Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1873)
O O ! o o O ! "THLffl -zrr ! gineer . White's" resignation,;; and t tf XVC 5 -171. Col. i still vested with all the nuth f ur-1, J ; tv oertaiiiimr tothut position The C - ,'IUBNEK'S fop. Dkcembf.u -A ;, profiKi'l.v illustrated article i oiiina oMia SCribner' for Dec, J'oUi . ,-:.. ;rf article on I - C ; . 1 on eeei li on this - - - - 1 -...f i, n di eu.lon, ny t-i';. . "T C ' , ..i.i, tinl'l V till of tle njv;'i .twatcr U..itwi II .11 I ,1'ICK " PlV:.,V. ,.V',i )Vv lirete H arte, entitled an hv of I-1' 1 V: .. H-tn in S . Ml I ll I 'III ..l' r .-- - an - "I 111 ! i ( .ii ai'il continuation j V. I'reton ' Katli 'nne rv Mrs II Davis " Kii tlitii fiti-hcrs. SrEMnoATS.-Thf W. K.T. Company ;Ten..w the Shoshone. Jov. Grover hive . f ho nn-icr river. an 1 r I. .. i 1 1 tlwiir . i ti... other Cmnaii n.n.w. and tin, "-- , r... river is m .at ,, " - i , od boating taN - "f peel i'J freight ,.t to see tlie in .nei. - nr . O.'ll (I'll " I ' l. r. :w i, of the W. K.T. Company. t ie 1 r-st on tlie river, vill wion f .r service. This will give the r: ?,n ...nv fo ir tine 1-ats with a earry .... eanaeitvi.f ab.ett a thousand tons. i.'r .. .ii ...... l-.. t-.vo trios tr week, thus brin iug down, two itn'iw" .ieh week. The Wkathkr We have had most tram ilinarv weather for t!ie past iour or rive U-m to .-.-t quite cc-Sl, and contitmed t';., t rZl.Ute until Sunday evemn- when t ei.oiiii'-n'- o -,o U "snow f. 11 till Wednesday night when ii , U to t;ie depth oi aooi.i .six inches, k,l with a good prosct of still more, j. Ins U-en dec-idellv disa.gceeable. Wel a. ii bv tcb gr i:!i the. storui ex tend -d all over the coast, and on Wd ..... I ,v f.eir inches of snow tell in Isac- i . . . ........ i :nt lir. r-ai -nto V.illev. T!e appearances n.w4 that we are going to have wimer o T.iwiis.-We wf1- agreea '-.It n r- prised 1 i-t Sitnid iv . -Pit t'.ie. di'pot Mr norning when we J. L. Williams of pair of the w .' .... vi 'in tf a 'i ii ,:p iin.l .id.-ks we nave ven ""'""- .i Cut Himself : n l M r. burns, ot Sde-ii hid ju.-t. returned from a hunt j X i.,h;ngt"oii IVrritory, and captured uv. 'urn ir-d jost lik-..- loose lie gave us. .J.(ll;, mikes' ii unhealthy for game w'n'ii ii goes after it, and seldom comes biek without his lull sli.ire. Wo h ' uiav siim-i go again U4 in liis distribuiieti . and rcmeinljcr Mas. Ij;-Ni way's r.KCTCkK. bast Friday o v .-n i ii 4, a" p -r anaou.u? -in -nt, Mrs. lltini wl. .:h,:; at the Court JI ;is in this city. It a. is t i first lira- w have iKVath" pi i'SS- an a ' I his la iv. and much to our ur-- . r-r-t. only hi.-ar.t a j-rtiiia ot h-.-r Wh it wj le-Mi-il o; it. was well d;-- 1 r-.l, b-.iL lull ot vm..:i ;-r.'iins-s and c;n q-i-',.i!ly wrong cti-?iusiins. we ui-i n-: i.-..r -im ..h to ai ike ;.n i.-U.' with i. j i,i :i h- i iii-" unwilling to do h" r in J j,t .c e i r: -ar eoi-i ii; -lit. sit.- is rat her a , r -i;y s .i-aic -r. ind !i.-r ::u-Hence Usteneu t h- r Cvit a the utmost uttenlioii. Sii.' was U s)-ik oil the iol'OAing ev-ning, but t:ir- va. hardly siny oin.- r.-snt, and so diJ i.ot sp F'xi'ectino to Much. Mrs. Dunlway expi-ets r ith'-r too much lrom )iir Ieputy Murruf. s'.i ; iatim ited ;.t tli clos ; of her i;,..,;!i as t houirh it. was the duty of that ',!i,:-riii have the hall ! ght-d up prepara tory tolhe r. cel t ion of ?i.-r audi -no. . This It liior l nan any oth -r sp -aKrr Iris ever u, especially when not solicited. It ha I. -a tiie cusio'm to furnish t h.-ir o.l a.i i I: ;ht u; their lamps, l hos intr pu i i le r rause should haw attended to ii. i.-.-t'ir--r. and lb ir irienus, siiould b'.ir n nun l th lact the Su-riif oas t ; ay tor th oil us-.d ii. tli . ourt lioac Hui . s. II rsi; W.UMiNa.-rQuite a lai:e number of i.-ur citizen! vU.U'd the in w Lri. k of C. W. l'ope A:i Iiros last Satur- djv - f iling and enj ved themselves .i , ! a.iT'.t d.m -e. was in honor of:l; hi;:; h.-ti.oi of t;'lea led ;"ir a ii'us -ater- ri-:i i: r owners o I'unair.g ami inning tr the tlie, bnildimr. I:e . I cy, u : I 8 ii :n ! ::;ig '.s now r-i'ly t.r (viip;in ivc pr.-o.i'iie he tin store will moved back to its old and i'.i- nu;,i ii lu-r. Nf.w Ml;c We have received t-u-eu'h the agent of the music, store of Mr. G.-.vy, 1)1 First street. Portland. Mr. F.J. iViiit' who has latelv assumed l. ..i m.ui'.'':iii -nt of t.u cNiaoii.s.i:iicui in ; I---.- oi Geo. j. D. Prans, resi.rn d. 1. e new i nsi . Slephell A. A Sillli- UK :iV 1 T. i I .. i Krnvv : ;er ; - M v i'jl." bV audi,-." i ; " Toe . Iv.-an?. Hotter in the A; ki. -J.vhn Tilly, City Mar shalpwa arrested laAVedned.iy on c in; l j;nt of A. G. While Tor an assault an t batt.rv. UN case was trid l;fvre J .i.,Lie. lUily and the eh irvce sustained. T i- 'o n t 1 1 kj 1 liim $. :i nil costs. It is a rather ha I state of a.airs when men who are to :ro;eet the peace are i'ouml giiilt v of of vi .latine: it. Tri e!t; k r Away.--We are inform o. I that t!ie Heouty I'rosec ilin Attor ney for this county tried to getaway from trying a certain ease this week, and when he was forced to com in i.-. i i . . ...c... xic rhiur-, iu- ruin n uiril to 11 nil: v..lf- rii.-r- . ousted. This in itter will U examined I into, and should the itets 1-e t-o, we s:iall ocmand his removal. o Okkii Kits. Tne Orejron City Turn Vt. reins, at the regular monthly nieet in : 1 . i.-.t M ond.iy cveniiiir, electetl the following oHits-rs for th -. ensuin'j; quar-t-r : (ii'n. A. liardiirj. l're.sideiit ;" It. V. C iuaeld, Viir l'i Vident ; Henry Hedges. Secretary; Wm. K. Pratt, Treasurer: A. Schum.m. First Ieailer ; 1. Levy, Second Leader. (ioNK to J.; W. Shattuck who has for the past tjve years kept the l'lio-nix Hotel in this city, remov ed to S.dem last Monday and assumed tlie position of host of the Commercial Hotel. Mr. Shattuck is a thorough hotel keejier, ami while, we regret bis removal, we wish him vhe lest of suc-r-ss in his new home, and congratulate S.dem on its acquisition. d.K(TlKE.-Mf- Levi T.elan.l lectured tva large crowd at the Court House, in t Ms city, last Tuesday; evening. The audience apiearcd to 1S highly inter ested in what the speaker saiuund the manner in which it w as s;iM. Temier--n.-e lecturing is Mr. Lelands strong f -jrte.aod he cAH always draw a crowd. Xkw s-nx-K.-i;. J5. Stone, the fa mous Portland jeweler, has the best sti- k in that city jn his line, end has th tore in the tftate, If you wani-anvtliimr for the iolidays, and von -o"to p.rtlind, S'.one's is the place. K Mucmber Front Street. Cai.i ko. We had the pleasure of a ill lastcs.-f urday from our old friem Willi en Fl-cdner, of rcrtland. Hilly 1 oks youn-jr, handsome and cheerful h he di I lift eon vears auro when he first cune to Corvatli. We are glad to o,rM ti,:it he ryieeting with sqecess in I, ' Tuc I'uoemix. Mr. jiohn Hanson, taken the Ph.enix Hotel, and hav- ,ns ha 1 consi,lorriui4,.Xp(.pienee jn that tiU0'. XV'H no doult jrive entire satisfac ln to an rho -,.iu giye fc5ln O O o CO o o o o lK;;.,-t VrcU'an interest wmcn me 9,,P'J t m H-r cannot fail to-deepen. pr.-eht TMl"' w :v "popular new :i'-e I'M. mi mi interest- vy r rntit of Proetor, ? , v iii tliW .M.uiUry. by John :.. iirrcri 11111 i ' -; J.- Declixed to ' Accept It.- Mayor McCown declined to accept Chief Kn- the lori- ty iiertaimnar to that position. iaie (. oi. make an eincieiu omc.'r, ana lases , . i . . . r I . iv ' .. . i 11VS lO lile WClliareol Hie ltJKll llllCIH. KEi.Trsrotr. Tlie i fir-t "qnarterly meetin; for the Oregon 'ity charge, M. E. Church, will be held Saturday and "Sabbath next (Dec. G and 7). Preaching on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. The Presiding Elder will be present. M . J . The Alice. The Alice started out of the bain oh her' fust trip last Wednes day, in chargi of Cupt. Miller and his crew from thu Cooke. T ie Captain is an oll steamlioat nian, well liked, and the Alice is one of the line.-t boat.s on tlie river. Concert. The regular monthly con cert was had at the M. E. Church last Sunday evening. We learn that a large crowd was present, much more so than generally attends su h gatherings on week days. Tiie receipts amounted to, so we are informed, about f'J. lioRN. In this city, Nov. 28th, to the wife of Henry .Harding, a daughter. K tther unfortunate for Henry, but he has got good ?rosi ects to amend, and we trust he will not be ho disappointed next time. Hather hard. when, thev are all girls. MKETijrc3.rtegular monthly meeting of the Columbia Hook fc Ladder Company will be held this evening. Fountain Hose Com pan v meet s next Wednesday evening, and t atar ut llos Company meets next tuesuay evening. I)o Lost. Iljjid the advertisement of $.") reward. Mr. Slover wants to know where his dog is, and the thief who stole it. New Crossing. Doc. had a liew cross, walk, his tore to his residence. Harlow has made from Wii.i, Preach. Rjv. Dr. Atkinsxn will preae.i in the Congregational Cluii'ch, in this city, l.ext Sundiiv.' .We could -not get the County Court prooeodings in time for this issue. Santa Claus IlE vnciUAni kics. Old Smta Cl.uis arrived in this city last week and ui.ido his head jua i ters at Louis S ril'.s confectionary where he left all kinds of toys, candles, nuts, and everything to please the children. If vou want what was left for vou call and get-it. News by the Overland Telegraph. "Washington," Dec 1. During the session of the Cabinet t-lav. tne President formally tendered tlie - po sition of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to Attorney-General Williams. Col. Hristow, of Kentucky, wiil be .iMsointed Attornev General. rl h iijniiiat wiilLe sent to the Senate O-Bl'lil'Otf. PiiiT. iintiPniA, Tec. 1. The steam er Ju'.iiaui, from Havana, reports that the irgiaius was siH wiien :di U-ft' on Thursday last. "W A S H I N G T O N Tlie House D.c. 1. met at Ai.ernoiiii noon. xtie r. galleries were crowded as were most of tlin seats in the hall. Whci. Clerk MePi.erson reached Ivmisiana. in calling; the roll he stated that M:ere were but two unchallenged certificates fr;:n that State. Ift the casa-s of all others there were cou riicting sots of papers from Warmoth and I'itn'iib.ick, and he Lad declined to enroll either. There was a dis crepancy in the papers from the ninth i: District, and from Ar-ki:i-as but two of the four seats were represented. In the case of West Virginia there was doubt as to the proper time of holding the elec tion, 'and there were two sets of members elected on different days; so none have been enrolled. I he roll ! 278 out oi -2'.)l) eu- r.lled ar.swered. Tim House then proceeded to the election of a speak er. .I.tvuar.l nominated James (. Illaiiu:: Niblack nominated For nan do Wood; lloimun nominated S. S. Coz. who said he was not a candi- ilate vote resulted a follows: ll!ai:io IU-'), Vi'oo.1 77, Cox 2, CIvmer 1, Alexander II. Stephens 1. May nurd and o)l etm lucted lilaine to the ehnir, v. lien he made a short ad dress, thanking tJie House for tin- honor conterred. IJawes, as K.-mar m'i!il)?r of th "? House, adumnst;reii the oath of oIice to tlie S;.'. aer. who thereupon proceeded to swear iu the members. About fty Southern members. anions; them Stephens, of Georgia, who were unable to hthe t!ie iron.-lad oath "took tlie mo. lined' oa!i. t The Secretarv 'f the-Naw, in his annual report, recommends tliat the navy be put" on a footing jivoper lor any and all eincrgtn.-ios, and justifies the course t.ikc.i recently in addiii": to its warlike strentrtli and ellicienev: The estimate expenditures for the new fiscal year is .l'-,2"!,233. To this adtl !S0i,Ovey for repairs, etc t ,1 rti 1a Pxeeedinj? those of last year about S2,UU0,U00. js it not wen Known that-the S3ii- ate that passed the equalization act had a Democratic majority. Proyres- SlOJl'.-tt. Will this wiseacre inform his read ers what the majority of Democrats was in the Senate ? Or does he know anything about Oregon polities? Next tiling we shall hear from him will he that the last "Democratic Legislature elected Mitchell.' The schooner John D, Hunter was wrecked at laquma Bay on the 22d of November. She ha l loaded with lnmlier at Newport mills, and while attempting to go to sea was Leeaim- , . l ... 1 . -, 4. . . .1 411-1 i uii .tun wem asuoie. nauds were saved, but the vessel ami cargo, it is supposed, will be a total loss. The cago belonged to Messrs. Fred Saw- ten ana xj. .ueAipin. .Loss not known. Tiik Pakkkk liiN.-We take pleas ure in calling attentitm of our Valley inentls to tne wonderful merits of tlie double-barreled breech loadinjr shot guns iiianufaetured by Parker." Uroth- crs, west .ieriden, t onii. Ihe lushest testimonial received from all sections or the country, and the thorough test given it in the field bv our friend I apt. (ireen P.. Sammls. warrant us in asserting that it is tie liest breech-load lmr shot irun in tho world. The simplicity of construction, the ease with which it can be loaded or unloaded, the facility with which tho load can be changed from small to larre shot emhjimr the sjmrUman, in anTnst int, to adapt hjs change to any qzed tratne that m;v present itself the ease with which it may le kept clean, its availabilitv to a country where noth ing but muzzle-loaditP' ammunition nroeured. all combine to recom mend it to every sportsnian who can nonreiate a iierfect fowLin? piece. Piv have ever known, Herald of Got "Warren Sentinel;' (Front Royal, Va., r J.-"--. novieml MARRIED. In this city, Nov. 30th. 1873, at the resi dence of Mr. Wm. Whitlock. bv the Rev. John W. S-llwoiKi, Mr. ltobert Treaigold and Mis3 Klizabftli Archer, all of this city. In Clackamas county, Ic Snl, 1kt3 Ucv. J. .V Wirth, Mr. Georje C. Wat'sou a!l Mis :-Mary Robert. brti?of thiscitv. At the residence of t'harhfs I'a nolivy, "in C luckamas county, Nov. 3irth, 1S73, bv itif Rev. A. Hard.son, Mr. W. W. l ookc" and Miss Rachel Woodel, all of Clackamas county, Oregon. mi: ii. ' At Canemah, Dec. 5th, 1&73, Eva, daujrh-ti-r of J. 1. and Rebecca lilanchard, aged la years. ' San Francisco Market Report. .Sax Francisco, Doc. 3. Wheat in T,iverpo!l Average California, 13s Jt ; Ur'on, 13 4ds-MJl3s td. Flour Superfine, extra, f 6 50. : Wheat " oast, sJ J.VvJ3!. Parley Coast feed, f 1 37 50 ; bay feed $1 ro ; hay br'wiiiir, 51 tj-J-.-vl Oats iJood supply in market ; prices are fl 4.1 ttt. . . '. Wool ou let, fine to clioica clear, lirilo. Portland .Market Report. Wedn esda v.Dec. 3, 1873. (iold In New York to-day, 101. l'ortland Iegal 1 en der rates, DO buying: 01 selling. Wheat Demand Is good at tl 95($1 05 V cental, sacked. Oats 15;1S bushel, sacked and deliv ered. Flour In consequence of the condition of the wheat market. Hour lias been ad vanced to $) 5U(ivj 50. liuttcr The receipts ar large and the market well stock-, d with all qualities. Prices ran' lrom 1-1S c-nts. bsXgs Mark -t - supply lull ; prices firm at W cents dozen. Wool The market continues dull and quotations ar.- famished at U0fa-23c lb lor ul""h1 tirticio.' . i liiccon llif supply on hand remains abundant. Jides ar ; quoted at 10viic; Hams. 11;a15c, and prime Shoulders at Mgi 9.'. There Is no change in our local reports. A Dlannul of ilrullli. An edition of bet ween nine and ten mil lions oi conies ot a very u '.ul work is no.v ready tor uratuitour: dif-triuution, and can be had lor the asicniii at any druir stora in th L"mted State, the l.r.tish Colonies, Spanish America or I'.razil . 1 he woric n terr id to is Hos'elter's Almanac tor 1871. Hie ui-'dical i.or.i-m of it tr.-at oi the vari ous aiimi-nts whi. n tne human system is sutjj ct, and s -ts tonii the peculiar proptr- L1--S oi llos:..'tt -r s siomeii j Jitters the pur st and b -st tonic at pr.-sent known as a -r s rvativeol health and gtrengtn. anil asar.-niedv lor d.'l)Uily and Uisease. jne Almanac is printed in all tin principal uuiirua ' i-s of t he civilized world, and reach 's s larr - number ot laiiuli -s ai.d indiviu- uals than anv otlu-r m.-dical treatise that -ver i.ssu t lrom th- pi . No man or am. nan woo has. a tlu ; r-.-aru ior inai. ?hoic st os heaven's hi siin;r.s, bodily vior shoiiid tail to read the pla;n, simple and convincinin art icles which this truly i.r.iclical l iibiiciuioii contains. 1 he mis- icwi-ous nuitt.r is varnu. lnsi.ruciiv and amiisiiiir, and the calendar oepart- nt co .ions and comprehensive II si, It r's Almanac is, in short, a house hold convenience, adapted to the conveni ence, lulanted to tne use oi an cia.sses sum calliinrs. i n- r. the planter, th min -r. the mercoant: the mechanic, tne labor, r. tlie 1 rote.-sional man. all net d it an 1 to invalids oi both sexes n is iiteranx an article of prime necessity. 1 'he meui- cal t . -cnnicaliiies wiiicn r -nd -r so rnany m .heal treaties int. mu.-d lor iiopular us: unintelligible to the n '-ral read -r. have l -n carefully avoided in this pamphl -t, AI. n eli :ir. i-xoln-lt. loreibie. and recoil- r-il ibl- wit h reason and common s -use. The i ro; n -to.-s. ssrs. iiostetters v smith. 1'itsbursr. I'a.. on receipt of a two cent slamp. will lor vvard a co.y by mail to n v iM-rson who caiKiol procure ,oue in his neighborhood. ' MoTIIKIlS DO NOT I.KT YOf.1 CHILDREN- tr.fl-wit h cou-iis or colds. Insist on ttielr taking Half's JIww; of llr hound aiul tar without d.-lav. vours'-ives that it is .lone. lie ware oi nro-rasi mill ion. uner- ioii's, TOtli Avenue. Sold by alt Iiruztrists. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in 1 minute. Had '-noutrh to look and f'-el bad youwlf; hut no excuse tor bavins your horse look ..-adly, when lor a small sum you can buy S:.ti-i-luit' C'lruh-i Cumntii.n jxiiracrs. i.ii-liLr.-i'n in iniinlwiii r three times a week, will m he him loc k and leel well. White is no v lairi.. upon us, and the o i: a hast II mir .i III- lUUlier soon i i va.lo is arts of the country. Our aa- le.- '.oe .- rv man who goes to th.; woods. L U - ca T.a I il, Co. U(, I'-aiosi -r, or ai v mici mail, is to tak al nz a X1" d stock oi .!.- itu'x .lHiW.iiifi!iw( mill l'.tr.-vn t - tire I'i x. j anv inont lis i iab rf in t le-as- irrca'-l o- a i ov I nis pr-cauiion. Tl'XT-IViOKS. The undersigned having b?cn aprointed ajrent. ror i.'laekanias county will sell for lit) d:i-;. w li.-n ordcr'-d by school or district. for introduction at th- following rates : Retail I'rpf Intro. Kate Pacific Coast First Header $ 2 j I b-S " S"PO!HI Ki'iiU'T .Vl- " Third Keath-r 7-5 " Fourt h Header 1 OH ) Fifth Head r 1 25 83' Hopkins Manuel of Amer ican Ideas, in IieU ol htu He;l.r -.. 1"0 100 .1. M. BACON. (iri',;-"n City, Oct. 1st. 1S73. OBSTACI-liS TO ..lAHICIAGE. Hiniii- r,"'i"( for Youii-r Men from tlie -tr, ers of l-'.rrors and Aous-s in early Inc. f i ii 'ifxi'l r .stored, iniiv ilirii-nts to .Mar- r rpiiiiivi'il. M-v mniiO'i i in-aiinnii. Ne v Knd remarkable remedies. Looks and circulars s- nt. tree, in seal-d envciocs. v.i.i-s IIOWAR i ASSOi IA11U. o. s,,iiMi Ninth s... J'ii ifad-'l oh la. la., an In st itt-.'t- n havinz a hijrh reputation for hon orable conduct and proh-ssional skill. novb :iy For the very best phot ojrraphs, fro to P.rad- I'v a. iOUoisoii s i iair ry wanoui. oi.-viiv.t Hc?tid iii the Eleutr, I.'H mom iromcry S-reet, rtan I-rancisco, UaUiorrua. - K!t3 WGRSS. The Associated Reformed rrcsb;;! erian : ivs ; For vears l'erry Davis Pain-lvilU-r lias b -t-n known as a most iis-tul liumiy ne'dicine. For nains and nch -s we know not hinir so trool as the Pain-ivill r. For manv internal dis as s It is equally good. We sn-ak lrom experience, and testily to what we know. No family ourht to be without a bottle ot Davis l'ani-lviin-r. Messrs. Pkkuy Tiavis fc Son, Prov., XI. I. ecnti--rAUhoii!ih a stranircr to yon I am not tovour invaluabl livdielrie. 1'aln-H.iI- lpr I loriivi its acquaintance in isi and l inn on most intimate torms wiuiit snu ; mv exi-ricnce in its use confirms my oe- lief that t h'T-s is no ni"dicine eipiai to 1'ain- Will -r f.,r Hi" oiilck ami sure cure or um mer Co:nrlaints.SortiThrat,' r uip.nruises n,i (iit I liny us -il it. in all and lound a s veedy cur m every case. Yours Truly,' T. J. JAKhlN KU, M. H. Jud-'inir bv o'lr own experience whoever I, ...... tn...c"l..lir. K-iii .r -ii tifit laii tor -comm-no it m'-ij Hem nneoiiall 'd liniment, and valuable internal remedy for col. Is and various ot her complaints. lurcry M ,nin. -ri,., .m-ionn- of P'frv Havis world s nrv. r.d nrrin-Jxitlur in nil diseases ot the i, .-n Oi that terriUia scours", me ui.,.i''i,iir1i ims b"en am; ly attested ... ,.rt r-'invinrin" authority. Mis sionaries in China and India have written l,r. r.,iiv.-.nilnHon of this remedy in tepi.w thut should carrv conviction to the most skeptic il.while its iv. u lani .-. in um.-muniii- nar t home Is ample proof t hat the virtu-s claimed lor It ar- r-ai an.. cibl" Amonr family mpuicnies n .ius unrivaled. Boston Courier. The friturdmt J?r"n'a Gaz'tte of Roston, i. i,i.c.i!, Hnd a place on i i i.,.i .. l,..j l..rrw- I (avis' I A I N. Kn.t.PB Is not kno-rn as a" most valuable v,.,-..-.,. . cii..i i nnin In the country. mih'sfroni t hyslcian or apothecary, the l'ain-KUl -r chensle a as me panacea, and it never deceives. "Pkrry Havis' P.iN-Kn.LEB is really a valuable medicament, and. unlike most of the articles of t he ,11V, is us d by many physicians. It is part icularly desirable in locations where phvsieians ar-" not near; and, bv k ei inz it at hand, families t will often save the necessifv of sending out nt miinisrht for a doctor. A lxttle should be kept in every house. Boston Traveller. "We have tested the PAix-KrLLER, and assure our read ers that it not onlv jmssrss es all -the virtues claimed for it, but in manv instances anv other r"Tn- CONSUMPTION, the "courg" of the human family, may In in 1 s earlv sta-s be promttly arresiea and 'frmncntly cnr1. ' RAVETtswoon, W. Va., Oct. 2Sth, 1S72. D r H. V. Pi feck : , . . :. : Air For the last va r I have been usinff your Golden Medical Discovery., I owe my liftoit, having been atllicted lor years. Did rot us - it but a shorttiins before I was benefited ; at that time I was very bad. not able to sit up much, sulfering greatly with my throat, was getting uiina, nau a dry cough, and much pain In mv lungs. I hai-? us-d twelve oorues oi me jjiseovrry and am almost well. - ' J. -: KATE T. WAliDN tLti A son of Mr. J. II. Meseck. of Cut nam Four Corners, N. Y., has been cured of Consnmt tion bv Dr. Pierce's Golden Merti f;il Iiiseov'Tv, so savs Mr. C. B. Canfiold, 'ditorof the Catham Courier. R. I-glar, druggist, of W est union o. r " to stite that Dr. ll-rrc-s ooiaen Medical Dlscoverv has efrctea a wonaer- fil cure of Consumption in his nelgnbor- ho kI. ... Text Books. The following text books can be had at my store untilJanuary 1st. 1S74 : Clark's Beginner's Grammar... ........0 40 Clark's Normal Grammar tu Montieth's Introduction to oeography -raeiric Coast Kdition oU Mi.ritii.f I'liiKiejil and Interiuediute Ueotf-ranhv Pucilic Coast JuUillon l .v Steele's Fourteen Weeks in t hemistry 1 00 " in 1'hilosopby i no in Physiology 1 00 Wood's Botanist and Florist 1 70 I'aeillc Coast First Reader .-. ! " Sr-cond Reader .S " Third Reader...... M Fourth Reader - " Fifth Reader 83S " fcioeller 'i-l'-i. Hopkins' Manual in lieu Mh Reader 1 00 Others will be added as soon as they are roc lved. JU11N M bUS, , NEW TO-DAY. WEE2LT, SEXI-TTEEKLY, AND DAILY. TIIE WEEKTA SUN is too widMylcnowh to r '.iiliri' anv extended recommendation : but the reasons w hicli have already liiveii it httv thousantl- subsc-rioers, ana wnrori will, we ho)c,nive it many th jusend more, an brief! v as tollows u it is a first-rate n nvspaiier. All the news of the da v will oe found in it. condens -u when unimiKirtarit. at full length, when ol moment, and always presented in a clear, intelligible and inter sciiiji manner. 11 is a hrst-rate family l-ap?r, iuu ot mter- tainins and instructive r.-adins ot every kind, but containinn nothiiift that can ot- fend tlie most u-.-heate and scrupulous taste. It is a nrst-r.ite story paper, ine nest tales and romances o current literate.r- are carefully selected and legibly printed in it s i ajri.'s. It is a tirst-rte srrtcniiurai papr. ur most, fresh and instructive articles on ugri- enliural tonics regularly appear in. this ilPKiirt mcnt. it is an mdepemi'mi pouucai imper, ut- l.m.-uer lo no n.-iriv and w -frrimr leicon-ir. It il-'hts for i ririeif.l'. and for the election oi tne best men to onic. it especi:-uy i votes it energies to the exiosure ot the T.-af corriint ions that now wcaKen and disrraei our eoiintrv, ami t ureal -n to un ili priiinereniiblican institutions alto-t h r. It has l.o jciiro. kii i ves, ai a asiis no mvurs troin their su onorters. it r!i ortsthe fashions for the ladies and the markets for the men. e"Cialiy the c.itth-mancels, to which it pays particular ;lf fell! .oil. Kinallv it is the cheapest paj er publish ed. )ne dollar a year will secere u ior any subscriber. It is not .necessary To g -t up a club in order to have TIC: WKKKI.Y SL'N it this rate. Anv one who semis a single dollar ill rec- ive the apcr lor a year. We have no travelling agents. . T!IEV.'I-:i:iLY NUN.-Eijrht papres.nftj- shim limns, onl v i. uo a car. ouis- cotints from this rate. 'I'll:: SKMI-WEEKU' SUN. Same size as the Iaily Sun. $ i,nt a year. A discount oi -!u per cent to clubs oi or ov.r. TilK I1ATT.V St'V. A larire four-pnee newspa'-cr of t weiitv-'-islit columns. l ail circalatii n fiver ln, 000. All the news tor '4 c-'nts. Subscription price ., cents p-r month, or i. O i a year. Jo clubs ot JO or mor a discount m-v. nrf-oT. A dd re, I JiU SI V, deciwS. . A'-- i.nk City. rrosp'.'ttas for 1S71 Sivmlh War. An Illustrated Monthly Journal, Univer sal ly ad in it t el to be t he 1 1 a ii.lsom cst Periodical in the World. A Kepr:-s.-ntat ive and I ha m i ion of . American last.'. ' Xot For Sale in Book or yew Store: Till! ALDI Xli. while issued with nil Hir r ul tr.iy, has non. of the temporary i;r timely interest ctiaract.-ristic in orooiarv p -riodieais. It is an elegant miscellany o. our . liirht and irrac-ful lit.-rature: and :i eolleetion fit pictures, the rarest specimens if artistic skill, m black and white. Al I hou rh each suecectling number auortis a tresh pleasure to it s Triend, t ho real valut md be uity of TIIK ALIHSM will be most appreciated after it has been bound up at tue close of tin year. Whil'other publiea Hons may claim sunerior cheapness, us compared with rivals of a simlar class, TJIJi Ahin - is a unique and oriirmai ciincepMon alone and un approached ab solutely without competition in price or ha racier. 1 he .oss -ssor or a cim..i-t volume cannot du lic ite tic quantit .- ' I'm;' paK-r and'.enurravinirs in anv other sh u" or number tit volumes for ten timi its r.tet ; and then, there tire the cfiromos, be sides PKKnil'M FOIl 1S74. Every subscriber to THR AI.D I XII for the year 1S74 will receive a pairof chromos T eori" inal pictures wi re painted iu oil for till' pub!ili'-r Ol the TIIK AIAtlXti, o 1 nomas .vioran, wnosn gr-at t olorado pic tare was t urcnaseti ny lonirr'ss lor -ten thousand dollars. The subjects were clue s'-n to represent "the Fast" and "Th West." One is a view in Th- White Moun tains. New Hampshire: the other, jcives 1 lie i. nirs oi i recn utver Wvomiiv' I'.-r- nt.ory. 'I he tliir-renc; in th" nature of the scenes themselves is a pleaslnir contrast, andatrordsa jrood display of th- artist's scope and coloring. '1 lie chromos are each worked from thirtv distinct plates, ami ar in siz ; (12x Hi) and appearance exact, fac similes of the originals. The pres-Mitation of a worthy example ol America s jrreatcs: landscap- i aint -r to the subscribers ot TlIJSAI.DIXKwns a bold but t-vtilinrlv happy id -a, atnl its successful realization is attested by tlie following testimonial. over the signature ol Mr.-Moran himself. NF.-.v.nx, X. J., Sept. 'JMttt, 1S73 Messrs. Jamks Sl'TTIIS t c'o. Gentlemen, I am rl"li;rht.'d In the' proofs In color ot your chromos. llcv are won- derfully successlul re; resentations by me chanical process ff the original paintings. cry ilespectriiil v, (Si-ned.) TIIOS. MOHAN .. Thes' chromos are in everv sense Ameri earl ll..v ... n nriirinul A rrturirVl n process, with material of Americn manu- lacture, from d .-sins of American scenery by an American painter, and presented to Mius -nu-rs to t he tirst successlul American Art Journal. If not better becausn of all this, th-'.v will certainly possess an interest no foreign production can ins;ire, and neither are th -y anv the wors" if by reason of peculiar tacilities of production they cost the publisher only a tritle, wliile equal in veri rexitrrt to other chnwM. that are sold siit'ily f,r ilonhle. the xufetcriijtiun iniee ff a ii j siAitj. . k. 1'crsonsoi lasi.e win P'1'-' those pictures for themselves not font he price t hey did or did not cost, and will ap preciate the enter; -rise that renders their distribution ossible. 11 any subscriber should indicate a preT fer-nce lor a figure subJ 'Ct.the publisher will send "Thoughts of Home," a new and beautiiul chronic. 11 x 2i inches, represent ing at little Italian exile whose speaking eyes oetray the longings of his heart. T K II Jtt S s $4 per miniim, in advance, with Oil Chro mos l-'ree ! For 50 rents pxlrn, the chromo irilt be sent, niounted.rarnisheil.and prejxiiil by nvttl- THIS AI.DIXK. will. hereafter, be obtain able only by subscription. There will be no reduction or club rate: cash for sub scriptions must lie sent to the publishers air-'Ct or hand'-d to the local canvasser, without responsibility to the publishers, ex c j t in cas.-s whrre the certificate is given b aring tbe fao-rimUe signature of Jamks tsUTTOX A o. CAWASSEitS WAXTEU. Any ierson wishing to act jierminantly asaioeri canvasser will receive lull and prompt intormation by applying to JAMES SUTTON i-10., Publishprs, SS JfAIDJSX L.AXR, Xeo-York, 5dec2m TO LET. mHE ROOM FORMERLY OCCUPIED X as the Council Chamber, In Hr. Thes I ng brlf buikJlDfr. Appry at this oftte. I COURTESY OF BANCROFT 1STOTICK tS HEREBY GIVEN TO AX A PERSONS indebted to t he Irreducible School Fund in (;iiickarai8.JouQty, Oregon, mat ttiey will be exacted to pay interest! thereon on or before the 1st of January, 1874, according to the tenor of their notes. .This .December 4th, 173. " C. F. REAT1 E, Count j- Treasurer." " .Iist oi' Letters T EMAINING IN THE PO-STOFFICE AT JA Oregon City. Dec. bth. 1873: Cassida, Mrs. Mary Lace, Charles F. Conner; Edward Paul. John i-.aton, James Painter, Merrutta Fetthammer.IxKlvily Ro-aI. Rev. J. U.B. Friedel, Peter .Simon Shannon.Julia Ann Hcnrizi. Henrv Storrner. John Johnson, 8. S. (2) Thaver, John A. Jordan, A. If culled for ilease sav advertised. J: M. BACON 'Postmaster. SHEET f i U S I C. The following naiu jd pieces are rscom- mended as bein-r arnon'r our latest ai d b -st Issues : , ' " " anisic " ' Julia, 'tis of thee I slug Song. Hays S3c Why don't you come home.. Hays 40c JNcutu the waves her Sjarit wanders. " Stcwjirf. ai Xo little one to meet me...... " Pratt :Wc ;ive my love to all ut hom-j . " Stewart 3Jc liuiiK ui inc.. sometimes. MasiTie Stewart 30e Softly shone the stars of - - Hcavcti :" - Pratt 30c SENT Dinna forget your mither, Samlie .'. " Havs 40c I long -to sec the dear old r-' - hoiae..,..., e "Stewart 30c Tattle Sweetheart, come lis- fntoni' " French 3()c My every Tho't was of thee ' Havs 35c Men are such deeeivers.Alt song from "Pauline"... " " Hanks 30c Stay not long'way. Soprano song lrom "Pauline"... Hanks 30c To plea sethe girls, paritone song lrom "Pauline"... " Hanks SOc My heart for thee. Sojrano song lrom l'ouime"... " Banks 30c My )ueen or' Stars, awake. tenor song lrom Pauline " Hanks 30c Jenny, the flower of Kildare "Stewart 40c Whisper sottly. Mother's dying " fetewart 30c Inspirer and Hearer of Prayer .".."....Hymn. Hanks 30c My Hive sleeps under the Daisies Song. Persley 30c Oh t how d'ye do, Aunt Su sie?........ .song. Maywood 30c Dat makes me mxldings out song. Pcrley 30c 'Neath the wdiite and pur- Phi blossoms " Stewart 3:ic Nora is drea iiiingof you.. " I'ratt 8;ic The sweetest Hud is missing " Hanks 3iic UN I JKCKrPT Will he cornc home to night, mot her? " Hanks 30c God t-.lessour Home? " Stewart -l'c iet u o and shut t he Hoor... " Hays 35c Hoes he ever t hink of me. " Havs 35c Pome, Holy Spirit Hymn. Hanks Hue My tie ir old Mot her, ...Song. JIa.s 10c Hays 4Uc Hays Xic Abbey oOc 1 have no Home Iist and cast awav " Poor little Tim...., " OF THE ) sters a ml wine at 4 a. m. " Over the fallows afar " Stewart .50c Pralt :tc Hanks 'Mc Tonel 40c Savior, Thou art ever near " The Toast. Prindisi for Male Voices " Pearl ol America. Caprice. Instrumental Kinkcl 5f)c Kinkcl 4Hc Circling Wa ves.. .Inst ru mental H-I1-of Saratoga. ........ Waltz. Fitjrhugh :Vc Morning Z' Mazurka. Kini-el 35c l-'iiniiii-'s tiuickstep..(,uickstep. Kinkcl 35c Autumn I -a ves. Iteverie. Inslrumetal Kinkcl 50c Kinkcl Xc Kinkcl MOe Kinkcl "xic The Ueaoi-rs I list ri: mental. M-rry iirls Sallop, Mollii' Hurling 1 nsra m-nta I. Aa .ingar Ha Hai py Thoughts. ..Schott isclie. Kink-1 .fc . Kinkel ric . Kinkel 4-lc Mie -Her :t")C Allard :Vk? Tonel 5 c 1 lanse Cubaine... Instrumental Mav-Pol-... March ( !ood Humor ;. " Kleur des Champs Valse, J'ultliiJtal (tiitl sent,, on reciiiit of pnee, by .. 1... I'irn-JtS, S'jy urnuilwii', Afiv 1 nrk, tlec5m2 f$rC RFAVAliD! rriilK UNHERSir;NKI) OFI-KUS A RK 1 ward of .?." I dollar to any one who will 'nform who stole Slut on I nan ksglvlng Hay, and $5 to any person who can inform aim of her present whereabouts. She is liver-colored, and of medium size ; her hair is incum-d to wave ; sue nan on a couar vhen last, seen; it called by her name, "Flora," she will make h'TS-lf kno-A n. i. J. si ,o j-.ll. Oregon City, Dec. lsf, 1S73. tf. PRI.GE8 REDUCED! Great Uai'iaiiirs ! ' O Ii 3 0 D A Y S rfTIin D.N'I)F.USl(jXEI) WILL SELL ALL . kinds tit merchandise at 3P.EATLY REDUCED RATES UNTIL T 11 E 1st OF JAXITARV, 1S7-L ive us a call and examine our Goods and Prices. S. ACKKIIJIAX fc CO. tregon City, Nov. 2s-td. Referee's Snl? of Re:il Estate on Partition. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County Of uiacKantas. Thomas Charmau, J- Plaintiff. vs . . Kltner E. Charnian,) 1 .eonar; d 1'. Charmau, Defendants. Mary M. t harman. FY VIRTfE OF A CERTAIN JLDU ment and decree of partition and sal- made in th' above entitled action, in said rvmrt. on t he t wont -t h ird (!rd) tiny oi SWr.iember. 1ST3. t he ' sn tscri'r. a refer- for that, purpose, duly appoint -t', will s dl at public auction to the hijiiiesi oiuuer on Monday, the Twonty-Mnth (reiMli) Day or urmnncr, ee at the hour of one (!) o'ch ck, p. m or said dv. at the t!ourt House door in Oregon Citv, Clackamas (3ounty, State of Oregon certain real estate directed by said judg mcnt uml decree to lie sold, and I herein described as follows: The south halt ot lo. number three (3), In tdock number tvo (.') in said Oregon i ity, C lackamas County t. it e of Ore-ron. icrmsol Sale :' -fine-half of t.h purchase 1111. 11PV t f I be t.aid on the dav ot tlie .sale, in iTnio il shiim e-old coin; remaining hall to be paid on or b"fore two years irom day of Sate, 111 gold Coin, ai c! i ion in iiiunns -i j the unn lid nortion of the purcnase moni'j in fln.M interest nt ten !cr ctit. perannum of sale, ami m oe SMcur-'ti u iiiortear-e on said real i-muu.- , uui-tcbv to be paid semi-annually. Alt 'TI I- It A-ttN i:, iveieree Att'vs lor Plaintiff in Partit ion Novem b r 2S, 1T L ' Natief to Criiiitors. In th? matter of the Estate of Mary Pros .N undersigned, thiit h has been a;e .A.L V,..,,r.,. i .imtv Court or Clackamas MllltltV. Stilt" Ol Ur ullll, .AUII1I.1.0..-.W. - the Estate of Mary l'm'S-r, ueceaseu. a u u-ith n nmiicr. vouchers, within i months from the date of this notice t o me ainas county, state of ( 'regon or at Huelat ,. ;e,.m.n'. nT,i" in Oregon City, in said county and State ,,Mnvrp ,Ar.iiiL.u Administrator of the Estate of Mary Prosscr, deceased. Oregon City, November 1 J. ls73. ow '"stTiVL IS THE FIELD! SEfiaVED SICOfiD DDOH SOUTH OF IIAA.V SAUOV. WILLIATilS fit HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK' of Familv Groceries to be fmind in the city All eoods warranted. Goods ilelivered in the citv lrce of charge. The highest cash price paid for country produce. Oregon City. March 38, 13T3. LIBRARY, CITA.S. EE. O VT71IMr ..D, " , . DEAZEll IS ' " GENERAX MERCHANDISE, CORNER OF SEVENTH AND 2U1N STREETS, OREGON CITT Has Just Receive! a New Stock of. Calicoes, Dress Goods, Brown and Bleadhed Sheetings " O House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens,. Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, RibbonsLaces and Insertions Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, to Also, a full assortment of . LADIES' AND CHILDERK'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimney Whicli liave bee selected -vitii special care for this market uud cannot BE SURPASSED IN QUALITY Oil PRICE, THE HIGHEST MAKKLVr I'KICE March 13, 1873 :tf TO THE CITiZEKS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTYr GREAT REDUCTION IN DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, ETC, LEVY BliOTHKRS, OWING TO THE FAILING HEALTH OF A. LEVY, IT IS OCR rritroSETO OFFE& our entire sioek of Gtwils t ir.Mll- Hetliiretl l'.-lces. in ortlerto close out our . LEVY BROS., Second door nortli of the Postoflice, Main street, Oiejron Clty - eSLiiIi3S No better evid nice of the effi ciency of Hr. J. S. Coleman's Compound Kxtractof Kucalyptus can be desired, t han the following summary of eases, treated with this remedy alone, by that emi nent physician, Hr. David Woos the IT. S. Marine Hospital.S Cisco, reported in tne .vujrusi o. i-a-citic Med. Jour. A'o Cutcs I Cur- I Impr Treated etl oved. Remittent Fever Chills and Fever Typhoid Fever In flam at ion of Kidneys... Dinretis Incontinence of Urine .iricture ntlamatiou of LSladdcr.... Uieniiorrhagia 5 5 1! 9 3 7 3 4 2o 10 3 fl 15 3 .lit .. 9 .. 4 ..10 .. 3 .. ..27 ..13 .. 7 .. 4 ..13 ..15 .. 0 1 3 2 2 3 7 1 4 3 - Disease of the Heart Dysentery.. hromc tnarrntea ionorrluea Dropsy -' jji, n .-v e, m v :jrvB -3 riT For sale 1 . .' 1 i I 1 .1 H .5 Druggists, 1 THOMAS CHAR MAN ESTABLISHED 1853. DEPIUES TO INFO KM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Vuili-v.tliat he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that .4 Ximble Six Pence is Better than a Slow Shilling. I have lust returned from San Francisco, where. I purchased one 01 the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOOD'S ever before cfTe red in this city ; and consists in part, as lollows : Poofs and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, ' Chinaware, yucenswarc, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, ' Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies a nd Gents Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, t ancy o- llope. Faming tionaof Every - Implements of Description All Kinds. Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list. I can say my stock is the MOSX COMrLKTK ever offered in this market, and was selcted with especial care lor t ne t iregon iuy iraue All of which 1 now offer lor sale at the Lowest Fifiarket Rates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods tor I am Determined to Sell. Cheap and not to allow mysell to be tSDERSCLD IX THE STATE OF OREGON All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon Citv enables me to know the re miirenu nts of the trade. Come one and all and seo for yourselves that the old stand 01 THOMAS CIIAKMAX Ko Iwutcn In oualitv or price. It r.nid 1m? useless for mo to tell you all tht advantages 1 can offer you in the sale ol .rrwio no every store that advertises docs that, and probably you have been disap pointed. All I w ish to say is Conic, and Sccfuiul Emniine for Voursrlvcs for T do not wish to make any mistakes My object is to tell all my old friends now that I nm still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed upon. Thanking nil for the liber al patronage bcrctoiore bestowed. TIIOS. C HARMAN, Main Street, Oregon City, Itral Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. TIIOS. CHAUMAN. C-50.000 lbs wool wa nted by TIIOS. CHAUMAN. m. mm mm r B P" B. j u 11 o o n 11 m lei 3I;un St,, Oregon CUj. :iIM'l'ACTl'RER AND IMPORTER Snddlen, Harness, Saddle r J--II a rd wuic, etc., etc. -VfTHICII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS f T can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. try warrant my oods a represented. Orsgoa Clfyv April 17, MTJ-tf. i ;in Fran- I PRODUCE Completely corroborative of tho fummnrj' "f I'r. Wooster, are the- : reijorts of the exptriments with. Kucalyi tus by Ir. Lorrimer, of Ber iin, Prussia, and Hr. Keeler, Chief' l'hysician of the Austrian Railway- Co., published in the American, Medical Journal, July, ISTi. It will be found very efficacious in obsti nate cases of Dyspepsia, Rronchitis.Hjick ing Cough, Chronic Sore Throat, Ijeucor- rhea, etc., and in nausea during pregnane cy. Or. Coleman1 oulil Extrnrt nf Fncalyptvs is ft special preparation for- the treatment of Fever und Auyue, and. is Warranted Cre every case treated! according to directions, witlumt the injur-w O ions results of the usual Quinine undar-v, senical remedies for that, disease.. Also,' pure Fluid Extract, of Kucalyptus, in one pound bottles, for physicians' use. Beware of imitations and take none but Coleman's. everywhere, and bv Charles Lane-lev .t C.t Agents San Francisco. S0mayl873yl. Vi. JU HIGHFIELD. Kstablisliecl since 'til, nt tlie old stand. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.. An assortment of Watties, Jewel ry.and Si th Thomas' Weiirht Clocks. T SS all of which are warranted to be && rexr-sented. t"Keiiairing done on short notice, nn.l thankful for past patronage WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY,. A N D SEEDSTORE' Factory Elock, Oregon Cikr- iwAgency for the San Juan Lime Co. Lime sold in quantities to suit.. augl-tC FALL AMD WINTER GCCDSI JUST RECEIVED AT I. ELLIIVO'S DEALER IX Dry Goods, Clothing. , Roots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions. Ladies and Gents Furnishing Good. etcM etc., etcM cte Jllaln Street, Orej;oii City. Irot'.uceof all kinds lowght. fr which I pay the highest market price. If vou de sire good Goods at Ixnv prices, call at - I. SEJ.LIXG'S' and examine his new sttck of Spring goods. nive me a can nu convince yourselves. My motto is, "tiVICK SALKS Ay SMALL, PROFITS." The lushest market price paid for wool. I. SELLING. . Oregon City, Oct.SJ, 1873-tf. 1,000 DEER SKINS WANTED, AXD ALSO, VLL OTHER KINDS OF niDES, FOTt which I will pay the liiirhes market price in CAttn P.riug on your bides and get your coin tor them. JOHN SCHRAM. Saddle and Hariw-ss Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, "lb7Vm3. PAID lOR COHMRY ' ' NOTICE. r-piLEKE WILL !.E A MEETING OF THE A stockholders o! ihe Oregon City Hack and lray Coni any, at their office, in Ore gon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the 13th day of lKx-ember next, for the purjvise of di solving the corporation, in accordance with a resolution of a majoiity of the stock holders this dav made nnd entered of rec ord. C. N. G KEEN MAN, Attest : President. J. M. Fiiazer, Secretary, -reiron City, iregon, Nov. 19, 1S73. SHERIFFS SALE. " BY Vim TTE OF A I Ef ItEE AND EXE cut ion issued out of the Circuit Court ol the state of Oregon, for the County of luckamns, to me directed, in favor 1st of Jacob Wort man for the sum of fitfil 20-100, gold coin, wit h interest and cost of disburs incnts : 2nd in favor of S. Ackerinan for f M2 H0-10O, goid coin, with interest and cost ol disbursements: Krd in favor of Thomas ( barman for $:fli3 Htj-l'Ki, jrold coin, with in-t-n'St and costs of disbursements, and all aginst IJeliecca K. liarlow; now, therefore, 1 have levied upon the east half of the. northeast H of section eight, and the east half of the west half of the northeast i of section 8, arid the southeast quarter of sec tion S, and the east half of the east ?4 of the southwest H of section 8, allln town ship 4 south, range 1 east of the Willamette. Meridian, containing MO acres, more or Icss.situated in Clackamas County.Oregon ;. " and on .Monday, tlie Day ot December, A. D., 173, at. the hour of -one o'clock, p. m at the Court House door in Oregon City, Oregon, I will sell nt public auction for cash paid to rne in hand, all of IlelecH K. Harlow's In terest In ihe above described real estate, or enough thereof to satisfy execution, costs,;, and accruing costs. A. F. HEDGES. Sheriff of Clackamas County. November 2Sth, 1S73. w4 54 PAGES: 500 EXBAVCS and rI.OHI-:i PLATE. Published e" IpHv f 2sri.ntia Year. First No. Top 1874 just issued. A German edition atsam prioe. Addjese, .WAVES VICK- jloJieter, N. T. O c o o o o G o c c o o o 0 o o O" 0 0 o Q o O' G O O o o o o o O o O O O O o o o G O G o O o o o G O if