Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1873)
I o o o o O O O O O O 0 THE ENTERPRISE. olSocrrr, oreiio., di:c 5, 1S7J. A Memorable Daj. It is not too m 't li to say that the Foiirlli o" XoveiVJt r, 1873, will have an inipoilant pip.'-o in the political annals of this country. Irom Dan to Boei-sheba, frora the Atlantic to the far prairie lamls, the conflict ragel; and everywhere along the line that haughty power so lielshaz-zar-like in its tyranny, its extrava gance, it corruption, its blindness, was startled into u sense of danger by the rush of mighty hosts, and compelled to tremble as the hand of avenging destiny wrote the sentence of Kadicalism npon the wall. Too long ha 1 a people borne the contempt of their 1 Liberties, the dis-j regard of their rights, the reckless gambling with their interests, which have characterized the Governments, Federal and State, since this un constitutional, sectional party as sumed, and in agret degree usurp ed, control. Too plain were the warning of fi'inre i.m.i and slavery as conveyed in the Louisiana affair, the Credit Moliilielr exposure, and raotc lately in the greot wave of financial distress thft has swept from boundary to 1ounf!nry of the land. Tw Ionic liml i siitTi-riiiDr neoole snb- . ..... . al , - mitted to their wrongs, sitting in Horrowful inaclion by the wMers of their ;! vlo'i. n-ul only mourning for the Zion if freedom and peace and pros erilv they remembered. The timet had at List come though the rulers knew it not, says the Richmond E.""'rer, and in October, Ohio broke the bonds like an angvy giant, and called with a voice of thun.Tor to freemei, everywhere to join In:'-. That vtrce reached the revclo:-s in Washington; it also woke the echoes of a thousand mon 1 tains. Had r'lei vifU ;;;'tl)e-itig stren gth across a thousand plains. It was heard above: the serf thpt breaks upon Iong Is3 nd; it pealed alo.. . the "shoivs of Michigan and w q "Wisconsin; it rever'eialedaci-oss the water, of Ohesopeako, and found ft thound tongues in the gorges of Virginia's mountains; it stirred the bosom of Hie Missouri, and struck like a trumoet call oa the bleedieg he-art of Kansas. Aud everywhere as long expect ing recogni.ed the summons, and rose to gird their loin' ftnd to obey. The hours of quiet pi?aratioa pass, the day arrives, and: when mother dawns it is known oE all the world how well Ohio ha-s been answered. A memo v.ble day. The beginning of a new era. The birthday God prrant of Intiue freedom of tlo ieo Oplrt North and South, Cast and West, from oppression and misrule. A IIcmiip i ka l!e Operation. Fiornt.i" VIi;i-::11 f X. Y. T.mos B. Fi anklin made his name famous when he llew his kite and brought down lightning from the clouds which had been tlying nvound with q out )aying ils way. Now we not only iLish through on wires, but science has crip;led electricity and used it to perform miracles. The Times' readers will repiember when C n. KMpati-ick returned home from Jlifli. throe years since, of his hav ing a remarkable operation pe.-fovm-eiViixm Lim hjii jhi -ician in Xevv lork, wlu removed & large tie-.hv electricity was let on the bunch h. d ent't vly dis;pOi red. A rem.---liable oeia(im was pe formed by a Whila h;lt physician a few days ar-o. A k'onth-uiaii who h?d been st'iTei'iaj from a snpei-nbuinLuiec of adiooe tissue consulted a physician, asking for relief Lorn its bmdeu. The doe tor iold him he could relieve him ii ho would consent to a painful olKira tion. The gentleman consented, and with the medical jn-actitioner, enter ed the telegraph olice at this place. The fat man was requested to remove his co;t and vest, alter wliich the physician snr rounded him with win's attaching the ends to a powerful bat levy. At a si-rnal from the doctor. Manager W. 1). Eddv let on the cov rent. The patient vriilied and twist-' evl when he felt the enneut passing . around him; stilPhe stood like j martyr. 1'reseutly lie began to shrink; he grew smaller and smaller; his clothing hung in bags alout his fast-diminishing form. The doctor f..lf ,,.i,..K tt. ii r i - u n i. iit nit: i:siiii, oi Alls Oe!eriutmt,(i while the formerly f.-.t man's jTy avms very great, although he seemed to bo sulfering acute pain. All of a suddeu there was heard a loud clicking at the instrument, as if randimonium's great hall had' bren let loose. The opciaior qnicklv to answer the call. Ife :-.s cevtained it wj f.-om the New York oiliee. lie quickly asked what's npV" An answer came btck as if some infuriated demoa was .it the ofher end ol the wire.; "Wh. t in thunder ;m yon about .' Cut oiTvonr wires quick yoa nre tilting the'2sew York oiliee with soap-grease." Tast IIurouY oftiie "Vir.urxiiTs." The vessel lias leen twice owned by thoCiovernmeat. Once she belonged to Mie division of captm-ed and alian doned properly of the rreasurv, b which she was sold; and again, in 17 --she was seized at Mobile for debt of the defaulticr AssU,nt Treasurer. She was then brought to the Potomac and sold to x New Yorker named Paterson. Her name was then Vinfiniit, but npon leing taken to New York it was chartged to Vir ginias. The Virgiaiux and the vsssel whiehOeaptured her, the Tonuvlo, were both built on the Clyde by the B:ine. -.builder, for blockade-runners during the M ar. A Druggist's clerk in Savannah, Geo'-gia. hred a pistol into a barrel of "non-explosive" kerosene, oil, just for the fun of the thingj The barrel, and the yonng mau went off almost as quick as the pistol did, Cand the funeral was largely attended. " An Iowa woman gave her husband a dose of morphine to f-ure him of chewing tobacco. She broke him of the costby habit, but the funeral ex penses would have kepH him in to- stay, "there or emigrate to his future home h 11. i formation from the's neck by lillb2rit f nil of nelles and then attach in ga galvanicwatte-y to it. Ten minuses pfter tiTs enrreut of laceo lor several vears. l tc ..i iT John A. iingnam ua-Jien sent to "v japan as minister. Ji is (jovern- as ' i. 1 1 1 U4t 1 . , i meiii,'- oum in; ut-iit-r uu ii ne won ( i 'V l'roctor Knott on the Monopolies. "Why, every avenue of active en terprise is crowded with them. In every conflict for material prosperi ty, whether on the Land or on the sea, in the mine or tne I manufactory; in the busy haunts of commerce or tne uesoiate somuues of the forest, on every arena in which, human industry or skill can be employed, we find them arraying iron sinews of a remorseless consol idated capital against the over hatch ed tissue of individual energy and unorganized labor. Turn which way we will, on every hand we are con fronted by these ideal persons, bv the soulless beings, these artificial, intangible, iinov e ial monsters whom an Omnipoiant God never created, and for whom a suffering Saviour never died. If we take the wings of morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, lo! they are there. If we say surely the dark ness shall cover us, behold they are there, and I have no doubt if you would descend into hell, you would find their lobbyists crowding the corridors of pandemonium, asking a charter that would enable them to make a monopoly of the broad road that leads to perdition. "Why they have even invaded the sanctu ary of the living God, and assumed to peddle out the religion of Jesus Christ. The rage for corporate priv ileges has actually got to that pass that the Young Men's Christian As sociation cannot hold a prayer meet ing until they have procured a char ter from Congress or some State Legislature authorizing them to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, end to buy and sell real estate. Having been appointed (says a "Wisconsin man) to administer on the estate of a neighbor recently ceased. I was greatly annove applications for an order for tao grave-&lone for the depavLe!. After some three or four weeks a very gentlemanly "marble man" intro duced himself, told me his business, and asked for " the job." I replied that as soon as a pe-.-son was danger ously ill, " a man" made his appearance and demanded "the job," and asked for the inscription io: the head stone. He replied that he knew it was so, and added, " I don't do it. and I won't, for it isn't decent, but in'ten find myself in the same 'fix' that ))eaeon was i i.' " How was thai?" I asked. " Why," said he. "old Deacon B had long had his eves on Mrs. W , whose husband had for .several weeks lingered on the bordevs of the grave. A few days a iter! lie f e -iei al of brother W the Deacon mude aiviendlv call on the widow, and iii the couvse of the conversation remarked that r.fter a n-oje iinie lirxl elapsed he proposed to ollev her the consolal io l of his hand and heart, which he hoped would not le unacceptable to her. ' O, Deacon,' she replied, 'yoe are too iale: Ehlf-r G spol-e :j ine f t '? (j.!' " in J S5i), when a . pgi lating the peoo' reio.m was . J. G. Hol- land publ'shed a little poem which we herewith leproduee as one of this line of si . e-s a-d strain. It is time ly nov as iii ISoU: iCiiHl.'iviMis incii! a time like this de- inunos Sirong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready hands ; Men whom the lust of office does not kill ; Men whom the spoils of office cannot I my ; Men who possess opinions and a will: Men wlm have hono -; men who will not lie ; Men who stand before a deinnone. And damn his treaeliereus llatteries without winking. Pall men, sun-crowned, who live above tli r);4 In public duty and in p- ivate thinkiu?; Nor, while the rabble in their thumb worn creeds, '1 heir lai-e professions and their little deeds Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps, Wronsr rules the land, and waiting J list ice .sleeps. TnECHiEF-JrsTressini. The tele graph tells us that it was stated in "Washington. yesterday, that Associate Justice Miller, of the Supreme Court, will be promoted to the phtce of Chief Justice, that Attorney-General Williams will be appointed Associate 'T,nstiee in l)1:U'e of Miller, and that Edward Tierrepont, of New York, "vll be made Attorney-General. Mr. llliams hails from Orearon. and Associate Justice Field from Califor nia. This would give two places on the Supreme IJench to the Pacific Coast. 5. E. Examiner, "When man comes home and tries to bolt his door with a sweet potato, pokes the lire wilh the spout ot a coffee-pot. attempts to wind up the clock with his boot Jack, tries to cut kind lidgwood for the morning with a paper knife, takes a cold potato in his hand to light him to bed, and prefers s'eeping in his hat and boots you may reosonbly infer that he has been making the acquaintance of some very friendly ieople. Dead, is it? Fossilized, is it? Ar.te delnvian, moribund, sick, decv- "t. is it? Given up the ghost, h - : J Uetnrued to the shady realms b yond the St sian river, has it? The old llonrbon is in his grave, is he? The moribund rump of the old pro slavery party gone where the wood bine twineth, hus it? All right! We care not by what " pet name" we are called, so long as we are aWe to win great and 'dot-ions victories. Gr.iml Ropiilx Di'wrri't. An exchange tells this: A good lady who, on the death of her first husband married his brother, has a portrait of the former hanin" in her dining room. One dav a visitor noticing the painting, asked: "Is fi .a A,me,mber ot the familv?" Uli! that my poor brother-in-'aw, was the ingenious reply. A girl of reason comments thus on Mormomsm: "How absurd! four or hve wives to one man, when the fact is, each woman in these times ought to have four or five husbands. It would take about that number to support me decently." It is announced, on the authority, of conrse,of an "eminent physician' that it is not considered' healthy ) rise before 8 o'clock in the morn )T Thi3 applies onlv to men 'ives can rise at 7 and start the fire heretofore. - The devil tempts everybody, but I the liar tempts the devil. BSTBRPRISB ANNO UNCBMBNT. THE ENTERPRISE A LOCAL DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER F O It THE Farmer, Business Man, & Family Circle. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY. .A.. NOLTjNtER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. OFFICIAL PAPE3 FOR CLACKAMAS CO OFFICE In Dr. Thessing's Brick, next door to John Myers store, up-stalrs. Terms of Subscription t Single Copy One Year, In Advance $2.50 " Six Months " " 1.50 Terms of Advertising! Transient advertisements, including all l-?gal notices, square ol twelve lines one week $ 2.50 For each subsequent insertion... l.oo One Column, one year 120.00 Half " " " .. uo.OO Quarter" " " 40.00 Business Card, 1 square, one year 12.00 ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICE OREGON CITY, : OREGON. WE A HE PREPARED TO EXECUTE all kinds of JOB HUNTING, such as CARDS', BILIj-IIKADS, I'AM I'll LISTS, i) suns, mortgages,) I;Ari:ls, listtbr-itbads, in fact all kinds of work done a in IYlntiiig Oiiiee, at PORTLAND PRICES. ALL. KINDS OP LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for salo at as low a price as can be had in the State. Work !SoIictel A X D SATISFACTION GUAHAMTZED. Oregon City. March 21. lS7$-tf. AGENTS FOR T1IK ENTER l'ill.SE.l The following persona nre authorized to act as agents for the Enterprise : ieo. I. Rowel I & Co., 40 Park Row, New York. Co", NVetherill & Co., 007 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. - Abhott & Co., Xo.SJ and 81 Nassau street. New York. Portia nd.Oregon b. Samuel San Francisco K f St. II-lens, Columbia county S. A. Mit'-s Astoria, Clatsop county N.. Van Dusi'n Sale in... f Williams Harrisburjr r. H. Smith IaiayfM, Vanihill comity I.Ij.K'-r:usoii lalla.s, Polk county Dave Holmes Meiiton county '. V. A. Wells Corvallis J Ion. John iSnrnett (.'anyon C'ity.iiraiit co W. 11. I.aswfll Albany . X.Arnold Dalles, Waseo county, X. II. ( batirande, Union county A. ('. Craiy: lVndleton, Umatilla county s. V . Iviiox Eiwnc City. Ros -burg Lebanon Af. Thompson ( I j. I'.nstow Hon. b. K. Iin' C. T. .rontatjuo 1.1. It. Ralston Jacksonville Hon. K. I . Koinlray Isnng Tom If. C. Huston CLACKAMAS COUNTY Rmvt Creek Hufteville Cascades Uanby A.. 'uttinir's . Eajle Crek Harding's bwver Molalla. -Milwaukie ( isweiro ..C. F. R.vati folin Zumwalt II.nrv Af'Hiiihi I. W. Strawser .....1). Wright Frank W. Foster .Capl . 'A. ('. Norton W. Moreland ...John II ajren border violin lioole Upper Molalla.... W. II. Vaughan SOCIETY" NO TICES. oni:(;ox lodge xo. 3, 1. 1. o. p., Meets every Thursla3r -fgs,. evening at 7 'i 'elok, in the iiisSS O.l. I Fellows' Hall, Main street. Meinlers of the Or der are invited to attend. By order J y. G. ua;m;c'CA oix;ri:i: i.o!ji xo. : T o n t.1 Afo..u in ti.a x will III A. IH r- f m iiiiv t-VfiniiLt.s eaeil llliiliin, r .if'7i-.,.'..i.u.L- i. IWiia Fellows' Hall. Members of the Degree :m c invited to attend. ULTXO.HAII LODGE X). I, A.l'. A A. M., Holds its regular com- a munieations on the First and wV Third .Saturday; in each month, at 7 o'clock from the 3)tli of Sen. temljer to the 3Lh of :Iarch ; and 7?i o'clock from the :20th of March to the 2oth of September. Rrethreii in good standing are invited to attend. Ry onler of XV. M. 1'AM.S EXCAMPJIEXT (). 1,1. (). O. V., Meets at Odd Fellows ry Hall on the First andThinl Tues- rf day of eaeh mouth. Patriarchs VV in goKl sUinding are invited to attend. JOHN 31. I5AC0X, IMPORTKR AXD DEALER In Rooks, Stationery, Perfum ery, etc., etc. Oregon City, Oregon. "At Charman k Warner's old stand, lately occupied by S. Ackeman, Main st. F R RE S H SHOALWATER BAY OYSTERS! THE UNDERSIGNED AWOITNTFS toth iti?:rns of Ororron City that Hp has reopened his Oyster Saloon and I Res- a? T "tew to Oregon City, .pt. M, vnt. BUSINESS CARDS. J. W. NORRIS, SX. 13., PHYSICIAN AXD SUB6EOX, OREGON CITY. O R B O O N. Up-Stairs in Charman's Brick, Main Street. auglltf. H. W. ROSS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, PEUMAXCXTLY LOCATED. Will attend to calls night or day. Office on Main street. oiosite Masonic Hall. Resi dence on the hill, where he will he please to receive nilit calls. Oregon City, Or., Set. 30, 1873. oc3iu3, W. H. W ATKINS, M. D. Surg-con. PORTLAND. - - OREGON. ?OFFICE Odd Fellow's Temple.corner rirstand Alder streets. Residence corner oi 3iain and Seventh streets. Drs. Welch & TJiompsoii, DENTISTS, OFFICE IN OBI) EEL L 0 )rs TEMP L E, Corner of First and Alder Streets, PORTLAND - . OREGON'. J Will be In Oropon City on Saturdays. Nov. 3 if S.HUELAT. CIIAS. E. WARREX, HUELAT ql WARREN Attorneys-at-Lavv, 0RE30N CITY, - - OREGON. KTOFFICE-Charman's brick, Main st. 5m ar 1372 .-tf. JOHNSON & McCOVN ATT0R.ErS AXD COUNSELORS AT-LAW. Oregon City, Crcon. 7"VHI tract.i?e in nil t lio '..nw ..r i.n State. .Siecial attenUon uiven to eases in the U. fc. Ijund Oltice at tlreiron Citv- 5airlS72-tf. L- T. BARIN, .i ATTORNEY-AT-LAVV, OREGON CITY, : : OREGON. OFFICE Over Pone's Tin St Street. 21m;ir7;-f J- T. APP2RSON, OFFICE IX POSTOFFICE BUILDINO. l.e-M 1 TVnclei-., CliirUn iiims roimtr Or tler, mill Oregon C ity Ortler BOUGHT AND SOLD. NOTARY ITJRT.TO. Ixians nejrotiated. PnllivMnn. ..t,i.. to, and a General Crokeage business parried on JanUtf. A. NOLTNER NOTARY PUBLIC. ENTERPRISE OFFICE. oitrcuo.voiTv. M A x u y A C T () R I yx. Savier, LaRoctiue & Co. Oregon City. Keep constantly on hand for sale p'lour Middlings, Ulan and Chicken Feed Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack WAGON AND CARRIA3E rrillE UNDERSIGNED, i bavins' Increased tli.. .:!. fW the old stand on the -a Curlier of Main and Thlnl Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of Informing his old pa- .tun us many new ones as may ie pieas -ti i.o.caii, that he is now pr .-pared wirn ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint., iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle from a i-om inon uart to a uoncord Coach. Try me. Hlackmi4lil;isr, Ilre or Ox Shoeing, and General Jobbing neatly, micklr, and cheaply done. DA V ID S.M i Til. WILLIAM SiyiGEK HAS ESTABLISHED A FACTORY ii FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AND JIOCLDrXfJS OF ALL SIZES. They will also do Turning of evcrv de scription to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! IGTAH work warranted. Shop on the Siioji Opposite Oregon City Mills. JAMES MILNE, MASONIC HALL BUILDING Oregon Cit1 Oregon. KEEKS CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale 'iheap Tor cash, ' Parlor, Bedroom. Office. Sittlngroom, and Kitchen Furniture, Bureaus, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, Bedsteads, Washstands, Curled Hair, and Pulu Pulu Pillows, Mattresses, Spring Reds, Picture Frames, , Mouldings, etc., etc. Special attention . . . work In nil tt. . ii . 1 " i pnoisterv n"aP KPftfe,!''" with neat- Call nH T-.-;. uruure made order, call and xamine for yoursives. I7may72 COURTESY OF BMJCROFT LIBRARY USIVERSITT OF CALIRNIA ' BERSLEY, CALIR)RTjta MBR CHA NDISS. JOHN MYERS, OREGON CSTY- DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ! ROOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CHOCKERY, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for Buder, --!;, and all kinds of GOCD COJfJTRY PRODUCE. I will sell as low as any house In Oregon for CASH OR ITS BQ VIVA LBNT n Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASM ' I1AV M Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21. 1S73. GOOBJi GOOD NEWS! PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD1 BAKGAIXSt S. ACKER MAN & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS fwhich they offer CIIEArER THAN THE CHEAPEST! We would say come and convince your self before purchasingelsewhere. Ourstock consists in part of Eancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Roots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer- ies, Hard ware, and a great many other articles too numer- ours to mention ; also, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty, etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken In exchange for Goods' ALSO Wool Tanted For which we pay the Highest Prices. S. ACKERMAN 4 CO. Oregon City, October 31, 187-tf. f- AUCTIION AND COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer, Cornier of Front & Ouk sts., Portland. Auction nlcs Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Mer chandise and Horses. SALE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday. A. 11. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer. A t I"iivssie JIc. English Refined Bar and Rundle Iron, English Square and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse. Shoes, Rasps, Saws, Sere ws, Fry-l'ans, the-t Iron, R. G. Iron. ALSO A large assortment of Groceries and Liq uors. A. R. RICHARDSON, Jan. 1, 1873-tf. Auctioneer. STEAM I'OWER JO 13 CO Man ufaet ures to order Ac count liooks.of all sizes and styles, Rail Tickets, Rill Heads Rlank Rnoksof any pattern that Is desired.wit h or w it hout printed headings.Rlanks, Rriefs.Catalogues, QQ G. II. Iliineg. I . K. IlieLs. H I M E S & CO. CO W A. X 111 b Ul A VI Llallll J X CgVUi Cnrds, Certifiicntes, Checks, f'ireu-' I .....!.. I . . I I.' X" - HI.-, J J HHJ-I., rUll'THt ft- ) ttces,IIandt)ills, Invoces, Labels, Iietterheads.IVjsters.I'roram rs Itec-ii.ts. Show Cards. Shiij- ninsr Tairs. Tickets, ic. Ac. 35 A. C. WALLIE5C'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Pittock's Builcline- Corner ot and Front Streets. Stark PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED AND ROUND to any desired pattern. Music books. Magazines, Newspai-rs, etc., bound in ev ery variety of style known to the tirade. Orders Irom the e.uutry promptly at tended to. OREGON CITY EREWERY- Henry Huinliol, TJAVIXtJ PTTRCHAS- X 1 ed the rtove Rrew- c cry wishes to Inform the public that he is now prepared to manufacture a No. 1 qual ity oi I, AG BR BBBR, as good as can be obtained anvwhere in the state. Orders solicited and promptly mil u. MUS X O New, Fresh, and Sparkling! THE CL USTER A KEW Ml SIC BOOR FOR THE USE OF Conventions, Singing Classes, Church Choirs, AND THE Home Circle. THE G LU STER BY S. WESLEY MARTIN", J. M. STILL3IAX, A K D T. MARTIN TO AVNE, ITice ?1..:) 2er Iht. Sinrlc coUcs sent, ixtxt- ad nit ess : J. L. PETERS, 599 Brondway, New York. iron SCHOOLS. FAIRY VOICES A NEW SINGING-CLASS BOOK. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY WILLIAM DRESSIER. ITIce S6 Per Doi. SIffl, Copies tent. - L . rriiiv. Address, J. L. PICTJiRS, 5?i UrciKhvny, New York. THE SOTiC ECHO The Poi ular Singing-School Book. BY IT. S. I 'KT? iciis Price S7.50 per Do. Sin-l eopiH 8et Pwst.puid, fur ?.je. Address J. L. PETEHs, 51H1 l!ioaily, N'e-w York, August JSth, 4m. THE PARKER GUN, SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN.CT. HEW YORK HOTEL. (Deutl'cht-s Galthaus.) No. ii trani Mn-.t, Opposite the Mail di-uuisnip landing, PORTLANU, ORKGOX. H.ROTIU OS, J. J. AVILKEXS, Proprietors. Hoard ? Week IUard s Week with loui"in""" Board Day $".0) li.tH) 1.00 IJACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, Southwest Corner First and IWcrrison Stf. I'ORTLA ND, ORBGON. 27ROAI THIS . adopted the DATE AVE HAVE CASII BASIS AXD HARD TIMES PRICES. una see us and there will be mutu al satisfaction. C . CUSTOMERS AT. OUK LOW PEICIS ......... AN . OURSELVES AT CASH GEORGE A. PEASE, Southwest Corner First and Morrison Sts. Portland, Oregon. Aurast 22d. 1676-tf. ens. Social attention i , this excellent Machine and ..'""y in elegant styles of st'ill we now have one i that Ue ".r V' lU,T easy running and having TaU t QUU-t cuhar excellencies of tlioUu rXV1 ht'r Is sur to please. Irthere i in a t housand miles " ""'Ith. not working well. 1 u-m : ... ". I"ranclw- out any expense to the owV.;,lU to il ith. nt. Is the only Machine Sj more than one direction i!?. M itt vrrsible feed-a reat advn "l.i,!'1," r' ing ends ol seams, in quilting"1 lavt- ' XL CI Circular or san,.,ie .7r V.-.!',, "r you THE I. EST! j... i. . .... i .Inc.!,,.. 11 Y Machines sold on liberal terms.. FLOKEKCE SEAVING MAC IIIXKs. SAKUZL ITILL,AEt L.ria Jiottl j;,nri,r, S 2tnaylST:iiS. s . , . . - 1 1 C yrrtucisro fXSAN F R A N C i S C 0. , ; '. -V . . March 21, 1873 Jem SHADES SALOON, C. A. KAAS, - - Ficr. Kain Street, Crcgon City. T EST ril.IJARD TAFI F.S IN iIIFfK'N I liiivc licrn i il .) t l.i-i.n I ri- tor invitesthenttertion ol tin- low rst.f iliis opoi.ular iuiius nicnt lo them. TUB BAR IS SUITLIKD with all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, irid. nn.i I i.i rhon already lamous Whislii. s and Punch ; also SHOOTING GAI.LKIIV is connected with the Saloon uregon ity, Jan. 1, l.S72-tf. LIVERY, FEED, HUD SALE rpilE T"NIFRSIGNFD PROPRIETOR OF J the I iverv Sfnliieon Kinii street r i:on City, i iretton," keeps constantly on liana Saddle nl Itiif iry Ilni He. IPi-ieess X?eiHOiiablc. He will also run a hack to and frem the VILKGIT SODA SFRINGS during the summer season, wftti pooo horsts.competent and frentlrmnn ly drivers. FAEE AT LIVING BATES. J. M. KRAZER, IVoprictor. Oregon City. May 27. 173. About 150 pounds ofJono; prim- er, ol winch this is an imrrc-M" 1Ias lvqn in UPC hul a F,lort t:n)r' o-ood work. IVice 25 cents V eitlicr tied up or in cases cafe5 extra. A LSO, A small font of Nonperiel of vliich thi 15 n impression. l"nte So cents V As pood a.- i - enough to set about one column of th paper solid. Address this othc. CHOICE MEATS! LOGISA; ALiliRIGIIT Iinve ju r ceived a fine lot of beef cattle irom John Day countrv. They are tbe '""Vji ever broupht to this valley before, na ne nutcnered for this marKfi. . r 'il pose to sell cheap. Give them a emit get the choicest of meats. .. uregon City, Way ikw, ijjtcj. f yERYBEsr mi BAKER'S m fe, x&r 41' w-w mm