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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1873)
7 i I . . v . . ; . , . . . . i - I. -i -I i - 1 M . im-r f -l - l afri-Dn nf 4?. 1,i.-o V h I i t-. IF! Gllili.'. (',irn')i:m ea, in me transaction oi their business, ' increased ana stea.iu,, Wi ujuuuru,, ........ reaching our unoccupieu i j roper rules win jiroi-i Lj""n"- " i-spor- as well as the Executive irom muni x, , r.r ('.ni'-.";:ia oea, in tne Transaction oi inoir ousmess. increased ana steu.n aw.h. , ;;ja.'lO.' .J.,?,.,;,,!-.!, while they and though they may possess ample ' eilities for reaching our unoccupied V.V-W'V.'t huvildv the neee-issty property if it could he made availa- I public domain and for the transpor- l, '". ; ',;.r ijrlt. a nation situated ble for that to meet all their l tation of surplus products, enlarges ' s',..,' dumm in a state of liabilities, vet on account of the ex- the available field for desirable home- and thus allow the repetition of the 1 Teeaj;;,-C N'cwi nntrae-ess ii-riof rated l:;t ! - 1 ; ' -v . .; nkw A'uiK. i-.- -s ne.edless precaution, ami w ill prove j rEGOv (1TV QREGOX, DEC. 12, 1S73 e- of great value to the public at large, j ' flnei-mey s n iv i le piate to its re- tra ordinal" v scarcity of mouev thev stead locations, tuns stnnuiauu-, . . ... ::.:';e : if h i at tne same ' mar b unable to meet nil their lie- . tlei.ent and extending, yea. nv v m,' ... Wl tlt.if the elective force ! ..niiirirv obligations as thev become ! in a rrradually increasing ratio, oe- 'alV have, shall be put in inline- ,; iii conse.inenee of which thev 1 cnpatTon and cultivation.. 1 lie ex- 1 coT.oitADO as A state. , iemoval ol" U. S. District Attorney 1 fur roar favorable! A. C. (;iubs. considorathm the passage of an act V,'- KM.:,' ....- . . ....v., ... x . ..j- . cntof 1,1 U1L- illillllUUliLk ------ r i b". I'"1' v.arhke service. ftre liable to be prostrated in their . presed desire of tli? rel"l:Saiu",U i' ; st:ife in tht; Unioa. It p T lis lu. i"-.-a and is b.sncr none lmsin?:ss, bv proceedings in bank- j of a Iartfe colony of citizens of Uns- elements f prosper '.-.- ; :d e:I--.tive5y. I am ti.-t- V51ptcv, at the instance of unreUnt- ! sia to emigrate to tins country, as . l)elipvs ft population to . j suvd'tiiat all th-available hi.sand iu., cVelitors. l'eoole are now so : is understood with the consent OI ftlllniion v,rv aMi'r:-i-a mm of th- Amea- j e.i-ilv ulanutvl ;is to nioiietarv nu;t- thoir Cruvcrnment, if certain ronces- I J ' i -i n f.v vv!i:it-vx-r Vu..f ! n;,,., . ,fitw-.'i ! cJ.m p:.n lo mailt! to enable them to 4 til i i i t t 4 - - - - ' ' u-:- ilidL lilt: niuiu iniMn 11 ' i i'i"" ' " - i for the admittance of Colorado as a possesses all ltv and, I justify such ticii ; rvj iired for the safety of ;iti-'s or ta!.! m Linteur avc o; our C AX AIi FOR IKKTOATION. In this connection I would also . 1 ii . i! l.i ; i ,i ,-v, Mk f itor will neoessarilv embarrass, and I Kreat interest ffoint? to j rucounuena "'?;;-" in'b:uikrn!)tcv bv an unl'rien.ilv cred- .settle in a compact colon' .. n'i'l. : . ...... i iv i 1 lt. . r i t. 4 .... !-.,.! I i i list 1 T 11 T li ii ;ni" u1 expenditure, in a short rim-, of some rin of Sponsible business men. od bv an industrious, intelligent and the eastern slope ot the UocKr .Monn- of theSiiuroii:itioavhi.-l,.Werecal- who otherwise ,ui-ht make i wealtliv people desirous of enjoyin- tains to the Missoun river As a ?alatel to extend taron!, the liseal lawful and just arrangements to re- ! chi! and religious liberty, and the rule I am opposed to uonatmg the vearj'bat (' m-res will.t ,1onbt not, lieve themselves fr nn the dimer.lties acquisition of so large animmira- public lands for interna, improve- undertand and appreciate Shu emer- produced bv a strinrrencv in money, tion of citizens of a superior class mentn, owned and controlled by Incv an i will uVl.vide ad-qnatel v. ire prevented bv theirYon.tunt e- would, without doubt he of much private corporations, but m tnis m- notonlvf,.1-t!.e,in-,ntKitn:ition,bnt posnr- to attack and disappointment substantial benefit to th country, I stance I vrould make r.n exception - .1. e :....;.,t,...4 .1 t nr , h.' in imlf- ;,it. attention to the snffffestions of Between the Mississippi nvr and naval force? The S-ccndarv of the Xavy has. dnring the past year, been quietly putting sonic of ojrexfen sive monitors in a conditio!' for ser Tie(, and thin the exigency us in a mu -h b 'tV-r con.iitiou for vo:k V 1) ruptcy; and, besnles, tiie law snale u -e of in many cases by obdurate creditors to frighten debtors into compliance with their wishes and in to acts of injustice to other creditors and to themselves. I recommend than we should po'.Uy have iven that so much of sanl act as provides without his action. I for involuntary bar.l;ru2'Cy on ac- mjktokfk k DK'At!TMt:T. con n t of t he siist .en -ion .if payment A complete exhihlton i- ; .resented rq-'ik-!l-In the accompanying report of the ruiM.s against tiie oovei: mi:nt. I'ostinaster-deneral of f he opc.-arions Your careful attention is invited of tii- Post eli'-c ).-pai-tmcnt during to the subject of Claims against the th" year. The ordinary potal rev- ( i venim-nt. and the facilities af-e'v3-' f r the :i -- i! ye.'.r end:.ig June f.,;-,ed bv existing' laws for their .".'r,h. 17'5. a-nonni.rd to :;:!t!:;;;.- p.-osecntiim. 1'aeh of the depart TlToT. and tin escn.litiires of all miits of State, Trea.-ury and "War. l-ji. ; to ;-y. .';-' l,'.o.". C, . Ti:. in- ha-.o iIcmi.i-kIs fnr many millions of c.-ea-e in revenues ov-n- IS 7 w;is"l,- j dollars noon their liles, avid they are ol. :;!." , and the iuer.-ase iu ex- ranidly accumulating. Tothesomay i. -e.difuP's. .21';.o7d :i5. i f , b-i e nd- I I ... , j e I t hose no w pen-ling before . vit of iu-. ? i -n-ts mi ie tvtuft sp'.c:a- I ;.)ngre-s, tne t.-ourt oi i.iaunsana am- , the Southern Claims (' -mmissio.u, j m.iksng :n tlie aggregate an immense I sinn. Tost of tin-so grew out of the rebellion, ami are intended to in de'niiifv persons, on boih, for i :ii-ir losses during the ar, and a j feV of them are fabricated a: -A suo- : prath-n-5 in i h-for n.aii s : o ! i " ( ! n-'-ral Tre;tsur; rieipH wo o -'li'I.oli. Ti: t'l ci amo'iet oraji.ii ir-- i.u l exN-lit .li' n e U' :e:i- ove 1 II - fi: trii:t--!:iisi'-ii, to ! Tie- noil: f oi.'. O :! r'iiwiivs; o'ies for tin f vnt.-.Oi! e :vi tii- i:. p., i.. ...,,,., t;ia--!:Hsi'-u, tisri!:;- T-.c; an. l (l -iie;y () mans v:i:c;i .u-t fHK1 mtiv gpv vide.l. account f r the ip.crc.iN-; of expenditiin-s of t'lis popular brare-h of th" p'ublic lierviee. ! The toed n-jriuber of poto!fic(-s in oi -ratio:! on the :.itli of .fune , 17:?. v.h ll.'ll--an increase of. 1,".S1 over t'o ir-imb.-r re-, the pre- v;o'i year. The fi; J',v;i eee.ti d o ;i was T .--?, an increase the Secretary of the Interior in this bdialf. vi-Nsroxs. Tliere was jiaid during the last ;ical Year for pensions, including the expenses of dNbursnient, ?."., l.So.s.l 02, being an ainount lc-sa by ('."') '.!S than was expended for the same purpose the preceding year. AIthonih this statement of expendi ture would indicate a material re duction in amount compared with the preceding year, it is believed that the changes iu the pension laws at the last session of Congress will absorb that amount the current year. At the close of the last liseal year there were on the pension rolls W-St'-i. invalid military pensioners, and loiJ.uSH widows, orphans ami ueoend- the Uockv Mountains there is an arid belt of public land of from three hundred to live hundred miles in width, perfectly valueless for the oc cupation of man for the want of suf ficient ryin to secure the growth of any products. An irrigating canal wuld make productive a belt as wide as the supply of water could be made to spread ovpt and across this entire country, and would secure a cordon of settlements connecting the present population of the mountain and mining regions with that of the older States. All the land reclaimed would be clear gain if alternate sec tions were reclaimed by the Govern ment. I would suggest that the reclaimed sections be thrown open to entry under the homestead law, and soli to actual settlers at vc-rv low . - - - - . . . i ihe people will think so at least. ! patch savs that S mini 1 "liu ' ' ' But what must be said of the man j S. holding the position of Goo. II. Wil- i known railroad LuihU : '.'n :- a w'' 11 Hams? It has been but recently an- I iSS eat rehtt oris of deceased soldiers. making a total of that class, of -11,- i brK'"s- S.r2 IS. o',!l survivors of the war of j A "." i is. TY. Icd-i, ainl 0.." " widows -...f soldiers of j I i :r .v my previous that war, pensioned under the act of i tion to Congress for gei-.eral amnesty. Ci:gross of IV-oruary 11th, l!S71, i The liiunber engaged in the rebellion. making a total of that class of 2'J,- j laboring under disadvantages, is very 1 .-i." invalid navv Ismail, nut eni.uigh to koeo no a con- uii.l 1,1(11 wid.ows aiai orphans and j siaul irritation. of b; 1. n gl do-- an the ;t c) n;:n:! t'n i total if red! . o id meii r !t. e.t '.f the year was (lo. ','' mdes, i:vreas- of '.''' niil.-s over ear 1-S7M. Fiff v-ni?i ijailro-id 1 .o -O ' .n th o li- - were iii op ''' ot -i -i re. j s . '), 1 S.s-;-; w ..f iadr p. i oriu;Me' .oi aggf'-g. L' io miles dailv.' Ti: t-tio i o; . ....,1 route-!, .- ei ie. ?i u ruber h.n.g-- ! '.vita foreign liT , 1 . : . 1 ".u 'ncre ise : r th pr:-vio-ts year: an; i - p s-:.g" lur-r-'-on a!rO' to ..2. :.!:.:. 10 s:5. Tt.- wei r!.! porled by i'al-" testimony. Projects uependeilt reh-.tions of :OCe.tsel of- uvo on root, it is bviiev-d, to uniiU'C Congress to provide for m"".v classes of claims ami to revive old ones, through a repeal or modi treat ion of the statute of limitation, by which thev are now barred. I presume these s'-hemes, if proposed, will be received with little favor by Con gress, "and I recommend that per sons ha ing claim ; against the Unit ed Stales, cognizable by any tribu nal or department thereof, be re quired to present them at an early -lay, and th it legislation be directed as far as practicable to the defeat of u lfounded and unj 1st demands upon :iit; Government. And L would sng- linger an ensue to the Government by re- iu-er;, sail.v.-s a:ni marines .t tno ua- , --r-oi iug iiiem to t iigiouny n no..i - .... .... i :-...' -iCi'i f ; jiilicc u .1 .I'M. I., ii..... i : . , . .'V . va. .ion - total of. pensiuers of all classes, J' I snowing a net met ease our rng the last tiseal vear of S.-JIS. Tiie names of l.t'ito pensioners were added i cure the civil rights which froedmen aud that It. Malhjry, Speaker of the last House of representatives, has been appointed and continued. The removal of Mr. Gibbs is received with loud expressions of disapproval from Republicans and all lovers of justice, as it is well known that tire cause of it is in the fact that he has been honestly endeavoring to bring to punishment the repeaters who had been hired by the Custom House ring of Portland for voting illegally. That this was the main, and probably the only reason, we have not the least doubt, as the following dispatch would clearly show that Mr. Gibbs had met with opposition iu the dis charge of his official duties by the Attorney-General, who seems to throw his position between ihe viola tors of the laws and justice. Ilereto-fox-e it has been customary for the U. S. Marshal to summon a jury for the U. S. Court as he. ph ased. The first Grand Jury that was called after our late election was, so it is charged, ''picked" so that the ring corruption ists would get clear, lie it ;is it may, trie Prosecuting Attorney was satis lied that the former Grand Jury did not do its duty, and hence procured an order from the Court for a new one, and that it shall be selected from ik list prepared, and iu the presence of other United States oillceis. And to show that the U. S. Attorney was correct iu his suspicions, we rind crvir. ninrir.s. : that the la t Grand J ury, composed I sugge.-i for your consideration ' of Ull1 and honorable men, have the enactment of a law to better se- i .. ,-.,i.- ..t -;,,..;,.,,,.-..,. 1UUI1VI lUUIlOt.L Wi imuv inn iue The telegraph informs ns that ex- bov. A. L,. .ibbs has been removed ; ,H States. Is it no. a disgrace to our from the position of U. S. Attorney, j people that the name of such a man should ever be mentioned in connec tion with that high and honorable position. The removal of Mr. Gibhs is the work oi Geo. H. Williams, ami none other. His confirmation, as Chief Justice by the Senate is still before the Judiciary Committee, and is it not probable, that in order to secure the vote of J. H. Mitchell in the Senate for his continuation, that ho consented to sacrifice a faithful ofricer to gratify Mitchell? This we believe to be the main reason for this outrage on our State and iu fact upon nouncod that lie was appointed to the I1'110 lh-pnUican d.-i-c has position of Chief Justice of the Unit- ? Lauds of kM-.K-rs "i"1 l'hu yi l I.WAl'K Kir, W No j to the rolls, and names were drooped. The svstem adopted for the detection of frauds against the j Government in the matter of pen- j sruns has been productive of satisl'ie-. j tory results; but legislation is need- j ed to provide, if possible, against the p n-petr.iiion of such frauds in the j f u". lire. I.TU'CATION- should secure, but has not e.Tectuallv secured to the enfranchised slaves. (Signed,) U. S. Oka nt. Kxr.euTivE Mansion, Doc. 1, lo7."i. C'eiiire-si-!iai ?icv. Wasmmno :on". Dee. - In the Senate io-uay. .-eei man 1 m i oe. ui-e. i a oui in j provi h- for the redemption of the loan ! o" I-."iS. I'f-ie. "- f!i" s.iioc l-ill th-it vml evidenliv increasing interest ; introduced in the Hons" ov Davis. is a means of preventing fraud, j n the cause oi education is the most Pl.Uto oil" ..-red a resolution instructing O. je r 'O C let: l 'S a a ..f-:,,.n:!::.i;c . i c. err;- ; ou : a o i , 1 1'. i'. e e -:i.m- V t'e c s . e X - of '.: go tnat wi t ii'.-s -es t)' e tll'-d to ajq' in pers .n to testify before these tril-n- ::;ie ii.iviiv.; su'i:ums be tore them f r adjudication. Probably the lar gest saving to the National Treasury can be secured lation on the bv tl tiruelv legis- encotiraging feature in the progress of the country, and the bureau of education is e. ir-;;-': m its ettorts to give a oro; er direction to the increas- i tiie .) leic-iary ( otnmitler ti mrpiire I wlicther t "ongress Iris an', iroriiv to cre- j ate cor ooi a; io-is (Or con -I met ing rail- ads an 1 ean'.l :!ct rat l :' i wo i :r mere .-s. a: e and wiielii il I res j .o.rer subjeers. Of th; T : . . i v e r v; ! cost on I ma i . .. . . i s . o.j.o, id ;.ai rtro-:i a'lons z .ut M !'! 1 'c The c-.iuo:uic rue i-oires t i i ;it will be pro posed, you will be a 1 vised of the Derations of the 1 eo:;rt ment of -Tus- ed facilities which are being ottered ; t re-ul ife the rate o. radr.,a.! trair-it on j ,- r 4 I e.i--ting roads chartered hv the Slates, ud in tlie education of t:;e country. vv;ti hy ,.1,ns,.i!dnti..:i. have contimv n,i- uncs running tlirouu '.wo or more crxsrs. ninth cen.-us h. S: n cotu-! r- ! ) : t U!s:;ll.'.!. 1 : )e a ! ) r ll iu 1 - 1 W iu.1! i--A a, CO. t ': ' "Mi ,1 .1? 4 " . N;MV X '.rto.- :ie' i e . r. '. i S'lc.- - , sid.-xv; : v.- o . ( .. t in ion o t e. including i il a;c srop! i -i : i f r 1 1 t i 1 71 Alii- "cut c !; s ha vo 1 . ) iv-e - .' !. .N IV. ('ill 1:. ; lei, re. In-dug os- ; i :"i"e : o- i i b i i' " e a". el tho eel Uiries; it .1 "; ll IV.' b -en 111 ide to i-iicto.-y pes:.. I c-.n-Fraac -. b it w ilho tt iv ill ' J iv ; .r.d de c ci- '.!.- rt of the. Attorn. tng for S ! t . ei;i i l esn ges'.i, ,:i ; a-, I t.!ie IK tm . t t -n i ).i of 'i ! .1 . I fill le O- e - . Ul c : o . i i l for nr. I on ;u e s to rue se.g re (eon nd r; ion ; of r i -a.-'- d for an :;- lie' i'ellV-r l.iviu r a .- ,') )US i t .l lie .vs; ao -rs a i l orh- l re. itter of tic 1 el as-;. i:n p d;i ;e and a linvt o' It will be coritineed mo liiieations a time exp -ii-'iice may lemonstrate as ---ar-v with tlui en-ero.ieiiTnent of wit n ( m ana '!!' be tedv.-n t) Inn' J : r.-e-l.v t lee.erai, and J invite vonr attention I.) t'.lC !!!lV-M;l!VK-1lt-i flf i'V: laws ! - 1 ... .--.-.. a ..i l.;... ;. -. -. ... v .e" 1 h is v-. -eommen .timing exoeusi-s in t.hat d.eoartment. rr::i::o;; dkiw htmkxt intuax a v-i-.--.iu-;. The po'i v," in ingiirated tu 1 Indians at the beginning of the i.i -t admini ;t rat ion h is been steadily ins;.;1.! an I, J oeueve v.i.a oeue;;- l .1, and the re-port thereof pub 1 .! .-. . -o ! or-..! '!, - !;. re;iu -i... r.o i..bai:de,l. cj in tno crotary iu t.'re Interior gives ron "or a cees,:- to 1 Hi . t u;;c;i sus;.- 1 .. : ' : . . :" .... , " " '.'. i" " ie:,. a : 10,1 i n -ii 1 ; 1 -i 1 1 1 tec vofumiUee 00 i'iuiti ci- to c ri :n ! er t i ie t. r---iieiic-, of" reporting a !ill Oi prtvid tor the re suin oii op. of s.--cie p! vo:-. r.-! i v .Janu ary 1 . 1 !'. M-irriri's ar-aurni. nt t'--r 1 ue ! - 1 e 1 j !: ol spei ;.a :ii -i.r ta- i '. ore a me p.-i:i prooo-r o r-y j-rooiroeTi j against the repeaters and bribers. I The action of the Court and the At i torney were presented to tiie Attor i ney-(eneral, (and let us state here that the Attorney-General could not have been ignorant in regard to the fact that bribery had been practiced, as it has been constantly charged in public print ever since our last -election.) and he immediately telegraph ed to him as follows : Washington, D. C.,1 Nov. 27, 1S7;. To A. C. CVhb.:, .,". Atior'nC'.r, (-.'. on, (h '-'ioi: i am advised that you h,e obtained an order for a new gran ' jury at this term of the Court j to te summoned in an unusual nun- i'ou are instructed to,move to i t . JVekliam. a retired lavvver -,'UV''" years, and a i-rotiu-r of .I'u.l-r.i i'."'1 s" iVckluun. who was lost ,, tll'' ..'u de Havre,' committed S:,i; -.1,. j.... V'h by jumping from the 1.1 i", .,,. 1 river. Tiie sad int. liiee-ncc ,;7i.V i t:n er's death is supposed to h :t'; teni.rary insaiiiiy. '""''i Al.VKsi(.v, lM-.;!.-.('r, ., . tie courier brings news th-i oi 't "rw" f night ihe India us and Sle i- t7 ' i'1 ol Ura.v tv Ci rover's ran.-ho "k" ent-y miles from here, tow a'.-.' 't . " H ramie, killin.; s.-ven sw-rs.o- -. . ': ' rymg ot" Cray's son. Vi.M" t '",. '. K-r left the ii-t-.liier was stiP - e.. Ni:w OtuacANs. lx-e. Jt.-Ti' ." of tlie steamer Yazoo. fr( tu" j f. "'." ' " direct, report that two Auu-ri,-v,""" brutall v murdered .... t- i.i . . . Vv re der i-ircunistanc'.-s n.t staled', iiccrs say that it is unsafe t,,. i':ni.fn :l?li-:it f.n 1 r .. . ! .. r . ! i:m n.iui: t; l'i-.' li... A-;,...:..- ". i'Sl as; int. i.e e ViUL-.-i- :o.- the nation. Things have come to a armed and equipped :ls a ar 'veU-'.P .. i ii i :vnds(-nt to er riisi- tor tin-so -iiM..- ?1 ' pretty pass when the man a-pires aik-g.-d to he a whi.-hV.1';;?' to the position of Chief Justice will posed to be hovering aionn t ihe iiVi; 1 become a partj, under any circum stances, to shield crime. Our only hope now is that this-ohl treacherous political prostitute may receive a check iu the Senate, and that body will refuse to contirm his nomination. We said hist week that Geo. II. Wii- ..-.U.-. . W teAV .- ... ...,4. T 1. ........ (1. lak fl... - . . . . 4 . v ii in . ie lii.11 l.-.i ua.. It-Ill l'i ... ot cniei .justice was no creuii to our ; wn.i cat mo. on i.i- ;a.iei t!:(. renr-.-. . .. . , , , . , n. s. in uves o; en- r.-eo, relate umess no maue it so nert-aiier. Tliis act will forever hang over him arm seeking an opportunity to! o-.i Wash im; ! on. i -c. :;. Aitmu-i i in.-. ...... i.i. 4 ..-.ii , r-l lee lll-" rt. . 1 the protocol on Satmdav. have t'.(T,V:'t-periei-t aecenl eou--i riiiiiir iti ... men's :,.r tin- restoration of tin- YiiV . ins and tier survivors. 'J"ia peri'm wiiKrh the Virgmiu.-. may bv l.roui-t u, oc-pend upon ht r si a-g in eo';iiitii,r Oilieiat iui'orniatiou (iocs no; c -'itc -'u,v' apprc-hei.sioii tie..! V.-.U ( art of the j" toeoi will oe seiio!!Jv ( :. ... .... . , J iM'l lllill'Z I li US I 0 l-M!-.,. ...I., 14 ..... Aii'Miinu-r ii. s;rvi i:s. r; tive Iri'in ti.-cuaria. was ie.-. :. , i... o,. i 1..v.:.o.,. :,, ,. ,. ... ; "- as a lasting disgrace and brand him ; .-u't.:..- md'a r oi th- 'wSilte' il.'-'u"!! as an aider in crime for the " ' 4 '' '' ! e-.g o .eeole t. as.-, n t . st . i rw -e. v . of gaining the covebvl position, and j t i:a ao-i. i,Ve. Tin- Kvei.imr J, should he be eon tinned, will disgrace j l':'r. i-v- s.c-ia! says tto-r."i. .-' j f.'lis;,l"r.i: l- op:;es:-.;,-n to tJ c.ioj,.,. not onlv the State, but the highest ; ation !" V, IMitu.i.-, as t'e.!ef..iut;,.,. I'l'li.A! i;i.;-!ua. ! H e. .. -v, J t'lV.-an ! ioere i .-. a hhrlc-: tribunal t.f justice in the land. May there still by euotigh vii'L: Senate to keep him oil" the IJe.uch which he would disgrace and dis ho nor. 'Hi n -ir. d imorovt J Net So. ec-L.uua o il Sr. i.i . . ii i . . : - in lL.e : o'.-.oa.i.i. e:.i..:-i!a iiie am iouoo-dat nT-'-s'S-i : i "ai-;. rri i.i.; :::: . I ' ml a .-.-.- I-'ortv-:", I;r eou rules s!'..-,v a n.-t i i;,u r ui uia-. -ilv ot 10,oo:. Th.- i;,-:i:..;-i;,;, ehdiii t!.".. i Slate i.v J'l.UOti ; 1V.OVI OKN. K. l. I., I .-.-. ft.- - T:.t- 'nn. ( stoii Savings tlank i- --lared jv. The ,fc-c-e iii rmdv to the fiad- ! u? . an. 1 a r.-.-t -i ver a :; --oi e . i . . . j 4 - - ; ical exchange that the Governor is 1 the author of the Eipiali.a'ion bill says that "he had nothing to do with framing the bill or advising its ile- l'i: i r.A oi:: i-t! I a, t--e. ;;. 'i"h(. muta tors Aja-: and 'i'-iror v-ii! i .. rea.uv m sail O :xt V. t e!:. jThe ? ! i:: ;T c- ( alK.t'i, la .uua i. being :.-;. ra; i :iv n; f-i lor se:,. Va h i .:, 1 ee. :. -' s, A ,.: . ,,.,.'.." l.t-rs e;-.l! o on t.'t ' S. ! r- of i-. N:tW t . lav. ! iie mMi-i.c, ciieli'.oe ... tails. The following is the oili-dai J ir.-r:i l:, ten lo ;' (. ,-,, k. Ti:" -t r . -. . , . -. i i-. n vi r-at i -n was 'on tia su! --t record of ttie introduction an.i pus- , ..,.,,1,-1, t!it. ,; i;, ,..;;;.; sage of the bill, (House Journal, p. I ilurt ;.n-l pi.u-iti.g ; te- navy iu a n-. : s. VJ-J.) Mr. Mai lory introduced II. 15. j";, Viafbe l.-'i , 7 .iu'--g'V No. JS!) to orovide for a State iioard ' "- ",t wek and - . 1. , . , , - , ,.. , s lIuii'l-!!'.ii-!H-i: ot ilba, s..-V 01 ij.iiiaazation; and .nr. c; . m,.:t having oaoe.a .-dro.ilv j moved to suspend tike rules aiid read ''e 1 .:ier .sU; j..,-t.. i ce ! . . , I g'-ni'faliy ar- m a. -coj--; .-..! ., iiisi iime now oy tit.e w io: 11 was: 1 .-.- o- 1 !..-,.-. .-. . -.. done. On the passage of the bill the ! ' i'' ha - i,-n r'e-ei-ci io m 1 !i rur lug t.-u- 1 e; .oi i. . t i, e.i. . following is the record: (p. I7o. 1 'eritaio-'.i. -n-. a! .i-. . li ar. The r.e-iion being '.-.'uali the bi all i It -SSI ; .; I ;. us g tii- -' r-! u ! - - th ose vol r.n rescind such order greatlv increasing 1 And ree.vr-, ':.'-, ll.irht. I'lt.-:.'. tiir expenses vi tiie teriu tit-d t !!!" ref. Ur gr I am satis- Iv C;,ilu-r. Crmvt'-.r-l, ' j iiries ea.ll no .... court . x a,r;e 1:0 the bu.-.Oies.s of tin-- action la-fore r-uieh i.iry until vou j r'''g'"S U '':.'.!, . Jlodgkin, ne Tiie original suggestions in that b half lias met vit!i t'e- general approv al ( f t':e countrv. and even if it br ( r.n.iic-iers of Xev York, providing that I reported to me the necessity fur this j Ln;ll, ...'A-., Mirllu, . ... . .. 4 . S ! !'. l -c e I; , si 4. ..'US : l.i.iC.- M . ' v" A ..- rt' i-;-. v. ; iT.- i I- . ieU ;S. n tie- -.. 1 . A : -1 - t. 1 . ... vv 1 n. . -t o r 1 111 t Ice r. V:.- t : I pt iSC. Ui 1 emed a tMs.ii.-ie at ;re-rj? to prov ide for a r-gui-r tjuimju-'Tini.-d u r..s n in i"-. o, tie- eou 1. 1 i.e-.s. -ciere.rv of l!i (i'-a;ur- s'lalt 1 -trao s. i.-ui -year c'll i-i-cao-s e'.'intr.-.e.i 1-'' i ri:; .( j , Jeen:a Me :t rarin t'.S u- t. s, or gol !, at the option ot the hold- j er, aod r-'juiring t-iiiiks to kt-ep a 01 li. re of tie ir i-in-ivch .i' tla-st- cerlie- :ne.ry prt.-ct fomg and e t!.iA. il. Wi;.liams, At lornw -General. i ins itisparcu census. a cc report of ! men 1 1. civilization up.-.n the Indian iest--a-tions and iiuntiug grounds. Distur- bair-es !iav- taken place between tie- .'.-1 em ion of i is in ii. y -ar, lo ., the o 11 r .. 1 1 wait es ur; n . 1.1 rooabiy will r lte.'ieous m wet ( r.r. a i j i d i a ; t -i pos'm 1 -. t e r s a- dent Kv the oli-Ki-th si-e)-; 0:1 t!c- r.-ie o'n : i.-!i ;.i 1 1 in t'e 1 - ti 1 -p-r, for v of ad I :e Presi ; unrni 0 'oe ; 1 1 in. k I I . . -. 1 in -r a ! ot rr "--it m ode ,f :i vtug t'- -ir s d irit s in (yjdvarvo up ; a sp'-eial return-;. And elpeeial- ly lo L urge fv.!-;ib!e a-tg-n by C-mgres.; oe. the importmt nra -.rri-tn-n-la!ion of tire l'ostma d -r ( leu---r-al for th- es' d.tidm.o it of Trdte-i .States p .s'al : a i de o etor; Y cir a; t.-rtf io-i is also a;ai.j .'-died t o t!e e o:i-;d die 1 of tiie . ie-;;eu Li'"p'i-;tal telegraphs an t th argu- rt- a.i-.iU .J m s- ' avert t!;re:t. I...'. ! Ii 7- c, ci 0.1 t 1 '. u-,.'. 1ST -.e-e vit h -id; mist co itrr-r.lte j o. e, ' -f tic rVr; t rv . I h 'a n : t;ou ti -: ie wr;' m i;i 1:1 :: 1 ! e e , ; u ae?i la in co an o-f ji.lg;u.c. to tin- best iu Tin-: ::;! voiikn r o: ;; si : n. ATairs iu I.'tah re. dire your e irlv ami so -i ed a'.j.-'ition. T 'c S lor.-me C .. J:' o! w :;e le.u d o at s. i: (a-.- etc, rt th on i .as rigids win.-ii The poire.- he. te.e I ist nsiiiu-' to a.tes '..-; U'.ast be ; been to 1 ne.iau s as serve.', i ens. ;ip dlv os - a - f :o n as practicable, . itidn what is Indian Territory, and to teach them the arts of ivi'iz.atiic.i and s-df-sun- A iiere found otf their ('.): '1 id tuiiis!ie-i O'-r-g'f Uti 1 ret li Ai'.rtiversary sf imr in ileuce. wo:d1 ),-. i. -4!ec Jail y in i'- to s, area r j r to- ri:i;ii :u ! ri a i'-c o;: .January I ! . J--7, tint i pay its n 'i :-s in :-ad: ie N V m a-'itlioriing V,- .vi-rnroeor : r. tie a ! iaa of ..g v I i ) . m coin -.e VV ! i I , a 01 hav. ..1. that (peg kn-ivvn the P list; V.Vev, li: -. Shelter., 4, TInr,i!-Hrj, Wright, -. - - 1 ii- - ' , V ae.il2i. ' is:.:,. r n , were it n.. tor ike , , ., . . -. , . I loaeoov. vviiite an. I i-n. i v Hit- to o.-r. taie urditi-.m of :'.ii'ai)-s, j . ,. . . cans .-, -e in iranes oc.o ' . .tt- might not in- in tr:e ligitt or a l . . - , r tJ, . ... u .. .,1 ;u.. o... ' i.'i' iu:-.i it lie it'rsr.ii-i m ome-iiig ;, -,, , ... . a. 1. 1 ue -m t uc m-s ,b r.,r 1 . ! inil pa -.ea with tvg Mis e:n:iig v us.-,-, may oi- piei our. tie- Nv- tne ring leaders to jiistica, his nea t ! 11. - i arid . . 1 -. . . o . ;- th- the N " 11- -1 1 . tc'-stmg and vabnible. :h s!io. in'-i n !;ht of ike Tm asurv to satisfy ail ... T , , . ! one .-er .uoaeau ami orie ieinocrur:. , 1 ' c . - . . . -I on-i -. -1 i ni r in. 1 ; .eei 10 .1. i.r ' 1 would go on. n;n his ooicial tiee.o . . .-.. 1 . . -. - . the progress of tne count rv during ! ':"."-'"" 1 '. u":!-, , , , n , , , . , . , I So tnat if the bid was political r 'he firs- ( -'i-- of -c-,. ,...o. nv;.: i - 'ti ,vas iri-.en .,t a mil 10 r.-jie.i lias droiiped. and. let it ever be said I ,,. , t . 1 .. . ,.r,, ; -.-. .el . 11,. ..ema. s;i tii.. - , e.:ii ..; t as p.-o' , !i ,-ii s . , 1 1 , , . . . , was 11 -publican, but it was not po '.orcc. jt is Pfoovcd, liowt.-ver, that j any newsoarn-rs Vouu pas-gn-- ihr.-u-di ! lf so he Was doing his duty. ,. . , i . a tv-ular oc.v-u; every tive years I nialh i"ree of postage. " " j UA to further inform Geo. II. Wi!- !i V" ' " ':;,li,:"L-Ui!';i w.-.e. ;.i ,,. ,,f -iP.Kt o-ti 1 ' , I e same it; - :.l e! :,e r-; a l 'om ruit tcf- , . ... . . , i eonalizriLiori basttd tea a new ass.-.;r; i, - : o...i.,4. u i f, , . ; Inuua of the facts m the case, Mr. , . v. . , f ' t .ie t-o-.,ig.r , r ;a leg.ica is eear gr. c.vt a , oner 1 1, . o,,-,- ; , .- vi. 1 , . . . t ment l.-.w to t-av exista-g ilefects in .,,,. .' 1. .... .... ; -, 45, , ti, . i ", ur l'"'. " ' yv " !.'- Gibbs sent the fo owing telegram. to i , , ...... no ..a, . n .-o rapi.4 tn-w trie vi.l.-s ioi-tu - reouetion ot 1 oeeres-ioii- . . ' 1 '"K'.i w.n not oasse.i. i roll: .0 :: o. e tat ir . 'i .. e.eiv--y iue -r u: : :rcy '. . 1 v' O '. o g. ; i-,:!v vi ! . ' o :. . -. . l 1- r ,-;!,. ..- -rr. I o-..;.- .-. -; : . ; ling that tt:.- e : :e. in ''a.-i:i:igi. .--. ai. i o-i 1 1 1 :- ' i : i 1 of No imo. s k- to t. la tu gs ven v. : : ii 1 c . a i 1 en : o v. ,0 ; a : : ' - e i . ; l.aa. a II!: : 1 : IU il: . I jo:- i.u. er.gial period. th re :-!.s-(0 iiy 'am! ra - ! i'oiiTr.ANi). (Oregon, I .-igate.- litis ot a oe..-e:. emsns are rr-rc- i hi iay tiom .v,.:e ',0 ...,u(ie, !.-ia.-.r-iiiug j w.'iicn ne received no answer aritv Ulirelnioie as a i'a us (d edl- "!' I-'esem onere--.. ano 11 .eo-es O... 4',... 41 ,-. l.,t r 41. - I oaciv to -I, l.'.-a . w igcu Will ' e'o- ' 4 ..- 1 oiure U,o reiurKimg o! vibout I t- i-eh niember from the eg j e.-ueo. Smec that date no mrhaig'- I i'-ii. .... ,.i. .a . ..: ... . . -. ...... ......... . , 1 ..1-1 , ... 1 1 i . i- . 4 -i . . ' -r. -1 . - t T 1 , .. . .. verv eiiicii-;:t manage- ! lowed. tik- onn-j.s-oi-.s of tie- b-li ex- ! o-regraru was .reci-ieu one . ;u 111 e.a . j .juuge uosuer, an.', tnat tne St a v . mono a i el 1 i I , A v..ic on d until the r. .!:- s We are inform -d there v. ill be. o ''.'.IK. Dec. 1. ISTd. lion . (! . !!. )Yii!i '.!. A '.''. ' Cifm!. ''.". U. ( . i 1 our no "!r,:il ta::en 1,-otu the cfci.-rcn of e-i-T- o 1- ... 1 . ! . . I 1. IU'. f I l'i: . L ! i'Jf" ' I V. I' . 1M" if l'" s'l I . T I U' O' 7. r.B..t.iL-j.i.v' ,rLLii I'lO.Uli . . .IJil. I. hiL O 4 a"' k it I h ex r 7 1. ' TWT TW(-ri'T.:ril,lli,-..'ii.l - - - - - .-...-..-.....-...- ...14.- . o, l" vf., f -,;Vr th.'l 1 ..-- -,. ('f bt-ri..T and Ikiard of j ,r-"d to a".! who an- benefitted by the night. In reply J have to say tha; it 1 n 4i;lte tviU harsre the --" ,-.o-.r- satei;. -f h tes. t My have oe- n Vtlhy jyt the repeal when pr olu.-iiVd hy v-as proven 1 ofore the last Grand " ' 7 p.inr.d.icd ant will c.r.ttr.ue to be for pt, f ,v ' the Constitution, an-- inehtd.-M rhr Cal- T.,., ..-..i ,.,) v.riW.r- n -I ro- ties with the tftx in ae.-rdanee w-tia like od" uses. Ti.e Indian Territory p; ' ' pidlv nssum- p t :W!I, ,..,., 0.n, TiiP TMV . Jury L.uat a s.a.e of r,r and re- ,t. ..r 1- ei 4 ... .a ..." he ap'earanr-e of a Capital of ,-. otions to its nut .-a'ionv: are the f.-.-Mi. pelting was icaagurate.-l nthwDis- ordinal assessment. In accord- . . . ; . . o; t ;,, .-- , 1 ,,,,. ...i "hicu tiie nation mav well be proud, dor.t and Judg-.-.s ot tlie S.ijreui" C.mrt, t net at the late C ongressiona! e-a-caem ance with tins f act, our count v ofllcrra ' tur;";; o "ippor aH Vmi : h Kfr. a' um Uvlr j fh "f T' I the pad week t ., -i -ir . - l:.ree ve.irs ago, disagrecab e to o.i-s ..p!, ,. , ! , - 1 , . , .- ty prevented lnoictruee.ts, w.eere t r" , - . . . . ; tr;s ea-t of the JvOeKv Mauntains. r 41. .', - ' ' 1 .at .-i .1 ant s teun expires, and also jor J ',, , , r ! ehaneing the assessment b.u-:-: to its In tia,,. .... loala -0!,,,v.,.h) summer in eonst-'iueirce a reduction in t!isa! uies ,f everv new K-Jl1 w:ls l'"';"1' JV,K:!- l:! ..... . . ... ta i.:U' , .10 .10 ii-., .11. O4 ill. -li . pi 1 .- a .. 4 . r . . . i i . iv c i r . i 4 .. l : .4 I o-i '1:1.1 fi -n.-i-s :.:i.I in. -...i-i" .,a"l . - 1 . .. . . i.. ,i '- 'tun arising irom un a i - o . . 1 1 1 : a . : c i 11 1 nv' i oe 1 i 1 .. . , , . . '.1 , , , - .--.i eers an i at mo .t nam - ara ng le.e white ieoine. v. 11: i . ... t . . . :i. -liceieu im-re as a orciiara x this -o:i-.umnia'io;i, I tory am p:i lm'iassii.te m win- m the mn 1. it is now one of the most sightly cities in the country' and can boast of being paved. The. .'. . 1 40 .1 . 'iv :-. e 1 ...... ...... .( L;-..LI ii ll-.l..l.ll..L..fl'l T I . . . ' ..... .. U! !. lia '.- :n 1 .mn svf l.liol 1 - i Iv vonii;: -nt slionid be given them i 1 wili secure the tre.Py rights j ' original settlers, and protect i j tneir hoeaesteads from alienation mi: i-t::nt ervrer. i'.iV oi w:.c f tour, ie.r.s 1 vs.' jhig.e' re. id, , 1 . are growing to su m m.iguitu. tire I'.dent Of- trie grades, location of sewers and of water aud gas m r.ns being determin ed upon b-fore the work was eom meuced, thus securing perm-ariei-cy wLei: e-.tuplctt-l. I .U.-stion wljetheV so li.'.i.-li has ever been accomplished in any Araeilcan ciiv for th" same .-iii n f - . 1 a . 1 -"s i i rr- r 1 1 . i.: c -nepae::4 o oi .! ; i i'Ui among ro- iigi; rs. i noini:-,a!i. n is ;'.-r goii j UO-eTi ci-. I 1". .0 t'resi !;.:-: 1 -:ir: on i-r l'.-.e,-; W.i -.l-i-i-r!' ui 1 in rv t T'e- S- oar- i us - o-i: nation .- i Itu-.'-is al.ill.-rv :. . tori; V for t;t.e.. j. ; i ; - M.trs.-d i'-rthe T:-oi'i:i y il. r.i : .-iern n ::s ii.eeo : l-l k it i it. M i-lo-r and it- h. oa .-.,! k a- t . -un-r 'or 1?:-' .. r ir ran- p;i .h-iio- -ir. ol ):eg n 1 1:1- I rr,- rroini-i-i-tn-i . ' - .. M.rsv. ; I"- oi : il. -. J- he a ' '.' o.nio,-e were not unaruni'ius ti on m,.. and ntter on-; nigut rescmdtM ! tiereatter eoitect on the basis of the '"' ' -mh- ,; o.-r.v. i o...e -:uy t 1- b;;l -.oi a'-ee-.l t o s-1 o 00: t ir 1 m v . 1 -4.1 . : t-.. ;.. .. . - - - ! f . w-.-ri "eh a a-1 ';!. '-row oe: i Western nd S m, n " me ,-rs say l',tr V'"'. 1 - !l , " -V. eqnahzaflou made hy the Countv '. the vt:n-io-a :,eal of tlu- 1 itier. wh- has thev won't support if " ves rgation r omnd that Deputy Mar- j j.. Thoso who have paid on to ' k Ul r-c'-;:t eomf-Hca- W asiii.n(si-o., liec. 4. -The I j n 1 1 :- shuls were msirttcted from Portland j , t 1 y 1 : t;.-n.--. to ref-ieM id th" P.-.-sioetd ::di;-r 'an S-riete caucus agreed lhi. morn it r.r to suui'mej certain men designated, j -,,lsIS tne State lioanl. we are in- ! th.-.n tie.- Se- ichov ..:' S;e;e. iie. or- Ie ''i7;,iT '!','s;:l,'a;!1'!'!:!,1;U!'', " :,n1 1 Suoposing that the wheels of justice 1 formed, will have the proportion of ! ,77 '' iv,"i UiS-v-h's':: tit;:i' ,t,,J n:" report l-y eointiuttee ; and the Iemo-i . , ... , , , - . t i ' ' I liei;aiing anv y- i-n mat the t.-Ar-u- craiic I'a.i-us agreed m assignments j ought -not to be' bloc-Ke.i by Mist.oo ; tK.jr j... vl;l0:it refunded, in conse- i 1!!''o m I-ht i e ti is. -,.s I o. take, ?.I iirrs lefi th -m in tlu: ceniiniitces. ' iiayaral i er coritrjition. I moved for a new i , . ... . ... t ter s-ci.J, -s, iugu -blati ly on r,-;- ireg merit, aud after on-; night ;-escinde.i j hereafter collect on the basis of the c!s,- i .vi ; o t ; ,Ji ; as Con-ul at An'io 'ir : 'At;, . i .-,-. e. i ri .- i ; .11 sot-ci. 1 v;. ti. !! -d" Sjekc- i-Cen l ee; i-vl g ;. ! il I s . . ' -i-i g- iOj--e. : -1 . :.e's W rsh- otih-ial notiut-a-::all- i: i-..s yet it : d.--: e t rr.' iii. iPi.e unv 's 17 1-. t;tKes Un- pin-of 'ass, ilyon I-gi ;r...s- (drnid durv. The Court amended j t o Ihlls. and Kt liy liav.i nl's r .. 1 .,1 l.v- ,;.derinr !. i place on the (oiomUoe on ln!-li- , ... .. . ., , , -r I . ...... .... : gover i . . let it . ! I. in ds. rimrman remains :d the lica 1 I "(-leaner i.e. y eeia., -uarstsat ano i . past wee., out w.u ,ro:ally D" pre- ; lime i ol 1 1:.. ( '.-.iiiiiiiiiui. . I . ;.... t .. -i.i...... ( or ttm issioi ipvs setet-r niii' loin- I ...i ..441.4 - I , . ...v. ............ .... , ,4... 1. ...1...1, 1 - - i.iicu ui mcei .: tpu-r.ce oi this cnange, the !heriit" i n-w, ,,." th'- o v,,,,-; --. . -r nis not met his appointments for lh : ' u! fded a prote-t wit:. e. 1 1 ......... . u M-.erid tie !;. sir.c-- thi.t ihethge v. i.e.! l-'i-h r j r.-t i tax pavers in a few i";-u'.1 focouam-! negt tietious with tee ei le I t!m tu-:-e I S'.it: s Mir- ! an-i tue ae-.-.rm -nation of materia: is j-epeiag.tur;-. The Govt rrimu.t hav- 1 ,y,!lllili ' ' g f"-s n t iie ( 'ommrttee on p. i y j d red and tilt v names from "he assess- , " 4 ; S.--ur:-.h ('iiiiii r-.; wit-ioe.r Sickh ' shall of th i Te: riiorv couM J.vw fa '- i !" e 'hihrg ---o great . t hat t he n.-ces-ut v i ing a large reservation in the citv, ! lU'? UleHions: 1 iout well, it is j 1nl.Vii v;);ls-'(l this and adjoining ' . il'5 bo.idetl ,.M pn--.-i,:it;.g t,. Ctdd.-ir Iv s r-um ,u p,r,.r. it was also for m -ve :o .m is becoming more oh- and the nation at largo having an in- j .e'i-.' I counties, from which a jurv mav be : !;.;; u"'il l'U" ta:,;thT uv:t..e;aiMg--:.rl viou,. dav by day. t respectfully I terest in their Capital, I ree.aend I 1- p.! i selected by lot.- A jury so selected A,sn;;:'N' wox j 'Vj i: tdCt 'sV VS il.e livr. ..r Iv oerfere.a I tii-e .1'i'v. bee rae !,e is ! invite your attention to the report of j a idieral poiicv to-.v.o-l the District I Shu-kt.-m and M; -Creery. ( I : ins.), are i is to meet to-morrow. ihe following telegrams in regard j Auu-i icati.s in riavao'aare in great .;.-oi- elected !.- the i.- oscoiv:- Aemidv j ihe Secretary of ih- Ii,t..rrhr and the j of Columbia, and that she Go- fi -n. j r,i l" lhc '"nimitlee on Fo-aign Ki- ; Tor thus doi.u' mv dutv I under- to the weather in Ilastern G-e I "'Vv' - . x, and net "ape. dm -d, a; p.-o id.ed fo'r C-'-mmi ;sioner of Patents on this sub- ! raent k!,ou1-1 bear it s jiist .share of the ; 1H- i stand representations have been eoni-di the Ides no-- r,.., l-s-7MN?I-' ' Vt-(,:1 '."f 1 ?" .-. , " --.. r I:...- I ,, f 4 W .va:iNfiir..v, IPr. - .-dn he .- lede . . . 1 . ., . .- L"-u"-n lu'-' -laivSi, n-eiis irtmi that; Ali-S" ' 1 'i oerto o dare lJa:. U. .0.- iri tin- aet o-raai.dag t.c le.vitorv . 4. , e:.o, . :..,c t these linprovenvut--. t...,w, .,.,u,,;.s ,,UI f.,rt!ii' r.-ur m: ! J:1 111" to you tvi prevent their meeting ' sci.f -(.jj ; iibrnia. The IVesidem has nominated ?v!l pro eed-urrs ar law are p.-.,er;eai- ! i.iM:";Li;i u:;: oiti-i:. livery citizen visiting Capital i ti.n 'of the loan of .Hi, was taken uo ' fr 'V removal, as a 1,1-: resort , j . J. Smith as Surveyor (h-nered of v ab by t!e-e .h.-ei -: ous ami ! -e-, . 1 .- f . . ,T - i fee's a pride in its growing beaut v. ! and passe. 1. " 1 of eorrnntionists. to prevent prosr-eu- Lmntfut eathcr is wintry ; ther- M-".itan-i : Wt:i. Si itroi-d us i:--ceiy.:r oj th -r.o 141 . e trials in Vv. s-en bat i ' l -t 1'iC . V e-, . X i'erritow sia-e- iti C. n grea Propert v is 1 vft without pro--.-ci i ij. by Courts and erincs g 1 tiupii'.ished. To preieut .itiarehy ta ie. ta -i ce . ' I.i" ar-iLiiU; tai;n niTi-K. j -'-very citizen visiting the Capital ! ti.n 'of the loan of l-us, w:as taken u -J tn' my removal, as a 1,1-: resort ' 1 ' 'ti . J. Smith as Surveyor (h-nered of i d-.,. Ills-tit.-. f fi,. iv ., ,-g t -j j feels a pride in its growing beaut v, ! and passe. 1. " j of eorrnptionists, to prevent pros' en- Lmatt-mM eat of-r is wintry; ther- .", Vin'; ' Wt:i. Si itrord us It-'ct-iy.-r ,. O-rV' , 7 ,ib ' -Tl -7 77; lh;4C l' U" " l't owner in the i . . Senate Ferry advocated at ; tions and cover up rased it. More icnK-tcr is o deg. above ivro; river "',";'r M-neys. Klk,, N, : u ! all' iU bra;77-7V;;';;;7;,;:77rea I --777. i: 1 Uf I -:7 ilufil 'and" ffi letter. A. C. Gum:, of nv but md bloc!,. I. -l "7,: T,y E? i v.-ar. De.rin- that time there we-e ! -5-r,;sl. to ( hgre ;s the propnety of : si-,., uskeil that it be rrr'orrod to tiie i P.S. Atiy. tUn bout inches of j Alton, -v for C ilifo'-nia. !d:,:,ose. of.' of the nnblic loaiV I iU:U;:iU-- tho taidishmelit in tids , lommid.-eon l";.)ance,w!o-n appoint, d T.. - ,,7, n " ' U U ,;ftul ; .wt,at her foggy ; j 1 ne Senate- e.u.ii.uoetl Natlru. Kmr- :. P j:i i'ioS a..,-,,si. .,n ,,..,..,. "; ;t him!;i:::o:i tu learning 1 ., , 'P -.n.;.. ""r"n n t;,div V 7.: 1 '7 ..7, :" ! or nnivevsitv ef the higho,t clas.s. bv ' . oi "hng eommiitia-s. t!i-.-e it is erid-ntly neessl;-y i ,ig i" r.,.A , -,:,..'.' "T; I tne donation of lands. There is no .,.1,1 :n:,i n 1 i'" eear. ui .... ,.:4- i- e i V.'.; "y" r V.N .h "'w.b' ',"" ..... 4 j'..i .-hum 4.0: r-iccil iio ' l . li' ' .011 O 1 1 1 1 lee Oil ' 4 11 .sei ce an., ll . I 1 ,,,....... 1 i -i 1 . I i, ..,1. :.l t i . i'...ii.L X0V. i 1 i - - " , tne amount disposed of, l,02d.2f. tn sm4 mod - obra umg piri-'s a 'res were sold for cash ; 21 VA an-.! re-o:n:i-id ledat.orofaat !a,.;,,s w.,?0 1.rife 1 with mrlrtar enl, andwds-. that the .iVaut-r pd-warrants; oTthotJl acres wer t ...iris ot t;.e i-.i,g,,, "v "v i taken for homesteads; 0r,:i.4-ifi acres aim- t.i.ete wrr.s oi t uj me. :-ui : ,.,,,t;,t with agricultural col an i ti i i i c o-i cis arid to tl"" Ciliiil - : 1 o- , . ...... S--IIII Oll.s ...i.i .'C.-os lvni-.-. ......f. '.; institution than the National Capital. ' irem-hm. nr. and to add two nemhers " 1 Tliere is no other pl.c-o in which our 1 'A:'.h l" -',,nV-f l.U"-n 1''"n."i iu " v ,. ., -i- :4..e.i o l la! ions, ( learn-:, I-. lU'-alion. and La'oor, : .it4,een aie due. Jg, interested. j Ti.e nomination of Williams for IU i'.tsV ;rl ii' ! . e : -i a ril ii- i i i . . . ri. i 4 -' -i- i- . . i ll1 vl i-'-'lr-a.vls; .( oo acres were "lies, i ie ti- :,i x j u r. so ;ci i i no,, i,,i sessed ordirguily by courts of t'-.t rrption. CIVIL. SEIIVICH liKFdliM. t Mi i--i J ust ice has been referred to tl u.' irv Comnuttee. ie T,-m -. press j- uiutors guierallv e.- This telegram is dated on the 1st of this month. The cordirniatioii of IMr. Mallory took jilaee lad Mondiiy, theHth. air. Williams, by courtesies ff his position, has virtually this ap pointment in his own hands, and he must have dictated it, and that alter ! momeier in deg. ; there is but Tittle ! ted States and S,,uin. 4 V ...... - 4 .... 1 . 1 ' IUC4 iiionicier o oeg. ahove zero. W'tllnhi Veatherclotidy; i indies of snow now; t-hermomett-r H do river running lull of ice. b tll as Surveyor f ii ner d of t'taii : a -Mc.Miekcn n Siivcym- (.Vncrai oi N'v'-is.'iingtoo. Territory, arrl V. J. 'V:ia;d as Post :oa--ter"ai Valhj--. hen. on the ireth ot Noyeiui-er. i.e ltil Clear and etd.l: thm-moo-.o. 1 protocol wa- signed by Secretary Fin ter 2 deg. aliove - r,, - Admiral I' d.., the airreeiu-nt w. r,;;t-.. fi. -I i-i , Com lusi ve and reiinr.'-u no ene.-. -.- f- taear and cold; ther- ! nu nt of t in- i.overmucts .f the t n the above .lis-adch was received bv I t-'1. ruunin now; river is blocked him. There can be no other couel Oa MiilHi'H' ATi-.i f..have bee la my successive messages to Con- T"l..i ,.. "O 1 .44 f. ... 4.1 I !:ti- I....... :.i;.i:ii.i-i T.r.,-. . . .. . . " . : . .; . " 1 ' ' press regret at i. asseriv s ttion. siioject U civil scrvi-"e retorm. Action . In t!-.. I l.!ie t l-ii-K.-v rniiii...r t :.. 4i.. j.., : , . . . ,4 ''..I-, j Mil in LiiC lil'Ill!.-.l..S lllit to. 4 4- lljtr. . -. ..--.-. I .1..... i ..... ii..,. i...... i.i.. . r... . . ...i.. i.. t . . ' : . ii.i.i.. i iv. .v.-.: i, -o to a -res were j niii oeen la.o-n s i ar as to authorize nejnuuecti, iuetrioing n on, oy i.eacn i aprove.l to State as swa-no lamls; I the appointment of a IJvard to devise ' V' r!';:5,i"e the Irar.kmg pnvn in-, n ore ior: -1 v t.ettl as tiie l-asis nag , . . .. i- o nv i.i' "-, 7 i .tht! Cisea-les; Al; , inches of snow on the ground. j l,s and the survivin r ,wr snd re : one i e .a.- i-.-s. i-vc.i in i:ie o.oi.-. ttorney (jcneral of the United States , The Ihesid.ont's mego hasc-o.vd- "-vhi-h was signed on Mont lay. U is j'-'- ll 'l.. ii i In., i .-ll v. i . e ......... Oi:" T.iu v.: rr. i l.'w ii . . . a:- i 4i . i ii , ),.:- iii ..iii . ii'' i 'iii - t'l' iii i i.... t. . . t . - t . i . . . -. , . , i . . i t i r ..i-si.- i.-. At i - . . . . i i i..-,o.-.i acre-, were eerirm-.a I or agri- ruies governing the methods of niak- ; t :",'. -.. ., -.i .-4-"7 7 ..- t ,. 'Ir. ..; ,. ,i ;, i I'eeome a pan;, w uie ae.ui .'.tiui'i-,u.i. matter we lead ! :-. United Smi's v-s.-! at s.iunag" ciiuoo eoueas, conamu scnoois. i m.g appointments and promotions, i balance oftheSll.O.'iO.Oir) n-"iv.div our- ' outrage perpetrated hy the O.tstom ! intended ior this issue. A review of i n vesse, v.t. """;,.;-,.. s. universities and seminaries; l;d,( ,3 j but there never has been anv motion ! "hasing h-m Is: one bv Wilson, div-lar- ' Tp.,. 7f;r,r r,,.,, ed Mr Oiblm i the me-s i-e and our "Th ,e, , . r s,',,Me 't;K'rtu:" 1 " acres were approve 1 to States for in-I on those rules. To have :mv rni(.. ! "g th-true intent and meaning of the . Ivtng, and i( i.iov -I 3Ii. wihhs tr,o Jiiu 1 nouns Long j day next. s , () r,(!l;.. ternal impr..vem -nts. an-1 1.422 acres 1 eimctive." thev must have theVoui- i V wi , l;l I,"'VV J": ,' l ,',,iiU,jts !- j u ire-ient a just and proper punish- j correujionuetu will receive attention i jt' Lt ,,''.. ilnao d i.v ll Pr were locate 1 wit!, Indian scrip. The j eser.eo of Con.grcss, as well as t!,,,,e ! Siemr ,l'fYx?y onnVd livv'l'!" i H"-'"t- being meted out to tho roen j uot week. , t- , except th- lT..Ijihiii..i,is!.-. w h I'ceeipts during the same time j oi tne Executive. I recommend, I tral branch of the Union I'uciuc ' who had tmtraged the laws of our ! ,r, T. i ''"''i'm l'rv- t'rVS .-ore. c-,-f..-ioor,--oeingi;iu.ii.,- tuereiore. t:ie sub-oet to vour atten-: I,M'1 .ni'.:iiiy, ior extension to that i co. .(;.n x, rtn.o. i.o, A410 appropn.aions demanded bv '.: , '.,. lri., u-.,t r;s ' v-tes. !'..r .11 in nv,.iK of l-i.iv.l.,hf.irl ,n.,i.,,o inn nn.l , . 1 .. 4 - .... i I "Ml ClllV irOlll US present Western ter-:'-'1 "" 4. ...44.. ......... ii.ii I . - " ...... i .. .1... V.H.i,! " --' if ,-4. i:ui .s:...iiU Com- ,;.,.. ,.". tu,. : ."!... ii- ... ! , , .... . . e... n ,. Oiiil '1VS8 Over iO-ir ivi:i jo ,vis ; I n'l's wc:t eieei -i on uu i....:..4:.. -i4o ...iu . e r-. - . - . . .ii:mh.. in. ihuihu.uii nr. i ui, i. .aii ii.rfi rmin i. i tot- v. ici r i n- i ui . ic. i - - - - - - ions u-:ii. J' ui i fill', it.-t-.-v-- liiiiit-r oi v ong! ess ini" if fi.n i.r wit li Mail , ;.o..i ,1 1 ... 1-. .. i.n . ' . . - m irnoressed v. it Ii th'? ; bdi' f that the act a;:;.roved lAIarch : 2 1. ls-;7, entitled an a -t to estali- j Ji-di a uniform sv.-temoof banhruptcv ; througr.ont the United St.i: -s." is ; ee.s productive of i.ri.-e vil t.ha':. good ; ' v tii.nt at this time m i.iv e jrisiderafions ' mi rid be nrrvl for its reoe il. but. .j v if thirds not considered ad vn able, I : 1-32 acres of puOlic lano were sur- ; . I . . ... : . - u igiit conier wit i lull intpi.iii...i-i i.- i 01 ... .. the Civil Iloard dnrin-r tin. im-.ot hmin. iinifoVm (-!ni-.'.-.. 4, n .'-.ii ...... .of I charge of his dutv in attempting to think it will not l ' serious- tpies- e;. -.i an luorj :i :irr a.uoui ; w.-.Mi-a. i,ir uie purpose or devisin i t.f i'ii--i.. iin...isi .use; onm.uion j I, ring to justice men who had violated tion vl that thoe portions: f said surveyed the prey ions year of 1 037 - " eh rules as can bo miintained, anil j SedTiWuu& I the laws of the land. What can the act providing for what is alleged u- i.-.acre-. - u., a, - , -.lau secure tlie services of ! ci.,1 Comniittre on Education and Sala- people exnect of Mv Mallorv if l u v.dnnttirv Laukruotcv oierates to m- ' rreviottsly surveyed, aggregates hl(. honest and capable ofiteials, and ri-s to investigate the actual amount I 16 1 pect ot .Ui. Malloiy if he ere-1 ti e iiunnSi'il cuban-; ssmeut o.l,s9o acres, w hich have been sur- : which will also protect them in a I'as1 to niemh.rsof thelast tVuigress bv j accepts tne position? Must he not of careful arid prudent men who veyed leaving 1.2ls,44:ho(M acres degree of eonridence while in oniee. oHowan the willing tool of the ap- t,n,;1 Ix-como ravohed iu debt of public lands still uns-trveye.!.-The Pror rule, vodl protect them in a -rial roiVm-.ituV. i pointing power and do as ho is told more for 174 than they were for the i '"manoii n Tr.n. Tee. present e:.r. That look . rrenehiucnt. re- v i . . . li'..'' i'-ee- i . tea . r m i -. .-' . ji i i, I'm.' ' ii -ret o.or thev earrieil but one w'.r-.-Martin I'. C-uiwav tias been iii;l''':''; for assu-dt witli intent . ii'd - s-vn' A bill has been introduced into j tor Poineroy. Congress to chop down the pay of j The )m;i,rty th(. )n.r.,Tn lr Congressmen, but to leave the Presi-1 Ay0rks at Portland sold last AVe-1 un dent's the (tamo .?oO,CK0 per year. 1 day for .an .ggr-.-.-ate of ,-". o o COURTSSr OF BANCROFT LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORnS5 BERKELEY, CALITORHia ' r t o jii O -