Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1873)
o Q O o 0 Q O O o o G O o o o o o o o o o o o o G o o o o r i 1 X? - Ji - .JVi - Che lUidiln itcvprisc, . -- FRIDA V. fvM.AUY 21. 173.C 1- NOIL-Mill-.!- VIOLETS I We stiV-I i;i tin? p,hTr of the forest, Tiie frioii-l of my heart .mrl I. Where i!k- sunset glow of the linjjles, Met sunset glow ot the sky. TL.f breath of the coming winter ' Caine iImwu (rota the iin"-el:ul bill ; Its .shadow crept over the landscape, And over our hearts its chill. Wi' talked of our -.tinny childhood, (Jf l.:i;fS that hi! no Vt'e bud witched wiih the opening blos som.. As lightly come and go. The d:e;i:us of o'ir early inornin;; Like - dew had i;i-el away; - Our .-kies ol oM ;ui I cntiisoir1 1 1 a-1 turned to leaden gray. o In the years that lay befon it?. ILi'it M'en through the distant haze, n The winters drew drearily lunger, A'.i I briefer the bummer days. Like a breath from the far-o!l Southland, Cai:r- a fr.trance faint and sweet, r And behold 1 blue violets nestled , I-yw down la the triads ut our feet. As brightly they bloomed in t!n-irjbeauty, At the close of the autumn day. As when they were tenderly lidded In iho b'o:-r-oir.y arms o' -May. q Then ti;;e to ihe o'.hi r spoke softly : o ). liiend. let t,:ir trrh-vine's cease! Let lis ta'.e t n:;r hearts yladaescJ This message of lih: -iiiid peace. Jet us I;;t our i-yos fo the future Willi a Steady irii.-tful lj.i.e, J'or i.det.still are waituir To Llo .in in Nuvi-iitbcr tl ivs." Senators C'orbclt and ."Mitchell. The following infamous and out-C-il'..iis 11'kI .'i jipL-at vl in a recent i-;u- of the Ciiicinnriti Coinrrrrial, and is front the j'irti of thaO "Wash ington corri'sjioiok-nt of that jour- j nal. He say.s: '"Cofbc-tt of Orison has conn- to be known as liass wiki.1 Corbi-tt. Don l'iatt bapj)i!y eaitl of him once, that in hearing hint j'c was reminded of the rythm aiivn-ingi)f a dull buzzoing throttgh a w'nter-soaked bass-wootl log. He -talks iiiterinably, and never says 9nry thing. In place of Corbet v the wootlen-snan, who goes out next March, we are to have one Mitchell, a lawyer, said tube worth some millions and co;iu;ion!v known liVn. Ho'.ii. lay's jnan. In. titer we will gain anything by the change from siu-h a man as Corbctt to arman vlio has a mas ter, remains to be seen. Put it is an unfavorable commentary upon the condition of tilings in the lle 'J public, that we nm-t choose be tween.such undesirable parties, and that day after day we have new acce ssions to the number of me 11 in Congress 'who have masters. We have no security as long as our "best men ailt.w themselves to be driven away from and kept out of politics by the scalawags andhou!der bit ers and shtitl-l yitcs and deadbcats netuei o vi.i gam aiiyi'.ing uy , gent, rally, who seem to be gaining evcrv dav in the political affairs of the country. '1 hat scandal is too great for the, ; people ol Oregon to bear up under' and the. idea that Mitchell has a luster, it"s too much." Who can .-isuggest a remedy for ihis out rageous shmderV -o . i ii!-. i til" J.lOiMSI.ATOn.S : Atv. ti; Tin-: 1 1 a 1 K.i ! The Scran "to!i yV?. oih rs the foHowing vug gesti":;s to the incoming Legisla ture of IV-rrti-ylvaiiia: There is one thing which we wish to see.-at- teUlhd to :i! I I ) f!T.l 1 1 1 l-r t',w 'tirg tliiswui- . , ,. j.i , . , . tei, a-.d t.i.-it is P. rive the pnev ol J.egi.-huors laisetl to some sort oi :i .tlt-t-ci:t li-"!iri. it now is vt- hnvi' toclihisli t-viry time we talk witli p. Xuw Vork ii;nn oti the 1 1 1 - . -t-1. oflrWati.'fci. "While Ietri.s lators Allany are worth lrotn I,Ouo to MVuO i r lu-a.l, the Kline artieies can le lj.a-ht here at tt too each. When we con f'nler the reat wjL-altli a:ul monev cil intt-rot of our .tate, thi-As"a rao-i laiitiiliatiiiix coiajiafi.son. We call upon all oiir Senators ati'l niein l.ers of the ase;nl.!y who have any tati- j. title, not to sell themselves one eent short of the ruling rates at Albany. The iliLTiiitv 7f our SNtni,. 1 i - .1.UC IilUsL li1 1! :'. 1 11 1 :u 110. 1 ... i.r.l..,- t. . v , cM-iei in uo u we imi.-t snow the country that we have as valuable l r I . I - t . ...... 1. r. . -1 11 i. ,..... . .iv.ui ii. i tirnisueil tv any oilier Mate i:i the. L'n'u-n. l.KAl 111 I I.. HtW trno nn,1 ........... ..v. .-utMutl lO Oli SOiemn nutria vows, and in the eml i;eu v.e come to hnl each other a.lieu be-itle the death bed, ami know that wo a. to be separated lot l ui-, bv the cruel han.l of death, how teatttiiul it would be to say, L have livnl to mv mar - r!;1, Vows'"' W-" e stand at Hn-l, Plater by name, lias been re-lu- aiter, and promise before God Rased from jail because the win au.l witness, to love, cherish, hon- dows were not "lazed. 1 ..t i i i iM.mti tiucv li.iier, oo we in tend to do so? Do we mean what -we say ? Alas, how soon are thosC outsiders, is authorized hy the Le" vows ior-oiu i? Your.- nun, ! is!:l'0 to V,0 t :i loan to the e'x when you staml beiore t!i. hymen- j tl-'r't -0,000,000. cal alter, witii some lair oenvj; at your si-le, who Ikw promised $ leave lather, mothe aii'l sisters, and shar ami sorrows t hrtHi' h if. rt-mr- ler sbe e has lorsaken all others 1 lor you, ind think ho .y well you i A Ciiare of 25cts. lor a.l mission bhouM love i;ei! She hVvcs Vou ! tos-hu;eh we.l.lius in Mi-ssouri with her whole Kart, ami has Ldv-j iijrnishes a fun. I lor the youn- i,eo-.-.ii l . ... :..... i . i . j- . . i. i 1 ie tn tni-t h , i.. .1 " -I 1 "v i me llilU lil'Ul IKUIUS lOI liie luture, am. vou siiould remember she is something that when once t a lieu Soni yo;i in ileath can never Le returned. LoVe your wife, - --- g, Washimrton Territory boasts of public library containing 03 1 yol- umes, "prmcipaUy Patent office re- ! jiorts. O - A"-'coiorc-.l North Carolina clory has boon conitp.iltcil whh ont b:Io lor stcalitt- co'ton - W Ij s7 G&.aincd and j& j.7f f . 7 7 . - ill 1 .-iii4ii. nil , . - ... " II lint t IP Intvivhnont (-,nKn - - --.-. . i - 11 J. L111V. iiLCj V- VUX -Regulations of the Oregon City to-wit : The .Seminary shall be divided into eiirht grades or classes, and into four departments, viz: 'First, English and Classical; Second, Mathematical; Third, Scientific; Fourth, Primary. Each teacher shall have charge of one department ; and, except in the Primary department, shall:give instruction throughout the school in all the subjects pertaining to his department, and in such other subjects as may be required. The Principal shall be teacher of one of these departments and shall have charge ofGthe general order and management rof the school. -The English and Classical Department shall include Leading, i . -! 71. . 7- i i r- .v i ....: .... Orthf-grap'hv, Etyinolojry, History, English Grammar, Composition and Iihet(nc, Penniaiiship, Pook-keeping, Mental Science, Moral Science, American Literature, Science of Government, and Latin. Tl te Mathematical Department shall include Written Arithmetic, Lmtal Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, and Trig- Me onometrv. The Scientific De Phvsieal Geography, Phvsiolo Chemis istry, Zoology, Geology. itnd Potany. The Primary Dcpart sha'll include Spellinir Ueading, Slate Printing, Elementary ment Drawino;, Elementarv Arithmetic, It shall be the duty of the Principal, with the assistance of the other teachers, to grade or classify the school according to the progress and advancement of the pupils, and to prescribe the limit of each of the different subjects to be taught in each grade or class. A'o pupil shall be transferred from a lower to a higher grade until he or she has passed a satisfactory examination. An annual examination shall be held for the purpose of granting Diplomas to the students of the Seminary who shall pass a satis factory examination in the following subjects, viz:" Heading, Orthography, Etymology, United States History, Ancient History, Modern History, English 0 Grammar, Com position and Phetoric, Penmanship, Science of Government, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Geography, Xatural Philosophy, Chemistry, Physiology, Astronomy, Physical Geogra phy, Zoology and Drawing. Optional studies: Trigonometry, Geology, Potany.; Mental Science, Moral Science, American Liter ature and Latin. The examination shall be public, and, as far as. possible, shall be conducted in writing, and at least ten questions shall be submitted in each subject. Diplomas shall be signed by the Faculty, by the City Superintedent, by the Mayor of the City and also by the Pecordcr, and shall have affixed the city seal, o The Principal of the Seminary is hereby authorized to assign each teacher to his respective department for the present fiscal year. PULES FOR TEACHERS. " - 1st. Teachers are required to be present at their respective rooms jit least five minutes before the time prescribed for commencing school; and to observe punctually the timo fox o.ncning and clo.s ing school. s r 0 L'nd. The daily school session shall commence at 0 o'clock, a. m.', and elo.-e at o:K, p. in., with an intermission at noon of one hour, from 12 m. till 1 p. m. There shall be a recess of fifteen ,n:m,f, ;n fbn 4 ,i sion. Iti the Primary Department, the forenoon session shall not exceed two and one-half hours, nor shall the afternoon session ex ceed two Injurs. ord. Any pupil may be excused from being present at any relig ious" exercises, by a written note or personal request of parent or guardian to the Principal. 5 4th. Anv pupil, guiltv of wilful or continued disobedience, or who shall make use of or write anv profane or obscene language, . . . i t r make any obscene pictures, or characters on the se-hool premises, or oil the way to or from school, shall be punished by suspension, oviiiilsion . or otlier mmilmir'Tit iir-r-t rd i Tier to thr Tt:itnrf nt'tbr tif. ,, 1 i n i i . i ience. ah damages (tone to set tool proj)erry oy any oi tne pupils, shall bo repaired at the expense of the party (their parent or guar dian) committing such trespass, ' 5th. Teachers are authorized to require excuses from parents or guardians, either in person or written note, in all cases of absence or tardiness, or ox being disnusseu beiore the school closes. PULES FOP PUPILS. a 1st. Every pupil is expected to attend schoci regularly and pur.etu allvto conlirm to the regulations ol" the" school, and to obey promptly all the directions of the teachers ; to observe good order and proper deportment; to be diligent in study, respectful to teachers and kind and obliging to school mates; to" refrain entirely from the use of pro fane or vulgar language; and to be clean and neat in person and j clothing; and to refrain trom the premises. 02nd. Fitpils are required in all cases of absence, to bring a written excuse from their parents or guardian. Crd. All Duoils who have fallen behind their "imiIp bv absence or ir- ,.!., '' i i... n filial in ;i iiuiii'iaim-. 1 1 it lie; Oi 1 1 1 il 1 1 el 1 1 lOI 1 , Ml .1 1 1 ut: ii.iti-ii in ;l iv Mmy di;c.rt.lion of thy te:K.lrer.. a- :i ,.i....?t i... .1 . . 1 1.... t tin. o 1'iij'ii i-iiait uu 'll Hlillt u 10 u Miititn ill iw.-s 01 othvr time lx-fore the regular hours for dismissing, except in case of sickness or by written request ot parent or guardian. 5th. All pupils shall be held accountable to the teachers fot their conduct on the school premises, or while attending school ; also on the way both to and from school. .Ordinance No. SO is hereby repealed. Passed the City Council January Attest: Ii. Dn.LKit, ReooroVr. .Iowa is rajiitHy coniinpj to the j Jli-srxnss is Busixcss. A cor oonelnsion that niiinlercrs niiIit rcspomJent of a country paper oetter have tntir necks hemped than ex.etnpt. T.' tr t 1 1 1 j -1 1 ig 1 1 .-s ii oiiuottox aavices rei)oiL . . 1 ; mat tliecl-UtiaiistH services wax I i 1 -i ! TX l a SrC:ltCr W every week. Syracuse is trying to keep up its pints against a threatened .State 1 i Convention of Prohibitionists on 1 I... .. I 1,10 l !"""" TV. :-t t b . .t i : :! to elevute its huls to la.lders' ami ; other jrymuastic apparatus "at an j expense, of -21,000 .U.. ! A criminal -ent h-n.-m e.f Af.r.-. 1 l'lston having .lei-lined 'rift.; f, om ContaiitinatMi. I.t. :.. I s.-...-v . V' ! , I , . , ! - o'lltl-IH-ll .M-, O brothers I l ,u c'''iiul idea of lmildin-r, j ro your jvs i ,ie cs 'netery at Pera, a new o-Pera-, life, reineln- j hous to cost 500,000. O j l --.-.-.'nllr With. Anotlter serious bl, 1V .! T. to the Piulalelj.Iiia Centennial hvlrdw - the termination 0f Xewark to I V.X;: & iocntv::::::;.V;i YjSi ,t.,i,';..i. . : 'k ps'miaiitiit Liiiversal L.. position, o Impatient. -A gentleman wlmJ lia l boon arruinr with .m i iuus until ins patKrioe was ohanst- Oil -slid 10 lifl.,'f , ; i , . 3L"'ill - t - tu ua i.t lMnt lsh llIm dea.1, but he would be -lad to see him know more. v -t T '"J.. J1 ...... ..?T ,r" "..,....-. C '. t 1 iih tL'i uoaau 1 '-yc'.wc .. . , . , ., -r , - StlU 1P flTwl thf Ull PS Iltlfi ' v v- .--. ' ----- Seminary shall be as follows, apartment shall include Geography, iv, Astronomy, Xatural Philosophy, and "Writing. ,;4 niV,,,,.,.,, ' i i . i -i use of tobacco about the 'school : k Oth, 1S7-1. A. XOLTXERi, flavor. j wants to know why mama tie ami j death notices shouM he paid for. I-or tiie best of reasons one is an ad vertist'ineut of copartnership, ind thy oilier is a notice ot disom- I ". Ileligiouq Servlc-ea. ! St. Pauls .Episcopal ) Church, the Ker. John W . -seil.voo 1, rector. Services on Sunday at i"i a.m. and T p. m. Sunday ijchool and Undo class at v. m. I Congretrationa! Church U8choo.,.. m e Church Moitiui Servii-e's". " ." ." ." "." Evening Services, arch .-eats Fiec ..12 o'clock M. ...Scats Frre lrt.3i. Evening services 74 i, .-lock Satbath School at 2 o'clock p. n. J. I). I.ocky, Pastor. First Haptist Church, Kcv. J. A. Whth, pas- i .r. services on u'iiay at 1I..J a. m. a id . P. M. Sunday .School at 12 M. Piaver meeting Thursdav evenings AtlEXTS KOI1 TIIK ENTERPRISE Tiie following per.-ons are authorized to act as agents f jv the KNTKitruiSE : Geo. I. Koivell i Cc, 40 I'ark Iliw, New Vot-k. Coe. WetSerill .t Co., GOT Chestnut street, t ti n ut i ol pi. la. Abhott V Co.. Xo. 82 A Si Xas.-au street, cv oi K. i'oithmd, Oregca I. S.itnut l rr.mcisca Thomas l! ce San FranciC'. I. I'. Fisher St. Helens. C -Iwnlna count r S. A. Milr-s Astoria, Ci.its .p -oiiniy. . . ' . . A. Van f'usen. Lafavefe. Vamliill county.. J. I.. Fur,- son. Oall is. F-olk count v Pave Holmes. La iJrande, Union county c. "raig. Pendif-t m, CmatiIi-4 county... S. V. Knox Eeu-ene City j jr. Thompsou nearer Crek.' Ea-rie Cieek.. CUCKVIAS COUXTV. C. F. Beatie. Frank W. Foster. r t T M tienr v mcUu.mii M;ow' r Molalla W. Morelantl r-nby J. w. stt-awse, L.P' M.,lalU W U. Vaughaa Harding's. . , ... .Z. C. Norton Cuttings'... D." Wright' C0UPT3SYCF BANCROFT LIBRARY. UOTERSm OF CALIFORNIA, nnviFY. CALIFORl-lIA Prospectus fur 1813 Glh Year I THE ALDINE, AX II.LCST3 ATF.D MONTHLY JORCNAL, rXIVEEa ALLT AliMlTTEa TO BE THE UAXPSOMEST PEIIIOIJICAL IX THE W ORLD. RtPKli SEXTATIVE AXHCUAMPIOX Oj? AJ-'EUICAX TASTE. Xot for Sale iu Book or News Stores. TIIE ALDINE, V.-1IILE I5SEUD WITUf all the regularity, lias mmeol the tem porary or tnuulv interest ctiaructeri-iic 01 onlinary liht and graceful literture; anJ a collection or pictures, the rdrest spesiaieud ot artistic skill, in black and white. A! tliou,'h each succeeding nuuiher ellurts fresh plea-iire to its li iend-s, tiie real value and biaiitp of THE ALUINE will Le the most appreciated after it has hi-C:i bound up at. the close of the rear. While other publica tions may claim "superior cheapness as com pared, with rivals of a similar class, THE ALDINE i:? a uiiitjue and oritiual conception alone and unapprnftchcd absolutely w ith cut "in price or character. The possessor ot a complete voluru cannot il'i plicate the qumtMy of tine paperauden iravinir.. in any of her shape or nuiuLer of rohmies fur ten times its cost ; and tueu there are the chromos, besides. ART DEPARTMENT. Notwithstandinf the increase in the price of subscription last Fall. when THE ALDIN'E a-sumed its present noble proportion!; and representative character, the clitio-.i .'a" MoitKTiiAX i;orLK diirm; the put:, year; proving that the American public coprcciatc. and will support, a cere t-tlort in Hie cause of Art. The publishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the utmost to devel-p and improve the work ; and theidan for the coming year, as unfolded by the monthly is sues, will astonish anil th-liht even lha most sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. Ti.e publishers are authorised to announce designs from many ot the most eminent ar tists of America. In addition. THE ALDINE will reproduce, examples of the best foreign ma-jiers, select eti with a view to the highest :u tistie success., and t;ri-i' test (,'eiK f J i:tereotj tivotJinij such as have beojue t.f.niliir. tliroitrh nhoto graphs or copiei ot any kind. The (.mm teily tinted' plates, lor ls;.T, will reproduce four of joIiu S. Davis' inimitable ch Id sketches.appropriate to the lour seasons These plates apt earti g iu the i.-.sues for Jan uary, April. July and October, would be alone worth the pr ceof ayeafs' subscription. The pojutlar feature of a copiously illus trated '-Christmas." nu.inbc- will be continued PREMIUM CI1ROMO.S FOR 1S73. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE. who pays in advance for the yt.j.r is?:, will re ceive, without addition;:! charge, a pair of beautiful nil chromos. ulb-r 1. 1. Hill, the eminent English paiutcr. The jiKtures, eu t tletl -'I'lie Village Re'de" ami "t'rossing the Moor." are 14-2i inches are x.riuted I rum "2o ihit'erent plates, i-qu ring '!' imressiou.s. ainl ti:iist p.-riect e.111 picture. 1 he s-tm.e eliT-onios iii-i soLI fot- i.'.:-.o tnr ?-.iir iii tto Art -tores. As it is ti,e .l.-trroi.. ot iti ! conductors to keep THE ALL IN E out of the reacii t coinp.-t.i;:on tn every ep it t mei.t the chromos will be found correspondingly ahead of any that C;'n he oti'.-red by other pei iodicali. Evc-ry suhseriber will ntceire a icrti'x'ate. over the signature of the p. 1 -Ushers. ;u.iranteeiiii that the !iro:ii-s deliver ed .;all he i-ipiai to t!:e semjiles ftirni bed th-; ageut, or the r.iu-y will in- refunded. The disti ibutijn of pictures t this grade, free t- the subscriber of a live d illar pei i jii cal. will'i an epoch in toe Art : and, co:. ii'jring the nnpre:;ed nted cl eapne-s of the price of THE Ai.DINE iiw lt", t he marvel f ills little s1 ort of a m.ricle, ever to tho-e I) -st iii-iiii iint'-tl with the achit-vements of iuven tive nei.iite ami iuipnivetl mec lanic il appli- ,iU,,e -'r uxTu''"r 'vnu-l'T' sie .Noveiiiat-r iiniiib-r ol I III-. AId)l.l.) . Tijj.: hxkhahy nEl'AUTMKNT will continue im-l r the cue of Mr. Kicil- t AK1) HIIXKV Tt)DiAUI), :iss sted by the bt-t wiite's and nnet;; tt 1 tie tl;iv, wlm will .-ttivt- to have ti.t I iti-rat lire nt'TilE A!. 1)1 M ul-.vays in keepiti;; with its ut tutic at t rat?' itf-Vi. sTEHMS I'er Annum, in advance, with Oil Chromos flee. THE A ED IN!, will. 1 etea.Vr, he obtaina ble oniv l.y .subscription. There will le no reduced or club t aios ; cash lor subset iptions mut he sent to the ptililisiiers direct, or handed " the hi.-.d agt-nt withtyiU responsi biiity to tl.e pool sh- r, except in c is -s where ti'e cei ti;iaate l.s given, t-eanng the lac simile- nf James Si'-lton ?; Co. AGENTS WAXIED.. Any pers iti w .-hing to ict permanently as a local ait-ut, will it-c ive lull and prompt iiitormation ly applying l J.VSIiCS SC1TO? CO., Pc.'Jishers, decl Jin:) oS Maiden Liuie, .Neiv Yoik- AS HOLIDAY PRE.5E3T3, SUNT, roST-PAIl, OX IIIX'KH'T Of THE MARKED run: ts. XT E CAN I1ECOMM I'.N I) TIIE FOLLOW- V iog Vocal Collection of ch .ice Piano Songs: 'Iiinirig Ligats,'' (Sacred SongH; 'CiolJ. n Leaves." Vol I. ami II.; -Hearth and Home," "I-'ire-itle Ivh'es." "Sweet S unds," and "Priceless (Jems " Price 1 75 each in hoards; ?2 in ; 2 otj in clolh and gilt- Also "the followi-ig Instrumental Collec tions: "Ftiirv Fingers." "Mtiio ('.rclr," "Vung Pianist," ami "Pearl Drops" Ton. easy collections. "Musical Kcci eati-ms,'' "PU-asant Memories." "Golden Chimes" and "Brilliant (Jems," f,u ni"re advance I p'ay ers. Pi ie--of each btiok. $1 7" in hoaids; 2 in cloth; .2 i'i in clo h anil gilt. Strau-s' Waltzes, (ask for Peters Edition.) in 2 vol., t4 e t'-li in hoartN; " in cloth. .Nov ello's Cheap E'iition ot Piano-Forte Classics, consisting oi Mend- lss din's complete works iu 4 vtils. fivo. price $-1 i each; Folio l-.ii tioa. $-i eac'i; B . ethovon's is. $2- I'.oe tiiovcli's Piec -s, t'2; Chopin's Wait., s, Pol onaises. Not-time, Maziukas, Ball ids, and Preludes, price. 2 each; Sc'mhert's Ten Son atas, '.; St li'ihei's Piano Pieces; 2; Moz art s Sonatas, 3: Weber's Complete Piano Pieces, -t; St-hnma i's -It Pieces, fit, etc., etc I or !ering tli'-se. be sure to ak Tor Novello's Ed:ti'in. They are . all handsome edition-". Novello's ciie t( "t; ;il Coilec'ious: Mother Goose, .iml ? '; I! m l'.rger's S.i crec Songs, Men h-ls-o!! j's 7-' S-mgs, heauti uiiv boanti. $7 ' ; St-huma-i's Vocal Aloum, Moor-.-'s Irish Me'0 lies. Folio Edition, by italic. $s; German Volkr-l.ed.r Aliium' etc.. ec. Staiccr's Chti.stmis C.;rol.i, new and o!d, illustrated. Price, it. 'I he same without illustrations, ia 2 .'ols., I each; complete, $1 on. Pet tins Misicm. MavTin.v, price 30 cents each, every number containing at lea-t l worth of "inu-ic. Boand ro nines for 1;GD, 1:7 ', 1S7, ami P7-', puce f- i ea h A.ldres, J. L. PLIERS, declu2 50 Broadway, Nt.v York. MASONIC II ALL BUILD ING. OREGON CITY, - - - OREGON, j KEEPS CONST lor sale, gu:." EEPS CONSTANTLY ON II AND AND ;ap fou casij, PAHL0.R, ESDHCOil, 0F-FICE, SITTUIGSOOU, and KITCHEN FUr.NITUPwE, Bureaus, Lounges, Pocking Chairs, What nots. Bert-teals, Wa-hstands. Curled Hair and Pulu Matresses. Puln Pi! lows. Spring Beds, Window Shades. Pictare Frames, Mouldings, Ac, Ac tSpecial attention given to Cpho'sWv wrork in all its ..ranches. Ordefs filled with I'i om jo :itr.s. u--'.iii" s u-ii Mini neatucai an I tbs-iaich. Furniture ni. id.' to order. tjrtjotis Ueiirei ea to any part ol town 1 free of "aarga. Call and sxaaiine for vour- raayUoM AUCTION AND COMMISSION A IB. iiieIaindlsoja, AUCTIONEER ! Corner ol Front and Oakstreets .Portland. 0 AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, Generalilerchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. U. Richardsox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined J3ar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Morse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, Ii. G. Iron also : A largeassortmentoj' Groceries and Liquors A. L5. Richakdson, Auctioneer OREGON CITY", OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASSIMKUES, FLA NN ELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, yhich I will sell ut the Factory Friees, and will take wool in exchange. Also, Dealer in BOOKS AND STATiGJSRY, will also pay the highest price-for Rutter, Eggs, and nil kinds of good country produce. 1 will sell its low as any house in Oregon . tor l asn or us equivaieui iu goou niert-haritiible pr-tdiu-e. j?XT Give me a call and sati fv vours.dves JOlIX'.MyEKS. Jan. 13, 1871 if 1 .. T.. .. -.. J JKAV YOtiK HOTEL, ( Oeutf'ches Gart'.aus, ) No. IT Front Street, ppo.: te the Mail steam ship I and ing. Port land .Oregon . ii. r.0Tm?cs, j. j. 7iL3Ens, i" i: op uiF.Tons. r.oard per- Week f f. oo " " with Lodging t. ot) ' . " o.iv ; i oo WILLIAM S I k'l G E S3 FQIl UIK MANUFACTORY OF T"JTT T1 TTrsT' TT F P.'' L.' CL1 iiu r-j si' L;i hLt SASsJjBUKDSAMD CGOHS AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. 8z They will also do TURN INGof ev ry dese.-ijitiuu to order, Vith ITcatxicss and .Dispatcl o all "vo;:i; v.'akt. anted. fs)iop on the Iliver. in Lewis' .shop. oppos te Oft iion City MUls. '1? IT IU f"S T, o ' 'x i- " V i W "WHIectt everylHn j needed in a fr-Ey, fron tie heaviest to "e l.Vl:te:t fuirlc it ix)rr 'iozzz: v g:::-:, r-oi;c i:i?:r-'i or t. or.::, A-sn cnEi: vosK, Thau any other mcuhino. If thcro i.-j a riornoo Fewirf.; Jla cliiue viiLia oi:o tLonsand xiiilcs of Ban rranci.-co i ot vo:l.;i:pf vt;l iai1 givlnf? entire t-ati-sfftrtlon, if Ir.m in-iorint-tl of it, it vi'l l a nlter.t.eil to v.i:I:ot:t expt-nso cf any kiriJ. to ILa owner. ! AT.l li --j CLL Arcntf ID Lev r.r,r,zoerj G'.rcct, Crar.c! Uo'.j! C-"d:r.r, Can Tr-mcloco. SrntZ for Circulars and aatnji'fa rf ilin tcorli. Actlre Ajents xt-uulcd. in ! MAI. STIirET, - OllKGOXCITY. 31AMTACTlREu .n'D IMPORTER OF SADDLES, lIAUNEfJS, SADDLF.RV-HAIID-W All 12, .c, .Sic. TTITICII HE 0FFEI5 aS CHEAP A3 V cm be had iu the State, , at Wholesale or Retail. tyl warrant all rr.r croods a . represented. Oregon City, April' 17, 1S7. uiiVlf. 0HEG0N CITY B 11 E W EET! rCiTll 1 1 EXK V II U TS II 1: Having purchnsed the abore Brewery wish e toinforin the pnblie tht he is now prepar ed to manufacture a Xo. 1 .(nnlity oi ..IGvf. BEER. 1 -,,ni :,R -nii e 'itaineo: anywiicre in t;:e 'Stale. Order- solicited ttn.l promptly tilled "TT0ME-MADE CARPET FOR PALK AT 1 JOL I. EELLIVG& 1 i'Zch Easiness Directory of Portland, Oregon. PLBL)JUEjJ BY L. SAMUEL, General Advertising Agent, lJ3 Iront Street. Ackerman's Dollar Store, o. .y Kii-t treet. IiuportPrs and Job bers of Fancy Goods, Toys, Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware. stor House, First st., between Oak and X V. Pine. Everything neat. 1. JLLougtel low, Proprietor. COOICG, STATIONERY AXD o MUSICAL IN" STRUM LINTS. CII.I?, STEEL. & L'AXCItCFT, Xos. 75 and 77 l-'irst Street, I'ort 1 n ml. 1arnian, the only direct Importer of Cloth 3ini, Ac., cor. Front & Washington sts. CHAS. C. BARRETT, WllOLESALE I20)KSI:i.I.I:U & STATIONER, Laj:gi:st stock: ay rouTi.Axn. ?.'o. "'J 7roit und No. 54Vsh iiigton Stiets. 1 EC K , WILLIAM A SON. 12i Front st. 3 Importers and dealers iu Cutis, Zlii'cs ami Revolvers of ererv desertpt-on. Fishing Tackle, Fancy Goods. Deads, Ilird Caes, Baskets, Croquet Games, and Uahv Carriages. Agents for the '-California Powder Woiks;" also, lor the Wheeler A, Wilson Sewing Machines." "Teck, John A., l'2'.l Front street, practical .13 Watchmaker & Jeweler. Work done tor the Trade. irVT.OTsVsi-i-ts.-cxm t: . "-. J 1SOOK AM)J()l. PKiA'TKlSS.' 111MESA HAf.'llEI.DEK !'3 Front street. "T)nt, V. A., s. w. cor. first A Taylor A sts. Cheapest Furniture House in Port- lanti 0 A Tl'T7,rPCl WALTER P.ROS Uil AVJL lit Jl O. Front stteet. (Clarke, llender.-.m A Cook, -1 A S3 First J street. Dialers iu Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ac. Cohn A I-M.-eiifi 1.1, 14s F:ont st. Commis sion M.-rt A Dealers in Oregon A Culilornia Produce. Clongle. .1. H . ; Sjd.Ues, II. longle, .1. li , Manufacturer A Dt-alt r in ware, l- Front .s'rt ct. f M.rrier, W A Co.. !'!: Fionts-t. Merchant J Tailors and Clot hi err., Hats Furtiihiiig ( ioods. DeLi.stmtutt A Oatmaa, i2 Fmnt street Ileal Estate Agent", niot.ey loaned houses rented. DENTAL GOOES Ql C. Ii. Wo. 1- urti : Co. 111 i loot .-! cel. DKUG GISTS, V Aitl'-VC'i. I'll Fn tit .street. Orders-trom any portion of t'.e State or Territories cat e fllUv til e 1 hy in. I 1 or express. ITm.l, l.o'reiist in .V li Carpet dealers-1-S nstt in .V Co. Furniture anil Stores Jlom 1734 to lob If li t-t Mtt-tt. 1 Employment A-jency. J. II. Witl.erell, SO j Front st. Furnish all k i t : d of help. ITH'. Btel.-e, io From stieet. Com li mi.s.sitn Merchants ami dealers in L''- iiH-.-tif Pi t'd ui-e. TT'a.sliion Lively Stable, cor. First A Salmon sts E. CorbettPrttp. Good turn-out; always on band. X"5sliel t Itt ot its, (.r. Kitst A Washington st., IU-aleis & Manuiac. Cothir.g, I'urn-' is'iing Goods. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE. The large.- Mu-sie House on the Coast. STEIN WAY HAM?; EIT.DETT CECANS, e G. L. Dtl'KAXS, Manager. SOI.E AG CXC I't'K 1 HE O "E:owc'' Staving rIaciisEie. " A g e n t s w a n t e d . 3 Hael el't y A Sti me . ( I rocet s and d ah l s in all kinds of Seeds, tor. First and Mam sts. Haiiit.ui ger, B., PIG Kii .-t s' t eet , iinporter ami dt-v4 r In staple Fancy Diy Got ds, l iltinerv. TTuitlcf. 1 II., Photographic Artist, s. w. cor. I list and Moiiis.m sts. Child s j'ict. si ec ltr. Henr-.chsen. L. C. A Co., It!'.. First sir.ct. Mauu:'acturers and dealers in Jewelry, W Htt.-hes. Ac. Hibbard, (iei). L., '.6 Front st.. wholes th dealer ia Crocetics, Doers, Wagon Ma terials, Ac. Hodge. Calcf A. Co., P7 Front. St., whole sale dealeis iu drugs, paints, Oils, G.ass, Ac. T f 1 17 Sewing Machine, strai-bt XXv.y-sH.ily needle", under b ed, "1. ck stneh." Competition challenged. G. W. 1 rarer, 1 li Front st. nui iiren A Shindier, X b. left to 172 Fi:-t st. Impotters Furniture, Bed tliittr, Ac. Hi i ; c i i i 1 1 s 1 1 . W.. Watchmaker, cur l-'itst and Main streets. All work (luiie a: San Francisco prices, and warranted. International Ho'.l, cor. Front and Morri son s's. M. Kudolph, Prop. Fiee Bu.-s ut tends steamers. Kohn.J.A Co.. in FroTit St., wholr-ale and retail dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish ing (.OOll. Mai son l.orce Ht-staurant, piivate rooms for Families, cor. l?t and Pine streets, tj. Voos. Pi op. Martin, K. A Co., whole-ale dr.d.-r ?ii . Wines A Linuors, t. S. N. Co's Block, and San Fran Meier A S;bm-( r, 111 Front st., wholes . ami retail t'onlectioners. ale Mil'er, dobn IV, 1st st. Watchmaker A Jeweler, oilers to t'ie public a line as sortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Moclier A Co , Front near (' st.. Dealers in native and loitinn Wiues. Liciuors and Cigars. "V"oi t'.rup & Thompson, dealers iu liard LN ware. Iron, St el. Hubs. Spokes, Hard wood Lumber, it-c, Portland. Occidental llotel . cor. First anj Motiiion sts. Smith A C-ok, Pi opritt-rs. ' 1 parish, Wiitr: ns A CopreHcRe-J Estate Ager.ys, Pittt ck's building, cor. Front ind Stai k ti rets. PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS. C. II. Wood- ard A Co., lol Fiont s?. JCIirJ 3. PILXIEGTOrJ, Til. if., OCUJ.JST AND AUEIST, Offick 7rt 7it!pt Strket. Holmes' Bri-D-iua , ;.d nooit riiou Lahu's Bank. Treats all diseases of the Kyc, Ear, Throat and .Luiis. "ptfhtcr, Paul. 105 First s-t.. importer of 1 L Berlin wooden Carving, rarior urai-rn-nt-.Ac. "T osenbaum, I.S.ACo.,Tobceonist.import l V on of Tcri2 an uomw.c j-i-jnors. 1) uss House, Front st. On First Class Prins cipal. Thomas Kyan, Proprietor. Sherlock, S., 01 Front and 6U First sta. dealer in Harness, Saddlery and Sad dler Hardware. Simon, J.,ot Front street, dealer in Doorgr Sash fc Winds, Window Si Plate Gla&c. Sinsheiuier. H., 157 First st., importer of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Muie Instruments. Skidtrore. S. G., 123 First st. Druggist Apothecary, a larvre stosk of Perlumerr' A Tcilet. Articles. Smith A Dans, 71 Iront street, wholesale' dealer in Drugs, Faints, Oils, Window ( lass, Perfumery, Ac. Snow A Iloos, 73 hirst strtet. Picture Frames, Moldings, Artist's MtU,Draw- ing Instruments. Smith, Put.. Uroker, 90 Front st. l'taier in Legal Tenders, Go- ernment Bonds and Gold Dust. r STt).E, It!. .., Vo 107 Front Mrttl. Watchmaker A Manufacturing Jeweltr- is atf ointed -ipent for the Waltlmni, Elgin E. Howard .V Co., t nas. n. jacot, ana ine California Watches; also, for all the prodo tions and imports or the California Jewelry Con panv, San Francisco. Send tor circular. Watches repaired in the very best mannejr and wakrantkd to give satisfaction. fpVrry Bros.. No. 17S First street, manufae- tnrers and dealers in Furniture, Bad dine.. Carpet., Ac. rihe Clothing store. 11 Front st. Clothing,. 1 Furnishing GotQs, Loots and Shoes. Harris A Prager. O r-utt'e, H. II., 142 A 144 Front St.. DeaUr I in Wagons A Agricultural Implenienta- rpyne. E. D.. n.' w. cor. First A Oaksts. JL dealer in Brandies, Wines, EnglilCA le and Porter. "l"T7iHiatns A Mjers, vji Central Flock-. T t Front st.. Commission Merchant-, A deal's in Produce. q X"71'a"e' Fecld cimer, Attornpys A Sfto- 1 Lcitors in uanki uptc; iptcy. Office in Odd: Fellows Temple. C CO CD SMEWS, CO CD Ft?EWS! ' 'frAw. j:-?.,?- o LOOK OUT FOE GOOD o BARGAINS I o S.ACKERRT.AK & CO. HAVE JUST F.F.CEI VED A I.AF.C fctotk of FALL AXD WINTER GOOES, o o u O WHICH TliEY OFFER Cheaper tS::tn tiie Chcape t O o Wo would say, r.nd convince jfir-. sf f befoie purchasing eltewLne. Cur stti consists iu pai t of ' FANCY AND STAPLE DP.Y-600D?, CPtOTlII.NG, II ATS, BOCTS AND SHOES. NOTION'S, GKOCaRIES, llAT.r.WAEE,. ar.d n preat many articles to Bumeroui tt U.Clltlfl). ALSO, Doors, Windows, tilass And Pittr.. ALL KIN" .3 OF rXOUrCE TAZL5 IS O iEXCIIANGE FOK CGOT-j. ALSO, V. COI, wanted. Cor -rbfefc r the HIGHEST I K1CE. O S. ACKIEIiliLrj U CO. Oregon City, A ril 21, 1571:tf o O EVT AVAC'.OX AND Carriage Ftlanufactcry ! The unriers'trnt-d, baring increafetT tl e tfi mcnsiotis of lus j retnise, at the old staid ,0 Corner' of Mainiind Third streU, Oregon City .G. Oregon. Takes this method to infoi m bis old pai, n ns, ai d as manv new ccvsas rrar t. pleased to call, tVat he is now prepared, wit ample rot ui. jrt'otl materials, and tfce rerj-b-.-t of nfl.anits, to build antv, reeoi- struct, make, print, iron and turn ont ni) conijdete any soil ol a vehicle from a ei mon cart to a concord c ach. Trr me. Biacksu.itl injr, Horse or Ox si orirg, and general jobbing nestlr, qmcklr and cheap ly done. UAV1D s.Ml l H. Opposite Excelsior Market o 0 o A. G. VALLING?So Pioneer Beck Bindery No. 5 Washington Street. PORTLAND, OREGO.O G BLANK BOOKS RULED and J?0LND to anr desited pattern. ... ... MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every Tanety ol Strle known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly & ended to REAL ES7ATEeEXCHAKGB PORTLAND, - - CBEGCN. DEALER IN PrL ESTATE ACD OEER 0 ITVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Over Cowed Lands. Farm Land-pold and purchasers obtaiBed for all kinds of landed propertv. Valuable securities transferred in exchange for real etate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with de!itr and promptnefi. OFFICENo. 14 Carter's Building, corner of Alder and Front "streets. Ftb. J, l-S7C:tf " a o 0 o o o O (BBS