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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1873)
e e o o o O 3 a a. 'I life ENTERPRISE. OREGON" CITY. OREGON', Jl'NE H, l73. IJriti-Ii .'.migration. VIth the opening of spring the m, .f as ulwuvs. is be- rr;nn;.;" toet this vav from the liie-j ana tue o-i oceuii; and fro:tt tiie dispatcher which have lately readied us, it is apparent that this year will m-.irk an increase rather than a dimiuution of foreign arrivals. It is reported that no less than ten thousand emigrants sailed from a fciugle British port to the United St ites l:i-,t 6ek. and of these there was probabU-more than the ordinary their offspring; and that their quota, of English and Scotch. De- ! natural affection does not exceed that spite the efforts of the English press ! -" the brute. This same sentiment and the English emigration societies, ! "lso reiterated by Mrs. (J., of the subject of Victoria persist in Columbus, Mississippi, a lady ol the preferring this countrv to the Eng- very highest standing socially. She lish dependencies as" their future i says that child murder is a very com- 2 homes. Statesmen and writers are I -"- thing with the blacks at the agreed that Great Ihitain contains ' present time in Mississippi; that in an excessive population, and her cit- j cleanung ot an old well which had ies are overran with pauper multi- ! l,c'f'n "eil since the war, they o tudes, that even her factories, her '. found the remains of tea colored ba farms and her mines, do not furuih ; hies, and m another twenty. I give a tjihe of her opportunities for labor statement just as it was uttered needed to sustain the rapidlv increas- ! ly a person seemed to have no ing numbers of the lower classes. It "ther interests m it than to state r.,;-,r..i t H. ,t il, facts as she believed them. Uns mother country has in superabun Qlance, the eolonies sorely and imme liately need. The surplus of muscle ; at home, which is a constant drag and danger to the prosperity of the nation, would, transferred to Canada, to Australia, to the Ca;-e, even to India, sumdv the one thing needful to augment 'incalculably the power i lt and wealth of the wnole Empire mav be said that by bestowing her ..v.-Vs of l ibor in.'uii her colonics. En dan 1 would be converting incip- lent revolution into a suoaiamiai propand bulwarkof tile State. Socie ties, therefore, liave bc.-n formed, thousands ot pounds subscribed, and government encouragement added to induce emigrants to select the British k colonic and to divert them from the United States. Jmt one of the ir:a:n objects of the ("migrants in leavmg Uritish soil is to escape from Uritisli rule. They ciu)j)se a country where they know the institutions to be democratic, the chances to rise plenty and equal, . wage.-, higir' land cheap and labor in B bristi demand, and it is weil that they t-houid biyr.cou raged by a realiza tion of t;.eir hopes on arrival here. Boston lias happily abolished the hci I money which had an undoubted eit'ect in iliscouraging immigration, and half i.aralvzed tlie efforts of emi i . a i . . l grating agents; au.i now welcome ! foreigners to her joii with a free hospitality consistent with the pro - fcs-,i.j;is of tlie country auu tlie Gov- eViimeut. Tlie time will not be long, prooably, when Xew ork and other Atiantij ports will follow this wise, liUeral and re illy prudent example. Meanwhile tree avenues to wealth are "?o!is4'a ut 1 opening in every di rection to new coiners. There is work enough ,-for, tuousands more e en on the seaboard itseit: labor i.- ly lio means plethoric in Massachu setts and Mai. ie. Beyond us, either bo.itiiward or west.vaivl, or across the. lit are splenoid opportunities "to the courageous, intelligent, hard-wt-king t-'E.ilishm.ii, German or S vedeG Airginia and Minnesota, Texas, California au.i Oregon clamor for bravriiy m iscles and st-ut hearts. There is every reason to treat the im migrht with an. I liberal ity ; for he will givebaek in time usurous tii.tert-Ml)iivjthe liim:g up of now un imaginable cities. With him will come increased production, trade and ,-swealth: ami lor this reason, li not lor e , nobler sense that we can provide homes for the homeless, and success to the woriliy, we should bid him a hearty welcome on his arrival, and a warm god-speed on his way to his home in tiie West. Boston The Xcit National Issue. In the opinion of the New York Herat I ana. many other independent papers of influence in the East, that the Presidential election of lbTG will be contested in the issue be tween the people and the railwp.y lionopolies. Due consequence is given to the organized movement of the farmers of the West and North west. Over twelve hundred farmers, granges are at present in the single State of Iowa, and they are rapidly ex.i n ling to all the States north of th- Ohio, and both east and west of ,t.'ie """'Mississippi. By tlie time of the Fall elections litis year the-H organizations will bo able to control the politics of Iowa, Nebras ka, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, "Wisconsin and Kansas. In two years trom every StaU the Qeon-q: means that date thov will control in which agriculture is uouT industry; which thev will hold the com plete and overwhelming balance of political power in the Presidential election and the popular branch of Congress. Old political garments ) a i g loosely now and they will per ish into shred and tatters 1 fore tlie leaves fall twice more from tlie Wes tern forests. The direct ibj.ct of the new popuiav partvno.collectingaud drilling its forces its clieap trauspor- tation. It involves the breaking of the backs of the gre;.t railway cor p orations, and placing them as com pletely ti'i.lcr the law as the poorest bc-'jrar. There are collataral ques tions closely connected w ith this, bul all others, are insignificant in comparison w iu inemam onv, w nicn iddresse., itself to the poekc-t ot the f ormer, t the belly of tie city poor, toho pride and indejH-ndenee of the A'!l T.i'.Ul tri :ism of to pre servo laracter, ami to the pa- every man who wishes something more to the next cent-ration than the mere name ; of republic. G ! o ..-.-- There is no worse death than the ' ignorance of the truth. J tne S.-cU E. ( John t'e All philoo?hy is only forcing the trade of happiness, when nature seems todenv the meaus. Uohhmith. It don't often pay to lose one's temper it's so hard to get it back before some mischief is done. If a man mikes me keep my dis- tanee? the comfort is, he keeps hin at the same tmr SxYt. "O -s) . o Iji While in Kentucky, v.e met a sur geon who served during the war in General Cheatham's Division. From himself and lady, we received much information regarding the present social condition of the South. The prejudice atounst the coloreil race iHue at the present time, cannot, be exaggerated; and it is very evident that the two races can never be har monized during the present gener ation, at least. Dr. A. avers that the colored race are becoming deci mated; that few children are born to them: that most that are born either perih from neglect or are murdered; that they are too indolent to provide wholesale slaughter and neglect were further coroborated by country gen try from tlie States of Tennessee, Al abama and Louisiana. All aver that one or the other race must give way; and that from the natural instincts of the colored race which they claim to be unthrift, laziness and want of affection, the negro must iinallv suc- ! eumb to the white race. I give you these iacts without any comment ot my own. to show you that the hatred of coloreil rule is fixed deeply in every Southern breast. Even at this very hour a boarder lias left the house we are now stopping at (in Xew Orleans), because the landlady will not allow him to bring home Lieutenant Governor I'inchback (col ored ) to dinner. The J?iu of IJxajrg-eralion. There is a fault, which does not get itself called by the ugly name of lie, but which is a dangerously close relation to it, and that is the habit of exa: ggeration. A man hears a thing e enough in its original shauc. true j but he passes it on with a little ad dition of his own. The man to whom ' he passes it on adds his touch of ex J aggeration, until, at last, the state j meat is so swollen and distorted as ; to convey anything but the facts of the case. Take manv statements which have gone forth and obtained credence in the world, and yet though they are in their linal stage grossly false, and do sore injustice, it is dif licult to charge any one with a full grow u lie. in the share he has had in propagating the deceit. The result is a sort of accumulative lie, mado by successive persons contributing a little of exagera i n o the ttjry as it came into their hanas. The worst of it is that this mis chief is caused bv tiie exercise of a I power which is sometimes useful I ! mean that creative immaginativ e pow ! er which leads life to a description, j A man hears a thing, and then gives ! it the color of his own thoughts al ! unconsciouslv: and vet. as I fear this may produce very mishiev ous, 2erhaps disastrous results. And who is to blame? Why, every one who has a share in the accretions which the story or statement has re ceived. See how resjionsibie v. e may be for the effects of a lie, even when we do not wish to deceive. How careful we should be not to add to ! AViiat we hear. If we must needs repeat it or help to circulate it, let it leave us as it came. Let us pass it on scrupulously unchanged, with no twist or increase cf our own. Fr.vCEri.-L, not Contested. "A contented mind is a continual feast" but he that can set contentedly feast ing while there are starving millions of fellow creatures, whose wants are prayer to his sympathy and assist ance, is. selfishness to baseness, and altogether sluggish and soul-deadened. Progression does not admit of a contented mind. Its watchwords are onward and upward; strive after greater knowledge; work without ceasing. Can a mind tilled with such stirring aspirations be called contented? Tranquility and peaccfulness go hand in hand with great ambitions, tempered with wisdom, but not con- ; t -ntment. That quality has through all time j retarded reform, and been the stumb ! ling block of improvement, j People become accustomed to evils i great and small, and are so content- ed to live along from vear under j their influence that nothing much : less than the voice of God moves : tIu'm t( rouse up and crush them i out. I Consequently a contented mind of ! ton feasts upon a gross mixture of ; nourishing food, and rank poison. Continual feasting is not "no.l Tt were better to bring some outcast to - ;l l. I i " 'lJ1"1 "earn wneji vou have J.V'1 ough, and while he satis- ; , im l,u""" OI hunger, go out and ...-s wn- i.uii-v, oi lumber, go out and bring another who needs food li-dit warmth an I sympathy. ' ' P, warneu against a contented It brings selfishness. . mind j ; There is a m in about thirtv-f-v e ; .-':- i i. now living within fifty ; miies ot Coiiwav, X. II w'no was born an invalid and could neither walk nor talk until nearly ten vears , oi age, aim appeared Miotic. "When oi age, and appeared idiotic. AVI, An some ten years of age. he l,0an to walk on his toes, which he ha ever since done. Losing his balance one day lie fell, striking his hfal on the lloor. and cried out Bum pi"' This was th? first and only word he was known to speak until nearly twelve years of a -re. when ho fell a second time, r ' the first word. aftT ' which lie laiueti ireeiy. 1 he mos 1 1 1 i . I I r 1 m . remark, ible part of his history i that as soon as he began to talk he could read nearly as well as other children of his age. "When about eighteen years old. his father fitted ui a small room for him. putting in $-2o worth of notions. He is now in : company with a hrother in trade I having goods estimated worth o ; least 5,000, and is doing nearly ail the work in the stv. Is the Colored Hare decreasing the !outh t ;hm:rVant ns to b- An excuse is worse and more terri--u o v.o hurt. hb than a lie: for an excuse is a 1 lie guarded. Pope. Public Sale of Land for Delinquent Taxes. "VOTICE IS IIF.UEBY GIVEN THAT HY x virtue of a warrant, dated May 10, 183, Issued bv order ot tlie county court ot Clack amas county, fstate of Or.-on, direceted to me and attach"d to delinquent tax list or said county and sjtatn, for the year lb72,and rornniandhifj me to collect the taxes desig nated thea on, as delinquent : and for want of personal property to mak said taxes, I have levied uin and on saturdy, th aist duj- of Junt, 187 I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, til the Court House door, in Oregon fit v, Clackamas county, SState of Oregon, so much of the following described lots and parcels of land as may be necessary to pay tiie taxes due thereon, in United States coin, us levied in the year together with fees and costs. Said land is situated in Clackamas coun ty, State ol Oregon, and was assessed to tiie lol lowing named ieesons, to-wit : liarber, A. J., sections U, lit, SI and itf, town snip number :i south, range number 1 easi , containing ti7 acres ; tax i71. niand. Win., part oi claim ol, s-ctioit So. o, township number 2 south, range number 1 east, containing 101 acres ; tax ii.r). Krown, -Niatthew, lot at railroad station, Kock Island, township number ii south, range 1 east, containing one acre ; tax 1 4". Barlow, IteU-cea, sections No. 5 and 8,town sinp number 4 south, range number 1 east, containing iiju acres ; tax 2o. Boston, J. V., south iiah oi southwest quar ter and southwest quarter 'oi south east quarter ol section number 17 and imrt least quarter of tlie southwest quarter of section number IS, town snip nu m ber ii soul h, range mini ber 1 w.-st, containing Jw acres ; tax 7 -l'i. Wain, !., part oi s etion nunib-r -I, town ship number -1 soul h, range number 1 easi, containing Ija acres, and part ol section number is, townsiiip number south, range number U east, con taining 70 acres : tax .;" sa. Crow, .iusi-pii, iractional northwest quarter of tlie e row claim, sect ion number 1, township number z south, range num ber 1 cast, containing iio acres; lax Slo li. Chaf-r,.'-! leheal, south west quarter of nort h east ipiart. -r, and west hah ol the soutU'-usi. quarter oi section number 1, linvMsiiip number :i south, range number I cast, containing 10 aens; tax $7 11. ColT -e, andever, part of Forediee claim, section iiumuer 0, town.shi( numbers south, range number 4 east, and s -c-tion u n i ti Li. -r ai, township mini ber south, range number ;J east, contain ing 1.JJ aer s : tax Mi. Dunbar, tico. (ni'irs oi ) southeast quarter ol S'ction number 1", township num ber ."! south, range number 4 cast, con taining ioa acres ; tax iir.. Kstes iV s! i ii si n ,s-ii 1 1 1 hah oi section num ber 7, tou'iismp nu in b'T 2 soul h, range numiier 1 east, containing quaeres; ta x f 1 1 li.i. Fruit, Jas.. lots number 1 and 2 in block number 1!, Oregon City ; tax 1 4.. Feast er, J. II.. east hall ol northwest quar ter and west hah ol soutle-ast quart- r and northeastquart.-roi s -et ion num ber lu, and west nail ol nort hwest quar ter oi section number 11, township nu in ber '! sunt h, range number 1 w est, containing 4i acres' tax ?Jl ''. Fuller, 1'nce, ol ,ic.l a hn u s donation sections s, J.M and :", towiisiup num ber 1 soul u, r;1 iig. n u m ber 1 ;ast , con taining ss acr -s ; tax tlS 40. Foster, Ambrose (iieirsoi), part of donation s -ctions "l, 2.', Si iind 2ii, tow.islnp number 2 soutii, rang mimberacast, containing UK acres : tax f i 4S. Greer, (,'iias., s -ctions l't and 24, township nunib -r 2 soul ii, rang number 1 east, containing loo acres , tax f'l i2. Groom, Alar gar -It I,., west half of north west quarter oi section number 2ii, and northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section iiumb"r 27, town- j snip number 5 south, range number 1 east, containing Uii acr -s ; tax $7 2". Glennon, C, east, hall of I. Abbot t's dona tion claim, S'-ct ion number 1, town ship numb r 5 south, rang - number 1 easi , eoitam i ng :2'i acr -s -. tax ?7 2". Harris, ihomas, lots numiier 2 and 7, in block mimb- r !, and i lots in Canc mah ; tax $7 2-. Hathaway, W. li., part of lot Whiteomb claim, snctioa nuinbi r :-, township nu in ber 1 sout ii, ra nge nu in ber 1 east , containing 4 ' acres; tax til. Hardy, Kob- rt, ira -t iona i nort h west ;uar t r o S. 1'. iilli lami's donat ion claim, S'ction number o, tonsliip mini ber 2. south, range number a-ast .contain ing 4 arcr -s ; tax !'.. Hensl'-y, .1. s., tt iloimes, northeast quar t -r .V east liall of northwest, quarter ot s-etion .No. i:, township No. sont ii, range No. l east, containing 21 i aer s ; tax 17 22. Jones, G. V'., I.t N. S in block 1 Ciregoii City, tax s i 02. Kellogg, irs. M., Part of Tt. 'liiteomb claim s -ction No. .'fii, township No' 1, sout ii, rang" Xo. 1 east, containing:';1... acr.-s ; tax 57 2-. Kellogg, r'-n( lot 1 in block No. 3, Oswego ; tax ii Kellogr, Joseph, section No. 1, township No. 2 soutii, range No. 1 east, contain ing 2S7.1") acr 'S, and s cliuii No. li township No. 2, south, range No. 2 east, contains l71.1!i acr -s -. tax f 122 41 Kirk, I. 1. iieir.s of, south east, quarter ol s -ction No. 12, township No. soutii, rang. No. 2 lOast. containg ltul acres: tax ?: IS. Iveis.-r, Jacob Sr., east half of the west hall of section number 13, township num b'T a soutii, range number 1 east, containing Hi) acres ; tax $4S:'. Kamm, Jacob, part of Win. Holmes' claim, section number " of township j number : soutii, range number ' east, containing IV) acr -s : taxll5H. I'idstrom, tieorge, iractional north hall ci southwest quarter and tract innai south half of northwest quart: r oi section number 2", township number :i south, range number 1 cast, con taining lil acr -s : tax $" i7. Uimb'Tt, Noah, Southwest quarter of section number 2, township nuinbi r 2, range number 2, containing acr'-s, tax $i W. Lake, John, northwest quart-r of section number :a, township number 1 south, range number 4 cast, containing li acres ; taxed f t 2S. Laswell, Isaac, donation section nut'ib'r 2ii, 27 mill ar, township miml-r -south, rang.- nu m ber east , contains (in acr. s ; t ax f 21 7o. I.add, J. '.t s -ft ion number 10, township number! south, range 1 west, con tains in acres ; tax f 1 hi. Mofretf,, Lot number 3 in block number 71, Or -gon City, tax $.7-1. McCoruiack, Mathcw, lot" number ti in block number l'l, Oregon i.'ity; tax .7.'i. Murtloek, Sellwooil's addition to Milwati kie. lot number one in block number ; tax Si. Newell, Nathan, lot number a in block number 4, Oswego; tax Jl .'". Olds, George, ( '.state ol), s ction number 3. '., townsuip number 2 south, range number 1 cast, containing ID reres ; tax il 4"). Ohs, norlhwi-st quarter of nort hwest quar ter of s -etion number 2S and nort h west quarter of northwest quarter oi section number 2D, township num ber 1 sou! h, rang" 4 east, containing s acr s : $1 Botts, Theodore, Lit 7 In block number 2, Carieinah ; tax f2 Sin. Pratt, O. C., lot. in southeast corner of Hugh liurns' claim -. tax i St. Phillips, John, part ol Polly Phillips' claim in southwest quarter of s -ction num- ber ."(, township niinib-r 1 south, r ing - iHinib T 2 east, containing 24 acr s : t ix 52 '52. Robinson. George, north half of nort hwest .peirt'T ot s ction numb r ti, town ship number -i south, rang.' 1 east, containing sj arr -s : tax 51 si. Steel, G. A., (Aklrich claim) s -ction num ber 1, township number :i soutii, rang- number 1 east, contains 320 acres ?! js. stout, J. L. (southeast quarter of donation) sections nuniCT Hi and 17, township mimb.-r 1 south, range numb-T -ast. containing 10) acres; fix S 7D. Stout, J. s. a- .J. i. north half of donation s 'ctions numb'T Hi and 17, township I niKiibr 4 south, rang" number ."least, ! containing 3.".) acr -s .: tax S17 4a. Stearns, s. K., s -ctions ntiinh r S andO, township number 2 south, range) 2. east, contains ltV! acr -s ; tax $'i!'li. i Tico, Jolin, hah oi lot 2 in block number I 2, Oswego ; tax 52 !. Upton, W. ;., (part nf A. Fields' claim, I nunib -r .VJ) section nu m b'T 3, town ship tin in b"r 3 south, range 1 east, containing :ij) acres : tax 5!2S. j V anr-TKnier, J. C, (I. Hathaway claim) s ction 31 and 31. t-wnships numb T' 1 south, rang 1 east, containing 35 acr s, and east half of northeast quarter ot s-ction numb'T 31, and W'-st ll.llf Of northwest mrirtirnr. t inn number ay township number 1 i i . numiT.. east, contain- ing Kvt aer s : tax 570 40. ancurn J ha,f f, s,ctlon ,lnl. b-r .il. township numb-T 2 south, .rl. r-V,:-b,jr 4 east containing 320 Wald:;J O.-Mrs of) (south half of ' lonation) iractional east h ilf of s-c- ,!;:rM,n,i,,,,"r "- '"ipnimi;. f .";'":" n,"";r3 cast, ontain ... . J" acr s; tax $2x. ThitJ V " is tion number 2'. town- r ontain)n2: acres; rax ,?2t0. ! r unknown, tmrtiiu-.... . : Own. nnn hwest .pjarter of s -V, iA'n m, m ber fhoih-nrt.'"- ha,f of nor,h half or! her "nhPnst Tianr of s-ctinn mm,. ! l"1 township number 1 south. Sale to comnietic? at 10 o'clock, a. m., on the day above named, and to be continued until all is sold. -May 22. 173. A. F. HEDGES, Sheriff of Clackamas County. BV C. F. BEATIE, Deputy Sheriff. C H CI! C E MEATS! TOGl S & LHRIOIIT lisive Just re J ceived a fine lot of lieef cat tl? from the John Day countrv. They ar- the latest ever brought to this valley beiore, and will be butchered for this market. They pro jiose to sell cheap. Give them a call, and get the choicest of meats. Oregon City, May 2:5d, 1S73. tf. SKWIXG M A C II I X li .sr. IOIDjSTCE. Qpeclal iitteiilion i rllel to tile great improvements made recently in t his excellent Machine, and totho new and elegant styles of Cases added to our list. CO Ior those nho prefer u Ztliic-liiu feerl ingthe work away from t h operator, wo now have one of that description, quiet, easy running and having nil the other pe culiar excellencies of the other st vie. FLOREXCJ Ts ure to please. Tf there is one vltli in a thousand miles of San Francisco not working well, I will nttvnd to it with out any expense to tie owieT. NAM CEL. HILL, Agent. FLORENCE I the only MarliliiK tlint rnn seir In more than one direction having a re versible feed a great advantage in fasten ing ends of seams, in quilting, etc. FT.O'R'TCIS' CE. ITamlne tle Flnri-iirp, or send for J Circular or samples of Work before you purchase a Sewing Machine. IiUY THEM EST! Machines sold on liberal terms. SEWING MAC5IIXI-:s. SAMUEL HILL, Agent, !Vo. l!l Xew Montgomery Street, Grand JMvl JluHctinr, S'tn Francisco. 2mayl873 m8. Marc h 21, 173 :Wm HOME SHUTTLL IMPROVED LOCK-STITCH The ?Iost Sijnpl-, Prariical and ECONOMICAL MACIIIXK IX USE. Salrs Evrrrd nil OJlrrs on tli3 "orth Pa ific Co:'.st. rpiIEY SEW MGKE EAFIDLY AND JL wit.i l'-ss nf.ise than any other ma chine. i )1(. only practical low nriced ma chine that gives entire sat isfat ion. What other Agents don't t"ll about the The Impro-i-eil Home Shuttle Machine: Tftfii iloit't tf'r iiou that they are the sim plest, having less number of pieces, and more easily u nd'Tstoo.1 than any other. Th-it th -y ar-' tlie lignt 'st running: more eniiy 1 '.-irned and op rat -d. That more II ME SHUTTLES ar - sent out Irorn the i 'ii'Tal Agency at Portland, than all otle-rs combined. 7Vi-( ilmi't tell )tu that f h"" S"W equally as w-'U on h 'avy atnl ligiit g'XMls. 77e..v i'jn't tfil iini that they use tir. pat n"to!'t!ie higfi jiricd machines. 77. 7 tton't t ll iou f hat it has t he straight needle and self-adjusting tension. What people s:ty whn have userl them and compared them to ot her Machines will tell you : That th"y :ir more easily learned and operat'-d ; Simplest nnO b-'st for all kinds tf work, and will use lire-n and all other kinds of t hr-ad-i and silks. A few of th" names ar 'given below who are using the Lmi-icovkd IIomk sni"rn.i.E: H K V K H K X C E S. General IVdl, Portland. r. S. Silvers. Wm. Masters. C. W. Prindle, bookkeeper for Leverage, Wadhani A- Co. Miss L. Vaughn, Portland. Mrs. J. R I'.pfon, Kasr Portland. Mrs. S. A. Moreland, Portland. Mrs. .J. S. Church, Oregon City, Machines forwarded to nny address, with full dir -ctions for using, on receipt of price. NO. 1. 53000; NO 2. 45 00. G. W. TRAVBR, Gray's Music Store, Odd Fellows Xerr-rjc. G?n-ra! Aent, Fir:t TortlanH d-jcl2mi. " .XSAn FRAf.'CISCO. M&tffi ' c a l . -Ahiyteh : . : .. rrs. s s - t V; :.-;.; .., .-" ' -- - at!.. ;e.-V . .;t t? THOMAS CHARMAN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM TIIE CITIZENS ot Oregon City and of the Willamette alley, that he is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A XimOre Sir Iencr is Eeftrr than a Sloir Shilling. I have Just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this oit v ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Ch i n a wa re. Queens ware, Stoneware, Crockery, Plated ware. Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ijidies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, (.roods. Fancy N- Itope, Faming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carjwts, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock Is the M O S T C" O M PIjGT K ever offered in t his market, and was seleted with especial care lor the Oregon ("ity trade. All of which I now offer lor sale at t he Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladles, or any one els", to think of going to Portland to buy g.xxis for I am Jlt'tfrniiitdt to iSrtt C'hcajr and not to allow myseli to be UNDERSOLD IX THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements of the t rade. Conn; one and sill and see lor yourselves that the old stand of TJIOMAS CIIAKMAX cannot be beaten In quality or pric". It would be useless lor me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in "th" sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap loiiitcd. All I wish to say is foinr, nml Siyiii'l Ei:imiir for Yours Ivrs for I do not wish to make nny mistakes. My object is to tell all my old iriencis now that lam still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, tor ish, or uion such t'Tins i asagr-i-ii iixn. I hanking all lor t he liber al patronage heretofore bestowed. 'I'llus. CHARdAN. Main Str -et, Oregon City. I'-gal Tend rs and County Serip taken at market rates. TH )S. CHARMAN. 0 i.-'V.);) lbs wool wante 1 bv TH S. i'HARMAN. GREAT EXCITEMENT!! GOOD NEWS! PKIfES R EDITED TO SUIT THE TIMES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD S.ACECER7V1AN &CO. HAVE JEST RECEIVED A LARGE stock of SPRIXG AXD SUMMER GOODS, which they ofTer CHEAPER THAN THE CHEVPEST! Wo would say come and convince your self before purehasingelsewhere. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Roots and Shoes, I .ad ies and Gents Furnishing (roods, Not ions, Grocer 1 e s. Hard ware, and a great many other articles too numer ours to mention ; also. Doors, Windows, Glass and I"utty, etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods ALSO Wool "VWriitecl For which we pay the Highest Prices. s.'ackermav a CO. Cregron City, ?rprch ?l, IS75 tf. WAGON AND CARRIAGE ill A IT FACTORY I npiIE UNDERSIGNED. X having increased the di mensions of his premises, at tlie old stand on the Corner of Mnlu and Tlilrtl Sfreef, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of infwmini. hie li .?, trons, and as many new ones as n$ay lx pleased to call, that he is now prepared wit h am rle rrxmi. e.xxl mpii.rl-ik nnilthi very best of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, mane, paint, iron and turn out an complete, nny sort of a vehicle irom a com moil cart to a Concord Coach. Try me Blnrknilthlnjr, Horxe or Ox SIn-Iny, and General Jobbing neatly, quickly, and Cheaply uone. DAVID SMITH WILLIAM SIXGEIt If AS ESTAIiLISIIED JjCSTI A FACTORY fHf FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AXD MOCLDIXCS OF ALL SIZES. They will also do Turning of every de scription to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! 7"A1I work warranted. Shop on the River, in Ia-wIs' Sho Opposite Oregon City Mills. J O H M S C E-3 R A EH , Main St., Oregon City. .IIAXUF.UTURER' AXD IMPORTER OF Saddles. l!:irnLa r--i -L- . . s t?w . "irr, fit-., eir. ITHICH HE OFFERS AS I V T can be had in the Stale, : CIIHP AS it WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. tt?l warrant my iroods as represented. regon City, April 17, ISTiMf. SHADES SALOON G.A.HAAS, - - Prop. Main Street, Cregcn Cit7. BEST niLLIARI) T A P.I.ES I N O R K ; 1 1 N h iv bei-n ititro.iii.-.'.i. and tb" roj ri tor Invites t he attention of t fe lovers of t his pojopular amusement to them. TIIK BAR IS Sf IT LI EH with all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Scotch. Irish and loureon already ;amous Whisht, s and Punch : also a No. 1 SIIOOTIXO OAIXERV is connected with the Saloon. Oregon City, Jan. 1, Is.iMf. JARAES MASONIC HALL BUILDING, Or r on City, : : : ()ri 0i,. KEEKS CONSTANTLY on hand and lor sale, cheap for cash, Parlor. Redroom, Office, Sittingroom, and Kitchen Furniture, Rureaus, Iounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, P.edsfeads, Washstands, Curl-d Hair, and Pulu M a ttrc s ses Pulu Pillow. Spring Reds, Picture Frames, Mouldings, etc., etc. " Special aft-fif ion given to Cnholsferv work in all its branches. Orders rilled with promptness. Repairing done with m-jit-ness an dispatch. Furniture mad-ord- r Call and examine fr yourslvi s. lTmavT"' EHTERFRISE BOOK & JOB OliEGOXCITY, : OKEOOX. JOB PRINTING, such ns CAIIDS, BII.Ij-HEADS, I' AM PIT LETS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, E All EES, I-ETTEIl-TTEA DS Office? a" klndS f M'rk donp " ' -Timing PORTLAND PRICES. A Ii I, K I N D S O F LEGAL BLANKS Work Solictcrl A N D SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Orrprn City, ?tarrh -I, l?73-tt. The standard remedy for Coiriis, enz Sore Th rout, V honpi,,,, ( -u ,f v " I.icrr Cuiiiplaint, Jim.whitix, IUroti,,,, f t,1 Euni.t, and every affection of the Throit Lungs and Chest, including Consu.m i'i ;oy Wisliir's Italsom nf Wild n,-, y J,,'. not dry up a Cough, but loosens it, ci...lnv,' the lungs, arid alleys, thus rrri,, cau-sfot the complaint. None genuine Ul, less signed I. P.nTS. IT par -d by ski h W Fowlk Sons, Poston. Soid by Rki)ix.;T,)X" Hostkttek V Co., San Francisco, and C" dealers generally. r . V 'f Just ruMirhfd! STRAUSS' WALTZES ATKANf;i;i AS VIOLIX SOLOS. 3 Ak fr i-i;'rr:its i:uitio.v. Pan-r copy sent, posf-piid, for fl.y): h, LMiiirds, il. Audreys. L. L. I !C ? r ; h S. o!i;t J,nni'f;riii A-ir York. (The Singing Festivrl.) A Coll.'t lion of Glees, Part-Sim jc, . lionises, ( eic FOR 31 A L E V0IC E K Sample copies mailed, post-paid, for f I S'J; ! p t tlo.en. .duress. ."!KI limit' I tea it, Xitv York. F A 1 11 Y VOICES: A ew Iusic-I:oIi Ia3--St-loolH. Send (S) cents, and we will mail a sample copy, April 1st. Addr ss, Airil !S.m3 -r'.!!i ."revfoivr,, X'tr York. Read Physician's CertiScates IeIow ! ! zs o u o V) 1 O (A o 3 3 most EfTnicnt and Pleascnt Tcnic. Tha-sc liitt t-5 ars m-im arod fiorn tae most Iioicj and vii.i!oina lui b- ai.d r. i ts. nui liavo gi.-en n::ivei-.-:u sal i-he-t i.n u lior.-v.t ri ;d. Ihoasan.N of dysi-ci lies I.ave foul l li f thro .iirli their uso, at d t liy- :i ians r. 31 3ii d tli 'in f.r tin! c iro T ail di--. a.-es .f tli loud and I'ver, and ii r cgu la.i ii ies of the ui rot i v.T erati. JlL-a I ic'ie, r.i' ri-nfes. iir Crrstiratier. it?n'.Til lJe'nilitv uiil Loss of Ari et;tc. sre ul! au-J.vl b tile d'ia element of the .-loiuai-h. jiver and other fine! ieiiai ies . f the i. stc-in. I'Iks I X 1. bitlcr-J lia e li-n f-'i!c-esf..llv le-eC nd are warranted to alleviate tao sufterer in ill the above ca--es. Y"rSa I "'' A I, Itatrrx arc cJt"t' 'hrr than the a'niiitt'' article out of-out' loft'et it felon if, anil we trill, when it elect rti. prosecute such ixirticx to the lull exUni of thi iaic. CERTIFICATES. M?S:rs. II. Kl'STKIX it Co. i. iitlemeii: 1 take pleasure i Ptntinc that Mr 'Paiily to your wish I have eari-fuUy U sted 1 -x launeil the s.iin'.i'e orvntir 1X1. Jlitt. r tvliieii vou .sent inc. and tiinl n l.ot only an ari f- oi outers, inn a:so one tliat e:ni. t l;.il to ui jenefuial as a toaie aad promoter of I ii-stat. . Ill il.A.Nl), M.D.. City axd f'oe.vTv IloseiTAi.: Sa l Fr:i:iei. i.. .Iliac ?0th, tTl. I have carefully ex iinnieii Jir. lletdev's I X h r.itters, ami have failed to dct - t nu vthii'e wiiK-h rouM injure even tte nm-l deli ate eoii.-titiilion. . From the coinixisitien of the hitters, as liir an I ton ahle to (letermiiie i I. I slmnl.i jiKlite tli ,t the iXl. Kilters mast be a very tlh. ieiit in 1 iv.spepsia, In heestion. I.o-s of Appeli ;in4 jiuiilar enrnpl lints, h iirj; composed of a in;nitr nfveirtable drii-s wl.i -h pi iiieipall v use I in: ;lisea,es ot" tli it iiatire. and are of the creuti-ir f Hicacy in their cure. i- rr EX(ii.Ks. m. n ,'1 IU-s. Physician Apothecary C it (.' Jluspltal. Siatr Vssay Kit's Orriei:. San I 'raneiseo. Julv -"st. ITT. Messrs. If. Krsriuv ,t Co. - ( ;. t" ts : I l.av? .Ii'iile a carefal pxauiin-itioa of vour I X I. lii: ters, an.l have fina l t!iem cinri'lv f;-. c of ilvlw lerious mineral s.ih-itaii (.-;. tie I.Ol' IS KA I.K il.VA l'. sui' e A"ssayer. r.eware of l'outiter!Vits. Neiie trentii'if with out lr. Henley's sii-uut-.n e ai-rns.-, the top of . ui h bottle. 1 I-:r.v K:jjiJr 3iotil: !intr n IJot'Io In tlie lioix-. ?si i-cr;.iipi(.. Ii. iii'sn :i i- e.. . ."-ole I'ro; rictnrs. No. .ili Front street, Sa.u Kra:u i-scu. C a! Nareh "1, m i 6 CHSOBiO: ("SPRING FLOWER5:. "STTMMEK FIXWEI1S," , " AWAKE " mnd " ASLElir," Wlth the ECI.I'CTIC WF'KI.Y nnd WH K1T rllRlS- '1UV A F WOKK (CoQolidated;,for tl.OO. LTwo of ttiflee Chrnmo nre the t;ze rf ' Widr - Aviufl ana Fast Aslcp;" the others somewhat smaller. EnbscHhrn farnihe4 AT ONCE with their Chromot. AGENTS can make bettrr tnns vrilh us than with any otut-r paDiifhers. Adilres. iTI.W.AUAM?, '27 Bekman .. Street, r.i . tJLEBHATED:! 1 A GEMS FOR TIIE EMERTKISE. Tlie following p rsons :in authorized to act as a-en"ts lor the Kni ki:pki?e : vieo. V. Howell it Co., 40 1'j.rk r.ow. New T. -,",V,',.I,' rilKt Co- t;'7 Chestnut street. Ihiladel;.hia. Al.hott A Co., No.Ki ;;nd SI Nassau street. New f.rlc. rortlaiul.Orefron y. Samiirl San 1- rancisco ) 1 hos. hoj ee t, TI , 1 1- V. I ishrr fa . Jleh-ns, ColtinihiM countv S. A. Miles Ast. ri i, t latsop county ...A. Van I ns n r,:U",.M; r- Williams Harribi.r.' j. h. smith J eunv tte.i amhill countv I.I..1-r-rctison Ksiilas. 1'olk county l'ave Ilolmrs Penton county W. A. Wells Coryallis Hon. John 1 urnctt Canyon Cit y.Cirai.t co W. K. I.aswt U Alhany . N. Arnold I'alies, asco county, N. H. (..-it. s. I.aiir.uiilc, I'nion county A. c. Craij; Pendleton, Umatilla county s. V. Knox Kucene City h J-Thon, sou t r . K 1 ristow Ros-bnr;r lion. I.. l- l.nne I-hanon IV ? -''idaiiue K. Kals'on .Tsieksonyill" Hon. K. Ii. I'oedray Urns Tom ..n. c. Huston tI.ACKA.MAS COUNTV. Heaver Creek c. K. Heatie I uttrville Tohn Zllmwnt. a sea des u,,n rv y (.( ivpin f,'1" ,y-V " - W. Strawser- ( I uttinpr's.. T Wrlsht Fiprle Creek Innk Y. Foster Ilardius's capt. Z. C Norton lwer MolaHa v. Morelnud Milwa ii kie joh nH-M he rzer Oswejrn John ltntA I rir Molalla -,v. j. Vi.nhan o O o O C o o e o o r o o o c y' lii PnTTDTCV r,T? T3 A VP "D fYET T TTZTJ h DV