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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1873)
G o o o o o e srn FrE-r353PQK S Ml -3 S far IisOLb Oiit:.-.). UTi, uu..JV hit. 1., i ciicn Tin-: sr:v!iiML C ifc!i Hi ' s tli uzh it l Sicker Turn" a dark. ;m d dism -.1 i-loii l,. T.i-" it fills s'' t " i i i 1 1 :ui.l feeble O-i a h -art wiiii Niirrovv l v.vo.l ; HAiVh ir ; i i -k 1 -it is passi lg, r.i-i-in- i-.i'.'i "1 1 awriv ; It ii i - ; i ' 0 ' T.'Ire isyet a ! i- r:ttM- i ly. (j.i!".! tli sa;i'iin' ! tho life's tempest M iv ual'irl ils .lulling t... it. C'tG: i; little. Ii ,i -."'ul .-.crglcr ! q Si-n'iii- v ill ii. -I iiiri'Vcr last. Hoe.'t ";iv-- ti m l -i.iv "fors ak-ii I" Hub, begin t.iQ. i '--Fiji sal :" I -o k : t:i -r - en :t gl -am nl'sr.n-ihine ! ('itj.i ii '. i. s.-iiis so gaad I f ! it t ii sin!iji-; don't ! urievhr? i "or Li it larks mi.- ! il! o ,v tlu-iu! Life's s-m u" s!-ir;ny l.iilo We i:i:i-t :n---t idem every where. H.s-i o'it thro' tin-Mi '. l i.'ot tarry, OVfl-iwllH tho helVllig li-le, T.e-ros a .sparkling gl-Mtii (.1 .sunshine VVaiii.ig oifjlii" t ; i -i- side. si:: iit ju n. :i r.i-it- l.'iii fair. T.i t ;.i Is .s-.-W otu in t ie !l May air, S.v. ';-:iy ru-t -', and on dream-u inzs To j iri tli-- anl m in - r A luii 1 1 : x -tan 1- ly the r-se ba , fair. T-i -Ovv ; -ii - pjrfil 'tie t e.- air : Sa : i.f-.s her haa.'l to lier tliro-jinjr h.-e::, .fl:i love's .irr ;'oii lerful r.rture blest Am ! the years .uli le oy. A in-.' !e-r !:n !s ! V til ' nw !.:i-!i fair, S i.i si-a I i letives in tlie ev - -! i r i r air, S i rrowi .i t ' - l!s '' I p s!- a rise, i id '.' ' i - ; a ti z.iis! i I " I i i il her eves. QS.i r.a veirs V ikf-.l in I !- -f in 1 t ie - rose Ijns'i fair i (; 1 ; . , ; i a I -1 v i -. i a i ' i '.i ioiiiiii air -i - -. i;i l 'i .' i: ii i mi a i t i Ia.-v i'a II to th' V. i.-: I :;'! i I I ' . . i 1 . ! I 1 . I Atri ih ! 1 ! . -'.V-: 1 1 .1 . ll IllnUtid. slides :.v. ; ; ; '.: T.m.v. -K v. I. 1. (). ;, - 'v.ii'i f ' en Sa'....- .!',esefil'"s . i o .... , ( in tne .detu- i. ;. (.'.i il'Ci :it t . .at I'iiHT last ISii;i- da ' ii hi a e. oi"i-t ion w as i , h ::v . dieu (-. ch ar liie siv 'ifv fiin Q H siys Si:. t:r WaH. r was m die eve;. :!!; e.ti.'.;re;,Mti.n m tiee'i Uioa i ! " t"l- i.'- l" hil-l Oi l. Jl Viiii'i s'ac had sa.'n.iced l.o.iiO. I'rie'.G1. ; ;;,'l, n' 1 .' C'C. a !'o. -1.-, for t'iiri ;t. ai'nl ;; i : 1 1 to Ore; on when it w.'.a a wi! '..-i-e.'-s. a-.ssted n -reet-i". tli ' iaiv ? the ero-is. " l!i.r ye irs of t oil s'. wat -lieu tin- steoa of jnaijress as 1 irharism i--c - le i liVfore tiiem. Hho hal stoo l oy lie; si.'. f h-a- hu.-land as he toil -1 in th" .jreat o:h of Curi .tiaa i.i:i ; ii'.- ; i atr and t!: s.ivaire. She !:.. 1 ;i ;lt. t-li .n-.-s ('ass over toe i i td v !" -fl of her' littsii.ife.l a - lie t j-'M't'i -JAy yi'ddt-d to the te'iin-.: liriw.iOii toil ;-.a 1 lime, tian-t'orniiny 1; i ra . i h !.-'.. i it.o .vy v. ! iteness. And v. iih a r.-;St.i' ha a; ntir.- his .V :ovn at Jier si ! o ii r t o h.MV.- for his ai?v.:!'.e"d s L'.ivin her to j Weeo ;t'l 1 iee ai' 11! i i teiMT: t'e. L.'t. me in; et: rn-il a-y ii.i w.-i!d rlji-iU ha v I' ll I :": "i . , :!. : i e' ;e s 1 1 - 1 1 i o. ; .'. a t . I only iuer --d h -r A aa I si;- e ! r - I , . i a i .i And t i: -r :-v'-vi- . i . .-i a- Q' r : -i a a t'u-y. "": 1 :v' lika li OA It A -.v 1 1 .-' I ' t v !.: :m i ; 1" ::n- tar.- -.- l ire:).- j 1 1 . ; r i issiii.T tiii. Tao a: -!ou 1, n went i 'i-..;:.''a t ae tiori aw 1 tea- - i! lo.e.raia a ;re;va- !r." -v. M -. i" -. , '" i o i : i i -1 -. a ; i ' ( . ' i,i t . IS iii Ilk - o.l' S;i'e. ;a,i'l.,i V '. ill a V " " 'i vin .. i,v .-vyia;...; .s u W.I -1-- ii il'. a i 1 s ).l.. .mi I t.iai-r ' ' ii' ins ; 1 1. a I is at a - ' 1 I 1 1 j l 1 l '" .11:11 ! I I'. - ee . ill-"" I -a t!li a. i , - i v ' . i i i iiveriii - 1 -.1 il !-.iell !l ' e i II' ,! j - t 1 ' - I ' ! ' ' . ill! 11 i :. . : th" w.'.U in i o ' I.-' ' a s-.-.-ii i ; hi. n. i )a oa & -r-e. "-. -..' i :- ;;) ai. ( n r I ra ! . s; : i ia . .- e i ,o .-ii i ! aaa- -i --.".i :i m - -! : - v w.teti la - - t..ii. a: ..;.: i. ' .-: . - i. ej i dar- k v, w.o in h halet . -:. n-'a vs al' "rf-an ' u i' i.i his ii i-J t o-t i- n -Ct-Vv' I.-.l not cnluhr- dn.r.het ho i v i it -vis ittte-i i,. l isus-iil .. A.. i ... i., i." a. I... .'.I . ... ... ex:-, i i, u i Is. .ui.-.ila t.e ,i. v :i :i o. . i la '.- el an or .a d i. : i.i . ' '. ", ! i - . it (;:. ".".l :i in V - vV.j.mi ii'i! -v. M r. J Ii. eon -l i 1 I ii' li ei;-- -. old s ei. ", a walking n; : i -itig '..'a- i al . i 1 "i hi ; -. h'.i-l I'.u- '.).' Ml lie was eui.-t' aioi..--t n. tii" ih : i. lie '-" to i - l zi:i-.-..-r lie e.llt of" th" in i l'-i ' -an I ja .: a-; lie vira:a ! -a !" o. .'. li : i .Vo:ii Lie t ; s I jit. Mr. i --.l!' Wis v. i-n ' i; a-iuir-'l y," .:n ! ,e t'l.-ui ll e ie art. ! Mil f.M . !:,!. 'j . ia e i ):i lir.gii- anl sa- ik it o i'v .a ly at !'. ai; looked st i'al 'lit in hi ex 'a at a a -..t hili. a a a r ":;. m i e set hu. l wi-.h the r-rv..r . ai ! -(M ao peroration to an ei. pi' ai .i ; i r : ' . V . i v : . i -.' iii ' i in a r. 1 n o i r -: iii i i ill a ' ia , i a 1 1 '.' " . ai a .ve Min alar.-a'. ! I ' - " UrA re lad eit a f irtive -gl .it at h! .-h : -! -v Ides. la. ai . ding io-i -dat ! ii; ! y r..,i:i. I r i r- a a-. V; ':! ! on: r ei ;V d -wn til !l 'le. a:il v.-h .,! .' or ih K V. M .". 1 el le 1. V IS I ";.'!. i :!;i -n Vet ! h.' -. - '1' ; i . s" r .'. ". i .::.;:-:. S tvs tli'1 Cai -.: ''" li-'..l "t.-li ;ra;a.y v. i aid 1 ni 1 ; i -s je-.e.e to le mere v mi '-rid ; .'.'.l; to.-e followed 1y 1 1 ''.'c : u:ua:. t lii.iii'vi.ilv ci railro.i.l.s, e( iyeU".!!'.';1. .iil i .' otiier lua!iel.-s of '-li a ;::. .-;. wl.i ( iovere.Mi a't li is j;t-t a Tiltb.-Ii i ig'it ( euh.'e.-t a it lie-; to t tli it i.i t.-leyrapliy: a'i 1 tic- pro-..-..; ;f evet:a"!i.'.;:i' ,1'!' I'.i.ii.'. tii't !. i-.uvi.'u er'. V with a! h;;:;. .-i!o:if : rat an It i far :;o:i ivt-::': 1'iis. tra.l nut in-'tv-ly o: ai::it oi'i- .-.well that tioijs ifTr-y -i"a.. i to -d '.' r. C too s'-h.-.j.p. d postal t.-If 'mpiiv mi rhi to en - ea'Uer t!:o ilet-e-:ni:ie,l opS.-.;ition oi all v. ho w ih iho coun try well. A MKr!a;iis; minis'or, wh lives on a sTtii'iltal-ivy, ws iini' le at t i - i time to -ret his ,aait-;y i.-jst iilui.-Tit-s. ie hadcallr da r.ujnht r ot'thn-1 it each time he had l; ':i p'.'.t oti" witli t: -p. -. At last !iPv -tit to his steward, ai d td I hihi ie iu ist h i o h money, f r his fe.n lily, m tt h ivetlii licit '-varies oflife. 'Odoiiej-!" replied t!e steward: you preach for nnniev! I - tlnu-r!:i. wi pit'ieh'al for th-f g." l ofsouls P v-oills. ! r-4!li" 1 t!ie minister: ' I can't eat souls, an 1 if I couli, it won 1.1 t.ik a tho-isand Uk yonrs to nuke a ilocont ma;!," Q I Ifv. B. A. Lewis, -vvho had been - expelled from the United Baptist miien oi .uranae, lias been re- instaU.l in the same and granted .;full authori Ity and liberty to dis- chaise his former duties and rcspun- sil; as i licensed minister in the denomination. Far Western papers, as a rule, spare neither ago. nor .sex when a joke is wan ted. For instance a Carson City jour nal sivs: "(Mr County Clerk can bust I'l'a wife witli the I finest feet and lojur-'st ii' of an v K'liiale in the Ter ritorv." An editor annoiiiK-ed tliat he will take coi n in niy for his jiaoer, an 1 that he will take it in the ear if lie ean't et it othi-rwi-so. Fitiier this editor meiish es a cry e:-: o loi-r, or he has v-ry 1 ir e ears. An ordinary ear will not hold three cent's worth ofe-ini. S H E E TM U S I J. Toe fod . in; naai d pi. c.-s ar.? rscom :n"n'.t' tl as b -ia.j; anions our latest and b-'.st issues : MUSIC Julia, 'lis of th " I slnz Son;. Hays -lc Why clon't you co:n-- ho;u -.. " ilays lac ,.-ath tli" waves nr s;iiru wm ii i -rs No Iitt ! one to in 'i-f la-- i iive l.iy love to all at ti a: iiiink of 'me S'imt'i i ii -s, . Ma.--ri'- SoiMy sJiore; t tl 2 M :irs ol " St-'-wart .'c I'ratt -!)c " StiM-iirt a c " .Stewart one I'ratt 'i)o i I '.' -n SENT ! )in iia 1'ir -r your mith-r, S iniii." I loti-T to s (.' tie- d -ar oil home Liit l - s.v --t li -art , com lis- t ti to in Myi-v. TV ilio't wasot tfe-i-l'-n ar ste-ii d'","ivcrs.Alto .- :iiC fro: n " I'aulia""... stay :i'.-t !':-: 'w.i v. s-jira no s hj; iro:a " l'.iuliii""... TopT-a- -tlie'iris. Ilaritotl" sunu' fM'ii " l'aiiiin--"... Mv h -art forth Sojirnno ' J lays J io " Stewart -Tie ' l-'r -er-Ji .'Wc " Hays iw " Hanks oOc ' Hanks OOe " DanksOOc so.!- from " I "on lino"... Hanks 30c My ' m -,-n of Stars, awake. t. -nor son.: lrom I'auliue " Hanks 3i)e I iniy, t lc- flow. r of Kddaro U'iii-'o-r Sotily, Mother's dyin 'r r an 1 il -ar a- of Stewart KJc Stewart C')c !i i .' i- Hymn. Hanks .'50c My l.ov si-ej s und-r t he I'ai-i -s. -ori-j:. lerIev :iV oh! im.v d';, f U-, Aunt Si- si ' -' o:i;. Mav Aood :p Hat i. i t k 's me no id:ti::s out s inz. 1 rlev : c 'Xealii !.'! liio- and inir- 5 ' l --o us N'r.i i - dr -a m i a ir ic y.n 1 ii - s vi" t -st iiu.i is ei i-shi' ( .V R!-:CKUT W ill iv- come home to- i. jot , io-. ; i- i- . i ;id ; -i -s oar i ion i v ; ; f ; ii ad -hat t ! I . .-,r... Ho s ii - i-v r thin k of ne-... ste-vari " I'ratt a.te anks sue " Hanks ,'0c " S: -sart lee Has :rc 1 lays :ito o.ii , il ! -iolr t. J.!in. Hanks :-He My di-ir o'.tl M..ia-r Sun. llas 40c I oa v no 1 1 en I and cast a ay I ' a- ! h 1 1 Tim t F 'VI LI-: 1 ' and win 1 a. m. v: r t !'.i!!o.v- a fir Savior. '1 hoii an ev.-r n ar i h i o i-t. !!riii'ii-i for Ma ! Voi.e; I'.-ari .'ii ri.-a. i a;:'K- -. ! n ra -u a:'.-: I ' ay 55 10c j nays ;.c .,:je -'e St. -wart .'Me l'r dt :ie I tanks '.yJc 'X'oiii-l lac Kinkcl a'le : "ir.-; i ii a A' ii- I tisi mm -nt il. !.;oK-l -He j ;.--H o: s i : it, r.,-. ':-:t . l-'ir a .U :tV j 'or.i:i r 7, ! r- I i '.ar ;a. K i n I :Vu; j I-'.-. : i i i i '- ( n :-:k-t '!'...a..-kst tCink-'l .Tie j Ai A 1 i K : I ' li R 'K ah, Minn i.-av - ,. i 'v-r..-. i ltif'nini-'l'.! TCink 1 'V. Th-- H a -'--rs i ra m i :-c a !. Kitik-' I '! i- I M -rry drl eiiioo. K'tik.'-I .'" j Mol'i Iari:'ir 5nsr;ir.u-nt:il. Kitik--! a 'e i I. i Y.: 1 1 - " Kink d :: i I a a .- "1 "! ; ,u'-o: t .. Kink-l "' ; iaa- u'.ain :'tn!. Kink ! Ma -Vol March. Mu li r j id Itiiinr " Alliri :! VI nrd-- t'ha.o. Vti !--. T n 1 " ' . I'i'f.'i :f,r.I il,.' v ;.t. '.-.'-; -"', r, l - j ,t .:.', I. a .i. tj. i'K'J'i-.ii.y, ' ! "':' lil .i.t il y, .Vi'iv tnr!i, ( -i-'i oJ i i rasa -t:: :;r s 1 -.-"..!ili:i -wr. 'A Aii r;!a-fi-::' -! Xori'hly .fonrnal, Fr.ivcr saliv adoiah d to i t il - ilandsoin . 1' Tiodir-al i r the World. A i ; pr s ii! at i v ninl i 'ham - iori . .i .'.,ii near. Tasi . S in H-hik or X Stores. ! . I I 71 I V A' .e. i I . i . . I , I I , r II r I 1 I .. t . , .. . . .., -.... ... .... .in i i le v in r e.i i ra ! r.V ie of or..,..i.-v- ! i'--ri i.e i .,. ; t 1 ; a -l ! ' a -l I : -II 1 . - .f !:: and .c I'al 111 ii!iin. I ! e ,l i i! : a .-! a r , ta ra.- -t s;.e.-.:a :is l ,,: ar. i-;! ic sxn:, in !; a. -a aad whir-. Ai- -din. naaia a- a :f ,r 1 ; a is ir; -ili r'. . r -al i i.t . ir 'i ! isar i at.. i i ..a - - ... . i ; i . . ' - mo.. i - i . .i .. - ' - ii .. ..i.i i i-.;i -.j I : a e;.,. ,,; , - y -,r. Wa i-r ii-;i. a- i 1 - 1 1 ; ' i y .1111 s;i-Ti.r vi! a - I eo d Ma rivaU of a .-i-uiar . ; Til K A 1. 1 .V-; is a u-.i ( i and o.-i -,j '-. -pf ion a Ion-- a ad ua i;;-r ich d ah- , S)la;--I y without e ai . et i! i-ei in nrlc or,' i,arict-r. Tie ,,,,,,, -if a c'.a, .. ' v duai -eannof o i; hed- th qa.-ui :tv of p.i'. r mil .-n.-rr.ivin-:. in nnv ' U r ; sh.p-orriu-a'. ro: x ,:a:o s ...--,, ' , ;;,. ,.,, .;,.,' ,,,, , , .. ' : i::?-:-!irr.n 3-';:j isj i. i kv- -ri a r to 7VA ALi:.H f.r h - ir Is: i v. : d i- - ive a pair oi ear e,e,,. T e- or. r.n il i.-tur w -r- " a 1 at - i in ! i- r 1 i i -i . -a r ..: t h ill;-: . I .'A" A. I.,- ; Th aia-i Mana, .-. has zv -at Colorado pie- i r w s ; urea l--d b..- Conr -ss f r t -n t !i-'a ia I ! .liar;, iii-su i.j -e:s w-r- eho s ri to r -. r -s -nt. "The ; i.,t ' and " l'h "''." O i- is . vi'-.v i-i Th- Whit M-aa- '. 'I -'ips iir-: th oth"r giv i,i . i .. -. o. i . r -a . . v r, ii , o !ii.'i ; 1 1 -r- ' i n . li a r - .ie in la n at r. r ol in '. s -n-- t h -ois -lv--. is a j I asirrr e :iirasf. i and .i:T ..-.I., a i;o- 1 di....i'-iy of tli- a rt i ! '. s .p a -i I e ,! r,nr. I 'ii-- earo.n -n ar e.i-.-a v..;-.v -i ir . u th iri .- distin-t piat -s. -m l ar a '.z i.-l s I'm an-i -ip i -ar i: i,-r fa,-- no oi I U" (-,-:u:lh. t pr 'S -.-ll l! io l : i'lTa",';, i a-'' i;' , h;n Xi.-Pr of Till-: A I. lI.i: .vas a bold iiur p.-e-r'ia hapoy id -a, and its s'le.j-ssfui r -aiiz itioh :C s; -a by th - f.,ii,, testimonial, .v.-rth.-sigi o: .Mr. M..ran hiaiidf. N V. r UK. N. .1. .V i.f ' ls-:l M sr-. .I it i:s r r ion .t ( 'o. ' a-'i. i a n d -iiat- d in th1 proofs in e eor ei' your eisr m-s. Th ar1 won drot;Jv s e-e -ssft,! r r -s -ntntioiis !- ne e.ia a..-1! pr. -.-. ot tie- ori-jnal naintings. N ry It s-.-e?ri-.ilv, -i.i 'I'll Mo?:.x. I 'a s ' ehr .aios ar in - v ry s-ni Am -i-i-ei-i. .h-y -..- I,.-.- an oriainal Am -ri -an ;-r i. i, material of Am rie:i m tia- ! . -."ar -. !: ,-n d -sir: ; of Am -ri -an s -n rv -a .::i re-ia p-.jr.t -r. a -id pr -s -nt -d to sin.--., -rs to ta-- iira .!:--e -.,! :,, .rj,.;!M or. I,;i:r:i!l. , ; no: bur b a-ans of all cus, ta . ..v'dl c -rrairdv i-oss -ssaa lat -r - no t'.r-u-a ; r iu. t io-i e in ii.s .ir. ., i n al a r a r t ; ' a-i ta -.,rs if !,v r -as an o. p ea-iar i u-:.P:--s of i-icti .,,......,.-..1:1. ;y . . .i - i.i-,. ... 1 1 v : in:i! '.' ''' '"" '' '"'"P" ' '(', e'"-. ). fill' nr.-'-.;,-, nrKAi.niy;:. p. Ts.V!s . , -,,,' ' ;aw- pi.'-tur s :-r t !-.-ai; i-.-s not ;.,r the pre-" t h v di i i.r lit not vsf. and -vjil -i-v. preia;-;h" ot.t-r. ris that. r..n i.-rs !e -:r i.;! rs 'i:t io;i p i i, ;.a . I: any t sa op.d in i;,..,r . ., ... f.T--."-!',.,:.:.:r.A.:i-;,r: vvr i.i . ii, i ii,)!,ij, . m; it I'll-- .-. n 1 -i , 1 '" ''"thai "hr eno. llx.'i inch . Vnir '.. O. " I i. . . . I ... . ; - - .. . 1 . ...... . , . . . i i o a is soaki'i ' ' s li- tray the !on:in:s of his haV. T K R .-I S s per ntmiiiii, in pdvanc, with Oii Ch ro il iris Fn.-cJ Tr .0 rents extra, the rirri'.o; u in j.r .!-"":titt,ririn:;,,.xl.nnd -. ;),(,'- TUE AT. DISK, h i! l.iir reaf: "r. bo'.T:,ir, af ie by snhs-ri : x ion. l'h"r"!l -v no r-d'icri .h or c-iui rat ; eish for s-t'.j- dir-ct or ii and -d to the local eanvassT trithout r"itirt?itv in Ih" u'Hhr. ex- cm t in cis s V.i-rah' o-rt-fl.-a:- is -riv-n be-irin- tb- f i.ini'i- sizn mire of J vmfs . ....... . . . , i -1. .; - .-.-in i.j ill- 11, uh -r 01 iioyy . .. V NVASNi:iiS W.VXfKi). Any ir-on wishing to act "rniinantly in; to aet rnunantly as a lo.-r: canvas prompt information n bj-applyinj to '1"m JUIES SI TTfl MA IDE XL AXE, Xeiv-York: .Viec-Jm ! BXTERrEIffEAXXOUAL i - ' "" j , hsv 3,- ; S j 3 2 J Jc iCj a a. ! A IQM QZM&ZZXflZ NEVSPAP2R i ' Jt T H K ' ... , Farin.r, Busings 31:ni, uniuy urcif. Irf-SL'ED KVEItY FlilDAY. V. NOLTXER, EDITOR AN J) PUBLISHER. OFFICIAL PAPER FOIl CLACKAMAS CO. OFFICK In Hr. Thessin's Brick, n-xt door to John .Myers store, up-stairs. T.. T-,t a of Knl4i-ri iitioHl Sin 'le Coov One Year, In Advance ? " .Six Mouth " Tenui of Al vrltujr : 1.50 Transient a lv-niseiuonts, includinff all leal notices, sijuare of twelve lines one week f 2.5') For each subsequent insertion l.tx) One Column, one year l-ii.lx) H-Uf " til 1.0! ouarter " " " l"-' iiusiness Card, 1 sipi ir -. one year 12.00 ENTERPRISE 000K & JOB OFFICE OREGON CITY, : OREGON. E AUK PUKPAUKH T(J KXKCUTE all kinds of JOB P.IMNT1NG, such as C. I A'V, I:IIL-IIHAIX, VAMI'UI.ItTH, r.IirTHlt-IIHAltS, jn f;,,. all kinds o' work done h in Irinting ;)r,--e, at r(illTIiANl) PRICES. A I. H K IN HS Of LEGAL BLANKS ! c i r : ant ly on fiaud, tid for sal at as low i a .i.-e. e as can b iia.i in the State. a n n' i r -;r :i v 'ity. " farch 2t. is7.t-t f. 1 .1 ;.!.' I a I : i. ol: l. Ta -f iliowing ;. rs ins ar au;ler: -d to as a-nts for ! !: Kn i K:u':iia?: : ( . 1'. K i-v ti A Co., i ) Hark ilo.v, N.-w Vo c , -, t .r-r::i A c ., t i. ..i.'-:;: ro.t I'hilad -lp ii . A'oho'.t A- Co., and Si Na-'em -t r . i .s i ork. l'ort land,' r -gon '.. x i o:e l i Th I!ove -! San Francisco. (li. i'. fU'l T St . i r-f-n, i: ii. i m ma e a my . .v. iu s Astoria. -i-it-o' count v . Van 1 us ;i Sil 'in T.. Willia -is Ilurri-i'.ar,' I. H. Smith j I ....... ... . II I.', .r .i.w.n I i.....v t I l llll-., i 'HI. '-'Ml.l... ii,,i.,i- .1 I ... r -o v- W. A. Wells i e..-.n Hon f.-iraelt .s;, ,. . ... .... w 1 5 l - .c-i- ai I v'lhi-iv .'."..'.'.... . N. Arnold ! I i i 1 -s, Wa "o -ou ai y N. i 1. hit-s 1,-u ir-i-id -. t'uio-i e-mrit v . '. 'r.iig ! i. ... o. ..... t- -1 o st v n-.w.x- .. tJ. M. Tli'naoson - ( ; .. : .. i ri's-o v n lion. L. !'. f.ari,- . . , ( .T M oat l , L.-uanoa ,j u lidsron j ...;..,.,v.;l. j p.. fi. I'oa Ir.'.y : .n:ir i,):ix ."..'"!!!..'."".!.. ...'.V...i'l. i'. Huston i " , ! . rLACitA I'vr Cr'-k C. F. Hcntio ; halt vilie l-!iti Ztimwalt f t,. H-nrv Mc'higin -,,,!lV I. W . strirer i ,., j. v; -id . f. W. stnw-or ' a: 1 1 :'.- Ii. Wr;,'ht F. i a!'- "r "k 11 ir !iar-s I . -. -r M-al l ila .. Mil-vanki ' -: .v -;o , Fpp -r Molalla.... W. rost-i ..."'.n!. .. '. Nori-m .V. Mor-land .loan llu -!i 'v-r.-'T ioiin Hoo! II. Vaujhan SO AIETi'XU TlVES OHKCDX lAilHM SO. :1. I. I. (. 1". M cverv 'I'iursdav 'V-.-:niig at 7!a o'l-loek, in the f&zj&&k OL1 F.-H-i,vs' Jl all. .-iiin "!?.-.3 : st reet. Alelllhers of ! !io ( )r- if.:; are invited to attend, i'.v e.rd--r " N t ! - Ft' A FlltdilKK ,AtiH f). :i- 1 ( - ' '-. Meets on t lie -n; sa"on I an I Fourth Tues- . 'LtJMj-& dav evenin-'s each siion'h at 7 :-; o'eloek. in the Odd l elio.vs Hall. M-nil.i-rsof tlie Heroo are invited to attend. i,:F?.TM).5I L'OC;i; (). I , A . 1 .v: A. M., Holds its com- a mu'ii -at ions on the First and -A i'aird S it nr. lavs in -aeh month. V ; at 7 " .-! . ;; froui the inh of S .. to i Jat.j o.' a:-.-!i : aibl 7i; o .-1 ,-!; ti-o.-ii the '2lh of March to th. j -Kh of S "ife'iiiier. !'.-"iinen in "ood ' scan ii't r ;lri.. invited to altend. l.v order ot W. M. : ai.i,s j-:xcA5ii.iii.:xT o. 1,1.0. ! . V.. M'et ts at O ld F. Hows' TIall ontneFitandTiiirdT lies- v dav of ee-!i m..iith. P.itria i-i-hs V5 in -: ' t staivling are invited to attend. I JOHN 31. HAC0N, j ANHHKALKH JSZL ; i.-i :'- .k, s;.l;a,.1-yi i..rfum- ery, i t c., . ;. V4siir 'ri'i'n:i City, Orcp . .., ,., y oecupiea by s. Aek'-nian. Main st. lat M 1'" K. Jv 1'Z s 11 ! SHQLWATEa BAY ! O YST EES!! rP"K FN" HKTiSl' ; XFH WXOl'VrFs1 - to t h- cit iz -ns of Or-on Ciy th-if h ' r-o;w-n,-d his ) . st-r Saloon and lies- I ci " " I "V. Tfr V J . V 5il Vr?,r,,l",i V"1 Fr-B.h 0-t " mum nf,nf,w..u' ... A' " assort .... .... iii'.'Mrv. VJV'st"rs sorverl tm III eyerv st-le l-sir-d. T HIS i K t .jjr.r, -v-. f.j as w?f Ii us i y 12 S S C A It D s. PMVSIC1A AXI) SirUCJEO.V, on ua ox city, on no ox. 87"v)fneo Up-Btalrs in Charmari's Hrick, Main .Street. aulltf. PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEOM, i,i:aji.v.t: rx. v louatki). Wilt attend to calls niht or tlay, Oflic? on Main street, opi-o.sitc Masonic Hall. Resi dence fin the hill, where he will Lie please to receive niht calls. Oregon City, Or., Sept. 3 ), 1S73. oc3m:J, W. H. WATKINS, W. P. 1 1 1J"0 on, P0J?TLAHD, - - OREGON. 7-OFriC Odd Fellow'aTciuplc.cornrr First and Alder streets. Kesidcuce corner of Main and Seventh street. l)rs. "Welch & Thompson, DEN TIS78, fS OFl'Il'K IX OXZjuJ ODD F E L L 0 WS TEMP L E, Corner of First and Ald-r Streets, POItTL.VXI) ; - - OHlifcSOV. BVillbein Oregon City on Saturdays. Nov. :i :tf H. U UK I, AT. fMIAJ. K. VAKRES. H 13 EL AT &WARE Attorneys-at-Law, 0RE30N CiTY, - - 011230?!. 0-OFFICE Ch irman's brick. Main st. .iniarlSTJ :tf. JOSi'iSOiJ & McGOWN ATTORNEYS A !) CUUXSELOSS AT-LAW. Orison Cslty, Crsfjon. ' j?'iil pra-fu-e in all tie- Courts of tlif Stare. Sp(-e:al iitleiition uriv'ii to cas -s in the 17. S. Land tHee at Or-ir-in City. aaprlSTJ-tt. Ta. T. 15 A 11 I T, A T T O H ? J S Y A T L A V , OREdOX CITF, : : . OliEdOX. OKFICK Over Pop?'s Tin Store, Main "tre-t. 'l:u.irT.;-tf. J. T. APP2RSOH, OFFICE IN" POS Tor-TICF. P.UrHHlXf;.! Ten 1it, la krt .in Cnunly Or flcro. urn r-fT5 Vity Orlrr 3 jXJGHT awd sold. T( )TA R V TT-rvrjr'. ii--tiaf , Coll 'i-'loni nff"n'.l to, and a r,-n -ral P-rokeage basin irried ,)n- " j.-MllVf. A.. X" ) T "NT li ! OT A Ti Y ' ? L ll OKKON CITY. .if .t .v r i' a c ri j: r ns. ftuiipr, Lallof.'jTio 4 Co. Q reckon " a' eon-ran. ,y ori hand for s-ii- ' lour. .-ii'i ui,i.u, : iiTiii i ll!CK-a I- .',.1. i".! irti s ( f" -' " " "i as, ; u.-ro s.. .- n-- v.-e . VAGOW AfJB CA3.1IA3E A- I. 'A ruff v.. TT - 1.T- .,, ...... J.. havin : i iicn-as'-d ii.--a;- -j'T .J nicnsions his r -tm.-- al t he old St il o-i t !e- -far Corne - if 37ft!n nnil j-,.. OrCOH Citj, Takith! method of inf. troll, and as i.i-my nev plcad t- i-ull, that h Come - or KrAtx .i:i,l Thlr.l ?.'rrt, orminp '.is olrt t.-i. as ni iny new on--s ns may l,. pu a- 'i i i .-ail, that, te- is now nr oar d wit- i am;.)" room, g i-l mat -riaN, aa.l th-- vcr-.- best of hi -e!i.i a ies. fo build nn-.v. re- con ine-t, inak", pain!, iron and turn 'out all e. .m pi t , any sort of n v-hiet" fron n com in ..a Car; to i Com-onl Co-u-ii. Trv :n T, ... ...... . ... Miirw or T Mi'riii, ; and ; ti ral .lobbing noidv, .piickiv a'nl ; ctvaply d-ine. HAVIH SM j j ll. Vi I L L I A 31 S I X ; I ll HAS 11 ST A 71 1. isrili!) . a F A G i 0 B 1 izmZ FQ:a THE MAHUFACTU.IS OF Furniture, 3iii"st!3, and Doors, AM) MVI.ltNti O? AliI SIZKS. They will also do Turning of every de scription to order. WITH NE VTNKSS AN H HI 'ATCH ' , J.iver, in h'Wb' Shop Opposite Oreg,,ti vi,y m ills. JAMSS' Zttll-NS, MASONIC HAM, HFILDINf ;,; Oregon V.ty, : : : Oregon. KFKIv CONS ;1 !,nn. ' ..apforctish, TANTI.Y ''rfny i for. sal", P?&s&3(Zji Farlor, P.edroo.-n, Oflice, Sittingroom, and Kitchen Furnitarp, rjnrcati"!. Lounges, Hack in I? Chairs. .Vhatnois, I?"dste.T.l, Washst.nnds,C'urI"d Hair, and Tulu M a 1 1 r c s son, 1 ril4-.xrs. pring Bed"!. I'ieture I'ramr-s. Mouldings, rfe., ote. So-f-inI att-ntion given to FnhoKp-rr work in all its hranohes. Hrd-rs filld u-if ii prompt ns. It -i.-iirituT l.,i,. with nat njiHnd d-spnteh I-nrnituro inHd-ord-r '! ' m! xTiln" frr toHt... TTm rv- UUUrtTiir OF BANCROFT LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIrX)HNIA ' Tl 7TT T.-TT. T mf n . J MS lie II A y D I BH. JOHN CMYERS, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, m BOOTS' and m SHOES, HARDWARE, (ROCKERY. AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the' highest prices for and all kindsof I will rdl nn low as any hoasi? In r-gon for ca xh on its mi r r va i. n .vr u M-'rehntld' Produc. I am sllin; very icw for CASH ' 13 A 1' j c,iyr i,ic a call and s iti.-fy y, .u.-.i. lv.. J .roirx iivf;us. i !n--;oii C:t.7, March 21. IT;t.. i G 0 0 1) X 15 W S ' PRICES REDITU? TO SLIT THE TIMES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD 3. ACKEBFVTA?- & CO. IAVK FST HFCKIVKH A LAItOM JL JL stock of FALL AXD WIXTER GOODS which thoy oflVr CIIEArKR THAN THK CHFAI'KST! Wf would y como and convinco your nt before purehsingflifwhcr". Our stock consists in pnrt of Fa n cy an d Staple Dry Ooods, Clothing, Hats, Foots and Shoe, I aiios and (Jnts Furnishing Cioods, Notions, Oriicr- Ics, Hard ware, and a great many othr article too nunier our to mention ; nIo, roor, Windows, b'.iui and Putty, etc., etc. All kinds of Trorlucr takn in exchange fnrGooih' ALSO Wool AWiiit ol For which wo pay the Prices. S. ACKERMAN Sr OO. m a AUCTIION AXD COMMISSION A. B- RICHARDSON, leiioiioor, ot Oak .t., Portland. Corrner of F Of lteal Fstate, ;roc ries, t;cnt-ral Mer- i chaiuliseand Horses. j SALE HAYS-W. Ve.hieMhiv an.l Saturday, A. 15. KU'IIAKHSON, Autti.t,e r. . English II'fue-d liar ami rmdle Irj.n, Knglisli Sqmtre and Oetagfn Cast St-'el, Horse Shoes, kas.s. Saws, Sere i s.l-'ry-I':; ns, Siiei t Iron, K. r. Iron. a A largo assortment of Groceries and l.jsi uors. A. li. llK lIAIir.S" X, Jan. 1, lS73-tf. Auction. a r. STEAM 3JC)AV ER.TOIj Ma imf.-ict u res to ord. r Ac count 1 'ooks.ot all y7. s and styles, Pall Tiekets, l:iil H -;eIs Hlank Itooksot any : .-itt- rii t hat. is desired, u ii h or m it hout rinted headiiigs.l.laiiks, r.ri.-l.s.Cat alogucs, G. H. Hinies. I". IC. l!:t !i. 3 Front St. I Portland, Gregor.. Curds, Cert iliieates. Checks, ireu lars, H'-eds, J 'iwlgers, Funeral No tices, HandLi ils, Invoci s, Labels, 1 -t t-rl:eads,l ost rs.l'rogra in "s Heeeits, Sliow f arils, Shi j. 1'ing 'J:igs, Tickets, Ac, Ac. 14 eC ra. PIOHEER BOOK BIMBERY. PittotU'w ISjiild in;r "rni-r of slink Kmnl Slu-i-l. PGRTLAKD, CREGGK. BLANK HOOKS 1UT.ED AM) r.Ot'NH ! to any dessr. d jatt' rn. .Vi.jec l.oidcs, i .Mag.-iziie s, N( wsj.apers, te., ! otind in ev- j cry variety of style known to t lie trrade. orders lrom the i:;ary i a-.-.n. j.t ly at- j ten!"'i to. j il - tf Si T' "B J7AVJN(; ITIICIIVS. O,- : I!l cd He- ahove i;r .Vl. r.'-.:--' cry vis.h s to inform t'e- i idaic thnt he is now t-rej ared to mauala. i lire a No. 1 final ity of . .- a i-: n n i: ; ,v. as goo.l as ca ti he o .faic-'d si nywlu re in the Stat-. )rd r.- solKiii-d a:.l ia-iaiijtly tilled. THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FCK CIHCULA PARKER BRfJS WEST MERIDEH.CT. f,1 f T -7 I . i"ii.' .'! i- s i ; :. ;t (ia ;: s. i No. 17 I-rent .-ir-t. o. .os:t .- to -'ii!i;.-!iii I a I : v ; . I -, . .ca r.i i .oar.t ; 1 : , l C. Li : I I - s r 4 Z -u . . , ri -' - . . ' a . I. -1 I Southwest ('ornrr Firs' va.:?. .Vtr:i; i PORTI.A AV, OliKdO X. IIIf.n THIS DATE WE HAVK M. ai''.fel (In CAMi CISIS A Mi II i MR TD1ES I'RKES. ConiP and art- us an th-r -w ill be mutu al satisfa. t ioi . CT3T0I-I2P.3 AT Q ZV. 1 0W TSICTS N H o i H ; i: v i: :. A t r c; . (M-IOUOE A. 5cuih.vett Corner First and Ilcrrijcn ?t I'oi'llaiul, ( )i'cir ini . AuguM VI.', Is7str. r n '1 ; Ia IV WEEKLY, SEIiTI-VEEKLT, AI-TD PAILY. Til F. WEEKLY SUN i 'too uidelv known to reijiiir.-:m t xtended rccoea datio.i 1 r.t t he r--;isotis which have .already giv -" it tiny thousand subscriber.-, atal' vh:ch we J-.op'.give it many l bous. nd more are l .ri' 11 '- asiollovs: It is a lirs'-rat" le-wsr ;i ; r. All the news of the day.; ill he tout-din it, a. ml- fts.-d v. lien unimportiiid, at lull I :i-!h when of mom nt, and always 5 r- s i.t- ,- in clear and int -'r.-st i mr mariia r. " ' It is a lirsi-rati- lamily ) a per. (nil of intrr taming and instructive, r- ading ol -vr-kiial, I ut contain her noilije t Pi ; ; t i.-i o; f'tid tie- most, dehe.-ile a;.'.'. s ru : u lou's t:yt-: It -is a first-rate story paper. Th- h.-st .ales and romanc s 01 i,rr a-t Pt-rater, selected at.d 1. gihiv t-rinted in it s 1 ae, s 1 It is a lirr t-raf .-e.-r'cr.dural 1 ap-r In most lresh mid instructive art id. s on -..--i-ciiitural topics r-gularly ;! car in tlii's det arl bi' tit. It is an indejm.pnt i,,lif:eai p-,,er be longing to 11. puny and w. -arii-e no' collar .- .'r . '"r 1 nnf'i; h ' 5,51,1 ' t:.,n of th" best men toon:.-.-, p . sp, ri.iii "d -votes its iiier-i s to ihe cspostir - of th.. i- . .1. 1 on up. ions mat now v.. aki n a: disgr:ie.- our conntry, ..,,,,1 t hr-at.-n to u n-df-rr.ime republican insiim, ions a ito -.-t h' r I- has t o b-nrot knaves, ami asks no !av ; lrom t lu-ir mu cro rs. It re; nns 1 he fashions for t he la"'. j. ;.' ihe markets for 1 ie- men, .' sp.-r -in'llv lie-c.-ittle-markets, towhieii it pa , s 1 crti'.-el ,r att'-nlioti. ' ' 1 - "-l-'"r Finally it is the iholl:;, pa: er publish f d. Oi;. - dollar a yar will s- ci:r" t 'or a 11 -subscrilKr. It is not n-e. sarv to, et u,:, cnili 1:1 order to have Tin: V i-; i-'.ICLY sl'"N at this rate. Anv oiie ho s- i.;.s cjn .,. dr.liar will ret- ive id,, ja-ei-ior a Mv.r' " i-l-.ave no travelling ';ip.i tils. . Tiii:v.-r-:i-:Ki.Ysrx.--Ki-!-.f rf,-,.a mrv. MX cohimns. only Mdiiin o-i,r."".i,iii"-cou tits from t h is rat. '1 hi: "t-iaiT iii:i'-i.- . . size .,s Ihe T.,..v- Ai'' iw, nt'-': discount of per c-nt m dubs of' XO er TIIR RAJLY sr:v a Inr- fe,ir-rere newspaper ot twenty-eight cohimns. Paily circulntion over l sO,()oo. All the news for 2 cents. Subscription priee mi cents pr month, or f'l.OO a year. To clubs of IO or more, a discount of 'io pr c-nt. Aflilrew. "TIlESl'X, drv.rtl. iv "ork ( Ky. Pa ! Qiiai au.mi,,, -J- : O fcr. at iii.j io iia i,ts n I:e ! t his t -ei Hi i.t ..Wi,. :a .'i ,-, , ml 111 i elegal.t sljl( s t.I i a. s :, 'u U i h ".1 11 " l'." 1,1 t U 1 J" -'- t i, .. . : 1 15 - 1 1"'" v,trK .v lrei., , t., ,;. '-" ! we now loi v-oe. oi i (il v ; i.ti, r '?- mmiii " and Lai,- ,.;.' . 'lui.-t, ! ciihar -M-elii s ol t ia- (,t i, rs:j- 7 M Mil If 1 r ti!t s... 5 .-. . . I in a tl:,,,:.,,,,,. u.A' , ""?V,fh. i.ot working veil. 1 nii! att.'MtoK',0 a,t any exj, us.- to tin- r " hA'U Hi! i -umi. vf rsil le 1,. i-a jn s:t : .A,-, tn. '.'. ,? '7 ing mis oi s. ains, in iniiiiii,-, , X(. I"SI-'-- Circular or sae T..-s of W, r!: V-TrT you i-ereloise a Siv.iiii; I,,, , , v THE ! f-a-'J I ; .Machir. s sold oa III t;A t rins. FLOd,EXCE SAT.iriHiILL,Aefl:t No. l'.t NVw 3Ifii..- i-iiij Vrt ft rri:(i Jfi.lil JUtil''iiiii. Sim K ' ..."iti j Hansen 'ui:- l.sTaiiiS. VERY BEST W'-a:a:': r - - ... v "V. --.-N . i -t -- 1 If ; I t :'; : I - - .-';iv ; - v ' I--'.- s' A fs c rrS i -"; y,: kl M Ft. '--4 vTi a-AA i i; x 1 w-1 .l,v-uV .i 3. , X-.'- e e - - . ! i L i , .' J , :lc'i i.iV.-' t- , -.. i -s5. . a1- c- . i , . -, . e a 'V-"('e.U.'.-i- V? ' "' ! Mar. h I7S ::: ni C F" r, n r r C j r. c -m sl ii t , SALOGf?, 3:r:r. Street, Crcr;cr. City, "3 at t 3S'P IOrTTT-1-..-.T ... t.t. . x- 1 , , ni 1., 1.1 1 .a ; 1 1 .-s 1 . 1 j . . Hi. ve l ' i: n t i . i i I :. :.: i: I ie 1 !' i :':- 1. r in it. s I l e I'-opoj i:l;;rai;:us. .1 e r, i i I !:' !(, : 1.- ( 1 ! i. K . l:i to t i .cm. Tin: taj: ,s- s t j i j. i i: n with .-iii ti e ci.oi' st . 1 ; -it i s oi I ; 11 r aiui t iars-. Sc. trh, ;ril. ;ir..'. I 1 r cr. ali-i any lemon-. h;shi- s :,i:i pt:t ch -. ...!. a No. 1 sitccTirvc; c 1 1 i:v is nri'.rciM: u,:i, s ;,aei:. a.-een , . a.-.r. 1, is t f. LIVERY, TED, KB mE rj Iii: I'Ni ITSK.M j 1 a 1 PII'lcL V u. : he 1 iv ry st a l -!e .i) I i;; Ii si p t . n : i City, h-e-. ..n, --, j s ( 01. si a i.i ly en laird Nai'.iil.-.niil H!g;ry T'erres, lI''f; h , f j; 11 ir :u ml line !. Id'iccs 1 Jciim iinl; It' ll. i iii i-.lso run ;t u-.nk to and lr m tbo WiLIiCiT SODA SFHIlTS curing t!.e 5-rmie.rr s-rf-fii, wilii ii l-r r.s.; . pet m ;nd e i j u n.a nly cir:v( rs , IA2-E AT LIv'jJ-G Fi"IIS. .1. M. FKA7.J-P, I'r j ri tr.r. iT' i-r i, C;i- ::.-.v 1:7 is:::. 1? '!5 1 ? Z 1 1 I Alam; J "0 la-iliais (' U 1 - t"n: (T, id v,;c!i this ;.!i it! LM-so r. IJ.-is h, ( ,: in use hut :i slddt Fire, e'ni:i 'i:c I(Iits ' filial- tie. bj. r ill CiH'-b'ai? tr.i. A r s A f i.eiii f ad ef N.tipcril of wLicl: tie's if imj-its.-ien. 1 nVc 3"i cr.ts V lit. As ia : rs T.t " -. 'I (i, ro i fi:m:!i to set nloat ore cel. rr.n of tbi rar.rseh.l. A,''n s, tkis , ft. e ft li f"! ! fV F f i t A T S I rCClSi. ,M idlKdil lane ' j ceived a fii.e I. t ol 1 1 1 : cattle ir in tr John Hav rout-iry. 'May are tic y--r', ever I ron ir hi tidliis vnll-j 1 elerc. sirri v n. le butchered lor ties ii.ark't. 1 lay t '7 josp to S' U cii' rp. i.ivp Hum n f nil, n7" gett he choic r r-f i .--r-. Orstf'n Cite, . -v ;;, - "f- w -:- if aC , iA?i - . s .v :--: --r - i- t. Jy'- - - o s-5-.- Jl r l ". r . ( I-' '. t I ;i t;: e h y - ?v vv.;-j $ ;v V -'X-r- Aa7-- y j- f " "ir 'C