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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1873)
o o o o o e, o O o o o o o o G o o o o o 0 o o O' o o 33S o 2:i)c iDcckln (Enterprise, f FRIDAY, :0 : JANUARY 21, 1S73. TOWS AX I COUNTY of information that a Bet of bovs. wLo are well known, are in the habit of meeting school girls on their way home and using most iniiliing and obscene language to them. These boys may as well under stand at once that this must be stopped, and thai if the parents cannot find any way to put an end to it, the city author ities iclll. The insults offered by these young scallawaps are just ground for the lather of the girls to hunt theindov. n and ting thern until they are unable to stand. We would not advise such a course, how ever, but we Fay, let the young devils who are guilty of such outrageous con duct, be brought to jusiictr and plce theui in jail where they wii! be beyond doit.g any harm. Those who attend echod shall and w ill in the Inline be protected from ! s. and if the parents do not !' such insult desire to see their boys lodged in jail, they must learn them better vat Lome. Tbe ring-leaders of these offences are known and if it is again repeated, puuinh nienk will be speedily meted out to the joung hoodlums. Those boys ate not only a disgrace to tbe parents but a disgrace to the town. L.ntiiE Sai.k of Ukai. I.statk. Last Monday CLas. E. Warren, L'sq.. attorney for 1. I'. Thompson of this ci'y, purchased one of the Iarg'-st tracts of bind ever sold in Yamhill coun'y, at Sheriff sale. The land is in a solid body and Consists ot 1.220 acres. Jt is neatly all tillable and is regarded as one of the finest bodies of land in that county, (known as the Aim-t-tronj estate.) A large crowd assembled to "rtmess the sale; many old larnvrs. doubtless withCihe intent of bidding on the property, lrom the remote outskirts of tJie settlements were there, and whn Mr. W . bid Sln.DlvS several were noticed to turn on their heels mouths open mut tering some Uiiiiilelligable ep'uhets. Tney had probably supposed the land would be sold at Irotu SooO to a 1.00 J. Sad. The Ort'jonbm of the 20th says: Ifon. II. Kddy, (Jr Wab-rtown. N. V.. is passenger on the coming steamer. Mr. was for many years A resident of Alilwaukie. and owner of the Standard MilU. In 1W14 he was elected Sta'e Sena tor from Clackamas comity, and served doling the session of that year, but soon alter res'-ncd in go E.fiV to reside. Last la!l his lady; who w as in p.or heal ill. came here expect fog to be benefitted by a changf-il climate, but rapidly sank, and he waVivlegraphed for, but too lalePShe li-d (while he was on the way) at the residence of ;Oelative. lie w ill return by the Ajtx. taking with, him the remains of bis wife tor in teruienT in the List. Gcinu Ksr. The liudin Fays: 'Early in the enduing SaU.merMr. Charles Log. is. of Oregon City, wii! take bis de parture for Europe, iccornp inied by his latnily. lie made the trip i:i lsCl, leaving his family in Oregon. This time he will fi) arrange his bu-iness as to remain in Gerniiny. if suited, on tus arrival mere. We di-hk-Ony r-:uch to part with s ich citieus a- (.'! u ley Lo.os.-' The part re l:-tmg to t.r. L"s. in'eiition to "arrange his business so ai to rein lin in (enni:iv, news lo us. and we hote has n.'- lounda tion. We can't spate such men 'is Char ley,' and don't intend to part with him. Evttt.v Hi.ooM. We leartMli it a peach tree is in lull bloom in the lower end of lovn. This i-i something for our tatet n readers to liiirjk over. I'eich trees hi bloom o:i the 2 ):h nt January. We are inform. -d thai Mr. Jennings, w'.io rer-nies about, two miU-s be'.ow town. llii wi-ek picked a lot ot apptes off 'he trees which had hung out all winter. a:ul they w-re as sound and li'e-h as lat fall. Sm ii evi dences as these are a good f-eoiumeud .1 tl.oi to oor S:a:e. The winter has been f-o p!ea-a it that we hardly can say th:U w e have li id an v. Goti to l.KAVi-.. (.'apt. 1-aaC "VV Smith, who lias bud charge of the works on t!.e Locks for t!ie past two years 1-avt s ns this week. The many friends of the Captain w ill sad'y regret this. He has woe. ihe esteem and confidence, ef all who hare had any p-i -itl I'elatiAns with hltn. at.d the w.ok whie'i i:e so stteee.-s-fu y c mpl te l wii ever reinini his many li t. ti ts ot tin ir i.olil-. hiii-niind.-d and genii-ni inly Chief E.tginewr. May the best (.1 silfaj 'sS att-'tol liitn wherever lie m iy go and wheresoever his hjt may lie Cast. IIow is this Cn.AKi.i.v ihe I!-i!!cHh this ulF on our Charley : ' A day or two ago a countryman entered Charley Pope's stove and tin store at Oregon City, and looking round, imj-iired : (Jot any ot Jayne's nviicines herel The novelty f 1 H niti-cllilirrilKi'li t'h-.rtav lioti.mci.i- -Yes. plenty." Next question. "Hain't got I any ol U-r almanacs, have ye: 1 hat question was one too imnv, and it closed Lul the negotiation. ItomtKiiY. '1 be saloon of J. S. McDon ald was entered last Tue-d ay night and robbed of ?7 50 i i money and 25) cigars Th- thieves eutcred by the. back door. an i prob iOiy expected to make a iauc!i i larger haul. Susiiiuion is being iaeed on I certain parties to'.vljj uthf vc Imjie the perpetrators of these tlitits m iy biought to justice. v b. I'AisF.n TmtovtH. The steamer Calliope passed through the locks last Saturday evening. The defect in one of the gates been repaired Ltid evervthiag worked well. It is expected that the Calliope will be piltVe-l iu the Yamhill trade as eoon as some ren i:if are ni i ie. for wldi-h purpose she was taken to Portland. Hams Law. Onr readers w ill do well to remember that the game law which was passed fey the last Legislature is now in full force. Certain provi-tor s of ihs 0ct take effect on ih" first of next mon'h. The act was published in the E.mmi:I'i;is; i 6'jmetune ago. Puorosii.s. The Oregon City Manuiac t iring Company advertise iti the Portland papers that they will receive bids for tbe building qf the factory. Plan and spec iiKaii.j,! fin be seen at their oiTL'e in this city. Lids to be opened by the first ot Febr.iarv. To Solum. Ci.kkks. .-school Clerks will ctU at this office and get their blanks to nike out their yearly repor on, or send us their p,,st office address and they will oe lorw.n .u ,., or before the 1st f March." iKir must be ia oil Oots-u to Soiooi.. Charles Darclav. yotirt-eit son of Ir. F. DarcLay. loav. to-day for Donecia. Calirorni 'for tbe purpose of a'tendina- seKt 4 Inm proh;ab!e to o u" ;,liL !T- lloncThos. MeF Pal ;ton. Grand Mas'er. paid M.;!t:i0niah Lod o.l A. F.iAMaa offlculfau sVonday evening. w r.S X o San Francisco Market llcport. C- . T ' . To -1 11 1 T T7 ' Wheat in Liverpool, 12s 5d12s 1; Club, 12s 1U.I0IS.1. Flour City Supeifine. $503 23; Cily Extra. $G0(I 115; Inferior Superfine. f.i V. -v (In- uml l)rfl"OIl KllIU. Wheat Coast. $1 K,C 1 90: Good Day Shipping. $il,. 05; seie of 8,0'JD sks choice brands at 2 05. lUitr.ET-Coast. SI 27J01 32$: Bay Feed, il iJo01 i)y Day Drewing, 1 42(& 1 50. n ,. Oats Ordinary to Choice Quao'y, 2 25. n Portland Market Itcport. Pohti-am). WkTvnksdy, Jan. 22. Gold at Xew vk rates higher at pres ent than it has for some time pas!, our UtesOpiot alious being 111?1. The "Portland Legal Tender quotations are a follows: Buying, es; '-Veiling, td. Wheat The market still continue in- aoive. ana transactions are wy i-uowever, remain firm at 1 .0 per iTinai. Oats Continue in good Remind. Prices ranging from SI 5."( 1 CO i cental. JiAKLKT Lot little iu offered, and the prices rne from $1 40 to i 1 per cental. Fk;-:d Remains firm at the old prices. Middlings find ready -sale at $.'A 'S C) per ton and Urau continues firm ai SlrJtV, 18 per ton. Fr.oi is The best brands are bringing $3 50 per bbl. wLi!e common brands raticrrf from S3 75 to S4 75 per bbl. Large shipments are being made to San l'ran cisto. in which market our brands are considered among the best. San Fran cisco m irket cepons S5 75(r' 23 per bbl. Llttkii The market continues over stocked ,wi;h an inferior duality, which finds slow sale at lStyiJOo ; ordinary. 25 fa ljic (country); wiioe fancy dairy finds quick sale at -i2(V,15c. O E;;s the supply rather exceeds the demand, and shippers are not willing to pay over 20e per dozen. Fni'iT Con i inues plenty, efpecially Ap ples, which find slow sale at 5n',75c box. IVsrs are Somewhat scarce, and command S1(V 1 5') lor a superior quality. I'or ATnKs Jiuyei s al e not oti'eri ug mm e than Vj. fiMl !.c per bashel, delivered in the city. q I'oti.riiY and Gami: Are unusually scarce in the market, and prices role h'Ch. Chickens are in good dent fid at t-U '-i, 4 '5' per ill.;... and receipts are not as la; e as is usually the ca."-e at this esou of the year. Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the prices-paid lor produce, and the prices at which oil. er ar ci'..vs are selFing. in this market : W J I EAT WL.s te.f ! bushel, b5&0')c. OATS. I'-iihel. :17A cts. I' ) i'AToivS buhel.7i cts. ONKi-XS J bushel. Si nor, 51 50, FLorii-V bbl..?fV.l 5.T. DEAN'S hite, lt.'. :"(. (; cts. DIM ED FDl'lT Appb-s.V lb.. Cf7 7 c's. IVaclies. -T' 12(- Lie: i'!iims."'-c) lb.. 0 cts.; Currants. . To.. (if.-.20 c's. DL" 1' I' Ell 3 5...'25cis. E'i'iS dnzen. 2. ets. CMii'EXr : 50p7.:i oo. cts.: Maud i lb.. 15 cts. ; s;;g ai: Crushed. it... lor' 1 2 !. cts:--: .' Sj.til i- rauel.-Co rehncil. l . II CtS. TEA Youtig IIvson."v lb.. $1 o ) ; J;i- i .jC. :i:t:i. -.a j' i.l.. ?1 no: Id tek. V S, C'. ir l-'Ei: 2. CI'-. SALT 7 li... 1 !.:). SVIiUi' Heavy Go', Ex. Heavy Golden. ) e en. a Mr, S5 shr. it ci . 10 cts. er.e. Eil L. i:a )X ii.i 12 cts. !.: Si LAUD "r 1,1 OIL D.-voe": oil. Liu--e.-d Oil. boi W! I !i -fi Jt os. Y oilblers . Diet-;. Ket'O' raw. " call.. 75. " 1 25 : Y1 gJlL, 1 25 (V 1 e1. 0 lei:;-' ! toot, (ic 1'. HE-: On foot, cc a C "cf "ii lb. SHEMi' Per liead. S-? ;,.; HI !;:- Green. 2 5t. f 15 cl- ; Sa! ted r'V'C ?:s oo. '-J Dry. V R.'. EMt't'.TAiNMKNT. The On'L'OIl Citv Amateurs propose to give an etitei taT:i ni'-nt next Tuesday evening with a com- p W. new ch.arige of prograriMiie. and several iii-tois. iioi'e to see (he house cr.l'.l (led IXi of: Ts:i:. The s.-c-ond qt: ir!ir of the term clones at the Seminary to-dtir. The next qu.-r?er comtnenc's next Mon- flay. t!ie pri v'-ioti1! t!.- la-. which tiny be lotitid on cur fourth jiag ( ii is ,v -t k.-.. i. . IlKtvv Fttiit'iins. The E. N" Cooke has taken the place of t'-.f Sena! or, and goes down to Portland daily heavily loaded Th"re is a crt deal of wheat cow corn- inr down lb- river. G More Soi.hikks T!i General com manding Ihis department sent an addition al company af soldiers lo the Fcene of Irulian troubles by train !a?t Tnerday Ix Town. Our former townsman. J. R. Hlston. Esq.. was in town last Monday. Joe looks as well aid pleasant as ever. crta'soxA!,. Capt. Coe and wife, and Hon. Mr. Dodge, formerly of tbe Dalles, w ere in town this week. The printing of the laws passed st the I ft) Fe-siu'i of the L-'isJ Uuiv, has been finished liy '.is- Sta'e Printer, and the vol-nine- can be had tn application to the Secretary of State. a The body of man named Charles N't' Is on a native of Sweden, was discovered on Tuesday last, about lo miles north of aticouver. o;i a trail a short distance from his house. Rami indications, Xel-on was tdit in the back, and it is thought that foul play was practiced in the all'air Tbe Sonil-ern Oregon Steam Naviga tion Company have li.ed articles ot incor poration aid "ioe!v Looks are now onen iury riijiuM! io ouna a steamer up the Cupuille river. ri . . i -. . to run The Commissioner of Pen-ions h is de cided that the Oregon Vo'.unteeis who served tinder C.iiit.en' .1.. f.. o. . Captaia Nathan O'.aev i-i' lv-.i . ! nen n iati.1 warrau'.s. O The condition of the roads fr .m J ic' sonville n.-i-.m it,.. - . . ', '.:IV ii . --'i , , ' '."i.uuns 0 r'doc country is is i.f.i ,... .. ... - , - - " "ail. neitner ....- u . i teams cm make wi'h anyihiug like c bu-L L'r. th- trip er lhe-.o t.rcumstances u has been found n. Cess irv io employ only ox teams or pack traio. Mr. Flanagan of Empire at pres ent in New i ork ngo;iati!l2 f,r the pur chase of two steamer of 50-J and :V.) tons -unoen respectively. The former to run i.:. Kiru v.oos nay ami an 1-r inci.-co.d , rt ,,t'w,'-:l Day. and Oaaland, Lai., and occos-uaai'.r to Port Jan 1. The M. E. Church South, under the p. torate of Lev. ,-Dr. Diwne was org.iniz.'d in Salem hist Sibb uh. Quite a lii,'-,,r of ladies -and gentlemen went into the m ganizition. The enterprise is a m's.sion ary one under the auspices of the Horn- PJard of the M. K. C. South. Messrs. Smith. Gerst Co.. rd the ITar- n.-burg Mills have, this season, p iid a premium of Gve cents p- bushel tor t ire winter v.hea-. This is certainiv ; Miilsi have, this s some inducement for raising this kind of crop, and we believe our farmers will turn their attenrion more to it in the fu ture., than tfcev have heretofore done. O Sawtelle'a boiise,'burned bv the Indians at fSil-tiz. was insured fur a small amount, but not enough to cover ihe loss. It was a valuable structure and well finis-bed, and contained a library r.f miscellaneous books that cost not much less than a thous and dollars, besides' other valuables that were deslroyed. BORX. In this city, January 13, 1S7.1, to the wife of M;ij Thomas Charnia:i, a Dau-rhitr. tDIKl). In Canemah. Jan. 15. 1S73, of bronchical tubercuh'i:-', ! za M., wi!'e of (J. M. Sirick asred 4. years, 11 months and 11 davs. Wa.-.hin-tcu nud Idaho Territory papera pie ise copy. r. At the lesUence of her' gran-lfa'her, near t!;i- city, of, Josephine Ma goon, ;;g-d veiis, 7 nmn bs and 21 days. A Dl.trrMini; Coii-i, causes tt,e friends of the -ir'eer 5,1 u. s' a-i much j.nin as the suffrvr hiui c't, and sh uild ro-eive iai a t. nti n." f-:. Wiiim's IiifsvM ov Wild Chfr:y spee:i!v cu s cniighrf. colds, ii.flui nza, s'hv throat, A :c: It wil always itii ve consu':,i tiou. and in many w l.ausfd it lias ;.ll'e ;t; d a perfect cuve. KB' rimpies on the fa.e. Friivtion'-, Blt.tches, .V-:of Iovh di -eases an J nil sores aiisiuy fi.-m impure blood, are curJ Ly l-'r. I'li KcV Co!. it'll ldk-a! lMricuverv.O Our HIl!- IntlinsiHs.t 1'hy.vica! iulirmities are the I d ot a'l. Mil lions ui c always sick- No man, worn in or child is uniformly in jicvfect heaUii. Vuc'.i, however, o! the sickness and sial'.-i ing wl.i h render life a burden so ma iv cf our f 1- i lo.v beings is due to catv!essne- and neg lect. A mLhtv antidote-, to the le;i.!iii-r cavses of d sense has beeno provided. It is as harinles-i as it is eicient. No p.oi-o;ioi:s ilrurs enters its conip.i-ition. It is an unde fikd stimulant, tonic afid ap-M :c-;;t, of which every in -rredi 'iit is veget ible. Tiiis uiax ceptiar.ab'e preventive and restorative me,! icine is net "a nj v thin g under 1 he sui.." llostt-lt ifn Stomach Iv.i'.ers sooa bavj been b. lore the uoi !1 a (juarti r ot :i ceiit'.irv; and it is not too iniu-h to aver that thous ands, ave, tk"is of ihoe.saues, are ii.jv.' usin-r it who wrtu! 1 have hten in their graves j e;ii s:iAro b.ol they not heen si t nirUii. nee and sast-.dued Ov this-,w!n:e:'..i:i!e si ul.l'it. i ne la: i :tv wit a wiii.ii i.,:ti .r t I i of. en b( c ;u.( e, v.h.n ner'eet o'.-tiu ite v,-(!l L'tiiwa. 'this t i i .; is f i imaie iiaie c'.o i k w'li. h itg'Vt .s diseases, l in i; I" ir t!ie i in totfe e bn-eders of il adly disorders. Tne sensation of languor, t!ie.-i h. a b'.eh, lite nervou-io-ss. ll.j i...l.s;n).-,iiin to exertion, t lie nausea, the eo l ision d l it' Lraiti, t':e piil s eal debit ! V, w ii are i- r..: .1 lo p 'L- iiioiitsti es ol tiif a", pro i.e. i o! serious danger. ii l e I.'.' ntioly le i.ovid by a tew (i r'e.-iol t:.e Mitt, is. Th' fitne ot thi) ii ;:.ii ;.ti as a geiiiii'.e specit'.c for disepsat, bi. lions coiopi. lints, in alaiieus fevers, iheu mat ism mi ! cb. ;a:c d.-bility, ls a- wide as ilie w oi Id, ;in 1 rja lie se iav"s of ehai latanism, w hen llereeca bar ties, that r b ti;e invalid ol the Inst i ctnioinr of his streu -;t!i, are alivi Us ed as itii igorantsi '. ). it. is indeed a biess'unr t in ink Hid that Ho-teli- i's Stot.i-ic!i Hitters are tvi ry where procuiable, and everywhere papula.-. F..i- iiie very b-.'-t pi uki graphs, go t) Itrad ley k's ;.d cry ivi.h-.ut STAHr.-s-- i:-,T Ascend in the elevator, .Moute.iiin:-;y e-'treet. San Franci co. A."iJ.'.'i:-::. : c. i, I . o. l- Meets at Odd Fellows' Hail on the FIU.sT AXDTlli::!) TUL'SDAV EVKXIXf: of in: sch ni l'at i-i .- r; ire iaVit.'d to'aiter.J. tiLiid- 1 ea. vlsf--t; iu!:ii:.i;i a l.u'iv .i. I, A. f.:!.!!-! I tf !!-:.. i - i.i...s its regular e.ii:!tnuiri:a -tiaus on i' !, -, S.n'ur- ''.' i n o.o tin"' ' ;ii i March, and 7S Mareti toC.a 2 !l : il i i i f ! J , at 7 o'cla-.k from .' S-::rt -ii,i).'- to tf ta ,t o'ci.'. k Iro'.l tlie l'l'l lii (d H-'pie:i; j.-f. iit etli leu in goo.i staiiilag are n.viu jtj attei.d. D.-.C-- i.l sr-1, liy or.u-ref W. -M. 3, I. . cf O. ZS.- every Tlmr.-Jay even agi-'' . r l'!-t tit 7 ) I in )JJ Fellow's Uall, Main s c-.. t. Ic-tntie: -.- of tU- Order are invited to attend liy order. k. u. n t l..T-- .'.,. X, . O. F". Sb -K't't Second and Fourth if. $2 TULSDAY KVKXIXJS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows II. dl. Members of the Deern; aie invited to attend. Fiom the Atlantic to the Pa-iiic the fame of tie.-t c-bbrai-d SIEVE!: T.'l'F3D lloo s v. d slioes.i- sp..;,di Thcv !a,t twice as lo ig t'.a S v. i h mt ':ps. Ash vourShoe 1 'eaters tortlitrn. r.. '2 v A c I m : ;i i st rc to r; ' G a j 2 , "Voi'.rl- is Hr.iJKp.Y CIVl'.X THAT x hy virtsje of r.-i or r ru-p. a;. 1 -r.t r. t of rejoi.i, in the la utter ef tli" e-t of Ji."i:i (. ami I!, nf th" .J.-.i.';ary t.-rm. 1 v7'i. f tin., iion. ( (ejrey ..!:: ( Ja-.-Uaiaas eouufy, iate of Ui.e-u-oa, I "all s'-li at p !.be aa-'tion, oti Saturday, the fCf-d dny of IYTi., lit tJie C'ottrt K.m-'t (e.;- ir in (; . :'. ( 'i:.y, t ::(rka m is cwiiity, Or-'j'm, ar i he !i -J 1 o'e,.:-, ri. !r'., Iiie ti'!i:r di-M-i-e 1 t -:..t ol ! :'.:, to-wit : i.ot Ililtali-e! I s; e i.i I,ji ;i l;e ;::t ., j 0d m i 11 Ol ;:( !l (.'i-y.rU.''i.iuuii ctt-iiya ). ..ei, l'.,:ea-!i ia hand, in t'oll coin. V. ,'. p, ft K, Administrator of t'i.. - at ? ef Kja-ii;nlw Jrl.n (J. a-.oi-! e".!. Uofco. LT, r V mi ii LTi PEIISHNS IV!I IJTE!) TO THE J. cr-: g'n. eit.'n-r on-; uceo :nt, are r.-ijlte ted to Ca 1 ;t:i sime. I .vant my aec-na ds cf se New Year, and need what is due inter, sti d will please take notice d settle t'.e d up to the me. Tfo) c of this fact and not cliI.iv. J;iXMYE::s Oregon City, .Tan. Id, 1 -. 7G.w t i "a ,-i -.. r - f Otlice In the Post ol" LE(. AL TENDERS. ( LACE AM AS COUN TY l)!: 'EES. and OREt.N CITY" OtlDEii.S EDE'llll A.NOSOid). I.ia: s iie -ti.ited, Coticelious utt-uded to, arid a CeiKlal Divkeiaae laisiuess carried on. jan y.i' IS.sf ED EVERY" YVIiEIv. An invaluable Journal for raimers, Morcli iiiits. M iiiufactnri is. ONLY" ? '1 ot a Year. Send for sample Copies 10 COL. JAS. R. FARRIS.1I. janStnl Portland, O.a gon. ll. VkllV.'. j is j.: C LACK AM A u fVed t 1 will l.e t, AS lOL'NTV WARRAN TS for i .ti-test t.rtor to M.ivd'jth. ! ... itr 0.110 011 o reseii ia . 1 i on tile loanty I 1 easur, r's oilic Interest will cea-e tiom this d ite. Oregon City, Jiec. -7th. I72. ? T.J. Mcr AiiVEIr, Treasurer. VOID QUACKS A rictim f o. it !v in JlX. dt.wre:i 11. , u-:-ie. 'rr-r-o'ls d-'tRit'v, Immature .ie'-ay. Ac. iiTvin' tried in -Vain ewrya.ii-f.Sf.J ''emed y. '.a, a sinfide 01 -.11 cure, woich to- end ft ee to his le.iow s; Hereis. ' riss .1. FI KHATS 7s Nassau St.. New Yr.rV Sept. Irly o G ce Ruilding CHANGS 0? PHGGRALILIE ! ORDER TO CLOSE OUT TIIT X bra aucu cf my btisine I will s-cll Toys andTancy Goods, At Less tliuu 1Vliolfulc C:t I'rlcea! 1 have the l.'r0-:it ai:d lest stock of q CLOTHLVO, HOOTS, SHOES, HATS, JLlte. o . And other good.-, n t..w city, xtV.h I will alsi iL-!l C II A i: i V O II V X H 11 Call and examiue nty stoti. aud prices. and save your usouey. A. LEV T. Orrcon O tr, Nt. 23, 1 WANTED AGENTS Till: Di -it,) Vr KKll FoSQff rr r 7 kJJ iO' W J l-j a IZ, i Dr. Li LV(;S1 OXE d.V A Ft: I. A. The Adv I! nres of a nr t A U e;itaro-:s Life. The S!.ml.,y-I.iuH.,ta? Ex.-t!itkn t- Afltca. Lal-'e e t iV;: V:.!;ia.'. jast i-:si:e-1. Contair.s In-- id. ns at the W-.i-di i t'-il l ;i'm of the great Travt Ser.the; , AinmaN, I ,ativ., llni.iMisf, etc. J t. I acea.ait of this most, interest. tig part ! t:e gL-o.. Also lo f t i I our new we i r. 6 i - -J AND .MEDICAL tO.M.V ) X N i: ? O com pel tt em. 1 bel'3 I .ever Was a book .full part iculai's by lua.l. pu'dished like it. State ho:.k wanted A. L.'tSr.croft i Co,, ln 1 'rauv. isco, Cl. i- GHEOilOS, "Cini.o Ix M:.-i i:i:.f, ' "Gjou "uumnc," 'tii.iwj Flov.-.k.:," mu! o'.-r Fi.rr.viii'S,'' with foe rtrCTRio Uianiv a:.d NVl 1 KLY CltUl.VflAN SAT A'oLi lvCol:idlib.'ed), tor i ' '1 he-e Ciii'otu- s me a! -out the hize of Wide Awake.and Fast Asleep " S it-ei s f ru- isbeii at ( nee v. ith ctlu-ir Chf..l:ios. A C E n T s can make ia-iter terms 1 With u- than v. :!:i any u other pi.bli.iU'.rs. . ' ., JL Y. ADAMS 27 i'.eckno.n st r c e t , N . V . i:'j u'iv m 2. City pcrty iliL Lhi. liL.M l.ut I i.lh.W Li i.l ii'ihiTV ix on citv. Con.'ist:n:; of ; i e.vediiu', u .t i. v H'U I.OT-- C.IOI) a r.; ..i : (1 -o ! )r- card ; ;i i-t ;-.n u: in :roo i lvl' 1'e-i We. I '! ; ail ..!.-.: in the mo -t si ' l.t s .1 to city ; Title I I.V a- .1 he..'.:; V 1 petie'-t ; I.;.:- i i..r sa.o c.iea;.. tjein ui'in rolls nt l-ea i. t'e. e;t v. t or pui licLl :i s .nr.. ot i:fc:::: : t 'i i i s Oregon C'ity, (let. i. A FOF. EST. ( 'liarniau' tjlorc. Grocer & Trovlslan Dealer, N'cxt door south of t'ie Court House, Main Rrcc, Oregon t'fty, rff)n, DEALER IN O COFFEE. TEA , SCOAU, FI Of I'. AND Mi.-Yl.of all kinds, PICKLES. SO i SALT, CANNE! t EE ITS a:id OYSTERS, e Also, t,:i kbids ,.f Fresli Fruits c.zii Veo-etables. BUTTER. OHEE-E and EO'l. TOACC arid ClOAKS, (i LASS. ,V A UK, Etc., Etc. All kinds of Proeitce taken m ex chanire 1 u- ? its at he bij;ie.t niai Ket rites. I '?'''''' O'.ls dtbveted-in the city tree of c f-e. A fair ot patiou'agu solicited. MarcS 23, 1 .72:if tt i C (.; -t e-.-r,--, -1 1 vF JACKS NViET.T HAS PIS . d of tee COVElt I xh a -t ''I'd a r.-riR .! c, c. fi. n .-io n.inii. wtii-cli c.DT.-i ni;.. i s hi o-iiuy. ;-. t! i 'i r Ve.etald- I.t.rrc d.e-.ts. which has ea t'. led i;i n li iui-nisti the iitiiiet el with r p..r.-!y I'egctabie a perfectly harmless, ;ni ! let l'.i ; Tin ?.lo.s! Fo'v.'ri.:! Ln? Ecmrdy , ever ttiscovercl. It is g-j-cd fir CcuIis, Colds, Cr-np and Zrcncliiti3 Ar.d is an iiVi ij iil.ii4.i;Jiili' . Ebcd FuriSj.-, Invfgsrator and Ap petizer, And is nof.d f.,r ai! No: v.-n' a id Bilious nils. .! 111- b-tf. is r.ii -ht le adduced to s'..-v I whit the 'meiluvne l.a- ... lie 1 it n-.c ssaiy) but try a bottle, and it will ruoimiicml its It whe.-evr r il i-intrn luce 1. 3 For sale ut iter Orej-m C-:v Drn store. a!d !l s i i mc I cin'c. M"'l'a -v iJavi, Aj..r,!s, Poitlarei, Oregon. Pi-cpar-e.l bv V,. H. PARE.-R. ni-. jW. Ia;'.cpc::-'.enc- 1 ) :; on. O.' lV ' v - Vi.ii wiju No. ft 7 Saxsoue .SriiEcr. T & CO. San Francisco. HAVE Til PLEASUIin OF AN'NOE N" inj t ti:.! je..l,':e. that i. living raised sin. li humciisc (ptirti'ies et' Se. i!.i icis v. ar, in their t' no t-.n-i i;). .- , (ia: dens. Alataeda. tin y ars ena'n'.cd U niaUe a rcdn ti 'ii of 4-f j-r cent. n la t yew, prices, i'e-y have on h lare assji-tm. nt Rii.. Clover, Canary, llc'.ip mil i-.ll kin-Is of Vece' and rpa vi r S cds, of everv known descrip tion. Also, C;.b!ji.g; plants of every des ci iption. ' decJ );ii2 C '.-1 o ' j .-f to MET A LIC TIPPED SHOES and when they have once had the thev crv for thc:n arain. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, 0 O o G 07 AMD SHOE HOUS I m AIT IlIHEllZZ: ST0CH AS USUAL. o GCORCE A.- PEASE, '"CCCCSSOa TO IT.0TZM.lN-, G1LLIUAX A CO. G to::. Fir st a::okw$ox st., PORT L N D . O nov22tf NEW GOODS. 0?1 T!!!t?D STREET, Ifdivica Al.lcr nd Ilorvisou Stets. 11om;tif t'!tor, Fin- I:U JtHoi;i I.l li i , T:tJ;' uttil Iaidin I u uuiks, Tow is uii;l t iiuti Itlat V Slli Foj). I i nn, Hint K l;u-n "iim-iiiUi; t .nxls, 1 in y. j:, e it S lit.4 EXToIXLSS rOPw SALS ! rAVILL Nr.T.T. STOCK Al) GOOD tviH of btisinesi (the oidjs.t Ket .ii Rusi. n. ss in ,t ,e 1 1 XT ERE-s,, citv), and Rent SVOlli AND for a teitu of years ut a low O JO WILSON, TI1II1D Vi'HIIET.SlJVTilOS" ALDKU P O Ti T L A N D , novj-.'ui'j OREGON o TT H "R.T CI TT TT m rn T Ti J-a. KJ i r J. Aj U 11 U Id Jj IUIT.0VED LOCK STITCH TIi2 Hard, rraeliiial find EC0II02IICAL IiIACKIKE IN U3E- Miles Exceed all niiiiTs 0:1 ihi XcrlJi Cmt. 'PIIEY SEW MORE RAPIDLY AND JL with less n -tse than any ether Machine. The only pra-ctica! low priced Machine that ;.i is e.iti: c nati.-faetioii. q i rz What other Agents don't tell von about the L'.i PROVED lldil E Sit E TILE ilA CJ 1 1 1 : : i7. V .! .,'( t-ll von tlicy are the simple- 1, hj-.:.i.r less n iiohe.-id piie s, u:id more t-i-feiily under-tood li.nti aiiy t Tiiat tiny iti-e the lij.d.Kit riiiiniiig ; more e.uiry le.'.riie.l ami tipe. .ited 'i.i d n.ure IhlMil SilL'TTLEs are sent out t'roiii li.e (.teller. 1 Agency ut I'oitlanJ, than all the! c i.nn d. li.. ( .(,;, 1 hey saw tonally as Cti l.e.i. v alid iiei.t (!:,. . in ; .i, !t i -.(.'. j ii it they use the pat ents oi' ihe hi;di pr.ctd m.icii lies. Thfj u -t.'t : i: I hat it has tho straight ne--".! e and a.d.'-ad'u.-t-inr t-ti:iliu- Y; de v. hj have used them t,d eon led them tj othei iiachiues will .-il you : That they ars more eai learned and op- t ruled ; Sin,p!e-t und la-.-f 'for all kinds ot work, und will i; -e Linen and all other kinds of threads and silks. r, A few of th' n tmes are given below who are usini: the lill'RuVED 11J.ME SHUTTLE ki:F!:t!::.CKS. C.en. P. 11, Portland; ('. S. Silvers, Purti.iiid; Wm. Masters. Portl.oi.1: ('. Pri, idle, i.'o .kke. p.r for Leveridgo, V adii ok tV Co. M ss L. Vauchn, Portland. Mrs. J. 15. I i t 'll, East Portland; . Mrs. S. A. Moid mi. Porlland; Mrs. J. S. t.'i.urei,, Oivoti ,'ity. M.chine.s loia-arde.l to any address, with lt.ll diftcti iii lor usiiiir, on receipt of price. NO. i, tf ;:;; no. 2, r.. C! O. V. TR AVER,, (iniv's Music Store, Teliows' Fen jde, General A-eut, First street, dccluiJ l'ortiand. JTVV. I) LET LIVE! in i 0i THE OFilGCX CITV I!lKodD BEAT CO. o -rXAVINfl WINO- PURCHASED The J 1 I, vet v St -i k and Rti-dm.-ss ol less-s. WlJ.t.fs A RrtoroVTox, . (, i (!.. Oimvs. Hot res and lol-IIH Ss I t V., tlKKSXi.iN, are now pi. pared to carry oa i.ivi:iivit'. g Kt:i:n si'AiH.K, A .1 : IJH ITI.Mi. VTe Trill also deliver .'.!:) woo 1 to .ill those persons to m h en Willis A hav :-.t. t a: niiny as in e.iu . I s'.t!. wood from us, "so fcr as we can get a sujo-.iv. Or.ieis left nt the Liverv Stable for Wood, Dr.ivinu or H i din-yw !l be att. -tided to i,.' iteli. Put ( ii:ce in oer sevt rat brandu s i f 'basin.. soiicted. Oar CIimis- tic- ? t 1 1 t The IDi-hcsr Ca h Pries poiJ for Cats dc!ive:-( d at the St di'e. C. N. t; KEEN. MAN, P.esident, J. M. F Ii A Z E It, Secret ary. t?f :). C. IE Jt D. Co. Crcgoa City, Au-. 'j:l, 1 -72. tf. FALL AHD WIHTEH G0003 JUST RECEIVED AT DLALLIt IS DRY G00D., CLOTHING, ROOTS AND FII0ES, HARDWATcE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &C. 5lAIX STREET, OREGON CITY. rEOr.UCE r.f all kin Is boutLt. Lr which I pu- ttie hihst market ptice. If tou drire ro;d Goods, at LOW Prices, call lit I. e-ELEIN'FS, au-J examine his fresh snick of Spr rg Ooods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. M r V -tto b, QUICK SALES AND S.M A LL PRO FITS. I. SFLLING. Apr'. I 1 7I:tf PAG.FJO . N. o o o JUST HECEIVED BT o CHASLES M. o o o T I1A E JCST RECEIVED A XCW JL consisting in part of Y O FANCY XAD1ES' AXD CIIILDIIENS' o Orccerles, Crockery, c.,c-: All of which I will sell at the LOWEST RATES. Give me a call before rurchasinsr elaa- where, and cpnvince youielvt8 that 1 CAN a:.d WILL SELL as ubeap as the chupt. CIIAS. 11. CAi; FIELD, CORNER MALN AND SEVENTH bTREETS, OREGON CITY. , 0 THOMAS CHAEMAN ESTAUL1SI1CD - - - 1S33 DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS f Oi 1-5011 C'ny, and the Willamette .ifly, thiit l e is siil on hand, and doiu husi.,t-ss on the old motto, that 'AMrau Mi-l't tn v is littttr tliuat a blow SUitlitm." I l.av just returned from San Franciseo, where I puiehased ol.e of the jtAHGilST and m.ST SELECTED O Stock of Coodr. ever before oiicred iu this ciiy; aad tousuts in pan, as follows : Ecois & Shcts, Clotliing-, Dry Coeds, Ilrtt; & Caps, Hciioiy of every Description, Hardware, Gro csries, Tiints & Oils, Sasli & Doors. Que eris vrare, Crockery, Glassware. Chinaware, Ctonc-ware, Flatedware, Jewelry0 cf vaiions qualities & st jlos, Clocks &V7atcIics La dies & Gentler-den's Furn iihing' Goods, Fancy IJoticns ef every deseripticn.Fatent Hed-icine-, Hope, Farming Implements cf all kinds, Carpets, llattings, G Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of (he above list, I .can sr.v my stock is the alU.-.l l O.M I LK f E ever oil. red in this mar ket, and was stecte.) with rirt'iul'iirtlbr tiki uiuikit. Ml of which I now oiler for sale at tinjJ q Lowest Market nates. No use for the ladies, or any one else, lo hiuk of foil's; f, Portland to buv iroods for am DE'I KltJi I NED TO SELL CHEAP and not allow iiiyst'lt to La LXLEKSOLD I. THE STATE OF OREGON All I ask, is a fair and quick pav ments. Relieving, as I do, that nineteen Vl'Ilffi' lYIll I...'.... 1 I ll-n.nn Z1... r.r.1.1.... ... Tt know iiie leinrements nf the "trade. Come 1. ne and all, and see for vourselTes that the eld staud cf - 'J Thomas charman o cannot be beat in quality or price. It would be tise'tss for me to tell you all the advan tages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store lloit advertises d rs 1 hut, und proe:ih!y Ton have lieera di.-appointetl. All I wrsn to say is, come and see and examine for yourselves, for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object li to tell all mv old (i ieiuls now that I am slid fclive, and desir ous to sell (foods cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed ii.on. , Thanking all for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. TIIOS. CHARMAN, Main street, Oregon City. J7"Lcgal Tenders and County Script taken at market rates. o TIIOS. CHARM AN. 3 ri"0,000 lbs wool wanted bv TIIOS. CI1ARMAN. G O O FT " 7 GOODS AT THK l r: gi e l hb a k e n y. VSLLIAMS & HARDIKG, H E J EST OPENED A FELL VARIE tv of. choice FAMILY GROCERIES, o AND PROVISIONS. T e Rakc-ry will be .constantly supplied with fresh DREAD, f'R CKEI:S, CAKES. PASTRY, G CANDIEs AND NUT.S. All of which wi'l be sr.ld at living rutoa Remember that we do n it sell goods at co-t. ' O Also, ' bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the fa-mine trne we wonld sav, CASH f r ton. produce, nnd CASH tor onr poods. (Jootis ileliveiod to all paitd ot the citv. Feb, l'J, If 72:tf GREAT EEDUOTIOF ! S. ACKERIIAn &CG. OFFER THEIR ENTIRE STOCK AT REDUGEO Prices until January 1, 1373 CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. o We mean what we s-iy. nrd we propose t cive the people of O'C-on City anrt Clacka mas county an opportunity to purchase their jroods at a It s price than txeT before oflered in this city, which will only last until nex January. Our stock is complete in every j respect. Give us a Cull Ikforc Icyis; Elsewhere. O I REMEMEER T.r,E OLD STAND OF S- ACKEP.3IAS i CO. llaia street, cecond door soutli orthe,.Pc?r(.lII?e. GOODS, 1T1 CAITF1ELD. o AND 'WELL SELECTED &TOCK"OF GOODa, GOOI3S, CP SHO CGKFECTIOTJERY EALCCN ! Fresh -Oysters ! ! l.OUIS S.VAL, - - - ProprUlor- r Corner of Foutth anil JIaiu Struct. 17 RES II OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY style desired. Coultctiouery of every Kind eonstantly on hand. I manufacture all myowr. s'ock, which ii suriicient guarantee tbafit is fresicand pur. Call if want of a good cup of coKtr, tin,, or liooilai-, or anything iu my line. Oregon City, September li, lsT2:lf SHADES SALOOINS, CP A. HAAS, Proprietor Ilain Street, Cregon Cityv o o Besi ' r.II.LlAlll) TABLES in 012 EG OX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor iu vites the attention of the lovers of thia popular amusement to thtiu T II K B A Ji 1 S S VP VIA Eli With all the choicest qualities of Liquors an Cigars- Scotch, Irish and llouibun alread famous W hiskies and Punch. Atso, a xocl SHOOTIFG GALLERY Is ci nnected w ith the Saloon. OrcMii City, Jan. 1, lsT'Jitf F.EAL FSTATE, REAL ESTATE- o JACOB STITZEL, C. C.TJT, JAC0i STITZEL & CO., SUCCEKSOnif'TO STITZEL & LTTOX., REAL ESTATE o X V 9 Cor. Front mid "Vni.liint;ton Sts.T P O R T L X N D . O R E G OX;- Special attention given, to the sale ol farm ing lands and city property. All corres pondence relating to the recources tf Ore gon will be promptly auswtredr REAL ESTATE JOURISTAL Published monthly any address. Sent free ef charge to- - JACOB STITZEL & CO. March la,TS7S:tf RESTAURIAM o FOR SAIilE ! OWING TO THE CONTINUED ILL ness of the Proprietor. Leon DeLotey,. the Rarnum Resturant is nflV-red for sale. To any one wishing to engage iu this busiucss.- a bargain is oflered. I.KON DeLOUEY. Oregon City, Oct. 19, 1S72. AND T XX X5 -E T DR. KUFE LA N D'S CELEBRATED o SWISS o STOMACH BITTERS The First and most healthful Tonic ever introduced in the United etate These Bitters fiv i"been in the San Fran cisco Mai kft .for over 1 tv nty Vfnm, and notwithstanding the many new candidate for public favor, tha sales have constantly :rcre.ised. TA 1 Ml It & BEX ....... .-me ipenis, Mini an.t ill mix- t i J TT" TS 9 C I a 4 San Francisco. The standard reipedy for C'caplm, Infln rnzu, ,Vr,re Tlttfi-W 'hr,fjt',t.g. Coup ft Craip, I.ivt-r Cvrnj'lairit, Er'clntir, Bleeding fifth Eunpx, una every atlec tion of the Tbioat, Lnnirs find Chest, including Constjiption. AVIntar's Italsan of Wild Clrry doesnt trlry up a Couch, fcet loosens t, cleanses the lut !;s, and allavs irritation, thus rtmr-vitig the caue of the complaint. None Pennine nr. less siKnpd I. I'.tTTs. Prepared by St.Tit W. Fowle So.vs, Loston. Sold by KEMXfiTOx. HosTtTTEa & Co., San Francisco, aed by dealer generally. ITOH SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO FELL bis property Oregon Ctjwill sell at a bargain, to a rood purchaser. Also 4 towrT) lots in Canemab, with good fence around. Also 2 town lots in lower end of Oregon City; also 150 cf land known as the dona tion lat a cia m of V. m. Stone, 8 miles southeast of Oregon (Ci'y, with tome im provements, thinly tiuibered, no under' growth, cood lasting water 2Tl:,q.uire at County Clerks office. J.I. FRAZEB. Oi'esrfn City, May 6th, 1E72. vf-B?3 O JSL n r rr tattT TTV PAT . T TenPNTA.