in nomination a man who would be guilty of defraud ing them out of their sovereignty. But such is the case, as the following letter, written by C. M. Foster, Rad ical candidate for Secretary of State will testify. We trust that every honest man will vote against this rascal, as he is utterly unfit for the high position he seeks: Auburn May 5th 18GG. FiiiEXD Slocum: The object of this communication is to impress you with the importance of bringing the poli-uoous ami election returns yourself from Pleasant Valley and Camp Alford precincts. Slater was here last night, and told some of his Democratic friends that Pleasant Valley precinct would give a majority of twenty for the Democracy. If such should be the case, and you are unable to get a larger majority at Camp Alford, do not bring the returns in until the ten days shall have elapsed. Slocum, be sure and make ar rangements with the Judges of elec tion in Pleasant Valley precinct to bring the election returns yourself. Don t let the Judges give them to any other party but yourself, but be sure you have a Union majority be fore you make 3"our appearance with the returns. The election returns will be opened and canvassed on the 11th of June, so you can govern your self accordingly. We do not want to bo beaten by votes in the precincts you are waiting upon, and if those precincts' go against us you know what course to pursue. Do the best for the cause and trust in providence. Write what the prospects are as soon as you can ascertain. Yours, sincerely, Foster. How Tolmax Received the News. Late last Thursday evening, weary with the fatigues of his day's jour ney, and chilled by the night air, Judge Tolman arrived in Salem. Desiring to procure something to warm the inner man, the Judge with a party of friends dropped into Plum's. While waiting for their several decoctions of Plum's best, some one handed the Judge a copy of the Oregonian containing the news of his nomination by the Tem perance Convention, at Portland, for Governor. He read the article through and then exclaimed in lan guage by no means chaste or ele gant. "Je-sus Christ! That will lose me every Dutch vote in the State!" The Judge then swallowed his cocktail, retired for the night, sadder, no doubt, over the loss of so many "Dutch votes" for his ticket iu June. Will, he Explain ? Will Broker Apperson explain to the people the part he took in tho importing and exporting business while he was Captain of one of Ren llolladay's steamboats? Will he tejl them how many fellows he took out of Yamhill on letters signed by W. A. McPher son, then a Radical editor at McMin ville? Will he tell them whether he ever received letters from parties which read as follows: "See that the bearer goes to Salem, and we will make it all right." And then anoth er to Major Rerry, then Superintend ent of the Penitentiary, which read as follows: " Pay the bearer 5 and charge to account." These are ques tions the people will probably like to have answered before they vote for the R-idical candidate for Sheriff. ?i.ykkii:d. On the pith of April, 1S7I. in the M. K. Church, Salladashiirg, Pennsylvania, by t lie llev. .lames T. Wilson. Mr. Jacob Mati"-v.-il to Mrs. Margaret K. lodg-, both of Sal ladashiirg, I. com ing county. It is never too late to use JIaie'x Jlvtiey of Horrhountl anti Tar as a Cough cure, but it. is best to have recourse to it in the earl ' st a ires of 1 ulinonary disease, so as to secure tniirtfiitr and jtrrmaumt rnei anil avoid danger. Crittenton's, 7Jth Ave nue. Sold bj- all Druggists. Pike's Toothache Drops cure In 1 minute. VFor the verj- best Photographs, go to Bradley A Rulofson's Gallery with and ELEVATOR, 42U Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Our Dormant Knertries. Our bodies ar: not as vigorous nor our minds as clear ns they might be. This re mark is true of at least two-thirds of civil ized society, and of these two-thirds prob ably one-half is laboring under Infirmities of a character likely to shorten the lives of the sufferers. This is a melancholy exhibit and furnishes abundant food for reflection. Can the evil be mitigated? It can. Lack of vitalitv is the primary cause of most ot the physical and mental suffering to which we are subjected, and th'-rofore a vitaliz ing medical agent is t he remedj' required. Is there such a medicine? There is. Hos tetter's Stomach Hitters will rouse and en ergize the mind and body when the life power of the svsteni is in a comparatively dormant State. The languid, feeble, de sponding invalid is not aware of the latent energies" that underlies his debility. He thinks there is no element of vigor left in his frame, when the fact is that his phys ical capabilities are merely asleep and onlv require waking up. Let him stimu late and tone his animal machinery and endow it with nw motive power, through the agency of this incomparable invigo rant, and h" will soon feel like a new man. or rather like a man who has received a new lease of life, aod the requisite h-alth fo enjov it. Many business men stiff r from chronic languor and depression caus ed b- too close application to business. Hard students are olten oppressed with melalcholv from a like cans". Mechanics and working men an' affected In the same way as result of overwork. To all who are in this condition, from whatever cause, Hostetter's Stomach Hitters will prove a si-nal blessing. It is a perfect panacea for phvsical deb litj- and mental gloom. It strengthens the body, clears the mind and calms t he nervous system ; while as a rent ed v for indigestion, billiousness, constipa tion, rheumatism, and intermittent and remittent fevers, it takes precedence of all other medicines. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Happv Relief for Young Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses In earlj-life. Manhood restored. Impediments to Mar riage removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and circulars snt fre, in sealed envelo;es. Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa., an In stitution having a high reputation for hon orable conduct and professional 6kill. nov6 :lj- CONFESS'ONS OF AN INVALID. Published as a warning and for the benefit of Yoi'no Men and others who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOSS OF MANHOOD, etc., pointing out themeans of nelf-enre. Written by atiiasiel m ay fair. Esq.. who cured himself after under going considerable quabkery, and mailed free on n-celving a post-paid directed enve lope, bj-the publisher, 11 Clinton Street; Brooklyn, N. Y. ! Special Notice. Why suffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and loss of appetite, when you can, hy us ing r. Henley' a celebrttied J XL Bittert ef fect a perfect cure; Ihey are a pleasant ar invigorating tonic, and endorsed and rec ommended bj- our most eminent Physi cians 1:1s per certificates on each bottle) for all complaints of the Liver and Digestive Organs. As a family medicine they have bo equal. See advertisement in another column. NEW TO-DAY. Dr. S. PAHIvEH, (Ijite of Portland.) Has opened an offlee in Bell A Parker's Drug Store, Oregon Citj-, and would res-pecttullj- solicit the patronage of the citi zens of the town and eountj- who maybe In need of medical nssi.ftanee. Residence at the Cliff House. mayl5tf. Ariminirtt rutor'x Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have been appointed administrator of the estate of Charles E. Warren. deceased, bj- the Honorable County Court of Ckirclw mat Couutjv Stttte of Oregon; therefore all persons "holding claims against said es tate, will present them to me at the; IJ-r coln Bakery, with proper vouchers, within six months after the date of this notice. Oregon Citj Oregon, May 11th, 1871. C. O. T. WILLIAMS, Adm'r of estate of C. E. Warren, decYL SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION IB sued out of the Circuit Court of the Siute of Oregon, for the Count j- of Clacka mas, to me directed, in favor of Rosana Robertson, and against Edward Robertson for the sum of two hundred and fifty dol lars and costs of suit and disbursements; now, thereiore, I have levied upon the fol lowing real estate, to-wit : The northwest 'i of the southwest H of section 13 in town ship two south, range lour east, containing 40 acres, more or less. In Clackumas Coun ty, Oregon, and on Fridaj-, the 12th day of June, 1S74, at the hour of 11) o'clock, a. m.. at the Court House door In Oregon City, Clacka mas County.Oregon.I will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash paid to me In hand all of Edward Robertson's in terest in t he above described real estate, or enough thereof to satisfy execution, costs and accruing costs. A. F. HEDGES, 15maj .Sheriff of Clackamas County. Guardian's Land Sale! IN PURSUANCE OF A LICENSE TO ME granted bj- the County Court of Clacka mas County, Sj.ate of Oregon, at its April term, A. D., 1S74, 1, Jones Cutting, guardian of Adelia Elliott, an Insane ierson, will proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for cash, in gold coin, nt the Court House door in Oregon Citj-, Clackamas Couutj', State of Oregon, on Saturuiti-, the 30th flay of May, A. IJ. , ls74, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., all the right, title. Interest and estate of the said Adelia Elliott in the following described tract of land situate in Clackamas County, afore said, to-wit : The north one-half of the do nation claim of Charles and Abagail Cut ting.designated on maps and plats of Unit ed states survej-s as claim No. "52," in township o south, range 2 east of tin Will amette meridian. Dated May 1st, 1874. JONES CUTTINO, Ouardian of Adelia Elliott. JOHNSON fc .McCOW.V, Attj-'s lor Guardian. malw4 GREAT SLAUGHTER! IN DEY-GOODS AND CLOTHING! AfNIC PRICES! A T V. LEVY The goods have been lxiught nt PANIC PRICES and will be sold in accordance. Don't forget calling before j-Ou lay in your supplies. Oregon City, March 31, 1S74 :tf AT KE LLY'S, E. D. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. .TUIST ATMlIVi:i3, Ex John L. Stephens, DIRECT FROM SAN FRANCISCO, A IT'LL STOCK OP MILLINERY GOODS! MILLINERY GOODS! Latest Styles! ' Latest Styles ! HATS and ISOKTS, Hats and Bonnets. Feathers and Flowers ! Feathers and Flowers! RIBBONS AND ORNAMENTS! RIBBONS AND ORNAMENTS! IN GREAT PROFUSION 1 IX GItEAT PROFUSION! LADIES, cnll and einmlne StocU anl Prices. It will le our endeavor to plen all, a to Quality and Prices. aprltitf J0IIX M. BACON, IMPORTER AND DEALER In Hooks, Stationery, Perfum ery, etc., etc. Oregon City, Oregon. r7"At Charmah A Warner's old stand lately occupied hy S. Ackeman. Main st. ICE-CREAM SALOON AND IZ K S T A TJ 11 A M T ! LOUIS SAAL, Proprietor. Main Street, - - - - Oregon City. ICE CREAM AVILL BE SERVED FROM and aftr this date during the Summer season. The best qualities of FRENCH and AMERICAN CANDIES. Ice for sale in quantities to suit. IMPERIAL MILLS, Savier, Laliocquc & Co. OregOn Clt". , . Constantly on hand for sale Flonr Middling. Blan and Cfcieken Feed. ParWew purehp.srng feed mutt fnrntsh rtie escli. MB MET. CHA XDISE. THOMAS CHARMAH ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Nimble Six Pence is Better than a Slow Shiltinff. I have Just returned from Sau Frantlseo, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, noslery of Every Description, s Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, -Chinaware, Queensware, stoneware. Crockery, Platedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladles and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Farcing t Job. of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpet,. Mailings. Oil Cloth, Waill rper, etc.. Of the above list, J can say my stock Is the MOST COMPLETE ever offered In this market, and was seleteti with especial care lor t he Oregon Cit.v trader. All of which I now offer for sule at the Lowest Market Rales. No use for the ladies, or any one else. to think of going to Portland to buy goods for I am Determine! to Sell Cheap and not to allow ruj-seii to oe UNDERSOLD IN THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask Is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience In Oregon Citj- enables me to know the re quirements ot the trade. Come one and all and see for j-ourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAIiMAX cannot be beaten In quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell j-ou all the advantages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Come, and StT.and Examine for Yourselves fori do no wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all niv old friends now that lam still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. THUS. CHARMAN. Main .Street, Oregon Citj-, Legal Tenders and Count y Scrip taken at marKei rates. iiius?. CitAKMAN. 7-30,00t) lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CHARMAN. LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABJL.I2. -o- rpiIE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OF .1 the Livery stable on Filth street.Oregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Saddle and Itnggy Ilorties, Htijfyicii. Carriages and Hacks. Iriecs Reasonable. lie will also run a hack to and from the WILHOIT SODA SPRINGS during the summer season, with pood horses.cornpetent and pent lemanly drivers. FARE AT LIVING BATES. J. M. FRAZER, Proprietor. Orepon City, May 27, 1873. JOHN SCHRAM, Slain St., Oregon City. MAM'FAITIRER AND IMPORTER OF Saddles, Ilarness, Saddlery-Hard wre, etc., etc. TVTIIICII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS T ean be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. V1 warrant my goods as represented. 1,000 DEER SKINS AV A INT TlH D, AND also, VLL OTHER KINDS OF HIDES. FOR which I will pay the hlghes market price in cash Bring on j our hides and get your coin forthem. JOHN SCHRAM. Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, 1873-ma. WJI. miOUGHTOIV T70ULD INFORM THE CITIZENS OF T T Oregon City and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, Of every description. DRY FLOORING, CEILING, SPUl'CK (for shelving.) LATTICE, PICKETS, FENCE POSTS (Cedar) Constantly on Hand. Street and Sidewalk lumber furnished on the shortest not ice, at ns low rates as it can be purchased In the State. Gle me a call at the OREGON CITV March 13, 1871 4CA SAW MILL. STILL H THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOND DOOR SOUTH OF HAAS' SALOON. WILLIAMS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, ITEEPTIIE MOST COMPLETE STOCK -TV of Family Groceries to be found in the i city. All goods warranted. Goods delivered in the city free of charge. The hlghestcash price paid for country produce, I Orcoa City, March SS, 1T3. AUCTIION AND COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer, : Cttrrner of Front di OaJt PortJl o Auction ales Of Real Estate, Groceries. General Mr chandise and Horses. " SALE DAYS Wednesday and SateinUr A. B, RICHARDSON. Auctioneer. t l'rirate ale. English Refined Ear and Eundle Irca English Square and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Rasps, Saws.Screwe.Fry-Pani, Sheet IronR U.Iron. ALSO A large assortment f Groceries and ISm- Uors. SirHAKIM)N' Jn.lrlS73-tL Auctlonr SPRING & SUMMER GOODS JUSX RECEIVED AT DEALER IX ' O lry Gonds, Clothing, Boot and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, Ladles and Gents'" Furnishing Goods,, etc., etc., etc., t Main Street, Oregon City. Produn-of all kinds boncM. for whlchX pay the fcighest market priee. If you d sire good Goods at Low prices, call at I. SELLING'S arfd examine his new stock of Spring poods Give me call and etmvlnce yourselves My mot to Is, " QUICK SALKS AND SMALL PROFITS." The highest market price paid for woo I. SELLING- Oregon City, Oct. 31rlS73-tf. OREGON STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMBOAT NOTICE! Str. E. 1ST. COOKE, Will leave OREGON CITY for PORTLAND" eveiy day Excej t Sunday.) at 1H o'clock.. A. M. Returning, will h ave Portland lotr OxegMi City at 2H o'clock, P. M- 0 Str. ALICE, o Will leave OREGON CITY forCOKv"A"LEIH every Monday and Thursday l each week.. Str.DAYTONr 0 Will leave OREGON CITY fr.McMI5X VILLE. LAFAYETTE and DaYTON. and all points between, every Monday, Wed Resiiay and Friday tf each week. Leavt-s the I'.asin at JJ o'clock, a. at and conneot with the train at Caneraah tt), jc m. Leaves OREGON CITY for HARRISBURG and EUGENE and all intermediate point every week. Stx. Fannie Pattern, leaves OREGON CM Y for ALLAN Y and all intermediate points between twice ev ery week. J. I). LILEs, Agents Oregon City, February, 14, IS74. NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. First Street 1etven Alder and Mor rison Sta., and Alder strtwt etwew First and Front Streets. O Portland, Oregon. AN INSTITUTION DESIGNED TOTRE rare BOYS, YOCJYG and MIDDLE AGHD MJSNlor Business Affairs-- H. M. DeFRAXtE, t W. L. WHITE, i i t President. Secretary. t or acquiring a Practical Surines Educa tion this institution offers superior advan tages, and is acknowledged by Leading Lusiness Men to be the best Commercial College on the Pacific Coast, and second to noM. Each Derailment is First Class, and is tra der the special charge of HPEHIE5CI& teachers, and the whole school is under the immediate superintendence of the lTesident and Secretary. The school room and counting are united upon a plan that secures to the student all the practical vantantages of each. There is ia operation A BANKING IIOISE fully illustrating that business. The same s stem being observed in each department, the student buys, sells, shi 6, barters, con signs, discounts, insures, draws checks, notes and drafts, rives leases, deeds. fce. uuu ik.-s iiiruugn me enure routine I ACTCAL BI S1XESS. In adding to the comDletenes of ff, In stitution the proprietors have instituted a SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. The entrance to rooms of this Department is njKiii aiaer sireei, ana access to thrra is had only by the teachers and lady stu dents. Rare facilities are offered to ladies lor acquiring a 1 borough Knowledge of Business Practice ; of Telegraphy and Pen manship. The DEPARTMENT OF TELEGRAPHY is in charge of first-class oj era tors and teachers, anti supj lied with All the appar atus of a first-class office. this Institution as now conducted claims to have facilities for imparting thorough knowledge of the v' Art of Penmanship ! o that not one in ten of the Business Col leges now in existence possesses: the De partment being under the special superin tendence of one of the Leading Penmen of the United States. For full particulars send for Xatioxal Business ( ollege Journal sent to any part of the countrv lree. Address, DeFRANCE fc WHITE, Lock Pox 104, Portland, Oregon. SELLING UrF ! SELLING OFF ! THE IMMENSE WINTER STOCK OF o J BOOTS and SHOES! , : AT TriEr O Pacfic Boot & Shoe House. Cerner First and 3Iorrison Street. PORTLAND. OREGON, Will be Closed Out for the Next Thirty Days At and Less Than Cost. PRICES Ladles' Kid Foxed Balmorals, . .. 1 50 Misses' do do 1 '25 Chiiarn's do do 1 00 Men's Heavy -Boots, 2 75 Boys' do . 2 00 Youth's do i 50 Children's Boots J 00 Men's Kip Hand-made Custom 3-soled P-oots 5 00 Patridge's Slaughter Boots. .. 4 00 do Grain Hunting Boots 4 50 Hlbbard's t'elebrated IIand-mde French calf . id... 6 50 Smith, Champlin A Co. (Portland) Custom French calf 6 50 Smith, Champlin & Co. (Portland) Custom American calf . 8 50 Men's best Quality Hunting S do American Riding. 00 do Bnckle Artie Overshoes.... 2 00 do Alaska - do .. 1 50 do best Quality Rubber do 1 00 Women's Euckle Artie Overshoes 150 d- do do 1 25 0 d Self-acting Rubber do . .100 Men's Screwd r!rorns 175 do rf n- d do 1 00 do California Calf, tap sole.. 4 50 do do buff calf, tap sole, 3 50 msrfl-tf O O O (J o O O o O O o o o o o o o o O O o o O o o 0 o st -r nnnxi T A