Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1873)
-4,. i c o C3 'o O o O o O o o 7" o o ; o A O o o THE ENTER! PRECOX I'lTV, PRECOX, JUNE tf, Akp.kstkp. Considerable stir was created in our town last Saturday after noon when a reiort was circulated that James M. Moore, a well known. citizen of this countv and old stettler here had qen arrested on a warrant issued at Portland, charj;iiiK him tfrju'. Davids w, arrested on the same dav at Salem and the two were tak Portland on Saturday afternoon's train, where they were t.Wii before Justice Anderson, who hei I tlifiii i bonds of ?-',KW each which thev trave, and were to appear the lol 1 "win Tm sday for trial. On 1 uesday, while the trial was poms on, the Shcr itf of Multnomah county came into ixrfirt ami took the prisoners Ik. th of thl ni having be ", indicted by the Grand Jury then in session. They were arraigned M f .re Judge L pton at r-ave 'Hnds in the sun. ot $2.ii for - ...i.l inwn until ttt- i ...;ti. .vinii' or s imii.iti'Mi IlVv to Pi' ad. This charge gnnvs out of the Curathar's land chum alTair and we understand the matter, it iseharjr cd that these partis procured lalse ev idence as lo the identity of the tanioiw Joseph Thomas, who now says that his name is Joseph C Nixon, ot Mobile, Mabama. It is also stated hat Nixon s wife and daughter are now in Portland. Vs this nutter is to undergo a legal ex amination, we forlwar giving any fur ther particulars of the affair. Clackamas I j ask Halt. Ci.nt.-This CV lub has eiTected a permanent organi zation, an 1 has elected the following ollieers: ;. Johnson, President; Noltn'T. Nice President; Win. E. Pratt, Secretary; F. . McCown, Treas urer Tli'- following Directors were elected: W'm. II. Warren. A. C. Bailey ;md Jeorire Warner. S. ). Pope was .lioseii Captain; Chas. K. Warren and Col W.Ij. White; wereeleetel Umpires, md J. M. liaeon scorer. At a meeting ...f the club last rridav evening tin 'Secretary was directed to semi a chal lenge to th;' Pioneer Club of Portland to play a series of games for the cham pionship, which challenge has been ac- -pted and the first game will be played Jcre to-morrow. Last Saturday the Pioneers were badly beaten by the P.u ilics. but this is hot regarded here as evidence that they can do it again, but mite t !e contrary. The Clackamas and Pioneer clubs liave been the two contending ones for the championship ever since l.ase ball was inaugurated in this State, and since lvo the Clackamas -lub have held the honors. A lively game may be expected. u Attkmitk: to Commit Rath. We have been informed that a man, whose Oiiame we will omit for the present, at- t unpted to commit rape upon the per son of Indian Susan. The Indian w-f-ian. more virtuous than the white mjltk who is married, foiled him in his sittetnot. and bruised him up considera lv, whil she received injuries in at leinpting'to protect herself from the assault of a man of whom better was expected. We learn that this is not the first time he has attempted the sane- thins, and the srpiaw kept it si 1'iit on the promise that he would let her alone but this lust time he tried for e, ami the woman could endure it no longer, and exposed him to the ii'.dshbors. Tii vrleK K. A large quarry of trap rock exi;-ts near Oregon City, says the I'.ulletin. and it is so extensive as to be eapaMe of furnishing material eviough to lay foundati..ns for all the buildiivg fiat ina be ereeted in the State for the next ten years. It is used largi ly in this vi'.y. as it can be pro'ured for live dollars per seow load, and one of these bo;.t loads is sutlieient for any or.Unary buildimr. We notiee a large iiiimiIkt of scows comimr here laden with it, and they prove that activity in imildiug. at least, is rife. tV ill KoruTii ok Jri.Y. We have been T:re. men! ly aslii'il durmir the past week whether we are to huve a celebration i i town on the coming Fourth. In order io obtain an expression an 1 take k line st( s is tor the purpose ot ol.serv- s tor the sitiee ot' w n.l 1 r iTi.':is m irrow t acre I e ur National Anniversarv, we .iLTget that a im-eti'm ot the e !i.-ld at the Court !bue. tv eveniiiLr, at s o'clock. Iet a full attendance anil an ex- pressiiMi of our -iti.ens had as to whether thev -th'sire t celebrate or not. 0 Ekin.j Mov;:n. The building for ""many years located on the corner of Third ar.d Main stretls. N W'iii'jr mov- 1 to the b:t opivosite. and Messrs. 3' i;.e liros. roj.ose to immediately -omm-iiee the er'etin of a two-story brick on the present site of their store. This wilt be a decided improvement, and will add jrreatly to the appearance of our cit v. Iron (uik. Mr. John Naeliand, re siding on the Clackamas, about two 'niilew from this plaee. has shown us a s'.veinieii of iron ore found on bis place ' which exeells anytliiiej in richness we have ever seen. The led ire is very ex tensive aiul must prove in time io l very valuable. It is onlv about a half mile from the railroad. I'ocurii at Sola Scmxtis. The citi zens of this county in the neigborliood of the Sc. da Springs j.rop-ise t celebrate t'.ieeoming Fourth of .lulv in an a proj.i manner. Mr. W.'f. Johnson h is been invited to deliver the (.ration and C. K. Warren I's.p, to read the dec laration of Independence. A ;ood tunc may be anticipated. IVvssf.o Tii.)ri;ij.-A raft of ash logs of a out lift v thousand feet jnissed through the locks last .Saturday for the Portland market. Th; is the tirst in stallment, and we have no doubt but what many rafts will pass through. 1 asides firewood. Mr. i'ara.pie hasthe honor ot U ing the pi,.. ntcr in this en terprise. Examination. Chief Fngineer White and Marshal Kelly have been around tow n dui ing the w eek looking into the condition and security of stove-pipes and tines Tli n.oilf ii'il,..:, :. . : . ...... ........ ...x 1 .tli 1 'I 1 I it M , ll 14 iioticible in a numl er of ro..fs l-.'io.r relieved of the moss which has gather ,ed on tlu in for many years. Di:r w ho art !:!. Mr. Abel F.udey und wife have been here on a visit tr. tiw.;- friends h It for Victoria last YVednes- lay evening on the G rover. We wish them a pleasant journey ti tlieir pres ent home, and hoH- it will j.ot lieli.ii" d'ore tb.-y will again U citizens ol" .Oregon City. Pot.i.. Mr. (J I.ingrem present ed Fountain Hose Co. No. 1 a verv ihandsonio J 11 for a Hag staff, which is o 1 erected on the corner of the engine house. M r. John Scliram. the foreiiian of the company, requests us to return his thanks to" the doner on behalf of the mambers. Take Notice. The young scamps wtio are in the habit of stealing the .cherries oil" the trees optosite the Con pregation;l Church are notified that if th are caught ut the business they will be arrested. It is not the cherries but the destruction of the trees we care about. Personal. Saturday of We had the pi leasure last ' 1 our streets, meeting on apt. Phil. Shannon, an old citizen . f t. Phi this Place, and formerly n nnnnlnr Mi'ilintX'at-man on the Vitl:itnerte now ,V arni springs, Wasco countv. The captain looks as though his mountain home agrees with him. Pkactioino. Fountain and Cataract Hose Companies were out practicing last Wednesday evening. ' j Contract I-kt. Mrs. M. M. Char man has let the contract to Messrs. Hedges v Binman to build a fine two storv residence on the lot formerly oc cupied, bv her on Main street. 'The cost of tlfe building we learn, will be near SI .WW. New Steamer. The steamer Van couver, recently purchased by the W. R. T. Co., passed up the river last Thursday and returned on Wednesday evening. (.'apt. Pass. Miller is in com mand of the new boat. Lowkst Bmnnn. Mr. R. T. Bulger, of Portland, was the lowest bidder to build the new boat for the W. R. T. Company. NVe have not learned whether the conWct was let or not. III. Mr. George L,aroeque, lias been confined to his residence with a se vere attack of sickness during the past week. At last accounts he was improv ing Picnic. The children belonging to the Fpiscopal Sunday School had their picnic last Tuesday, and we are inform ed that they had a very pleasant time. The Gov. f trover brings down full loads of freight and big lists of passen gers at each trip. Cherries and strawberries are in abundance in our market. Rather high though. Cono.NER.-Ur. II. V. Ross was ap Kinted Coroner at the last term" of the Countv Court. Warm. The weather for the past week has been pretty warm. Farmers Convention. The Farm er's Convention met at Salem last "Wednesday. The attendance was quite large, and the interests of the fanners seem to be receiving that consideration which the magnitude of the subject requires and we may expect much good to result from these gatherings. "We shall publish a synopsis of the proceedings in our next issues. I. O. G. T. The Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of (rood Tem plars met at Albany last Tuesday. On Wednesday the following Grand Ofiieers were elected for the ensuing year: Tilmon Ford, G. W. C. T. ; Mrs. M. E. lloxter, G. W. Counsel or; Miss Annie Underwood, G. W. V. T.; James-A. Smith, G. W. S.; J. j 13. McClane, G. W. T. From the Forest Grove hulepenu rnt: At the late meeting of the Trus tees of the Tualatin Academy and Pacific University, George II. Collier, ! A. M., was elected a Trustee; Horace j Lyman, A. M.,was transferred to the j chair of Rhetoric and History; A. J. Anderson, A. M., was appointed Professor of Mathematics, but to be acting Principal in the Academy for one year; Mrs. P. A. Savior was con tinued in school; and Rev. Thomas Condon was elected Lecturer on Ge ology in the institution. The linan- j ces ami an misiness m;ut:'is were jmi , il!lTi.l of ,i tv.mniittop of the , . ,. . . xr -ir...... . I J"'illu. 01 7. JL. rill , Hinman and George H. Collier. An appropriation of 84,0ll) was made for refitting and completing the college buildings and making improvements upon the college grounds. ; A dispatch of .Tune 5th from Oak land, says: "Considerable excite ! ment prevails here in consequence j of the discovery of placer diggings : in the Cascade range of mountains ! east of this plaee. Small parties of prospectors have been going to the j mines for several months past, and parties just returned give favorable ! accounts of thediggings. The mines j are located on Steamboat and Blue ! creeks, tributaries of the North i Uupqua. There are about seventy- live men in the mines at pre.-ent. Th k Pm; m i v t T-f si x In another column will be found a new announce ment from the publishers of the jvijv tilar family and storv weeklv, (It'll Fir.KsiDK Fiukxp. This pae'r is en dorsed by the prominent papers of Chicago and other places, and is evi dently a rrand success. They an nounce that their second annual dis tribution w ill positively take plaee on the t!i of August next. Theirehromo is a Inanity, and all they claim for it. Read tlieir advertisement, it will give you full particulars. IIkvuk dk Ia Mode. This excellent fashion Magazine for May is on our ta ble. It is a tine work, ami has a full description of all the latest fashions. It is published by S. T. Taylor, XW Uroadway, New York. DIED. In San Francisco, June 2d, at her residence. 47 South Park, Marv Pose, wife of John D. t'ounrhlin. .Medicinal Poisons on the Wane. The patriarchs took no mercury, no bismuth, no iodine, no bromide of po tassium, no strychoria, no quinine. Happy old gentlemen! they did not even know of the existence of these .. specitics, and yet thev lived until it seemed as if Death had forgotten them. Their medicines were herbs and roots. The- have left this fact on record, ami the world seems to be now taking note ' f 11 aml rt'tu"' to the lirst prinei- i'lcsoi ineuicaiion. 1 Iostetter s Stem ach Hitters, the purest ami most effica cious vegetable restorative of the day, is also the most popular. Thousands of persons who only a few years ago believed implicitly in all the jhusoiis I men figure m the pharmaco-pia. now i pronounce this ..r.latable tonic and al- terative an all-suilicient remedy for ; dvspepsia. nervous debility, const ipa ' tion. billions complaints, headache, in ; termittent fevers, and all the ordinary distnrbanees of the stomach, the liver, i the discharging organs an. I the brain. ! The time is n..t far distant when most of the powerful and venomous dries now so recklessly administered bv . practitmners of the heroic" school, in cases that might easily be controlled : by milder treatment. will be utfcrlv dis- As n the 1tlkm.ur public, w ho are generally ahead ot the professionals Have already put the dangerous pre, a! V ;V- C'vyopiwcai f.iivsicians. ' ration aside and adopted H.,st,-tter's ' lU'iers ill UH lr stead as a safe nd eellent household medicine, adanted t almost every ailment except the organ ic and deadly contagious diseases. For more than twenty years this famous restorative and Preventive has been annually strengthening its hold upon the public confidence, and it now takes the lead of every advertised medicine manufactured in this country. a 1 '" A stump speaker exclaimed : ' " I know no North, no South, no East, no West, fellow-citizens!" "Then," exclaimed an old farmer in the crowd, "it's time you went -to school and lartit jography." You run not afford to neglect a cold. It will fasten its hand upon the strongest constitution, unless attended to in time. Dk. Wistar's Ualssam ok Wild Ciierky will cure it in every change, from the early tuufiii iu vousumpuon USeir. Johnson' Aivxhm I.ininii tU mav be used to advantage wh. r any Liniment is desir able. In cases of sever.' cramps and pains in the stomach, it is undoubtedly the best article that can be used internally.' Habitual constipation leads to the follow ing result: Intlamation of the kidm-vs, sick and nervous headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion, piles, loss of appe tite and strength; all of which mav be avoided by being regular in vour habits, and taking say one of J'arxuilx' I'uryutive IWs nightly for four or six weeks. ??????? The Most Popular Medicine Extant. 1840. Over 30 Years 1873. Since tile Introduction or PERRY ID AVIS' PA E JJ-K ILLER. rgTHE PAIN-KILI.KK -" Is equally applicable and efficacious to young or old. rgnilK P AIX-KII.I.EU is both an Internal and Kxternal rem edy. rPHE PAIX-KIf.I.Kit will cure Fever and Ague when other remedies have tailed. - saoiild b- u -d at the first manifesta tions oi cold or cougii. is the ;r.-at Fatnilv Medicine of the Age. T9-Uv Pa i it-Killer A Will cure Painter's Colic. rjJNhe Pa ill-Killer Is good for Scalds and Hums. rwtv Pain- -Killer Verdict J- has the favor. of the People in its TTMie Paii-Kill r Uives I'niversal Satisfaction. 'EMif Paiin-Kill-r Beware of Imitntioivt and CouittrrOits. ripiw Pi2i-Killer Is almost a certain cur Tor OIIiM.KKA, and has, wit bout doubt, be.-n mor suce"ss ful in curing lliis terrible disas than any other known r mdy,or ev-n the most em inint and skillful Physicians. In India, Airica. China, wle-re tiiis dr -adful dis -ase is ev-r more or less jir-vnl"iit. the PAIX KILbKItis consider -d by t h- natives, as well as Kurop"an r -siilents in thosj cli mates, a SM'KK Uemki.v. rjpUe Pnin-Killer - Kach bottle is wrapped with full direc tions for use. rMie P:iin-Killer - Is sold bv nil Iruggists and Tiealers in Fatnilv .Medicines. june-lm. Special Notice. It is a well known fact that Dyspep sia and indigestion are the causes of nearly all the" diseases that the human body is heir to; then why. pay enor mous doctors' bills? Kv usi'mr Dr. Henley's celebrated IXIi 1 Jitters they ean be" tlioroiiiily eradicated from the system and new life imparted to the s'utferer. Head physicians certiiicates in another column. XKW TO-DAY fSMlK HIGHEST MARKET PRICE X price paid lor wool. JOHN .MY Fits. TO IjKT. ryiHi: koom Foit.MEitbv occupied j as t he ( 'ouneil Chamber, iti hr. Tli"s sing's brick building. Apply at t his oihce. Professional and Amataur Musicians should examine the combination Solo Stops found only in GEO. WOODS A CO S ( UtO.lNS. Til K .KOI.INE. A most delicate, sr:t or br --at hing stop. TIIK VOX HUMANA. A baritone solo, not a fan or tr-molo. TDK PIANo. , beautifully toned piano, which will nevr r eiiuir tuning. See ad-vi-rtiSiiieai in a not h.rcoiunin. junl'ini-J I K.)i;SK LOST ! N THE 10; it about 10 miles east of r gon City, on the ( 'lacka mas river, a dark buy horse, about U hands Isigii, no brands: sinch marks on hot li sides : new ly shod on all lour feet, little star in fore head. He was rais"d by Clingeii. on th" Moialla. A lib'-ral reward will be paid lor his return to tin undersigned, or for infor mation which will lead to his r -covery. OKI . CKAKIC. Oregon City, .Iun l?th. 1ST.;. tf GEO. WGOOS ft GO'S The most remarkable instrument ever per fected ; capable ()f the most beautiful mus ical effects, and in the most elegant cases. All Lover: of Music should p 'e them, and har thf Ir COMBINATION SOLO STOPS. Win. Ci. BADd KR, Of 7lli SaiiHome St., San Fru iicisci., has them. juriel.'Jm.l. SHERIFF'S SAL. BV ViirrCK OK A WHIT OK Excep tion issued out of the Circuit court of tlieStateof Or gou for the county of Clack amas in favor of l-'ra n k latens and against William (piimi, and to me direct ed, where as on t he 2Jd day of -May, A. I. 173, judg ment was recovered in favor of Frank (iatens and against William Qiilnn for the sum of forty-eight dollars ami thirty-eight cents (?JS.:JM with interest at the rat'"- of ten p-r ceit. per annum till paid ; together with costs and disbursements amounting to eleven and . Via! dollars. Now, t In t to re. lor want of personal property, I have levied upon the following described real estate,to wit: All of lots mimlwred 1. 2, 7 ami S in block number SJ and all of dots numbered 4 and S in block number 33 : a!I hi Or -gon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, as shown by the maiis and plats t hereof. On Saturday, July I'.Mli, A. I., Is7n, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m.. at the Court Hons- door in i ir-'iron City, Clackamas county. I (regon, I will sell all'of defendant's inter 'st in the above described property or enough thereof to sat isty execution, costs and accruing costs, to the highest bidder for cash paid to me jn hand. A. K. HKlniKs, sheritr. I'.y i I EN KV HKlKiES, Deputy. June loth, ls'i. w4." SHER.'FTS SAL. V V I ETl' E ) K A W It IT OK F'.X EC I - ion issued out of the Circuit Court of the State ot i iregon ior tlie county ot Mult nomah, and to me directed, whereas on the Mth day of June, A. I ., i7:, judgment was recovered in tavor of J. P. Smith and agalst Daniel Harvey tor the sum of three hundred and seventy-live dollars and lorty three cents (?:I75.1!), with interest at the rate of one per cent, per month from the tth day of Jun". A. I .. 1-7:1. together with costs of suit and disbursements. Now, therefore, by virtu" of the above named execution, lor want of personal property, I have levied tion the lollowing described real estate, property of defendant, to-wit : All of blck numbered H, lbT, 1)2 ami 114, and all of lots numbered 1, Z, 7 and H in block number mi: and all of lots numbered 1, 2. X ami 4 in block number :ja : and all of lractional lots numbered 7 and s in block number hi; all in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, as shown by the maps and plats thereof. Now on Satunlny, July ltMli. A. I., is? 3, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., at the court house door in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to t he highest bidder, for cash paid tome in hand, all of Paniel Harvey's interest in the above descriled real estate, or enough thereof to satisfy judgment, costs and ac cruing costs. A. E. HETiOEs. SherilT. ISy IIENKV HEHOES, Deputy. June I3tl. 173. i. 4- I COURTESY OF EXTRA OFFER. SECOXD DISTKIBUTIOX. The Chromo "Cute" Klegantly Framed and a share in the distribution of 8730 pre miums amounting to Ml, K0. Ci-IVKX AWAY TO Every subscriber to that Popular Weekly, OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. Chromos are delivered at once. The dis tribution will positively take place on the Otli clay of Aiiirust,187:3 Our chromo "Cute" is 10x20 inches in siz", acknowledged to be the finest and handsomest picture ever given with any paper. Our Fireside Frienrt is an eight page illustrated family and story weekly in its third volume, has now over S?vfiitj-Five 'I'Honsuncl Sultwriht'i-s. and rapidly in creasing, which insures t he success ot t he present distribt ution. The publishers of Our Firrsi'ir V'itVni have sent to its sul scribers this year over Seven! 'I'b.oisa nd copies of the chromo "Cute" and are shij ping hundreds every day. iSitbscript ion j.rice, tiiree dollars per year, which gives the subscribers Fitty-two numbers oi the best Family Weekly, the chromo "Cute" tiiedv trained, and a numbered certificate entitling the holder to one share in t he dis- Iributioiiof pr minims ir is..j. SMibscnoe now with the agent or send dir-ettothe Publisher. Specimen copies, particulars, etc.. snt tree. J I ST TC f n every town, at home or ft U EL lit I O traveling. Iirge cash pay iS rt UTTCn anl liberal premiums lor VeHll I LU getting up clubs. The best outlit. send at once for Terms and partic ulars. Address, WATKliS t )., June l.J-marJS-mti Pubs., Chicago. A 5t';i lit i fill Farm Tor S::h' ! 4t) ACHES OPEN TIEEAIJEE LAXl), f) barge Orchrd, Splendid Spring, and House within three miles of Aurora, at. less than S t I'KR ACHE! ThisolT-r is only good for twenty days. Emiiiire at the Exteki-kisk oHice. i regn City, June (i, IsT-'J. tf. SOCIETY XOTrCES. okkgon' i.oi)(;n xo. 3, 1. 1. . v.. Meets every Thursday gy evening at 7'i o'clock, in the X1 Odd Fellows' Hall. Main street. Members of the Or der are invited to attend. Bv order N. (r. itiiiiixc v J)i:;ii:i: ldiksu no. :. I. O. O. V., Meets on the Second and Fourth Tues day evenings each month. ;it 7 '-j o'ch in tlie tl.lii Fellows' Hall. Members of the Decree are invited to attend. MIJI TNOMAII I.)l)(;i; NO. I, A. I'. it A. M.. Holds its regular com- a munications on the' First and V'A'V Third Saturdays in each month, AJ at 7 o'clock from the iath of Sep. tember to the Uotlx of.Man h;and 7' o'clock from the L'Oth of March to the 20th of ScpteniluM'. I5rethren in good standing are invited to attend. l'.y order of 'VV- 1'AM.S IIXCA.MPMIAT NO. S,I.O. O. V.. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the First andT'iird Tues day of each month. Patriarchs in good standing are invited to attend. OHSCCfJ CITY BREWERY. JU'iiry Jiui:u?ci, rfJJrs Having prnoiAs- J-HiVS ed th above prew- L1 cry wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to manufacture a No. 1 qual ity of . .t if i:n j! i: an, as pood as can be obtained anywhere in the State. Orders solicited ai:d promptly tilled. VERY, FEED, AND SALE rMIE CNI)KKSI(JNEI) PHOPUIETI lit OK L th i.ivery Stableon Kilt h street,' iregon City, Oregon, keeps constantly on hand Siiddle nul Ru;ry Ilovscs, lJ'e;"iiei. Hrriag-es and HacUs. He will also run a hack to and from the VL'ILHSiT SODA SPRINGS during the summer sason. with good horscs.competent and gentlemanly drivers, FARE AT LIVING RATES. J. M. KKAKH, Proprietor. Oregon City, May T., 1ST I. A good No. 1 second-hand wagon. in thor ough repair, for sale cheap; acres of land. H miles southeast of Oregon City, for sale cheap. mayijatf. Aliout loO pounds oflori"; prim er, of wliit-li tliis is an impression lias been in use but n short time, jxonil work, eitlier tied extra. i rice 'So cents io, up or in cases cases A I. S O, A small font of Nonpcriel of which this is an impression. Trice- 35 cent ' Iti. As govl as now. Tlicro is enough to set about one column of this paper solid. Address this otfice. ICE-CREAM SALOON, LOTIS SAAL, : : PKOrKlETOR. I WOn.H UKSPKCTFCT.I.Y AN noiinoc to ttit" citiz'-ns of On-jron City and vicinity, that I have opened an ICE-CREAM ami CONFECTIONERY cstaMishment in the building formrrly occupied ly L. Iiller, on the Corner of Fourth anil Main Street. Tho Arlic Sotla Fountain will he in operation to Piiply the demands of the tliir-tv. I inanulactiire all my own stock, consequently they are Pure tint I Fresh. A share of public patronage is resix-ctlulty so licited. , .., Oregon City, September 6th, l.2-tf. A. G. WALLINC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. PlttocU's RillH"jr Corner of Stark unit Front Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. TUXK r-OOKf p.rr.ED and no UNO J t to anv desired pattern. Music books. Magazines. Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variet v of style known to the trrade. Order from the country promptly at tended to. dj rr a. Cjnr per day! Agents wanted ! X0 &AJ All classes of working jx-o-ple, of cither sex, yonnj or old, make mon ey at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Par ticulars free. Address C. Ntinson & Co., Portland, Maine. -VsplTivi BANCROFT LIBRARY, Auvriioy axd commission. A. B. RICHARDSON, Auctioiieor, C ornier of Front Oak stu., Portland. Auction Sales Of Ileal Estate, Groceries, General Mer chandise and Horses. SALE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday. A. 15. KICIIAKIJSOX. Auctioneer. At Private Ssilc. English Ue fined Bar and Bundle Iron, English Square and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Hasps, Sa ws.Scre ws. Fry- Pa ns. Sheet Iron, It. U. Iron. A I, N O A large assortment of Groceries and A. li. KICUAlllst, Jan. 1, lST3-tf. Auctioneer. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVEIl AT UEAI.EIt IX Dry Goods, Clot hing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, Indies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc., etc., etc., etc. Main Street, Oregon City. lroduce of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price, if you de sire good Ooods at Low prices, call at . S K L I, 1 X G ' s and examine his new stock of Spring goods. Givi; me a call and conince vourselves. My motto is. " QUICK SALKS AND SMALL PROFITS." The highest market price paid for wool. I. SELLING. Oregon City, March 21, 1873-tf. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Tl HE E N II E It S I V, N E I) AN- r"3; 3 nounectothecitizensof Oregon ,7 City and Clackamas countv that thev have just opened a JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT I N Oregon City, Main street, next door north of Shades Sa loon, where t hey will keep on hand and lor sale all goods pertaining to t heir line, at t he lowkst livinu itATKS. Kspecial attention given to t lie repairing of Ki nk 'I'm K Pi kcks. All gooils sold and worn done warranted. GK.O. A. HAAS & SON. Oregon City, I'eb. 0, lS7;J-tf. N E V YORK HOTEL ( Dent fches Oaft haus.) No. 17 Kront Street, Opposite the Mail Steamship Landing, PORTLAXU, OKEtO.V N.KOTIIFUS, J. J. V.1LKLWS, Proprietors. Hoard j Week ...J.'i.fM) .... li.OO ... l.eo Hoard V Week with lodging... Hoard y 1 ay .... Pnblir Exiimiiialion of Tt'iifhsrs ! AJtiTICE IS HF.EEHV OIVEN THAT IN compliance with the law, tle-re will be a Public Examination of Teachers, at the Oregon City Seminary, on Saturday, .tunc SiMU, 1J:J, commencing at f'. o'clock, a. m. It is de siredthat all who e.ptct to teach in this countv should attend public examinina t ions as there is no charge for certiiicates issued, and it secures a uniformity in ex aminations. Prois. Mat-rum, Moreland, and Nicholson are appointed to aid in t he examination. The same rules applleU at public examinations are strictly enforced at all private examinations. A. NOLTNEIt, Snjit. o f I'nhlir School for Clavknmni Co. June t.t h, ISel. wt rilv Tiix-i'iivcrs ! 0 V-OTICE IS HEItEHY GIVEN THAT tlie Assessor of Oregon City has com pleted th" assessment of property for t he vear ls7.!.aml filed the assessment roll with the! 'ity Ri-corder : should the owner of any projMTty assessed not be satisfied with the valuation thereof he may apply to the City Council for a reduction of the same on or before the ith day of June, l.S7:(. K. . M C WN, Mayor. Attest : Wr. P. IU'KNS, liecorder. Oregon City, June 3 isi:. wj. Stockholders 3Ieeti!i2:! riTiiK anncaTj mfktini; koh tiii: J Kl-Ctirn of Directors of the Oreyon t ' Jlaiint'aetui-iiijf Coin)an- will be held at their ollice i" this city. Saturday, Julv l 'th 1S7'. K. JACOK, President. M". A. S'l KATTON, S;-cretary. wl. "GUA1D AGAINST FIRE! DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. rjMIK NTMEItors SF.VKRK F1RKS X which have occurred in our State the past vear, and the late disastrous confla grations in Portland, Spriiurvill Dalles, Oregon City, and Jacksonville, should ad nionish j)roperty owners to seek indemnity arainst loss and damatre by tire without delay. THE PHCENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Represented on the Pacific coast for over Hit,...r, Miirinr which ieriod it lias paid StWio,olo lor Fire Ixisses in the Pa cilic Department), is one of the leading merican Fire Insurance Companies, and the onlv Hartford Company represented in the state of i irejron. In the prompt adjust ment and payment of its losses.the Plm-nix has no superior, the Company has never had a suit in the State, and in the prompt cash payment of nearly 82, 100,000 OO in the Chicago and Post oh, proves that the old Pho-nix is equal to its every enyane ment. The AKntsof the Pha-nixare authorized bv commission lrom the company to issue and r.'ii'-w Policies direct, and without ref erence to Portland, San Francisco, or else where, thus enabling the applicant to se cure iiiimffU'ite and liimlinii protection. Rates as iow as solvency and lair profit will admit of. W. P. BURNS, Resident Ajrent, Oregon Cit v. April IS, I.j73.-m3 Iour Splendid Chromos Subscriber. to I -l very Arrangements have lioen made hy which we can oiler a year's subscrip tion to The New York Christian at Work ani Iv'i.kctio Wkkki.v, with their four inaniticent Chromos: " ifol Morning." Carlo in Mischief," " Spring Flowers." together with our own journal fr 50. As the Chromos alone are worth from 5-10 00to:?l.-on, anil as the New York publication is every way first-class, it presents an unusual opportunity to our suls-rilHTs. The Chromos are made by I'raii'j and other celebrated artists, and will lx forwarded promptly bv mail prepaid. Should any subscriber desire onlv the two tirst named Chromos, thev will lesent with the two publications for Remit to the publisher of this paper. CHLA.S. H. CA.TJJTIELD,o DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CORXER OF SEVEXTH AX1) MA1X STREETS, OR EG OX C ITT. Has Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, I'.rown and lileached Sheetings, Lining, Shirtings, TaUe-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling. Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread. Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons. Ibices and Insertions, Embroidery,-White, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ac. Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERM'S SHOES, o Groceries, Crockery, (ilassware. Coal Oil. Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys, WUicli have life Melerteil witU tpeciul care for this market und tannot HE Sl'RPASSKD IX UUALITY Oil PRICE. Till! IIIGHI'ST MARK1?T PRICi: PAH) l'OK COUNTRY PUODUCB, March Lt, 1S7:.1 :tf NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! NEW FIRM! LEVY BEOTHEES Have Just opened, in q ZMai'sliall's STew liiilclinur, Oi'con Citv, rpiIF. FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF CDOTIIINtf AND DRY-tJCiODS L Roots and ShfK's, Hats and Caps, t Jentlemen's Furnishing Cioods, Hoseries Xo tions. Cutlery, 15askets and Toys : also. Groceries and IYovisions, and a U ' (iEXEKAI, ASSORTMENT OF OTHER GOODS Too numerous to describe, which we propose to sell at the Lowest Possible Rates, for CASH.. MR. I.. LEVY, belnpr a PrnotloalJowfler of Ions experience, we will also deal in and manufacture and repair Jewelry. We fruarantee all ourjjoods and work, or no pay. Give us a call and examine our yjods, and save twenty per cent. LEVY BROS., Secoml door nortli of t lie ro.stofl;ce, Main street, Orrgon City. m- m-JM-ix jH)und Extract of tus is a preparation combining all the valuable medical quaities of the Eucalvntus niuvu i.-, i uiLit.urvi ill iniiu v tiiuui ilia j;,tHI'-M 1U1 li s Mlt'il ica j Ul 1 11 V ha VI II 'r come the household remedy for all diseases of tlie K1DXKYS, m, A I) IJl' and uJtlX- T Alt YCAXAI., and SJiMlXAL WKAKXESS. It seems to have a direct affinitv for the GENITi M1RGANS and their surroundinrs, and curc-s them bv its alterative healin" and balsamic projx-rties more ctreetually than any other known riunedv ' " It is an invaluable retnedv tor all diseases of th as PIKK'JIITIS, JIAfJIIXLi COLUir, .VAL'SJiA J UlilXU PltEtiXA A'C'I" LrsPJP SI A, PJiUCllillr:A,(e. ' This preparation is the result of Dr. Coleman's exnerimenfs witn the mr.Hiinai rr-kU erties of the tree in the I'. S. Msrine Hospital ne nau laciin les ior lesunfr I lie various methods of preparing th its uses, it can be relied iion as certain to frive the promised results" ai testimonials of its efficacy can be seen at his office, 4Uf Kearnev steet 's-; COLFAMX'S DOUltLE P XT It ACT JF KUCAI. YPTCs is si iow- ne nau unusual laciin,r icsiintf I lie various met hods of nn,l erful, yet harmless, febritujre, and is a special preparation tor tin treatment of the malarious fevers of our interior valleys, and is war ranted to cure any case of FEVER AN D AGUE treated wit ii it accord ing to directions, while the baneful results of the usual Quinine and arsenical remedie for those diseases are entirely avoided. FOR PHYSICIANS, Coleman's Fluid Extract of Eucalvptus in 1-lh bottles. Deware of imitations, and take none but. Coleman's For sale everywhere, and by IIikIc, Cab f & Co., Wholesale 1 rii'--ists SK Ilfl ' B . V B'S' I I Portland, Sole A-e,,ts for Oregon JOHN MYEKS. OREGON CITY. DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCK Eli Y A N D GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and. Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon for CASH Oil ITS EQUIVALKXT in Good Merchantable Produce. I am selling very low for CASH IX IIAXJ. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. JOHN MYEKS. Orepon City, March 21. 1X73. A GREAT DISCOVERY! YO MO RE G RAY II AIR OR WIIIS .1 kers if vou will use.I. LiPMaN'S HAIR RESTORER. This is not a vile comiKiiind. maile of Sutrar of Iyad. Iic Sulphur, and other poisonous minerals, which will protluce headache, paralysis or insanitv, but a harmless pre paration, free from sediment, easily ! plied, and in a brief space of time restoring, t he hair or whiskers to their natural f No preparation is necessary to use witn u. but sim pi v to apply acw.rdins Dsnic1" accompanying each Urftle This is the cheapest, safest and best Hair Restorer e r offered to the pubHc. TpVAXt prortor. General Aernt. ' CH ARI-ES IANUA A. CO., Wholesale Drupsirts. ynjer I .atur and Clav st net s.San r nine isco Jn"" all orders must tn- aAinwd. Tcstirnon ia of prominent citir.ons who ha c i sc. it ac companvcach bottle. apr.ois3m Dr. J. S. Coleman's Com- "B7,S"Trf W V BinrTC Eucalvi O in San Francisco, in 171 and 1.S72 where and hundreds of San Francisco. 30maylST.3yl. PACIFIC! BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. OPPOSITE OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. AM liVMEKSE STOCK AS USUAL. GEORGE A. PEASE, O srrcKsson to PR0TZ3I.1X, GILIIIFAX k CO. riri ana Jlorrison otrfrta. POP TP A XD, OP EG OX. November 22, lS72-tf. BARNUfil RESTAURANT0 LK0X llel.OUEV, Proprietor, (Iite of the ClifT House.) MA IX STPEET, OPEGOX CITY, OG X. n "ii-, i- J IJrJltSKJED respect fully an nomi nees to his iriends a the Truvrlinr l-iililio. that he has re-oiencd the above named The'I'roprietor knows how to serve hta customers with O A Good tn of Coffee. Or a i.ood Snnrn Ieal I-EOX DeLOCET. )regon f'lt y, March 2s, isT.'J-tf. Win. H ROUGH TO X WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM T T t he citizens of Oregon Citv and vicin ity that he is prepared to lurnish Fir, Sprute and (Vdar UMBE It of every description. Dry FlfKirinjr, Ceilinp,Spruce(for Shelving). Ijittice, I'ickets, Pence I'osts (Cedar). Constantly on Hand. Street and Sidewalk Lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as can be purchased elsewhere in the State. Give me a call, at t he OREGON CITY, SAW MILL March 21. 1873-tf. SHERIFF'S SALE. Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECU- tion and a decree of foreclosure and an order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, and to me directed, in favor of Philancy Otis and Daniel Otis, her hus band, and apainst E. A. Gibson, for the sum of one thousand and seventy-nine andM-liNi (?l,07f.s4) dollars, pold coin, with interest at the rate of one per cent, per month from the 2!t h dav of Octoln-r. A. I). 172, together with costs of suit and dis-.Q bursemi'iits. Therefore by virtue of the above mentioned execution, I have levied uion t he south half of section eleven III) , in township three (3) south, ranpe one west, cont aininir t hree hundred and twenty acres, more or less, all in Clackamas coun ty, r"-ron, and now the proiK'rty of E. A. Gibson, defendant, and on Tiirsduy, Uie40i tlay of June, 173, at the Court House door in Orepon City, Clackamas county, Orepon. at the hour of ne o'clock, p. in., 1 will sell at public auc tion the above described real estate, to the highest bidder.for cash paid to me in hand, 'o satisfy executions interest, costs, and accruing costs. MaylS,h.lS73. p. jrFDGES, Sheriff. Py HENRY HEDGES, Deputy. w4 SODA SPRINGS! o THE FAVORITE SIMMER IJESORT ! o -i MILKS SOI TII OF OKECOXCITV, AY CLA CKA MA S CO CXTV. OSKPII WRIGHT havine leased tho Q Wilhoit Soda Sprin-rs, desires to inform those wishinjr to sena a lewaaysminw mountains that this is the most deliffhful place in th Willamette Yalley. A (rood Hotel, Stable and bath-house for the ac commodation of visitors. Thes" Springs have been recommended by Physicians as b'inp the healthiest and Ix'-st place for invalids or persons afflicted with any complaint to spend the heated season. Parties desirinsr to visit the Hprlnps will find a hack in readiness for their accomo dation, upon applying to J. M. Eraser at fir'-pon City. niay23nil. o O O O o G 0 Q O 0 O CO; G O C r - s O O o