Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1873)
L eV o o G E22?Sr3ESf533SE3" o - o o O o O o tfEEHTEgPaipi l-Uu ui'EuON, ft El. 12. Ki- on To Tin-: IViu -,'.-1 nr.ti.MMU ' I" ist issue olthe Oiiiw.scir l-.N-L!;1. rit sk. savin- I lm.1 " ri'.. ' . t'.ne.l on the diarge "f :s- luiU add lottery, committed .!;' A milt W hit'. 1 Will HIM ' ' . . .!.... ;t..... is :i ,J-V-V, .11 v 1 ir 1 no gentleman. ... illtltfll' Ol til. II in- .... Ol . ... T 1 S t Orcon i uv, i" , Theibove appeared" in the Imllet.n jf las, Wednesday. Wo do not pro , to ar,o,c the .p.cstioii with the 1' . , ....... n... .lit here Ol'.V c M ir.-:io it" - VAA Uw Stf. a : in ' , 7... I !i Verdict Willi me .. 1' l .' : . ... iV.M.ovx ,! .. -kel eiurv it - -- i.tieo Court f.-r Oregon Oty yre i ., cinet. Uciiaii 11.4 s county, Smteof Or- cg.m- i, Su1 nfOregon. t Jn., Vs, iled in Ju-ti..H court I)jo. ('.ni pi Jin n 1 1... . F tl , i -Tii .iw on mis . - - I v-t-. mv-. r'-V"'.. in iH-fore me, A. ' ilKtV 1 .. !":' j ..e ol the Dea.-c f..r the Pr '.." . mid Siato aforesaid. i ... ;. iin.i br? ll.'ltirloneii 111 me eniiity jadmit-l suclv tine and cost be r.di ..t.wu..hij; v Jtistiec of the Peac. S't." of ()r"u'on ' 1 .11 tit v of 'lack .m is. t I ' Jt tilev, a .I.isti.-c ,of t!ie Peace, .in i'.cr'ebv certify that the f.-rgomg is a l:u,'r,vy of the .locket .;:,trv now ,n !UV 1 tion. . ,ss-!"!l 111 III.? HlX'te . ....... . - A. C. il.vir.KY. .Iiiti-- of the Peace. It vill be obs-Tvcd that we were in- ,rro..t s fir :.s the charge of "battery" . . . ;..! .....1 1 4 c : rte'.i, pin me iiss.n it, 1 1 i.t ,.,nvi.-tio,i are true ami mat ni nas ,j 1 (! sum ofJl for said assault. It Mr Kellv exocet-i to i'lillv this matter , l v 'using such' language as c'.nt une.l in tic- :lb.,ve card, we mot r.-H .eejfuilv inf .rni luni that he ha ,,ii.t:k.i ir.s'n That he was found ea.livef vi..liting thepubb.c pe.e-e is ,,.,,v,!i in the f.regoing copy ot t!i v,.irt i,p.ecedin--. and the statement that it Vis f..r -in -assault and battery in ik. s no .bll.-n nee as 10 mc ... . . 1. ,- . if I . T v'l 111 OCX" 11- t.l,-r:et'. c 11:1.1.. t;. ' i , - . .....i ............. u i. 1 tins sufjlect I t'. P .- any .-I.Ji.i.t 1 , , ..f.... ' . - I ..i - .r IV i ,'ill"ll- Willi lllill, Jill'. IIUI 1 ive the subject. The witnesses in uie .ne and i' -"'in v:,cwe -evidence eonvie ti -.nV-as had, w.-re Messrs. Cluts, Bray, ati.i J. b. Stout. , . . 'Jus! iv, is Hines died yesterday tit r. re-ideii i: t Ids city , after a I:n- : I .f !e. vears. Me was i o.'.m To Wvomiog N. Y., A. IK. j ivi't !' eiuie to bee.,;, :: t . i iss I oi ia r v J i "wlieu this eouutrv was a wil- d-rness and i- iudy oee,:;.i--d by Die j ,'i ! 1 I ( iveriilttepi lie i r.:t i..ii ,.itii. -- n in loe-.i nere a i...;:..... U!1.;i iwaet, he remnieu a.... . fiu.iivto his ui .y- o.k. b a;:,:;. r'tv? mx: n4' ! w,.,i,.rii part ol iwi.i. I'n ie,.n v iis doing (lie wot!-; of a;; itinerant ;.r,.:is. I,, K".:;iie e ime back to Ore uiih i.U .".i.nilv. miking the tour iV-resth' pliins. De arrived herein t'e- n! :)::m .if 1 --":', wii.Te he has since r-Mii'ied in the active work of the m.ioV.rv, uul'd a lial more thati two rllJ a : , whde st itioiied at O. egon i ' ' v" heivas att e ked -v a dis'-ase of .. i . ... . . r . i !. i .1:1'," vv i : p!a "'! hbn on the su- e.-rie. i '..1 .1 list, an l ot v .... . . . :i Iie- lied :.l i.'fi'.tt iK'.lee, I eih iiist. Mr. libie. ii cl ti I ' L.l lM l eon.; lenee atld i-steeiij -v and e-eieeie.ll e ' t :: '.v'i ii.:;ev i; ; j 1 1 :iff.i. lie :ia". 4.; b -.- v;:!:out r.--ro;u -h. and re the hig-.i's- J,iv. ::ieit f hi.-j.-.-:;. bv which he W: deb-ga- 'e- ; . . .. : I t i : ..i :,if. b.-il' r:il ' ' il t'.-r.-r. ee ill l-oS. w is . i '.r:i let::,"e eotinselor. i i r. g . I or. a -'.ict. ) d a tie st ex e ,ii iary c,:. ,-!!. II - has !'.; his impress upon t .: ti, . il i- -ns of tie- P iej;i- .'. a-d . V I- of Wit I.A r. -Sinee (he i-.-ii!!- i-.g ie, ov. tie- ywr'.t crop, the sc., .is ti.'.-. city have in.ehascd whv-at a, r, :!i.vm : Oregon ':tv Mills. So .oft t-,x i -i-. 1 ,1 e:i.d M ills.'T'i.OM bll-h.-ls. m iie.r. i i :.!'.. I'H.'ovi bu-.!eds. Tliis - i- i.? :i is .-..-t over8 id per busin-l to j n i mi! ! s. in ti; i ng a grand to t.! ot' '.dl.-l" Whieh has been paid fer - e-it be tin' t-.e.. ndlls in (his citv. T.e-s .ui lard Mills, at M il ivankie. will .i -. tiiis season, owing to the lateness . ie . v t j'.. t i-,ti . f some im .riant !' iir-, .il,..,,t ,M.o,'fl bushels, in ikiuz a :;r i:: 1 t a! al of "i--'.o bushels ofvvheat Ued bVillese three l!!,l!s. Tll'-re a re -I'e-r mil Is in the county which will j-rot.iMv ti;e sn.on :;i lie. making, in ii ',':.;.', bushels. It" the firilHTS of "1 . -e t ,i lvi rv iiibl or 1 v farm to t he ex tri.t '' sit pe! iog !.ii-s home market, r whieh tie-'.- c:;i eet tiieir coin, we would bar very bill-tini-.-. Ret tlnaii Irv it. HD'iUt liar f . . ....! a .fl Vhiic, in Oregon City, unit' il on j r ; al,d tht, l;;:ij"i.,r K-lly tl...r..,.lK,n ,.lVa.l not " iPv un.l h,- having U;eu .In y tried t i.Yt- an su,,il t,;,i11 ,,;,lly i'"'A' vl..f d I h-v.- adju .lire! t !.-.t he pay a C r"t.o; K. The Or.-e. ti t'ity Mills are running night and dV, w sire turn C iug oi.r tii'i birrel f il nir in 21 hours run; M 'Ms are at pres.-nt running on I al f t iuie, a nd tmn ;t 2.", I,.i :ril s oe-.1 in 1 k i ng -lo'i bar rels of t'-.ur made dailviu otir citv. I' l- I il".'l iil M ill is e tpabl of till !1- iug.ui' ,Vi birrcls per day. when put to 1 . ruli capacity, wheii. we are ini'.ini e 1, is in ex cess" of any other mill in the State. The !b 'tir ma nu fact u red by b-.lh Uie mills lias a hu;h r.-outat ioti. Or Of;.in C;t v is the in'st place in the State, O not only for more n.i'Js, but for a ldi- ti' ilal 111 iiiui'.ieioi ies of every kind. Sn.u:.i in; 1 s v fs rio AT !'.!. The ch-.irgc of assault having been siistain ed 1 i-cfor" Justice of t'ne Peace in tiiis pr-e::ct against tie- "it y Marshall, we as'; it) i' 'i'y t'ouivil. and the Mayor, mi ler wliohl he hob is an app.e.U'.llient ni night v, al'-hniau, wliether he is the p"n:cr person to prote.-t the peace of tear Citv. a". 1 w'.ictl er he should not be removed fr. -m th" position? An- person guilty f sueh an o'Vense is n-it the proper one to protect the rights of our citi.'-ns and should be removed. l3 Bm-k Ao mn. 'apt. K. Baugtmi tti. who built the steamer Success on the ti'j,er W iilimette and ran Tier for a i long time in opposition to the t.,1 p. T. 1 '., h is r. t urned from British Colnin bia an I been a l ie to t he list of ( 'a u t iiis on the W. R. T. t'o.'s boats. Jl i-t a thorough st.-aiirnit man. an 1 will ie. gi t tly greeted by his inany old friends ;ind shippers. He is at present running on the liov-. Jrovor, but we larii that he is to have Charge of the new boat now hchii built by the Com p my. I'oi.o Wi-tATiiKU. During the past week the weather has been unusually e ild. and the snow still remains on the ground. Skating has been the order of t i" dav tnd our voting p-ople have eui'.l .ved themselves in that way to Ci.-ir full satir.iction. During the dav t ie s.iti comes out 'piite warm and p'Oiisii.t, but the nights are very cold. p9k.-isk:. Mr. J. D. Hurst, for a long litue engaged as head miller in the-I'lipcii-al Mills of tliis city, has pur- c 1 ise.i the mill site near CorvaJli. and. w are informed, w ill soon erect a tine istoni mill t!uMm. Mr. H. is an en I'rj'iiing citizen, and we wish him 1 -cess in his business, while we shall "rn i to lose him from our popula t 11. x a Visit.--M rs. Crosby, (formerly ''iss M.,Uie Post), of Tumwater. W. T., is !ti to-.t n visiting- her in t her and .th- err,,.,.;tl.s..,j ?Viei;fIs. JusTicF.-Wf were in error, so we lf-arn on investigation, that the Deputy , District Attorney refused to perform . his duty m uk; case ai uueo oiasi 1 injustice YV. li. T. Co. We call attention of the shippers and traveling public to the advertisement of the Willamette River Transportation Conivany's advertise ment 111 this issue of the pajier. This company lias good steamers, pass through the locks at this place, and t.ieir .illicersarcac o,.iimodatiiiaiid 1m- ! sines men. lhey deserve to be patron ized. . Sociat. l'.uu Y.-A number of the friends of Messrs. Jacobs Dros. met at the house of M r. Ackcrman last Tues day evciiiinr and from there proceeded to the house f Messrs. Jacobs in a body, taking them completely by sur prise. The affair was very 'agreeable to all present, and the evening spent very pleasantly. (Jonk on tiik Rivku. Capt. Pratt, one of the oldest, as well as most pop ular steamboat men on the Willamette, lias been assigned to the position of captain on the steamer Fannie Patton. Mr. l'ratt has had a great deal of expe rience as a steamboat man on the il laniette, and is popular with shipK?rs iili.l travelers. Dkatii of Rkv. Mil IIinks. From the Stat, snian of the 'Jth inst., we take the following account of the death of Rev. Mr. Hines. who was stationed in this place a short time since, and who leaves manv friends in our citv : If the citv fathers retain the Marshal in his position, after publishing the card elsewhere, our citizens will con clude that they want a bully who can assault with impunity and then lie out of it, and they will sustain him. ( 'n ANCiKD. The time table of the railroad has bcii changed so that the express train arrives here from both ways an hour earlier than formerly and the pas"iiger train from the north nearly an hour earlier. Tiif. Pi.aci-:. If you want anything in the jewelry line, and go to Portland to buy it. don't fail t call on B. T. Stone. N . l'KV Front Sireet. who lias j the linest and most extensive stock in j the Slate. . Tm, Dn.-l. 1'mn- ll,.1.,io t It 1,, , ,d . " ' ' - , -s:,me pursi-r of tlic steamer I'caver, has killed two deer recently while tlie sN-amer was under way going up the Vaiuhiil and got them belli. lli'.MoVKO. Tne postoltii-e is being I rem.ived from the old stand to the buil ding on the east side of Main street b-tweeu tne old tin store, and 1- rank s bvrbershop. - I IIUIsr.MAS .o:s. -.oessis. u.i.i I,, , - . , ... a. 1.- tiros, nave jusi received a uue siock oi fm.-v Ch-iM m is g Is. which thev de- .ni. fo m retlucci prices. Ii.b.-The many friends of Henry Warri n. 1's. w ill regret to learn t hat be is .-on '.lucd to his home, by sicktii'ss. Wt; hopi- he may be out again soon. Lew. Steamboat men inform us that the river is gelling quite low, and if old Ja--k Frost don't let up soon steatn'ooatiiig will have to. Com .liM.viToN. The lit. It.v. Bisliop M orris came up to our city l is! I-'ridav evening, and administered the Rite of t'eibirtii ;tion upon a sick lad v. St:iiimar- of s'. ate Xtavs Itcan.. A iiouring mill is wanted at Asto ria. Irvine Mac is the newly elected Mayor of Hun is'.mrg. Forty pou ml rutabagas wore raised by a Ciatsup farmer this year. The total vote of Salem at the re cent city election wis 512 votes. E l. Lioat is elected Mayor of Scio. No political issue was made in the election. The wreck of the schooner John Ti. Hunter, at Yauina Bay, has been sold forl"0. A Corvallis firm purchased 20,000 b-ishe's of wheat on the oil inst., at ?1 per bushel. Managers of the Tn'nu County Ag ricultural Society will meet at Al bany, Jan. 1st. The U. S. Grand Jury returned to the District Court, on Friday, six bills of indictment. Business in.-n say that money has not been so abundant for many years in L.a no county as it is at present. Considerable amounts of wheat were sold at Eugene City, last week, at from 00 to 02 cents per bushel. Patrick lTynn has been indicted by the U. S. (3 rami Jury for illegal vot ing at the late Congressional election The Astoria Farmers' Warehouse is now ready to receive grain or oth er produce on storage at reasonable rates. The Commercial Mills at Saloon have been running night and day for several weeks, 11ml are shippingabout lo( barrels of llour per day. The Columbia river is closed both above and below the mouth of the Willamette. The weather in Eastern Oregon is reported quite cold. The Polkeounty Crand Jury failed to tind a bill against (ILv.'.e for killing Whitley. Glaze has been held to ap pear before the next Grand Jury. Mrs. A. J. lliley, who for some time past has conducted tho Com mercial Hotel at Salem, has relin quished tho management of the same. The Onyuit (.'render gives a list of one State Grange, one Central Asso ciation, and 42 subordinate Granges :n Oregon, and four in Washington territory. Ezra Seoville. who assaulted J. J. Daly m the Court room at Dallas, sometime ago, and beat him with a club, has been sentenced to the Pen itentiary for six months. 'Ihree deers pursued by dogs, were mo., tut- iow n 01 iioseinirrr last week, and the whole population headed by the Mavor. turned out to r , il 1 .-1. - , . . . c ipiuie ineiii, oui laitea to caich a single deer. The JoKfunl is informed that those who have paid taxes in Lnne county this year will b refunded theamount caused by the State Board of Equali zation,over the first assessment, by apjilying to the Sheriff. The Statesman congratulates the Judges of the Supreme Court on the improvements that have been made in the Supreme Court room. Every possible convenience has been added to the Court and c6nsnltatiou rooms, c. -ix, ... ....... ..... i mo woik siiouiu occur the intention i loft all kinds of tovs, candies, nuts, and I runs manufactured bv Parker Li rot h- ilntv. but procured tlic conviction of!:..., 1 .1.. 1 . ""uu 1 ...... ... . 1 .. . 1... i.o.i. ' 1 5r.. ... m : 1 tlu-Oty Mars al tor an assault. We , tl rnnnin-thmn" t T : vou Want what svas left foryou call ami The hishest testimonial received . hccrtullv make this correction, as we J1,e;' , 1 "nning tinongh to racoma i 7r,.t it ; froin til section if the . oiinfi v -md have no disr-osition to do Mr. Darin an by the last of the present weel:. ! 0 ' t t t m 1 IT Xl"S?"n;ti A gentleman just from Tacnmi I states that truck-laying is moving forward with all possible speed. Un- , ess ,omo unexpected detention of been hied, incorporating the firm of! Badolett & Co., for putting up sal mon in cans at upper Astoria. The incorporators are John Badolett, J. Ilobsou, II. S. Aiken, George Warner, C. Leionweber. The capi tal stock subscribed is placed at ;J 10.000, to be increased, if necessary, to 820,000. The Common Council of the city of Salem have instructed the Com mittee on Ways and. Means to pre pare a report for the act ion" of the Council as tothe propriety of render ing assistance toward opening the road across the Cascade Mountains, the route of which was recently sur veyed by Hon. John Minto and oth ers. The 77.vjc.s- says: Mike Moran, of Jacksonville, who has been laborim under the hallucination that lie is President of the United States, and acting in sucli capacity, went to the Clerk ofiice to have an edict issued for the execution of adherents of the Catholic Church was. adjudged in sane, and will be taken to East Port land A letter from .Tosephene cou'dv to ! rr. , , , r.,- '.' 1 . the y,?e.s says. Illinois vabey is witliin lortv miles of the coast from whence all n.eess-n-v- J, ,ti,,.w ! may be obtained at less cost than in Jackson county, while a home mark- ot for thu ordinary t.i-r.dnet of )! - - l 1 . - tarm. mucii beyond the capacity of llie present population to siliudv ex- . 1 ' .... .....jwoc in-., xai lin.:i n uom . Tc ., Kiavt . t- t 1 r., ....... . I . .. -STfrcra-i-.-. Iettcr trom Secretary Cha.jwicli Salc Tasi. Secretary Chadwick has issued the following circular letter to the var ious County Ciorks, which explains itself: Oi Ft: it oi" Sr.i i:r.TA!;v m-' State, j .S.u.KM, Oregon, Dec. 1. lS7d. ) . . , Ay.. ('ok CL rk of ('uK)il- Su: : Owing; to the re cent decision of Judge Mo.sher, at tho Benton County Circuit Court, an nulling that part 'of the work of tin; State Board of Equalization, and the exigencies of the State and County finances admitting of no delay in the public collections, I am compelled to charge up the amounts against the several counties according to the or iginal assessment rolls. The assess ments, therefore, so far as the State is concerned, will stand upon tho action of the County Boards of Equal ization. S. F. C11 vdwu'JC, Secretary of Stale. A t 'I-'gram states that one Smith was admitted to his seat in theEower House upon a co tilicate claimed to have been issued by Kellogg, the Lousiana usurper, when it was really gotten up tit Washington. Bv reference to the tele:.rr.v.hic re- t A ports, it will be seen that Congress has already commenced 0.1 jobs. - .3-. It is stated thai the national debt increased during the past month, about nine million dollars ! Bead the message. It is Grant clear through, and lias but little merit as a State paper. At the elecfion in Texas on the 2nd inst., the Democrats carried the State by -iO;i,i!) majority. Near Mar-.h.'e-1'l, 'lackama County, Or 'go:i, Dec. 71 .'1, Is?!, at the residence ol .lames lienii. it, l-: ., .y T. J. Mai lock, .1. i'., Mr.ii'H. U". C::p,,s and Miss Mary K. lien net t , a! 1 ot I'lacca mas County, . bvgon. At the r sid -no-' of Samuel V. Km bra, Ks 1., Nov. INh, isra, l.y ii -v. .Jos. Church, Mr.' W. I,. Viil;am.s and Miss Mary Kiat.ra, ail of Clackamas County, Oregon. IJ.-HJV. On the t h iivt., in this couniy, miuv wite of N. H. Darnall, a Soil. San l-'r clsco Market Kcin.rt. Sax Kit a no rsc. I)"c. V 'icat. in !:v-rpt-.l Av-rage C'alitorn ia, I ts 'd ; Oregon, l-i Kls l tsiid. l-'loar", i'tSu extra, t "vi. Wheat C'.a.-t, JV-vi -'!. Uarl-'V ' ieed, il M ''t 'vl "'; bay feed f I ."O; bay brewing, il tit'tl . Oats irn.l s:i::ly 111 market; jiriccs arc f 1 5 i.1 s 1. Wool '.iii.-t, tine to choice clear. Pi i2a. Put-tlaiiil Market Itenoi't. VK!)SR-IAV,1 P. P, I.STo. Cold in New York ted:iy, 1 '.o,. Portland Ij gal l'end"r rates, tl j buying; 51 !j s -llitig. Wlcat Demand is good at V cental, sacked. oa's I v 17 y bustiel, sacked and deliv er d. l-'lotir Iiicoi.S'iU"ncc of tic con, lit ion of the wheat marict, (lour has l.ecn ad vanced to o.i'.-V'i " '. IJiitt r Tli" receipt are large and th" market well stock-d witii all tpialit ir-s. Pries rang" irom y,. 1 c "tits. Ivgg.s Market supply full; prices firm at i'l cuts ( il'Wii. Wool The market continues dull and quotations :ir" furnished at lb lor a good art icl". bacon Sh-' supply on hand remains aVmnoaiit. Sid -sare quoted at in 4,1 lc ; Hams, Hil'c, and jirime shouiders at ti- lec. Oregon Ci'y S irket Report, KN rKRlUUSK OKK1CK, 1"C. 11, lST't. Legal T.-nd rs, t.uymg, '.o : s bing vi. Co mty script, : City scrip, S-"i. I he following ar th buying prices for produc ', and t.'c s-Iling prici i-r oth rs : W.i -at-liemsnd goou a ;id s d I, ng at il 05 q,fl 1 -e basiC l. pi mr 'bod supply in market, ami s.-ll-ing at ?5 -. 1. Middlings Ar- quoted at ?J per ton: shorts, j"!); and bran id-', lull suj'plies 011 hand. Oats Supply equal to d uiianrl ; buyrrs ar" paving :'tl' cents. Potato -s No ti emaud, and th" market overst-ovked. at fro.11 2-" v " c-nts per bushel.- Onions Quota;I fit 1 cents per i-ontul. Kggs scare , -ii t do, ti ('"a'k-.-ns-fJiM.rieru:iz liutter Scare", --V'fc-'M cuts tor gotd tresli. w.u.l !-'or cnoic lots, i'l cents. Dried Fruits Full .'neks in market; ! Apples ar- bringing few cnls p-imd ; i..'.;l:'h' -L. ..;'..n!5 ; 0"pr'"U XU C,ntS: I mills il i-eni-t. . Sugar Crushed, 1 .1" cents: RIand t. po-i ; San Francisco r -iinetl, cenrs. Ten liest qualify ?1 p r pound, and oth er brands ranging Irom irvr-j cents. Cotr -e !5 -st ar: icle i c tits. Salt Hanging from 1'tiiVs. S;.-ra) o) cents i-r gallon; best article 65 c.-nts. Paeon Hams 12 -it"? cuts: Shoulders, Scnts; sides, I1) cents p -r pound. Iard Per mmii i 1'yi.U'i c ats. Oil Devoe's K ro. ue per gaIIoii,ti')fv75 Cnt5: bin "ed ?I Si. Iteefon foot liood fat cattle find ready t saPat 4'i-i cuts on loot. Pork We quote at .S v'icnts. Shoi-p Few otT.-riug ; quote at $1 0J;52 50 p-T head. j iize; dry loc-nts per pound. llldi-ji i..r"-n nl irorn fg.'tvo, owing iu me rtlCleS OI 1,.., AJIiiuuilof iteallll. Santa Clacs Headquarters. Old I Santa Claus arrived in this city last 1 week and made his headquarters at j T.ouis S.ial's con feet ionarv, where he An edition of between nine and ten mil- lions ol copies of a very us;!ul work is now rcaity tor gratuitous distribution, and can be lnid for the asking at any drug stor.1 in the United SState, the llritish Colon ie, Spanish America or I'.razilu. The work re ferred to Is Ilostetter's Almanac for 1S74. I The medical j-ortion ol it treats of the vari ous ailmciit.s'.vhicli the human system is Riilij -et, a ml s -ts fort h t he peculiar proper ties of J lost-tbr's Stonieh Hitters the purest and bt?st tonic at pres-.-nf known as a preservative of h-.-aitli and strength, and s a remedy for debility and disease. The Almanac is printed in ail the principal languages of t lie civilized world, siul reac h es a large number of families and individ uals than any other medical treatise that ever issue lrom the press. No man or woman who has a due regard tor that choicest of heaven's blessings, bodily vigor uliould lail to read the plain, simple and convincining arlich-8 which this truly I Tactical publication contains. 'Ibe mis cellaneous mailer is varied, instructive and amusing, and the calendar depart ment copious and com prehciisive. Host, ttcr's Almanac is, in short, a house hold onvenieiice, adapted to the conveni ence, adapted to I tie us1 of all classes and callings. The larmer, tile planter, the miner, the merchant, th- mechanic, the laborer, t he professional man, all nerd it; ae.d to invalids of both sexes it is literally an article of priniV necessity. The m-di-cal tectinicabt i-s which render so many medical treaties intended lor popular use unintelligible to the general reader, hav been carefully avoided in this pamphlet, VII is clear, explicit, lorcible, and recon- eilable wit h reason and com moil sense. Th'" ! ro; ri -tors, .Messrs. I lost; -tiers A Smit h. Titsbur-, l'a.. on r.-ceij-t oi a two cent stamp, will forward a co y by mail to any person wb.o cat. not procure one in his n-ighborrfood "ANTED to uk !h:aki fuom If anybody has ever used t he t borough ,.,, ..,.l..,.liiin lu.nrsi, .f I T-. ..I t ..,. 'mended by the proprietor of in-, safe's atarrh n.r tne cure ot . atarrh I 1... I ,...rf,,..llv S.H1....I rtuu u.n J- v ii I i. . , .ii. ...a....,,. 1 . o ' l,..r.- unnl.l li'.-l,, l.;,r irom that person, and iy audressmg him at I he World's lisp -ns iry, 1 aiir.i Jo, JN. V., such person, il there he one, will hear ol sone t hing to his or her advantage, as tin1 Poet or is in earnest, when he offers ?")'0 re ward lor a case of 'atarrh which he cannot cure, and is p,-n'eely abe- to pay it if li fails in a .single cas -, as any one mav as- c-rtain upon eiepiiry. 'i ol t real meat r -tcrr-'ii to a tut r .'Com mended bv I.r. l'i -rce consists 1:1 the use of Dr. Sage's 1 'atarrh Kemedy with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche which is Ih.'onl.v nieaiis bv w h it'll t he rhi id Can be ce-rried up and ap plied to all j .arts of the missal (.assages and t hr chambers connected tle.'-ew ith in which ulcers exist and trom which the dis charge proccds. In addit ion t o t bis t bor ough triplication of the Rene-dy, which should alwavs be us -.1 warm. Dr. Ti ree's ioid"n ybalieal Discovery should be taken earnest ly as con st it 11 1 ion a 1 1 r -at ment ,vi; h oe.l . hicli lew cas s can be cur.-d as the disvas ' is always constitutional and must la.' treat -d accordingly. This tr atm -nt has no un;.l -as ml Jeatur s about it, and has the advantage ol never driving I in dis eise to 1 1!' lungs as (here is danger of doing by thi- us 01 strong, irritating sniiirs or poisonous solutions. J'l.AIX FACTS. 1-TlANKKottT, Mich., Sept. I'tth. IST-i. Ayi-:irii:,'ii I had a bail cough irom the 'atarrh which bad got in mv throat.. 1 tried a good many things bet trot not hing t do me any good until 1 us ! your ..old- 11 Medical Dis o-.vry and DoeO r Sag.-'s atarrh I'.'.-meo'y. They cured me in three mou( lis, lor which Iamvry thankful. AMDS 'ISUKU. A Voice KitoM rnr. Cf..mi:tkv. Utii'-fi.'th of the graves in ev -ry C 'liietry are 1 1 last homer, of t he vi.-l im (it Con sin 11 1 t ion, and yet tle-re is no dis.'as which tenninati s in constitii ; tion t i'.-d may not be cured with ll'tff'x I!,iir,i i,f I Ii,r IiuhuiI uii'l ''nr. Is not this a tact, worth r.-tu- 111 b.-r; ng? .'rilteii ton's, Tli Aveau . .ld by all Druggist s. 1 .lie's toohache drops cure in 1 tninufo. ltul'uo ' bill n:an of Liberty, Maine, l;ad asiiif leg l.i :it at, t Ii" knee, limber.-, 1 ai.d s r.'tigf h"ie d !.y the us : of .''" V. ' .1111- The pr 1". ri' t ' rs of .Wi,n'i'.t Aii'"',,r' ,ini'iir,il,'!ir :tt,i'x I'.rr ;n'ii-r I'v.ati't S.'.rr i'.'r? Ctiftt rii ' 'imrhtimi l'in-(lrrt,i: ve ; lib it ste-d a read a hie a nd i n s: rue; ive 1 a to ph l-t which may be had .' by mail. j Ji. -;; .'X. The 11 ml: r.-ig:e d having be.j. ;.;,; . i at ! ageiit lor. laekaiiia.- cir.i at y ill 11 tor a 1 da. s, hen order,-.! by school or district, for introduction at tie- following rates: i, '-til 7 '.-i.: Intro.l'U-.i Pacific Coast I-"irt !'.":ul,-r i i li!-1, " S"cinid Head -r ."xi ::4 " Third Kea.l-r 7a " " Fourth Head r 1 tw.i r.ii-', Firth Head, r 1 ir) tvi'i Hoptiins' Manie-I of Am-r-i"au Ideas, in lieu of lit h Head r 1 ail 1 Oil J. M. I'.ACON. Oregon City, Oct. Pt, lS7i!. Tkxt li'i'iK.s.-Tli" following text books can be had at mv .-tor" until January 1st, 1ST I: Clark's P.'-giiiiiei 's trani'iiar f ) !') . lark's Normal Oramiuar 7;t Mont iet h's Introduction to .ieograi. by raejlie Coast l-Mdion r Monti, til's Physical and I ntermerliat" ' e'ogra nh.v Pacific, oast Kdition 1 :!a Sfe-.-h 's Fotirt", n W.-.-ks in Chemistry 1 ihi " " in IMiiiosopuv 1 t"i " " " in Plivsiolog. 1 00 Wood's Pt-.tanist and Florist . 1 70 Pacitlc.t 'oast f- trst H.eid'-r p;, Secorel I'. -nd. r .", " Tbir-I K ad. r a't " Fourth H-ad'-r hie, Fifth H-ad'-r SP, " Sp. 11-r it', Hopkins' Manual in lieu t;t h Header 1 'it) others will be isdd-'d as sooti as t !-,' are received. .JolIN MVF.ils. For t he very b"st photographs, go to '.t nd lv.v Healofsou's lial -ry wi' iiout ST A 1 1 is Attn-nd in Jlie lOJciulto', i '.l Montgomery Stre.-t, San I'raneisco, California. WORDS. Th" Associated Kefonii'-d I'l'ilnfrri-ii; says: l-'or years Perry Davis' Pa iti-Killi-r has b" n known i;s :i most useful family in 'dicin". For pains and aclcs we know riot hing so good as 51. e Pain-Kilh r. For many internal dis-uses it i.s equally good. We sp'-ak from exp ri' iice, ;i ml t stuy to what ue'kuo v. No family ought, to be a it ! lout a !-;t !e of Da vis' Paiii-Kill'-r. M::.-se.-. 1'kukv Davis Son, Prov., H. I. Urn!: Alt hough a stranger to you I am not to vour invaluable medicine, Pain-Killer. I form"d its ac piaint a nee in i.s 17 a nd I am on most intimate term with it still ; in v experience in its use coniirins my be lief t hat t le-re is no medicine equal to Pain-Kill'-r forth" quick and sur" our-' of Sum mer 1 '0111 plain! s.Sor- Throat ,' reap, bruises and .'iiTs. I have us"d it in all arid found a speed v cure in every cas.-. Yours Truly. T. .1. JAHPINKH, M. D. Judging bv our own exeeri-neo who -vr one malo s a trial 'if I'.-rry Davis' Pain Killer, will not fail to recommend it . idely as an unequalled liniae iit, and valuable Internal ruivlv lor colds and arious other co in pi a hits. Kvry M'tnlh. The efli. iencv of I'.-rry Davis' world-re-noMiied V'fo'i-A"t7er in all disease o th-boa-els, even in that t -rribl" scourge, th Asiatic chol"ra. lias been a m ! 1 v at t st rd bvthe most convincing aut liorit Mis sionaries in China arid India have vritt n home in coniirvii'lation of this r-ui -ily in terms that should carry conviction to t !c most sk. Titical, while its !: u'. irity in com munities" ivar-r houi" is amp!" prix.f that th- virtues claimed for it ar - r al and tan gible. Among family m "liciii-es it stands unrivaled. Jioflon Courirr. ' The .S'ra.-f'v Kir'i (lZ'ttr of TVslon, sas: It is impossible to find ri plac on this broad land where Perry DaviV Pain Kii.ler Is not known as a most valuabl" remedy tor physical pain. In th" country, mil. strom plivslcian or apothecary, the Pain-Kill r is cherished as the exclusive panacea, and it never deceives. "Pkrkv Davis is really n valuable niciiieamcnt., and, utilike most of t h" articles of t h" da y, is ns ! by many physicians. Ir Is particularly d sirabl-- in iocat ions vh'T" physicians are not. nar; and, by keeping il at hand, famili-s will often save the n"C"s;tv of S"nding out at midnight for a doctor. .V bottle should be kept in every hotn"." Iio.rton 1 Tntvcilcr. "We have feeferl th" Paix-Kili.ek, nnd assure our readers that it not only ioss"ss- j es all th virtues claimed for it. but in j many instances surpasses anv othtr rm- 1 r-.av -.e nav e ever hu u, jiefi"tw I novl3ml COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, im-TtrcDCTTY P.V P.iT.T'POPJJIA. ThkParkkr fii-x.-Wo take nleas ure in calling attention of our Vallev friends to the wonderful merits of the double - barreled breech loading shot! by our friend Capt. Urveii 15. Samuels warrant us in asserting that it is the best brceh-loailing shut gun in the world. Tho simplicity of construction, the ease with whieh it can be loaded or unloaded, the facility with whieh the load can be changed from .small to large shot enabling the sportsman, in :m instant, to adapt ids change to anv sized game that may present itself the ( ease with which it mav be kept clean, us a ana unity io a country where noth ing but muzzle-loading ammunition can be procured, all combine to recom mend it to every sportsman who can j aooreciate a perfect fowling piece. "Warren Sentinel ;" ( Front Roval, Va.) OHSTAC.'l. 5foappy It dief effects of Krror- OHSTAC1..K.S TO MAUKI Alt K. for Voung ?Ien from tho irs and Abuses in earlv life. -tiannooa restor-.-u. tinpedjuietits to Mar riage removed. New in . -t hod of treatment. New and remarkable remedies, books and circulars sTit tree, in sealed envelopt-n. Address. HoWAKD ASsui IATION. No. South Ninth St., Philadelphia. Pa., an In stitution having a high reputai ion for hon orable conduct and professional skill, novii : v XEIV TO-DAY WILLAMETTE RIVER ToA?-SPQRTAT!Gf4 CO'S V"II.T. l.KAVK I'l.ANHEliS WHAH1-", T Port lan.l, at (i o'clock, A. .M., as follows : For Curvtiliis nn.i Int'Tiih'tiiut Toiiiis :', Wcdtio.s-.lit j' ami I-'rlauy. Fop Alb un and Int.Tniriiiate Foiiils : 3 1 u 1 1 d u y, T u e x d 11 j A V e 1 11 e s t! 1 1 y , T 1 1 1 1 r -d- iimi Kritliiy. For D.i" ton. L i F;nvtte and MtOliiinviiU': Sulurilny hiii! Ionday. Passage to Corvallis f (V) Passage o Albany 1 50 Passage to Salem". 1 (HI Passage to McMinnvill- 1 00 it. OoI.DSMITH, President. D 'cemb- r Uth, lS7t. tr. rVj Scliool Teachers-! ri .HI-: UKiflTAH qi-AltTCltl.V KXAM X illation of leaeli rs will be held at the Oregon City Seminary, on Sa n .-;!;. y, Oct cm l.r -, x 1-, 1 S3 1, At !) o'clock, a. 111. All persons applvUi" lor cert if ieaf es are e.p -cteil ( furnisli fheir own station, ry. A punetual ait -n, lance is requested. Prof. ?.f iK-ram, Jlorebind it Ni liids.ju Will assist in conduct irig i he exam mat ion A. NObTN KH School Si:; . for ( lacka mas t o ( ir 1',-cemb. r 1 h, 1S71. td. ' Tisr oi' Ict t oi-.--. 7F.MAININC IN TIIK p. ISTOFFK'K T II I Oregon City, Dec. lit il. K75: Harlow, .lane s A, I'af.-s, J. C, I'.ald in, .1 W, Oiar.!, Mrs Mary K, Hess. Santord, .Jones, .Joshua, Jo!-. n son, M iss Sarah, Job n son, s s, Johnson, Sam'l s, bong, W F, Lamb, II It, Mti iis-v. Doe, 11 lther,.iehy. Hhoad.'s. Allen, ste,,.art, Lorenzo, "cs;,C V, Wan! low, J I.. If call d for pl"ase sa v advertise.. .1. M. ISAVoN Postmaster. ' X )Ti( .'E je 1 1 EKEiiY ' .' I -1 :n to all p;.::sons t bidei.ied to f h" irr -.iued 1.-school Fund in Clackamas County, Oregon, tbat they :H In- ,-x--. ct-i! to j ay interest t hereon oil or b.-fore t'e- Jsi : Ie. ::".-r. -, 1ST!, -sceorcaaj-to t iie ten-.r .1' I h 'ir notes. This December ttb.lsr.i. !'. P.E.VlI!:, t ounty Tr -.purer. PRIGS 8 "REDUCED"! ( ireat I ; 1 1 'ix tins I K C) li :j O 1) a V S! rit H E CN DERSh ; NED WILL SELL ALL 1. kinds of uu rcl'.a ndisc at GREATLY REDUCED RATES INT1L 'I it K I.-t OF JANcAUY. is 74-. iiv" us a call and .-.a nine our toods ti Pries. s. H K!;ii."!i..v(t! Oregon City, Nov. -js-ld. ad Hi'fiTi'f's Sah of lira I Ksliitt ou Fartition. It.flf Cirri ii( C t, t i,J t Sluts r,f Or-jon, fur thr f.'miitt;j nf (L'farktim't. Thomas ( hiirnian, Plaintiff, vs Elni'-r I-:. Ciiarman, 1 I'-onard i'. 'ha rni a n ' Defendants. Mary M. i 'barman, ) n V VI I IT C E op A CERTAIN JCIMJ- ni'-iit and deer-'.' of i ar:iti.n and sale aiade in t h" abov e ej,f jj l ,( ar-t ion, in said Court, on th" t -nf. -t bird (J'tnl) ila.v ol S- ; tt-mber, 1S7:!, th-- siPiseriber, arelf r -c f'ir t hat urpo.s', duly appointed, will sell at public auction to the hih'-st bidder on Miiii'liij, tiif T-.v.-nty-Miitli (:4'.tSi) JJsij- of Iceiii Jci', lsj:j, at t he hour of on (1 o'clock, p, in., of said day, at the Court House door in or -gon Cit'.. , Clackamas County, Stat- ot or -on, certain real estate directed by said judg ment ami d- cr " to tc sold, andther -in described as follows : Tie- sout h italt of lot number t hr v ) , in biocic nu mber t . o ( j), in said lir-iii it." , l.i.-kaaias ounty, St ile of )r -eon. Terms of Sa ! : l.v -ha If of t h" purehas.' money f o be pi id on the day o! the sa le, in Ciiit' d .States gold coin : remaining half to be paid on or t for two years from day ot sale, in gold coin, at oi ( ion of purehas r: Mi" unpaid port ion ol the purchase money to draw interest at t"n per cut. perantuim irom d l.v if si!', and to Ii" s-'Ctired by mor;ga r--nil said r-al efatt; said ie.l.eres:t to be paid s"mi-nnriuaU v. AH I lll lt WARNER, Referee. 1 1 1 k i. at A Warren, Att'ys tor JTaintiir in Partition. November Js', lS7a. No'ic.' lo rr.dilors. In Ci" matter of th" Estate of Mary Pros- s r, d"C"as-'d. Vi TP E is HEREBY OIVEN P.Y THE j.1 undersigned, that he has b"cn ai. point -d by t he County Court of Clackamas countv, Stat" of r -iron. Administrator til the Estate of Mary Pross- r, d-ceas d, and ail i rsons having claims against said Estate, are r quired to pr .-s 'nt th- same, with t:i" proper voueie-rs, within six months from the date of this not ice, to ne at my r-'siil -nc -, n-'.ir or -,'on City, i l.ick a m as count v, Stat" of Oregon, or at Hil da! A Warren's tithe", m or-uoti City, in said countv and Stat". AKTHCR WARNER, Adrninist rarer of the -;st of Mary Pross T, ileceas d. br.'irfin City, Noveie.l.--r 12. Is7.'l. ow STILL n THE FIELD! REMOVED SECOMD DOOa SD'JTH OF H A AS S I.(;. VILLIArTiS & HARDSFJC, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, f-EF.PTIIE MOST COMPLETE STOCK ot 1- atnily (iroceries to be found in the city. All gtKHls warrant, d. ioods delivered in the city free of charge. The ,i ,1P5t casli price paid for country produce. Oregon City, March -2, 1S7:?. TO LET. rriHE KOOftf FORMER Y Ofrrpifn A as tne council Chamber, in Dr. The-; s brick building, App'y nt tMs office, 1 IT! CHAS. PIOTJFrELX), DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, C0RXE11 OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CUT, lias Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress (Joods, Brown and bleached She-tinssr House Inning, Shirtings, Tal.le-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Binen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, L,adiesand ients" Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons. Ilibbons, Laces and Insertions Kmbroi.lery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Uoc"U. JLa. Also, a full assortment of LADIES' .KB CHILDERK'S SHOES, Grix-erics, Crockery. Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimney, Wlilcli le tttrlfcted Avilli iul tare for Oils innrket nnd ramnvt HESIUPASSED IXUVALITVORPmCE. THE HlfiHHST MAUKKT PKICE PAID FOR COTL' XTRY PKOUUCE March 13. 73 :tf TO THE CITIZENS CP CLACKAMAS COUNTY: GREAT REDUCTION IT DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, OWl.vO TO THE FAILING HEALTH OF A. LEVY, IT IS OCR PURPOSE TO OFFER our emir- Stock of Goods at lixeatly Itrdum! fCi-U-e, in order to close out our 1.1M-eJIISl: FALL STOCK! ' LEVY 131 -JOS., Scroad door nortli off lie PoktoffU-i., MhIii utrevt, Urryoii City. A No better evidence of the effi ciency of Dr. J. S. Coleman's Compound Extract. of Eucalyptus can be desired, t han tho following summary of eases, treated with I his remedy alone, l.v that emi nent physician. Dr. David Woos- Tii t' the l". s. Marine Ilospital.San Fran cisco, reported in the August No. (1s7l') Pa cific Med. Jour. A' Cascx I Cur- I Jniir Tmitixl I rtl I ovcl. Remittent l-'i-v.-r 5 Chills and Fever 1M Typhoid Fever t Ititlamatioii of Kidneys -1 Dinretis H Incontinence of Crine . tl Strict ure t Intlaiuation of P.latlder 27 llientiorrliagia M Disease ot the Heart 7 Dys nt'-ry 1 i 1 ironic Diarrhu-a 1;" a 1! 1 3 7 a 4 it iu ii 1" 5 .onorrhica... .15 Dropsy.. M. M V "iTl'v ' For sale Mil VV ti t I'T'igglsts, . I THO kl A S CHAR rl A N E3TAELISEED 1853. DESIRES T INFORM THE CITIZENS of oreiroii City and of the Willamette Vall'-v, that he is stilt on hand and doing busin'-ss on t he old motto, t hat .1 Xi,i'fr" Six i'. ac is Hi tter then a S'vw S7n'('ii!(. I have just returned from Sen I ranciscC, win re I purchased one ot the LARGEST AMD CECT SELECTED iV to c A" o r a o o i s ever before oto-red in this city -. ami consists in part, as fellows : Hoots and Sho. s. Clothing, Dry Ootids, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, China war.". iuc. nsware. Stoneware, Crockery, Plat cd war. Glassware, Jewelry of Viu ious Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, I -adios and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Uoi, Faming tions of Eve ry Iinpl'inv.itsof Description All Kinds, Carpets, Matt ings. Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc., Of the above list, I can say my stock is the ?I O S T ' O :I I L K T K ever ofTcred in this mark, t, and was s-l ted with especial care lor t he Oregon City trade. All of which I now offer lor sale at the Lowest Market No use forth'1 ladies, or any one else, to think oi goi ng to Pt rt land to buy goods lor I am tcriiixiKil t St It Cir'ji ami not to allow mysell to be I M-EIlNtSLD IN THE STATE OF Or.EuihN. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, b; lieving as I do that Tweniy Yt-tirs Experience in Or"go:i City enables me to know t he re quirements ol the trad". Come one ami all and S"e for yourselves t hat t he old st and o; THOMAS CI I A UMAX cannot be beaten in 'pialiiy or price. It would be useless tor me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in t he sale ot uoods, lis every store that advertises do"s that, anil probably you have been disaj pointed. All I wish to sav is Comf, and Slt,;ih;1 Exairiir for Vonrsrlvrs for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old friends now that I sun still alive, ami desirous to sell goods cheap, tor cash, or ciion such t.-rms as agr s-d Un. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretofore l.esiowed. IHos. CHARM AN, Main street, Oregon City, I-rfgal T"ndera; and County Scrip taken at market rated. Tl I OS. CHARMAN. "o'i,imO Jbs wool wanted bv THOS. CHARMAN. JOHN 8CHRA Nl y Main St., Orep-rm City. MAMTAfTlBER AM! I'lFOCTER OF Satltlles, HnrnexK, Sad d!rj--Itard-wure, ftc.. etc Si' "XrHICH HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS T T can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE CR oZTAIL. warrnut my good as rprcnted. Orgm tj. April 17 GROCERIES, ETC. FTUS E j. Vi Lt "ef ompt.'ii'iy corroiiorative or the sunmiary (if Dr. Wonstcr, are Uk lKWttZ?rl-JL reports of the experiments with ACV" Eucalyptus by Dr. I-orrfmer.of n-r- StjS.;'' iin, Prussia, and Dr. Keder, Chief V I'hysician of the Austrian Kailwwy 1 Co., published in the American Medical Journal, July, 1S72. It will be found very efficacious In obsti nate cases of Dyspepsia, Pronchitis.IIack Ing Cough, Chronic fjore Throat, Lcucor rhea, etc., and in nausea durinfr pregnan cy. ir. Ctilcmnii's Dtmlile Extiatt if Kiu-alyiil v is a siH-cial preparation for ; the treatment tf 1-Vver anil AtiKiie, and i . - . , i ii iirniinrii n i iir every case treat P(l according to direct ions, wit bout t he injur ious results of the usual tjuiriine and ar senical remedies f,,r that disease. Also pure Fluid Extract, of Eucalyptus, in one pound bottles, for physicians' use. lie ware ol imitations and take none but Coleman's. . cverywlK re, and by Charles;i..y Co Ag -nts San Francisco. ' W. II. If Hi 1 1 FIELD. Ettablisbed si nte '4J, ut the old Mtuad. Main Slml, Orrgoii Hly, Oregon. g5? A n a ssort ment of Wat ties, Jewd Ej r"V;a,.Ul S.'. l' '' "Ninas' Weight Clockt rl77-, t which are warrant, d to bout 0 represented. w bRc;iiiriiig done on short notice, and thankful lor jiast patronage. VKCLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY, A N D SJvED tSTOJ ? E ! Factory Block, : : : : : : Oregon City , K-Ag. ncy forth.' San Juan L!m Co l-i me sold in quantities tosuit. (aul-tf. FALL AftD VViKTER CCCCS! JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IX Dry iKtls, Clothing, I loots and ,Sl.o s. Hardware. Orocerh'K, Crockery, Notion. I-ndii s and Gent!. Eiirnishiiig (Jootls, O etc., etc., etc., eto illaln Street, Oregon Citj-. I'roduce of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price, irvnudf sue good Ootids at I,ow prices, call at . k j : l l i A a ti nnd examine his new stock of Spring poods. ive me a call and convince vourselvcfi My motto is. " QflCK SAMS AMI SMALL I'KOFITS," The highest market price paid for wool. I. SsELUNG. Oregon City. Oct, 31, ISTtf. 1,090 DEER SKINS W A Isr T K I). AND ALSO,- 4 IX OTHER KINDS OF HIDES FOR orb-e'i lVU- VHy ,h "' markS pnte in ash bring on your hid. s and cot your com h rtbem. JOHN SCHRAM, 0 Saddle and Hari.e.s Maker Oregon Td y. Oregon, July 11. lh73-VnS. KOTSCE. rj "IIKIii: WILL IE A M FETING OF THE JL Stockholders of t be I In.imn I St il.... JL Stockholders of the Oregon it y mil Dray Com, any. at their ofiice ion ( ity. Or. goti, on Saturday, the pt i Dt cembt r next, for the purpose JlttCM. in Ore- UUh day solving f iie eorr-orat ion, in Kccordanw with a resolution of a inajtirity of the -.tock-bo ders this day made and entered of rcc-rm'- . , C. N.OREENMAN. t t !' : r ITcsidcnt. J. M. I rat: Kit, Secretary. Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 1!, SHERIFFS SALE. BY YIRTI'E IF A DECREE AND EXE Cation issued out .f the Circuit Court oi the state of Oregon, for the Countv of ( lackamas, to me liin ctt d, in favor 1st of Jacob orteian for the sum of $d 20-fiKi, gold coin, with interest and cost of dishurs ii)ents:eIK i,i favor of s. Ackcrman lor $112 eO-lae, gold coin, with interest and cost ot disburs. iiK-nts : :!rd in favor of Thomas Charman lor t.Ml.l Sli-liNl, gold coin, with in terest and costs of iis urst mcnts, and nil aginst Rebecca K. Parlow; nw, therclorc, I have levied up.ji the east half of th northeast V, t.I sect ion eight, and the east halt of the west half of I he northeast of section , and the southeast quarter of t c t ion 8, and t he east half of the cast H of Ihesouthuest of section 8, nil in town ship 4 south, range 1 cpt of the Wil hum it Meridian, containing HJt ncres, . more or l'-ss.situatt d i:i t luckamas County.Orcgon ; a nd on .Momliir, llif r;tli Ij- t Drrrmbrr, r A. ls7, -. at the hour of one o'clock, p. ni.. at tho Court House door in Oregon City, Oregon, I will s"U at public auction for cash paid to me in hand, all of Rebecca K. Rwrlow's in terest in ihe aliove tiescriltcd real estate, or enough thereof to satisfy execution, coats and a ecru i n g cost s. A. F. HEDGES. Sheriff of Clackamas County. Vnvimh"f ?Sth. 1S7.1. W )4UI P.tliKS: 50O EXCiKA VINOS, and OILOItFIl PWATE. Pubhsheo W."r-terlj-, at tiS .nt Year, i lrs.t No. ft.r l-57i just issued. A Gcn; " cdaion atsn9 price. Addr?s. J l?! V i-Ki- - v Tl eT CP? o G O o O o o o o o o o o o o o o O o C O o o O G O O o o o o O O o O O o O O O O