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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1873)
o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o 83 i 1 " G OFFICIAL PATEi: OFCUCKOIAS COl'SIT. PRECOX CITY. (IIIEUO.V. J.l. 21, 1S73. Nigger Indolence. Last fill! ft grand revival tctok place at Washington and Georp-f.. town arni:i t lie niters at which m.i'iy of'llie children liecarne "good niiruors.' .Alter llipv liaa become "rclii-ioiis " thev refused to siii'i- ! ' nil secular songs jn the public schools and the nigger preachers made the following protest to the Hoard of j Dire dors : Wi!k::kas. the colored public schools of IVushiniffon and (Jcorp'iowi are s ti Jjc t -ed to an oligarchical rule. find made tlie means by which the ungodly violate the consciences of thoir pupils and the law of the I r 1 1 church; and rnKV.KS- some ungodly teachers in Washi-ijMoii h ivi' maltreated and directly or ind.'icctly expelled rcligi-jtis. pupils be cause they would led vid:tte their con-fcIou-cs and the rale? of their church bv M'tn 'a'" sni'is in school? :i!itl Viu-.;:i-:.s the f: -tf rs anions the colored r"' o Washington anl (Jroipi-tinvn have, as an nig-tfii.eil bod v. most solemn ly protested, ugairisf this wicked coutse of s i I t.Mcla-r.s who are u!ained by super intendent and trustees; and in:;i: vs the pa.-Qors have received no fc-at'ts! ic'ery reply. but h;ive been regarded tis tli.- ignorant .subjects of slavery lor cn- toritirr suc! a pro-.e-l; (to re!jr" be it '!.... .. ....... .;,,,r ,.r ii-.. i' relixi.i part oi :!; :i:nuiid'ie. of Wa-h-i:irttj ;:r,d ; eo: z' 'ir "' I.eM on Tf-Jr. day. .1; 11 1 .iy 1. l:-7:. at 7 o'clock p in in i-r.i ! chiir'eh Ur Hffj purt'ose o cot r' ct iri ii i- i:r-fjoi!y coiii.ivh l.i.-h. llfiTebnked, h is ii :. rii!.-::c v l eiiila; r Hie liin!a!n.-n . . ... ... -. . . t u pnnciide.- anu a.ivce th" j..':eicie-il seicrnients of t!;e present age: and be ;t. .'.. '.-... Th-f it s our -bojir.ti.Ti dttfv" to pr.i v i " i -1 r thf bill before Congress to i:ieea-" fjie bo.ird of ll'iislees for Slid s.-hooS t. ni.-ie be p. i-s(vt. and that i.J:e lo:trd l.e eoinj'-o-eil ot nn-ti whose motto si. ii. be; 'ne religion of our Lord Jesus Cinl-t .!.'! l;!..' h:g!.e.-i degree of friieileet n. d training for she li-Itig genTa:ion.'? Ji(;;:i this a hssun may well be drawn in exemplification of" civil rights, u hicV h.-it; so mneh attracted the attention, ability and votes of! lladical stati suu-n. The lesson may be slated mathematicall, thus: If the negro race has advanced in so short a time from their former po s:tion as to di-cover great sin, and iiui.ior.iliiy in (he singingin com mon 'i::y s'iools. of secular mti.-ic, how long will it take them to attain t that j-oiiit of intelligence when toev will be able and assume the .i oe able and assume I tie r.i ,.,.!, 4.n """'f "UUT(LmtV may belong. Tt is truly leto see these niggers put in this matter, vet vervdis- . The comnumchools in 1 rid,! to white; lau-hab! on airs g-r.-li!!Lr. AVushingtun, both for tluc whites ani hoicks, are conducted j.recisely on the same plan under the same regulations and Vupeiinteiidency, on!- they are kejt scp:rale. Tiio ehildieii of the white professors of religion are taught the same secu lar music, out of the same publica tions, under the same supei intcn dency, and probably haver never tho j-ht of any wronur or immorali ;o, it these sable j ly in the yystefn. !ut toustiiel iianirhtcrs ot Alnc:i mil up the- white of their I,olyycs,antl protest against the "ungodly teaeh- 1 rs,r Washhton City." Vcods and little tUhvtl.: what is the next Mep? Here is the climax of civil ! ,.- 1 1 ., , mglit.- ;;ud we suppose tlie w hole . , . 11 ! J.a..ica, party wid he con vulsetl if t .- i - . ?: 1 ''". -rs il..!i i fV-tf tbior ir.ini :iere is the climax of civil ! toi.-e n 1 hirers oon't gel their whim ! ceded ro. J'nt this time it is not I the libels or I etnocrats who stand in their way, Lut the loyal Kepul- licaus, an.l they treat their protest with sarcasam aud ridicule. There n ih he no end to the impudence of f? these niggers, and where tlrcy have iho junver, even now, they attcinpti to dietate to the whites. I)it lie Own IPo t'utiiitv C.-urt? Let (ls Ilaie Light. wo .wec.-cs aero we rek-rrcl ! " ! soniew.iat seL?t ly t thi'.toiiise ()l"j a ceitam liiuiVbhial 111 this Iace in ; tMibipinir no law-suits a-ainst. tlie i Lock Cum, -any, ami otherwise hai- ras-iii theia for his iinliv'bltial ! rani ' "Kl 1,1:11 l,!nc laets have , v 01.10 to our hnowiciltre wliicli ; cither s.e.w taat tins nelivulual was i-it her tne ii-aHer nt art-.liijtee whu had made ii their minds to 14'ie lihuhniail the I.ock Cinpanv, or that he hail or claimed tp.iduo hi- . - - 1ti.:oV nil h II. . V s-y ..... . ..v. 1 oia i vciilU) C.-trrt. When the (onu,.inv i.eti- c . , . . ; i . 1 t 1 i - , , ii v i4iv iciu auaii-iotiei tHUl llie G ( ) O V 1 1. uied to haveMhat road changed, i tti session, li so. he uiil pn.Wb'v te ,i-n 1 cedar bttckei. and there is tv, com ; ,rM-i, ,s ((t i,;..'-,.' , o'w'"i ,)';, ' 'i,;V":i''" tv. dated the 1 iustant. says -the weath tl,i ,.,-s.,,, ,....k a very ..Oivo j.,a ! S;.. l'-"Z,V lil I V.- ".. ' P "ri .ij A" Swtk r.s,,-r, " " " . . -. r. .lo'l ti- ..if ' -. '. . . . 1 ' J 1 ' ... X a.') t. ifom leid .Nireet. V.-ssi s S and .-am T.roriose to enn to uet no a remoastniice U.uv - e..ui,.-;. n n till 1 l 7 ." . it j hi Kitis. w.e!i tubs i.y tie I., st. wp.i.-r ; l:iK ' " have the foliowirg ucconnt ol pre cee. , - al ' hlWv,nu-n the M-eta-sod chan-e. Xearlv all t " "" " V " l'- "v- 1 - " -; M i:iu u' "' Do'.!; county, into a Uiunng mill, ui au I . ' .. -ll ; h-w. "Ou. ever l!it..s..- .Vo. W ' I and sabsladton I- pmiit-nl. la Ims , ? .. ., c. a V : . earlrdav. llu)so who were dircctlv interested 1 Now ve wco-'d m t ,C, ,mi j branca oi l;o:ae industry we see muca j - - , - ' - ''v Th Ibnrl eMled o'lesttor.s. long peml- I i ,b, r 1 .,..,1 v,!,o b 1 ,.v i, especially , to Hirer., a liberal imp on by , Jvurr.a! J.- l;-7:i w in be i.ierea,,,! ta tjo '7, !;so c!,tt,.v. in relation to An Au.trhn. turned X. G ig'ielmovie ' C ' v....v. iiroiest airaint anv mcni h,.r ,fti,n i intener u.-ai.-rs. .iti.i there is i;o Mues:i..ii frora t-. -?s; i:;r.. (i,.t,trt ,..,. ... 1 ,....t,. ...., 1:r contes'anis. m 1 was arreitei at Jnc-Ksonvilli- on the 1.' it s: 1 r 1 10. 1 1 1 . ,1 ,, .f i I , , 1 P . 1 ,.1 1 .1 ,, , .. ' , r e . " '"-"'"l tin- ivmon- far as vvc have IratHl ami ,'b rtBM m -'- fctLrf . v.pU x. &tVt '"'-, r not '"' .-"'vavW i"- not like lo sic .U ,.1.,.. i:'!vl .:, i smM w U-M "1 c?r?a;;" ,L lHaa. iw. o....r,,y t v.. 1 r ,,, i i . i . I "ta Midi I Ht of, K-bruary, to take into con.-.;.lera- J n Ules.ed. iHlt hue this Was "Oilier -mv Cdlier Iladieil . iPrv.wrr, 1 ,r,dv-nnnv. on,t!ee ell gentleman irm?e a l tt.r - Clnb'fer ihe".iirpo.-e of building a ware tXsq., Atlorijcv-atsLaw, has remov- tothe IVvsident of Lock Com nan v Gooy Anv,!xT--i:Nr.-Gov. Grover has -I ." f-r storb g gr.,t:i. anl a!o to pro- j ed his otace to Pierced. At pres- i t t i , ' appelated lr. . r. Alexird- or , T vide tur sbtj-f mg their producs iv m.u kr?. : p. il0 p,,i.l "t th" Fl 111 ulach he proposal suhstantiall v V,aU. a- one of t' e ,ate r 'M .'" ' he J-.-,..' e':rtr ctmtnoiicts the sta'e-i 1 .! :'V 1 -s follows- ' 7f Vlv, WP1 , .v,- ! r ' 5 . aU Vv"-Un,qual- mt.!lt c. IV Lockwood is dcr.d The ; Capil.Hl Hotel. (. . " " 'CV,VT- reigned. hit uews from l,u a; Detroit. v.-:,s i0 tho We take the above from tho ti.e sum 01 'lo,0(,0 (more thaiuth.e rhts is a good apoiatiet. a. l!l0 ioc;i. ! fleet that he was impiovirg. wiih some c. . ... r, , -r,. -j,.-:,. .... . . . . .1, . . L... .(T I .;- I .V 1 I . .! L iVlll" ..!...t. I mi. ( it.. i. i 1 "11 t is n n ractical n n -n.i i. . . I ;:uie ol Lis recover!.".: i s iimii h.-n i .. i uiion., ... . . . . . . . 1 j .1 1 1 1 1 v n vv en . 11 1 x Wl U - - - - - one cstaLlicd on the hill." He did not ask the Company to make the j road on Ihc hill, but would have ! the old one abandoned fur the mod est sum of ten thousand dollars! ! . Oh, what a berried Company not to aeecpt this magnanimous propo sition ! Bat ,ve ask,Gby what au thority did this venerable old man .si(),0()o spccuiatiou with the lormer Countv Court or else he presumed j - - n m-(,,t. ,1. nt. his inflnot.f... nvpr i them. Uut the seouel shows that 0 the Company did not iy the :M0,- 000, and the road was not establish- ,r'h ! ed. This would indicate as though . i-i 11 i there was a ucat in the meal batr. ... , , e call upon the oM boaru to ex- , . ,, . ,. 1 . 1 i j-lam tins matter to the 1 eop.'e, arid ; - fi so bv what authority James u. Moore i.roi.osetl to vacate tlie road i !iti.1N!.,l,ni..lini.lic.l ..n t!.ei.av. ! t ,.,..., io,,o,, in, wr-,i,t chanre the road, it was ri-hl lor ' men me i to - . . - - I th(, olirt t(y(0 without further ! ... .. 1 c( .usideiat ion t han the pay mint of ! actual exjienses an;l damages sus tained. There is a dark" history to this mail httsiness, raid we propose to follow it ftp until we get at the bottom of the matter. Doctcis. ill Oilier. The Ore yon hut and Jhdh.lht are engaged in a very nice little qu ar fa between themselves, an! St il appears to "e an exclusive iamny affair, we do not propose to take anv stock in the phasant combat. ,," , , , t j,ut the luliuwing shows that even loyal men may differ." The Jlxlu.ttn ot the 20th' has a corres- , . , liondence from here, v.hich savs: 1 ' '-Vottr jut arraiirnment of the Oreyonhui for' its recent coalition i. .i i . :' i. t uu" i;u- i;cmociae i a-u ir, ike-1 publicans here to be wt 1! dterved. j J5ut vou appear to have forgotten onc. hinir.1 l u vou remember that tho Unynnhn,; onb rto further thWseheme, insistel that the law- fully elecie-1 Kepubiivans from this (Clackamas) county should be de ptived ot their seals, and J)emo eratie contestants (wlio bal no shadow of tight, but who could be relied on for the coalition), should be installed ? Had this bet 11 done, in obedience to the (Jn ;on '" V demand, the whole scheme would have been successlul. The combi nation on which so much labor was expended would have accomplish ed the object aimed at: Clackamas county would have been 'outraged, ;uul lht. , ,,1..,, l.,1Ity v,uli!a liaVc been broken ui." In ivmIv to this, the Oniu!a:t of the -d has the lollowin iVon, ! a corrcspon.lcnt, also t,f th citv : j ''If vou kiu'W how'peoiile ojt-ner- ! ally ivir.I the course of li.e Jin!!- oi-M-eUino; -to get uiicUisctnt ; i:itn get ttpcUisctnl in the Uepuhlican o.ntv forcthe ..' . .. . 1 ,- pnrj'ose ot ui atil v:ulj -the pn :ilt roVen-e of its editor, yo-.Cwouid t.xt t : I . i . I - ...11- .1111- iti,.T.too. to p;iity hu-cthe : lid nut, I think, pay any attention t its snapping and snariing. Tt ne liepuhiicaus of this countv, so far as 1 can learn4 and I think I have as good; oppoi L'luities to know as anv one, are almost unanimous in. deinHuiciug the conduct of the .Hull-tin in this matte? as unjust, nut ruthful, and well calculated to injure the Kepuhiican party. The common idea here seems to he that you shouhl not pay more attention j to the JiulU tin than to any other j I common scold. , I do not want you j to think that I want to dictate how i Vol! shall !ii:iii:eu veil l r l ii .o r lillt. I i 1 t ... i ... . .1 t--... . :.. .1.:- ivejuuiii':ui 111 ii" 1 vicinity tliink the accusations ot" I t,K; -''o' ( ar" neeil u reiutat ion, ,UH-nL !,liy coiiieui a irom g!',,,., L a:,., - , 1... e. .?t t 1 1 . . t ii. l V. 11 1 i I L I J v i 'I iU V I ,., m the of last tfon- ,l:iV written iVom MeMiim ville. un.rsi-iie.l 'Yamhill A l'eiuioo hns b.a'u circiihee.! in this county a-UeS Ueitri . it. tlhi i :.-.,n. ot Ami ly. be appointed to"" succeed I:i r,rv Var-l.-tl. 11S ib-ceiver ill the t.!. "oa , fuv I "id ' oamm is a p.-pni tr man m tms ! Ciuey. m.d has beenOa -rood; so , ... . " j tnai ;tie ie;ttii received loll lew -it.eis. ",,,u"11" Mr- s-vs the place was " o-j.'; vi t vvrv l...t L-nrt..- ...... , . v i'vvrtftaof'ur ' U1 Ult i con, o o Q.-J make this j.roj.ositiou ? Had he : n ,li,;V i T V ,1 Unilroad ? Juvt whv it ! b V - arr'V'd : tie-, und-r Ue law. of the United States. eonsukedCthc Court in regard to ! .?ml in,ll-V h" is th, indnltrc-s i ihU frorm (;. c" -ad ?,y Comnassioner Chadwick. and the matter and vet- tl cvVill 1 " l T'" 1" ' Ut h"' 1li!! V " fcWrV.on I concurred in by the fall Ird : ematei,a,,l t, k tl.y n dbng . s;im 0l lateen l.u.,.lml uuhats tor ; wo (.;!linot' 1Nrt.m. h IU,t cet- I ,.ke .!,.- Here at oclock IW act of Cnw. adrehti the Sfe m ii.ui to n;:iKe mis fOttrotrs ami , tnc mem ot ; men eu arsa : be aware that until the next W '" - a:y'- r.,m we learn Dr Ore-en !nr0 the fmn. approved F, b- uuci.u oner; 1 ue ieiter is posiuvo. ' l" " l'" " ciisu:iir on,MVSjjt ,e i-ortv-i hml Moic n kh,! i , r 7 : i rr - a' ' r " tt . , i 1-niettc IV s C-mal .; Lock Com- 1 t iT "t, . wm . ,J 1 1 bi' i"'"'!- wrte submittal to the people of this Siate for V:u'4U,U"U rUU liJV"'l :in ! a-irr.:, firmly by these prints, a, ! it " ,,.,,,1 that f-" r V" - tee.s. 25 o.Wot nia Ki.e- ! c-i; 1 fi and "bn .Un hin o mis at no otliw cost to the Loin- i witness tlie signatures and seal of; iie ...;n ... .'. ,fi . '1(l ' p;.' ., .. m o unteers. n ; dpt. .1. A. : Pbli.j 'an.!. in ?tat, and where pany only the 10,000 whiclt was ! said corporation duly allixed this j .n,ij. st.rv.lPt before that time. If to be paid to him. There is just j ,1;!-v V1 'T?ry, 1873: ! the Representative fn.-m Oregon one of two things in this matter! yVj'everhat whrrea ; is at a!i reR,; so Imu.h t!,P worse Ti , . . T c-. i certain petitions liave n Tir-sf nt-' for t;.(i f.., t m.,t..r and that is, either this old man fl(1 to tJ ('ourt v ( v(,irt of ( M u k ' Lmm.-., .11 ..I..N.ittr . . . ' , . . , . (l tU lhi Lourt or Cl.u n.i- ; ls cf u p;lrtv ,t wj,v .loesthat had gone into p:,rtnerhip in this mas county, Oregun, to-wit: One : I)t.m.r!tt:,. ; ..vbibh so mn. h The Id:.n City Itoad Cluesiioii. The Willamette Falls Canal & icXoi-k Company have placed on file with the County Clerk, the folio tv incr bond : JCuo-.r all men by these present That the Willamette Falls Canal & Lock Company,' a corporation ! duly org.iniztMl under and by virtue - iiT nt I1 penuon s.gnc-i oy .101111 flyers ami (' praying' for the vacation of . 1 v V : j i:tg out from wliat is known as the ; fi rry landing at Linn City to where sa:u mails inierseet the present 1 T - ... travelled road constructed bv the said, the Willamette Falls Canal J.ock I ompariv ; and also .'mother ; , , .. ..,:".,.. .1 1 pttitzon piavmg tor the laying out .., t.stab!ihment of n com. tv road I , ,. 1 l .1 " 1 to run from a point wh"re the conn- : tv r;wi Ci. iiil' iroin j.i'iii ( ifvor.r towards Tualalion river and J):v- '','n ""WW-t" .;..!.. j tvzTiuX e.:";;:i ..m:i1 .1 loel:s n o. rt-.i,, .L.f ! " " ' "'' - " - tr:;v lied road eoi.strtictetl bv said i Arni , p., i i . i c ' t i i ,' 1 ' 1 1' : 'Is C an al Cc Lock (-'niiiMi'iv. thence northeilv rdoi 'r said lat l.ieiitioned io:id,:iiid down the A'v illumette liver on said io;e.l to where the same inter.-ects t! Willamette river on the west bank thereof, al the ferry landing of the? ferry now being run by L. j)i!ier, j as proprietor; said petition beit: I . 1 , T ', 1 , , i signed bv .John Elvers and many i others. Xovv if the said Count "v Court shall vacrue said lead in eordance with the pravtr d' suil .elithn,andba:n.nv.t.' and e:-tab- , t-aid roael in accot 'dance wit h i . . - .. - . . . . . . i ! ti;( I"-ver ot saai pi luion. tut :i in ; that event the said the Willamette I U. . , i , . i- ads, (. anal cV Lock C.ompanv , n..,.t:s to lnnko jd road -,n located I and established, in go?d traveliin" ,. . .. , , ,. ,. con-utiou tor the pnhhc, as tar as t.j . ii i-i ! i ,?K" s j.ractieable, ami wbtef. ; j ncnt, wh, n h '"Jorim d m a,- : coidance w itn the coudii ans afore- ' . . , , , ,:u' , t !"i('!' 'i:s. hi I "tner,;-elo leiuam in lull force ; :t- , ri , ! witness wnereof the dlamette J ails Canal c, L k i hath cl.crei:nto raux . j os coipo.e s- ai tcoe am.yti auu thtse pit sen's to be suhsenbtd v I -.- -,, , . ! its j'resnlent ami Secretary, this 17th day of January, 17:!. " o j !. ioI.SssMITM ( l'lvsi.lfi.t. V. 1-.. C. L. Co. J. S ! S: i : 11 s; v SitTttary W. V.,V.Sc L. Co. c-o;:i':::a ) tion si:.u Vitiiess : C CiiAi-f.ns 1. Waickkx, 1 ins is certainly a fair j-tniftoition V'" iA th Cou.pariy, :,nd ; ' h th:- ? C ! "'5lG1H;t h: m accepting it. If this is not accepted, the people ! - on the w.stside oi tho river v. ill 1Iot )i:lve ,lIlV rKlil sist;e Companv ! have now done all that, could he i .v,-.ete,l oPnst-ed'ofOth,,,, Thov "S 'l r: J cannot nudacc the retail wiiere it i j was, and if it could he r placed, j , , , s . ?......, , ! I'y '""' ,tH,,lt Its ncccssursand ; on cannot s!t os Cnnnssnmn. and -t --..i re-ul.r. t o enia, ,.r ' V..M." I w! the w ay the canal cflected the ; va-s, lie woiml v here on tho'-op en water on that side, would place Ihe ! v,i: ot Coi:ur-;-, and help Eastern it . 1. . . t O:g.m with lit r railroad. Whv road under water ad winter in-rii r , r , , .. ' . i don t ue M ep his j.i'olillse i Has six to twelve feet m depth. e , j;cU tu!li j,i!n m,tlu'i' hope this matter will he settled to the heat interest, of nil concerned, , ... j 'l"uvt pyposuiou i.-, . - - - tainly tlie best that could be asked j of any corporation, &. . o :ri --. t--. t- . it.. a ,. . fallowhf noiice ia a lecetit issue, of the ;,'.-. in r'x irl to tiie woodeu wat e luautit ictured in this citv in com;. any wit 0 nor.. .1. I', ores, one . . . O TTvT. . ' ol Ihe iMopiletols ot theGre-o:i V, oodell I Matail ic:.iiit, Uomp.i-y. we ye,?er.l.;y j ve-i-ed the saiupi".' ro--tiis of the Coi.-ip -; v , 1 r . eel. ami lottnu an aiui-'M i pu - tu. - r. i,' Valiety of baekets. tabs. et... j Jinest qtiiiil'T, that il 1 - to ol lii piod iee. shiVw:: - tint the u.a ei. j ,.,. U.1V ;,,,..,. vln-.a-iv f.-..- d.-t.tiy tei. let-stand :'a- ba.t m whic'i ; t;,,,. vj.,, !; iVt. sU,n;ii, ,'u. "j;, ., I'icy Ul-o en-.ired. The Woi J chiejy u-ed j p .,,., vvhoseioN :-l .) rwites iP.i-.ei's is U:e-.m nsi.. C-dar. aud ; due and .-. s.a ;,ir u r;.r ;,: ., ,,i a W;.auilil tiuoUi. of Ce.lar. 1 lie wale ail looie- h:i'.i' a-lU! ..., r.,-., , ... : ; 4... ,,,, . , : , , . . ... . . 1 ' ' 1 o :. s ..s .i jr; .i, . , y 1 !; i- 1- nvely-nothut '-oe.ia a; .ee.u i;,ir in .tie j ha:. lsme :.:i ! -hrmM be the m'-at;, et i:i woo.l especially the asa and en a: j dix thou and io seed vi th.ur ti ft;... ofjthe varueies are painted, oi ier- var- j A;i;;. , ,,, of i;.,:;,,.,- uy,.... '":!1"- "'r 14 1 'o a.-.s .. o.o . I.lsiieo. some nave mass 10;' ''"'': 1 1 ' . . 1 ,. 1 . 1 r"'"" VwVm..e no,,, .vo .-.i.--o -su ih-.-.t the article made by this (.'i.uiptmy is : " r-, . I A movement is on foot for the erection i 1 of a new UnivcrcUv at Forest Grcre. O o o c VoURTrSY OF imTVTrRSITY "I Tdl the Reason Vl:y. The Oregon City Exinnrnisi-: wa-il-s to know in a way that soumts like irony- where is the Hon. .T. G. Wilsoir, R presentat"ve loft from Oregon, and what is lie h'ing? .Also, if anybody is throw- ,r at WasMf.-fun on promises thev made here in Oregon oHYiet d- ric"s to tlfT rt!:tTid, Dalles and : concern over the mil road project it . rneiitions? The Democratic' Sena- xor irorn USaekamas was one ot it. most strenuous opponents, we are j 0;,i The above is from tlie JJtdhtin. Wt' Ino emphatically state that it nt mte'idea m a spirit of , . , . ;ronv, but in fober, ?erio::s earnest, .,, 1",.. ' , , ,7itl ,ifj a- well as the t,eo!.e ol ,, . Eastern Oregon, would like to ,1,nv vWl.v ,e.s. ph is not SK-I'in-.'l.I, .r..l::U-. He .!w!:m .1 v,t r no t con.d get the railroad - 1 - 1 meueii lor that n-etson, iin.l t.,t t. i . i t 1 1 th.u l. ha Has t.ccted, he would procted to Vv'r.shinirttm ' and be there durir g the pre.-er:t session and labor in behalf of the cause. He h:x -Jvctt-i1, and has thus far faded to enter an appearance at Washington and fill the pledge t.T t- i . iUane to t;,e peots.e. v e have not , ,. , , ine r;i'' iiicsi mea i.;at tie can tin any gotot ;r the railroal interests. either in or out of Congress; but as ;)t, ,,rfniised to crive the weight , -i . .i , . , . 7 Oi bis anl to The s:; )iw :t. u out . , " , ., rh-ht tl!;' f''M comply witn . , i. i , , ,, pettg Our present Kepre- tentative has done all that can be , .. . ,. ; . ,. , , . , , . e i(n tui:. ia.lio.4-i route, out r.s , w (, r. r , .,. tnere is no Credit tloti.u-r connect- vry hepe for the success ;f the e ;;-.. 1.... - h,ve a liadical Crngr,.. Hut we want J( fo o .,s h r,,,, ,;sr rotl i - .....,. w. r -'- ti..., ... s.e ol -epn-.g up a; pearanees. As to ti.e Oi m-cralu; fitnatt.r this t-ou:itv being an pI.ouent to tlie , t;; , . ,, measure, we most, etr: u sat ;j-a . v ' ,ll"'y. oppose he had been, ! tloe.s I hut lv'e;i-e .Ji.e Wil-aci t'ro::: 1 j eom-uyiri: with tl.e iro;:i;..e he 1 n.;ule..? Ji.fJier think thtit i- ,, ..'- i in;J" the oiit. 'v'e tire not- i;s.:- I Jiointc.l. who know Joe (h'u'l (.xjitct unythhii- lVt.rn liini and they will not he (hceive.l in their c.Xect:itions. ilis kind don't amount to much w lien thev Let a way from home. The hdlowin J ' letter Iron, V" 7 " " In;in l"'? lfU' yy w" ,-H uvVy ";tereste.l in thenul- 1 " "l l,w" " 1 ,!iM" wmS(' ,T'i,,ust Wt n::iao the ,,,r'-'T .. e, .. T . . i. ' " Jo VilsolP has: not ( Juadc Ins 1 .11 O n iiraxtee io i-.. t 1 t .t . ! i-t .. - ' , ,,. t ," i t. ing ne jromi -d tne pt opie so often ;.., ehuvuent ly du:i::g the can- 'o 1 Bai.7.ovs .M At;.y..N lu.'i Jaxcaky. In Spite of the big ho'-ori tiie'. '.vheu the ;:rin.inj, t ibllsbtn. nt of Tkeu-.e, Tal iJOt do:.' roved . i:,d!o!e.s. :.I..g::zit.e I. .s made i's,iri;ace, a-, f, i sh and n:ce as ttooi-ji it hail never i.-e: with ltocb;e at'ti tti-a-'er. it iel little I iter 't.ati iisimi. but bctier Sate never. we sav. v. here a n-: I tivrite ti!-.ed the Concerned, b.-r v.. j s,'-.:-ai-. ::i ...iae, vv e n-ul It I.s yen- I era 1 iv' e-tefoei! ei f..roo.cs tor n. .... enter .,it ii: e.oio.- matter. pv:m- moi, 1.-, c,., other .!-..-'.. .',.-si fr ;, We cn-Mlulale ile- (no-. -hers i.-v i r ,,:,).. 'ti 1V!i i ,.:.:.iV tl .,t , .v to.!.;; r.eio-1 -'o:e ;1 . :.-,. , ........ ..... j v. ; J.!;-.:e .riml,. v'i; re fi,l..i v,h . ,- , .... ,.. ' :l ;. J,4ll . ' " ,j ,ei ;v:y is a i.i, e sea :: ; v. j(,:;o.ces ileo. I poetry, half a d.-Zen i:. neySvas formerly a citizcu of this , J J G r 'BANCROFT LIBHARI, OF CALIFORNIA, 1 - - 1 T1IL FIRST FIGHT WITH THE SiOUCCSl Forty 3Icn Killed and Wcunded. .rr, "II" ATTEMPT TO Pi'-IODRf c MT nrr t-v. sttvi:m. Gallantry of t:: of t:3 Volunteers Ac l.onlt'tareii: FROM T11E SKAT OF WW. i.irn.)-r:n;r in i.Il uImui 100. On Tuesday Lapt. . -rnar i wi.h regulars and a .ew Klamatb Iridim-, moved around the nort.i end ..I the luke to the ?.'. ol Capt. d ick P'Nium At 8 o'eb ek Friday 1 -r . t ividuiii - - npr r smu sitt. rtn tio-nurff he n, advance from the eat: aCt of the "-I.ejrbdative A-embU of Ore- tuou'.d be annoyed it mercantile panic wbt'e ii.-n V. hel oi, wt:h the remainder ! on. er.ti'led -An Act rela'ive to certain ! resumed tfce nesfotiaiion conreminsr -faa ed :.:e lojcei were to at feck Jack fiom te we.-t 'i i der cover of tire from the liowit.-rs. ThurMlay r :-ht a dense fog ar"s,' completely envelopi g every thing 11 y" .inpos.oie losee i-rty ani- nt anv il:tect.n. t vv.) foi tt s were twelve mile : ; ir t. ihotsh to c.-rn-tiMiriic.ite with each ct'her it wa. necer-;.r v to jro a intub gre;irr dir-iaree. ('apt. l'l'rn. i d con. ii. en :! the attack and was i si:.'d bv .I.iik'.- :;.en r.unibeiii g uViout a eonei :.!.- I in tJ;e it.eks olong a line two rei.e 'oic. (o-ri. V t;ea?on hearing 1 lore the survevt of the public binds, to ( the rne-etiry cone-.iievl and tlie thvrmom C.ip'. b.t hui'l V j.r'!i;s, bail ro a'.tern-.iiive 1 jif t-rrpt their fe! t!ement.'' pre-empte-rs eter inuk-.l la degrees leJov zero; ut I. a I. ol ;. ;;.! vut.c-' to !.:.s u.-rist e. e wi h.ait. j :v.u h;.ve a settlement upon sections It. Crosse (Wis ). i; Mood ut ol tl. irrees: at i::e iiitl-td I 1 (. w ,t.r-. :. t.n- t. l.-l-11 .I ll's J 1 r-i t ' t: V iin so in! Ml. ire Mr) to t n i!::t:er his couiiiiar..t from i-bells. They boiht the uii-cM n is.eniy lu tti t-i-jht ia the in 1 1 c.itig ini-ii d:i k through a t.ii.r.c tire. (I'lliii v. hieb 1 iine M-at ceiy an ledian .. en 'i he los 1 the tri o;.- is f . r 1 3. ki!l- d and v. on lofe-i ; ii di.iu b s- ei ktiowp. Aino! g the hilled :.le F:;l!.k Trill. b:e :..l 1 J. b'. Ihdv. n t.f (b goa V .'unteers. j f::in acquire r,o right to land iinsurveved. Vtounibd "t ralrchjld's eoi:rp-i!y: J-rty j nor Cin a rai'i-.a1 company aeqtnre any ' I. oivs. .-;ihi!y: (. v.. liobet is. luor'ally : j rixht t odd Fectlor.s upon which ; pre N. be.-vvicl:. slightly ; Itobert taatl. j e in;. tor shall hnve Retried before (.t be Mig .t!y. - Atm.n.r the reipoars wounded are t.apj. IVery and Lieut. Kyie. The lotra-'r s: 1 ioi:-' v. the li-.'tn- se'htiy. and u'oout t vo u! . -Jive d' the r gul us bounded, s-jme saulrly and 1 the:.-', sei lou-ly. The iroops v.eie conii-elled to re!. re to "heir c:.- .0-. i-.e mtvenient resubing in lio hing liiore :s a a haeed 1 econnoisnnce o! Captain Jack's p i i i( Tt . Captain Her ri aid's f (.. sto 1! the l.iurit to' thei glit and n.'.:' red tenia-. lie ( .iv 1 tv all wen into the ugh I 1 i-ano; n'e.i . The troop- now will ( fir t k e.' the M .- rs from ia':i;i::g upon ll.e s ttlements tc u. it is eertu.n i.;a. . a.- ta:n J -.ek has 'i.-e.-u r-it;!o;ce i v iitt I Civ is, iitol it i- feared that o h-r hei'.s now j .'n Gen. Wi.econ pr.ti.-. s tie gHlIuto'ry of bur p;. r: :tu!. riv the I tr goit olur.t-ers isnoe.i- -;:er-i ii:s.-. 1 under uvy c:rcoxiis?;.rice IIai iusi:ck. Jan. ill T'm liitngnral and ('. :r. 1 iiiihs n:. i r 1- ntrch.ld. lie fact that the?f sectiors: re known pt ocs-i-n oi milirary njid civie organ.z--V r. 1 ielu.'r tutle lor (je troop t,, h. tf e ll". iind C'.fi is r.ot cn!y r.utice bte tionj this ttiorum.g. waihe finest seen in i.''o thi lav .1. at.d ! er;e th i.s- : iidnd-.-ion th.;? thev belong to he S:-ue. j rt.anv ye..:s. N.'.tw i:hs!an-iiog the s-vt-r.s and it: en v . 1 1 be i'.:::i! ! ;;:' go 1 1 ley CaTinet -fre known ; Ke the loandisnovy r.n J rain stot m. the tsiiee t weri-) the ,V..''io, s. 1" is thot:-.;- t rs-re ttooj . ::ti cini! :if:cr tb -M-.i vey cin the th Id," erammeil. After passing over ihe rotita tu-in i ot t ".a--.:i tt.'-glit ea-iiy cross I ;i: ,1 w hen that act t.n done, the Mate till !.': c'-'l the pt o.-es-ion mm chel to th .-..imosi ; nt:t..i:;. t.s i! ere i.s ,.?! r a j media v!v tu onires li:e i said sections, t'aeiti l hall. uhet. ;;t n...ri Governor ;oo; ,.r.. a iiaii 1 i! s::e.v a' present here 11-'.: 1 '.I li I i-.-a ruriii 1ea feet. i'a' K t:a.r;s .. ;ve a'.! V. if.'.fi-. Mote is no :."' i'.v wha.-v.T in reach.! t. -.!. era! I.e.;-on'.- he:.-V;-af!er- Item h.-f.-. ! , ii 1 --e e.revao. o a I ever 1 .its , '",;.;: ;.,r ( ect ol la. re . ros- I A! . J m. 1!) I-'r o , i '.., ( i a v. .f. i a V.'H V. ve go! o.e ho. of veii part'e -.ears of t he bat:! w i ' 'i : .:e .j..ti- c- : at s ' ! 1 .!'. 15. rnai-l's Co at.le f':-.-? :: tf w; h V: i 1 , . I 1 ! : ei s a : 1 ii ," ;:i- m n t vv O l!i '. -: :e.. I obt : I .. . , j -i i ; . j t ' ' ' ' i it. .( e-K s c. In ! : -'-.irire;;:. !o W:is .v.",:,i! e.l :e:d sev et ii k'!!-! ;e.d v. o-i .ol.-L Fr..!av th. ei"'rta'.nd t. '-e in- vvi h 'he ( lr:v' ri aad ! ( ' ''! r'l.:'a Voii"-eers ':''e h fi'i ' 'eae.t i l.v "'a le v s! ,et, 'ui'-m iv e h. v. i t'z. r's' t'u": ', ov. ii' to'the il.o. ..." !o ' t'i-.'-v were altc.'ai i ,' . i " '. ; ' ..' ' t' ,. . " i nt i!i!'"'i.!'.; ii""i i''s i ". ii . : o s noil.! ., ;,, ,j . j. . i , " v , ' '1 r ,": !' : -t.t. d s ci me .n v s-o.'-I-t i.e r.eint et tc.e .. , , .. , ... ,: i .. j ri:iv. i'i rv f -:rv r,.i i liFi.e. c.ii.l lei iiri-.i! i v n'i'ii 'aa' b pi1 ' I lii.s' ol a u.i'o n 1'e; r io. r--' ;!r-n t . ut. I 't s iih.e ,1 for a '1 he tr s :r. . ,,-v en-.l :t ;:e:'s to cb !;; t;a line :.bin ti." lav. i bod l.'it it;.: slH-vvt rs ol biilbus l.' ia an te -'-e:) em ;.!v in !he ( 1 ,:-rn. "lit Jain C't'etty Vr.-.s sevetely wounded 1 eri' i:. the arm le -, hip. Sev eral lle-li ve;e wounded ittot so:::e k'.-'td. ,11 ere. tjo v. as where l-'airchi'd's wertf" v.ouraitd. and the two t 'tvj-.-n Vid nntecrs hi'h-d. M id the :r..-n -ucceed- ! in ti--ii '''.:"' T'.-'-.- i rd line b-fore d-trk. 1 but tnai.v wv,e obliged fo hide in tie ! rochs until the d irlvia -s vretild allow ti'eui lo sc;pe fie ill the Iioiiiins vho l-.uld v. iih .ie.-'.iei atiiea. j inininc fi -nu reel; to roc, swat pu-KitiX i a ev tv souiier they con a se. i he v e;it as is tr-eir cr.s- lorn s-.rij.pi-d naktd. wan in but their uiioini ien sick swung Irom their .-iuitilders. 1, ten tenant f.lob.-i ts, of Uair- et.:! s con;-, e y. rereived u ternuie v.oiii,,! in ;h.. i:... v. h ;:;) vviil uridor.nt- j eiilv tirove fatal, as his brains rrotu.ued. ! .Much exci-i rne.ut has prevaih'.i here all lay in co:.. n i,T;te of the hht. The ; oaicers nt-e sat b fled th:.t Canlain .lac k in- ! tends to liht it out wh-te he is. and euti- i sider that !, i. -,s the strorizest na'ural Tor- I Ciiccion t,. be hm:,d in the coini'ry. Cfp ' to the time Ti.-kiu- lei, .here were K,, kno-.v n oi be hided, iitoi ll'J wounded j Amii.wd. Jan. i.D(,i:.-r He'd. Sur- ! -e: -ii oi the Volunteers. i.;:s j.e.t assed i h.rc. He M-l c.tno near the battle ed j or the I -v a bed n.e e- evi n:.e' lieie-i eiiisih.t i, .,,r' h,o i fr, v.'w.v . . .1 ,. , . i- j liieil vv el e erea'eil in ttel!.;ht. ioUfteen w-ie hihed ;u:d iwen'v three w ei; nd'ed. Our h.' ees, wereo compelled t, retreat. I lei.viu their dead on Ihe held. 1 lead- I ijuariers will be es'abli.d.ed on Lost River, ihe't t.s v.i.l leave in a few days, as their time has nearly expiied. Vi.KK.v. Jan. 21. S'othiig later than hiss evening Irom the Modoc, couniry. It is 1. , .1.,, c-.n . m w n-1 .i lien white men b," ihe 'vieii.i'.v of Linkville ! i.ecr I'ai.tain Jack tlioroughly potted as lo every movement el Ihe tioops. iavoi- of' tr.e"b.f:ovvir- ,,.-r,ons: Jo! r. ci,,,, j y. Kuhn. S ua Col'. er, . ia-Jb , M T::Th",;VNfdIliobo- v.? Mann. Polk! The win'er schedule us arranged for c. -"tv 'iiiv-ulvi-. " the riht of purchase ol , the overland st es from Uosebarc Ore 1 .",!.! '... UoarJ decided ia ltver ol ! gon to Hedding. Cuiif.,rnia. allows four IlolHu-s: . , ..f U: r "!S iho irip bet.veea Ihoso t ... it vs. Jssse Api.-iefr-ite Iliit ; two points. i ,',,,'rh'e-e 7 5tj.! acres el swatnp land in it e't f 'iie. Jackson .county", decided ir. favor ot Pay. on t!.e erouu j ihil he wus the prior applicant. Viocks vs. Mind all. Niiss and others. Postponed liil tbti fcccond Tuesday in i March r.ext. J. i'.urt.ett, v. Pos-'itcr.e'l I till srotid Tuc.-d ty in I-'ebru try. ; The Ih. trd,:ne.J to m.--t f ecor.d j Tuc.-d tv "e. I brie-.rr ; recular term. J The li a.'-.lln ouene.J is sixth f-ctni vear. i j volume cn the Ifcth inst. o .School Lands in Orcgrcu. From the Salem Mercury we learn that ! at the regular meeting of the iioard of ! School Land Commissioner, at the Jan- ! ... uar-" term lfi3' tLe following opinion. relative to the right of the bta'e to bold 'hi lfth an 1 "lOth sections of public lands . . ...... i unaer me ."-cnooi grant wuca two or mure J corners are established i'l iliefirld before tak'-n by pre-emption or homestead se,t- ora iy part thereof. has been fold rr otherwise be.-n disposed of. otfr lands rjnivalent thereto and as j contijf'orn as may bo. .-liall be granted i to fai i State for the n.-e of school-." j Thi' propo-iiion was accented bv p.n propositions made bv the Confrres- of the United States to ihe'peopV ef the S;ate (.f Oregon." approved June 3. 1S.".:. which act took effect bv operation of the Con- sntn;:on. Sept err. hi r '1. 1N.".. Tte riirht of the Site to thtse pectiona under the :.cts atore-;i:d is sb-oiute. F.ut ; rresulent trota tne c.Kirj. mule in tha wten dos ihi ribt atrncb? Tbi.s U a 1 Pete tha tt.ere were no material advan juestyei .f nuich importance. Bv an ;tct j t:;g s to be derived from isiiO'oiningo.I of Ciir-ress aneroved l'ebruarv 1'fi. IS". 9. ! U ii.wa K :r, Jan. 18. Weather reDort ! entiiled -'Ari Act to authe.rize settlers up- ,n ti-,. lti and i'.fi s-c:ion. who setlled be- or before the survey of the h-.r.ds in the field "is made in order to hold them under tSe i)re-e;r.ptin law.r? Vv'hat is here me:;nt by '-a survey in the field" may he ascertained by reference to au thorities and to the land laws of the Uoi'ed .States by ZaurUkie, page 4".'5. H e eoiote : ll is settled, hnwever. Ihat the Sta!e I reservation attached. The State c- 1 o(iires a, nchl to all the lfl and seo tiorts immediately iif;iT such i-tiivey in the He'd h- h.en toade. :e- iviM emible" a per- j ?.4,n t detenr-inv the localUy of said s-ec- lions. I: is otherwise in reirard to all j other State lands. Ir. the .,si mentioned i civ? mi Jsii.te r'ht attaches until after survey and relnin of the idat to the dis iriet land cfS'e.'' c The uraiers'andir.g in flistric' 1-snd cMlces has been cent rarv in what th- biu- is 03 siiKj-ct. gv-r they have di -posed of secth.r s Jfi and lifj hv ere emotion, on the s:.(,:,rd that the plat of survey has not ; o -e:: returnetl to tpeir oiTteef. The position taken in this $tt!cmnt j j.., thai secrior.s IK and ?G cunnot be dis- j posed of ;.s such by the t.e;d Intel ices j of the United States vviihin this Slate j '! he ."nueti S'-.ites j gr.rMriglo and '.Ui M-f !;, s;s to the S'a'e. -;T. c! :'. ly with- crew them ft em the Of.eratle.n f tf-ose ! Acts r. lateiir to pre iii'.tw.n and home s'.-.ol c'a'u.- and from the rules ot survey vv'i ;-t:.-et al! o:?i-r pntUic laiol. It is oaty v here land i- taken before .M.vtesov. (Wis.) Jn.S. The L-cisbv- survey in tie fb'M"'" :.rel pre-euipiion ; live j'-int ses.-ion to tlayten-:n.ri:tt-d 'I'.U rich's, td.'ai: ed bv netnal residence and ! Kovve lor LuiteVJ Staes Sen 1 1. ir. imort-vemen! are mttje in g(w.d tai b i asoi ii t!ir;;s ;i;i r surv ev in ire liei : r n;ie I.-i-:at u re tiailo-. .! lor i nuetti I .'"' p! e . n: ;" ' i"ti was rr: -i ile lo i S'al.s S.-naior this i euaiior. v. itt the f-d-' of sec!;. sr'lhi'.t tie :r h (it the pre- i b.vvi! result : Sn-nate- Ori.'rh'C lilf - 1 ' o . lot F:. S i.ii.ll.lilf ii . . ..Si I . t v . . : . .. . . v. . . i i t she Si;;te. p aci .e- 01 i:r n 01:1 e..:-r-.- t.s I.. ... . r., ... ...1 : ' ' ",: " e1" ,-.- .'' j sictt'.ris ;1S -li. li s in vi d'ioii i f law j d in travt nt i-oi of the urant to the t not rece-s ny that phi's nt I ?:,rvt" '' irl ioeaklai.d offie of '-J-';S'er :r.d re--lv r ltl order to give 1 " ' t! ' "(' see''n i;.sO Th, sitr Vt'- v-!,''"!l v' ' er:;-blr t- per- sr:i to r;et.. lt,ja-itv of sa'fd sec- . .- tieus is ail that the htvv require.. O .tps-licaats t.-r or" erupMors bv desirna- .. ' , . .r. , . 't'. their ci;-v stibdivi.-ions of sec- !i -a !?;. ::, in their ar. pli -ation-. admit cer- Atlanta. (C i.) 21 The ball(t in I -iri knowledp:- ot hat section is serried i the ("eneral Assembly itTday for United ui on bv the pre e:ot tor. a tact or;knvvi- I Mats Senator re-nl'.-d as bdiows: fiur e.I :e which is id ii.-ell a bar io the (lis don it;!; Steven, rifi; Hen liiii Ml: Field i o- vl of said seciotis by tV.e United er. 17. Theprobahilities a: e that Gordon S.a'e.s. for fiiniij.ti has been, ilone to vesl will be elected to riorrow. the title in be State the i.-.oum ut a person lO R!sEi,Ki (I'a ). Jan. 21. The vote is enabled to determine the locali'.y of; for United States Senator tndiv rras; said seciii.ns. j Ueiaeron. IS; Walluc-. 11: Wrijrbt. I; 2- Mai.bai. 1: iti ihe II ise, Cameron. 5'J; estate Kci;''. Wheat V? selliiiij at one dollar a bnsheM' a Jacksonville. Jarn-s W. H'iw?, of DourrhasCcounty has received a ateat for a new style of ltlTU- O ' No snow nr.r sleet &t Tillamook up lo v.t Tuesday. Aitogethery' a very favor- h'e winter The Episcopal Diocese of Orepe.n and WhtPgioti Tcrrilorv has a list of 17 clc i-w,ieii O Tb cottage house b-.irned at Snlern on S-nnday morniaj lie.ongetl lo Mr. Ames. 1 br'S was 1 .OtKb t v n e n i- r t -t m ', X M J'nv.l.e, h.v ' ,, . l , X111 to hti " muiUhs. lvosb.i-g has tie material en the ground, for the coiistructiou of a Citv Hall and Calaboose. " , tl. v., ?J F """' iua;,.i.iej u. w.u ... .;-... r'iiir ,:!;:,'s w,,!St or -"?1r-e. eompn..Uij aooai t.l'J acres, lor t,s mm. The Tim his received a commission from the (bsveraor as litigant organ lor J at ksoii and Josephine counties. On goo t oae of only tcven States that raise. 1. the last season, an average of only lib) pushels i f potatoes to the acre. V.'hoopittJ? coieih is quite prevalent sr.i'U!tr ihe of CoivaUis. A few cases of measles are also reported. A letter from I 'end lefon. UmVilla conn -4 th on a charge of au attemptota pois three men. lie is suppled, to be icsat son ne. !or j - j l!eml says: The Governor has ai'l uinied Mr. K. Frank .f this cit as L'otiiu;s.-ionerOfrom the State f.f Or"goi, ; i lo 'be great intei national eihibliien tiTbe keld at Vienua in MayiSIS. , r " ; "'"'y-.-.says me Albany r;jUhr. . -:" ':rrr ''r-i" since the euactmenl ot 1 !"' vH':'''h' ! hc saloons r.eru all cios- ed. antl our citizens enjoyed a r'-.tre'el rod cpiiet tbiy. All the saloon m-n. we je.ievsi,b,itti.rl willingly and cbeerful- ly to the enforcement of the law.;' 0 O o Q Telegraphic Jiews. Nkw York. Jan. 1C. la an interview yesterday one of the prosecuting counsel in the Stoke'a ca;?5 s;iid he thought it would be very itlicuit to get a stay of pioceedinps, and that theiv will be evea preater ditlicu'ty in the ptisouer getting a new trial. 0 The IVeWent has nominat.hJ. E. Sterl injr as Clerk in the Assay-office, Uoise City, blaho. and At;?. Savage as Collector of Internal Revenue for Idaho. Nkw VoKk-rJan. ls'.CThe Secretary of the Samana IJay Company says it is stipu lated vi:h the American Government that the Company is to protect itself from out side interference, but count on the sympa thy ai d aid of foreign povernments A W'iishinfrton dispatch slateQ that Cnp;res!j--trien consider the JKinana scheme imprac ticable, iind the llaytien Minister thinks the American juicha.-tr v. ill find they-, hare m:ide" a had speculation the place be rc fi: for rio-.hirs but a naval 3:ation CiliC;o. Jan. 18 Ti e hvenm.j Juxir- ! va s V .shimzlon special ."ays it isfi pt.eed that the principal schemed! Sam m IJay ease i- ibis: Several mo i fine S. O. 'lloe telegraphed to Gen eelr -ot tL months neril i Hub. of k inouirin-; whether the President j Do-nino. which the government li.-con- ; tinued. A negative retly ws given, aud ' the President heard nothing farther unttt I be -aw the recently published statements-. i 1 he fact tnat capmui.-is wni engage jrr the enterprise is deemed a vindication of the- j from the "Son tiwe.t this morning bet -.ill others o! the wititer. At Sparta (V"i?.)j ! .St. I'.iul. Minneiipelis. aj. :ui ui Mil- w.ok e f degee armve. w Nkw Yokk. Jjr. Is. Norton, who was some time ago :to tfefan! tt r in the lost OQice lepariment here, w.w reitrrebtt.J to d-iv and au inc Tike-e in hia bail asked to S? 1 1.3 n. Nhtv Yii:s. Jan. IP. A bill of excep tions in the Stoke's ea.-e was presented by his counsel vesterday to the listrict At torney, and he will st-.bsiiit them to Judge K'iirdtn:i: on Thursday next. Washington Jan. '20. Officials of tho Treasury say that the proposal ot 1'helps. ! Dod--e. & l... to oav th- Government ' .1?2t.t).'m(i is not likely To beSiccpted0 j Nkw York. Jan." 20. At a j house on Madien sueet. this evening,, "Marshal) Mcf'rub fa" ally shot Clarence- I. iicku'diid tor insnltiitg a female bunrder- II. uned I-'unnv Krown. Lei-isvir.t.K. Jan. 20. At Shelby last evening, a desperado named Kill Wilson. ' killed Lis fourth victim, Williaux- 1 son. i M.n:i.E. Jnv 21. J. J. Me.iiiton. IV 5t- i irvt-r f his citv. is reported to be a do I filter to the i.aioinTi of SSil.C'Ot) which it i is said, however, has been uti recovered. t .sstsj:t I'ostmater Gen is. fi.-ore..V. : Greeny (mail e'etk). ?. V. ("raItt ' (s'i.tnp cb-ikl.. hare Ion arresteiT' ou a. charge of er.ibeSTtietut t.t. j II .rtr-.n'.t was swum ateJ delivered an ! nddre-s. Q ; I he e eetion off n .lei? ta'es Senator I tahes tHv -i'r,., W:!!iafn A. ! Wallace is ct.minat.'d bv the I.etn ocr at itr fiupti' O Sri !orii.i.;. .fan. ";1.--Tfu- nro fepose : I I I , . 1 O . ! . 1 . V Ol . f i.l 1 i 1 I . . I .Oil t i " ... i- . . i i i . t. l x . .. . I fVb-sbv. S3: Irumhull. (0. I he two ia ir.u'i i:i io;:u r.-MHii jivmm I ine w .1 .,.1 ,V-.. .....!, G O Sr. C" i ..i . . ..ii. J tti. 21 Tlv result of the irjJ ves.iira ioi: ;it ,f tiersori Ci'v ed coiiuj.;': i:i the late- 'fcyn i tot i .! eVc- lion tsj ei't made jxibbe. la-yor.l the bct j tliat several e nidi. la had 1000 bills to i the ainour.t of $: eh:n:?-.-.1 hards at j the Imiiki for smi!er bibs are! cheek ! pavabte to li.-.i'iT. utoj h btrjre aiBfionl rf ; - . . . v j hear-ay tc-t iic.ony. o: hi rig vvas el idte.T- f Ai.itA.w. Jan. 21. iiesciaH'onk'in" wjs ' , . i re e.eced I need s-r;v-s ena'or :o driv. I aien e l!i. New Yokk. Jan. 22. A special to the .' from H'asbin.-ton s.ivn a I arse cir cle of Republicans Jthere are anxious to have ch -.n in the bead ol the Slat? j i),.p-irtt:ient.e ( Yorker u:. I Treivvirr. ' T . to the end ttmt wme Nerv become isTrerv of the TreiV-.'irr. Thev hate the late dispatches i fn,;n -M it'.rid ou t?!- Cub a ues.ion tl j ccaston of udver-e cr!t!ci-ia Flb, tho A Qt'EsnoK as t Titi.ks. For the lasf day or two there has been sorc.e commo tion amtinir land holders in that part of the tow., situated on Dr. Wilson's half of , the donation claim. A decision was some ; time since made that, where a claitn i ant under;"- the donation law died before ! the tiile had pei feci v ves-ed in him. tbe tit!l. wuU ,,;,,s iWt.ct fvora the G,rB. ment r ,h- H.-;fs. It appear tbat Dr. Wiisen had notLat Ms death acq.iired full ! ';le; and now the) question is. how will 'bis nlnct .such titles as hkd been made hy) Dr. Wilson htmselfhile living. We ar 10' 'X-,CV ?'T ,",..ln.aM funic-, m .. i rN j.. n.-.s.i. ju. uovvj We OIlIy kr)w rtiat there been a gooci ileal of bun about it wifhin last lev? days. Sl'itexiH'iii. Y-s. and if there are a few more such, decisions as tbe one referred to above in. Oregon, our land tiiles will be in aa bac a conditio.! as those of California. Dkv.t;i ok a iii:r::i;si:NTTivK. Ve learn, by a private leUei to n gentleman in this cby. th.U Mr. (). I). Andrews member of She House ol Uepreseuiat'ives from Unioo, county, died Jan. 1 lth at his home near Li Grande, of inflamatorv lheumatism. ! alter a protracted and painful illness, i .Mr Andrews was ol veais old. a. nativo ol Ohio, cud bad been a resident of ihia fc'ate since lst.a. lie wju pcpnlar in his own couutyand while occupying his seat, i i the House here, last tail. Le vvoa many friends., s;,int. o The Kf.ate-nvin says that the Doard of s-choi.l Latol (aunmissiiiiicrs into whnsn hands was placed the choree of expand ing the appropriation ! r a school tor the Maid, are f:ga&ett in lattking arrange ments to hj.-t. such school opened. The appropriation i.s a small .i;e only 54 1)03 'r two years and the Board is-ihert ,i:i,1"r tbe necessity fif going slow ir 'I'li'-i." present etfort is to so'" to take llie contract for a w"ahin tl.? appropriation. O i(" two years una the Board is-Oierefora in tha get sura During the winter Jefferson li3s had three v. ddin!s. 'he grooms all being men connected with the railroad; and it is taid that another of the same sort is on ihe upts. It is f.irther reported that all ihe single raen employed on the railroad re now pnlRug strings to get transferred to Jefferson. O o o o G- O P) o